#totally not inspired by greys anatomy
hidden-for-reg · 5 days
june 26: knee | @jegulus-microfic | wc: 695
*surgeon x patient au* ( i am debating if i should turn this into a series?)
"—alright Potter, I'm heading off, I've got an appy scheduled in about an hour but I'm supposed to meet Black in the on-call rooms right now," chuckled Remus with a smirk tugging on his lips as he dropped his remaining charts on top of James'. 
"You're meeting who again?" James tore his eyes away from his charts, which were getting messier by the minute due to James speeding through them at a dizzying rate. He could just barely make out the letters in his handwriting.
Remus' eyes bulged incredulously. "Y'know, Sirius Black, the total Trauma god," he blurted. James shrugged with a sigh. He really did not have time to chat with Remus about his latest guy. James had to go do rounds soon and he still needed to finish his mountain of charts, no thanks to Remus, here. Remus didn't look impressed. "Y'know, the bloke with the long black hair and black scrubs!" Remus said as he was walking away to the on-call room where apparently Sirius Black was waiting. 
James sat and thought for a moment. The hospital where he worked was big so, of course he didn't remember everyone's names. Oh, but he remembered the faces. Okay, yes now he remembered Sirius. Yeah, the one that ran the trauma wing like a ringmaster would a circus. God, he was a funny one. James decided to work extra hard to remember Sirius' name. 
James glanced up at the clock, and jolted straight to his feet. Ughhhh shittttttttttt, he was late. James put his charts aside, pocketed his pen and joined his fellow residents through rounds which went all very smoothly... until he got a patient assigned. 
The patient in question:
Regulus Black, Male, 26, admitted for a knee fracture due to a fall, Head CTs: good, X-Rays: not so good. So, Regulus here just needed a little surgery. 
For James, it would all be a breeze, since A) he dominates Ortho and deals with knee injuries, like, every day and B) he's done this surgery plenty of other times. Really all there is to it is putting in some metal pins to put the broken bones together. Real simple surgery. Only about 2 hours. Not a problem at all.
What is a problem however is Regulus. James legitimately doesn't think he's ever seen such a beautiful person. He was in awe of his porcelain skin, and soft rosy cheeks. And his hair, which seemed to be a natural combination of wavy curls, fell over his forehead and framed his face perfectly. And his eyes— His lips— Oh, but his cheekbones, oh, they could cut glass...
"—Potter, Dr Potter, Dr Potter."
James snapped out of it and swiveled his head to look at Minerva. He coughed and mumbled, "Ah, sorry, Minnie, what, uh, what were you saying?" James swore he felt himself shrink as she pursed her lips in a thin line. 
"Dr Potter, if you are going to keep getting distracted by the patient, then perhaps I should reassign you?”
"No!" James cleared his throat hastily, and lowered his voice, "No, that won't be necessary, Minnie." He stole a glance at Regulus whose face was blank except for the sharp glare he had pinned on them as they spoke. In James' opinion, it was hot. 
Minerva dumped Regulus' chart in James' hands and swept out of the room with a snap, "Don't call me that, Potter." James grinned at her as she closed the door.
As soon as the coast was clear, James shifted his grin to shine on Regulus, who was now just scowling at James. Okay, yeah, James has got this. All he had to do was somehow resist every urge in his mind, and body, and just do his job. Yep. 
“Oh, just get on with this all already. Do your job or something,” Regulus snapped. James couldn’t help but marvel at the sound of his voice and felt his cheeks flush. God. He sucked in a shaky breath and let it out slowly as he set Regulus’ chart down on the side of his bed, running his hand through his hair quickly.
Yeah, this was going to be tough.
next part
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Gnarls Barkley - Crazy 2006
"Crazy" is the debut single of American soul duo Gnarls Barkley, taken from their 2006 debut album, St. Elsewhere. It became the first single to top the UK Singles Chart on download sales alone. The song remained at the top of the British charts for nine weeks, the longest number-one spell for more than ten years. The band and their record company then decided to remove the single from music stores in the country (while keeping the download available) so people would "remember the song fondly and not get sick of it". "Crazy" dropped to number five, before disappearing completely from the chart, as under chart rules a physically deleted single could not remain on the chart longer than two weeks after deletion date. Thus, "Crazy" made history at both ends of its chart run. It marked the most rapid exit from the British chart ever for a former number one, and number five was the highest position at which a single has ever spent its final week on the chart at that point.
In spite of this deletion, the song was the best-selling single of 2006 in the UK. In December 2006, it was nominated for the United Kingdom's Record of the Year but lost to "Patience" by Take That. "Crazy" won a Grammy Award for Best Urban/Alternative Performance in 2007 and was also nominated for Record of the Year, and it won a 2006 MTV Europe Music Award for Best Song. The music video was nominated for three 2006 MTV Video Music Awards: Best Group Video, Best Direction, and Best Editing, and won the latter two. It was also nominated for a 2006 MTV Europe Music Award for Best Video. "Crazy" was named the best song of 2006 by Rolling Stone and by The Village Voice's annual Pazz & Jop critics poll. "Crazy" was performed at the 2006 MTV Movie Awards, with Danger Mouse and Green dressed as various Star Wars characters.
The single entered multiple other single charts throughout Europe, including the German, the Swedish, the Austrian and the Irish Singles Charts, and the Dutch Top 40, resulting in a number one position on the European Hot 100 Singles. "Crazy" also performed strongly outside Europe, with top-five positions on the New Zealand and Australian Single Charts, and was also certified gold in both countries. In the US, the song "Crazy" spent seven consecutive weeks in the number-two spot on the Billboard Hot 100.
Musically, "Crazy" was inspired by film scores of Spaghetti Westerns, in particular by the works of Ennio Morricone, and the song "Last Men Standing" by Gian Piero Reverberi and Gian Franco Reverberi from the 1968 Spaghetti Western Django, Prepare a Coffin, an unofficial prequel to Django. "Crazy" samples the song, and also utilizes parts of the main melody and chord structure. Because of this, the Reverberis are credited as songwriters along with CeeLo Green and Danger Mouse. "Crazy" was used in several films and TV shows including Kick-Ass, I Think I Love My Wife, Religulous, The Big Short, Cold Case, How to Rock, Grey's Anatomy, Medium, Boyhood, and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
"Crazy" received a total of 86,8% yes votes!
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lilislegacy · 2 months
Um this is sooo random and is probably gonna get like 3 notes, but can we headcanon the Roman and Greek students at New Rome University starting a little baseball league? Or softball. Either one. I may or may not have been inspired by grey’s anatomy, but that’s besides the point. I think I just love it because it’s friendly competition between the Greeks and Romans that they can do to blow off steam, and get out all their built-up energy. Also it has absolutely nothing to do with being a demigod. It’s a totally normal human thing. It’s not dangerous or violent, it’s not life or death, it’s not combat training, its not gonna bring back trauma or stress them out. It’s just fun.
