#tortured violinist
hismercytomyjustice · 5 months
Why is it every time I go to my piano lesson I immediately forget every thing I have ever learned about music??? T_T
I swear I have played music before. My brain just sees piano music and stops working. I need to dust my violin off to rebuild my confidence. T_T
This shit is making me feel crazy. Dear lord.
Brain is just not braining right.
I am becoming increasingly convinced that my piano teacher thinks I’m lying about having played violin lmao.
I know that is probably not true (…is that my therapist outside my window?), but goddamn sometimes I’m starting to wonder if I actually did.
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kiksniko · 4 months
i want you to know that whenever you appear in my notifications i read your username as kyuskiko from meguca, with the intonation that(i think sayeku?) says it
THIS GUY ????????
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orcelito · 2 years
Honestly every time I think I love Dohalim as much as I can he makes me love him even more. It was hook line & sinker from the moment I set eyes on him. I was a Goner.
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forpiratereasons · 11 months
i think if you look at the linear timeline here we're looking at like, max a week tops. everything from ep 3 to ep 7 happens in the space of four days. its incredible. ed's having the Most Week of his life. he's been shot, beaten to death, left for dead, had hallucinatory visions, been saved by a mermaid metaphor, and that's just the fucking weekend!
monday he's having dinner with his two weirdest friends and the mermaid ex-boyfriend and their weirdest sailor who turns into an actual seagull. tuesday, if you're being generous maybe wednesday, he's got a cat collar on and his now on-again boyfriend spends all day fighting for the integrity of a cursed outfit. he catches a fish for the first time in his life. thursday they're being threatened with torture and death by a violinist, stede's killing a dude in cold blood, and they're throwing out the promise of slow they made the day before in favor of adrenaline fucking. friday it turns out stede's famous as hell and ed's getting a job as a fuckin fisherman and leaving him.
series three better just be this guy havin a fucking nap tbh he's earned it
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captainsvscaptains · 10 months
Round 1 Part 8 Poll 2
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Spoilers ahead
Crow is what's called a "spore eater", which protects her from physical harm but also causes severe dehydration. Like most spore eaters, she feels the tradeoff is not worth it, so she manipulates her crew into piracy so they'll be desperate enough to venture into the dangerous seas where the dragon Xisisrefliel lives, as Xisis is reputed to be able to "cure" spore eaters. (It turns out that the cure requires ongoing maintenance from the dragon in order to be ongoingly effective, so her plan was flawed to begin with.)
It's Lucky Jack! On his very first command, took a frigate with a sloop, and filled up Port Mahón with prizes. He's a disaster on land, kind of shit with money, but he is brilliant at sea, ingenious and strategically minded. He loves his wife, Sophie, and his bestie, Stephen Maturin, and he gets up to all sorts of hijinks with the latter. He rescued Stephen from being tortured by the French, actually, and Stephen frequently uses his own connections to try and work to Jack's advantage. He's obsessed with gunnery, and his crew generally love him because he's disciplined but not a hard-horse, plus he's lucky and brings them lots of prizes and prize money. He's a jock, but later in life he starts to love math for its own sake, as well as becoming an astronomer of no mean ability; he's presented papers on math and astronomy to the Royal Society. He's a great musician, a violinist, and his duets with Stephen (a cellist) are so incredibly touching to read about. His music is just... beautiful. Stephen's hands were wrecked by torture, and later on we find out that Jack's been downplaying his own ability to match Stephen's level, because he'd rather play average with Stephen than perfectly alone.
There's so much more I could say but tldr he's the best I love him.
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shiraishi--kanade · 5 months
If any writer here wants to torture Touya with new and inventive ways classical background/Harumuchi specifically could limit him in performing, or otherwise possible scenarios, here's some fun ideas under the cut for you.
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1) Memory slips. Harumichi method of teaching was (bad) to start the piece from the very beginning the moment Touya made a mistake. While that probably reflected poorly on Touya's ability to roll with mistakes in general, I think it would be most prominent with memory slips.
