#touch food
bewitched-bullet · 7 months
Hi. I've been trying to follow #a scandal in tumblr but I'm still confused.
I've been following the John/Sherlock blogs for about 18 months or so. And in the beginning of my following, both characters seemed like they were posting as if they were both in 2021-2023 (Rosie when mentioned, was portrayed as 6-7 years old, current events were mentioned, etc.). It was mainly John and Sherlock interacting, mostly cases and domestic life type posts. Which was great. It even was entertaining and fun when Mycroft and Greg joined in, especially when it was related to a case. Mrs. Hudson, Rosie, Molly and Jim weren't as fun, and they posted sporadically and didn't add much to the whole experience.
And in the beginning (of when I started following) both John and Sherlock (characters) acted closer to the canon BBC characters, although with some small changes of course (most likely the mods personalities showing through). But while John continued to post as though he was a middle aged dad, working as a doctor, in love with Sherlock and publicly saying as much, and participating in cases, Sherlock started changing (I'm not sure if regressing is the right word?). Focusing more on drugs, acting shocked and disgusted at any mention of sex/attraction, not knowing what well known common slang meant, fighting with anon asks about absolutely nothing and not interacting as much with anyone except John and Jim. Which contradicted how he acted to start on the blog, as well as the canon character. BBC Sherlock was a drug user but didn't constantly talk about or persue drugs, he said he wasn't interested in sex, but he wasn't naive about it (as the comment to Donovan in the first episode about her knees showed, as well as being well aware of what Irene's activities were and what she was blackmailing the royal with), and he wouldn't have hung out with Jim just because he was bored.
The two blogs seemed to be on different pages (as far as the rp went) and it became confusing to follow. I went from a daily reader to weekly or even longer on occasion. Which bummed me out because I had enjoyed it a lot. But 🤷🏼‍♀️ it's just online fun, right?
I come back after a week or so of not reading, to find the whole "break-up" with Sherlock, making it seem like the whole rp blogs were finished and done. Which seemed really odd after the whole "love confession" from Sherlock that John had pinned for like a month. And also a surprise to not only followers but Sherlock as well.
Then all of the further mod drama blowing up, when as far as I remember, there hadn't been any kind of mod/rl posts before about any conflict between them. I honestly don't remember seeing any posts from the mods on the John/Sherlock blogs, ever. As far as I know, that's pretty normal for rp blogs, at least the few I've ever read. Mod interaction happened by DM/messaging/Discord etc.
I did send a few asks to both characters over the time that I followed, as myself and anonymous at times, but didn't really get super involved. I've never communicated with the characters or mods other than the asks. So it seemed weird that when all of this drama started, I get a message from the John mod, telling me how the other characters mods are trying to destroy his blog, threatening him, trying to turn his followers against him, and how it was ruining their life. Asking me to post support for him. I didn't know what to respond as I didn't and don't have a clue as to what's going on behind the scenes. So I didn't. I really don't understand who is who that is involved in all of this, (blogs/mods, Dump, Greg mod, etc), and not informed enough to "pick a side".
I appreciate that you are trying to clear the confusion up for everyone that enjoyed the blogs, and bring to light any bullying that is going on. I really don't have a dog in the fight, I was just here for the fun, and I don't know enough about either mod to have an opinion on whose the bully.
Just sharing a POV from a casual fan and how extremely weird this whole thing is. 😊
PS I do enjoy your blog and interactions that were on the Sherlock blog before. The puzzles and mysteries were interesting!
Thank you so much for sharing your perspective. I think I started following in…October? Right around the time I broke my back and had nothing else to do but be bed-bound and twiddle my thumbs. I wish I had more knowledge on how tumblr works so I can better assist folks in navigating the search. The best I can suggest, to get chronological order of the journey, is to scroll my page till you hit, I think, March 4th or 5th. And I posted, wtf happened—I was gone over in left field, minding my business and I come back and shit had hit the fan.
That’s when I received my first ask to go back and look, so I went to town on some digging.
And god, it was confusing, sus, and at first just some light observations and criticisms on how to run a role play (am an active DM and I agree with your assessment ). When I created the tab #a scandal in tumblr, it was supposed to be a tongue in cheek reference to the Sherlock Holmes case A Scandal in Belgravia. But then it took a turn and the tag was no longer tongue in cheek.
Anywho, I am sorry that a mod attempted to personally get you to “chose a side.” That had to be a 🤨 moment.
