#tore down lin's defenses
tsarisfanfiction · 8 months
Lodged Thorn: Chapter 1
Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians Rating: Teen Genre: Friendship/Hurt/Comfort Characters: Clarisse, Michael, Chris Soulmarks weren't supposed to hurt when they came in. Then again, soulmarks weren't supposed to immediately start fading, either. So this is the fault of The Fanfic Reading Challenge server on discord, with all their talk about Soulmate AUs reminding me that I've never written one. Being me, of course, I've gone the Platonic Soulmate route, and I am still firmly in Michael&Clarisse brainrot, so the result was rather obvious... I don't think this'll be more than two or three chapters; it's just an experimental fic so I'll be working on it as and when my muses engage.
A sharp pain tore through Clarisse’s leg and she stumbled, falling to one knee and barely bracing her hand against the ground to stop herself from overbalancing entirely.  “Shit,” she hissed, teeth clenching against the pain as she forced herself to breathe through it.
“Clarisse!” Chris fretted, instantly joining her on the ground.  “What happened?”  Around the two of them, armour creaked and weapons clattered as her siblings jumped into a defensive circle, no doubt searching for the threat.
She’d say she’d trained them well, except she knew they were all agitated at being held back from the war, their nerves on a hair-trigger for anything involving conflict.  She was the same way, no matter that she was pressing down on it with all her might, because she was not jumping into this war, not leading her siblings to fight a war for their father when Ares had always made it clear that everyone should fight their own battles.
Ares would fight to defend his own throne.  He did not need – would not want – his children to take that away from him.
It was a weak excuse and she knew it.  All of her siblings knew it.  She hadn’t even admitted it to anyone that wasn’t an Ares kid – or Chris, because Chris was her partner.  The chariot, the argument with Michael (another one, because the short bastard never failed to get under her skin), had made a better excuse, or at least one she was willing to verbalise.
Another bolt of pain shot straight through her leg and she cursed again, hand clutching at the spot in her thigh that burned white hot and intense.
Darker hands covered hers, trying to nudge it out of the way.
“Let me see,” Chris pleaded.  If it was anyone else, Clarisse would’ve shoved them away roughly, but it was Chris and while there was no reason for her leg to suddenly be in agony when they were within the bounds of camp, and as far as she could tell nothing was even trying to threaten them, she understood why he wanted to check.
“Sherman, take everyone on another perimeter check,” she ordered.  “Make sure camp isn’t under attack.”  Her brother grimaced as though it was his leg that hurt, but knew better than to protest.  Within moments, he had their cabin dispersing into their patrol routes, leaving her alone with Chris.
Her boyfriend wouldn’t be taking no for an answer now that they had no audience, and Clarisse also wanted to know what the Hades was happening to her leg, so she let him help her tug her pants off until her thigh was visible.
Chris spotted it first, eyes going wide.  “Uh… Clarisse?”
“What?” she snapped, moving her hands out of her line of sight until she could see- “Shit.”
Her thigh was uninjured, but not unmarked.  Blooming over old scar tissue was the shape of a thorn – a rose thorn, her mind supplied uselessly, trivia picked up from her friendship with Silena.
“That’s your soulmark,” Chris said numbly.  Clarisse kept her jaw clenched tightly against the pain.
Soulmarks were generally considered to be a sign from some higher power.  Different religions had different views on what, exactly, caused them, and Camp Half-Blood was of the general opinion that they were the Fates’ responsibility.  No-one had come up with a pattern in when they appeared, and people tended to only have one, an image that somehow linked two people together on a soul level, hence soulmark.  Soulmates were not romantic – not that it was unheard of for a soulmated pair to choose to be romantically involved, although it wasn’t overly common, either.  Instead, soulmates were platonic first and foremost.  Maybe a best friend, sometimes a sibling (often the case, at camp, where sibling was a broad category that encompassed so many people), always a constant.
Soulmarks were not supposed to hurt like Tartarus when they formed.  Clarisse had seen enough campers gain them over the years to know that it was a painless affair, often not even noticed until someone happened to spot the new mark on skin.
“What the fuck,” Clarisse growled at the new image on her thigh, and not just because of the pain that wasn’t supposed to be there.  The mark had formed over one of her scars, exactly over the old mark she’d got when she was nine and the new kid at camp had shot her.  Deliberately.  There was no way it was a coincidence, not when the thorn was golden and she’d always thought of the asshole as a thorn in her side.
Her soulmate was Michael and the Fates were assholes for it.
Trust Michael to still find a way to be a pain even when he was away, fighting a war in Manhattan.
“That bastard,” she snarled.  “That absolute…”
Going on a tirade about him at least distracted her from the pain, if nothing else.  Clarisse tore her eyes away from the offending image as she did so, spitting profanities to the sky and balling her hands up into fists.  She hoped his mark coming in had hurt just as much.
Chris’ quiet voice cut her off.  He sounded wrong, looked wrong, skin paling.
“What?” she demanded, barely softening her voice because she was angry, dammit.  Why- how- was it Michael?
Her boyfriend’s next words felt like a bucket of ice water had been tipped over her.  “It’s fading.”
His voice shook, and Clarisse didn’t miss how his hand came up to grip at his shoulder, where she knew a faint silvery-grey outline of a feather hid under his clothes.
Chris hadn’t had his soulmark when he’d gone to join Kronos.  When Clarisse had hauled him, insane and insensate, out of the Labyrinth two years later, it was already faded.
It took longer for her to look back down at the damn thorn on her thigh, but when she did, she could see that Chris was right.  The golden colour was leaching away in a gradient.  Already, the sharp tip of the thorn had gone the tell-tale silvery-grey.
Michael was her soulmate.
Michael was dying.
She’d told him she hoped he died, a parting shot even after he gave up the damn chariot and proceeded to call her as many names as she’d had in store for him.  They weren’t strangers to death – even before this last stand at Manhattan, demigods had been dying.  She’d known exactly what she’d been hoping for – or had thought she had, back when she was ignorant about their soulmate deal.
Clarisse didn’t want to care, even now.  Finding out he was her soulmate didn’t make her suddenly like him, or even hate him any less.  He was still an asshole and maybe she’d do better without him.
“Clarisse,” Chris said quietly.  His dark eyes were still locked on her soulmark, and his hand was shaking against his shoulder.
Her name had been Mary, he’d told her, once he was sane again.  That had eased the sting of when he’d called her Mary, not Clarisse, while in the throes of insanity.  He hadn’t known her long, but she’d been his soulmate and her death had been part of what broke him.
“He’s in Manhattan,” she protested.  “There’s no way-”  Even if she could make it in time, before her mark faded, leaving the gold nothing but a brief memory, she wasn’t a healer.  She wouldn’t be able to save his life.
Chris’ voice still trembled.  “You have to try,” he said, insisted.  “Even if it’s not enough, you- you have to try.  Don’t-  No regrets.  No regrets, Clarisse.”
Clarisse wanted to say she wouldn’t regret not going.  She wouldn’t regret leaving Michael to his clearly inevitable fate.  If anyone else had told her she would, she’d have punted them out of her sight.
But this was Chris.  Chris, who knew regret.  Who knew how it felt to lose a soulmate, who knew things in a way she couldn’t.
Who didn’t want to even risk her feeling the same way he did.
“I’ll be too late,” she said, but she was already pulling herself to her feet again, tugging her pants back up and grabbing her spear from where she had dropped it when the pain began.
It still hurt, but it was a pain she could push aside, a pain that let itself be pushed aside.
Part of Clarisse wondered if painful soulmark appearances tied in to the imminent deaths of the soulmate, revealed too soon if only for closure.
She didn’t bother to grab her armour.  The thought that she should barely occurred to her; she had her spear, she could fight.
She was only going because Michael was a bastard who she suddenly needed to try and make sure didn’t die.  She wasn’t going to join the war.
It was a matter of minutes before she had the pegasi harnessed to the flying chariot and ready to go, and Clarisse didn’t let herself hesitate as she swung herself up into it.  Chris jumped up behind her without asking, without her asking, but Clarisse didn’t protest.
“Where are you going?”  Ellis was quiet but observant; Clarisse hadn’t noticed the younger boy until he called out.  If it was Sherman, she might have told him the truth, but Ellis was too young – and too smart – to hear about a dying soulmate.
“Patrol,” she said shortly.  “Tell Sherman he’s in charge until we get back.”
“What about your leg?”
“Don’t worry about it.”
Clarisse snapped the reigns and the pegasi leaped into action, charging forwards and into the sky before Ellis could make any more complaints – or astute observations.
“You could’ve told him,” Chris murmured in her ear, his arms wrapped around her waist as they flew.
She shook her head.  “They need to stay here,” she said.  They needed to stay in camp, guarding camp from any side-blows Kronos might get it into his head to initiate, and also away from the front line of a war that would get them killed as shields for the rest of the campers.  If they realised she was running to the war front, regardless of the reason, they’d have used that as an excuse to jump into battle.
Pressed against her back, with only clothes and no armour between them, Clarisse could feel him still shaking.  “You didn’t have to come,” she said.
“Yes, I did,” he argued.  “You’ll need me, whatever happens.”  Even above the wind rushing past them, she could hear him take in a deep breath, “and I think… I need this.  He’s not Mary, he’s not mine, but… I have to try, this time.”
“Her death wasn’t your fault,” Clarisse said bluntly, and not for the first time.  Chris’ usual response of I know that, but… didn’t come.
“And if Michael dies, it won’t be your fault,” he told her instead, and Clarisse felt like the air had been punched out of her as her leg gave a reminding throb.
“I know that,” she said quickly – too quickly, dammit.  “He’s too far away.”  She couldn’t even see her soulmark to check how quickly it was fading, but it was still hurting so that had to mean he was still alive, didn’t it?  “This is as fast as the chariot goes.”  They were hurtling through the sky, far faster than mortal transportation could cross the distance between camp and Manhattan, but it was still going to take time to get there.
The odds of Michael being still alive, or even still saveable, by the time they arrived were slim and there was nothing she could do about it.  She knew that, of course it wouldn’t be her fault for not getting there fast enough – and besides, she’d already told Michael to die, prepared to not see his scowling, ferrety asshole face again.
She’d told him to die, though, and now he was dying, and it was stupid but there was part of Clarisse’s chest that was getting too tight.  Shit.
Chris’ “I know you do,” was full of understanding.
Their flight passed in silence after that, Clarisse pushing the pegasi as fast as they could fly and ignoring Silena’s voice in the back of her head telling her that she was going too hard on the creatures.  Instead, she found her head whirling, running through all her moments with Michael throughout her life and trying to work out where the fuck the Fates saw soulmate in there, because Clarisse couldn’t.
Maybe she had misinterpreted the soulmark.  That wasn’t common but could happen; the only confirmation was a matching image on the other’s skin, and until she saw Michael she wouldn’t know – and if his was also on his thigh, she wasn’t going to be seeing that ever, unless she tore his pants off to check.  Misinterpretation seemed more likely than it actually being Michael, now that she thought about it, but she was already on a mission, and Chris wouldn’t let her bail out of it without checking.
Hades, but Michael was going to be insufferable if he was perfectly fine and she landed in front of him without even bringing her armour to a war.
Eventually, Manhattan loomed in front of them.  It was big, big enough that looking for a single demigod would be like searching for a needle in a haystack.  From her birds’ eye view, nothing seemed to be even moving, leaving the city looking dead.
The bridges she flew over bore signs of battle, though.  Vines curled out of a tunnel, and chunks of masonry were dislodged in a way that only violence could cause.  Where was everyone?
She almost flew in straight towards the towering Empire State Building – if nothing else, they would be near Olympus – but a small instinct in the back of her mind had her veering around the city, following the waters that isolated the island from the rest of New York.  Past the Hudson, and over the East River instead.
Williamsburg Bridge was obliterated.  What had once been a large, proud bridge was a mass of steel and concrete churned up together in the middle of the river, with only solitary suspension cables still bridging the destruction.
Behind her, Chris breathed out Hades.
Demigods had died here.  There was no way they hadn’t.  She could even see bodies in the wreckage and surrounding river, although none of them wore orange.  Enemy demigods, then.
There was no sign of the living, but Clarisse still brought the chariot down, skimming the bizarrely clean waters – what had Jackson done, that had to be the son of Poseidon’s bullshit powers at work – past floating debris and bodies, until she saw it.
There, on the bank, sopping wet and broken, was a too-small body that had her thigh hurting again, and Clarisse wasted no time in bringing the chariot to land next to it, leaping out before the pegasi had even stopped and leaving Chris to scramble out behind her.
Michael looked dead.
Blood covered the side of his face, an open gash running from temple to cheek and barely missing his eye. His body was twisted and contorted in a way that was wrong, no doubt several broken bones. A spindle of metal erupted from his torso, staining the torn orange top dark red.
Worst of all was the certainty. From the moment she'd spotted him, she'd known he was her soulmate, no need to tear at his pant leg to hunt down a matching mark.
“Shit,” she swore, stumbling down to her knees for the second time since dawn because of Michael, of all people. He was still partially in the water and her shins soaked immediately. “Shit. Don't you dare be dead, you asshole.” Her fingers fumbled at his throat, hunting for a pulse. “Don't you fucking dare, Michael.” Blood and damp skin made it difficult to get a purchase, and Clarisse realised she was shaking as her fingers kept slipping away from his pulse points with no success. “Come on, dammit.” She couldn’t even see if he was breathing.
“Clarisse, he's got a pulse,” Chris said suddenly.  She jumped, not having noticed him kneeling next to her. He had one of Michael’s wrists in his grip, and Clarisse tried not to think about how lifeless his limp and dangling hand looked. “There's still a chance.”
A chance, but… “I don't know what to do,” she admitted. She wasn’t a healer - she broke things, she didn't fix them.
“Check if he’s breathing,” Chris directed.  He sounded calmer, now, as though Michael being not dead yet was the trigger he needed to get out of his own soulmate trauma.  Clarisse heard him rustling with a bag she hadn’t realised he’d brought with them, but focused on doing as she was told, dredging up memories of various Apollo kids over the years as they drilled basic first aid into the rest of the campers over and over again.
It was the closest she’d ever got to Michael without one of them trying to hurt the other, either physically or with barbed words, but she shunted the thought out her mind in favour of leaning over him, her cheek almost touching his lips as she squinted down the wonky line of his body.  He wasn’t flat on his back, which meant that she couldn’t really see if his chest was rising and falling, and with the metal spire sticking out of him, she wasn’t about to move him, but she could still focus on her cheek, and the faint tickling sensation of air puffing against it.
“He’s breathing,” she reported, pulling back without taking her eyes off his limp body.  It seemed impossible that he was still alive.  Clarisse had the horrid suspicion that one wrong action would tip him over the edge, and feared being the one to do it.
Only a few hours ago, she wouldn’t have cared.  She still hated Michael; a single soulmark wasn’t enough to undo seven years of constant clashes.
She didn’t want him to die.
“Good,” Chris said.  “Here.”  She sensed movement in her periphery and glanced over to see her boyfriend holding out a vial of nectar.  “I don’t know how much he’s got in his system already so go slow with it.  You know the signs of reaching the limit.”
Clarisse took the vial, pulling out the stopper with her teeth.  “You are never living this down, you hear me?” she told the unresponsive Michael as she slipped a hand underneath his head, her fingers getting tangled in snarled, wet hair, and slowly tilted it enough to straighten out his throat and part his lips.  He didn’t stir, no indication at all that he was anything other than dying, and Clarisse tipped the first drops into his open mouth.
In her periphery, Chris was moving around, flashes of off-white bandages flickering across the edge of her vision, but Clarisse didn’t let herself look away from the golden liquid as drop by drop, it landed on Michael’s tongue and slid towards his throat.
“Come on,” she growled as the first third of the vial disappeared with no visible effects.  “Show some signs of life, dammit.  This stuff is too valuable to waste on a dead body.”
Michael didn’t stir, even as a third turned into a half, and then two thirds.  A golden drop landed on the corner of his mouth, trickling down the outside of his face and she growled at it – at her hand, which had started shaking, until it steadied enough for the rest of the vial to trickle inside his mouth, where it was supposed to be.
He must not have had any godly food earlier, because even with an entire vial – and not a small one, either – there were no tell-tale signs of smouldering lips or tongue.  Clarisse dropped the empty vial and before her brain could catch up with her actions, caught the single drop now on his cheek with a finger, dabbing it directly on his tongue.
“Come on, you bastard,” she hissed.  “You are not dying on me now.”
She hunted for his pulse again, this time finding the spot on his neck that throbbed lightly.
“Is he still breathing?” Chris asked her.  She glanced at him to see that he’d packed bandages around the metal sticking though Michael and was securing them in place with more bandages.
When she ducked her head back down, the puffs of air that hit her cheek felt stronger.
“Still breathing,” she confirmed.  “What now?”
“We can’t stay here,” Chris said.  “We don’t have the supplies to do any more where we are.”
Clarisse sat back on her haunches and looked at the still-crumpled body between them.  “Can we move him?” she asked, although Chris was right.  They couldn’t stay where they were.  They didn’t know where the titan’s army or the rest of the campers were, or where the next stage of the battle would take place.
Hades, they didn’t even know which side of the battlelines they were.  She had an awful suspicion they weren’t in allied territory.
If they were, someone else would’ve come across them by now.  Michael wasn’t popular outside of his cabin – Clarisse wasn’t the only one that didn’t like him, which had made all the head counsellors siding with him over her about the chariot hurt even more – but even if no-one else had bothered, the other Apollo kids would still have come to try and help him, if they could.
“Carefully,” Chris stressed.  “I’ll bring the chariot closer.”
He stepped away and Clarisse’s attention snapped back to Michael.  He still looked pale, underneath the blood.  Chris had only bound the impalement, leaving the rest of his wounds untouched, and Clarisse grabbed for the bag, needing something do to while her boyfriend wrangled the pegasi.  She’d rather be the one dealing with the chariot, but given Michael was her soulmate, she knew why Chris had swapped roles.
“You are still a bastard,” she told Michael as she wrenched out a cloth and pressed it against the blood on his face.  She didn’t have any water to dampen it (the East River might look clean, but she still wasn’t going to trust it) and there was only so much it could do to lift the blood dry, but even clearing some of it away made Michael seem less dead.
She haphazardly covered the gash in gauze and medical tape, a temporary solution until they got back to camp – they had to go back to camp, her cabin were waiting, and even if they found the Apollo kids in Manhattan, there was no guarantee of a safe place to leave a half-dead demigod.  Camp was further, but was more likely to keep Michael alive.
Hooves sank into the soft bank next to her, passing by until the open end of the chariot sat next to Michael, and Chris reappeared.
“One of us will need to hold him,” he pointed out.  “You or me?”
The chariot was Clarisse’s.  “I’ll drive,” she said.
There was also no fucking way she was holding onto Michael for the hour it would take them to get back to camp.  Soulmate or not, that was too far.
Chris agreed easily.  “Help me lift him up?” he asked, crouching down next to him and gingerly starting to move him.  Clarisse knelt on Michael’s other side, painfully aware of how small and fragile he was as, between them, they manoeuvred him onto his back.  The metal spur shifted slightly, red starting to bloom on the white bandages surrounding it, and she cursed.
There was nothing they could do about it, though, and Chris scooped him up into his arms as soon as he could.  Michael’s head lolled limply, and his right arm slipped to dangle down as Chris stood up.  Clarisse grabbed it without thinking, and was halfway to setting it back on Michael’s chest when she saw it.
On the pad of Michael’s pointer finger, the same colour as freshly spilled blood, was a thorn, the exact size and shape as the golden thorn on her thigh.
It hadn’t occurred to her that Michael’s soulmark would be somewhere else on his body, for all that it was hardly uncommon for placements to be different.  Now she saw it, though, it was obvious.  Her mark was where the arrow had landed, seven years ago.  His mark was on one of the fingers that had fired it.
Hurriedly, she let go of the arm, and stepped out of the way so that Chris could step into the chariot.  He sat down at the front, his grip on Michael obviously firm, and Clarisse wasted no time in hopping in after him, snatching up the reins and bracing herself for take-off.
Chris and Michael didn’t quite slam into her legs as the pegasi lurched forwards, but she still felt the touch as gravity tried to stake its claim on them, and braced harder.  It was easier to be the barrier than the cradle.  Still, she kept the acceleration gradual, not letting the pegasi immediately blast into top speed as they flew away from Manhattan and the war – or what seemed more like a temporary cease-fire, from the utter stillness of the city beneath them.
It meant that the flight took longer, and Clarisse couldn’t help the periodic glances down at her boyfriend holding Michael – her soulmate and that still felt as wrong as it did right – hoping that they’d made the right decision to move.  That she’d made the right decision to head for camp and the infirmary there rather than hunting down the temporary triage the Apollo kids had no doubt set up somewhere.
Somehow, Michael was still alive when the chariot touched down by the Big House over an hour later, and Clarisse jumped out of the way so Chris could hurry inside the infirmary with him.  She didn’t follow him immediately, buying herself some time to think as she unhitched the pegasi and led them back to their stables.
The thinking time flew straight out the window as she reached the stables to see that all the horses had gone.  There should’ve been several of them there, but not a single one remained.  All of their tack had gone, too, and an encroaching feeling of dread had her running to where the chariots were kept.
All gone.
“Sherman!” she roared, abandoning the stables and throwing herself towards her cabin, already knowing it would be empty but hoping that her siblings hadn’t surrendered to the urge to go to war and marched out without her – behind her back.
Unsurprisingly, it was deserted.  All their weapons were gone, and their armour, too.
Clarisse’s armour was also gone.
What the fuck?  Why had they taken her armour with them?
Why hadn’t she seen them go?  She’d flown right over the route they must’ve taken-
Except she hadn’t been looking down.  Not at the ground.  Her attention had been ahead, at her destination, and at her feet, where Michael’s blood had been slowly staining white bandages red, and sinking into Chris’ clothes, too.  Her pants hadn’t escaped, either.
Blood on her pants didn’t matter.  What mattered was that her siblings had marched to war despite her best efforts to stop them.  Clarisse spun sharply on her heel and stormed out of the cabin, heading straight for the infirmary.
Michael or no Michael, soulmate or no soulmate, she knew where she was supposed to be and it was at the head of her cabin.
“They’ve gone!” she raged as she stormed into the infirmary.  “All the chariots, all our weapons.  Sherwin’s marched them to war!”
Chris’ head jerked up from where he was standing over one of the infirmary beds.  Clarisse deliberately didn’t look at the small body laying on it.
“I’m going after them,” she said, before her boyfriend could say anything.  “You-”
“Okay,” Chris interrupted her.  “Okay, but before you go, I need your help here.”
“I don’t have time to waste!” she argued.  “They could have left immediately-”
“The pegasi need a rest,” he overrode her.  “You can’t go charging back out there after pushing them so hard already today.  Let them breathe.  They’re still faster than the other chariots – you’ll make up most of the time even if you hang on another five minutes, and I need your help here.  Now.”
It was the sharp now that caught her attention, and she reluctantly trudged closer, unable to help looking at Michael as she did so.  The metal was still sticking up out of him ominously, and the surrounding bandages looked close to saturation.  Chris had somehow stripped Michael down to the waist despite it, and Clarisse could finally see the rise and fall of his chest as he breathed.
The sight settled something in her, although it barely touched the agitation at her missing siblings.  He was still alive.
Her soulmate was still alive.
Her soulmate or her siblings?
Clarisse scowled.  “Five minutes only,” she said, glaring at Michael.  It was his fault she was delaying, still a thorn in her side even when he was unconscious.  “What is it?”
“This needs to come out,” Chris said, gesturing at the metal.  It glistened in the light of the infirmary, beads of blood pooling in its twists.  “I need you to put as much pressure as you can on the bandages while I extract it.”
“Fine,” Clarisse said shortly, crossing the last few steps to Michael’s bedside.  The blood-soaked bandages felt wrong under her fingers, and so did the idea of leaning on the wound with all her strength, but she knew Chris was right.
The metal had to come out, and Michael had to not bleed out in the process.
She braced herself, pushing down hard enough that a split-second choked cry came from the unconscious teen’s mouth, making her jump.  The unconscious weren’t supposed to make noises, although she thought it was supposed to be a good sign that he was responding to some stimuli again.
Chris ignored the noise.  He’d pulled on gloves, and wrapped his hands firmly around the metal.  “On three,” he said.  “One…  Two…  Three.”  On three, he pulled, and Clarisse had to fight to keep Michael’s body flat against the bed, and at least some of his blood still in his body as the twisted spire of metal slowly tore itself free.
Michael let out another cry and his fingers jerked, but a glance at his face showed that he was still completely unconscious.  Clarisse scowled and pressed down harder as blood started to leak through the bandages.
As soon as the metal was clear, Chris was working around her hands, flushing out the wound and starting to stitch it up.  Clarisse could do nothing except stay still and will Michael’s blood to stay in his body, where it was supposed to be.
It was much longer than five minutes before Chris was done, pulling away the last of the blood-soaked bandages and covering the stitched-up wound with fresh supplies.
“He was lucky,” he said as he stripped the bloodied gloves from his hands.  “It didn’t go all the way through, and it was far enough away from his core that it didn’t puncture anything fatal.”  He sagged against the bed.  “I’m not an Apollo kid, but I think he should pull through.”
Clarisse hadn’t realised how much she needed to hear those words until they washed over her.
Fuck Michael for being her soulmate and suddenly being important to her.  Maybe he was tolerable while unconscious and near-death, but as soon as he was awake and talking again, she was going to remember why she hated him so much, she knew.  He was going to be insufferable about being her soulmate and she was going to wish she’d left him to die.
“I’ll stay here and keep an eye on him,” Chris continued.  “Are you still going after your cabin?”  That was a stupid question she knew he already knew the answer to.
“Those idiots need me,” she said, “and I’m going to kick their asses for entering the war!”
“Okay,” he accepted.  “Be careful, and if I see even a hint of grey on Michael’s finger, I’m going to kill you, even if I have to bring you back from the Underworld first.”
Clarisse glanced down at the finger in question.  The thorn was still full of colour, unapologetically red and confirming that Clarisse, at least, was in no imminent danger of death where she stood.  She found herself wishing that her own mark was somewhere easier to check, before pushing the thought out of her mind.
She was going to war.  She did not need distractions.
“You won’t have to,” she swore.  He gave her a thin smile and stood up, bracing his hands on her shoulders.
“Give them hell,” he said.  “Then come back.”  He kissed her, briefly but firmly.  “We’ll be waiting.”
She glanced back over at Michael instinctively; he looked better without metal sticking out of him, but he still didn’t look well.  Her feet dragged her over to his side and she looked down at him, crossing her arms.
“Don’t you fucking dare die on me now, Michael,” she said.  “I need your ass alive so I can kick it later for being my soulmate.”  And scaring me when you’re not supposed to be someone I care about.
Chris chuckled.  “I’ll do my best to make sure he doesn’t,” he promised.  “Shoo.  You’ve got a war to fight.”
“Damn straight I do,” she growled, and with one last glance at both of them, boyfriend and soulmate (both safely away from the war and staying that way), she spun on her heel and marched out.
It was time for the daughter of war to fight.
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avi17 · 3 years
MK X Pacific Rim AU Concept
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You ever get an AU idea in your head and go absolutely feral for a bit putting it all on paper?  Me neither, until now!  This isn’t so much a fic as just a detailed wiki-style outline, but hopefully it will still be fun to read!  I had a ton of fun figuring out how to translate all these concepts and backstories into the PR world. If anyone feels like doing anything with these ideas they’re absolutely welcome, just please credit me and link back to this post if you do!  I don’t think I’ll ever be able to write this into some massive longfic, but I definitely hope to do some shorts in this ‘verse. I brainstormed this with a bunch of people, and got some fun ideas from @sxvethelastdance​, @bastardsunlight​, and @fallen-angel-lucifer- thank you guys so much for humoring all this!​
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Pan Pacific Defense Corps Marshal Raiden was a legendary Mark 1 pilot dating back to when the program was first launched.  Based out of the Shatterdome in Tokyo, he and his brother Fujin, in their Jaeger Thunderbolt Gale, were the first line of defense from Kaiju attacks headed westward from the breach for five grueling years. However, they met their match in Motaro, the first Category 3 Kaiju to make landfall on Hokkaido, and when Fujin was torn from their Jaeger and killed, Raiden was forced to take down the creature solo- a feat replicated only twice since. The physical and emotional toll of that day led to his retirement from active combat, but he remained in the PPDC as a commander, as well as a mentor of other pilots.  When the Jaeger program was decommissioned, he was the last one to retain his faith in it, and took up leadership over the few remaining Jaegers at the Shatterdome in Hong Kong for one final stand against the Kaiju. Current Pilots:
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Liu Kang and Kung Lao Jaeger: White Lotus Original base: Hong Kong
The home base heroes of the Hong Kong Shatterdome, pilots Liu Kang and Kung Lao are the top graduates and darlings of the Wu Shi Jaeger Academy.  Raised together in a martial arts sect before the first breach and drift compatible since their ranger training began, they are nearly inseparable- though Kung Lao has never quite forgotten how Liu Kang's scores just barely edged out his own in their individual skill assessments, and he strives constantly to prove himself his partner's equal (despite Liu Kang's insistence that such competition is unnecessary). Their Jaeger, White Lotus, is a well-rounded, powerful machine, featuring high-powered flamethrowers, as well as a system of fuel vents that allow it to set its fists alight and heat them to brutal temperatures in close-quarters battle. For ranged combat, it utilizes a circular blade mounted to its head, which can be thrown like a boomerang with enough force to slice through buildings. 
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Kitana and Jade Jaeger: Edenia Glory Original Base: Lima
Interplanetary refugees, Kitana and Jade escaped to Earth after their homeworld was attacked and overrun by Kaiju invaders.  Their spacecraft crashed in the middle of the Amazon rainforest, and though they immediately searched for civilization in order to warn Earth’s people of what was to come, the first wave of attacks had already begun.  After making their way to Lima, they volunteered to put their combat skills and close bond to use as rangers in the South American Jaeger program. Together they have defended the coasts of Chile and Peru since the Mark-2 days, though between battles, they spend their time in communication with the PPDC and the U.N., sharing what information they can about the Kaiju and other alien life previously unknown on Earth. Their Jaeger, Edenia Glory incorporates technological elements from their original planet not used in any other Jaeger, and is lithe, fast, and deadly, with a style focused primarily on precision bladework rather than hand to hand brawling.  Its name is a tribute to their lost homeworld, and they use it to great effect to prevent Earth from suffering the same fate.
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Sonya Blade and Jackson "Jax" Briggs (later Johnny Cage) Jaeger: Flawless Victory Original Base: Los Angeles
Both Lt. Sonya Blade and Maj. Jax Briggs had successful careers in the U.S military behind them when the first Kaiju came ashore and attacked San Francisco.  Though at the time, Sonya was in the field pursuing the criminal Kano, she returned to the states when her friend and superior officer, Jax, suggested that they might be good candidates for the newly-formed ranger program.  He proved to be right, and the two did time at the Shatterdomes in both Los Angeles and Anchorage, fighting off Kaiju from Canada to Mexico, and became well-admired figures within the military for their ascent.  Though far from unscathed, the ostentatiously-named Flawless Victory is the last American Jaeger left standing by the time the program is decommissioned and is a tank of a machine, sacrificing some speed for the greatest physical strength of any Jaeger still on the field. Like the other American Jaegers, for long range combat it favors plasma cannons and explosives- particularly a ring-shaped plasma blast with wider coverage than the usual single beam- but it is at its most effective when delivering a crushing beatdown up close and personal. Johnny Cage is the star of a popular series of action films dramatizing the battles of the Jaegers and Kaiju, and to many civilians at home, is as much the face of the Jaeger program as its real members.  He has a secret ambition to become an actual pilot and has an impressive record in simulations, but because of his celebrity status (and his personality), Marshal Raiden and the other Jaeger teams refuse to consider him as a true contender.  However, when a vicious fight with two Kaiju at once leaves both of Jax's arms shattered, taking him out of commission as a pilot for the foreseeable future, Sonya is forced to accept Johnny as her new co-pilot in order to keep Flawless Victory in the fray where it is needed. Despite her irritation with him, they turn out to be drift compatible, and become a formidable duo in their own right.