With performing, especially solo, the moment your next movement slips your mind, recovering is very difficult. The stress response from your brain actually stops you from thinking rationally, so you begin to panic more and more the more you hesitate. Because of this, many classical and all sorts of performers practice getting "unstuck". There are different methods, but most agree that you should have a check-point in a piece that you know you can come back to if you mess up. More advanced players usually think that "your checkpoint should be everywhere", i.e you should be able to start playing from literally any place in the music on a whim - so if you make a mistake, you can recover easier.
Im general, only learning to play the whole piece and re-starting if you make a mistake will damage that precious skill critically. If Touya is so used to drilling everything to perfection, he's not used to the idea that you should just keep going. He probably didn't need to, either.
Imagine Touya just. Forgets his lyrics and instead of ad-libbing them he just. Stares blankly, freaking out.
2) Loud audience. Double for autistic/neurodivergent Touya and the possibility of sensory overload. The audience during classical concerts/recitals is very quiet. You're not supposed to clap, cough, much less talk or yell, until the piece is over.
Adjusting from that to how loud the livehouse is, and the fact that that loud is a good thing that he should enjoy, could potentially be a rough ride for early Bad Dogs Touya.
3) In a similar vein: actually having to move during performing. Canonically, Touya isn't the most athletic person, but I don't even mean that in that way. More of a... Touya is a pianist. He's also a violinist, but primarily, he is a pianist. All he does there is sit. His position is clearly defined, he knows his role. Even with violin, you don't really move much while playing.
Singing at a livehouse is different. Where is he supposed to go? When should he dance? When to call out to the audience? How mindful he should be around equipment? Touya and measuring the size of the stage by pacing back and forth so he doesn't run into a wall on accident while still getting used to the fact that just standing on stage is no longer acceptable.
These are just something from the top of my head! I think it would be interesting to see those details, but I don't think Sega would show us, haha.
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dont-justdont · 10 months
here is a list of things that i so wish would happen in s2 of iwtv but im not really sure they will (im manisfesting it into being, sue me) :
- the europe trip before louis and claudia come to paris. i absolutely love that part of the book because in canon, louis and claudia do not know whether or not other vampires exist, and there's this desperation of are we alone in this world and can we go on knowing that? except in the show 1) claudia has already met killer so they know they're not alone so that desperation is not as palpable and 2) with everything that went down last episode and with rashid being armand i feel like it would drag things and not fit as well in the story to spend a whole episode before paris both for the viewers but in the perspective of story telling as a whole
- this does not happen in the books but just imagine : claudia and louis come into armand's rooms for the first time, louis is enamored with armand but claudia is looking around and armand has all these gothic horror looking things around including a pair of hands that kind of look like a statue but are also too gruesome and look too real to be made of rock and armand just says something along the lines of "you know how violinists can be" and changes the subject but i just want, no i need armand to have nicki's hands as a decoration somewhere i feel like he would definitely do that and it would just be a nice easter egg to put in the show (please mr producer please)
- lestat clutching claudia's dress in the theater after she dies and louis seeing him. THE DRAMA is just unbelievable and i absolutely love that scene, it's one of the things im mad they didnt include in the movie and i just hope with all my little heart they will include in the series. just imagine: feral louis who just got buried alive, armand in the back SATISFIED WITH HIMSELF (he is so manipulative i love him) and lestat just small and weak clutching a piece of claudia's dress while louis is both relieved but also terribly mad at lestat for being alive and just???? i love the entirety of this please make it come to life
- daniel fucking malloy requestioning the veracity of the entire story and just him being like was it raining louis?!? everytime louis speaks. i mean this is obviously going to happen but im so ready for it
- additionally, armand questioning daniel (cue devils minion? please pretty pretty please mr producer?) about the last years because i am convinced devils minion happened after the first interview but daniel doesnt remember/doesnt want to remember and i just NEED armand to torture him with that (not literally, or literally as well im not picky) and i need to see them together please
- lestat being seen through armand's perspective. now hear me out : sam has said multiple times that while he was playing lestat, he was playing him through louis' perspective of him, and he'd go like "nope that's not what happened" and bla bla bla. except now we get narrator!armand so im asking the question (and praying we get the answer) : what does lestat look like from armand's perspective? how does he act and how does that version of lestat contrast with louis'? DO THEY SEE THE CONTRADICTIONS BETWEEN THEMSELVES AND FREAK OUT ABOUT IT?!? (because i will) daniel you better call out their bullshit or i am coming for you
this is already a long post so ill leave this as is for now but i might (will) come back with more eventually, please tell me your hopes for s2 i cant wait!!!
