#toxic work environment clan
clansunsharp · 4 months
i have 7 more to write then all the dragons in clan sunsharp will have a bio.
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
I can’t stop thinking about the kinda shit the people of Uzushiogakure would eat, though? Their cuisine, their food traditions, etc… Obviously a lot of seafood (likely both raw and cooked alike), and given how connected they are to the sea, and with the idea of them Needing more salt than others, I could see a popular tea for them being konbu-cha (kelp infused in hot water and sometimes salt, a rather savory and apparently salty tea!), but what about specifics?
Obviously they’d probably eat a lot of sushi and sashimi, but what kind? Do you think they’d often eat poisonous and lethal fish and other ocean life, what with the god killing thing? Would it become a common delicacy for them to eat things like fugu (a highly toxic blowfish, if prepared incorrectly) with little prep, even or especially raw? Is that toxicity just like zesty seasoning to them, or a flavor most can’t comprehend?
What’s the more popular cooking method in Uzushio- Steaming, grilled, frying, something else? Why would it be that popular, and what would work best in that environment?
What about alcohol- Do they favor sake? Shōchū? Something else? And other drinks- What kind of teas would they have?
Just! I’m sorry for rambling but I’m a Nerd and Uzushiogakure gets me Every Time.
Don't apologize! Details like this are something I get caught up in too!!
I think I've said it before but when it comes to relating Uzushio to a real place I, personally, tend to very loosely model Uzushio off of Okinawa.
So you have that influence plus the general nature I tend to give the Uzumaki.
There were other Clans too on Uzushio of course, but the Uzumaki ruled from time immemorial so their preferences influenced things a great deal.
For beverages: Konbu-cha served either plain or with Uzushio brown sugar for those who want a hint of sweetness. Water, obviously, though serving it with slices of fresh fruit and/or sprigs of mint mixed in is also common. Various fruit juices from native fruits are also popular, especially with children. The Uzumaki also have been known to drink sea water both casually and medicinally as they require higher alt levels than other Clans do. Flower teas are also popular, specifically fire-lily and hibiscus teas.
Traditional alcohol on Uzushio is awamori, which is distilled (like shochu) instead of brewed. The Uzumaki are known for making and consuming a specific type of awamori called hanazake which tends to be at least 120-proof and flammable.
Like you said seafood is the backbone of the cuisine in Uzushio with Clans like the Uzumaki having the ability to eat even the most poisonous of fair without too much in the way of preparation.
Fugu, stone and lion fish, as well as certain sharks are all common foods for Uzumaki that most other Clans do not consume regularly if ever. Young Uzumaki are often fed higher concentrations of normally poisonous dishes to help them develop a healthy constitution.
Crab is a common meat source as well, since the Uzushio spider crabs are prolific, breed quickly and easily, and grow to unsettling sizes.
Sea turtle used to be a common dish too but Something Happened in the past and Uzushio stopped all consumption of sea turtle meat.
Pig is also a very very common meat in Uzushio as the island is the perfect place for wild boar to flourish. There was an entire Clan, in fact, who was in charge of the cultivation of Uzushio's boar population.
Steaming and hot stone grilling are the most popular cooking styles in Uzushio. There's also an abundance of hot and cold soups. Frying tends to be reserved for desserts and specialty dishes.
Bitter melons, taro, ube, coconuts, papaya, and bamboo shoots are also also common.
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space-blue · 2 years
Lore for the Ash clans of Pandora
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Meet Kesa of the txepìva
Kesa is one of the ash Na'vi, from a txepìva clan. She lives along an enormous volcanic fault with constant eruptions. The soil is very rich there, but due to the instability of their home, Kesa's people are nomadic. As a result, there can be fierce competition for resources.
Kesa is a Claimer. She scouts ahead of her clan with a small band in search of old or new oasis that will provide foraging, hunting, and water. If they encounter a party from another clan, they will engage in ritualistic combat. As a warrior, it's Kesa's speciality. She's an alright hunter, but she was trained to fight and kill other Na'vi specifically. If the claiming party makes a strong, frightful display, they might win the location and chase off the other tribe. If not, they'll alert their own to divert their path.
If things are desperate enough, clans might face off in actual combat. Conditions are much harsher along the volcanoes.
Txepìva Na'vi have darker skin with purplish stripes. Due to frequent low visibility caused by ash clouds and smoke, they have larger eyes, of a deep amber-red colour, and larger ears than their forest counterparts. Their nostrils are also wider, but can be closed completely shut. They share a good breathing capacity with the Metkayina, as they may cross patches of toxic gas and have to get under cover/upwind. Their sense of smell is the most acute of all Na'vi.
They don't practice war paints, but they make thick mixtures they smear around their eyes to help combat irritation from ash and gases and wards against insects.
Unlike other clans, Txepìva Na'vi have three leaders. One leads the clan according to memory. They keep track of their progress through the year, and the movements of the volcanoes and lava flows. They work closely with the Claimers/Scouts, as does the war leader. That leader has a more minor role, activated only when the clan decides to fight. At such times only the war leader's decisions are followed, to reduce confusion and division. The final leader is their Tsahìk.
Txepìva clans have no central leader, the way Tonowari has influence over other villages. How peaceful they are entirely depends on how resource rich the environment is at the time.
The Txepìva use no ikran or pa'li. Food is just too scarce and they aren't native to the volcanic plains. However they hunt alongside cousins of the nantang (viperwolf) that live in small family packs, are larger and adapted to desertic conditions. They also use birds, mated pairs that travel with them and use tsaheylu to communicate what they've seen from the sky. It's not uncommon for a young couple of Claimers to be gifted a pair of such birds, helping them to work in tandem over great distances, using them a lot like humans would messanger pigeons.
As you may imagine, Txepìva Na'vi are extremely powerful distance runners. They're one of the few Na'vi to favour shoes, which they make by braiding a fire resistant plant, and use to tread over lava flows that aren't fully cooled and over obsidian ground. They also value metal tools and have several RDA issue items in constant rotation among them as they get bartered and borrowed.
The Txepìva are masters of using fire to hunt, cornering animals and using smoke to asphyxiate, but also poison. They brew strong toxins and apply them to arrows (they use short, sturdy bows), or blow darts. When you don't have a lot of prey, you have to kill it, and fast. Though they remove contaminated flesh around the wound, Txepìva meat has a reputation for being unpalatable to strangers because of remaining toxins. The ash people have long since gained immunity and don't notice it.
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Have some lineart~
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titleknown · 9 months
So, as a follow-up to the "build your character like a Ninja Turtle" thing I did based on @therobotmonster's idea, I figured I may as well come up with another one inspired by a fun, silly thing from toy-collecting: Army building mooks!
What sort of Mook are they?
Fleshy Undead
Humanoid Animal (Vertebrate)
Nonhumanoid Robot
Rideable Mount For Other Mooks
Magic Construct/Doll
Bound Energy/Element/Force
Cosmic Horror
Animate Inanimate Objects
Rideable Vehicle For Other Mooks
What sort of antagonist or force do they work for?
A Dreadful Virus Or Corruption
Advanced Ancient Civilization That Wishes To Rule Again
50s/80s-Type Stylized Street Gang
The Good Guys (Sincere, Bad At It)
The Legions of an Evil Wizard
Satan Or Some Stand-In Parents Won't Whine About
Conquest-Hungry Space Empire
Evil Corporate Capitalist Bastards
The Shiny Pretty "Good Guys" (Secretly Evil)
A Hunger Beyond Time And Memory
Guards/Mancatchers For A Super-Prison
Dishonorable Ninja Clan
AI Either Gone Insane Or Far Too Sane
We Will Assimilate You (AKA Fun With Biopolitics)
Some Variety of Mafia
To Stop The Evil I Must Become Evil (AKA Fallen Heroes)
There's Some Time Travel Shenanigans/Bullshit Going On Here
Big Monster(s) That Think They're The Top Of The Great Chain Of Beings
I Can't Believe It's Not A Mashup Of The Nazis And The Modern US Military
What sort of environment does this mook generally work in?
Urban Areas
Icy Biomes
Deep Space
Ancient Dungeons/Tombs
Toxic Wastelands
The Sky/Floating Islands
Haunted Places
Prehistoric Ecosystems
Jideigeki/Anime-Type Japan
Inside A Monster And/Or Fleshy Meat-World
The Future!
