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Save your time and save your money .Now all medical facilities available at your doorstep. Care Giver / Nurse / other health care provider at Home Recover in the comfort of your Personnelies Care at home from TOUCH-ON SEHAT allows you to Practice with experienced care giver in the comfort of your home. Switch to experienced and verified care giver with us Experience the Home care benifits of care giver in comfort of your home with Touch-on Sehat Home Care. Why Touch-on Sehat Home Care? 1. Personnelies care. 2. Regular patient observation. 3.Speady healing ( Heal at home) 4. Safety and security for your Loved one's 5. Maintain Recovery Report. 6. 24/7 support team @touchonsehathomecare provide support for persons with disabilities have developed various forms of support for your Loved ones. touch_on_sehat_services #touch_on_Sehat_daycare #touch_on_Sehat_adultdaycare #touch_on_sehat. #touch_on_sehat_team. #touch_on_sehat_family. #touch_on_sehat_home_care_noida. #touch_on_Sehat_Home_care_delhi. #touch_on_sehat_home_care_gurugram. #touch_on_sehat_home_care_faridabad. #touch_on_sehat_home_care_delhi_ncr. #touch_on_sehat_home_care. 1 Google map. https://goo.gl/maps/BC1PQMgzwnS2 2 Twitter https://twitter.com/Touchonsehat?s=08 3 LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/touch-on-sehat-home-care-98220b178 4 Instagram https://instagram.com/touchonsehthomecare.com/ 5 Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Touchonsehathomecare/ 6 WhatsApp https://wa.me/919575682969 7 Mail [email protected] https://twitter.com/Touchonsehat/status/1209747321832927235 https://www.instagram.com/p/B8K6F3BnAAu/?igshid=a0oc9dajoy0b
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World cancer day Cancer care at home Care Giver at Home Recover in the comfort of your Personnelies Care at home from TOUCH-ON SEHAT allows you to Practice with experienced care giver in the comfort of your home. Switch to experienced and verified care giver with us Experience the Home care benifits of care giver in comfort of your home with Touch-on Sehat Home Care. Why Touch-on Sehat Home Care? 1. Personnelies care. 2. Regular patient observation. 3.Speady healing ( Heal at home) 4. Safety and security for your Loved one's 5. Maintain Recovery Report. 6. 24/7 support team @touchonsehathomecare provide support for persons with disabilities have developed various forms of support for your Loved ones. touch_on_sehat_services #touch_on_Sehat_daycare #touch_on_Sehat_adultdaycare #touch_on_sehat. #touch_on_sehat_team. #touch_on_sehat_family. #touch_on_sehat_home_care_noida. #touch_on_Sehat_Home_care_delhi. #touch_on_sehat_home_care_gurugram. #touch_on_sehat_home_care_faridabad. #touch_on_sehat_home_care_delhi_ncr. #touch_on_sehat_home_care. 1 Google map. https://goo.gl/maps/BC1PQMgzwnS2 2 Twitter https://twitter.com/Touchonsehat?s=08 3 LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/touch-on-sehat-home-care-98220b178 4 Instagram https://instagram.com/touchonsehthomecare.com/ 5 Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Touchonsehathomecare/ 6 WhatsApp https://wa.me/919575682969 7 Mail [email protected] https://twitter.com/Touchonsehat/status/1209747321832927235?s https://www.instagram.com/p/B8InCFMn7Rq/?igshid=1kus8xt3rcx2o
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Caregiving is most commonly used to address impairments related to old age, disability, a disease, or a mental disorder. Typical duties of a caregiver might include taking care of your loved ones who has a chronic illness or disease; managing medications or talking to doctors and nurses on someone's behalf; helping to bathe or dress someone who is frail or disabled; or taking care of household chores, meals, or processess both formal and informal documentation related to health for your Loved ones who cannot do these things alone. TOUCH on sehat caregiver has been increasingly recognized