#total station south price
cod-dump · 8 months
Do you think Price learned French or something similar a long time ago, so long ago he forgot he even learned it since it never seemed to be useful, going as far as to say he only says he knows English and Russian. No one knows, not Laswell, not Nik, because Price never told them, either due to the fact he didn’t remember or he didn’t deem it as important enough to mention.
Until randomly, by total accident Gaz or Soap, turn on a French show or land on a French radio station, unable to distinguish a single word. Meanwhile, Price is standing in the doorway frozen as he realises he’s been able to understand the whole time and has only now remembered he actually knows a third language.
I dunno, I just find the idea of Price forgetting to mention facts about himself to others as way too funny.
Price forgetting facts about himself, or better yet, forgetting to mention things about himself because he thinks they’re irrelevant. And some of these things are in fact irrelevant… and some Price thinks either “Of course they know this about me, it’s so obvious” or he just forgets about it. If something doesn’t come up organically in conversation, Price may never think to mention it.
He didn’t mention he and Nik were married to Ghost or Gaz until Nik brought it up. They were the ones that revealed that piece of information to Soap so he wasn’t caught off guard like they were. Price collects bullet casings, most of them are from the bullets he used to take out marks, the names or codenames of said marks carved/written into the side.
Price has red notices in five countries in South America. When asked he just responds with “It was one hell of a party”. Seven times now the boys have ran into someone who knew Price in his rookie days and have responded with “You know John Price?” and it either continues with a gun being pulled out on them or the person proceeding to mention how unruly or downright unbearable Price was.
Price knows Latin, he learned it because he was bored. The boys didn’t know that he knew Latin until they heard him talking in his sleep and realized he wasn’t speaking English. Price knows Russian, of course. That’s the only language the boys know he speaks as common knowledge (other than English). Them learning he knows French, and that the man just ‘forgot’, doesn’t even faze them anymore.
It’s just another piece of Price lore.
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ghostaholics · 1 year
I had a dream about your enemies with benefits ghost x reader where the reader had a cryptic pregnancy. She kinda just doubled over in pain randomly and BOOM. Baby.
HE'S A LETHAL PERFECTIONIST TO THE CORE: rigid expectations impressed upon everyone; it's what makes him a first-rate soldier – grit factor and an appetite for excellence in everything he does.
(The thing is, Ghost doesn't make mistakes.
Of course, there's a first time for everything.)
It's chaos walking in Bangladesh, guerrilla warfare against an AQ cell weaseled away in Dhaka because the shiteheads have business with the organized crime bosses here. It's a city jam-packed with civilians, innocent lives. No open-fire allowed. A place like this means guerrilla warfare. Hit-and-run tactics. God knows he's not trying to start an international incident by blowing up half the bloody capital.
Cloak-and-dagger: they're picked off one-by-one. It takes a full day. A mess to be cleaned up, and he does it exceptionally well.
Ghost doesn't get any reports outside of the mission until he relays his total kill count.
"Good work," Laswell radios in. "We need you on the first flight to Oslo."
He lets out a slow exhale while jumping into the driver's seat of the vehicle he commandeered a couple blocks over. Time to make his way to the airport, then. They need his back-up. He knows what that means. But he's not going to think about the fact that the rest of the One-Four-One are there for a completely different ops and whether things have gone south if they're calling him in. He was supposed to be their fallback plan. "Everything solid?"
"It's Mav."
His grip around the steering wheel tightens. If he starts speeding through the streets, then he doesn't notice, too tuned in to the conversation at hand. "Fill me in."
"Landed herself in the hospital."
Again? Christ. It's the second visit in six months. He was there for the first one. Damn near had to stop the bloody doctors from calling out her time of death. Fuckin' tossers.
"What's the damage?"
"Yes," she says quickly.
"Then quit beating around the bush. The hell's wrong with her?"
"All in one piece. Just get here when you can."
Right, so no helpful answers from the Station Chief. And Ghost tries to contact the others, but gets the same fucking silence. Not Price, not Gaz, not even Soap who always answers just to take every opportunity over the comms to blather about anything and everything in real time. He's not sure why he's being kept in the dark like this, but it's definitely putting him on edge.
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The only other message he receives from Laswell: Oslo University Hospital. He'd combed the website for information in between stoplights. It'll do, he supposes. Their services don't seem subpar, which at any rate sounds far better than fucking Moscow; he still gets sick thinking about it.
So he checks in, gets his visitor badge. It's a whole ordeal that takes a lot longer than he likes. They tell him what floor, what room. That's the Gyneacology and Obstetrics Wing. He triple-checks, making sure nothing gets lots in translation; doesn't sound right to him, but he'll tear up the place later if they gave him the wrong directions. He memorized the hospital layout already; it'll take him approximately three minutes utilizing the right staircase, or seven minutes if he wants to take his sweet-fucking-time with the elevators.
"Our gift shop is around the corner," they tell him in a thick Norwegian accent before he makes his exit.
She doesn't like flowers or cards or sentimental things anyways. Calls them impractical. Would rather hoard his jackets or other belongings of his that she finds useful, so the gift shop would be a waste.
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When Ghost finally gets to where he needs to be, 2 minutes and 45 seconds later (skipped every other step just to shave off time), he finds everyone sans Mav waiting outside the room. It's not a happy reunion, despite Soap's grin. Everyone's intact, nobody's dead or anything that would excuse their silence during his trip from Bangladesh. Ghost is extremely unimpressed with their lack of communication and promises that he'll deal with their sorry arses later before shoving his way through the door.
—only to be met with the sight of her sitting up in bed, a tiny newborn bundled in her arms.
... whose fucking baby is that?
And when his eyes snap up to hers, she's glaring at him with a positively seething look that could kill.
