#tora answers
magenetra · 8 months
if you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog! <3
hi rocketta
okay 3 random facts?
→ my favorite food is any type of noodles/pasta → i'm a label hoarder ! i'm actually in the process of collecting genders/pronouns/things like that and storing them in a rentry :3 → i wear glasses lolllll i'm a nerd
okay now to send it. um. i guess i just. tag the last 7 blogs that interacted with me? (i'm sorry bro if this is wrong- idk how to play these types of games :'D)
@purpurrock @vocaloidsongpoll @anonymousdidsys @pattrat @z0n1x @pixie-stix-things and @sataniqueer-ghostie :3
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dabisqueen · 1 year
I'm curious about something. Aside from anime characters, are there any webtoon characters that your thirsty for.
There's only one. This man:
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He can fuck me, spank me, call me silly pet names. Anything. He's incredibly hot.
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ask-team-misfit · 5 months
Vekpa @ Lief: HEY. I heard a RUMOR that one can be BOOTED from the SLEEPOVER if they cause TROUBLE… You think anyone here is a TROUBLEMAKER?
Lief had been standing over the snack bar, perhaps wondering how much of it he could stuff in his tail, when he jumped at Vepka's voice.
He whirled around to face the Solgaleo with a look of shock, before trying to be casual like he wasn't up to something right then.
Lief: "Uhhh... no? Nope. No trouble over here!"
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[ ID: A grayscale drawing of Lief, a hybrid of Sylveon and Ribombee, with a mono-color background. He is shown from the neck up, with his face slightly angled away from the viewer towards the left. He looks shocked, or fearful. His eyes are especially wide and a couple of bullets are present on his face. He has a smile reminiscent of the “:3” emoticon, but combined with the former, it looks forced. End ID ]
Lief: "By the way, this isn't what it looks like. Uhh, none of that was what it looks like-"
Still being somewhat shaken up from just earlier, he found himself stammering over his words and slurring a series of half-baked excuses as he began attempting to explain himself.
Much too distracted with Vepka, he unknowingly created the perfect storm of being scared shitless by what happened next.
lustrous-dawn asked: Tora@Lief: The little Landorus was on the prowl. She smelled snacks. Berries. Her mouth watered as she stalked about, silent like the beast costume she wore. There. Her eyes locked on the prize. "BERRIES!" She exclaimed, pouncing the hybrid from the behind. "Gimme, gimme!" She latched on for dear life, searching for the would be berries she scented.
[ @lustrous-dawn ]
The scream he made upon being jumped from behind, one would think a child to have made that scream.
But alas, such a high-pitched, frightened wail could only come from a feral Pokemon whose only true fear in life was happening right this moment; just not in the way he thought.
He began dashing about on all fours and attempting to shake Tora off, not unlike a startled cat.
He was moving about so erratically that yet again, the treats he stashed in his tail came tumbling loose. He was leaving behind a trail of berries where he ran.
All while he screamed an assortment of paranoid thoughts and ramblings in between him begging for Tora to let go.
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penciltopbear · 2 years
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I made the jli into marketable plushies again except different this time
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oh-no-its-bird · 3 months
Copy pasting all the Tora Haruno posts into my tumblr vault fic where I keep all my aus, then checking the word count and being slammed in the face w a hammer bc its almost at 9k
I'm not gonna post it yet bc I'm still answering asks ab it which means more stuff to copy paste but FUCK
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miyaheestar · 2 months
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mrtoraworld · 1 year
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voidendron · 10 months
Heya, hope you don't mind an extra question. I just really stan for your Exarch headcanons. Out of curiosity, how do each of your Exarchs feel about the respective planets they govern? How fond of it are they (if at all), are they just rulers or more authoritarian, ect? Thought it'd be an interesting part of them to explore.
oh I am ALWAYS happy to answer Exarch questions, don't you worry 💚💜
thank u for the ask you've opened up a whole can of worms that I can now infodump unto my unsuspecting dashboard
it kind of ends up varying Exarch to Exarch as to how they run their Fortress. so long as they keep blockade over their respective planet, Arcann doesn't really care What they do to the world itself. they have free reign to fire upon them as needed, use whatever force necessary to do their job, make their presences as obvious or hidden as they desire
so, that said!
