#towing storage services
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As daily life becomes more hectic, efficient and secure storage solutions are more needed than ever. Zee Towing & Storage LLC, Kenner, is known for providing top-notch vehicle storage services. When it comes to reliable and convenient vehicle storage services in Kenner, we pride ourselves on our commitment to excellence and a customer-focused approach.
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zain-towing-service · 5 months
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Secure your vehicle with Zain Towing Service LLC's premier Car Storage Service in Kenner. Our climate-controlled facilities offer flexible short-term and long-term options, prioritizing safety with advanced surveillance. Choose confidence in protecting your assets.
Contact Us : +1504 666 9099
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yeeterthek33per · 11 months
New Beginnings and Interesting Reads
Mary Fowler x Reader
Requested by Anon
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Honestly, she'd thought she could get away with not stopping to check on the little red light on her dash. It was just blinking so incessantly that she wanted desperately to have it just go away.
Who would have thought the great Mary Fowler, Australian Matildas Footballer, was one to ignore her car screaming at her until it forced her to pull over.
So now, she was stuck on foot, walking around a tiny ass town on the outskirts of Manchester after having it towed to the local mechanic. It wasn't tiny tiny, after all, there was, in fact, a mechanic.
There were a few dotted shops here and there, and there was a main street with a couple of grocery stores and various goods and services fronts. One that, for some reason, stood out to her was a rustic little two storey building. Standing out from the modernised concreting of the other stores surrounding it.
As she walked up to the door, she could see it was a bookstore. Books were lining the windows of varying conditions and colours.
The Rugged Pages.
Huh. Seems like something from a fantasy universe. Perfect way to kill time.
A little bell chimes when she steps in the store with a little push of the door. It's only a few seconds before a smiling employee greets her from behind one the many book laden wooden shelves.
She greets the employee back but doesn't really get a good look at them because she's too preoccupied looking around at the interior of the place.
It's a much bigger interior than she expected. Instead of a full second floor, there's a balcony that wraps around the outer walls and a set of what looks like mahogany stairs leading up from the far left. The centre of it opens up to peer into the upper ceiling and the walls of bookshelves that line the balcony.
There's dozens of shelves downstairs, with varying genres of books and age grouped stories. Starting with the kids' section towards the front and the more adult esque reads towards the far wall.
The oak counter is sat towards the far right of the back wall, a doorway just set in behind it leading in to what Mary assumes is a back/storage room.
"Is there anything I can help you with, miss?"
The accent is shockingly familiar to the aussie. A smile creeps onto her face as she gets a full look of the person behind the australian accent.
Shoulder-length hair pulled up into a high bun with a midlength undercut that looks like it hasnt been shaved down in a few weeks. A pair of plastic framed country road glasses sit on your face, and you're wearing a loose-fitting red flannel shirt tied at the waist with a browny looking red shirt underneath. It's paired together with some black jeans and a pin tacked to the outer pocket on your flanno. The pin has your name on it surrounded by intricate metal flows and vines.
It reads "Hi! My name is Y/n."
"Hey, no, I'm all good, just browsing."
You nod softly with a small smile. You tilt your head back towards where you're loading a big box of books onto some of the smaller shelves designed for kids towards the front of the store.
"Let me know if you need anything."
Mary nods softly before moving to peruse one of the shelves in with it marked 'LGBTQIA+'.
The shelf is lined with varying titles and fronts. There's markers every few books. 'MLM' 'WLW' 'Bisexual Romance' 'Chaotic Ace' (That one makes her snicker a little) 'WLW Mystery' and many other categories. She picks out a title that sticks out to her. 'The Shattered Lands' by Brenda Nation. Perfect, that will do.
She peruses a bit longer in other sections but eventually makes her way to the counter where you pop out from your spot, loading books up.
"Ah, the Shattered Lands, that's a good read. From tiktok?" A little confused, Mary shakes her head.
"No, I.. I just thought it might be interesting." You raise your brow slightly. A smile pulls at your lips.
"I'm glad then. The only time anyone buys this one is if they're fans of the author from tiktok. It's nice to see someone pick it up for the genuine interest. It was a good one to read. If you have the time, there's a little reading corner just by the window if you like."
Mary glances over. It's a comfy little nook with couches and multiple cushions, both on the floor and on the seating. She is killing time at the moment, and she mentions as such, agreeing to stay for a bit to read the book. It was gonna be a few hours before she had to go get her car again. The mechanic said she'd call Mary when the car was fixed. She's lucky. She's got a few days yet before she has anything she needs to do urgently.
"Actually, I might take you up on that offer, I'm stuck here til my car gets fixed, so I've got plenty of time to kill."
You nod in understanding, "Make yourself comfy." As you gesture to the lounge area.
She manages to bury herself into the book for about an hour, various people coming and going, some regulars that she hears you greet with a warm smile and playful tone, most new customers travelling through looking for some quick picks to read on their travels, which you greet with a bright smile and help guide them to what they're looking for.
Eventually, though, she's left feeling a little stiff and eventually gets up to wander the shelves. She finds you reading a book yourself at the counter, having completed stacking any new deliveries for the day. You look up at her as she does so, eyes following her over the top of the pages.
"So what's got you coming through here? Travelling from home? Doesn't sound too much like you're from around this area."
Her eyes crinkle with a laugh as she approaches and sits on one of the stools placed underneath the countertop.
"No, I'm just in from Manchester, I live and work there for eight months out of the year, I am from Australia though, just moved for the job, I take it you were too?"
You nod, "Little podunk set of towns in NSW. Moved up north for the opportunity with a business partner of mine. Ended up owning this place instead. Plus, the women's soccer is nice to have available to watch."
Mary blushes a little at that. Did you know?
You chuckle a little, blushing a bit yourself, oops. "Yeah, sorry, I didn't wanna call you out like that. I knew who you were, just didn't wanna bring it up on you, keep work at work, that kind of thing."
She laughs at that, shaking her head.
"Honestly, thank you for that. It's nice to have a little time to myself without any professionalism. Don't worry, though. You had me fooled for a good bit."
Your eyes sparkle with a little playfulness. "Happy to be of service, m'lady." Before continuing. "How're you liking the book so far?"
Mary, to her credit, actually had been enjoying the book, but she couldn't sit still long enough to read anymore.
"It's been pretty good, I got up to the bit about Sapphire going to find the red-haired witch in the forest to ask about what she might know about her origins."
"Ah, you're in for a treat then. The book keeps you on your toes, though."
"Right? There are so many twists already."
"But I'm guessing you're getting a little fidgety there?"
Her nose scrunches up a little, and she sheepishly nods. "Not much of a sitter I've come to discover."
You nod, biting your lip a little. "Would you wanna take a walk around town for a bit? I've got a lunch break for an hour or so. I figured, since you've time and all."
You pause to wait for a bit before backtracking again, a little flustered. "Not that you have to, I just thought you might wanna get out of here for a bit. Come look at some of the cafes with me."
Mary smiles and nods a little more enthusiasticly than she likes. "Absolutely, of course, but I wouldn't want to take up your time."
"Absolutely not, I'm offering. I kinda wanna learn more about you."
She smiles back, nodding, and you begin grabbing your stuff before leading her out of the store and locking the place up temporarily with an "on break" sign posed in the window.
You walk beside her for a few blocks, chatting idly about the town and its aspects. "There's a few places I go to when I forget to buy food for work, which today happens to be one of those days."
You lead her to a cozy little coffee shop. Inside, it's a bit warmer, and the smell of brewing liquid life permeates the air. You nod at the barista working the register. "That's Em, my most likely future best man."
Emily looks up at you as you enter. "Look who it is, ratbag. In for the morning usual?"
You shake your head amused, "Yeah, Em, and another one for the new girl."
"Hi, how are you? I'm Emily."
"Hey, nice to meet you, I'm doing pretty good, keeping this one busy, it seems."
"I'm showing her the good places to hit up in town, just getting coffee first. How do you want your coffee?"
Mary gives her order to Em, who starts working on the two beveridges right away. As you wait, she asks about the reason in particular for this town.
"Cause she can't get enough of this!" Emily yells out from behind the machine.
You roll your eyes at the barista. "Nah, you're a pain in the ass."
"You love this ass."
"Too much sometimes, honestly, why are we friends again?"
She gives you a mock offended look, clutching at invisible pearls.
