#touya time
mintmatcha · 8 days
kicks rocks if i write somnething for the christmas party, would you all read it...
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yellowbluemoonshine · 2 years
Little Touya’s Trauma
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I see a lot of takes of Touya being the ‘selfish kid’ and honestly, i think thats very unfair thing to say because he is not like Shouto or even Shigaraki, of course because simply his trauma is different. Before i start, i would like to remind that i love Shouto a lot and Shigaraki is one of my faves but this post is gonna be about Touya.
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Shouto and Touya have many similarities and even differences with trauma and all but i think the biggest difference between Touya and Shouto is simple;
One of them is eldest and other is the youngest child. This is important because Touya being the oldest and Shouto being the youngest tells a lot about their story because it changes their position and dynamic with their faimly.
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The thing with most parents is their first child is their first experiment. Since most of them dont know how to deal with children or raising a kid, they messed up and instead of trying to solve the problem, they avoid the first child and try to not make the same mistake with other one. When i say ‘inexperienced parent’, i am not talking about Endeavour, really because Endeavour never intented to be parent and he always put his own ambitions above well being of his family. I am talking about Rei and even children.
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The tragedy of Touya is not just him being burned to death and abandonded, its also his ‘training’ with Endeavour isnt considered as abuse by anyone, unlike Shouto who was crying. Endeavour may’ve not beat Touya but he was forcing Touya to push his limits at some point. (Most likely the reason Endeavour didnt beat Touya because Touya would obey and does anything his father said but Shouto wouldnt).
Endeavour didnt even care what would Touya want, HE decided Touya to be hero because in the end, what Touya wanted didnt matter. Touya didnt cry because he didnt know it was abnormal. Touya didnt cry because he wouldnt want to make his father disappointed. He was used as ‘tool’ but how he could know thats not how most fathers raise their sons? He already internalized the idea of his worth in his family, thats why, he wouldnt mind burning himself.
Rei and his siblings actually cared about Touya but i think i understand why he felt so unseen by them.
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Rei knew that Endeavour wanted children only as successor but i think she never thought how this will end up ruin her children or how much it would hurt and ruin them. Which is why she was so protective of Shouto when it comes to training, she even would show Allmight as a good example so that he wouldnt turn out like Endeavour. Also, by focusing on Shout too much, she also (unintentionally) neglected her children. She wouldnt talk with touya about his issues, until Touya was already self destructing. She seems to understand that he is somehow struggling with issues with his father but she doesnt seem to udnerstand why Touya is so ‘obssessed’ with ‘training’ or why he wouldnt stop. Just like other members of Todoroki family.
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Rei, Fuyumi, Natsuo. Rei seems surprised when Touya had mentalbreakdown. Fuyumi doesnt understand why his brother would go so far to hurt himself for the sake of ‘training’. Natsuo doesnt understand why his brother would cry and talk about this at the middle of night. Though, Natsuo changed his narrative after Touya’s death but Rei and Fuyumi saw as accident. ‘It wasnt Endeavour’s fault, it was Touya’s fault for being stubborn’. But it wasnt accident. It was Endeavour’s fault because that was the only way he gave to Touya.
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Compared to this, the way they see Shouto and his ‘training’ is opposite. Fuyumi feels regret for not being able to protect his brother. Natsuo cant forget about the night Shouto’s screams when his face was burnt, he blames himself for not being able to do anything (in novel). Rei feels sorry for Shouto, seeing him as ‘the one who suffered the most’, ‘hero of the family’. Even Endeavour thinks this way. Whole family would avoid even talking about Touya, until he became a villain and made his story public. But even so, his family doesnt seem to understand. The one who needed to be isolated or changed wasnt Shouto or Touya, it was Endeavour. They all have regrets for Touya but it looks like they try to get rid of those regrets with Shouto more than Touya did because it was ‘too late’ for them to do it for Touya. Or maybe, they couldve seen Shouto as victim because of what happenned to Touya.
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Curse of being first child of the family. Their thought process is even opposite with Shouto. For Touya, his father was like god like an existence, he would go far to excuse his father’s wrong actions, he did try everything for him but nothing changed and for Shouto, his father was monster but later, he saw him ‘change’. Shouto didnt love Endeavour, he didnt expect anything from him, thats why it was eaiser for him to accept him but that wont the case with Touya because Touya loved Endeavour more than anyone and it wasnt enough for Endeavour to change. I hope Shouto realized this too.
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Touya does somehow understand what happenned to him and Shouto was abuse but in his mind, he internalized his abuse, that he is failure too much, he cant see himself or Shouto as victim. Even with Shigaraki, even he understand Afo’s horrible intentions, to him, ‘training a child’ is raising so he wouldnt see it as ‘that weird’ enough to do something.
