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the-god-of-hellfire · 1 year ago
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"The Think Tank"
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cursed-40k-thoughts · 2 years ago
The tyranid hotness list absolutely depends on your type.
Gaunt: average in every way
Genestealer: Finger game and aftercare are absolutely top notch, but a bit too interested in sharing you with their friends
Gargoyle: the twink, you will probably break them
Warrior: you’d like six legs to go with a six pack
Venomthrope: For the after session kush
Toxicrene: For the *good* after session kush
Carnifex: Your friends say that your thing for dad bods has gone a bit too far but they don’t know what they’re missing
Ravener: You like constriction
Tervigon: You *really* like constriction
Lictor: Best sex you’ve ever had, immediately ghosts you
Deathleaper: somehow even better than lictor, but ghosts you even quicker, and then you spend the rest of your life worried you’ll bump into them again
Hive guard: Either knows the shocker or how to impale you, thinks that’s all there is to sex, terrible at everything else
Tyrant guard: Pummels you, but has incredibly tender aftercare
Hive tyrant: You want to beg mommy to step on you.
Spore mine: It’s over a bit too quickly
Pyrovore: don’t look now but the shy kid turned out smoking hot
Biovore: Size isn’t everything. But sometimes, it helps…
Exocrine: Sometimes it DEFINITELY helps.
Haruspex: What that tongue do? Everything, it turns out.
Zoanthrope: Complete incel, do not engage
Harpy: Double the gun, double the fun, the flying is an added bonus
Crone: It gets very messy.
Maleceptor: Complete brainfuck
Harridan: MILF
Hierodule: DILF
Hierophant: You are so desperate to get stepped on that it makes you look stupid
We have an initial list of sorts! Thank you, anonymous monster fucker #17!
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banshee-king · 2 years ago
Thoughts about new Tyranids as a whole:
My other post was getting long so these are my overall thoughts. I’m a little mixed. I would say I’m feeling more positive than negative, but it’s hard to tell what I’ll warm up to and what I’m indifferent to. The new Tyranid designs are a little different to the old ones, which isn’t bad and it’s to be expected with updated details, but I guess I don’t love change.
Units like the Toxicrene, Maleceptor, Exocrine, and Haruspex aren’t that old all things considered, and they feel consistent with the army design as a whole. But I’m not sure if the new models are even that consistent with those four. I don’t want to be that person who hates everything new though, and insists that everything old is better. It could also just be the new colour scheme for Leviathan is what’s throwing me off. Like maybe once I see all the old bone-white models painted in the new pink skin will I feel better about the army aesthetic matching.
With us getting Neurogaunts instead of Hormagaunts, Leapers instead of Lictors, and Barbgaunts and the Psychophage instead of Pyrovores and Biovores, there is a worryingly increasing list of units that might not be touched. To be fair though, Necrons didn’t have every one of their units in the 9th Ed box set; the Silent King, Void Dragon, Monolith, Flayed Ones, Hexmark, Ophydian and Heavy Destroyers all weren’t included, so it’s very likely there’s more to see for Tyranids. The Necrons even only had updated Warriors in the box set, which matches Tyranids only having updated Termagants in theirs. So I still have hope for things like Shrikes.
As for what types of units Tyranids got, well I have to say I don’t think anything was really crucially needed. Given that Tyranids already had more units than Death Guard or Necrons, I suppose that’s somewhat unavoidable. Don’t get me wrong I’m not actually complaining too much, but I guess updating the resin units and adding some new wargear options to existing units was more important to me than brand new stuff. Like the Creamer Killer is an already existing unit. The Neurotyrant is looking worryingly close to a Neurothrope (even in name). The Neurogaunts could have been an alternate build for Hormagaunts, or just give the Nodebeast to them as an upgrade. The Leapers and Barbgaunts might struggle to find a role between the swarm and monstrous infantry units that already exist. The Psychophage is… specialised?
On one hand I really like that we’re getting more gaunt types. But aside from like the Barbgaunts, are we getting any new weapons? In terms of defensive profiles, I’m not really seeing anything new. It’s not like any of them are titans. I guess what I’m trying to say is that the new stuff doesn’t really feel… new. At least to me. I think it’ll really come down to the rules whether they have their own place in the army or whether they are truly redundant.
