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raven-the-norseman · 1 month ago
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When I saw this posted (a long time ago and I don't recall where) the comments were all anti-men and calling being strong as toxic in and of itself. I was never really strong, but even with bad genetics I have done my best, and in that it has helped me and others. What are your thoughts?
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tintysun · 21 days ago
My dark sense of humor is currently at this point. 😂 IYKYK.
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yulia-juniper · 2 years ago
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kotumari · 3 years ago
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hi it's mandy are u still taking requests can u draw deancas with this comic reference thank u.
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please do not drink the bong water
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pris0ner0fasskaban · 3 years ago
gm to all the toxic men today, today is for u (weekend dropped a new album)
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thepoetoaster · 4 years ago
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@smigarik 😭😭☠️ #truth #funny #relevant #whyisthismylife #men #toxicmen #toxicmasculinity #spiritual #spirituality #memes #funnymemes (at The 5th Dimension) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSE2Ch2LEti/?utm_medium=tumblr
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theothermovember · 4 years ago
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#metoo. This hashtag wasn't created for Harvey Weinstein because he is not the first sexual predator of the Internet era. But he is one of the most powerful ones. #metoo was founded by Tarana Burke in 2006 with the aim to help the survivors of sexual violence, mainly from the marginalized communities. But it became a major topic later, in 2017, when first accusations od sexual violence in Hollywood started to surface. It was no longer about nameless predators that Burke fought, but about a rich white man. #metoo movement grew - and found itself in a more complicated position. Most people will acknowledge that sexual predators exist - in some dark alley, probably. But when the perpetrator is someone as powerful as Weinstein, nobody rushes to believe what is happening. What if someone less successful is just trying to get back at him? And anyway, that's how women get ahead - by sleeping with powerful men. Even if that was true, it doesn't mean that it is what they want. The allegations against Weinstein included unwanted physical contact, exposure, attempted rape and rape. The powerful producer who influenced the Oscars thought himself to be safe from consequences - no woman would risk him destroying her career. He was known to be a pig and he lured the actresses to meetings promising that his assistant will be present. She always left. When it all came to light, she committed suicide. Weinstein was sentenced to 23 years in jail and other famous men were revealed to be predators. The problem isn't any one of the individual perpetrators, but the culture that downplays their crimes, doesn't believe the victims or shifts blame to them and acts as if sexual violence on weaker, poorer or younger people is something tolerable. David Graeber wrote a column for Guardian in 2017 where he points out that even for him, a lefty academic versed in feminist theory, his initial reaction to systemic sexual violence was "sure it can't be that bad." It can, it is and it will be, if we continue to tolerate predators around us and stay silent. The only way to change things is not to leave a single sleazy comment without a response and a single sexual attack without consequences.
Text: Barbora Votavová
#metoo. Tento hashtag nevznikl kvůli Harveymu Weinsteinovi, protože Weinstein nebyl prvním prasákem internetové éry. Byl ale jedním z těch nejmocnějších. Kampaň #metoo zahájila v roce 2006 Tarana Burke s cílem pomáhat obětem sexuálního násilí, především ženám z řad etnických a sexuálních menšin. Ale až roce 2017 se z #metoo stalo velké téma když první ženy začaly promlouvat o sexuálním násilí v Hollywoodu. Protože nešlo o bezejmenné násilníky, jejimž obětem pomáhala Burke, ale o bohatého bílého muže, #metoo dostalo nový rozměr. A taky se ocitlo ve výrazně těžší pozici. Většina lidí je ochotná uznat, že sexuální predátoři existují - nejspíš v nějaké temné uli��ce. Jakmile ale jde o někoho tak mocného jako Weinstein, jsou s jeho odsouzením všichni opatrní. Co když se mu chce pomstít někdo méně úspěšný? A vůbec, ženy přece kariéru dělají přes postel. Ta věta může být i pravdivá - jenže už neříká nic o tom, jestli to dělají dobrovolně. Obvinění, která od roku 2017 Weinsteina zasypala, obsahovala nechtěné doteky, odhalování se, pokusy o znásilnění i znásilnění. Mocný producent, který měl obrovský vliv na udělování Oscarů, si myslel, že se mu nemůže nic stát - žádná žena přece nebude riskovat, že jí zničí kariéru. Weinstein měl pověst prasáka a herečky lákal na schůzky s příslibem, že bude přítomná jeho asistentka. Ta ale vždy odešla. Když vše vyšlo najevo, spáchala sebevraždu. Weinstein byl odsouzen k 23 letům vězení a následovala odhalení dalších mocných a slavných násilníků. Problém přitom není v žádném konkrétním prasákovi, ale v kultuře, která jejich jednání zlehčuje, jejich obětem nevěří nebo na ně přenáší vinu a ze sexuálního násilí na lidech v podřízené pozici - ať už penězi, postavením nebo věkem - dělá něco tolerovatelného. David Graeber napsal v roce 2017 pro Guardian sloupek, ve kterém mimo jiné mluví o tom, jak dokonce i on, levicový intelektuál zběhlý ve feministické teorii, na případy systematického sexuálního násilí původně reagoval ve stylu "ale tak hrozné to snad být nemůže." Může, je a bude, pokud budeme tolerovat predátory kolem nás a mlčet. Jediným řešením je nenechat žádnou oplzlou poznámku bez komentáře a žádný sexuální útok bez následků.