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Yes, Touya wasnt shown as kind as Tenko or even Shigaraki. And he is not like Bakugou either. He wasnt bully and he would repress his negative feelings towards Shouto because he knew it was wrong. Touya is a lot like Deku who would do anything, break himself over and over to prove his worth. And he was crybaby like Deku but at least, Deku had Inko and had a chance to be hero with power and well, Deku didnt have Endeavour as father. (We would learn more about Deku’s feeling worthless, if author allowed his characters to call out Bakugou and adress his bullying.)
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Touya would cry easiely, he was drowning in his own feelings. His tears literally turn into fire and burn him to death and he lost his ability to cry. It would make sense for Touya to scared of his own feelings, distancing himself from everyone as trauma response. Similar to Tenko who cant hug anyone after he tried to reach out to his family but end up killing them.
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But the difference between them is their father. Koutaro and Endeavour. They both had abusive fathers but Koutaro actually cared about Tenko and his family. Before the tragedy, Tenko was a lot like Shouto but even in better sitution because he wasnt isolated. Tenko had friends, he had cute dog and supportive big sister. Despite the abuse he had at home, his life was almost close to normal. Touya before his tragedy, he never had normal life. He felt distance with his family. He didnt have friends because Endeavour made him believe that Touya was living in different world from other kids. And after his death, he lived in streets, most likely never connecting with others.
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Yes, Dabi is the most distant member in league but its not his fault. Members like Shigaraki and Twice show their care more than others because they know what it is like to loose someone they love to death. (Skipping Spinner and Compress but i think their family most likely cared them too). Unlike Toga and Dabi whose families are alive but abandonded anyway. At least Toga know how to fake it because she knows if she behaves well, people will be kinder to her. She wasnt raised like a soldier like Dabi and Shigaraki. She also lives for connections, unlike Dabi who always raised to believe connections are unneeded.
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Basically, this boy never develop his social skills, he doesnt have manners, he is rude, he is distant but its not his fault. Its his trauma. He actually cares (in a distant but he cares). He doesnt much show his kindness as others (he showed it when he saved Twice, like hero and when he burnt Toga’s house etc) but that doesnt mean he isnt kind or he is selfish. Mercy, boy literally wants to die.
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Bonus; He would also be friends with Tenko and his little group because he is just like Shouto ‘i dont need any friends’ kind of kid, well, Deku reach out to Shouto so Tenko would reach out to Touya too, just like how Shigaraki reach out to Dabi and gain his respect (and his care and loyalty, even he doesnt show it much).
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kelin-is-writing · 3 months
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The butterflies in my stomach going CRRRAZZY over him…
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shoucolate · 2 years
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hope you'll like it (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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m0stlygoodvibes · 5 months
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Keigo is perched on Mr. Endeavor’s shoulders as they walk in. His little wings are flapping happily behind him, taking in all the sights and smells and sounds. He can smell meat cooking, the sound of it sizzling on an open grill. “—it’s cause you’re a girl,” Touya is huffing at Fuyumi, who just blinks at him. They’ve been bickering for awhile. This morning the three of them had been playing outside, until Touya had found a nest of ladybugs in one of the trees. Touya had immediately found it fascinating, while Fuyumi had found it gross. “They’re bugs!” Fuyumi frowns. “They’re gross for everyone, you’re just weird!” “You’re stupid!” “Yeah, well Keigo thinks they’re gross too!” Fuyumi huffs, which makes Keigo’s eyes immediately widen. “What! No he doesn’t!” Touya huffs. He and Fuyumi both glance up at Keigo. “Right Keigo?” Keigo’s wings flutter. He feels his cheeks warm and his eyes widen. He opens his mouth to be doomed either way between betraying Fuyumi or Touya (because really they were kinda gross, they were everywhere and made a lot of noise) when he gasps as he sees a server bring out a delicious smelling meal that has big round fluffy circles and strips of different kinds of brown meat. “Mr. Endeavor, look!” Keigo says, his wings flapping as if to try to get higher up to see more. Mr. Endeavor puts his big hands on Keigo’s legs to make sure he doesn’t actually fly off his shoulders, considering Keigo can’t really hold his own weight in the air yet. “That’s a Western style breakfast,” Mr. Endeavor says. “Pancakes and bacon, I believe. You can order some, if you want to try it.” And Fuyumi and Touya are thoroughly distracted now and forget about the ladybugs. So it’s a win in Keigo’s book.
From Time's Arrow
Synopsis: Hawks gets sent on a mission to go back in time to stop Dabi from becoming a villain. Hawks takes the opportunity to fix the whole Todoroki family and give his younger self the life he’s always deserved.
Art by @beachbeibi <3
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beybuniki · 7 months
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yaoi banter
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dabislittlemouse · 3 months
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I need MORE content of dabi w the hood on >>>>>
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eggsdrawings · 8 months
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miruko doesnt rock with dabihawks ‼️
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girlatrocity · 2 months
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I think it's rly cute that spinner's and toga's birthdays are back-to-back <3
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elsartzz · 3 months
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why didn’t you come back home?