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Hanzo Hasashi and Kuai Liang Jaeger: Phantom Vengeance Original Base: Nagasaki
From the Nagasaki Shatterdome, the bright yellow Mark-3 Jaeger Shirai Ryu defended the coast of the Yellow Sea across three countries.  Its building was overseen by its husband and wife pilots, Hanzo and Harumi Hasashi, and it was named for the legendary warrior clan from which Hanzo claimed descent.  It was in service for four years, though Hanzo and Harumi always spent as much time as possible between missions with their young son Satoshi, who lived with them in their quarters at the base so that his parents could still have a part in raising him in a world that would not guarantee a reunion for families who choose to separate. Across the sea based in Shanghai was an organization known as the Lin Kuei, a private military contractor funded by shadowy, unknown sources.  Though its bread and butter was anti-Kaiju weaponry, it also began to develop its own Jaegers- the only ones outside the PPDC, created from illicitly obtained blueprints, and hireable for the right price.  Its crown jewel was a small, stealthy machine called simply Sub-Zero, unique for its proficiency underwater and tendency to use coolant as a weapon rather than fire or explosives, and piloted by two brothers- Bi-Han and Kuai Liang. When the massive Kaiju Kintaro directly attacked the Nagasaki Shatterdome, Shirai Ryu was the only Jaeger left to defend it. Desperate, the Hasashis attempted to contact the Lin Kuei, as they were closer than the nearest other Shatterdome in Tokyo.  They received no response and were forced into battle alone, and though they prevailed, the price was too high- not only Harumi’s life when part of their cockpit was crushed, but Satoshi’s as well, buried in the wreckage of the base.  In his grief, Hanzo blamed the Lin Kuei- particularly Bi-Han, with whom he had never gotten along- for what he perceived as a failure to act due to greed and amorality. What Hanzo did not know that day was that they were experiencing the first double event in history, and Sub-Zero and the Lin Kuei were under attack by the Kaiju Sheeva at the same time.  The Kaiju hivemind had figured out Sub-Zero’s usual strategy of attacking from the water, and were ready with an acidic bite that tore a hole in the cockpit, which rapidly flooded.  After a similar failure to make contact with Shirai Ryu, Bi-Han was swept out into the sea and presumably drowned (though his body was never recovered), but Kuai Liang, despite a bleeding face and water up to his neck, managed to kill the Kaiju mere moments before Sub-Zero ceased to function. After his release from medical, a furious Kuai Liang set off immediately for the remains of the Nagasaki Shatterdome to confront Hanzo for his failure to respond to the attack, since Shanghai was within Nagasaki's area of coverage. Both blinded by rage, they nearly got into a fistfight in the middle of the base, but once they realized what had truly happened, their anger cooled.  They bonded over their grief, and the unfathomable experience of having to pilot a Jaeger alone after such loss- and in the process, discovered they were drift compatible, and that they both wished to continue the fight in retaliation for what the Kaiju had done to their families. Their new Jaeger, Phantom Vengeance, is a strange sight- constructed from salvaged pieces of both Sub-Zero and Shirai Ryu (along with some newer tech to fill the gaps), it looks as much like a walking ghost as its pilots. However, it should not be underestimated based on its appearance. Quick and light (for a Jaeger), it features a retractable grappling hook to drag Kaiju into the range of its blasts of powerful coolant, and a devastating grip to snap them like twigs once frozen. 
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Other Players:
After the destruction of Sub-Zero and the defection of Kuai Liang, the Lin Kuei concluded that the problem with the Jaeger program was the human element of drift compatibility, which limited the number of possible pilots and held them back due to concern for their partners in battle.  Therefore, in secret, they began a series of horrific experiments, fusing subjects with their Jaegers to operate more like batteries than true pilots, and erasing their memories through drugging and electric shock in order to create blank minds that could operate together without the complications of emotion.  Assassins Cyrax and Sektor, along with Kuai Liang’s close friend Tomas Vrbada, were among the subjects of this initiative, forced to operate a three-armed machine called Triborg.
Shang Tsung is a scientist, shunned from the academic community and at times running afoul of the law for his unethical- if not outright twisted- biological experiments. He and Marshal Raiden have crossed paths in the past, and though no one knows the details, their enmity towards each other is clear. However, in his desperation after the decommissioning of the Jaeger program, Raiden had Shang Tsung brought from prison to the Hong Kong Shatterdome, and gave him access to whatever parts he needed to find a way to destroy the Kaiju- by any means necessary. Shang Tsung agreed partly because of the money offered, but mostly because the world's destruction would throw quite the wrench into his own personal goals. (And maybe because it was deeply satisfying- and perhaps useful- to have the Marshal in his debt.) Where his allegiance will lie at the end of the day, however, is anyone's guess. 
For such experiments, one needs a steady supply of Kaiju parts, and for contraband like that, Raiden had to look even lower- to the crime syndicate the Black Dragon, led by Kano and including his associates, Kabal and Erron Black.  Though once mercenaries dealing in everything from illicit arms trading to assassination, the Black Dragon followed the money and and put all their resources into the trafficking of Kaiju parts.  With demand so high, they have become immensely powerful, but their involvement with the PPDC in the name of greater profits ends up bringing Kano face to face with his old nemesis, Sonya Blade- with predictably violent results.
Nightwolf was the historian of the Matoka tribe, which had long ago predicted a great cataclysm that would bring about the end of life on earth.  Though he had been skeptical that such legends were real, when that cataclysm came to pass in the form of the Kaiju invasion, Nightwolf was not content to merely await a prophesied destruction.  He left home and applied for the ranger program, but although he trained toward being a pilot and had the necessary combat skills, he never found a partner with whom he was drift compatible.  Rather than dwell on this with resentment, he pivoted his focus into other ways he could help, and found his place as a technician and LOCCENT officer.  Transferred to Hong Kong after the decommissioning of the Jaeger program, he was the rangers’ primary point of communication with the base while in battle.
Though most of the world fears the Kaiju, there are also those who worship them, and such admiration has evolved over the years into a full-blown religion.  The shadowy high priest of this cult is Quan Chi, who claims that the Kaiju have been sent by the God of Death himself- to end the days of humans on Earth as we so richly deserve.  Recently, a strange, hollow-eyed man calling himself Noob Saibot has appeared like a shadow at Quan Chi’s side, serving as his personal bodyguard against all threats and a fellow ardent believer in the inevitability of humanity’s destruction. Mileena is a grotesque fusion of Kaiju DNA with that of Kitana, which was stolen against her will when she was injured and bled during the invasion of Edenia. She enters Earth as a general of the Kaiju, connected to their hivemind, along with the first Category 5 to ever come through the breach, Goro.  Together, they intend to ensure the will of their creator and the ruler of the Anteverse- Shao Kahn- is carried out.
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thecasperanfamily · 3 years
Can we get a sock monkey part two? Maybe taking place in the present?
(Link to Part One)
I am sooooo sorry about the delay on this one. First I had a solid week of ADHD Brain Doing Its Thing, then a dentist appointment, then my bedroom flooded, then a migraine...ANYWAYS I hope this was worth the wait!
They say that behind every great wizard, there is a great witch. Whether or not this was a universal truth or just a nice-sounding sentiment someone came up with to discourage squabbling between witches and wizards, Lin couldn’t be sure. But he did know that it was true in his father’s case, if nothing else. Hisirdoux Casperan was an immensely powerful wizard in his own right, capable of feats of magic unlike anything seen since the age of the great Merlin Ambrosius. But he was also what Lin’s mother liked to affectionately call “a mess. An absolute disaster. Gods, it’s a marvel you’ve survived this long.” To which Douxie would inevitably reply with, “The only marvel is you, my love.” And Lin would always immediately leave the room because he had no desire to witness whatever came after that. But Douxie did have a point, albeit one that felt a bit lost underneath all the sap and sentimentality. The fact of the matter was that Master Wizard Hisirdoux Casperan likely couldn’t be a Master Wizard without his wife. Archie could protect Douxie in battle, Nari could heal and encourage him, but Zoe was their last and strongest line of defense. Be it a desperate struggle against an ancient and horrifying monster or simply keeping the household running, when all others fell, she continued to stand, often pulling them back up and keeping them on their feet with her own strength. Douxie once said that he could face his own fears because he knew Zoe was standing fearless by his side.
In hindsight, he really should have chosen his words more carefully. Because when Lin handed his mother his oldest, most beloved toy from childhood and asked her to repair it, “fearless” certainly wasn’t what came to mind when beholding the look of intense discomfort on Zoe’s face as she eyed the offending object.
“...It looks normal to me,” she said stiffly.
“It....there’s a massive rip on her side?” Lin replied hesitantly. “That’s not supposed to be there. And Comet tore off one of her eyes, too.” The boy shifted awkwardly, still cradling the abomination in his hands, since Zoe had refused to touch it. “I-I mean, I know it’s stupid, but Georgina--uh, I mean, this old thing...it means a lot to me. Been with me for a long time, and all. I just--”
“Fine, fine, I’ll patch it up for you,” Zoe blurted, snatching the cursed thing from his hands. “Now go get ready for school. You’re running late as is.”
“...It’s Saturday,” Lin reminded her.
“Then go bother Archie or something. I can’t fix this thing if you’re breathing down my neck the whole time. Restorative magic requires concentration.”
“...I’ve seen you piece a broken mug back together in five seconds flat while also fighting the endgame boss of War Dudes 7.”
“Out, Lin.”
“Alright, alright!” He raised his hands placatingly and swept out of the kitchen, calling back over his shoulder “Thanks, Mom!”
The moment he was out of sight, Zoe pitched the sock monkey as hard as she could against the opposite wall. It landed on the counter with a sad little flop, looking no less abominable for its current state of disrepair.
“I hate you,” she told it quietly. “I know you know I do. I can see it in your one remaining eye. I’ve endured your mockery of me for the past seventeen years for Lin’s sake, but this...” She raked her fingers through her bangs furiously. “...Oh, get a grip, Zoe,” she muttered. “It’s just a stuffed animal. It’s only ever been a stuffed animal. It will never best me. I’m one of the greatest hedgewitches of my time. I am Zoe Casperan, I am she who remains when the masters have fallen, I am--”
“Introducing yourself to someone, are you?”
Douxie was very fortunate that he did not touch Zoe when he spoke up from behind her, because the pulse of electricity that surged through her veins would have certainly laid him flat on his back for at least a week. As it was, Zoe’s wand was pointed at his throat before he could so much as blink, a few angry pink sparks spitting from the end.
“Woah, woah, okay, nope, bad time for jokes, I got it! Take it easy, love.”
“Don’t do that!” Zoe hissed, stuffing her wand back into her belt as her cheeks warmed with embarrassment. “I could have hurt you.”
“Trust me, I’m well aware,” Douxie replied, taking one of her hands and pressing an apologetic kiss to her knuckles. “I didn’t mean to startle you, I’m sorry.”
“Stop being sweet.” Zoe grumbled. “It’s distracting.”
“Distracting you from what, exactly?”
“Lin wants me to patch up that...thing that Barbara gave him all those years ago.” She flapped a hand at the sock monkey sprawled pathetically across the counter.
“I didn’t even realize he still had that,” Douxie remarked, taking in the damage with a critical eye. “Mm. She’s certainly seen better days.”
“I want it to see worse,” Zoe seethed. “...But Lin still loves it, gods only know why.”
“Bit of a moral conundrum, eh? Take your vengeance on your worst enemy and break our son’s heart, or grant her mercy for Lin’s sake.”
“This isn’t funny, Douxie.”
“It is, just a little bit.”
“You know I can’t stand even looking at that reject voodoo doll. How am I supposed to cast a restoration spell when all I want to do is douse this thing in gasoline and throw it on a bonfire?”
“Attempting a restoration spell with that mindset would likely end very badly,” Douxie agreed. “My feelings towards the lady in question are far less hostile. Perhaps I should take this one for you.”
“No! No, I-I...” Zoe sighed and ran a hand through her bangs yet again. “...I don’t want this thing to get the better of me. I’ve never backed down from a challenge before, and I definitely don’t want this to be my first time. Besides, you’re pretty sloppy when it comes to restoration magic. Lin will know right away who performed the spell just by looking at it, and I don’t want him to feel like I let him down.”
“With the utmost respect, Zoe,” Douxie replied hesitantly. “I think Lin would prefer a messy patch job over the many ways this spell could backfire if you’re the one performing it. You do understand that swallowing your pride isn’t the same as cowardice, right?”
“Pride or not, I will not let my son experience the shame of knowing his mother was defeated by an ugly stuffed animal,” Zoe countered. She stalked up to the counter and arranged the bedraggled sock monkey carefully, nose wrinkling in disgust as she ran her fingers over the material.
“Zoe, darling--” Douxie tried to protest again.
“Shush. I need to concentrate.”
“I really think you ought to let me--”
“I said shush, Douxie. I know I can do this.” She brandished her wand and, with a few quick motions, guided her aura to surround the sock monkey, which began to float a few inches off the counter. She pushed back against the wave of revulsion that crashed over her as her spirit made contact with the cursed object, and managed to spit the spell out through clenched teeth. “Refectio.”
The moment the spell was activated, Zoe knew she had made a mistake. The feeling of disgust she had tried so hard to stifle refused to detach from her aura. Her magic flowed out of her in a hot, angry rush, and the sock monkey writhed and contorted as though possessed.
“Zoe!” Douxie pulled her back from the counter, arms wrapping around her as his own aura flared defensively. The sock monkey gave one final shudder, then flopped back onto the counter.
“It’s fine!” Zoe insisted. “Look, see? It’s fixed.” Indeed, the sock monkey appeared to have been restored to mint condition. The rip had closed, the missing eye had returned from wherever Comet had hidden it, and the old stuffing had softened and puffed out again. “I told you I could do it.”
“That could have been a disaster, Zoe,” Douxie scolded.
“Any spell has the potential to be a disaster,” she argued. “But I had to try. And I feel so much better now that--”
The sock monkey twitched.
Douxie’s arms tightened around her, and Zoe instinctively brandished her wand again. The toy twitched again. Then it shuddered. Then it flopped over. And then, like a phantom from a nightmare, rose to its feet and slowly turned to face them, black button eyes cold and lifeless.
“...Okay, yeah, this is a disaster,” Zoe breathed. The sock monkey hovered in place for a moment longer.
Then suddenly, it was zooming across the kitchen. Douxie shoved Zoe to the side, but the vengeful toy didn’t seem to notice her at all. It gleefully slammed into the Master Wizard’s head and began wrapping itself around his face. He stumbled back and fell against the counter, sending a few dirty dishes crashing to the floor as he clawed at the soft little demon that was attempting to suffocate him.
“NO!” Zoe screeched, and before she could think twice, there was a blinding flash of bright pink light and the crackling snap of a thunderbolt. The sock monkey exploded into a cloud of stuffing and fibers that fluttered to the floor and dissolved into ash.
Zoe dropped to her knees, wand still outstretched in her trembling hand. Douxie leaned back against the counter, sucking in huge gulps of air.
“...Well,” he wheezed. “At least you finally got your revenge.”
“...No. Oh, no no no,” Zoe whimpered, dropping her wand and burying her face in her hands. “Oh gods, what have I... Lin is going to... Gods, Douxie I’m so sorry. Are you alright?” She emerged from her hands to see him giving her a thumbs-up and a sympathetic smile.
“The only damage done was emotional,” he assured her. “...At least where I’m concerned.” His gaze drifted across the floor, taking in the ashes scattered all over it. Silence hung between them for a few long minutes. “...What do we do now?”
“...Do you have your phone on you?” Zoe asked. Douxie nodded. “Give it here.” He pulled the item in question out of his pocket and tossed it over to her. She scrolled through his contacts list until she found the name she was looking for, then pressed call. Douxie pulled himself to his feet and began searching for a broom. There was a click on the other end of the line.
“Barbara Lake speaking.”
“Hey, Barbara? It’s Zoe. ...Yeah, I’m using Douxie’s phone. Long story short, we’ve had a bit of an accident and I need to know where you got Lin’s sock monkey from...”
“Hey, Lin.” Lin looked up from his sketchbook to find his mother standing in his bedroom doorway. “Catch.” She tossed a familiar grey and white figure at him.
“Wow. She looks like new,” he observed, turning the sock monkey over in his hands. “...Very new.”
“Yeah. That’s...why it took me longer than usual to fix her. Take good care of her, alright? I don’t want to have to fix her again any time soon.”
“Yep. Thanks, Mom.” He watched her leave, then looked back down at the toy. “...Huh. I don’t remember you ever having these tags, Georgina...” The sock monkey smiled up at him benignly. “Weird.” He shrugged and sat the stuffed animal up on his desk before bending over his sketchbook once more.
Meanwhile, Zoe went to brew herself a very strong cup of herbal tea.
A very special thanks to @poetryinmotion-author and @rikalovesrice for helping me with this one, and to @dreamsarelikedragonflies for beta reading. ✨
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kerra-and-company · 3 years
The first three months after Zhaitan’s defeat. (Or, the story of how the person widely considered “the best at emotions” was once absolutely horrible at managing her own.)
Warnings: depression, self-harm (in a very Kerra-specific way), feeling worthless, cognitive distortions (Kerra gets an idea into her head that is just...inaccurate)
Word count: 4466
I’ve been trying to work on this fic for a while, and it’s been really hard because Kerra’s my OC whose mental health issues are closest to my own. But it’s done now, and I’m sure it’s not perfect, but I’m proud of it, and it means a lot to me. So, here you go; hopefully this speaks to someone else, too.
(and @mystery-salad because forever ago you mentioned that you’d be interested in seeing this fic concept if I ever wrote it!)
It happened in the span of a single moment.
Trahearne had finally, finally joined the party. Rel had gotten his lute from who knows where and was taking song requests. Destiny’s Edge was talking and laughing, and she even saw Caithe smile. Everywhere Kerra looked, her friends and the rest of the Pact were drinking, chatting, relaxing, or dancing.
And, for once, no one was watching her.
So she tilted her head back, letting the sun and confetti (who brought confetti?) cover her face, giggling at the unfamiliar touch of colorful paper scraps. She spun around, arms outstretched and eyes closed and, miraculously, managing not to hit anyone.
It was pure, utter joy combined with I’m done, I did what I was made for, I’m done and I can just be me—
Kill the dragon.
Kerra stumbled. That couldn’t be right. Zhaitan was dead, and her Hunt was—
Kill the dragon, her mind insisted.
The world didn’t stop. It would have been easier if it had. Instead, the celebration continued, with laughter and Rel’s music as omnipresent noise.
It took everything in her not to scream.
The Pact wanted to lift her up on a pedestal for what she’d done. And she didn’t deserve it, so she had to leave.
She wrote notes to each of her friends and left them near their things, going mostly unnoticed as she slipped out of the party. Thank you for everything you’ve done, she said. I am going to where I can help the most, and that’s not here right now. I’ll come back.
I love you.
Her first stop was Caledon.
Cern was pleased to see her and told her stories of his new recruits taking down a particularly large troll in the swamps. Tatli and Cueyatl welcomed her into the Hazupl camp, and a few sylvari were there, too, talking to the hylek young. Llew gave her updates on Astorea—the defenses were holding, though Nightmare Court attacks had increased of late.
The only place she stayed overnight, though, was the Weeping Isle. Eona hugged her, congratulated her, and asked after Rel. She gave bare-bones information, took care of some wave riders, and fell asleep in the same guest room she’d taken earlier that year.
In her dreams, she walked a bloody battlefield, utterly alone. She saw so many dead faces, along with the living who mourned their losses. With each one she spotted, a memory flashed. Minei and Cio screaming and fighting to get back into the fortress on Claw Island. Ceera calling her “Commander of death.” Elli’s expression as she tore into the Risen marksman. Tybalt imploring her to trust him. Trahearne asking the Pale Tree for forgiveness as they closed the gate to Fort Trinity. The hate in Tiachren’s eyes slowly turning to fear as he died.
And above it all, the incessant drumbeat of this is your fault, your fault, your fault. You were Commander and this wasn’t what you were meant for and so every death is on your head and yours alone because you made a mistake. You pursued the wrong Hunt, and you will look at what you’ve done.
The land and the bodies went up in smoke, and she welcomed the flames even as she burned, too.
Come morning, Eona found Kerra’s bed neatly made and the Commander herself long gone.
In Kessex, the bandits put a price on her head.
In Sparkfly, the krait learned to flee from her on sight.
In Brisban, the Inquest cursed her as their labs exploded.
Sometimes, those she helped asked for her name. She began introducing herself as Lin. It felt…maybe not right, but right-adjacent, and it gave her a sense of distance.
Sometimes, they asked her to stay—an asuran krewe who appreciated her particular brand of dragon expertise, a rough-edged gladium who saw a kindred spirit, and a small human boy who watched her train the Claypool militia with wide eyes, to name a few.
She never stayed more than a few days. It tore her apart each time.
She slept less and less.
Felix worried more about her with every passing day.
Kerra could feel it, and she wished he wouldn’t, but she didn’t have the words to calm him.
“You can leave, dearheart, if this is too much,” she said once, softly. “You can leave if…if I’m too much.”
Not too much, never, Felix insisted, bumping his head into her thigh and letting out a deep purr. But you’re hurt. I want to help.
“You can’t.” It came out too sharp, and they both winced. “It’s…I’m not scratched, or stabbed, or corrupted. I didn’t break a bone.” I wish I had. I wish this pain was visible. I wish I had scars for all of them.
Some nights, she considered giving herself those scars.
That doesn’t make you not hurt, Felix insisted.
Kerra had nothing to say except but I deserve it, and she knew Felix wouldn’t want to hear that. So, she just pulled him onto her lap and against her chest, burying her face in his fur, eyes dry.
Her thoughts wouldn’t stop chasing each other in circles. Her Wyld Hunt pulsed at the back of her mind constantly, like the beginning of a headache.
Kill the dragon.
WHICH dragon? she’d scream back. It never answered, no matter how many times she asked.
But she could function on two hours of sleep a night. She could fight. She could help.
That’s all that mattered.
She stopped at the Black Citadel for provisions. She’d intended to avoid Rytlock, but one of his subordinates spotted her at a vendor’s stall and (as politely as possible) dragged her to his office.
“Commander!” Rytlock said, happily standing up and pushing his paperwork to the side. “Thought you were back at Fort Trinity.”
“I was,” Kerra said, just a little too shortly. “I’m on my way to Hoelbrak.” Not entirely false; she was indeed heading in that general direction.
“On foot?” Confusion. “You didn’t waypoint or take an airship?”
“I wanted to take the scenic route.” A small smirk, and, again, not entirely a lie.
“Fine by me.” Rytlock grinned, his smile very full of teeth. “Don’t suppose you’d care to help me take out a Flame Legion post before you leave?”
“I’d be happy to,” Kerra said, smiling back and inclining her head before turning on her heel and walking out the door. Felix followed close behind.
“Commander!” Rytlock shouted after her. He muttered something about “I was saying we’d go together,” but Kerra was halfway down the stairs by then and barely heard him.
The outpost was empty within three hours. Kerra was gone in four.
She’d stopped shielding her mind somewhere along the line. She couldn’t remember exactly when.
Emotions swirled through her, positive and negative and in-between. Most of them left, but their imprints remained.
She kept fighting. She kept killing, when necessary, and the pain grew and grew and grew. Her burden. Hers. Deserved, she thought.
She racked up invisible scars by the thousands.
As much as she told herself the pain was necessary, it also was exhausting—which is how she got her first serious injury since leaving Orr, forcibly bringing her spiral to a halt.
She was at Victor’s Point with a man named Gareth and his three children. Said children had performed some sort of ritual to summon a bear. The ritual instead managed to summon several dozen bears, and soon the homestead was overrun.
While Felix helped Gareth take down a particularly large bear, Kerra heard a scream from the nearby shed and whipped around, running as fast as her legs would carry her across the snow.
A child she hadn’t met yet, a small one with short white-blond hair, was cowering under a workbench. They held a pen in their right hand like a dagger, jabbing it in the direction of yet another bear trying to stick its head under the table. It growled at them, showcasing its set of sharp teeth.
Not wanting to risk hitting the child, Kerra unsheathed her dagger and leaped on top of the bear. But she’d underestimated its ferocity and overestimated her remaining strength, and it threw her off, slamming her into the stones of the nearby fireplace.
Holding her head, she tried to get up, but its claws gauged deep marks across her chest, and she dropped her dagger at the sudden spasm of pain. She scrambled backwards, shielding the child with her own body as they screamed. Felix roared somewhere in the distance.
She struggled to stay conscious as the bear reared up on its hind legs, trying to figure out if she could muster up enough energy to kick it in the stomach. But she didn’t have to.
A blue shield appeared around her—guardian magic, she thought deliriously. Logan? The mace that whacked the bear in the head was decidedly not Logan’s, though, and Logan wasn’t that tall, and his skin wasn’t that dark. But whoever this was, the child was safe.
“Hey, stay awake!” a voice called out urgently as her eyes slid shut. She heard a distinct crack in it and felt the owner’s concern for her. Funny, she thought in an unappreciated moment of irony, for them to care so much about someone they’ve never met.
Kerra must have dreamed, then, but all she remembered was what woke her up—yet another whisper of kill the dragondeep in the back of her mind.
She sat up with a jolt, nearly whacking her head on the beams above her.
Her savior was talking in hushed tones to Gareth nearby, but whatever they were saying was immediately drowned out by Felix, who meowed loudly and started purring at the top of his lungs. He gently butted his head against her shoulder. Thank you for staying. Don’t leave.
“I’m—” she coughed, clearing her throat and trying to ignore what felt like the worst headache of her life. “I’m okay, ‘Lix, I’m okay, I’m still here.” She gently laid a hand on his flank, and he turned his head and licked it with his rough tongue, making her laugh weakly and then wince as the action sent a flare of pain through her body.
“You sure you’re okay?” her mysterious savior said, approaching her bedside. “You hit your head pretty hard.”
“I heal fast,” Kerra said, meeting their eyes. They were tall, but their face was young. “Thank you for your help.”
“No problem,” the tall child said. “I’m Braham, he/him. Nice to meet you.”
“I’m Lin. She/her is fine. It’s nice to meet you, too.” A memory slotted into place, and she gasped, frantically looking around for her weapons. “Are the children all right? How long was I unconscious?”
“Easy!” Gareth said, holding his hands up in a calming gesture as he approached. “Yes, all the children are safe, and you were only out for about an hour or so.” He coughed meaningfully, and a snow-blond head peeked out from around his legs. “Mikkel is a bit shy, but he wanted me to thank you.”
“You’re welcome, Mikkel,” Kerra said, her eyes softening as they met the child’s. “You were very brave, you know.”
The boy squeaked and hid again behind his father’s legs. Gareth just laughed. “I daresay he was! But that thanks comes from me as well, young one. We were lucky to have you with us today.”
“The thanks is appreciated, but unnecessary, Gareth,” Kerra replied, dipping her head a few inches. When she lifted it back up—slowly, struggling against the pounding in her head—she found Braham looking at her curiously. But he shook his head, seemingly dislodging whatever thought he’d had, and nodded.
“I’m glad you’re okay and that I could help, but I gotta get going,” he said, standing up.
“Where are you headed?” Kerra asked, leaning back slightly against the pillows.
“Hoelbrak,” Braham answered, frowning. “I need someone to help me defend my hometown, Craigstead—it’s been invaded by some group calling themselves the Molten Alliance. I figured asking Knut Whitebear was worth a shot.”
Kerra frowned, too, both at Braham’s words and at the implication of his tension and fear. “Who else did you ask?” And why didn’t you try Hoelbrak first?
“Tribune Brimstone. He didn’t believe me.”
“What didn’t he believe?”
Braham’s face closed, but she could feel his flare of anger; it wasn’t directed at her, though, not really. “With all due respect, sylvari, it’s not really your business—”
“I know Rytlock,” Kerra interrupted, ignoring Gareth’s shock and the way Mikkel’s eyes lit up. And though the last thing she wanted was to go back to Rytlock or any of her friends and hurt them again… “I can help; I’ve convinced him to get off his…behind…before. Let me help. What didn’t he believe? That your town was under attack?”
She could tell Braham wasn’t quite convinced that she was being honest, but he sighed and shrugged. “That, and the fact that my full name is Braham Eirsson. My mother—” He said the word with a disgust Kerra didn’t understand. “—is Eir Stegalkin.”
Kerra blinked. “Your mother is who?”
Braham crossed his arms. “You heard me.”
“No, I did, and I believe you—sorry. I just…” She trailed off, took a breath, and continued. “I know your mother, too, then. And I’m aware that I can’t move much at the moment, but if Whitebear doesn’t agree to help you, come back and find me. Either I’ll convince someone to help you, or I’ll do it myself.”
Surprise mixed with persistent disbelief and gratitude. “Okay, then. You’re an odd one, Lin.”
She laughed, dry and short, absorbing the flicker of pain that came with it. “So I’ve heard.” As he headed to the door, she added, “You better come back and at least let me know how things go, okay?”
It was Braham’s turn to laugh, though his was more sincere. He did a goofy half-bow-half-salute and said lightly, “You’ll be on my way, so sure thing, boss.”
Kerra wanted to leave. Gareth and his wife and his children were absolutely lovely, and she didn’t deserve any of it. But she was trapped in bed, healing. Careless.
She slept most of the time, waking up only to eat and pet Felix and thank Mikkel for bringing her water. Part of her wished she could just stay asleep, and part of her was absolutely desperate to move, to get out, to go anywhere but here where she was a burden and could do nothing. Always, constantly, back and forth.
I need to move.
You can’t.
I need to help.
You can’t do that, either.
I need to be worth something.
But you’re not.
I need you to shut up.
But I won’t.
I…I need my friends. And I need Trahearne and Caithe.
But you left them. They’re probably all angry with you.
You don’t know that.
And even if they’re not, you don’t deserve them.
Am I wrong?
On her fourth day at Victor’s Point, Kerra received a visitor.
Raised voices outside woke her. She rolled over to face the door, bringing her knees closer to her chest under the blankets.
“—asked you to state your business, sylvari.” Gareth’s voice. He was on edge and slightly angry.
“And I told you, I’m looking for Kerra. Is she here or not?”
Kerra’s eyes flew open in shock and recognition.
“There is no one by that name staying here,” Gareth replied. “I strongly suggest you try the next homestead.” A feeling of preparedness, as if his hand was on the hilt of his weapon.
Before she could think it through, Kerra called out, “Nisha?”
A brief scuffle and a shout, and the door banged open. Nisha’s clothes looked wrinkled, though still passably clean, and xe stood as tall as ever. And xe was scared and upset and relieved and so many other things that Kerra didn’t have the brainspace to work through.
Felix, however, didn’t have that problem. He leapt forward, and a very startled Nisha caught him in xyr arms. Xe stumbled backward into Gareth, who burst out laughing, animosity gone.
“Well, all right then! Lin, I see you know this person. Is it fine if I leave you two…” He glanced at a very loudly purring Felix, eyes twinkling. “Or you three to catch up?”
