#torna a casa
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#maneskin#damiano maneskin#damiano david#queen vic#victoria de angelis#thomas raggi#ethan torchio#vic de angelis#italians do it better#Italiano#la fine#Torna a casa#New Song#rock n roll never dies
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Måneskin BTS Torna a Casa & Fear for Nobody music video shoots❣️
#maneskin#måneskin#må#damiano david#thomas raggi#Victoria de angelis#ethan torchio#il ballo della vita#torna a casa#behind the scenes#thomas maneskin#damiano maneskin#damiano#victoria måneskin#måneskin ethan#måneskin damiano#maneskin damiano#måneskin thomas#maneskin thomas#maneskin ethan#ethan maneskin#måneskin victoria#maneskin victoria
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Yesterday, I rewatched this work of art.. And I noticed that they have changed so much since then. They are so young аnd cute here🥺
#maneskin#vic de angelis#damiano david#concert#ethan torchio#måneskin#thomas raggi#rush#måneksin#photos#teatro d'ira#torna a casa
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PalaLuxottica, Belluno 22.12.23
🎥 simone_italiano_
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Perché anche gli angeli a volte han paura della morte ( ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ഒ
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Torna a casa | Thomas Raggi

Pairing: Thomas Raggi x reader
Summary: Song that was promised to his one and only that he met on a lonely day in park in Italy.
Warning/s: smoking and heartbreak, possible grammar and spelling mistakes (English is my second language, I'm sorry)
Author's note: as promised, here is the one for our favorite boy
(E/C) - eye color
(H/C) - hair color
Cammino per la mia città ed il vento soffia forte
Mi son lasciato tutto indietro e il Sole all'orizzonte
Vedo le case, da lontano, hanno chiuso le porte
Ma per fortuna ho la sua mano e le sue guance rosse
Lei mi ha raccolto da per terra coperto di spine
Coi morsi di mille serpenti, fermo per le spire
Non ha ascoltato quei bastardi e il loro maledire
Con uno sguardo mi ha convinto a prendere e partire
Che questo è un viaggio che nessuno prima d'ora ha fatto
Alice, le sue meraviglie e il Cappellaio Matto
Cammineremo per 'sta strada e non sarò mai stanco
Fino a che il tempo porterà sui tuoi capelli il bianco
Che mi è rimasto un foglio in mano e mezza sigaretta
Restiamo un po' di tempo ancora, tanto non c'è fretta
Che c'ho una frase scritta in testa ma non l'ho mai detta
Perché la vita, senza te, non può essere perfetta
It was silly, truly. How the two of you met.
You were still not quite used to Italy considering the fact that you moved there after just a few months. You were supposed to move for quite a short time anyways. One of your parents got a new job there for a year. After that year was up you were supposed to move back to your home country. You were walking along the park not far away from your new collage. It was fine, you were supposed to graduate this year.
Thomas was peacefully sitting on one of the benches, in the said park, as he played beautiful music with his guitar. It was truly peaceful. For now. The moment his eyes landed on you he knew that you were about to burn his normal days down. He continued to play, but he really wasn't focusing as much on his hand as he was before he saw you. Thomas quietly watched as you continued to walk around. Your school bag was slang over your shoulders, a bag that seemed to heavy now. Your eyeliner was slightly smudged under your hypnotic (E/C) eyes, but that was last of your worries. Thomas watched as your (H/C) hair was flying, somehow perfectly, behind your back. Your lips were so red that the darkest blood should be jealous.
You finally looked to your right and sat down on a wooden bench a few meters away from where Thomas was sitting still mindlessly playing some notes on his guitar. You took the bag off of your shoulder and ran your hands through your hair before you let out a small, quiet sigh. You learned against the bench and finally let yourself enjoy the slight spring breeze. God knows you deserved it. Thomas finally forced himself to look away from you. He was aware that your eyes were closed, but he was still afraid that you would somehow catch him staring at you and that you would walk away. So, instead of staring, he leaned his head down and continued to play.