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brookstonalmanac · 3 months
Events 6.16 (after 1910)
1911 – IBM founded as the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company in Endicott, New York. 1922 – General election in the Irish Free State: The pro-Treaty Sinn Féin party wins a large majority. 1925 – Artek, the most famous Young Pioneer camp of the Soviet Union, is established. 1930 – Sovnarkom establishes decree time in the USSR. 1933 – The National Industrial Recovery Act is passed in the United States, allowing businesses to avoid antitrust prosecution if they establish voluntary wage, price, and working condition regulations on an industry-wide basis. 1940 – World War II: Marshal Henri Philippe Pétain becomes Chief of State of Vichy France (Chef de l'État Français). 1940 – A Communist government is installed in Lithuania. 1948 – Members of the Malayan Communist Party kill three British plantation managers in Sungai Siput; in response, British Malaya declares a state of emergency. 1955 – In a futile effort to topple Argentine President Juan Perón, rogue aircraft pilots of the Argentine Navy drop several bombs upon an unarmed crowd demonstrating in favor of Perón in Buenos Aires, killing 364 and injuring at least 800. At the same time on the ground, some soldiers attempt to stage a coup but are suppressed by loyal forces. 1958 – Imre Nagy, Pál Maléter and other leaders of the 1956 Hungarian Uprising are executed. 1961 – While on tour with the Kirov Ballet in Paris, Rudolf Nureyev defects from the Soviet Union. 1963 – Soviet Space Program: Vostok 6 mission: Cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova becomes the first woman in space. 1963 – In an attempt to resolve the Buddhist crisis in South Vietnam, a Joint Communique was signed between President Ngo Dinh Diem and Buddhist leaders. 1972 – The largest single-site hydroelectric power project in Canada is inaugurated at Churchill Falls Generating Station. 1976 – Soweto uprising: A non-violent march by 15,000 students in Soweto, South Africa, turns into days of rioting when police open fire on the crowd. 1977 – Oracle Corporation is incorporated in Redwood Shores, California, as Software Development Laboratories (SDL), by Larry Ellison, Bob Miner and Ed Oates. 1981 – US President Ronald Reagan awards the Congressional Gold Medal to Ken Taylor, Canada's former ambassador to Iran, for helping six Americans escape from Iran during the hostage crisis of 1979–81; he is the first foreign citizen bestowed the honor. 1989 – Revolutions of 1989: Imre Nagy, the former Hungarian prime minister, is reburied in Budapest following the collapse of Communism in Hungary. 1997 – Fifty people are killed in the Daïat Labguer (M'sila) massacre in Algeria. 2000 – The Secretary-General of the UN reports that Israel has complied with United Nations Security Council Resolution 425, 22 years after its issuance, and completely withdrew from Lebanon. The Resolution does not encompass the Shebaa farms, which is claimed by Israel, Syria and Lebanon. 2002 – Padre Pio is canonized by the Roman Catholic Church. 2010 – Bhutan becomes the first country to institute a total ban on tobacco. 2012 – China successfully launches its Shenzhou 9 spacecraft, carrying three astronauts, including the first female Chinese astronaut Liu Yang, to the Tiangong-1 orbital module. 2012 – The United States Air Force's robotic Boeing X-37B spaceplane returns to Earth after a classified 469-day orbital mission. 2013 – A multi-day cloudburst, centered on the North Indian state of Uttarakhand, causes devastating floods and landslides, becoming the country's worst natural disaster since the 2004 tsunami. 2015 – American businessman Donald Trump announces his campaign to run for President of the United States in the upcoming election. 2016 – Shanghai Disneyland Park, the first Disney Park in Mainland China, opens to the public. 2019 – Upwards of 2,000,000 people participate in the 2019–20 Hong Kong protests, the largest in Hong Kong's history.
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ausetkmt · 11 months
Al Jazeera English: ‘The only way for us to survive’: The life of a New York City candy seller
New York City, United States – A clock on the electronic display flickers to noon above the bustling Times Square subway station in New York City. Amid the lunchtime crowd of commuters and tourists stands María, a 31-year-old single mother from Ecuador whose daily life revolves around this transit hub.
It is here, in the tunnels underneath the city, that María earns the money she needs to survive.
On her back is her two-year-old daughter, and in her hands is a colourful tray of candy, crammed with packages of M&Ms and Kit Kat chocolates and sticks of Trident gum.
From the Times Square station, María can hop on and off the Number 7 train, a popular link to the borough of Queens. As she walks from one carriage to the next, she repeats “candy” and “dollar” — two of the few words she knows in English — hoping to make a sale.
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New York City is in the midst of an immigration crisis, with more than 113,300 asylum seekers arriving since 2022 — and too few shelters to house them. With the city’s immigration policies in the spotlight, María’s interactions with the public can be tense.
“People insult us or record us without authorisation, accusing us of importing bad habits and poverty from home,” María said. “They don’t understand our situation.”
María — who is using a pseudonym to protect her privacy — is part of a population of largely Ecuadorian candy sellers who make a living on the New York City subway system.
Peddling sweets is familiar work for María: It is the same job she used to do in her hometown in the province of Cotopaxi. But it is also a necessity. Without legal papers authorising her stay in the US, finding steady employment is difficult, seemingly impossible.
“It’s what my cousin and other women from Ecuador I know do because there are no job opportunities. It’s the only way for us to survive,” María explained.
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But each sale only nets her one dollar, maybe two. After working 13 hours straight, from 7am to 8pm, she might come home with $50 on a good day, $10 on a bad one.
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A ‘third wave’ of Ecuadorian migration
By the end of September, the US Border Patrol had apprehended 117,487 Ecuadorians for the fiscal year 2023 — more than four times the previous year’s total.
Anthropologist Soledad Alvarez, a professor at the University of Illinois Chicago, considers this spike part of Ecuador’s third major “wave” of emigration since the 1980s.
She told Al Jazeera the current exodus began in 2014, “caused by the decline in oil prices”.
“Then the pandemic came and hit Ecuador severely,” she said. “Since then, this crisis has deepened under the administrations of Lenin Moreno and Guillermo Lasso, leading to substantial migration in recent years.”
The National Institute of Statistics and Censuses in Ecuador (INEC) reports that income poverty — defined as earnings of less than $89.29 per month — reached 27 percent in June. Extreme poverty, meanwhile, hit 10.8 percent.
