#total toppat takeover au
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eunchancorner · 4 months ago
Post-Rescue Publicity (TTT)
The following is a transcript of an announcement made aboard the Toppat Airship at 8:16 PM, [DATE REDACTED], following the rescue of Toppat Leader Henry Stickmin from the Wall. Henry’s rescue was coordinated primarily by Carol Cross, Mr. MacBeth, Geoffrey Plumb and Reginald Copperbottom.
Henry: Attention all Toppats. Let me make it clear now that I am eternally grateful for your rescue. Without you, I would likely spend the rest of my life in the Wall, or have died trying to break out alone. All Toppats who helped in coordinating my rescue will be promoted shortly. However, I also have some grim news. It has come to my attention that we have some traitors in our midst. While I will not name anyone, know that I have my suspicions. If these traitors would like to be redeemable in my eyes, report to my office after this announcement. If not, I will personally hunt you down, and see to it that you are stripped of your status with us. And know that I have already identified one, but for their own sake, they will remain anonymous. On an unrelated note, Reginald Copperbottom and his Right Hand Man are being demoted from their VIP status in the Clan. Both will now dine in the public cafeteria and no longer have access to VIP-only areas. Should either of these two be found in any VIP areas, they will be detained for insubordination. I will also be taking measures to
 tighten up security, knowing that at least one person seeks to kill me. Understand that I will not be taking any more chances with my own life. After dealing with any traitors who choose to step up, I will make an announcement for the promotion of Carol Cross, Mr. MacBeth, Geoffrey Plumb, and anyone else they confirm had a hand in my rescue. Thank you, have a wonderful day, and it’s good to be back.
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ask-total-toppat-takeover · 2 months ago
Rifts Between A Family (OOC Post)
Welcome to yet another Henry Stickmin askblog.
There's a lot going on, but the basis is, you send in asks for various characters and I answer them as the character(s) you ask!
Even though I'm 18, any explicitly sexual asks will not be tolerated, but other asks are fine.
For more info on the AU, check out any Total Toppat Takeover stories on my main @eunchancorner or send me asks there or here!
I'd normally put a cheap plug for my other askblogs here but honestly there's too many at this point, you'll find a list of them on my main anyway.
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eunchancorner · 4 months ago
The Truth Behind 'Loyalty' (TTT)
Sven is a little shit. Henry hates leading. Carol's a good friend. That's all you need to know :3c
“Sven, please, have a seat,” Henry greeted the Head of Finances coldly, motioning to the chair across from his desk. Behind his own seat, Carol stood guard, her eyes trained on the blonde and her expression one of thinly-veiled anger. Silently, Sven sat, keeping his face calm and neutral.
“Why have I been called up, exactly? I’m assuming to discuss the finances over the canceled rocket project,” he guessed, resting his head in one hand, crossing his legs idly.
“Actually, Sven, this is a lot more serious,” Henry explained, “We have reason to believe you were aware of the traitor’s plot to kill me. Do you have anything to say to that?”
Sven froze. It was clear this wasn’t what he was expecting, making Henry think that he genuinely did believe he was just in here to talk finances. It also made Henry suspicious of him.
 gives you that idea
?” the blonde asked cautiously, straightening into a more tense position in his seat.
“We received an anonymous tip that you were complicit in the plot of my overthrow. You also seemed to be keeping well in contact with the traitor while I was in the Wall. Now, given the traitor’s identity, that, alone, isn’t evidence enough. What’s interesting, though, is the identity of the person who tipped us off. However, for their own safety, they’re going to remain anonymous.”
” the blonde trailed off. His eyes were wide, he looked nervous, caught up in his own lies. It was clear as day to Henry that he’d obviously been colluding with Reginald the whole time. He just wanted to hear him admit it. 
After he was silent for too long, Henry began to grow impatient.
“Sven,” Henry warned, “If you don’t give me a clear answer on whether or not you helped the traitor, then not only will you be demoted, but you will be stripped of your Toppat status completely and locked in the brig, understood?”
“So hurry up and answer, shark boy,” Carol snarled in addition.
“Fine,” he conceded, “I knew what Pa and Dad were doing. And yes, I helped them. Pa’s a better leader than you and you know it. You don’t deserve this position.”
“And you don’t deserve to be a Toppat if you’re going to keep talking like that,” Carol warned, stepping forward before Henry stopped her.
“Sven, I was going to be nice about punishing you before you decided to use your admission of guilt to insult me,” Henry told him as he stood, “But that was completely uncalled for. Come with me to communications, I want you to hear the announcement I’m about to make personally.”
Henry led the way to the door, watching as Sven stood and followed, tailed by Carol, who kept a close eye on the blonde and a hand on the pistol holstered at her hip. The trio walked to the communications room, earning the confused and concerned gazes of several Toppats. Unluckily enough for Sven, two of those just so happened to be Reginald and his Right Hand Man, both of whom looked like they knew what was going on.
