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Turku, Batman & Robin
Es war, glaube ich, Riku von Disgrace der am Abend des „Monsters Of Humppa“-Festivals auf der Berliner „Insel“, Turku mit den Worten beschrieb: „Bei uns sagt man, Turku ist das Arschloch von Finnland.“
Mag sein, oder auch nicht. Vielleicht fällt mein Urteil auch deswegen milde aus, weil ich, im Gegensatz zu Riku, noch keinen Winter dort verbringen musste. Und ehrlich – ich habe es auch nicht vor. Immerhin hab ich der Stadt einiges zu verdanken. Meine Freundschaft mit Lappis von Boomhauer, der vielleicht besten finnischen Garagerock Band, das letzte Konzert mit den Miracle Gyrlz auf finnischem Boden und etliche Jahre später dann das Aufeinandertreffen mit Nightbird.
Die einzige Tour von Mäkkelä & Orkesteri in Finnland war insgesamt unterm Strich grundsätzlich fast schon luxuriös. Bis auf den Turku-Gig alle Shows zusammen mit den Karoshi Lovers. Außer das die Karoshis ausgesprochen nette Kollegen sind, war damit auch das Transport- und Equipment-Problem elegant gelöst. Nur eben nicht in Turku. Da kamen Boomhauer ins Spiel. Die borgten uns den ganzen Kram. Mit irgendwessen geliehenem Auto irgendwo im Hafengebiet rumgefahren, Drumkit und Amps eingesammelt und irgendwie tatsächlich zum Club und zum Soundcheck gekommen. Kleine Hürden einer Full-Band Tour.
Logistisch gesehen hatte NEM-Booking, unsere Agentur, alles andere richtig, geradezu vorbildlich gemacht. Das örtliche Omena Hotelli mit unserem Zimmer, direkt gegenüber vom Club, somit ganze vier Minuten Fußweg zur Bühne. Praktisch auch, weil man nicht auf irgendeinen versifften Backstage angewiesen ist. Und ja, Klubi in Turku ist schon auch eine echte Nummer gewesen im Jahre des Herrn 2009. Drei Stockwerke mit jeweils einer Bühne, größenmäßig nach oben aufsteigend, parallel drei Live Bands, diverse Bars und für uns, die in der kleinsten der Locations spielen, idealerweise direkter Zugang zum Innenhof. Raucherzone. Mein Zuhause. Das mit dem Tür-Code fürs Hotel finde ich da nicht ganz so wichtig. Es sollte genügen, wenn ein oder, von mir aus, auch zwei Bandmitglieder den kennen. Merken kann ich mir solche Sachen sowieso nicht und letztendlich werden wir ja doch alle im selben 5-Bett-Zimmer enden. Komplette Fehleinschätzung der Lage.
Soundcheck geht erfreulich erfolgreich über die Bühne und wir haben noch gut eine Stunde bis Show-Time. Wir sehen uns zusammen den ganzen Laden an, und ja, hat was, insbesondere wenn man noch nie einen Freitag-Abend in einem Club in einer finnischen Großstadt erlebt hat. So wie meine Bandkolleginnen an diesem Abend. Falls doch, kann man auch gerne drauf verzichten und, zum Beispiel, vor dem Auftritt noch in aller Ruhe rauchen gehen. Im konkreten Fall in dem dafür vorgesehenen, Innenhof vom Klubi. Auf unerwartet angenehme Weise stimmt an diesem Abend mal einfach sehr viel, nein, fast alles. Das Hotelzimmer ist für Omena-Verhältnisse geradezu traumhaft, der Bühnen-Sound ist gut trotz unbekanntem Equipment und die Stimmung in der Band scheint alles in allem prächtig. Ready to roll.
Mäkkelä steht im klassischen Bühnen-Anzug rauchend im Hof. Rote North State. Nortit. Finnische Männer-Zigarette. Heute Abend mal mit Style. Geschäftiges Treiben, aufgekratzte, junge Menschen, deren Wochenende langsam Fahrt aufnimmt. Gute Auftrittszeit für Turku, 22.30 Uhr etwa. Gerade noch bevor der traditionelle, kollektive, Freitags-Vollrausch bei der Crowd Wirkung zeigt. Poleposition sozusagen. In 15 Minuten treffe ich meine Band auf der Bühne, um der Menge klarzumachen, was Sache ist.
Ein guter Abend für Turku. Die Tour bis hier hin kein finanzielles Desaster, keiner am Durchdrehen. Läuft. Daran werden auch die beiden jungen Prolls nichts ändern, die etwas zu zielstrebig auf mich zuhalten. Für Ärger ist es zudem auch eindeutig noch zu früh am Abend. Einfach zwei Nervensägen, die üblichen Weirdos, aber heute bin ich milde gestimmt. Sollen die auch zu ihrem Recht kommen. Kurz texten lassen und dann „sorry, aber ich muss dann mal Jungs, Show geht gleich los. „I'm the singer, you know?“. Was in der Art. Eigentlich guter Plan, nur eben nicht heute.
Leicht herausfordernder, in ordentlichem Englisch gehaltener, aber beunruhigend sachlicher Tonfall. Ob ich mich an sie erinnern würde. Wie könnte ich so ein charmantes Pärchen vergessen, denke ich mir, aber nein, kann ich nicht. Ob wir uns denn kennen sollten?
Tja, wir haben Dir letztes Jahr gesagt, wir wollen Dich hier nicht mehr sehen. Das kommt nun doch etwas überraschend. Weder habe ich diese beiden Knalltüten jemals zuvor gesehen noch hat mir irgendwer in Finnland im vergangenen Jahr gesagt, er oder sie würden mich nicht mehr sehen wollen. Ich denke kurz drüber nach und frage mich dabei, was das die beiden eigentlich überhaupt angeht. Wohin das hier eigentlich führen soll.