Alvarez also points to the deteriorating security situation in Ecuador as a motivation for leaving.
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Last year was the worst for criminal violence, with 25 homicides per 100,000 people. And in 2023, the situation escalated. The homicide rate in Ecuador is now the fourth highest in Latin America.
María witnessed many of her neighbours and acquaintances leaving as a result of the violence.
The tipping point for her was when the father of her child passed away during the COVID-19 pandemic. She was alone, racking up debt, and what little she earned was sometimes stolen as the country’s crime rates ticked upwards.
“It’s not just jobs and food that we’re lacking. Ecuador has become extremely dangerous. We now live in constant fear,” María said.
She left Ecuador in the first week of April, travelling north through the Darién Gap, a dangerous stretch of jungle that connects South America to Central America. For two months, she walked and caught buses, spending $3,000 in expenses for the journey.
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Risks to selling candy
Back home in Ecuador, María said selling candy was primarily women’s work. But in New York, she competes with men and even children on the subway platforms, hawking candy she bought at a wholesale store.
The presence of young children has sparked particular concern among the public. Some subway riders have taken to social media to vent their frustration.
“This is child exploitation and should be banned,” one user on TikTok said. Another called on law enforcement to intervene.
Under New York state law, child labour under age 14 is largely prohibited and can be regarded as abuse. But Alvarez, the anthropologist, said many new arrivals from Ecuador are unaware of the local laws.
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Additionally, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) prohibits unauthorised commercial activity in the subway. Police can fine the candy sellers $50 if they catch them, so María is constantly on the lookout for their uniforms.
“We run away from the police when we see them. A ticket can cost what we earn in a day. Police also tell us that we can lose the custody of our children,” she said.
Gustavo Espinoza, a community organiser, explained to Al Jazeera that there are services and organisations working to educate new immigrants about the resources available to them.
However, those without legal immigration papers are often reluctant to seek assistance due to their fear of deportation, Espinoza said. They “live in constant fear”.
“There is evidently a barrier,” he explained. “There are organisations that want to help but they don’t reach the immigrants who need assistance but are afraid to ask or seek help.”
In August, New York City Mayor Eric Adams estimated the city could end up paying up to $12bn to support migrants over the next three years.
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But advocates say those efforts are not enough to help migrants and asylum seekers like María, who rarely goes anywhere without her child.
Some are pushing for the New York State Senate to pass a 2023 bill that would offer universal childcare to all parents, regardless of immigration status. But that legislation is still pending.
For María and others, though, there seems to be no alternative but to carry on with their daily routines, children in tow.
María’s daughter rides on her back throughout the day: She only ever sets the two-year-old down briefly, keeping a watchful eye on the child. On top of her cargo of candy to sell, María carries around cookies and a bottle of milk to feed her child, who often dozes as her mother works.
“I can’t leave my daughter alone at home. Nobody will care for her,” María said.
Life, at least for the time being, means balancing both childcare and selling candy in the subway: “There’s no other option.”
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therealtybulls · 1 year
Brooklin Towns
Key Details
Brooklin Towns is a Brand New Pre-construction Townhouse Project by Madison Group, coming soon to Baldwin Street South and Roybrooke Avenue in Whitby.
Developer: Madison Group
Address: Baldwin Street South & Roybrook Avenue, Brooklin Whitby, ON, Canada
Pricing: TBD
Occupancy: TBD
Building Types: Total of 159 Luxurious Townhomes between two phases ( Phase 1: 59 Two & Three Storey Towns)(Phase 2: 100 Stacked/Urban Towns)
Unit Sizes: 10 x 2-Storey Traditional Towns from 1697 – 1729 Sqft., 21 x Stree Towns from 1951 to 2467 Sqft. 28 x City Towns from 1944 to 2300 Sqft.
Deposit Structures: TBD
Incentives: Platinum VIP Pricing & Floor Plans, First Access to the Best Availability, Capped Development Levies, Assignment Available
Top Reasons to Buy at Brooklin
Brooklin Townhomes are coming soon to the corner of Baldwin St. South & Roybrook Ave. in Brooklin, Ontario. Brooklin is a community within the township of Whitby, located just north of central Whitby.
15-minute drive to Whitby GO Station with trains departing every 30 minutes
55- Minute train ride to Downtown Toronto
8-minute walk to the Brooklin Town Centre
Very closeby public transportation
Minutes from Shops and Restaurants
1-minute drive to Highway 407
20-minute drive to Highway 401
2-minute walk to the nearest bus stop
Nearby parks Carson Park, Brooklin Memorial Park and Brooklin Optimist
A Fresh new community by Madison Group is coming soon to Brooklin, where convenience, creativity, and athleticism meet you. Brooklin is a hub rich in academia, recreation and nature’s greenest gems. Next Stop, Home to……Brooklin Towns.
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musea-reviews · 1 year
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stedelijk museum Alkmaar
(City Museum of Alkmaar) ‘’The starting point for anyone who wants to experience the history and art of Alkmaar’’
Location: Alkmaar, North Holland, The Netherlands Price: 13,50 / Students Free Duration: 1 - 2 hours Transport: Less than 10-minute walk from Alkmaar train station Language: Dutch, English Activities: Look at historic art, and learn about the fight of Alkmaar against the Spaniards. Date of visit: Wednesday 17th of May 2023 Expo at that time: Van Gogh, Cézanne, Le Fauconnier & de Bergense School.Website
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Classy When I entered the museum, I put my bags and jacked in a locker and got a ticket. Then I got an audio tour and a man explained to me how the museum worked. Just like Het mauritshuis there where museum guards standing on every corner, even tho most paintings by famous artists here (like van Gogh) were copies and not original. The paintings from other painters were real. I sadly didn't take any pictures since my phone was dead, and I didn't have a charger with me. In the expo, the audio tour told the story of artists that were heavily inspired by van Gogh, which was not a good thing back in the day. The art schools thought his work was lazy with big paint strokes and not mixing in all the colors right.