As they reached the room, Carol motioned for Sven to sit in a chair in the corner, while Henry walked up to the microphone that went to the PA system. He cleared his throat, and with a click of the button, began his announcement.
“Attention all Toppats, we have once again found a traitor in our midst. However, since this one was on the rocket when I made the original warning announcement, I won’t fault him for not stepping forward sooner. This being said, I will not award him the same anonymity I did his ‘partner in crime.’ Sven Svensson is being demoted from Head of Finances and his VIP status in the clan, effective immediately, for plotting with the traitor to kill me and take over. He is also being given restroom cleanup duty for one week for being a little shit while admitting this. I will warn you all again, now that the rocket crew has returned home; If any of you are also colluding with the traitors, come visit me in communications immediately, so proper punishment can be given. Failure to do so will result in being stripped of your Toppat status and imprisonment in the brig. Remember we do not take threats like this lightly. Thank you, and as always, keep your eyes up and your ears open.”
Henry turned to the blonde, who looked about ready to attack him. As a matter of fact, he made an attempt to do so, standing and running at Henry only to be caught by the back of his shirt by Carol.
“You prick! You can’t do this! I’ve been nothing but a loyal Toppat from the day I joined!” he roared, tears pricking his eyes as he attempted to swing at the leader, who stood just a few feet away.
“‘Loyal’ Toppats don’t plot to kill people just because they hate the power they have. You’re not loyal to the Toppats, you’re only loyal to your father. And as admirable as that is, it’s the worst argument you could possibly make right now
” Henry began walking towards the blonde, who’s movements seemed to slow as he drew closer. Finally, he stopped, towering over him. 
“So I’d advise you go take care of your new duty, before I decide to be less merciful with your punishment. Understood?”
” the blonde nearly squeaked, before being released with a shove towards the door. Henry watched closely as he stepped out and the door slid closed behind him.
He sighed, letting his tough demeanor fall away as the guilt weighed on his shoulders, putting his head in his hands.
“I hate being so mean to people
 Is this really what I have to do for people to take me seriously?” he asked, glancing at Carol, who let out a sigh of her own.
“Unfortunately,” she told him, “They respond best to aggression
 Actually, most of them only respond to aggression
 It’s how they know you’re actually serious.”
“I just
” he trailed off, before sitting in the same chair Sven had been in, crossing his arms. “I just wish it didn’t have to be like this
 Oh, and, uh
 I guess you know who the traitor is now
 kind of
” she admitted awkwardly, earning a shocked stare from Henry, so she elaborated. “You told me when you were drunk, though you probably don’t remember
“... Fuck
” he mumbled, putting his head in his hands once again.
“It’s alright, I haven’t told anyone,” she assured him, “Everything you said is staying between me and you. Even if I
 really think people should know, just so they know not to let him sway them. He has a way with people, y’know
“I know, but
 I don’t want to ruin his life the same way I had to for Sven
 I’ve done enough damage to it already
He was referring to what he’d done to Right Hand Man. He knew personally how it felt to have someone he loved be so hurt, not knowing if they’d make it out or not, and yet he still did it again. But Carol would never know that, not in this lifetime. All she’s ever known was Henry felt guilty. That’s all she needed to know, anyway.
“I know
 and I know I can’t sway you on this, so I’m not going to try
 Just know I’ll be keeping an especially close eye on him. It’s my job to keep you safe, after all,” she told him.
 and it’s
” he managed, finding it hard to work up something to say. He was a little overwhelmed by the combination of everything that had happened, and everything he’d remembered.
He felt her gently pat his back, prompting him to look up at her, before sitting up.
“Right, yeah
 sorry you have to keep seeing me like this
 I’ve been pretty emotional lately, huh
?” he asked, taking a deep breath.
“If anything, I’m just glad you feel safe enough to be like this around me,” she assured him. “Remember, Henry, I’m not just your Right Hand, I’m your friend
 and frankly with everything being so terrifying, I’m glad you can be like this around anyone. And I’m proud to be that person.”
He managed a small smile as she helped him up from the chair.
“And I want you to remember something Henry, since it seems like damn near no one’s told you this in a long time,” she said, patting his shoulder. “Despite your mistakes, I’m proud of you, and I think you’re a really good leader.”
God, you never realize how much you need to hear something until you hear it, he realized, feeling like he was about to cry. He had to keep himself from hugging her immediately, instead trying to ask.
“I- can- can I- I-” he stammered, earning a small chuckle from her as he struggled to string the question together. 
“I know. You want to hug me. And I’m going to let you just because you need it, okay? Don’t make it a habit,” she warned lightheartedly, opening her arms and letting him hug her tightly, patting his back as she hugged back.
“Thank you
 so much
” he managed, pulling away after a few seconds and wiping away the tears that had escaped him.
“You’re welcome, chief. Now, c’mon, let’s get back to the office.”