Percy mentioned once that he has a good arm and that if he played, he would pitch. So Percy could be the Greeks’ pitcher. And that’s all I‘ve got because i don’t actually know baseball that well. But i just think it would be so dam funny.
Just a bunch of young adult adhd demigods, in jeans and jerseys, smack talking each other in ancient languages. Over freaking baseball. And like everyone at the college, and in the legion, and local families could come and watch. It would just be such a fun community thing. Maybe even the gods show up sometimes
It brings me joy. Okay?
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greynatomy · 11 months
A Chance
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Lexie Grey x Fem!Reader
My first grey’s anatomy imagine! Decided to write a fic on what inspired my name.
If you have any requests/ fix ideas you want me to write, take a look at my commissions page on ko-fi. You can find it on my Masterlist pinned to the top of my page!
Let me know what you think!
Throughout Lexie’s intern year, Mark and Lexie have been dancing around their romantic feelings to each other.
… Or so everyone thought.
Derek and Meredith got so fed up in the two that they decided that they would take matters into their own hands.
“Why don’t you just ask her out?”
Mark looks up from his tablet at the nurse’s station. “What?”
“You give her all these looks and won’t even ask her out.”
“She doesn’t feel the same way.”
“I call bullshit. She gives you the same looks.”
“Really?” Mark looks at him, intrigued.
“Yes, so ask her out sometime soon.”
After a few seconds of thinking, “Help me plan the perfect date.”
At the cafeteria, Meredith sees Lexie sitting at a table on her own eating her lunch. She observes her sister for a bit, seeing her smiling very big at her phone, making her wonder what was it that is making her so happy. She swiftly walks to her sister and sits down on the unoccupied chair.
“Uh, hi?” Lexie confusedly looks at Meredith.
“When are you gonna stop ignoring your feelings from Mark?”
After hearing those worlds, Lexie chokes on whatever she was drinking. Caught completely off guard to what her sister just said.
“I do not have feelings for Mark! What made you think that?”
“Oh, yeah? Come on! You give each other these looks that screams that you want to drag each other in an on call room.”
Wide-eyed, Lexie couldn’t even think of what to say.
“Look. I don’t know how to came to that conclusion, but I can assure you I don’t have these feelings that you’re saying I have. I’ve never even thought about him that way.”
“Not even a little bit?”
“Well, why not? Mark is totally in love with you.”
“Until he says that, I won’t believe him. But if he did I would reject his advances because that would make me unfaithful.”
With that, Lexie walks away.
“Unfaithful?” Meredith asks herself.
It’s now a few days after. The workday was done for Lexie. She was ready to just go home and sleep the night away until she has to come back to work, don’t knowing of a surprise coming her way. Or multiple surprises.
As she’s walking out to the exit of the hospital, she hears quick footsteps behind her.
“Hey, Lexi.”
“Hi, Mark. What’s up?”
“Uh, well, I was just wondering if you have some time after work tomorrow? For some dinner.”
“Like a date?”
“Yes.” He replied confidently.
Not far away, Meredith and Derek are watching the interaction.
“She’s definitely going to say yes.” Derek stated with a smile.
Meredith looks at him sheepishly. “IforgottotellyouthatwhenItalkedtoLexieshesaidthatshewouldturnMarkdownbecauseshedoesn’tseehimanywayromanticatall.” She said very quickly all in one breath.
“Say that agin, but slower.”
“I forgot to tell you that when I talked to Lexie she said that she would turn Mark down because she doesn’t see him any way romantic at all.”
“What?! Why didn’t you tell me.”
“I don’t know! I didn’t believe her, but I should’ve believed her cause she said something about feeling the same way would make her unfaithful.”
“So, she’s in a relationship?”
“I think so.”
“So, Marks gonna get his heart broken?”
Back with Mark and Lexie, Lexie is speechless while Mark looks hopeful.
“Look, Mark.” She pauses, trying to find the right words. “I am flattered, but I don’t feel anything romantic towards you.”
“What? But Derek said that we look each other the same.”
“Well he was probably seeing things cause I don’t look at you any other way but friendly.”
“Can’t you just give me a chance. Just one date and after you can tell me to stop if you still don’t feel the same.”
“I can’t. Besides…” Lexie looks away, which happens to be over by the door. At that moment she sees someone walk in holding a bouquet of flowers, wearing an army uniform, taking the beret off their head. Lexi becomes wide-eyed, not believing who she’s seeing.
At the same time, the person looks up, meeting Lexie’s eyes. Her eyes light up, holding up the bouquet of flowers. Lexie completely forgets about Mark and runs past him, jumping into the arms of this woman.
“Oh my god! How are you here? I thought I wouldn’t see you until next week?” She said into his neck, arms clinging onto her.
“I lied.” She said, chuckling into her hair. “Wanted to surprise you.”
Meredith and Derek took this time to walk up to Mark who had a confused and hurt expression on her face as Lexie pushed past him, essentially forgetting about their conversation.
“What just happened?” Meredith was the one to break the silence.
“I have no clue.”
“I asked her to give me a chance at on date to see if her mind changes, but she said no.”
“That’s probably the person she’s in a relationship with then.”
“She’s in a relationship and you didn’t tell me?” Mark asked Derek, hurt.
“I didn’t know until a couple minutes ago. Meredith knew, but didn’t believe her.”
“Even if she’s in a relationship, I usually still get the girl.” Derek looks at him with a face that says ‘really.’ “Right… sorry.”
A few more moments of watching the two embrace, Mark clears his throat cause the two to break apart and look at the others.
“Oh, yeah. Come here.” Lexie says, grabbing the woman’s hand, pulling her towards the group. “These are my friends Mark, Derek, and Meredith.”
“Meredith, your sister?”
“That’s the one.”
“Well it’s nice to meet you all.”
“How do you know Lexie?” Marks straightforwardly asks.
“Uh, well we met in high school actually. Sophomore year, specifically.”
“So, been friends ever since.”
“Best friends. She’s actually my ex-girlfriend.”
“You guys dated?” Mark asks, at the same time Lexie says, “You need to stop calling me your ex-girlfriend.”
You look at her with a smirk. “It’s true though.”
“I’m confused.” Derek speaks up.
“She always introduces or calls me her ex-girlfriend whenever we meet new people.”
“I’m still confused.”
“We’re married, but she technically is my ex-girlfriend because now she’s my wife. And that makes us in-laws.” You clarify, looking towards Derek and Meredith.
As the in-laws converse, Mark is stuck in his own head, reeling back to all the times Lexie could’ve reciprocated his same feelings, but now that he really thought about it, she never showed any signs of it.
“Well, we should go. I’m exhausted and I’m sure this one is too.” Lexie said, the whole day of work finally getting to her. “And Mark. I hope you find someone that is right for you.” With that, she grabs your hand and intertwines it with yours, pulling you to her car.
You both walk away, oblivious to the three staring at your retreating figures.
“We all didn’t read the situation correctly, I guess.” Meredith speaks up, still staring at her sister and husband.
“Don’t worry Mark, you’ll find someone.” Derek pats Mark on the shoulder. They both leave him, walking away, holding onto each other.