You chuckle and turn back to the striker beside you. "The opportunity was there. The place was cheap, and a quick fix. Plus, the people here are okay."
Emily interjects, waving you both over.
"Actually, the people here are really nice. This one's just an asshole." She winks at Mary as she says it.
"Don't listen to her. She's just jealous cause she can't get a date in a town with a population of two hundred."
Mary raises a brow at that.
"A date?"
You flush quickly realising what you said. "I mean, it was more of a-"
"Nice going sweetheart'."
You whip your head around at the girl behind the counter. "Shut up."
Mary's head tilts back in a laugh. "If you wanted this to be a date, all you had to do was ask."
Your mouth drops open at that, and Emily laughs at your expression. Mary smirks as she picks up her drink and walks to the door, gesturing for you both to keep moving.
"I like this one, keep her around for me!"
Em calls after you, and you turn to glare at the blonde.
This woman certainly has you on your toes.
Your cheeks are basically pinker than they've ever been but you follow regardless, a little sheepish if anything.
You rub at your neck as you both slowly stroll around the corner, away from view. "Sorry about that, I just kind of assumed and I-"
"Ask me."
You look up at her confused.
"Ask me, you want it to be a date, ask me."
Your bite your lower lip trying to hold back from a massive grin.
"Will you join me in this fine, fine hour and go on a date with me?"
Your head does a double take before the girl chuckles and shakes her head.
"I'm kidding, of course I will."
You sigh in relief. You didn't wanna miss this opportunity. She's gorgeous, she plays your favourite sport for a living, she likes to read and she lives relatively close to you. It's nice not to have to be stuck in a one sided long distance relationship. Woah, hold your horses, hasn't gotten that far yet.
"Great, then I've got a great place we can go to, just give me a few minutes while I go lock up for the day, a half hour isn't long enough to be honest."
You're gone for about ten minutes, and you come back to Mary back inside the cafe, chatting with your friend.
"Hey, sorry about that, ready to go?"
Mary nods, and Emily waves you both goodbye.
She slips her arm around yours. You're slightly shorter than her, so it's a little weird at first, but you eventually settle into the hold.
You both walk to another section of town. There, you bring her to a place that looks like a little sandwich shop with a massive arcade attached to it. You tell her about your first encounter here. The place looked decent and turned out to be pretty good. Good enough that you were back on the regular.
"Hey, Y/n, usual today?"
Georgie greets you from behind the register.
"Not today, I'm with someone for a few hours."
"Ah, gotcha. What would you like love?"
Mary hums for a second, browsing over the menu. You watch as she pulls her bottom lip between her teeth for a second, and you realise you're staring when she looks back at the cashier. "I'll have a number 12 and a water, please." "Coming right up, hon, and for you L/n?"
"I'll take a number 5 today, please."
"No mayo, extra pickles with a sunkist?"
"You got it."
"16 pound 50 today love."
You're quick to jump in and tap your card before Mary pulls her phone out. She pouts at you, and you chuckle. "I asked you out."
"Only because I told you to." You stick your tongue out at that cheekily. "I wanted to."
Your food comes quickly, and you find a table in the corner, away from the door and any large windows.
The food is amazing as per usual, and the look on Mary's face agrees with that from her first bite. The food is always good here.
"Good, right?"
She groans, "You're kidding, right? How do they make sandwiches taste so good?"
You chuckle and shrug, "No idea, must be that southern English love."
"I swear my nutritionist is gonna kill me, that and my bank account."
"Yeah, I tend to avoid this part of town most days because if I even get close to this place, I can't resist a good teriyaki chicken club."
You finish your food and drinks, and you pull her up with a giddy grin as you lead her into the arcade and grab a loaded up card from your pocket.
"The food is amazing, but the games are pretty close. Come on, I wanna see what we can win today."
You spend the better part of two hours in there, ranging from a basketball hoop shooter to the Mario Kart racer. Turns out, Mary is really good at arcade games. And it turns competitive quite a few times.
In the end, you come away with a combined 2000 tickets.
Which is honestly pretty good for two people in that amount of time. With that, you both pick out a few lollies and a stuffed bear in a soccer uniform, which you all too happily hand over to her. (*It may have cost a few thousand more than you actually earned, but she doesn't need to know that you dipped into your saved tickets for it*)
In the end, the date slows down to a slow stroll around town in the late afternoon. And it's only when she finally gets a call from the mechanic that it has to come to an end.
You walk her back to just outside the mechanics while she picks up her car and pays for the repairs. She's parked it just on the street outside the bookshop while you two talk for a bit.
"Guess this is it for the night, then?" You ask tentatively, shuffling a little.
Mary smiles softly and nods a little.
"Yeah, I have to get back to Manchester with this stuff. And I've got teammates waiting for me to get back as well."
You nod in understanding. You're a little upset about the date ending, but you don't show it.
"Thank you for agreeing to come out with me today."
"Hey, pretty girl asks me out, I'm not gonna say no. Besides, I'm definitely gonna be back. I wouldn't wanna miss out on a second date. And a chance to pay you back for the bear as well." There's a twinkle in her eye that says she damn well knows how much you spent on her earlier, and you blush a little.
"So there's a second date?" You ask with raised brow.
"If you'll have me."
"Without a doubt." You answer without hesitation. Mary grins and grabs your hands in hers. She pulls you into her, and you grin, leaning up. She meets you halfway with a soft kiss to your lips.
It sends tingles down your spine, and her hands running up and down your arms leave goosebumps in their wake, making you shiver a little.
It deepens for a second before you take a step back, stopping yourself from holding her hostage here any longer and going any further than you should.
"You're amazing, you know that?"
It has her grinning, and she scrunches her nose adorably. Her hand finds yours to squeeze it a few times before she presses one last kiss to your lips and bids you farewell.
"I'll message you soon, pretty girl, I want that second date I was promised."
"Wouldn't miss it for the world, drive safe, cutie."
She waves goodbye and drives off, heading in the direction of the highway, going back to Machester.
You can still feel the tingle of lips against yours, the feel of her fingertips on your skin, and it leaves you keening for more, despite her being long gone. You'd have to keep an eye out on your phone now.
As Mary's cruising along the highway, all she can think about is how your lips felt against hers. How you'd grinned at her when she'd pulled you in to meet her against the side of her car. How easy the two of you just settled into easy banter and how open you seemed to be with her. You were definitely someone she didn't want to let go of just yet.
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trealamh · 2 months
Red sky in the morning, sailor take warning. Red sky at night, sailor's delight.
Arthur is a sailing instructor and Alasdair is a local marine carpenter who likes taking his smoke breaks on the pier. There is an accident.
He doesn’t think twice and wouldn’t have had the chance to change his mind even if he had tried. One hand on the forestay, one foot on the gunwale, only barely; moving so quickly that he loses his sandals and cuts a gash across his knee on something and does not feel it. His life vest is upstairs, dry and hanging from a coat rack in the office. Arthur had left it there this morning, a radio clipped to his hip, and said to their admin, Michelle, that he’d missed the sunrise by an hour, his phone dead and unplugged, silent between his matress and the headboard.
She’d shown him a picture she’d taken on her way to work that morning, the harbour crowned in crimson so deep it looked like dusk.
Arthur has worked at the sailing centre every summer-to- fall for the last three years and in that time, they’ve had a fair share of accidents. Only a handful of major injuries, including three concussions. Arthur has never been involved in any; the worst he’s ever had have been blisters, rope burn, bruises that bled green across his skin and healed over a week. Usually he’s one of a pair playing rescue, confident enough in what they’re doing that they have never had to call in the rescue service. They have two dinghies that they use to herd in their youngest students and chase after their racers, heavy enough that they whip against the waves as they cut through the contrails of the commercial vessels that dock further down the coast, where the strips of piers give way to industrial docking. They can tow students and stranded tourists in no trouble. On slow days, if they have enough gas to spare, Arthur takes the larger of the two on joy rides, packing in his youngest students like sardines and riding waves out to the cove to make them squeal.