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eunchancorner · 4 months ago
Unfamiliar Old Friends (TTT)
I kept thinking about how sad and lonely Henry was, then realized I had every reason to un-lonely him
“Right, so we need to reallocate the funds from the rocket to the mountain base
” Henry murmured as he and Carol went over the finances that came with canceling the rocket project. He shifted some of the papers on his desk, the early-afternoon light making them look almost luminescent.
“And the jungle base, we’re keeping that, correct?” she asked, earning a nod.
“Yeah, it’s a good position to hold, maybe we can turn the rocket into some kind of housing, or something? It’ll be good for expansion, especially with this weird influx of high-school aged recruits
 Speaking of which, we really need to set them up into a different class, we don’t want something happening to them before they even become adults.”
”Chief, we have a new recruit here to join us,” the report suddenly came in over his radio, eliciting a sigh from the leader.
Speak of the devil.
“Let me guess, another teen?” he asked, tired of the amount of underage Toppats that had already been brought in so fast.
”Actually, she’s an adult this time. Says her name’s Ellie Rose, she escaped from the Wall? Wasn’t that where we got you out of?”
Oh my god. Oh my god it’s Ellie. Oh my fucking god.
He thought he’d never see her again. He thought this was one of those endings where he was doomed to isolation. But Ellie was here. She was here to join. One of his best friends he’d ever had in any lifetime was here to join him.
And she’ll never know it. She’s not going to even know me. She might not even recognize me. But goddamn it, even if she doesn’t it’ll be so awesome to see her again!
“I- uh- yeah, send her in!” he replied, doing his best not to sound nervous or excited, despite being both. He could almost feel the look Carol was giving him as he stood, dusting himself off and making sure his hat was on straight.
God, I probably look half dead. I can’t believe she’s really here! It’s like Toppat Civil Warfare except she’s not here to dethrone me! And she’s not mad! Because she wants to join! Peacefully!
His thoughts raced in the moments it took for Ellie to reach his office door. She stepped in, looking around at the room, before locking eyes with Henry. For a single, solitary instant, he swore he saw recognition.
“Uhm, hello. My name is Ellie,” the redhead introduced herself, “You must be the Toppat Leader. I heard you broke out of the Wall, and I thought, ‘If that guy can do it, I can too, right?’ and, uh
 I’ll admit, it was a little easier than I thought it would be, since the warden’s still pissed you got out. I
 I feel like I’ve seen you somewhere before?”
Oh my god, does she know? No, no she can’t know. Only Chaos Control and I know.
“Oh, yeah, we were in the same transfer room, I think? You seem pretty strong, it’s not too big a surprise that you were able to get out, too. I mean- I know it’s the Wall, but still! O-oh, and smart! You seem smart, too!” Henry rambled, trying his best to stay on her good side.
I sound so awkward, like I have some kind of crush on her. What is this, middle school?
“Heh, is that so? Is that because I decided to join the Toppats?” she asked, a smile on her face as she tilted her head a bit.
“N-no! W-well, yes, that’s a smart idea, but, I mean, it takes a certain kind of intelligence to escape from the Wall! After all, I had help but, you, you did it alone! That’s very impressive! I-I mean, not for you specifically, just, like, in general!”
Now I just sound stupid.
His heart leapt as he heard her laugh softly at him, crossing her arms.
“Are you always this awkward around new recruits, or is it just me?”
“It's just you, Ms. Rose,” Carol interjected, reaching over to shake Ellie's hand. “Carol Cross, Henry's Right Hand Lady. I act as his second in command, closest advisor, main guard and next in line to lead the Toppats. Pleasure to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you, too. That's a
 lot of titles to have at once,” she chuckled, almost nervously.
“Being a Right Hand is a very important position. It's typically given to spouses or family, however I gained it by being the main coordinator behind Henry's rescue.”
“Yeah, it seemed like the best way I could repay her! She's been really helpful, especially when it comes to keeping me safe,” Henry added.
“What, are you, like, in danger? Is there something going on I should know about?” she looked towards the door as if expecting someone to suddenly charge in.
“Someone wants Henry dead. An attempt has already been made on his life and we're not taking chances anymore,” the ravenette clarified. “Not one.”
“Oh, shit, why?”
“Could be jealousy, or they just don't like him, or how he came to lead. He took over after betraying the American Government.”
“Oh, that's awesome. Not the someone wanting you dead thing, the betraying the government thing,” Ellie clarified.
Henry fought the urge to ask her if she really thought so, though he could feel himself smiling.
“So, yeah, tell me a bit about yourself. How'd you end up at the Wall?” he asked, as though he wasn't already very familiar with the story.
“Well, I was a contract killer for a while, but when that started running dry, I turned to theft. Turned up some pretty big profits until the Wall got ahold of me. I mostly based it out of Texas at first, but I got pretty nomadic when things started getting too bad. I've been all over the US.”