Nisha’s gaze caught hers and locked in, like the sight on one of xyr rifles.
Say yes.
Say no.
Say yes.
Say no. Say NO.
“Yes,” Kerra choked out, quiet but audible.
“Wonderful! I’ll be outside if you need me.” The door softly clicked shut behind him.
Silence for a few beats. Three, two, one.
Kerra took a deep breath and straightened, sitting up fully. “Hey,” she said tentatively.
Nisha gently set Felix down, a fierce edge in xyr eyes. Felix curled up next to the bed, eyes darting between the two.
“Hey?” Nisha repeated incredulously. “Hey?!”
Kerra flinched, and Nisha snapped xyr mouth shut with an audible click. When xe spoke next, xyr tone was flat. “Where have you been, exactly?”
“Helping people,” was all Kerra could say.
Nisha exhaled, frustration seeping off xem in waves. “My apologies. I should have phrased that better. Why did you leave Fort Trinity?”
“To help people,” Kerra repeated, helplessly.
“Why couldn’t you help people there?! I-I—” Nisha’s face twisted, though Kerra could see xem struggling to hide it. “You left us! And you didn’t say where you were going, not even to Trahearne or Caithe or my brother.” Xyr hand clenched into a fist, gripping and bunching up the fabric of xyr pants.
She had let them down. They were mad—at least Nisha was, and if xe was, probably everyone else was, too. Tears pricked at her eyes, and she started, “I’m s—”
“Do you have ANY idea how SCARED we were?!” Nisha shouted.
Kerra’s world screeched to a halt.
Wait. What?
“We could have lost you, and we would have had no way of knowing! You could have died, or disappeared, and none of us would have been able to do anything to stop it! We were terrified for you! And not because you’re not capable,” xe added hastily, brushing away tears on xyr own cheeks, and she’d made Nisha cry, she’d done that to xem, she’d hurt xem— “You are perhaps the best fighter I’ve ever met. That doesn’t mean you can’t die.”
Something cracked in Kerra’s heart.
“Why do you—what about all the people who died because of me?” she shouted back, her voice breaking. She threw herself out of bed and onto her feet, the blankets falling in a disorganized tangle behind her. “What about them?”
“What—we were fighting an Elder Dragon! People were going to die!” Both of Nisha’s fists were clenched now. “And I hate that, but it’s the truth! If you’re saying that you think we could have made it all the way to Zhaitan with no casualties—”
“No, no, I’m not, I—all their deaths are my fault!” Kerra’s tone made Felix’s ears flatten, and she ignored Nisha’s rush of utter shock. “I don’t understand why you’d want to find me!”
“Why in Tyria would they all be your fault?” Xyr brow furrowed, and xe took one step towards her. “I disagree with the basic principle, but even if the deaths were entirely on the Pact leadership, shouldn’t they also be Trahearne’s—”
“Why not?!”
The room went dead silent. Kerra abruptly realized she was breathing hard and sat down on the edge of her bed.
“I was given a Wyld Hunt to fight and kill a dragon, Nisha,” she said, staring down at her hands. “The Pale Mother and Caithe both told me that the dragon was Zhaitan, but it clearly wasn’t, because Zhaitan is dead, and my Wyld Hunt is very much still there. Which makes this the wrong path for me, and therefore every action I’ve taken that’s led to where we are, with so many dead, is my fault. I should have figured out I was targeting the wrong dragon, I should have done better, I should have…” She trailed off, overwhelmed.
Silence again. When Kerra looked up, she met Nisha’s eyes, staring directly into hers. Sadness. Anger. Frustration.
Xe cleared xyr throat twice before speaking. “You write your own future, Ker. You’re not beholden to that one.”
“But Mother told me—”
“Mothers can be WRONG!” The fabric of Nisha’s coat tore with a soft ripping sound. But just like with Braham, the anger wasn’t directed at Kerra.
“I was given this Hunt by the Dream!”
“Shoots and thorns!” Nisha yelled, xyr voice cracking. “Why are you so certain you chose wrong, that you made some sort of mistake? You can still complete your Hunt! You can go after all the dragons! And you know why you have that option?” Desperation. Determination. “Because of everything you’ve done, because you’re the Commander, whether or not your Mother and the Dream originally thought you should be! You took down Zhaitan! You proved that Elder Dragons can be defeated, and now you don’t have to fight them alone!”
Xe took a deep breath. “Yes, people died, and it’s horrible.” New tears pooled in xyr eyes. “I…I still miss Sieran. But their deaths are not all your fault, and you saved so many lives, too, and…and I brought these.”
Xe shrugged off xyr pack and fiddled around inside it, pulling out a stack of papers and dropping them on Kerra’s lap. She just blinked.
Nisha sighed, more out of frustration with xemself than with Kerra. “Can you just look at them, please?”
Kerra spread out the papers, making sure to catch a few stray sheets before they fell to the floor.
They were notes, every single one of them written in a different hand. In a quick scan, Kerra saw Caithe’s graceful but clear cursive, Elli’s “i's” dotted with little hearts, and Minei’s deliberately blocky print. She looked back up at Nisha.
“What…what are these?”
“It was Rel’s idea,” xe said, now looking anywhere but Kerra. She could feel xem trying to rein in xyr emotions, though it was a bit late for that. “You gave us all some, so he thought that, if I could find you, I should give you some from all of us.”
Words upon words upon words. Her eyes were drawn to them as if by a magnet.
From Demmi: Thanks for believing in me.
From Cio: You saw past the fire, and you’re one of the few.
From Trahearne: You are the reason I didn’t give up, little sister.
From Shashoo: Quaggan believes in you, Commander!
From Riel: You do good work, agent. Keep it up.
From Elli: Keep fighting, Kerry. You’re damn good at it.
From Minei: They’re not saying why we’re writing these, but you better come back so I can thank you in person.
From Caithe: You showed me new purpose, Valiant. Thank you.
From Rel: You’re my best friend, Ker, and I love you. Stay safe.
And there were more, from soldiers she’d talked to once or sparred with or comforted, and some from people she’d never met. They said thank you and you led us to victory and you saved me and you were a friend when I needed one and many, many variations.
Nisha coughed, and when xe spoke, xyr voice was thick. “I didn’t write one. I’m not a writer. But thank you, Kerra. You’re the third friend I’ve ever made, and I’m so glad I met you.”
“Can I hug you?” Kerra blurted, nearly cutting xem off. She didn’t expect xem to say yes, but she desperately hoped—and then the notes were being carefully placed on the desk, and Nisha was next to her on the bed with xyr arms around her, and Felix was purring loudly from his spot on the floor as he told her I love you, too.
Kerra hugged xem back tightly, hiding her face in xyr shoulder, and they stayed that way until both their shirts were soaked with tears.
An indeterminable amount of time later, Kerra pulled away, wiping her face with her sleeve. “I can’t do this on my own, you know,” she said, the corner of her mouth pulling upwards. I can’t go back alone. I won’t feel better if I’m alone. I need help, and I need my friends, and maybe that’s okay for me, too, just like it’s okay for everyone else. She met Nisha’s eyes. “Will you stay with me?”
“I just found you,” Nisha said, quiet but firm. “I’m not going anywhere.”
Kerra smiled in earnest, then. “Good. Because you can’t do this alone, either.”
“I beg your pardon?” Nisha said, eyebrows raising. Surprise. Indignance. Acceptance.
“Neither of us are okay,” Kerra said, thinking of Nisha shouting about mothers (and Nisha shouting at all, when xe always stayed so composed). “And we have other people—other friends, our siblings—but…” She felt her glow flare, warming her face. “I’ll help you, when you need it, and you’ll help me when I need it. That’s the deal.”
“I wasn’t aware we were making a deal.” Amusement. Warmth.
Kerra dipped her head slightly, never breaking eye contact. “We are.” Her smile grew. “You know,” she said cheekily, “you really shouldn’t question your Commander—”
“You are aware that I’m not technically part of the Pact, right?” Nisha interrupted.
It was barely even a joke, but it shattered whatever tension remained. Kerra burst into slightly broken (but still genuine) laughter, the calm after the storm. She felt Nisha’s happiness and saw xyr grin, and it pushed back the flood farther.
It was just enough. For the first time in weeks, she pulled up her shields, shutting the world’s emotions out. It was a relief and a letting go, and she almost started crying again, but Nisha’s presence held her together.
She was far from okay—the drumbeat of it’s all your fault and the Hunt’s repetition of kill the dragon were still very much there in her head. But people cared about her. She had proof of that, though she still didn’t understand it. She was important to them, so she had to keep herself safe.
Maybe someday she’d be able to do that just for herself.
For now, she’d take the help, and she’d start to heal. And when Braham came back, she’d leave, with Nisha.
But it was all right to stay here, just for now. She was safe, and she was loved.
And she felt like she was home.
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itstittycitybaby · 4 years
Flirty (Lin Beifong x Reader) Part 4
a/n: episode 6 but Lin gets the love and comfort she deserves. also lin’s room has a balcony bc i say so :))).
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The pounding in your head felt like someone was driving a drill through it relentlessly. You groaned, eyes slowly opening. The light made your head burn and the migraine you had worse. “She’s awake!” The voice was muddled and faded. “Bolin! Grab the water!” Squinting, the blurred forms in front of you finally cleared. Team avatar stood at the end your bed. Your parakeets were going wild in their cages. Their wings flapped rapidly as their shrill screeching sliced into your brain. “Azure! Ruby,” you croaked, glaring at the parakeets. “Quiet!” Their cries died down but they still hooted softly. “H-here,” Bolin sputtered, handing you a glass of water.
You almost kissed him right then and there. The water was cold as you gulped it down. Your throat was still parched but it didn’t feel like you were dying anymore. “What happened,” you grumbled, rubbing your head. Your fingertips touched a bandage at your temple. The slight sting made your teeth grit together and a softly hiss as the sting worsened. Korra looked apologetic. “You passed out during Lin and Suyin’s fight. Or after.” Lin. Your eyes darted around the room, but there was no sign of her. “Where is she,” you asked, shooting up from your bed. You wiggled out of the sheets and stood on your feet. The world around you felt dizzy. “Woah woah woah,” they all said, reaching out to you. Korra grabbed your arm gently to keep you from falling on your face. “You still need rest!” You waved them off, slowly regaining your balance. Korra let go of you and watched you grab your boots from the floor. “’m fine,” you muttered as you balanced on one foot to slid on your combat boots.
The room around you shifted slightly. You brushed it off as you finished putting on your boots. You needed to find Lin. Finding her was your priority right now. “How long have I been out for,” you asked, swinging your bag over your shoulder. “T-ten hours,” Korra stammered. Team avatar watched you, unsure of what to do. “Wait!” Bolin exclaimed, as you were opening the bird cage. The parakeets settled onto your shoulder. Azure chirped at Asami and Ruby watched the group cautiously. She seemed cranky and pecked at your shoulder softly. You couldn’t blame her; you’d be upset too if someone disturbed your master’s peace. “What is it now? I’m going and you can’t stop me.” “I don’t think we could even if we tried,” Mako muttered. You shot him a glare and he raised his hands up in defense.  “I wanted to ask you something,” Bolin continued, “How did you do that thing?” He pressed his fingers down on his palms.
Your brows furrowed in confusion. Bolin kept repeating the move and making a bubble move with his hands. The lightbulb in your brain dinged. “It’s a force field. Something I invented,” you answered quickly, stumbling your way to your door. “I really don’t think you should be leaving,” Korra called out as you were halfway through the door. “Well,” Mako grumbled, “We tried.”
It was silent. Your ear started to ache from pressing it up harshly against the door. “Probably resting,” you sighed. She pushed herself too hard. Your chest tightened from the memories of the fight. She could barely hold herself up from Suyin’s attacks but still pressed on. Suyin. Your lips pulled up into a sneer. Why would she use your actions against Lin? Why would she fight her sister? Lin was weak enough as it is. “She did start it,” you muttered, “but Lin must’ve had a reason.”
“Whatcha doing?” You jumped ten feet into the air. Azure and Ruby squwaked in protest. You swear your soul left your body from Opal sneaking up behind you. “Sorry,” she giggled, “I didn’t mean to scare you so bad.” You rolled your eyes, “Didn’t scare me.” The smile on your face told Opal you weren’t actually annoyed. Her eyes followed yours, staring a hole into Lin’s door. “Are you trying to visit Aunt Lin?”
You nodded, “Yea, but I’ve knocked and no answer. Door ‘s locked too.” “She’s probably still asleep then,” Opal answered. Or doesn’t want to be disturbed. “Really? Fight must’ve taken her out bad.” She didn’t say anything but traveled her eyes to the brightly coloured birds on your shoulder.  Her brows furrowed as she watched Ruby preen at her feathers. “She seems to...like you.” You tilted your head, “What do you mean?” Opal shrugged, green eyes flickering from Ruby to the pavement under her. She followed the cracks and patterns in the cement, seeming to trace them with her eyes. Her voice sounded lost and... sad. “She..seems to enjoy your company more...than anyone else’s. She seems...happier.”
The memory of Opal running out of Lin’s door and crying last flashed in your brain. “Oh Opal,” you sighed, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder. There were tears in her eyes. Her eyes remained at the ground. “Look at me,” you commanded softly. Opal’s emerald green eyes snapped up to yours. They shimmered with tears and her eyes were a bit red. Squeezing her shoulder for comfort you said, “Lin is...complicated. Trust me I dated her.” You let out a sad chuckle. Your eyes wandered to her door again but you were really focusing on the memories of the past. It was all you were good for now. Being filled with regret and never being able to forgive yourself for what you had done. “It doesn’t excuse her actions though,” you reassured her softly, “You did nothing wrong. You’re a sweet girl Opal.”
“Thank you,” She murmured. You smiled, but it didn’t seem to reach your eyes. You pat her shoulder gently before dropping it to your side. “Can I ask you something?” You nodded. “Do you know what happened? Between her and my mother?” Your eyes glanced at Lin’s door again. The dark wood felt ominous and sad as you kept staring at it. “No..I don’t. I’ve been asking myself that ever since I’ve got here. But I know something bad happened.” Silence stretched between the two of you. Opal watched you stare into Lin’s door with yearning.
“It hurts you doesn’t it,” Opal asked quietly. “Seeing the two of them tear each other apart. Her be angry with you and pushing you away.” “Bright girl,” you chuckled bitterly. “I can see it y’know,” she said quietly, “I can see the pain and the hurt haunting her as well.”
You didn’t reply; there was no need to. The both of you stood in silence on the front steps to Lin’s room, waiting.
The flute’s notes carried a merry melody. It was one of your favorites, something you used to hum to your brother after he had another nightmare. Lin had been asleep for about sixteen hours. The cement steps dug into your ass as you waited like a dog hoping its master would come home soon. The sun’s rays kissed your skin as you sat there, playing your flute. Azure and Ruby fluttered about, chasing each other on the ground in front of you. You chuckled watching them tweet and fly around each other. It made you think of Bo and Bao. You smiled sadly at the thought of them. The two of them were incredible birds. They were the only family you had after being alone for so many years.
“Is she still asleep?” You looked away from Ruby And Azure, meeting Korra’s eyes. You shrugged in reply, carrying on with your flute playing. You’ll always be a bitter and lonely old woman. Your teeth gritted as her words rung in your head. She still needed to apologize. Mako and Bolin talked amongst themselves.  Weird, you thought, where’s Asami? They paid you no mind as they argued about who should poke the sleeping bear.
“You should do it you’re the avatar!” You stifled a laugh. Korra grumbled,“Fine fine, I’ll do it.” She huffed, swinging her feet over the brick steps. Her fist begrudgingly knocked on the grumpy bear’s door. “Lin? You okay? You’ve been asleep for sixteen hours now.” No answer. Korra sighed defeated. She walked down the steps about to leave. The sound of the door opening made the four of you perk up. Oh my fucking god, you thought.
Lin stood in her doorway, green earth bender robes adorning her. The silver necklace around her neck glimmered in the sun. Gold is more her colour, you couldn’t help but think as the the avatar and her friends gawked. It was unusual seeing her without her armor but damn did she look good. There was a smile on her face as she bid them a good morning. Team avatar’s eyes bulged out of their skulls. “G-good morning,” the three of them sputtered.
Lin’s eyes wandered over to you. You sent her a quick wave. “Those robes look great on you Beifong.” She snorted, but there was a soft smile on her face. Her eyes wandered to the bandages on your temple. Your nose was still a bit swollen but it seemed to have gone down overtime. The sight made her smile falter and eyes flickering with guilt. You sent Lin a reassuring smile. There wasn’t any anger in your heart. You couldn’t bring yourself to be upset with her. You could never be upset with the woman you loved.
Lin’s posture seemed to relax more but the guilt still laid underneath her eyes, rumbling like a beast. Lin bowed her head and left.
“I’m sorry Lin. For everything. I was a crazy kid back then, I admit that.” Lin didn’t say anything. Her sister stared at her expectantly but kept her mouth shut. Suyin had tore their relationship apart. Her mother quit because she couldn’t take the shame of having a criminal as a daughter. Because of her, Lin had a scar she had to look at everyday in the mirror. For thirty years, Lin couldn’t let it go. The idea of letting go of the anger and pain she had been so accustomed to was terrifying. How could she let that all go? The anger she left after all these years was the only thing that warmed her.  It comforted her as time moved on. If she let go, there’d be nothing left.
Lin and Suyin stared at the metal sculpture in front of them.  “Thank you,” she spoke after a while. Suyin turned her gaze to her sister. “I accept your apology.”
She smiled, a genuine smile. “We need a new dance coach. How about you stay here Lin? We can be a family again.” Lin snorted, “I think I can start not destroying your grounds for now.” Suyin laughed, “Deal.” The two of them talked for a bit. While Suyin carried on about nothing Lin couldn’t help but feel that she had made the wrong decision.
“How did you do that?” “Hm?” You and Bolin sat on a bench together in one of Su’s courtyards. You didn’t want to risk aggravating the already grumpy bear by waiting outside Lin’s door all day. “The shield! Whatever that was.” You laughed at the childlike enthusiasm Bolin expressed. It was adorable and sweet. His excitement made you feel young and free again. Bolin reminded you of Bumi and Dee. “It’s a force field. I made it,” you stated proudly. “How did you make it?!” You laughed, “There’s a lot that goes into it. Metal, energy, and some other stuff.” Bolin tilted his head and asked, “I thought you weren’t a bender. Aren’t you just an architect?” “Sadly, I’m not a bender. But I am an architect, you were right about that. I’m also an inventor.”
“A damn good one at that.” The two of you looked up at the intrusion. Lin stood there with her arms crossed, peering at the two of you. After apologizing to Opal she went back to her place to talk to you. However, you were gone. She wandered around until she heard your voice. Lin flickered between the two of you. She swallowed the jealousy the striked through her. Bolin gulped nervously at Lin’s light glare. He glanced towards you. You didn’t even seem fazed at the death stare Lin was sending. “I’m..just gonna go,” he said awkwardly, “Opal and I have plans.” “Sounds great,” you smiled, sending him a wave. “I’d be happy to show you the shield later.” He smiled nervously and murmured something about finding you tomorrow.
Once Bolin left Lin turned to you. “Busy?” “Not anymore” you snorted, “Someone got jealous and scared Bolin away.” Lin’s teeth gritted together and her jaw tightened. “I’m not jealous,” she grumbled, eyes narrowing to slits. You raised a brow and crossed your arms. “Glaring at someone hard enough to burn a hole through their head? Yea, that seems normal.” “Just forget it,” Lin grunted, turning to walk away. “I’m just teasing,” you called out, jumping up from the bench. “What did you have in mind?” Lin stopped and turned to you. “Whiskey.” You grinned, “You sure know a way to a person’s heart Lin!” She snorted. “Are you coming or not?” “Yea,” you chirped, “I gotta get a couple things from my room real quick. Meet you at yours in ten?” Lin nodded. “Great!” She watched you leave, chuckling at the hop in your step. Azure and Ruby flew around you, chirping. Lin smiled softly at the excitement in your pace and the happy aura that surrounded you.
The whiskey went down smoothly. Lin had always been a fan of it from the burn that welcomed her. Silence stretched between the two of you. Her stomach prickled at the nerves in her veins. Apologies were hard for Lin but if she didn’t apologize she’d be just as bad as Suyin. You fiddled your glass in your hands, cradling it on the railing. Azure and Ruby flittered about on the metal. Their brightly coloured feathers contrasted with the back metal railing.
“Yknow,” you said, breaking the silence, “I didn’t think this city would be so pretty.” Lin arched a brow, setting her empty glass on a side table near her. “What? The metal?” She gestured to the metal shield that protected the area around the two of you. You snorted, “Yea definitely. Just look at the bolts. They look so strong. Would be great for a project I’m planning.” Lin chuckled. She wouldn’t admit it, but she missed this. The late nights when the two of you chatted about nothing and everything. The dry jokes the two of you shared as you embraced each other in bed. It tugged at her heart in such a way where she didn’t know what to feel. Sad?Angry? Happy? Lin guessed it was all of them.
Her eyes fell to the white bandage that faced her. It covered your right temple and barely rested above your cheekbone. The shame flashed hotly in her chest. The guilt felt heavy and..gross. Lin’s apology she had practiced on the way here died on her tongue. She couldn’t utter the words she repeated in her head. Maybe she was just as bad as Suyin.
“It doesn’t hurt that much,” you muttered softly into the air. Lin’s heavy gaze made your neck prickle. You knew she felt awful. Her strong eyes always seemed to waver whenever she looked at it. Whenever she looked at you.
“I know.” You turned to her, brows drawn in confusion. “You do?” Lin sighed, “No I don’t..I just..I wanted to apologize.” You didn’t say anything. Your curious stare made Lin feel small. It made her feel like a kid and Toph caught her misbehaving. She felt like shrinking into the tile of the balcony and disappearing. She watched you pull out a blunt and a lighter. The soft orange flecks lit up and you took a drag. Blowing it out, you handed it to her. Lin accepted it gladly.
“It’s alright Lin,” you said, shooting her a smile. “I’m not mad.” “You’re not?” Shaking your head, you took the blunt once she handed it back to you. Another hit, and then you passed it again. It was a pattern. “I could never be angry with you. Nothing could ever make me hate you.”
“Why did you do that,” Lin asked, eyes focusing on the railing. Lin wanted to run. She would always be a coward. She would always run like her life depended on it. In a sense, it felt like it did. “To Protect you.” Lin’s eyes flickered to your lips. They wrapped around the blunt. They looked so soft and warm. Lin wondered if you still used the fruity chapstick you loved all those years ago. You caught her eye and sent her a wink. She looked away, cheeks slightly flushing.
“It’s all I know,” you whispered. “I care about you...I... if I seeing you getting hurt or the idea of,” your voice wavered. You swallowed thickly. “I’d rather get hurt than see you in danger.” Lin didn’t say anything but you knew she hung on to every word you said. “What Su did...Suyin,” you corrected yourself. Suyin wasn’t a friend to you anymore. She had cut off that friendship now. “You didn’t deserve that Lin. And I’m so so sorry.”
Lin swallowed. She was deathly quiet. For so long she had been angry. Bitter, lonely, sad. She directed it at people who didn’t deserve it and in turn the people she loved left. Lin had a hard time facing her feelings and accepting them for what they were. She felt so lost at hearing your words. The words she had been daydreaming about from you were now reality. I care about you. It felt weird and wrong coming from your lips. And yet, they felt like home.
“It wasn’t true? That I pushed you away?,” Lin’s breath wavered. The lump in her throat felt heavier. “Y-you left (Y/N), you left me here alone. I...I had no one. And then you come back out of no where and pretend everything’s fine.”
You took another hit and exhaled. Lin watched the smoke wisp away. The slight buzz in her system and the haziness in her veins was ironic. It almost made her laugh at the irony of its difference from what she actually felt.
“I know,” you replied, voice choking. “And I regret every second of my life because of that. If I could take it all back, I would. I-I didn’t know what else to do. I just saw you and...it all came crashing back again.” Lin’s eyes watered. Damnit, she wouldn’t cry over this. Over something so small and trivial. It had been thirty years. Thirty fucking years since the last time she saw you. And you waltzed back into her life like nothing had happened. What was she supposed to make of that?
“I’m sorry Lin,” you whispered softly. She watched a tear fall from your eye. Then another. This all felt like some cliche movie film. This couldn’t be real, you weren’t real. Lin was dreaming again and soon she’d wake up. She would trudge through the morning to get to work along with the dreams from the night before. They were faded but still left a bitter taste in her mouth. But she knew this wasn’t a dream as much as she wished it were. Every second of this was real. Your voice was real and you, in front of her, were real.
“Do you love me?” Lin hated that her voice shook. She swallowed the tears away. The pit in her throat rolled like a stone. She felt she was choking on air from trying to keep it together. Lin tried so hard to maintain the perfect image. The one she created to make Toph proud, the image she created to finally be at peace with herself. But as always, you saw right through her.
“I never stopped,” you whispered, voice cracking. Your eyes red from the weed and your tears. You sniffled lightly, wiping your nose. You flinched slightly from the pain. Lin took a long hit. Her vision blurred and her heart ached longingly. You were here; after thirty fucking years you came back to her.
Every time she saw you it all came rushing back. Bao and Bo singing along to “Dancing Queen” as it played while the two of you danced. Whenever you first joined the force and Lin couldn’t focus around you. How the two of you would sneak off in the middle of the day and make out in the janitor’s closet. Two young dumb kids in love. Things hadn’t changed. Now, the two of you were old, dumb, and in love.
“I-I understand if you don’t want anything right now.” Lin snapped out of her thoughts. “But I want you to know that I do really care about you. I still want you in my life...but I understand if you want me gone. I-I’ll leave as soon as I can and stay gone for good.” She swallowed thickly. She choked on air and breathed heavily. “No.”
You looked at her, shocked. Lin passed the blunt to you and you took another hit. Patiently, you waited. You’ve waited for thirty years to see Lin again one day. You’d wait for her again in a heart beat.
“I finally have you in my grasp. I don’t want to loose you again.” You looked over to her. Lin stared out into the distance. Gently, you placed your hand on hers. Her eyes shifted at hers and yours hands, then your face. You smiled, lips quivering.
Lin turned to watch Azure and Ruby. They preened each other with their beaks. Azure seemed softer with Ruby as he ran his beak gently through her feathers. “Did Bao and Bo...?” Lin couldn’t finish her sentence. You chuckled sadly, “Yea.” “I’m sorry.” She pulled her hand from yours and gently removed your hand off the railing. Her hand was soft and warm as she grasped yours firmly. You looked at her confused and she sent you a smile in return. Lin’s hand didn’t let go of yours as she hung it by her side. She squeezed it gently.
“Bo died from a robbery,” you whispered.
Lin was surprised. Birds weren’t fighters. ‘Well’, she thought smiling at the memory of Bo trying to fight her reflection in Lin’s police uniform. “How,” Lin asked softly.  “I was asleep. Two men came in my hut that night. Bo screeched loud enough to wake me. She flew around them rapidly.” You wiped the tears from your eyes before continuing. “They flung her against the wall. She died pretty soon after. That’s where I got this scar.” You pointed to the one on your brow. Lin’s heart sank. “What happened to the men?”
“I killed them.” Lin didn’t say anything, but stroked your hand with her thumb. You pulled your lips into a quivering smile. “They were just bandits out in the middle of nowhere trying to rob a poor fool. Hurt like a bitch. Left me a scar to tell the tale.” “I’m so sorry (Y/N),” Lin whispered. She turned her hand to trace your palm with her fingers. It tickled a bit.
“What happened to Bao?” “Died seven years later.” “How?” “Heartbreak. Was never the same without Bo.” Lin turned towards you. Her green eyes were incredibly soft. “I’m glad..that you’re here again.” “Heh,” you laughed, choking slightly. “I am too.”
Lin looked at Azure and Ruby again. They chirped softly and hopped on the tile floor. Azure strutted about, observing the place while Ruby watched carefully. “Where’d you get them?” Your eyes fell downwards and smiled fondly at your precious parakeets. “Dee gave them to me,” you said. “We went to a pet store in the city he lives. It had been a while since I’ve seen him and it was our mom’s birthday. We always try and meet up to be there for each other. Found these two sleeping soundly and the rest is history.”
“They’re beautiful,” Lin murmured. You nodded, agreeing. Silence fell between the two of you. It didn’t feel sad and lonely this time. There wasn’t regret or bitterness. For the first time in thirty years, you felt like you could breathe again. “Thanks for the drink,” you said, dropping Lin’s hand. The blunt was almost out but there was still some of it left. You’d finish it on your way to your rooms. Azure and Ruby flew to your shoulder from hearing your footsteps. Azure squwaked at Lin, demanding pets. Lin laughed and went to stroke his head. “Of course,” Lin said, hand dropping to her side again. “Thanks for the smoke.”
You smiled, a genuine one this time. Yet there was some sadness still swirling in your eyes. Lin felt her heart ache. Before she could think better of it, Lin leaned down and kissed your cheek. Your eyes went wide. You hadn’t expected that at all. “Kissing me so soon?” “I’ll take it back,” Lin grunted. “Can’t,” you argued, sending her a wink. “See you tomorrow?” “See you tomorrow,” Lin confirmed with a soft smile. Giving her one last wave and a chirp from Azure and Ruby, you left the balcony. A real smile was on your face for the first time in a while.
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gaytorade-official · 4 years
Based on a story by @iishipallthethings. Future oc. Basically what would happen if Korra , Asami, Kuvira, and Lin were somehow able to have kids. In my defense it’s a really good story.
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Netsu Sato
The second youngest
Fire bender
She can’t Lightning bend but she can lava bend
It’s the same concept as Lightning bending
She bends the heat
She can’t make lava she can only bend it if it’s already there
She has serious anger problems
Remember when Korra destroyed the airbending gates?
Or when Sharkboy tore apart the bars of the cage?
Yeah that basically Netsu when she’s angry
She’s not a bad person she just gets annoyed easily
She only tries to fight the assholes who deserve an asswhoping
That being said there’s a lot of assholes deserve an asswhoping
“Say that to my face you limp noodle!”
A family member usually has to stop her from beating the crap out of someone
That someone is usually Siku
She’s a pro bender and a volunteer firefighter
She doesn’t like to talk about how she got her scars
Loves to feel the earth under her feet so goes without shoes as often as possible
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Gnam Sato
The youngest
18 years old
Asexual and bisexual
She can fly
Yes she can fly like Zaheer
Yes she was able to let go of her earthly tethers and enter the void
Let’s be honest it’s mostly because she somewhat of an airhead
The only one who can calm Netsu down with little to no problem
Basically a babey
The unspoken favorite among everyone
Doesn’t like to fight if she doesn’t have to
Tries to talk things out first
Has no problem fighting for her loved ones though
“I’m not a fighter but don’t push me”
Ever the optimist
Doesn’t have a set career in mind so usually ends up taking odd jobs
Nothing illegal
Somewhat of a wanderer
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Siku Beifong
Third youngest but like to refer to themselves as the fourth oldest just to fuck with Netsu
Basically one of the middle child
Uses any pronouns honestly
On rare occasions they have been able to bend the water out of the air
Silent type
But in a cocky narcissistic kind of way
Like ‘my presence speaks for me’ kind of way
Is most definitely a sadist
Likes to mess with Netsu mostly
Will go out of their way to mess with Netsu some times
Will end up in suitations they didn’t mean to end up in
They’re not always bad suitations
That how she became a professional actor and singer
“This isn’t were I thought I’d be in my life but who am I to complain?”