Mark is still staring at the both of you, seeing you pick Lexie up bridal style, her arms wrapped around your neck, pulling you into a kiss, smiling at each other as you pull away.
Still wishing that Lexie was his to love, Mark is content that she’s happy and loved, even it it’s not with him.
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redhairedwolfwitch · 11 months
Photograph of A World on Fire (4) - Andy Herrera x DeLuca!Sister!Reader - Station 19/Grey's Anatomy
Summary: The world might be on fire with a pandemic happening, and you and Andy face loss after loss, but the two of you stick together and become even closer through it all.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Request: hey 💓 could you write a deluca!sister x amelia fic where r is a cheeky italian which puts amelia in gay panic mode x
A/n: this diverts from canon like a curly wurly chocolate bar, also mentions a one night stand, there's no smut but it's alluded to, so, read at your own risk, and don't ask me where this happens in canon, because that will give me another headache:) (i gave myself that headache and followed canon slightly... ooof, warning, canon character death incoming)
A/n: to whoever reads this, you are important.
Andy found out her mother was alive, and then three weeks later, a pandemic set the world on fire.
Andy's mother left, and her father told her that her mother had died, rather than her mother had abandoned her due to mental illness.
Your brother and sister were determined to quarantine away from you, and with Andy in a bubble at the firehouse, you were isolated from everyone.
Andy had enlisted herself in distracting herself about her mother by going to an art store, masked up with a list of supplies for you so you could keep making your art from home. Andy didn't know you had gotten out of the car, sitting on the bonnet with your camera, photographing the empty streets.
You didn't know it was the start of one of two projects during the pandemic that would make your career flourish, as you sat in your black attire, watching the funeral of Pruitt Herrera, that due to the pandemic had to be done online. Watching as Andy spoke, you couldn't hide the love in your eyes for this woman. This woman of fire. Your fiamma.
Your brother sat on your porch as you sat in the hallway, talking to each other through an open door.
"I found inspiration, for two big projects."
"Two big projects? Wow, that's amazing, angioletta. I hope I get to see them before Carina." Andrew smiled, the pride in his eyes obvious.
"Oh she'd be so mad!" You laughed, remembering the last time Andrew had seen your artwork before Carina did, and how jealous she got despite trying to hide it.
"How's your girlfriend?" Andrew threw you off, almost dropping your snack on the carpet in surprise at his question, but you took a moment before replying.
"She is at a family picnic for the first time in twenty years, and I didn't want to impose y'know. Plus, everyone is so determined to quarantine, I'm isolated from everyone and everything, but my art." You admitted, spotting the sad look on your big brother's face at your confession. You were feeling lonely.
"It probably won't help if I tell them that I have a girlfriend too." Andy admitted to her cousin Michelle, whose eyes lit up at Andy's admittance.
"You do? Tell me everything!"
"She's an artist, with two older siblings, who are both doctors, but she is my saving grace in this, this cruel world." Andy confessed, getting her phone out to show her cousin a photo of you, and some photos of your art.
Your phone buzzed as Vic sent you a video, getting your brother's attention as you gasped.
"There, there was a tiger, in the firehouse... a tiger... that's not totally terrifying!" forwarding the video to your brother, who checked his phone.
Fiamma: you don't have any vagina art, do you?
Cariño: that's more my sister's interior design style...
Cariño: good luck to Maya
"You know, on the nights we don't have dinner together. I eat canned green beans for dinner, out of the can." Andy confessed as she watched you stand over the hob, stirring your wooden spoon into something that smelt amazing.
"Fiamma, that's disgusting."
Andrew's text sent horror through your body as you read it. He and Carina were following a human trafficker. And nobody was answering their phone. Not Andrew, not Carina, not Andy, and not even Maya. Miranda and Ben weren't answering either, so you ran out of your house, tracking your big sister's phone as you got in your car.
Your brother was good, he was stable, taking his meds, getting sleep. Your sister had moved in with Maya, she was happy as she could be without missing Italy and stressing over your father.
Warren and Maya began to call you as Ben read your message, realising you were going after your big siblings.
"Announcement! Uh, Carina and her brother Andrew are... well... they're following one of the kidnappers, and uh, Y/n is going after her siblings apparently so..." Maya nervously explained, about to tell Andy off for hurriedly getting her phone but Warren shook his head.
"Probably going to call Y/n. They're, they're friends."
"Carina, Andrew, there's something you should know. Y/n is on her way to you, I'm guessing nobody's kept your little sister in the loop."
"Angioletta? No, she could get hurt. How does she know where we are?" Carina began to panic, hearing what Maya said.
"She's probably tracking our phones." Andrew deadpanned, knowing it was too late to stop you.
You knew they were at the Seattle Transit Station, running as you spotted Carina heading through the doors of the station. Speed-walking after your siblings, you barely made it onto the train before the doors shut, quickly making your way up the carriage until you landed in the seat next to Andrew, sandwiching him in the middle of you and Carina.
"What are you doing-"
"You both scared me. Plus nobody knows who I am so..." you trailed off, whispering in Italian to obscure your words to any non-Italian speakers.
The three of you watched as another passenger stood up and moved away from the three of you.
"My first time being profiled as an Italian."
"Stay back, angioletta." Carina whispered, as your siblings stood up to follow the human trafficker off of the train.
"Go find Ben and the police, I'm not losing her again." Andrew instructed, leaving Carina to nod and get out her phone. That was Carina's mistake as she took her eyes off of you, who ran after her big brother like she did when she was a toddler.
But Carina lost sight of you both, stuck rallying the first responders. She didn't see what you saw. The man barge into your big brother, and stab him.
"NO! Help! Help! Call 911!" You screamed loud enough that Carina heard you, hurrying over to see you putting pressure on a stab wound. A stab wound in your big brother's chest.
"We're here, we're here!" you sobbed, as Warren got your brother on a gurney, Maya holding back Carina as you curled up on the floor, hands covered in your brother's blood.
Carina cleaned your hands as you sat numbly in the back of the aid car, Maya and Ben treating your brother, and Carina recalling songs from your childhoods to soothe your brother's pain.
Sitting in the Grey Sloan outdoor waiting room, you were numb as you saw the look in the approaching doctor's eyes.
Your brother was dead.
In grieving, Carina shut down, but you threw yourself into your art projects. Carina had Maya to keep an eye on her, but you...
Andy was there for you. Andy was there when you didn't sleep at night, staring at a blank canvas until you started to paint, she sat and watched you. You didn't want to talk, your big brother was your lifeline.
"Okay, I know your French toast is better, and so is Carina's, but it's the only thing I know how to make for breakfast." Andy explained, bringing a tray into your spare room aka your art room at this point.
"Looks delicious." You managed to smile, but Andy was taken off guard as you pulled her into a hug, burying your face in her neck and not letting go.
"I'm acting captain today... are you sure you'll be okay alone?" Andy asked, her fingernails running gently over your scalp as she cradled your head.