Eine Ahnung davon bekomme ich in dem Moment, in dem Batman und Robin ihre Hundemarken präsentieren. Oha. Das ändert die Lage deutlich. Keine Panik jetzt, Du hast nichts zu verbergen. Du bist lediglich hier um ein Konzert zu spielen, hast weder hier noch irgendwo anders, irgendwelche Vorstrafen oder Einträge, eigentlich sollte alles völlig in Ordnung sein. Andererseits. Die scheinen sich ziemlich, nein, ganz sicher zu sein, dass sie mich kennen. Die beiden wissen etwas von dem ich ganz klar nichts weiß. Ich habe immer noch keinen Schimmer was das werden soll.
Wo ich denn letztes Jahr im Juli gewesen wäre. Hm, also ganz genau kann ich es gerade nicht sagen, aber es muss Finnland gewesen sein. Ja, und wo genau? Oder noch spezifischer, am Wochenende des soundsovielten. Die meinen das wirklich ernst. Krampfhaft versuche ich mich zu erinnern. Keine Chance. Ich weiß es einfach nicht. Außer dass es eben Finnland war. Ich muss feststellen, das hier nimmt gerade eine ungute Wendung. Man wird jetzt deutlicher, nachdem ich mich offenkundig nicht kooperativ genug zeige. Also Karten auf den Tisch. Die beiden haben mich höchstpersönlich an einem Wochenende im Juli des vergangenen Jahres, auf dem mir völlig unbekannten Metsäkone-Festival, irgendwo im Wald hinter, bei, neben Turku, beim Dealen mit einem satten Kilo Haschisch verhaftet. Aus irgendeinem Grund hat man mich dann scheinbar nicht in den nächstbesten, finnischen Knast geworfen, sondern des Landes verwiesen. Mit der Auflage nie wiederzukommen. Einreiseverbot.
Schwere Geschütze. Nur das die mir gerade jetzt nicht wirklich gelegen kommen. Ich habe noch ungefähr zehn Minuten, bis ich im Idealfall ein Konzert spielen werde. Das ist - oder war bis gerade eben noch - der Plan. Statt mich also länger mit meinen beiden, neuen Freunden zu kabbeln muss irgendeine Lösung her.
Ich war zum einen sicher nicht auf irgendeinem Festival in Finnland, weder um zu dealen noch um verhaftet oder ausgewiesen zu werden und überhaupt lässt sich das doch sicherlich ganz einfach anhand eines Ausweises oder Reisepasses abgleichen und wir können uns alle unbeschwert weiter unseren jeweiligen, beruflichen Verpflichtungen des Abends widmen. In dem Moment, in dem ich es ausspreche, fallen mir mehrere Sachen gleichzeitig ein. Keine davon geeignet meinen Status zu verbessern. Alle meine Ausweispapiere befinden sich in einem Hotelzimmer, dessen Zugangscode ich gerade nicht parat habe und mein Telefon befindet sich an eben diesem Ort. Ich habe keine Ahnung wo sich der Rest meiner Band befindet, der eventuell zur Aufklärung dieses epischen Missverständnisses beitragen könnte. Zeit schinden. Irgendeine Lösung muss es geben. Das hier entwickelt sich nicht zu meinen Gunsten. Das ist wie im Film und da gehört es auch hin. Nicht hierher. Nicht wenige Minuten vor meinem Auftritt. Die beiden sind sich sicher. Soweit klar. Ich bitte sie, mit mir in den Backstage zu kommen. Irgendeine Möglichkeit mich zu identifizieren muss es da geben. Das Hotel, meine Band, mein Pass - alles im Moment weit weg. Meine Chaperones behalten mich im Auge und folgen mir in den Heizungsraum, den man uns als Backstage zugeteilt hat. Da ist immerhin mein Gitarrenkoffer. Mehr nicht. Sollte sich da nichts finden, habe ich mit an Sicherheit grenzender Wahrscheinlichkeit heute keinen Auftritt im Klubi vor mir, dafür sehr wahrscheinlich einen deutlich weniger unterhaltsamen Abend mit den Mitarbeitern des Drogendezernats von Turku. Aktuell ist mein Problem nur, ich wüsste beim allerbesten Willen nicht was in diesem Gitarrenkoffer sein sollte, das zur Entspannung oder Aufklärung der Lage beitragen könnte.
Sollte ich jemals an der Existenz der Götter des Rock'n'Roll gezweifelt haben, dann entschuldige ich mich hier und jetzt aufrichtig. In meinem Koffer liegt eine Ausgabe von Uusi Rovaniemi von letzter Woche. Die Tageszeitung aus Lappland hat anlässlich des neuen Albums und meines Solo-Konzerts vergangene Woche ein halbseitiges Feature gebracht. Mit meinem Namen. Mit der Information ich bin Deutsch-Finne. Musiker. Auf Tour. In Finnland. Mit neuem Album. Jetzt gerade. Und immerhin eine Visitenkarte mit meiner aktuellen Adresse findet sich. Halleluja! Ich präsentiere Robin und Batman beides. Ich beteuere das ich es wirklich bin. Mehr hab ich nicht. Die einzige Karte, die ich gerade spielen kann, ist, wie's grad aussieht, eine Visitenkarte. Einer der beiden nimmt beides an sich und nimmt Kontakt mit Headquarters auf. Jungs, ihr wisst es vielleicht nicht, aber ich verstehe eure Sprache. Ich könnte sie sogar sprechen. Nur heute erscheint es mir taktisch geschickter zu sein nur Englisch zu verstehen.