as an important one, both functionally and economically. @touchonsehathomecare provide support for persons with disabilities have developed various forms of support for your Loved ones. touch_on_sehat_services #touch_on_Sehat_daycare #touch_on_Sehat_adultdaycare #touch_on_sehat. #touch_on_sehat_team. #touch_on_sehat_family. #touch_on_sehat_home_care_noida. #touch_on_Sehat_Home_care_delhi. #touch_on_sehat_home_care_gurugram. #touch_on_sehat_home_care_faridabad. #touch_on_sehat_home_care_delhi_ncr. #touch_on_sehat_home_care. 1 Google map. https://goo.gl/maps/BC1PQMgzwnS2 2 Twitter https://twitter.com/Touchonsehat?s=08 3 LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/touch-on-sehat-home-care-98220b178 4 Instagram https://instagram.com/touchonsehthomecare.com/ 5 Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Touchonsehathomecare/ 6 WhatsApp https://wa.me/919575682969 7 Mail [email protected] https://twitter.com/Touchonsehat/status/1209747321832927235?s=20 https://www.instagram.com/p/B7hi2OAnkuT/?igshid=8hysiah6312y
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#celebration #marrychristmas "Wishing you and your family "P3H" Peace,Health,Heal, Happyness and prosperity in the coming year" "Healthy, Happy, Marry, Christmas" #touchonsehat touch_on_sehat_services #touch_on_Sehat_daycare #touch_on_Sehat_adultdaycare #touch_on_sehat. #touch_on_sehat_team. #touch_on_sehat_family. #touch_on_sehat_home_care_noida. #touch_on_Sehat_Home_care_delhi. #touch_on_sehat_home_care_gurugram. #touch_on_sehat_home_care_faridabad. #touch_on_sehat_home_care_delhi_ncr. #touch_on_sehat_home_care. 1 Google map. https://goo.gl/maps/BC1PQMgzwnS2 2 Twitter https://twitter.com/Touchonsehat?s=08 3 LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/touch-on-sehat-home-care-98220b178 4 Instagram https://instagram.com/touchonsehthomecare.com/ 5 Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Touchonsehathomecare/ 6 WhatsApp https://wa.me/919575682969 7 Mail [email protected] https://www.instagram.com/p/B6ekGM7nU3m/?igshid=i68n171cykhp
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Caregiver go through more than they will never tell you. They give up a lot and rarely have a social life .They can get sick and emotionally worn out. It's a lot for one person and you will never walked the road of a caregiver. #caregivers #nurse #staffnurse #attendant #nursingattandant #touchonsehat #touch_on_sehat_team. #touch_on_sehat_family. #touch_on_sehat_home_care_noida. #touch_on_Sehat_Home_care_delhi. #touch_on_sehat_home_care_gurugram. #touch_on_sehat_home_care_faridabad. #touch_on_sehat_home_care_delhi_ncr. #touch_on_sehat_home_care https://www.instagram.com/p/B5KTEqOnTn4/?igshid=r5tj8hqqz18v
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#worldcopdday. #worldcopdday2019 Most concerns about end-stage COPD boil down to one question: What happens when you can’t breathe? It can be a major worry for you and your loved ones. But home health care and palliative care can help with that and other issues as you enter the final stages of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. When you get a plan in place, it can help lift some of the uncertainty and stress ahead. Palliative Care It’s also called supportive care. It focuses on keeping you comfortable and assisting you and your family during your illness. Palliative care also helps all the members of your medical team stay in the loop about your care. Am I Eligible? You can get palliative care at any stage. You may want to consider it when your pain is too much, breathing gets labored, or you often end up in the hospital or the ER. Ask your doctor for a palliative care referral. How Can It Help? As your COPD worsens, you may pick up repeated lung infections and have trouble walking and breathing. Palliative care helps you manage multiple symptoms and needs, including: Pain Nausea Tiredness Weight loss Shortness of breath (dyspnea) Supplemental