setcfstars · 5 years
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Send me “✒” Plus another muse and I will draw my muse with them!
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killerniinja · 5 years
“   nobody   but   you   is   that   pointlessly   cruel  .   ” [Blurr]
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“ You’ve jus’ figured that out, speedy? ” he grinned, passing a servo under his chin. Ricochet eyed the sky blue mech, the urge to provoke harm, or maybe…steal a peck to their dermas. Tempting, but not at this moment.
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polyhexianchicken · 5 years
Having heard local tales of a bird being on the Lost Light, the techno-organic has made it her sole goal to befriend this bird, and upon finding it on a large stack of datapads, she couldn't be happier. Gently, two servos were cupped, risen upwards towards the roosting bird. "Come here little one... It's alright." All four optics were shining, clearly ecstatic to see such an adorable creature. "I'm sure you must be lonely up there. How about we get you some food and water, little one?" [Jeloxa]
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The usally talkative bird, that would be Whirl, decided to stay silent for this one. Last time he’d so much as opened his vocalizer around her he was instantly threatened from all sides.
Puffing up his smaller body into a fluffy ball, he placed himself on the ridge, shielding his stolen datapads from her grasp. He’d taken these for his sake, he does not want to have to give them back just yet damnit! He did perk up at the mention of free food however, that he wouldn’t mind taking.. nO! His datapads!
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musicniinja · 5 years
@toxiicatiing​ to YUUTA
He kindly offers the boy a REAL cup of hot cocoa. Hoping the boy can trust him well enough.
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“ Hey---Yuuta, I brought the real deal, jus’ for you! Look--it’s even Christmas themed. ” he gave the boy an apologetic smile, wishing he was there to prevent what happened. “ Hope you like it. ”
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unicromx8 · 4 years
"I... See." No she doesn't. She doesn't get any of what Primus is saying, but at least the techno-organic was trying. "So then who is the odd old man I see sometimes? I like his baking! But he seems rather lonely... I'd love to bake with him sometime- if I knew his name, that is." [Jeloxa]
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    “Ah, that’d be my Brother, Unicron. He’s... not an easy creature to bake with, and he’ll complain plenty, but he is awful lonely. So long as you don’t take his insults to heart, and know when to, ahem, not eat anything with a violet tinge to it, you’ll get along fine.”
      He doesn’t give his Brother credit where credit is due sometimes. When his twin isn’t seeking to fill out his ranks or cause trouble, he’s just as deserving of company as anyone else. And, when one ignores his sharp tongue and the source of his ingredients, his Brother is an excellent baker.
       “But, ah... why don’t you inquire with your caretaker first? One should always check with their support system before making friends with the... odd ones. Besides, I’m sure he’d love to hear how many friends you’re making.”
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polyesserii · 5 years
"Salutations, Mister Cheetor!" Ecstatic to see the infamous maximal, delicate servos moved to grasp Cheetor's own, practically squeezing them from the joy that overflowed from the femme's spark. "It's so lovely to see you in the city again, truly. Won't you share your exciting, adventurous tales with me again? I can only imagine the delightful stories you've gathered since we last saw each other!" Her smile, so loving, carefree, and sweet, it could make any creature melt like butter. [Jeloxa]
Cheetor’s golden optics flicked down to their servos touching his. He flushed, then cracking a smirk as he rubbed the back of his helm.
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“ No problem Jel! Anything to make your day better. ” he winks. “ Well, where do I even start? Last week, me and the boys totally knocked the pred’s socks off! ”
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@toxiicatiing​ from THIS
His smile softened as Sari’s mood shifted, and let out a small sigh of relief. Optimus adored the youngest member of their little team, even thinking of her as his own youngling with how she looked up to him. Not wanting to keep her waiting longer then necessary, the prime leaned down to affectionatley pat her helm before quickly transforming, and opening the door to the front seat for her.
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“I have no idea what any of that is, but I’m sure it’s delicious. I heard Burger bot changed the little trinkets they put in the meals again.” Perhaps it was something she’d like. “Something to do with a new movie coming out?”
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primesarrows-a · 5 years
[ slow dance | Blurr ]
❣️                             SOFT   INTERACTIONS !
Rodimus blinked in surprise as Blurr asked his timid request. A small smile graced his lips as he tilted his head. 
And then he stood up, stepping closer. 
“I’d be happy to dance with you.”
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"...Evil, am I?" The femme had made little noise previously, but the anonymous claims regarding her evil nature have finally taken their toll. "Minimus Ambus, tell me, how long does it take for your frame type to heat up? Have you ever experienced your frame burning from the inside, until you're nothing but smoke and ash?" They wanted evil? Fine. She'd give them evil. Cybertronians took everything from her. She'll gladly repay the favour. [Jeloxa]
Minimus Ambus turns to regard Jeloxa, his features unreadable at the moment. His optics study the femme before he replies, “You do realize that we don’t ourselves don’t think you’re evil. Whirl doesn’t. I don’t. Those grey beings don’t understand you and thus make false accusations against you. That is all. You should not allow them to get to you as such.. If you do, you allow them to win. You allow their horrible words and judgments form you and that isn’t right.”