They’re also a part time personal trainer
It’s perfect because they get paid to hurt people
Also owns a gym
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Yán Beifong
Third oldest
Basically the other middle child
The tallest
Uses she/her he/him and they/them pronouns
Can’t use seismic sense though
Never got the hang of it
They can metal bend though
Oh and Lava bend
Strong, mysterious, silent type
It’s because they’re shy when it comes to talking
And that’s because they have a slight stutter
Yán and their family learned sign language so that they feel more comfortable communicating
They usually hangs around Siku the most because they require the least amount of talking
Is usually the one to break up the fights in the family.
Grabs them by the collar and dangles them above the ground
Has done this to their parents
Yán doesn’t play around when it comes to her family
No nonsense kind of attitude towards it
They run an animal daycare
“Animals don’t expect you to talk”
Takes any animal as long as they are trained to a certain degree and doesn’t try to eat the other animals
He also does some animal training on the side
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Tamashī Beifong-Sato
The second oldest
Non-binary woman
Pansexual and demisexual
Is technically a nonbender
They’re very strong spiritually
She has a strong connection with spirts and the spirt world so most spirits like her
She can come and go from the spirt world as she pleases
She can spiritually project herself like Jinora
The first time she did this it was completely on accident
She caught her parents doing something no child should see their parents doing
“That night never happened”
She is so in sync with spirts that she can use her body movements to guide spirts to do what she needs
Kinda like the dragon dance
So yeah she’s basically a spirt bender
Can she bend spirt energy like Korra?
No idea
Are we really gonna test that theory?
Absolutely not
Yes she has purple eyes
No that doesn’t necessarily mean anything
No we are not aiming a spirt cannon at that poor child
Usually tries to avoid problems
Usually ends up dragged in them anyway
She spend most of her time helping spirts and humans come to an agreement or an understanding
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Wèilai Sato-Beifong
The oldest
Is a nonbender
Don’t worry she has a gun
She’s not afraid to use it
“Parry this you fucking casual”
It’s a handgun
Yes she created the gun
Don’t worry she doesn’t sell them and doesn’t intend to
She has the only gun that exists and probably the only gun to ever exist for a very long time
She’s a fucking genius
Has helped create so many things
If her parents were literally anyone else she would of been an evil mastermind and have taken over the world by now
Also a master martial artist
She causes problems
On purpose
Plans them out so nothing leads back to her
Usually harmless pranks
Harmless to her anyway
She is set to takeover Future Industries after Asami steps down
Until she spends a good amount of her time taking down corrupt people in power and taking down underground rings
It takes time
But a gun can gets you places
No idea how she was born
I idea how any of them were born
Probably some spirt shit
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This idea had been stuck in my head for awhile so I decided to actually create it. I love thinking about what the kids of a specific ship in a story would look and act like but this is the first time I’ve actually drawn it out.
While you’re here you might as well check out the story.
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littlelarkfables · 4 years
Tam Lin and the Selkie
Long ago, there lived a fearsome knight named Janet. In the name of her father, the King of Seas, she defended the borders with a warrior’s heart and passionate spirit. 
Her father, a King of the Sea, rewarded her bravery and gave her the mantle of her mother, a seal skin that would allow her to become a selkie like her mother before. “Keep it close, and keep it safe,” her father warned, “for to lose it would risk the dominion of another over you.” Janet took the seal skin, promising her father she would keep it safe. Tying it around her waist, she cut an impressive figure on every battle field. Janet garnered many names. The Mad Sea Dog. The Maritime Butcher. Sometimes even just the Devil. 
Even so, with all the glory and accolades, Janet found her mind occupied with the question of love. For so long, her follow warriors claimed to fight for love, that it made them stronger. She knew love was not hers, that her heart was not crafted to hold that ideal, and the thought of not having access to that strength upset her. 
Despondent, she traveled to the borders she defended for her entire life. Her father warned her often enough about the kind of people beyond them. They would demand much from her, a toll. If she could not pay, they would take it from her body.
“Be wary, most all, of Carterhall, where the Queen of Fairies has decreed no soul may rest without payment to it’s keeper. Many maidens have gone, but returned a maiden nevermore.”
Janet thought about this. She did not care if she lost her maidenhood. In fact, she rather relished the thought. Just because she did not feel a romantic inkling for anyone did not mean she did not desire a more physical companionship. 
Janet unwound her seal skin and slipped into her other form. If she were to go about unimpeded, she would need all the help she could get. 
Now a simple seal, Janet swam across the border. She swam, harder and faster than she ever had before, until she came upon a beach. Janet pulled herself upon it to bask in the sun. She stripped herself of her seal skin and lay there, bare to the world. 
What a strange world it is, Janet thought. Strange, but beautiful all the same. 
What she did not know was that this was Carterhal, the same one her father warned her against. The home of Tam Lin, a deft elf woman who recrafted her body to suit her true self. She was the confidant of the Fairy Queen, who bound her to the beach as it’s guardian. “How dare you partake in my sunshine, sunshine?” Tam Lin called out. Her dark eyes traced the naked form on the log. Janet barely processed the words before leaping into a defensive position. Tam Lin barely had time to process that before Janet had her pinned to the ground. What transpired between them then is better left unsaid, though it ended with the promise they would see one another again. “Sunshine, you are always welcome,” Tam Lin purred. “And I will always take it,” Janet said. Tam Lin wrapped her in her seal skin and sent her away. 
Janet swam fast and hard, all the way home to her waiting father. For almost ten months, she went and fought her kingdom’s battles, It wasn’t until an enemy refused to fight her that she allowed herself to admit something may have happened that day on the beach with Tam Lin.
Her father called her to him, eyeing the swell of her belly. He sighed. Someone had claimed his daughter’s maidenhood, and given her a child. She was never the type to take the easy path. He did not care if she did not want the babe, but if she did- “My dear daughter, I fear you are with child. Who in my court shall give up their name alongside yours at their birth?” he asked, worrying his beard. 
“None of the court, dear father, and none of the sea. This child’s parent is none other than Tam Lin, guardian of Carterhall. We lay together near ten months ago now, and I fear the child was only out of our desire to be close, and no wedding bells shall ring for us.”
The king tasked her to find the mother of her child. Tam Lin would come to court and officially give her name at the birth. Then they could decide what to do. 
Once again, Tam Lin donned her seal skin and swam, faster and harder than she ever thought possible. Along the way, she considered her situation. She did not love Tam Lin, not in the way she would need in order to marry her. She didn’t mind the thought of being a mother, but she did quite mind the fact it was unintended.
She was a warrior! The Mad Sea Dog, the Maritime Butcher, the Devil itself! No one bested her, except for her own choices apparently. 
Coming to Tam Lin’s beach, Janet smiled at the sight of the sun dappled sands. Once more, she pulled herself onto one and stripped. She reclined, bare to the world. Tam Lin would come, she knew. It was simply a matter of waiting.
Within an hour, Tam Lin creeped over to the log, eyes fixed on Janet. She gasped at the sight of Janet’s belly, horrified. Janet turned to her with a smile, but she could only stammer. 
“I… I am so sorry, I didn’t think I could still-’”
“There is no need to apologize. It was my choice to lay with you, and it is my choice to bear the child. If I did not want to, I would not be here to ensure you give up your name upon the birth,” Janet interrupted. She tied her seal skin around herself, hiding her belly. “Now, come with me. This babe will come any day, and we both need to be there to give them our names.”
“I cannot leave this beach, sunshine. I would go with you, but I am bound here by the Queen of Fairies, after she saved me from a sinking ship,” Tam Lin said. “And tomorrow, upon the moon’s rise, she plans to pull me to her side for eternity. She is indebted to the Devil, and every so often she will give one of her own to it, one who is fair of flesh and name. I know this fate awaits for me.” Janet scowled at. She was not a warrior for nothing, and she would take Tam Lin away from such a fate. When she demanded the knowledge of how to unbind Tam Lin, Tam Lin warned her what would happen if Janet dragged her from the beach. The Fairy Queen wanted to be certain Tam Lin would never leave her post, not until the time came for the Devil to take her. 
First, she would transform into a snake, hissing and spitting. It would plunge her fangs into Janet, but so long as she remembered that it was Tam Lin, they could make it.
She would then change into a raging lion, clawing it’s way back to the surface. It would scar Janet, but so long as she remembered that it was Tam Lin, they could make it. 
Then Tam Lin would become a rock, heavy and sinking. It would drown Janet, but so long as she remembered that it was Tam Lin, they would make it. 
Finally, Tam Lin would become a burning coal. If the coal went out, she would die, and all would be for not. So long as she remembered that it was Tam Lin, they would make it. 
Janet took Tam Lin in her arms, and slid into her seal skin. Tam Lin smiled at the sight Janet’s rotund form, but quickly lost her mirth as she considered the sea before her. “This is a lot of effort to save a person you don’t love, you know. I don’t mind it, but I have to wonder.”
Janet could not answer, not quite then. They pressed themselves together, one last time, and Janet dragged Tam Lin into the sea. 
It was just as Tam Lin warned. The instant her feet left the sand, her body twisted into that of a snake. It bit at Janet, desperately trying to escape. 
Janet remembered it was Tam Lin, and easily recaptured it in her mouth, careful not to bite down too hard. 
When Janet did not let the snake go, it twisted again into a mighty lion. It tore at Janet’s back, but Janet remembered it was Tam Lin, and bit down hard on the lion’s tail to drag it through the water. 
When the lion could not escape, Janet felt her jaw wrench open as it changed into a large stone, dragging her down into the water. Her lungs clenched as she desperately tried to swim back to the surface, but she remembered it was Tam Lin. Janet ignored the pain. 
At last, the rock changed it’s shape one last time, into a burning coal. Janet nearly screeched from the burns in her mouth, but she remembered it was Tam Lin, and shot for the surface as quickly as her fins could take her. 
Bleeding from bites and claws, choking on water, and mouth blistering and burnt, Janet leaped from the water to release Tam Lin. The coal changed one last time, returning to Tam Lin, who wrapped her arms around Janet. “Sunshine, oh sunshine,” she cried, hands ghosting over the wounds. “Thank you.” Janet huffed a laugh. She’d faced worse injuries on the battlefield, but she would not say anything if it meant keeping Tam Lin’s hands on her. They floated like this, wrapped up in one another. 
Far off, back on the shores of Carterhall, the Fairy Queen screamed at the loss of his favored Tam Lin. He cursed the selkie who took her away. She cursed Tam Lin for following. He cursed them, magic twisting around her. Any love between them should turn to hate, burning out their hearts and eyes. Satisfied his revenge would take place, the Fairy Queen left Caterhall to assure the Devil Tam Lin would one day be claimed. 
He thought it was love that allowed Tam Lin to escape, like many others would. He thought they would fall into one another, in light of the child. He thought that Janet’s care and passion would turn to romance, and Tam Lin’s wandering heart would seal itself into her lover’s chest.
He was wrong. 
Tam Lin was not Janet’s true love, or even a love. She was, however, someone Janet cared for. She would care for Tam Lin until the day she died. Her father warned her never to allow someone her skin, for risk of coming under their dominion, but he said nothing about letting someone under her skin. 
The Devil did indeed claim Tam Lin, on that day, for Tam Lin was fair of flesh and name. If you go to the sea, you may hear the scarred Devil calling out to Tam Lin, telling her to get her child under control before they go falling off a cliff. 
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thosequeenboys · 5 years
Love Is Love Is Love (Ben Hardy x Joe Mazzello) - Chapter 2
A/N:  This story started as one shot for the Hardzzello Week “Missing” prompt - Missed (link below). The story unfolded as a series, which I named after a phrase in Lin-Manuel Miranda’s 2016 Tony acceptance sonnet that paid tribute to the victims of the Orlando, FL, night club shooting. Because of my commitment to gay marriage and LGBT rights I wanted to share a story of family joys and challenges through them.
Chap. 1:  Missed  
Summary, Chapter 2:  Puzzled:   Ben and Joe learn new information about Alex, and Joe receives a surprise that promises to complicate their lives.
Warnings:  Doctor’s visit for a check-up; angst
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tagging: @warriorteam1924 @heybuddy-drabbles @oniriquex @igotsuckedintothevoid @watercolouredreams @roger-taylors-car @nightoftheland @lapofthemusicgods
The new year unfolded, and the days became longer demarcated by pink, lavender and gold sunsets. Their lives felt pretty stable and had a certain rhythm. Joe was serving as a consultant on a Netflix show, which required travel to LA a week each month.  With his own next gig requiring intense travel slated for later in the year, Ben cherished watching winter slip into spring on walks with his trusty, observant companion by his side, touching the cracked ground where bulbs sprouted, watching birds build nests and smelling flowers.   On a mid-March afternoon that was remarkably spring-like, Ben and Alex returned from playgroup, though this walk was silent and tense.  As they entered home, Joe was wrapping up a call.  
“Alex, how about watching some PBS?”  Ben said, entering the living room and turning on the TV. “Dad and I need to catch up on boring grown-up stuff.  I’ll bring you a snack in a few minutes.”
“OK”, Alex said, knowing he didn’t have a choice and that the ‘boring grown-up stuff’ probably included him. Before Ben left, he tried to change their dynamic by running his hand through his son’s hair.  “Alex. I love you.” Alex gave his dad a side glance, feeling lingering sadness from their earlier interaction when his dad was mad at him, but relieved to hear his dad’s affectionate words.  
Ben sat at the island counter in the kitchen facing Joe who had moved to the other side of the counter, peeling and cutting vegetables for chicken cacciatore.  
“So that thing happened at playgroup.”  Ben looked up at Joe.  Joe felt his chest tighten.  Again? He knew where this was going; they had been there before.   Ben sighed and continued:  
“The toys were laid out on the floor, and he and the other kids were playing.  It was going really well.  They were talking, and he seemed into it.  I thought, ‘Finally! He’s getting how it should be.” Suddenly he went over to the bookshelf and started looking on the shelves.  He pulled out a puzzle box.  I said he had to put it back; we can’t take things without asking. I told him we weren’t playing with that today.  He clutched it and refused.  He sat down with it, and when I tried to take it, he pulled it away. He actually scowled at me.  I gritted my teeth and told him to give it to me. I had smoke coming out of my ears, but I tried not to make a scene.  Fortunately, Becca, you know Georgie’s mom who was hosting, came over and said Alex could look at the puzzle - it belonged to Georgie’s older brother, Jeremy.  I thanked Becca and asked Alex to thank her too, which he did.”
“So, he dumps it out. Ok, so no surprise there.  But then he starts his sorting thing, and he’s holding up the pieces to the box in front of him and I’m kind of trying to block him, listening to the other parents.  And, he starts putting pieces together, making the border, and suddenly, one of the moms sees it and, like, gasps.  “OHMYGOD, Ben, he’s doing THAT puzzle?’  Then everyone starts looking.”
“We’re all always comparing notes:  What are the kids eating and not eating? What classes are they taking? Who’s looking at pre-schools?  It’s supportive, but everyone’s trying to make sure their kid is, you know, ‘on track.’”  
“Yeah,” Joe nodded, switching knives to cut up an apple. “My sister told me all about that.  It can get ugly.  Some parents brag, and parents whose kids are at a different stage try not to freak out. You can feel the anxiety bubbling up. Sometimes it’s just better to talk about politics, honestly.”  
Sighing, Joe plated the apple slices and spooned some peanut butter on the side of the plate.  Ben grabbed the plate and the water bottle. He slid off the stool to deliver it to Alex. Joe started to build the dish, sautéing peppers, carrots, onions and garlic.  After they softened, tomatoes, wine, stock and chicken would join the party.
Returning, Ben continued. “So, I just brushed it off. Talked about his older cousins teaching him, how he tries to copy them, you know, he just fools around and gets lucky.  Then it was time to leave.  He only did a little of the puzzle.  Jesus, it was like 50 pieces.  I said we had to clean it up.  He was all with the ‘no’s’, but finally I glared at him – I swear I almost lost it - but he relented.  I feel so out of control when this happens and not sure what to do.  And, Alex gets laser-focused and detaches. I had to tell him to say good-bye and thank you.  I could tell he was still thinking about that fucking puzzle as we were saying our goodbyes….”
Joe stopped chopping the basil and put his knife down, wiping his hands on a towel. He ran his fingers through his hair.  “He is who he is.  And we shouldn’t be too surprised about his laser-focus -- and his smarts -- knowing his two sets of genes,”  Joe said, with a wink, before continuing, “You handled it well, Babe. Really well.   You shouldn’t feel defensive.  We need to figure out how to deal with this.  Take him for the check-up… better late than never.”
Suddenly Alex came in holding the empty plate and bottle.  ‘Hey, Buddy,” Joe said.  “The chicken is almost done.  Want to finish it up?”  
Alex nodded. He went over to Joe who took the plate and bottle and put the stool in front of the stove, helping him up.  “OK,” Joe said, pointing to a pile of chopped greens on the cutting board.  Here we have some basil and parsley.”  Alex grabbed the greens and sprinkled them into the pot.  Joe handed Alex the wooden spoon and he stirred them in, as he planted a kiss on his son’s neck.
A week later they were in Premiere Pediatrics, and the medical assistant took Alex into a small room. Ben and Joe waited outside. She tested his vision, and they overheard her asking him about colors and numbers but they got into a discussion and didn’t pay attention.  
Suddenly, the assistant tore past them and approached the doctor down the hall, showing him the paper in her hand, as a nurse quickly escorted Alex and his parents to an exam room.  
Joe helped Alex undress and put on the robe.  He whipped out a book, Ocean Creatures, from his backpack. Alex settled into his lap and Joe started the story.  They got halfway through the book and in walked Dr. Herbert “Call Me Herb” Markman, holding a slim file in his left hand.  
Dr. Markman was there from the beginning.  Before the beginning. Ben and Joe had to have a local pediatrician vouch for their sincere interest to be parents and their stability.  And they had to show there was a doctor at the ready as soon as the baby arrived.  When Joe called the practice and asked for an experienced doctor, explaining the situation, the receptionist set up an appointment with Dr. Markman right away, noting he was the most senior member of the practice.  A Google search showed they hit the pediatrician lottery: degrees from Ivy League universities; a professor at the local Medical School; a successful researcher; and a former President of the American Society of Pediatrics.  As a person, he was warm, calm and conversational. As a doctor, he was thorough, smart and sensitive to both his young patients and their over-concerned parents. At their first meeting, Dr. Markman insisted they call him Herb, but Joe and Ben settled on Dr. M. To keep the relationship on an equal playing field, Dr. Markman followed the more formal naming convention.
“MR. JONES-MAZZELLO!” Dr. M. greeted Alex like a long-lost friend.  “So nice to see you!  You’re here for your 2-year check-up, I see. Let’s get you up on the bench. He patted it and helped Alex up.  Then he turned and offered a warm nod and outstretched hand, “Mr. Jones.  Mr. Mazzello.”   He placed Alex’s file on the desk.
Ben chimed in somewhat guiltily, “Actually, we missed the 2-month mark. He’s almost 2 and a half now.”
“No harm, no foul.” Dr. M. responded with a reassuring smile as he applied hand sanitizer.  
Dr. M. addressed his patient.  “Alex, are you having any concerns about your body, anything hurt?  Anything you want to ask?”
“No, thank you. I’m well, thanks.” Alex replied.
The three adults laughed. Ben beamed, proud at his politeness.  
“Good to hear.” Dr. M. commented. Turning to Joe and Ben, Dr. M. asked, “Any concerns? How’s he been?” Any more high fevers?”
“No, no fevers. Thankfully.” Joe said.
“He’s fine, seems good, really.” Ben added.
“Is he good, really or really good?” It was a play on words, a rhetorical question, but Dr. M. was on to something.   “Ok, let’s take a look.”
He examined Alex thoroughly, prodding his organs eliciting a stream of giggles. He checked his heart, ears, eyes, blood pressure, spine and reflexes, making notes on his I-pad as he went along.
“All good!” He said.
Dr. M. opened the file folder on the desk and pulled out the report the medical assistant handed him earlier. He went over to the shelf that held some books and games and pulled out 10 black checkers.  “As I put these down, Alex, can you count them for me?”  Alex counted 1 through 10 as the checkers were placed on the exam bench. Then, Dr. M. picked a few up and asked him the total number remaining on the bench. Then he put some back, asking for a total.  He did this a few more times, moving quickly.  Alex hesitated at times, thinking it through, but didn’t get flustered. Joe and Ben looked on with awe. Was he really adding and subtracting?  Dr. M. collected the checkers and put them aside on the bench.  
“What did you think of that?” He asked Alex.
“Fun!” Alex said.  
“Good to hear we have a satisfied customer.   We always try to provide patients with some fun during visits.” Dr. M. said, typing into his I-pad and winking at Joe and Ben, making it clear that round of ‘fun’ was not offered to most patients at their 2-year visits.
“So, what do you like to do, Alex?”  Dr. M. asked.
Alex thought for a minute and answered, “The library.  We take out lots of books.  I like ocean animals.  And gymnastics. I like to sommersault.  And parachute lift - some of us run into it, and we have to run back before it falls on us!” Alex smiled, sitting up straight, swinging his legs, picturing the activity.  
“Wow, that sounds really thrilling.”  Dr. M. said, giving Alex his full attention.
Alex nodded and then looked at the ceiling thinking about what else filled his days. “Puzzles!  I really like puzzles.”
Ben looked over at Joe encouragingly, wanting him to take the cue, as he twisted the band on his left ring finger with his thumb.  Joe looked up, rubbing his chin.  It was the perfect opening. “Uh, yeah, about puzzles. We should let Dr. M. know what happens sometimes.  Like at playgroup.”
Alex looked down, remembering how angry his dad was with him that day.
Ben continued.  “Remember at Georgie’s, you got the puzzle off the shelf and started doing it when there were lots of other toys out.  You can’t just go into someone’s stuff.”
“I was bored!” Alex said with a raised voice, annoyed that his dad didn’t understand.
Dr. M. nodded.  “It’s hard to feel bored, isn’t it?”
Alex nodded emphatically, and Dr. M. continued, “When you feel bored, Alex, it’s good to tell one of your dads, and together you can discuss what to do. Maybe you can ask for another toy.  But, sometimes, you may have to be bored.  Lord knows, I am more than I’d like!” he laughed, trying to lighten the tension, but came back to the point.  “Do you think you can talk about how you feel before acting?”
Alex nodded, looking at Ben, who gave him a smile.
“Good!” Dr. M. said. “Your dads can remind you.  So, what else happens in the Life of Alexander Jones-Mazzello?”
“I help Papa cook.” Alex smiled at the recent memory.
“Cooking is fun!  How do you help?” Dr. M. asked.
“Add basil and…pars and stir.” Alex said.
“Basil and Parsley,” Joe clarified, “My Italian influence.”
“I’m a big fan of Italian food!”  Dr. M. said.  He smiled, directing his next question to Ben and Joe. “Any other activities your fine young man is involved in?
“He just started music class!” Ben added enthusiastically. “I read about the strong association between math and music, so we thought it would be good…” his voice trailed off as he looked over at the doctor typing into his I-pad.
Call Me Herb looked summarily unimpressed, perhaps the most unimpressed he’d been in his 35-year career as a pediatrician.  Ben and Joe exchanged glances.
“Alex, you are well on your way to becoming a fine 3-year old.  One day, I’d like you to meet my friend, Wendy.  She’ll show you some other fun puzzles and games I think you’ll like.” Dr. M. said as he helped Alex dress.  Then Alex leaned over and grabbed the checkers and started to play with them. 
Dr. M. then spoke softly to Ben and Joe, “I’m going to give you the number of Wendy Chambers. She’s an educational psychologist. She’ll do her assessment and have some ideas.”  He wrote her name and number on his prescription pad. “Do it this year, before the pre-school search heats up. The information she provides will help,” he said in his gentle tone as he handed the slip to Ben, who looked down at it.
“Is…Did…Is what we’re doing not right?” Ben asked hesitantly in a whisper.
“You’re doing great.” Dr. M. reassured.  Sensing Ben’s concern, he walked over to him and Joe and said very softly.  “It just may not be enough. In the long run. He’s precious.  And,” he added, “Gifted. With all joys and challenges that come with it.  I’ll let Wendy know I’ve referred Alex; you’ll be in good hand with her. Let’s stay in touch.”
After a round of handshakes, Dr. M. departed to a chorus of thank you from the boys.  
As they left the doctor’s office, Ben mentioned they needed to pick up some groceries.   “We’ll meet you home, then?” He said to Joe, their eyes lingering expressing they were in this together, whatever ‘this’ turned out to be.  Ben bent down to zip Alex’s jacket, his knee resting on the sidewalk, and planted a kiss on his cheek.  “You were such a good patient with Dr. M.  Ready to go, Buddy?”  Alex smiled and nodded, leaning in to hug Ben, who welcomed the embrace.  As usual, Alex’s hug stopped Ben in his tracks, and he had to force himself to stand up and proceed, grasping Alex’s hand.
“Thanks for shopping.  See you guys at home,” Joe said.  As they peeled off in opposite directions, Joe suddenly felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He pulled it out.  The area code was vaguely familiar but he didn’t recognize the number, and there was no name associated with it.  
“Hello, Joe Mazzello.” He answered, stopping.  Joe nodded slightly as the name was revealed.  
“Oh. Hi.”  He said, in acknowledgement, suppressing his surprise. The voice relayed information, and Joe juggled his phone, trying to shift gears quickly and process the unexpected information.
“Really?  Seriously? Wow. That’s…terrific. Have to say, wasn’t expecting it.  I mean…” his voice trailed off as more information was relayed.
“When will…?” He registered the response with a nod, his eyes darting side to side.
“Uh, OK! Sounds good….” His voice faded as he tried not to express any concern or hesitation, though logistical wheels were turning in his head, as they always did.  “Ok, uh, let me … can I give you a call tomorrow and we can discuss the details? This is…Great!  Thanks. Thanks for the call.  Take care…Talk tomorrow. Bye.”
Joe clicked off the phone, his eyes opened wide.  A surprised grin emerged while he shook his head.  If life, acting  – and parenthood – taught him anything, it’s you can’t always predict what’s around the corner.  Life doesn’t ask to ‘put time on your calendar’ or ‘is this convenient?’  You have to keep calm and make it work.  As he walked home, Joe started to strategize about how to do that with this surprising news.
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airis-paris14 · 5 years
Redemption 12
Summary: One person, a secret, and an ocean tore them apart. Six years later they find their way back together, but a rekindled love is not Redemption.
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  “Someone is in a good mood,” Melanie observes from behind her sewing machine. “I am always in a good mood,”Zari grins. “Never THIS good though. You’re glowing too. Did you get laid last night! Baby daddy really know how to put it down!” Melanie squealed. “Shut up!” Zari threw a piece of fabric at her.
“You did!”Melanie screeched. “No I didn’t,” Zari insisted. 
“Didn’t what?” Renee asked, walking into the room, sweat covering her skin. “Oh lord,” Zari rolled her eyes. “Hello to you too.” Renee laughed. “Zari got laid by baby daddy last night,”Melanie explained. “Really?” Renee gasped. “Noo!” Zari insisted. “Oh it must’ve been good. She’s in denial she thinks it was just a dream.” Renee stage whispered. “For the last time we didn’t have sex.” 
“How big was it sis,” Melanie asked. “If y’all don’t leave me alone,”Zari sighed. “Well something is going on because you got that glow baby girl. Got it bad.” Renee settled into a chair. “If you must know, he is taking me out tonight after work.”Zari revealed. “What are you wearing? I didn’t see a change of clothes,”Melanie searched the room. “Why? What’s wrong with these?”Zari scoffed. “Sis! He’s a king!” Melanie exclaimed. 
“Renee please explain,” Melanie looked to the actress for back up. “Where are you going?” she asked. “I honestly do know. He said it was a surprise.” Zari though back. “How are we supposed to dress a surprise?” Melanie wailed. “I still think I look fine.” Zari insisted. “So do I,” Renee admitted. “Y’all,” Melanie pointed at both of them in turn, “Are disappointments.” Zari chuckled. 
“Knock knock,” Geoff and Lin rounded the corner. “We come bearing gifts from the king,” Lin declared. The three women shot daggers at him. Melanie gestured at Geoff. Lin’s face contorted into an ‘o’. “King? I thought he was her boyfriend.” Geoff stared at everyone. “Yeah, that’s just a nickname we gave him,” Lin back tracked. “Okay,”Geoff drawled placing the box in front of Zari. They all stared expectantly at the designer while she continued working. She looked up into the silence, “What?” 
“You aren’t going to open it?” Renee asked. “Will that make you all leave me alone?” A mixture of no’s and yeses floated around the room. “Fine,’ Zari pulled the large red ribbon off of the box. A note fell from out of the bow. I hope you like it - T”Challa. Zari knitted her eyebrows reading the note once more. “I hope you like it?” She mumbled
“Zar!” Melanie cried pulling open the white box on the table. “What?” The designer turned her mouthing forming an ‘o’. A long blue and gold dress sat nestled in the box. The beading sparkled in the studio lights. The corset too was outlined with gold trim as the full white skirt flowed down to the ground. “I think  this answers the question,” Melanie mumbled, “you don’t dress for a surprise. He dresses you”
 “This is a Versace,” Zari breathed. “I saw it on the runway less than two weeks ago.” “Never thought I’d ever see one in real life,”Renee sighed. 
“What does he do for a living?” Geoffrey frowned. “Politics,” The trio plus Lin replied in unison. “I didn’t know politicians made that much.”
“He’s special,” Zari offered. “Try it on. Make sure it fits!” Melanie pushed. “Mel, We have work to do.” 
“It can wait. I want to see this dress,” Lin spoke up. “I don’t know. I’ve really gotta get this done.”
The group shot daggers in her direction, “or not,” The seamstress sighed, inwardly smiling at the prospect of putting on the dress. Melanie immediately followed behind her to zip the back for her. Zari held her breath as the zipper ventured it’s way up her back. Only taking a breath when it clicked at the top. 
“You look absolutely stunning Zari,” Melanie gushed running into the costume closet to find some shoes. Zari slowly ran her hands over the beading as her friend rambled in the background. Time seemed to slow as she turned to face the mirror. Barely registering any part of Melanie’s questions. Her heart jumped a little at the first sight of her own reflection. The dress hugged her perfectly and seemed to dazzle in the filtered fluorescent lights. 
“Zar, you good?” Melanie’s voice penetrated her awe. “Yeah, yeah. I’m fine,” the designer cleared her head before walking back into the main area. She gently pushed the curtains out of her way and blushed at Lin and Geoff’s faces. “Wow,” Lin murmured.
“Who the, where the fuck has this Zari been hiding?” Geoff added. “Shut up,” Renee popped the actor up the side of his head. “You look beautiful Zari.” Renee smiled handing her a pair of shoes to match the dress. 
“Thanks guys. I should probably get out of this now.” The designer blushed. “Yeah of course. We should go.” Lin smiled pushing Geoff out the door. “Have fun tonight Zari,” Lin winked before following Geoff out the door. Melanie quickly helped her undress and repack the dress for that night. 
“So, I’m staying behind to help you get ready for tonight.” Melanie asserted. “Mel, that isn’t necessary,” the designer responded, rethreading her sewing machine. “Okay. But I want to so…. I’m going to help you.” She replied, hand stitching a small tear in a pair of pants. “Whatever,” Zari sighed, grinning in her corner. “It’s okay, you don’t have to thank me right now,” Melanie grinned. The buzzing of Zari’s phone interrupted the relaxing silence that followed. 
I’ll pick you up from the theatre at 9. 
I know you like to work late. 
Zari grinned at her phone. See you then, she responded, grinning at the phone. 
“What time is lover boy coming anyway?” 
“He just text,” Zari started, placing her phone back on the table. “ 9. I understand if you can’t wait that late,” the friend offered. 