oxygen Emergency planning Depression and anxiety our Palliative Care Team Your regular doctors and nurses treat the medical side of your COPD. Another set of palliative doctors, nurses, and social workers focus on easing the stress and effects from your condition, and they help you and your loved ones set goals for your quality of life. Homoecare In the last 6 months of your life, palliative care turns into homecare . This happens when your COPD is no longer treatable and you shift your focus to comfort care and dying on your terms. Homecare like palliative care, is an approach, not a place. You can receive 24/7 home care in a nursing home, a hospital, a home care center, or in your own home. #COPD #asthma #lungcancer #lungs #exercise #Care #touchonsehat #touch_on_sehat_team. #touch_on_sehat_family. #touch_on_sehat_home_care_noida. #touch_on_Sehat_Home_care_delhi. #touch_on_sehat_home_care_gurugram. #touch_on_sehat_home_care_faridabad. #touch_on_sehat_home_care_delhi_ncr. #touch_on_sehat_home_care https://www.instagram.com/p/B5FctLlHozX/?igshid=28tq3zp9m58u
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Nursing and Attandant staff for Homecare. Looking for infections,IV infusions,post surgical care, elderly care, Chronic care, Tracheostomy care, urinary chatheterization care, wound care,or nursing assistant ? ➡️ Attandant or Nursing staff for Patient care or elderly Care at home in Delhi / NCR . ➡️ We have the team of Certified and trains Nursing staff and Attandant for the home care facility. #swasthbharat t || #healthcare || #homecare || #atyourdoor || #atyourhome #inyourplace #touch_on_sehat_team #touch_on_sehat_family #touch_on_sehat_home_care_noida #touch_on_Sehat_Home_care_delhi #touch_on_sehat_home_care_gurugram #touch_on_sehat_home_care_faridabad #touch_on_sehat_home_care_delhi_ncr #touch_on_sehat_home_care 1 Google map. https://goo.gl/maps/BC1PQMgzwnS2 2 Twitter https://twitter.com/Touchonsehat?s=08 3 LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/touch-on-sehat-home-care-98220b178 4 Instagram https://instagram.com/touchonsehthomecare.com/ 5 Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Touchonsehathomecare/ 6 WhatsApp https://wa.me/919575682969 7 Mail [email protected] https://www.instagram.com/p/B468X5-n_8L/?igshid=24f1kldearlj
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#ABC Of Diabetes Diabetes it's only a word not a sentence,so like freely. #homecare || #healthcareforall || #healthcare || #atyourdoor || #atyourhome #inyourplace #touch_on_sehat_team #touch_on_sehat_family #touch_on_sehat_home_care_noida #touch_on_Sehat_Home_care_delhi #touch_on_sehat_home_care_gurugram #touch_on_sehat_home_care_faridabad #touch_on_sehat_home_care_delhi_ncr #touch_on_sehat_home_care https://www.instagram.com/p/B449o3unFDn/?igshid=lxhgyr2kyqmm
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Aerobic exercise helps your body to use insulin in better way. Diabetes it's only a word not a sentence,so like freely, and fresh, #homecare || #healthcareforall || #healthcare || #atyourdoor || #atyourhome #inyourplace #touch_on_sehat_team #touch_on_sehat_family #touch_on_sehat_home_care_noida #touch_on_Sehat_Home_care_delhi #touch_on_sehat_home_care_gurugram #touch_on_sehat_home_care_faridabad #touch_on_sehat_home_care_delhi_ncr #touch_on_sehat_home_care https://www.instagram.com/p/B43sBYGnQdQ/?igshid=74lhjpeojxkh