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idliketobeatree · 11 months
absolute respect for Ned Low the aspiring violinist pirate. he's been hunting down Blackbeard for usurping his record of 88 consecutive raids for years, but found him in a few hours. he got workers-striked by his crew in the middle of a torture session, where half of The Revenge was laughing it off and the other half was horny. his little insults were a catalyst for Stede and Ed fucking through their promise of taking it slow. he actually showed up and died 20 minutes later. what a star. thank you for your service I guess
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xjade-lotusx · 11 months
Nothing is more funny to me than lucius and pete fucking for a whole 24 hours and missing calypso's birthday, a beautiful serenade by izzy, wee john in drag, a violinist maniac attacking their ship and the crew being horribly tortured. Amazing
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hismercytomyjustice · 5 months
I did wind up signing up for piano after all. I just had my second lesson and thank god it went so much better than the first.
I’m definitely one of those “oh, I’m not immediately good at this? Time to pretend that never happened” people.
I know it’s good for me but I hate it. 😭
Some vague piano knowledge has returned from when I took piano for two semesters in college (like 10+ years ago oh god I’m ancient).
All I know for certain though is FUCK the bass clef. It can go right down to hell where it clearly wants to be played. Bl
I was a spoiled violinist for 12+ years and a soprano for another handful. I shouldn’t have to be tortured like this. 😭😭😭 I wasn’t meant to read bass clef, goddammit.
Yes, I know it’s just kind of transposed treble clef, but do you think that helps me????
Also why does the piano go 5432112345 when playing??? This should be ILLEGAL. I can never innately tell my right from my left and this is like that but even worse somehow. 😭😭😭😭😭
Why am I paying to be TORTURED?????
Also also, are there actual positions on the piano because this shit just feels like witchcraft with all the moving around and “oh now this note is your thumb.”
You know what doesn’t do that? THE VIOLIN. The violin respectably has specific positions that are always the same. You’ve got your 1st, 3rd, 5th, etc and YOU’RE GRATEFUL FOR IT. None of this willy nilly nonsense!
please god tell me the piano does have this because i’m scared
…it might not seem like it, but I am actually enjoying my piano lessons.
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If possible, may I request ❛ i'm simply enjoying the view. it's not every day i get to fuck someone so pretty. ❜ for the maestro Antonio? Thank you! ^^
Moving at the speed of light writing lol
Rated Explicit | Warning: minor religious themes
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To gaze upon the heavens, one must look up from the hells. That is how it feels as he lays upon his makeshift bed as you slowly lower your hips to meet his hips. Tonight they sneaked away from a party to be alone. The twinkle in your eyes, the way your eyes stayed locked on his, and your coy smirk spoke for you.
The way you lead him to the wine cellar, this romantic corner you have been planning for weeks presented to him, he thinks your excitement outdoes his.
“Tesoro,” You smile as you sit on his lap, “Are you sure?” His hands on your thighs and remaining there, gripping it even.
“Quite,” Your hands sliding up the dress shirt, “Unless you aren’t ready. Then I will stop—” The Violinist grabs both sides of your shoulder before pulling you down for a kiss, the kiss that leaves rocking forward on his lap to taste as much as him and he does with you. “Antonio.” The parting makes you feel like something, a piece of you was taken away.
“(Name).” Taking you once more. He sits up to allow you to take off his suit coat, then the shirt is ripped open from your need. Oh, it seems you are the one who is going to rip clothes off tonight. Then you are close to feral, biting his throat and around his collarbone, his chest free to grab and leave bite marks. He laughs as you toss off his shoes and pants.
