#topp dogg fluff
byungjoosass · 7 years
College has literally taken so much energy out of me. Like. There has been so much drama and so much other things going on.
But don’t worry, I’m going on Thanksgiving Break this Friday so I will have a week to do the requests I have in my inbox!!
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hallyuscenarios · 7 years
December 9th: Selecting a tree with Xero
You had put on your shoes, coat and scarf and you were ready to go. Your boyfriend and you had decided to go out today and buy a tree for your house. You weren’t sure what you were looking for yet, neither size nor style, and were just hoping you’d find the right one. Jiho was excited as always and really looking forward to going tree-shopping.
You guys had decided to visit a nearby market, which was rather small but the quality of the trees were amazing. At first you just walked around a bit, trying to get inspiration before discussing what to get. You decided to look for a rather small and elegant tree to put in your living room and lighten the mood. You walked around the market but nothing seemed to fit your taste. That was until you saw a collection of smaller trees in a rather far away corner, hidden behind all the bigger ones. There was a man sitting on a stool next to them, reading the newspaper of the day before. He didn’t even notice you going up to him and you had to loudly greet him to get a reaction. After saying hello you asked him about the trees, consulting whether it’d be a good match for you. After some discussing and being listed advantages and disadvantages of said trees, you decided to give it a shot. The tree was pretty cheap and shortly afterwards the two of you happily returned home with the tree. “Well, the only thing left is decorating it, huh?”, you said when the tree was set up in the perfect spot. “We’ll talk about it tomorrow.”
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kpopcorn-requests · 7 years
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Topp Dogg 🌧 poly! Hanjoo + petty reader ~requested by anon~ I hope you like this bby! admin lil
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narika-a · 7 years
~ Main Masterlist ~
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Scenarios/One Shots/Drabbles:
Nakta/Shin Yooncheol
✽ Mafia AU I’m Vulnerable When I’m With You
P.S. If you don’t see your request done here, I’m not ignoring it. I just need time to catch up with all of them.
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130-mood-scenarios · 8 years
Best Friend Hansol
This is a drabble/scenario in which Hansol helps you out with a school project. Enjoy!
“You’re late.” You said immediately after opening the door to your best friend.
 “I know, I’m so sorry, rehearsals ran late.” He explained. “Sangwon was having trouble with some new moves so I helped him out. I should’ve called to warn you but I lost track of time.”
 “Of course,” you thought to yourself. You couldn’t blame him. Dancing was one of Hansol’s passions and he loved his members so he was late every so often because he either was too busy dancing to look at the time or he would lose track while helping out a friend.
 “I’m starving [y/n], what’d you order?” He asked.
 “Nothing.” At that his eyes went wide.
 “Nothing?! But…but…you asked me what I wanted and I told you!!!”
 You raised an eyebrow as you watched him rush to take his phone out of his back pocket.
 “No, you didn’t?” You said, as he unlocked his phone. His confused expression changing to one of embarrassment.
 “I..” He started sheepishly. “Forgot to click send..”
You rolled your eyes and let out a soft chuckle. That’s another thing your best friend was notorious for. You’d lost count of how many times you’d been waiting on a text from him only to have him call you minutes or hours later all worried that you weren’t answering, then figuring out he’d forgotten to click “send.”
 “Aish, I’ll just go get us something, it was my fault. What do you want?” Hansol asked apologetically.
 “It was your turn to choose.” You answered. He gave it some thought, apparently no longer craving what he’d requested via the unsent text.
 “Mmm..you choose.”
 “Hansol just pick something, I’m hungry and it’s getting late. We still have to film the video for my project and I have class tomorrow morning!!!”
 He dragged out and exaggerated sigh. “Do you have anything here?” He asked. 
 You thought for a moment before answering. “Cereal and ramen. I’ve been too busy to do any grocery shopping.”