As he began to play again, you felt yourself open your eyes. You looked around trying to locate where the music was coming from and after a while you finally found the sorce of it. You felt like your eyes were glued to Thomas the second that you saw him. His golden hair was falling slightly in front of his face as he was still struggling to find the right tone that was set in his magnificent mind. His gorgeous eyes were barely able to be seen, but you caught a glimpse of them and felt your breath leave your lungs before you could do anything to stop it from happening. You watched as his hands gripped the guitar's neck so tightly that his knuckles turned purely white. You saw the way his eyebrows frowned on his face as he tried to keep focus. You continued to curiously watch him try to find the right melodies for a while before he let the guitar go. He got himself a cigarette and lit it up. You could see some frustration as he lit the cigarette up, closing his gorgeous eyes in the process.
"It's not going very well, is it?" You asked him, smiling at him curiously. He lifted his head up in surprise and you swore that your heat stopped beating when his eyes tored into yours.
"It really isn't." Thomas laughed, nervously. He didn't expect you to speak to him. He thought that you wouldn't even notice him. He saw that you were in your own little world as he watched you sit down on that bench. He figured that you are too tired from school, at least you looked like you were, so he decided not to bother you. Besides, he didn't feel like he had courage to do so anyway.
"It's a shame, really." You gave him another smile as your eyes continued to linger on his handsome face. "I can tell that you are brilliant with the guitar, I just know it." You continued to spit compliments at him and he would like if he didn't feel himself get hot in his cheek area.
"Thank you." He shyly thanked you. "I just can't find any inspiration, seems like."
"Well you know what?" You spoke up again. "I'm new here in Italy. How about you play my tourist guide for a day and maybe you get some inspiration."
That's how it all started.
Quindi Marlena torna a casa, che il freddo qua si fa sentire
Quindi Marlena torna a casa, che non voglio più aspettare
Quindi Marlena torna a casa, che il freddo qua si fa sentire
Quindi Marlena torna a casa, che ho paura di sparire
Thomas enjoyed what was happening very much so. He continued to show you around Rome and he got to practice his English with you, because that was practically the only way for him to speak with you. As the two of you started to wonder the magnificent streets, you got to know each other better. Thomas told you that he's in a band with a girl named Victoria, and two guys Damiano and Ethan. He was the bands guitarist and he is currently working on a new song. You found that very interesting and exciting. Thomas found out that you moved here because of your parent's new temporary job and you go to college here, too. That news saddened him.
You weren't going to stay here for more than a year. You both knew that you guys just met, but there was something between you two. You felt it in the depth of your souls. You just knew that whatever was going on between the two of you, was something special. Something that, sadly, not a lot of people have. After that day, Thomas and you continued to go on relaxing walks through the random streets of Rome. You both enjoyed the sun on your skin and the slight breeze in your hair.
Anyone who walked on the same streets as you did could notice just how much in love the two of you were. Holding hands felt so natural that neither of you remember when exactly did you start doing it. Whenever Thomas arrived first for your walks he would hold his hand out for you to take and you did. It truly felt natural. Two people holding hands, laughing and smoking in the middle of the streets.
After a month, Thomas introduced you to Damiano, Victoria and Ethan. It was safe to say that they became like your family once they learned how good you are to Thomas. But they both knew what was coming. You leaving in a few months was unavoidable, it seems like. But neither Thomas nor you wanted to think about it just yet. You both just wanted to enjoy the other before the time runs out. And before you had to leave Italy. Thomas just wanted to stop time, to live in this moment until the end of times, maybe even longer. He didn't want to even imagine what it would be like. To not wait for your college classes to be over so the two of you could stroll around the lonely streets of Rome. To not feel the softness of your hand, of your blood-red lips. To not see your breathing smile. To not hear your melodic voice speaking the funniest jokes he has ever heard in his whole world. He was willing to give you his heart. He didn't care what you would do with hit. He didn't care if you broke it to billions of pieces and stepped on it or if you would cherish it like it was made out of the most fragile glass ever known to mankind. His heart didn't belong to him anymore. It belonged to you. And he wouldn't have it any other way.