The first thing he does most days when he clocks in is pick up the keys from Michelle. Only this morning he was late, so he’d arrived to find he keys gone, and their storage half-cleared of equipment, boats by order of size and the age of their crew lined up on the slipway already. Arthur had waved as they set off, dry and tasked with putting together reams of lesson plans and patching up the hull of their oldest Vaurien instead of shouting orders against the wind. His kids had waved back, smiles wide, and during his lunch break he’d come to see them back into port, letting them recount the hours they’d spent drilling short manoeuvres like while they sorted their lines and pulled their boats up over the tideline for a couple hours, waiting out the worst of the sun and giving them all a chance to rest. The forecast
(Arthur had been mindful, then, of the eyes on him, watching from the railing overlooking the public slipway the centre uses. In the three years Arthur has worked here they have talked properly maybe twice, enough at least that Arthur to know his name. Alasdair.
He works a trade, somewhere on the coastline, and runs a shop right across the street, keeping hours during the height of tourist season and watching over the centre like a disgruntled gull. He smokes sometimes, and the parents complain when they catch him at it, like there is anything the centre can do. Arthur is sure that if it didn’t require him walking up the office to Michelle, Alasdair would file as many complaints about them. It’s not rare that they have an audience and Alasdair is as good as a dock-cleat by now. He greats Arthur with a nod, if at all, eyes dark and set under the seemingly permanent burrow of his brow. He makes Arthur feel clumsy with his silence and hot in the face when he has to walk past him. Last summer Arthur thought he saw him sitting by the bar of his once-favourite pub and was so absurdly, inexplicably shy that he’d walked right out the way he came and spent the rest of the summer sober.)
So, Alasdair had been there at midday, rolling his tobacco with a filter between his lips and catching Arthur’s eyes. Arthur had walked past him on his way back to the office, and had considered (briefly, briefly) stopping on his way up the slipway, right below where Alasdair stood. He almost had, hesitating for a moment before picking up the pace and filling in quickly for another instructor. It’s just that he hadn’t known what to say and had felt in that split second that it would have been worse to trip over his words than walk away. Alasdair would be back tomorrow, or if not then next week. Next month, before the season ended, or next year. Time enough for Arthur to find something clever to say. Alasdair would be there, forearms resting on the railing, his hair whipping in the wind. There would be time.
It is strange, but it’s the last thing Arthur thinks of before he hits the water. Alasdair’s hands and the weight of his attention.
In Alasdair’s opinion, he’s the best they’ve got.
He has lived and worked by the water his entire life, coming and going with the seasons since their small town turned from trade to tourism some twelve years ago, now. In that time, he has watched the marina grow from salt-rot to fresh planks on the boardwalks. Late last spring whoever is in charge of things like gave the iron railways in fresh black coat, glossy and cool to the touch. There is no chipping rust off with his thumb anymore, eyes lost on the horizon. Maybe in a year or two the paint will wear, and the iron will flake again, eroded by the sand and salt that blow into the bay.
The children like the railings that run from the sailing centre down to the promenade leading into town. They hang off them, chasing gulls and waving out the smaller fishing boats when they set out in the morning. Alasdair is not much better, coming down here with a pouch of tobacco he should quit on and a faint excuse.
It’s not that Alasdair comes down to see him; he’d been coming down to smoke and watch the boats for longer than he’d care to remember and would continue to do so long after the lad moved on, as he would inevitably. He’s southern and pale and leaves every autumn with some warmth leeched into his skin, stark tan lines on his shoulders from his life vest and the uniform shirt he wears beneath it. The first time Alasdair had seen him had been his first day at the centre; couldn’t have been older than twenty-and-some, tripping over his own feet like he hadn’t expected Alasdair to turn to look at him when he did. Alasdair isn’t sure why he had, truth be told but since then he’s had a hard time looking away.
Alasdair has seen him head out in one of the sleek racers, late in the afternoon. He’s also been around to watch him tow wrecked boats in a few times. What’s more is the children like him; the older ones try to impress him. He’s good with them, the right amount of involved and patient with them. None of them seem to notice how he keeps out of the way with the rest of the instructors, subtly awkward in a way the weans can’t pick up, not like Alasdair has. They look at him with, with poorly-disguised awe and make up in heads who they expect him to be and will remember fondly come autumn. Summer gold and brave.
In this too, Alasdair is not much better.
The old radio he keeps on the counter tunes into the forecast. Around half past, he half-pays attention to talk of a windstorm and resolves to pack up for the day. This time of the summer anyone who needs him already knows where to find him and he has an early start tomorrow working on a luger someone’s towing in from Balliemore. It’s late enough that the fleets will be turning in, clearing the horizon for the larger commercial vessels and making way for the last ferries to dock before dusk. The centre will have gotten word on the windspeed, and he is half expecting that he will walk past to find the slipway cleared already. Turns out he is half right.
From across the street the view is half obscured but Alasdair can see enough to know that something is wrong before he hears shouting and the splitting crash of metal. Arthur is already sprinting from the centre, faster than Alasdair has even seen, and it must be bad, if even from a distance Alasdair can make out the fear in the clench of his jaw.
He is running after him before he even realises he’s made the choice to.
It still happens too fast. Later the girl from the office, Michelle, will tell him it started when two of Arthur’s students, anxious and off-kilter, had lost control of their boat. The instructor in charge of them had left them to it, only realising too late that with the wind coming at the speed it was, and with another three boats, there was no getting the dinghy in between them. They had crashed, first into another Vaurien, mast to mast, and then into the side of the slipway. That’s when Alasdair had spotted Arthur running blind down when one of his students had screamed his name. Alasdair had missed him jumping onto the boat closest to the slipway, line in hand to lock it in place while another instructor and two of the parents waiting rushed to his aid. He had managed to get a hold of the second boat, somehow, and grab onto the forestay to keep it close enough for the kids to climb from one boat to another and into their parents’ waiting arms.
That might have been it; some injuries, Arthur’s bleeding knee and bruises on the weans, and damage to the hulls of both ships. But in the panic and rush to bring the boats in, the instructor on the motor boat had turned in at full speed, missing a turn and ramming into the boats and Arthur, who’d been standing on the gunwale.
Alasdair had watched it happen without slowing his pace, feet slipping on the wet stone of the ramp. The mast had tipped, giving under the strain of Arthur’s weight and the impact of the dinghy on its hull. Arthur had gone under between the boats, silent under the audible fracture of one of the hulls when the boats knocked together again. Alasdair had felt sick, the whole useless lot of them frozen in terror as they all realised that Arthur might have drowned then, knocked unconscious by the impact or killed by the blow outright.
The children had been rushed away, adults crowding near the top of the ramp where Michelle was shouting to make herself heard over the wind, directing people away and screaming someone’s name. No one tries to stop Alasdair when he scrambles onto the dinghy, soaked up to the thighs and reaching shoulder deep into the water while someone holds on to his trousers to keep him in the boat, all in a mad dash to push the boats out of the way as best they could, clearing the space to try and catch sight of Arthur under the surface. The second dinghy wouldn’t dare come close and risk Arthur under the sharp blades of its propeller.
When Alasdair feels skin and then fabric under the surface he makes a strangled sound and pulls up, desperate and hopeful.
Arthur coughs, half limp in Alasdair’s grip once he realises that someone has him and knowing in some dormant way that struggling now would do more harm than good. Already he can feel his shoulders starting to shake, reedy tremors from deep in his muscles which come from the adrenaline crash. He kicks against the side of one of the boats to help Alasdair bring him into the dinghy and only realises then that it’s him who’s got him, broad and panting almost as hard as he is, still trying to catch his breath. Rather than let him go, Alasdair goes from gripping his side to the front of his shirt, letting him settle and spit saltwater while keeping him at arms-length.
His nose and his ears hurt. He’d hit the water so hard he lost half the breath in his lungs and held onto the rest out of instinctual desperation. He had let his body sink out of shock, feeling the temperature drop with every inch he lost to the depths, eyes stinging and set firmly on the last refraction of light under the surface. The crashing boats miss him by a handspan and even then, he does not recall feeling afraid; only a sense of stillness. He remembers thinking that if he’d been wearing his life vest he would have stayed afloat and that would have been it. But he wasn’t, and so he slipped deeper, eyes to the sky, and only started kicking up when a silver of light had come back into view.
On the boat, now, he is barely aware that someone is talking. Speaking to him, harsh and loud and shaking his shoulders. Arthur blinks saltwater away from his eyes and blinks up at Alasdair like he is seeing him for the first time. Looking up like he had earlier, from the slope of the slipway up to where he’d been standing on the gangway.