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450 jaar Alkmaars ontzet it has been exactly 450 years since the Siege of Alkmaar. Where Alkmaar won from the Spanish and started the end of the 80-year war. The 80-year war (1568 – 1648)  was started by religion, Spain kept taking in more land in the south and spreading Christianity. In the Netherlands, they believed in paganism and Norse mythology, later changed into rooms catholic by the Roman Empire. But now Christianity took over, which made a stronger divide between wealth, churches were really rich and people were really poor. De Beeldenstorm (Iconoclastic Fury) was the turning point in this and is seen as the start of the 80-year war. At the Beeldenstorm the Calvinists (major branch of Protestantism) went into churches and took down the riches, breaking statues, paintings, gold, and other things of worth. After the Spaniards heard from this disrespect for the religion they love so much, they came to ‘’safe the day and bring order’’. So they got 10,000 people executed for these deeds. They couldn't execute the prince of orange, but did take his belongings, including his son, back to Spain. This made everyone angry, and no one was on Spain's side anymore. Then a lot of fighting back and forth, even the French and English got in on it. And then 80 years later they made peace, however the Netherlands was not allowed to keep south Netherlands (now Belgium)
Because of Alkmaar's victory, other cities learned how to drive the Spaniards out. The whole basement of the museum is dedicated towards this war. In my opinion, this part of the museum was the most interesting, however, they were almost closing, so I felt rushed and couldn't take my time. 
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Would I pay the price: I find the price reasonable, and it's great that students and anyone under 18 get to go for free. Would I revisit it: Not really, maybe I just don't have that connection to Alkmaar, but it did not interest me that much. Who do I recommend it to: Historical art enthusiasts, or people from Alkmaar
Interactive:         3 Educational:       2 Storytelling:      4 Price:                 4 Memorable:       2
Total score:        3
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coochiequeens · 2 years
If “sex work” is empowering then why did women need to be rescued?
SAN JOSE, Calif. - San Jose police said on Thursday that four women had been rescued from two separate brothels operating in the city. 
Detectives said the women were forced into performing as sex workers, and are now in safe hands. And the alleged masterminds are behind bars.
"I think it’s surprising for folks to think human trafficking can occur in the 10th largest city in the United States. But it can happen anytime, anywhere," said Steve Aponte of the San Jose Police Dept.
Investigators said their trafficking task force raided two brothels on Tuesday. One was located inside a neighborhood of high-priced townhomes and apartments in the 90 block of Bassett Street, in the city’s Ryland Park neighborhood.
"I saw a lot of police cars. I saw a gentleman, they had him arrested right here," said neighbor Monica Burrell. "I’m totally shocked because if you look at this neighborhood, you’d never expect anything like that going on here."
A second brothel was shut down in the 500 block of Winterberry Way, in West San Jose.
Two men are charged with collaborating to run the brothels. One of the men was arrested for an unrelated, outstanding warrant for sex trafficking.
Investigators say neighbor’s complaints led to their investigation, and subsequent arrests.
"I think that this crime has always existed. And fortunately, there’s more coordinated efforts to identify and address sex trafficking," said Perla Flores of the South Bay Coalition to End Human Trafficking.
She said the four women rescued from the brothels are victims of sex trafficking, and will require help for several years in order to heal.
"Shelter, food. Perhaps there’s medical attention that’s necessary. Perhaps there’s urgent legal issues. Maybe the individual needs an emergency protective order," Flores said.
SEE ALSO: San Jose prep school security guard accused of sexually assaulting 15-year-old student
Investigators said while they’ve been able to shut down two brothels, others could crop up, if there’s not a vigilant effort by all stakeholders to eradicate this crime.
"If it is suspicious and in the neighborhood, we hope folks will call it in," said Aponte.
The Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office will file formal charges.
Investigators said catching two alleged brothel operators could lead to the arrests of suspects in other crimes.
Jesse Gary is a reporter based in the station's South Bay bureau. Follow him on Twitter @JesseKTVU and Instagram @jessegontv
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realme-media · 5 days
Rustomjee Panorama Pali Hill | Offers 4 & 5 BHK Homes
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Rustomjee Panorama Pali Hill, placed within the prestigious Pali Hill place of Bandra West, Mumbai, is a landmark residential flats project designed for individuals who searching for luxury, consolation, and exclusivity. Launched through the famend Rustomjee Group, this top-rate development offers the most effective 25 devices for 4 BHK and 5 BHK homes, starting at INR 32.03 Cr. Spread over 0.42 acres, it guarantees a lifestyle that mixes comfort, opulence, and privateness in one of Mumbai’s maximum coveted neighborhoods.
Location Advantages
Pali Hill in Bandra West is thought for its lush green surroundings, movie star homes, and upscale lifestyle. Residents of the project revel in the benefits of living in this posh locality, which gives smooth get right of entry to high-end boutiques, gourmet restaurants, and premium leisure hubs. In addition, the community’s serene and quiet surroundings offer a nonviolent retreat from the metropolis’s hustle and bustle, even while still being close to all the principal sights of Mumbai.
It boasts superb connectivity to key regions of Mumbai. The Bandra-Worli Sea Link connects citizens to South Mumbai within minutes, at the same time as the Western Express Highway offers a smooth get to the suburbs. Additionally, Bandra’s railway station is close by, making tours across the town handy. Rustomjee Panorama Pali Hill Bandra West is also well-related to major enterprise districts such as BKC (Bandra Kurla Complex) and Lower Parel, making it an excellent area for specialists.
It offers a variety of world-magnificence facilities designed to beautify your way of life. Residents can revel in a totally prepared gymnasium, a pricey swimming pool, and a spacious clubhouse for social gatherings. Landscaped gardens offer serene surroundings for relaxation, whilst devoted children's play areas and walking tracks cater to families. The mission also offers 24/7 security, strength backup, and sufficient parking areas, making sure entire peace of thoughts and luxury.
Vaastu Shastra
The houses at Rustomjee Panorama are thoughtfully designed in step with the standards of Vaastu Shastra. Each house is oriented to maximize natural light, airflow, and positive energy, creating a harmonious living space that promotes well-being and prosperity. The format and structure mirror a balance of modernity and traditional layout, making sure peace and serenity for citizens.