 He sighed exaggeratedly again, he could be so melodramatic sometimes. His shoulders slumped as he made his way to your tiny kitchen. You could hear him sighing loudly every time he opened the wrong cupboard, finding emptiness instead of ramen or a box of cereal. You started to set up for the video Hansol had agreed to help you with. Being a broke college student, you didn’t have fancy equipment so you were just using your phone to record and you’d DIY’d some props. Hansol returned from the kitchen and joined you on the floor. He helped you set up the props and made sure you were both in focus. You both practiced the script you had written up and didn’t even manage to get halfway through when Hansol exclaimed that he was bored.
 “Seriously?!” You complained. “Hansol, I need to get an A on this please show a little more enthusiasm.”
 You glared at him.
 “I have to go cook the noodles. I hear the water boiling!” He said,  standing up and speed-walking  to the kitchen.
 “You are the worst.” You mumbled to yourself, skimming over the script.
 After about fifteen minutes, Hansol returned with two bowls of ramen. He set yours on the floor next to you then sat comfortably on the couch. You looked over at him and he looked at you with a smile as he slurped his noodles.
 “Yum!” He said. You rolled your eyes at your best friend and returned the smile. He ate while you focused on memorizing the script, playing on his phone in the process. After a couple minutes, he noticed you were ignoring your food.
 “[y/n],” He said, breaking your focus. “Your food’s gonna get cold.” You failed to respond, choosing to skim over the script once again. “[y/n].” He called out again.
 You looked at him.
 “Your food,” He repeated. “It’s gonna get cold. Eat.”
 “I’m almost done memorizing this.” You responded. He sighed once more and sipped the remainder of the soup in his bowl, setting it on the coffee table when he was done. He offered you his hand and helped you get up off the floor.
 “Eat.” He commanded, handing you your bowl. “I hope you like naengmyeon.”
 “I wouldn’t be eating cold noodles if someone had been helping me memorize these lines.” You said in a sing-songy voice.
“LISTEN.” He countered, picking up his script. You chuckled and made your way to the kitchen to heat up the ramen. You decided to eat there so you could just leave the plate in the sink instead of making a second trip. Laziness, productiveness, maybe a little bit of both. You couldn’t decide. When you returned to the living room, you saw your best friend laying like a corpse right next to the coffee table, a hand to his forehead and the other clutching the script.
 “Hansol, why are you so extra?” He didn’t make any sound or movement. “Come onnn,” You said. “We’ve gotta start filming. It’ll only take us like an hour. Maybe. I don’t know. Probably two.”
 His eyes shot open and he let out a loud, “NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!”
 “Come on, Hansol.”
 He closed his eyes again and lay silently. You punched him on the arm and he groaned loudly.
 “Alright, alright.” He said, giving in. “Let’s do this.”
 It took longer than expected to finish filming because you both kept laughing and messing up your lines. It was fun, though. When it came to editing you had to do it yourself because Hansol lay down again when you told him it’d take another hour of his time.
 “Ahhhhh,” You sighed contently after finishing, stretching. “It’s done.”
 Hansol sat up immediately and took over your laptop and pressed “Play,” both of you smiling and laughing at what you had created.
 “We did such a great job, [y/n]. “ Hansol said happily.
 “We??? As I recall, I’m the one who did all the editing.”
 “[y/n], I was here for moral support, alright? But uhh, who was your talented, handsome, lead actor that did such an incredible performance?”
 “Pshhhht, bye.”
 He hugged you tightly and you hugged him back.
 “Where’s that coffee you promised me?” He asked.
 You broke the hug and lay on the floor just like he’d done earlier. Hansol rolled his eyes as a smile grew on his face. “You’re the worst.”  
Hey, everyone! So.. I had originally written this as a Christmas scenario and it was really cute and stuff but I didn’t finish it on time (obviously, since I’m posting it now) because something major happened. So I put it off until now and I was going to still post it as a Christmas scenario but found it to be way too late and I changed it a bit. I hope you guys like it. Please send in requests, I’m a new blog and write for Topp Dogg, Block B, BTS, GOT7, and maybe Monsta X and DAY6 in the future. Thanks.