Alasdair cannot help his anger; the way it hardens his voice and makes him grip Arthur tight. He is vaguely aware of the other instructor in the dinghy, so he turns to him as well, calls him an imbecile worse than Arthur for having caused this god-forsaken mess in the first place. He would have cursed them both out hoarse if it weren’t for Arthur hand just then, reaching to up to grip his forearm where it is still crowding Arthur in close to his body.
“Thank you,” he says, working hard to collapse his breathe and release the tension from his body, eyes falling to half-mast and back coming to rest in the cradle of Alasdair’s body.
Sitting on the floor like he is, he can tip his forehead against his own knee, so he does, feeling for the first time in his life something like motion sickness. Alasdair letting go of his shirt feels like coming unmoored, but it is only for a moment. Alasdair puts his hand on his arm, squeezing gently and murmuring something that gets lost under the wind and the breaking waves but feels reassuring nonetheless. Arthur still has a hold of his forearm and does not even think of letting go. They breathe in tandem with the rocking of the boat beneath them and Arthur shivers. Alasdair presses closer and when Michelle runs down the slipway, a clean, dry fleece jacket in hand he reaches out to grab it and wraps it around Arthur before helping him to his feet and back onto land.
He sticks around. Some of the parents approach them to thank Arthur and shake his hand; a few others have concerns they want addressed and Michelle quickly steps in to lead them away. Some of the children cry, frightened. A handful of the older crew disguise their worry under banter but linger until they see Arthur standing with his freshly bandaged knee and then offer him a ninety-nine from the ice cream truck that rounds the pier every day at five. Arthur accepts, awkward and tired and mindful of the fact that they are watching him. Alasdair doesn’t get any ice cream but does get one more glare in when the second instructor comes to apologise with a few of Arthur’s other colleagues, who slap them both on the back.
When Arthur goes to collect his things Alasdair is still there, standing in his wet boots and his damp jeans. Arthur stays in town and offers his shower and tea. Despite the fact that Alasdair’s home is closer, he accepts, and they walk in silence.
Dusk comes late in the summer and bleeds gold-red. Alasdair’s clothes smell like Arthur’s detergent, and his skin like the bar of soap in his shower. Arthur’s temple smells clean and his hair is softer than Alasdair would have thought. He brushes a kiss there before he goes and can’t place the scent that lingers on his nose after. He sleeps deeply that night and wakes up thinking of something sharp and sweet.
He greets dawn on the deck of the luger, a smattering of clouds in the sky tinged gold in the first hours of the day.
(Lingering by the fenced boardwalk, a figure watches him work, lazy and listless, forecasting mild winds and clear skies; waiting patiently for midday when Alasdair might be tempted to step away and take his Saturday easy and slow. They have time.)
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lawsend · 1 year
Murder at Vista Heights Chapter 2
Series: Law’s End
Episode 1: Murder at Vista Heights
Fandom: The Royal Romance (loosely, there’s not much canon in here).
Pairings: None yet
Word Count: 2,622
Rating: MA
Warnings for series: adult themes, any given chapter may contain murder, violence, language, drinking, drug use, etc.
My other stuff can be found on my main blog @angelasscribbles here is the Master List.
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They pulled up in front of a row of buildings. Walker and Son Investigations sat near the middle of the block; the name emblazoned on a plate glass window that overlooked the street. A dry cleaner on one side, a coffee shop on the other.
“Can you believe I found parking on the street?” Riley gloated as she parked the Tahoe at the curb.
“I’m pretty sure this is tow away zone, Riley…”
“It’s fine, we won’t be in there that long!”
Max heaved a long-suffering sigh, knowing from experience it was fruitless to argue with her when she was hot on the trail of a story. She became focused to the point of being obsessed, stubborn, pigheaded, and bossy.
Not that he didn’t like the bossy part.
She also became excited, exhilarated, and spontaneous. Her eyes sparkled and her enthusiasm was contagious. Despite the abuse and neglect of his precious Estelle, he enjoyed her single-minded determination very much. His adventures with her were worth the risks to his car.
A dark-haired woman looked up from her desk when the bell tinkled as they entered the tiny office. “Welcome to Walker and Son Investigations, how may I help you today?”
Max peered around Riley, “Hey, Savannah!”
“Oh, hi Max!” her face lit up in recognition, “What are you doing here today? Who’s your friend?”
“This is Riley. We’re looking for Drake. Is he in?” Max’s eyes scanned the room, taking in the other three desks in the room, all empty.  
“Yeah, he’s in the back, moving boxes of files into storage,” She lifted her head and raised her voice, “Drake!”
It took a minute but a man appeared from the hallway at the back of the office, “Do you really have to scream like that? You could have just-Oh! Shit, sorry! Didn’t realize we had company!” He wiped his hands quickly on his pants to get rid of the dust and extended one toward Riley, “Drake Walker, PI, at your service! And you are?”
Riley shook his hand as she took in his appearance. He looked to be in his late twenties to early thirties, tall, broad-shouldered, definitely worked out, with chestnut hair that hung just below his ears. His eyes were the color of gold-flecked copper as they bore into her, and his touch sent electricity jolting down her arm. She certainly wouldn’t kick him out of her bed.
“Riley Brooks, I was hoping I could ask you a few questions.”
“Sure,” he grinned at her as he motioned to his desk, “Have a seat. So, what do you need?” He asked as he settled into his chair across the desk from her and Max, “Cheating husband? Lost dog? Background check on a new boyfriend?”
“No, nothing like that,” she laughed.
He leaned forward with a smirk, “So you’re single?”
“I am. Why do you ask?”
“I find it hard to believe that a woman with your…” his eyes dipped down her body and back up, “attributes is single.”
She rewarded him with a coy smile, “I could say the same about you.”
“Maybe we could discuss it over dinner sometime?”
The grin on Riley’s face broadened but Max leaned forward, clearing his throat, “Yeah, she’s too focused on her career for serious dating. Could we get back to the subject?”
Drake barely glanced at Max before asking Riley, “What’s the subject?”
“What do you know about Katie Sloan?”
Drake turned his head to give Max a suspicious look before returning his gaze to Riley, “Who’s that?”
“The wife of Sloane Enterprises CEO, William Sloan.”
Shooting an accusing glare at Max, Drake snapped, “What makes you think I would know anything about her?”
“Because you had me follow her!” Max blurted out.
This time the look Drake gave him was murderous, “Have you ever heard of client confidentiality Beaumont? What the fuck?”
“I….” Max’s shifted nervously in his seat, “Not really…”
“Well, if I did pay you to follow someone, then you’re bound by the same standards I am with regard to client privacy!”
“No one told me that!” Max gulped.
“Savannah!” Drake bellowed at his sister.
“What? I was rushed that day; I didn’t get a chance to cover everything. I sent him home with some paperwork.”
Drake heaved a long-suffering sigh as he muttered under his breath about being surrounded by incompetence before snapping at Max, “Did you read it?”
“No…” Max admitted, “It seemed pretty boring.”
Drake shook his head as he looked up at the ceiling as if asking God himself for guidance. After several deep breaths, he returned his attention to Riley, “Why are you asking questions about Katie Sloan?”
“Because Max photographed her with Trenton Hayes.”
“So he’s dead. Someone just shot him.”
Drake froze for a moment, his face expressionless as he gazed at her. “That’s unfortunate for him, but I don’t know anything about it. What did you say you do for a living? You’re not a cop.”
“How do you know that?”
“I know. Now who are you really and why are asking so many questions about a homicide?”
“I’m an investigative journalist.”
“You’re a reporter?”
“Investigative journalist and true crime author.” She corrected him.
“Anything I’ve read?”
“I don’t know. Do you read true crime?”
“Not really.”
“Then I’m guessing not.”
“Well, Miss Brooks, sorry I couldn’t help you, but even if I theoretically hired Beaumont here to follow this Katie Sloan, I couldn’t tell you.” Drake pushed away from the desk and stood up.
Riley stood, but made no move to leave, “If you theoretically did hire him for that, what might be a theoretical reason?”
“Yeah, I’m not doing that.”
“What’s the harm in playing a game of theoreticals?”
“Nice try but I wouldn’t stay in business very long if I went around-“
“I’ll go to dinner with you!”
Drake froze again, “What?”
Max also froze, “What?”