“Wow, sounds like you've got the exact kind of skillset a good Toppat needs!” Henry feigned shock. He already knew she was perfect for this. He was just happy she was here to prove him right yet again. “All that's left to do is get you familiar with the Airship and get you fitted with an outfit!”
“I'll send for Thomas for a tour-” Carol started before Henry cut her off.
“No no, I-I can bring her around myself! As someone who's also broken out of the Wall, I-I feel that I can give her a more
 a clearer understanding of uhm
 I-I want to take her on the tour.”
“Are you sure? Touring with a new recruit while someone wants your head is a
 I don't want to say it's a bad idea, but
 that's what it is.”
“I mean, you can come with me if you think I need protection. You're pretty intimidating, just you walking with us will be enough. I just think it would be a good way to help her feel welcomed. Ellie, would you be okay with that?”
“Are you kidding? That'd be awesome,” she assured him, “Plus it’d be nice to have someone who’s not some random guy show me around.”
“Great! Well then, Ellie,” Henry began to walk around the desk, ready to lead her around the Airship, “Shall we?”
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eunchancorner · 4 months ago
Total Toppat Takeover (NEW AU!!!!)
I had an idea of 'What if Reginald failed'
And then I blinked and suddenly this existed
“I’ve got you, Henry! But I’m not going to pull you up
 You see, without you, I become leader of the Toppat Clan again. I just wanted to look you in the eyes as I took it all back
. NYEH?! Henry!”
“Not this time
“Not this time, you fuckhead! I’m not going down that easily! If you want me dead, you’re gonna have to shoot me yourself!”
“But- No! You were supposed to fall! You weren’t supposed to-”
“I’d stop talking if I were you, wouldn’t want the others to know there’s a traitor in their midst~”
 no no no, this isn’t how this was supposed to go!”
 You’ve lost. You can’t let go now
 So pull your leader up.”
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eunchancorner · 4 months ago
Suspicious, Suspicious (TTT AU)
Characters. Talking. Fuck it we're done here.
“Yes, Henry just named me his Right Hand Lady,” Carol bragged as she spoke with Thomas, standing in one of the Airship hallways. It was only two days after they’d managed to rescue him, and she was already making sure everyone knew about her change in status. “He had a private ceremony after the whole betrayal thing, just me, him, Geoffrey and MacBeth. You know what that means, don’t you?”
“Oh, yes! You’re second in command now, like Reginald used to be,” he smiled, seeming happy for her. It was normal for him, he’d always been one of the friendliest members.
“Yes, and it means if anything happens to Henry, I get to choose how the traitor is punished. These fuckers better watch themselves. Though it’s not great that he canceled the rocket project, because that also means that I have to send for all those people to return to their old divisions.”
“Ah, well, a rise in rank does mean a rise in responsibility. But I have faith in you! I believe you can get everyone sent back quickly.”
“Thanks, Thomas. Though, there’s one thing I am confused about. Reginald helped coordinate his rescue, he offered himself as the one to help in case Henry couldn’t make it. Why did Henry demote him?”
“It may have been a personal issue. You know how those two are about each other. They have reason to dislike each other, though I do hope Henry had a real reason. I would hate to think he’d demote someone over a petty rivalry.”
“Of course not, Henry’s not that immature. Though it does make you think
 Perhaps he made a discovery while in prison. Or
 while escaping.” She thought for a moment, the realization beginning to dawn on her. “You don’t think Reginald is the anonymous traitor, do you?”
“What? Well, no, why would he be? Henry has been nothing but a good and strong leader since he took over. Not to mention this was the first peaceful transition of power in years!”
“By ‘peaceful’, you mean ‘deathless’, right?”
“Of course, of course. But Reginald wants what’s best for us, and he knows that Henry is just as good a leader as he is, even if he is a bit younger. He wouldn’t try to kill Henry!”
 I don’t know, I just can’t shake the feeling that the ‘unrelated’ demotion isn’t as unrelated as Henry says. I’m going to see if I can have someone keep an eye on him.”
“If that’s what helps you, then I can’t stop you
 And I understand why you don’t trust him, but would he really help to rescue Henry if he wanted to kill him? It doesn’t make any sense.”
“Thomas, someone’s already made an attempt on Henry’s life. That much is clear. So if I have my suspicions, I should be able to help our leader.”
“That’s not at all what I’m saying! I agree, you should help him, but don’t cast blame like it’s something small! Especially in this sense! Accusing someone of downright trying to kill anyone, let alone our leader, is a very serious accusation, you should know that!”
Carol was silent for a moment. Thomas was right; she was throwing out a serious accusation without a second thought. After a few seconds of silence, she sighed.
“You’re right, I’m
 I’m sorry, I’m panicking. I don’t like having traitors on the Airship, it
 You never know who they’re loyal to, and who they’ll try to kill.”