Floor Plan & Master Plan
It offers spacious 4 BHK and 5 BHK houses, each designed with interest to element. The floor plans prioritize privateness, consolation, and comfort, with expansive residing regions, contemporary kitchens, and huge home windows that offer breathtaking perspectives of the cityscape. The grasp plan integrates greenery with open areas, developing a peaceful and extraordinary environment in the coronary heart of Bandra.
Rustomjee Panorama Pali Hill is the epitome of luxurious living in Mumbai. With its strategic location in Bandra West, one-of-a-kind 4 BHK and 5 BHK houses, and an array of pinnacle-notch amenities, it offers a lifestyle that is both high-priced and handy. For the ones trying to enjoy the pinnacle of elite dwelling, it is the final desire.
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brookstoneapart · 6 days
Welcoming Environment
If you are searching for pet-friendly one bedroom apartments in Rock Hill, Brookstone is an excellent choice. This community offers a variety of homes, including one-, two-, and three-bedroom options designed with comfort in mind. A highlight for pet owners is the gated bark park, providing a safe space for pets to play and socialize. Residents also benefit from an on-site car care center, making it convenient to keep their vehicles clean and maintained. Additionally, the playground on-site is perfect for families, offering a fun place for children to play and explore. With these thoughtful features, Brookstone Apartment Homes creates a welcoming environment for both pets and their owners in Rock Hill.
The Transportation System in Rock Hill, South Carolina
Rock Hill, South Carolina, has a well-developed transportation system that makes it easy for residents to get around. The city is served by several major highways, including Interstate 77, which connects it to nearby Charlotte, North Carolina, and other regions. For local travel, Rock Hill offers a network of roads and streets that are easy to navigate. Public transportation is provided by the York County Public Transit System, which offers bus services to various parts of the city and surrounding areas. Additionally, the city promotes walking and biking, with sidewalks and bike lanes available in many neighborhoods. Rock Hill’s transportation system supports a convenient and connected community for all its residents.
Main Street Children’s Museum in Rock Hill, SC
The Main Street Children’s Museum in Rock Hill, South Carolina, is a fun and interactive place for kids to learn and explore. Designed for young children, the museum features hands-on exhibits that encourage creativity and imagination. Kids can engage in role-playing activities, such as pretending to be firefighters, doctors, or artists. The museum also offers various educational programs and special events throughout the year, making learning exciting. With colorful displays and interactive stations, children can explore science, art, and nature in a playful way. Parents appreciate the safe and welcoming environment, allowing their kids to play and discover. The Main Street Children’s Museum is a wonderful destination for families looking for fun and educational experiences together.
Rock Hill Storm Damage Costs Around $5 Million
Storm damage cleanup can be quite costly, just like Rock Hill, where a recent storm caused damages totaling around $5 million. Several factors contribute to these high costs. First, the extensive damage to homes, businesses, and infrastructure requires skilled labor and specialized equipment for repairs and removal. Additionally, debris removal can be labor-intensive, involving heavy machinery and multiple workers. Insurance claims can also affect costs, as many homeowners face deductibles and coverage limits. Furthermore, the need for immediate response can drive up prices, as companies often charge more for urgent services. Lastly, the restoration process may include replacing damaged materials, which adds to the overall expense. All these elements combined make storm damage cleanup a significant financial burden.
Link to map
Main Street Children's Museum 133 E Main St, Rock Hill, SC 29730, United States Head southeast on E Main St toward Hampton St 0.1 mi Turn left onto S Oakland Ave 0.4 mi Turn right onto Cedar St 341 ft Turn left at the 1st cross street onto Charlotte Ave 1.6 mi Turn right onto McDow Dr 1.1 mi Continue onto Marett Blvd Ext 0.5 mi Turn right Destination will be on the left 102 ft Brookstone 1800 Marett Blvd Ext, Rock Hill, SC 29732, United States
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mariam0309 · 2 months
5 Ways a Home Warranty Service Saves Your Money in the Long Run - ServicePlus
ServicePlus - Total Home Warranty Service. Having your own home is always a dream come true. But do you know that happiness and joy will not last if your house is not protected with an effective Home Warranty Service? Imagine if you just bought a new car and a few weeks later something happened to it and it's not working properly. You go to a service station for the tune-up and find that your vehicle insurance is not updated. What do you do? Well, you spend the money on your car repair, it's that money you’ve been saving for that trip to your dream destination. Things go south in life, but it’s a big deal if something happens to your house, your appliances, or your plumbing system. The expenses are not cheap! In this blog post, we will discover 5 significant ways you can save big on your home maintenance with a powerful home warranty.
1.            Protection against major appliance and system breakdown
At the core of your house lies its major appliances and systems — water heater, dishwasher, refrigerator, HVAC unit, and more. Replacing these can boost thousands of dollars. A home warranty service mostly covers repairs or replacements for these appliances due to usual wear and tear.
Imagine your air condition system goes out in the scorching summer heat. The overall cost to replace it could be hefty. With a home warranty, you can take care of your AC with just a service call, and the company will cover the replacement or repair cost as per the policy regulations.
2.            Provides budget predictability
Unforeseen appliance breakdowns can wreak havoc on your financial planning. A home warranty delivers peace of mind by creating a predictable cost for repairs. You will pay a fixed monthly or annual premium, knowing that covered repairs wont derail your budget.
This advanced knowledge enables you to plan other major homeownership expenses, like property taxes or regular maintenance. It also reduces the stress of scrambling for funds when a major appliance suddenly requires attention.
Service Plus Home Warranty Plans Here!
3.            Avoids potential disasters and injuries
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A lot of home warranty service businesses offer additional benefits beyond appliance and system coverage. These can include:
Coverage for additional features: some plans cover extra costs like garbage disposals, ceiling fans, or garage door openers.
Discounts on appliance replacement: even if your appliance is not covered for replacement under the warranty, you might receive a discount on a new one via the warranty company’s network.