Ignoring Max, she took a step closer to Drake, reaching out and adjusting the collar of his shirt, “I said, if you’ll indulge me in a game of theoreticals for a moment, I’ll go to dinner with you.”
“I….” Drake stood unmoving with his arms crossed over his chest as he fought an internal battle. He already knew what his father would say. And Savannah would probably rat him out if he did it.
Still. The girl was hot.
Max shook his head, “No, Riley, you don’t have to-“
“Shut the fuck up, Beaumont!” Drake finally moved as one hand shot out to strike Max in the chest. Eyes locked on the brunette bombshell in front of him, he licked his lips and then agreed, “Okay, but everything I say is just theoretical, right?”
 “Of course!” Riley fluttered her eyelashes for added effect then asked, “If you were theoretically following Katie Sloan, what would be the theoretical reason?”
“I can’t speculate on something like that, but I can tell you that the most common reason anyone hires a private detective is to catch a cheating spouse.”
“So, William Sloan thinks his wife is cheating on him?”
Drake shrugged, “Theoretically if he hired a PI, that might be why.”
Riley’s eyes widened, her head swiveling between Drake and Max, “Was she cheating with Trent? Because that would be motive!”
Drake held his arms up in front of him, “Whoa now! Don’t be jumping to conclusions! We have no proof of any cheating! And I’ll tell you this because it’s a matter of public record, but if you say the information came from me, I’ll deny it….” He leaned forward and lowered his voice even though they were the only ones in the office, other than his sister who sat watching the whole exchange with amused disbelief, “Trent Hayes and Katie Sloan used to be engaged.”
Riley’s eyes widened, “Oohhh, an ex-fiancée! That’s interesting! Why’d they break up?”
“You’re an investigative journalist, look it up. Shouldn’t be hard to find. She was a fucking heiress before she married the rich guy.”
“Right. So, society pages. Max-“
“Already on it!” He told her as his fingers flew over the keyboard of his smartphone, “Katie Vanderhilt, college graduation…..engagement announcement….inherits grandmother’s fortune….second engagement announcement….wedding to William Sloan….ah, here we go….the gossip page! Hmmm…..just an article saying she suddenly dumped Trent and went on a cruise….no reason given….speculation was that once she inherited all that money, she knew she could catch a bigger fish. Sorry, dead end.”
Riley turned her attention back to Drake, “Is there anything else that I should theoretically know?”
“Can’t think of anything,” he gave her a scorching look, “but if I come up with anything else, we can discuss it over dinner.”
“Tonight at seven?”
“Sorry, can’t tonight.”
“Hey, we had a deal!”
“Yes, and I fully intend to live up to it, just not tonight. Here,” she handed him her card, “call me later and we’ll get it set up! Come on, Max, let’s go!”
“But-“ by the time he glanced up from the card, Riley and Max were already out the front door.
“Dad is going to eviscerate you,” Savannah told him gleefully.
“You could just not tell him…”
“In exchange for what?”
Drake’s head fell back with a sigh, “I’m not letting you drive my car, Sav!”
“Just for one night! It’s my high school reunion! Besides, if I tell Dad what you just did-“
“Fine! One night! But I swear to God, Sav if there’s one scratch on it when I get her back-“
“Oh, cool your jets, I know how to drive,” she turned her head to the plate glass window, “Your new girlfriend just talked her way out of a parking ticket.” 
“Did she now?”
“She did. And she’s parked in a tow-away zone too! You’re going to have to be careful with that one. I’m not sure you can handle her.”
“Shut up, Sav.”
Outside on the pavement, Riley climbed back into the driver’s seat of Max’s Tahoe, “See? I told you it wouldn’t get towed!”
Max shook his head ruefully, “Yeah, well, if that had been me talking to that cop, I would have gotten a ticket and gotten towed! I got to hand it to you….you always seem to get your way.”
“It’s a gift!” She laughed as she threw the car in gear and pulled out into traffic.
“Are you really going to go to dinner with Drake?”
“What?” She glanced at him and then back at the road, “Yeah, why not?”
“I don’t know….he doesn’t seem like your type.”
“Trust me, he’s my type! Besides, a deal is a deal!”
 “I guess,” Max thunked back against the seat with a heavy sigh, “Where are we going now?”
“Seventh precinct!”
“Because we have to tell Liam that William Sloan has a motive for murder!”
“Is that the only reason?”
“I mean….if we happen to stumble across some more information about the case while we’re there then so be it!”
“That’s more like it!” He grinned, his good mood returning at the promise of further adventure.
Built in the early 1900s, the seventh precinct stationhouse took up most of the city block that it sat on. Three stories above ground and two below, the many renovations it had endured over the years made it a labyrinth of hallways, stairwells, and a sometimes confusing mix of old architecture and new. The homicide division was located in a warren of offices on the second floor.
“I need to speak to Detective Rys, I have some information regarding a murder,” Riley told the desk sergeant as they entered the building.
“Second floor,” The officer waved his hand in the general direction of the one lone elevator.
“Thanks!” Riley chirped as she grabbed Max’s hand and drug him away from the elevator and toward the stairwell. Lowering her voice, she told him, “I don’t trust that thing! It creaks, groans, and shakes like it’s hanging on by a thread!”
“Yeah,” Max agreed with a backward glance at it as he allowed himself to be pulled up the stairs, “It probably hasn’t been inspected or maintained in a hundred years!”
“That would be a violation of the fire code,” Riley quipped, “How ironic since the 112 is right across the street!”
“Yeah, well…”
They exited the top of the stairs, made their way down a long hallway, took a right about two-thirds of the way down, and found themselves in a large, open area filled with desks, filing cabinets, and a few scattered couches. The wall to their left was covered from left to right in giant casement windows. Directly across from them were doors to private offices and to their right a myriad of doorways and hallways lead off to places unknown. A water cooler gurgled in the corner.
“Can I help you?” A tall, pretty redhead asked them.
Riley adopted her best professional stance, radiating that she had every right to be there as she replied, “Yes, I’m looking for Detective Rys. Have you seen him?”
“He’s around here somewhere, that’s his desk,” she pointed to one close to the windows, “I’m sure he’ll be with you in a moment. I’m Lilith,” she offered her hand.
Riley took it, “Nice to meet you, Lilith! I’m Riley. Are you a homicide detective?”
“No, just a sketch artist,” she smiled.
“Oh? Are you working on the Hayes case?”
“Miss Nevrakis!” a voice called across the room.
“Oh, that’s me, gotta go!” Lilith gave her an apologetic smile as she scurried over to a desk near the water cooler to talk to the man who had called her name and a nervous-looking woman standing next to him.
“Hey! That’s Liam’s boss!” Riley squeezed Max’s arm, “Aren’t you two related? Go see if you can get any information out of him!”
“I don’t think so, Riley. He doesn’t really like me….”
“Why not?”
“I don’t know, something about our family’s money being tainted and me taking it.”
“He doesn’t take any? No trust fund? Nothing?”
“Nope. Can’t you tell?”
She cocked her head to one side taking in the off-the-rack suit and shoes that had probably come from Mervyn’s or Sears. Bertrand Beaumont looked like every other police detective in the department. Eschewing the Beaumont money, he had risen to head of homicide on his own merits. A good twenty years older than Maxwell, he viewed his young cousin as irresponsible, frivolous, and entitled.
“Okay, fine. But that’s a little judgy. Not taking the money won’t wind back time and fix what your great-grandfather did.”
“That’s what I said!” People fell into two broad categories when they found out he was a Beaumont. They either judged him on his family’s history of having built its fortune from organized crime, or they wanted to use him for his money and family connections. Riley fell into neither of those categories. It was just another reason that he liked her.
“What are you two doing here?” Liam’s voice was so close behind her that she jumped.
Whirling to face him, Riley answered, “Looking for you!”
“I already told you that I’m not giving out confidential case information, Riley.”
“Well, then it’s lucky for you that I’m here to help you!”
“You’re here to help me?” Liam scoffed, “How?”
“I know someone that might have a motive for killing Trenton Hayes.”
Liam’s mouth fell open, “How the hell did you already find out the name of the vic? We haven’t issued any-“
“Detective Rys!” Bertrand’s voice boomed out as he strode across the room, clearly seething.
Confusion spilled across Liam’s features, “Yes sir?”
