#totally did the thing where i was in a shitty place so i didnt answer and never got back to it
lea-andres · 2 years
Zavok anon here! What, you didn’t think I only like Vavokilla because of Vector and Vanilla, did you? ;D
Dont worry, i totally understand why people hate him lol. The game didnt do him justice 😔 (actually, it didnt really do any of them justice). The main reason I like them is because I filled them up with a shitload of headcannons, which I’ll explain down below.
This kinda turned into why I love the deadly six as a whole, so I hope you don’t mind too much! Also I think they’re all important to Zavok’s character in some way.
I first found out about the D6 through the sonic wiki. i was just getting back into sonic at the time, and wanted to check these dorks out. Their wiki pages made them sound so cool! I decided to watch the lost world cutscenes. I immediately fell in love with all of them.
They were very 2D, but i saw a lot of potential in them. How did they become a team? Why are they like the way they are? What are their dynamics with each other? Most of which… aren’t answered. So you know ya girl had to fix that-
Most peoples problem is that Zavok is a 2D knock off of Bowser and… yeah I can see why. But there’s so much more to consider when writing him! When I write Bowser, I make him a goofball single dad doing his best for his 8+ children while trying to rule a kingdom and kidnap his crush at the same time. When I write Zavok, I make him a stoic and cunning leader who’s Guarding the lost hex along with his team, willing to do some violent and scary things if it means keeping his team safe. (It also helps that I tend to write them more as siblings)
Not to mention the other D6 members! Yeah, they’re not what most people would call “fleshed out”, but those are what headcannons are for baby! Heres how i usually write them, if you’re interested:
I characterize Zazz as a feral puppy/cat. He will (and has) absolutely bite and chase after whatever creature captured his eye, but he’s fiercely loyal to the deadly six and considers them family. He’ll do that cat thing where he’ll bring a dead mouse to them and go “I hunted this for you! :D”. He also tends play fight with them  if they’re in the mood.
Zomom is written as a big brother for the team, making sure they’re well fed and not doing anything TOO stupid lol. His quotes from the game show some hidden depth, too! Some of his quotes can get really self deprecating, and his final quote when Sonic defeats him at his final battle is “Mom was right, I am a failure!” iirc. Because of this, I also write him as insecure and worried. It’s a part of why he acts like a big brother. He doesn’t want anyone to feel like how he does, so he’s there to help with what the other 6 needs.
I don’t really focus on Master Zik a lot, but he is very important to the rest of the D6. He is seen as a stern father figure among them, training their abilities and giving advice. He’s very close to Zavok, as he adopted him when Zavok was a kid. If Zavok isn’t there, Master Zik will resume leadership until he comes back. Very proud of his kids team!
When it comes to Zeena, I don’t make her as self centered like she is in the games. She still is, don’t get me wrong, but it’s a little more toned down. She doesn’t always show it, but she very much loves her team, and shows it in an older sister kinda way. She likes to tease them about whatever, but she’s the only one who can do it, no other zeti! Also willing to lend an ear if they need it.
Zor is an interesting fellow to me. He canonically uses dark magic that the others wouldn’t dare touch, which has a lot of potential. I headcannon he was an outcast due to the black magic, which gave him a shitty childhood. He was in a really dark place before meeting the D6, and to cope he kinda went extreme with the whole “life is meaningless why try” and that’s why he’s like that. Most of that is exaggerated tho, and he’s doing wayyy better with the team! He kinda has the attitude of “everything’s useless except these 5 idiots I live with”.
And then there’s Zavok! Trained under Master Zik, he devoted himself to being a warrior, and created a team of 5 other Zetis to guard the Hex. He is very professional in general, and is usually the straight man to all the madness, but he doesn’t mind getting involved with the chaos sometimes. He’s kind of the glue that holds them together. He is very proud of his team, and considers them his siblings.
This is why I like them so much! I used my headcannons to give them some substance, and went to town! There is so much you can do with them, I swear.
This ended up a lot longer than I was planning lol. I hope you enjoyed it! I can go on and on about them, I’ll gladly talk about them more if people want me to. Anything to stolkhome them into liking more characters against their will~!
Ah ha! We have a name to put to the anon!
AHHHHHH, yes! Tossing the bits you don't like and replacing with headcanon! I should've known. 😂😂😂 We're all guilty of that to some degree. :P
And honestly, I love your D6 from these summaries. They sound much more interesting! I especially appreciate the fixes you did to Zomom! Canon Zomom might be my least favorite of the D6, he's just one big fat joke and that always rubs me the wrong way whenever that happens in media, but yours is an actual character and I appreciate that immensely. 😭
Thank you for sharing! I'd be open to hearing more about them in the future if you're willing to share!
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shuadotcom · 2 years
Hiii 💐, so i found your blog today by your fic ,,Tell me you want me“ and i just finished reading it ! i would like to tell you that the story was so, so good that you can be proud of yourself ! i dont even know where to begin. I would first like to address the biggest elephant in the room- the cheating. in no way, i am someone who tolerates cheating in any kind of way. What oc and jimin have done is absolutely against any of my morals and i still think they deserve no happy end together. jimin is a cheater and oc is a homewrecker- as harsh as it sounds, it is what it is. i felt so bad for momo the entire time and even if we as readers have a special bond with oc and the member shes shipped with, i couldnt be happy for them in any kind of way bc they were just cheating. Throughout the story it was clear that oc had some kind of f’ed up mentality about this whole cheating thing. she didnt want to be in something deeper with jimin in that one week bc he has a girlfriend but fucking him was okay ? didnt make sense to me. She and jimin are both to be blamed for their actions. That being said, I would like to mention on HOW good the tension build itself up. this whole time i was freaked out that they will be caught and when everything went down at the reception, my heart was hammering in my chest, as if it was ME going thru all that- Phew ! 🫠 the conversations, the harshness or Sun, the crying snd guilt seemed SO realistic, it was so good. The moment momo three her glass at oc- which she totally deserved btw- my heart was hammering so much again bc it was SO realistic and good i cant even explain. I have never read smth so realistic and thought-thru in my life and it shows by how my heart is still hammering after finish the story. I cant stress enough on how utterly realistic ( not me writing this word for the 1009726th time hehe ) everything was, truly one if the most well written stories i‘ve ever read ! Moving onto another thing, i really didnt like how towards the end, it felt like oc was put on a pedestal and sun and chim acted like she is the main one at fault. Sun wasnt really mad at her for what she did ( ofc she was but that wasnt the main thing ) but rather that oc AGAIN just assumed smth abt her and given the fact that it involved her brother, she just exploded. I totally understand her, but also feel like she was too harsh at her, bc she acted like oc‘s behavior ( also the things she mentioned from the past ) was something that oc did purposefully to hurt her which isnt true. As for jimin, it was a totally SHIT move of him to ignore oc the day after the events took place. he was in no position to ignore her and act like oc is the only one at fault and just shut her out for smth he has AS MUCH as fault as she has. Also the things he said when they were in the room, ,,i have a girlfriend, yn“ oh really ? wtf does that even mean ? did you just NOW realize ? that was so f‘ed up ! also, him questioning oc abt her feelings for him JUST after ignoring her- making her feel like shit snd shut out, then acting like she was the only one at fault by mentioning his GirLfriEnd, is really a shitty move. In between all the shit that they are in, i dont blame oc for not being able to answer bc that is literally the least of her worries in that moment. So him ghosting her bc she couldnt answer in that moment- which was TOTALLY a right move of her, seemed very wrong to me. I just felt like at the end, it was oc who had the most baggage on her shoulders and that she was left alone, everyone acting like she f‘ed everything up when it wasnt only her alone ! I ofc understand sun and chim as well, but the things they mentioned and did just dont align with the heaviness of the situation. Sun‘s madness was just bc of pent up frustration on oc‘s side and chim just wanted closure after all these years, yet he still acted like he didnt always gave into oc‘s games ( their both games ) and confronted oc at a time which just wasnt suitable at ALL. Like, i also understand oc at some point bc if i were her, i would‘ve also never really thought
okay i need to just start by saying i full on legit teared up reading this and seeing part 2 of your ask. like literally i was this?!! -> 🥹 <- of course every comment big or small about my fics makes me smile but i have never received a message like this and it means so much to me. i’m so so so glad you enjoyed reading tmywm enough to leave me your thoughts like seriously i can’t say thank you enough times.
now i’ll say i absolutely don’t support cheating of any kind, like, it absolutely would never be me but i like reading and writing drama lol. but more so, jimin and y/n are meant to be very toxic and ultimately you could say the villains? (idk if that is too extreme of a word to use) like yes jimin is a cheater and yes y/n is a homewrecker - not harsh at all! realistically there are many people like them that get a “happy ending” who may or may not deserve it and there’s nothing that we can do other than be mad about it lol. they’re supposed to make you feel dislike for them so the fact that you did means i did something right!!
i will continue crying and thanking you in your other ask!! ❤️❤️❤️
0 notes
Wrong Number, Asshole - A Bakugou Katsuki Soulmate AU
All Parts 
Part 22:
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You closed your phone, rolling your eyes at his words. 
You were a floor down from Bakugou’s hospital room, currently stood in front of the vending machine. After your collective screaming match, you’d quickly realized just how hungry you were. Apparently, arguing and yelling so much works up one hell of an appetite- who knew? So now here you were, standing in front of the machine, holding a wad of horribly crinkled money Bakugou had insistently and unwaveringly shoved at you on your way out.
Originally, you had fully intended to pay for your own snacks. You’d even sneakily tried to grab your wallet as you left, but apparently that didn’t work. He saw you, because of course he did. So, waffling over it for just barely another second, you put your own money away. You knew Bakugou wasn’t bluffing- or probably wasn’t. It wouldn’t surprise you at all if he truly did know how expensive the vending machine was, down to the very last cent of each item. He was weird like that.
You shrugged, if he wanted you to use his money so badly than you weren’t gonna pick at fight over it. You selected a bag of chips for yourself, and the gross-looking health bar Bakugou had requested- because apparently, even while already uncomfortable and injured, Bakugou didn’t have an easy time giving himself a break. 
When you walked back, entering the hospital room once more, Bakugou wasn’t alone. You couldn’t tell what surprised you more- the three police officers crowding his bed, or the man standing off to the side. A man with hair so obviously fake and stop-sign red that it nearly nauseated you.
You weren’t sure how to proceed, whether or not you were even supposed to be hearing this conversation, but you didn’t have to flounder for long. The red-haired man saw you almost immediately and began making his way over. 
“Hey! How’s it going? I’m so sorry, but Dynamite’s actually not taking visitors right now!” He says, says brightly. Then he’s spinning you around and pushing at your shoulders lightly to get you moving out the door. “My name’s Kirishima though, and I can totally, totally, help you back downstairs to wait with the other civilians!”
“No, but I-” You start, your feet barely able to move as fast as Kirishima is dragging you along. “I have to-”
“Yeah, I get it! And that’s so totally nice of you to want to thank him, super, super nice,” Kirishima interrupts you, leading you down the hallway. “But he’s real busy talking to the police right now so-”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake! I’m his soulmate!” You pull your wrist out of his light grip, halting. “My name’s Y/n L/n.”
“Wait-” Kirishima stops in his tracks, suddenly spinning around to face you. “How do you know that name?”
“Oh my god-” You huff in frustration, shaking Kirishima’s hands off you. “You sound just like Bakugou. It’s- that’s my name- like, my actual name, okay! How else would I know it if it wasn’t me?” 
A beat of silence as you watch his eyes widen.
“So you’re really her?” He says in disbelief.
“Yes! Obviously,” You pinch the bridge of your nose, breathing through your irritation. “Now would you knock it off and let me go back to his room? I get it- you’re like, security, or whatever, but I’m not a civilian and I-”
“He’s gonna kill me.” Kirishima pales in front of you, suddenly grabbing your wrist again and pulling you fast in the direction of Bakugou’s room. “Oh god, he’s gonna kill me.” 
“W-what? Why?” You stumble, nearly falling into his back. “Hey! Slow down!” 
“Because I totally manhandled you out the door- god, that was so not manly of me!” He breathes out quickly, but he listens and drops your wrist, slowing down to a pace you could keep up with. “I’m sorry, it’s just- I thought you were a civilian, you know? They’ve been crawling all over the waiting room since I got here, sneakin’ up and trying to thank him, and I thought you were one of ‘em.”
“Thank him? For what?”
“He didn’t tell you?”
“Um- no?”
It’s hits you then that you didn’t really know why Bakugou was in the hospital in the first place. Only that he was ‘held up’ and then hurt and had been absent for the last two weeks. You wanted to smack yourself in the face. You’d spent the entire afternoon yelling and arguing with him and absolutely not asking the important questions. Well- you did ask some questions, but not enough. Apparently.
“Wow, figures. You know, that’s just like our guy Bakugou! Always talkin’ so much but still never bragging about all the actual cool shit he pulls off.” Kirishima rubs the back of his neck awkwardly for a moment. “C’mon, lets hurry back. I really don’t think he’d be too happy if I was the one who told ya everything.” 
You have a million and one questions sitting on your tongue but quickly decide you’d much rather ask Bakugou than the man standing in front of you. You pick up your pace, finally once again in front of Room 427. When you enter, the police are leaving, all three of them walking past you on their way out. 
“Hey! Shitty Hair!” Bakugou seems to ignore you, instead choosing to yell, loudly, at Kirishima. “Who the fuck gave you permission to go around draggin’ her like that? I fuckin’ saw you, you imbecile!”
“Hey!” The red-head whines, hands out and placating. “How was I supposed to know? You didn’t say anything, man! I didn’t know, okay?”
“It doesn’t fuckin’ matter, you dumbass, I’m not gonna let you just fuckin-” Bakugou starts, but then he whips his head around toward you, eyes catching yours. “Oi- Idiot. What the hell are you standin’ around in the doorway like that for, hah? Look stupid as shit.” 
“Bakugou!” Kirishima seems appalled, grabbing at his chest dramatically. “You can’t talk to her like that! She’s-”
“Perfectly fucking capable of defending herself, thank you very much.” You snark, walking towards Bakugou and tossing the health bar at him lightly. He doesn’t expect it and you watch as it hits him squarely in the chest. You smile. “Real nice catch, angry man.” 
“Woulda fuckin’ caught it if I was in top shape.” He grumbles, but then he’s smirking and opening the snack just the same. “Anyways- yeah, that’s Shitty Hair. Sorry he fuckin’ sucks.” 
You clasp a hand over your as a laugh escapes. Kirishima doesn’t seem to think it’s nearly as funny as you do, and you watch as his face seizes.
“Hey, man! What the hell!” 
“You deserve it, bitch! Shouldn’t a fuckin’ grabbed her like that and dragged her wherever the fuck.” Bakugou shrugs. “If you don’t wanna be told you suck, then don’t fuckin’ suck! It’s easy as shit- even for a clown like you.”
Kirishima just groans, hands beginning to wave emphatically. “Do you even know how many people I stopped from walking in here? I did it for you, man!” 
“Yeah. Whatever.” Bakugou barks, taking a bite of the health bar. He chews for all of a second, before talking through a mouthful of food. “You should fuckin’ leave.” 
“What? Why do I-” Kirishima pauses a second, blinks, looks at you, and then a smirk begins to tug at his lips. “Oh, I get it! Totally manly, Bakugou! It’s because of h-��
“No!” Bakugou defends, his cheeks reddening slightly. “It’s- fuckin’ police, shitty hair! Told ‘em to wait outside. They wanna talk to your dumbass- They have more idiotic fuckin’ questions about after I passed out.” 
“Oh. Yeah. Okay.” Kirishima nods, moving towards the door. “You want me to come back later?”
“No.” Bakugou growls.
That, you notice, strangely doesn’t seem to make Kirishima upset? He instead smiles brightly at Bakugou, giving him a thumbs up, and leaves, pulling the door shut behind him.
It’s suddenly quiet in the room, but you don’t let it last long. You’ve got answers to pry out of your soulmate.
“So- heard you passed out, angry man.” You state simply, dropping once again in the chair next to his bedside. “When’d that happen?”
“Few days ago. Been here since then.”
You roll your eyes at his short answer. Leave it up to Bakugou to tell you only what you literally asked for and absolutely nothing else.
“Okay. But how? Where?” You ask. “What about before then?”
Bakugou huffs at all your questions, but then he’d nodding and answering all the same.
“Had to fuckin’ save this man from hittin’ the ground real hard so I took all the impact. Hit my head or something, when I hit the ground, and I broke a bunch of shitty bones. Guess I was out a few days, and then I woke up here. Then I fuckin’ called you or whatever.”
“You- you took a fall? That knocked you out? For days?” You gasped. “How goddamn far was the fall? Jesus!” 
“Four stories.” Bakugou says, and the uneffected, factual way he says it makes your blood go cold. “My fault. Shoulda been faster but I was already fuckin’ weak from bein’ captured.” 
“Yeah. Went undercover and tried to infiltrate this villian lair, and the fuckin’ stupid group of villians lumped me in with a bunch of other hostages.” He grunted. “I tried to blow ‘em all the fuck up, once I realized, but they had this absolute bitch, with a stupid fuckin’ siren quirk! Sang a bunch of shitty, annoying, fuckin’ songs that paralyzed me. Couldn’t do a damn thing! For over a week!”
“O-okay.” You nodded shakily. “Then what happened? How’d you get out?”
“Fuckin’ didnt. Just sat there, stuck on my ass, kept barely alive by that stupid bitch and her henchman!” Bakugou barked, hands clenching into fists. “Then shitty hair and a few other fuckers came and knocked her out- they stayed to fight the rest of the other villians or whatever but I was still too fuckin’ weak to fight so I rounded up the other hostages.”
“So you fell saving one of them?”
“Yeah. Stupid kid stayed to watch the fight, like a complete fuckin’ idiot, and got blasted by a villian out the window.” Bakugou flushes, averting his eyes. “I jumped out after him. To save him or whatever.”
You nod, very minutely smiling as you looked at his flushing face.
You were proud of him.
He might’ve been bad- had done bad in the past, but it seemed like that wasn’t all Bakugou was. He had good in him. A lot of good. He nearly finished himself off saving an innocent after all- that had to a least make him some sort of a hero.
“Well- okay....That all- that all sounds fucking horrifying, but I get it. It’s your job, right?” You sigh. “I’m just glad you made it out alive. I was really scared, you know?”
“Hah? Scared? Now why the fuck would ya go and do something stupid like that?”
“Because you weren’t answering me!”
“I told you I’d be gone!” Bakugou defends, before pulling out his phone. “Look! Fuckin’ sent ya the texts and everything!”
“You said a few days! Not 2 fucking we-“ You paused. “Wait. Why did you say a few days in the first place?”
“Knew it was gonna be fuckin’ dangerous when I left, so, you know,” He averted his eyes, voice coming out low and guilty. “Was supposed to be incase I got hurt. And was fuckin’ out or something. So you wouldn’t wor-“
“Worry?” You groaned, running a frustrated hand through your hair. “It didn’t- I was worried! I thought something happened! Or worse I thought that-“
“Worse? Fuck you mean, shitty woman? What the fuck stupid conclusion did you come to that’s worse than dyin’?”
“Bakugou,” You huffed, your shoulders sagging. “I thought maybe, that maybe you wouldn’t tell me anything because you were a bad guy- a bad villian.”
Bakugou’s face crumples. His angry eyebrows fall and his puffed out cheeks deflate, and his mouth closes tip-lipped and tense over sharp teeth. He looks devastated. “It- I didn’t-“ He struggles and you’ve never heard his voice sound so small before. “Y-you don’t think that, right? Now?”
“No!” You try to recover, hands out and assuring. “It’s- after the video, maybe? I did, b-but not now! Not now.”
He doesn’t say anything- won’t meet your eyes.
“Look, Bakugou,” You clear your throat. “I only know you as you are now, not who you were before. And I think- I think that maybe, now you’re almost a different person than before. So that’s why it was a shock. To see you like that. To see you so hateful.”
You duck your head, just barely catching his eyes before he averts them again.
“But that’s not you anymore? Right? You’re not that guy. So it’s okay. We’re okay.” You sigh. “Will you look at me? Please?”
He doesn’t, just continues fiddling with the thin blankets trapped between his shaking fingers.
“Why wouldn’t you just tell me?” You ask, tone pleading. “I feel like, maybe, if I didn’t have to find out like tha-“
“Woulda been the same. ‘S always the same.” He interrupts, voice barely there. “That’s why I didn’t tell you. I didn’t- because it would’ve- there would’ve- you fuckin’ wouldn’t-“
He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes and sitting still for a few moments.
“You wouldn’ta kept fuckin’ talking to me.” He admits. He looks so small in that moment that it nearly breaks you. “Didn’t wanna- I didn’t wanna wait all my life, have this fuckin’ tattoo for so long and still have nothing because I was stupid.”
You pause, the breath knocked out of your chest.
“What- I- how long have you had your tattoo?”
Bakugou lifts his head, finally looking at you. He looks bewildered. Scared, even.
“My whole fuckin’ life- didn’t you?”
“No!” You cried desperately. “I told you, remember? Over text, the first time I talked to you! The day my tattoo appeared!”
“You were serious about that shit?” His voice is utter disbelief, eyebrows creasing together. “I thought- I thought-“
“It’s- it’s not the first time somebody has gotten my number and told me they’re my fuckin’ soulmate. So I didn’t think it was real- thought you were jokin’ or somethi-“
“Excuse me?”
“It’s not- don’t,” He stutters, blushing just a bit. “Being a pro-hero, people always say weird shit to me for fame. So I’ve gotten that before- a fuckin’ random text saying they’re my soulmate.”
“What?” You ask, voice offended. “Who- why- I don’t get it-“
“Every hero gets ‘em- even one’s that don’t even have a fuckin’ soulmate.” Bakugou says. “I guess maybe they just text everybody or some shit- I don’t know? Didn’t matter to me I always jus’ blocked ‘em.”
You could hardly believe your ears, feeling winded as you brought a hand to your chest.
Bakugou had a tattoo- your name for his entire life.
He’d know about you his entire life.
Had been waiting on you for his entire life.
“Why- why’d you believe me?” You ask quietly. “If you didn’t believe the others, why me?”
“Ya told me your name.” He pulls aside his hospital gown, exposing the writing on his ribcage. “It’s- if ya didn’t, I wouldn’ta believed you.”
On his side, just under the last rib, is your name. It’s a simple tattoo- small, but it’s there, and in your handwriting.
