#torchlight 2
kcggggg · 11 months
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a new VG Cheats n Beatums for the friday in front of us.
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Torchlight (1 & 2) each have a fishing minigame! :)
Double up special! Torchlight and Torchlight II have a fishing minigame!
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kyostarrtv · 11 months
The lack of analog controls took some getting used to, but Torchlight II plays surprisingly well via the touchpads on the Steam Deck. Game performance is also consistently 60 FPS with some drops when things get really crazy.
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Feel free to shout out in the comments if there are games you would like me to test out.
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mysteamgrids · 2 years
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Torchlight II
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magicalblerdpenn · 7 months
Playing Torchlight II and Boyfriend Dungeon on my Switch Lite cheered me up after I got my Christmas bubble burst (not going to be able to go out). I started a new game as an Embermage in Torchlight II to follow a specific build I found online & discovered some new things. The most important being that I can have a chonky rainbow unicorn help me fight enemies, sell unneeded stuff, and buy items in town. Meanwhile, I finished the first dungeon in Boyfriend Dungeon and continued romancing Olivia while befriending the other characters. My favorite character to use in the dungeon has to be Seven; I'm a sucker for weapons with chain lightning attacks.
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pjsgames · 11 months
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🕹️ Throwback Thursday! 🕹️
Ah, the golden memories! Remember when we dove into the vibrant world of Torchlight II? From its spellbinding visuals to its captivating combat, this gem of an action RPG took us on epic journeys, making countless nights feel like mere minutes!🔥
Every dungeon crawl, each enchanted weapon, and those charming pets (who wouldn't love a ferocious little alpaca by their side?) - all brilliantly woven together, creating an experience that truly stood the test of time.
If you're yearning for a taste of nostalgia or if you missed out on this classic, fear not! Journey back to the mystical town of Torchlight and face the darkness once more. ⚔️✨
👉 Dive in or rediscover the magic: https://pjga.me/tl2pc 👈
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justonemoregame521 · 1 year
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torchlight-troubles · 15 days
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A scramble of Scravens
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thelastschnitzel · 4 months
Me, when you can play a frost melee in a video game: :]
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bangpuddingmuffin · 4 months
Torchlight was not good. The atmosphere was lacking, the quests were rote and repetitive (at least give me *one* floor with a unique quest), the characters were practically non-existent, and it was just constantly giving me loot I could not use. The ending was not enjoyable. We all must have been very desperate for a Diablolike to play this.
Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMOeTsMoezKaf4K4gDiedHgx-6ihduhkG
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thegempage · 7 months
playing torchlight 2 bcus sometimes it's about the comfort more than the gameplay
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writers-potion · 24 days
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Tips For Creating Creepy Locations
Places can be a source of inspiration for stories. Every story needs a backdrop, and for dark fiction/horror stories, location is important for building tension and eerie atmosphere.
Select the Setting
Places that creep you out
Weird places. A diamonds mine, a dinosaur museum, a cruise ship, a children's petting zoo.
Supposedly safe places. A child's nursery, a family kitchen, a school playground.
Isolated places. A rowing boat on a lake, a deserted farmhouse, etc.
Enclosed places.
Look For Inspiring Pictures
A town, street, or even a large mansion can be difficult to map out just in your head. I use Pinterest to search and save pictures of locations I find helpful :)
Describe the Setting
Describe a small visual detail that is seemingly harmless, but has dark implications/foreshadowing effects
- weeds poked through the cracks in the broken paving-slabs. - the pavement was slippery with rain and rotten leaves. - the tiles were grime-streaked and flecked with mold. - below the rick velvet curtain, the wallpaper peeled.
Mention several smells.
- the air smelled of nicotine and stale beer. - the room smelled of pizza and unwashed socks. - the fresh scents of salt and seaweed mingled with the odour of rotting fish. - the smell of bleach warred with the odors of vomit and piss.