24/7 customer service: Having access to a dedicated support line for questions or emergencies regarding your coverage delivers valuable peace of mind.
Unlock maximum protection with ServicePlus Home Warranty
Appliances and home systems certainly break down all the time, it's probably given. Don’t be the unplanned guy, get an effective home warranty from ServicePlus today and cover your appliance's health to eliminate excess unplanned costly spending.
Home Warranty Companies Here!
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aquarockindustries · 3 months
Reliance Met Industrial Plot Price call @ +91-9650389757
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Location: Reliance Met Industrial plot is located near KMP expressway Farukhnagar on Gurugram Jhajjar road. Reliance MET industrial project is almost 20 Km from Bahadurgarh. Reliance MET also known as Farukhnagar industrial area. This project is 102 Gurugram, 17 Km from Dwarka and almost 25-26 Km form hero Honda chowk Gurugram. 
Connectivity of Reliance Met project: The area is connected with almost all the surrounding of Gurugram like Bahadurgarh, IMT Manesar, IMT kharkhoda & Kundli industrial area. KMP expressway provides the connectivity to this project with national highway – NH2, NH8, NH-71 and NH10 in the NCR. Najafgarh in west Delhi, Bahadurgarh on the North eat and Gurugram on the south east are connected with reliance project –Farukhnagar railway station is just 2 K away. Price reliance industrial plot price in compotator in market and investors are investing here on large scale. Price of reliance Met industrial plot price is available at various ranges like 1200 Sq Ft. is available at INR 10800 only.
Size of plot: The size of the plot is in different sq meters range to Acres and that starts form 100 sq meters to and ends at approx24 Acres.
Possession: Reliance Met industrial plot Met phase 1 is already under operations and industries have already started its production and reliance Met phase 2 is under development and will come into operation soon. Four land & road available electricity requirement has been fulfilled by state distribution grid. Drinking water and normal water usage is available and CGWA, government of India. Gas requirement is approved by Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL) to meet the gas requirements.
Stamp duty: Reliance MET industrial area has stamp duty of 5 % of total sales price.
Economy of reliance Met plots: The total area is scattered over 8000 Acres where 1700 has licensed approved by Haryana government. There are many industries and warehouse are here like consumer durables, footwear sectors, auto components, logistic parks. Big industries like Panasonic, denso & bati. Reliance met is an attraction for investors which provide new version for the people living and working area.
Loan Facility: We understand that businesses depend on efficient utilization of funds and a lot depends on a well-organized fund flow system to keep businesses running. Aquarock is one of the prominent companies in the debt syndication market in India with strong relationships with financial institutions, banks and NBFCs, mutual funds and insurance companies. We help with all the required loan facility.
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urbanrise · 4 months
Urban Rise City With Infinite Life: Premium Villas in Bangalore South’s Prime Location, Kanakapura Road
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If you are considering buying a residential property, an excellent option awaits you in Bangalore South, at Kanakapura Road. Urbanrise presents Urban Rise City With Infinite Life, a new address for homebuyers. Villas are available for sale in this project, which is currently under construction and expected to be delivered by January 2026.
Urbanrise is a reputed real estate brand in Bangalore South, having delivered 4 projects to date. There are 3 upcoming projects and 4 projects currently under construction by this builder.
Read on to discover essential features, Urban Rise City With Infinite Life Price List, Photos, Floor Plans, and other interesting details about the project.
Features & Amenities
The project spans 24 acres.
Approximately 220 units are available.
Urban Rise City With Infinite Life Kanakapura Road housing society includes multiple towers with 2 floors each.
Amenities at Urban Rise City With Infinite Life Bangalore South include a Swimming Pool, Football field, and Flower Garden.
Kengeri metro station is a notable landmark on Kanakapura Road.
Key transit points near Urban Rise City With Infinite Life include Kengeri metro station, Kengeri bus terminal metro station, and Kengeri railway station, with Kengeri metro station being the closest.
Property prices in the locality have decreased by 5.7% in the last quarter.
Urban Rise City With Infinite Life Floor Plans and Price List
The housing society offers the following property options in various configurations. Explore the Urban Rise City With Infinite Life Floor Plans and Price List:
Configuration: Urban Rise City With Infinite Life 4BHK Villa
Size: 2,472 sq.ft.
Price: Rs. 2.88 Cr onwards
Where to find Urban Rise City With Infinite Life Photos & Videos?
Check out interior and exterior images of residential properties for sale in Urban Rise City With Infinite Life Kanakapura Road, including 2 pictures of outdoor areas and 15 pictures of the facilities within the housing society.
What is Urban Rise City With Infinite Life Address?
Kengeri, Bangalore West
How is Kanakapura Road, Bangalore South for buying a home?
Kanakapura Road ranks #3 in the Top 100 localities in Bangalore South. Notable features of Kanakapura Road include:
Planned Metro Route
Connection to NICE Ring Rd.
Retail Hotspots
Ongoing Road Widening
Residents of Kanakapura Road have given it an average rating of 4.3 out of 5. Reviews highlight the locality's:
Good Public Transport
Easy Cab/Auto Availability
Nearby Metro Connectivity
Proximity to Good Schools
Well-maintained Roads
Walkable distance to Markets
These ratings are based on 864 total reviews.