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Lesin'taliva "Lesin" Tyn (Nar Shaddaa): more....I suppose basic ruler, doesn't care how Nar Shaddaa's residents view him so long as they don't cross him. he's indifferent about the moon itself (if a little exasperated over the huge cantinas/neon lights/parties/etc aesthetic), he's just doing his job. he keeps travel and shipping routes on-and-off-world blocked, using force when necessary. he ends up the cause of a lot of bankruptcy, owed debts, cantina closures, and increased gang violence because no one can get supplies while his Fortress orbits the moon
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Zar Draya (Alderaan): she's more subtle about it. She keeps travel and trade restricted with force, yes, but she also quietly blackmails nobles and makes them think things that are untrue in order to raise tension with the already-strained relationships of the various Houses. She does it more for her own (and Zakuul's) amusement, broadcasting squabbles to her homeworld and trying to exacerbate the tensions into becoming another civil war.
She does like Alderaan, though. Just....is more distracted with getting the Houses to go for each others' throats than to admire the world's beauty. Maybe in another life, she'd have appreciated its mountains and even gone to visit there with Hyra.
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Forta Gair (Belsavis): She rules over Belsavis with an iron fist. Nothing - and I mean nothing - happens planetside without her approval first. She had crop fields burned, supply stockpiles ransacked, cuts the power on the regular in colder areas, picks random victims for experimentation. All because she can and she wants to see what will happen as the inmates get desperate.
She hates Belsavis. She's incredibly jealous of the other Exarchs' stations, finds the worlds they rule over far more interesting than her planet full of convicts and segregated cell blocks; those forced to live in the shadow of her Fortress suffer her ire and ill temper over it.
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Jom Vanten (Hoth): uh. His is. Complicated. It's whatever he's programmed for, honestly. He holds trade and travel hostage, and when White Maw start overstepping their control he doesn't hesitate to step in and have his Fortress fire upon them - albeit with a "low" setting, but that's still plenty to decimate whatever group he shot at. Occasionally his programming is altered, and he may let up - or he may strike even more mercilessly than before. It wholly depends on who sets his mind - and he's Definitely the worst when Vaylin orders an alteration.
He's indifferent about Hoth. He doesn't have the capacity to feel like, nor dislike, for the world nor its inhabitants.
Now, pre-Exarch Jom? He would have disliked the planet's cold, but been fascinated with the snow since he'd never seen it before, and the creatures adapted to live in it.
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Tarso Gren (Tatooine): Basic rule. He has no interest in starving or killing everyone planetside for no reason, so does allow some trade, but all ships are scanned before leaving or entering Tatooine's atmosphere. Those with weapon shipments and the like are taken into custody or shot down. While Tatooine's residents Do want him gone, they're certainly better off with him than some of the others.
He likes the planet, if only because it has vast stretches of uninhabited desert that he can test weapons on. Doesn't mind the heat, either.
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Dezaar "Dez" Tora (Bothawui): Not only rules over Bothawui with an iron fist, but also didn't hesitate to use her Fortress' strongest weapon settings to fire upon it at first inkling of a rebellion. She's extremely paranoid about her own death at the enemy's hands, and the Bothans contacting the Alliance spooked her something fierce. After she killed thousands, the world went quiet - it was as if everyone was holding their breath, afraid of setting her off again.
She doesn't care about Bothawui itself; it's just a station to her. It's the people she doesn't care for - she's had visions of her own death at the hands of rebellion, so.... well. Need I say more? ;)
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Elle Malforia (Balmorra): We'll just say.... she takes "follower of Tyth" to a whole different level - especially when compared to the far calmer Tarso who was raised by followers of Tyth but...is pretty much never angry?? Anyway, this is about Malforia, not Tarso. She ruled pretty strictly over Balmorra - and she was also the only Exarch who consistently showed her face publicly and personally carried out public punishments to Balmorra's people when they went against her rule or tried to sneak around her blockade of the world.
She's the one who captured Tai, Zasha, and Malita and sent them on their way to Zakuul to face Arcann's wrath - and in the meantime held a public execution for his vice president to send a message to the world's people. She would have continued to be a thorn in Balmorra's side for a long time if the Shroud hadn't blown up her Fortress and taken her captive......
She doesn't like Balmorra. The bugs are too big, the ground and water too irradiated, the people too goddamn stubborn why do they keep rebelling dammit.
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Andur Melor (Voss): Andur... Oh, Andur, my dear. He feigns a strict rule - but then turns a blind eye when smugglers are trying to run life-saving supplies to the people of Voss, allowing them to "sneak" through uncontended as if he never noticed them there. He's mostly quiet, blocking trade and travel when needed to keep Arcann, Lesin, and Tarso off his case, but he has no interest in stifling the survivability of the world's people.