I don’t expect you (or anyone) to enter a dog into the fight (save that puppy), just to simply observe and make an informed decision that best fits you. I certainly don’t expect people to be like me. I may be intelligent but I’m a dummy for willing painting a target on my back. And wouldn’t want anyone else to do this. (Though I do appreciate my dark “acolytes” ™️ by harriett mod)
I’m glad you have enjoyed my small corner of the inter-webs and my little 20 question mysteries. Once this is over, I hope I can make things enjoyable again…after I eat some grass and touch some food.
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lcdsoundsystem · 1 year
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Phill Niblock - Touch Food (2003)
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swan2swan · 3 months
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Whoever conceived and animated this moment, I hope they're doing well and thriving. This is S-rank romance stuff here.
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knifebun · 11 months
look. so many people use the classist card for this, but if you can't afford to feed an animal a diet that's not going to cause serious medical issues that will either kill it or require medical treatment for the rest of the animal's life, then maybe you shouldn't own this animal. "poor people deserve to have animal companions too" yes absolutely i agree, but maybe not at the expense of the animal's health.
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elysianightsss · 8 days
Delivery guy Simon pulls up in his piece of crap ford car, grabs his bright orange just eat bag from the car, slamming the door shut as he walks up to your house. All black attire and sporting no mask, never does during deliveries after being told by his boss it unnerves people you can’t wear that man.
You’re already there before he rings the doorbell, opening the door and giving him a bright smile. Eyes full of hunger, you stomach growling as you inhale the smell of McDonalds. After a shitty week at work you just wanted some junk food to binge on and there was no way you were cooking.
Simon clears his throat out of his temporary freeze, “Here y’a go love.” His deep gravelly voice has your focus off the food he’s picking up and holding out to you in an instance.
You actually look at him and fuck he’s gorgeous. He’s got a couple scars and his nose is crooked, like it’s been broken one too many times for it to be fixed. 6ft 7 at least, he’s built like a damn ox, there are scars on his arms too. If you could even call the both of them that, they’re just as huge as the rest of him. Graced with veins and stretch marks from where the muscles have grown bigger.
He’s a whole ass meal, forget the McDonalds. You’d happily eat him for dinner, just as the thought crosses your mind your gaze shoots down to the giant bulge in his trousers. Your mouth waters at the sight and you swear you see it pulse behind the fabric.
Simon happily stands there letting you, fuck you gorgeous little thing in a tank top and short shorts, eye fuck him. A smirk growing on his face as he watches your hungry eyes dart all over his body.
“Hungry love?”
You blush so deep at his words, cheeks and ears burning hot as you mumble out, “Starved.”
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fonmythenmetz · 3 months
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The most powerful force user to ever live (smol)
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srfiv · 2 months
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i've been spoiled with the overwhelmingly positive feedback on the last piece, have another one that i can't seem to get right with colour
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frenchiepal · 4 months
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24.5.24 🥳 no laptop pics today because i finally finished my ba thesis! my relief is immeasurable and my summer is saved <3
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envy-of-the-apple · 8 months
Dark!Naga!SatoSugu x reader
Top of the Food Chain
I've always wanted to continue my naga!mha fic but considering i dont write for deku+co anymore, i decided to move my au a couple fandoms over:D 1.8k wc
Part two , Part three
(Warnings: animal deaths, blood, obsession, dark content, slight gun threat but not rlly, polyamory, gender ambigious!reader) 
Despite being here for nearly a week, you still don't think Satoru understood how delicate you are. 
He's overbearing, in that sense. Constantly poking and prodding and squeezing until your lungs give and you're forced to squeak. You can't blame him for not understanding. He's an animal, after all. Inhuman. Despite his skin and hair, the scales coating his tail give away just how different he is. He was probably born fighting, kicking, and screeching his way through the foliage, hunting, chewing, and biting. 
He's not like you when all you knew when you were younger was coddling and softness. You can see it in his scars, and bruises, and marks. 
Luckily, for you, Suguru had an inkling that you weren't made for sharp claws. 
It's not a fight, you can tell when they're fighting, it's more like a warning? A minor disagreement. Suguru hisses at the other naga, scrunching up his face, showing his teeth. Satoru is quick to respond, but a little more playful. Fortunately for you, the black-haired male seems to win the argument. Satoru's coils loosen around you. Air stops fighting its way to get into your lungs. 
You finally go lax in his hold. Satoru seems to enjoy that, dipping his head to bury his face into the base of his neck. The first few times he did that, you were afraid he was trying to bite off your jugular. Now, you think it's just another way he can soak up your body heat. 