What sort of toyetic gimmick does this particular mook type have?
Pullback Motor
Vac-Metalized Parts
Hidden Integrated Weapons
Slime Dripping
Grapples/Imprisones Other Figures
LED Lights
Removable Organs/Internal Circuitry/General Guts
Water Squirting
Translucent Plastic
Multiple Interchangable Integrated Weapons
Flapping Wings/Tendrils
Glow in the Dark
Excessive Projectile Launchers
Spinning Blade/Drill
Biting Jaws
Parasitizes Other Figures and/or Vehicles/Mounts
Full of Tinier Men
Excessively Large
Roll Twice
What sort of toyetic gimmick do they have toyline-wide? (Roll once if you're rolling multiple "figures" from the same "line" on this table)
Attachable Armor
Spring-Loaded Melee Attack
Comes With A Little Buddy
Spring-Loaded Projectiles
Unusual Packaging Integrated Into the Play Pattern
Interchangeable Parts
Collectible Action Figure Game (Yes, That's A Thing)
Integrated Shiny Jewel
Some Variety of Slime
Rooted Hair
Marble Launching
Integrated Speaker/Sound Chip
Pocket-Sized (Think Battle Beasts or Food Fighters)
Die-Cast Parts
Cap Firing
Roll Twice
Have fun!
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narhinafan · 8 months
Referencing to a recent post. I'd be so down for Sarada's being a single mother's daughter not knowing (and/or caring) who her father is. The single mother being some whole new character too, preferably, because come on now, Sasuke needed a fresh start and a clean slate with someone else. He already fked over pretty much every woman he encountered that they'd be living with some traumas Sak//ura doesn't count because she got her own problems being overly obsessed with some boy she fell in love with over his LOOKS and some rivalry pettiness.
I said single because it's pretty clear that Sasuke needed to work on himself first before focusing on being a father (and a husband!) and any half decent person would rather raise their child in a healthy environment than to deal with the baby daddy's issues and abandonments.
IMO, it'd be more compelling show watching Sasuke learning to be a dad without that disturbing and uncomfortable undertone of being forced to via Sa//kura's toxicity and other people's guilt tripping. I wanna watch him wanting to be a dad and being awkward about it than grudgingly doing so because "he had to".
I can go on on how the studio can do better, even with that dreaded ss, but I won't lol the above is personally how I'd have gone about it, esp considering his canon character. I do believe it is very possible he could be a good (or half decent) dad and being genuinely happy about being one, but the development has to make sense if the writer wanted a healthy relationship between Sasuke and Sarada (and his baby mama) in the first place.
I rambled enough, but yeah. Poor Sasuke wasn't ready to be a dad. Or be a husband at all.
Yeah Sarada also got the short end of the stick Sakura's obsession with Sasuke only put more pressure on Sarada and put her in danger.
Honestly Sasuke would have been better off healing before starting a family or finding someone that actually got to know him and he would spend more time with and let him relax and easy up.
I always thought Sasuke would have been awkward, but good dad with him returning a bit to what he was like before the massacre over time. You know melting the coldness of his that built up over the years.
Even if Sasuke didn't stick around I think the family should have gotten together every so often for peaceful family moments outside the village maybe not make it known about Sasuke being the Sasuke Uchiha till Sarada was older. Let her think her dad is just an average ninja that primarily handles outside the village work.
Plus they have the perfect set up for why with Sasuke's past and not wanting it too affect Sarada growing up as she is technically the daughter of a criminal plus they could talk and explain about his family without outright saying who they were and further give Sarada better motivation to be Hokage. She could have inherited Itachi's dream and remind Sasuke of his brother and truly open up a new era for the Uchiha clan.
Sasuke and Sarada could have been handled so much better if there wasn't pressure to have him end up with Sakura to achieve her goal of being with him.
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burntbeebs · 1 year
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Sorry the first one is an image for ants, I genuinely didn’t realize how small the canvas I was working with was, I was tired lol  Infodumping under the cut -
img 1: Princess Lotus  Finally finished a good ref of my other princess character, Lotus, exactly as it says on the tin. A kind, if not quite offbeat ruler, perhaps it's the haze of her environment, but she's got a rather dark sense of humor, though is generally very laid back. While not permitted much to do so, she's a pretty skilled mechanic who enjoys working alongside her subjects in the factories. She adores the Wooded Kingdom, and it's one of her favorite places to visit. She loves having Steam Gardeners come to attend her personal garden now and then, and exchanges exotic plant breeds with them as well. In a twist of irony, she's got a green thumb, and is very caring of the plant life that lives strangely in harmony with the machinery. Her domain of Mechavine is a massive jungle that runs through a sprawling factory, the air is pretty dangerous to non natives, but she was raised there from childhood so she's used to it. She's attended by her caretaker who raised her and general of her army, a snifit named Shis. The factories she oversees produce a large portion of the weapons and technology found throughout the mushroom worlds, and the kingdom's military power is unparalleled. Happens to also be where Sherm are created and assembled (a horrible trade deal with a certain someone has made her unwilling to loan them out to anyone else), as well as the home of the Mecha and Flower clans. Overall it's a pretty hostile environment, but if you can survive that, they say there's some really beautiful places deep in the dense and hazardous jungle. All that aside, the citizens who call this place home are also quite welcoming, as tourists are understandably rare. img 2: General Shis  The head general and retainer of Princess Lotus, despite being a fearsome toxic snifit and a brilliant commander and strategist, he's also a surprisingly kind soul. He raised Lotus from early childhood after the war widowed queen fell ill. He is still, however, much more comfortable managing soldiers with a stern edge than he ever was tending to a child. He's capable of spewing a type of 'flame' that's composed of a harsh chemical capable of corroding down anything, though the time that takes varies depending on the target. His compacted "bullet" variation is armor piercing due to these properties. Usually it is the most potent strength and thus melts things on contact, but the time to produce these rounds is lengthy.
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acaciapines · 11 months
plant meanings!!!! ramble about em!!!!!! I wanna hear it!!!!
he he :3
plants! technically spoilers for the fic i just posted the vine that ate the south, so like, yknow. under the cut!
alright so! i spent. do not even want to know how long to come up with all of these. from the start i knew leafpool was gonna be kudzu and since (as probably is obvious from the title) the idea of kudzu growing over and smothering everything is strongly associated with the american south, the clans are vaguely set there! somewhere in the georgia-alabama area idk. so all my plants. should grow there lol.
and now to copy paste my notes! anything added i'll put in (parenthesis) at the end.
Leafpool: Kudzu (Pueraria montana), smothering imagery—she is smothered and left to die by starclan.
Squirrelflight: The wild strawberry (Fragaria virginiana). There is something to this idea of always being this provider, and how that is taken from her, ex. how this is one of the parents of the cultivated strawberry. Also straw is similar to star <3. (i'll add--literally i just liked the vibes of this also, i tried finding something else but just kept coming back squilf being a strawberry <3)
Mothwing: While she doesn’t actually have a daemon, to hide that she weaves long-spurred violets (Viola rostrata) into her fur, because violets are lesbian flowers and also because they tend to grow near eastern hemlock trees…so, connecting her to Leafpool! (ie. to the forest, aka where leaf is from) Before her brother’s death, however, she wore aconite (Aconitum lycoctonum,)the specific species of which is non-native but grown in gardens in the Americas, and less toxic than some other varieties, so she gets the benefits of not being doubted (who would wear actual toxin in their fur) without like. dying lol.
Hollyleaf: Wood Lily (Lilium philadelphicum) as they’re poisonous to cats and thus get that association, but also in looks you could see them as a star—but not an aster species. She’s the odd one out. 
Jayfeather: Georgia aster (Symphyotrichum georgianum). It’s a rather rare species that used to be far more common as it depends on wildfire-made environments and thus occupies a far smaller range than it once did, like how Jay is sort of hemmed in and stuck by the clan system lol.
Lionblaze: Calico aster (Symphyotrichum lateriflorum). It’s a pretty common aster species with a wide range and it grows in tandem with other aster species—I write Lion as a pretty family-oriented guy so it fits.
and though she was cut from the fic dovewing would have both kudzu (to connect her w/ leaf, and very much show how starclan is now forcing dove to the prophecy and basically stuff i wrote in flightless dove) and Aster quitensis, which is a rare and maybe extinct aster species that is only found in ecuador. my notes here just say "she is not getting out of this alive" so take that as you will.
and for the minor characters who i gave plants...