“That’s my name.” You say dumbly.
“Obviously, sunshine.” He sort of laughs, something a little sad but a little happy too. “Only been waitin’ my entire life for your dumb ass.”
“Why didn’t you look for me?” You can’t help but ask, pressing your against against your suddenly stinging eyes. “If you knew- why?”
Bakugou goes quiet again, dropping his hospital gown back down. His tattoo is covered, but that doesn’t matter to you, you couldn’t forget the look of it if you tried.
It’s a long few moments before Bakugou speaks again.
“It wouldn’t- I wasn’t ready-“ His voice is low, quiet, the most vulnerable you’ve ever heard it be. “Before now- I wouldn’t have been good. For you.”
He sighs, shifting uncomfortably in the hospital bed.
“Think- I think maybe that’s why yours didn’t come in ‘till now. Wouldn’t of fuckin’ worked before.”
When you pull your palms away from your eyes, it’s like you’re seeing him again for the very first time.
It’s strange- the way your heart seems to be breaking entirely and rebuilding itself completely all at the same time. It’s a wave crashing against your ribs- pushing and pulling and tumbling and pushing and pulling and turning and twisting and- calming when you look at his face. When you look at the way his hair sits and the way his jaw slopes and the way his eyes meet yours. It’s death and completetion and rebirth and red, red wildfire.
It’s your old life scorching and curling and burning up. And it’s your new, better, warmer life rising from the ashes.
“God, I’m so fucking glad I said my name.” You gasp, tears freely falling from your eyes.
Bakugou smiles, so soft and warm and fond. “I know idiot.”
You just laugh at the name, choking on tears and snot and emotion, but you’re smiling. You’re smiling and smiling and it feels like you’re never gonna stop smiling. Will never have to again.
Because he’s him and you’re you and finally- finally, you’re together.
It takes a long while for you to calm down, for your tears to stop falling. But when you finally do, when you finally feel okay, Bakugou’s already looking at you.
So how long are ya plannin’ to fuckin’ stay, idiot?”
“Huh?” You shook your head, tears still drying on your cheeks. “I literally- but- but no- I- D-do you want me to leave?”
“No!” Bakugou groans in frustration. “That’s not- can’t ya just listen to the words I say without fuckin’ readin’ into them all the time?”
“Yes?” You say unsurely, but then your shoulders drop and you sigh. “Actually no. Probably not, sorry I-”
“I told you not to fuckin’ apologize, remember?”
“Yeah,” You say sadly. “But it’s not exactly that easy.”
The room is quiet again, and Bakugou is smoothing out his hospital gown, fidgeting with the tie on the side. He looks nervous, his cheeks red, and his voice comes out quiet and strained when he speaks.
“If- if I gotta work on me not screamin’ and bein’ angry all the time then you gotta stop apologizin’ and worryin’ so goddamn much.” He takes a deep breath, finally turning to look at you but only to just barely make eye contact. “It-we can fuckin’ do it together or whatever. Idiot.” 
You blink, almost shaking your head in disbelief. Bakugou was sitting in front of you, blushing and grimacing and had just said something borderline sweet? Out loud? To you? You huff half a laugh when you look at him once more, at his intense eyebrows and his red cheeks and his pinched expression. He looked constipated. Like saying the words physically pained him.
You soulmate was an utter drama queen, a certifiable child- and you just found it adorable.
“Okay,” You wiped your final tears away, leaned forward on your elbows. Your chest hits the side of his hospital bed, and, extending your hand, you meet his eyes. “Pinky swear on it, then?”
“What? No! You makin’ fun of me? That’s- that’s-” Bakugou growls, but then he sees the hopeful look in your eyes. You watch as his irritated expression melts away and he grumbles as he extends his own hand. “Fine. Whatever.”
When you loop your pinky around his, pulling his arm until it lies flush against yours, you think it feels right. To be that close to him. To be touching him at all, really. You wonder if it’ll always feel like that- if the completeness you feel will ever fade.
 You hope it doesn’t. 
You think Bakugou must feel it too, his eyes focused on the way your skin meets. Something guarded in his gaze softens, almost minutely, but you don’t miss it. 
“Happy?” He suddenly says. He waves your connected hands in the air, but makes no move to shake free from your grip. “Feel all fuckin’ better now, idiot?”
“Much.” You smile something small and tender. “Thanks, Katsuki.”
You yank your hand back in surprise, jumping slightly at the tiny zap you’d just felt on your pinky. It didn’t hurt, didn’t feel like much really- If you had to compare it, it was very similar to tiny, electro-static shocks you’d felt before when touching carpet.
“Did- did you?”
“No!” He yells, hand still left in the air. “I didn’t so fuckin’ shut up about it- it was nothing! You didn’t feel anything! Nothing happened! It didn’t happen! I-”
Mid way through his rant, Bakugou grabs at you hand, awkwardly jabbing his fingers into your palm before he finally just laces then through yours. He continues like he didn’t, though, not taking a single breath between his words.
“-And even if I did- which I didn’t- it’s your fuckin fault! So just- so just shut up about it already!” He huffs, absolutely red in the face as he averts his eyes. He grumbles. “Idiot.”
You just smile, giving his hand a squeeze. 
Bakugou won’t look at you, his eyes trained on quite literally anything else, but you think you seem him smile too. Something small, and unsure, and barely there- just the tiniest hint of his lip curling up. 
He squeezes back. 
hope u all enjoy,, luv u!!
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felassanis · 4 years
Characters that I think will make a return in Dragon Age 4
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Okay, So lets get the first two out of the way and the reasons why I think they are bound to return.
Dorian Pavus: Pretty much a given, he’s already in Tevinter. He’s got big plans for the city and he’s a fan favourite. it would be a crime if he didnt come back.
Fenris: Will the Blue Wraith release I can’t help but wonder if that’s setting up Fenris’s arc and how it’ll pertain to DA4. How this wonderful character will tie into the shitstorm that’s about to occur in the next installment. When you hear Tevinter, chances are a couple of things will come to mind. Mages, blood-magic, Dorian, Slavery and Fenris. His whole character is linked to this setting. Hes a character who's got the biggest reasons to be there so he better be there. either as the leader of a slave rebellion or possibly an agent of Fen’harel. Also, given how vocal the fandom has been about him coming back, I think Bioware will deliver. I just hope he’s intertwined witht the plot like Varric was, and not given a crappy cameo like Zevran was in dragon age 2. And even if you did (You fucking monster) Give him back to Danarius, then he’ll be in Tevinter too. Or if you killed him like a fucking moron, well Bioware have brought back characters from the dead before. Leliana I'm looking at you
And ngl, I really want a FenHawke moment
Now, these next ones are the “Realistic” few who I think will make a return based on theories and evidence but I’m also making a section of characters who I want to see come back even if it’s not likely:
Sten: I find it very likely we will see this guy again. There conflict between Tevinter and Seheron should be one of the focuses in dragon age 4 and given that our actions in dragon age 2 he becomes the Arishok and if memory serves; he’s in Seheron. More Sten? More likely than you think if I’m right.
Talis: Another one who should make an appearance given her allegiance to the Qunari. Talis was a really good character and criminally underused in Mark of the Assasins and dragon age 2 as a whole. I think she’ll make a cameo, doing her thing as a skilled assassin for the Qunari.
Krem: It would be interesting for this character to make a return, perhaps he could not stand to see what is happening in his home country and makes a return. Given how important Krem is for representation, him being from Tevinter and how popular he was, I think he will also be making a return.
Verania: A small cameo. But I think if you stopped Fenris from killing her, then his sister Verania will be making a return. Which could offer an interesting scene if Fenris also makes a return. She does return to Tevinter, and given that her master was killed (Hopefully) it would be a curious thing to see how she ended up.
Varric: The reason why I think Varric will come back is because of the Red Idol. Varric has history with that thing, it was him and his brother who made the expedition to recover it from the Deep Roads and given how obvious it is that the Red Idol will play a major role in DA4 I think Varric will feel compelled to try and get it back or destroy it. He hates red lyrium and he hates that idol and he knows exactly what it is capable of, so the thought of it ending up in the wrong hands must unsettle him. He felt at fault for the red lyrium and Corypheus, hence why he stayed with the Inquisition to try and sort it all out. I think it will be the same for the red idol, he feels a responsibility to stop it because he thinks it’s his fault it’s out there in the first place.
Scout Harding: A potential LI maybe??? I think she’ll play a vital role whether or not the inquisition was kept or discarded in Tresspasser. I hope she gets a more important role than a simple quest giver.
Isabela: With the recent concept art I am seeing A LOT of Pirates and I couldn’t help but think of Isabela. And that one concept art seems to confirm Isabela is coming back and I'm so excited.
Leliana & Cassandra: It sounds to me like Leliana and Cassandra will come back as advisors of sorts, I’m not sure what role they’ll play exactly in the grand scheme of things in the next game but I do think they will both come back in some capacity, because of their words and cameo in the ending to Tresspasser.
Abelas: maybe only a cameo if you killed him, but Solas essentially recruits Abelas and if hes alive I think Abelas could make a return. 
Unrealistically, but why I think they should:
Zevran: He’s has somehow been mentioned or appeared in every game since origins and I don’t want that streak to be ruined. I think there’s definitely a role for him given how much he adventures and explores, his wit and his tendencies to get into trouble, and how he is a fan favourite.
Oghren: Honestly? Just because we haven’t heard from him a long time.
Cullen: I highly doubt he will come back. Why? Because I feel like the option to romance him in Inquisition on top of his sort of redemption arc in that game is his...end. Like, he got closure, he got the focus he needed regarding all the shit he went through in the past two games and I honestly do believe that is where Cullen’s story ends. But...I could be wrong, they might want to keep the pattern of him appearing in every game and maybe they have something else planned for him since they strangely liked this character because he went from this minor dude in Origins to Meredith’s lackey in dragon age 2 to a fully fledged main cast member in dragon age 3.
Meredith: Speaking of Meredith, I think it would be so neat for her to make a return as a boss fight. Because fighting her in dragon age 2 was so much fun and I think with the return of the Red Lyrium Idol, having her come back somehow would be appropriate. Maybe the statue she turns into merely keeps her in hibernation? So under whatever the hell material the red lyrium used to ‘kill’ her, it actually didn’t snuff out her life but rather preserved it. She’s still alive and fiddling with the Idol brings her back. Edit: turns out shes super dead but I'm leaving it here in case I can somehow rationalise how this scary lady could come back
Orsino: I can totally imagine the theory that Varric lied about Orsino’s death in order to protect him so Cassandra and the Templars wouldn’t go after him. Even the devs said his death was a mistake, so this could be a great way to rectify how shitty a card he was dealt in DA2 and give him a better storyline and role in the next game. Orsino is just a really good character who would do well with more time and focus spent on him. 
Bodahn & Sandal: because I need answers about what the fuck Sandal is and I miss Bodahn. And given Sandal's massive fucking foreshadowing to Solas and the magic of the elves I think HE HAS TO COME BACK but also...idk what they would really do with him, if hed really play a role other than what he did in the first and second game. An enigmatic dwarf for comedic effect and also creepiness.
Anders: if hes alive, and if you didnt romance him. I want a cameo, since he was originally supposed to appear in Inquisition as a hermit in a cave. I'd like that concept to return in the area near Tevinter/Antiva. Because I think it would be tragic, if hes borderline insane and a wandering nomad hiding his identity. Maybe Justice has taken over, maybe we have to free him of Justice to recruit Anders. Maybe we need him to enter the Fade somehow? Maybe when the veil is broken Justice takes over completely that way? I just want an Anders cameo, see a tragic ending to a tragic character with the potential of redemption? Potential chance at happiness through helping the player fight Solas? And maybe, if Isabela or Varric come back...theyd have something to say? They might beg the player to help him? Mourn their friend or fret over him? Varric and Anders hug?
Spirit of Wynne: my girl Wynee gets no fucking love or mention from what I've seen and I will not stand for it. I'm sure she died, even by DAII's timeline. But if the veil is torn? Maybe her spirit will pay us a visit, give us words of encourage or wise lessons??? I miss Wynne so much.
Morrigan: I do think something is being set up with her character and Kieran. And with her being so woven with the whole Mythal thing, I wouldn't be shocked if Morrigan wanted to get involved, since Mythal wanted to live on through Morrigan. Maybe Morrigan has a bone to pick, maybe shes mad that Solas killed her mother.
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brelione · 4 years
The Goddess Part Two (JJ Maybank x Reader)
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Part Three  Part One
The next time he saw you was at the petting zoo.He knew you’d be there but for some reason he was still shocked to see you.You hadnt seen him yet,though.It was before opening hours.He was hiding in the lower branches of a tree,watching as you sung to the goats.He couldnt even understand the words you were saying,just the sound of your voice as it hit unbelievably high notes.It was enough to make his heart thump,his chest to tighten and him to almost fall off of the tree branch he had been clinging too.Suddenly you were all that mattered to him.Nothing else existed.Just you.His eyes were almost like cameras,zooming in on you.You were wearing a white sundress that somehow hadnt gotten any dirt or goat poop on it.Your hair was messy and curly from the salt water you swam in all the time,your shiny jewelry glistening in the sunlight.You snapped your fingers,one of the smaller goats had literally jumped on you.
You giggled,holding a flower out to it.The goat got back down and they ran around their hay covered fenced in area.Your house was a good distance away from the area but it was still within his line of vision.Your family was absolutely rich but you werent kooks.You guys willingly chose to live in a shitty house.It looked shitty from the outside but JJ had never been inside.Your father had payed JJ large amounts of money to mow your lawn every tuesday.It didnt need to be mowed.You could just have the goats eat up the excess grass,or the chickens,or the cows.But little did JJ know that you were behind his weekly job.You knew that JJ didnt have a lot of money and shifted between John.B’s house and his own house,spending some nights at the beach.
You wanted JJ to have a good amount of money for anything he might need.Whether it be gas,a coffee,a new shirt,going to the laundromat.You just liked the idea of him being safe and happy all the time.Thats when he had seen you wearing that lovely sweater.You had come out of your house,placing a small jar of home made jam,a paper bag and an energy drink out on your deck before going back inside.JJ had been watching you out of the corner of his eye,blushing a bit when he realized that you were leaving him a breakfast.You left the fenced in area,the goats trying to follow you out. “Oh,dont act like you dont get all the attention in the world!”You had said quietly to them as they stared up at you.
JJ didnt even wonder how he had heard it from where he was.You were walking towards the tree with a light blue bag.JJ cursed,trying to move higher up in the tree.He hadnt even noticed that he was in the branches above the cows.There were six cows total,two of which were extremely fluffy.When you got to the fence only a few feet away from him you looked over at the tree. “Hey.”You nodded before opening the light blue bag.His eyebrows furrowed,stunned by how casual you were being. “Hi.”He replied,his voice sounding hoarse.He mentally slapped himself,clearing his throat quietly. “You know we dont let anyone pet the goats or hold the chickens until 10.What’s up?”You asked,taking fistfulls of food out of the light blue bag as cows approached you.He rolled his eyes so far back in his head he should’ve been able to see his brain,resting his head against the tree bark.Why did you have to be like this?He actually wanted to talk to you,to have a conversation and make you giggle. 
“I mow your lawn on Tuesday’s,princess.”He reminded you.You raised your eyebrows as you pet one of the cows. “J,its monday.”You huffed as you let another cow eat oats straight out of your hand.He scoffed. “It is not-”He paused to take out his phone,checking the day. “Shit.”He groaned.You smiled. “Its fine,JJ.Have you eaten today?”You asked.He grumbled something. “What?”You asked.He sighed. “I said,why do you care?”He asked.You shrugged,tossing out more oats. “Breakfast is really important for you guys.”You replied,eyes going wide when you realized what you said.He squinted. “What?You mean poor people?”He asked,aggravated.You shook your head. “No,JJ.Thats not what I mean at all.You’re a growing boy,you need to eat.”You explained yourself.He hopped down from the tree,towering over you.
You stared up at him.He stared at you with admiration.Your eyes were slightly puffy from just waking up,the whites of your eyes slightly pink.You smelled like peaches,cookie dough and ocean.It was a strange concoction but somehow it was pleasant.You were wearing cute socks that had winnie the pooh on them.You werent wearing shoes though,just the socks and the dress. “So um...I have to collect the chicken eggs.Do you want breakfast or a coffee or something?”You asked,playing with your bracelets.As much as he hated you-or at least as he pretended to hate you he was really hungry.He wasnt hungry.He just wanted to be around you.He shrugged. “Okay,but that doesnt make us friends.”he pointed at you.You nodded,biting back a smile. “Wouldnt dream of it.”You replied.He followed you to the chicken coop. “Morning ladies!”You exclaimed as you opened the nesting boxes,placing the eggs in an egg carton. “Um….Im sorry JJ,but could you please hold this?”You asked,gesturing toward the egg carton.
He held out his hands and you thanked him quietly,handing him the egg carton.Perhaps if he really hated you as much as he said he did he would drop the eggs on purpose.But he didnt.You apologized a few times for the long walk to the house from the chicken coop.You struggled to open the door,kicking it open.He just followed you to the kitchen.Your house was….it was just kind of beautifully chaotic.Murals across the walls,mermaids,a sunset with beautiful blue waves.Your kitchen had white tiles on the floor,marble counter tops and a white fridge.The table had a white tablecloth that was covered with flower print.You placed the two egg cartons you had been carrying down.You jumped a bit when you moved your elbow,feeling JJ right behind you. “Sorry.”You mumbled,moving out of the way.He grinned at how nervous he was making you right now.Usually it was the other way around.Your kitchen smelled like bread and strawberries.His nose was correct.
He spotted jars of strawberry jam and saw a loaf of bread wrapped in parchment paper. “What do you want for breakfast?”You asked him.He glanced at the bread and jam on the countertops.You turned,getting the message.You told him to sit down at the table and he couldnt help but feel a bit uneasy.He’d never been inside your house before.He looked outside your kitchen window to see your garden.Your garden was kind of famous.Lemon and peach trees,berry bushes,flowers,herbs,garlic and potatoes.People from figure 8 would call your father when they were in need of bread,biscuits,muffins,cakes,jellys,jams,eggs.
Basically anything.A good amount of families had hosted birthdays at your house and you’d help your father bake the cakes,usually making spaghetti or mac and cheese for the children.And now JJ was sitting at your kitchen table about to dine like a king free of charge.He took this chance to ask you some questions about yourself,knowing youd probably answer honestly without thinking about it because you were currently busy. “So like...whats the deal with your mom?”He asked.You shrugged your shoulders as you spread jam across a slice of bread. “She dropped me off at the door then disappeared.”You replied.Youd been over the story dozens of times,no emotions even ties to the story at this point.He nodded. “That sucks.”You giggled quietly at the statement.You really didnt care.She made her choice and your father made his. 
“So what do you do all day in this house?You never go anywhere.You got a lot of boyfriends that come around?”He asked.You sighed as you cut up an apple.You smiled to yourself.That was the stupidest thing youd ever heard. “I go places.”You retaliated.He scoffed. “Where?Where have you gone?”He asked.You blushed from the realization. “I go to the beach.”You replied,looking over your shoulder. “You need to get out more.Half the people on this island dont even know you exist.”He watched how your body moved as you arranged the apples into a flower. “Okay.”Was all you had do say before you placed the plate down in front of him. “You want some coffee?”you asked.He shook his head. 
“Sit down.”He suggested.He was telling you what to do in your own house.That was probably the strangest thing that had happened for you that week.You sat across from him,tapping on the wooden table. “thanks,(Y/N).”He mumbled quietly.You just nodded.He stared down at his plate,not touching the food. “You’re not gonna eat anything?”He asked.You shook your head. “Not up for it,I already had a coffee today.”You replied.He nodded. “You werent freaked out over the fact I was in one of your trees...why?”He asked.You just shrugged. “A lot of weird stuff happens in my life,believe it or not.”You replied,watching him pull apart his bread and stuff it in him mouth. “So...um….are you gonna leave when youre done with breakfast?”You asked.He grinned. “Wow,trying to get rid of me already?”He asked.You huffed. “Its not like that!Im just trying to figure out what my plan is for the day.”You explained yourself.He nodded.
 “Its not like you’ve got any big plans.I think im gonna stay around here just to spite you.”He smiled.You nodded. “Okay.”You replied.He ran his hand through his hair. “Im kidding.”He replied.You nodded. “Right.I mean I guess you could stay here if you want.”You offered.He chewed his bottom lip. “What if you come with me to the beach and surf for a while?Ive heard you’re okayish as surfing.”He smirked.You scratched your collarbone. “Uh...okay.Okay.”You mumbled awkwardly.You couldnt believe you had just agreed to hang out with JJ Maybank of all people.He hated you.You just had to hope that he wouldnt murder you or something.His eyes widened. “Yeah?You’re gonna come over to the dark side with me?”He asked,smile widening.You grinned. “Dont make me regret it.”You mumbled,getting up from the table.He heard you go up the stairs and he let out a loud sigh.He really just did that.
He wiped his palms of his shorts,blinking hard.He was gonna spend the day with you.He couldnt mess this up.That being said you already thought he hated you and he was kind of a bitch to you but now you would get to actually hang out with him.This was his chance to become your friend.He ate the rest of his breakfast as quickly as he could,placing the plate in the sink.He heard you come back down stairs.He turned to send you a teasin remark but his jaw fell,eyes going wide when he saw what you were wearing.That sweater.You had changed out of the dress,now wearing black shorts,flip flops and that sweater that looked unbelievably amazing on you. “Uh-youre ready to go?”He asked.You nodded.The two of you walked out and you stopped to grab your surfboard. “I know a good surf spot.”He told you.You nodded.He took you down some old dirt roads and a small path through the woods.WHen you came out of the woods you were on pale hot sand,shells and small smooth rocks sprinkling across the land. “The waves are kinda small but theyll get bigger.”He said,sitting down. “Thats what she said.”You grinned to yourself.