Maybe you've been here for longer than a week. At this point, you couldn't really tell. Hope that you'd be found was starting to slowly fizzle away. The explosion had been massive. The ship had sunk in a matter of minutes. With a disaster that huge, you doubt anyone would still be looking for survivors. Especially on an uncharted island, where myth had turned into reality. 
 Satoru had been the one you'd woken up to. Washed ashore, barely conscious. You were half-certain he was planning on eating you with the way he held your leg, watching your muscles bend and turn. In his defense, he must have thought you were dead. Your shrill scream quickly convinced him otherwise. 
It was barely a fight. More or less, a pathetic kidnapping as he grabbed your body, slinging it over his shoulder. You've never remembered screaming and crying so loudly before, convinced you were about to be eaten. Suguru probably heard you before he saw you. 
Satoru's mate was a little less impressed with you. Back then, they didn't bother learning your tongue, speaking in hisses and snarls, unaware of your misery. Suguru's frown was glued on his face, but the naga never let you run away, always keeping a hand or a tail on you at all times. It was a rough first day; you didn't know they weren't interested in eating you until they tried to feed you. 
Things were much different back then Nowadays, they are a lot more considerate of yourself and your soft body. You think you've come to an understanding with these strange creatures. 
Suguru was the nicest out of the two. In that, you mean the least rough. Compared to his counterpart, he's a bit smaller, but that's not saying there's any real difference. If it comes down to it, you are more than certain he'd be able to kill you off as quickly as his mate. You thought he hated you, at first. Now, you think he has a hard time showing blatant affection. His touches typically come in the dead of night, when you're barely conscious. A clawed finger gently raking over your soft skin. Large hands sculpting your face. 
Satoru's eyes were the first thing you noticed about him. Glittering like blue sapphires. You had a feeling they weren't just for show. Time and time again he's proven that he can see better than Suguru could. He smiles a lot more, but you're starting to wonder if that expression translates across species. He can speak your tongue slightly better than Suguru could. It most likely has to do with his insistence on staying with you. The more time you spend with him, the more you have to say 'No' 'Don't touch there' 'Stop'. 
In the rare times you manage to escape their hold, you like watching them interact with each other. They often sunbathe for hours, lazing around hot rocks to soak in the heat. They like touching each other. Sometimes it's aggressive, like when Satoru chomps on Suguru's neck and you're suddenly much more aware of how careful he is with you. Other times it's: soft, unintentional, meaningless. Languid cuddling when you are finally able to braid Suguru's hair. 
At this point, you've surmised they won't eat you. At least, not for the moment. You don't exactly know what they think of you. Do they have the concept of pets in their worldview? Maybe that's the closest thing you can place yourself as, at least in their eyes. They must think you're helpless. To them, you have no claws, no fangs, no venom. They probably don't know you come from a species that's hunted others to extinction and currently burning down the planet. You must be the first time they've ever seen your kind, stripped away from your weapons, when you're the least dangerous. 
"You should be more scared of me, you know," you once whispered to Suguru in the dead of night.
He was dozing off, blearily keeping his eyes open to stare at your moving lips. There was a grunt behind you, and Satoru tightened his arms across your waist. Greedy for affection, even in his sleep.
"Humans are terrifying," you said, reaching out to touch, "top of the food chain."
Suguru had smiled at that. You found yourself smiling back.
"You're lucky I didn't have a gun on me. You probably don't even know what that is." It's dark humor to press two fingers into his forehead. Your way of coping maybe.
Or perhaps your actions prove that humans will always desire to be violent, no matter how perilous their fight may be.
"Bang." He leans into your touch, unafraid. Oblivious to the threat that you are.
You're guessing Satoru only let you go because of the food Suguru brought.
You're able to feel the ground again as he glides over to Suguru having just come back from a successful hunt. The carcass of the largest deer you've ever seen is slung across his back. The smell of blood already makes you nauseous. 
You think Suguru had been the most panicked when you refused to eat, clicking and cooing while he tried to force-feed you the bloody leg of a bear. Back then, your communication was even worse than it was now. You were smeared in crimson by the time he relented. Practically dripping in it. 
Now, Suguru knows you have different tastes than them. You're not a big fan of raw. The fish and the handful of berries are more than enough to sate you as you gather the items he's given in your hands. 