“What else would I be doing Zar? Just let me be a supportive friend ok?” Melanie reprimanded her. The young mom raising her hands in defense, “Fine, waste your evening.” Zari laughed. “Thank you.”
“Ok, he’s outside. How do I look?” Zari asked her friend, running her hands over the embroidery of her dress. “You look beautiful, stop worrying,”Melanie smiled, grabbing both of Zari’s hands. “He’s already head over heels. Just have fun.”
“Okay,” Zari breathed. “You got this!” Melanie reassured before sending the designer on her way. After making sure Melanie would lock up for her Zari began the quick walk to the theatre entrance.
Her heels kept time with her breathing. She paused slightly at the front door before pushing it open. T’Challa’s silhouette at the base of the stairs caught her attention. He turned to her smiling as he heard the door close. 
Zari tried to keep the grin off her face in vain as T’Challa’s mouth dropped open slightly. The king froze for a second before jogging up the stairs to meet her. “You, look ravishing,” he smiled, causing Zari to blush. “Thank you,” she accepted his hand as he helped her into the car. He quickly helped her in before making his way back to the driver’s side. 
“How was work today?” Zari missed the question as she watched the muscles in T’Challa’s arms ripple as he pulled the car into gear. “Zar? You ok?” the king smirked. “Oh yeah, it was fine. Got a lot of work done. “Good. I hope you like the dress?”
“Like,” the woman sat up in her seat. “I love it T’Challa! I can’t imagine how much it cost you though, thank you, truly.” Zari smiled. Admiring the young King’s profile. “Nothing is ever too much for you Zari. Besides, I never got to see you in a beautiful dress, since you missed prom..” T’Challa trailed off, frowning softly. “I’m here now. You’re here now.” She placed a hand on his thigh, tracing soft circles. The couple settled into silence the only sound being T’Challa clearing his throat. The seamstress continued tracing lazy circles on his thigh. “Zari,” groaned out, “if you keep doing that, that dress won’t make it to the end of the night on your body love.” 
“Sorry,” the women quickly drew her hand away, smiling shyly as she apologized. 
T’Challa gracefully maneuvered the car close to the curb when they arrived at the restaurant. He handed the keys to a valet and rushed over to help Zari from the car. Lights flashed around the couple as they made their way into the restaurant. The host showed the two to a semi secluded table at the back of the restaurant. 
Zari shifted in her seat, tucking her dress in around herself. “T’Challa, I feel so overdressed.” she whispered. “You are, but you look breathtaking.” the king grinned.
“T’Challa,” the mom whined. “I am sorry but I wanted to see you in that dress. As soon as my stylist sent me the picture, I knew I wanted you in it. Tonight.”
“Besides you look like a true Queen,” his eyes twinkled as he grabbed her hand and placed a soft kiss on her knuckles. He placed another on Zari’s palm before opening his menu. 
When the waiter came around once more, the couple placed their orders and fell into small talk. Work,Aiden, and work again were the main topics. Everything was going beautifully, until it wasn’t.
“Your majesty, I sincerely apologize, but we are out of Tilapia for the lady’s choice of dinner.” the young man frowned. Eyes flittering between T’Challa and Zari. “Are you absolutely sure you are out? I called your Chef ahead of time to make sure that he had any and all ingredients on deck!”
I apologize your majesty. There was more than likely a mistake on behalf of our line cooks. The chef assures me that if the markets were open he would run and pick up the freshest fish himself. “I am sure he would,” T’Challa muttered. Zari suppressed a laugh, and her disappointment as she turned to the young waiter. Strategically placing her hand atop T’Challa’s to calm him. “May I have the same as he ordered?”
“Of course.,” the young man shot her a soft smile. 
“You called ahead?” the bronze skinned woman teased. “I just wanted everything to be perfect for you. For us.” The king sighed, gripping her hand in his once more. “It is perfec-” a round of coughing from a table nearby interrupted her sentence. The two glanced over at the woman, watching as she  coughed directly into the palm of her hand. “By bast, will she be alright,” the king muttered. Zari laughed, “as I was saying-” the woman’s coughing broke out once more. 
“For Bast’s sake, can I finish a sentence,” Zari sighed, turning to watch the woman once again struggle to contain her coughing.
“It is not her fault love,” the king began to grin as well. “I know, but still,” Zari laughed, unbeknownst to her, she encouraged the king to do the same. “Anyway. It is perfect.  I am here with you.” The king grinned at the love of his life over the table. The moment was interrupted by the arrival of their food. The two took  a moment to orient themselves with the plate before digging in. Soon matching frowns blossomed over their features. “Is yours a little..” Zari started, clearing her throat. 
“Dry, flavorless, disgusting?” the king finished. “I was gonna say unpleasant, but those work too. The designer laughed, wiping her mouth with a cloth napkin. “I’m sorry my love, Shuri told me that this was a good restaurant to go to. Either their burgers are out of this world, or my sister has no taste buds.”
“It is fine.” Zari smiled. “But if you want good burgers, I can take you to a better place.” 
“That sounds wonderful.” The king smiled. He quickly took some bills out of his wallet before escorting Zari out of the restaurant. The two sat huddled together against the autumn chill of the city, the king’s armed wrapped around Zari’s waist. Pulling her close as his fingers traced patterns on her hip. “I love you,” he murmured into her fluffy twist out. The young woman smiled, inhaling the sent of him when he placed a lingering kiss to her forhead. “I love you too,” she smiled, as the car cruised to a stop in front of them.”
With a reluctant squeeze the king released her hip to open the car door. She allowed him to shut the door for her, and he gracefully moved around to his side of the car. 
A short set of directions, and a brief phonecall  later, the two pulled up to a small storefront restaurant. 
“I’ll be right back,” Zari smiled, hopping out of the car, and moving as quickly as her dress would allow. She ran in and hugged an older black man, before accepting two bags. She raced back out to the car and hopped in, shaking the brown bags as T’Challa pulled off. “Where to?”
“How about a little trip to the water? A friend owes me a favor.” 
Zari gave some directions and T’Challa followed as they pulled into a park along the banks of the Hudson River. “I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere,” Zari leaned closer to the king’s face. His pillowy lips millimeters from her own. “And don’t eat my food while I’m gone.” She breathed before hopping out of the car. “Her laugh followed her a little ways down the street. T’Challa let out his own chuckle as he watched her maneuver her way onto a medium sized ship. He hadn’t noticed it before, but that was not surprising. He rarely noticed anything other than Zari when she was around. 
Even now, only Aiden was the occasional exemption to the rule. Occasional. 
“He was pulled from his throughts by a soft knock on the door. An older black couple stood at the door.” T’Challa hesistantly rolled down the window. “Challa?” The older woman asked. “Zari sent us to come fetch you.”
The king inadvertently tensed. “Don’t worry young man. I promise she is safe inside your majesty,” the couple both quickly crossed their arms in a miniature x. “Lead the way,” T’Challa smiled stepping out of the car. Distrust still present but pushed to the back of his mind. He locked the car and followed the older couple up a short gangplank and into the bowels of a small yacht. 
“I am Kedu and this is my wife Imina. I rent yachts and charter private tours. While she delivers and midwife’s children. Especially for Wakandan war dogs or expatriots.” the Man explains as his wife slips down a separate hallway. 
The two men venture into the living quarters of the ship. “Is this how you met Zari?” 
“It is,” the old man smiled, gesturing for the king to take a seat on the couch. “One of the sweetest girls I ever met. Poor thing. Imina delivered her child and we took her, them, in as our own. Never would tell us who the father was. We didn’t push to hard. It is none of our business either way.” 
The king frowned slightly before hearing footsteps approach. Both women turned to watch the respective women of their lives appear from the kitchen. Imina walked over and gently grabbed her husband's hand. They bowed before their king before venturing off. 
T’Challa turned to Zari. “The ship is ours for the night. They live in a house next door and assured me that it’s fine,” Zari rambled slightly as she placed to plates with burgers and fries on a small dining table. 
The wall of windows surrounding the room, displayed the New York Skyline in all of its beauty. The king chuckled slightly. Walking over and slightly backing Zari into a corner. He placed his hands on either side of her. “It’s perfect.”
He placed a kiss to her lips, before moving to pull out her chair. “Shall we?”
Taglist: @chaneajoyyy @kumkaniudaku @royallyprincesslilly @oceanscorazon @sisterwifeudaku @almostpurelysmut @blackbypurpose @hutchj @tchoking @90sinspiredgirl @thedelightfulone @autumn242 @purple-apricots @queertrex @kaciidubs @halfrican-heat @leahnicole1219 @sarcastic-sunshines @sarahboseman @kreolemami @mzbritt @derangedcupcake @lalapalooza718 @ororowrites @sarcastic-sunshines @waitingonafriend @faatassbitch
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arctikan · 5 years
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he cannot recall an era of his life  earlier  than the name kuai liang, nor does he care to. though, it was rather neutral , of the nimipuutímt tongue   /   obscure enough for he to be brought to the lin kuei temple under a haste-bound presumption. a conflicted father, at a loss, aware the interests of bi-han would be  compromised  among the death of the baby, took to hiding kuai liang to spare he the pain of abandonment or execution. yet the baby would spend much of his early life in   sequestered pockets   within the lin kuei, only tended by family ; a rule begrudgingly set from an unknowing grandfather.  even THEN,  it was the father’s task  -   & then solely bi-han’s   -  to take the harrowing deed of keeping kuai liang cared for  (  &  SECRET  ). 
habits die hard, lessons in mistrust have solidified under kuai liang’s skin as ice does. throughout his life, he remained cut-off, cautious to those who saw him, frightened of PERSONHOOD ITSELF in its innate ability to manifest a perception he did not want. but as he grew to become tundra, defy the lin kuei’s corruption  &  was tore down to then be put together,  REVIVED & dedicating his life to a greater, honorable clan  ; he realizes there’s no room to absorb  any  doubt. he’s never once doubted his masculinity nor did he view his body as an obstacle to greatness - it is only his isolation, his losses,  &  the broken trust of the lin kuei that he must resolve within. his view of himself is  ABSOLUTE.
you ask & he gives :  he is lin kuei, a man raised with the greatest of assassins. he is   GRANDMASTER,  he is  he.  never imagine a compromise.
kuai liang was trained as any other would by six, raised under his name & already known a young boy to his peers. as the cues of early adolescence shown through kuai liang, bi-han began seething & swore out a stalled concern with a temporary solution: if kuai liang was outed, he’d be in  grave  danger.  in a search for help, for whom had the  authority to retrieve the resources kuai liang needed , it’s in a flash of irony  ( or the faux compassion of a man who knew the complications of  suddenly ‘ dismissing ’ a cryomancer youth ) , sektor’s father was told & sent daily blockers until 17 , where kuai liang then began testosterone. throughout, kuai liang was cooperative & at times impatient , eager to simply grow as he imagined he could become throughout his childhood.
training was his lifeline, his goal was to be a competent, deadly assassin as any other lin kuei could say. & yet, the constant persistence of caution had been rooted to his mind, forever to linger   /  you must be distant,    you MUST remain quiet ,  YOU MUST NOT LET ANYONE SEE YOU /   the understanding that his own body was potentially  flawed in its creation  was met with confusion &  fear, to then a rattling frustration . . . muffled under the threats to his life bi-han swore kuai liang could not be met with, he was then looked into a quiet promise of loneliness. 
he’s early to understand what makes him different than tomas, his brother, & their forefathers. further, realized that if he were not what’d he then learn was ‘ transgender ‘, the attempt to raise him the way the lin kuei did would have not worked. yet, the idea of a community , a  movement  / surrounding journeys similar to his own brings him to a place of internal conflict. in a sense, he’s revealed to not be alone, to never have been alone . . . but granted, he’s never felt in-place  anywhere  aside from the lin kuei. his only resolution is to do what he knows  would  have made his world less of a   cage,  his perception less of the tunnel he’s still trekking to find the light  :  to take people as they are.  to judge worthiness by their skill, their potential, & tenacity.
his isolation, hand-in-hand with the typical lin kuei technique of ravaging the evidence of your heart, soon butchered possibility of love. he pondered crushes as the awkward years of boyhood rose to meet his eyes, looking up in admiration to some of the men he knew in his life, perhaps a tangible sense of adoration to tomas . . . but he would always keep his distance, lest trifle with his life & the trust a man could have with him.
due to his being withheld from the original clan, he was  exempt  from the various rules of heirs & cryomancers of the past including the obligation to parent an heir of his own. for that he’s partway gracious,  &  yet it further told him the purpose in attraction,  in LOVE,  was   null,   void,   USELESS. marriage, to him, was out of the question for most his life  -  he would not dare  bring another to  his world, nor would he put someone within the clan to danger. he loves strongly, deliberately,   carefully , to men who  must  be as strong as he.  someone he considers equal in their inclination to combat, their defense of their loved ones, themselves,  &  earthrealm. as he grows older, the matter’s less about his body or his sexuality  &  more of his steadfast devotion to  the ambition of the lin kuei. 
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grither55 · 4 years
The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic) - Chapter 37 - Flames That Protect
The birds flew high in the horizon atop a desolate mountain ledge that sat before a vast valley that stretched on as far as the eye could see.
The air was calm and desolate.
Until a large burst of azure fire abruptly shattered the quiet mountain air.
A great stream of blue flame tore above the edge of the ridge just before the princess soared into the air with her young companion cradled against her armored bosom.
Elle lay curled up in Azula's arms with her face pressed into the powerful woman's plated chest while sweat stained callous golden eyes peered down at her.
The small girl released a soft whimper while strong muscular female arms held her tight.
All the while she listened to the older girl release a dominant growl in her quivering ear.
"M-my hero." The blonde-haired girl stuttered with her hands grasping at the now smirking princess's shoulder pads.
"Did you really think that I was going to let you die down there? What sort of woman do you take me for?" The princess scoffed with a haughty roll of her grudgingly exhausted eyes before pulling her little girlfriend into the crook of her neck.
"I…love you Azula-sama…with all of my heart and soul. And…I want you to know that no matter what happens…I am forever loyal." Elle confessed with an adorable blush on her cheeks while she bashfully hid her face in her master's ebony hair.
Never even noticing how golden eyes were staring down at her with an unusually softened countenance.
One that was reserved for her and her alone.
"I…know Elle and…I…am so very fond of you. You're a good girl." Azula spoke with affection in her stern voice while she found herself holding Elle's emotional face into her sweating cheek.
Her flames rippled below her while Elle peeked up at her with a timid smile when long fingernails gently brushed against her fair skin.
And then she began to laugh sweetly while her mighty princess released another dominant snort against her forehead.
"O-oh Azula-sama. My princess charming." The blonde-haired girl swooned with her powerful princess snarling into her cheek.
"Damn right I am. And don't you forget it peasant." The princess scoffed in a supremely pompous voice just before her boots touched down on the ridge.
The royal woman skillfully skidded to a stop with her blushing handmaid in her arms just when Zoe hurled herself over the edge with Nako's wrist in her free hand.
The two dropped down unceremoniously in the rocks while they lay there wide-eyed gazing up at the hot sun.
At the same moment Mai jumped over the edge with her hand pulling Ty Lee up.
The two noblewomen promptly fell down onto their knees panting with their eyes agape in pure exhaustion.
The others quickly followed suit with Saro leaping up with the other soldiers and the Dai Li dropping down alongside him.
"W-woah. My body…it feels like jelly." Ty Lee gasped before collapsing onto the ledge beside Zoe.
She was so exhausted that she didn't even care that the woman she previously hated was laying right next to her.
It was odd…
But she wasn't so certain that she felt the same about her anymore.
That wasn't to say that the woman hadn't been cruel to them.
But…she now saw that Zoe had her positive traits.
Some anyhow.
"Seriously Azula. That was insane." Mai breathed after falling down on her back while even the Dai Li sat panting on the cliff side ledge.
"Please. Maybe to you. But that was nothing to the Great Princess Azula." Azula boasted with an arrogant smirk on her lips before gently setting Elle down while her little girlfriend still held onto her chest.
The two noblewomen rolled their eyes in their leader's direction but ultimately decided that they were too worn out to muster a retort.
"…The next time I see your uncle. I am…going to castrate him." Zoe commented in a casually exhausted voice while the other two noblewomen shuddered beside her.
And just like that they went back to thinking that the captain was deranged.
"Only if we do it together." The princess remarked before falling down onto her tired bottom with her strong hands pulling her pet down with her.
All the while Nako lay on her back with her cheeks beginning to overtake a green tint.
"I…don't feel so good." Nako moaned with her words earning her glances from many of her new comrades while Zoe turned to her warily.
"Puke on me…and you will find yourself longing to return to that climb." The captain stated in a venomous voice while the pilot hastily rolled over only for the two noblewomen to quickly scoot out of her way.
"G-got it-" The chief pilot answered only to crumple over retching while Azula stared down at her with disgusted golden eyes.
"Ugh. I still find it hard to believe that this one came to my aid." Azula sighed with a roll of her eyes while her childhood friends glared over in her direction.
"I don't know if you're aware Azula but it's generally considered rude to make fun of someone that just saved your life." The markswoman informed with a scowl on her sweating face while her leader turned to glare down at her.
"For once the House Lin cockchaser is right. It's very disrespectful to speak that way to such a loyal subordinate princess." Zoe quipped while sitting up only for two pairs of eyes to glare at her and another shimmered in amusement.
"Hm. Of course. I suppose you are right." The princess taunted with her sadistic eyes watching the weapons expert's-tired face boil over in fury.
"Cunt." Mai hissed with the others nearby sweatdropping in humor while Zoe turned to her to spit at her feet.
"Piece of shit." The captain snarled with a hateful expression while the other woman glowered up at her.
"You're not pink! Not pink at all!" Ty Lee snapped from where she sat beside her friend while Azula's annoyed groans flowed into the air.
Along with the sound of the young pilot puking her guts out.
"That's enough! Cease this right now or I will kill all three of you!" Azula roared with her voice echoing into the air while her childhood friends flinched in renewed fear.
"Can…this day possibly get any worse?" Nako complained with a hand over her forehead before shakily sitting up.
"Calm yourself Nako! You're alive. And in one piece." The princess commented with her callous golden eyes staring at the pale faced pilot.
"Yes Nako. Try not to be so down! You're a hero now! You'll go down in the history books as the legendary pilot that saved Fire Lord Azula!" Zoe exclaimed before patting the terrified woman on the back while Azula glared at her with an embarrassed scowl.
"I…am?" The chief pilot asked in a dumbfounded voice only to cough when the soldier roughly slapped her back once more.
"Absolutely! I hereby dub you Nako the Bold! Savior of Princess Azula." The captain announced with her words causing many to sweatdrop while the princess stiffened in increased humiliation.
"Nako the Bold." Azula snorted with a haughty roll of her eyes while Elle propped herself up behind her.
"It has a nice ring to it!" Elle cried out while Azula turned to briefly glare down at her.
"Eh…I just did what any loyal Fire Nation citizen would have done." Nako insisted with her words earning her another stare of approval from Azula.
"Actually, there are a great deal of people who Azula has tormented that wouldn't have done the same." The markswoman stated with a wry countenance while the monarch's golden eyes burned a hole through her skull.
"W-well I can't speak for them but Princess Azula has led me well thus far." The chief pilot protested before wiping her mouth with a cloth while the princess released a victorious scoff.
"And I shall continue to do so. If any would be assassins are listening. Let it be known that only the loyal will be spared from my wrath!" The princess barked with an angry hiss while her paranoid eyes began to glare about once more.
Her two-childhood friends could only shudder when they took note of greatly increased paranoia in their friend's eyes.
The monarch's glare had a terrifying effect on all present.
Aside from Zoe that is.
"No really Nako. Do you even understand just how famous you are now?" Zoe conversed with a hand on the shorter girl's back while Azula's eyed seared a hole through the back of her head.
"No?" Nako answered with sweat on her brow while Azula still glared at everyone present on the ridge.
"Ah well then. I'll just have to set the scene for you." The captain chatted with a hand still on the girl's back while her monarch narrowed her eyes in her direction.
"Zoe." Azula warned in a glacial voice with her lips in a thin line.
"In an astounding show of might. Our great princess just fought the Avatar to a standstill! She broke through the limits with her bending. She mastered her lightning bending in ways never seen before! And she is the first firebender in our day to conduct her flames through a blunt object! On top of that. Our Princess Azula even invented an ingenious defensive bending technique! Pretty amazing, isn't she?" The captain explained with a nod while the princess's scowl gave way to a proud smile.
All the while Mai and Ty Lee just sighed when they noticed their leader's ego soaring through the proverbial roof once more.
"Princess Azula is most definitely amazing!" The chief pilot agreed with evident admiration in her eyes while the royal woman's smirk grew even larger.
"Humph. Of course, I am. Oftentimes my brilliance amazes even myself. Such are the burdens that come with being royalty." The princess sighed in a spoiled voice while the weapons expert rolled her eyes outside of her line of vision.
And then the sound of cheerful clapping resonated into the air while Azula glanced down at her beaming handmaid with a pleased smile on her refined lips.
"You go Azula-sama! You're the best there is!" The blonde-haired girl cheered with a hand tugging on the much taller woman's red sleeve.
The acrobat couldn't help but smile in the young girl's direction.
Elle's presence truly had a calming effect on everyone.
Seemingly even Zoe too.
'Elle's the heart of this team. Things wouldn't be the same around here without her…' The brown-haired woman thought with a reflection of sisterly affection in her warm eyes.
"Just you wait my young admirer…with my strength and your new power combined, together we will dominate this entire planet! The Avatar's tears of despair will only serve as fuel to quench my flames! We will rule for all time! And only woe and suffering will come to anyone who stands in our way!" Azula declared with a violent grin forming upon her red lips while her young girlfriend sat beaming up at her.
The two noblewomen sweatdropped while they sat in a silence so great that they were pretty sure they heard crickets chirping.
Considering how close they were to a forest they likely were.
"D-does that mean that we're a team Azula-sama? You…and me?" Elle requested in a lovable voice with her hand still grasping onto the royal woman's sleeve.
The princess peered down at her with thoughtful golden eyes before briefly mulling over her handmaid's.
She held up a finger to her chin with a regal smile on her lips.
"Hm. I suppose I could allow it. Very well servant. You can be my little battle partner." Azula stated with a nod while her childhood friends stared at her back in horror.
"A-Azula." Ty Lee stammered in newfound fear for the younger girl's life only to sigh when the girl cried out in joy.
"Alright! We're a team! Nothing can stop us! Not even the hardest of video games! We'll defeat every game we play together!" The blonde-haired girl chirped with a fist pumping in the air while the princess groaned down at her.
And once more the acrobat managed a laugh alongside the mutually amused markswoman.
"Ugh. You and your little peasant games." The princess scoffed in a conceited voice with her handmaid still holding onto her elbow.
Only for her attention to be regained by her captain's voice.
"Do you understand how you are a hero yet?" Zoe queried in a playful voice while Nako just shook her head.
"Not quite." Nako answered with a sigh only to cough when her back was slapped once more.
"After accomplishing all of that. Our noble princess. Agni bless her soul. Would have fallen to a completely humiliating death if not for your quick rescue." The captain stated with a nod while the others shivered in terror when the princess's golden eyes quickly lost her sense of humor.
"Zoe! Shut up!" Azula hissed with a fist clenching at her hip while Zoe turned her head to smile back at her.
"That would be a pretty embarrassing death after establishing herself as such a legendary bender don't you think hm? She may well have gone down in history as the only known firebender to push her bending to such astonishing limits. Only to die immediately afterward…stabbed by a nameless assassin in the back and splattered like a crushed grape at the bottom of a mountain ravine." Zoe spoke with an amused voice before pushing herself to her feet.
"Captain…" Saro trailed off only to shiver when he turned around and caught a glimpse of Azula's wrathful face.
The two noblewomen wisely remained silent while their leader leveled her subordinate with a livid stare.
"A-are you trying to get me killed?" Nako stammered before shakily standing while she gulped under her ruler's cold stare.
"No Nako. I am trying to get you to understand the significance of your heroics. You saved not only the princess's life. But her future throne. Her legacy. Everything. That was no small feat. That my friend…was a feat for the ages." The captain insisted while the young pilot gazed up at her with awestruck golden eyes.
"I think we get the point Zoe!" The princess snapped with a sliver of pink in her furious cheeks while she stumbled to her feet glaring at her strangely proud soldier.
"And to top it all off…it was your first kill wasn't it?" Zoe asked with another tilt of her head while Nako stared up at her in puzzlement.
"I…didn't kill him. The princess did." The chief pilot protested only for the soldier to chuckle while she shook her head.
"No, Nako. You killed him. You put the spike in his throat that left him completely defenseless. His life was over the moment you stabbed him. Your first kill was saving Princes Azula. I don't know of any other single soldier that can make such a boast. Only you." The captain declared with respect in her voice while the pilot began to blush over the lavish praise.
"You know she's right Azula. That is a pretty big claim to fame!" The brown-haired woman commented while her friend folded her arms over her breasts with a deep scowl on her lips.
"I suppose so." Azula admitted in a grudging voice while she gazed at the nervous pilot with approval in her golden eyes.
It was always good to know who she could depend on.
The princess mused with her cold eyes flickering between the pilot and her young handmaid.
"Erm…as much as I appreciate the attention. Could you please stop now?" Nako requested with her plea causing the others to sweatdrop while Zoe slapped her shoulder.
"Yes indeed. Nako the Bold! I shall personally see to it that all know the name." Zoe exclaimed with Nako reddening in a mixture of flattery and embarrassment.
"P-please don't. I prefer just Nako." The chief pilot pleaded just as she began to walk away sighing all the while.
"Nako the Bold!" Elle shouted happily while Azula just stared down at her sighing all the while.
"Nako the Bold!" Ty Lee cheered with a grin while Azula turned to roll her eyes at her.
"I'm staying out of this." Mai muttered flatly before standing up on her tired feet.
"Nako the Bold!" The soldiers exclaimed in unison while the captain smirked down at the red-faced pilot.
"Oh, very well. Call her that if you please Zoe." Azula spoke with mild amusement in her voice while she folded her arms over her chest.
"Can everyone please…please stop now?" Nako begged before speedily walking several paces away while Zoe gazed after her with a grin on her lips.
"You are a strange woman Zoe." The princess snorted with a shake of her head while her handmaid stood up beside her.
"Well then. I believe that it's time that we handed our gear over." The captain commented before unhooking her gun.
And then tossing it at the feet of one of the hardened earthbending assassins.
"Take the gear back down and bring both the abled and the injured back up." Azula ordered before throwing her and Elle's gear down while the stoic men nodded in understanding.
"Yes princess!" The Dai Li answered in unison while the royal woman gazed on with an evident delight for power in her cold eyes.
Everyone else present followed suit by throwing the gear down before the gathering of earthbending warriors.
The ten slung the tools over their shoulders before turning to jump off the edge only to halt when the princess called out once more.
"And do be certain that you don't drop the crippled. Try to bring them up alive." The princess stated to the surprise of her childhood friends with an emotionless countenance.
The Dai Li bowed offered their monarch a final bow before leaping off the cliff side.
The sound of the earthbending warriors sliding down the lethal mountain cliff echoed throughout the area.
Only for it to slowly die down when the Dai Li got further away.
"Come. Let's get go find a suitable camp." Azula commanded with her fists on her hips before striding away while Elle scampered after her heels like a loyal puppy.
"I get camp with Azula-sama!" Elle cried out happily while Azula peered down at her with callous golden eyes that concealed her growing affections.
"But first a word of warning…" The princess trailed off in a menacing voice with her cold eyes sweeping over her shivering subordinates.
The royal woman's face contorted into a truly imposing glare while she cast her ruthless gaze upon all but her girlfriend, her childhood friends and the young pilot.
"If I see anyone make even one suspicious move, I will bath every single one of you in the blanket of my flames! Is that understood!" Azula bellowed in a paranoid voice while she clenched her teeth at her rapidly nodding audience.
"A-Azula try to calm down. None of us are going to try to kill you." Ty Lee stammered in a frightened voice while Azula reeled around to scowl at her.
"One of my own soldier's tried to cut my line! Do not tell me to calm down! There may be spies among me even as we speak! Traitors plotting against me!" The princess ranted in a manic voice before stomping off while she pulled on the collar of her pet's shirt.
The two noblewomen exchanged a frustrated glance once more knowing full well that their leader would not let this go.
The assassin had been right.
Azula will obsess about this for the rest of her life until she drives herself and everyone around her mad!
"Y-you can trust me Azula-sama. I'll keep an eye out for you." The blonde-haired girl offered meekly while she was dragged along like a leashed puppy.
"I know I can! And rest assured my pet that if anyone so much as tries to lay a finger on you I will immolate them until nothing but ashes remain!" Azula announced in a possessive voice with a snarl on her regal lips while Elle beamed up at her as she stumbled alongside her.
"T-that's my princess charming! She's so authoritative!" Elle gushed with a hand on her cheek while her big sister's sweatdropped as she was pulled ahead by Azula's stern hand.
Nako scratched her cheek while she followed in the rear.
Her princess really liked this girl!
Even though it surprised her greatly.
She couldn't help but muse that they were cute together.
"Azula! Please don't kill us if we approach Elle!" Ty Lee sighed while following after her seemingly insane leader.
"That girl's freedom vanishes more and more by the day." Mai commented dryly while the acrobat sweatdropped in agreement.
"Pardon me princess. But I can't help but notice that you wasted no time going for your assassins throat." Zoe remarked with a frown while Azula glared at her over her shoulder.
'Damn you Zoe! I knew that you were going to rub that in.' The princess thought with a furious snort of blue fire exuding from her nostrils.
"We were on a cliff! There was no way to bring him back for trial at such a perilous height." Azula scoffed with her fist on her handmaid's shirt while her subordinates stared at her in deadpan.
"Of course, Your Highness. I have no doubts that you would have shown him the same mercy that you implored me to show your friend. No doubts at all." The captain snorted with a trace of defiance in her voice while her monarch scowled back at her.
"It would be unwise to test my foul temper Zoe. I am in no mood for backtalk right now!" The princess snapped with venom in her voice only for her soldier to wave a placating hand in the air.
"I meant no disrespect by it princess. Really. I didn't. Tell me though…what are your thoughts on the nature of the assassination?" Zoe inquired in a curious voice while she walked a short pace away from her furious leader.
"Most likely my fuddy-duddy uncle…. or an unknown face at court…or even Zuko." Azula snarled with pure rage in her eyes while Mai stared at her in disbelief.
"Zuko? Zuko may not be fond of you Azula. But he wouldn't hire a man to try and kill you while you were scaling a cliff." The markswoman argued while her monarch stared over her shoulder with piercing golden eyes.
"Really? Zuko betrayed this country and sided with the enemy. On top of that! My noble uncle killed seventeen Fire Nation citizens today. Zuko refused each and every offer to surrender. In favor of returning on another day. As the enemy once more!" The princess hissed before spinning around to glare at the other woman's increasingly distraught face.
"Zuko…couldn't have known that would happen. When he finds out he'll…be horrified." Mai insisted in a quieter voice while Azula managed a bitter chuckle.
"Tell me Mai. Does that change the body count?" Azula demanded in an increasingly merciless voice while she took a menacing step towards her unnerved subordinate.
"N-no." The markswoman muttered with unusual fear in her voice while she stood sweating alongside the similarly fearful acrobat.
"But he will do so again…won't he?" The princess pressed in a terrifying voice before coming to a stop before her two intimidated subordinates.
"Yes." Mai answered in a barely perceivable voice while Azula stood so close that she could feel the other woman's hot breath on her cheek.