“I know, it’s alright. It’s a terrifying thing. But imagine how Henry must feel; he’s the main target. For now, we have to keep an eye on him. But don’t forget to look over your own shoulder, now that you’re his Right Hand Lady. Alright?”
“Alright. Thank you, Thomas. I’m
 I’m sorry for getting angry.”
“All’s forgiven, Carol. Just keep what I’ve said in mind.”
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eunchancorner · 4 months ago
Little Brothers Burn Bridges (TTT)
I felt something deep within my soul telling me to write this
“Sven! Welcome back! I’ve missed you! What took you so long to come back?”
“It was nothing, Earrings. How are Pa and Dad?”
“Oh, they’re
 fine. They’re still upset about being demoted, but it’s okay! Do you
 Do you know why they were demoted, Sven? You know them better than I do
 It’s not important. Is my room prepared?”
“Wait, Sven, if you know, tell me, please. It’s been bugging me so much!”
“I said it’s not important.”
“And I’m telling you it is!”
“Just drop it!”
“Sven, as your big sister, I’m telling you to tell me what you know!”
“And as a grown man, I’m telling you it’s none of your business!”
“Sven! If you know why our dads were demoted, then I have just as much of a right to know, too!”
“It’s none of your business, Earrings! God, if Pa was smart enough to throw him farther we wouldn’t even have this discussion!”
“... Throw who farther?”
“... I’ve said too much already.”
“Sven, throw who farther?! What did Pa try to do?!”
“That’s between me, Pa and Dad!”
“Sven, I am part of this family, too! Now tell me! I have just as much a right to know as you do!”
 When they were rescuing Henry from the Wall, it was Pa’s job to catch him if he couldn’t reach the balcony. But
 Pa, Dad and I had a plan. If Henry failed to make it on his own, he was to die. Pa would drop him and say he had slipped. Then, he’d take back his place as leader.”
“... what?”
“You see the logic, right?! Pa is a far better leader than Henry is! Henry came in and took over-”
“Pa gave Henry control by admitting defeat. The fact that Henry took over is no one’s fault but his own! He should be happy he’s alive and free! But no, of course not! All you three ever think about is power, power, power! Not once do you stop to consider loyalty to someone higher than you! Henry is a wonderful leader who actually cares about us, who doesn’t see us as pawns in some little game but as actual people. If you plot to overthrow someone who’s actually taking care of people simply because you’re angry that he took over, peacefully, I might add, then how much of a Toppat are you?!”
“Pa wouldn’t do something so terrible as taking over the whole clan!”
“Terrence needed to die!”
“And Henry does, too?! Does Henry need to die for fairly beating Pa and then sparing his life when he could have easily killed him?! Does he need to die for pushing you away from your third-in-line spot?! Or are you, Pa and Dad just traitors to the Toppat name, brewing senseless hatred to justify your own desires?!”
“Earrings, you can’t really think-”
“I don’t want to hear it, Sven! If this is how you really think, can I even call you a fellow Toppat? 
 Can I even call you a brother?”
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eunchancorner · 4 months ago
Little Talks (TTT)
This was meant to be tickle-centric and then it just kinda... took a hard left
God this is such a stupid thing
 It shouldn’t bother me so much
 It’s so stupid and childish and
 fuck, I miss it

Henry laid his head on his desk. He’d decided to come into his office late at night, to handle some work in the silence it provided. Unfortunately, that silence came with a price; roaming thoughts.
At first, he was lucky. He was thinking about plans for fun things to do with the rest of the Toppats, like parties or events. That led to thoughts about idle conversations Carol and him had before, the subjects of which ranged from favorite foods to movies. Slowly it devolved into other lives; Lives where he’d had those same conversations with Ellie and Charles, where he was friends with Dave, instead of just imprisoning him, and where he could have those same conversations safely with Reginald and Right Hand Man, as well.
Unfortunately, those thoughts led him down a road he thought he’d be more prepared for; tickle memories. Memories of laughter, silliness, fun, no matter how embarrassing or flustering. Memories of the kind of vulnerability he could have before.
The kind I’m not safe to have now

He took a deep breath, promising himself he wouldn’t cry. Despite how much he longed for that kind of vulnerability again, he wouldn’t cry. He couldn’t, not over something as simple and as childish as this.
I won’t cry. I won’t cry. Goddammit, I won’t cry.
?” Carol’s tired voice came from his office door, “I saw the light on
 are you alright in here?”
I’m fucking crying. Goddammit.
He raised a hand, gesturing as his head stayed face-down on the desk, trying his best to say anything at all. After a few seconds of trying, all that came out was a weak “... fuck
” he heard her sigh, before the door shut, hearing her walking towards his desk.
 I do it to myself, y’know
?” he managed.
“Yeah, I know
 It’s alright
 What were you thinking about this time?”
I can’t tell her. She’ll think I’m being childish and weird, there’s no way I’m telling her.
” she began, her voice almost scolding him, “I know better than to leave it at that. And you know it’s going to keep hurting until you tell someone
 So, tell me. I’m here to be the person you can trust.”