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Nakta’s shirts
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softkpopfictions · 6 years
return + requests open!
to put it short, i died. in the meantime i made a second account, where i'll post moodboards, edits and everything nice and positive!
anyways, i didn't really feel my best. but now that i'm better, i'm thriving to write again! meaning, i'll do the few requests i had left, an own story i want to publish and i will take on new requests!
i take requests for:
smut, occasionally
short scenarios (e.g valentine's, what if...)
long stories (divided into parts)
mostly oneshots though
fake texts (similar to scenarios)
idol x idol
reader x idol
stay kids
red velvet
oh my girl
other ships (e.g. liskook -> lisa and jungkook)
i hope you'll be interested bye!
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Dating Jenissi Would include
(ex topp Dogg member) Kim TaeYang Aka Jenissi. aka X__XQB)
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Okay I just wanna put the disclaimer that Kim Taeyang is so beautiful and I cried writing this because I’m so far up his ass
Being in love 
Stressing to meet the parents but denying it
“Nah babe I’m not stressed they’ll love me”
*Oh shit what do i say*
The entire time he’d probably talk to you in Korean like
“Okay i lied I’m panicking and I forget everything I practiced but tell them something that makes me sound good thanks”
He’d learned your native tongue
But only enough to talk to your parents
oh and swear words, inappropriate phrases, & how to compliment you.
When ever you said anything related to god he’d respond
“Yeah babe?”
“Oh you called”
“I prefer Jenissi but Jesus works too”
Unless y'all were in bed if you called out god he’d laugh (terrifying because like ??!) and say some shit like “I know I am, but that’s not wanna hear”
doesn’t he scream daddy kink?
but I don’t write smut so you didn’t hear that from me
After y'all move in together like officially instead of just crashing at each Others places he realizes just how much he loves you
Okay but living with him means full time unlimited access to his baggy sweaters
But as you guys are moving into your newly rented apartment
Yeah y'all invested in a new one together so it was equally yours and his
Now as you’re unpacking y'all are getting nothing done
Among the boxes is a phone sporting the time 3:00 am
While y'all are throwing newspaper and packing peanuts at each other
Eventually you realize you need to get shit done..
So you tag team the kitchen
You’re unpacking while Taeyang is putting shit away
When suddenly he hears you groan
“Oh for real? Who packed this?” You had asked manly to yourself holding up a seemingly fine bowl
“Whats wrong with it?”
‘Nothing I just needed your attention’ you’d say before giving him a kiss. Going back to unpacking like nothing happened
A few minutes later when you heard the clash of ceramic against the hardwood floor your reflexes leave you jumping.
“What happened? Are you okay?” you’d ask still a little shocked from the surprise.
“Oh nothing I just needed your attention” he’d smirk and give you a kiss
“Don’t you think that was a little drastic?”
“I suppose but at least my love for you is unbreakable”
You telling him dad jokes
Him ignoring you
He’s a mess, but like an organized mess
Like the typical boy who smells his clothes to see if he can wear it mess
But how would you know? he always looks like a prince
Mad greasy
Like college frat boy greasy
But remember he cleans up real nice
Y'all would probably have a small matching tattoo
You’ve been together for like 5 years but aren’t talking about marriage
You’re content as is
Well other than that time he stood you up…
But not really
You’d both agree to meet at a restaurant.. except this restaurant has 2 locations 
You each went to a different one..
When you arrived home and saw him there you were ready to yell at him
‘You stood me up’
“ME? I just sat in a restaurant for an hour looking pathetic”
‘Then why didn’t i see you huh?’
“Maybe because you didn’t fucking go?!”
After bickering for 15 minutes you guys realized your mistake
Both hungry and embarrassed you decided to order in
Clingy but distant..
Like enjoys your company but isn’t very 
“Oh baby how was your day? did my love eat lunch?!”