Es dauert. Headquarters gleichen offenbar ab, ob es mich wirklich gibt. Ob es meine Adresse auch gibt. Ich höre zwar nicht, was am anderen Ende der Leitung passiert, aber Batman wirkt jetzt wirklich aufgeregt. Richtig hibbelig. Ich höre seinen Ausführungen zu. Bin gespannt. Hier und jetzt entscheidet sich der weitere Verlauf des heutigen Abends. Und ja, er ist sich völlig sicher, das ist der Typ, er hat ihn ja auch persönlich festgenommen. Nein, keine Verwechslung möglich. Batman wird im Laufe des Telefonats deutlich kleinlauter. In seinem Gesicht lese ich: Enttäuschung. Er hat es schon gespürt. Er hatte ihn an der Leine, einen ganz großen, keinen von diesen kleinen Fischen. Dieser Fang könnte für Punkte bei der nächsten Beförderung reichen. Mindestens. Aber nein, nicht mal ein Trostpreis. Leider verloren. Er unterbricht die Verbindung.
Ja, das war wohl ein sehr bedauerliches Missverständnis. Sie entschuldigen sich in aller Form. Aber die Ähnlichkeit wäre einfach zu frappierend. Sie können es sich nicht erklären, ich müsse wohl einen Doppelgänger haben. Oder Zwillingsbruder. Ganz sicher ist, er hat lockige Haare. Wie ich. Er ist Deutsch-Finne. Wie ich. Er trug einen Anzug. Wie ich. Er hat meine Größe. Das war ich. Sehr viel mehr Ähnlichkeit geht nicht. We're really sorry. Abgang Batman und Robin. Ich habe noch eine Minute um zur Bühne zu kommen.
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Skilla Baby has been dominating 2024! Check out this new vlog documented by @CTFILMS. Catch him live on the “Vultures Eat The Most Tour” with @Rob49, coming to a city near you! 🎤🔥 Next stop: Joliet,IL June 25th!
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Got a new dress for you and everything 😁
TAYLOR SWIFT The Eras Tour — Miami, Florida (Night 1) | October 18, 2024
#tswiftedit#taylorswiftedit#tswiftgif#taylor swift#the eras tour#eras tour#*mine#*2024#*gifs#mine: eras tour#2k#just wanted to gif the dress I loveeee the colours omg the cyan the sparklessss#she's literally that emoji#I drafted this on the wrong blog at first that's a new one for me LMAO
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[ Creds!; twt post, Gerard dog pic, my board ]
#cerberus's collage#burnt toast#gerard#burnt toast gerard#my chemical gerard#2000s#emo blog#mcrblr#my chem#my chemical fucking romance#frerard#gerard way#my chem gerard#mcr gerard#warped tour#pre hiatus#my chemical romance#my chemcial romance#my chem romance#2005
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Happy New Year, Swifties in my phone <3
#taylor swift#2024#swiftie tumblr#the eras tour#the end of an era#watch her do something tonight#thank you to jaime and arshia who helped make this powerpoint happen. your blogs are lifesavers
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#fuck fuck fuck#2000s nostalgia#scene emo#emo aesthetic#2000s emo#emo blog#emo scene#emo kid#emo girl#emo boy#2000s scemo#2000s scene#2000s fashion#early 2000s#scene#scenecore#mcr#ptv#myspace#warped tour#mcr5 is real#panic! at the disco#spotify#pierce the veil
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The last All Too Well speech of The Eras Tour in Vancouver on December 8th, 2024 - Taylor Swift
#taylor swift#the eras tour#tswiftedit#my edit#typography#this part of her speech was just super touching#and i wanted it to live on my blog
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dnp doing the choreographed eye contact (1, 2, 3)
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/63bcef220a231871d088870893a08e97/6336aa6c89b5e634-88/s540x810/b2d232a0e7dd6e15fdb871ebf3d5cfab5f74d3dc.jpg)
#the link for the bonus having to be a link to a reblog from my main acct cause op deleted their tweet sdjfs#and like. at least ik i wouldn't delete my main blog so <3#also my bad i only saw that someone else already made this compilation after i already made this sjffs 🙏#dan and phil#danisnotonfire#daniel howell#phil lester#amazingphil#dpgdaily#phan#dnp gifs#compilation#danandphilgames#my gifs#dnp tweets#dnp liveshows#DAN'S BIRTHDAY CHARITY STREAM!!#tatinof#The Amazing Tour Is Not On Fire#Dan and Phil - The Internet Is Here (Bonus)
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#mine#acnh#mooncake island#animal crossing#animal crossing new horizons#acnh inspo#acnh island#acnh ideas#acnh screenshots#acnh house#acnh interior#acnh community#acnh blog#acnh life#acnh dream tour#acnh dream island#animal crossing nh#animal crossing inspo#animal crossing interior#animal crossing inspiration#animal crossing ideas#animal crossing community#どうぶつの森
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A Cure
Summary: very cute and very horny firefighter Harry x author wife 🥹
Warnings: unprotected sex, very horny husband and wife, humiliation, all that jazz AND slight voyeurism if you squint!
Wc: 6.4k
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The sound of knuckles rapping against her office door pulls Y/n out of her trance. She blinks her eyes after minutes of them sitting unfocused on her white laptop screen full of words she's not sure make any sense to her anymore, or maybe they didn't in the first place.
After another minute she hears the knocking again, rubbing her strained eyes. “Are you in there, baby? Or am I embarrassing myself.” Her husband's voice booms from the other side of the door, he really isn't that loud at all but it's probably because the only sound she has heard for the past couple hours are the sniffles and sobs as she reads her publishers emails she's been avoiding for at least five days.
Y/n clears her throat, standing up. “Yeah, Hi, sorry.” Her voice is barely above a whisper when her husband comes into view. He stands tall above her, his strong arms wrapping around her shoulders. He looks down at her with a large smile carved into his face, pearly whites and dimples only an angel could make.
“How is writing going?” She lets out a puff of air before returning the smile
Y/n is currently working on her second novel after her debut was a big success, catching the attention of readers everywhere on social media; it soon became a number one best seller. Following the success, she's been pulled in every direction and spread too thin as her team pressures her to get this second novel out as soon as possible so she stays relevant and readers stay buzzing about her.