“What?” Already you have a hand in his boxers.
“It is nothing but,” Lifting his hips to push down his boxers once more you toss his clothes to the floor. “I expected myself to be the… Eager one.”
You chuckle as you admire your prize, “Shall I behave disinterestedly?” His cock twitches as it becomes semi-hard, “Maybe just use you for a quicky?”
“Do not dare.” Now that is a voice you never heard.
You lick the side of his cock, it grows harder in your hand, “Hmm.” Humming against it as if you are considering his words. “Maybe if you behave.” Another long lick from the base to the tip.
His hair moves with his head as he throws his head back, a long groan from deep within his chest. His hands gripping the many-layered blankets on the floor. “(Name).”
You love how he says your name, like a prayer song from King David, you moan as you take him further in your mouth. It is bigger than you prepared for. You only can take so much, not like that stops you from taking more and making tears well up at the corner of your eyes. All of it is worth it to see Antonio not holding back his moans. Those are like music.
“More.” His hand is on your head petting your hair like one does to a pet.
Oh, you give more. You give everything to him tonight. Your body's for him to make sweet music with, he is your dance partner to perform a private show.
And it is only midway when you both are in the fog of pleasure and patience.
“I'm simply enjoying the view.” Grinning in a fashion that you know is not his own.
You sink further, the tendrils of his hair, like snakes slithering up and around your body. “Antonio,” He fears he is hurting, “To think I can draw the devil out of you.” You like this a lot, “Go on, there is nothing I can't handle.”
A challenge both demon and man want to see you hold up to.
“It's not every day I get to fuck someone so pretty.” You say as now he is completely inside of you, “And so big. God, you feel amazing.”
“As do you, mi tesoro.” His most treasured love, “A masterpiece none can compare.”
“Hm, keep talking and I must cum just from you talking.” Not like he going to let you but that idea is saved for another time. Right now he wants-- No, needs to ravish you. The dance you had him be your partner in was torturous, and though he stuck to his word to wait and he would not complain about it, he is grateful to be the one under you witnessing and moving along with you in this new dance you want with him. You are gleeful, charmed, and charming; you rather enjoy the duality he has between a man who wants to make love as a man and the demon that controls the tendrils of his hair. It does not feel like hair though like it usually does, it feels cold, hard, and smooth; everything but hair now.
“Yes, harder.” You command and he obeys by not only switching so he can gaze upon the angel he has captured for himself, but he also lifts your legs higher driving himself deep inside of your heat.
“(Name),” The one man who can say your name like a prayer, a confession of his latest sins, “You feel amazing.”
“Not bad yourself, love.” Out of breath, you both laugh, “A piece of me I longed for... I fear my heart is completely yours, maestro.”
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dc3south27 · 1 month
Why Funny Valentine would make the best US president a post.
⚠️ This post contains spoilers for part 7 of JoJos bizzare adventure ⚠️
Funny Valentine would make the best US president if he was real. I will prove my claim using irrefutable evidence I have carefully collected and coagulated into this very text.
Part 1: Love for his country
Funny Valentine throughout steel ball run is shown to be a lover of the United States. He only wants the best for his republic and is willing to go to extreme measures for what he sees as vital to the success of his nation no matter the risk.
Funny Valentine goes through the trouble of setting up an expensive race costing millions of dollars of which 1.5 million USD is given as a prise to the victors (which is 1.5 million USD in 1890 adjusted for inflation)
However many forget that the Steel Ball Run Race expenses were not only it's prise money but also the extensive amount of resources needed to carry out the six month long journey across an entire continent. This is an unfathomable amount of money far exceeding the prise money by an amount I don't even think I have the time to calculate.
But do you know who did have time to calculate the race funds? That's right, the Valentine administration. Yes other parties were involved however the race was also funded by the US government. This task requires hours upon hours of time effort and dedication to prepare. Something most if not all other politicians would never think of doing.