Sounds serve to increase suspense, so use a mix of ominous sounds for tension.
- a car door slammed, and a motor whined. - an owl hooted in the distance. - ceiling fans whirred, cutlery clanked, and the espresso-maker hissed with steam.
The source and quality of light adds atmosphere. It also determines the level of darkness your MC is acting in.
- two beams of white light pierced the darkness. - a silver of sunlight peaked through the crack between the curtains. - houses gleamed white in the late afternoon sun. - shafts of torchlight struggled through the vicious darkness.
Describe how temperature affects the characters.
- relentless chills gnawed through the thin layer of her jacket. - gusts of icy wind drove sleet into my face. - she tried to rub warmth back into her stiff fingers.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* . ───
💎If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! 
💎Before you ask, check out my masterpost part 1 and part 2 
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kiloplot · 2 years
Torchlight 2 modding
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#Torchlight 2 modding how to#
#Torchlight 2 modding mod#
#Torchlight 2 modding update#
#Torchlight 2 modding how to#
I only have a few things written down that I’m not sure how to rebalance, the rest is mostly about touching up certain skills, gear, and constellation to better compete with their similar counterparts. I’m confident Grim Dawn’s current balance can be improved without drastically changing changing the way things work. Don’t lose hope yet, I think having physical damage be reduced by both %resist and flat armor, while the rest are mitigated by just resists, is interesting. As for the disparity between caster and heavy armor, I am considering increasing light armor and caster armor to not be so wide in how much less armor they provide. Tanky armory soldiers that increased their armor absorb and % armor take almost no damage from physical, I find it’s often that the other damage types are what do the most damage. Cannons were ridiculous.Īs for flat armor failing to deliver in GD, I think that’s untrue because EVERY other damage type has a resist, and physical resist is possible as well. It made 2 handers outclass one handers by far in almost every case. Also the whole flat resists thing was pretty bad. )īut a lot of the problems you have mentioned are problems I was worried about and expressed, it was simply not on their agenda to change it, or they felt it was too late to change it.
#Torchlight 2 modding update#
A lot of the things you mentioned could not be well predicted as I only got a small amount of time in the closed beta before release, and they didn’t try very hard to update the balance of things afterward. None of those were touched upon, instead the biggest overhaul decided to focus on Ȕber-dungeons requiring at least 50% damage resistance which means the flat armor system failed to deliver its defensive layer just like GD and new classes, of which only necromancer looked useful, because there is no “minion spam” class in a non-modded game just like GD. Basically IAS was only applicable to basic attacks, while everything else is a “magic” attack, even if the character visibly shoots from a big fucking gun. My biggest gripes with TL2 were two things: screenwide AoE hits as a main source of death and the imbalance between IAS/FCR skills.
#Torchlight 2 modding mod#
Hell even just endorsing a great mod every now and then…Īnyone if Crate doesn’t do it I’m sure the community will!īut to be quite honest, none of the TL2 mods went balls deep into changing the game, akin to Median for D2. The mods will be balanced together and accordingly and over time mods will be kicked and new ones added. The mods are now “official” so instead of feeling like you’re playing in an unlimited sandbox, one is playing in the restricted world that is so important for an RPG. This encourages those creators to continue to update those mods, and it gives the user base a “common core” to focus on. Then eventually Crate gathers up the best of the best and endorses them, stickies them, even advertises them (through game client). This wouldn’t occur for a while until the community had started finishing its first few mods. I think the developers at Crate should do 1 very simple thing that would greatly increase the longevity of the game through mods.īasically it’s a mod pack - of high quality, compatible mods that Crate has officially gone “Yep these are great mods”. If you got extended items mod with a level cap mod, the game was now broken. If you got a rebalance mod, with a new class mod the game was now broken. Then 99% of the other mods where incomplete and conflicted with each other. They had 1 developer endorsed mod that was really popular - respec potion.