He heard a chair scoot across the floor, watching out of the corner of his eye as the ravenette sat next to him.
“Please tell me,” she urged, leaning a bit closer to try to look him in the eyes.
 it’s stupid
” he insisted, hiding his face the best he could.
That goddamn tone

“Will you at least tell me why you won’t say it?” she asked, her tone once again sounding almost like she was scolding him. “And don’t say ‘It’s stupid.’”
” he heaved a shaky sigh, “It’s embarrassing
“Aw, Henry
 I know you don’t have to trust me with these things, but
 Maybe you can try?” she tried, “After all, you’ve already entrusted me with your life, and your drunken rambles, what’s one more embarrassing secret? Just between you and me? You already know I won’t tell anyone
 it’s just not something I
 talk about with anyone
 it’s fucking childish
“Childish, hm? Well, then, let me tell you something.”
He peeked up at her, sighing a bit. “Go ahead
“You know how I have two rooms here, right? One of which is locked at all times, so no one can get in?”
He nodded a little, lifting his head and wiping away his own tears.
“Well, I’m only going to say this once, so pay attention
” she warned him, before taking a deep breath. “I made that room look like it was decorated like a five-year-old raised by the Witch and it’s my favorite place on the airship.”
He couldn’t help but sputter a quiet laugh at the description.
“I mean it,” she continued, “Bright purple walls, shelves lined with crystals and bat plushies, all sorts of random halloween decorations, and the bed covered cat plushies! There’s a reason that I don’t let people into that room, Henry; it’s embarrassing to think of people knowing I keep that little part of me that never grew into Carol Cross, one of the most fearsome Toppats. That part that stayed my mother’s sweet little Kitty-Cat.”
“Aw, Carol, that’s-”
“If you say ‘adorable’, I will shank you,” she warned him.
“Heh, noted
 I didn’t really expect that
 but why are you trusting me with that
“Because that’s what we’re supposed to do
” she shrugged, “We’re supposed to trust each other. Even with things that are embarrassing and childish. So
 Can you trust me?”
 I guess
 don’t laugh, okay?”
“... One laugh pass? You laughed at me, it’s only fair,” she negotiated, earning a small sigh from Henry.
She nodded. Henry sat up in his seat, taking a deep breath, trying to find a more
 plausible story to tell her than ‘My friends loved to tickle me in my other lives’. Luckily, he found he didn’t need to lie about it. Much.
 been thinking about things, y’know
 like I do when I’m alone in here. Today, I began to think about my mom
 and some friends I had once
” His face began to heat up, “They used to tickle me a lot
 it was
 it was really fun
 that was a long time ago
 back when I could be
 vulnerable with people
” He forced back more tears that threatened to spill. “That kind of thing just can’t exist now
 not with the traitor on board
“I dunno
 I feel like you’re pretty vulnerable when you’re drunk, yeah? And I was right beside you for that,” Carol pointed out with a soft smile.
“I mean
 yeah, but this is different. Plus, I know how you don’t like affection, so I don’t think you can help with this one
“I don’t like receiving affection, Henry. There’s a difference,” she pointed out, gently nudging him. He sat up a bit, looking at her, both confused and hopeful.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean I have no problems giving affection, Henry,” she explained. “Especially to my friends. And, well, I’ve come to think of you as a friend, honestly
 Even acting as your Right Hand Lady, I don’t feel like I have to be professional around you all the time. It’s reached a point where you feel less like a boss and
 More like a friend. So
 yeah,” she finished awkwardly, and Henry couldn’t help but smile.
 I have to admit, I’m
 I’m really happy you think about me like that. It’s nice to know you actually like spending time with me
 I was really hoping we could be friends,” he admitted.
“Well, then let’s make it official, shall we? Henry Stickmin, will you do me the honor of not only being my leader, but being my friend?” she asked with a playful smile, and Henry couldn’t help but laugh.
“Yes, Carol, I would love to be your friend,” he affirmed, still chuckling to himself.
“I take it you’re feeling better?” she asked, and he nodded a bit.
“A little, yeah. It’s not exactly what I was wishing for, but honestly, it’s almost as nice
“Well, maybe you can get a little of what you were wishing for tomorrow, alright? For now, how about we keep you from making yourself upset with your own thoughts again?”
“Explain?” he asked, a little confused.
“Bedtime,” she clarified simply, pulling him to his feet. “C’mon, we need sleep, you especially after crying like that.”
“Fine fine,” he conceded, following her out of his office. “Good night, Carol.”
“Good night, chief.”
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eunchancorner · 4 months ago
Rambles and Realizations (TTT)
I tried my best to write drunk Henry, and it just kinda went all over the place.
TW for alcohol consumption
Henry couldn’t hold his liquor to save his life. A lesson Carol had learned the hard way.
