tovanori · 4 months
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Tangled AU I was brainrotting a couple of months back Cassandra ends up in this far off kingdom that was basically having its own civil war. The king was corrupt and had most of the royal family killed, his wife and daughter had managed to escape. He kept searching for them while keeping a tight rule on the kingdom. They had been completely cut off from the rest of the world. Cassandra ends up helping them take the kingdom back and placing the daughter as the rightful ruler of the land. It's taking a while to get back on their feet and while they do, Tovias was send on the new King and Queen's behalf to re-establish connections with the other kingdoms. Accompanied by their fellow hero, Cassandra.
(I just wanted to see my OCs in the tangled AU hahaha)
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starrynightsxo · 4 months
currently reading the brothers hawthorne by jennifer lynn barnes 🤭🤭
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awacatin · 3 days
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gurathins · 3 months
seriously tho it's so funny how i tend to mistype toby's name like, a lot.
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barfouniverse · 7 months
New Testament Concocted Jesus' Virgin Birth and Misquoted Isaiah! Rabbi ...
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vettelcore · 7 months
i keep putting buying things i want off until i start having dreams about them, then i take it as a sign that it's ok and rightful to spend my money
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torahcoursesfree · 2 years
Jewish Festivals III Rosh Hashanah and the Non-Jew  Lesson 28
Jewish Festivals III Rosh Hashanah and the Non-Jew  Lesson 28 https://ypsnetiv.org
Check out this episode!
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shalom-iamcominghome · 2 months
I finally after months and months have my Mikvah date set for this month on the 29th 😭😭😭 but I’m high key stressed cause my rabbi said I have to pick my Hebrew name before that and idk man. I’m at a dead tie between these names. Can you and other people who see this pick which one they like the most ?
1. Masheh ( which is the camel version of moshe)
2. Noa
3. Shoshannah
4. Tovah ( female version of toviyah/tovia)
5. Yael
I'm a sucker for Tovah and Yael, but I completely understand why you're having trouble! Those are good names!
While I definitely hope you choose your name for you first and foremost, I can totally understand why you'd ask for help - everyone band together for anon! I hope whatever happens though, you don't feel pressured into a name because you got feedback.
מזל טוב!!! 🩵🩵
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cofiko · 28 days
My bro and dad Tovia is the best, know world💥💥💥💥💥
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mioritic · 2 years
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“Kalevala: The Land of Heroes”, a Hebrew translation of the Finnish national epic
Trans. Sara Tovia, published by Hotza’at Mekhaborot L’sifrot, 1964
via Old Hebrew Book Covers
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matan4il · 9 months
Do you happen to have any good book recommendations for someone looking to read more from Jewish/Israeli voices? By pure happenstance I ended up reading a memoir called “As Figs in Autumn” by Ben Bastomski who is a former IDF soldier (I’m not done with it yet but it’s beautifully written so far!) and I realized that the diversity of my reading is definitely lacking in this department. No pressure for this though! I know thinking of book recs can be taxing sometimes, so I won’t be upset if you don’t want to answer this.
Hi Nonnie!
Awww, thank you for sharing this rec with me and with anyone reading this ask, and even though I haven't read many Israelis' memoirs myself, I will pass on a rec I got from my sister. Full disclosure: the guy who wrote this book was a fellow medicine student when she was at uni.
His name is Asael Lubotzky, and he wrote about his experience of fighting in Gaza, and then in Lebanon in 2006, during the Second Lebanon War. He was injured, and the second part of the book deals with his recovery process, and how it put him on course to study medicine at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
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My sister read the book, and said it was powerful. I couldn't bring myself to read it, because one of the battles that he describes there, happened in a place where one of my friends from my army days, Idan Kobi, was killed by Hezbollah terrorists, during the same war. May his memory be a blessing.
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Idan was such a special guy, he served as a Paratroopers combat medic, he wanted to travel the world, learn Spanish, and become a doctor. He was the first person I met, who I could say with certainty had a healer's soul. He would have made an amazing doctor, and he was an amazing guy, and it's hard even writing this much about him without being overwhelmed by the loss.
Sorry, I kind of digressed.