Cinderpelt: Woodland Sunflower (Helianthus divaricatus) just. Because I feel like it fits her okay. cheerful despite her circumstances, happy to be here, taking it one day at a time.
Brambleclaw: Carolina Rose (Rosa carolina) because. C’mon. The thorns. The association with love. He’s toxic as get out. The story isn’t about that but it COULD BE. (brambleclaw was going to play a larger role but the fic turned way deeper into leaf being the mother of hollyjaylion than i thought it would be so he mostly got cut.)
Firestar: Southern Live Oak (Quercus virginiana), because it's a large tree that works with Thunderclan being The Forest, and also they're like, almost evergreen--they keep their leaves year-round mostly and Thunderclan would like that!
annnnnd that's my plants! wahoo!
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inalandofsadclowns · 1 year
Qishan Wen keeps reminding me of Imperial China's Qin Dynasty.
There is a work of Wuzi "Evaluating the Enemy", where he discusses how to defeat six surrounding hostile powers, based on the terrain, character and government of each region.
Qin's nature is strong. Its terrain is difficult. Its government is severe. Its rewards and punishments are reliable. Its people do not yield; they are all belligerent. Therefore they scatter and fight as individuals. As the way to attack them, one must first entice them with profit and lead them away. Their officers are greedy for gain and will separate from their generals. Take advantage of their separation to attack them when scattered, set traps and seize the key moment, then their generals can be captured.
(Mark Edward Lewis: The Early Chinese Empires)
Doesn't this sound like Qishan Wen?
Accordding to Wuzi here the Qin's unforgiving terrain comes hand in hand with the people's fierce character. And that, in turn, results in the need of an even fiercer government, which acquires loyalty through great rewards and terrible punishments.
There are other works that link a region's geographical features with the characters of their inhabitants, such as the Tribute of Yu or Xunzi's philosophical works.
These texts compare the North with extreme yin (shady, dark and cold), and the South with extreme yang energy (bright, sunny and hot). Though the latter wasn't exactly supposed to mean superiority to the darkness and cold. In fact, a later text describes the South (under the Yangzi, plenty of moisture and heat) as a zone of desease and death full of poisonous plants and a toxic atmosphere. It was also reffered to as the Land of the Sun. Just like Qishan.
Now, I'm aware, Qishan in mdzs-verse is not on the South. Quite the opposite, it's rather on the North-West. Still, take a look at this related, 1st century A.D. text:
The fiery air of the sun regularly produces poison. This air is hot. The people living in the land of the sun are impetuous. The mouths and tongues of these impetuous people became venomous. Thus, the inhabitants of Chu and Yue [middle and lower Yangzi] are impetuous and passionate. When they talk with others, and a drop of their saliva strikes their interlocutors, the arteries of the latter begin to swell and ulcerate. The southern commanderies are a very hot region. When the people there curse a tree, it withers, and when they spit on a bird it drops down dead.
(Mark Edward Lewis: The Early Chinese Empires)
Ooff bit harsh innit. But North or South, no difference, Qishan is supposed to be scattered with volcanoes, which still matches the description of extreme heat, toxic air and harsh environment.
And the same links between geography and character appear a lot in mdzs. Pretty visible from the coldness of Nie Mingjue (see, the northernmost clan), through the easy-going nature of the Jiang and the refined nature of the Lan, to the abundance of the entire Jin clan (on the trade-wise advantageous East).
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troutfur · 2 years
How do you think OOTS could work out if Dovewing and Ivypool if they were Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw’s kits?
HMMMMM! Hmmmmmm!
I'm pondering this and I have to say I love the thought of putting Bramblesquirrel drama front and center in the arc in a way that makes it all more cohesive! My main beef with OotS has always been that while I like it on its own I always felt judging it as a continuation of Po3 it just doesn't make sense. Making them more cohesive in that way could certainly help.
I have two routes I could take this through:
Bramble doesn't disinherit his sons edition
...but he does his daughters.
An idea I really enjoy with Dovewing and her OotS plotline is the idea of having her childhood stripped from her for a responsibility that should have never fallen on his shoulder. There's the prophecy sure, but in this version it's also the idea of being the reconciler. While Jay and Lion are out there taking Bramble's side and being seduced by the dark influences of that side of their family like Hawkfrost and Tigerstar, StarClan takes it upon themselves to harrass Dovepaw into trying to heal the rift in hopes it brings the three all to their side.
In this way she takes on the burden of healing her family and ends up swimming against the current. Not even her littermate is on her side, too preoccupied with her own drama and jealousy that brings her into the DF's clutches in another way. In the end of course she can bring her parents to reconcile and her brothers to once again see their mom in a positive light, but at what cost?
She'll get her happy ending eventually. Perhaps not as Tigerheart's mate, perhaps it's through a positive bond Tawnypelt strove to create with her and she's welcomed as her niece, perhaps it's with a forbidden love in WindClan or RiverClan, perhaps it's as a kittypet. But whatever it is, I do think she has to step back from ThunderClan in the end, come to accept the environment she grew up in was toxic as hell and move on.
Now for a more wholesome option...
Brambleclaw DOES disinherit his sons edition
I know, I know, it doesn't sound better but hear me out.
In the version I'm imagining, Jay and Lion are snapped out of their tunnel-vision anti-Squilf sentiment by seeing just how much this whole debacle seems to flip a switch in Bramble's mind immediately. Not only is their mom pregnant, but ends up vindicated in her fears about the social repercusions of the secret coming out on Jay and Lion. They really can't argue with that and realize pretty quickly their initial betrayal at the secret being kept from them is small potatoes compared to all they stood to lose if anyone got loose lips.
So, in this version Jay and Lion are much more involved in helping their mom raise lil' Dovekit and Ivykit and I can even imagine them being granted them as apprentices. Dove and Jay and Ivy and Lion sound like potentially interesting pairs! But of course, the prophecy comes in knocking, it always comes in knocking to rock the boat with them.
Torn between their happy little family and this looming threat, Jay and Lion have to maneuver between doing what's best for their baby sisters and ensuring the Clans survive. Do they succeed? It probably ultimately ends a failure of some degree on the family side. But on the bright side I do see them settling into a more amenable status quo than canon once the dust settles. Mistakes were made, some irreparrable, but Jay and Lion will always be Dove and Ivy's big brothers and mentors and they can at least strive to fill the role better.
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shinader · 4 months
Cedric Miyazaki
Hello!!! I need to talk about My OCs. Before I start off, let me get into Why these characters are named this why.
First, the in-universe reason. Cedric Miyazaki I and his sister were named after characters from a foreign show their parents loved. His little sister got off easier being named Alice (or Arisu). Then, the son, Cedric Miyazaki II was simply named after his father.
Next, we have a meta reason. Due to how the story plays out, these two needed a name where it would be highly improbable to almost Impossible for two people to share a name. Not everyone is named Cedric Miyazaki.
And then, the meta-meta reason. Uh. Basically they started out as self-insert OCs. Then I essentially split them apart, made them father and son, and fleshed them out so they're fully characters beyond me. Everything just kinda worked out from there as I began to explain away not changing their name from my name. And tbf I do only go by Cedric online so it's not like I'm gonna get them confused with me anytime soon lol. But I also just call them Ceddy & Miyazaki respectively because it can be confusing and that's how I'm going to refer to each of them from now on.
Oh, and when I introduce my other OCs, they're all gonna have their unique posts. I just put these two together bc they have the same name hehe.
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And for the sanity of those who don't wanna hear me yapping, everything else will be put below a read more!
Okay so first off I will have to redraw Miyazaki at some point. I don't think I got his whole bear vibe down yet. He needs to be bigger, hairier, and dilfier. Ceddy looks fine, though, he's a real cutie patootie. He's got a bit of a giraffe neck and I made his hair too long but hey you know. He's fine it's fine. As someone who doesn't draw much or well he's overall ballin actually!
Anyway, if anyone hasn't caught on from my whole blog and the design of these characters, they're OCs for the Yakuza/Like A Dragon series! Because of course I love all those characters so much I had to make up more characters to love!
Some basic info, Miyazaki is the Patriarch of the Miyazaki Family, a Tojo Clan Subsidiary. He's known as the Bear of Tojo due to his tattoo and his bear-like way of attack.