Normally, Henry didn’t like to get drunk anyway; he claims he doesn’t like how it feels, but Carol always felt like it was because he was embarrassed about being such a lightweight compared to the others. Nowadays, feeling like someone wanted his head on a mount also helped deter him.
But, tonight, he’d decided to go for it, as long as Carol was by his side. He claimed he could use something to help him destress after the hassle of addressing new members, the complications of canceling the rocket project, and constantly having to look over his shoulder. He’d suggested having one of the new recruits, a woman named Ellie, over to drink as well, but Carol still didn’t totally trust her, so she pushed against the idea. Henry had conceded, and she’d brought over some whiskey for them to share. 
A couple of shots in and Carol had decided that, for both of their sakes, she should stop, so she could keep an eye on him. Henry, however, kept going. Which led to where they were now.
Henry’s face on his desk, blubbering about ‘timelines’ and ‘endings’ and ‘fails’ and other things that made Carol wonder if Henry was just straight-up crazy.
“And-and in the one, where uhm- there’s this guy named Charles, y-you don’t know him, great guy, absolutely beautiful- a-anyway- and he- he picks us up, from like, the Wall, a-and takes me and Ellie to the rocket base, a-and then, we start an epic dance party! And then we, uh, w-we tie Sven up, and, uh, send the rocket to, uh, the-the uhm, the Wall. A-and then! There’s this- this one where I steal the rocket! And turn it into
 I-I forgot, uh
 shit, it was uhm
What is this idiot talking about? she caught herself thinking. Carol couldn’t tell whether she wanted to hit him and make him shut up, or laugh at how ridiculous it all sounded.
“God, Henry, you have one hell of an imagination when you’re drunk, don’t you?” she cut into his ramblings with a quiet chuckle, making him stop and turn to face her.
“Nononono, it’s- it’s all real! There-there was one where E-Ellie helped me escape, but I-I left her, and I came back here a-and she followed me! A-and she dethroned me! But I got away, with-with Thomas and Geoffrey a-and Dave!”
“Who the hell is Dave?”
“Th-the prisoner guy! Go- go ask him! And-and then we meet up with some weirdo in the desert! It’s true! I-I know it sounds crazy!”
Carol rolled her eyes at him. It sounded a lot more than crazy, but she decided to humor him.
“And are any of these endings one where you die, then?” she asked, expecting some ramble about him being ‘immortal’ or something.
Instead, he went quiet, averting his gaze for a few moments. Carol could see his mood shift almost immediately.
“S-some, yeah
” he finally began speaking again, “It’s- it’s mostly fails, but
 there’s- there’s one where, uh, Reginald succeeded in throwing me off, a-and I fell into the ocean. Then- then this doctor lady gives me robot parts, a-and I come back, and crash the airship and I-I kill everyone
 then-then I die, too
 What do you mean, succeeded? Like
 does he try and fail in one of these other timelines?” she questioned, raising a brow.
“This one! H-he did that in this one, but- but I was too fast for the bastard! I knew it was coming this time, heh
Carol’s blood ran cold. Reginald DID try to kill him! I fucking knew it! she thought.
“Henry, when did this happen?” she asked him, turning him in his chair to face her. “When did Reginald try to kill you?”
“When- when you guys were rescuing me, duh! He caught me and tried to throw me back down, but I grabbed his wrist! And- and I think the- his Right Hand Man was in on it! But you can’t tell anyone, okay? Especially not Carol, she’ll- she’ll flip!”
“... Right. I won’t tell her,” she ‘agreed’. “Anything else I need to know about?”
” he seemed to zone out for a few minutes, before snapping back to reality. “Ellie!! I-I need to make friends with Ellie again! She doesn’t know it, but- but her and I are, like, best friends! And she, uh, she- she helped me get with uh, Charles a few times! And- and we did dumb shit together, heh
 she’s so fun
“So you need to
 befriend Ellie?” she tried not to sound as shocked as she was at the sudden change. I didn’t think we’d go from attempted murder to
 friendship so fast.
“Yeah, yeahyeahyeah, she’s, like, the coolest person ever!”
“Ouch,” she feigned disappointment, chuckling as Henry scrambled to reassure her.
“You’re- You’re cool too! You’re strong, and intimidating, and-and you’re smart! You keep everyone in line! You kick ass but you’re also, like, really good at planning! You’re, like, the best Right Hand I could have picked!”
“Aw, Henry
” she couldn’t help but smile at him, “Thank you. You’re the best leader I could be the Right Hand to.”
Her smile quickly faded as he suddenly hugged her, and she quickly pushed him off.
“No, no hugging,” she scolded, but immediately felt bad when he looked hurt. With a groan, she conceded. “Fine. One.”
He quickly hugged her again, the smile returning to his face. She pat his back, grumbling quietly at how affectionate he was being, and after a few moments, she shoved him back off.
“Alright, hug’s over, get off.”