Basically shows his love with his actions not his words I guess
When he has writers block he just stares at the blank page
Which only frustrates him more
He always asks your opinion on lyrics 
97% of the time you’re no help.
He’ll call you ‘sexy’ and ‘cute’ in the same sentence
Probably becomes a cat couple
Coffee dates
Walks through the park
Pinches your cheeks all the time
You’d be a really chill couple
Like both just lounging on the couch doing your own work
But also sending each other emails as you’re sitting next to each other
Because texting isn’t professional for work.
Making him laugh
Think about that for a second
You’ll be the reason he laughs..
You’ll be exposed to his smile all the time.
he’d do that thing with his glasses all the time too.. 
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I know this one is also relatively short, I’m sorry I am making a dating topp Dogg ot13 series, and I was gonna put all 13 in one post but I got carried away so they’ll all have their own posts whoops.. (I’ll tag them here eventually when they are up) 
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bampsycology · 7 years
This is my son and I love him💕
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mini-musicbox · 7 years
I love my idols a lot. Most want to date/marry their idol but I'm too young so I'll be satisfied with watching them fall in love with someone that treats them good. I want my bias to find a wonderful person to spend their life with and have little children with. I want to see my idols happy, and you should too.
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sncrseonghwa · 7 years
have u ever
cried over an mv?
bc your bias looks so gOOD  U JUST WANNA KISS HIM OR SMTH, but you feel very, very attacked.
have u ever
wanted to slap ur bias bc he attacks u too much and u cant handle it, but at the same time u feel like kissing him, but cant bc u wanna slap him across-
bc same.
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i feel u.
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byungjoosass · 7 years
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It’s 4am and I’m in my Nakta feels...
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kpopcorn-requests · 7 years
JBJ Reaction: Saving you (vampire au)
so i’m on an au kick lately because i don’t know i’ve been reading a lot of au’s apparently
anyway i watched My Flower for like the twenty-second time and i truly love that mv it is a work of art you guys should watch it if you haven’t stan talent stan jbj
fantasy is also amazing wow these 6 bois are just straight masterpieces
i don’t know if i’m adding these boys to the group list yet we will see :)  anyway enjoy this!
admin lil
He knew staying with you was going to be a problem, but he had no intentions of not seeing you. He had no idea the problem that would occur would risk your life. He was lucky he got there when he did, having heard your screams from inside your apartment. He knew there was a neighbor that had an infatuation with you that was thoroughly pissed you had a boyfriend, and Taehyun couldn’t believe he was so much of an idiot he let you walk home alone. He ran out, using his enhanced speed unconsciously, his only thought was to get to you. Seeing your neighbor standing over you laughing at how hard you were sobbing had him walking over to you until he saw the awkward way your arm was bent. He hurt you. Taehyun swore he had never been as angry as he was in that moment, and he quickly walked over to the scene, knocking the other man out before he rushed to you and held you in his arms, not quite knowing what to do but glad he found you when he did.
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He saw the blood before he smelled it, watched as a spot of red grew and turned your previously light colored shirt a dark color. He looked up and saw a hunter, the crossbow in his hands, the realization coming to him slowly. You saved him, and you were severely hurt because of it. He fell to his knees, his hands on your abdomen as the blood stain continued to grow darker in color, letting Kenta know just how much trouble you were in. He quickly checked for a pulse, finding a small one that was steadily decreasing. The scent of your blood would have usually appetizer him, but the thought of knowing it was your blood and the cause of the blood was actually killing you made him feel sick. You weren’t going to survive if he didn’t change you, he just hoped that you wouldn’t hate him after this. He saw you smile gently, heard your heartbeat go even slower, and decided that he would rather you hate him than never see you again.