“It's going…” he gives her a soft frown, pressing a gentle kiss to her pouted mouth. “Well, I'm about to head out for work.” She nods, relaxing into his delicate touch as he runs his nose against her brow bone. “So soon?” He huffs a laugh, pulling his arm away from her to look at the watch on his wrist. “Well, considering I'm about to be late…” she grabs his wrist, looking at the time. 11:30, already?!
“Oh my god! I didn't even realize it, sorry I've just been knee deep in emails and I've got about twenty different documents going at a time and-” He cuts her off with a kiss, his big hands coming to cup at her cheeks. Y/n lets out a sigh of satisfaction, sinking into him deeper as her shaky hands come to clutch at his forearms, as if she's pulling him back to stay so they can spend the whole day like this.
He pulls away with reluctance, another laugh leaving his lips as her mouth follows his. “I've got to go fight fires, baby. Kinda my whole job.” She has what feels like a permanent frown on her face, but nods nonetheless. “I'll be back soon, my baby. I love you.” She smiles, watching him slowly back away while he squeezes her hand. “I love you too, H.”
Y/n sits at her desk, sipping on another random energy drink so she can keep her eyes open to write maybe one sentence that will actually make it into her book.
Her first book came easy. After over a decade of only dreaming of getting a book deal and becoming a huge author it finally came true at twenty six. She wrote the novel about her own life, swapping the names and dramatizing some situations for entertainment- but all in all it was exactly her and Harry's love story. A classic second chance romance, highschool sweethearts who break up during college because long distance is too hard, then once the male main character comes back to town they see each other after two years and instantly fall back in love. Happily ever after and all that.
It's true, for most of her life with Harry it has been a fairytale, and that's exactly why her book has been such a big success. Everyone fell in love with Brooks as she had with Harry. The cute, shy, overly kind, highschooler turned mushy, soft, sexy, firefighter husband was an easy drawn in as readers described it as the “love story of a century”.
She decided not to continue with Brooks and Summer’s love story because it had been told from start to finish, highschool to marriage. Now, she's focused on a new couple, struggling with names at first, now their story, family, their emotional backstories, everything. The only thing she was confidently writing was the cameos from Brooks and Summer since they were all friends in this series she was trying to create.
She's got the names, Ruby and Noah, but she has no clue what the fuck they are doing. She's looking forward to writing about their ski trip, where she's going to make Ruby and Noah hook up after summer's constant nagging that Ruby should give him a try. Enemies to lovers this time around.
She loves writing trips, she's not sure why. Maybe because as her characters have a get away it seems her mind does as well. She gets to pour everything into imagery while she describes the snowy trees and the beautiful big cabin they stay in for a week.
Maybe that's what she needs to crack this writer's block, a nice getaway. But unfortunately, that's not possible with Harry's job right now. They are short staffed on firefighters and even the teen volunteers aren't doing much to compensate for the lack of employment.
Y/n’s head falls back against her chair, groaning and slapping her hand on her keyboard. She looks over at her scribbled notes on the random legal pad she found in her desk drawer. As much as she had planned for this winter getaway, she couldn't find it in herself to write it. She's been painfully getting through writing the drive up to the cabin through the past couple days and she isn't even halfway done.
This particular scene is supposed to be big for Ruby and Noah, Ruby finds out more about Noah's childhood and she begins to feel differently about him. She finally makes sense of why he's so standoffish and reserved, all these years she thought he was just a selfish dick.
Y/n groans, crumbling up the paper and throwing it across the room because she can't bear to look at the plans she so excitedly wrote down a few nights ago when she's now in one of her worst blocks of her writing career. It's worse than when she forgot about a five thousand word essay in college and had to hurry up and write something two hours before due.
“Maybe I'll just take a walk.” She sighs out, lifting from her numb legs and finally exiting her dark office. She pads down the stairs, sliding on shoes and pulling a light coat over her clothes.
Her eyes take a moment to adjust to the sunshine after hours of staring at the artificial blue light her computer gives off. She breathes in the crisp early afternoon air. Hopefully this works.
The walk didn't help much, it definitely cleared her mind like walks usually do- but that worsened her case if anything because now she can't think of a single thing to write while they drive up to that stupid cabin.
Might as well get some chores out of the way, she thinks, as she fills up a water bottle after living off coffee and energy drinks. She walks out of the kitchen and back up the stairs where she opens the door to her and Harry's bedroom. She opens the closet door, looking at the mound of laundry they both have piled up, better get to it. She groans as she lifts their shared laundry basket, it's overflowing and has now piled onto the floor. Harry helps out as much as he can but with his crazy work schedule and y/n being locked in her office all day they don't get as much done as they would like.
She tosses clothes into the washer, pouring detergent in and closing the lid to start the load. In the meanwhile, she goes back to their room and pulls a big load of clean laundry onto her bed.
She begins folding them and tossing them into piles, one for pajamas, bras, boxers, and so on. She walks to the big closet to grab a stack of hangers, tossing shirts and dresses and pants over the hangers and placing them on the rod one by one.
She shoves her hand onto the dwindling pile of clothes, a lace material rubbing against her finger tips. She pulls at it, revealing the tiny babydoll she had worn for Harry one long night… almost two months ago. She sighs, hanging it up on one of the nicer hangers out of the random collection of mismatched ones they've collected over the years.
She bites her lips, staring at the pretty fabric. Her and Harry both have quite high sex drives, maybe because they are still in the early years of their marriage, maybe that's just how they are despite everyone saying they would get bored of each other especially because they were each other's first everything.
But between them being short staffed and Y/n getting swept up in the marketing and press of her book, they haven't had that much time for each other. She's lucky she has a touchy feely husband, because that's what comforts her. She needs to be in her husband's arms to feel better again. And since it's been so crazy, she hasn't gotten more than a lingering kiss for weeks and weeks.
She hangs the garment back up, ignoring the nagging feeling as she continues her chores.
Once the laundry pile is all folded she switches out the now clean laundry into the dryer and starts another load, plopping on the couch until Harry gets home.