Bertrand waved a page from a sketchbook in the air, “Do you want to tell me why the main suspect in your murder case looks exactly like your brother?”
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trainalt22 · 4 months
Character Profiles #1
Who better to start with than good old number 1?
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• Name: Thomas
• Age: 73 (acts more like 13)
• History: Thomas was built on Sodor in 1950 and underwent trialing as Tidmouth's pilot for some years before rescuing James when his train ran away and earning the Ffarquhar branchline.
• History: He was built in 1930 for the LNER but later sold to a colliery in 1933, where he was numbered 1034. When the colliery went bankrupt in 1938, he was put into storage where he stayed until 1940. The War Department bought him for wartime service, and he was dispatched to Sodor where he died in 1945 during one of the last bombing runs of the war.
• Likes: Warm weather, classic rock, and pulling pranks.
• Dislikes: Snow, bossy people, and being pranked.
• Personality: Cheeky, sarcastic, jealous, and rude, but he has a heart of gold. Once you befriend him, he is loyal, kind, and tows the line between brave and stupid frequently.
Songs that remind me of my Thomas:
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ismailraju · 9 months
A towing company includes the transportation of vehicles that are actually incapable to operate their very own because of failures, crashes, or other issues. Towing firms utilize specific autos, frequently outfitted along with hoists or flatbeds, to safely deliver these automobiles to garage, storage facilities, or various other assigned places. Towing companies are crucial for guaranteeing the risk-free as well as efficient elimination of debilitated cars coming from roadways, protecting against website traffic disruptions as well as ensuring the prompt aid for automobile proprietors in distress. These services are actually generally offered by qualified towing providers that provide help around the clock, aiding people and services during unexpected emergencies or unforeseen auto concerns.
Santa Clara Towing
1361 calabazas court #2 Santa clara, CA 95051
Towing Service: https://g.co/kgs/pbVTp3
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usafphantom2 · 11 months
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‘Black Bunny’ arrives in California!
7th August 2023
The famous ‘black jet’ arrived at its new home on July 28…
After some seven years of negotiations, fundraising and planning, California’s Castle Air Museum took delivery of former US Navy (USN) McDonnell Douglas F-4S Phantom II 155539. Arriving at the museum’s restoration hangar on July 28, the jet left the 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group’s ‘boneyard’ at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson, Arizona four days before where it had spent nearly four decades in storage.
The ‘Black Bunny’ shortly after arriving at the Castle Air Museum on July 28
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The ‘Black Bunny’ shortly after arriving at the Castle Air Museum on July 28 Castle Air Museum
Entering USN service in early 1968, the jet went on to become second of the famous ‘Black Bunny’ Phantoms to serve with the USN’s Air Test and Evaluation Squadron Four ‘Evaluators’ – better known as VX-4. Joining the unit in May 1981, 155539 was giving it the now-famous distinctive all-black livery and Playboy Bunny motif and assigned its now legendary ‘Vandy 1’ callsign. Withdrawn from use, the ‘Black Bunny’ was flown to what was the Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Center at Davis-Monthan on May 2, 1986, after just 17 years of service.
1982: The 'Black Bunny' while in service with VX-4 at Naval Air Station Point Mugu California
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1982: The 'Black Bunny' while in service with VX-4 at Naval Air Station Point Mugu California US Defence Imagery
On January 26, 2022 was removed from ‘boneyard’ and moved across the road to the nearby Pima Air & Space Museum, where it was prepared for transport to its new home. The famous jet will now undergo preparation for static display.
Former US Navy F-4S Phantom II 155539 being towed to the Pima Air & Space Museum on January 26, 2022
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Former US Navy F-4S Phantom II 155539 being towed to the Pima Air & Space Museum on January 26, 2022 Castle Air Museum
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mykasworld · 1 year
Junk Car Removal Companies
There are services that would remove your junk car free. You don't require a title. They would tow any sort of auto; cars, trucks, bikes, vans and so on. Having junk vehicles lying around gathering dust and going to rust, isn't turning out to be useful. The beneficial thing about such service is they are found across the country. Accordingly, any place you live in the US or Canada, you should rest assured about getting your junk car towed free. You should simply visit their site, complete a structure with your name, address and vehicle subtleties. Moreover, your junk vehicle would be towed in around 24hrs....FREE. Yet, to get this sort of service,you need to do a little research.You need to sifter through a few junk auto companies by seeking clarification on pressing issues. It might appear to be unthinkable at first yet the fact of the matter is such services exist.
The beneficial thing about getting your junk car removed is you assume a fundamental part in sustaining the environment and keeping it safe and clean. By reusing your car, you are giving steel that can be re-used for building development works, designing works, and metal creation works. Beneficially, you don't need to be available to have your junk vehicle towed. Just be certain it is yours to giveaway. It doesn't need to be a car. It very well may be a bike, van or truck. A wide range of vehicle are OK.
Just a fair warning. Make certain to exhaust your junk car of any private belongings. Make certain to check the glove box and the storage compartment. Anything belongings in the car would be discarded by the towing company if tracked down inside your junk car.
In the event that you are as yet meandering why you ought to have your junk car removed, these focuses ought to convince you to.
• You don't need your junk auto lounging around and causing a blemish as well as taking up space. Consider it, the space could be used for different purposes; a lobby, a walkway, a spot for pruned plants • You can't bear to continue to pay for a car (via upkeep) which you never again need or use. • If you purchased another car or another model, you would require space for it in the carport. So it's a good idea to discard a junk car taking up space • If you resemble a great many people that have at least two junk lying around, you should dispose of them rapidly. What is the point having a migraine over a junk auto when you can get it removed free? If you have a junk car lounging around and gathering dust, or its so desolate you can't fix it, then, at that point, its best you get it towed • You are presently not in that frame of mind to drive, and as opposed to having relatives tussle over it, you choose to have it towed.
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thegalievthought · 2 years
Life of The Grand Old Lady
The great lakes are and have been for over a century, the lifeblood of American industry. Carrying all you can imagine, coal, iron, limestone, you name it, it travelled the lakes. On the lakes, ships have quite long service lives. No ship accentuates this fact more than The Grand Old Lady Of The Lakes, the E.M. Ford.
Commissioned in 1897 by Presque Isle Transportation Company, and was her first namesake when she finished construction in 1898. At the time she entered service she was 428 ft bow to stern, her beam was 50 ft and her bottom was 28 ft. At the time she ran in her original layout for 15 years carrying coal, until the 1914 season when she received upgrades to her holds based on the Agustus B Wolvin. Which used arches instead of stanch beams. Which allowed for greater capacity in her holds. Along with various other modifications to keep her up to date coming into the 1915 season. Where she would continue to run the iron and coal routes as she had until 1955. Then vessels that would dwarf her in her class were being laid out hitting nearly 730 ft and many old ships like the Ford would be sold for scrap or mothballed. Cleveland cliffs decided to put her up for sale at the very end of the 1955 season. She was then sold to the Detroit Huron Cement company where she would be rechristened and refitted to be a self-unloading powder cement carrier. During the refit, her holds were welded shut and topped with four round hatches for loading cement. At the beginning of spring in 1956 she was officially renamed E.M. Ford and then she was towed to Detroit for sea trials on Lake Huron. But on April 19th 1956, tragedy would befall her when her steering failed going down the Sinclair river. There was another freighter by the name of the A.M. Byers and the Ford would collide nearly head-on. Causing damage to the bows of both ships. The Byers would start taking on water from this and even sank up to her deck. The Ford remained afloat from there she was taken to the great lakes engineering works where her bow was reconstructed anew. Soon after in July of 1956, she was finally recreated by Emory M Ford's 10-year-old daughter Laura Ford. When she swung the bottle of champagne against the bow it shattered brilliantly, an amazing start to an already great career. She would serve from then till Christmas eve of 1979 when a violent winter storm smashed against lake Michigan. The Ford was in port at Milwaukee at the time arriving on December 22nd waiting for her fleetmate the St Crapo. But the Crapo was delayed in Alpena so it being so close to the holiday season all but five of her crew were given leave and went home for the holidays. The winter storm stayed however and the wings and waves crashed into the harbour and the ford and snapped her mooring lines and let the waves smash her against the dock with force. And her 5 remaining crewmen couldn't repair her mooring lines and after several hours the Ford was close to sinking. She then flooded with a load of 5850 tons of cement aboard her. She sunk to the bottom of the slip and was flooded to her spar deck luckily none of the crew aboard her was harmed. The Huron Cement company then surprisingly decided to salvage her. Where workers would have to break away 3 feet of hardened cement to then remove her powder cargo. Then she was fit with 216 tons of new hull plating to fully repair the ford but the eighty-year-old lady lived on. She returned to service in 1980 where she would have a normal and busy run for the rest of the decade despite the recession. But by the 90s Huron was bought out by Inland Lakes Transportation where the Ford was repainted and the Huron Cement on her sides was totally painted over as she was mothballed by ILT where she would be used for transfer and storage for the Carlton plant in Michigan. This is where she would spend her 100th birthday in 1998. But 9 years later in 2008 she was towed away from the plant, and broken up for scrap at 109 years old.