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mysgprop-cstee · 4 months
【富力公主湾】R&F Princess Cove at Tg. Puteri, Johor
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Last Tower of Phase 2 (Completed) is open for Sales! Type R1 Sea View Studio * 外国人可购买 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐮𝐲 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐑𝐌𝟓𝟎𝟎𝐤 * (R&F Princess Cove Phase 2 - Seine Region) - Sea View Studio - 544 sq.ft (TYPE R1) - Freehold 永久地契 现金买家 Cash Buyer Price from RM 7xx,xxx 贷款买家 Loan Buyer Price from RM 8xx,xxx * 免买卖合同律师费 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐀 𝐋𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐋 𝐅𝐄𝐄 * 免按揭合同律师费 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐀𝐍 𝐋𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐋 𝐅𝐄𝐄 * 免外国人购置税 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐍𝐄𝐑 𝐋𝐄𝐕𝐘 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓 * 赠送1个车位 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄 𝟏 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐋𝐎𝐓 * 赠送部分家私 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐅𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝 Enquiry Now
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R&F Princess Cove at Tanjung Puteri, Johor CBD, Iskandar Zone A
The Gateway to Singapore/ Iskandar Malaysia
Type DescriptionsProject Name R&F Princess Cove 富力公主湾 Developer Name Guangzhou R&F Properties Co Ltd 富力地产LocationTanjung Puteri, Johor Bahru City Center (CBD)Tenure of LandFreeHold Commercial titleExpected Date of Completion (T.O.P.) Stages. Phase 1 & 2 completed.Site area 116 acres approximateTotal No. of UnitsPhase I: 7 Towers of 35 storey, a total of 3,224 Units consist of`1-4 bedroom, 3 bedrooms & Dual key Car Park Lots 4 Basement Carpark Level
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Developer by Hong Kong based R&F Properties Co Ltd, R&F Princess Cove is set to be a new landmark property development in Tanjung Puteri, Johor Bahru CBD. The phase one of R&F Princess Cove will consists 3,000+ of luxury apartments in 15 blocks. On top of this, the phase-1 of R&F Princess Cove will also house a shopping mall, a five-star hotel and an office tower. The development would be divided into four phases. The phase-1 is expected to be completed 2018, align with the expected completion of Singapore-Johor RTS Station. R&F Princess Cove sitting on the 116 acres of land, 3 times the site of Country Garden at Danga Bay. The land was bought at RM4.5bil in a deal involving the Johor Royalty in late last year (2013). This translated into RM890 psf (per sq ft), which is the second most highly priced land in Johor Bahru, trailing closely behind another China-based firm that had bought 37 acres of land in Danga Bay for RM991 per sq ft. However, you can now enjoy the early birds price at RM1100 averagely, simply express your interest now! About Developer's Background
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Guangzhou R&F Properties Co., Ltd. 富力地产  is  one of the tycoon property developers in China, listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange. With over 20 years of experience in property development, the company make its name with its iconic developments mostly the classical bungalows, grade-A office towers and five-star hotels. The developments are mostly in China with Malaysia as its first foreign project - R&F Princess Cove. The Company’s principal activity is the development of high quality of residential and commercial properties. The Company had developed numerous hotels, office buildings and shopping malls in Beijing, Guangzhou, and other cities, which are held as investment properties. As of time of writing, the company had developed over 100 projects, including Tianjin Guandong Building (Top-10 the tallest buildings in China) and 14 International 5-star Hotels, incorporated with InterContinental Hotels Group, The Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Marriott International, & Hyatt Hotels.
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Project Highlights Why R&F Princess Cove at Tanjung Puteri? - Close Proximity to CIQ , Johor Bahru - FREEHOLD at prime location of Johor CBD (Zone A of Iskandar Malaysia) - Close proximity to established eateries and amenities - Easy access to major roads and expressways, such as EDL, Costal Highway, Tebrau Expressway, Senai Expressway, & North-South Highway - Stone Throw to Proposed MRT/ RTS Station at Tanjung Puteri - Affordable Pricing from RM800 psf - Mega Project in Johor Location Map R&F Princess Cove is strategically located at the both side of the SG-JB Causeway bridge, being part of the Tanjung Puteri Waterfront Developments. 
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1 minute Causeway/Singapore (Woodlands), CIQ (via Eastern Dispersal Link), Johor Bahru CBD 8 minutes Southkey Megamall, Aeon Permas Jaya, Renaissance Hotel, Permas Golf & Country Club, Real International School, Banks(CIMB, PB, RHB, Hong Leong) 15 minutes City of Knowledge (Bandar Seri Alam), Giant Plentong, Ponderosa Golf & Country Club, Regency Specialist Hospital, Tesco Extra. Singapore CBD, Puteri Harbour Family Theme Park, LEGOLAND EduCity/MEDINI, Senai International Airport.  Site/Floor Plan
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Phase 1 (A1, A2, A3 & A7) Site Plan
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Phase 2 (A4, A5 & A6) Site Plan
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Facilities: - Garden clubhouse - Greenery Square - Swimming Pool - Feature Wall - Sea View Ox Bar - VIP Waiting Room - Children’s Playground - Gymnasium - Pool Room - Indoor Ox Bar - Grand Entrance - Gazebo Floor Plan: Phase 2 Floor Plan
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Phase 1 Floor Plan
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Unit Mixes Apartment TypeSizeStudio43.6sqm (469 sqft)2 bdrm 73.8sqm (794sqft), 81sqm (872 sqft), 81.2sqm(874sqft)2 bdrm + study99.9sqm (1075sqft) and 102sqm (1098sqft)3 bdrm97.8sqm (1052sqft) , 98.7sqm(1062sqft) , 100.3sqm (1079), 100.2sqm(1078) ,105.3sqm (1133sqft) ,105.4sqm(1242sqft)4bdrm129.3sqm(1391sqft)Dual key124.8sqm (1343sqft) Price Guide/ Sales Package ⭐PRICE GUIDE⭐ Please Contact Us at +65.84188689 It is important to only engage the Official Direct Developer Sales Team to assist you to enjoy the best possible direct developer price. There is no commission required to be paid. Interior Design/ Gallery With adhere to R&F’s TOP series quality of creation, R&F Princess Cove has launched the most luxurious sales gallery in Johor Bahru. 
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Download E-Brochures OFFICIAL BROCHURES/ Floor Plan e-brochure / floor plan Contact/ Register Your Interest
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Read the full article
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propzilla123 · 5 months
Birla Niyaara in Pandurang Budhkar Marg, Worli, Mumbai | Buy 2 & 3 BHK Luxury Apartments
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The Birla Niyaara Worli master plan presents a high-end residential venture by Birla Estates Worli, boasting contemporary amenities. Nestled in the heart of Mumbai South at Wali, this expansive project offers luxury living spaces for sale. These coveted homes feature 2 or 3 BHK, adorned with all the desirable conveniences. Approved by Maharashtra RERA, this development sets a new standard in upscale living.