“I'm home!” Y/n hears Harry shout through the house, perking up and dusting off the t-shirt she has over her little matching bra and panties set. She closes her laptop, she was sitting on the couch, trying to write as a distraction until her husband came home. “Hi,” Harry softly sings, a big cheesy smile on his face as he finally spots his wife after hours of working. She rises, stretching up and wrapping her arms around his neck. He hums, giving her a squeeze and rubbing up and down her back.
“I missed my baby while I was away.” He mumbles, kissing the side of her head over and over. She smiles, inhaling his smoky smell that has grown to be comforting. It's him. A deeply sweet- almost fruity scent mixed with the ash and smoke of fires. “I missed you, H.” She whispers, pulling away and leaning in to kiss him. Her hand rests on his chest, opening her mouth slightly to slide her tongue against his.
She can feel his lips curling into a grin, his hands slide down, lifting her up and into his arms. “You missed me something special, Hm?” She nods then pushes her hands into his hair. “Take me upstairs, H.” He does as told, starting to slowly and carefully walk them toward the staircase.
A ring ruins the moment, making Harry sigh, sitting her down. Y/n sighs, wiping the side of her mouth. “Fuck,” He sighs, shaking his head as he looks down at his phone. “H?” He looks back up, his heart breaking as he looks at his wife. “Baby….” she frowns, trying to push back the urge to cry. “It's work. I'm sorry. I've got to go be a firefighter.” He softly smiles, attempting to lighten the mood.
It doesn't help though. She wraps her arms around herself, feeling stupid and childish that she's so emotional over her husband having to leave her to go fight a fire and potentially save lives. “I'm sorry, baby. I have to go.” His hand pulls away from her, waving before he walks out of the door.
She swallows the lump in her throat, walking up the stairs alone and straight into the bedroom. She pulls off the matching set she wore to surprise Harry, tossing it into the empty laundry basket. She pulls on normal pajamas, just a big shirt and a random pair of pajama shorts before washing her face and brushing her teeth.
She gets in bed, preparing to wait up and make sure Harry is alright before falling asleep.
Working from home is pretty lonely. Harry can be up and out of the door as early as four in the morning and sometimes gets calls all throughout the night. She got pretty used to being alone once Harry became a firefighter, and she even liked it. Being alone with her thoughts was great for her writing. She reminisced on the early days of her relationship, laughing at all the awkward stages and feeling emotional at how far they've come from the goofy teenagers they once were.
“I'm writing as fast as I can! It's not going to be good if it's not organic.” Y/n stresses over the phone, trying to push down the lump in her throat that strains her words. “Yes, Y/n, but we need to get a publish date on this book and get the ball rolling.” She groans, feeling tempted to throw her phone next to the discarded ball of paper from yesterday- but she knows that's a bit dramatic.
She hangs up, too frustrated to talk- or think about this goddamn book. She needs her husband, she needs his touch. A hug, a kiss, anything from him right now would ease her anxiety.
Time to start stress baking.
For as long as she can remember baking has been an outlet for Y/n- she's not sure why. Taking the horrible thoughts of the day and the physical anxiety and turning it into something yummy that puts a smile on everyone's face was fulfilling. She even put her own little recipes at the end of each chapter dependent on whatever Summer had made for Brooks- which was once again very much based on her and Harry.
White chocolate cranberry scones, chocolate cake, lavender lemon loaf, she is bound to be busy with all the different recipe cards laid out in front of her on their kitchen island.
She sifts the flour, bowls covering the table with a load of dishes already going in the dishwasher. The timer from the oven goes off, pulling her away from her distraction of yet another sweet treat. She pushes her hair out of her face, opening the oven and adding it to the collection of pastries that are making her house smell so good. Thank god she's got hungry firefighters to feed. She scribbles a note on the white board that's magnetized to the fridge to remind her to box up some of everything for Harry to bring in.
She's the fire chief's wife, she's has to keep them fed.
After what feels like days of baking, she's finally done. Two different cookies, two different loaves of bread, scones, and a cake.
Y/n flops down on the couch, turning on some trashy TV to keep her mind anywhere but that book she's supposed to be writing.
She gets about halfway through a forty five minute episode before she gets a glimpse of the time. She shoots up, starting on dinner knowing that her husband will arrive home anytime. He seems just as stressed out as she is about work, he just doesn't let it show as much, so she wants to make his life easier when she can.
Dinner didn't take long, she just whipped up something easy and quick for them. She flops back down on the couch, keeping the food on low so it will stay warm.
“Hi, baby.” Harry smiles, tossing his keys onto the table and coming to flop down next to her on the couch. He wraps his arms around her, cuddling into her. “What smells so good?” He sniffs at her neck as if she's covered in perfume, making her laugh and push away his touch even though she craves it more than anything right now. “Lots of random baked goods.” She softly laughs, pressing a kiss to his lips. He gives her an empathetic smile. “stressed, huh?” She shrugs, sitting up and he quickly follows.
“I made dinner too.” He thanks her. Kissing the back of her hand and trailing them up her arm. “How about after dinner we finish what we started the other night… maybe it will help you unwind?” She feels her stomach tighten. She wants to say no, take me right now before you're whisked away again, but she doesn't. She nods, closing her eyes and sinking into his touch before it's taken away.
He kisses her head, standing up and pulling her with him. “Let's get you fed and ready for me, huh? Can't have you losing energy half way through.” She rolls her eyes and shakes her head with a smile on her face.
They eat dinner together, sitting at the island together instead of the proper dining table. They make small talk, catching each other up about their day, Harry telling her all about two kittens that were stuck in a tree that he had to rescue bright and early this morning. “So that's why you crawled out of bed at four in the morning?” Harry nods, standing up and pushing their bowls aside. “Yeah, but now we’re going to head back to bed.” He smiles, holding a hand out for her, which she takes.