The race brought tourism to the growing US economy. It was a monumental success not just on a national level but also an international level.
Valentine is very vocal about his love for his nation and he will do anything to see his nation flourish.
"As President, it is my sworn duty! In this world, to guarantee the safety of the people of my country. That is what it all comes down to!"
Valentine says this quote as he is in the middle of a fight to the death with a gay Italian cowboy. I highly doubt that any other US president would ever consider fighting a gay Italian cowboy to the death in order to guarantee the safety of his nation. His dedication truly is something we should all admire.
Part 2: Outlook on the world
Funny Valentine is a man of consistency. He is always wearing the same outfit. His coat, pants, shirt and gloves are formal and stylish. His image is unforgettable. His iconic pink coat matched with his lush curled hair gives him the fruity look we need from a president.
Funny Valentine will always take the napkin first. He acts first and has others follow suit. This is an admirable trait. Can you name any other president that is or has taken swift action to benefit their country. No, only president Valentine has the guts to act first. He isn't slow and he isn't a fool. He is a man of action.
Valentine is often seen overlooking situations silently observing. He is planning and cunning. All of his moves are calculated and carried out with pin point precision. He takes the time he needs to ponder and think. Yet he is never indecisive. His philosophy can guide his nation to the prosperous society it deserves.
Part 3: A man of the people
Funny Valentine is a charismatic and charming leader. His ability to stir up a crowd and influence those around him in a positive way are unmatched by all other political leaders past and present.
He is excellent at violinist. He enjoys parties and drinks. He understands the layman. He himself suffered through war and torture at a young age. Yet he never regretted any of it. He understands everyone and their needs. And that's why he would do anything to serve his nation.
"I have feelings of patriotism. Every action I have performed was because I judged it to be absolutely necessary for this country's sake."
He would do anything for his nation. Even going out of his way to fight a gay cowboy from Kentucky and his gay Italian boyfriend.
Thank you for reading! Just to clarify this entire post is a joke I don't actually believe this I just thought it would be a funny idea for a post.
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tipsy3695kiss · 2 months
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dick appointment decompression… hot syrian and seemed chill at first smoked a joint and then the torture started. were talking about bach bc he was violinist and then he clocks the book on my side table somehow and i felt trollish so i pulled it out and he just starts disappearing into it… like staring at it agog and so i had to like explain to him the distinction between eroticism and pornography and he seemed like too into it andvhdhfmnc. and then hes like. it seems so incestuous but i cant tell if its just because of how like asians and black people look the same im always confusing them its an honest mistake. and so i put the book away and we kiss once and jump cut to trying to pry from me what i want out of “this” like relationship vibe and we just met and he keeps saying how he keeps falling in love w people and never seeing them again and i clock how he is a spiritual and physiognomical twin of the most neurotic jew i know and im sitting there staring at him quiet like im not entertaining any of this. and then he was looking at my apt and he was like. its so nice in here. and with a pregnant stare hes like. you deserve it. how tf u know that. and then i felt like i was just dodging pointed statements that came from such a dark tomb like how he masturbated 5 times that morning manically before meeting with his klezmer band and that was a record for him and how that always comes from a place of grief but he wasnt gonna talk about that. and i had to just damage control until he decided to leave and asked to see me later in the week and i was like im working all week and im not.
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sam-reid · 4 months
What did you think of episode 3?
anon, i've been sitting on your ask for a bit because i wanted to rewatch the episode first, but on a whole i have to say i really loved it.
the rising tension between armand, the coven, and louis and the looming spectre of what he and claudia did to lestat is absolutely perfect. i'm getting increasingly fascinated by the dubai plot and the talamasca inserting themselves into the story. and the fact that we got to see some of the vampire lestat finally adapted for the screen (even if it's armand's biased and abridged version) means SO much to me as a giant fan of that book. i loved the choice the writers made to have all their dialogue be in french.
though we only got a glimpse of joseph potter's tortured violinist, i already want to see more of his nicki in a future season where they can fully explore his involvement in the story.
i also just continue to be fully captivated by jacob every week. his performance is masterful and an absolute joy to watch. it's insane that he's not being nominated for major awards for his portrayal of louis at this point.