Ceddy is a host at a club called Club Sirius. He's not particularly well known but he's got his own little thing going on and he loves his job!
I've got a little story in the works for this, and in that story, Ceddy is the deuteragonist and Miyazaki is an antagonist turned ally. If anyone wants to read what I have going on just lmk perhaps I can post some of it. Or most of it. Or all of it lolol.
What I really wanted to get across with these two (and honestly, with all my OCs) is What makes a loving Family. The Yakuza/Like A Dragon series has big themes of Found Family and I wanted to expand upon that with my own characters. Ceddy & Miyazaki show off a healthy biological connection, one of the many ways a family can be formed. This will be in opposition with the protagonist's views in many ways.
It's also personal to me in a way, as I find their close relationship comforting and healing to write. Ceddy is autistic and not diagnosed. This is because he and no one around him are particularly educated in what autism Is exactly so they see his autistic behaviors and is just seen as "Weird." I love being able to write about a single allistic father who's able to care so much for his son, even if he isn't seen as "Normal" that's still his son and he'll do anything for him. It's the unconditional love every parent should have for their child(ren).
Beyond the family dynamics, they both have their own stories with Being Queer. I'll start with Miyazaki as he's older and has more knowledge of himself. Also I find his journey to be funnier.
Being raised in a very toxically masculine environment, compulsory heterosexuality hit this man HARD. It doesn't help that he has a high libido so to blow off steam he'd pick up women whenever he felt like and deal with it. He frequented bars and cabaret clubs and the like for that purpose. That is, until, he became the Patriarch of his own Family. He's got more power! So what does he do with it? Well, he'd get with men, of course! It's a power move!
But he only had a few months of fun with that before one of his previous one night stands left a baby at his doorstep and an angry letter. He took in that baby but didn't bother finding the mother because who in their right mind would leave their baby out in the cold like that??? No woman that Miyazaki would want raising his son! Caring for this child really puts everything into perspective for him, and he realizes he's kinda been a dirtbag to women. And men. But mostly women because he really only saw them as sex objects rather than their own people. He thought it was okay because all that sex he was having was 100% consensual but that mindset is not a good one to have! To an extent, he saw random men the same way. So eventually, Miyazaki gets a more healthy view on love and sex and also realizes that he is, in fact, a homosexual.
Ceddy's story isn't quite that complicated. He's overall fairly oblivious to romance and sex. But, he's had an amazing gay role model growing up so he's understood queer stuff since he was a small child. When he was in middle school or high school, he came out to his father (and his loving Aunt and Uncle, who I'll expand on in other posts) as Bi. And that's how he continues to identify.
Now, since this is 2011 Kamurocho (zero zombie style), none of these characters have quite the extensive knowledge of queer people that the average person here on Tumblr has. Maybe the younger ones have taken an "am I gay" quiz but they don't quite understand the full spectrum of gender and sexuality. So, I personally have assigned labels to characters that they don't identify as.
If that seems confusing, let me state it like this. Ceddy, if asked his orientation, would say he's Bisexual. However, he doesn't quite understand the difference between romantic and sexual attraction. If he understood such things, then he'd know he's Biromantic Asexual. He's never felt sexual attraction to anyone, and he generally doesn't think about it. If he does, he generally writes off that lack of attraction to not liking strangers/people who are mean to him. He really struggles with making and keeping friends due to his autism, which furthers his obliviousness to his own sexuality because he believes if there was someone nice to him that he gets a crush on, he'd for sure want to have sex!
And yes, I am aware that having a character that's so oblivious to sex he isn't aware of his own lack of sexuality may seem like a weird choice to (technically, it really depends on your personal definition of these things) be a sex worker. But that only leads into my next point about him.
Ceddy became a host for two big reasons. 1) He wanted a job so he could get money and live independently so his father wouldn't have to worry about him and 2) Hosts pretty much get paid by how well they can talk to people and he's aware his lack of social skills. Being a host would work to Ceddy's two goals, get money & learn how to socialize. He hasn't been a host for that long but he's learned that a lot of people like a lot of different things and it's so hard to keep track and also outside of work people aren't fond of him acting host-y as he comes of as disingenuous. At least he's getting paid...? He'd probably get paid more if he was able to pick up the hints his customers drop out on dates when they say they want to go to a hotel. (Oh, are you tired? I suppose this is a good time to part ways, see you later!)
Miyazaki is very proud of his son for getting a civilian job, no matter what it is. He'd be devastated if he ended up a criminal like himself. And Ceddy's quest for independence isn't necessary, Miyazaki would be more than happy to live with his son forever. In fact, he'd be worried for him every day if he moved out.
Uhhhh. Anyway. I've been yapping for hours now and this is a good place to stop here I think. Got important Themes across and whatnot. Will be doing this again at some point. Next will be. Hmm. The Protagonist will be a good one. His name is Takeshi Nakagawa and I love that fuckin guy to no end, as I do all my OCs<333
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clanborn · 2 years
could you tell us more about fogstar? oceanclan sounds v interesting but fogstar doesnt have the look of an adrenaline junky o;
I’m assuming you mean Sandstar? Fogstar is the Iceclan leader and Sandstar is the leader of Oceanclan. I can talk about both though.
Both leaders are a little more isolated from the other two clans, both physically and diplomatically. While Shalestar and Aspenstar are friends and often collaborate, Sandstar and Fogstar prefer to keep to themselves, albeit for different reasons.
Sandstar takes extreme pride in his clan, and though he wouldn’t admit it, most cats know of his belief that Oceanclan cats are inherently superior to the other clans. Though the bay clans work as one unit, Sandstar sees Oceanclan as their natural leaders—that his clan sets the example that the others should follow. This is, of course, ignoring Oceanclan’s extremely high turnover rate, that most cats born into the clan are looking to leave it. This reality doesn’t phase Sandstar though—he sees those who leave Oceanclan simply as cats who weren’t up for the task, cats who couldn’t cut it and would rather give up and grovel to another clan over their failure. To him, to accept help is a sign of weakness, and he often hesitates to extend a helping paw to the other clans. This attitude is often hostile to any disabled cats in the clan, and few every choose to remain in Oceanclan for long.
Even though leaders in these clans are religious leaders, responsible for interpreting potential messages from the clans’ gods, Sandstar has never felt very passionate about this facet of his job. Oceanclan deputies are chosen in competitions of strength and skill, not spirituality, thus he succumbs to his religious duties as an obligation, not out of any genuine interest.
Sandstar does care for his clan, which is partially why he expects the utmost from his clanmates. But there are so many deaths every season. Each time a denizen’s broken body lays limp beneath a cliff face, a quiet guilt begins to gnaw away at him. But this guilt isn’t enough for Sandstar to just dig up the roots of a culture that runs deep through his clan. Besides, to admit that they’re wrong is to admit defeat, to undermine everything that Oceanclan has ever stood on. Is Sandstar’s own leadership even valid if he acknowledges the toxic culture that put him in power? Instead, the stunts continue, the feats of greatness, the spectacles—all efforts to prove their way of life is one worth living. But this isn’t living, Oceanclan is dwindling, and Sandstar remains stubborn in his willful ignorance.
Fogstar, on the other hand, is generally a much more agreeable leader, though still somewhat distant. Contrary to Sandstar, she is the most devout of the four leaders, and is strongly committed to Iceclan’s duty of guarding the Blue Cave and maintaining the connection between the dead and the living (more on this later when I make an Iceclan info post). She is quiet and patient, and often will sit still for hours alone on the mountainside, dutifully searching for omens in the environment. She sees omens for the future as a certainty, an inarguable glimpse of what’s to come, and that the only way to deal with a warning is to simply prepare for it accordingly. She approaches all decisions coolly and confidently, but is averse to taking spontaneous, decisive action.
These decisions will also usually have Iceclan’s best interests in mind. Though she wants the best for all for clans, in her heart, her first priority will always be the wellbeing of Iceclan: her family, her (metaphorical) children. Iceclan bonds run deep, and this love for her clan is evident in all her interactions with her clanmates. Around her loved ones, her cool demeanor melts away, and warmth floods her features as she pauses and listens to each of her clan members, taking time to know each one’s thoughts, interests, and fears. She often invites fellow denizens for hunting trips one-on-one, a chance to strengthen bonds and grow closer together.