Birla Niyaara Project Highlights:
Type - Apartments
Project Stage - Upcoming
Location - Worli, Mumbai
Builder - Birla Estates
Floor Plans - 2 & 3  BHK
Price - 6.49 Cr* Onwards
Total Land Area - 10 acres
Total Units - 700
Size Range - 850 Sq. Ft.* Onwards
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Birla Niyaara worli project Specification:
Pool for Swimming
Games Room
Verdant Lawn
Serene Meditation Area
Reading Nook
Fitness Center
Kids' Play Zone
Dedicated Space for Seniors
Versatile Event Hall
Birla Niyaara Location Advantages:
Birla Niyaara society is conveniently located at Pandurang Budhkar Marg, Kamagar Nagar Number 1, Century Mills, Worli, Lower Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra 421103. Its strategic position allows easy access to key destinations:
Mumbai Central Railway Station: 4.8 km (20 minutes by car)
Mahalaxmi Railway Station: 2.5 km (10 minutes by car)
Mumbai International Airport: 16 km (45 minutes by car)
Bandra-Worli Sea Link: 4.5 km (15 minutes by car)
Nariman Point: 11 km (30 minutes by car)
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Explore Birla Niyaara Price, floor plan, reviews and brochure.
You can find here more  luxury apartments in Mumbai  from Premium Developers in promising locations.
Contact Us:-
Website:- www.propzilla.in
Call:-  8010111152
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providentprojects · 5 months
Discover Provident Sunworth in Mysore Road, Bangalore West
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Nestled near Mysore Road-NICE Junction, Provident Sunworth Apartments emerge as a sprawling focal point in South Bengaluru, spanning across an expansive 60 acres. Developed by Provident Sunworth Bangalore, this property near Challaghatta metro station promises utmost convenience while seamlessly integrating you with Bengaluru's core. Immerse yourself in enchanting vistas of 19 acres of lush greenery adorned with 7,000 thriving trees.
Pricing Details:
2 BHK Apartments
Area: 883 Sq. Ft.
Starting Price: Rs. 58.99 Lakhs
3 BHK Apartments
Area: 1082 Sq. Ft.
Starting Price: Rs. 68.9 Lakhs
Located off Mysore Road-NICE Junction, Provident Sunworth City stands as the largest township in South Bengaluru, sprawling across approximately 60 acres. Strategically situated near Challaghatta metro station, these homes offer unparalleled convenience without compromising Bengaluru's connectivity. Embrace serene vistas in this verdant sanctuary, covering 19 acres and graced by 7,000 trees.
The meticulously designed 2 & 3 BHK Homes at Provident Sunworth City prioritize functionality and attention to detail, offering over 50 amenities to cater to your fitness and leisure needs. With a Chrysalis High School and Retail-Commercial space within its premises, this project fulfills both residential and educational requisites of its community.
Provident Sunworth Kengeri showcases thoughtfully designed 2 and 3 BHK homes, ensuring every comfort and utility is considered. With a plethora of amenities exceeding 50, residents can enjoy a holistic living experience focused on wellness, fitness, and leisure. Featuring 70% open space, the project fosters a tranquil and rejuvenating environment.
Each home at Provident Sunworth exudes luxury with modern fixtures, premium flooring, and sophisticated finishes, promising an elevated living experience. Discover the perfect blend of luxury, convenience, and comfort at Provident Sunworth Bangalore.
Choose from 2BHK and 3BHK configurations to suit your preferences. Please note that this project is not RERA registered.
Spread across 60 acres with 75% open space, Provident Sunworth Kengeri comprises 15 towers with up to 12 floors, housing a total of 1000 units. Residents can access over 50 world-class amenities, enhancing their lifestyle to new heights. Experience luxury living at its peak at Provident Sunworth.
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aquarock1234 · 6 months
Reliance Met Industrial Plot Price call @ +91-9650389757
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Location: Reliance Met Industrial plot is located near KMP expressway Farukhnagar on Gurugram Jhajjar road. Reliance MET industrial project is almost 20 Km from Bahadurgarh. Reliance MET also known as Farukhnagar industrial area. This project is 102 Gurugram, 17 Km from Dwarka and almost 25-26 Km form hero Honda chowk Gurugram. 
Connectivity of Reliance Met project: The area is connected with almost all the surrounding of Gurugram like Bahadurgarh, IMT Manesar, IMT kharkhoda & Kundli industrial area. KMP expressway provides the connectivity to this project with national highway – NH2, NH8, NH-71 and NH10 in the NCR. Najafgarh in west Delhi, Bahadurgarh on the North eat and Gurugram on the south east are connected with reliance project –Farukhnagar railway station is just 2 K away. Price reliance industrial plot price in compotator in market and investors are investing here on large scale. Price of reliance Met industrial plot price is available at various ranges like 1200 Sq Ft. is available at INR 10800 only.
Size of plot: The size of the plot is in different sq meters range to Acres and that starts form 100 sq meters to and ends at approx24 Acres.
Possession: Reliance Met industrial plot Met phase 1 is already under operations and industries have already started its production and reliance Met phase 2 is under development and will come into operation soon. Four land & road available electricity requirement has been fulfilled by state distribution grid. Drinking water and normal water usage is available and CGWA, government of India. Gas requirement is approved by Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL) to meet the gas requirements.
Stamp duty: Reliance MET industrial area has stamp duty of 5 % of total sales price.
Economy of reliance Met plots: The total area is scattered over 8000 Acres where 1700 has licensed approved by Haryana government. There are many industries and warehouse are here like consumer durables, footwear sectors, auto components, logistic parks. Big industries like Panasonic, denso & bati. Reliance met is an attraction for investors which provide new version for the people living and working area.
Loan Facility: We understand that businesses depend on efficient utilization of funds and a lot depends on a well-organized fund flow system to keep businesses running. Aquarock is one of the prominent companies in the debt syndication market in India with strong relationships with financial institutions, banks and NBFCs, mutual funds and insurance companies. We help with all the required loan facility.
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