@xlittlemissydjx​ @lasnaro​
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anestheticrage · 4 years
Be me: Japanese honor student🎓, 15, with half a brain and even less of a plan. Hunting bitches by day and witches by night. Livin that dank only child✌️ life while mom n dad yeet all over the globe, leavin me plenty of time to forget not to make 2 lunches for myself #quirky 😜
no time for socialization or basic electronics skills ???📱??? when your best friends are an alien demon rabbit🐰👽 and the inexplicable Hole ™ in your brain. lmao, btw did i mention im ✨M✨A✨G✨I✨C✨A✨L✨
dreamin bout my 2D waifus again when familiar pink haired cancer patient dances through my brain passin out fliers: Kamihama Meguca Dating Service: Sponsored by Cult of the Magius. 250 stones per session 🤔
seems legit, Mr. Moneybags. wasn't spending my unwieldy sack of gemstones on anything else anyway. lets pull 💎💎💎
first up we have Redhead Radagast and her plethora of plants. 🌿☺️🦎
anndd, nearly dies immediately. 
well not off to a great start but i guess shes pretty cute at lea- oh FUCK its her girlfriend, Tsundere Poseidon😒🔱💦, and their exasperated, straight and single Sword Mom 😔🗡️🔥. fml gonna have to save up for the next pull. might as well play a few rounds with what i got tho. 
get in some good girl talk about things like school, color coded hair styles, body count, permanent soul damage, and our personal demon pacts. ya know, the usual 😚 . realize my dark backstory seems to be missing, so the girls take me to Ketchup Queen Sappho 🍅🥧 (wtf?) to molest my glowy egg stone. whatevs, more action than ive had since Kuroe 🖤 got added to the story anyway
the gang agrees it's time to hunt down the cutest rabbit pimp 🕶️🐇💵 in the city. >> say 🎵mukyuuu🎵 one more time and ill hug you so hard my backstory will pop right out, you adorable fluffy bastard. plz be my new best friend 💕
Form brand new friendship pact with Kyubae, and remember that my lil Sis 🐥 was always the best wingman for pickin up magic chicks, and kept her side of the room so spotless i forgot she existed. whoops 乁༼☯‿☯✿༽ㄏ Maybe if I find her i can stop paying these exorbitant pull fees.📵💎
speaking of which: hot damn this week's featured bachelorette is a 19 year old model and magical detective🔎 with massive levels of PTSD and self loathing 🥵💙💦 more likely to stab you or dramatically jump off a rooftoop than utter a single positive comment. wow, maybe i really COULD find true love…
... if i had MORE THAN A 1% FUCKING DRAW CHANCE. 😡 smh
hard to make much progress finding sis or winning the broken heart of a hard boiled detective amidst the never ending lover's quarrel of the Trident Vine Lesbians. 💔 Sword Mom tells them if they don't behave a monster will take them away. LOL classic mom 🤣
declare all-out war on urban legends, starting with staircases ⚔️ to reunite the dysfunctional trio, and hope that I net a way better lineup with the next 10x pull. at least sad sleuth lady came to help out. they say combat is the best way to bond wi-   and there she goes off the rooftop again 🙄 fml
alright that got way off track, we need a fresh start, away from all the loli drama. how bout a little B&E🔓🔨🤷🏻‍♀️ at the local house of worship to clear my head. ahh nothing like the unanswered prayers of the masses to get you in the mood for another wasted pull, and the 🔥 MIGHTIEST 🔥 headache you could ask for with a side of Double Cooked Pork 🐖🍜 (meh 5/10🧾)
venture forth into the spiritual unknown with your new human flamethrower🔥🌻🧡 and ask your favorite private eye to please, for the love of Eve, trade Meguca accounts with me~~~ Head through the eastern spirit portal to meet up with hologram propaganda sis and detective crush's evil ex, who joined a dating-app cult (#fuck) and also turned into the moon?🌕?(that's rough buddy)
get ambushed by Acid Horse on Wheels 🌈🐴 and vomit up my soul so hard that its time for a crossover episode. T U R F F F   W A R R R *que operatic harmonies* 💛 Blondie with the hair drills and enough attitude and guns to fill up a noble phantasm tries to ban my account permanently, but PI heartthrob denies her admin privileges. aww babe i didn't know you cared. 😭♥️
get kidnapped by my new true love and go back to her place 😏  defs enough empty rooms to house five emotionally traumatized girls and at least two ghosts hehehe👻 XD 💚🃏💜🎸 decide to form the anti-gossip brigade and recruit my blazing sunflower after getting ambushed by the witch living in my fruit loops🥣
❌outvoted 2:1 that cults are bad. mf. fiinneee one last pull to round out the team and then I'll delete the app. cmonnn Karin 🎃~
Always wanted a daughter 💜🔨🐄 with a penchant for pissing off the local Martial Arts & Books Club and drinking suspicious liquids offered by total strangers. Well if it's good enough for her AND the sexy mayadere with enough game to seduce a mermaid, might as well get in on that myself. 
#curseddrank 🤢 0/24 would not recommend to a friend, 'cept maybe Ria
win alot of cash 🤑, blow up a fountain, meet the pied piper²🎶🖕, moon cult, monochrome feathers, something about liberation✊🏻; adopt temper tantrum cow girl. aces 💜🥩
Next up!!! skydiving with DJ Hammer! Jump to apparently-not-certain death after suicidal A.I. 💚💾🗼 tells you to rescue her hostage before they run out of Radiohead albums and have to move on to Thom Yorke's solo discography. save the invisible shield kitten 💚👑😿 from happiness and get chased through the internet by the sexiest homicidal Paint Pallette 💚🎨😈 since Caravaggio. (apparently green is the color of the digital apocalypse. i’m deleting Kako from my friend's list)
that’s it, fuck this app. 250 stones 💎 per-life-threatening-experience is more than i’m willing to deal with 😓 don’t wanna mess with the perfect nuclear family anyway. we've already got: 
✔️the two emotionally traumatized moms with memory and commitment issues
✔️the adhd daughter with anger management problems and a giant hammer
✔️the psychologically abused scizophrenic cat
✔️and the eccentric aunt with crippling anxiety
now that were done hoarding bitches, its time to hunt the witches. and the bitches makin the witches. btw did i mention the witches ARE the bitches! AND WERE ALL GOING TO DIE!? 📽️⁉️💀 wait fuck lets back up a second
This is Nemo📕 and Token🧪 and they have all the answers but prefer if you only ask vague questions in exchange for vague responses so they can fill in the rest by discussing their superior intellect 🧠 at length. not to mention they built that dating app, so of course everyone in my harem decides to be a FUCKING. TRAITOR.🤬
cept waifu prime ofc 🥰💙. [PTSD > brainwashing] 'yOu CaN bE tHe LeAdEr NoW'. i have been from the very beginning you traumatized Hinedere nightmare. maybe if you weren't so caught up collecting surrogate daughters you would've noticed IM👏THE👏ONLY👏 ONE👏PROGRESSING👏THE FUCKING👏PLOT✨
rescue the rest of dysfunctional found-family™ from selves before my adorable firebender burns down Disnihama🎡🔥😱 during her weekly anxiety attack. (love the makeover T B H) 
CHAPTER 8: Magical Girl Massacre🩸🗡️
   - everyone has like, the shittiest day ever
   - the new Pope really needs to be extradited from the church
   - make friends with a really pretty tree 🌺🌲✨
i swear, if i don't finish this god damn story in time to get that free pull im gonna beat the shit out of every mirror i find in that giant mansion that i haven't even had any time to even mention yet. 🖕🏚️ let alone EVERYTHING happening with the prequel [fuck you, I'm the star] girls 💗💜💙💛❤️️ and their multidimensional melodrama. We don't need that many repetitive af episodes to emphasize that Homo-ra is a shitty person. we've all seen Rebellion. 🙄
uhhhggggg where were we… Topple a cult and burn down Hotel Denoument only to realize that Sis was fused with the dating app servers this entire madokafuckin time (told ya she was the best wingman 😊). 
Dilemma: Sis =🥚, Triumvirate of Trouble want 🐣. What do? vote now:
Help Hatch - IIIIIII
Not Do That - IIIII
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Lets just fight everyone until something good happens.
Kill (???) the artist-in-chief of the italian reindeer murder police after teaching her the true meaning of Christmas 🎄 hatch 🐣lil Sis and realize she WAS your wingman all along🐰 MUKYUUUU! we're just gonna ignore how much trouble it would have saved if you'd just mentioned that. "yOu DiDnT aSk..." 
anywho, somewhere along the lines we of course summoned the Antichrist ⚙️ because why not raise the stakes to max and still not kill off a single character. Madofuckinkami, can we PLEASE wrap this up. 😩💤
feathers (not the culty kind, tfm) rain from the sky, and the power of friendship and not having the Urobutcher 🔪🩸as a lead writer saves our peacefully sectioned off alternate reality 😇
TL:DR fuck cults, real life waifus DO exist, don't sell your soul to space rabbits, or your stones to megacorporations. Enjoy arc 2 on the JP server with your shitty translation patch you filthy fuckin weebs 
Yours Truly, 
- Thirsty Weeb Eroha 💗💎😘 
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pogaytosalad · 3 years
Heres a wip of a sequel.
Dmviolence, by jade
Hello, if youre hearing this, it probably means im dead. Either that, or im alive and just got tired of keeping this hidden. You might remember my voice from a previous recording about a takeover in sector ⬽:➻, in which id helped prevent total annihilation of the sector. At the time i was unnamed, however now you may call me Kalton. After the takeover i resigned and moved to a job at a dmv. This planet was, for some reason, in one of the most tactically advantageous locations in the galaxy. And for some reason the higher ups dedicated the whole damn planet to dmvs. Dont ask why. Now, onto the story.
I woke up, and i put on my emerald green contact lenses. Just like any other day. I put on a basic white t-shirt and a leather bomber jacket along with a pair of jean shorts. If you cant tell by now, im gay.
I live in a small apartment. By small apartment i mean a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen all crammed into 2 rooms. I hopped out the bedroom window onto my motorcycle. It was a diamond white motorcycle with deep red stripes along the sides and the handlebars. My pride and joy. I put on my jet black helmet and took off towards my job at the, you guessed it, dmv.
Chapter 2
I pulled up in the parking lot and took off my helmet, my blue hair a total rats nest. The doors were push doors, yet i somehow ALWAYS pulled first. I entered the dmv and went to my station. A few hours passed by and no one had come in yet, which was unusual. So naturally i decided to sit down on the floor, put in my earbuds, and enjoyed some heavy metal. A few more hours passed by, and usually by now i wouldve been yelled at by my boss. This struck me as odd so i stood up. I really wish i hadnt stood up. The place had been completely destroyed. There were drop pods crashed in through the roof and they all had the ERGON logo on them. Ergon was a multi trillion dollar pencil manufacturing company with its own military. They had previously tried to take over sector ⬽:➻ when i had been working there. I was not looking forwards to what was about to happen.
Quickly, i ducked back onto the floor before anyone saw me. There were 4 riot soldiers holding this building. This was gonna be fun. The riot soldiers are your stereotypical riot gear and police baton soldiers. But these guys had laser batons and the riot gear gave them heightened strength and speed. They also had some, dare I say, shitty energy pistols. I crawled over to one of the soldiers who wasnt being watched and broke their neck. Carefully I took the baton and the pistol. Slowly crawled my way back to my station and checked the shot count in the pistol. I had 6 shots, just enough to take care of the remaining three soldiers. I stood up quickly and shot each soldier twice in the head. First shot to open the riot helmet, second shot to kill. I vaulted over the counter and grabbed the three pistols. These things were so stupid. You couldnt even remove the clips. Once you ran out of shots, the pistol was useless. Nonetheless, i didnt have any choice. I had a laser baton and 18 total shots in 3 pistols.
Upon leaving the building, my motorcycle was one of the few things to survive. It had alot of scratches and damage, but it still worked. The helmet was shattered however. I mounted the motorcycle and took off towards the next closest dmv. Maybe id find some better gear there.
Chapter 3
Pulling up next to the second dmv i immediately noticed 3 things. 1: there was blood everywhere. 2: there were 25 soldiers here. And 3: they all had energy weapons. The reason these things are relevant is because energy weapons dont cause bloodshed. This was the result of something else. Something new i hadnt dealt with yet.
I drove up and ran over 5 of the soldiers. This was probably an incredibly bad idea, seeing as i had 18 shots, enough for 9 kills, and there were 20 soldiers left. Every single soldier turned to me and i, being the absolute genius that i am, welded the front of one of the pistols shut with the laser baton, shot it off, and threw it into thei crowd of soldiers. It exploded, releasing a shockwave of energy and disabling the soldiers. I then used the baton to cut through the riot gear and kill the soldiers. I felt like a badass. That is until a mechanical looking wolf jumped at me and started trying to rip my face off.
The wolf was a frostwolf, except it had been placed into a mechanical frame and its teeth and claws had been replaced with lasers. I tried to bash it off of me with the baton but it just bit it in two. This gave me just enough time to grab an energy pistol and shoot the wolf. It kept trying to kill me amd i wasted a whole clip on it until suddenly, the dog started to levitate in the air and got thrown aside into a wall. I got up and was instantly frozen in place. Thats when.. she walked up.
Chapter 4
The she i am reffering to is ebony. A goth/punk wannabe with light blue tear shaped eyes and black hair with purple streaks. Shes a bitch whos mind got too powerful and now she can move things without touching them. Shes been chasing me for months. Not in a murderous way. Shes just obsessed with me. Ive tried to tell her im gay but she wont listen. And now im at her mercy.
She walked up to me and kissed me on the cheek. I hated it. She looked as if she was contemplating whether or not to free me when a pod came down from the sky and crushed her. Thank god. But i honestly wouldve rathered suffered at her hand than deal with what i had to deal with next...
Out of the pod came the warden. The goddamn warden from sector ⬽:➻. Last id seen him hed been in the same situation as ebony. Crushed to death under a pod. But this time, instead of being on my side, he was here to kill me. He was huge. Like seriously huge. He was at least 8 feet tall and shaped like gaston. Whos gaston? Nobody knows these days. But its basically a way to say "extremely buff and wide". Back to the story. The warden wasnt looking very good, considering the rotten skin, obviously quickly patched together face, and muscles hanging loose out of his skin. His rotting ruined body was held together by an exoskeleton of chromium-tungsten alloy. Nothing i had was gonna cut through that. I was gonna have to get creative here..
The warden had 2 weapons, both of them were his fists. Huge gauntlets that were each about the size of a cow. Definitely bigger than his previous set. They were a golden green metal i couldnt identify. But i didnt want to get hit with one to try and find out. I ran. I ran as fast i could run into the dmv and hid. I could hear the wardens footsteps. It was as if a small earthquake happened each time he took a step.
I peeked over the desk i was hiding behind and saw him punch through the 2 desks opposite to me. It took no effort and i couldve sworn i saw him smile. Obviously i didnt. Cause he didnt have a mouth anymore. But if he did, he definitely wouldve smiled. I took a shot to get his attention and ran off towards the wall. The warden was definitely faster than i expected.
Luckily i managed to dodge the blow by a centimeter. The metal smelled of decaying flesh and popcorn. The wardens blow punched a huge hole in the wall. I hope you see where im going with this.
I ran off to another wall and we repeated this same process a number of times until the building was barely still up. I ran out the doors and threw the baton at the last of the supports, cutting through it and causing the building to collapse in on the warden. He wasnt getting out of that. I decided to search the rubble to see if i could find anything worth taking. I found a new baton, a flame rifle and a few more energy pistols.
The flame rifle was a very interesting design. The sides were painted jet black with flame decals scattered about. You could feel the heat on the inside and it made the gun warm to the touch. Comfortable to hold. Other than that though, it looked like an old fashioned 8.59mm sniper rifle. It had 4 shots remaining, so id have to use it sparingly.
I grabbed some scrap materials out of the rubble to make a holster for it and put it on my back.
The energy pistols just dangled from a keychain. The baton was simply turned off and placed through a hole in the back pockets of my shorts. I ran to my motorcycle and drove off, i needed to find out more. I had questions, and i had a sneaking suspicion that i knew where to find the answers.
I drove off again, i was dirty and there was blood on me and my bike. I probably looked like a serial killer. But i knew that if anyone was still alive, itd be jayden. They were.. well. They were a vampire. They lived in a swampland area and wore sparkly rainbow shirts and a huge sunhat. The sunhat allowed them to go outside in the sun, and they only drank coconut water. They also had a crazy amount of weaponry and used to work at ergon, before being fired for stealing weaponry. By the way, if you havent noticed by now, im using they/them to refer to jayden. Jayden doesnt have a gender. Jayden.. is kind of my crush. It probably has something to do with the fact that theyre the only person on this planet who talks to me. Other than ebony.. but ebony is... not my type i guess. Anyways, back to jayden. Jayden was on the roof of their swamp shack drinking coconut water out of a wine glass. I yelled up at them and they fell off the roof onto my back. I guess i cushioned their fall. Jayden immediately said "What do you need dear" without waiting for me to stand up, and shattered the wine glass. I informed them of the situation and asked the questions i had. Things like "what are the ergon soldiers defences like on their ships" and "how did they reanimate the warden" they had answers.
Jayden told me about the new security measures that had been put in place since id last been on an ergon ship. There was now a code for each teleportation pod and the gaurds had doubled. As for the warden, it turns out jayden was actually the first test run in reanimation sciences, and couldnt answer me because they had been unconcious in a lab when the warden was reanimated. That explained the vampire undead thing. Jayden invited me into the shack where they pulled a nail out of the floorboards and it turned into a ramp to the basement. Down in the basement? Thats where jayden kept their weapons they stole. And boy oh boy were there some interesting ones.
One that immediately caught my attention was the big rocket launcher. It had 3 barrels and each was a different colour, indicating a different effect. One was red, one was yellow, and one was green. The red barrel fired a normal explosive rocket, the yellow barrel fired an electromagnetic pulse rocket, and the green barrel fired an acidic explosive. And the launcher shrunk down to the size of an energy pistol when a button was pressed. It gathered up dirt and dust and garbage around it from the back to quickly convert into ammo but the only downside is that it would be difficult to use more than once in an area.
Jayden picked out an old shotgun. At first i didnt understand why, but then they loaded the clip. The clip was a huge drum that loaded in the bottom of the barrel. The drum was see through and inside you could see sawblades lined up side by side. When they pumped the shotgun a blade got lifted into a slot between the 2 shotgun barrels and started glowing red. When the trigger was pulled, the blade spun at high speeds and fired out of the slot, spinning along the ground like a wheel. It could cut through anything a baton could cut through and seemed to almost follow its target. The gun itself looked like an DP-12, except behind the pump, a large clear drum full of sawblades was in place. The blade sat between the barrels in place of the iron sights and got heated up by an electrical circut.
I also took a laser sword instead of my baton, it was just like the one that [3825968] had, except this one was about an inch longer. The final weapon i took was an acid thrower. It was basically just a watergun with acid in it. Ive always been partial to acidic weapons. If youve heard my other story, youd know why..
Jayden also took a submachine gun that fired freezing rounds. The rounds were essentially glorified waterballoons with liquid nitrogen in them. Though the rounds were bullet sized, enough shots from it would certainly freeze you in place. The freeze gun was about the size of the average human head, and was painted navy blue with blue saphire stripes placed along it. We both left the shack, me with my sword and jayden with a wine glass. We were ready to kick ass and put a stop to this.
We left and immediately both got flung into some trees. Guess who it was. It was ebony. Her body had been found and reanimated. I was starting to see a pattern. And now we had to fight the telekinetic who could kill us with a wave of her hand.
She was levitating. Her eyes were glowing red and her hair was floating in the air. She had a smile of someone about to rip your arms off and beat you with them. I tried to take a shot at her but my hand got knocked aside by an invisible force. So i tried the next best thing. Seduction. Fake seduction. Hopefully the whole dying and coming back from the dead thing didnt make her stop being weirdly obsessed with me.
While i faked surrender and complimented ebony and attempted to seduce her, jayden took aim of their ice gun and shot a burst at ebonys right arm. The arm froze in place and shattered. Hopefully that would lower the strength of her telekinetic abilities. It did. But only by about half. Which meant jayden got thrown into the air as i tried to discreetly unholster my acid gun. It wasnt discreet enough and the gun was knocked from my hand.
The gun flew forwards and the impact of hitting the ground set it off for a second, just enough to spray an acidic burn through her arm. Incapacitating her. Jayden ended up sneaking up behind her and impaling her through the skull with the shattered end of their wine glass. Finally ebony was dead for good.
The acid gun was busted, so we had to leave it behind. We got onto my motorcycle and took off towards my apartment building. We would need food if we were going to be traveling. An apartment complex would probably be full of foods, and alot of dead people who wouldnt care if we took some stuff.
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unicyclehippo · 4 years
as much as they love big pranks and chaos, artagan loves messing w beau subtlety sometimes. on one occasion they manage to put a flower crown on her without her noticing. no one points it out, beau is just wondering why everyone’s smiling at her today
not exactly the prompt but fairly similar to what i was already writing, thank u. sorry it is long, i think. follows on from the artagan post i made earlier
A gentle hand shakes her awake—it doesn’t deserve the way Beau comes awake all teeth and tense fear, she doesn’t deserve that, but here in the graveyard of trees, relics of the forest that used to stand here, Beau has dreamed of gleaming green eyes and ghosts, laughter and the touch of long fingers closing cold around her heart. And pain. Yasha rocks backwards, takes Beau’s attack on one shoulder, and shakes her head at the immediate apology.
‘It’s alright,’ she says, voice low. Her eyes crease and Beau—still blurred around the edges, still pulling out of sleep—doesn’t know what that means until Yasha pulls further away and Beau can see all of her face is smiling gently down at her. ‘The others are asleep. I just - wanted to thank you.’
‘For the flowers.’ Uncurling a hand, Yasha shows her the dozen or so little bluedrops.
Beau glances at them and then quickly away. Shuffles out of her uncomfortable half-up position and sits properly, crossing her legs.
‘Not from me. Maybe Nott. Or Jester.’
‘Oh.’ Yasha’s brows lift in the faintest hint of disbelief. Her eyes lift a fraction to Beau’s hair. ‘Then you have been visited too.’
She reaches out oh so slowly and Beau doesn’t flinch, not until she sees the rusted hilt laying in Yasha’s bedroll, far on the other side of the dome. Yasha pulls away at the flinch. She nods instead, Look her eyes say, and they follow Beau’s hand as she reaches up to—ah, fuck. Her hair ribbon.
Beau pulls her hand down, examines the bluedrop with frustration.
‘I can - take out the rest? If you want.’
‘Yeah. Please.’
They both go about it with caution—Beau turns around so she can’t possibly see the sword, Yasha does her best not to touch Beau at all as she tries to remove the little flowers, and it’s tense and awful so Beau, with all the talent in her body, relaxes back into her friend’s side as though they’ve done so a hundred times before, as though they’ve done more than simply exchange a few short words since reclaiming her.
