stylezxsilvermoon 1 month
tales of the jaded & the ever adored | original fiction!
also! i wanted to share with you guys i'm working on an original fiction story, i wanna be more open and honest about what i'm doing behind the screen LOL i'm planning so much stuff
so basically the story is going to be called: tales of the jaded & the ever adored
there are 7 teens/young adults that are in a friend group that's just full of dramatics and antics, there's exes, betrayals, people sleeping with everyone and fights etc etc, but at the end they're a family, so on of the people in the friend group has a father that's a scientist and also has ties to people in tech, and basically they create these special devices that connect them even closer in a last ditch attempt to save their crumbling bonds
but what happens is these go haywire and end up fusing with them and quite literally connecting them on a DNA level, reading their DNA and attaching it to the devices, causing their hormones to be all scrambled and chemistry (scientific and emotional) to fly all around, and throughout the book they figure out who exactly is to blame for that, and uncovering the ties in their pasts that caused them to end up here
the story is sort of going to be like a "revolving" storyline which means each of the 7 is going to get somewhat equal pov's backstories and lore, but the two MAIN characters that i've started developing lore on first names are:
Cedar West (he/him)
Collette Winters (she/her)
this story is focusing on the forgotten kids of like YA fiction and romance fiction, the drama kids, the band kids, the nerds, the geeks, people who usually don't get to be the stars of the novel and usually are in the background
so there's no "perfect guy with a sharp jawline and a 6 pack" there's soft tummies and feminine jawlines all around, LGBTQ+ characters with personalities outside being gay or flamboyant
and not just plain gay or lesbian characters either, i'm talking demisexual, pansexual, bisexual, i really want to explore my pallet and knowledge for LGBTQ+ culture and sexualities and identities while making this
i'm going to try to keep everyone updated on how it goes! and this is written by a fic writer, so it's going to be written with the idea or oppurtunites for fics or headcanon's in mind! (that's is this ends up getting super popular like that anyway)
here are the rest of the character names i have down so far!
Judas Locke
Daphne Harrow
Lorelai Hills
Rowan Woods
Hayden Lowe
i haven't yet gave them their own identities or sexualities yet but i will update when i flesh out some of their character backgrounds!
also! this is written by a bisexual cis teen girl so keep that in mind before judging and whatnot
the main themes i'm planning is: found family, healthy family dynamics, fleshed out backgrounds with believeable and realistic trauma, main male leads that aren't toxic, healthy and realistic romances and fights, drama thats (mainly) fun but also push points for the plot, platonic relationships being an equal theme to romantic relationships, friendship and romantic relationship chemistry too, also possibly poly dynamics bc i really feel like those should be represented as well!
love you guys and ty for reading this GIGANTIC post lol
let me know if you guys want more information as i put more out!
also boosting appreciated? i kinda want a somewhat good audience before i begin working on it so everyone can be excited!
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cacodaemonia 2 years
I think I figured out why parts of the Dooku eps of Tales of the Jedi rubbed me the wrong way.
I had this written up already when I saw @sailorsol's reblog of this post. I considered just adding my rambling to a reblog of that, but my point kind of diverges and I didn't want to hijack the op.
Tbh, I agree with a lot of the things both sailorsol and @cosmic-herbal-tea said, and I think a lot of the episodes' interpretation is up to the viewer.
Anyway, that said, here are my completely unimportant thoughts:
The narrative in TotJ largely treats "the Jedi Council isn't perfect and has to work within the crappy governmental structure within which it's trapped" and "it's okay to commit genocide and start a totalitarian dictatorship because that will 'bring order to the Galaxy,'" in the same way that most US news media 'presents both sides of an issue.'
For example, a news channel might interview the two scientists on the planet who don't think climate change is caused by humans alongside two of the millions of scientists who know it is, and treat all four of them as if their opinions are equally valid.
Now obviously, as I and many others have said over and over, stories don't have to point at a Bad Thing and say, "This is a Bad Thing." However, I think the narrative of those TotJ eps really does try to treat Dooku's choices as reasonable when he is in fact doing objectively awful things and becoming a puppet of literally the most evil person in the Galaxy.
This is only a problem (and I say 'problem' like, a storytelling problem, because this is a fictional story and doesn't actually matter) in my eyes because the main Star Wars movies/shows have traditionally had a fairly black and white narrative of good guys versus bad guys. Yes, individual characters might be morally grey, but the stories as a whole don't leave much wiggle room for what is Good and what is Bad. Lucas has explicitly stated, over and over, that the Jedi were good people caught in trap they didn't even know existed. But when Filoni muddies the waters like this, he's sort of changing the fundamental way that the canon SW universe works, which imo is not great storytelling.
To return to the climate change analogy: giving climate deniers and anyone with a brain equal consideration allows bad actors to point and say, "see, it's okay to pump as much CO2 into the atmosphere as we want." Similarly, though obviously much less important, I think these weird narrative choices are only giving more fuel to the people who seem to think that the Jedi deserved what they got (imagine that: thinking genocide, even in a fictional setting, is ever justified in-universe...馃) and that the Sith are... good?
A lot of the rules of a story are dependent on the way the fictional universe works, like how plot armor in SW is very different from plot armor in the first few seasons of GoT, but they both work within their universes. When you suddenly change those rules, though, like with lots of main characters in later GoT seasons surviving utterly ridiculous situations, it tends to break the immersion and confuse the narrative, which is what I think these TotJ Dooku eps do.
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meandmyechoes 7 months
She's so.
She's so bratty lmao.
I didn't watch the live-action so no comments on the actress's skill but let's just say her styling never caught my heart.
I mean it's hottoys, that's a great-likeness sculpt but that's not Ahsoka. I thought she looked too young but she's actually the same age as the character she's playing (totj time = 1st half S3) so okay.
I don't like the figure's proportions. It's top-heavy and the legs are too short. One problem I had with the first live-action was the product looked too broadly-built in the scalpula - which is hide-able with proper styling, but no they had to give it a sports bra back oh well. I can see how this version grows into the live-action adult ver but not how a hottoys s7 fit in between.
I didn't follow up with how the sideshow figure performed. hoped people had fun with that. Neither are my cup of tea.
I'll see if I can manage to see the actual sample over the weekend to make better judgement. But I suppose I'd never be fair without watching the actual perfomance.
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stylezxsilvermoon 4 months
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