Yet he knew very well what was going to happen. He didn't care. Thomas knew that he would kill thousands if he had to, just so he could see you smile at him like you did since he met you. He had it bad. He knew that, but he also knew that nothing can prepare nor prevent the heartbreak that was coming for him.
E il cielo piano piano qua diventa trasparente
Il Sole illumina le debolezze della gente
Una lacrima salata bagna la mia guancia mentre
Lei con la mano mi accarezza in viso dolcemente
Col sangue sulle mani scalerò tutte le vette
Voglio arrivare dove l'occhio umano si interrompe
Per imparare a perdonare tutte le mie colpe
Perché anche gli angeli, a volte, han paura della morte
Che mi è rimasto un foglio in mano e mezza sigaretta
Corriamo via da chi c'ha troppa sete di vendetta
Da questa Terra ferma perché ormai la sento stretta
Ieri ero quiete perché oggi sarò la tempesta
Unfortunately, Thomas wasn't a God. He didn't have power to stop time. Even if it was just to be with you. He was powerless at this moment and he hated it with burning passion.
As he watched you pack the last of your belongings in a suitcase he realized just how much he hated his luck, how much he hated this fate, how much he hated his life. He realized how much he hated himself for being so powerless at this moment as he wasn't able to do anything to stop this from happening.
"That's the last of it." You finally broke the everlasting silence that was practically choking the walls of your room.
Thomas kept quiet and you finally looked at him. You saw glistening water sparkling in his eyes that met yours. It took you just about five seconds before you broke down in each other's embrace. You felt his arms gripping onto you like you are going to dissappear from his arms, but in reality, Thomas was afraid that if he let's you go he is going to dissappear out of sorrow. You buried your face in the neck of his shirt as you realized that your tears were leaving the wet stain on it. Not that you cared about that fact. You only cared about the fact that you were going to leave his comforting and warm embrace and that you were also powerless to stop it from happening. After the two of you calmed down a bit, or at least as much as your mutual heartbreak let you, Thomas spoke up first.
"I don't want you to leave." He told you for the billionth time today and you felt yourself break all over again from the pain in his voice.
"I don't want to leave either." You continued to endlessly sob. "But I have no choice and it's killing me."
Suddenly, Thomas gently grabbed your face. He was treating you like the most fragile glass, like the wind that he can't get the hold of, like the sweetest coincidence that was slowly destroying him inside out.
"I finished my song." Thomas tried to give you a smile. But it turned into a sad grimace. Not that you blamed him in any way. "The melody and everything. It's finally finished."
"It is?" You gave him a watery laugh through your sobs as you wiped his face clean from his own tears.
"Yes. I did." He confirmed to you. "I wrote it about you."
"You what?" You were shocked to say the least. He wrote a song. About you.
"You are my muse, amore. You are my only inspiration."
Quindi Marlena torna a casa, che il freddo qua si fa sentire
Quindi Marlena torna a casa, che non voglio più aspettare
Quindi Marlena torna a casa, che il freddo qua si fa sentire
Quindi Marlena torna a casa, che non voglio più
Prima di te ero solo un pazzo, ora lascia che ti racconti
Avevo una giacca sgualcita e portavo tagli sui polsi
Oggi mi sento benedetto e non trovo niente da aggiungere
Questa città si affaccerà quando ci vedrà giungere
Ero in bilico tra l'essere vittima, essere giudice
Era un brivido che porta la luce dentro le tenebre
E ti libera da queste catene splendenti, lucide
Ed il dubbio o no, se fossero morti oppure rinascite
The weather was cloudy. It was dark and everything smelled like it was going to rain at every moment. Thomas felt like that was mocking him. Truly. He shifted his eyes away from the sky back to your eyes. They were prettier, anyways.