The load bearer takes a careful step forward, holding his arms out wide, “I don’t think you’re evil. If you need to hurt me to get your aggression out, then do so. I will not hold any ill will towards you. I will still think of you highly. I.. I will still love you.”
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wiindvoiice-a · 5 years
“  i can’t stand the sight of me either  ” [Heatwave]
Fire Emblem: Three Houses Prompts
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“You know that’s not true.”
Small hands reached out to rest on his arm, her expression softening. There was a lot of turmoil in the air already, enough that it made her processor ache, but she pushed the pending migraine aside for the sake of her companion.
He didn’t need her like that. He needed her able to help, and that’s what she was best at. Helping.
“You know how much I worry, right? And don’t you dare tell me I shouldn’t.”
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redheav · 5 years
❣ [Heinrich]
Send in a ❣ for a random kiss. 2. A forehead kiss
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It was worrisome when the doctor got like this. Spending days at a time on his experiments without a care for himself.
Misha perched on the edge of Heinrich’s bed. He looked exhausted, though part of Misha believed that he was only pretending to be asleep in order for the Russian to leave. Then he’d escape and go back into that cursed lab. He wondered if he could find the keys and lock the place up–but he knew Heinrich would never forgive him if he did.
The giant heaved a great sigh, pulling the blankets over the man’s shoulder’s and tucking him tightly into the sheets. 
Then, as deftly as he could manage, Misha leant down tentatively pressed a small kiss to the other man’s forehead. It was cold and clammy–and indicator of just how unwell Heinrich must have been.
He straightened, a frown of concern etched into his features–before standing and walking silently out of the room.
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setcfstars · 5 years
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Vents, “NExt time, be careful where you run into at full speed? The wound could have been worse; also, stop moving around, kid. I’m trying to look at your face.” 
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killerniinja · 5 years
"You look like Jazz going through a weird edgy teenager phase." There's a pause from the red-head. "You smell gross, and you look pretty ugly, stupid too, probably." [Sari]
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“ Sweet gal, you’re so flattering. ” he chuckles, grinning widely down at her. “ Your twin from the other side is quite a rascal if y’all ever met her. ”
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polyhexianchicken · 4 years
Not at all amused bt these new creatures, Jeloxa moves to face whirl, her arms wrapping around the copter's waist. She was smaller than him, obviously, but despite their height difference, her faceplate fit snuggly into Whirl's neck. Floating from the femme's frame, her stingers suddenly activated with a loud, ear-piercing zap. "...I'm not letting anyone take you... I won't... Not again." Hovering around Whirl's frame, Jeloxa decided to use her stingers as a dangerous protective shield. [Jeloxa]
His arms moved upwards suprised, not expecting her to feel comfortable enough to be that close to him. But the anons words, while he knows he shouldn't pay attention to them, were burning themselves in his processor.
Slumping over, helm resting on the top of hers as he hugged her close to him. "I'm not going anywhere without a fight." He muttered, optic darting around confused at the sudden noise, before chuckling gleefully.
"Oh yess, you show them who's the boss Jel." He cackled delighted.
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musicniinja · 5 years
✏ [Yuuta]
send one for my muse’s reaction to your muse —✏ = teaching them a different language .
Jazz leaned in to the book before him, then to Yuuta. “ Okay so–how’s this sound? ” he cleared his throat- “こんにちは、私の名前はジャズです.” there was still an accent there, but he managed to say the whole sentence this time.
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“ Hey Yuuta, how does one say, ‘I admire you in every way’ in Japanese? ”
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unicromx8 · 4 years
"Do pardon my inquiry but... What's interface?" No one had yet to inform the poor, innocent femme. [Jeloxa]
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    “Oh! Well, it’s a way for mechanicals and technorganics and... well, pretty much anyone to share their feelings with someone else. It’s a way of expressing love, friendship, tribalism, all that fun stuff!”
     “I’ll, ah... be honest. I didn’t design interfacing to be used solely for one’s typical sexual pleasure. It’s meant to be an act that synchronizes Sparks to form Corona-bonds and groups with which one can fall back upon when one is in trouble. But Cybertronians improved their own systems and made it so that happens whenever you spend a large amount of time in contact with others, so interface is mostly just merriment and close feelings now.”
     “It’s not a requirement to live, but I find it to be quite fun. My Brother, however, does not: we’re good examples of two opinions, I think.”
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