Harry leans in, slotting his lips with his wife's. Another ring sounds through the silence of their kiss. Harry groans loudly into her mouth, obviously irritated. “I swear to god-” he yanks his phone from where it was sitting on the table. “What?!” He spits to the other person on the line, obviously frustrated. “Fuck.” He nods once more to the caller before hanging up. “I'm sorry, baby. A restaurant downtown is completely engulfed in flames, I have to go now.” She nods, trying to bite back her frown.
She loves that Harry is a firefighter, it's sexy and has made him build up the strong physique that holds her and protects her. She loves that he does so much for the city and has saved so many lives and homes, but as he's out saving others' homes it feels like he's abandoning theirs. He's home basically just to sleep, and nothing else. Their relationship is still strong, and their love will never fade, but not having quality time is taking a toll on both of them mentally.
“I promise, baby. I'll be home as soon as possible.” He rushes out of the house, running towards the door.
Y/n is once again left in the house all alone.
Y/n is woken up with a gentle shake, slowly blinking her blurry eyes open. “What time is it?” She slurs, sitting up when she knocks her open, timed out laptop off of her chest. Harry quickly catches it, softly laughing and placing it on the coffee table. “It's only been an hour since I left. You fell asleep while writing, baby.” He rubs her back, placing a kiss to the side of her head.
“Oh shit!” She shoots up, grabbing her laptop. “That is due at midnight, I need to send it to my editor!” Harry stops her from running up to her office, hooking an arm around her. “Hey, hey. Slow down, baby.” She huffs, sitting next to him on the couch.
“Are you still struggling to finish this chapter?” He kisses her head again, brushing her hair out of her face. She nods, feeling the anxiety build up in her body at the thought of not getting this chapter done in time. “Yes. It's so frustrating,I just feel defeated. Like I need… a cure?”
Harry taps on his bottom lip with his pointer finger while he's thinking. “A cure?”
Y/n nods, “a cure.”
“Well, go try to finish writing so your editor doesn't get mad at you. If you need any help or words of encouragement I'll be in our room.” She nods, rising up from the couch, collecting her laptop in her arms before kissing her husband. He smiles when she pulls away, giving her ass a small smack.
“Go get to it, baby.”
She walks up the steps, still sleepy as she sits back in her desk chair and cracks her screen back open. She gets to typing, putting any coherent thought down to try to make it make sense, she can always have her editor put it into better formed sentences that flow better with the rest of the story.
It's a little past 1:30 when she finally gets into bed, crawling in next to her shirtless husband.
Harry groans, wrapping both his arms around her while he keeps his eyes closed- too sleepy to actually open them. She cuddles into him, finally relaxing after what seems like days of tense muscles and mental gymnastics. “Did you find your cure?” She shakes her head, “no cure yet. But I got it done.”
He whispers a cheer, squeezing her. “Good job, baby. I knew you'd do it. Now go to sleep, we'll celebrate tomorrow.” She giggles into his neck, wrapping a leg around him.
“Celebrate?” He nods, basically snoring. “I'll finally fuck you, promise, baby.”
“Guess what the fire chief got called in for?” Harry asks, walking into the house surprisingly early. Y/n spins around in her chair, her eyebrows shooting up. “You're home, H!” He nods, walking over to her. “What did you get called in for?” He stays silent for a beat to dramatize and leave her in suspense.
“A fourteen year old kid got his head stuck in a fence. And they called me, the fire chief, to get him out.” Y/n laughs, almost choking on her water. “So,” Harry starts, grabbing her water from her hand and taking a sip of it. “I said don't call me, don't bother me, I'm taking the day off to spend with my wife.” She smiles, scanning him up and down.
He's still in his red suspenders, fire pants, and the navy blue shirt that hugs his pecs and biceps more than should be allowed for everyday firefighting. His hair is crazy, pushed back with a strand flopping in his eyes. His skin is covered in black ash and soot, and he smells of fire but it only heats her skin.
His pointer finger curls to lift her chin up, his thumb softly resting under her bottom lip. He slots his lips with hers, making her whimper with need. Her hand clutches at the short sleeve of his shirt, feeling his toned muscles under it. “Hop up” he lifts her into his strong arms, walking them up to their bedroom.
He slams open the door, throwing her on the bed. They both laugh loudly, her arms reaching out for him again. He knees the bed, on his hands and knees while he hovers over her. Neither of them care that he's covered in black ash on their light duvet.
His hand slides up her t-shirt, smiling at the feeling of her warm skin even though he knew she was braless. “Take this fuckin’ thing off.” He half-jokes, pulling at the bottom of her shirt and lifting it over her head. Harry pulls his suspenders down, yanking off his tight shirt. Y/n hated to see the shirt go, but she loves saying goodbye. Her hands slide down his chest and onto his chiseled abs. “Keep the rest on.” Harry's eyebrow raises, his mouth slightly popped open.
“Keep it on?” She nods, then slides a suspender back up his arm.
Harry smiles, unbuttoning his pants and pulling his hard cock out. It slaps against his belly, making Y/n's mouth water. He yanks at her pants, making her shuffle down the bed. They both laugh as he pulls her pants down, giggles flying through the room as her pants fly through the air.
He takes in her naked body, his eyes dragging down her almost like she's his prey. Suddenly she feels shy under her husband's heavy gaze, pulling her arms in to cover herself. “Don't. You. Fucking. Dare.” He practically growls, yanking her arms away. He opens her legs, his hand sliding over cunt.
“I'm going to absolutely devour you. I'm not going to stop until you're shaking.” She smiles, wrapping her legs around him.
Harry grabs his cock, lining it up with her. “Are you wet enough, baby?” He asks, his hand slipping down for a moment to touch her pussy. “Oh,” an evil grin forms on his face. “You're dripping, huh?” Her face heats up, looking away because she knows she'll be too embarrassed to look him in his eye.
Harry softly but quickly pulls her face back toward him, opening her jaw with his thumb and spitting into her mouth.