"I have food and water. I just want to paint my grief, because I don't know how else to express it. Talking doesn't work, talking makes me miss him, even if he's with our mama now." You replied, but Andy saw the look on your face when you spotted the red paint on the palette. She didn't see how it reminded you of your brother's blood on your hands as you sat in the aid car, numb and hoping it wasn't his time.
Your siblings may have called you angioletta, little angel, but your brother was the angel among you now.
Your mother called Andrew and Carina two halves of a whole, but you needed both of them. You were away from Carina for so long growing up, all you had was your brother.
Now he was gone, Carina was stuck with the paperwork, and you buried yourself in your art. Minus any red paint, which Andy had removed after seeing the far away look on your face at the sight of it.
Carina called you hours later, asking if you had spoken to your father at all. You hadn't, but somehow he had heard two days ago that your brother died, and he didn't call either of you.
Andy found you sitting on your porch on her return home, in the spot where your brother had once sat, with a portfolio she hadn't seen before in your hands.
"Andrew was supposed to be the first person to see my projects, but he's..." you trailed off, opening the first page to reveal the photographs you had taken of empty Seattle streets.
"I've never seen Seattle so empty."
"Exactly." You let out a wet chuckle, holding back your tears until Andy met your gaze with a faltering smile at your crying.
Maya Bishop: A Doctor Gabriella Aurora just turned up here
Y/n DeLuca: you'll be okay, it's been a long time since medical school, trust me.
Maya Bishop: Come over and help me?
Y/n DeLuca: i'm having dinner with my girlfriend tonight. i'm cooking too.
Maya Bishop: Girlfriend?
*left on read 4:21pm*
"You know your sister has a girlfriend?" Maya enquired as she walked through the Grey Sloan car park with Carina, hand in hand.
"I assumed she had someone living with her. She had two mugs out when I surprised her one morning, and someone gave her a neck bruise."
"A hickey?" Maya raised an eyebrow, wondering how long you and whoever it was had been dating.
"Yes, a hickey. My sister is not a fan of double dates though." Carina added before Maya could get any ideas.
"I still haven't met your girlfriend. I even met your ex-roommate before I met her." Andy's cousin Michelle pointed out, after pointing out how Andy had gone to every barbecue and not brought you with her.
"My girlfriend lost her brother and her sister is very protective and doesn't want her getting the virus... and we still haven't told her sister we're dating, or that I moved in so..." Andy trailed off as Michelle's eyes widened.
"Oh so it's serious?"
"She's my saving grace."
"My visa expires next month." Carina explained to you, making you flinch. You and Andrew had citizenship, but Carina was here on a visa for her study.
"You have to go back to Italy? They shut down the immigration offices... Carina..."
"Angioletta..." Carina whispered, letting out a squeak as you pulled her into a tight hug, fear setting in that you would lose the only family you had left in America.
Carina and Maya were unaware of how well you really knew Andy, until it came to your brother's memorial in the Grey Sloan car park.
Amelia wasn't there, even if she had mentored your brother for a time. You hadn't thought of the neurosurgeon in a long time, having removed all traces of her from your portfolio, your life and your memory.
Whilst Maya held Carina in the car park, you sat on the ground, holding your knees to your chest until arms wrapped around you, and Andy was almost cooing in Spanish, calming you as you clung to her, mask soaked with tears.
Neither of them had any time to judge, but both were unaware you and Andy really knew each other as more than friends. Any assumption they had was wrong. Andy and yourself were well acquainted.
You didn't hide your relationship with Andy. She was at the firehouse a lot, not wanting to bring covid home back to you, since Maya and Carina were further along in their relationship and when Andy had moved in with you, she tried her best to keep you safe.
Everyone wanted to protect you, but they were isolating themselves from you to try keep you safe.
One of your art projects had been inspired by frontline workers, gaining attention online as people wanted to buy the works, the money going to charities to support people during the pandemic... you were flourishing, and your big brother couldn't see it from anywhere but above, whilst your sister and your girlfriend could see it, and you, but chose not to as often.
Your second project reflected another side to the pandemic, photography of the empty streets, void of all life. Almost apocalyptic in a sense.
Andy spent more time with you than Carina did, but you and your sister handled grief differently.
The fire between you and Andy burned brighter than anything else. An eternal flame.
"What are you painting this time? Is that a heart on fire?" Andy peeked over your shoulder, her chin resting on it as her hands hovered over your waist, hesitant to touch in case she messed up your brushstrokes.
"It was supposed to be symbolic, fires of love? Eternal flame? I think I'm better at realism... the portraits reflect that." You shrugged, gesturing to the paintings on the other side of the room.
"You are the sweetest but your sister and Maya should be here in an hour, and you are wearing more paint than clothes." Andy pointed out, her eyes widening as you smirked, walking backwards to guide her to the shower.
"Maybe you should join me, to make sure I get all the paint off."
"I would like that very much, but we need to-" Andy began to point out the lack of time, but you shushed her as you leaned in, waiting until she met you halfway, the hour countdown until Maya and Carina's arrival forgotten about...
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peachesofteal · 6 months
i loooooove Simple math!!! its like watching greys anatomy i can’t get enough of it
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Embarrassing but I’ve seen almost every episode of Grey’s (I stopped watching a few seasons ago when it really started to take a nose dive). I started watching it when I was (probably too) young and then it was with me my entire adult life so far. And yeah, it’s completely inaccurate and totally sucks now (the way they assassinated Alex Karev’s character? Trash.) but you cannot deny they sprinkle something in those episodes to make that shit addicting.
Simple Math is partially inspired by Grey’s, so thanks. I’m flattered 🩵
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2023 Fic Round Up (Part 1: Fic List)
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I have been tagged in about a million different round ups of sorts, so here's Part 1: A Comprehensive 2023 Fic List sorted by month posted (if a multichap, I listed it the first month it posted), featuring the major details and a single-sentence summary/quote (so a fun challenge for me).
I'll post Part 2: Favorite Quotes and Part 3: Channeling Nora Holleran to Bring You My AO3 Data over the next two days (for the data I want to wait til the last possible day).
Without further ado, here is my 2023 Fic List:
Nothing, I was still a lurker.
Prince Henry and FSOTUS Alex Claremont-Diaz Answer the Web’s Most Searched Questions (T, 2.4K, YouTube Script Fic)
10 Things Alex Claremont-Diaz Can’t Live Without (T, 3K, YouTube Script Fic)
10 Things HRH Prince Henry Can’t Live Without (T, 2.5K, YouTube Script Fic)
Prince Henry and FSOTUS Alex Claremont-Diaz Take a Couples Quiz (T, 5K, YouTube Script Fic)
The Super Six Take a Lie Detector Test | Vanity Fair (M, 7K, YouTube Script Fic)
Baby's First Pride (E, 10K, WIP Multi-Chap)
Post-canon, canon-compliant (ignoring bonus chapter) look at the Super Six celebrating their first pride after the emails—I want to come back and finish this (I got interrupted by Life) but my writing has evolved a lot since March and I'm daunted by all the editing I'd have to do, lol
Trying to survive the end of the school year as a teacher before I left my job :)
FirstPrince Sings Queen, Lil Nas X, and Taylor Swift in a Game of Song Association | ELLE (T, 2.5K, YouTube Script Fic)
Claremont 2008 (M, 26K, Complete Multi-Chap, Canon Divergence)
A world where Ellen gets elected in 2008 instead of 2016, and the friends-to-lovers path that puts Henry on. If you want to relive the early 2010s, enjoy epistolary fics, or want a glimpse of a world where Alex & Henry go to college together, you might like this.