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lamentingocean · 5 months
Mongrang X Jaha
[Hazbin Hotel Overlord Edition]
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Warning: Murder, a bit NSFW, insults and comebacks towards one another, rivalry, extermination day fighting, chaos, and dark humor.
(Since I don't feel like working on the other x reader, I'm probably being lazy but this will be good for me)
Jaha- The Crimson Demon of Hell, who is also a conqueror of overlords in the past like alastor, made an appearance in hell due to his dangerously cunning and attractive nature, and became the leader of a big clan, competing with the vees due to his money and his power,
I, for one.
Mongrang- The Lust Devil who owns a sex industry in hell also competing with that moth bitch you call..."Valentino." is a big rival of jaha due to our exact balance of power and abilities as demons of our own, I hate that crazy bastard who lives upon madness and murder throughout his time in hell so I'm pretty sure murdering overlords is his secret hobby. but I can't help but make myself out to be a lustful masochist because I absolutely love jaha's torment against my industry and my soul.
it's a once and a lifetime opportunity to have shit gush through your pants all because of one man who dislikes your mere presence, and so..I chased him through the depths of hell having my own voice scream at him to give me the antidote. I even tried to consult with charlie and her crew at the hotel to tell me where he is because I got a bunch of laughter with my pants being stained with shit, but hench why the princess of hell is such a good soul born in such a hellish environment.
I tried to seduce her, but that didn't work either.
so I ran out of options to catch him so now. Our rivalry towards one another is never going to change until one has to die during extermination day or one has to die during our battle in rivalry. I tried to talk to the vees about what I could do since they were basically a powerful company or a corporation full of fashion..full of sex...full of technology.
but they had no intention to help the lust demon like me. so I shouldn't care about a maniac like him. Most people who choose to rival would rather focus on their own work and prep for the next battle of this rivalry, so I have yet to explain my reasoning for hating on him so much since our hatred for each other also has a active reputation.
Rumors go around like smoke in the air after a wildfire:
"mongrang and jaha's hatred and rivalry is so popcorn worthy, I could almost sit down and watch their spat!"
"Oh my God! It is so fun to watch the two most powerful demons in hell shoot nukes and bombs at each other!"
" my My! I could almost Bing watch the drama of these two!"
some people assumed our reputation as "toxic love" .... "or romantic drama," but I don't know either. my purpose as the lust demon is to make sex and do sex, but it seems that I've noticed one detail about me that every time I seem to remember it. It pisses me off.
I can not seem to find any attraction in woman no matter if it's sex or not, sexual intercourse or not, actual relationship or not. I still...can NOT.
so just leave it be. I shouldn't need to openly spat about him over and over while my girls are waiting to fuck 3 guys in the afternoon because I said no. I treat my employees nice valentino.
I openly drink my vodka while my room is full of knifes of that...crazy bastard so I'm expecting some of my employees to know a new porn film is about to start because I had my employees set up everything while I continue my..obsession.
And that's exactly what happened.
She wore her pornstar wear while knocking on my door, I took a glance right back at her to see her face full of concern for my pictures of jaha all over the wall but to me I thought it's normal to be this obsessive. most people deal with it out of lust, love, or a drive of hatred in life, do you think?
I breathe in and out to calm myself down, turn around, and put on my usual seductive facade to my employees to think I mean business when it comes to sex, even my voice had to be in a specific tone.
"Hello. Are you guys ready?"
"Yes master mongrang,"
at the time, each step I took meant that this facade is slowly breaking me to peices, maybe I have problems, maybe I seem to be...gay, or maybe I just seem to have a burning amount of hatred that it needs to be worked out so I thought:
"Should I kill some people to calm me down since this is hell after all?"
yeah. that's definitely the way to do it since I can't stop thinking about him when I said.."ready set action" to another sex video to send to either a popular website or a live cam. If I try to talk to my employees about it, then I just get angry for flustered. Either way,..therapy or counseling doesn't exist in hell, so why should I even try?
Extermination day.
I try to lock up my doors or hang out with the other overlords to keep myself safe, but each time that happens each year. I see him roaming around the halls while we see the angels stab each demon in the streets so I wouldn't talk to him unless it's rude remarks and comebacks about our occupation.
'You do sex? Lame."
"You own a clan and murders people if you feel like it? ok fucker."
so maybe my obsession has something to do with love, but love doesn't exist in this place full of darkness and fire, either so why would I feel that way?
most female demons I've known throughout my time here tend to gush about him and his long black hair and his blood red eyes. His horns look immaculate and darker than a black hole. I can describe his horns as being like verosika but much larger with a different color pallette.
his man tits is also... something that is brought up many times when I hang out with women during lunch, so could it be love?
either way, extermination day is tomorrow and Charlie..
This time, they had to use an overlord to fight against the angels instead of carmilla and Rosie in their last one. they need two additional overlords to help with the offense and defense of their hotel. she mentioned that she had been eyeing at me and jaha for a while now by the words of lucifer since we are the most powerful demons at this side of the pentagram.
other than the vees.
So I figured: Why not? It could be a chance to know more lore about this obsession of mine, I am equally powerful in combat after all besides jaha soo I had to go up to the black rabbit clan and ask him first.
we finished our video and that's the last one for the rest of the day.
I had to bring my sword just in case I needed to murder some of his gaurds to get into the gate, I walked to his side of hell and the streets of this plate are fucking horrid. remember the time hell used to bow down to lucifer due to his domination and differences in power between all overlords? Well, that no longer happens since he's busy sulking in his room, moping about Lilith. his authority is so gone that it's retarded freaks all over this place who act like maniacs but then again this is hell and it's forever.
I detect many of his gaurd outside his palace, so..I killed them all.
I bust through his gate just to fight more against his demonic heavenly generals, and then I won. since they are sinners and I'm an overlord.
I finally got to his main lobby in the palace just to see him drinking booze on his throne. His eye side-eye looked at me and continued to drink his booze as if he's ignoring me just to get a reaction out of me.
his lips rose out of the booze and placed it down.
"what the hell do you want?"
"Ahem..look. Charlie wants us to fight against the angels tomorrow in extermination day. So I'm wondering if you want to join in? I mean...we have to help her and her pathetic crew since the angels seem to be coming for her hotel again."
"Yes. So..what?"
jaha lifted himself off the seat and ripped off a piece of the wall, and pointed the sharp side to him.
"You think.. I want to team with you after you were the cause of my death in my human life? Not to mention TRIED to take me down over and over as an overlord? You even tried to gamble for it."
"Look. if we want to die, then we won't die without reason, ok? Even as overlords capable of killing many angels as we can, then we can still die since angels are formidable and powerful."
he dropped the sharp peice of wall on the floor like he's trying to make an example out of something.
"This is us. we drop like flies if we continue to let ourselves cower in our homes, companies, corporations, or clans as the demons of hell continue to be given no afterlife since they are slain with a angelic weapon. you telling me that we are risking our lives for a small hotel crew? they beat them last year. They can do it themselves again."
"You're missing the point. they don't have the exact ways to fight back against the angels like they did last year, so if they want or plead overlords like us to help them stand against the attack then don't you think we should do it? for all we know.. the princess of hell may be dead if we don't take action to do it. same as lucifer fucking morningstar.."
he moved up closer and raised the sharp wall shard to his neck as a small threat.
A bead of demon blood leaked through his neck as mongrang slightly winced in pain.
"She could have easily do some other overlords instead of us. I'm not dying in a war out of protecting a hotel crew. You too.
our rivalry remains intact until we each remain immortal so it could last forever shitrang. let us throw bombs at each other."
"y-you.. sure know how to choose your words correctly. but she could have a better chance a-at winning if we went along with it and helped her out. what's so bad about helping a mere hotel crew?"
"...fine. but let's make a deal.
I'll never associate with your kinky smutty bullshit ever again, and you never associate with mine. understand?"
his hand grabbed his chin out of his slow closeup to dominate him, knowing mongrang is the type to just be a hard to get one.
"What do you mean.."No" ?"
"I want our rivalry to remain this way for good. even if I seem like a masochist for liking the torment that you're giving me. you seem to be highly...hypnotic to me, or I'm just talking out of my own mind. So just fight with me in the war, and we can go back to it in the aftermath of it, ok?"
Are you...blushing?"