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neo1171 · 3 months ago
The True Size of a Tyranid Invasion - Biovores and Toxicrenes (Wave 4)
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femwizard · 2 years ago
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Idk anything Abt Warhammer but I love this card design. Magnus of the moon (& the eponymous blood moon) are some of the best land hate around & excel in many ways because they lock so many people out of the game the minute the hit the board. This guy doesn't do that, and can fix your opponents mana, but also fixes yours and has a relevant body all while shitting down any broken shenanigans coming from lands. Anyways this is my thesis for why this badboy should be 3 cmc
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fifth-wind · 7 years ago
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Result from the stream today! Hopefully he’ll be fully painted by Thursday for the big game, if so I’ll have a new bug to paint for next week! Apologies for the technical difficulties during the stream, there is supposed to be sound!
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natureleylines · 5 years ago
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Toxicrene built, but still need to glue her to a base. Love this model but the tentacles are a nightmare.
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straebobble · 2 years ago
For anyone who may be wondering what the full list is, here is the BattleScribe page.
++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Tyranids) [96 PL, 2,000pts, -1CP] ++
+ Configuration +
Detachment Command Cost
Game Type: Open
Hive Fleet: (Lurk) Unfeeling Resilience, Gorgon
+ Stratagems +
Rarefied Enhancements [-1CP]: Extra Bio-artefact
+ HQ +
Neurothrope [5 PL, 100pts]: Power: Catalyst, Power: Onslaught, Power: Poisonous Influence, Power: Smite
. Relic: Resonance Barb: Power: Neuroparasite
Winged Hive Tyrant [11 PL, 230pts]: Adrenal Glands, Lash Whip and Monstrous Bonesword, Power: Neuroparasite, Power: Poisonous Influence, Power: Smite, Relic: The Reaper of Obilterax, Toxin Sacs, Warlord, Warlord Trait: Lethal Miasma
+ Troops +
Hormagaunts [12 PL, 286pts]: Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs
. 26x Hormagaunt: 26x Hormagaunt Talons
Termagants [12 PL, 232pts]: Adrenal Glands, Fleshborer, 29x Termagant
Tyranid Warriors [4 PL, 115pts]: Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs
. Tyranid Warrior: Deathspitter, Lash Whip and Bonesword
. Tyranid Warrior: Deathspitter, Lash Whip and Bonesword
. Tyranid Warrior: Deathspitter, Lash Whip and Bonesword
+ Elites +
Genestealers [9 PL, 152pts]: 2x Acid Maw, 2x Flesh Hooks, Toxin Sacs
. 8x Genestealer: 8x Genestealer Claws and Talons
Maleceptor [10 PL, 230pts]: Adaptive Physiology: Synaptic Enhancement, Power: Catalyst, Power: Poisonous Influence, Power: Smite
Toxicrene [9 PL, 160pts]: Adaptive Physiology: Synaptic Enhancement
Venomthropes [5 PL, 105pts]
. 3x Venomthrope: 3x Toxic Lashes
+ Fast Attack +
Parasite of Mortrex [4 PL, 80pts]
Raveners [4 PL, 105pts]
. Ravener: Deathspitter, Two Rending Claws
. Ravener: Deathspitter, Two Rending Claws
. Ravener: Deathspitter, Two Rending Claws
+ Heavy Support +
Tyrannofex [11 PL, 205pts]: Adaptive Physiology: Voracious Ammunition, Rupture Cannon
++ Total: [96 PL, -1CP, 2,000pts] ++
Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)
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My Tyranid Army painted thus far, still have a few models to get, and several to paint, but we’re getting there. Still need to figure out what to do for the bases.
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grimdarktales · 4 years ago
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A couple models I painted years ago for Hive Splinter Fleet Wendigo, but never took proper pics of! A Broodlord spotted ahead of multiple hive fleet incursions in the Meritus region, and becoming a sort of boogeyman in local folklore, known as the Reaper of Underhive 4496. And one of my favorite tyranid models, a monster seen in startling numbers within Wendigo, the Toxicrene! https://www.instagram.com/p/CLe7fY8n6xk/?igshid=8dokvs0lazch
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banshee-king · 2 years ago
Personal thoughts on Tyranid reveals:
Sorry for this long ramble but Tyranids are my main faction, the army I play the most and have spent the most on. So you’d think I might be excited for 10th ed but the leaks just had me worried. The way they were worded made the new units feel so soulless, so uncreative like they were designed by people who weren’t themselves Tyranids fans, in fact they seemed far removed from it.