"I do not wish to see my brother brought to harm. I would prefer to bring him back…and once I become Fire Lord, I would clear Zuko of all charges. But Zuko…doesn't want that. Does he?" Azula questioned in a lethal voice while Mai stood in a speechless silence.
"N-no." Ty Lee stuttered with a nervous countenance while Azula glared between the both of them.
"He would prefer to usurp me with the rebels! He would risk my death without a second thought but you dare chastise me for doing the same!" Azula snapped with her fist grasping Mai by her shirt while she trembled in her fury.
The weapons expert remained silent while she stared fearfully into Azula's increasingly unhinged eyes.
Azula is seeing enemies all around her just as she knew she would!
"P-please don't fight." Elle pleaded off from the side with the others standing beside her.
"Azula…p-please let Mai go. She isn't the one that hired your assassin!" The brown-haired woman exclaimed only for her leader's hand to shove her aside.
"Zoe is right about one thing. You have no loyalty to this nation. You probably wouldn't even care if I died. As long as you had your precious Zuko." The princess growled with her face leaning in to glare into the other woman's stunned eyes.
"That's…not true. I…don't wish death on you Azula." The markswoman retorted with insistence returning to her voice while the other woman's golden eyes shimmered in unbridled rage.
"I don't believe you. Which is why…I am going to give you this warning." Azula drawled in a violent voice with Mai staring back with nervous tawny eyes.
"A-Azula-sama please." The blonde-haired girl stammered with her hand tugging on the back of the taller girl's shirt while she peered up at her master's curved back.
"I do not want to kill you. But if you are going to stand in my way. In mission after mission. While my soldiers die time after time again. If you think! Even for a moment that you can cross me so casually without rebuke! Then you are sadly mistaken!" The princess roared in the markswoman's frightened face only for a small body to speedily step in between them.
An unnerving silence filled the warm summer air while Elle stood with her arms open wide between the two feuding highborn women.
Mai gazed down at Elle with grateful tawny eyes while Azula tried her best to glare callously down at the shaking girl.
"P-please don't hurt each other!" Elle shouted in a sorrowful voice while Ty Lee approached from behind gazing down at her with touched brown-gray eyes.
"It's alright Elle. We're not fighting. Right…Azula?" Ty Lee asked in a pleading voice while Azula still glowered down at Elle's emotional face.
Zoe stood silently observing the scene with the most composure out of anyone present.
"You are too soft-hearted Elle for your own good. You would do well to toughen up if you want to survive in this world." Azula stated in a frozen voice only for her eyes to widen in surprise when Elle's eyes flashed with unmistakable hurt.
Just what was it about this girl's bright eyes that made her feel pause?
"With all due respect Azula-sama…I know how to make it on my own just fine." The blonde-haired girl answered with a resolute nod only for the princess to roll her golden eyes down at her.
"You make it on your own? Now that's a laugh." The princess scoffed with her arms folded over her breasts only for the two noblewomen to stare at her in disbelief.
"I…do. I…didn't grow up in an extravagant palace! I survived for eight years on my own before I came to this world! I may be a weakling but I know how to get by! I…survived Rosewood and I survived Felix! I survived by keeping my head low!" Elle exclaimed with heavy emotion shimmering in her eyes while the princess stared down at her in increased surprise.
Even the ruthless captain was taken aback by the burst of emotion.
And most puzzling of all was how she said 'this world'.
But even so the princess hardened her gaze while she frowned down at her overly emotional admirer.
"Is that so? You certainly did a fine job getting by in that filthy alleyway. And you did just as good a job keeping your head low when you had petty bullies trying to set your hair on fire!" Azula snorted in a frigid voice to the surprise and anger of her two subordinates.
"Azula!" Mai shouted with a spark of returning rage in her eyes while she stood behind the now upset smaller girl.
How could Azula go from carrying this girl up a cliff to mercilessly taunting her struggles!
The princess's golden eyes briefly glared over the other woman's face before gazing down at her girlfriend once more.
The mere sight of the girl's misty amber eyes was all it took for her to feel something akin to remorse bubbling up from within her belly.
"I-I…didn't care about searching for food or shelter. Because I didn't want to be anymore!" Elle cried out in a broken voice that provoked a spark of regret in Azula's callous eyes.
The statement shocked and provoked a sense of alarming concern in the three highborn women.
All the while Nako and Zoe gazed on with taken aback eyes in amazement to see just how deeply their monarch was taken with this girl.
"Azula…why would you say something that cruel to Elle?" The brown-haired woman inquired with her fear having gave way to a mix of sadness and anger while the princess pridefully scowled down at their sensitive young friend.
"I…didn't intend to…" Azula trailed off in strained effort at apology while she stared down into her handmaid's wet amber eyes.
Meanwhile both Mai and Ty Lee just stared at their leader for what seemed like an eternity.
When a single tear dripped down Elle's lovely cheek Azula found her lips pursing into a displeased frown.
And without giving it another thought she took another step closer towards her young girlfriend while she stared down into her admirer's saddened eyes.
"I didn't mean to make you cry. Come here. Let's go take a walk together…just the two of us." The princess sighed in a softer voice with her fist gently pulling the sad-faced girl forward while her golden eyes momentarily lost their edge.
"W-why can't you and Mai just get along?" The blonde-haired girl asked in a still upset voice while the frowning princess tugged continued to tug her forward by the collar of her shirt.
The younger girl's innocent query produced an expression of guilt in Mai's eyes and spurred Azula to cast a furious glare at the weapons expert once more.
"Perhaps it's because Mai betrayed me at the very moment that my ship was destroyed…leaving us marooned on this miserable island!" Azula bellowed with returning rage in her cold eyes only for Elle's small body to intercept the two of them once more.
And yet again she found herself halting in her step while her distressed young servant stood between them.
The markswoman stared down at her adopted sister's back with her unusually concerned tawny eyes while the blonde stared up into the crown princess's taken aback golden eyes.
"She stuck a landmine to my back…not yours." Zoe reminded in a bitter voice while Azula reeled around to glare at her over her shoulder.
"I wish you understood Azula-sama. I really do." Elle mumbled in an upset voice while Azula turned to frown down at her once more.
"Understood what Elle?" The princess questioned in a less abrasive voice than mere seconds ago while her admirer's bangs hung in her sticky eyes.
There was something off about her servant's disposition and she already decided that it displeased her greatly.
"I…just want our time together to be happy. I…don't want it to be filled with sorrow just like…everything else that's ever happened in my life. I…want our memories to be good ones. That way…if we should ever be torn apart…the memory will give comfort." The blonde-haired girl explained in a strangely worried voice while her three highborn friends gazed down at her in a speechless silence.
And for once Azula was finding that her words of response were dying in her throat.
She was well aware that Elle was long past the point of being a liability.
And yet…she couldn't stop herself.
"Come on everyone, let's walk a short distance ahead." The captain suggested with a wave of her hand before she began walking in the other direction.
The chief pilot wasted no time in following while all of the other soldiers took to following after them.
All the while the three women stared down at their young friend in shock never even seeming to pay the other members of their party much mind.
"Elle…we're not going to be torn apart. You're one of us!" Ty Lee soothed with a hand on Elle's back while the younger girl gazed away into the distance with a solemn look in her eyes.
"Y-you don't know that. I don't know how I got here. And for all we know. One day…I could vanish in the blink of an eye." Elle muttered in a distraught voice with her clammy hands grasping at her sleeves while her three friends mulled over the disturbing thought in a newfound sense of worry.
They all knew that Elle was raising a completely valid point.
One that all three of them found to be a terrifying possibility.
Not that Azula would ever admit as such aloud.
"You underestimate me. Even if that did happen. Even there is a link between this world and another. I am more than capable of discovering it." Azula declared in a sanguine voice with her fists on her hips.
"Yeah! If there's anyone capable of figuring out it's Azula! We all know how brilliant she is!" The brown-haired woman agreed with a nod while the princess began to smile smugly once more.
"Hm. There is no better. Now I command you stop crying or I will imprison you for all time!" The princess ordered with a commanding finger pointing down at the smaller girl's unusually glum face while her two subordinates sighed in exasperation.
"Azula…" Ty Lee scolded lightly with a hand over her forehead while the egotistical woman ignored her protests.
"It's…not that simple." The blonde-haired girl answered with a finger wiping at her cheek while the princess scowled down at her.
"Too bad! When I give you an order! You will follow it. Simple or otherwise!" Azula exclaimed with a haughty huff while she loomed over the unusually quiet girl.
"Could you just stop and let the girl talk? By Agni Azula. You are ten times worse than a chauvinistic man." Mai remarked from behind Elle while Ty Lee sweatdropped when Azula turned to glare daggers through her skull.
"You not only betray me. But compare my likeness to a man for the third time all in one day?" Azula snapped in a foul tempered voice with her lips curling into a cold glower.
"If…I should find myself sent back someday…I will most likely…be killed." Elle admitted without warning while Azula and the two noblewomen glanced down at her in shock.
"Is…this about your brother?" The markswoman pondered in with a concerned frown adorning her lips.
"In…a sense. B-but not in the way that you're thinking. I…won't be able to duck my head and keep to myself anymore. Not now that I know that I possess this power." The blonde-haired girl mumbled while averting her eyes from the older girl's concerned eyes.
The acrobat stared at her young friend in escalating worry while a look of anger began to shimmer in her eyes.
'I swear Azula…if you so much as even consider using Elle as a war tool. I'll take her and hide away with her. Someplace you will never find her.' Ty Lee thought with her fists balling in her fury.
"Y-you see since gifted abilities are…rare…to say the least. People with them…are hounded and sought out by the governments. I…would most likely be put in some kind of involuntary training program. Which…I will not be able to pass. Not with my health problems." Elle lamented while she chewed on her lip with her friends listening in rising alarm.
All the while the other two women turned to gaze at Azula with their eyes expressing a silent warning not to take advantage of their young friend.
The princess's lips pursed into a thin line before turning around to glare at the two with offended golden eyes.
'How dare they! I have never once mistreated Elle! I just carried the girl up in my arms up a mountain!' Azula thought with a protective rage in her callous eyes while she peered down at her saddened pet.
"E-even if I try and live a quiet life. I…know that it won't take long for Felix to find out. And he…he won't hesitate to sell me to a foreign government. He would do it…without a second thought." The blonde-haired girl spoke softly with her worried eyes staring down at the mountain ledge.
Renewed disgust for Elle's mysterious brother began to flow through Mai and Ty Lee.
And they couldn't help but once more muse that it sounded like a certain somehow, they knew.
Azula knew what was going through their heads.
And it only caused her to gaze at her subordinates with her red lips clenching together.
The princess released a furious snort with blue flames exuding from her nostrils while she watched in grudging concern when her handmaid began to slowly pad away.
"And…when they see how weak I am. T-they'll just…just redistribute me" Elle spoke in a barely perceivable voice with a fearful emphasis on the word 'redistribute.'
"Redistribute?" The markswoman queried in a soft voice with her tawny eyes shimmering in a desire to protect the girl she has come to call little sister.
"I-I…have heard it said that there is a way to take…your gift away from you and redistribute it to someone…more suitable. In…other words. Kill me. A-and give it to someone…stronger." The blonde-haired girl confessed in a silent voice with dread in her eyes while all three of her friends stared on in newfound horror.
And suddenly the image of a fantastic new land that they had all conceived of Elle's world turned into something much more twisted.
They now understood that beneath their young friend's fascinating devices lurked something…darker.
Neither Mai, nor Ty Lee or even Azula herself had yet to form any words of response.
The three highborn women gazed at their young friend with uncertainty in their eyes when the blonde turned to face them once more.
To their disbelief the peculiar girl was smiling once more despite the sad look in her amber eyes.
"And that's why I would rather experience nothing but joyful times with all of you. Because…b-because at any moment it could all come to an end." Elle announced with her tresses hanging in her eyes while the three girl's all stood in a shameful silence.
Azula stood with her mouth ajar in uncharacteristic unease while her fists hung at her robed hips.
If anyone else had told her those words she would have mocked them for being a sentimental fool.
And if they had said that they could be killed for their weakness. She wouldn't care.
But…not this one.
After all of the time that she has spent with this young girl.
The mere thought of anyone delivering a killing blow to her admirer brought forth a deep sense of rage within her veins.
It was stirring up a strange feeling within her that she has never felt before.
It was almost like her bending was reacting to this unknown threat to the girl's life.
And then without so much as even saying another word they watched in growing alarm when the girl turned around and darted down the rocky slope.
"Elle! Where are you going!" The brown-haired woman shouted in a frightened voice while the blonde darted away with her hands gripping the straps of her backpack.
"Get back here Elle!" The princess demanded with aggravation in her golden eyes while she glared after her handmaid dashing off towards the trees.
"What are you waiting for Azula? Go get her!" The markswoman urged in a mutually distraught voice while the royal woman growled in annoyance.
"Cry baby peasant." Azula snorted with pompous shake of her head before taking off towards the tree line while the other two girls took off after her.
'She won't get far. A young girl with a lung condition has no chance of outrunning me! Even when my chi is drained!' The princess thought with her boots stomping into the ground before jumping high into the air to close the distance.
Catching her little servant would be a trivial matter.
Just when she neared the trees, she noticed that Zoe was standing before the start of the mountain forest.
"She went that way." Zoe commented in a casual voice with her hand pointing behind her while Azula nodded curtly.
"I will return shortly. Don't go too far away." Azula commanded with her cold eyes briefly gazing at the other woman's composed face.
"Got it. Although I do have something that has been on my mind for a time now…regarding the assassin." The captain stated while her monarch scowled before turning away.
"It can wait." The princess growled with her eyes flashing in paranoia once more.
But she knew that she couldn't risk something happening to her companion by delaying her pursuit.
"No. Actually, it can't. I don't think you should leave that girl alone. The assassin may have been after her." Zoe advised in an abrupt voice while Azula turned around with a brief flicker of surprise in her callous eyes.
The royal woman silently mulled over the possibility while her soldier gazed back at her with thoughtful hazel eyes.
"Normally if an attempt was made on your life…while you were with a commoner. Logic would dictate that it was you they were after. After all, you are the heir to the Fire Nation throne. But in this case…you were carrying a commoner with the power to counter the Avatar." The captain explained with a nod while her monarch listened closely.
'She…is making a good point…is my uncle behind the attack?' Azula thought with flame spewing from her lips akin to a wrathful dragon.
"But there is no real way to tell. He could have very well been after the both of you. If so…the two of you climbing together was a golden opportunity he couldn't pass up. Either way…if you really value that girl. I suggest you could her close by at all times." Zoe concluded in a serious voice while she watched Azula speed off without so much as saying another word.
All the while Mai and Ty Lee made their way down the cliff ledge while they followed after their leader.
The princess's eyes hardened into a merciless glare with her fists balled up at her hips before bounding into the woods.
Strange as it was.
She decided that she would continue to make good on her promise to protect the girl.
With that in mind she ran through the forest retracing her handmaid's painfully apparent footsteps.
Elle sat with her head in her knees gazing down at a small mountain stream when she heard the distinct sound of angry boots stomping up behind her.
"You are so fortunate that I am fond of you. I wouldn't put up with this from any other peasant." Azula stated with her sophisticated lips pursing into a scowl while she glared down at the smaller girl's turned back.
"I…know." The blonde-haired girl murmured in a downcast voice while she listened to the much taller woman growl above her.
"I clearly recalling telling you to stop crying." The princess grunted in a stern voice before plopping down on her backside beside her sullen pet.
"S-sumimasen." Elle stuttered in a timid voice while Azula now sat above her sighing heavily with her callous golden eyes peering down at her.
"Well! What are you waiting for peasant? Come here." Azula scoffed with a haughty wave of her hand while she turned to peer down at her crying girlfriend.
"O-okay." The blonde-haired girl answered with a sniff before turning around when strong arms greedily grasped ahold of her.
Her backpack was swiftly removed from her shoulders while she meekly allowed the older girl to drag her into her arms.
"You seek my breasts? Is that right?" The princess pondered in a noticeable silken purr before pulling her little admirer into her arms.
"A-Azula-sama." Elle muttered in a shaken voice that gave away her desperate need for the woman's comfort while Azula drew her into her lap.
"Well go on then. Put your face in my chest if it will stop your blubbering." Azula sighed with a wave of her hand while she stared down at her petite pet pressing her little face into her chest once more.
"A-arigatou gozaimasu princess." The blonde-haired girl spoke in a muffled voice with the barest hints of a blush on her fair cheeks.
"I will not allow it to be said that I do not indulge your desires…childish as they are." The princess remarked with her palms resting on the back of her pretty handmaid's golden head while she held the girl into her armored bosom.
"I know…you're so good to me Azula-sama." Elle replied with her face propped up against Azula's armored breast while a fingertip lowered to gently stroke her blonde locks.
"Hm. You like that? Pressing your face into my body." Azula pondered in a marginally subdued voice before reclining on her backside against a rock.
"I-I do." The blonde-haired girl admitted in a bashful voice while she listened to the captivating woman hum thoughtful above her.
"Very well then. We shall continue to incorporate this into our schedule." The princess declared with a refined smile on her regal lips while her fingers continued to play in the smaller girl's hair.
"I…would very much like that." Elle murmured before shyly pushing her face deeper into Azula's plated chest while she savored the heat that her master's body gave off.
"Why did you even bother running off like that? We both know that you could never outrun me…or any of my soldiers for that matter." Azula commented with her lips pursing into a thin line once more when Elle sniffled against her chest.
"I-I don't know. I didn't really think it through. I…just wanted a moment alone with you I suppose." The blonde-haired girl confessed with her fingers wiping at her cheeks while the royal woman's arms held her tight.
"I see. You were seeking reassurance in my dominance." The princess boasted in an ever-smug voice while the tiny blonde finally cracked a slight smile.
"That's so Azula-sama." Elle agreed with a nod while she closed her eyes against her girlfriend's bosom while stern eyes still peered down at her.
"Do you truly believe that I would ever allow that to happen to you?" Azula demanded in a voice of absolute sternness while narrowing her imposing eyes down at her terrified intended.
The young girl's eyes shimmered in gratitude before pushing her eyes into her princess's black and gold chest plate.
"No. I…know you wouldn't. But…I'm scared. So very scared. I…always thought myself a dud. But now…I'm not. I…don't want this. I don't know what it does other than turn his power off. But I don't want it." The blonde-haired girl lamented in a fretful voice that took the princess back.
"You don't want to possess power?" The princess queried in a bewildered voice while she gazed down at her worried love interest curled up in her arms.
"No! It's no good. No good at all. It's a bad, bad thing." Elle insisted in an adamant voice while Azula listened with confused golden eyes.
"That is preposterous Elle! Power is a good thing. I can help you learn the secrets of your power…we may very well find that it has other uses. Uses…that could be used to destroy those who seek to…redistribute you." Azula explained in a protective voice while she stared down at her trembling handmaid.
It was an utterly foreign concept to her.
To hear her young admirer state that she feels that it is bad to possess power.
"No. No. You don't understand Azula-sama. It's not like here…where mystical powers like bending are the norm. It might be a good thing here. But…it's not where I come from." The blonde-haired girl muttered in a distraught voice while the woman's hands grasped the back of her head.
"Humph. Like I said before. Your homeland sounds dull and unimaginative." The princess snorted with a brilliant roll of her elegant eyes while she continued to possessively stroke her submissive girl's cheek.
"I…would rather be a nameless face in a crowd of hundreds of thousands. Then be an exotic freak for the governments to poke and prod at." Elle admitted with a nervous swallow only to find herself being drawn out of the woman's chest peer up into Azula's piercing eyes.
As soon as she gazed up into her princess's unfathomably strict eyes, she felt a pleasurable shiver travel down her spine.
And then two strong palms grasped ahold of her face with an adorable blush spreading across her cheeks.
Only to gasp in delight when Azula pulled her to the ground alongside her while her smaller body plopped down into the grass beside the woman's much taller frame.
All the while her young heart continued to race rapidly when she found herself now gazing directly into callous golden eyes.
Azula's hot breath washed over her brows before lightly blowing her hair from her eyes while timidly pressed her face into the woman's cheek in a silent plea for comfort.
"That will not happen. Because I forbid it. Do you understand girl?" Azula growled with her armored body stretching out in the grass while drew her timid girlfriend into her cheek.
"Y-yes Azula-sama. A-as you command." Elle stammered in a spellbound voice with her fears beginning to ebb while Azula dominantly exhaled against her trembling cheek.
"I…like you peasant. I…like you a great deal." The princess confided in a softer voice with the barest traces of a blush on her cheeks while she offered her young intended a charming smile.
"I…like you too master. I…would really like to be your peasant forevermore." The blonde-haired girl spoke in a lovesick voice while her heart continued to drum while the woman royal woman's lips curved into a grin.
"Oh, my little peasant. What am I ever to do with you?" Azula sighed in a fond fashion before pulling her little love's face closer until they began to rub noses.
"W-whatever you want Azula-sama. I submit myself to your rule…for as long as I live…for all of my days." Elle answered in a bashful voice when Azula's nose pressed into her own while the woman smiled at her in approval.
"I like that answer. I've said it before and I will say it again. I am going to keep you. I…am never going to let you go." The princess purred in a possessive voice while she pressed the tip of her nose into her girlfriend's quivering nose.
"I-it makes me so very happy to hear that. I…don't want to leave a life like this." The blonde-haired girl mumbled in a tone of yearning only for a shy smile to grow on her lips when the woman cupped her cheeks.
"There…may be the possibility that this power only works on the Avatar. In that is the case…then you are just as defenseless as you were before." Azula began with her fingers grasping Elle's cheek while gentle amber eyes peered back at her.
"…T-that's what I am worried about." Elle stuttered with a worried expression in her eyes only for her anxieties to vanish when controlling golden eyes stared back at her.
"Well then…the solution is clear…" The princess trailed off in a sanguine voice with her golden eyes staring back into emotional amber eyes.
"It is?" The blonde-haired girl asked in a voice that was in terrible need of the older female's guidance while the royal woman smiled suavely before her eyes.
"I will just have to destroy them for you." Azula announced in an enticing manner with an irresistible smirk upon her crimson lips while Elle's amber eyes widened in innocent emotion.
"Y-you would do that for me Azula-sama?" Elle requested in an abashed voice with pink spreading across her cheeks only for her heart to beat even faster when Azula growled against her cheek.
"Of course, I would! Do you really think that I would ever allow you to be brought to harm?" The princess questioned in a voice of grudging affections while a grateful smile began to form on the younger girl's lips.
"No. I know you wouldn't. I know I can depend upon my princess." The blonde-haired girl admitted in a tone of endless adoration while her princess lowered her mouth before her ear with her warm breath tickling against her skin.
And then Elle lay there motionless with her heart pounding rapidly while Azula pressed her lips against her ear.
"I am going to find my way to your world…and then I will kill them all. However, many that may be. Even if it is hundreds of thousands. I will do it…for you." Azula snarled in a wrathful voice with her palms still clutching Elle's stunned face while she pressed her handmaid into her sweat stained cheek.
"I-I don't know what to say Azula-sama…I…" Elle breathed in a voice of tremendous emotion with a moved tear dripping down her cheek.
"Say nothing then. Just know this. You are mine. And I…will not have it said that Princess Azula doesn't protect her betrothed." The princess hissed with her lips against her trembling handmaid's ear while she cupped the younger girl's delicate cheeks.
The teenager found herself unable to form a word of response.
All she could do was lay there with her head in her caretaker's palms when she felt soft lips press a gentle kiss upon her ear.
"Don't you worry your little mind over it. I won't let anyone hurt you." Azula spoke in a supremely possessive voice with her callous eyes peering back into Elle's appreciative amber eyes.
"Azula-sama…" Elle trailed off in a tender voice while Azula's red lips still curved into a refined smile.
"There now…no more crying. You have nothing to fear. Because I am strong. Do you understand girl?" The princess ordered in powerful voice that flowed into her young handmaid's ear while she gently brushed the tears from the blonde's lovely cheek.
"W-wakarimashita." The blonde-haired girl agreed with a bashful nod while she blushed when her beautiful princess held their foreheads together.
"I have something that I want to show you…I want you to look around you and tell me what you see." Azula commented in a spellbinding voice with her palms on Elle's infatuated cheeks just before tilting her handmaid's head to the side.
The small girl peered out of the corner of her eye in puzzlement only for her eyes to widen in awe when a wave of blue fire swept over their entwined bodies.
Until she found herself laying in the mighty monarch's toned arms with a dome of azure flames surrounding her on all sides!
Her stunned amber eyes turned to gaze back into hardened golden eyes just before she found herself being drawn in even closer than before.
"B-blue fire. I see Her Highness's blue fire." Elle answered in a captivated voice while she shuddered pleasurably under Azula's confidently smiling gaze.
"Wrong." The princess replied with a growl while her spellbound handmaid shook under her grip.
"T-then…what do I see princess?" The blonde-haired girl stammered with a shy smile on her lips while the intense heat of the flames caused a bead of sweat to drip down her brow.
Or was it Azula's irresistible golden eyes that were the cause of her abnormally warm temperature?
"You see…a shield." Azula sighed with a charming smirk on her lips while she stroked her fingers against her pretty handmaid's gasping face.
"A…shield?" Elle repeated in a voice of boundless appreciation while Azula leaned in to whisper in her trembling ear once more.
"My lovely little peasant…you see flames that protect." The princess spoke in a beguiling voice with her smirking lips brushing against her speechless peasant's ear.
"Flames…that protect." The blonde-haired girl mumbled with a peaceful expression returning to her eyes while her face fell into the crook of the monarch's neck.
"I…am going to make you a promise Elle…a promise that I've never made to anyone else. So, I suggest you listen well." Azula declared with her arms wrapping around Elle's small back while the girl buried her face in her neck.
"What…what does this promise entail princess?" Elle pondered with a lovelorn blush while two strong arms crushed her into a near suffocating embrace.
"If anyone should ever try to hurt you…if anyone should ever bring harm to you. I will kill them." The princess snarled with her crimson lips contorting into a glower while she held her little girlfriend beneath her burning flames.
"A-arigatou gozaimasu Azula-sama! Arigatou!" The blonde-haired girl cried out in a moved voice with her happy eyes pressing into silken dark hair.
Only to find herself shivering in delight when Azula parted her hair to peer down into her awestruck eyes.
"You belong to me little lady." Azula purred in a softer voice just before leaning down to press her lips upon her paralyzed handmaid's forehead.
"I…I…am Princess Azula's little lady…" Elle trailed off in a lovesome voice while she stared up into Azula's smug golden eyes.
"That you are peasant. That you are." The princess stated in a sighing voice while her fingernails dug into her little girlfriend's plush golden hair.
"Y-you…you are the best thing that has ever happened to me Azula-sama. I…just want you to know that." The blonde-haired girl murmured with her eyes closing against the taller woman's plated chest.
"Humph. I already knew that Elle." Azula stated in a pompous manner with Elle curled up against her chest once more.
The small blonde buried her face in her princess's black and gold plating while stern golden eyes stared down at her with just a margin of fondness in her gaze.
The royal woman's eyes shone with a peculiar emotion while her lips pursed into a thin line.
"Listen…Elle…" The princess began in a voice unlike her usual sadistic self while her little lover peeked out from her bosom.
"Yes Azula-sama?" Elle responded in a diligent voice with her loyal amber eyes gazing up into reflective golden eyes.
"About earlier…when I…made you cry. I…" Azula muttered in a frustrated voice with her cold eyes staring down at the smiling girl in her arms.
"It's alright. I wasn't crying because you hurt my feelings. I was crying…because I don't like to see my family hurt each other." The blonde-haired girl explained in a soft voice while the royal woman's eyes shone with momentary surprise.
"Still I…am…" The princess spoke with a growl coating her voice while the younger girl still beamed up at her.
The small girl said nothing while she watched her monarch struggle to form the words of apology that she has never heard her say before.
"Sorry!" Azula snapped with a conceited scowl on her lips while Elle retreated back into her bosom.
"Like I said…you have nothing to apologize for. Our bond…it's so much deeper than words can ever convey. There are no words or actions that can harm our bond. Because…what we share is timeless. But even so…arigatou Azula-sama." Elle assured in a passionate voice with her hands grasping at her girlfriend's robes while long fingers continued to gently pet her cheek.
"It is…isn't it." The princess answered with a content countenance while she lay with her head upon the grass.
"That's so." The blonde-haired girl mumbled in a serene voice with a sunny smile upon her lips before closing her eyes in her older girlfriend's armored chest.
"That's my peasant…you just stay…right there." Azula commanded with her crimson lips curling into a pleased smile once more while she held her little handmaid against her armored breasts.
Elle nodded in understanding before burrowing deeper into Azula while the powerful woman never released her from her hold.
All the while the princess peered down at her with a sophisticated smile on her regal lips.
Her little handmaid was right.
Their bond truly was everlasting.
It was as endless as the stars in the sky.
It was infinite.
0 notes
Love Doesn’t Discriminate (Part V)
Word Count: 3096
Authors’ Note: Hey guys! This is part 5 of the fic and we’re so happy to be sharing it with you. We’re very sorry that there has been such a long wait for this part and we certainly hope that this part makes all the waiting worth it.
Part I  Part II  Part III  Part IV  
“What in hell are you doing in my study?”
You held your breath. The beat of your heart in your chest began to race as fear surged through your veins. You could hear his feet stomping behind you, marking his full entrance into the room. The air around you seemed to grow warm in his presence as if the temperature rose from the sheer rage that slipped from him in waves.
His paw closed around your arm and you felt the prick of his claws against your skin. He tore you from the table with a sharp tug, spinning you to face him in the process. You stumbled backward in a mad scramble to get away from him. As you turned, your foot caught on the binding of a fallen book, and in a rush of air, you found yourself surging towards the floor. His grip loosened as you crashed down onto the cold wood.
As you reached out a hand to steady yourself, a nearby shard of glass embedded itself into your palm. You bit back the yelp of pain that rose to your tongue as you looked up, fighting to remain calm. Your fear began to multiply as you took in the sight of him above you, seeing the true beast he was for the first time.
His dark wings were spread behind him as though he were preparing to take flight. His face seemed to be caught between words and a snarl, sharp teeth glinting in the bits of moonlight that floated in from the window. One arm was raised, and you felt yourself begin to shake at the sight of his outstretched claws.
“Did I not say that this wing was forbidden?”
You could not halt the tremble that spread through your body at the ice that frosted his words, chilling you to the bone. His voice was deadly quiet; you could barely hear the words over the constant rolling growl that rumbled through his throat. Your mouth fell opened as you fumbled for words, but you could find no response that would satisfy him.
“You are nothing but an insolent little girl. I should have just killed you and been done with it. Do you think you are free to touch things that don't belong to you?”
“I hardly touched it,” you whispered shakily. “I didn't think-”
“No, of course, you didn't. Do you have even half a brain in your head? You shouldn't have touched it at all! You shouldn't have been in here!”
You felt numb. You couldn't speak and you didn't dare move, so you only stared up at him from your place on the floor. When he began to take a step forward, you crawled backward, unsure of whether or not he'd try to hurt you.
“What are you still doing here,” he thundered, taking another step closer. “Get out, you stupid girl! Get out!”
You jumped to your feet, forcing yourself not to trip again as you sprinted towards the door. You turned down the hall, headed back the way you had come. His responding roar of anger followed you through the corridor, echoing off the walls and pulsing against your ears.
You ran all the way back through the castle, past the dining room and the blocked off corridors into the great hall. Darting for the front door, you swung it open, staggering back a step as a cold wind blew in from outside. A drift of snow flew in on the sudden breeze, coating the floor with a smear of white. You looked out across the gardens, all the flowers covered in ice and the trees laden with newly fallen snow. Taking a deep breath, you prepared to step into the freezing world beyond the castle when a frightening thought touched your mind.