"What? No, I'm not. Are you still a madman?"
somehow, I was allowed to touch his body since my hands touched his waist, and it felt good to me. That's the thing, but his hand was still on my chin, so that's what got me so red looking. but this man is actually attractive. I ignorantly refused to acknowledge that, but he's..
"You shithole. I'm always a madman I don't know what you're talking about."
"If you're going to talk to me like that, then I have something else in mind for you bitch."
"And what is that?💢"
I took my domination back this time since jaha seems to think he's taking it slowly, so I pinned him to the wall with my mouth close to his.
he seems to drop his composure a bit but built it right back with a chuckle full of challenge.
"This is your idea of "mind?" seems like you don't know to think. trying to seduce me as if you aren't thinking of yourself as gay? ha. what a shitty move. more shitty than a person killing a living animal."
"Shut up."
my mind is screaming so much, so this is love I'm feeling. maybe that's the reasoning why I'm blushing so much.
his eyes are looking dead at me with a face full of agitation, and my hands are colliding with his own, and I'm like damn: this man really is an exact replica of me, but much more different, cunning, and crazy. but excuse my feelings.
I let go of him with my face, looking like a red fruit while his cocky smile signifies that he wins the spar but didn't win the battle, I kept on blushing as I tried to come up with something nice to say for once since I always say something so rude or so insulting to him but now that we are battlemate overlords then it's safe to say at least...one thing nice to him.
"W-well..good luck on the battle ahead."
"Hmph. you too. I'm the crimson devil, so don't wish me good luck. Wish me a good spree of murder by my blood coated hands."
I didn't know how i felt, but I chuckled at his confidence a bit. I know I'm supposed to hate him but the fact that we are supposedly fighting together also means our terrible relationship and rivalry is finally going to die down a little.
I realized my voice chuckling at him since jaha is the type to observe people even when he has nothing else to say, so in his mind: does this poopy bitch like me?"
so I put back on my facade to insult him any chance I get.
"Ok fucker. I'll be back ready for more blood by the time extermination day ends. So be ready crimson devil."
"Tch, ok poopypants."
Ok, that shit set me off way harder than it did.
I ran back to my home to pick out my weapons in my basement and I had a whole variety.
Assault rifle
it's all the whole package, baby. I'm also using my demonic powers to grab enemies and rip them apart like a fucking paper ripped by a human, but..the pump and the bombs do much more blood and chaos so I choose those as well.
so... I'm going to shut down my industry for tomorrow just in case, but also they can't operate without their boss too since the last time I did leave them for a business trip across hell.
I saw them set the whole studio on fire, and some of my best pornstars were DEAD.
but that incident happened 3 years ago , but I'm still begging my employees not to burn anything since I had to pay a thousand dollars just to get it renovated.
but let me tell you this....remember when I said I'm competing with valentino and his sex job? yeah.. I'm slightly winning, but at the same time, I'm not. he's creative with it, like using a dildo on you at the same time while sucking dick is an idea I didn't even think of when I watched some of it. but I noticed angel dust is a quite popular one in this studio.
and after all the shit I saw with him and valentino. even as a overlord myself I fucking can't..
that gay asshole who thinks he can treat his employees like human garbage but then again..this is hell so why should I been complaining for the millionth fucking time. I never liked him.. That's all. But Vox is a different story. I like him, but I can never seem to get along with his chaotic attitude and his mass brainwashing of interviewers. So now I wonder why they act so weird they I past by there..
velvette is a cool one too due to her fashion but I can't seem to get along with her either due to one incident when I tried to flirt with her as a force tactic to collaborate with the vees to get me more money but she might be lesbian so she's a no for me.
Either way, the vees are going to be important but also a hard enemy to battle with by the time I'm done with jaha.
I need some sleep. A demon gotta sleep, y'know?
I saw jaha on the side of the hotel with his sword, and his spear attached to him while Charlie and her crew was getting ready to fight against the angels, but to me. Jaha didn't seem scared of the angels.
It's like he's...nonchalant about it. Almost like he's showing off the fact that he might have killed thousands to hundreds of angels in his past as a demon before he became an overlord with mass amounts and chunks of power pouring all onto him. so no point in answering unanswered questions when nobody has an answer for them. I stared at him for a while before battle started because I physically and mentally can not deny that this man is supremely attractive. He's like sugar.
You are a child, and then you eat some in the middle of the night before school, and then as a child with a sweet tooth, it's addictive like drugs, it's addictive like sex, and it's addictive like a hot flavorful soup on a cold day under a warm fire.
that's exactly how he's portrayed as in my eyes, so...in my mind. I'm like: ....
"don't fucking approach him. Remember the time when you used to bang your hand on a wall so many times out of anger because he won both the war and the battle? don't you hate him so much that you keep your fist closed up so hard that even demon blood comes oozing out of it?"
for some reason, I feel none of that as mongrang- the lust demon of hell. I walk up to him step by step, and his glance at me is so dangerously intimidating that I had to recoil my feelings back to act normal. he knows I don't act normal around him, so why? we are equal but yet so different as two equal demons.
"I wish you luck jaha. Try not to die."
"hmph. same to you poopy fuck. try not to scream like your balls have dropped when a bunch of angels come at you~"
his insults didn't faze me anymore, me and him both look up at the hellish sky to see a light portal.
It's here.
here comes the angels rioting at the hotel, so we both knew it's going to be fun but dangerous at the same time, it's going to be angel bloodbath here today because we both brought out our weapons in sync when they charged at us with their pointy spears.
the thing about these spears is to send a demon to no afterlife ahead of them once they die from it, but that won't be us. Not after demon children had been killed by the angels since it's such thing as killing the wretched by the good. why am I so bothered? because it's like a system of a government in real life in terms of the angel's way of doing mass murder to demons.
I kept slicing them off over and over with my demonic powers since they surprisingly didn't touch a single demon's skin of me. Now that's their's no defense against the hotel like last year. We're sticking to fighting strategically.
jaha, on the other hand...his swordsmanship is beautiful and dangerously alluring as well to look, seeing his sword ooz angel blood from the tip of its sharp end, none of the angels can touch him as well and it impresses me to think I've been standing against that fucker for so many years as a rivalry, I still managed to keep my attention to him while our massacre of angels is still orchestrating.
Bombs, murder, nukes, half cut bodies, and dead demons are all over the battleground, I was getting exhausted due to all the killing but jaha seems to be full of energy while even the angel blood is smearing his face like melted ice cream,
It seems like we're winning extermination day.
I thought about one thing during this whole fight.
I'm in love with jaha. I never got my answers during this fight with him.
I got the truest realization that tried to show itself over and over in my eyes, but I was too blind to see.
I looked to him jump to the roof and to the main lobby while I'm trying to regain my energy and this man doesn't sleep or rest at all in a state of his murderous, psychopathic mind, I'm pretty sure half of the angels got murdered because of him so why do they ever try and kill him if they are going to die to no afterlife to welcome them in arms?
So I'm going to do one thing: an angel sped to me, but I killed them in the blink of an eye, standing up in confidence to know exactly what I'm going to do. I look up to see dripping of angel blood on the roof since jaha always had a method of killing a person in such a gruesome way, what an incredible madman. He lives up to his name so much that I even smirked at the thought of it.
I jump up so high to get him.
before he can jump to the top of the roof to kill some more. I managed to grab him and hold him on the waist. and I didn't care about his reaction since he seemed to be looking at me like I'm a piece of demon garbage, but I also sense that he's flustered with the way my hands are holding him in a particular way.
"What the hell are you doing? Let me go asshole. are you trying to die?"
"Or what?"
"I'll kill you. What the hell do you mean.."or what?"
What do you mean?"
My lips pressed onto his so abruptly.
He didn't expect that at first since his body flinched at little on the impact of my lips landing onto his, but he seemed to let me do this like he's opening a door for me to enter in a side I never seen before. he slit some of my skin off while his nails dug into my skin as a sign to let me kiss him more.
I took my lips off him while my blue eyes glanced directly at his red eyes while he thought what I'm about to say was genuine.
"I love you. you fucking maniac."
I ran off to check on the others since extermination day was canceled once again, and my own feelings were going batshit insane once I openly did that to him, so I guess it is love in hell.