Anyway, to not leave you with just one rec... While it's not a proper memoir, there is a book series by Tovia Tenenbom, an Israeli-American writer, who comically shares his experiences, traveling and meeting up with people. Catch the Jew is the book in the series, in which he pretends to be an anti-Israel journalist and travels Israel, and the Palestinian ruled territories. I did read Catch the Jew, I think it's better as a comical take on new antisemitism, than describing regular Israeli experiences, or educating against this new type of Jew hate (Tenenbom assumes you know what's wrong with some of the stuff people said to him when they assumed he was an anti-Israeli non-Jewish journalist), but it's still a fun read. He also has a new book published in Hebrew this year (I haven't had the chance to read it yet), IDK if it's been published in English, but I haven't found any indication of an English title for the book. In Hebrew it's called (roughly) "Charedi and happy" (Charedi is an ultraorthodox Jew), and it covers Tenenbom's experiences of living with the ultraorthodox Jewish community in Jerusalem about a year prior. He was actually born into this community and left it, so I'm sure this book has a special significance for him.
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I hope this helps! And maybe someone reading this ask reply would want to add recs in the comments. Have a good day! xoxox
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tovanori · 3 months
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I need to practice Au'Ra scales
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eretzyisrael · 2 years
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The one on the left is the late Tovia Leib Cziment.
The boy on the right is Juda Kleinhandler.
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awacatin · 2 months
quesadillas con jocoque 🥳
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talenlee · 2 years
Decemberween 2022: Rabbi Tovia Singer
New Post has been published on PRESS.exe: Decemberween 2022: Rabbi Tovia Singer
Oh yeah, Decemberween, when I recommend a bunch of free, online content that I find enjoyable so you can partake of it in this period of Everything Being Busy, what kind of fun cool interesting media are we talking about today? Well, extremely deep Tanakh scholarship from what amounts to the internet version of a conservative Jewish call-in show.
Look, when I recommend media, you know I’m not recommending media veganism. I don’t think that Rabbi Singer is in any way going to line up with me on almost any front. I tolerate a pretty high level of what I’d call ‘coot factor’ when it comes to religious scholarship. I imagine, I assume, that say, an Orthodox Jewish Rabbi who lives In Israel probably has some pretty cruddy views about oh, you know, maybe that country they’re living in called Palestine, and I’m not asking you to make exception to that.
Matthew corrupted Jewish Scriptures to craft a preposterous Christmas story - Rabbi Tovia Singer
Watch this video on YouTube
Still, I have been listening to a lot of this guy this year, because of a specific area of scholarship where he’s been working very hard since the 1980s. Singer is an aggressive and constant opponent to the idea of Messianic Judaism.
Messianic Judaism is the idea of Christians trying to convert Jews. This is typically done by claiming that Christianity is compatible with Judaism, or that Judaism has been Christianity all along. There’s also a lot of imagery nonsense, like trying to use The Wordless Book style storytelling over the Seder to show that hey, doesn’t this bread remind you of Jesus?
What I’ve known for a long time is that the gospels are inconsistent, and this should be a problem for people who claim that the gospels represent divine literal truth. What I didn’t know is how much the New Testament is inconsistent with the Old Testament, where phrases that I knew didn’t line up are demonstrated changes in the text, rather than what I, an English language speaker thought growing up, that they were just translated differently.
Immanuel's Mother was No Virgin! Matthew Corrupted Isaiah – Rabbi Tovia Singer
Watch this video on YouTube
Anyway, Rabbi Singer defends his position and his faith and his values, and provides a perspective on Christianity from the position of someone who knows it very well and who knows the faith it claims to own. I find these talks and these long form textual conversations about specific wording changes in the two components of the Christian Bible super interesting. What’s more, they’re just going to come at things on a different footing. Me, an atheist, pointing out how Christianity does feature ritual cannibalism and a human sacrifice, get eyerolls because of course I’d just ‘not get it’ because I’m not religious. But when someone who is religious brings those same ideas to task, that position looks very different.
It’s interesting to me, and Rabbi Singer seems to have an extraordinarily strong grasp of all the concepts. When he talks about Dispensationalism and Evangelical Christianity, his mastery of the topic aligns with what I know, and he justifies what he knows from texts that I can go look up (even if I have to trust others translating Hebrew). Some of it is still Preacher dialogue, and I’m familiar with that, but it’s still really damn interesting to me.
Happy Hanukkah.
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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dohicky · 2 months
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