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The phone call he received from you, your voice shaking as you told him you loved him, made his already dead heart stop. The goodbye you said seemed final, and he wasn’t going to let that happen to you. He had no idea where you were or what happened but he knew what you smelled like so he ran. He followed your scent as long as he could, found you in the old warehouse the two of you used to meet at when a relationship hadn’t formed yet and he saw you tied to a chair, head lulled to the side limply, a heartbeat heart to find even with his enhanced hearing. Tears pricked his eyes as he advanced towards you, sobbing quietly when you whimpered for him to help you, begging for him to make the pain stop. He asked you quietly if he could change you, and was thankful that you had enough energy to respond before he bared his fangs, his head full of saving you above everything else.
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He was reminded of how he met you when he pulled up to the situation behind the club the two of you regularly went to, and incidentally, many other vampires did as well. He knew how attractive you were, and he knew how absolutely delectable your blood smelled, so he often kept an eye on you. Yet, the one time he looked away from you, you got in trouble. He glowered as he stood at the beginning of the alleyway seeing a different vampire advance on you, you unconscious for whatever reason, but that detail wasn’t necessary. You were unconscious, someone was getting close to you that wasn’t him. That just wouldn’t do. A quick movement and growl scared the other vampire enough for him to run, and Yongguk gathered you in his arms, worried.
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Being a well-known vampire had more cons than it did pros. One of those cons being the fact that most hunters and other clans knew you existed and you were basically his only weakness. No one had the balls to challenge him, until now. He smiled when he saw you and then looked around in confusion when you were gone. He could hear the laughs of a new group of vampires, one he heard about for their recklessness. And then he heard your voice, full of panic and he grew angry. He usually didn’t have a reason to live up to his reputation, but the love of his undead life got involved. Using his hearing he found you rather quickly, and effortlessly snapped the other vampires’ necks, pulling you into his arms, kissing your head. You were safe now.
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His eyes watered as he saw you lay limp in front of him, having suddenly been attacked by his old clan, cuts and wounds all over your body. He caused this. He ran from a clan he knew he shouldn’t have been with in the first place and he got you involved. You still had a pulse, but you were in pain, and he saw the silent beg of ‘help’ in your eyes as you looked at him. He knew what he had to, and it seemed that you did too when you bared your neck for him. He held your face gently as he kissed you, praying that it would work but knowing that it would be a miracle if it did. It was a kiss for good luck, but also a goodbye kiss if needed. He took a deep breath before he sank his fangs into your neck. He just hoped he knew when to stop.
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shortlikeelric · 7 years
Hey guys, does anyone write for VAV? If not please let me know if you know anyone that does! One bad thing about stannng an underrated group is that there are barely any good fics/scenarios/reactions on them. 😭❤️ If you haven't gotten into them I highly recommend watching their She's Mine music video! Thank you. 💞
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trashynoona · 7 years
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Word Count: 4,021
Genre: Fluff lotsa fluff, with possibility of future smut (I mean come on, look at this guy?!)
I took a deep breath, inhaling the cold air of winter. The trees are barren and the grounds were covered in snow. It has been exactly 1 year since I had broken up with the man I thought I was going to marry. We met in Spring 4 years back while in middle school. I had literally fallen for the boy when I tripped over my own shoelace during physical education class. The rest was pretty much history from then on. Somehow, along the way, as we grew older, our goals seemed so much farther apart. He was a happy-go-lucky lad while I was a perfectionist go-getter. We tried, we tried so hard to keep the relationship going, but the harder and longer we tried, the more painful it was when it fell apart.
It has been a year, and yet the feeling of being in love with this boy who is also my best friend seemed so familiar. I liken this journey to a train ride. I wished for it to be a through-train; for the boy to be my destination. But the break up had only proven that I was on a train with many stops. I had went through a massive rebound phase, I thought I had fallen in love, but at the end of the day, I was alone on a train without a known destination. Many times, I had wish to go back to the comfort of the boy; but deep down, I knew I was a child no longer, I could only go forward in this train ride, there was no brake on this ride.