How well you play...that's up to you (M, 4K, FirstPrince Week)
Grey's Anatomy-Inspired AU, where Alex & Henry are both surgical residents—currently a one-shot, but I plan on writing a multi-chap prequel for this at some point.
Keep this Love in a Photograph (T, 2.6K, FirstPrince Week)
Post-Canon: Henry finds Alex's old photo album and they take a stroll down memory lane.
The Starwand (T, 1.7K, FirstPrince Week)
Three vignettes from Alex's life (two featuring Henry) where a sparkler makes an appearance—both a kid fic of Alex and Alex with his kids.
Somebody Call 911 (M, 2.4K, FirstPrince Week)
College AU where Alex is sneaking around with Henry behind his roommate's back—until it all goes to shit.
Sets on the Beach (M, 4K, FirstPrince Week)
Crack Treated Seriously, Alex and Henry are on rival queer beach volleyball teams.
Water over Blood (G, 3K, FirstPrince Week)
Post-Canon 5+1 of five times Henry's niece loved Alex, and one time she loved Henry
L(ate) S(leepy) A(morous) T(exting) (M, 1K, FirstPrince Week)
Text-fic of a missing moment from the book, because I am convinced that Alex did, in fact, study for the LSAT (it's just more realistic if we're to believe he scored well enough to get into NYU)
Freaky Friday (I woke up in my enemy's body) (M, 9K, Halloween, Huh?)
Canon Divergence, Freaky Friday-Inspired Body Swap AU, Crack Treated Seriously: Between Cakegate and Alex's visit to London, the boys swap bodies and proceed to learn a lot about each other. And themselves.
Alex Claremont-Díaz Answers Your Questions | Actually Me |GQ (M, 2K, YouTube Script Fic)
Super Six and the Siren's Call (T, 111K Total, Posting Bi-weekly)
The Percy Jackson AU, co-written with @read-and-write- and @inexplicablymine. Quests and Greek References abound! Check out more @auntiepezzasupdates
(Dil)Do It Yourself (E, 16.7K, New Traditions Advent Calendar)
Alex attends a DIY Dildo Workshop for the holidays, where he meets Henry, who's helping to lead the workshop—and eventually, helps Alex in other ways. The tags will tell you all that you need to know.
Thanks to @rockyroadkylers @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @kiwiana-writes @welcometololaland and anyone else who tagged me that I missed! I was waiting to post all my fics for December before I did this :) Since I'm pretty late, I'll tag @ssmtskw @matherines @affectionatelyrs and an open tag to anyone who's made it this far and wants to do this!
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oizysian · 2 months
Okay I have a request too!
It's not only because I'm a doc. It was a random idea for oneshot/series in total.
The original idea was for me to write but I'm packed to the core and no time for Wattpad(I started writing a book long back and it's still on pending 🥲) so my idea for you:
Wanda Maximoff is the head of surgery and Y/n joins as a new attending. The thing is Y/n's mum was known as a living legend in that hospital but later died of age. Wanda Maximoff here lost Vis in a plane crash (his job is what Y/n took over). So, Wanda doesn't particularly hate Y/n but they are not in the best terms either.
Later on Wanda takes a liking to Y/n only after seeing her crack the hardest of cases.
If you have seen Grey's anatomy there is a award called Harper Avery award, Wanda needs a partner for her project and Y/n seems the perfect one for it.
This is the base idea later the bond increases as Wanda and Y/n meet often for the project. Then angst for it could be the fellow doctors not liking Y/n in their bestfriend's spot. Family not approving (Acquired family of microvaves disapproving Wanda moving fast)
I know it's a huge plot but it was just an idea. If you have time you can take up this work!
The hospital background and inspired plots here and there are from Grey's anatomy.
How are you feeling today oi?
Good day to you!
Oh my gosh, this is detailed. I’m not sure I’d do it justice tbh. Also, you wrote a book?! It’s my dream to write a book and become successful from it!
I can work on your idea but I can’t promise it’ll be good. I know nothing about doctors and their drama lol
I’m doing good today! It’s a beautiful day and my allergies are acting up but it’s worth it to see some sun.
How’s your day?
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lieslab · 3 days
Hi!! So I’m starting to lose my passion for singing and it’s like the only thing I’m passionate about, but I’ve also started to get insecure about it too. If you’re still doing requests could you do one with seungmin where he doesn’t now the reader can sing and doesn’t now the reader is insecure about it. And he unintentionally helps you through your insecurity. If that makes sense. If I need to explain it better I can.
Also just wanted to say i love your page and your writings!! <3
Ahhh, I know what you mean. I used to have this relationship with writing. I had an incident with a creative writing teacher where he crushed everyone's dreams by saying the mass majority of us would never be real authors. As a fourteen year old who wanted to be a published author one day, it stung and crushed my heart. For an entire year, I stopped writing.
As you grow up, your passions are allowed to change and they probably will. When I was younger, I was passionate about cake decorating and used to binge watch baking shows on Food Network and then it switched to the medical field. (Grey's Anatomy had me believing I would be an amazing doctor, but I get too overwhelmed easily and don't have it within me to perform surgeries) Eventually, I gave up on that too.
I got back into writing and started to write fanfic as an outlet. Am a published author? No. However, I've created my own little community. I get to talk to a diverse amount of people and it seems like I'm always learning new things from everyone. Plus, my writing has grown along with me. I've just recently started to become a bit more confident in my work.
The point is that things are always changing and there's nothing wrong with that. However, if it's your only passion, sometimes people can experience burnouts. We live in a world where creativity overflows and when you see a ton of people having success, it's easy to become insecure and to start doubting yourself.
To this day, I was and still am like that occasionally with writing. I only get to see my work through my own viewpoint. I have no idea what it's like to other people. For you, it's probably the same way. You hear your own voice constantly and you have no idea what it's like for other people to experience it.
However, we still have the potential to grow. There's always more to learn, more skills to develop, and more life to live. If it makes you happy, but it has turned into insecurity, maybe temporarily go on a mini break. Perhaps, you could respark the passion by watching things like documentaries about singers and diving deep into their journeys.
I'm not a singer, I'm not good at singing, writing is where I think I shine the best. I have no idea whether you want to pursue singing as a career or what, but here's this: 3RACHA being the geniuses behind Stray Kids
it's a YouTube video that someone made with multiple clips of 3racha doing what they do best. Despite me being a writer, sometimes when I struggle, I find myself coming back to this video. There's something so inspiring watching other people's drive and passion. To be so passionate about something and so fiercely determined to make your dreams come true and have your passion bleed into other people, it's incredible.