Yasha’s hand settles shakily on her shoulder. Warm. Solid. Beau leans her head back against Yasha’s and smiles up at her, looks up out from the corner of her eyes. Maybe it’s a fey thing—not power, necessarily, but the habit of looking at things from new angles—but Beau finds from this angle that the sad lines of Yasha’s face are less pronounced. She looks younger, lighter. Beau relaxes a little more, and has to reevaluate whether it’s the angle that has Yasha awash with joy or the semi-awkward hug they share.
Morning dawns hot and dry, the coolness of the hut burned away the second the spell falls. No one else is waking, so the two sit together and wait. The flowers are set aside into a small pile and Yasha has long since finished, leans back on her hands and doesn’t ask Beau to move. So she doesn’t. Uses Yasha as a back rest instead.
She feels Yasha speak before she hears the words, the buzz of them moving from Yasha’s chest to Beau’s back, and she wonders idly as she tilts her head toward the rising sun whether there’s a way of...keeping a memory. Keeping this peace, this connection.
‘Can I ask you something?’
‘’m awake. Go for it.’
She doesn’t immediately. But it isn’t very long before Yasha sighs. Says, ‘I’ve missed things. While I was...away.’
Beau snorts. ‘Away.’
Yasha bumps her shoulder into Beau’s back, fond, chiding. They resettle. ‘There are things I see that...I don’t know if I should talk about. If they’re private or new.’
‘Fjord has a new voice,’
‘Wild, right?’
‘It’s...different. He’s different,’ Yasha says, and Beau nods. ‘You all are.’
‘It’s been a lot.’ Beau scrubs a hand over her face. Dredges back in her memory with a wide net, not wanting to pull up all the details. The close calls. The fear. The running and running to catch up to Yasha, only lose her again. The scrying. Jester’s tears. She doesn’t tell her in order, just plucks their history out from the pile. ‘Uh. We went into that Happy Fun Ball again, which, turns out, is more than just those couple rooms we saw the first time—well, not you, but the rest of us. It’s like...a series of folded inter-dimensional spaces that contain not only increasingly horrific things but also is totally designed to fuck up magic users. We went in cause Yussa—remember him? He went in and disappeared for like three weeks and turns out he got got by the Ball guardians—‘ Yasha snorts. Beau grins. ‘We met this super hot wizard chick from Tal’Dorei, Yussa’s - friend? Maybe? Who helped us out with that, and with you. The blonde chick who talked to us in the King’s throne room. Let’s see, what else? I made Expositor and then almost immediately got banned from all the fuckin’ libraries—long story, it involves teleporting horses,’
‘Ah. Okay.’
‘We visited a volcano—not the Traveller Con one, a different one—and tricked a white dragon and stole from some assholes connected to - to Shady Creek. Fjord got a new sword and a new voice, got hitched to the Wildmother, we met this superhero chick who could turn into animals, we got tattoos,’
‘You changed.’
Beau stops talking. Stares out, over the barren treetops painted pink and golds in place of withered grey. ‘I guess. Happens, y’know.’
Yasha hums her agreement.
‘Good change?’
Yasha ignores the crack in her words. ‘I think so. You’re...more confident. Comfortable.’
‘You’re pretty comfortable too,’ Beau says, threading it with a familiar flirtation, and she smiles more genuinely when Yasha laughs.
‘I didnt - like to see you in Kamordah.’ Yasha has to feel the way she tenses, entire body locking up, but she ignores it. ‘It was - like looking in a mirror.’
‘Oh yeah? Shitty parents?’
‘No. My parents were good enough.’ Yasha shifts ever so slightly. Beau doesn’t know how until one finger comes to rest atop Beau’s pinkie. ‘You looked ready to die,’ she says, voice blunt like a fist to the gut. ‘Ready to leave us. I don’t care for that much.’
‘You’re one to talk.’
‘I know. But am I wrong?’
Beau doesn’t answer. Not with words, not with a shrug or a laugh. It is hard to move beneath the sudden crushing sensation of being fully in her body, a body that is not dead, that is sat amongst a nest of friends she has not fully earned, deserved. She shivers, heart feeling small and cold again.
‘Perhaps I should not have spoken to it,’ Yasha continues very softly, and she lifts a hand to run it through Beau’s braided, flowerless hair. ‘But I have.’
Beau breathes out shakily. Fights the pressure that clutches her lungs. ‘Yep. Sure have.’
Yasha waits a moment. Then, ‘There is another, ah, topic.’
‘Fuckin’—fine. Yeah, fine, go for it,’ Beau sighs, pulls away from Yasha finally. Scrubs hard at her face again. Her cheeks and eyes are dry still and her skin is warm from the morning sun, but she feels numb. The gesture helps, a little.
‘I’m sorry. I have missed so much, I don’t know who to ask. And you—tell the truth. Without...’
‘Being nice about it?’
Yasha smiles. ‘I guess. But sometimes nice is confusing and doesn’t help me much.’
‘Sometimes nice is what you deserve,’ Beau mutters.
‘Is that the truth?’
It’s not what Yasha wanted to talk about, Beau is pretty sure, but she sounds very uncertain and Beau’s heart aches with it.
‘Yash,’ she sighs. ‘Yeah. You deserve—friends. Family. You deserve good stuff.’
‘Even though...’
Her eyes dip down. Beau is wearing a shirt now, not her old vestments. She’s been wearing a shirt since that night. The scar doesn’t bother her, but it bothers others.
‘Even though.’
Yasha hums, neither agreement nor disagreement. Then, so casually as to be super obvious about it, she looks about to see if any of the others are awake. No one is—or seems to be—but still Yasha folds herself forward so there is only an inch or two between their faces.
‘You and Jester,’ Yasha says.
Beau pulls quickly back.
Yasha doesn’t try to say more. Whatever the question would have been—she sees answer enough in Beau’s escape.
‘We should wake the others. Get out of here.’
‘Good talk.’ Beau claps her hands on her knees. Pushes smoothly to standing. ‘Good talk. Bye.’
‘Bye, Beau.’
‘These are such pretty flowers, Yasha! Where did you find them? I haven’t seen flowers for ages!’ Jester says, braiding a handful of them into one of Yasha’s plaits. She doesn’t notice the way Yasha glances to Beau, and doesn’t seem to require an answer, because she continues on. ‘And you know it’s a forest but it’s not like any forest I’ve ever been in—no leaves, no animals, no food! You should’ve told us if you saw flowers—maybe that means something.’
‘Perhaps a space where the curse is not so prevalent,’ Caleb adds thoughtfully. ‘Was it far from here?’
This time, no fewer than all of the Nein notice the way Yasha looks to Beau. Beau pretends she hasn’t noticed, examining the torn skin around her nailbeds.
‘Beau?’ Jester drags her name out teasingly. ‘Did you find flowers and give them to Yasha?’
‘If you found them—I do not know how much you heard, but if you did, there is a curse upon this forest and any sign of - leniency or space where the curse did not take so virulent a hold—‘
‘I didn’t find them!’ Beau snaps. Her eyes cut to Jester—she should’ve told her earlier, she realises. And not with everyone around. Fuck the Traveller, fuck Artagan for being right. She should have told her. ‘I—got given them. Sort of. He was being an asshole.’
‘He? A gift? Some kind of apparition?’
‘No!’ Beau cuts Caleb off. ‘No, I’m not stupid! It was — it was the Traveller, okay?’ She keeps her eyes firmly on Caleb, tries not to notice the way Jester’s smile blooms and then withers almost immediately. ‘He came around last night during my watch and said some stupid fuckin’ fey shit and bounced. Turned my cloak into flowers. That’s all. That’s all,’ she says again, turning her attention to Jester who summons up a wobbly smile and a cheerful,
‘That’s great! Isn’t he the coolest!’
‘He’s somethin’, alright.’
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Mindful Confrontation
Written as a request from @heavy-metal-papillon who not only supplied the requested plot but creatively reconstructed the song Confrontation from Jeckyll and Hyde to fit the context of the story. This was a lot of fun to write, thank you for requesting it! I hope it fits what you had in mind.
Summary: Thomas' friends convince him to check out a new karaoke bar and encourage him to perform. Technical difficulties make improv imperative for the show to go on but can singing really settle the warring landscape?
Warnings: anxiety induced spiraling thoughts, if there are more please let me know
Ships: none
WC: 2, 389
The bar is loud as Thomas makes his way to an empty booth lead expertly by Joan and Talyn. Nerves twisted in his gut as he took in how large it actually was on the inside, the stage set up for karaoke sitting front and center with the tables placed strategically so no ones view would be blocked. He took a deep breath as he settled himself on the cushioned bench, reminding himself that he needed this.
It had been Joan's idea initially, taking him to a karaoke bar to loosen up after the stress they'd both been under lately. Supposedly they served good food and the regular performers were worth the watch.
"Sing if you want." Joan had said. "Everyones really nice and would love to hear someone new onstage."
Thomas glanced at them now, happily skimming through the menu and pointing things out to Talyn who nodded along as best they could over the noise. It seemed like the performing wouldnt be starting for a while yet...which reminded him...
"I'm gonna go sign up, be back in a minute." Joan looked up and smiled, they and their date mate giving enthusiastic thumbs up. Turning with a grin, Thomas straightened his shirt and made his way over to the side stage where a small line had already started forming.
In the mindscape, Janus sat on the couch a little ways away from a pouting Roman, watching Virgil fidget endlessly with the sleeves of his hoodie and wear a literal hole in the floor with his pacing. Being in someone's head was an odd thing at times.
"You can't possibly expect us to do this! Theres so many people we dont know hear!"
"Wouldn't that be beneficial to us? There's a good chance this is the first and last time wed see any of them." Janus replied smoothly.
Ignoring him, Virgil continued on. "What if Thomas's voice cracks? What if the song glitches and he's left singing with no music and then it picks up and it'll be out of sync and he freezes because it's confusing and everyone laughs? What if we don't know the lyrics as well as we thought we did and the screen cuts out and we forget the song and everyone laughs? What if we try to move around and trip because the stage is unfamiliar and we fall off and break our neck and the last thing we ever did was sing a shitty song at a shitty bar and-"
"Everyone laughs?" Janus finished dryly.
"Why would someone laugh at our death? What are you trying to say you vile vindictive villain?!" Roman leapt from the couch making Virgil flinch as a samurai sword appeared in his hand to point at the deceitful side.
"Vindictive? The only revenge I'm seeking today is on whoever decided the shirt Thomas is wearing should be seen in public after having worn it two days in a row already."
"We were in a hurry and he barely wore it in those two days since he spent most of them sleeping! It's fine!"
"We already wore the shirt?! What if people can tell it hasn't been washed? What if someone sees the wrinkles and decides we're an unclean slob? What if-"
"Virgil! Breathe please." At the reminder Virgil began his standard breathing exercise as Janus poked the tip of the sword still pointing at his face and lowered it to a non threatening level. "And Roman, do keep waving around a dangerous weapon it totally isn't making Virgil's anxiety worse."
Grumbling Roman snapped the sword back out of existence and plopped back down on the couch. Sighing Janus tuned back into what Thomas was doing just as he was looking through the song list. A song leapt out at him almost immediately, making Janus send the suggestion quietly to their manifestor for consideration, smiling as it was chosen and they began walking back towards the booth.
"I believe you'll like the choice in song Roman. Perhaps you can vent a bit."
Raising an eyebrow Roman quickly concentrated to bring himself up to speed on what had transpired while he was sulking.
"A little on the nose isn't it?" Virgil paused his pacing at Roman's snide remark, tilting his head in question.
"Jeckyll and Hyde's Confrontation?" That's technically a duet right? How the hell is that going to work?"
"I'm sure Roman can manage. Unless he wants one of us to help?" Janus peered out from under the rim of his hat at the side on question who was currently scowling over at him.
"Why don't you both help sing it? That way you can both work out whatever it is you need to. Roman's good on stage and Janus...you know the musical right? Oh God you do know it right because if you just picked it at random-"
"Relax Fidget and Hide it'll be fine." Roman scowl turned smug at the word play that Virgil didn't bother responding to, instead shooting Janus a final panicked glanced before going back to...well...fidgeting.
Thomas fidgeted in the booth nervously, making Talyn glance over in worry.
"You okay? It's a pretty big crowd, you can still back out if it makes you nervous."
Thomas felt a sliver of false reassurance curl around his tongue, opening his mouth almost against his will as he smiled convincingly.
"I'm fine really. It is a big crowd, but I feel like this will be good for me you know?"
"Yeah man, you really need to get out more." Joan flashed him a smile that let Thomas know he was mostly kidding, which he appreciated. Breathing deep he reminded himself to thank Janus later. A fleeting feeling of gratitude that wasn't his own welled in his chest and he smiled to himself. Message recieved apparently.
The performers were great, some obvious regulars and some anxious newbies but the mix didn't dampen his enjoyment in the slightest. As the music swelled around him he felt himself relaxing, grinning as someone started in on an Evenescence song that he knew would appeal to his youngest side. He could imagine the emo sitting in all his glory wherever they went when not manifested in front of him. As they got further down the list however his nerves began to fray. Any moment now his name would be called and he'd have to go onstage in front of so many new faces and he'd done it before but that had been performances and this was a bar and-
"Thomas." He whipped his head around to see Joan pointing at the stage. "They called your name! Break a leg!"
Smiling nervously, he stood and quickly made his way to the stage, wiping sweaty palms on his already sweaty jeans to a smattering of applause as the audience realized the person who was called was about to go on.
Just imagine them naked. Impatiently he shook the Intrusive thought away and zeroed in on the blank screen. A tech worker jogged up to him and his heart dropped. Surely not-
"I apologize but we've been having problems with the screen lately and it stopped working for the night. You're welcome to use your phone or forfeit if you'd be uncomfortable."
A sudden surge of confidence had words spilling of their own accord, barely there panic twisting his stomach. "It's okay. I can handle it."
The music began low and he drew in a steadying breath, opening his mouth where he knew the lyrics started.
"The screen died? What kind of hellscape is this?! I told you, I said what if the screen dies though I guess it didnt happen while we were singing but still! Do you even know the lyrics?" Roman shrugged where he stood in front of the couch, unfazed by circumstance.
"We'll figure it out Nightmare on Emo Street, calm down."
"Figure it-what do you mean you'll figure it out?"
The music started and Roman simply took a stance and began to sing, the sorrowful tone matched by his deep base vibrating the mind scape pleasantly.
"It’s over now, from what I know.
This world’s not what it seems.
It hurts that he would stoop so low.
A fatal blow for one poor dashing Prince."
Janus raised an eyebrow as he sat up straighter. Improv. Impressive. Beside him, Virgil groaned and hid his face, seemingly content to wait out whatever horror he percieved this to be.
"They do not see my tragedy,
Do not see my intent.
The stain of this snake’s evil
Would forever kill the good we all had meant."
Janus narrowed his eyes as Roman turned to him fully, the intent and purpose of the lyrics clear to him now as the Prince lamented on.
"Am I a good man?
Am I a bad man?
Eternal question. But will the answer ever…?"
The last note lingered as Janus stood. Fine, he thought. If this is how he wants to play it, I'll give him something to kick at.
"Do you really think
That I would ever let this go?
Do you think without me he’ll be free?"
He smirked knowingly as Roman stepped back, twisting Hyde's words into something closer to himself to throw back.
"If you do, I’m sad to say
It simply isn’t so.
You will never block his life from me!"
Roman glared and stood straighter, sweeping his arm as if to banish the other from his sight.
"All that he needs is to look in a mirror.
Good, honest life – and you’ll disappear!"
"I was the one who did give him that mirror,
So, I’m afraid, I will still be here."
"All that you’ll do is make our life a nightmare,
All you’ll achieve is high self-esteem!
All that I wanted for him – to chase his dream!"
Janus grimaced as he caught sight of angry tears gathering in Roman's eyes. Hardening his resolve, he clenched his fists to glare right back, refusing to back down from what this simple karaoke had become.
"Will you ever catch it, friend?
This chase will never end!
His procrastination still goes on!
So, I want to stay,
No matter how you may object!
I can give him power to move on."
His tone begged to be listened to, pleading eyes catching the royals in an effort to make him understand. He took a step back as a sword was once again pressed alarmingly close to his face.
"Soon you’ll slip up and deceive us all over!
We can’t allow you to have control!"
"Roman, hold on, move your train of thought slower,
For all I know, we’re all parts of his soul."
"He doesn’t need you to live, like he needs me,
He can be whole with no selfish snake!
Getting rid of you will be a piece of cake!"
His staff materialized in his hand as he brought it sweeping down to catch the blade safely in its crook, slamming the tip down into the floor as he delivered the next verse.
"I’ll stay among you forever!"
"No!" Roman desperately tugged at his weapon, gritting his teeth as it refused to budge.
With a sweep of his arm the sword was free from the floor, twisting in the air before crashing beside the couch, staff now jabbed painfully close to Roman's face. "Keep in mind that I earned my seat."
"No!" Roman lunged, but Janus hooked his arm and dragged him to the side with minimal effort.
"And I’ll make it my new endeavor
To guide him and prove to you all that
I’m more than Deceit!" Stalking forward, the staff's crook was jammed under Roman's chin as he stared down at him backed into a wall, eyes wide but devoid of fear as he seemed to consider the words before shaking them off.
"Will you stop? It’s
Over now! It’s time to go!"
Roman grabbed the staff and yanked it sideways, making Janus lose his grip and stumble to come face to face with his adversary.
Smirking he bowed low. "Oh no, no, after you!"
"If I go you'll go too!"
"I’ll just shapeshift and I’ll be you."
"No! Deciet, leave him be!"
"Can’t you see? He needs me!"
"No! Stop this fight!"
"I'm his side! I won't hide!"
"No never!"
"Yes forever!"
"Give up, you snake! Crawl back to whatever hole you came from!" Roman shoved forward and practically snarled out his last line, towering over a fallen Janus.
"You’ll get there too, Roman." Hat swept somewhere unknown he simply stared at the other, chests heaving in sync as the anger finally eased, if only by a fraction.
A chuckle bubbled up in his chest, starting Roman who took a second to consider him before a grin split his face as well. The tension snapped as laughter filled the space between them, Roman doubling over as tears dripped down his face.
"What the hell did we just do?"
Janus cackled and shook his head. "Created a masterpiece that's going to raise questions I'm sure."
"Hey you morons, you do realize you had Thomas sing that right? You're weird venty improv was just projected to an entire bar!" They both looked up at Virgils outburst to see the side in question shaking on the couch, beside him a grinning Remus shoveling (popcorn?) into his mouth. Patton stood beside them starry eyed and smiling while Logan remained at the table with a questioning look that seemed to suggest he had missed most of the context for the scene in front of him. Janus and Roman spared eachother another look before bursting into another fit of laughter.
"Sooo....didn't know the song huh?" Joan asked curiously as Thomas sat down. At his head shake, they simply grinned. "The improv was seriously impressive though. Janus and Roman? Genius!"
Thomas grinned sheepishly as his nerves finally settled, his smile wavering as another set of emotions came forth he didn't recognize.
"Hey, you okay?"
A feeling of peace settled over him like a blanket of fresh snow, crisp and clean as his mind cleared for what felt like the first time in weeks. A genuine smile stretched across his face as he answered.
"Yeah. Yeah, you know what? I'm great actually." He sat back and relaxed, looking at Talyn and Joan in turn.
"I feel better."
This work along with other one shots is available on AO3!
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1a-imagines · 5 years
@darkseptigirl Request: Hey hun, can I get a Todoroki, Shinsou and bakugou scenario where their s/o suffers from social anxiety and agoraphobia so she has to like squeeze their hand tightly when out in public, and/or hides behind the boys when they’re talking to someone or just clings to their clothes? You can skip this one if you don’t want to, I’ll totally understand❤️
Type: scenario
Characters: Bakugou, Todoroki, Shinsou.
"What's the big deal?"
"If I go and pay for this I'll be forced to talk to the cashier!"
"So?" Bakugou pressed you which only caused you looked away from his gaze, not wanting to see the judgement in his eyes.
"What if I say something stupid and everyone laughs at me." You shyly squirmed in your place, feeling your cheeks heat up from embarrassment. Of course that wasn't likely to happen but your brain had already come up with 20 different things that could go wrong with such a simple interaction. You could already feel your heart beat accelerating at the thought of everyone whispering about you, judging you, laughing at you. You wanted to avoid making any mistakes at all costs, and what better way to do that than to completely avoid the situation altogether?
Bakugou was already well aware of your social anxiety, and he never judged you for it, but he also didnt understand it. You're scared of social interaction? But it's such a common thing in day to day life. When you told him about it you had to explain everything to him because he really didn't get it. He didn't particularly like talking to people either but he wasn't scared of it. After a long explaination he did finally start understand. It was like your brain was tricking you into thinking bad things were going to happen to you. Even if it was really unlikely, truthfully, people probably weren't going to judge and evaluate everything you did in a negative way, but your brain told you otherwise.
Bakugou didn't want you to close yourself off from the world, however. He knew the only way you would overcome this would be to push you into these situations so you could see they weren't as scary as you thought. He may come off as a little harsh about it but he didn't mean to. He just wanted to help you realise that there was nothing scary about doing these things. They were apart of life and you couldn't avoid them forever.
Of course he tried not to be insensitive about it. It was a hard thing to deal with, he could see that, and he didn't want to make you feel even more inferior and self conscious than you already did. So he never pushed you too hard.
When he saw you starting to shake and your breathing becoming uneven he felt bad for being too harsh on you. You couldn't help it. He sighed and ruffled the top of your head in a loving way. He just wanted to tell you how wrong you were. He personally thought you were amazing and there was nothing to be self conscious and embarrassed about. If people were looking at you it was more than likely because they were admiring how beautiful you are. How your smile lights up any room. Not because they were judging you.
"Deep breaths, babe. You know nothing bad is going to happen. It's just talking to someone extra with a minimum wage, shitty job. What's so scary about them?"
You pouted when you felt him messing up your hair but appreaciate the gesture none the less. You took a deep breath and looked up at him with your hands clenched tight. "Will you come with me at least? A-and hold my hand?"