Swarmy-er gaunts, bigger carnifex, new models for the Broodlord and naurothrope, and bigger and strictly better Swarmlord. Who asked for this? It just sounded redundant at best. I didn’t want Primaris-ified Tyranids that make the old units obsolete. I didn’t want power creep, I wanted GW to treat the current units with respect, to update the old looking models and if they’re going to add a new unit give it a unique role or its own niche. Thankfully the new units seem to be much better than the leaks described.
Biovores and the Lictor seem to be getting an update. Good, these units actually need an update, unlike the broodlod/neurothrope. Probably get Pyrovores too? But there was also that comedic shot of two tenacle monsters, which aren’t toxicrenes cause they’re too small. So one kit that makes 3 “vore” units? Two different boxes creating 2 units each? Either way sounds good to me.
The new Carnifex-type unit looks to actually be a screamer killer, which is great! I think this was actually the best case scenarios for me, and I didn’t even know I wanted it. Between Carnifexes, the shooty Tyrannofex/Exocrine, the stabby Haruspex/Dimachaeron, and then the Hierodules, there really isn’t much room for yet another monster. We already have anti-infantry and anti-vehicles in various monster sizes. But a screamer killer? Just a bit of nostalgia that doesn’t invalidate the current Carnifex. It’s a side-grade compared to the usually Primaris treatment of being strictly superior.
The new winged creature looks cool too. At first I though it was a Hive Tyrant, and I was like “here we go, a bland unimaginative redesign of something that doesn’t need an update.” Like I love Xenos but these new kits could be given to Eldar or Kroot who actually need an update. But no, the size is off, this new thing is too small… so Shrikes? Cool, I like that. We had them once it’s nice to get them back again. If the flying creature in the trailer was actually a Winged Tyranid Prime, just as good. Hopefully we get winged basic Warriors and a winged Prime. Tyranids are a fleet faction, a mobile faction that descends from the skies. They SHOULD have lots of flying creatures.
Then we have the new gaunts and… I don’t really like them. I don’t hate them, I think it’s great if someone else likes them, and I understand it might just be my nostalgia speaking that doesn’t like change. But they have changed them and I’m just a bit eh. I don’t like how the biceps are muscular now, it’s too human, doesn’t even seem to fit with the forearms which are unchanged. I just preferred the gaunts with insect like limbs. The haunch on the back also isn’t to my personal tastes, it’s makes them feel more bulky and I prefer gaunts to be sleek, slender, and nimble. I wonder if Gargoyles will still look like they fit in with the new gaunts.
The last thing I want to talk about is the floaty tentacle psyker thing. I love it. This is probably what the neurothopre/Apex Swarmlord/Norn Queen emissary leaks were talking about and again, I had my concerns but this is best case scenario. It doesn’t just invalidate the Swarmlord, yay. The Swarmlord will probably still be better in melee, and will hopefully still be a better general too. This thing looks like it can support the swarm through other means/abilities, and that’s great. I thought the trailer showed three of them at first though, and on second look it has two little buddies similar to the Silent King’s unit. It also looks smaller than I thought however, which I hope isn’t true. I want this thing to be a capital M Monster. On the Zoanthopre < Neurothrope < Maleceptor scale, the only place for this new psyker is to be better than the Maleceptor. If Eldar aren’t allowed to be powerful cause Slaanesh, this thing is the last chance for Xenos to rival characters like Magnus.
Overall I fairly happy with Tyranids, better than I expected. My least favourite thing I guess is the gaunts, but I already have at least 50 of both Hormagaunts and Termagants. I hope they haven’t ruined the Lictor, since I love them but have been waiting for them to get updated. The uber-Psyker might be the first thing I buy/build however, if it’s lore/rules are good.