Every artist goes through waves of doubt and insecurity, it's natural. I mean, we are still humans after all. If it's truly something you enjoy and wish to pursue, I'm sure you'll find yourself coming back to it. Just keep trying your best <3
As for the drabble, I can do that. I can so totally do that. I'm going to write it down and hopefully, it'll help. Thank you for requesting it!! <3
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ladyknightellen · 4 months
Ask Me Anything: WIP Ask Game
Edit: I was tagged by @junebugclaremontdiaz and didn’t see the tag until after I posted. Thanks for the tag!!🥰
I am taking an open tag from @anincompletelist and @nocoastposts I am currently procrastinating working on said wips so naturally I'm going to do this instead of actually writing them lol.
For the purposes of this game, I'll be a little more organized than I actually am and separate things into three categories:
-Active WIPs: Stories that I am either in the process of posting or that I have worked on within the last week.
-Drabbles: Anything that I've written at least a couple paragraphs of, but haven't worked on for at least a week. Some are from the Brownstone Servers weekly drabble prompts that I started expanding on, others are just random ideas that I actually wrote down.
-Ideas: These are the ones that are still floating around in my head that do not exist anywhere outside of my brain, or that I've only written a couple sentences of.
(The first two are the only one with definite titles, so for the rest of them I will be using 'Friends' episode titles or whatever nickname I've been calling it.)
The Next Step Is All You Can Take: Set immediately after the Lake House, but before Alex storms Kensington. Henry sees on the news that Alex has been injured in an attack, and immediately hops a plane to the US, where he discovers that Alex has been blinded. This fic is in progress and has 7 chapters posted so far.
Never Grow Up: A 3+1 fic that follows Alex and Henry as they discover that their daughter will be born with spina bifida and shows snapshots of their life from Daisy's birth to her dads dropping her off at college. This is a one shot, and technically it's already complete, but I fell in love with Daisy and I want to write more about FirstPrince girl dads because why not. I'm open to suggestions for this one.
The One Where Henry's Metaphor Is Not A Metaphor: What if Henry's story about 'the prince with his heart on the outside' was a bit more literal than it is in canon.
The One Where They're Both Disabled: I blame that 100 word drabble I did where I wrote Henry with a spinal cord injury and his wheelchair frame is painted to look like the 'Lover' album, somehow that turned into this. But yeah, it's exactly what it says on the tin. This will either be my magnum opus or I will crash and burn like Icarus. Only time will tell.
The Grey's Anatomy AU: Just so you know, I am playing fast and loose with both timelines in a massive way with this one. Basically it starts season 1 episode 1 and Alex and Henry are starting as interns with MAGIC. Henry is still a prince, and Alex is still the first son, but their lives took very different paths (obviously).
Tortall/RWRB Crossover: A crossover between RWRB and Tamora Pierce's 'Tortall' universe with a primary focus on 'The Protector of The Small' quartet. This might be one of the more chaotic ideas I've ever had, but if I ever manage to write it, this will be the first time I've written something in the fandom my username is inspired by.
What Happens After Hanahaki?: I'm just gonna give a quote for this one because it's one of my favorite bits that I've written in a while.
"When he’d arrived at the hospital, he had been desperate, praying that he wouldn’t be too late. The clock was ticking and as soon as he had taken Henry’s hand and showered his unconscious face with kisses, one by one his vital signs started to return to a normal range, and a scan later confirmed what they already knew; the flowers growing in Henry’s lungs were gone. He was going to live, crisis abated and true love won out in end, but then the second nightmare began."
The One Where Henry Is Deaf: This started a 100 word drabble for the Brownstone Server's weekly prompt 'Enamored'. Basically Henry is Deaf, and when Alex saw his picture in J14 and read the interview about him and was smitten immediately, so naturally, he learned BSL for totally unrelated reasons of course. (canon doesn't mention an interview, but there's an interview because I said so)
The One Where Alex Has Epilepsy: Henry taking care of Alex when he has a seizure. That's it, that's the fic.
The One Where Alex And Henry Decide To Terrorize A Poor Unsuspecting Professor At NYU: I cannot for the life of me remember where this idea came from, but what if Henry got his Masters at the same time Alex is in law school and they decided to take a random class together. Chaos ensues.
The One Where Henry Realizes He's Left Handed: This is another one I have no idea where it came from, but the idea is that royals would totally do that thing where they train someone to be right handed like they used to do back in the day. So what if they did it to Henry and he didn't realize it until he was an adult?
Polseres Vermelles AU: This is the newest entry on the list, as in, I literally started thinking about it today. If you don't already know, Polseres Vermelles is a show about six teenagers who are all in the hospital for various reasons that become friends, if you did already know, please message me because we are now best friends.
There's more, but this post is too long already, but please ask me anything about whichever one you want to know more about. I'm willing to share snippets or just answer questions about any of them!
Consider this an open tag for anyone who wants to participate because I am the 'you have to invite me in like a fae creature' brand of autistic and the idea of actually tagging a specific person in something like this stresses me out.
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tammyisobsessedwith · 2 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thanks for the tag @mrsbsmooth 🥰
How many works do you have on AO3?
24. I also have another 40 fics posted on my old ff.net account that I always mean to cross-post and forget 😅
What’s your total AO3 word account?
366,872. I have another 321,055 words in ff.net. I had no idea it was that much!
What fandoms do you write for?
In AO3, I have works for the MCU (Captain America, The Avengers), plus What If…? And Agents of SHIELD, Love Island the Game, Too Hot To Handle: Love is a Game and Heaven’s Secret (Romance Club).
In ff.net I still have fics for Sailor Moon, Harry Potter, Chicago PD, Chicago Med, Chicago Fire, Grey’s Anatomy, Avatar: The Last Airbender, and Mentalist.
Top five fics by kudos
To Build a Home (MCU)
Avengers Initiative: Reset (MCU/Agents of SHIELD/What if…?)
Drawing Hope on the Skyline (MCU)
A Real Relationship (LITG)
Lights Will Guide You Home (MCU)
Do you respond to comments?
Sometimes. I’m admittedly very bad at engaging back, I used to be way better at it when I was publishing things regularly. I still love and appreciate all the comments and kudos so much!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I guess that would be Stuck, but then it’s got a sequel where it’s not such a sad ending after all.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
My oneshots are usually happy endings. I have so many unfinished WIPs, it’s a whole other thing. I guess To Build a Home is the only “long” project I ever finished and it’s my idea of a happy ending for the pairing.
Do you get hate on fics?
No. I think I only ever got one rude comment in all my fics, I can’t even remember what it was now, but I just deleted it and went on a tirade in my author’s note in the next chapter, I was really upset 😭
Do you write smut?