"If that's what it takes." He muttered and grabbed your hand with only a little hesitation. You both made it over to the line and once stood in it you realised how close you were to the other people around you. It made you slightly uncomfortable. What if you accidently bumped into someone and they get the wrong idea and get mad? You squeezed the blonds hand tightly, to which he looked down at you. He couldn't see your expression, you were practically pressed up into his arm. When the line moved he made sure not to stand so close to the people in front of you two and shot a deadly glared to the people behind you. It scared them just enough so they kept their distance and it gave you a lot more space.
When you looked up again you felt a bit more relaxed seeing the extra space. You smiled up at bakugou gratefully knowing he was being thoughtful even if he wouldn't admit to it. He pretended not to see it but when he turned his head away from you, You knew he saw how you were looking at him. He really did make you feel so safe.
When you first met him he was terrifying to you. He was so eccentric, loud and pretty much the opposite of you, and yet, surprisingly you two became friends. Turns out having someone so intimidating as a friend is nice. When you told him about your social anxiety he got a lot more protective over you. He would scare away anyone who was making you uncomfortable, anyone who got too close, he even went as far as talking for you when you didn't want to. Little did you know he was also doing those things out of jealousy, but you don't need to know that.
All of your classmates were so suprised when they found out you were friends, so you can imagine their faces when they found out your started dating. You two were pretty opposite but that's what worked so well with you two and he loved you exactly as you were.
Your smile was soon replaced with a look of terror when you heard the words. "Next, please." And realised you were at the front of the line. It was your turn and you didn't feel prepared at all. You hadn t even went through the interaction in your head to plan it out! You squeezed his hand even tighter, you were suprised he wasn't in pain from how tightly you were holding onto him, then again he was really strong.
You went up to the lady behind the counter and she smiled at you sweetly. You placed your things on the counter and she began scanning them through. "Are you having a nice day today?" She said, in an attempt to make small talk. You appreciated it but another part of you also didn't want to speak. You half shuffled behind your boyfriend when you replied. "Y-yes. Thank you." You had said it so quietly you weren't entirely sure she heard you.
You didn't let go of his hand for a second and as much as he was against PDA he knew he couldn't push you away when you were like this. He wasn't a monster. So he just ignored it. Sending glares to anyone who looked at you for a second too long.
Once the cashier was finished you paid for your things and as soon as you walked out into the empty street you let out a breath that you had apparently been holding. Your heart was still racing and your cheeks were flushed red.
"See? That wasn't so bad. You've got nothing to be afraid of, dumbass."
"Th-thats not true! I should've asked her if she was having a nice day too! She probably thinks I'm horrible and impolite! Which I am! I-"
"You're not helping yourself. She's probably already completely forgotten about it. You did great. The more you do it, the easier it'll get."
"It's just... scary to me. I wish it was that simple but I'm trying to fight against my own brain here! Its not easy katsuki." You muttered softly, eyes downcast to the floor. He felt like punching himself for making you upset. He really had no clue how to deal with this stuff but he was trying his best. He just wanted you to be happy.
To Bakugou you had done really well compared to some of the other times.
Sometimes you would give him the money and wait outside so he would have to pay. This time you faced your fears and you hadn't done so bad. If fact, it had went pretty smoothly from his point of view. So he couldn't understand why you didn't see it as an achievememt.
"Did you feel better holding onto me? Having me there with you?" He asked. You were confused by the sudden question but nodded slowly to answer it. You didn't know where he was going with it. "Then we can practise more, and every time you do something like that I'll hold your hand. I'll let you hide behind me if you need to. Just make sure you're at least try."
Your eyes widened in suprise. You hadn t expected to hear him say that. You knew he didn't like PDA. And now here he was offering it to you. This was an opportunity you couldn't miss! You smiled brightly at him, about to say how happy that made you but he beat you to it.
"But I'll only do it when you need it. Don't get too cocky, babe." He smirked and pulled his hand away from yours. You huffed and crossed your arms over your chest. "Jerk, I always need it!" You retorted. Holding out your hand again for him to grab but Bakugou shook his head. "No one's even around, you're fine. You can't pull that bullshit on me."
"Can't you just let me have this?! My heart is still racing so bad!"
He eventually gave in and took your hand back into his. Though he pretended to be unhappy about it.
He really would do anything to make you happy, But he also knew he had to help you overcome this. Help you until one day you don't even need to hold his hand when talking to someone, when around strangers. As much as he loves it, he loves you more. He didn't want you to live in such a small, closed off world. Especially when he knew you could do this! When he had first met you he barely could hear what you were saying, you spoke so quietly. You wouldn't even look at him, and now you weren't anxious around him at all! In fact when you were alone and you were completely yourself he loved it.
You're amazing, you just needed to show the rest of the world what you showed to him.
"Hey." He got your attention by squeezing your hand.
"I'm proud of you."
You held onto his jacket sleeve tightly as you two walked through the market place. You were feeling really anxious because of how busy it was. Even after you two had agreed to leave early so neither of you would have to deal with a big crowd of people, it turned out everyone else had the same idea as you did. It was still pretty early in the morning and yet there was so much going on. It was unbelievable!
Your hands were currently intertwined with Shinsou's as you glanced around at all the stalls. You stayed as close to his side as possible, knowing his presence gave you comfort. You could even see on his face he wasn't all too happy about the amount of people either. Shinsou couldn't deny that he did love having you so close, but not when he knew it was because you were anxious.
As soon as he felt your grip tighten on him he didn't need you to say anything for him to know what was wrong. He had to admit he also felt uncomfortable and wanted to leave as soon as possible too. Shinsou grabbed onto your wrist and gently began leading you through the crowd until you reached the end. When you made it out of the crowd you looked around and took notice you were by a park. You both breathed in relief that you had gotten out of that situation and now you two could just go relax in the park, alone.
"Are you ok?" He asked you softly. He was happy to see your relieved expression. Your whole body had seemed to relax as soon as you walked into the deserted park area. There was only a few people walking their dogs but there were far away from the pair of you.
You couldn't even begin to tell him how grateful you were he had so quickly took you out of there. You told him you were fine and walked over to sit on a bench that overlooked the lake. He sat beside you and didn't complain when you pressed your face into his shoulder, you were blocking out the rest of the world, even if just for a moment. But also your boyfriends scent was just comforting for you.
Neither of you really loved big crowds or were socially gifted, so you both understood each other's feelings. It was nice to have someone who knew the signs and what steps to take to help. You both sat on the bench for awhile. The park, unlike the market, was quiet and peaceful, the breeze was so cooling on such a hot day. You felt so much better now that it was just you two. You could feel shinsou's thumb running across the back of your hand.
"Thanks for always saving me." You whispered as you rubbed your face furthur into his arm. "Don't thank me. I'd do anything for you, kitty." You smiled at the nickname. You had gotten it when he compared you to a cat. Saying you were always so quiet, sometimes even skittish, how you would always stick around him and avoid every one else. Just like how a cat would do with their owners. He first time he had said that you found it so cute you burst into a fit of giggles.
You sighed happily and closed your eyes for a sweet moment but not even 3 seconds later you wished you had kept them open. You jumped at the sound of someone calling your boyfriends name and running up to him. It was, what looked to be, an energetic old man. Shinsou stood up and sent him a lazy smile.
"I thought I recognised that hair! It's been a long time kid." The old man laughed. You had no idea who he was but you felt a little awkward just sitting there whilst the two conversed. You slowly stood up hoping the man wouldn't notice you so you could slip away from the situation and wait somewhere else for your boyfriend.
"Who's your friend?"
You cringed when he addressed you. Knowing now you couldn't walk away so easily.
You were stuck here, and you were probably about to completely embarrass yourself in front of this man and your boyfriend too.
You stood there tensed up and turned back to look at them. You really weren't good at talking to strangers but now the old man was expecting you to introduce yourself! You completely froze up. You felt your heart race just as fast as it had back at the market place, your face began to heat up as you tried to force some words out but you couldn't even get past the first letter.
"That's (y/n)" shinsou saved you from having to speak, before reaching out to take your hand. He already knew it helped calm you down when he did this. You shyly moved to stand behind shinsou's back. Your head being the only thing that was peaking out.
"That's (y/n)?" The man asked in shock before letting out a hearty chuckle. "So you finally got 'em huh?"
His question made you curious but you didn't have enough courage to ask what he was talking about. Though the man seemed to notice the curious look on your face and smirked in amusement.
"Oh, Shinsou here had had a crush on you for quite sometime. It's been a good few years now."
You almost choked on your on spit. Years?!
Shinsous rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly and turned his face away. "Come on... You didn't have to tell them that." He muttered, but you however felt your heart beating faster by the second. You two had been dating for awhile but certainly not years! Had he really liked you for that long? He had hidden it so well! You softly squeezed his hand. Wanting him to know he shouldn't be embarrassed about that. It was so sweet!
"Your right, but they deserve to know don't you think?" The man chuckled again. "He would always come around to my shop and sit there texting you for hours. He never smiled more than when he was talking with you. I'm suprised it took him this long to ask you out."
"Ok you can stop now." Shinsou muttered.
The old man made eye contact with you and you jumped back behind shinsou's back. "I should get back to the shop now. Come along anytime! I'll give you coffee, on the house!" The man waved as he walked away. You looked up to your boyfriend who was avoiding all eye contact. You stepped out from behind him, looking at him with love filled eyes.
"Who was that? How do you know him?"
"He-... well-..he owns the cat cafe down the street."
You couldn't help but giggle, wrapping your arms around him tightly. "Now I understand how you two know each other so well~" you teased him, his cheeks turning red in the process. He thought the teasing was over but he was wrong.
"I think we should talk about how you never told me you've liked me for years."
"Please don't."
It was easy to tell you were quiet and shy but as a matter of fact that wasn't exactly what it seemed. You had social anxiety, and you had yet to tell your boyfriend about it. Which is why every time you avoided talking to people by hiding behind him, or when you held onto his jacket sleeve so tightly it almost ripped, Todoroki was utterly confused. He didn't understand why you acted this way. He figured maybe you were just wary of people? He knew it wasn't just shyness. At first? Yeah. He figured you were just shy but it seemed like something more to him. He just didn't know what.
Whenever he tried to ask you about it You dodged the question with. "Im just shy around strangers." But in actuality it was a lot more serious than that. You just didn't know how to tell him.
There were these three students who would come up to you in the hallways and everytime they did so you looked in incredibly uncomfortable. Like you wanted to completely disappear from the situation. This caused Todoroki to believe they were harassing you, and he wasn't happy about it. Of course he knew you did act that way around most people but it still caused him to worry to the point he would try and observe you to see what things would make you uncomfortable. Lately it seemed to be those three people from the support class. He knew he couldn't just Stand by and let this continue.
He was walking with you to class, the hallway was almost completely empty and so you didn't feel the need to cling onto your boyfriend for comfort. You knew he was becoming more suspicious about your mannerisms and you didn't want to worry him anymore than you already where. But you just weren't sure you wanted him to know about your struggle with your mental illness. What if he thought less of you because of it?
Those same three students from the support class were running up to you with grins on their faces. You had talked to them a few times- well no, let's rephrase that. They've talked to you. You didn't really say much unless they asked you a question. You did like them though. They were helping you with your costume and they didnt mind that you were quiet and a bit awkward either! That still didn't make it any less nerve wrecking to talk to them. You didnt know them well enough to be comfortable around them so when they came running over you grabbed onto Todoroki's arm, your fingers digging into his sleeve. He stopped walking when he felt this. Here you were again; looking uncomfortable as the support students were running up to you. It made him more than annoyed, could they just not see you were uncomfortable?
The three students exctiedly surrounded you, talking about the adjustments they made for your quirk and how they can't wait for you to try it out. You sent them a small smile, you felt more than happy they were helping you out. They were putting all this effort in for you, you just wished maybe they wouldn't crowd you like this. That's what made you feel anxious when talking to them. Three pairs of eyes all on you as they practically circled you.
You felt Todoroki take his arm away and you panicked for a small second before it cane back and secured itself around your waist. He pulled you to his side, glaring at the three in front of you. "Excuse me, but can't you tell you're making them uncomfortable. I suggest you leave them alone or else I'll have to get involved." He said in a stone cold voice.
You were suprised to hear him talking like this. The three students hadn't done anything wrong.
"U-uh.. ok? Sorry (y/n)."
The slowly walked away and you knew you would have to make an effort to apologise to them later that day. You turned to for boyfriend unable to comprehend the coldness in his eyes. "S-shouto! What was that for?"
"I thought they had been harassing you lately. Everytime they show up you seem to get so uncomfortable. Was I wrong?"
You sighed, knowing you would have to explain yourself. This couldn't happen again, and you didn't want to confuse him. "I-i think we need to talk. Or at least I need to talk, but it might be long so let's do it after class ok?"
It was safe to say the whole class he was silently panicking. 'We need to talk.' That was playing in his mind the whole time. About what? Had he messed up?
When he saw you stay back after class, he too stayed back until the class was empty. He walked up to you, you were currently leaning back against your desk. Noticeable worry in your eyes as you chewed on your bottom lip.
"I'm have social anxiety.."
You blurted it out thinking it was just the best way rather than waiting any longer.
"You always get so confused when I hold onto you for too long. When I hide behind you or squeeze your hand too hard. Well, I get anxious around people... i always feel like i'm going to say or do something wrong, and then everyone will hate me for it. Those students weren't harassing me. I just don't always know how to act around people. I don't want to screw up. Don't you remember when we first met? I could barely talk to you. I was so scared you'd end up hating me."
Todoroki thought back to when you use to stutter and become breathless when talking to him. You even seemed to get dizzy at times and experiance faint spells. You had told him they were just side effects of your quirk which was an obvious lie but he didn't push it.
"I hold onto you because you make me feel calmer. You make me feel safe." You admitted, shyly. You didn't want to look at him in fear he would be judging you, so you didn't. What if he thought you were too much of a handful now? Surely there are much better people out there than you. Why bother with someone who can't even function correctly? Someone who can't even talk to people without getting dizzy and sick?!
"Well I suppose that gives me a good excuse to hold your hand then."
Your head shot up hearing his words. He was smiling down at you gently. It wasn't a big small, just the corners of his mouth had twitched upwards slightly. "You should've told me sooner. I would've tried to help you take the right steps to help you overcome this. Or at the very least just supported you through it. You dont have to hide anything from me."
"I didn't want you to know how I really am.."
"(Y/n), You accepted me for who I really am. If you think I wouldn't do the same thing for you. Maybe you don't know me that well after all."
He hooked a finger under your chin and lifted your head up as he leaned down, placing his lips to yours in a soft, delicate kiss.
"I love you. Don't ever feel ashamed of who you are because you're the best person I know."
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gg-astrology · 5 years
heyy! one of my friends is a cap sun/merc/venus/mars + a virgo moon and talking to him can get so EXHAUSTING and it's not just me saying this, a lot of other people i know say the same thing but i'm looking through the astrology point of view and i wanted to hear your thoughts on it. also is it true that virgo moons can be emotionally detached/have trouble expressing their emotions or does that depend on their other placements?
hey there! 💙🖤❤️ i totally get what you mean, I know someone like that too.. but I have to say this, once again, (as a precaution) try not form opinions of the sign/placements based on bad experiences. Just moving forward, in order to learn techniques and stuff properly. This is just a precaution to keep in mind?
About and For the Virgo Moon Person ⬇️
🚫long post 🚫
So…how do i say this.. virgo moons… they think alot because they want to help? that’s their mode of caring? 
In a way, being useful/thinking logically is how they provide help for others. Even if people don’t like them, virgo moon’s detachment stems more bc they care about others than an actual detachment/isolation itself (i.e. see aquarius  detachment as well, but of a different kind than virgo).
I think it’s that kind of thing y know - like, detaching ur emotions so u can still offer objectives first. But in a way they also like to over-analyze and over-think a lot of stuff. Especially emotions and how to deal with it/process it moving forward. I think that’s why a part of the archetype is those of a giver and ultimately self-sacrificial, because they will put other priorities before themselves - whether it’s people, objectives, or getting their views across to help the situation. 
Even if they bury or suppress their own sensitivity and emotions a lot of the time in order to do that (provide help/offer assistance/support). It’s a good idea to keep in mind that they are burying it underneath. 
Let’s look at it from their perspective for a second - you’ve probably already realized this (or if not, it’s never a bad thing to look at it again and maybe realize how empathetic they can be) - they process emotions themselves very logically, so when others come to them for help - they tend to give advice/reflect that back in the same manner, without getting too attached to the emotional side of things (being capable vs being too emotional). 
However, they ARE sensitive to the environment - to people around them + what is sourced. If they can’t identify the problem/isn’t sensitive to that - then they wouldn’t be able to offer any advice regarding it. It’s good to keep in mind, that the moon receives energy from others. So when their advice is criticized, thrown away, hurled back or hurled at them. They may hide behind a mask of indifference (bc, again, logic and understanding rationally that not everyone can like you) – but it does still hurt. 
That kind of creates a loop contributing to how they suppress or have difficulties occasionally with expressing themselves, or letting themselves talk about stuff freely. Because as much as they want to help - sometimes they think they’re not translating well, or is not helpful to others, the idea of what they’re giving being the opposite of helpful - wasteful or a burden - sometimes repels them too (more like, ‘if it repels them personally it would repel others as well’. That’s how they’d think about it.) 
So. You can imagine what that would be like if you’re stuck in a loop of trying to be the Best Version of Yourself Possible (that you think is needed/that you’re proud of or accepted yourself as) but not being actually accepted by others - it’s kind of a hard life to have?? Virgo/Pisces have this thing where being accepted is nice, is what makes it - ultimately fulfilling. They have a role in the universe and a function - and sometimes it’s just hitting and hitting a metal bar until something fits - whether its a place, person, environment, life. That’s when it’s truly ok to feel accepted. 
I guess the best way to say this is that Virgos can think sometimes that emotions get in the way - which can be true - of fixing things. And that’s how they function? 
I can totally understand your frustration - especially if the person has a lot of Capricorn as well (wanting to be right, prideful, wanting to be Good and the Best even if they can be low-key about it!) - but, again, this is just very earthian. And ultimately - if you’re asking for my perspective, they deserve some empathy. They’re not? really doing harm to anyone. And sometimes it’s just that. 
I don’t blame the person altogether, I think it’s an everyone’s problem where no one’s developed or doing well enough to accept each other which is a? thing that happens sometimes in groups and maturity (the idea of developing). A boat is being balanced, someone needs more help than others because they’re rocking it with their own personal problems - but it takes a team to actually keep it together and not throw them overboard. 
You don’t have to be friends with those you know you can’t handle right now, I’m just saying 1. look out for yourself, your own boundaries and mental well-being 2. hopefully this will help with empathizing with the person in question a little bit more. At least keeping in mind that they have their own perspective and emotional stuff too. and 3. If things don’t work out right now - don’t worry about it. Time is a long long journey, and people can grow and change - doesn’t mean you have to be there or be obligated to that.
Anyways, as an ending note I just wanted to say I do think Earth moons all kind of have similar problems with opening up - but emotional detachment doesn’t mean they don’t have emotions inside. It’s good to keep that in mind! 
If you need any advice on how to help this Virgo Moon person - usually offering detailed and logical advice right back analyzing the topic (whatever it is, like, hey lets talk about boundaries, or hey lets talk about how we both want to be treated?) tends to help. I think they’d appreciate it, just as long as it remains neutral and not a personal attack/direct criticism. They’re still a mutable earth sign, so they CAN get slippery if the tone isn’t right skkskskskkd but - otherwise, I think just spelling it out to them on how to DO stuff that you (and others) are comfortable with is nice. 
The problem with this combination is that they don’t KNOW if nobody teaches them. They don’t know what people expect, what other people require, they’re trying to do their best figuring it out themselves and trying to provide from their own perspective. Feedback really helps, but done so in a way that’s like proposing a new concept to discuss/discover together. Rather than a criticism of how shitty they made someone feel.
I hope this helps?? 💙🖤❤️ Again, if you’re interested in learning about this astrologically - try not to have prejudice by learning archetypes of these signs. It tends to help, alongside the placements. 
I think most of the time we’re trying to line up our experience with what we’ve learnt, simultaneously at the same time. But sometimes we miscalculate and turn into our experiences over-blinding what we should learn. I recommend reading up on what the planet does as well - if you’re looking into further details about the topic! As it tends to help.
Right.. so. Hm! I can’t take all the credit for this myself, since I did have a long discussion with my friend who’s an Aquarius/Virgo. I think they’re very empathetic, and it helped me a lot with how I wanted to form this answer. So I’m gonna add in some excerpt incase it helps:
Aquarius/Virgo friend: 
“i process emotions w a logical approach and when ppl for some come to me for help I’m v much able to help them and give them advice without getting emotionally attached at all? this sounds bad bc it sounds like im not emotionally supporting the person truly nhhhdh yeah it can be useful for advice and knowing how to go on from a bad situation nd move on but it’s not always ideal since. duh. feelings r made to… be felt.. properly” 
“but emotionally detached like FR…. idk man…. i think we care a lot abt people, we always want to help nd we’re not ok if they’re not. virgos r actually v sensitive to their environment and how others r feeling as well”
“and true i do feel like all earth signs have issues w expressing emotions. they’re grounded nd they know themselves… so they all think they’re self sufficient. or want to be or whatever. but ofc it’s not true y'all do need somEone sometimes. but its hard bc everyone relies on earth signs i think… so yeah”
“take good care of Virgos. we’re sensitive. we need love. we want people to like and need us. we’ve been through more than u know. yes i will process that you don’t like me logically but i do care deep down, I’ll just bury it so I don’t stop being logical. bye”
“also as u know we’re really good over analyzers nd over thinkers nd w that being said pls reply u were typing but didnt send did i say something wrong i hope i didnt but i idk idk what I’m talking about but  am i dumb??? reply plsssksskkjsjd where are u…   but then we never send these despite thinking them bc it’s an earth sign supposed 2 be cool for everyone nd grounded all the time”
   So! 💙🖤❤️ They’re kind of worriers! 💙🖤❤️ But they’re pretty harmless and nice once they learn how to relax and be chill a little bit more. I guess I’m saying sometimes you just gotta sit a cap/virgo down and be like my dude… mayhaps not?? and be done with it!! 💙🖤❤️ I hope this helps! 💙🖤❤️💙🖤❤️ 
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mikeshanlon · 4 years
iwwv anon and PHEW OK. I def did not expect that essay and now I feel bad cause I KNOW my thots r not gonna be articulate or right. nonetheless! i think Oliver does qualify as an unreliable narrator cause hes. very oblivious but not like... Richard papen (who is a whole ass clown don't get me started on tsh) but not like addy from dare me(I will support till the day I die that dare me is da like I WILL die on this hill) who sees what she wants to see. 1/?
i think he just... thinks that his friends r diff ppl than they actually r? that doesnt rly make sense but yea. what I mean is that everything the characters do is coated in that empathetic view Oliver has which is usually wrong? so we don't get an objective look into the characters. meredith is my girl like I love the hot popular girl trope deconstruction but at the end of the book she's not at a great place like she's w someone that doesn't love her like she needs to be loved... 2/
I guess the most probable ending is that James never meets Oliver again and that everyone is kinda stuck on what happened but that's soo sad and I really don't want to think abt it. ngl iwwv wasn't like my fave book ever and I really don't understand why people are so obsessed with dark academia sometimes but what i rly liked abt the book is that despite how fucked up everyone is and how toxic they r to each other they do at heart care abt one another...3/
like I rly liked that esp cause at that point the only other da book (other than dare me!) that I had read was tsh and godd every character is so fuckinh annoying and they all hate each other. i was super confused by it till I saw someone saying that it's satire and I felt my mind explode. I feel like this is so long but I didnt rly properly answer all you wrote sorry! I think its a pretty good book tho it has some crazy quotes like hold awn Im gonna look at the highlighted stuff on my copy.. 4/
Were you in love with him?” “Yes,” [...]Yes, I was.” It’s not the whole truth. The whole truth is, I’m in love with him still. LIKEEE PHEWW OK OK OK. WE OUT HERE. that line literally made me go crazy. I'm so sorry for any spelling mistakes or like general mistakes I made here English isn't my first language, it's 1am and I wrote this in the notes app w/o looking it over. so like.. NOT a professional review lemme tell you. 5/5
 Ahh im so sorry I did not see this before I yeeted for a month!!!
