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dinopant · 1 year ago
ah yeah from my experience target has good pay but it is not a dream. both targets i've been to suck but i usually have tried to focus on yk getting my check rather than the fact that management sucks and half of the time people don't know what to do when they come in. it actually got to a point where i just couldn't stand it esp bc later on they started cutting our pay due to remolding and losing customers because they weren't telling staff about the rearrangements.... anyway, i was only offering mostly bc targets do pay well but yeah i understand if you don't want to be in such a shitty place. because i was very happy when i started because of the training videos but then the reality was. awful. and i couldn't imagine working in a starbucks tbh i hope you do manage to get a Good Well Paying job!
yeaHH thats kinda jobs aint it lol
idk its not a bad bad option, its always stuff to consider
iv never been in retail like that before so its not totallyt something im uninterested in
just bleh, work is stupid, jobs are stupid lol
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zaddizu · 2 days ago
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| Pile 1
You guys just seem lively, really wanting yourself and others around you to live life to the fullest. So when shifting came in it could have felt so emotionally fulfilling to have this new start, a new way of transforming through life, and other places to live through. You might have your own motto that’s similar to “Live life to the fullest.���
Your journey so far seems to have struck you with new feelings and creativity. There maybe was even a time where you were lonely and aloof while enduring emotional trauma and/or pain, but you kept up appearances. Discovering shifting might have made you feel there was a new set of options to explore. This collective is very playful, vibrant and enthusiastic. You might get told you have an animated face often.
Knowing that there’s so many opportunities in so many realities may have brought you into an introspective period. Searching within yourself and not telling a soul about it. You have so many questions that you feel could be found anywhere, and you realise some of those lie in yourself. How long did you stay in that for? Or maybe just the planning period? You could get caught up in things quite easily without realising. For a lot of you, you were guided solely by the promising task of reaching your destination. Your desired reality, your home, where you feel your true or desired self is. And while a very understandable goal, don’t let that search take away from anything in this reality. Some people may feel abandoned or put to the side. Reflect on your true self; if they were in their reality, would they be so infatued with one singilar thing or appreciating what they had around them?
Beforehand you might have gone through something that left you with high emotions, maybe you were put to the side for a while. Was this your rock bottom? Whether you’re out of it or not, I see this as a very positive event that made or will make you grow. When tragedy occurs, release is inevitable, only avoided. If you haven’t already, initiate this new cycle for yourself.
This collective is so curious as I said earlier. You’re vigilant and alert at all times. Some of you love to learn so much that you don’t even mind if you have to go through horros of experiences to see the outcome and lesson. You likely thrive on nerves. Some of you could feel more comfortable learning lessons in another reality, I feel. You always got an idea you want to play out and execute yourself, and you’re always engaged in communication. A lot of you could have active shifting accounts or plan on having one in the future—please go through with it, share these ideas and progress with others! You excel in this kind of work. Also chew something minty, ideas could come about.
If there’s anything that’s holding you back from fully discovering yourself or sharing your ideas, is a fear of control. You love seeing things play out, spiral, and maybe a little bit of drama. But what your interpretation of independence is is too overwhelming, you’d much rather just go with the flow to see where things end up. You might not like to fully delve into your mind to self assess and you could second guess yourself a lot when you’re alone. For this collective I recommend releasing rituals or subliminals, change your thought patterns. I don’t think you’re scared of confrontation, but worry what you could learn about yourself. You’re used to being known as the bubbly and bouyant one. Give yourself the safe space and time of day to list what you should let go of to reach your goals. You could be making things look more dramatic in your head. Your journey isn’t going to look like others.
11:11 as I’m writing this.
Hidden knowledge card: whether you have been or appear to be, you seem self absorbed—maybe disconnected from home. You might be a little envious of others experiences, shifting wise or not. In the worse case you might not be taking care of yourself, this calls for grounding and to re-center. Connecting to the earth could help. Some of your values could be misplaced, materialistically or otherwise and this is setting back your future. A sign of this is being easily distracted and not giving a thought to long term goals. Be accountable.