I started writing it in recent years. I’m not the best at it, but I find it very fun 🤭
Craziest crossover:
The only crossover I have is Avengers Initiative: Reset and it kind of makes sense since it’s all within the MCU and adjacent universe.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I’m aware of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I think one of my old fics in ff.net got translated into another language at some point, but I can’t really remember which one now. Oh and I used to translate my old fics into Portuguese too.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have, Love Island, Actually with my girls @i-boop-you, @crimswnred and @ellegreenwxy ❤️
All time favorite ship?
Considering the amount of words I wrote/read for them, it’s got to be Steve/Natasha (CapWidow, Romanogers) from the MCU. But I’m such a shipper, I have so many pairings I love.
What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Sadly, all of them. I’m very bad at finishing projects and once I lose my inspiration to work on something it’s practically impossible I’ll get back into it at a later time.
What are your writing strengths?
I hate this question because I’m very bad at knowing myself as a writer. I’ve heard I’m good at dialogue tags, like I know how to convey the right reactions/emotions with a few words without getting too much into inner monologue. Which makes sense because usually I start writing something with the dialogue, the back and forth and then I’ll work on the scene around it.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I also hate this question because I know there’s so much I need to work on, but it’s hard for me to list them all down at the same time. I mentioned I’m terrible at finishing long projects so that’s one. I know my characters when I’m writing them but at the same time it’s hard for me to translate that into my writing. I have a really hard time creating original characters, my MCs are just facets of myself in general, so it’s hard for me to really get into their characterization.
Thoughts on dialogues in another language?
I’m totally fine with it, I think I’ve done it in a couple of fics. As long as there’s the translation somewhere (author’s notes, in brackets or narration) I don’t mind.
First fandom you wrote in?
Sailor Moon, back when I was 14 years old and used an actual notebook.
Favorite fic you’ve written?
Ahhh there’s so many of them! I’m really proud of the ones I wrote for the MCU, they were a lot of fun. I have a Sailor Moon long fic I spent years writing, I still think of going back and finishing it. Recently I’ve been obsessed with Heaven’s Secret though so if I have to pick one it’s probably Prayers on his Lips. It was just so much fun getting back into writing after I went through a very long pause in all my projects.
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txemrn · 2 years
Hii 😍
What if your MC / LI sent the wrong picture to the wrong number? It can be a fun or spicy pic
Bahahaha! Oh PR, the silliness you bring out of me... Thank you for sending me this Ask! 🖤 Here's a short (but I couldn't find an appropriate pic for this, but I'm sure y'all can use your imagination... )🤣
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Word Count: ~970
Warning: language; brief crude humor
AN: Some characters belong to Pixelberry; Erin belongs to @kat-tia801; the rest are my random OCs/friend group for the Ramseys; this is pure silliness (that no one should probably read lol) that I'm not even sure if it would actually happen (LOL); BUT it was fun, and it was totally inspired by Grey's Anatomy (IYKYK)
"Oh no!" Tatum whimpers to herself. "No, no, no!"
She stares at her handheld mirror in horror as the intimate area between her thighs appears to be swelling with raised red bumps right before her eyes. She groans in frustration, grabbing a back scratcher, and thrashing it vigorously across her itchy skin.
Her phone pings. She growls in agony, tossing the wooden device across the floor and swiping across her phone.
Ethan: Checking out now. You almost ready?
Tatum's toes begin to curl as her manic desire to tear off her flesh begins to grow. Why did this have to be happening now?
Tonight was the annual "Thankmas" dinner with the Ramsey's closest and dearest friends. Because of PTO blackouts and staffing shortages, it is near impossible for everyone to get together on the actual holidays. So, they pick a weekend between Thanksgiving and Christmas–hence the name– to celebrate together, complete with tons of food, booze, games and gifts.
After they went on a long hike with their dogs during lunch, Ethan went to the liquor store while Tatum started getting ready for the evening. But while sitting at her vanity, she found herself feeling slightly itchy on her inner thighs. Before long, she was rubbing her private areas on the textured fabric of her stool. After drawing blood with her fingernails, she started using more blunt objects. 
She knows better than to scratch, but this sudden rash was unbelievably miserable. Where the heck did this come from?
Tatum: Do you mind stopping at Rite Aid?
Ethan: ???
Tatum's phone pings again, this time receiving a message from their Thankmas group chat.
Julian: does everyone have the address?
Bryce: we're good! On our way
Victor: yes, parking in the back? We're heading that way
Shit. Everyone was already heading to the Santiago's home, and here she was, more interested in investing in a stainless steel cheese grater. Christ, she needs alcohol. And a new va-jay-jay.
Her phone pings.
Ethan: what do you need?
Tatum: I have a rash.
Ethan: Lovely.
Tatum: I'm serious, and I'm pretty sure I've clawed off my epidermis.
Ethan: Do you think it's from our hike?
Tatum: Shit. Our hike... remember when I needed to pee?
Tatum: Shit! This might be poison ivy!
Tatum: 😭
Ethan: where is it?
Tatum switches to her phone's camera function, and takes a quick shot of her inner thigh and partial visual of her labia. But, before she can send the pic of her puffy bottom, Tatum's cell alerts her of an incoming message from the Thanksmas group.
Julian: Ramseys: haven't heart from you. You good? Heading this way?
Tatum scoffs, rolling her eyes. Give me a second, Jules!
She clicks on Ethan's contact, pulling up the last message they were a part of. She pastes the picture of her swollen areas and clicks send.
She starts googling various over-the-counter remedies for itching relief, all of which they do not keep readily in their medicine cabinet.
Picking out a more comfortable outfit for the evening, Tatum's phone suddenly begins to ping incessasntly of text messages.
The pings finally stop, only to be interrupted by her ringtone, alerting her of a phone call. She looks at the screen, Ethan's name illuminating. 
"Hey," she answers pathetically, but she is quickly cut off.
"Tatum, what the fuck!?" Ethan restrains a roar.
"The picture, Tate!"
"Isn't it awful?" She begins to scratch again. "Do you think it's poison ivy?"
"I don't know," he barks sarcastically, "let's ask one of our friends what they think is on your vagina!"
"Huh?" Tatum swipes through her phone and realizes her mistake: she sent her infected crotch shot to their closest friends. First, she had a message from her best friend Erin Winters-Lahela.
Then she clicked on the group message
Bryce: is that a raw turkey?
Bryce: are we having turkey?
Julian: LMAO! Looks more like a pussycat...
Bryce: oh snap 😱
Erin: Bryce, you better stop looking!
Erin: tabbing
Erin: down
Julian: a hairless one...
Erin: to
Chelsea: Tatum WTF?!
Erin: get
Victor: is that poison ivy?
Erin: pic
Erin: off
Erin: the
Abigail: Victor and I agree. We enlarged the pic. It looks like poison ivy. Our daughter had that this summer. U need some cortisone. I have a homemade jar of cortisone, essential oils and oatmeal u can have.
Abigail: I wouldn't wear any underwear if I were u.
Julian: that kitty needs some attention, Ethan
Julian: and she's going to be without panties?!
Ethan: JFC
Erin: screen
Julian: I volunteer to help if she can't reach. With the ointments.
Chelsea: JULES! SHUT UP!