Oooh okay first of all dare me as a DA… I’ve only watched the show but like yeah I see the Elements for sure.
Also yeah I can understand what you mean abt Oliver being an unreliable narrator now… Ig my view of unreliable was more like they are purposefully twisting the truth or omitting facts or just literally don’t know shit but I get how personal bias can make the narrator unreliable. I do think the assertion that Oliver thinks his friends are different than they actually are makes sense. He sees James in a very positive light and though I like James a lot and think he is better than, like, Richard, he definitely has darker moments and manipulates Oliver at times (again I’d like to think it’s not the most nefarious thing in the world but like him just being shitty bc he’s in a dark place and he one, wants to do anything he can so Oliver doesn’t figure out he fought Richard so Oliver still thinks of him the same way/bc he knows Oliver would do something stupid like get himself arrested for James; and two, is very jealous that Oliver is with Meredith after Richard dies and has sort of a somewhat positive outcome from Richard’s death versus James being riddled with guilt and anger). And yeah, the probable ending is they never meet but I refuse to acknowledge that so LGNRG. Also that line makes me go CRAZZZZZZZZZZY!!! There are so many great lines, both using Shakespeare and on their own and its like okay give me a moment im going bonkers…
Personally, I haven’t read that many dark academia novels yet (bc for some reason i can barely finish a book rn sigh) but the concept interests me. I think what’s compelling is the setting/atmosphere of like ~mysterious college vibes~, and the idea of a sort of niche, obsessive bond and pursuit of knowledge with a tight knit group of friends (and the like inherent homoeroticism in every single DA elrngenrg). Like Dead Poet’s Society (the film I haven’t read the book) isn’t Dark in the same way most other dark academia is by like, obsession and death and manipulation (though of course there are dark elements with Neil’s storyline), but I think the other building blocks of academia are present there in a more wholesome way and you can see why people are drawn to that idea. As for the more Dark aspects I think it’s interesting to analyze things like group psyche, obsession, manipulation, etc, like what went wrong for everything to take such a dark turn???
 But, like everything else, it really has to be done well or else its just like okay….… I’ve tried to read TSH twice and I may try again but from the 100+ ish pages I read I totally get what you mean. IWWV is so interesting to me bc the characters are all very compelling and multifaceted and I like that they are a close friendship, we come in after 4 years of them spending all the time together and to me that is apparent. Like you said, we can see fissures and problems especially as the novel continues but there is care there between them. That also makes the decision to let Richard die much more interesting and sinister imo, as well as how all of them interact with each other after he dies, and how the roles of the group change without their “leader” so to speak. Also, maybe it’s just bc I like Shakespeare, but I think the academia part of IWWV is so much more accessible compared to TSH. Like I don’t know every Shakespeare play or anything so I didn’t understand every nuance or was like immediately like oh this is from Cymbeline or whatever the fuck, but you could understand the gist of things and it made sense that they spoke in Shakespeare lines bc that’s all they’ve been doing for four years and also theatre kids are Like That. Their pretention also provided any Layers to the story, like the parallels between the characters they play and their own arcs, how some of the lines echoed their own thots, foreshadowed, or they were able to say things through Shakespeare (I’m thinking of like, Oliver realized he loved James during Romeo and Juliet, the foreshadowing that James was going to ruin Richard’s life and that he dislikes Meredith/Richard when he quotes Mercutio at the start “A plague o’ both your houses”, the exchange Oliver and James had onstage and had that kiss during King Lear before Oliver was arrested,etc.) (Also I think the structure of some of the dialogue being formatted like a play really helped make it feel more realistic and immersive). Versus TSH which is just so pedantic and dense and hard to follow at times im like I get they are smart but what??? And maybe that’s part of the satire aspect (or maybe im dumb) but like donna I read TGF I know you are pretentious and info dump abt random obscure shit anyways so erglknerg. Like to me there was a Point to all of the academic Shakespeare stuff in IWWV and it was the soul of the book, and M.L. Rio made it very interesting—like the way that the directors reimagined the plays and had Julius Caesar be like a modern political play, the cool mirror shit in King Lear, the Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet performances where they did them at events and interacted with their environments (which were one of my favorite parts of the books bc I just think that concept is so interesting), etc. For TSH the shit they did literally just felt like “okay look at them they’re smart see you can’t even keep up!” like okay… I felt lost a lot and only like snapped into reality whenever Henry (?) was like oh… murder….. and even then I was like idk what this dude is saying but like he’s being darksided LMAO. And I also agree that it’s just like… Richard being thrown in the middle of this group could lend itself to some cool ideas but its hard to believe that he fits into the friendship group and hes just like hell yeah I love Greek so much and lets go kill this guy other than like okay ur gay and stupid and just want to impress Henry or whatever his name was (which he was but I digress). It’s just not as impactful to me as this close friend group falling apart. Ik TSH fans might be angry if they see this (and of course I haven’t finished the book so my perception may be warped but I also kno many ppl felt that way u did) bc I’ve seen ppl say IWWV is just like TSH but “lackluster” or whatever and while I can see some parallels (mostly b/w Richard and Henry and Alexander and Francis), I really think M.L. Rio expanded upon common DA tropes and the interesting parts of TSH but made it her own and interesting and oh yeah there are actually multiple compelling female characters and LGBT characters (and no incest)!!!
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chamibii · 5 years
How does that make you feel? - Therapy AU
"How does that make you feel Bakugou?"
Bakugou ground his teeth and rolled his eyes. "You know I hate that question Midoriya."
Midoriya cocked his head subtly and smiled softly. "I know Bakugou, but just humor me. How does that make you feel?"
Bakugou shifted nervously in his seat and attempted to still his leg from tapping. He checked the clock to see how much time he had left in this god forsaken session. Maybe if he doesn't answer, he'd shut the fuck up.
Bakugou was uncomfortable with the silence and Midoriya knew it. "Fuck! Fine. I feel pissed off. Alright?"
Midoriya nods and makes a notation on a piece of paper. "Bakugou, as you know, anger is a secondary emotion.."
Bakugou cuts off his therapist, "If you ask me what my fucking primary emotion was, I swear I'm gonna lose my shit Midoriya."
Midoriya chuckles softly and nods. "Okay Bakugou, I hear you. We have 10 minutes left. Is there anything else you'd like to discuss?"
Bakugou stood up quickly headed to the door. "No, I'm good. See you later." Bakugou slammed the door shut behind him, not giving his therapist a chance to respond.
This was fucking stupid. He didn't understand why after one incident at work, he had to attend therapy. He had been going to therapy for 6 weeks now and all he felt was irritated.
He knew that he couldn't return back to work if he didn't "take this seriously", as his boss reminded him nearly weekly. He hated doing this shit, but wanted to go back to work, so he scheduled for the same time next week.
"How was your week Bakugou?"
He clenched his fists and fought the urge to yell at his therapist. "You know how each week is Midoriya. It doesn't fucking change and won't until you sign off on me going back to work."
Midoriya smiled and tapped his pen against the desk. "You're very guarded still. Don't you believe we should be past that by now?"
Bakugou groaned slightly and took a deep breath. He didnt want to share about his week, because truth be told, it was lonely. Work distracted him and without the distraction, the only thing he had to do was clean or watch television. Bakugou had a few people that he tolerated, but after being ignored for several days, his "friends" stopped reaching out to him.
"If I tell you about my week, can you just, shut up for a while?"
Midoriya nodded and remained silent.
"My week was, hard." Bakugou took a deep breath and continued, "Since the incident, I stay at home. I dont feel like leaving. You happy?"
Midoriya quickly scribbled in Bakugou's chart and dropped his pen. Bakugou heard the chair creak and lifted his eyes to stare angrily at Midoriya. As Midoriya crossed the room to sit next to him, Bakugou stiffened. Midoriya's added weight on the couch caused his heart to race. Just what the fuck was he doing?
Bakugou scowled at Midoriya. He was wary of doing therapy to begin with, but if Midoriya pulled some weird shit, he was just going to have to forget his job and find another.
Midoriya smiled as he turned his body to face Bakugou. He flinched at the sudden contact of Midoriya's hand on his shoulder. Midoriya's eyes flashed with concern, but he softly spoke, addressing the honesty Bakugou had shown.
"This has been really hard on you Bakugou. You believe you've been singled out and this causes you to be angry. Not only that, but you have a total sense of loss of control due to being forced to take leave and seek therapy in order to go back. Even if you don't see it, or you can't acknowledge it, you're making progress and this is a good thing." Midoriya gently squeezed his shoulder.
Bakugou, embarrassed, wrenched his shoulder away from Midoriya. "Progress? Then why am I not back at work?"
Midoriya hummed softly and placed a hand on his chin. "You know, only you can answer that question Bakugou, but I'm willing to come alongside you as you figure it out."
He was so fucking irritated with this shit. He wanted to punch Midoriya in his face and just leave. As he clenched his fists and raised them to his lap, he felt the therapist tense up beside him. Bakugou knew he was going to move back to his side of the room, but the therapist still sat next to him, tense, but unmoving. He looked over at the man and scoffed.
How in the hell was someone who was a few years older than him, supposed to help him with the shit he was going through? He saw the concern, fear, and another look that Bakugou was all too familiar with, in his green eyes. Bakugou raised an eyebrow and smirked at the therapist. He had to admit to himself that part of the reason he continued to return to therapy was because Midoriya was attractive as fuck. Yeah, he wore those stupid cliche therapist sweaters to "appear warm", but when he slid them off his shoulders, Bakugou noticed the muscles rippling underneath his shirt.
Bakugou relaxed his fists and stood up to leave. "I know the session is 50 minutes or whatever, but I'm done for today. Put whatever the fuck you want in your shitty notes. I'll see you next week".
Bakugou sat comfortably on the couch, his legs slightly splayed open. After last weekend's interaction with Midoriya, he decided he was going to make therapy interesting. Usually he would come to session in baggy sweatpants and an oversized hoodie, but this week he chose black jeans that hung low on his hips and a red t-shirt that snuggly fit against his chest. He had put in his piercings again and could feel the fabric of his shirt rubbing against his nipple rings which caused his nipples to stand out proudly.
When Midoriya opened the door to call his name, Bakugou chuckled at the brief moment of shock that crossed his face. Midoriya knew that Bakugou witnessed this so he attempted to smooth it over with some psychotherapy bullshit.
"Wow Bakugou! This week must have been a really great week for you. In the nearly two months we've been working together I've never seen you dressed up."
"Dressed up?" Bakugou smirked. "I just put on clothes. Calm down Midoriya."
Bakugou enjoyed the way Midoriya began to flush. A light blush crept across the bridge of his nose and spread to his slightly freckled cheeks. He had to admit, Midoriya was gorgeous. Bakugou leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and placing his chin in his hands. He trained his gaze on Midoriya. Midoriya shifted nervously in his chair and tucked a loose curl behind his hair. Bakugo liked that despite his professional appearance, his therapist kept his hair fairly long and tied back in a ponytail.
"Uh, so last week, you, uh mentioned that you were struggling to leave your apartment. How are you doing this week Bakugou?"
Bakugou made a show of wetting his lips before speaking, knowing that the hint of silver from both of his tongue piercings would catch his therapists eye. "Still rough, but nothing I can't handle."
He felt Midoriya's eyes on his mouth and chuckled to himself at the deepening color on his cheeks. Bakugou raised an eyebrow and leaned back into the couch, slouching slightly, causing the denim to bunch up against his groin. He received the reaction he was waiting for when Midoriya gasped a little and dropped his pen.
"You okay Doctor?" Bakugou made sure to emphasize the title, knowing how this would nearly unravel Midoriya.
"Y-yes, my apologies. I guess I'm a little jittery from too many cups of coffee."
Coffee. Right.
"So, what's been making this week, uh, rough?"
Bakugou crossed his arms and shrugged. "I can't pinpoint it exactly. But after getting into that fight and being told I had to 'tow a line' I've just had too much pent up aggression. I've felt like at any minute I could blow and I didn't want it to be on the first guy that looked at me." He was really proud of the number of double entendres he was sliding in this conversation.
Midoriya chewed nervously on his pen. Bakugou noticed the perfect lips that looked soft and imagined them wrapped around his..
"Bakugou did you hear me?"
"I'm sorry, I spaced out."
"Where did you go just now?"
Oh you know, I was thinking about fucking your pretty mouth and coming down your throat. "Nowhere. I'm just tired. Haven't been sleeping well. How much time do we have left?"
Midoriya looked at his watch and stood, walking over to the door. "We made good progress today, so we can go ahead and end early. I have to prepare for my next client. I'll see you next week?"
Bakugou stood up and stretched slowly, allowing his shirt to creep up slightly, exposing the hint of ink that was on his abdomen and hip. He walked up behind Midoriya, pressing himself into his back, reaching for his jacket. He leaned in close, his lips nearly grazing Midoriya's ear and whispered, "See you next week Doctor".
He had to bite his lip from dissolving in laughter at the sight of the greenette turning bright red. Therapy was going to be fun.
Enjoy :)
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warmau · 6 years
{Special} College!AU Kun
*tw: there is a lot of mention of alcohol in this one   find college!nct (here) + hs!au dream (here)
major: aviation engineering 
minor: n/a
sports: almost took a yoga class once, does that count? 
clubs: was part of cooking club which shocked just about everyone - especially the culinary majors because why was an engineering major cooking better than them - people who actually wanted to be chefs so unfortunately he got banned,,,,,,,joined photography club instead 
on the outside, kun is probably the most unremarkable college student on campus
he attends his classes, does his work, hangs out with his friends, and never really causes any kind of drama or ruckus 
in a lot of ways he just ,,,,,,, sort of exists
and people only take notice when he’s in the background of things - like that time his roommate lucas broke the shared showers
and lucas, sopping wet in just his towel, was explaining to campus police that he “didnt break anything” the water just magically started overflowing
and kun had to step in, handing lucas a much needed pair of pants and tell the officer that the drains had been busted for weeks. it was only a matter of time till this happened 
or when mark confessed he really had no idea how to write a resume and kun was like
“here, take my word document template including a bunch of fake things i embellished about you, but not really because you are a great person!”
mark with tears in his eyes: th-thanks bro
basically, kun is the unsung hero of his friends
he’s always got their back - and he’s always there to support him
but he’s never like in the limelight 
on the outside only of course
the reality is, kun works outside of taking classes. 
to everyone on campus it’s a night shift stocking a local store in the college town downtown
but in reality, kun works as a bartender 
when he was a freshmen, he had found a online video of a bartender mixing drinks - but adding a magical flare to it
whether it was setting the drinks on fire
building pyramids out of glasses
or pouring drinks that swirled around and changed color
the video had fascinated kun, and he decided to see if he’d be any good at the job
turns out - he was
he had always liked being in the kitchen, working with food - working with drinks was pretty similar
each had its home ingredients, and each took its time to prepare
and with his job at the bar - he could be somebody else
he wasn’t just the college kid in the background
he could entertain, he could laugh, he could have fun and stop cleaning up his friends problems 
instead he could make other young strangers happy with his drinks and his magic
the only problem was this kun,,,,,,,,,,was far removed from regular kun
and keeping the secret did make kun feel bad
from his friends to his fellow engineering peers
everyone just thought “oh he’s going to his job at the store! he’ll probably study there and get into no trouble - it’ll be bland!”
when in reality he was doing just the opposite 
but at the same time,,,,kun felt like there was no way to connect the two. no one would believe he had this other,,,,,vibrant side
plus - he was juggling school and this job pretty well
his dream had always been to fly and fix planes when he was older 
so he took up engineering 
it came naturally and unlike a lot of people he did enjoy studying 
but there was time for geeking out about plane parts in his classes
but also still putting on his bartenders vest and striking smile for his nightime shifts
to everyone around him, kun was always there to be that encouraging buddy
that person who had the answers when you needed them 
because he himself never got into trouble 
ten would always clap kun on the back and go, “you need to party more! let loose! but not too loose - remember what happened to johnny last saturday?”
and kun would just laugh and agree
all the while thinking that his friends just didn’t know 
the closest anyone ever came to suspecting was when kun had a menu pulled up on his laptop of new drinks from the bar
and taeyong had went “what’s that?”
kun had broken into a cold sweat, trying to think up an excuse 
only to sigh of relief when taeyong switched the tab aimlessly to a youtube video kun had been watching about pilot safety tips
you ,,,,,, only knew kun as the bartender from your favorite place to drink after a tough test or a shitty day on campus
that’s because you went to college in the part of the city that kun worked in
so to you - kun was an enigma 
he was the striking smile and the crazy magic tricks 
and the smooth talking, sociable bartender who every person literally fell in love with for their first hour at the bar
you didn’t know about the kun who was quiet and plain
and to be honest, if someone told you kun was the last person to be noticed at his campus
you’d think they were lying - or being plain rude
because no matter how many times you’d been to the bar, no matter how many other boys have been around you
have talked to you
tried to wind you out from your bad mood
the only person who ever made you feel better, aside from the drink in your hand was kun
and to be honest you didn’t even go there to drink anymore 
you went there for the small talk with kun
even five minutes of just college kid banter with him was enough to make you forget your shitty professors and your three essays all due in the same week
but,,,,,,,,you’re pretty sure it’s the same for everyone else
kun’s job means he has to be nice to you
he has to be charming, inviting, and ever so handsome 
that warm feeling you get in the pit of your stomach whenever he smiles or his hand brushes against yours
you’re sure he’s got that spell cast over everybody
afterall - how could anyone ignore someone like kun?
and what makes it all worse is the fact that your little fascination with him absolutely grows into a crush
when you’re seated at the bar, looking at the beer you ordered - thinking about how intro to nuclear biology turned out to be the WORSE choice for an elective
when someone slides in to the seat beside you
smug look on their face and all
“how are you doing tonight? you’re far too gorgeous to be looking so gloomy.”
the pick up line makes you almost roll your eyes
but you look up at the person and shake your head instead
“i like being gloomy, college was made for that.”
instead of warning them off - the person seems to think your sarcasm is an invite to stay and chat
then they think its an invite to order you a drink
even when you tell them your bottle is half full
kun comes over when the stranger waves their hand
he looks picturesque in his little satin vest, the bow-tie and big glimmering eyes
“a drink for this beautiful angel to my left~”
the say and you reach out before kun can turn around
“i,,,,,dont want it. thank you.”
kun’s expression doesn’t falter, he just nods and glides his way over to another customer 
for a second,,,,you feel a little bit hurt
when you’d stopped him - you were hoping kun would read the pleading look in your eye
begging to somehow be saved from the awkward advances of a total random straner
but kun had a job to do, it’s not like he was going to be the knight in shining armor you wished he would be
“why’d you say no to a free drink?”
you look up at the stranger
“i know why you’re buying it for me, and im flattered - but im not interested.”
the once cheap kindness on their face twists into hurt pride
suddenly you’re not just annoyed,,,you’re a little worried as they lean in closer 
but before they can whisper whatever it is that they’re thinking they pull back 
yelping in pain, they look over to where a smiling kun on the otherside of the bar
has slammed a glass hard onto their hand
“ow! why they fuck did you put that shit on my hand!” 
the stranger winces, pulling his red hand up to his chest protectively as kun lifts up the glass
kun’s smile never even changes
but his eyes are darker than usual, sparking with some kind of emotion you’ve never seen from him
“oh, oops. i must have not seen your hand. you should go to the bathroom and ice that.”
the stranger grumbles, throws some more curses you and kun’s way and then disappears into the crowd
you turn and kun tilts his head as you stare at him in shock
“you - you didn’t have to do th-”
kun shrugs
“what? it was a genuine mistake.”
but he winks an then goes back to taking orders
and you sit there, feeling the warmth in your stomach that you usually get around kun turn into a blossoming blush on the insides of your heart
it’s that incident that makes you fall head over heels
you think it’s a little juvenile, in love with the handsome bartender
but you’re in college you’re allowed to be a little juvenile - after all these are the last four years till you’re living in the adult world 
but even still - you know kun just sees you as another regular 
another college student with your woes, and you’re sure he has some of his own
you daydream that he must be some kind of cool major like music or philosophy 
or something prestigious like pre-law or pre-med
how he must walk around on campus with an entire entourage of smitten students wanting him to notice them
how he probably dresses super stylish 
how everyone only looks at him and is super duper jealous or in love - 
that must be how kun is like at school
because that’s what he’s like here 
can you imagine the shock when you end up on kun’s college campus - visiting with your club to give a presentation in the science dept
only to see kun
wearing plain black pants,,,,a button up flannel,,,,,a messenger bag you’re sure he’s had since middle school
and glasses
sitting in the corner of the quad - quietly 
reading an,,,,,,,engineering textbook
surrounded by absolutely no one
passed by like he,,,,like he isn’t even there
you nearly triple take just to make sure it’s really really him
and one of your club members jokingly tells you to stop or you’ll swivel your head right off 
i mean there’s no way right,,,there’s no way the bartender i know,,,,,is that boy sitting over there? so,,,,so unnoticeable,,,
after you leave - the only thing in your head is the image of kun hunched over his book like that 
you keep trying to figure out an explanation 
and as you’re sitting in your room you just think - why am i broading about it? i should just ask him.