“Aww, okay
 thanks for being here
” he told her as he laid his head on his desk. She shrugged, though she could feel a small smile forming on her face once more.
“It’s my job to be here, y’know,” she dismissed him, but he shook his head.
“No, you-you could just be sitting outside of the door
 but you’re in here
 with me
 and that’s really nice
 because i-it gets lonely
 in here
 no one to trust
 but- but then you come in. And suddenly, I’m not lonely. And- and you could’ve left, but, y-you didn’t. You’re staying
 s-so thanks
She couldn’t help but smile softly at him, patting his back as he began to drift off.
“Yeah, yeah
 You’re welcome, chief.”
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eunchancorner · 2 months ago
Dominoes (TTT)
I decided I might as well write the idea Sven had on @ask-total-toppat-takeover
Dw this was already going to be a plot point
Henry was alone in his room that night. The night everything started going wrong.
He was preparing for bed when he'd heard a knock, and, thinking nothing of it, called for whoever it was to come inside.
“Chief?” he heard the voice ask. Kabbitz, he recognized. That was a bit odd to him, but maybe the big guy just had a question.
“Yes?” Henry asked, his back turned to the strongest Toppat.
“I have a message for you.”
Of course, someone wanted to say something but was too scared, so they send the strongest person they could find to do it! Henry deduced.
The explanation had made sense then.
He heard as the larger Toppat had drawn closer. He assumed it was to keep the message private.
He should've known better.
He realised that after feeling Kabbitz's hand on his shoulder, holding him in place. When time felt like it slowed down.
“Long live the real Toppat Leader.”
That was all he heard before he felt something stab right into his side, crumpling under Kabbitz like a piece of paper, before grabbing his arm, trying to shove him away. The leader quickly made a move for the pistol on his nightstand, just managing to grab it before Kabbitz forced his arm into the air, pointing the gun at the ceiling.
“Do you really think I'm that fucking weak? You're pathetic
 Now I see why he doesn't think you're worthy
Who? Reginald? Did Reginald put him up to this?!
He pulled the trigger, firing his gun into the roof, earning a chuckle from the taller Toppat.
“You can't hit me at this angle, idiot,” Kabbitz taunted him, “Your tiny little gun can't do sh-”
He was cut off as Henry heard three rapid shots behind the taller from the door, before he slumped onto him, limp and lifeless, forcing Henry down onto the floor.
“Henry!” he heard the shooter's voice from the door, his saving grace, the voice he was happiest to hear right now; Carol. He groaned as she pulled the oversized body off him, before helping him to his feet.
“I-I heard the gunshots, I thought someone- Oh, my god! Did he stab you?!” she realised, reaching for the knife before Henry grabbed her hand.
“Don't touch it! Just
 help me to the infirmary, will ya
?” he asked and she nodded, looking back at Kabbitz's body.
“What do we do about him
“We'll let the janitors deal with the cleanup
 and we're going to tighten up security again. This'll be the last time Reginald tries to pull his shit.”
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ask-total-toppat-takeover · 2 months ago
Earrings and Sven, how is the siblingship? (not great from what I can tell) : (
Earrings: Sven and I are not talking to each other. Not until he admits to the fact that colluding with the traitor was a stupid idea.
-In Sven's Room-
Sven: Earrings and I are not on speaking terms... Not until she admits that Pa is the better leader, and helps us make a new plot to overthrow Henry.
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ask-total-toppat-takeover · 2 months ago
Oh- and
.did RHM
..lose his position too
Reginald: *He sighed* Yes, and I feel... Horribly guilty for it.
RHM: Reg, my loyalty's to you, no matter who the leader is. It's not your fault Henry managed to grab you again, anyway... He's just smarter than we thought. We tried, we failed, we fucked up and found out. That's all there is to it.
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ask-total-toppat-takeover · 2 months ago
Henry, Carol, how are you?
Henry: I'm... Fine, I guess. It's been a lot, with everything going on but... At least I'm not alone.
Carol: Yes... I'm fine, too, by the way. Keeping Henry safe isn't as strenuous or demanding as Right Hand Man made it look. Just... Look scary and carry a big gun, that's about it.
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ask-total-toppat-takeover · 2 months ago
Hello Reggie! How are you and your RHM holding up-?
Reginald: We... We're holding up, at least...
RHM: We're not exactly respected anymore... Or... Even liked. It's not exactly... Ideal...
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ask-total-toppat-takeover · 2 months ago
{Always enjoy your fics 😁}
What are you gonna do to Reginald, Henry?
Henry: *one arm around Carol as they head to the infirmary* You'll see... First, I need to make sure I actually survive...
Carol, a little panicked but determined: You will, don't even say that you won't. You'll survive, I'll make damn sure of it.
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ask-total-toppat-takeover · 2 months ago
While I don’t exactly agree with this, I wanna see how this plays out. Launch your plan I suppose.
Sven: Good, because I don't feel like arguing anymore. You'll all see...
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