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#worlddiabeticday #Diabetes || #Diet || #Diarection || #Dietinstruction ➡️ The no of study confirmed that fruits, vegitable,dark chocolate, walnuts, prunes, blueberries,strowbarries or hazelnut and other hot bekerages like coffee and tea do have the high antioxidants level required for the diabetes control. ➡️ No. Of study also finding showed that for 2.5 extra grant as salt consumed pee day,there was an average 43% increase in the risk of developing type-2 diabetes along with high blood pressure. ➡️ Make healthier food choices. ➡️ Role your plate :- vegitable,lean protein,starch as grain. ➡️ Few studies also suggest that green tea might help to prevent type-2 diabetes and improve insulin sensitivity. ➡️ Have frozen yogart is an excellent dairy choice for Diabetes. ➡️ Don't skip meals, especially breakfast,which can increase your blood sugar level. ➡️ Low carbs diet can control blood sugar level in type-1 diabetes. ➡️ Healthy fats might help in preventing. ➡️ Antioxidants-rich foods might help to lower types-2 diabetes risk. ➡️ Maintain a regular meal schedul for better glucose control. ➡️ Eating fiber helps gut bacteria to fight diabetes. ➡️ Eat one or two high-fiber foods with each meals. ➡️ Skip white rice with a brown one ! ➡️ A dab of pipparmants oil can pep up your daily workout ! ➡️ Sugar-sweetened beverage a day can risk for diabetes by about 15% ➡️ Eat regular. #homecare || #healthcareforall || #healthcare || #atyourdoor || #atyourhome #inyourplace #touch_on_sehat_team #touch_on_sehat_family #touch_on_sehat_home_care_noida #touch_on_Sehat_Home_care_delhi #touch_on_sehat_home_care_gurugram #touch_on_sehat_home_care_faridabad #touch_on_sehat_home_care_delhi_ncr #touch_on_sehat_home_care https://www.instagram.com/p/B41n8LqHJFJ/?igshid=8136l7nw5pzr
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🎉🎉🌹🌹#happychildrensday 🎊🎊🌹🌹 1️⃣ Children's day reminds us that we must pay more attention and time to the health of a child because they are the future and we must do our best to make it a healthy future. 2️⃣ A healthy child is a happy child…. So make sure that you not just love your child but do a little extra for his health….. Sending best wishes on the occasion of Children's Day. 3️⃣ Not just as parents but also as humans, we must do our bit in contributing towards the health of our children to give them a happy present and happier future…. Wishing a very Happy Children's Day. Mn #baby || #babycare || #baby_mother_care #home #healthcareforall #homecare #atyourdoor #atyourhome #inyourplace #touch_on_sehat_team #touch_on_sehat_family #touch_on_sehat_home_care_noida #touch_on_Sehat_Home_care_delhi #touch_on_sehat_home_care_gurugram #touch_on_sehat_home_care_faridabad #touch_on_sehat_home_care_delhi_ncr #touch_on_sehat_home_care https://www.instagram.com/p/B41lW6qHSeC/?igshid=1hmrd7nuxkmny
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#diabetesawarenessmonth2019 #gestationaldiabetes Diabetes is killing Indians : #control_your_sugar, #weight, #diet to delay conditions. #stopdiabetes #diabetes #diabetescare #sugar #home #healthcareforall #homecare #atyourdoor #atyourhome #inyourplace #touch_on_sehat_team #touch_on_sehat_family #touch_on_sehat_home_care_noida #touch_on_Sehat_Home_care_delhi #touch_on_sehat_home_care_gurugram #touch_on_sehat_home_care_faridabad #touch_on_sehat_home_care_delhi_ncr #touch_on_sehat_home_care https://www.instagram.com/p/B4v6DU4nc6K/?igshid=1f8v5m7skb9lj
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Diabetes is killing Indians : control your sugar ,weight,diet to delay conditions. 8 Facts-check :- 1️⃣ Diabetes is killing Indians slowly and softly. 2️⃣ Between ago 20 and 70 ,around 8.7% of the Indian population 8s diabetic. 3️⃣ WHO said India had 69.2 million Diabetic People living in 2015. 4️⃣ 98 million Indians may end up with types-2 diabetes by 2030. 5️⃣ Obesity,being over weight are considered vital risk factors ( strock, attack, CKD,etc.) 5️⃣ But ,It can be Prevented or delayed by behavioural changes. 6️⃣ Adopt a healthy diet, including in regular physical activities with guidance. 7️⃣ Control weight, take up walking of quitesmoking. 8️⃣ Limit red meat intake,ditch sugar drinks to keep diabetes at bay. #stopdiabetes #diabetes #diabetescare #sugar #home #healthcareforall #homecare #atyourdoor #atyourhome #inyourplace #touch_on_sehat_team #touch_on_sehat_family #touch_on_sehat_home_care_noida #touch_on_Sehat_Home_care_delhi #touch_on_sehat_home_care_gurugram #touch_on_sehat_home_care_faridabad #touch_on_sehat_home_care_delhi_ncr #touch_on_sehat_home_care https://www.instagram.com/p/B4uFI6Bnz3Q/?igshid=1bhnhvw2kfx3b