I looked right at him on my shoulder to see his reaction openly flabbergasted even though the crimson demon was never one to be shocked about anything, but I did see a smirk on him almost like he enjoyed it. either way...our rivalry is going to continue like a paused and continued concert out.
right when it was over.
he came up right to my industry about what happened earlier, knocking on my open door like he had something snarky and insulting to say to me. But whatever insult he has to say to me doesn't hurt me one bit, or does it piss me off anymore ? That's a huge change for me..I'll prefer to keep it a secret to hell until our relationship expands much further,
I look right to him, being open ears to tell me what he wants.
"What is it that you want jaha?"
"Why did you give me that kiss eariler when we were in the middle of a life or death battle?"
"I'll just spit it out so..I always hated you, and I tried to figure out if it's either obsession or if it's toxic lust because I always seem to enjoy your torment upon me. even when our rivalry included attempted murder of each other, then I would still either hate you or obsess over you in a bad way over and over, so that's the reason."
"That's all? I was expecting an excuse. funny."
I slap my hand through the side of his shoulder and pinned him to the wall as an intimidation tactic.
"But don't you think this is how our rivalry ends. Its still going to keep going so unless you want to fuck me then our knives is going to be at the side of our bed if one of us needs to go down one way or another."
"This is a open request to fuck you. because I can if I want to, mongrang."
the way he said my actual name instead of poop insults made me...get turned on, so.. I lean closer to his face in my pathetic attempts at intimidating him.
"It isnt a request. It's a order."
"Don't you order me around like that asshole."
"Sounds like you're trying not to fuck me since im also attractive. many woman failed to please me so let's see if you are able to."
that caught him in his words a lot that he smirked to accept my order.
"do I need to take it all off?"
"You may. If the mighty crimson demon is able to successfully arouse me more than woman's holes ever could. so come on jaha...are you scared?"
he took it seriously that he took off his shirt and exposed his neck and his man tit to me like he's giving me all the consent in the world to fuck a man like him, still..the angel blood smeared on his face gave him a much more intimidating but sexy look to him.
"Why... why do you intentionally make yourself more and more addictive. It makes it harder for me to hate you.💢"
"Come on.. you think I'm scared of you? you are merely a fly to me that can't be killed easily. if love doesn't belong in hell, then why does it exist to you at this very moment? don't you want only hatred between us?"
My hands held his waist as I slowly slid his shirt off.
"it doesn't matter if love is real in this realm. all it matters is you."
his arms wrapped around my neck as his nails continued to pierce through my skin like a knive was grazing my back.
"So it is real then. Badger games don't work on me. But you do."
our lips collided together while he seemed to be taking the time to actually bask in my methods to pleasing one's demon, He's taking the time to actually study me. To observe me and my ways.
I pushed deeper into the kiss as i started to silently moan at his painful but yet loving touch of his hands grazing my back like it's trying to intentionally inflict that pain I oh so love onto me.
I slowly lift my lips off jaha's mouth.
Both of us catch our breaths as we both seem to resonate lust of some kind. jaha spoke first.
"Let's fuck. I want to analyze you, I want to study you, I want to read you...I want it all."
(Ok, I was honestly proud of making this simply because I love hazbin Hotel and literally binge-watched it through all night before, but also i had to focus on each of jaha and mongrang's usual personality. This was fun to make)
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immren · 6 months
hai ok. please forgive me if these r questions that u've been asked before ^_^ what are ur favorite vtm clans? are there any that you've wanted to make a character but they just never stuck? who're ur fav(orites) from vtmb? whos ur fav from dunmeshi? likewise to the first question, are there any dnd races u've wanted to play but havent had the opportunity? do you have any character ideas simmering on the backburner? what's a piece of media youve always wanted to or meant to get into but u just havent got around to?
HAI GRIFF! don’t worry, i rarely get asks so i don’t think ive been asked these
my favorite vtm clan is ventrue but i think i am biased because ive only played the ttrpg once and it was with ambrose (who’s a ventrue.) but like looking into them more when i was like, trying to figure out how to characterize ambrose better, i really grown to like them a lot! i think ventrue have a lot of potential outside of the Business man politician stereotype. they have like such a toxic work environment where it’s like “Everyone’s family here :))” like ur expected to help each other even if u hate each other. you have to stay this certain level of perfectionism or else you lose your status. depending on the ventrue, they feel obliged to be in the leadership position . and with ambrose and the coterie i played with, he felt like he Was responsible for all of them. and idk it’s just fun to me.
i have a nosferatu oc i made that hasn’t stuck with me yet. even though my dm put him in the vtm campaign, and he has a name, and a design in my head. he also has lore with ambrose. and i have a pinterest board for him. but i just havent cared to talk about him 😭
my faves from vtmb… this is difficult bc i actually really like all of the characters LMFAO maybe nines, i appreciate him
my dunmeshi faves are chilchuck and mithrun!
I WANT TO PLAY A DROWWW AGH i’ll be playing as one for my upcoming dnd game though . which is .. soon… i believe
i’ve been thinking up of an oc idea for a lolth sworn drow because i’m really interested learning more about lolth and menzo. and the drow i have are immren (bhaalspawn / bhaal worshipper) and kaz (vampire spawn / surface drow / worships eilistraee and kelemvor). so far my design idea for them is that they Have to have an eyepatch (NOT. DIMITRI FE3H INSPIRED…..)
i really want to get into the diablo games 😔 but they scare me
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Dark Forest Resident: Cherrytail 
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Aliases / Nicknames: N/A
Gender: she-cat
Sexuality: heterosexual
Family: Myrtleeyes (mother), Icewing (”mother”), Gloomface (father), Hollykit, Foxkit (sisters), Flakekit, Thistlekit, Featherkit (brothers), Deadpaw, Firepaw (cousins), Splotchshade (mate), Rustlingpaw, Vanquitawhistle (daughters)
Other Relations: Plumstep (mentor), Duskpaw (apprentice)
Clan: Skyclan, Thunderclan
Rank: medicine cat
Characteristics: raised by Icewing, who stirred the belief that Twolegs were evil
Number of Victims: 2 (cats, indirectly), 300 (humans)
Number of Murders: 2 (cats, indirectly), 1-300 (humans)
Murder Method: poisoning, neglecting to heal
Known Victims: Vanquitawhistle, Frondpaw
Victim Profile: deformed cats, Twolegs
Cause of Death: shot by hunter
Cautionary Tale: ??
A warm, New-leaf wind had blown through the nursery of Skyclan, welcoming the six new kits into the world. 
There, one of the most distinct victims of Icewing's kidnapping schemes were born, a deaf white kit. For now, as she opened her eyes for the first time, her biological mother was there.
For the first two moons of her life, Cherrykit lived with Skyclan and was with her real family. That was until one day when it was storming. A strange cat that smelled of evergreen leaves broke into the heart of camp and snatched the six kits away. 
She was taken into Thunderclan, them blissfully unaware of what deed Icewing had done. Raised by the she-cat who kidnapped her, Cherrykit was taught that Twolegs were a menace to the Clans--the exact personification of the Dark Forest. For the next moon, Cherrykit and her siblings lived in a quite, peaceful, but emotionally toxic environment. 
Within a week, a pack of foxes rampaged through Thunderclan’s camp. Within a blink of an eye, they barged into the nursery one day and attacked the kits, mauling four of them to death. Featherkit barely survived the attack, and was limping when a fox couple expecting kits saw him and mistook him for a fox kit, thus taking him in. 
Cherrykit, however, survived with some scratches on the ears, and when she turned five moons, supressed the whole ordeal to the point of forgetting it entirely. 
Icewing still kept the tiny kit, more obsessive over the her now that the others were gone. She learned from a young age that she wanted to become a medicine cat, so she became one at six moons. 
While looking for herbs, Cherrypaw encountered Bodyless Umberpaw, who was nearing her warrior ceremony. She had hissed and told her that Icewing wasn't even her mother, and that Icewing loved Cherrypaw more. This enraged Umberpaw, who knew that Icewing was in fact, her mother. 
The two stormed away. Later, Cherrypaw aced her apprenticeship and became a medicine cat very quickly, but some cats saw this quick rise to power as a bad omen that Cherrytail would cause pain and grief to her Clan, others shrugging this idea off. 