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crawleighbbygrl · 11 months
I don't think you guys understand Stede killing that guy the way he did was just SO utterly cruel.
As a violinist, if I was drowning in the ocean that would be bad but IF I HAD TO WATCH AS MY VIOLIN WAS THROWN INTO THE FUCKING OCEAN?!?!?!?
Absolute torture.
It's the stuff of any musician's nightmares. The instrument would never recover. That source of such beauty is just gone from the world forever.
Its just devastating.
It honestly hurt my soul to watch.
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Some speculation for what's to come based on the OST* and my own perception and yearning
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Not so much to guess about this one. The opening track and how it is used to introduce Delainey's Claudia is one of the most spectacular pieces of cinematography that I've seen in my entire life
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We know which scene Paris sucks belongs to since we've already seen it in the trailers so it makes sense for it to be at the begining of ep. 2.
I speculated that Who are the young men could be related to Lestat and Nicolas and their portraits hanging in the theatre. But it can also be about Loustat first meeting and even the brave men they met at the park (cruising-meet cute confirmed around min 21:00)
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They invite us for a hunt is def the slaughter scene at the palace after the motorbikes and Armand for you could be the moment Armand finaly joins the interview (meaning, Daniel paying attention to him finally) by the end of the episode.
Included Raglan James in ep 2 cause I wanna see Justin Kirk asap but he might as well appear at the begining of ep 3.
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The 1700s flashbacks are said to happen at the beginning of this ep so The fourth great law could be an introduction to Armand as a coven master in both the 1940s and 1700s and A vein winding through paris sounds like something Armand would say to describe the city and the time. This is when Arlecchinostat is supposed to happen so there should be some remarkable track that didn't make to the OST
I don't like windows when they're closed we know is Claudia's debut performance so wouldn't it be beautiful if we hear it right after Lestat's 1700s show?
Amadeo... I don't even know how to make sense out of this one. I'm just getting ready to be stabbed through the heart and that's it
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This episode is when Caludia meets Madeleine so most of the tracks may have to do with it and Madeleine as a character.
Hello Francis, Goodbye Francis I think is referring to the Francis Bacon tryptic
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First time in new orleans sounds like a way to introduce the first interview.
I didn't know it was a gift I don't really know how to explain it but since it's probably in episode five (unless it isn't) something about someone being too young and stupid to realise something is important and what Eric said about Daniel reading something from one of his books that didn't know what he meant when he wrote it. Something...
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Most of these tracks will probably have to do with theatre performances.
Ladies And Gentlemen as in something Santigo would say; Jardin de Satan might be some of the plays Nicolas wrote.
Come To Me Again it is a performance on its own**
Annika is probably the girl they torture on the stage and Le Bucheron and Woodcutter... a lot of foreshadowing (Le bucheron could even be a pun in French although I don't know enough French to be sure). We have also seen a play about a woodcutter in one of the trailers
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The Five Great Laws for this episode since it is probably going to be The Trial and we know Baby Lu is Claudia's (unfortunate?) theatre persona
My gut tells me that Je N'Aime Pas Fenêtres Quand Fermée will play at the end titles of the episode, in contrast with the atrocities that might have happened previously
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We know that Nicolas should have already showed up at some point between ep1 to 6 so For A Young Violinist Again being at the bottom of the list can only mean that we will see him once again. Something tells me it will be painful and maybe the first approach to authentic Nickistat.
Love Wronged could be applied to almost every relationahip in the show
In Nomine Magni. Who could possibly say a line like this in Latin so close to end of the season?
Followed Closely By My Madness has Nicolas de Lenfent written all over it again
Vien À Moi Encore sounds perfect for a dramatic clifthanger, maybe even Lestat coming back to Louis
*Considering always that the titles are in order of appearance as they were for the S1 OST
**Unlike Come To Me on Rue Royal that goes at the bottom as a bonus track, I doubt we will actualy hear it *in* the show but we will see
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