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shanghaifree · 2 years
Torchlight 2 list of games are off screen -hints
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So I just finished the game and here's my review. Torchlight 3 a good game weighed down by lag. If you dont mind mildly annoying lag, and low res graphics go for it, or just get it on pc if you have the option to I however didnt. All in all Torchlight 2 is still the superior game if you dont have it on switch and are new to the franchise get that game instead wait for the 3rd one to be fixed before getting it on switch. It's not unplayable like a lot are saying. I am having a lot of fun with it, the lag sucks but it's not all the time mainly when the screen is full of enemies. It scratched my Torchlight itch, and I would always be excited for a new torchlight game. So torchlight 3 is not a bad game, not even close. The loot while good could be better, TL2 has better loot, yet I have found some cool legendary weapons and gear though so that's nice. I would honestly recommend getting the pc version over switch, but I wanted the portable aspect. The resolution isn't very good I know it's on switch so the graphics aren't going to be high res which doesn't really bother me it didn't effect my score for it just thought I should put that in. It doesn't really explain how features work to well I found myself looking up how things function. That is the main reason it didn't get anything higher then a 7. I really hope they fix it and from what I can see they have been trying because this game would be great without it. Torchlight 2, in my opinion, looks a little better and runs like a dream on switch no lag at all so why is the sequel laggy? It really needed more time in development before it released on switch. LAG! Do get me wrong it's not unplayable, but the lag should NOT be there. It's what a torchlight fan would want out of, well.a torchlight game. Its lacking certain features however like stat building, but the soul is still there. I cant state this enough it feels like a torchlight game, plays like one, and sounds like one. I cant wait to replay the game with each character. The new characters are really fun I have been playing the forged, robot guy, he can be melee or ranged depending on how you spec him, and he has interesting abilities. It adds more to an already great pet system from the previous games. The pet system is great I like how you can find new pets in dungeons, each pet has a special ability (spolier) for example I got a purple cat the could summon legendy pet spirits to fight for it. I really wanted this for the switch for portable reasons and despite reading review after review of it be unplayable because of lag I bit the bullet and just went for it. Just to be clear I am a huge Torchlight fan I played the first when it came out, and the 2nd and loved them so much torchlight 2 is still one Just to be clear I am a huge Torchlight fan I played the first when it came out, and the 2nd and loved them so much torchlight 2 is still one of my top 5 favorite games. Combine epic gear, Relic powers, and class abilities to customize your playstyle. Each species comes in a myriad of colors and styles, so make sure to collect them all! Build Your Hero With four unique classes to choose from, players can utilize class-specific mechanics to maximize damage and their odds of survival. Pets Are Back Fight your way to fame and glory with your loyal companion! Add skills and equip them with gear to make them stronger. Collect Epic Gear Whether it's armor, weapons, dyes, recipes, ember cores, or even new pets.there's always more to find as you battle through dungeons and take on dangerous foes. Build & Upgrade Your Fort It's time to rebuild and that includes you! Enjoy your very own fort, where you can upgrade gear and renovate your fort to show off to your friends and the world. Gather your wits and brave the frontier to find fame, glory, and new adventures! Travel the Frontier Explore the wilderness, party with friends, gather materials to craft gear, or use magic to enter unknown dungeons! There's always something to do in the new frontier. In Torchlight III, Novastraia is again under threat of invasion and it's up to you to defend against the Netherim and its allies. Gather your wits and brave the frontier to find fame, glory, and new It's been a century since the events of Torchlight II, and the Ember Empire is in decline.
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Summary: It's been a century since the events of Torchlight II, and the Ember Empire is in decline.
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torchlight-troubles · 1 month
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this guy again !!!