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thegreatanso · 4 months
HIGH TIME - Part 7
A DabiHawks fancomic by TheGreatAnso
SFW, hurt/comfort, happy ending
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(Next part is finished, coming very soon)
« LET THEM BE HOMOSEXUALS » - my partner while correcting my work, page 58
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ghostbeam · 3 months
Mech pilot yuuta and his mech that’s incredibly possessive over him. He takes to you as a handler almost immediately, excited for the help after his last few handlers were scared off. You’re not allowed inside, your constantly dodging malfunctioning limbs and faulty wires, but you’re not one to back down, and gaining her trust is just as important as gaining his.
Rika only realizes how important you are to Yuuta the day after you spend the night with him, and he’s left alone in the morning with an empty bed and a broken heart. You’re his handler. You’re not supposed to leave him. Not ever.
She lures you into her chest one night, faking some sort of lighting malfunction and allowing you inside for the first time. She keeps you inside all night, enduring all your yelling and banging on her insides to be let out, a nice gift for Yuuta.
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commander-revan · 2 months
I just don't understand this ending... In both of Horikoshi's previous serialized series the villains lived and got to reform and atone at the end.
Why was this series, which focused way fucking more on making the villains sympathetic and pointed out the ways they could have been saved if society or their families were different (and how one literally never had a chance in the first place), the series where they die or are locked away forever.
What happened?
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kelin-is-writing · 4 months
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Ohh it definitely would actually.
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saeist · 4 months
a/n: another ua student!touya ft. hawks and mirko as his classmates!! + basing this "long eyelashes" debacle from the fact his eyelids are a little thicker than todoroki's + it's canon that he has long lower eyelashes since it's prominent when he was young lol
"i'm jealous"
you casually drop a bomb on touya, who was currently in the kitchen eating piping hot udon.
touya's eyes widens, ultimately choking on his food. like you just didn't witness him knocking on death's door, you casually slid to the seat next to him, watching him just choke there
"being jealous is one thing, but not helping your poor boyfriend who's choking? that's a little overkill don't you think?!" touya exclaims, after regaining his own composure
instead of answering, you shrug, staring at the now pouting boy beside you
"i'm not a mind reader you know?" touya points out, catching your gaze. it's making him a little uncomfortable being put on the spot like this. last time he checked, he didn't even look at another girls direction! so what could have made you jealous?
the way you were just staring at him in silence is making him uneasy. it's almost like you were making him admit to something he didn't even do
touya racks his brain for any close encounter he had with any female today during class. maybe he accidentally brushed hands with a classmate earlier today, maybe he bumped shoulders with a third year student back at lunch rush, maybe he made eye contact with another girl for a split second on accident when he was scanning the hallways for you
his mind ends up dating back at lunch where you two were having lunch with your two other friends being keigo and rumi
wait a second.. could it be rumi?
"is it rumi? but i thought you two were best friends so you were cool with us messing around with chicken little back there at the cafeteria? if it is rumi then i'll try not to interact with her that much if it makes you jealous, i'm sorry, doll. forgive me" touya rambles, suddenly getting on his knees and bowing down to (almost) kiss your feet
your eyebrows shot up at the mention of your best friend
"what are you rambling about? of course not! i'm not jealous over her, dummy" you finally break your silence. "i'm talking about your eyelashes"
touya's eyes widened once again. he slowly rises from your feet to shoot you a dirty look. did you really just make him kneel and kiss your feet over the thought of you being jealous over someone else when you were just jealous of his eyelashes all along?
"run that by me one more time?" touya puts his hands on his hips
you let out a fit of giggles watching his now irritated face.
"i'm jealous of your long eyelashes, touya" you grin, standing up to reach his face, cupping his cheeks as you run your thumb against his eyes
touya's eyes flutters shut, letting you touch his face this up close and personal. he won't admit it out loud but it tickles when your thumbs run through his long lower lashes
but the way his face scrunches says otherwise
"it tickles, doesn't it?" you giggle
"no? who said that?" touya denies, turning his head away to hide the impending blush that's rapidly spreading across his cheek
you can feel the cuteness aggression rushing in. you turn his head to force him to look at you. you squeeze his cheeks as you lean in until..
"if you're gonna suck faces could you guys at least do it in the privacy of your dorm rooms? ever heard of that?" keigo casually walks in with rumi on tow
"yuck" rumi gags, skipping past the two of you to get a carrot from the fridge
"i suggest you two get the fuck out of here unless you want roasted chicken and rabbit for dinner" touya growls, (softly) prying your hands off his face as he glares at his two best friends who were now running away while laughing
"so, doll.. where were we?" touya smiles softly, acting like he didn't just threaten his friends just a second ago
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correctproseka · 3 months
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Read in the "look at all those chickens" voice.
Seriously tho why is knight mizuki the only fem card in that whole canon au. (Ignoring most of the 3 and 2*)
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