A sudden queasiness hits Tatum's stomach. "Oh no–"
"Oh yes!" Ethan sighs, his irritation apparent.
"Oh my God, we can't go now. Oh my God, don't make me go--"
"Tate," he exhales heavily into silence. "Let's get you taken care of first. Let me grab some ointment." He sighs in irritation again. "I'm calling the ER--"
"The ER?"
"You need steroids--"
"Ethan!" She panics, tears forming in her eyes. "I just flashed my cooch to our best friends! I don't want anyone else from the hospital to see it--" She is interrupted by a deep chuckle coming over the receiver. "Ethan Jonah Ramsey... are you... laughing at me?" Ethan's snickers turn into a heavy laughter as Tatum begins to see red. "This isn't funny, Rams!"
"Okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he clears his throat. "But I do have good news for you."
"I just looked up who was covering ER tonight, and luckily it's someone who's already seen your crotch."
"Huh?" Tatum curiously mutters. "Who?"
Ethan tries to stifle his titters. "Um... that would be Dr. Tobias Carrick."
Tags (please let me know if you'd like to be added/removed)
@21-wishes @alj4890 @ao719 @charlotteg234 @issabees @kat-tia801 @kingliam2019 @mainstreetreader @mom2000aggie @neotericthemis @nikirennie87 @peonierose @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam
@alyshak92 @annfg8 @bisexualdisasteracd @cariantha @coffeeheartaddict2 @lsvdw-blog @mvalentine @ofmischiefandmedicine @rookiemartin @starrystarrytrouble @youlookappropriate
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cariantha · 1 year
Hii 🥰
I saw this picture and thought it might inspire a fic or an edit (no pressure 🥰)
This is the pic I meant to send you 😅 You can totally ignore the previous ask 😅 (sorry for the mixup)
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Hi my Sweet Peonie!🥰
I have been trying to come up with something cute for this pic for a while and...I've got nothing.😟
They are the cutest cookies ever though!
The pink scrubs made me think of OB doctors and nurses (because that's the color of scrubs they wore on Grey's Anatomy), and also breast cancer awareness. Soooo, naturally the next thing that came to mind was the amazing Dr. Tatum Erickson (@txemrn). And given her current state🤰🏼 in that last fic, I imagine her eating them all in one sitting.🤣
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storiesofsvu · 8 months
20 author Questions
I was tagged by @scorpsik @prentiss-theorem @introverted-author @blackbird-brewster
How many works do you have on AO3?
What's your total AO3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Criminal Minds, Law & Order, NCIS, Grey’s Anatomy/Private Practice, Homeland, House of Cards, Chicago PD
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Classified Affairs (Heather Dunbar)
A Dangerous Game (Emily Prentiss)
Penthouse of Sugar (Multi)
I Don’t Share (Emily Prentiss)
Sugar Mommy (Rita Calhoun)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
90% of the time I do! Sometimes on tumblr they got lost I the notifications and I forget, but I do my best to always reply unless it was a negative comment or someone asking for a part 2 when Ive clearly stated I won’t do a pt 2
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
You Promise Me? (casey novak)
Fault (Emily prentiss)
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Paper Rings  (rita Calhoun)
The Nanny with Benefits (Poly!Barhoun)
Do you get hate on fics?
Yup. Usually it’s not as an actual reply because people are cowards and like to hide behind the gray anon face. It generally doesn’t bother me.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Sure do! Mainly reader insert, but all kinds of kinks, there’s not much I won’t write.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Oh very much so! I think the craziest one would be the Elizabeth Keane x reader x Hether Dunbar. Just cause of logistics lol.
Have you ever had a fiction stolen?
Yup. And major thanks to the person who alerted me of it.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of!
Have you ever co-writtten a fic before?
I haven’t. I do give a lot of thanks to my mutuals for spitballing and helping come up with ideas for stuff. I have talked about co writing things but considering real life taking up so much time I doubt it would happen.
What's your all-time favorite ship?
Calvak. Barhoun.
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Unexpected Circumstances. It was one of the very first things I ever wrote and I don’t have any motivation to get back to lol
What are your writing strengths?
Characterization, constantly coming up with ideas, lots of inspiration, I do think I’m pretty good at what I do lol
What are your writing weaknesses?
Real life burnout draining me to the point of no motivation. Also the adhd not being able to focus. Not to mention, too many ideas sometimes does fuck me over lol
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Like it. If I need something on the fly I usually just use google translate and hope for the best, but if it’s for more than that I’ll reach out to someone who speaks it.
First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter lol
Favorite fic you've ever written?
Serendipitous Secrets and Surprises
Classified Affairs
Her Everything.
No Pressure Tags: @plaidbooks @witches-unruly-heart @rustyzebra @demonicbaby666 @five-bi-five-mind
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wildmountainrose · 1 year
Crying wrapped
@champagnemanagement inspired this post (thank you!)
I recorded every time I cried this year! I cried a total of 125 times in 2022.
tv shows that made me cry: summer camp island, pokemon journeys, the owl house, Anne with an e, infinity train, Steven universe, dead end paranormal park
movies that made me cry: when Marnie was there, Cyrano, a silent voice, everything everywhere all at once (this one wins for duration of cry and volume of tears), gem of the ocean (this one’s is a play actually), Pom poko, Anastasia (the musical), Barbie and the 12 dancing princesses, Jingle Jangle, klaus, muppets Christmas carol, disenchanted
songs that made me cry: a little more by catie turner, waving through a window (sung by a child at camp talent show), she used to be mine (also camp talent show), old friend by mitski, dizzy by mxmtoon
books that made me cry: one last stop, heart stopper, the miraculous journey of Edward Tulane, Himawari house, warriors thunder and shadow
my silliest crying moments:
3/27/22: I was really stressed and started sobbing while vacuuming for no reason
4/11/22: they showed the dog euthanasia scene from greys anatomy in class
4/12/22: I tried to call my landlord and it went to voicemail
5/3/22: I asked my partner to make me popcorn and then immediately started crying because I was worried I sounded too bossy
7/31/22: a coworker sat next to me and asked how I was doing and that act of kindness moved me to tears
11/23/22: started crying in my car just thinking about Barbie movies
12/14/22: watching a warrior cats MAP in my car before walking in to school. I wasn’t even doing bad or anything. It was just the content of a 4 minute warrior cats video that made me cry.
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schmico-ao3-feed · 2 years
My tears Ricochet
by moon_child52
After Nico and Levi ended things in the elevator in season 18, things were definitely over for them despite how both of them consumed each other's thoughts. So what will it take for them to finally reconcile?
 Totally not inspired by the Taylor swift song haha.
Words: 1485, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Grey's Anatomy
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Meredith Grey, Taryn Helm, Nico Kim, Levi Schmitt, Jo Wilson, Casey Parker, Richard Webber, Miranda Bailey (Grey's Anatomy), Owen Hunt, Teddy Altman (Grey's Anatomy)
Relationships: Nico Kim/Levi Schmitt
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Blood and Injury
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/43237767
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