Oracle words: dream, increase, freedom, imagination, anchor, Cancer (zodiac), Taurus, waning crescent moon phase
Channeled songs:
Heat Of The Moment | Asia
When She Loved Me | Sarah McLachlan
Fascination Street | The Cure
No Return | PJ Harvey
The Sweet Escape | Gwen Stefani, Akon
Cherry Waves | Deftones
Pocketfull of Sunshine | Natasha Bedingfield
Thanks for reading! <3
My Masterlist.
– ℳ
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totallytabled · 4 years ago
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The cultists tried to summon the "Ancient Nightmare of Unspeakable Horror" but Cthulie appeared, licked their faces and then pooped on the pentagram. (From the Dungeon Petz rulebook) Day 7️⃣ of the 10 days of cool compositions challenge. (I think?) (#10daysofcoolcompositions started by @jazzylovesgames to mash up 2 or more board games.) I was nominated by: @both_sides_of_my_table. I would like to nominate @twomexicanmeeples for this challenge (if they so desire). 😊 @czech_games_edition @fantasyflightgames #dungeonpetz #arkhamhorror #10daysofcoolcompositions #totallytabled #brettspiel #playmoregames #games #gaming #gamer #boardgame #boardgames #boardgaming #tabletop #tabletopgaming #tabletopgames #bgg #boardgamegeek #boardgamesofinstagram #boardgamer #gamenight #geek #analoggames #tabled #play #playing #playinggames #instagamer (at Oregon , USA) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKzFVFIhdJE/?igshid=r4lyfl7monsj
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queenstarlight · 3 years ago
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Imagine Elrond smiling at you and telling you everything going to be alright 
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clementineskesh · 2 years ago
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cracygirl28 · 5 years ago
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Mahi Mahi on the grill tonight. Can't wait to dive in. #mahimahi #fish #grilledmahimahi #mygril #grilllife #grilledpeppers #imadethat #girlsthatgrill #instagrill #flolife #floridalife #miamilivin #miami #Florida #grilledfish #tracysalways #cracygirl28 #totallytate #prettygirlscook #saltlife #instafiid #foodofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/B3p1QoOAhsR/?igshid=b4kjmeodyux3
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thebestcomicking · 5 years ago
My Thoughts On: She Ra Season Finale ( With Spoilers)
Oh man oh man oh MAN, that’s what you call a Season Finale!! The whole time I was expectin Adora to save Catra’s ass in the end after being chipped by Sybok from Star Trek V Horde Prime. Yeah let’s get that shit outta the way, Horde Prime is basically Albino Jamaican Jimmy Swaggart, who thinks Rock N Roll is the devil’s music and people needs to cleanse there soul with Sha Ka Ree or Amy Grant or whatever. Also he’s one hell of a host, he brought Glimmer and Catra over for dinner, even provided five star meals when Glimmer’s inprisoned, showed off his collection of stuff from planets he destroyed, and very well mannered to his guests. Swell guy when he’s not trying to drain the Heart Of Etheria and turning the people there into the Borgs.
Now the chemistry with everyone was fantastic, I like that after all the shit Glimmer pulled off in the tail end of Season 4 Bow wasn’t too keen with her for good episode or two. It’s great to see Catra and Adora together and not throwing shit at each other too. I was kinda surprised in retrospect how early on they got Catra back and joining the Rebellion. Also a bitter sweet closure between the two and Shadow Weaver. The hair cut she got looked similar to the hair cut I gave to Entrapta. Speaking of which, Entrapta grew a lot in this season, realizing that some action she makes have consequences and there are more important things to worry about other than tech stuff.Movin on to Scorpia, nothing too much but she and Perfuma had great chemistry together, and she sang a James Bond tune fro good measures. Also my fuckin artwork predicted that shit, except she wasn’t singing “Still Loving You” by Scorpions. Hordak... He showed up time to time with mood swings whenever he thinks about Entrapta. I kinda wish he showed up a little more so I could give a shit (I’ll get to my opinions about the two later). On the other hand I think I prefer Wrong Hordak better. Fuckin, he’s a gem to look at I’d much prefer him over the real one. I’m glad he made it through. We also get to see more of Netossa and Spinnerella this season and good LORD this woman and her wife should’ve showed up more often. Netossa might be the Lonnie of the Rebellion cause she’s the only one who sprayed water on Catra’s face when discussing people’s weaknesses. Smaller rolled from some minor characters are great too. George and Lance comes back safe (thank Dio) and Double Trouble’s bit were a joy to watch.