She pulls him in with her legs, moaning. He lines himself up with her, finally pushing it. Y/n cries out at the feeling of him finally being inside of her after so long, it only eggs Harry on.
His constant thrusting shuffles her up and down the bed, and he loves every second of watching her tits bounce while his cock is stuffed deep inside of her. “Fuck, H” she gasps, reaching out for his arm to somewhat stabilize herself. “Feels good, baby?” He slips his thumb inside of her mouth, watching her perfect pouty lips wrap around him. She frantically nods, breathless and already shaking from the feeling of her husband's big, thick, bare cock inside of her.
“H, fuck, I don't know if I'm going t-” he cuts her off, smashing his mouth into her. She can hear how wet she is as the sound of wet squelching and heavy pants fill the room. It's enough to turn her cheeks red hot again, trying to ignore it. “Do you hear how fucking wet you are?” Harry says, biting at her neck. All chances of her not being humiliated are thrown out of the door the second Harry opens his dirty mouth. She almost forgot how embarrassingly filthy he can talk.
“Tell me, baby, do you hear how wet you are? Your pussy is dripping all over the sheets, you're making an absolute mess of me.”
She ignores his mouth, trying to keep some of her dignity.
“Tell me right now, or I'll stop fucking you.” She whines, gasping as he hits her special little spot. Her eyes roll to the back of her head and her back arches as he sends electricity from her head to her toes. “I'll stop right now.” His hips come to a vault, and suddenly she's sobbing out her answer. “Yes, fuck, H. I'm so wet. I'm so fucking wet and it's all for you.” She falls into a chant of “it's all for you, all for you H” until he starts fucking her again now that he's gotten exactly what he wants.
“So wet, and tight, and warm for me, baby. I think your pussy was made just for me.” She nods, she's so cock drunk she thinks she might sign all her rights away if asked. “Cause my dick fits perfectly in you, it hits all those special little spots that puts that little pout on your lips.”
She gasps, gripping his arm tighter as she gets closer. “Yeah, you're going to cum? Cum on my cock, it's okay. You can cum baby, I know it's been so long.”
She moans a mantra of his name over and over again as she finally orgasms, feeling like a weight has been lifted off of her.
Harry cums shortly after her, moaning in her ear and telling her how good she makes him feel.
He flops down next to her after he carefully pulls out, wrapping his arm around her and pulling her close. “You okay? I didn't go too rough?” She shakes her head, resting it on his bicep. He presses a soft peck to her lips then gently rubs her cheek with his thumb. “No, H. It was perfect.” He smiles, glancing away like he didn't just say the dirtiest things she's ever said to her. “I'm sorry we haven't had a lot of time to be together. I hate being so busy.” She nods, “it's okay, H. I know you can't help it.” He bites at the inside of his bottom lip, sighing.
He moves his head closer to hers, closing his eyes and rubbing his nose against hers. “I love you.” She smiles, sliding her hand down his arm and threading their fingers together. “I love you too, babe.”
He sits up, on his knees. “What are you doing?” He grabs her legs, tossing them onto his shoulders. He kisses her ankle, “I didn't forget about my promise. I want your legs shaking. I'll carry you around everywhere tomorrow.” She giggles as he stretches her legs out, bending to suck and lick at her nipples.
She pushes him away, making him laugh. “Not gonna let your husband get a little frisky?” She rolls her eyes with a smile, “I've been letting you get frisky since we were sixteen, I've had enough.” He scoffs, sliding inside of her again.
He presses kisses over her leg, using his over hand to press into her lower belly. She gasps, grabbing his wrist. “Am I too big?” She attempts to roll her eyes at his cockiness but is cut off with a moan when he presses into her again.
Harry starts thrusting in and out of her, painfully slow. All of his touches are amplified, she can feel every vein on him. “Fuck, babe,” she hardly manages to get a word out of her mouth as her hips wiggle. She's inconsolable as she lets out sobs, her back arching and hips rolling against his.
She clenches around him, sending a chill rolling down his back. “Fuck, baby. Do that again.” She clenched around him, spasming around him as he perfectly rolls his hips. Thank god he knows how to use all that.
She whimpers his name, begging for him to give her anything he can. A blissed out smile frames Harry's face, his pearly white teeth peaking out while he bites his lips to silence his grunts and groans. She pulls him in even closer with her legs and he bottoms out inside of her. He gasps her name, his hand clenching at her calf.
“Don't hide, H. I want to hear how good you feel.” His mouth falls open at her words, his hazy eyes falling closed in pleasure. He shudders, letting out a shaky breath. “F-fuck, baby.” She clenches around him once again, holding it as he pushes back inside of her.
“You f-feel like heaven, you're so fucking perfect. So perfect.” He moans, his mouth open while he thrusts in and out of her. He whines, making Y/n want to bite a pillow and scream into it from the noises her husband is making. “I fucking love this pussy, baby. Tell me whose it is.” Her back arches, letting out a pleasured sigh as she grips the sheets. “It's your pussy, H. You're the only one who gets to cum it in.” He smiles, nodding.
They both cum at the same time, their moans blending as they cry each other's names.
Harry finally lets his fire pants drop, kicking them off the bed once he's calmed down.
“I'm hiring more people as soon as possible. There's no way I went so long without you.” She laughs as he kisses her, both of them laying together in their post-sex bliss. She fidgets with his wedding ring, her head on his chest. “Yeah, I miss having you around the house.” Harry nods, squeezing one of her fingers. “Me too.”
They both relax into the bed, staying silent and enjoying each other's company.
“Round three in the shower?”
Y/n looks over at her office door which is now open, her sleepy husband stands in the doorway, the only thing he's wearing is low hanging pajama pants. He rubs at his sleepy eyes, his hair going in every different direction. “Why are you awake?” She softly laughs at his question, looking at the time on her laptop. “H, it's almost 11AM.” His sleepy eyes go wide for a split second before they return to their tired half-open state.