"Thank you," you say. You reach out, touching his face with warm fingers. He purrs into your touch. You smile. It's the least gratitude you can give him. After all, he's not asking for much. If they hadn't found you, you would have been dead long ago, or at least, significantly less weaker. It's the least you can do. 
For a moment, you delude yourself into thinking they were your pets. It'd certainly be easy too. They have little to no regard for personal boundaries, much like dogs. They're more animalistic than they are human. 
It's funny to think of these monsters as lovable pets.
"Thank you," Suguru repeats. You giggle. It's not like they actually understand you. It's simple mimicry. Like talking to a parrot. 
"Thank you!" Satoru chirps, never one to be left out. He pushes his mate out of the way, eager for your pets as well. Suguru hisses, but doesn't argue. You've learned they like to be scratched right there on the bottoms of their chins. 
Suguru's less obvious, but Satoru has no desire to pretend. He melts into you, practically slumping his weight into your weak hold. It's a little adorable actually. You give a little laugh. He seems even more pleased at that. 
They're fun to be around, but this can't last. You belong with other humans, far far away from this island. So far, you hadn't seen any boats in the horizon, but you hope one would come by soon. A plane would be even better. Close enough to give you hope. Maybe if you built a big enough fire, it'd reach someone eye. 
Hopefully, in just a few weeks, these creatures will be a very cherished memory. 
You frown when Satoru reaches over to grasp at your food, the meat specifically. You glare, moving away from his hold. He titters in clear disappointment. You hate seeing him sad but you already have so few food sources. It's best to conserve whatever you get. 
"No," you pointedly tell him, "It's mine. Mine." 
His frown deepens, and he opens his jaws to let his fangs pop out. 
"Mine," you repeat. 
He leans back, huffing. You laugh because you know his expression is more out of frustration than any actual anger. Again, animals. You pet his head in apology, before turning away. You'd have to start a tiny fire to start cooking. Raw fish is edible, but it's hardly desirable. 
A hand grabs yours, clawed, the grip is tight around your frail skin. When you look back, Satoru is staring at you. Eyes wide. Eager. 
"Mine," he says, but it's more like he's testing the word. Tasting it on his lips. 
You scoff, unamused. "That's my arm. Not yours." 
Satoru smiles. Sharp teeth. You suddenly remember he's a carnivore. 
He's slow when he draws you in, practically dragging you into his arms. You're used to his spontaneous hugs, tight and suffocating. You can't fight him off, so you typically wait until Suguru has enough of his behavior and drags him off you. 
"Mine," Satoru repeats. Alarm bells ring in your head but it's easy to brush them off. It's mimicry. They can't understand. It's like talking to a parrot. 
You feel the weight of the other naga at your back. His arms wrap around your waist, pushing you against Satoru's chest. You stiffen when Suguru's fangs lightly graze up your neck. Never quite punctures, but is terrifyingly close.
"Mine," Suguru says into your skin. 
You laugh again, but it comes out less hesitant. More airy. Amid their hold, a sudden thought comes to you.
If you weren't at the top of the food chain anymore, then who was?
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Hey these guys are okay if you are wondering
Just a RLGL au outing at the market
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dawnbreakersgaze · 7 months
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I love that this series of shots looks like Zayne is so freaking done with MC he doesn't even know what to do with himself
Like this poor man has suffered a million lifetimes for her and she's over here eating all his fucking cookies. The audacity 🍪
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guardian-angle22 · 4 days
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TK/Carlos + Touch
↳ 5.01 Both Sides, Now
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beccawise7 · 1 month
"The beauty of human connection defies logic, tradition, and our inherent beliefs. It drives our need for passion, touch, and understanding from those who see us as we are, not as we pretend to be."
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battlecrazed-axe-mage · 4 months
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Made a tiny bowl of ramen and I think it's one of my favorite objects now 🥹
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shotmrmiller · 2 months
One night stand sd! Simon sending you a text at work that reads
“We miss you 🥺” with a image attached you only see the notification tho, so when you open it thinking the image is of bubba you get jumpscared by the image of his red leaky tip, his massive hand grasping it tightly and you just quickly slam your phone screen side down, but its too late its already saying you’ve seen his message
now tells you to send him a pic of his girls (your holes)
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canisalbus · 5 months
I have the vibes Machete HATES mayonaise as a whole, the texture, the taste, etc. Vasco probs does too but maybe if its for a funny bit he’ll lick it
it's half past three in the morning and I'm pondering what my ocs would think of mayonnaise.
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