#toxic excuses
aria-greenhoodie · 1 month
Have some meme redraws of the radioactive old man yaoi ft. my Human Bill design again‼️
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yup123abc · 3 months
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Fizzarozzie Week Day 5: Sick Day
Fizz is taking this so so seriously (ignore the sexy nurse cosplay that is part of the healing process)
the healing "bone broth" might actually kill Ozzie tho
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crowberri · 9 months
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[Inscryption] wouldnt it be funny if
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furiousgoldfish · 1 year
Parents will go 'I did the best I could', 'I'm not perfect', 'You can't blame me, I've been through worse', 'I didn't mean it that way', 'You're too sensitive', 'I did it out of love' and 'Sometimes people make mistakes', and pretend like they're too dumb to understand that they hurt you, like they just didn't realize you were in extreme amounts of pain, neglected, feeling despised, condemned, irredeemable and suicidal, but for you there was never a moment of your life when you were allowed to 'simply not realize what you were doing.'
You have been punished every single time your intentions were right and you didn't notice you were annoying someone or testing someone's patience. You were held responsible not only for what you did but for how it affected everyone else, until you learned to be hyper vigilant of the effect of your every action, to the point where you'd get paralyzed because any action could end up in someone taking offense. You were never allowed to be dumb about your actions, you were not even allowed to learn! Even just not knowing everyone's reactions in advance could get you hurt.
You learned that they are allowed to be dumb, ignorant, walk over everyone else's feelings, demand attention, demand sympathy, consideration, leeway, compassion, understanding, and space to learn (even when they outright refused to learn), but you were not allowed any of these things. Even as they were the adults, they could play dumb and cause havoc, while you, a child, were responsible for being, in every situation, absolutely perfect, or condemned to hell for imperfection.
Why was this necessary? Why is the world still fighting for everyone to take it easy on the parents, but condemn the children? Do we need children to emotionally and psychologically serve their parent's needs, to the point where they grow up neglected and traumatized? Do parents have children in order to have easily broken and controlled servants? Someone they could burden with all of their emotional baggage and then demand compassion and love from? While neglecting that same child, and pretending the child doesn't need any attention or help growing up? Punishing them for showing pain?
We don't need that kind of world, and we don't need that kind of parents.
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eerna · 6 months
in a world filled with books written by male authors that make me go "uhhhhh this writer does Not have a good outlook on masculinity and women, this was definitely written by a man", the Chaos Walking trilogy stands as a complete opposite where I spent the entire series being like "WOW I never really thought about masculinity in this way, WOW this is painting a really interesting picture of gender dynamics and generational relationships, this was definitely written by a man"
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In English, we say, "Toxicity."
In TES, we say, "Do the right thing. Paarthurnax deserves to die."
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itsstilltru · 30 days
I honestly want to see what non slug Ted looks like in your art style! :D
Now that you mention it I wondered the same thing so here we are! :D He has no idea the horrors he’s about to witness.
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While I was drawing this lovely guy I had a thought… What if, years later, AM turned him back into a human?
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what then?
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[part 2]
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pondhue · 8 months
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5aph0 · 2 years
Why do people forget that Tyler took Wednesday on that "romantic" horror film date in the crypt to distract her while Thornhill ransacked her room and stabbed Thing.
Everything he did was to manipulate her into a false sense of safety so their outcast hating bigot asses could complete their plan.
Tyler was shown to hate outcasts before Thornhill even entered the picture. The nice guy act was a ruse.
How very romantic.
Merry Christmas.
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here-comes-the-moose · 3 months
Me talking about Crosshair: Your Honor, he’s just a girl.
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my fav toxic lesbians 🪷
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mickeym4ndy · 4 months
You can spend a lot of time trying to justify everything a character has done, and it’s great to look at the reasoning behind their actions that people might not understand.
But you can also sometimes say yea it’s understandable why they did it but it was still a shitty thing to do, and that’s okay. Humans make mistakes, your favourite characters will too. It’s ok. It doesn’t make them bad people.
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furiousgoldfish · 10 months
abusive parents: Children need to work! In order to have work habits! I'm just making sure they're developing good work habits!
the actual 'habits' being taught: work being thrown at children with no announcement or schedule, being yelled at for not doing something they had no idea needed to be done, endless punishments if the work is refused or even rescheduled, being ordered around with no nuance for your own schedule, human needs, illnesses or school responsibilities; being pushed into labour with no clear instructions and severe punishments if you get it wrong, having to predict when someone will want something to be done or risk contempt, being told you're lazy, worthless and a waste of space regardless of how much work you do, never getting any rewards or acknowledgment for completing all of the work, exposure to criticism, insults, and overall horrid working conditions with no right to complain or refuse to do it, being taught that you're worth nothing unless you can prove your worth in endless free labour, perfect setup to be maximally exploited by every boss and manager in your future life because you've been taught to fear confrontation more than death
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vanana-r0tat3 · 10 months
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tmasc x tfem gay men realness
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kelin-is-writing · 3 months
Fuck you Endeavor. Fuck you All For One. Fuck you to all the Pro-Heroes. Fuck the Hero Society and FUCK YOU HORIKOSHI too 🥰
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becauseimanicequeen · 4 months
Why in the world would you like toxic characters? Why are you so proud of that? What is it even to be proud of? What's wrong with you?
Well, my dear Anon. If you only knew how many times I've asked myself those very same questions…
And the answers always come down to: It’s fiction.
And even though fiction is a vital part of life (just like any other art form) and you can learn a lot from it (you have no idea how many toxic people I’ve been able to avoid, before they even found out my name, thanks to my love for toxic characters and seeing their red flags), fiction is also just fiction.
The characters aren’t real, even though they can seem like it. Just because I love a character that's toxic as fuck doesn't mean I would condone real people who behave that way.
Also, I’m not hurting anyone with my obsession with toxic characters. It’s not like I'm forcing anyone to think like me (and for the love of all things holy, don't do that!).
Besides having a healthy obsession with the toxic characters I love, I’m not very emotional (for lack of a better word) about what I watch. I can be intrigued by toxic characters without either excusing their behavior and actions or hating them (because there’s enough hate in the world for me to do that shit). I can watch taboo topics and other shit that most people find triggering and not be triggered (even though I see the taboo topics for what they are). I can watch problematic stuff and see beyond it to what’s really being said (even though I see the problematic stuff for what it is).
But that’s just me. And I would never force my perspectives on anyone else because I know the majority isn’t like me (which is a good thing, btw).
So, if you don’t vibe with my shit, block me. I don’t mind.
Trust me. I’ll survive. You’ll survive. The world won’t fall apart. We’ll both be okay. Just block me.
Because I will keep loving my favorite toxic fatherfuckers. I won't excuse their behavior and actions. But I will love them.
And the only one who can stop me is ME. But I don’t want to because I love all the shades of toxic bitches and their red flags.
Like Boston from Only Friends.
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And Todd from Not Me.
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And Chalothon from The Sign.
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And Ray from Only Friends.
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And So from House of Stars.
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And Yai from Big Dragon.
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And Way from Pit Babe.
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And Boeing from Only Friends.
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And let's not forget Vegas from KinnPorsche!
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And Yoden Ryoji from Dangerous Drugs of Sex.
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And Yong Jie from HIStory 4: Close to You.
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And Rio from The Novelist.
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And Ritsu from To the End of the World With You.
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And definitely Ming from My Stand-In!
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I love them all because I have issues. But so do all of them, which is precisely why I love them.
Thank you for your ask.
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