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its-changemod · 8 years ago
New month means a new unit! Since the next campaign day is in next month, I asked the organiser as I left if I could roll my unit now to “Know what to bring” (actual reason: because I’m psychologically predisposed to resent suspense)
I desperately wanted more cult troops, but can only roll on a given table once per month, so this is what I had been waiting for. I managed to roll 10 acolytes, which is p much ideal given it plugs my anti-vehicle problem.
My army now:
Patriarch, mastery level 2, 2 familiars, campaign bonus Feel No Pain.
Neophytes: 20 guys. Leader with bolt pistol and power maul, standard bearer with shotgun, 2 flamers, 2 seismic cannons, everyone else shotguns.
Dedicated transport: Goliath truck.
Acolytes: 10 guys. Leader with lash whip and bone sword. Standard bearer. 4 guys with power tools, rest with rending claws. 10 HAND FLAMERSSSSSSSSS
Dedicated transport: Goliath truck.
Toxicrene with campaign bonus Feel No Pain.
Dedicated transport: Tyrannocyte with default three shot S5 guns.
3 armoured sentinels, campaign bonus of twin linking their plasma cannons (A godsend! They still accomplish nothing some turns, but now they do good work more often and more thoroughly than before. Not -quite- reliable, but definitely great damage.)
Gonna try to finish painting three units this week to get my bonus painting-unlocked unit for this month before next campaign day! A tall order, but I think it’s about manageable.
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spacebattles2020 · 7 years ago
Chaos Daemons of Nurgle vs Tyranids! - Warhammer 40k: Dawn Of War: Soulstorm - Ultimate Apocalypse Mod
The Doom of Hesp Vectoriums of the 4th and 7th engage the Tyranids of Hive Fleet Lotan amidst the steaming jungles of Hesp. When the swarms deploy Toxicrenes and Venomthropes to poison the environment, the Death Guard respond with plague spells, virus bombs and daemonic diseases. With neither side willing to back down, the atmosphere of Hesp becomes ever more toxic until the jungles, and even the warring armies, are reduced to a gory, bubbling soup. The first Tyranid hive ship to taste this poisoned slurry recoils, its proboscis melting, and is bombarded into oblivion by the rest of its fleet. Hesp is left as an endless sea of toxic slime, too virulent for even the hive fleets to devour.
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fifth-wind · 7 years ago
Warhammer Stream in 15!
Gonna be painting up a Toxicrene for an Apocalypse game coming up, stop by and say hi! twitch.tv/fifthwindlegion
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bayushijackal · 10 years ago
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Mr. Squiggleface my Toxicrene. I decided that those ovals were now eyes. What's creepier than a tentacle faced monster? A tentacle faced monster covered in eyes.
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bearbrushblog · 10 years ago
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My first commission piece completed! A Tyranid Toxicrene!
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its-changemod · 8 years ago
Oh right, forgot to detail my campaign fights:
First up, I face the Ork player I played first week, who beat me back then by using a battlewagon to frustratingly skirt around my inability to do much anti-vehicle work.
This time around, he had two battlewagons, and had used campaign +1 to an armour facing upgrades (a total of 14 points spent when it generally takes about a week to earn 10 points and we’re only in week 3) to gain front armour 15 on both of them.
But I mean, I had no way to damage FA 14 in the first place so wasted points there.
I beat him this time by bum-rushing his rear armour. Start with just vehicles he couldn't really damage with shooting on the board, then cult ambush my patriarch and neophytes behind one wagon, and tyrannocyte drop my Toxicrene  behind the other. Comboed with turbo boosting/running my vehicles to flank the further forwards wagon, I destroyed one and reduced the other to one hull point.
He tries to counter-charge my neophyte/patriarch unit. I know at this stage they’re clearly doomed, but don't give a shit as they’ll go down swinging hard and this fits with the plan. After a few rounds of brawling with the Toxicrene joining in too whilst my vehicles reposition safely away and clip that last battlewagon hull point off... My opponent is left with 6 generic Ork boys whilst I have 3 plasma sentinels, a Goliath truck and a tyrannocyte.
He tries desperately to block line of sight and attain cover, but this just leads to 4 Orks dying to shooting and 2 to getting charged by front armour 12 sentinels they have no way of damaging in an assault.
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