Now I got some minor nitpicks which range from “Oh Yeah” to “Who Give’s A Flying Fuck”. My question is what happen to the three who joined Adora and the gang in the USS Darla? Like did they forget to take them back home when rescuing Catra off of Horde Prime’s Ship? Was Catra like “You’re on your own BITCH!!” and scuddled the fuck off? That’s the biggest problem I have, btut the next problem I have are negligible. Lonnie, Kyle, and Rogelio only have a cameo, and I really wish they did something. Yeah I get it, this season was suppposed to only focus more about Adora and Catra, but a little reunion would’ve been kewl. Like Lonnie gives Catra a thumbs up or something. Also The P is finally comfirmed. Going back with Hordak, my only problem is that I kinda wish we get to see a tad bit more, only because I completely forgotten about him til the end where he Palpatined Horde Prime. Should’ve fuckin did this to him:
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Small Rant Warning
“HEY FUCKIN ENTRAPDAK IS A CANON SO SUCK IT” Yeah it happened. As I expected and accepted back in Season 3. I’ve kinda grew into to it, but still probably not enough to actually draw the ship in a romatic sense. The two being casual together I’m more willing to draw that, and have Hordak kinda being in denial that he’s in love but every one’s like “Pfft yeah, right. You TOTALLYT don’t love her”. Them doing something stupid together, OH HELL YAH I’ll draw that shit, cause it makes me laugh. “SO ARE YAH GONNA STOP DRAWIN YOUR SHIP WITH ENTRAPTA AND KYLE!!!!?” Nope, cause 1) you guys keep throwing fuel to the fire, and 2) I still like drawing the two together, amd it’s only an AU ship and never my Canon ship. Ok maybe it was before Season 3, but I’ve wrote it off as an AU ship now. Also The P has been confirmed canon. I don’t fully dig Entrapdak, but at least it was written off well.
Uhhh any other ships I have in mind... Oh I can dig shipping Perfuma and Scorpia. In fact I’m debating whether or not have my fankid, Petunia, have two moms and a Scorpian sister. Also I might draw Rogelio and Kyle’s kid just for good measures cause The P has been confirmed canon. Ok it’s not but Scorpia said Kyle has crush on Rogelio, and being a good parent taking care of Imp. I have several idea’s to draw, and I’m currently workin on a two page spread. In the end Season 5 is a fantasic way to end the series. Even though we all want more, where else is there to go? An epilogue season akin to Steven Universe Future would be nice. I have my ideas but it heavily involves my OC being a main villian. Anyways I enjoyed it.
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barbarhairtools · 8 years ago
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ToTaLLy TeaL🦈 @kateloveshair 🖤 . . @atelierbysquare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #totallyteal #tealhair #realteal #atelierbysquare #stylistshopconnect #stylistssupportingstylists #imallaboutdahair #authentichairarmy #hotonbeauty #hotforbeauty #maneaddicts #lasvegashairstylist #unicornhair #hairbrained #BARBAR #barbarhair #barbarhairtools
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brandoncarlo · 8 years ago
remember the fact that there’s no out hockey players is totallyt he responsibility for the league and the straight players in the league and does not rest on the closeted players at all and they have no responsibility to come out. 