the thought makes your heart stop,,,,but you decide that if anything ,,,, this all makes kun more approachable 
more attainable 
but you shake that thought off and when you find yourself on a friday evening at the bar again
watching kun pour shots that turn from a clear white into a misty, fragrant pink 
you wonder how someone can just do a 180 and become someone completely new
you’re jealous - it must be a talent
kun’s shift comes to an end at three
and even though you think it’s a little corny that you waited - even a little creepy actually
you just can’t help but want to know 
and when kun sees you, he doesn’t seem at all concerned or annoyed
instead he smiles and waves
“it’s so late, it’s dangerous going home now.”
he warns and you feel your stomach do a flip
his first sentence out of his mouth isn’t why are you here? what do you want? it’s the need to show worry and empathy,,,,like is he seriously just the best person on earth?
you smile weakly, “kun - can i ask you something?”
he nods slowly, looking at you with what seems the most pure gaze in the world
“i,,i saw you - a couple of days ago. you were reading a engineering  textbook. is that your major?”
everything seems to drain right out of kun’s face
his smile vanishes like melting wax off a candle
and you instantly feel like this is it - that you could die of embarrassment and shame in this moment
when in a quiet voice he goes , “yes”
you don’t know what else to say - so you blurt out what you’re thinking
“do you not like it? you sound so sad,,,,,”
kun pulls suddenly at the bow-tie around his neck 
“i like it alot. it’s just,,,,” 
he stares dejectedly at the ground in the darkness of the night
“it’s just it doesn’t fit who i am here - right? it’s boring.”
you gape, unsure of what he really means
“you know me as the bartender here, as the happy and outgoing magician of drinks or whatever but in reality,,,that’s an illusion”
he shrugs
“im very plain. i like engineering. i like planes. and i dont really like to stand out. isn’t that funny?”
before your mind can tell you to pause, you reach out and grab kun’s cold hand
his wide eyes meet yours as you shake your head
“it’s not funny, and it’s not an illusion. this job is one part of you - but the other part of you is too. engineering is so interesting, it’s unexpected - but it’s cool and one day i would really like if you -”
your voice trembles - you’ve never really confessed to anyone before this
“i would really like if you told me more about it!”
kun doesn’t say anything for a bit 
so much so that you panic, letting go of his hand and whispering a feeble apology
but then he steps closer to you 
and you don’t know what he’s going to do next until he puts his hand slightly over your head
confused, you look up - noticing finally that it has started to rain
and kun is shielding you from it 
“im fine you don’t ha-”
“it’s late, it’s raining, the right thing is to make sure you stay dry and take you home.”
you feel your entire body burn up in a blaze when kun says that 
and you feel even more hot when he pulls you gently into his side as you walk down the street, you nervously giving him directions to your dorm
and when you finaly get there 
the RA simply looks up from her phone with a shrug
and you turn to thank kun again
“i dont work wednesdays. would that be an ok day for you?”
he says and you blink
“wh-what do you mean?”
he grins, “you said you wanted me to tell you more, could i take you out on wednesday?”
you do meet kun that following wednesday 
you sit in an obscure little cafe for lunch as kun pulls his textbook out of that beat up old messenger back 
and opens it up to a page of a diagram and tells you
“it may bore you, but this is my favorite model for planes. there’s a lot of technical stuff, but it’s my fathers favorite too.”
you know kun is keeping everything short - always limiting himself from saying to much
in some weird way you can feel that he thinks he’ll only annoy you with it
but you lean in, holding your cup of tea excitedly with both hands and urge him with a smile to never skip over the technical stuff - you want to know everything
and kun isn’t used to all this attention on him
the suave and experienced bartender playboy you thought he was is nothing close to the reality
he still plays little magic tricks
pulling coins from behind your ear and making a napkin on the table float
but they’re nothing flashy, they’re nothing crazy
they’re,,,,,,,more natural - just like kun
and it’s the little things that you learn about him that make you realize that you might have had a crush on bartender kun
but you could really fall in love with the real kun
the way he moves so he walks closest to the road when he’s with you
how he puts your hand in his pocket as you’re on the way back and the ac in the bus is a little too high
how he swiftly catches the side of your hip when you almost trip on the stairs 
and how he does it all without even thinking about it
helping and taking care of others is so,,,,,,,,in kun’s nature 
and he does it without any expectation of recognition or praise 
he’s the real definition of humbleness
so much so that 
when you stare at him, eyes flicking between his lips - up and down for nearly a minute straight on your third little date
he has to ask, literal permission
“is it ok if i kiss you?”
“i thought the staring at your lips would give away the answer to that one.”
for a while you still cant believe you’re actually dating kun 
but you start to put together that you’re not dating the kun you daydreamed about 
although you still think he’s literally irresistible in his bartender uniform
and he looks more than charming at his night time job still
you’re dating the slightly wallflower-ish kun who much more than ever makes your heart dance and not just your stomach feel warm
but every last part of your being 
you’ll still drop by, watch him do his job perfectly, watch everyone in the room fall in love just like you did
but kun never takes it beyond the bar
the only person whose hand he holds, the only person who he calls his wonder in his native min, the only person who gets to see him shed off all this dazzle and become comfortable 
is you
and kun tells you that he remembers watching you get hit on by that stranger whose hand he almost nailed to the bar top 
and how he’d sensed from the beginning that something was off and if he’d been more daring he would have dragged the dude out the door himself
which surprises you because,,,,,you thought that that moment was just kun being kun
that he’d done it for millions of other people in unwarranted situations and although kun admits that he’s casually saved a couple of people from awkward converstion
you had been the first person he,,,,,,had slammed a glass down on someones hand for 
“no one else has ever really evoked that out of me,,” he says one afternoon as you’re sitting between him and a pile of books he’s dragged out of the library
you giggle and kun looks at you all cute and confused
while you tell him that it’s nothing, he’s just - full of surprises
kun and you dating does surprise the rest of nct
notably lucas whose like “bro you are my roommate,,,,how did i not know you were getting spicy with someone”
you: “did he just say spicy?”
kun, deadpan: “that’s just lucas.”
doyoung grabbing lucas by the year: “apologize to them for calling their young beautiful love spicy right now.”
sicheng in mandarin to kun: “but ,,,,, are you two spicy,,,,you know-”
but after the initial shock wears off,,,,you become a natural part of the group
you sort of stay in the sidelines watching nct get up to no good
with kun at your side, shrugging it off and telling you that when you’re both needed to save someone - you’ll be there
but secretly, for kun, it’s finally such a relief to have someone there with him
even if he’d always been content with being the quiet, always comes to the rescue at the last minute kind of friend
there had still been times when he hadn’t even been able to bring his own problems to the table 
but now, with you, he can do that
and you’re probably the only one in the world to ever see kun get stressed
so much so that when you tell taeyong you’re thinking of maybe getting kun something to distract him from all his worries
taeyong chokes on his rice and goes, “he-he’s worried about something?!!?”
(moral of the story is you teaching nct to pay attention to kun’s pains sometimes - mark apologizes profusely for almost an hour about not doing so)
but no really, finally for kun there’s someone who not to be a total cornball
but someone who puts him first - just like he puts everyone else
and to be honest it’s nice to be taken care of 
also you’re cute. you’re cute when you’re taking care of him. or when you’re not taking care of him. or when you’re right in front of him. or when he’s getting distracted looking at your photo which he made his phone background in class. basically you’re very cute
kun tells everyone you’re very cute
there are many ways to say cute in different languages and kun might just learn all of them just so he can call you cute
also, aside from telling his friends about your relationship - you also end up taking them to the bar
to see kun in action
and although it kind of makes kun a little shy, all of nct nearly fall off their chairs when they see him get into the groove
johnny even claims, in a bit of a tipsy manner, that kun really is the coolest of all of them huh - taeyong you may have your perfect face but kun is really winning oh shit im going to fall dow-
ten, the designated driver thanking you and kun when you have to drag taeil down from atop the bar stage after the tenth time of singing “what is love?”
but anyway back to your relationship with kun
he really is such an attentive person, it’s just part of him to pick up on the little things
he knows your habits, he knows your likes and dislikes 
you dont even have to tell him where to put his hand around you - he knows that you prefer your waist over your shoulders
he knows that you hate milk in your coffee
he knows that you’d much rather wear his green hoodie than the red button down jungwoo got him for christmas 
he knows when you’re mad before you can even say anything, he knows you’re about to cry before the tears even fall
and you’re so amazed he soaks up all this information and remembers it about you
because it makes you feel completely and utterly loved
people who otherwise don’t know much about kun like to assume he’s kind of closed up
that he doesnt pay attention, that he’s off in his own world
but that’s not true - not at all
and even though kun always pulls you into his arms, nose settled in the crook of your neck
murmuring that there’s nothing in the world he wants then to be here alone with you 
you sometimes want to pull him up and have the world realize who he is 
how great he is 
and how much you love him
also can i just say that he’s so sweet that when you first end up staying the night kun’s hand trembling on the buttons of your jeans
he looks up, eyes blown out and his hair a mess from making out just to go
“stop me now, i dont want to keep going because if i do i think i might really become addicted to you.”
and had it not been for you just really wanting him - you might have burst out into tears and hugged him close because he’s so cute
(you know after he was all shy like,,,was it ok,,,i haven’t done this much,,,,,if i can i will impro- *you shut him up with a lot of kisses*)
sometimes you’ll still swing by the bar for a drink on a bad day, but instead of it you swing by
and kun signals to the manager for his break
only to meet up with you out back
and ask you whats wrong, even though he knows what you actually want
which is to kiss his face
and he lets you
(has had to fix his bowtie a LOT more since he started dating you) 
(also had to start carrying a comb with him because gosh darn it you keep messing up his hair)
you know that kun is good at making drinks, but when he cooks some of his home favorite meals
you take one bite
get up
and go over to smother him in more kisses
“you are husband material, you know this right?”
kun tilting his head with his chopsticks in his mouth: “i dont think i am.”
you getting up again to give him even more kisses: “god i love you”
kun doesn’t talk much when you guys hang out with his friends which is like totally normal 
and you’re ok just cuddling into his side, watching the rest of nct make a fool of themselves
at the movies or at the park or wherever
but one day kun is like “guys wanna see my new magic trick?”
and everyone is like hell yeah
and youre like ? wonder what it is, he didn’t show me this one yet either
and then kun just goes 
“right now ill show you guys my ENTIRE universe. wanna see it?”
and all of nct is like huh
and doyoung is like snorting like there’s no way to shrink the universe down or something like what are you going to pull out a tiny globe keychain out of your pocket-
kun pointing directly to you
“there it is. my entire universe.”
nct: dead:
you: literally going to faint
kun: thank you. no need for a standing ovation. 
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halohamilton · 5 years
Ummm 21 & 63 😂
Two sjsjsjska okay. Thank you 😊⭐
21. When’s the last time YOU cleaned the bathroom?
It was 7:38pm on the dot when Louis walked in.
Late nights weren't uncommon at restaurant. He was just thankful that tonight he could spend with his husband, having dinner together and cuddling with him afterwards. It was something that had become rare ever since he had started working at The Daily.
There was a beaming smile on Louis' face when he shrugged off his coat and greeted into their small flat, "Honey, I'm home!"
Harry's head peeked out from their room door, his dimples popping adorably. "Hey, babe," he greeted back, voice much softer.
Louis walked towards him, "I hope you havent eaten yet, wanna make us something special for dinner. "
"I haven't, but don't cook anything yet--- come here, please," there was a slight desperation in his voice. Louis was intrigued.
His head disappeared back into their room before Louis could even look at his face properly.
A colourful smirk decorated his face as he walked into their room, his steps slow and hopefully seductive. Maybe Harry finally wanted to try that thing that they've always talked about but nev---
"Great, now you can do the bathrooms like I've asked you to this whole weekend," he smiled sweetly, a bite to his words as he handed Louis the bucket from his hands and a sponge.
Louis blanched, blinking twice. A touch of annoyance hitting him when Harry just walked passed him and to the door.
"I thought--- wait, what?" Louis stammered, still reeling from the shock of it. So, it wasn't anything sexy or any sort of surprise for Louis, he didn't even get a kiss for a greeting for God's sake, just a bucket and a dirty, old sponge.
Harry sighed, turning around to face Louis properly, "look, I know you've just finished work but I've asked you to clean the bathrooms the whole weekend and you haven't done it--- you might as well just do it now."
"I..." he stared down at the bright red bucket and the yellow rubber gloves hanging off of the side of it, "hang on, are you serious, right now?"
Harry had an odd sense of humour. This had to be one of those times where Louis had to look a little further to get the joke.
"Yeah," he frowned, "come on, chop-chop," he leaned forward slightly to place a kiss on Louis' cheek.
Well, at least he'd gotten a kiss, albeit not the kind he was hoping for.
He glanced at their brightly lit bathroom with a wrinkled nose, then at Harry again, who was just by the door.
"Hang on a second, when was the last time you cleaned the bathroom?"
Harry's shoulders sagged before he turned around again this time, his expression tired, "what?"
"From the time we've moved here, I've always been the one to clean our bathrooms but when was the last time you cleaned it?"
Really, he was just spewing out shit because he didn't want to fucking clean a bathroom after hours of work and was hoping to spend time with his husband but his lovely husband wanted him to clean the bloody toilets.
"We both have our duties, you know this, Lou," Harry explained flatly, looking unimpressed, "come on, stop mucking about."
"Mucking ab---" he cut himself off with a groan, banging the bucket onto the wood when he placed it on their dresser along with the sponge, "Harry, love, I'm sorry I didn't clean the damn bathrooms, but god, I've been waiting the whole day to come home and spend time with you and I come home to you asking me to clean up--- not even a hello kiss--- come on, love."
Harry looked down sheepishly, his cheeks pink, "Oh," he said quietly, "I'm sorry, it's just... I end up doing most of the housework and it gets to me a little bit when you don't do the little I leave to you."
Louis walked up to him, wrapping his arms around Harry's waist to pull him closer, "I'm sorry I didn't do my share of chores, I am, but can I please spend some time with my lovely husband tonight?"
Harry's eyes softened, arms resting around Louis' neck, "how about we get some takeout, watch a shitty rom-com and tomorrow, since you're finishing early again, we can clean the bathrooms together?"
Louis sighed, pretending to ponder over his words before nodding, "anything to see you actually doing the bathroom for once," he replied with, "now can I get my hello kiss, please?" He added when he saw Harry beginning to protest.
"You're ridiculous," Harry huffed before placing a sweet kiss on his lips, "and you need to do the dishes tomorrow too, okay?"
"Fine," Louis sighed again, holding him closer, "I'm beginning to think talk about cleaning the house turns you on a bit."
Harry let out a small giggle, "would you be surprised if it did?"
63. Sit still, for the love of all that is Holy.
The parlour was fairly quiet for a Friday evening but Harry wasn't complaining. He got a bit of time to get some new designs in and eat his turkey sandwich in peace--- minus Niall's insistent chattering, that is.
But he has worked here for years now, so he was used Niall and learnt to tune him out when he had to.
Poor lad, he was amazing, he was, but he had a habit of talking too much sometimes and Harry was someone who enjoyed the silence now and then--- he needed it.
On his last bite of his sandwich, the bell of the door chimed, signalling a new customer. Niall got off his chair instantly and headed to the front desk.
Harry sighed, chewing the last piece of his sandwich and throwing the foil into the nearby trashcan before dusting his hands and preparing his equipment.
"Guy here wants to do a bird on his arm," Niall informed him.
"Right, you can send him in, everything is ready. Does he have a design of his own?"
"Yeah, actually, he does," Niall said, sounding a little surprised, "I'll send him in."
Harry pulled on his gloves when a man walked in, jeans tight and black, tacky band t-shirt on and hair messed into a fringe on his head.
"Hello," he greeted Harry with a friendly smile. He had stubble. Good to know.
"Hi, take a seat," Harry gestured at the chair opposite him. The handsome man sat back on the seat, a smile still on his face.
"How are you?"
Harry blinked, "uh, I'm fine thanks and you?"
"I'm good, can't complain," he rested his already tattooed arm on the armrest, "I have a design ready for you if that's okay."
"Uh, yeah, let me have a look,"
The man reached into the back pocket of his jeans, lifting up from the chair slightly and pulled out a folded paper, handing it to Harry.
Harry unfolded It, looking at the bird he wanted tattooed. Harry could design one much better looking than this one but it was not up to him what gets tattooed onto this beautiful man's skin.
"Okay, I can do this--- where do you want it?"
"Right here," he pointed at the outer edge of his arm.
"Okay," Harry smiled before getting to work.
His client chatted to him while he prepped and then broke the skin and Harry didn't mind that, he knew some people did that to distract themselves from the pain.
What he did mind, however, was when they wriggled.
Harry huffed, "can you stay still, please?" He asked politely(as possible).
"Sorry," he mumbled.
And he was still... for a total of two minutes before he started to wriggle again.
"You have to stay still or else the tattoo will be ruined," he explained, trying to keep the grit out of his voice.
The stranger exhaled, apologising again, only to start being restless all over again mere minutes later.
"Sit still for the love of all that is Holy, Oh my fucking god," Harry snapped, pulling his arm away from his clients skin and looking up at him.
"My name is Louis," the man said, taking Harry by surprise, "what's your name?"
And--- okay.
"Your name, what is it?"
"Why can't you sit still?" Harry countered, still annoyed.
"Because you sort of look cute when you're annoyed," he shrugged, as if it was the most natural thing to say or do, "what's your name?"
Calling Harry cute while he was annoyed would have gotten him even more annoyed but for some reason, he didn't snap back at Louis, he just answered with his name.
"Okay, Harry, I'll make you a deal; I'll sit still if you go out on a date with me,"
Harry inhaled sharply. "What?" He asked once again because who the fuck was this stranger and what the fuck did he think he was doing?
"You're cute and it's distracting," he said, tone soft and genuine, "but I'll try my best to sit still, be a good boy and all that, if you go out on a date with me."
"You're serious..."
"Deadly," Louis said, "and I really don't wanna mess up this tattoo but I really do want to take you out on a date."
"I could have a boyfriend already, you know?" Harry replied with.
"Do you?"
Harry didnt reply.
"Come on, please? Just one date and I'll sit still; it's a win-win situation here," he smirked, eyes twinkling with mirth.
Harry huffed out a laugh, "oh my god this is so fucking weird," he muttered, more to himself, but Louis seemed to have heard him.
"I'm a very weird guy," he answered, "so what do you say, one date?"
"You promise to sit still so I can finish your tattoo up?" Harry asked, chewing on his bottom lip afterwards.
"Pinky promise," he held out his pinky.
Harry rolled his eyes, pushing his hand down and moving closer to Louis. "If you move again I'll say no," he warned, not knowing how true that was.
Still, Louis smirked. "Done,"
The bugger did wriggle a bit more throughout the rest of the tattoo but it wasn't half as bad as the first few times and Harry didn't have the heart to call him out on it nor did he want to, if he was being honest.
"Can't wait for our date," Louis grinned widely as Harry wrapped up his finished tattoo, "when and where do I pick you up?"
Was he about to give a stranger his address?
"How about you give me your number and i give you mine, and then you can text me where you want to meet me and I'll meet you there?" He offered with a cute smile, hoping it would work.
Louis agreed easily, walking out the parlour with a beaming smile on his face and phone in his hand, eyes glued on Harry's contact details.
It wasn't even five minutes later that he called.
"Yes?" Harry answered with a sigh.
"Just had to check if it was real," Louis said, voice light and airy.
"I have yours too, you know?"
"I know," he laughed, "see you tomorrow, Harry."
And then he hung up. Harry stared at his phone, biting back a grin. At the corner of his eye, he caught Niall's smug smile.
"Shush," he warned, pushing his phone aside. When he turned away from Niall, he finally smiled fully.
So, he had a date with Louis tomorrow.
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watchmegetobsessed · 5 years
Shawn Mendes // Boundaries Part 12
yoooo im back with a new part!! okay this sounded like im a shitty rapper.. im really losing my shit lately over school but whatever... anyway, enjoy! shower me with your thoughts!
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10  - Part 11
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I’m an emotional wreck when I get into the car and Nick greets me with a friendly smile. The silence is comforting, though I miss the country music Shawn used to play every time he was in a good mood.
I’m not a nail biter, but I nibble on them as we are getting closer and closer to Shawn’s place and I’m trying to come up with a plan on how I want to do it. Should I just blurt it out or should I build it up properly like a speech that ends with me telling him that he is going to be a father?
None of the options seem to be right, so after a while I give up and decide to just go with the flow.
When Nick rolls into the garage my nerves are exploding and my hands are shaking when I get out of the car. I take the elevator and I feel like my stomach was left in the garage when the elevator moved up.
The door opens and I walk into the familiar apartment. I hear his singing voice coming from the kitchen even before I could see him and it immediately brings a smile to my lips. I don’t know what I was expecting to see or how I imagined our first meeting after our emotional goodbye, but it feels… normal.
I walk into the kitchen and he looks up at me from the instant soup he is making and a wide smile dances to his beautiful face. He looks just as handsome as I remembered, his hair is now a bit longer, a curl is dancing on his forehead with every movement, but it’s beyond adorable. I have to fight the urge to curl it to my finger.
“Hi!” he greets me and stepping closer he pulls me into a hug, and I feel like I’m finally safe and home.
“Hi,” I whisper against his hoodie as I wrap my arms around his waist. Smelling his scent makes is even harder to peel myself off of him when it’s long over the friendly duration for the hug. “Instant soup, huh?” I ask hoping to make myself forget about the aching pain in my chest that I’m feeling now that he is standing next to me again.
“I don’t have lunch or dinner dates anymore, so I’m more often stuck here alone. And I’m still not a chef,” he chuckles shaking his head.
“Ordering is still an option, you know?”
“I… haven’t been quite in the mood to talk to strangers, not even a delivery guy,” he mumbles anxiously as he puts a spoon into the soup and stirs it. Steam is dancing above the bowl indicating that it’s still pretty hot, so he doesn’t attempt to taste it, just lets it sit on the counter.