If you left, broke your bargain with the beastly prince, would he go after your father?
He had threatened to, your first night in the castle. He had not broached the subject since that night, had refused to even acknowledge your father. But after having spent a few months in the castle, you wouldn't put it past him.
You took a step back, letting the door fall from your fingers and listening to the lock as it clicked shut. Turning away, you began to trudge back to your room. Tears began to slip down your cheeks as you once again resigned yourself to your fate.
If it would spare your father his life, then you would gladly remain trapped here with the beast.
The Prince was still pacing his room when Leslie appeared in the doorway, a few minutes later. Hearing his footsteps, his head snapped up to glare at his advisor, eyes still bright with rage. Leslie didn't shrink away from him, having grown used to his fits over the years.
“Why was she even allowed to get anywhere near here? Has no one been watching her like I ordered? Do you have any idea what could have happened if the rose was harmed?”
“Sire, no one will watch her,” Leslie replied calmly.
“Excuse me?”
“No one will watch her. We all, myself included, believe you are being far too discourteous and ignorant to and about (Y/N). She is brave, kind, and generous; if you were still human, she would be exactly the type of girl you would have fallen in love with. So what exactly is your issue with falling in love with her now?”
The prince turned on his heels to face Leslie, a violent roar tearing itself from his throat, loud enough to match the one that had echoed through the castle only a few minutes earlier.
“How dare you speak so boldly to me! I am your prince, you would do well to remember that!” Leslie continued to stare at him, still unaffected by his rant. “And I don't want to fall in love with her. She is only some idiot peasant girl, and I don't care about this stupid curse either way!”
“If you didn't care about it, why would you have any qualms about her harming the rose?”
The prince fell silent. He had no way to respond to Leslie’s question without damaging his already fragile pride. He had no intentions of making himself look even more unintelligent than he felt.
“Perhaps you should attempt to calm your temper and speak to her,” suggested Leslie, “without excessive growling or rudeness.”  
He turned away from the open door, falling to his knees before the rose. He stared at it as it hovered tormentingly behind the glass, his mind wandering to the night it had been placed there.
“Leave me be,” he conceded, rubbing at his temple with one of his paws. Leslie sighed and turned away, beginning to walk down the corridor before he paused again.
“We all just want the best for you, Lin. Even if it doesn't seem that way in times like these.”
You didn't go to dinner that evening and were thoroughly surprised when the prince didn't show up at your door demanding you come down. You spent the night hidden under the mountain of pillows on your bed anyways, too scared to fall asleep. Sunlight was beginning to filter through the window when you felt yourself drifting off, taking comfort in the safety of the daylight. Just when your eyes had closed, a sharp knock on your door startled you back into full awareness. Burrowing yourself deeper into the pillows, you waited for something to happen.
“(Y/N), dear. Are you awake? We've brought you breakfast.”
You breathed a sigh of relief to hear Renee’s voice calling your name. You slipped out from under your pillows and stifled a yawn as you made your way over to open it for her. Renee rolled in on the same cart you had seen her on during dinners, a full plate of food settled in front of her. Jasmine flew in behind her as you began to close the door and replace the lock.
“Good morning,” you said softly. Your throat was hoarse from crying through the night, leaving you barely able to get the words out. “What are you both doing here?” “We came to see you, of course,” chirped Jasmine, fluttering around the cup of tea Renee was currently preparing. You smiled at them both as Renee nudged the cup towards you. Nodding gratefully, you picked it up and took a long sip, the warmth washing over you and soothing the pain in your throat. You had finished the whole cup before regarding them again; they both sat there, waiting for you to speak. “Why are you risking your prince’s affection when he has forbidden you all from speaking to me?” “The prince is misguided,” Renee said gently. “These years have been hard on him.” You stood in silent contemplation as you stared at her, and were unable to stop the frown that broke out on your face. “He is a monster,” you hissed to yourself before raising your voice. “You defend him when he is so cruel to all of you?” “The form of a monster may have inflicted some wounds upon his soul, but the man you have seen is not who he truly is. I will not defend his actions, dear. In fact, I condemn them entirely. But he is only a shell of his former self. If you were able to know him as the man he was…” Her voice trailed off as you continued to stare at her, but she did not draw her eyes away. Jasmine looked between the two of you, holding her tongue while Renee spoke. You turned your gaze on her as she began to move, busying herself with dusting off the mantle of the fireplace. Renee breathed out a short sigh and nudged the plate of food towards you before hopping off the cart. You watched as she slid to the floor, the gilded handles moving to help her down. “I know you don't believe me, (Y/N). I only hope one day you will understand. I'll leave you to your breakfast.” You watched as she turned away, and you moved to unlock and open the door as she left. “Renee,” you called after her. She stopped short and turned to face you. “Thank you, for everything.” Renee smiled at you and began to move away once more. A small gust of wind had you turning your head. Jasmine hovered near your shoulder, smiling at you sympathetically. “He acts a monster, but Renee is right. And you mustn't be too hard on her either. She helped to raise him whenever his parents were away.” “Oh,” you murmured. You had, of course, had no idea. You immediately felt guilty for your thoughts about her defense of the Prince and attempted to push the guilt away before it could overwhelm you. “Well, I have a date with Anthony in the library, so I must be going. I hope you have a better day, (Y/N).” And then she was gone, a trail of tiny white feathers the only sign she had been there. You closed the door behind her and locked it once more. Focusing for the first time on the plate of food, you realized how hungry you were. You picked it up and took it back to your bed, wrapping yourself in a blanket as you began to eat. You were just finishing the last of the food when there was another knock on your door. Before you had a moment to react, the lock clicked open, the swing of the door following closely behind. It was no surprise to you when Pippa walked in, the door falling shut on its own behind her as she stepped over to you. Your face lit up in a bright smile when you saw her, your plate being set to the side as you stood and rushed over. She wrapped her arms around you in a tight hug. “Are you alright, (Y/N)? I heard about what happened last night, did he hurt you?” “No, of course not,” you objected. You watched as she checked over you for wounds, fretting like a mother hen over every hair she found out of place. “Pippa, honestly, I’m fine. Nothing happened. He just scared me was all. He's a brute, but he hasn't harmed me.” “He better not,” she huffed, finally moving away from you. She kept a hand on your arm as she smiled at you, her other hand moving to push a few strands of hair from her eyes. “Thank you, Pippa. I am lucky to have you as my friend.” A slight blush crept over her cheeks as her head bowed. You laughed softly and moved away, settling back onto the bed as she looked over at you. “Speaking of friends, what is Jonathan doing outside your door?” “Who is Jonathan,” you questioned. You had never come across anyone by that name over the course of your stay so far, although you had not ventured out of your room very often. “Lord Jonathan Groff, of the Southern Isles. He was a personal friend of the prince who happened to be here when the castle was cursed.” “The Southern Isles? I've never heard of any place with such a name.” “It isn't a real place,” Pippa stated matter-of-factly. “It was a place he made up when he and the prince were little as part of a game. The title has stuck ever since.” “A friend of the prince,” you mused. “Sent to watch me.” “Relax, (Y/N). Jonathan is one of the kindest men you'll ever meet.” She danced over to the door and pulled it open, an arm reaching out to something you couldn't see. A moment later, she had pulled a moving suit of armor into the room and was grinning like a little girl when she turned back to you. “(Y/N), this is Jonathan. Jonathan, this is my friend (Y/N). I'm guessing the prince demanded you watch over her to keep her from wandering?” “Yes, but he wasn't in his right mind. I find such a task appalling. My apologies, Miss (Y/N). Although it is a pleasure to meet you at last. I have heard much about you, most especially from Pippa here.” “From Pippa,” you demanded, pulling your eyes from him to glance at her. “I thought you made it a point to avoid everyone?” “Jonathan is a friend,” she reassured you with another smile. You shrugged slightly and turned back to studying him. He looked to be made of combined pieces of a suit of armor, all hovering in midair as though inhabited by a person. But upon looking through the cracks in the armor, you could only see the wall behind him. He bowed to you and then rose again, taking a few steps toward you and holding out his hand. You smiled and offered your own to him, trusting Pippa’s judgment. Jonathan brought it to his lips, or rather the hood of his helmet, as though he were kissing it, then released your hand with another bow. “You are sweet, Lord Jonathan. In both actions and words. But I understand that you must follow the wishes of your prince.” “Yes,” he acknowledged sourly. “He has demanded I follow you whenever you leave the room.” “Then I suppose we are going to become fairly good friends. Although I would consider any friend of Pippa’s a friend of mine.” “It would be my honor,” he replied with another bow. You smiled at him again and found yourself hoping that his words would bear true.
Oak stood silently beneath a crowd of trees, pulling his coat tighter around him to guard against the chill of the late autumn wind. His eyes didn't leave Jefferson, who was huddled on the ground in a pool of fabric, his slim form overtaken by the bulk of the cloak that hung loosely from his shoulders. He knew the old man had been here every day since they had buried his daughter; Oak had no idea how he could stand to spend each waking hour staring with blank eyes at the writing on his daughter’s gravestone. It had been a dreary funeral, attended by only the three of them, along with the priest and the kindly man who owned the bookstore. It had rained that day, uncharacteristic of the time of year, but certainly fitting for the circumstances.
He had made another attempt this morning to speak to Daveed. It had gone just as well as the others, ending with a door slammed closed in his face and the distant sound of undignified sobbing from the window. He hadn't realized just how deeply (Y/N)’s death would affect his friend. While he knew Daveed had been fond of her, he had questioned his actual love for the girl. His doubts melted away as he observed the proud man’s devastating breakdown.
Oak’s attention turned back to Jefferson, still hunched over the stone, now with his hand raised to caress the top of it. He had made it his mission to watch over the heartbroken father, knowing that (Y/N) had been all he had left. He knew from his experiences the past couple weeks that Jefferson had been here since sunrise. Oak looked up, noting the placement of the sun in the sky; it was mid afternoon already. He ought to be heading home soon. Stepping away from the trees, he made his way over to the old man, resting a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“You've been here for hours, Jefferson. Let me help you home.”
“It’s all my fault.”
A short sigh filtered out through Oak’s nose. From his delirious tone, Oak was positive that he hadn’t been sleeping. The man had been hit hard by his depression, losing sleep and ignoring food when he needed it the most.
“It isn’t your fault,” Oak whispered softly, crouching down to get closer. “There was nothing you could have done.”
“I should’ve protected her,” moaned Jefferson. “I never should have left her. This is all my fault.”
“This isn’t your fault,” he repeated. A sob choked its way out of Jefferson’s throat, his shoulders curling in on him as he wept. Oak felt the sharp sting of tears against his eyes as he moved his hand, patting the man on the back in a confused gesture of comfort. “This is not your fault.”
“Oh, (Y/N),” Jefferson said brokenly. “Please forgive me.”
Authors’ Note: Come tell us what you think about this part of LDD. We love feedback and we are always happy to chat with you guys.
With much love,
Zoe and Cass
Tags: @hamlltvn @fandomsinabookshelf @secretschuylersister @awesome-wow-imagines @superwholockbooknerd526 @pixel-pisces @fly-f0rever @hamwriters @always-blame-jefferson @luna-lightwood-potter
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In Sickness and in Health
Request: decoy bride au part two! part one here (there’s one more part left)
Pairing: Lin-Manuel Miranda x reader
Word count: 3,366
Warnings: physical fighting, near death experience of drowning, misunderstandings 
A/N: The amount of support I received for this fic has been amazing- thank you to everyone who sent love! Thanks also to @fragmentofmymind for proofreading and being amazing.
Feedback is very very welcome!
@picklessfights, @itsjaynebird, @awesome-wow-imagines, @haletotheking24, @bullshit-snauzer, @justanotherhamiltrash, @jazzyyyjones --
Lin stretched out on the bed, staring at the canopy. You sat cross-legged beside him, digging through the massive pile of gifts that had been left on there for the happy couple. “Is this a signed copy of your own book?” you asked incredulously, holding up a heavy, bound copy of the Hamilton book.
“Yeah,” Lin laughed sheepishly. He propped himself up on one elbow and took it from you, opening it to the title page, “Probably Chris’ idea of a joke.” 
You reached back into the pile and held up the matching Hamilton t-shirts you had found, raising an eyebrow. “They’re nice t-shirts!” he said defensively. 
You just laughed and set to refolding the shirts. Lin looked at you thoughtfully for a moment. “What’s your actual job?” 
“My actual job?” 
“Yeah,” he said, “I assume you don’t spend all your time in a shepherd’s hut or fake-marrying Americans.”
You bit your lip. “I’m between jobs,” you said finally, “my last one was in Edinburgh with my boyfriend.” You winced to remember the morning you had stormed out of the apartment you had shared, your clothes stuffed into your suitcase and the image of him in bed with another girl seared into your mind. 
“Why did you come here?” you asked, mostly to distract yourself. When Lin looked confused, you elaborated, “You could have got married on a beach in Puerto Rico or in a picturesque old town upstate in the US- why this place?”
The wedding dress was spread around you on the bed, the veil tossed over the side of a chair and the pins that had kept it and your hair in place scattered. Lin was still in his suit, though he had loosened the tie and undone the buttons on his jacket. 
“We wanted somewhere where the press would never-” he grimaced at glanced towards the window- “find us. Chris found this place and its associations with Hamilton and here we are.”
You snorted. “A Hamilton themed wedding- there’s an ego-boost if I ever saw one.” You spotted a bottle of champagne on the side and reached for it. “What’s she like?” you asked as you uncorked the bottle.
“Who?” Lin took the bottle from you and had a swig. His leg jiggled, disturbing the neat pile of wedding gifts that you had stacked up. He must really be worried about his fiancée, you realised.
“Your wife-to-be,” you clarified, “what’s she like?”
Lin’s eyes softened and his gaze fixed on something just beyond your shoulder. “She’s perfect,” he smiled dreamily, “Kind and generous and selfless and beautiful inside and out.” 
You fiddled with the cork, trying to imagine having someone who loved you as much as Lin clearly loved Vanessa. You set the bottle down and flopped back, wincing as a last bobby pin poked at your scalp, “She sounds nice.”
“She’s out there,” Lin said quietly, “and I’m not there for her.”
“She’ll be alright,” you stared at the bed’s canopy, which was decorated to look like the night sky, and felt awkward and tongue-tied next to Lin, “You’ll be more of a help to her here than blundering around the island leading that lot to her.”
Lin grimaced and took another swig from the champagne. You wished you had been able to take your phone so you could call for help, but wedding dresses didn’t seem to come with pockets, infuriatingly enough.
“Did you sign the register?” you asked. 
Lin frowned, “Course- I thought it was real, remember?” A beat. “Why?”
You lifted your hand, the simple golden wedding band already feeling familiar on your ring finger. “I think,” you said slowly, “that in all the fuss I might have signed my own name.”
The silence stretched as Lin’s jaw dropped. He lifted his own hand, as though he had only just realised what the ring meant- and what it represented. “I think I want a divorce,” he said faintly.
Abruptly, the door opened and the two of you sat up. A man was in the doorway, a camera hanging round his neck. A paparazzo, you realised, if his practiced hands on the camera were anything to go by. 
He looked confused as he scanned the room, frowning when he saw you and Lin on the bed. “Where is Vanessa?” he asked.
You looked at Lin. A vein was pulsing in the side of his neck and his fists were clenched. He looked like he’d like nothing better than to jump up at start throwing punches. So they knew each other. 
“None of your business,” he growled.
“Oh?” the newcomer raised an eyebrow and lifted his camera, “she is missing and you are cavorting with- with a prostitute?”
“I am not a prostitute!” You glared, holding up your hand to display the wedding ring still glinting on your finger. The paparazzo gaped. “I’m his wife,” you said proudly.
“You bastard,” he said to Lin and Lin snapped, hurling the copy of the Hamilton book at him. The paparazzo ducked but Lin was on his feet and reaching for the next thing to throw. You rolled off the bed and decided to stay out of the way as the paparazzo grabbed a teddy bear from the pile of gifts and threw it at Lin. 
You stood up and started to edge towards the door. A particularly badly aimed glass paperweight thunked against the wall beside you, shattering. You winced as a fragment caught your shoulder, thankfully not cutting you. 
The paparazzo had headed back to the door. “You will never be worthy of Vanessa!” He yelled furiously before slamming the door. 
Lin yelled something after him and tried to open the door again, but it had locked. “Fuck,” Lin said emphatically and kicked the door, wincing at the pain. “I hate that guy.”
You were too busy examining the wall where the paperweight had shattered. “Lin!” You pried a chunk of the wall away with your fingers- it was almost soft, “Look!”
He hurried over as you picked at the wall. “Styrofoam?” He frowned, then laughed. “That'll be Chris’ idea of trying to make the room smaller and cosier.”
You took a step back, hitched up your skirts, and kicked the wall, wobbling dangerously on your one heel. The styrofoam bricks gave way and you and Lin pushed your way through. Behind the realistically painted and stacked styrofoam was a stone spiral staircase.
Lin rushed down them immediately. “Wait up!” you called, struggling to pull off your heels. With them in hand, you ran down the stairs with your skirts lifted just enough that you wouldn’t trip. By the time you dashed into what was clearly a storeroom Lin was already peering out the single window.
“There’s a pedal boat in the moat just below the window,” he said as he climbed up onto the wide stone window ledge. “I’ll get help.”
You dropped the shoes and started to climb after him. “I’m coming,” you pointed out indignantly- as if you’d just stay in a cold castle cellar while he left! “Wait.”
Lin had already dropped into the boat and was busy untethering it from its peg in the moat. “No,” he insisted, not even looking up, “there’s water in the bottom of this- you’ll get Vanessa’s dress wet.”
You ignored him and started to climb out of the window. The dress caught on a nail. “Fuck,” you muttered and set to pulling it loose. It seemed to be stubbornly stuck and you yanked and pulled until it suddenly loosened. Balance thrown off, you felt yourself fall and reached desperately for the edge of the window.
Lin was already pulling away in the boat, but he turned back when you let out an undignified shriek followed immediately by a splash as you hit the water. The dress is wet, you thought a tiny bit hysterically. You flailed and pushed up towards the sun-dappled surface, but something pulled you back. The dress. Again. 
Whatever combination of stones and rubbish had accumulated at the bottom of the moat had caught on the dress. Your feet pushed off the bottom again, hoping to tear the dress, but you didn’t move. I’m going to drown, you thought, almost resigned.  A little way away you could see the shadow of the boat. Made clumsy and slow by the water, you struggled to release your dress. 
But you had no more air and your chest was tight and the edges of your vision were beginning to blur and you watched your last bubbles of air drift up towards the surface. You closed your eyes and thought of your mother.
Lin saw you disappear into the water and swore. You just had to follow him, didn’t you? He waited for you to resurface, wincing when he imagined the state Vanessa’s dress would be in. She might actually murder him for this.
You still hadn’t come up for air. Lin frowned, and then started to pull off his suit jacket, tossing it into the boat. He took a deep breath and dived, opening his eyes once he was under water. 
You were floating there and for a moment his heart stopped. Then he saw the dress, caught firmly on something metal. He swam down and pulled. The dress resisted. He tried again. You’d been under too long. 
He yanked instead at the seam and, with a water-muffled tear, the skirt of the dress tore. Lin tore it clean off and, hooking an arm around you, kicked for the surface. You were heavy and waterlogged but Lin made it to the edge of the moat and lifted you up onto the grass. 
Every moment that you didn’t breathe seemed to last an eternity. He climbed up onto the bank beside you and carefully rolled you onto your side and opened your mouth. Would he have to do CPR? He thought back to the first-aid classes he had taken in college and wished he had paid more attention.
Before he could decide what to do you coughed. Water dribbled out of your mouth and you panted, relief in the set of your shoulders. Then you spotted Lin leaning over you. 
“Thanks,” you managed, then noticed your dress. Lin’s tearing had reduced it to a mini-dress, the hem just barely covering your underwear. You blushed and Lin laughed. 
“Sorry about the dress,” he said, averting his eyes as you struggled to tug it lower.
“It’s my fault,” you pointed out and scrambled to your feet. 
“Where now?”
You walked along the sandy beach, shivering in the windy and cold that never seemed to leave the island. You held the torn dress down to cover your underwear and Lin walked along beside you, clothes soaked. 
“My house isn’t far,” you said, teeth chattering, “we can change there.”
Lin had wanted to set out looking for Vanessa immediately but you had pointed out that neither of you would be much use to her with hypothermia. Plus you were more likely to draw attention in your current outfits and, since the paparazzi hopefully still thought you and Lin were in the castle, not the best of ideas.
“Thank you for saving my life,” you said. 
“You’ve still got so much of it left,” Lin pointed out, “It seems a waste. I’m sorry you almost drowned.”
You smiled. “Don’t be- my life flashed before my eyes down there, and I was bored halfway through.” You turned off the beach and started along the rocky path to your home, Lin easily keeping pace beside you, “I want to do something more.”
“You can,” Lin said, “the world is waiting for you, Y/N.”
You snorted as you pulled the spare key out from inside the fake bird-feeder and unlocked the door. “The world isn’t waiting for a small island in the Hebrides, Lin.”
Lin frowned and looked like he was about to argue, but you beckoned him inside. The house was deliciously warm after the biting cold outside, and it appeared to be empty. 
You took Lin into the kitchen and set the kettle to boil. “I’ll grab you something to wear,” you told him and dashed upstairs.
You grabbed yourself some clothes and rooted around in your cupboard until you found a neat pile of  clothes. Your first boyfriend- a cute, scruffy, arty boy boy from Aberdeen called Douglas- had left them behind and never come back for them. They did, admittedly, consist of an absurd pair of tartan trousers, a hideous yellow and paisley-patterned shirt, and a fluffy gilet-like jacket, but it was all you had. 
Lin was pouring tea when you arrived in the kitchen again. He raised an eyebrow when you handed him the clothes, but didn’t complain. There was a washing line that stretched across the kitchen and you pegged a sheet to it for a little privacy. You set a timer for the tea- you’d forget it if you didn’t.
The stockings- laddered and torn- were the easiest to get off. Twisting your arms behind you, you started to undo the long line of buttons that trailed down your back. At first they were easy, but then you couldn’t reach, so you reached from above. But a couple of buttons still stayed stubbornly unreachable. You took a deep breath.
“Lin?” you asked tentatively. Lin lifted the curtain. You turned around so he could see the last few buttons, looking back over your shoulder. 
“Need a hand?” he stepped past the curtain, letting it fall back into place behind him. He had taken off his shirt, his undershirt tucked up and still wet enough to cling to him.
You looked away, forcing yourself to focus on the rain that had started to batter against the windows again. But when you felt his fingers brush against your skin as he undid the buttons, you shivered. You felt Lin still for a moment. 
The timer for the tea went and Lin jumped. He undid the last button quickly and headed over to pull out the teabags, sticking them in the compost. You focused on your breathing and finished getting changed. 
A mistake, you told yourself firmly as Lin cheerfully asked if you took milk or sugar, and not one that can happen again.
Lin emerged from behind the curtain, rolling up the sleeves of the shirt you had lent him. You stifled a laugh at the sight of him in your ex-boyfriend’s clothes. The tartan trousers fit alright, though their orange and red pattern clashed horribly with the shirt. The gilet-like jacket was fluffy and the same orange as the trousers, with bits of the fluff sticking out weirdly or squashed flat from being in the cupboard for a couple of years.
“Quite a look,” Lin laughed. “Whose were these?”
“My ex-boyfriend’s,” you handed him his tea, “he played in a bagpipe band called Hot Red Chili Pipers- the band’s quite successful now but he’s not in it anymore.”
The radiators in the living room were the warmest, so you and Lin headed through to warm up. Other than your bedrooms, it was the only part of the house that guests weren’t allowed to stay in. Even B&B owners needed privacy, however infrequent their guests.
“It’s not much,” you said, abruptly aware of how rural your house must seem compared to a fancy New York apartment. 
“I like it,” Lin looked around, gaze landing on the line of photos along the mantel above the fireplace. Photos of you as a baby, as a frowning toddler, a child on her first day at school- your life in wooden frames. You never realised how much of your life stayed at home every time you went away.
You settled yourself on the carpet by the radiator, hoping your hair would dry quickly at least. A warm shower would have been nice, you thought wistfully, but the hot water wasn’t reliable on the best of days. 
Lin sat down beside you. “What now?” he asked. He slid the ring off his finger and held it up. “What do we do about this?”
“We’ll go to the vicar- he’s married everyone on his island,” you paused, considering the simple gold ring on your finger.  “Well, everyone except me, I suppose. But he’ll know what to do.”
Lin pulled out his phone. “It’s broken,” he pressed the home button but the screen stayed black. “I don’t suppose you have a landline?”
You reached over to the rickety coffee table and pulled the landline towards you. “Do you know her number?” you asked. 
He bit his lip but, after a moment, nodded. “I need to know if she’s alright.” He took the phone and started to punch in the number before he seemed to realise he’d need to add the country code for Vanessa’s American phone. You got up and started to walk out. “Where are you going?” Lin asked.
“I’ll give you some privacy,” you said, nodding vaguely towards the kitchen.
You washed up the last few plates from that morning’s breakfast and tried to ignore the strange feeling that had seemed to well up inside you when Lin had asked to call Vanessa. It wasn’t like you had feelings for him, you told yourself. The gold ring, which you had taken off to do the washing up, seemed to sit almost accusatorially on the window sill. 
The front door opened, jarring you out of your thoughts. “Y/N!” your mother’s familiar voice sounded from down the hallway, “Grab your shoes and a waterproof bag!”
She appeared in the doorway to the kitchen, hair blown into disarray by the wind that was starting to get up outside, her old yellow macintosh damp still damn from that morning’s rain. You set the plate  you had been washing down in the sink, curious. “What?” 
Behind her, you saw Lin leave the sitting room, a frown creasing his forehead into worried lines. “There’s money all over the cove,” she said, “but not for long- we need to hurry if we want to get it!” 
You raised an eyebrow and sighed. Though you weren’t struggling to get by, your mother had been saving for years for a chance to travel the world. Raising you on dwindling funds and the proceeds of a tiny bed and breakfast hadn’t left much room for much saving, and you knew your constant attempts to leave weren’t helping either. But as much as you sympathised, your mother did tend to get a bit… fanatic about it.“What money?” you decided to ask instead.
Your mother tossed you the hand towel. “The money I got from selling that Miranda guy’s story to the press,” she said impatiently. “They’re all outside the castle waiting, but his fiancee made me throw the money away.”
You felt sick swooping sensation in your stomach and clapped a hand to your mouth. “You did what?” you whispered.
“I see what this is,” Lin stepped into the kitchen. He looked furious, clutching his mug so tightly that you worried he would break it, “This is a nice little scheme you have set up here.”
“Who is this?” your mother demanded, wheeling to face Lin.
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. “This is Lin, Mum.”
“Lin,” she repeated, and you saw the moment she realised. “Lin-Manuel Miranda.”
He nodded. “So what was the plan? You sell out my wedding while she makes cow-eyes at me in hope of another payday?”
“Cow eyes?” you said indignantly. “I was not making cow eyes at anyone, thank you very much-”
Lin slammed the mug down on the countertop. “I hope you’re happy,” he snarled and stormed out.
“Lin wait-” you called, but the door was already slamming behind him. You watched him walk away through the kitchen window. You felt tears well and hastily wiped them away. 
“Y/N,” your mother said quietly, “I’m sorry.” She opened her arms and pulled you into a hug. You clutched at the fabric of her jumper for a moment.
“I messed up, Mum,” you said, throat thick. You remembered the sadness you had seen on Lin’s face before the fury had set in and winced, “I really messed up.”
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itstittycitybaby · 4 years
Flirty (Lin Beifong x reader) Part 5
a/n: brooooo. liinnnnnn. pulllll uuppppppp brooooo. kiss?? kiss for monty?? right here?? please?? also this took like. two fucking hours to write lmao. i just want that to be known.
Warnings: This is VERY angsty and sad. Proceed with caution.
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You waved Opal off with the others as the airship left. It was sad having to see her go. You knew she’d do great training with the other airbenders. She was so sweet and clever. Opal seemed excited to join the other benders at the air temple. Even though you felt happy for her it didn’t stop the ping of jealousy in your heart. Maybe if you had finally become a bender your mother and father would’ve been proud of you. Maybe they would finally love you.
You glanced to your side. Lin stood next to you with her arms were crossed and and a frown on her face. She looked annoyed and tired. You snickered. “What are you laughing at?” You shook your head, grinning. “Nothing. Couldn’t help but realize how grumpy you are. Sad to see her go?” Lin scoffed. It seems like you were right. 
The sky was pink and purple as the sun set. The metal shields whirred to life, slowly covering the pretty sky. You watched them sadly as they closed in on one another. The sky was so beautiful at night. If only you could see it.
The metal roof was cool underneath you. Azure was curled up in the collar of your turtle neck sleeping. Ruby pecked at the bird seed in your hands gently. The lights in Zaofu glowed softly, illuminating the streets. It was really a beautiful city.
Lin was more distant lately. She didn’t seem to pay any attention to you or care about the others. You knew that it’d happen eventually, but it still hurt. It made  the stone in your stomach roll more. It sunk heavily underneath the surface and jabbed at your heart. The anxiety of being abandoned still jostled and tore at your soul. It never seemed to go away. At this point you figured it never would.
 Thirty years was a long time. So much had happened in thirty years. A lot of loss and heartbreak had tore you down, leaving you on the ground defenseless. Even though life seemed to always strike you down you stilled waited. Waiting for a miracle to happen as you laid there reflecting. Now, it seemed like it was your chance. It didn’t matter how long it could take. You’d always wait for Lin.
She still held a fondness for you. Her eyes softened for a second once she saw you and she wasn’t as snarky. It was a start. As much as you wanted to kiss her face and hold her close, Lin needed time. She was impatient but you weren’t. The waiting game was something you were incredibly talented at. Thirty years of waiting you thought was the test. Now, it seemed like it was more of a test than ever. You glanced up at the covered sky. The stars had always comforted you before, it was a shame they were hidden now.
Ruby stilled in your hand, peering into the distance. “What is it Ruby,” you asked, jutting your head forward. Your eyes narrowed and your brows tugged together. Azure pecked you in the neck for waking him up. “Sorry drama queen, but you gotta go home!” Immediately, Azure flew out of your collar. You watched him go until he was out of sight. “Ruby, go fetch Lin! Bring her to me.” She sqwaked and flapped her wings. Grabbing your grappling hook, you aimed it at a crevice in the building in front of you. The button was smooth once you pressed it with the pad of your thumb. It shot out immediately making a soft swoosh sound. It clinked softly against the beam you aimed it at and swung you forward. Rotating your hips, you glided into the air. You wiggled slightly for better control and momentum. Your boots met the roof and your grappling hook quietly zipped back in place. Once you got to your destination,  you rolled onto the pavement with a soft thud. In the distance you could see them. Four people were creeping at a window. Korra.
“What,” Lin groaned, tugging her pillow over her head. Ruby shrieked and pecked at her fingers. She tried swatting at the bird but to no avail, Ruby wouldn’t let go. “Ow! Little shit. When I find them they’re gonna-”
Boom! Lin bolted up from her bed, flinging open her door she saw Mako and Bolin tumbling onto the pavement. Bang, Bang. Lin snapped her head. Speak of the devil.
There were two weapons clutched in your hands tightly. They were shooting out some weird metal pellets. You grunted as you swiftly dodged some sort of water arm. “Lin,” you shouted, “They’ve got Korra!” Lin broke into a sprint, guarding Mako and Bolin as they came back to their senses. Her scanned the area quickly and followed where you aimed. Four people stood in the middle of the court yard. There was a woman flailing her arms at anyone who dared to come closer, along with a lady that was creating explosions with her mind.