He's fascinated with Voss. Its culture, its species, the way it seems to be in a perpetual state of autumn with the colors of the leaves. He regrets what he has to do and that he makes the world suffer as a result of it.
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Adhi'ren "Ren" Zotar (Old World, no Fortress): Zotar is. Incredibly jealous of the other Exarchs for getting their grand Fortresses and ruling over their very own planets, while he's stuck babysitting the Old World. He tries to control it with force, resorting to violence to try keeping it in a chokehold that it always slips out of the moment he turns away.
....at first. When multiple attempts to end the Arena fights fail, and he gets into an argument with some of the champions, well. When he's goaded into the ring, his career takes off and he grows Pretty Damn Fond of the Old World, to put it mildly.
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seijorhi · 1 year
Heyy, I'm quite nervous since this is my first time interacting with someone here, but i really wanted to let you know that i absolutely love your works, i can't remember how many times I've re-read "hemorrhage", because the way that you've written it in hinata's pov is just hmm *chef's kiss*. That's all really, thank you for giving us those stories and remember to always stay healthy 😊
ahh nonnie you're so cute, thank youuu!!! <33
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vonlipvig · 5 months
Anyway my AU for Romus Toras is that he was born as a farmer on the island of Kryute and Pabel Adria is formerly a successful businessman who gone broke due to Century of Revolutions where his assets are on Valgos Empire and got seized after United Contana is formed. But not all hope is lost a distant relative of his have written him on his final will of testament giving him a small farm land on island of Kryute also, since he just lost everything. He went to the island and started to be a farmer, where there he met Romus who find him a little pitying and hilarious because he doesn't have a clue on how to do farming or tending the animals. And basically help him. It's a slowburn AU as for Romus it's goes still the same on the game. His father Valero dying and such and him marrying a Rumburgian citizen and gave birth on Vina and such. Losing her wife on a storm. You know the gist. What do you think?
oh, that's so fun, how charming! it's kinda roleswap-py without being an outright roleswap AU, with romus being the commoner and pabel being, well, not old-money but new-money (or no-money now, lmao). and it's now romus's turn to be the one who knows his way around a garden! (maybe pabel still gets to have a hilariously itchy incident with a wild stinging nettle, and romus can help cure him~.
but yeah, that's very sweet omg.
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cosmosoracle · 10 months
What's your view on the River Freedoms?
"You must mean the River Kingdoms? (Was Iadenveigh part of those..?) ...well! That's the area we've travelled through more, I believe!"
"The region we probably explored the most was the Protectorate, near Daggermark. We entered with a little trick through boat despite the borders of the region being closed to unknown visitors, then we remained in Deadbridge for quite a while! More than a month, in fact. We also crossed the Echo Woods - quite the dangerous place, but nothing compared to poor Bodie's Haunt. The city was infested by undead and all of its inhabitants succumbed in a way or another years earlier, and there was also a friend of Echo, the one that sent us to try and solve the issue there; his name was Keelu, and he was the former responsible of arcane teachings and shopkeeping at the Iron School before Loin arrived."
"The ties to the Black Tears reach everywhere, the whole mess was caused by a contact of councelor Notak, which was also the cause for the closure of the borders. It's a long, intricated story, and no matter where they go, they always leave death and loss in their way, no matter in which form. I'm glad we could give that little help and rest to the souls that we could."
"On the other hand, Outsea seemed to be free of their influence, excluding the devil that tracked us when the mess with General Roktor happened." She closes her eyes to shut off the pain and worry about that whole situation, and brightens up with a smile. "A lovely capital and an absolute pearl to visit! I wish to come back there in calmer times to explore it better, and once all the troubles are gone, it would be amazing if Echo or Tora could also come and see!"
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magenetra · 8 months
courage the cowardly dog rentry.... can it be messy and have my flags 🥺
denied!! skill issue :( /j
ok seriously though
dm me
we'll get the details sorted out
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dabisqueen · 1 year
Okay I'm gonna have to rant about something so please forgive me😅
I just recently recovered from webtoon thirst episode and I feel like that I haven't at the same time. Now, I don't read webtoon...
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Okay, I'm done now😅💐
I KNOWWW! AND YES I AM SCREAMING because I haven't recovered from Tora. Or Nol.
Save me pls....