I can relate to how he is feeling and I’m surprised he shared this detail with me. I was afraid he would be distant and sullen with me, but his honesty is calming me.
“Do you want a glass of wine or something?” he asks walking over to the fridge. I almost say yes immediately, some alcohol would definitely work for me, but then I realize that I can’t. Because there is a teeny-tiny baby in my stomach now.
“Um, no thank you,” I shake my head and watch him grab a water for both of us.
“So, not that I’m rushing you, but I’m really curious about what you wanted to talk about.”
We make ourselves comfortable on the couch and I feel my anxiety coming over me. I have no idea how to do it, but I can’t just blurt it out. I need time to think.
“I… I’ve been missing you.”
He gives me a doubtful look and I’m afraid he can see through me, but then he doesn’t question if this was my original intention. But I start talking again just to be sure.
“I’ve been thinking about you a lot and I just couldn’t get you off of my mind. I know I was the one who wanted to end everything, but… I guess I can’t do it.”
I feel horrible. I should have told him straight away instead of talking bullshit. Well, okay, it’s not bullshit, it’s true, I’ve been missing him as hell, but this is not why I came here.
He runs his hand through his hair and I think back of the time I used to do this without a second thought. Now I’m sitting next to him with a decent gap between us, so our legs can’t touch.
“I missed you too, Naya. So much. But… what do you want to do? I mean… I’m happy to start seeing you again, but we have to figure this out, how we want to make it work.”
I nod with a blank stare and I don’t know what I can say. If I don’t tell him about the pregnancy test I’m just fucking everything up, making him believe things are turning right and we can start over again, when truth is, everything is about to turn upside down.
For my luck, his phone starts ringing somewhere in his room and he excuses himself rushing into the room to answer the call.
I growl angrily as I reach for my bag and grab the test. I stare at it and can’t help but grimace. What am I doing here? I can’t ruin his life, I was the stupid one who forgot to take the pill, so it’s all my fault. A child would blow up his whole life and I can’t put up with the thought of messing everything up for him. I shouldn’t have come here.
I jump when I realize he is walking out of his room and in my sudden confusion I tug the stick to my coat’s pocket hiding it as I jump to my feet. I have to leave before I fuck something up.
“Where are you going?” he asks with raised eyebrows.
“I-I gotta leave. I’m sorry.” I mumble nervously as I head to the elevator, but he grabs my arm and… and everything happens too fast.
His grip is not too hard, but it’s strong enough to pull my hand out of the pocket and the stick slides out with it as well. It falls to the floor and the clinking makes me jump. I totally freeze right at that moment, giving Shawn the chance to reach for it.
As I watch him pick the test up from the floor I hold my breath and pull my shoulders up, as if I’m afraid he is about to explode. He hold it between his fingers, stares at it for the longest few seconds before his eyes slowly move up to my face. I’m biting my lips, feeling the tears dwelling in my eyes.
Why didn’t I put the damn test back into my bag? Why am I such an idiot?
“Shawn, I-“ I start, but I don’t get to finish, he cuts me off.
“Is this yours?” he asks in a firm voice. I nod.
“I took it this morning. I threw up last night and realized I’ve been late for over a week, so I bought the test and…”
“Did you do it on purpose?” I hear his next question and the words freeze to my tongue.
“What?” I manage to say.
“Did you get pregnant on purpose? Were you planning on it?”
His expressions are hard, he seems mad and it’s scary to see him like this. I didn’t want to upset him and his questions catch me off-guard. I stare at him in disbelief, but it soon turns into anger. How can he think I did this on purpose?
“Sure, I thought it would be fun to mess up my and your life as well!” I snap back angrily. “Of course I didn’t! I forgot to take the damn pills!” I growl as I snatch the test from his hand. Now I’m raging and I’m offended by the accusation.
“You told me not to worry about it! And yet, you have a positive pregnancy test in your bag now!” he retorts just making it even worse.
“I’m sorry, I was too busy trying not to fall apart! I’m sorry I’m human! But if you think I did this on purpose then I’m leaving now. It was a mistake to come here.”
I turn around furiously, but he grabs my arm again holding me back. When I turn back to him his face is completely changed. He doesn’t seem mad anymore, more like… desperate.
“Hey, hey, hey. I’m sorry! I didn’t… I just- I’m in shock, okay? I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“And you think I’m not shocked?” I scoff in disbelief. “This morning I found out that I’m pregnant, I came here to find comfort and maybe to find out what we should do now, and then you accuse me of doing it on purpose!” Tears are running down on my cheeks and though I try to push him away, he pulls me to him and closes his arms around me no matter how badly I’m trying to get away from him. “I’m so fucking shook, I’m terrified and I really thought seeing you would make me feel better, but I’m still so afraid.”
Now I’m full on crying, I’m sobbing into his shirt but he doesn’t seem to care. His strong arms hold me tight to his body and I just want to stay like this forever. He is stroking my hair gently, soothing me without letting go of me. I’m glad he is holding me because my knees feel like jelly.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you, I wasn’t thinking. It’s okay baby,” he whispers into my hair pressing a kiss to my temple.
“I’m sorry for raging so bad. I’ve been on an emotional rollercoaster in the last 24 hours,” I mumble wiping my tears off of my face, but I know my eyes has already swelled and as red as a tomato.
“It’s fine. Come on, let’s sit down and talk, okay?”
I nod my head and he pulls me back to the couch. He gently takes my coat off and sitting down he pulls me close, circling an arm around my shoulders. His body’s heat is attracting me like I’m a bug and he is the only light in the room. I cuddle to his side and enjoy the momentary silence as I slowly realize I’m somehow relieved. The secret is out, he knows about the test, now we can focus on figuring out everything else.
“I’m sorry about the pill. I should have been more careful, it’s my fault,” I mumble and looking up at him I my gaze meets his soft eyes. All the anger and doubt is gone by now, I have my soft Shawn back, thanks God.
“Don’t say that. I should have been more persistent about using a condom too. We are in this together. But we really have to figure out the next step.”
“The next step is that I have a doctor’s appointment for tomorrow. These test are pretty reliable, but I need to see a professional as well.”
“Cancel the appointment, I’ll get you one in a private hospital. They are very trustworthy and we can sneak in without getting noticed.”
I don’t protest, I’m more than happy to keep it a secret for as long as possible. The last thing I need is to get recognized as I’m going to the gynecologist with Shawn.
“And we have to tell at least Andrew. He would kill me if something got out without him knowing about it.”
“He is going to hate me for life,” I sigh sadly, shutting my eyes closed. He runs his hand up and down my arm soothingly.
“Hey, don’t worry. Andrew is a smart guy, he doesn’t hold a grudge for nothing. And as I said, I was there too when…” His other hand gently slips under my sweater to my stomach. “When this baby thing happened. You remember?”
His playful smile calms me a bit. I’m suddenly very aware of his warm palm on my stomach and it’s so strange, to think about the tiny baby in my stomach.
“Shawn?” I speak up after a few silent moments.
“I’m scared.” My voice is just a dying whisper and the damn tears are flowing again from my eyes, I can’t help it. Startled from my sudden mood change he sits straight up so he can look into my eyes, he cups my face in his hands and runs hid thumbs across my cheeks.
“Don’t be. It’s going to be alright. I’m not letting you do this alone, okay?” I nod my head sniffing like a little child. “I know it’s very sudden and scary, but you are not alone. I’m here and we are in this together.”
Now I’m crying because he is the sweetest person alive. His kind and soothing words comfort me like nothing on the world and even though this is a shitty situation I’m still happy I get to do this with him.
“I just… Don’t feel like I’m ready for this,” I choke out shaking my head.
“You will be ready for this when the time comes. I know we can make this work, okay? Just… don’t give up. We have someone else to think about now,” he lets out a small chuckle making me laugh through my tears.
Thanks to the emotional shock we both went through we doze out on the couch soon. When I open my eyes it’s already dark outside, meaning I spent almost half of the day napping with Shawn on his couch. His arms are hugging me protectively as he is spooning me from behind. I don’t want to wake him up, but one, I really have to pee and two, it’s time for me to leave, I don’t intend to spend the night here. Our situation doesn’t mean we are back on track.
I successfully peel myself out of his grip and make it to the bathroom. After quickly taking care of my business I check on him, he is still sleeping, now hugging a pillow to his chest. I take a moment to admire how peaceful he looks right now. No drama, no worries, just his angelic face that I still love so dearly.
As I feel myself getting emotional I turn away and grabbing my stuff I leave. I don’t call for Nick, I get a cab and head home.
I guess my message is clear to Shawn, he doesn’t call me that day. In the morning he texts me that he is picking me up at the café to go to the clinic and he also lets me know we are having a meeting with Andrew and Justin later, though I have no idea who Justin is. Definitely not Bieber.
Elisa is not home when I wake up, I’m thankful I don’t have to face her, she knows me too damn well and I know it would take one look and she would know something is off. I need more time to figure things out.
I have a beanie on and my scarf is covering half my face so I’m not recognizable. From my previous month spent with Shawn I expect him to be distant and moody after I left without a word yesterday, but I guess the situation is different now. I’m welcomed with a bright smile as I sit into the car.
“Hey, how are you feeling?” he asks me kindly.
“Um, fine. I was a bit nauseous in the morning, but I’m better,” I sigh tiredly. I leave out the part where I spent ten minutes kneeling next to the toilet because I was pretty close to throwing up. “Who is this Justin we are meeting later?” I ask.
“Justin Stirling. He is in my team, he has been doing a lot of marketing stuff for me lately, but he was busy with family stuff last month.”
I nod my head noting the information. The rest of the car ride is spent in silence. I feel so strange, before this whole pregnancy drama Shawn was always the dominant one, especially because he was kind of my boss. But now he looks so lost and confused, my news yesterday must have thrown him over the edge. He is looking out for my every mood and it’s starting to make me feel uncomfortable.
We make it into the clinic without anyone noticing us. This is definitely not how I imagined my first trip to the doctor when I become pregnant. It’s far from idyllic, I’m nervous, my hands are shaking so I hide them in my pocket, Shawn is like a jumpy kid, looking out for everything around us.
“Hello, I’m Dr. Hosier, please, come in,” the doctor greets us. She is a lovely middle-aged woman with a warm smile which is quite calming. We follow her into the room and while I sit up on the white bed Shawn takes place next to me. “So tell me, what do we know so far?” she asks as she is getting ready for my examination.
“Um, I’ve been late for about nine days now, in the past two days I’ve been feeling nauseous and I threw up once. I took a test and it came out positive.” I’m nervous to talk about it with Shawn right next to me, but I try not to think about it.
“Okay. Any pain maybe in the lower stomach?”
“No,” I shake my head.
Soon my pants and underwear comes off and I sit with my legs up while Dr. Hosier is facing my lower half. She keeps asking me questions, I just stare up at the ceiling and answer them like a robot. Shawn looks tensed as he is looking at the doctor.
“I’m going to do an ultrasound quickly,” she informs me she helps me put my legs down. I’m trying to breathe evenly as she pours some jelly on my stomach and starts roaming it with that… something. I don’t even know what these things are, this is how unprepared I am!
All three of us is staring at the screen that is filled with black and white void, I don’t see anything, but the Dr. Hosier freezes the picture and puts a circle around a teeny-tiny dot in the lower part of the image.
“Well, I have news. You are in fact pregnant, Miss Duvall and that little dot is the baby.”
I guess she can sense how unwelcomed the situation is, so she keeps her congrats to herself. She quickly tells me that we need to reserve another appointment soon, she talks about vitamins and useful information while I wipe my stomach clean and get dressed.
“Here, this is for you,” she tells me handing me an envelope. Opening it I see two copies of the ultrasound picture. I just thank her quietly wanting nothing more than to just finally leave the clinic. It is official now, I’m pregnant.
The realization hits me hard across my face as we walk out of the room and head to the car. Neither of us is talking, I’m scared, mad and desperate about the situation and I’m pretty deep in my thoughts when Shawn takes my hand and stops me before I could walk out of the building.
“Naya, let’s… talk for a minute, okay?”
I just nod my head as we sit down in two seats in the corner. No one is batting an eye at us fortunately.
“I, uh- I just wanted to tell you that… I know it’s scary and everything, and Andrew will probably explode when we tell him, but… I’m totally in.”
“In what?” I ask confused.
“In this. In us, in investing in this pregnancy. I want to be part of it, no matter how crazy things will get. And I guess I’m not saying anything new if I say I want us to… continue from where we were before things went downhill.”
“Things didn’t go downhill, our work came to its end and I did the logical thing.”
“But this is not work anymore. I want to give us a chance.”
I stare at him with mixed emotions. I don’t know what I want, I need time to figure out my next step. I have so much to worry about now that my feelings for Shawn must come second… or third… I’m more worried about what Andrew will say, how I’m going to work and what will people think if it ever gets out.
“I need time. It’s just too messy for me now. I’m sorry, but… I need to figure everything out.”
I can tell my answer doesn’t satisfy him, but he doesn’t protest. Pressing his lips together he nods shortly before we continue our way out of the clinic.
I’m shitting my pants when we reach the office complex where we are supposed to meet Andrew and Justin. I have no idea what to expect, but I’m sure it won’t be too pretty. Shawn tries to calm me telling me that it will be alright, but I know we are in trouble.
Shawn knocks on the door that has Andrew’s name on it and when we get the approval he opens the door.
“Ah, hey! I didn’t know you would be here too,” he immediately says when he sees me, confusion all over his face as he shakes hands with Shawn shooting him a questioning look. But he just ignores it and turns to the other guy in the room.
“Hey man, this is…” he starts gesturing at me, but he is not sure which name to use, so I step ahead and hold a hand out for Justin.
“I’m Naya. Hi.”
This is already over the work relationship I formed previously, my real name is justifiable. I see Andrew’s surprised face from the corner of my eyes and I know he is a smart guy, he must be putting the picture together slowly. But I bet he has no idea about the bomb we are about to drop onto him.
“Hey, Justin. Nice to meet you,” Stirling shakes my hand and soon we all take our places. Andrew is behind the desk, Justin is leaning against the bookshelf in the corner while Shawn and I are sitting in front of them.
“So, what is this meeting about?” Andrew questions. I turn to Shawn and he is already opening his mouth to answer.
“I have something to tell you, but I hope you won’t get mad. I just want you to listen to me.” Andrew nods and Shawn continues. “So… During the one month Naya and I kinda got cozy, if you know what I mean. In the last two weeks things escalated quickly, so it all took a romantic turn. But, um, w-we ended it when the month was over,” he adds and I’m staring at Andrew, trying to read his expressions, but I can’t. He is like a statue.
“Okay, go on, what is the problem?” he asks leaning back in his seat, but I have a feeling he already figured it out, because when he looks at me I can feel his eyes burning into my skin.
“We made a very reckless and immature mistake by… Um, we- we didn’t…” Shawn’s stuttering is getting under my skin, so I take a deep breath and just blurt it out.
“We didn’t use protection and I’m pregnant.”
The room falls silent, Andrew is staring at me, Shawn is staring at Andrew, Justin is staring at Shawn and I’m staring at the floor. The words felt heavy in my mouth and I’m afraid my heart is about to jump out of my chest.
After what feels like eternity, Andrew takes his glasses off pinching the bridge of his nose as he takes a few deep breaths. Once he places the glasses back he leans on the desk and finally speaks.
“Have you been to a doctor or you just did a test?” he asks in a calm, but distant tone.
“We went to the clinic together today. I was there, it’s one hundred percent,” Shawn answers for me.
“How many weeks are you?”
“It’s the fourth,” I mumble ashamed. Andrew’s questions are prim and strict, it all feels like an interrogation.
I look at Justin for the first time since Shawn started talking and his face looks blank, but I can tell his thoughts are racing, trying to figure out what to do with the situation.
“Okay, and what do you want?”
I furrow my eyebrows confused.
“What I want? I don’t understand it…”
“What do you want?” He repeats. “Money? Followers? A job? What do you want?”
“I don’t wa- You think I did this to get stuff from you or Shawn?” I ask realizing what this is about. Shawn’s first reaction was almost the same and now I’m definitely hurt. I never made them believe I’m a scheming bitch, why does everyone think I’m using them?
“Of course the thought crosses my mind, otherwise, how could you be so reckless to have unsafe sex?” he asks as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world, but it’s just making my blood boil.
“Andrew, it’s not-“ Shawn starts, but I cut him off.
“How dare you accuse me of being such a horrible person? You know nothing about me! Just because I work as an escort doesn’t mean I have such low life choices as getting myself knocked up by a client! You know what? It was a mistake to come here.” I grab my bag and throwing it on my shoulder I stand up, ready to leave. Everyone moves with me, Andrew and Shawn jump up and Justin takes a step towards me, all three of them to stop me, but the intentions are not the same. While Shawn wants me to stay because he cares about me, Andrew is just afraid is I slip out the door he can’t control the news anymore.
Shawn grabs my wrist and gently pulls me closer to him.
“Please don’t go, let’s talk.”
“You are not leaving without a confidentiality contract, no way you are walking out just like that,” Andrew growls and it’s just making it worse.
“You’re not making me do anything. I don’t need anything from you,” I spat at him and Shawn stands between us, as if he is afraid we would start a fist fight.
“Let’s calm down and talk, okay? Please!” he pleads, but behind him Andrew doesn’t seem too committed.
“I can’t deal with him if he is treating me like a bitch,” I say in a low voice, but the room is small, so everyone can hear it. Though I don’t care.
“Andrew, would you calm down? It was all an accident, she is not trying to ruin me,” he tells his manager turning to face him, but he is still holding my wrist.
I can tell Andrew is boiling inside, holding himself back not to throw the desk at me, and we are staring at each other like two hungry lions over the last piece of meat. Poor Shawn is standing in the middle, hoping he won’t have to pull us out of a fight anytime soon.
Then he takes a deep breath and nods.
“I’m sorry, but this was… quite shocking. I wasn’t expecting this.”
“I get it, it was a shocker for everyone, but let’s just talk about it, okay?” Shawn offers and I’m too tired and emotionally drained out to start a fight, so I nod my head agreeing.
We manage to sit back to our previous places and Justin stands right behind Andrew as we try to start it over again without the accusations and drama.
“I’m sorry for reacting so harshly,” Andrew starts, obviously thinking through his choice of words. “I’m just shocked, but of course, I don’t think you are trying to use Shawn. So… Let’s figure out what to do,” he offers and we all nod agreeing. “Was abortion ever an option?”
“No,” Shawn and I answer at the same time even though we never discussed it. Despite the difficulties of the situation I wouldn’t be able to abort this baby, it’s just impossible for me and I guess Shawn thinks the same way.
“Alright, then we need a strategy,” Andrew tells a bit more like to himself than to us as he is staring down at his desk. “Um… Are you guys…”
“Are you guys together now?” Justin asks speaking up for the first time in a while.
I see Shawn turning to me from the corner of my eyes, and his gaze is burning my temple as he is staring at me.
“It’s… it’s undefined. I have to figure a lot of stuff out.” I say feeling a bit guilty under their examining looks.
“But this is all joint now. Your decisions effect our work as well, I’m sorry, but you can’t just run free. Obviously, Shawn wants to take part in the baby’s life, so we have to work together. What stuff do you need to figure out?”
I feel awkward and anxious as I realize that he is right. I have to worry about myself, the baby and also consider Shawn as a third party, because he has the right to take part in this journey. I owe him honesty.
“I-I have to think about work, I need to talk to Joshua, because as soon as it gets visible I can’t work. But then I need money, because…” I don’t finish the sentence, I’m not ready to share my giant debts with them and listen to their pity. No way.
“Naya, I can support you financially. Let me help you out!” Shawn sighs obviously being over my shit, but I’m just too stubborn.
“No. That’s your money. I have my own problems to solve,” I protest.
“But I told you, we are in this together! I won’t just watch you struggle.”
“I can’t ask you to do me such a huge favor,” I shake my head staring down at my hands. I’m ashamed to admit how much debt I have to pay for every month.
“You’re not asking, I’m offering it.”
“Shawn stop!” I snap at him as I feel myself getting emotional again. “You have no idea how deep I’m in this shit! I inherited 1.2 million dollars of debts after my mom disappeared and left my number to everyone she was owing to, so now I’m paying thousands of dollars every month, because if I don’t, I might end up dead in a dumpster!”
My outburst is followed by total silence and my eyes are tearing up pretty quick. I didn’t mean to say it out loud, I never want people to know how much I struggle because of my own mother. She was a failure, never had a decent job so he paid for her debts by asking for more money from different people. Living this lifestyle for almost ten years can send you down the spiral, and when she disappeared after I moved out from her she left 1.2 million dollars worth of debt, forcing me to start working as an escort since this was the only job that offered me enough money each month to cover everything. I’ve paid back about half of the money by now, but I’m still coughing the rest every damn month. I was once late with paying, the next day two not too friendly guys showed up at my apartment and taught me a lesson with their fists. I never want to experience that. I scared the shit out of Elisa when she saw my black-eye.
“Can we… Can we have this conversation sometime later? I’m really not feeling good,” I say after a long time. I guess I shocked everyone with my outburst, they are all speechless. Shawn is the first one to recover after the scene.
“Um, Andrew how about we all have lunch tomorrow and talk about this? I think we all need some time to adjust the situation.”
I thank God for this offer, because I’m nauseous and anxious to sit here and talk about the future that involves a baby in my belly.
“It’s a great idea. Let’s just think about everything and come prepared the next time,” Justin nods agreeing and Andrew seems to be on the same page as well.
I put on my coat and keeping my gaze down I leave the office while Shawn exchanges a few words. I stop at the hallway waiting for him, chewing on my bottom lip I’m on the verge of crying once again. A few minutes later Shawn appears and seeing my long face he wraps an arm around my shoulders pulling me to his chest and this is exactly what I need right now.
“How about we get some takeaway, go to my place, eat and… just chill. Hm?” He offers mumbling into my hair, running his hands up and down my arms soothingly. I just nod my head, I’m too weak and stressed to talk and though I know I shouldn’t be getting closer to him, I just can’t resist. I need his presence, I want him to tell me it’s going to be okay, I just need somebody.
I need him.
I AM SHOOK ARE YOU SHOOK LETS ALL BE SHOOK no im just kidding I WROTE IT hahaha okay im done here bye
taglist:  @damnigotadime @jrock-1987 @dacutiehart @ricchhelle @shar-is-my-name @hollandechart
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