She was a beauty of a ship and I think she really was 109 years young. With an amazing career and certainly a lifespan to beat. But for now, The Grand Old Lady of the Lakes can finally rest in peace her duty done.
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night-gay · 1 year
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Into the Anthill pt 24 - Giant-Man Returns
It’s been more than 12 years since Hank last changed size or wore his Yellowjacket costume, so seeing him suit up as Giant-Man and go big again was a refreshing change. I’m not a fan of the new costume, but for many characters there was simply no escaping the belts-and-pouches maximalism of the early 90’s.
It’s just a shame he never got to fight alongside the West Coast Avengers as Giant-Man.
Iron Man vol 1 #285-286
Beetle, Spymaster, and Whiplash attacked Stark Enterprises on the day of Tony’s funeral, so Rhodey suited up as Iron Man to fight them. The West Coast Avengers showed up to help and assumed he had stolen the armor (since they knew it couldn’t be Tony in there). Hank shrank him down to catch him, but the villains got in the way so he shrank them all down and put them in a plastic bag. The fight was ended by the sound of a gunshot when Kathy Dare shot herself nearby, believing she was responsible for Tony’s death.
Avengers West Coast vol 2 #90-91
Ultron escaped from The Vault to steal the remnants of his old bodies from Hank’s lab. Parts in tow, Ultron also took Mockingbird when he left. He brought her to Hank’s lab in Death Valley and brainwashed him into service, forcing him to use Bobbi’s brain patterns as the base for his new bride: Alkhema the War Toy. After the Avengers tried and failed to stop them at Hank’s lab, Ultron and Alkhema headed south to a military weapons-storage facility to begin their extermination of humanity. While Ultron planned to wipe them out quickly in a show of force, Alkhema argued that it would be more enjoyable to draw it out and kill them slowly over time. Hank and Vision magnetized an atomic bomb and stuck them to it, launching it into space to detonate it with them.
Avengers vol 1 #363, 366-367
While the Avengers fought a rogue kree cell called The Gatherers, Hank and Bill Foster were called in for two reasons: to examine Swordsman’s body in stasis and to determine whether or not Sersi had gone insane from Mahd Wy'ry. He remained there until the Avengers learned that the kree had planted a Nega-Bomb on Earth, which prompted him to suit up as Giant-Man again despite the risk to his health. Sersi was able to neutralize the bomb by changing its structure at the subatomic level, reducing it’s power enough to just destroy the island rather than the whole planet. After, Vision came to Hank hoping for insight into human emotion since the two of them are family. He asked if Hank ever missed being married to Jan, which he admitted to readily. When asked the same question of Wanda, Vision’s answer was no.
Avengers West Coast Annual vol 1 #8
Ultron brainwashed the West Coast Avengers into guarding the seismic activators he’d scattered around the world. A bystander who witnessed this grabbed Mockingbird’s Avengers ID card to tell Iron Man. Tony recruited some help of his own and split them up, sending Hank and Wasp to fight Scarlet Witch and Hawkeye in Alaska. Since Tony was operating his Iron Man armor remotely he was able to resist Ultron’s mesmeric ray during the final confrontation and free his allies from his control. In the end, Alkhema betrayed Ultron because eradicating all the humans at once would spoil her fun.
Avengers vol 1 #368, Avengers West Coast vol 1 #101, Uncanny X-Men vol 1 #307
Nick Fury gathered both Avengers teams together to order them to stay out of Genosha. Because it was not a U.N. Member State, the Avengers could not legally interfere no matter what atrocities occured there. Unfortunately, Fabian Cortez had kidnapped Crystal’s daughter Luna so a team of Avengers disobeyed the U.N. and went anyway. Hank was among the remaining Avengers who headed to the U.N. headquarters to negotiate their options.
Minor/Cameo appearances from this period:
Avengers vol 1 #369
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The dedicated team at Zee Towing & Storage LLC understands the urgency of such situations, and we provide dependable emergency towing services in Kenner and its surrounding areas 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Contact Us : +1-504-666-9919
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zain-towing-service · 5 months
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Discover peace of mind with Zain Towing Service LLC in Kenner. Our 24/7 roadside assistance ensures swift support, covering tire changes, jump-starts, fuel delivery, lockouts, and towing. Trust us for secure vehicle storage—reliable solutions for your on-road and off-road needs.
Contact Us : +1504 666 9099
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cashforcaradelaide · 2 years
Get Top Cash For Scrap Car Disposal Service With Metro Car Removals
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Metro Car Removals is one of the giants independently owned “Car Removal & Wreckers in South Australia. “ We offer a wide range of services for our clients, including Cash for Scrap Cars, Eco-friendly car Disposal, Used Car Removal, and ‘Free Towing across South Australia.’ We have been in the industry for more than five years and are the pay-the-top dollar cash for scrap car Adelaide. We believe in taking care of our clients and thus provide them with the best services at the most reasonable rates. We are an Adelaide-based company whose main aim and the goal is to give the best car removal service for all vehicles across Adelaide. We ensure that all our customers receive high cash payments for their cars by providing a carefully calculated quote beforehand. We purchase all unwanted, used, scrap, and old vehicles regardless of their condition, brand, model, or year.
Scrap Car Removal Service SA Wide
Auto Wreckers in Adelaide is also the company you will want to use for having a truck scrapped. We buy unwanted scrap vehicles and salvage them for the best price available. All scrap vehicles are sold with our experts for free, and the truck scrapping is done in our certified facility. Auto Wreckers in Adelaide Do you want to purchase a vehicle at a great cash price for an excellent condition? Have you been made to pay for the car itself and not the truck itself? Don’t stress anymore, and contact instant Cash for scrap cars in Adelaide; you will be delighted with the pricing options. If you want to sell your vehicle in Adelaide within the given time, you can use us to bring a truck back to life.
Old Truck Removal Service SA
We offer a reliable and attractive vehicle removal service for old trucks past their prime. We remove all the parts and decide if it is a good or lousy truck for our clients. If the car is too old for us to do much with, we inform our clients about it and take the vehicle back to our workshop. We then put them for sale, trade, or demolition. We also offer better sale terms for customers who need us to deal with scrap and old trucks that no one wants or need. Our services range from Cash For Cars, Sale for Scrap, For Sale For Demolition, and Towing. We also offer truck removal service in Adelaide designed for trucks that are getting rusty or not selling at the right time.
Eco-friendly Vehicle Disposal
One of our most valued services, Eco-friendly vehicle disposal, serves the purpose of protecting the environment. We offer our clients the option of converting an old, polluting vehicle into a commercial-use car. Not only does this help our environment, but it also saves the company some money, as the conversion cost is considerably less than buying new. We offer complete Vehicle Conversion services and are available 24×7 for our clients to book the desired benefits. Instant Cash for car provides a comprehensive range of services, such as truck recovery, truck parts removal, vehicle towing, Cash for trucks, vehicle towing and storage, truck towing and transfer, auto wreckers and salvage, scrap trucks removal, flat or scrap swap.
Get Top Dollar Cash For Scrap Car South Australia
We know that Adelaide is an expensive city, and many of you are in a situation where you can no longer afford your truck or need a new one to replace it. Whatever the reason, we can help. We buy all the unwanted, used, scrap, and old vehicles that have come to our company for sale and sell them within a short time. If you need to buy an old, used, or broken car for a daily commute or to look for a job, we can help. If you want to buy a new, used, or damaged auto for a weekend getaway or as a trade-in or a weekend getaway vehicle, we can help. We deal with cars that are beyond repair, clunky, and too far past their best-before date to ever get a second look. We offer the best values for all vehicles, from thrift trucks to luxury trucks, SUVs, trucks, and 4x4s.