“Well, you should be in bed with me.” He creeps over to her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders while she sits in her office chair. “I'm writing?” He dramatically gasps, pressing a kiss to her neck. “You're writing?” She nods, continuing to type even as he kisses her.
“Did inspiration strike?” She nods, smiling. “Last night kind of inspired me. I think it's exactly what I needed.” Harry raises one eyebrow, his fingertips coming to pull the laptop closer to him. “Can I read it?” She nods, letting him pull it into his arms, watching him scroll back up to the start of the chapter.
After last night she finally had the inspiration strike to write Ruby and Noah hooking up at the ski getaway. This will be the peak in her book, now that they are together the rest will be a breeze to write.
She watches as his pajama pants slowly grow, making her hands shake with anticipation. “Holy fuck. You wrote that based on last night?” She smiles, blushing and nodding.
“That was your cure, huh?”
She didn't think about it that way. “I finally got my cure.”
Harry sinks down onto his knees, sliding his hands up her thighs, under the shirt of his she was wearing to bed. He hooks his fingers into her panties, dragging them down. “Now I need my cure.” He whispers, sliding her panties down her legs and into the pocket of his pajama pants. “I've got a big problem,” he looks down, cupping his large bulge. “And you're the only cure for it.”
He parts her legs, smiling at the sight of her wet cunt.
“Oh god, baby. How long have you been like this?” He pouts up at her, touching her with delicate fingers. “So long, H. I've been thinking about you since I got up.” She whines, pushing her shirt back so it doesn't block his view.
He lets out a sympathetic whine for her, his eyebrows pinching together with a worried expression. “My poor girl, I've got to take care of you now. You woke up with a throbbing pussy thinking of me, Hm?” She nods, carefully watching his every move.
Her breath shudders as her eyes follow his head sinking down to between her legs. Her eyes go wide, feeling his tongue slide into her. She whimpers, closing her eyes at the feeling of his warm tongue sliding up and down her cunt.
“No, no. Go ahead and write. It's the only thing that cures your writer's block.” She gulps, her hands shaking as she goes back to writing with her husband's head between her legs. She slowly types onto her document as he licks her up and down. She tries to keep her eyes open, typing whatever comes to her mind- which she's more than sure will be a jumbled mess for her to fix later. “H, please babe.” He shakes his head. “Your publisher will be mad if you don't write it.” He licks her clit, pulling it into his mouth to suck at it.
Her hand falls to the top of his head, threading her fingers through his hair. He shakes his head again, grabbing her hand and placing it back on her keys.
She moans, rolling her hips. She's fully given up on writing, her head fallen back as he continues to eat her pussy.
“Baby,” he laughs, kissing her thigh. “Well, I can't be mad. I guess you deserve it after working so hard.” He lifts up to kiss her, laughing at her failed attempt to write like he previously ordered her to.
He sinks back down between her legs, flicking his tongue against her clit. She groans, arching her back and whimpering. She throws a leg over his shoulder and he instantly wraps his arm around it. “You taste so good.” His mouth is loud against her, making lewd noises as he sucks, licks, and flicks his tongue against her skin.
“You always taste so good, baby.” He groans against her, losing himself in the smell, feeling, and taste of her. He moans against her over and over again, sliding his tongue deep in her to taste her wetness straight from the source. He loves how wet he can get her, how just the thought of him gets her so worked up she spends the whole morning with a wet, throbbing cunt until he takes matters into his own hands.
He often fantasizes about catching her touching herself- just because he knows her writing is always based on their experience and when she is writing a particularly spicy scene she tends to get worked up.
He can imagine silently creeping into her office to catch her with her legs open and her small hand down her panties trying to satisfy herself when they both know it's his hands she's craving.
She falls to pieces above him, her chest rapidly falling and rising while her mouth drops open to praise him and all the pleasure he's giving her. “You can cum, baby. It's okay.” He closes his eyes, enjoying the last few moments of her on his tongue. He loves the silky feeling of her, how warm and soft she is.
“H, I'm cumming!” She moans, gripping at his hair while she rolls her hips trying to get herself there. Seconds later she cums all over his mouth, leaving him to clean her up.
He wipes his mouth, sucking his fingers off before he yanks her down to give her a messy tongue kiss to let her taste herself.
She tries to catch her breath, giggling now that she's come back down. “Do you feel better now?” She nods, kissing him again.
“Just needed your husband to take care of you, huh?” She nods once again, wrapping her arms and legs around him as he wraps his big, strong arms around her. “Now go sit back there in case I need you again.” He agrees to it with a large smile on his face, walking back to the much bigger and comfier chair she normally uses for reading.
He’s always been the cure.
A/N: WOWOWOW!! beside a small 1k word blurb this is my return to writing after almost a year and a half! I thought about making an Author y/n one random day in the shower and with a little help from my beautiful, amazing, creative best friend @ziallslvr firefighter Harry and author Y/n was born 🥹!!!!
I feel so passionate about these two! They are my sweet babies❤️ This specific Y/n is straight from my heart, and might be a little self indulgent! I hope you all love her as much as I do ❤️
#harry styles#harry styles smut#harry styles one shot#harry styles blurb#harry styles writing#harry styles fic#firefighter!harry#author!y/n#husband!harry#harry styles fanfiction#smut#Harry styles spice#boyfriend!harry#one direction#hs4#fine line#harry styles story#harry styles series#harry styles one direction#harry styles photos#harry styles blog#harry styles tour#harry styles boyfriend#harry styles wattpad#harry's house#harry styles love on tour#harry styles masterlist
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1/50 - some of my favorite eras photos
#ive been wanting to do one of these pls give me notes 😔#my taylor content never gets notes for some reason even tho she is the main topic of my blog 😭#this one is first bc its from my show!!!!#tampa 3#eras photo series*#taylor swift#the eras tour#aaron dessner#userleah#usereris#userelena#tsusermeggie#taylor swift edit#tswiftedit#taylor swift eras#my edit
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