 Lin rose her fists and the metal around Korra’s attackers surrounded them. Your pellets hit the metal as soon as they came up. You cursed, taking cover behind a fallen pillar and loaded your pistols again. Suyin and her sons ran to you raising the rest of the metal around the attackers. All four of them were trapped.
“We have you surrounded it’s over!” Ruby landed on your shoulder as you trained your eyes on the target. “Good girl Rubes,” you whispered, stroking her softly. Suddenly, a rumbling noise shook the ground under you. Lava lazily slid out from the metal panes. “Lava bender,” you shouted, “Everyone, hop back!” You jumped back a few feet from the quickly pooling lava. The metal fell with a creak from the lava. It surrounded them, pushing you all fifteen feet away from Korra.
“No way. That guy’s lava bending! That’s awesome!..ly not good for us,” Bolin murmured. You stifled a laugh. Lin glared at you with her fists clenched. You shrugged in reply before getting back to the fight.
An explosion was sent your way for what felt like the twentieth time. You barely dodged it; the wind of it grazed your side. Ruby fluttered about, dodging their attacks swiftly. She couldn’t decide if she wanted to be by your side or fly from the danger. You couldn’t blame her; you wished you were back on the metal roof and not having your joints aching like hell. Ducking, you behind a metal pane as soon as another explosion swept by. Your boots skidded onto the pavement. Ruby flew to your side immediately. “You’re doing great girl,” you comforted her. 
Lin, Mako, Bolin, and Asami joined you behind the metal cover. “What should we do,” Bolin cried as he and Mako started hurling fire and rocks at the attackers’ way. Asami crouched in nothing but her nightgown. “Hey Asami?” “Yea?” You handed her one of your daggers. “Just in case,” you said, sending her a smile. She looked thankful as she gripped it.
“Look,” Lin shouted, pointing to the airbending guy. “They’ve been split up now!” A guard somehow had managed to get him away from the group. In the distance you could see Korra laying on the rock with lava around it. Mako hurled another fire ball at the explosion lady but the water bender blocked it with her arms. The chick focused on the four of you, a lazer starting to form from her forehead.
The explosion collided with another metal plane. Asami snapped her head behind her. Suyin and her sons blocked the lazer just in time. They caught up with the five of you and all eight of you huddled for protection. Your body blocked anything coming Asami’s way as you stood on the defense side of fighting.
 “How did they get in here,” Lin yelled over the explosions. “I don’t know, but they won’t get away,” Suyin exclaimed. 
“There’s no way to cross,” Asami muttered, as she watched the guards being flung from the metal bridge they had built to the four criminals. Suyin eyes narrowed as she observed the scene in front of her. Her green eyes lit up as an idea striked through her head. “We don’t need to. Lin and I can get up there and use our cables.” “Good idea,” Lin replied, following her gaze to where her sister looked. “How are we going to get past her?” You followed Lin’s eyes. “Don’t worry. Bolin and I will have your back.” Her brows furrowed. “How?” “I don’t know,” you answered honestly, “But you have to trust me.”
Lin furrowed her brows. She didn’t say anything but eventually agreed. “Alright, I trust you.” You smiled. “Take Ruby with you.” “Why?” “I don’t want her getting hurt. Besides, she’ll be the first to warn you in the air.” Lin looked at you with disbelief but stretched her arm out to the red bird anyway. “Take care of her Rubes,” you whispered, as Lin and Suyin disappeared into the air.
You raised your pistols. “Bolin! I need you to hit the third eye lady!” Bolin yelled, “I can’t get a good shot!” “Keep trying,” you yelled, firing more pellets.
Bolin’s rock hit her square in the head. She stumbled, and her face pulled in anger. Taking this as your shot, you fired a pellet in her damn forehead. Lightening shot out once it made contact. “Holy,” Bolin and Mako murmured at the same time. The lightening traveled through her body and it reached her face. A scream ripped out of her chest. The water armed lady snapped her head towards her. Lin’s eyes widened in shock as the explosion chick toppled over. “Lin!” Suyin’s voice snapped her out of her surprised state. Taking this as her chance, Lin grabbed Korra, swinging her over her shoulder. Korra groaned but laid limp. Ruby’s screeching pierced through Lin’s ears. Lin swung her hips to the right and the water bender’s arm reached out to were she was seconds ago. “Clever bird,” Lin muttered, eyes wide as she slowly raised up into the hidden panel.
The air bender scooped up the unconscious third eye lady. The lava bender and the water bender sent a death glared towards you. “We failed! Move out,” he commanded. Twirling his staff with one hand, he swept  air above the four of them. It became darker and darker from the smoke and flames. The four of you coughed from choking on smoke. When the air bubble slowly dissipated, they were gone.
Korra laid on one of the green couches in Su’s study. She was awake but her voice was hoarse. Lin and Suyin hovered over her as Aiwei treated Korra. Bolin, Mako, and Asami sat on the couch across from them. Asami had given you your dagger back once you all met up in Suyin’s study. Ruby stood on your shoulder with you by the door. She wasn’t hurt thankfully, but she was very skittish. “You’ll be getting all the almonds you want tomorrow,” you told her, stroking her feathers. She tweeted softly, beak nuzzling your hand softly.
“You assured me this was the safest place in the world,” Lin said harshly as Korra drank the bottle Aiwei gave her. “It is,” Suyin argued defensively, “don’t blame me! It was well planned, how could I have known?!” Your face tugged in thought as you listened to their arguing. The metal shields that came up prevented from anything entering or leaving. There was no way they could’ve got in..unless...
“You have a traitor in your city Suyin,” you said softly. “That’s how they got in.” Aiwei got up and cast Suyin an apologetic look. “They’re right. It seems the four of them had some inside knowledge in Zafou.”
“We searched throughout the entire estate. There’s no sign of them.” A guard stood in the doorway of Suyin’s study. “Well keep looking,” Lin snapped. They nodded and left.
“The- The guards. It had to be one of them.” You all snapped to Korra. She rubbed her head with the heel of her palm as she sat up. She sounded so weak. “I agree,” Aiwei said. “Question them all!” Suyin sounded so angry. You cast a glance towards Lin. Her brows had sunk in anger and her green eyes twinkled dangerously. Everyone looked nervous and afraid. “This has been one hell of a night,” you mumbled to yourself. “I could use a drink.”
“We’re getting no where,” Lin growled, as Aiwei dismissed the guard. “Things like this take time Lin,” you reassured her softly. “We’ll find them.” Lin grumbled and crossed her arms. Bolin looked at her surprised. Usually she’d snap and berate anyone who dared to talk back at her. Now that he thought of it, Lin never seemed to snap at you. He tilted his head at you questioningly. You waved him off, eyes turning back to watch the interrogations.
“You should be doing this,” Lin huffed, turning to you. “It’s your area of field after all.” You hummed, “You’re not wrong.” Suyin interjected, “Aiwei is a trusted member of my council. He’s family. Are you saying he can’t be trusted?” 
“It’s better to investigate everyone,” you said. “Never know who it could be.” “Exactly,” Lin gritted out narrowing her eyes at Suyin. Su scoffed at her. “Are you insinuating it could’ve been me.” “Someone higher up could’ve done it.” Suyin rolled her eyes. “Fine. Aiwei question me. I’ve got nothing to hide.” He nodded, “If you wish.”
Suyin rose from her chair. “She is telling the truth,” Aiwei confirmed, turning to Lin. She groaned. She couldn’t believe this. Zaofu was supposed to be the safest city in the world. Who let these criminals infiltrate the city? Aiwei’s eyes turned to you. They narrowed suspiciously. “Oh my god,” you huffed, crossing your arms. “You’re not even considering me are you?” “Sit.” You sighed, moving around Korra to the chair across from Aiwei.
“There’s no way they could’ve done it,” Bolin interjected. “They were the first ones there! If they were on their side they would’ve been with the others!” “It’s fine Bolin,” you reassured him. At least someone had your back. “It’s just an investigation.” He shrunk but you could see his green eyes still filled with worry.
“They’re lying.” “What?” You laughed in disbelief. “I didn’t do it!” “(Y/N).” Your eyes snapped to Lin’s. Surely, she had to believe you. Oh how wrong you were. Lin’s eyes were cold as she stared into your soul. Her fists clenched by her sides and her aura felt betrayed. The blood in your veins ran cold. The air in the room felt suffocating and your heart tore into two. She didn’t believe him did she? “I suggest we search their place.”
They all got up and left for your chambers. Except for Lin. “Lin-” “Don’t. Say. Anything.” Her hard voice made you flinch. Lin shook her head in disbelief. Her back was turned to you, trembling. Lin swallowed thickly before muttering, “None of this was real.” Her voice shoke with every word she spoke. Lin shook her head one last time before leaving.
“This is a mistake!” The sound of the guards harshly pulling your drawers out and threw your clothes out rang in your ears. This can’t be real, this can’t be happening. “Hey!” A couple of guards shuffled through the plans on your desk aggressively. Ruby and Azure screeched in their cages. “Be careful with that,” you shouted as a guard picked up a project you had been working on for Suyin. You watched them helplessy destroy your chambers. All you could do was stand there and watch all of your hard work be destroyed. They went as far as flinging off the sheets from your bed along with the comfy pillows. 
“Found it!” Mako called, holding up a slip of paper from your desk. Suyin and Lin’s head perked up. Korra and Bolin stiffened behind them. Aiwei’s hand reached out for the slip of paper. Mako handed it to him sending a glare your way. Your jaw clenched tightly, but you didn’t say anything. Aiwei’s eyes widened and he lifted his head to you. “Team assembled. Ready to Rendezvous.” “And look at this,” Asami piped up from the bookshelf. She handed Aiwei a green book with fancy gold carvings on it. The silence in the room as he read through the pages made your heart sink even lower. The whole world was against you.“It’s the guards logs,” he muttered darkly as he flipped through it. “It’s filled with routes and their schedules.” 
“No,” you whispered. “It wasn’t me!” “Guards, seize them.” “Hey,” you shouted, as the guards swept towards you. Their hands tightened on your arms and they hauled you up. You swung your legs trying to get out of their grasp. “Wait a minute,” Bolin shouted, “Let them talk.” “We have enough evidence.” Lin. You snapped your eyes up to hers as the guards hauled you at. Her eyes were cold and unforgiving. She felt betrayed. She trusted you. They all trusted you. You were finally in her grasp and she latched on too quickly. She allowed the avatar to be vulnerable, because she trusted someone who wanted nothing to do with her years ago. This is why we can only trust ourselves, a voice told her, this is why we’re alone. “Take them to the interrogation room.” The doors swung closed muffling your shouts of protest. Lin felt her heart shatter again. No one said a word as they eventually shuffled out one by one. “Lin-” “I don’t want to hear it Suyin,” she muttered to her sister. “Just leave me alone.” Suyin’s eyes fell but she didn’t say anything. She gave a slight nod and left. The doors closed softly behind her. All Lin could hear was the soft twittering of your parakeets and the clock ticking on the wall. A cry left her throat. The tears flowed freely now and she raised her hand to her mouth, clamping it shut. Lin felt like she was going to vomit. She stood in the destroyed room alone. Paper was scattered and torn on the floor.
Lin clenched her jaw tightly. It begun to ache from her teeth grinding so hard. Another cry left Lin’s throat. She was a damn fool.
The cuffs on the table were cutting into your wrists. They were heavy and cold. The circulation in your blood was being cut off. Your ass felt numb from the stiff metal chair you were trapped in. The cold, sturdy metal dug into you. How long had it been?  Minutes? Hours? There wasn’t a way to tell. Tears welled in your eyes. Lin looked so disgusted with you. She wouldn’t listen to you. It was perfect, too perfect. Everyone was now against you in a matter of minutes. How was the evidence there? Someone must of snuck into your room and planted it there. But when? 
Aiwei. You chuckled; there was no joy or humor in it. “That bastard,” you snarled, nails digging into your skin. You ignored the pain that flared up in your palms.
Creak. The metal door opened slowly.You perked your head up at the it. You felt the lump in your throat tighten at the sight of her. Lin stood in front of you with no emotion on her face. Her green eyes were dull and her posture was upright once she sat down. There wasn’t an ounce of softness in her eyes anymore. The light had been replaced by hate. “I swear to you didn’t do it,” you whispered weakly, head hanging low. “I would never put you or Korra in danger.” “Liar.” You snapped up to her. Lin swallowed thickly as she peered into your soul. Her eyes were hallow. You’d rather have her look at you with anger then seeing her eyes filled with nothing.
 “I wouldn’t hurt you Lin. What could I gain by forming an attack on you and the avatar? You know I care about you.” Lin’s jaw clenched and her eyes narrowed into angry slits. “You think your words are going to make me care? I thought you were better than that. Now, I don’t know what to believe anymore. ” Her tone was cold. The walls around her were back up again. She looked at you with disgust. But more importantly, she looked at you with hurt in her eyes. 
“The evidence. Explain that.” “It’s not mine..Aiwei...” you whispered. The tears in your eyes fell freely. Your lips pulled back into a grimace and you whimpered. The darkness in the room swallowed you. “Are you claiming that he had something to do with it? How childish, now you’re putting the blame on someone else. Grow up.” Her words made you flinch. No longer was it Lin sitting in front of you. It was your mother.
 “Please... you have to believe me I-” “(Y/n).” You looked up at her. “Who were those people?” “I don’t know,” you replied, voice slightly raising. Lin arched a brow. Your stress levels were high. It was dark, it was too dark and you felt like the room was choking closing in on you. The woman you loved now looked at you with hatred in your eyes. Your breathing became shallow and you choked on the stale air in this shitty interrogation room.
“Breathe,” Lin commanded, “Get your fucking shit together!” Her hands slammed down on the table. It echoed throughout the cold and dark interrogation room. You swallowed your breath and choked an exhale out. Tears poured out of your eyes. Your heart in your chest was being sliced up and bruised from Lin’s harsh words. Spirits, why was everything spinning so fast.
I didn’t want it to come to this,” you whimpered. “I never wanted this to happen.” She swallowed thickly. “I hope you’re proud of yourself. Do I even matter to you?” You sniffled, “Of..Of course Lin. H-how could you say that? I told you I’d do anything for you!” Her nostrils flared. “Then why are you lying to me?” “I’m not,” you cried. “I’m not, I do love you Lin.” Lin’s eyes widened. Her eyes started to water and her throat tightened. She refused to cry in front of you. She had been weak before, she wouldn’t be weak now. “No, you never meant a single word that you said to me. You’re a damn liar.” Your lip quivered and you let out a whimper. Everything was falling apart.
She looked so disgusted with you. Your presence was a reminder of how frail she really was. Lin would never be the strong and tough woman she had always aspired to be. You saw the cracks in her facade and manipulated her for your own gain. Everyone’s life was on the line because of her. Korra almost got kidnapped because she had been so careless. Lin was ashamed at herself for believing your lies and making her feel happy again.
“You know what? I was wrong. You never really meant anything to me. You’re broken, you’re beyond fixing, you’re not something I want to take the time to handle.” You bit your quivering lip. You choked on the cry that wanted to cry its way out of your throat from swallowing it. The two of you stared at each other for what felt like an eternity.
She slowly rose up from her chair. The clinking of her metal armor was the only sound in the room. Her hand hovered over the door handle. “Lin.” She stiffened. Your voice sounded so heartbroken and sad. Her hand balled up into fists as she turned back to look at you. It hurt more having to see the tears and fear in your eyes. “Don’t give up one me.. I can’t loose you too.” Lin laughed. You flinched; the pain in her laugh echoed in the small dark room. “This is all your fault. It always comes back to this with you doesn’t it? Save your tears.”
“Why can’t we talk about this? Why can’t we just-” “Does it ever occur to you that I’m done talking? That I am done reflecting my words and actions? Can’t you just take a fucking hint that I’m done with you? I don’t want anything to do with you anymore.” You didn’t say anything. The tears made your vision blurry. The stunned silence gave the cue to Lin that it was time to leave. “Hope you’re proud, I’m done here.”
The sound of the door slamming shut was the thing that broke your resolve. The dam you had tried so hard to close had its walls torn open. Sobs left your trembling body. You cried so hard your throat begun to ache and your face became sluggish. Aiwei’s actions had been your undoing. Now, you were the one paying the price.
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linedari · 7 years
Battle Between Shadows and Demons
The water crashed over her, the cool liquid rinsing the first layer of blood and grime off of her body. Hair clung in soaked strands around her face and shoulders, the water dripping red from her already crimson tresses. “I can feel your light flickering, Little Shadow... I can see the Shadows swallowing the small piece of normality that you used to cling to. What are you doing? Why do you seek to comfort that which you used to try to chase away?”
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Lin's eyes closed as she took a deep breath, her body sinking slowly into the tub of warm water, stopping only when the water was to her lips, rippling from the long, deep breaths that came from her nose. Ears twitched violently, then subsided, causing the two emerald orbs to slowly slide open. “Light is not required in the eye of the storm...” She mumbled as she briefly rose her lips from above the surface of the water. “You fought so hard for your freedom. You used to dream of it, cry for it. Now that you have it you are going to just... Throw it away? For what? The future? What kind of future will it be if you are dead...?” Lin sat up slowly in the water, raising her arms above the surface. The wounds on her forearms, the deep slices in her flesh, were now clean, and she could eye the marks. She opened her hands, turning the palms upwards, and regarded them. The slice across her left palm was clotted, the deep gash finally on the mend thanks to the magics from that morning. The deep cut across the bottom of her four right handed fingers though were what she stared at. “Death is just another trial in life. It does not scare me.” She whispered, taking a deep breath as her right hand curled into a fist. “Look at you, Little Shadow... Covered in blood. Your flesh cut and bruised from your... Adventures. The pain means nothing to you now... But can you imagine what it will become? I can give you a taste. I can show you, once again, what it feels like to completely lose who you are.” Lin sighed and sank into the water once again, sitting back and leaning against the low wall of the tub. “You don't understand. You only wish to change my mind because you are scared to leave the Shadows. But you do not realize that I'm not forsaking the Shadows... I'm becoming one with them.” “What will you do when nightmares become reality? What will you do when those terrors you avoid become part of you? The Shadows frighten you but you speak about becoming one with them. You speak of embracing them. You idolize the eye of the storm... But do you not see that you are the hurricane that threatens? Your mind is the maelstrom that will be your undoing... I will be your end.” Lin growled as she sank down into the water, taking a deep breath as she sank low beneath the surface, letting the deathly silence come crashing down around her. She laid within the water, submerged entirely. The whispers were gone. The world around her now calm and tranquil. All there was now was a pulling urge, an unbearable pull at her very being. And briefly, the thought of ending it right then came to her mind.
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“Your blood hungers. It craves to be spilled across the stones. You feel it within you, do you not? The way it crawls through your veins and claws at you for escape. You can not hide it away from the shadows forever. We need to taste blood. We yearn to smell the stench of death in the air. We crave to feel the pain of death! It could be so easy for you, Keeper of Secrets. A single drag of the blade over your body... Spilling that warm crimson magic you hide in your veins... You could make this so much easier for us..” Lin's lungs were burning when she came to from the daze, the pain shooting through her chest and into her throat. She gasped for air, only to fill her lungs with the bloodied water in the tub. Hands clawed at the edges of the tub as she thrashed in the shallow water, her mind forgetting where she was. Finally though, her body shot upwards, sitting up as her upper body broke through the surface of the water. She coughed violently, grabbing at her chest and clawing at it as if to tear the burning from her lungs. Water passed through her lips as she coughed, long moments passing before the coughs subsided and the pain in her chest was replaced by the sting of the scratches she'd just inflicted on herself.
“Too simple... You will fail.”
Lin pushed herself up from the tub, stepping out of it and allowing the water to drip off of her, puddling around her feet, as she tried to catch her bearings. The world was spinning. Her mind was silent, not a single thought or whisper passing through. All there was now.. Was the urge. The deafening pull in the silence. It was like a silent scratching at the surface of something much deeper. There was something there, just within the shadows, beckoning her closer. Soft footsteps carried her through the door into the bedroom, her dazed eyes slipping over the room until they fell on the folded leathers that laid on the bed. Uneven, crooked steps carried her to the bed, her hands coming down to run her fingers over the deep purples and greens of the armor that laid there. “To forsake the Shadows means to become vulnerable. Skin becomes a gift, not a necessity. Protect yourself while you make them suffer.”
New leathers adorned her limbs and body, the heavier protection tightly gripping her figure, hiding every cut and every bruise on her flesh. Her mask was pulled over her face, hiding the sadistic curl that came to her lips as she smelled the blood that still lingered around her from the night before. All the deaths weighed heavily around her, screaming for more.
Lin walked through the halls of the old house, fingertips stretched out to drag over the walls of the destroyed contents. She hadn't been in this house for months... She hadn't thought about it, or the memories that it held within. Being here now made the whispers laugh, pulling at memories and thoughts that had long been pushed away. All of her armors were thrown about in the bedroom. All of her numerous daggers... Her bombs and poisons... Her guns... They all laid out across the table in the dining room. All of her most prized treasures and memories were in these walls.
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Lin walked to the door of the house, her eyes on the dual, glowing daggers that were pierced through the wood on the inside of the door. She carefully reached up, long fingers stretching out towards the blades hesitantly. “If you take them, there is no turning back. If you walk from these walls do not ever look back. If you forsake the Shadows, do not ever think they will welcome you back willingly!” That sadistic, twisted curl to her lips was there, hidden beneath her mask. “No.” She said softly. “I will no longer be owned by the Shadows.” She slowly began to wrap her fingers around the hilts of the daggers, causing them to glow even brighter from her touch. “I will control the Shadows that once controlled me!” Lin tore the blades from the door, the blades singing as she pushed herself through the door. Walking down the front steps, she stopped and turned, eyeing the house for a long moment. Green eyes swept over to the corner of the house where the large containers from her shop had been spilled over, the stench of the liquids strong in the air. Lin walked over to where her shop was just past the barrels and containers, opening the door and walking inside. “Do not do this, Little Shadow. We need you. You need us. Who will you be if you do not have us beside you? Who will you be if you leave the embrace of the Shadows? You can never control us! Who will you be without your life?!” Lin's hands moved across the keypad inside of the door, fingers dancing across the buttons and codes. <”Initiating Defense Protocol. Self Destruct in Thirty Seconds”>. Lin's ears twitched at the words, and booted feet once again carried her back outside. She began that long walk down the path away from the house, back towards Erudition, towards the life she'd chosen, leaving nothing behind her as the low rumble of contained explosions were heard, the fires that sparked to life quickly engulfing shop, home, and memories. “No! Little Shadow! Who will you be without your past? Who will you be without the whispers from the Shadows!?” The curl of her lips was evident beneath her mask as she rested her hands on the hilts of the glowing daggers at her hips. “I will be me... Linedari Darkshadow...”
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newseveryhourly · 4 years
As Kenosha, Wisconsin, continues to reel from the police shooting of Jacob Blake, residents are increasingly turning their anger to so-called outside agitators who some say invaded the city to sow chaos amongst the protests—and even kill demonstrators.“They [outsiders] tore up our neighborhood, this is our neighborhood, this is where we shop at. These are not Kenosha people,” Lonnie Stewart, 60, told The Daily Beast. “They’re coming to Kenosha, Wisconsin to destroy our city.”Immediately after a Kenosha police officer shot 29-year-old Blake in the back several times as he tried to get into a van with his kids on Sunday, the Wisconsin city descended into fiery unrest against police brutality. Buildings burned, and cars were razed as activists decried yet another act of police violence against a person of color.That alone provided new fodder for the “outside agitator” narrative—that rogues from out of town have used protests across America over wanton killings by cops as an excuse to riot or incite violence. Those claims haven’t always been baseless, though they are most often used as a premise to crack down on activists. This week, they were also in keeping with the be-very-afraid spirit of the Republican National Convention, which has ignored police violence except to dunk on the unrest that follows it.But after two nights of tense altercations between police in tactical gear and residents and regional activists who defied citywide curfews, hoards of heavily-armed counter-protesters arrived in Kenosha to murderous effect on Tuesday. Police say 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, a Blue Lives Matter fanatic carrying a military-style semi-automatic rifle, killed two people and injured a third after traveling from Illinois to co-mingle with other armed vigilantes looking to protect the city. Prosecutors filed five felony charges against him on Thursday, including first-degree intentional homicide and first-degree reckless homicide—as well as a misdemeanor charge of possession of a deadly weapon.Residents say not all “outside agitators” are created equal—and they want the far-right hordes who have taken to cheering on Rittenhouse as some kind of hero to know that.Here Are the Athletes and Teams Boycotting Games to Protest the Shooting of Jacob Blake“I was terrified when I heard that news and I really had hoped it was just talk and that they wouldn’t actually do anything,” Angie Aker, a 41-year-old Kenosha native, said of armed groups. “Kenosha is a peaceful place. It still has a small-town feel to it—almost everybody knows everyone or is only like one or two degrees of separation. There isn’t usually any of this widespread chaos.”Right-wing media have predictably emerged as staunch defenders of the teenager, even justifying his deadly alleged actions as a necessary evil. “Kenosha has devolved into anarchy, the authorities in charge of the city abandoned it,” Fox News host Tucker Carlson said Wednesday night. “People in charge, from the governor of Wisconsin on down, refused to enforce the law. They stood back and watched Kenosha burn.”“So are we really surprised this looting and arson accelerated to murder?” he continued. “How shocked are we that 17-year-olds with rifles decided they had to maintain order when no one else would? Everyone can see what was happening in Kenosha. It was getting crazier by the hour.”Rittenhouse appeared on multiple videos taken throughout the night as the peaceful demonstration veered toward something more sinister. The Lake County Public Defender’s Office, which is listed as representing the teenager, declined to comment. Attorney Lin Wood, who represented Covington Catholic graduate Nick Sandmann, had a team gearing up to provide support to Rittenhouse, his assistant told The Daily Beast. The lawyers have also established a defense fund on the teenager’s behalf.In one gut-wrenching video, an armed man matching Rittenhouse’s description tripped over on a street before firing at people who seemed to be making an attempt to disarm him. During the exchange, one person was shot in the head and another in the chest around 11:45 p.m. and never got up. Another video appears to show the teenager firing several shots—before getting up and walking toward police vehicles with his hands up in apparent surrender. A third video appears to show him running away and holding his rifle, where he is heard apparently uttering into his phone, “I just killed somebody.” While authorities have not yet released any names, family and friends have identified Anthony Huber, 26, of Silver Lake, and Joseph “Jojo” Rosenbaum, 36, of Kenosha as the two who were killed, according to several local media outlets. Friends also say Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, was shot in the arm during the incident and was expected to survive. Grosskreutz was in Kenosha with the social justice reform group the People's Revolution Movement of Milwaukee, a spokesperson told The Daily Beast.“I had to watch my friend die on Facebook, I had to watch my city burn down,” Marcus Starks, a 35-year-old Kenosha native, and friend of Huber, previously told The Daily Beast. He proceeded to turn his ire to Rittenhouse, the new vigilante prince of the far-right.“That boy had no business being here, let alone with open carry,” Starks told The Daily Beast, adding, “If you’re gonna close this town, close it all the way down.”Officer Rusten Sheskey Identified as Cop Who Shot Jacob BlakeIn a separate video seemingly shot at the boarded-up gas station where Rittenhouse appeared in a Daily Caller video, an individual resembling Rittenhouse is seen chatting with police officers and other vigilante guards. Rittenhouse, whose social media accounts are rife with support for pro-police causes and his affinity for guns, also was interviewed by a Daily Caller reporter before the shootings. “So people are getting injured and our job is to protect this business,” Rittenhouse replies in the video posted on Twitter after being asked what he’s doing at the protest. “And part of my job is to also help people. If there is somebody hurt I’m running into harm’s way. That’s why I have my rifle because I need to protect myself obviously. I also have my med kit.”The Kenosha Police Department said Friday nine people were arrested for disorderly conduct on Aug. 26 after officers received a tip about “suspicious” vehicles with out-of-state license plates meeting up in a remote parking lot. Cops followed the vehicles—which included a black school bus, a break truck, and a tan minivan—to a gas station where some people were attempting “to fill multiple fuel cans.” The vehicles contained items like helmets, gas masks, protective vests, illegal fireworks, and suspected controlled substances, cops said.A Facebook spokesperson said Thursday that none of Rittenhouse’s accounts were reported prior to the shooting. Nor did the company find any evidence that suggested the teenager followed a self-declared militia group, the Kenosha Guard, on the platform—nor was he invited to their event for Tuesday evening, according to Facebook.Still, he seemed to establish himself quickly on the scene. And while outsiders often show up at BLM protests purporting to keep peace, they have also shown a remarkable capacity for—deliberately or otherwise—inciting violence.One of the first prominent instances of property damage tied to George Floyd-era protests, in which a masked man smashed windows in Minneapolis in late May, appears to have been the work of a white supremacist disguised as an anti-fascist, investigators later claimed in an affidavit. Meanwhile, even as initial reports suggested most or all arrests at the Minneapolis-area chaos were from out of state, nearly all of those people were later revealed to be locals. This week, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones was one of the first on the far right to fervently defend Rittenhouse, stating on his show Infowars Wednesday that the violence was just an act of self-preservation against what he described as “a community overthrow of the country.” “I told you they’re going to ratchet this up toward the election and try to make the whole thing racial. But it’s not—it’s about a globalist takeover,” Jones said.Jones was among several right-wing pundits defending Rittenhouse’s actions. The Gateway Pundit, a conservative blog, wrote multiple articles based on the extremely graphic videos, seemingly justifying Rittenhouses’s actions as self-defense.In a post now taken-down by Twitter, Ann Coulter declared Rittenhouse should be her president. A contributor for Turning Point USA, a right-wing pro-Trump student organization founded by Charlie Kirk, defended the actions as a “justified shooting,” while former Major League Baseball player Aubrey Huff tweeted on Thursday that Rittenhouse is a “national treasure.”Unrest in Kenosha was also an implicit theme during the third night of the Republican National Convention—even if no one appeared to explicitly embrace Rittenhouse’s alleged actions. Vice President Mike Pence condemned "the violence and chaos engulfing cities across this country.”“The violence must stop whether in Minneapolis, Portland, or Kenosha too,” he added. Even Donald Trump Jr. has inched toward Rittenhouse's defense: The president’s son on Thursday liked a tweet from far-right conspiracy-theorist Mike Cernovich about the teenager’s “Mostly Peaceful Self Defense Initiative.”Aker, the Kenosha native, said even “pockets of libertarians” in the city were defending Rittenhouse. “In their minds, and the way I’ve seen them talking about it, they’re hailing Rittenhouse as a hero,” she told The Daily Beast. “I think the armed militia agitators, while they don’t represent a lot of Kenosha, showed the world the cooperation that is going on between white racist citizens, the children they’re grooming for violence and hate, and law enforcement,” she added. “It’s been more under the surface until this situation, and this really forced it into plain view. It’s probably a good thing that we’re talking about it and seeing it for what it is now. That’s the only good thing to come out of all this.” Officials on Wednesday were already anticipating—if also perhaps inviting—more chaos with a different kind of outsider: Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers announced National Guard troops from Arizona, Michigan, and Alabama, were being deployed to assist local law enforcement as a city-wide curfew remains in place.“Our town not finna be the same no more,” Elicia Pavlovich, a 29-year-old Kenosha native, told The Daily Beast. “It’s never been like this. Never. Seeing this sight, it just hurts me.”—With reporting by Grace Del VecchioRead more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.
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