"So this is it I guess. Isn't it?" He felt himself say it without even realizing it. He watches your eyes fill with tears, mirroring his own, and he watched your lips trying to give him a smile.
"I'm afraid that it is, Tom." You said and he felt like someone just killed his entire world. But nobody did. You were standing in front of him, thankfully safe. "I swear to God Tom, I will kick your ass if you don't send me the recording of the song you wrote." He found himself laughing with you like a mad person in front of the airport even though he felt like he wanted to scream, cry and tear everything apart.
"I will, amore mio. I will. I promise." Your flight was once again announced and you knew that you had to go. Without another word you kissed him passionately. You leaned your foreheads against each other and stood like that for a few moments, your eyes still closed.
"Ti amo, Thomas."
"Ti amo, l (Y/N)."
And with that you tured around and left to catch your plane, your suitcase stumbling behind you. Thomas kept standing in the same spot until your plane left his eyesight. Once you were truly gone, far up in the sky he turned around to leave the airport. As he walked away he felt himself whispering "Marlena, torna a casa".
Quindi Marlena torna a casa, che il freddo qua si fa sentire
Quindi Marlena torna a casa, che non voglio più aspettare
Quindi Marlena torna a casa, che il freddo qua si fa sentire
Quindi Marlena torna a casa, che non voglio più sparire
@randomgurl2326 @opal-rugger
#thomas raggi x reader#maneskin fanfiction#maneskin imagine#maneskin x reader#thomas raggi#damiano david#ethan torchio#victoria de angelis#thomas raggi x y/n#imagine#torna a casa#songfic#maneskin#Spotify
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#Torna a casa#Måneskin#music#I wish they'd make more Italian songs like this...the English ones don't hit the same
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"Ieri ero quiete perché oggi sarò la tempesta."
Yesterday I was quiet because today I'll be the storm.
#quotes#overthinking#thoughts#feelings#song lyrics#lyrics#maneskin#damiano david#torna a casa#marlena#coraline to marlena#expresion#spotify
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Amazing song btw-
How I imagine Marlena from Maneskin songs :3
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I don’t even speak italian and torna a casa makes me cry every time
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via Måneskin’s Instagram story, 17.07.2023
#måneskin#maneskin#ethan torchio#damiano david#victoria de angelis#thomas raggi#my posts 💫#video#ig story#loud kids tour#stadi 2023#stadio nereo rocco#italy: trieste#july 2023#torna a casa#damià & er cobra#thomas with his guitar 🎸#vic with her bass 🎸#ethan drumming 🥁#damiano + 🎤#damià & vincenzo & er cobra
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muses of måneskin - Marlena
#aesthetic#måneskin#moodboard#måneskin marlena#marlena måneskin#music#rock music#music aesthetic#måneskin muse#muses#måneskin moodboard#torna a casa#l'altra dimensione
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Stadio Nereo Rocco, Trieste 16.07.23
🎥 seniorenzo
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Why does my brain think the maximum amount of time you should spend learning and polishing something is like a week?
#i'm sure this explains a lot but it would be nice if i could sit down at things for a few months patiently and keep chipping away at them#like the arrangements i did over the pandemic were actually decent because i just sort of poked at them for half a year#(and by 'sort of poked' i mean spent like an hour every day playing around with them)#sorry this was prompted by me finding a recording of me singing torna a casa and at the start i said#'i've been practicing this such a long time. i've been singing it every day for the last week.' like GIRL WHAT#i do this with SO MANY THINGS though#i want to develop artistic patience. not to see things through bc i can do that but just to be normal about them while they take shape#give it time!!!!! it needs to sit in the oven you know that!!!!!!#the last three years have certainly helped though i will say that#perce rambles
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