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All_about_diabetic. ➡️ Handy means of dealing with sugar. ➡️ Sugar is one of the biggest resons of #obesity and bad health today. Even though we all have a #sweet tooth. It is necessary to restrict our daily intake of sugar. ➡️ Some ways to do this are:- 1️⃣ 🍭 Reduce the sugar you add to tot drinks. Do so gradually to give your #tastebuds time to adjust. Try adding a #sprinkles of cinnamon to cappuccino or hot chocolate cinnamon has several health benefits and add flavour with the sweetness. 2️⃣ 🍰 Avoid #low_fat _diet foods which tends to be high in sugar. Instead have smaller portions as regular version. 3️⃣ 🍦Be wary of #sugar-free foods. These often contain artificial sweeteners like sucralose. Saccharine and aspertame. Although those taste sweet research suggests that they don't help curb a sweet tooth. So they tends to send confusing massages to the brain and that can lead to over-rating. 4️⃣ 🍪 Balance your carbs intake with learn protein like fish, chicken and turkey. Protein foods slow stomach emptying which helps manage craving. 5️⃣ 🧁 Swap white bread,rice,and pasta for wholegrain version like oats,granary and wholemeal breads,brown rice and pasta. 5️⃣ 🍬 Reduce the sugar in recipes and add spices to boost flavor and test. Try our spiced apple pie. Skick to one glass of fruits juice a day ( dilute it, and enjoy with a meal to protect your teeth ) and keep sweet soft drinks and alcohol for the weekend. Enjoy harbal teas or water with slices of citrus fruits for flavouring. 6️⃣ 🍫 For a pick-me-up have a piece of whole fruits with a handful of nuts or a small tube of plain yogurt. Both contain protein which helps balance blood sugar and energy levels. #stopdiabetes #diabetes #diabetescare #sugar #home #healthcareforall #homecare #atyourdoor #atyourhome #inyourplace #touch_on_sehat_team #touch_on_sehat_family #touch_on_sehat_home_care_noida #touch_on_Sehat_Home_care_delhi #touch_on_sehat_home_care_gurugram #touch_on_sehat_home_care_faridabad #touch_on_sehat_home_care_delhi_ncr #touch_on_sehat_home_care (at Delhi, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4tWHByn1lP/?igshid=1035vfbnim8pl
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#universal #immunization #Vaccination Point to remember during Vaccination. ➡️ Ensure that the needle and string is single use. ➡️ Make sure that needle and strange are discharged after single use. ➡️ Follow immunization schedule under UIP ( Universal Immunization Program ). ➡️ Keep a track of your child's Immunization schedule. ➡️ Consult a health care provider / Doctor before Vaccination. #stopdisease #disease #patientcare #home #healthcareforall #homecare #atyourdoor #atyourhome #inyourplace #touch_on_sehat_team #touch_on_sehat_family #touch_on_sehat_home_care_noida #touch_on_Sehat_Home_care_delhi #touch_on_sehat_home_care_gurugram #touch_on_sehat_home_care_faridabad #touch_on_sehat_home_care_delhi_ncr #touch_on_sehat_home_care (at World Health Organization (WHO)) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4sB_VZnDNB/?igshid=ufx97rg3m25x
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Have your child missed a few Vaccination ? Even if your child missed a few Vaccinations.its is still advisable to follow the Immunization #schedule. #immunization #Vaccination #patientcare #home #healthcareforall #homecare #atyourdoor #atyourhome #inyourplace #touch_on_sehat_team #touch_on_sehat_family #touch_on_sehat_home_care_noida #touch_on_Sehat_Home_care_delhi #touch_on_sehat_home_care_gurugram #touch_on_sehat_home_care_faridabad #touch_on_sehat_home_care_delhi_ncr #touch_on_sehat_home_care (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4sA3IUHKqf/?igshid=1ihisgwva8mls
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