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greystarget · 2 years
Myrmidon torchlight 2 download
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– a Hunter is always the best Bow user whatever secondary he chooses, thanks to the Marksmanship tree, – a Hunter has always the edge in terms of Defensive Ability thanks to almighty Wood Lore (it’s percentage based),Įdit 2016: now with The Anniversary Edition Wood Lore has been nerfed, the bonus to Defensive Ability isn’t percentage based anymore. – a Hunter doesn’t gives a d**n about Entrapment because he’s got Trail Blaizing, Even on Legendary Act IV I stood in the middle of Undead Mages casting their big poison gas bombs. – a Hunter doesn’t gives a d**n about Poison Resistance because he’s got Herbal Remedy. And one day I decided to mix the two and see how it goes.īecause Hunting has it all! It is one of those Masteries that you’ll have a hard time to part with (just like Defense). So why for Heaven’s sake would you choose an Avenger? Well here’s my answer: Hunting & Earth are my favourite Masteries. Avengers and the likes are no classes for beginners, just so you know. It is a known fact that focusing on one type of damage is the way to go. Playing a “hybrid” (a character part Physical / part Caster) can be a blessing and a curse. This thread may be old news for Regulars but wait! There is a section entirely dedicated for Veterans: I have some questions for you. (The title may sound showy but the post is not, I can assure you.
Titan Quest Anniversary Edition – Full Log by THQ Nordic – Now gives 30+32/level DA instead of % increasesīut Hey! you know what? I won’t flood you with a mammoth post (sounds like I already did D) here’s a link to the complete changelog: – Core Dweller now casts Provoke in normal and aggressive stance – Core Dweller AI behavior now corresponds to its orders + Also increases Physical Damage (half as much) – Unified all non-trance aura cooldowns to 4 seconds + Radius increases by 10% per additional level – Skills that were overpowered have been nerfed,Ĭoming back to the lovely Avenger what has changed for him? To sum it up Earth has been nicely buffed and Hunting has been reworked (bleeding damage has been raised and wood lore has been nerfed). – Skills that were subpar have been revised to scale better with your level for instance (Ex: Retaliation Damage…), – Bosses have a chance to ignore pets, so beware!, But if you go into the Options you can bring back the old HUD, with the HP/MP bars located on upper left corner, – New HUD Options: by defaut the Anniversary Edition provides a Diablo 2 kind of HUD, with the HP/MP bars centered on the lower part of the screen. – You can (finally) change the game Speed in the options (3 speeds), – You gain levels faster in the Anniversary Edition, – new toggle key (on/off) to always display loot (like Torchlight 2), – new assignable key to to pick up nearby gold, relics and potions, – The quest A Gargantuan Yeti (Act III) now bestows a brand new bonus to your Pets: Bonus to all Pets: +100% Health! Good news for Pet users since Familiars where dying left and right during Act III/IV Normal, Now in the Anniversary Edtion you can stack up to 25 potions per square! Enjoy the extra space, – In the older versions you could stack only 5 potions (red or blue) per square. – old saves are compatible with the Anniversary Edition! Woo Hoo!,
Reduced cheating with curbed exploits, removal of test items and mod comparison in multiplayer.
Quality of life features like higher stack limits, quick item pickup, a larger stash and a speed setting.
Dozens of new heroes and bosses to encounter.
Increased challenges and rewards for larger parties and on higher difficulty levels.
Countless bug fixes and other improvements, including ten years’ worth of community fixes.
Complete balance rework with improvements to all Masteries, damage types, unique items and sets.
Improved performance and general stability.
Support for more resolutions, larger camera distance and scaleable UI size.
Restored and improved multiplayer functionality, including new features like a built-in voice chat and NAT resolving for best multiplayer connectivity.
Here is a sample of the changes (taken from the THQ Nordic): These changes not only affect the graphics but also the gameplay: even Skills are rebalanced. Titan Quest Anniversary Edition is a remastered version of the original games: It combines the original Titan Quest, the add-on Immortal Throne, the Fanpatches, and comes with a whole slew of improvements and new features. I] About The Anniversary Edition (Edit 2016)
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