Free Towing Across Adelaide
We also offer free towing services in Adelaide by using our fully insured vehicle recovery services. Free towing is the only business of its kind in Adelaide that can provide towing services from 07:00 am to 10:00 pm without charging extra fees. We can provide free towing of heavy and light commercial vehicles anytime. You can contact our representative for further details on this. Adelaide Real Estate Car Theft Towing Services Our truck theft recovery services are also a huge attraction for our clients. Our truck theft recovery services include free towing for vehicles with solid VINs, and we provide nationwide coverage for home and office burglaries.
At Metro Car Removals, we never discriminate against the age of your vehicle. We only care about how much the truck is worth and not how old it is. We do the necessary vehicle repairs, sell them for the best possible price, and get a deal with the sellers. By preparing a detailed truck valuation report, we work as a close ally and deal directly with our clients to provide them with the best possible truck removals and vehicle scrap removal in Adelaide. We have a garage that can take both heavy and light truck tows. Car For Cash offers to remove all vehicles, regardless of their make and model. We ensure the safety of all our clients and thus make sure that their cars are safely removed from their driveway.
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hermajestythebitch · 2 years
Tips On How To Select The Right Towing Company
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If you've ever found yourself in the unfortunate position of needing a tow truck, you know that it's an overwhelming task to locate a trustworthy and trustworthy company to assist you. It is because there numerous companies on the market, and it could be quite simple to make a snap choice that might turn out to be a mistake. These guidelines can assist you in avoiding the frustration when you hire towing San Jose that could result in poor customer service.
Ask your family and friends for referrals.
If you know someone who used commercial towing companies previously, you should find out which one they prefer. If you need to, contact them to get advice or suggestions regarding which company to choose. You can also search online for San Jose tow trucks near me. Select the one with the highest ratings and is closest to you. A lot of accidents and emergencies require the assistance of an experienced San Jose tow truck service. There are two signs that you should call for assistance: If your vehicle won't start due to a flat battery, or if it is getting stuck in water after heavy rains, they are all reasons to call.
Do some online research to find out how you can compare prices and services
There are many San Jose towing companies that provide their own prices and packages. You should find out the cost of performing basic services like hooking up your car or moving your vehicle, as well as storage fees. There is no need to pay extra fees even if the truck is just on the road for a short period of time.
Check that the tow truck service is licensed and insured.
Prior to booking an appointment with your towing service be sure that they're licensed and insured. There are numerous companies on the market today who do not possess these vital documents. Even though their services may be inexpensive, they are illegal to conduct business if they are not insured. Find the contact information of the closest tow truck company near you. Contact them immediately if require immediate assistance. This will help you since they'll know where to locate you and will quickly be on their way to assist you. Make sure to inquire about their fees before you choose the tow truck service. Depending on which company you hire the cost for towing might vary. There are some companies that offer flat-rates in their towing services. Before you decide to go ahead, you should get at least three quotes. After you've selected the most suitable tow truck provider ensure that you verify their insurance and license before letting them assist you with your car. A good relationship between a car owner and the tow truck company is only possible with a company that is legally licensed and insured.
Read reviews from past customers.
It is essential to know what they experienced and if the company lived up to their billing and claims. You may also provide your feedback and rate the service they provide, which will aid others in selecting the most reliable San Jose tow truck service. If you require for help in the event of an emergency, like when your car is in town, it is crucial that you choose a reputable and trustworthy company. You can search online for the most reliable companies and make sure they are licensed and insured. To find the right San Jose tow truck service for you, you should thoroughly research all available options. Look up reviews and be sure that they are insured and licensed.
Contact the company to ask any questions that you might have.
Many accidents and emergencies require you to seek help from an expert towing truck. These are two examples of situations where it is possible to tell when you need assistance from a professional.
Make an appointment to have your vehicle towed.
Many San Jose auto towing companies offer various packages and rates. Find out the price for basic services like hooking up your vehicle, moving the vehicle and storage costs. To avoid having to pay extra even if the tow truck only stopped at your home for a brief period of time, try to negotiate the terms prior to hiring any company. While some companies will charge you for the use of their tow truck on your property however, they will only charge you to keep it operating. On the other hand there are other companies who charge the customer even if they do not use their trucks because you chose not to avail of their services. Regardless of what type of vehicle you own be sure to verify whether or not the company has the right equipment to tow your vehicle. If you don't know, ask them ahead of time before they arrive. This will ensure that you are not surprised and that the entire process goes without a hitch.
1224 Panoche Avenue San Jose, Santa Clara County 95122USA
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benny-my-baby · 2 years
Tips On How To Choose A Towing Company
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If you've ever found yourself faced with the dreadful situation of needing a tow truck and you're aware of the fact that it is an overwhelming task to find a reputable and trustworthy company to assist you. There are many companies on the market and it's simple to make a choice and end up making an expensive mistake. These tips can help you avoid the stress when you hire commercial towing and could result in poor service.
Refer to your family and your friends for suggestions.
Find out which one they prefer if you have friends or acquaintances who have used commercial towing. If you're in need of guidance or suggestions about the right company to work with for your business, you may contact them. You can also look online to find San Jose tow trucks near me. Go with the company with the highest ratings and is located near your area. Most incidents and emergencies call for you to call a professional San Jose tow truck service. There are two signs to call for assistance: If your vehicle will not start because of a flat battery or it's stuck in water from the heavy rain, these are all valid reasons to call.
To compare costs and services, conduct some research online
Many San Jose towing companies offer various rates and packages. Aside from the hourly rate, you should also determine how much it costs for basic services like connecting your vehicle to the internet, labor fee along with mileage charges and storage fees. To avoid being charged additional charges even if the tow truck only stayed in your home for a brief period of time, try to negotiate the conditions prior to selecting a business.
Verify that the tow-truck firm is insured and licensed.
Before scheduling an appointment with your preferred towing company, ask whether they are insured and licensed. There are several companies in the market today who do not possess these vital documents. Even while their services are inexpensive, they are illegal to work in the absence of insurance. Search for the contact details of the nearest tow truck company in your location. Contact them right away if you need immediate assistance. This will help you since they will know where to find you and can swiftly be there to help. When you are considering hiring a tow-truck company, make sure to ask for the different charges that they will be charging. The cost of your towing can vary depending on the towing company you decide to work with. Certain companies offer flat rates for towing. You should have at least three estimates before making a final decision. After you have selected the right tow truck company to help you out with your vehicle, make certain to confirm the legitimacy of their insurance and license. A positive relationship between a car owner and a service provider for tow trucks is only possible when they're legally licensed and insured.
Review customer reviews from previous customers.
It is vital to learn what the customers have to say about their experience and whether the business is able to live up to the promises it makes. It is possible to give them a rating and share your experiences with them, which will aid others in choosing the most reliable San Jose tow truck company. It is crucial to find a trustworthy and reputable firm when you require assistance in emergencies, such as needing your vehicle towed. It is recommended that you look online for the most reliable firms in the region and also ensure that they are fully insured and licensed. If you need help using a towing service San Jose ensure that you carefully research several different San Jose tow truck services to find out which one will be able perform their task efficiently and satisfy your requirements. You should ensure that they are insured and licensed as well as checking for reviews from previous customers.
If you have any questions, please reach out to the company.
A lot of incidents and emergencies call for you to seek help from a professional tow truck service. These are two instances of how you can tell if you need assistance from a professional.
Make an appointment for having your vehicle tow.
There are numerous San Jose towing companies that provide their own prices and packages. In addition to the hourly rate it is also important to know what you will be charged for the basic services such as connecting your vehicle to the internet, labor fee along with mileage charges and storage fees. When you are hiring a business ensure that you read the terms and conditions. While some companies will charge you for having their tow truck on your property but they only charge for the time it is operating. On the other hand there are other companies that charge you regardless of whether they will not employ their trucks since you olpted not to avail of their services. No matter what type of vehicle you own, make sure the company has the right equipment to tow it. Before they show up, ask them if you don't know. This way, you'll not be in for any surprises, and the process would go much smoother.
1224 Panoche Avenue San Jose, Santa Clara County 95122USA
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