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healingscarsarc · 1 year
[ HICKEY ]:  sender  gives  receiver  a  hickey. from tora UVU
ㅤㅤㅤ ﴾  𝚗𝚜𝚏𝚠  𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚝𝚜  ﴿ | ACCEPTING
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ㅤㅤ you would think after the first time, kazutora would have  LEARNED  to not go after their neck —  but here they both were, with the smaller squirming underneath the taller, his lips attached to their neck as he sucks and nips. it's making them feel all sorts of ways and they felt like crying with how good it felt.
ㅤㅤ then again, they had been making out rather intensely just a moment ago, with izumi pawing at the front of the other’s pants and sucking on his tongue like their life depended on it.  now that their mouth had nothing to suck against, there was no way for them to stifle the gasps and moans that came forth from parted lips, a spew of dirty words and swears as they lift up their hips to try to grind on a thigh or wandering hand.
ㅤㅤ “ please, f -  fuck, please!  stop teasing. ”  they hiss out, whining low as eyes finally close.  they tilt their head up and away, giving more access for the tiger to lay claim to their neck with ease.  wave after wave of pleasure crashes through izumi’s body, hitches of breath as they spread their legs and cry out.  a particular bite has them whimpering, instantly biting down on their bottom lip so that kazutora can’t get the satisfaction of hearing more of their obscene, loud moaning.
ㅤㅤ it’s not fair.  he’s keeping his hands on their hips only and his thighs are nowhere near close enough for them to grind against.  once he pulls away, however, they use the moment to grab his hair and direct his lips against their own, crashing into it hard enough to hear teeth clack against each other briefly.  izumi hisses, fed up with the teasing as legs wrap loosely around hips, finally dragging his body against theirs and crying out when they feel his hips ghost against theirs.
ㅤㅤ “ i want it.  i want it  NOW, ‘tora.  tired of the teasing, either start grinding against me like you’re fucking me or fuck me like you mean it. ”  teeth nips at bottom lip, a warning to show that they were really into it and really, REALLY  wanting whatever the tiger had to offer.  “ please.  fuck, don’t make me beg. ”
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archesa · 1 year
multiple comms ask -> 1, 5 and for some angst, 8 :>
Thanks for the ask!! Here is some De Draconis Mobile lore 😁
The Multiple Commander Asks are still very much open, as a preambule to a soon to be posted prologue to DDM (It is time!!)
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1 / At what point during the story do they meet up?
Big question!
Let's start somewhat chronologically!
Lilja and Aldrei are childhood friends, with Aldrei being a sort of elder sibling figure to Lilja.
Iotzza is Jiirka's 'aunt' and mentor.
Meryw and Dairban are podtwins, and bloomed a few hours before Galaëd. They shared a few visions of each other in the Dream of Dreams, and fought the Shadow together.
Elianora met Iotzza, Jiirka and Aldrei when she joined the Whispers.
Galaëd and Dairban joined the Vigil around the same time and met Lilja there.
Meryw met Rorschach at the Priory, and eventually became Sieran's second mentee.
Rorschach and Galaëd met on Claw Island, and Trahearne had them work together from the very early beginnings of the Pact, having been a firsthand witness of their synergy in battle.
Two other members : Tora and Lucius join the guild later, respectively during Season 2 – as an emissary of the Olmakhan tribe – and after Path of Fire – as an agent of the Order of Shadows.
5 / Did all of them, only a few, or just one of them go through the dungeon storylines?
Rorschach explored the Catacombs with Sieran, a few weeks after he joined the Priory.
Galaëd and the twins went with Caithe at Twilight Arbour.
Elianora, Iotzza and Jiirka found themselves together at Caudecus party. (The first feat of the infamous Terror Trio!)
Iotzza and Jiirka cooperate with Lilja at Sorrow's lament... add a dash of Zojja and Kudu to an already very explosives mix!
Honor of the waves calls for intuition and diplomacy, so Aldrei and Meryw are the wisest most natural choice.
The Citadel of Flames is an opportunity for the recently anointed Commander to scare his Tribune Brimstone and Captain Thackeray into submission with the now infamous Terror Trio!
8 / Who mercy killed Trahearne?
It would have destroyed Galaëd.
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marbelcrossovers · 1 year
Hey. I recently binged read a lot of your stories in Ao3. I totally love the Bakugou Katsuki rare pairs. I am just wondering if you have ever seen Ushio no Tora ? I feel that it has a lot of potential to be included as a crossover with bnha.
Have to say I've never heard of this one. It kind of looks like it's more fitted with Toriko (manga)? Or maybe it's just the style of the art that's similar. Also, big thanks for reading my stories!
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