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omletedufromage61-blog · 7 years ago
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I got green hair y'all!! #greenranger #green #greenhair #haircut #hair #colorchange #teal #greenwithenvy #evilgreen #sparkshaircolor #totallyteal #sparkstotallyteal #bigdifference #bigchange #new #newlook #newhair #newhairwhodis #fosterglorioso #michaelglorioso #instagram #instapic #instaphoto #Friday #halloweenhair #mermaidhair #imamermaid #mermaidlife (at Foster Glorioso Salon)
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totallytabled · 4 years ago
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Kanban, my favorite @vitallacerda board game, has finally received the @eaglegryphon deluxe treatment it deserves. Feast your eyes on the beautiful @ianotooledesign artwork. Marvel at the awesome wooden components. Sandra meeple is best meeple! They even included a new solo mode! 😊 Guess what I'm doing tonight. Thank you Vital Lacerda. Kanban is a masterpiece and this edition is a gift to board game fans everywhere. -Shaggi #totallytabled . . . #kanban #kanbanboardgame #gaming #gamer #boardgame #boardgames #boardgaming #tabletop #tabletopgaming #tabletopgames #bgg #boardgamegeek #bggcommunity #iloveboardgames #sologaming #solomode #boardgamesofinstagram #boardgamer #gamenight #geek #analoggames #tabled #play #playing #playinggames #instagamer #boardgameaddict #eurogame #eurogamer (at Woodburn, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKhZ0Nmhwi7/?igshid=npepaexz8xui
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totallytabled · 4 years ago
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Designers and publishers: please make more Legacy style games for kids. Zombie Kidz is my 6-year-old's most played game (other than Uno). While the gameplay is just okay, the thrill of opening envelopes and discovering new stuff keeps him coming back for more. -Shaggi @totallytabled . . . #zombies #game #games #gaming #gamer #boardgame #boardgames #boardgaming #tabletop #tabletopgaming #tabletopgames #bgg #boardgamegeek #boardgamesofinstagram #boardgamer #gamenight #geek #analoggames #tabled #totallytabled #play #playing #playinggames #instagamer #boardgameaddict #familygames #familygamenight #kidsgames (at Oregon , USA) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGkxbBsB2Pl/?igshid=1erlryom54xyz
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totallytabled · 4 years ago
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I played BattleCon with my nine-year-old son. I love that the fighters are clearly marked by their complexity to play. We grabbed two random novice level characters out of the 25 available. We had a blast! BattleCon is a slower and more thinky dueling game than Unmatched or Funkoverse or games like that. But the variety of gameplay is amazing. Love it! -Shaggi @totallytabled . . . @level99games #game #games #gaming #gamer #boardgame #boardgames #boardgaming #tabletop #tabletopgaming #tabletopgames #bgg #boardgamegeek #boardgamesofinstagram #boardgamer #gamenight #geek #analoggames #tabled #totallytabled #play #playing #playinggames #instagamer #boardgameaddict (at Oregon , USA) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGiF37ChAc8/?igshid=39xnidkoclkv
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totallytabled · 4 years ago
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I did it! I totally organized my BattleCon collection in the collector's box with all the fourth edition cards. Absolutely amazing! This was hands down the most difficult and time consuming board game organizational jobs I've undertaken. Nothing compares. Not punching out Feast For Odin. Not stickering Sekigahara. Nothing. How about you? What was your worst experience preparing a game? -Shaggi @totallytabled . . . @level99games #game #games #gaming #gamer #boardgame #boardgames #boardgaming #tabletop #tabletopgaming #tabletopgames #bgg #boardgamegeek #boardgamesofinstagram #boardgamer #gamenight #geek #analoggames #tabled #totallytabled #play #playing #playinggames #instagamer #boardgameaddict https://www.instagram.com/p/CGc8uL7Btsp/?igshid=1crwpuahzfq40
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totallytabled · 4 years ago
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New arrival! Looks fun! Who has played this? What did you think? -Shaggi @totallytabled . . . #game #games #gaming #gamer #boardgame #boardgames #boardgaming #tabletop #tabletopgaming #tabletopgames #bgg #boardgamegeek #boardgamesofinstagram #boardgamer #gamenight #geek #analoggames #tabled #totallytabled #play #playing #playinggames #instagamer #boardgameaddict https://www.instagram.com/p/CGacgbqBOnq/?igshid=6fj8vysqd02k
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totallytabled · 4 years ago
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Maze Racers is a favorite of my six-year-old. He rarely plays the actual game and we never use the timer. Instead, he enjoys using the magnetic walls to build crazy mazes or just make interesting designs. I love this as a creative toy but can't really speak to the actual gameplay. -Shaggi @totallytabled. . . . #maze #game #games #gaming #gamer #boardgame #boardgames #boardgaming #tabletop #tabletopgaming #tabletopgames #bgg #boardgamegeek #boardgamesofinstagram #boardgamer #gamenight #geek #analoggames #tabled #totallytabled #play #playing #playinggames #instagamer #boardgameaddict #kidgames #familygamenight #toy #funforkids https://www.instagram.com/p/CGDRTTMB-P_/?igshid=17zsnm6r1br1r
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