When Icewing was promoted to deputy, she told Cherrytail the whole ordeal with the Twolegs who took her and spayed her. Cherrytail agreed and promised to help Icewing with her revenge on Twolegs. She started by crushing deathberries and throwing the crushed seeds into the sewers, where many were poisoned. Many Twolegs were killed, most of them elderly patients and people who relied on tap water, and many had been harmed by the poisoning. It had gotten so bad that the issue was brought up by the governor of the town via T.V, who explained that scientists would be working to find the cause.
Cherrytail had relished in delight as she heard of the elderly dropping like flies and bathed in petty revenge served as their families mourned for them. She reported her success towards Icewing, who congratulated her for the vile murders. Soon the scientists found out that deathberries--or what they call yew berries--were used to poison the water. 
Before this discovery, Icewing took the two twoleg kits and left them for dead, but was attacked by Rowdy the pitbull. Cherrytail and Plumstep saved the she-cat's life. 
While the water was still contaminated, Plumstep was getting a tap water from one of the victims who was killed, who was a father to one. When she got home, Plumstep met her demise from its affects. Cherrytail had tried to save her, but to no avail. 
Cherrytail mourned her mentor's passing by holding a vigil for her. But tragedy wasn't over for her yet. Maybe as a form of justice on her, Icewing was killed by Umberfrost in a simple border skirmish. She mourned for the only mother she knew and was raised by. 
But through her grief, when Buzzardfoot became deputy, she stood by his side, even when he declared unnecessary wars on Bloodclan as a leader, or when he appointed Duskpaw as her apprentice.
During the battles, Cherrytail tried her best to save Moonpaw and Spottedpaw, but she didn't even dare to work on Frondpaw, seeing no hope for the she-cat with a broken jaw. But Duskpaw saved the she-cat's life, seeing something better in her wounds. 
Cherrytail mourned for Moonpaw and Spottedpaw, who succummed to their wounds, and ignored Frondpaw even to the point where she didn't even attend her warrior ceremony. 
Splotchshade became her mate soon after, and she had two kits with him, Rustlingkit and Frecklekit. She had the perfect family. However, when Specklekit lost her lower jaw and broke her neck in an incident, Cherrytail began to dislike her and renamed her Monsterkit. 
Monsterkit was broken by this and ran away before she turned six moons. There she lived with Warriorclan, calling herself Vanquitawhistle, after how rare it was for someone like her to be the way she was now. Rustlingpaw looked for her sister one moon later, only to get killed by a falling tree.
Cherrytail mourned for her daughter, and vowed to poison the Twolegs' water yet again to avenge Rustlingpaw. So she did, and less, about half less, people were killed by the infected water, as not many people used tap water after what happened the first time. 
Three moons after that, she saw the decapitated Buzzardstar's corpse with his head nearby. Fuming, she stormed off to her den to grab more deathberries, before heading off for, what she didn't know, was her failed last attempt at infecting the water of the town. 
A young hunter mistook her for a deer and shot her. 
Additional Information:
--Submission by @themainblogofsp20​
--Age:  6 moons younger than Buzzardstar. She was 44 moons at death
--Base: https://images.app.goo.gl/PmThcdUFWjPWCur86
--Reading Ice’s submission may understand the full story.
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dmcheatsheet · 4 months
City of Ice
capturing her soverignity god father, and building her city under the great chained orb, and raiseing her many sons to be the leaders of their tribes.
Tamaris, 17_____ joins with a group of ( ) and is taken as a holy figure, like a sovreignity god herself. They worship her like a god of war, as her military training helped this weak tribe secure itself over a year.
at 18,____ conquered the centours, by dualing and killing their leader and all war captains, and seducing their prince. who would lead her raiders until he died in The Chaining of the Sun. He was called out so much when Tamaris took other loves, that he would brutally kill his own captains to secure himself, which is why their are so many scattered clans of centaurs outside the kingdom.
THECITYOFICE currently working on portals with Steam Hill Hold, to give them our excess heat, and heating their underground lake, but also need a portal bring cold wind, and the four portals got crossed, a county from the Northern Wastes who teleported to the plains, and a tribe of loxodon were brought in (see Throne of Ivory) hill from the plains was teleported, who knows where.
TBANNERS Throne of Banners, 17 right now, really feeling like he needs to step up to not live in his mother shadow. has brought the centaurs into the city and is trying to be a political power. the centaurs are a bigoted culture in the midst of change and physically are not suited to citys so they are struggling in this. Some bandit like traditionalists that roam around the plains, are young toxic-masc frat bros.
TCLAWS after she had her first son, the centaur. conqured the violent isolationist, bear tribe, married their prince.
At 16, The young cub is focusing on the economy and peaceful by nature. the werebear society will focus on tourism this year under his leadership. leading hikes, and nature tours, the log tossing festival, and simple 'getaways' in their quite cabins (which has been massively misinterpreted and most of their guests are fugitives and exiles who heard of this and assumed it was some 'villain safehouse' type 'getaway') Some have taken to the woods and are bandits in protest of his opening the sacred woodlands (ounce violently defended by them) to 'hikes' and 'foragers', they raid the alchemy lodge, ranger stations and logging expeditions.
TFANGS , after her second son, werebear. conquered the vicious wolf tribe of raiders, married their leader (downgraded to prince of the throne)
15 x2 The twin wolf lords of the fang throne, one focuses on enforcing the law in the city, and the other leads hunters against animals and bandits outside of the city. They dual each other at on the 28th of each of the 13 months. usually using new items they acquired that month.
TTUSKS 5th son, 1/2 boarfolk/ 4 orc tusks a dwarf proportioned, hairy, human. and begins construction on the city.
Throne of Tusks, 14, the young Boarfolk son of Tamaris was cuop'ed and the throne (still in the a city district) is in a manor where the boars and other 'warriors of the city' train and get their missions while the Tower of Tamiris remains closed. 50 boars serve the throne directly, occasionally sent out in teams of 10 to hunt down enemy's of the city. The son organises these missions as a 'guy in the chair', although people assume the orders come from Tamaris, and think little of this 'personal coach at best'. The son actually also leads the 50 boars that people assume are just 'free/unemployed' criminals who run the mafia's higher positions, while most of the cities criminals are foreign born who failed economically in this brutal environment (literally and metaphorically). The son knows that an underside is natural to any city and has found his niche, not as a ruler by strength or inspiration, but as a brutal manipulator of the 'controlled opposition'.
chained the sun (her father/sov god, via an glass orb and adamantine chains)
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erigold13261 · 6 months
Why does only Yoko get away from the Ieiri clan? Wouldn't Fuko have motivations to leave the toxic environment for the sake of her children/to pursue a music career again? (IDK about Touko, but she seems like a bitch/lh)
I see it as Fuko benefits from her toxic environment so she is complacent and content where she is. Maybe she isn't happy, but she isn't sad either. She would rather keep the mundane average of life she has now instead of possibly get dealt a worse hand if she went against what was planned for her.
This is especially true considering that I see her as chronically ill, so having a husband and family ready to take care of you is something that Fuko can't really chance getting rid of unless she knows for SURE that Shoko, Yoko, and the rest can actually provide for her (which they can but she doesn't truly know that and the doubt would be what keeps her there).
Also, as much as she failed being a musician from her family, I think her being sick a lot would have also been a reason she would have just gave up at some point. Unlike someone like Elivy who worked through his sicknesses, to me, Fuko feels like someone who would have not tried to power through for her passions.
Plus, Fuko's life isn't that bad and I see her husband loving her even though it was an arranged marriage. Like pretty sure he could have just not accepted the proposal to Fuko and instead been engaged to Yoko, but he was able to chose Fuko out of the two.
Touko on the other hand I can absolutely see as being a bitch. I was thinking that one of the husbands is the reason that Shoko's back is broken and needs a cork in it (before being transfigured). I forget if I said that here and if I did which husband, but not that I have more info about the sister, I can definitely see it being either Touko's husband or Yoko's fiance.
If it's Touko's husband, I see him doing it FOR Touko who probably resents Shoko and wanted it to act more proper so she had her husband hurt Shoko. If it was Yoko's fiance, then he acted of his own accord and was probably the straw that broke the camels back and made Yoko leave the family for good.
So yea, Touko is happy where she is, Fuko is content where she is, Yoko was scared where she was, and Shoko hated where it was.
This absolutely could end up changing as the Ieiri Clan dynamics are really new (and I can't keep track of what I have already said or where I have said stuff lol), but this is the general plan I think I am going to be going with for now.
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