Text: Barbora Votavová
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whipping-willow · 5 years ago
An open letter to straight white males:
Dear men,
Perhaps it has gone unnoticed by you that I possess the ability to both read and retain information. Maybe you’ve glossed over the fact that I have a wide ranging vocabulary and can express myself quite clearly about a wide range of topics.
But if I walk in the office and say “Hey fellas, looks like the power company is doing some work out front.”, please don’t look at me and ask if I am sure. Yes, I’m sure. I read the words Electric and Energy quite clearly on the side of the truck.
If I ask for information on a project, don’t look confused and then condescendingly ask “Are you sure I didn’t give that to you already?” Yes, I’m sure I don’t have that piece of information. I’ve written papers in college where I had to cite a source for a single line of text, so I know if I have my information together and what information I’m missing.
In short and in closing, get over yourselves! It’s okay to admit you’ve made a mistake, forgotten something or don’t know the answer. No one is going to skin you alive for it.
Thank you,
Professional Women and Women in General
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genius11rare · 2 years ago
i love voting for polls that i know nothing about. voter fraud should be normalized
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nativesreact · 3 years ago
Izzy’s Notes, pt. 6
Chapters 36 through 43
Chapter 36
“Let’s see–he gets very angry when things that would prove his existence are “brought back”
Of course, he want’s his existence to be hidden because it’s proof of his abuse. 
Chapter 37
“Why didn’t I? I knew the kind of things Heath is capable of.”
“She had thought Heath couldn’t come up with any terror for her that was worse than what he’d already done. How wrong she was.”
At least he’s coming up with new things. for once he’s being creative
Chapter 38
“After that, Katie grew more and more afraid to be around people.”
Of course she didn’t know what Heath would do. that’s why she was so scared
“Soon, Katie knew, the “gag” would wear thin.”
She’s worried she’d have to stop being friends with anyone if Heath stuck around. 
Chapter 40
“Katie experienced her thoughts and Heath’s as if they were TV channels being switched crazily around the dial.”
OF COURSE!! Heath is taking over her mind and she can’t handle it. And that’s a great connection that she made. 
Chapter 41
“Katie could see the skirt of the lacy white sundress covering her legs. I really hate this dress.”
I would hate that dress too. A white lace sundress I would hate the feeling of the lace. 
Chapter 42
“I made it, and now I’m going to be all right.”
Thank god she made it. This is what many don’t get to feel, but at least Katies good now. 
Chapter 43
“Had I actually heard the stories about he vicious boy whose motorcycle burst into flames and pushed them into the background of my memory, only to weave them into a fantasy of my own making?”
Why is she trying to make up that she might’ve known about Heath’s history. She doesn’t need to try to make up for it. 
“A girl who was afraid she didn’t deserve to have fun and to have friends.”
I’m glad she got past that and not thinking that she doesn’t deserve her friends. 
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paraphraze615 · 3 years ago
Being the first good man in a woman's life after multiple shitty relationships is a migraine and a half! #BlackTikTok #BlackTikTokCommunity #BlackTikTokCreators #FYP #ForYou #ForYourPage #OhMyGod #OhMyGawd #OhMyGawdChallenge #OhMyGaaaawd #OhMyGaaaaaaaaaaaaaa #OhMyGaawd #ToxicMen #ToxicRelationships #GoodMan #GoodMen #GoodMenDoExist #GoodMenStillExist #MeAsAHusband #HusbandMaterial #IJustWannaLoveYou #IJustWannaLoveYouBaby #LetMeLoveYou #JustLetMeLoveYou https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc8t5anLYK_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gayairbud · 3 years ago
YESS pls bake cookies with me i actually love baking sm pls pls pls ur everything wait what kind of cookies would u want to bake. quickly.
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author-mandi-bean · 4 years ago
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Reminder to check out this week’s blog post all about #optimism and #hope and making a #visionboard for your #dreams and #goals and #aspirations ! Link in bio 😉 also, please enjoy my new favorite meme #boymeetsworld #shawnhunter #corymatthews #toxicmen #meme ✌🏻 ❤️ 📖 ✍🏻 #mandibean #writer #writersofinstagram #writersofnj #author #authorsofinstagram #authorsofnj #herbeautifulmonster #blogger #bloggersofinstagram #bloggersofnj #creativewriting (at Ocean Gate) https://www.instagram.com/p/CF0NRt-DPlv/?igshid=4smg6u0n7jkb
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megapotatoqueen-blog · 7 years ago
His love was toxic...
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sophiejulie · 6 years ago
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#masculinity #toxicpeople #men #toxicmen #mentalpeace #mentalhealth #emotionalhealth https://www.instagram.com/p/B0dKDNThUb9/?igshid=1db8ngyx6rq43
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slutbeyondsex · 6 years ago
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#blockhim #blockhimout #blockhimnow #blockhimandchill #blockhimandloveyourself #blockhimandmoveon #blockhimandenjoyyoursummer #toxicrelationships #narcissist #redflags #emotionalabuse #toxicmen #narcissisticabuse #follow #breakups #mindgames #sociopath #narcopath #protectyourpeace #toxicpeople #manipulation #nocontact #mentalabuse #gaslighting #warningsigns #narcopathsurvivor #leavehisass #breakupadvice #Repost @motherhustleracademy (@get_repost) ・・・ <-- follow @motherhustleracademy 🤘🏼 https://www.instagram.com/p/B0SUDkdp8Pi/?igshid=kh3sacmvo6t2
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