I tucked my scarf tighter to my neck as I scurry to class. Despite having moved to a new city for college 2 years back, the harsh winter is still pretty much the bane of my existence. ‘Huddle close!’ I heard a couple walking past you giggling into one another’s warmth. It brought back memories to the days when I first moved to college with the boy, except this time, I am facing the winter alone. He has moved on. 
I don’t blame him nonetheless, I did cause him a lot of hurt that past one year. While he was still hopelessly waiting for me at our platform, I had moved on to a new station. By the time I realised I wanted nothing but to be back at the platform with him, the boy was no longer there. So I fearfully put on my big girl pants as I continue my train ride along. 
I am terrified of the unknown; I fear the cold without the warmth of another human. But I realised it was pointless to cling onto someone hopelessly if it was not meant to be. 
School has been pretty monotonous, I am trying my best to bury myself in my studies, perhaps this way I will be oblivious to the harsh winter in my heart. 
‘You’re coming for tonight’s party right?’ My close pal Kenta asked.
‘Do I really have to??’ I whined.
‘Duh.’ My handsome friend rolled his eyes as he shove a sandwich down his throat.
‘But its not fair! It’s so cold but I have to dress in cute skimpy outfits...’ I whined further.
‘Well... come wrapped like a dumpling then.’ He replied indifferently.
‘And be the biggest loser at the party? No thanks! I’d rather freeze to death.’ I answered.
‘It’s settled then!’ Kenta gave me a wink before running off to his class.
Damn, I was fooled once again. 
It was 8pm and I had to get ready. I picked up my phone to check the weather app. It was 3 degrees celcius. ‘Tonight is probably the death of me...’ I thought to myself. I opened my wardrobe in attempts to pick out something suitable for a party and the weather. It was no easy task, especially since I simply could not stand the cold. I settled on a woolen pullover and a cute skater skirt. I guess my body will just have to compromise. At least my torso will be warm I thought.
I arrived at the party with Kenta. The music was booming and people crowded in the dance floor. From the corner of my eyes I saw the boy, with his arms around his new girlfriend. He looked very much in love. I force a smile and dragged Kenta to the drink counter.
‘Cheers to the shit weather!’ I quipped.
‘Cheers to me getting laid tonight!’ Kenta responded.
Kenta was an interesting human. He is a massive party animal and narrowly meets the mark of a fuck boy, but he is also on the dean’s list and an awfully loyal friend. It has been a mystery to how this human exist. 
Naturally like bees are attracted to the pollen of sweet smelling flowers, girls flocked to Kenta. ‘Sorry girls, I have to ensure my bae here meets someone before I attend to my needs.’ He told the girls.
‘Fuck off Kenta! I am not planning to get laid! I didn’t even erm, shave.’ I whispered.
‘Too much information girl! Gross. But I’m sure we can find someone for you.’ Kenta half shouted to me with the booming music.
As the night went on and one too many cups of unknown alcohol, Kenta and I began obnoxiously pointing at potential mating partners for one another. 
‘Hey hey, Kenta, that girl in the dress one size too small looks like a suitable prey for you.’ I pointed out.
‘Hell nooooo. I heard she’s clingy as fuck. What about that obnoxiously loud dickhead chugging beer over there?’ Kenta teased. He knows I can’t stand being around chauvinistic dickheads for any longer than 5 minutes.
‘Yeahhhh sure.’ I laughed.
‘How about a bet. If you make out with Mr Dickhead, I will do your laundry for the rest of the year.’ Kenta proposed.
‘Including my undies?’ I asked.
‘Including your hideous granny panties gal!’ Kenta shouted as he raised his cup to me.
‘DEAL.’ I raised my cup to Kenta.
‘It’s just a kiss. I can probably just head over, pass off as a drunk slut, make out with him and walk off all within 5 minutes. Without even having to have a conversation with the dickhead.’ I snickered at Kenta’s flawed proposal. 
I took another shot before I headed towards Mr Dickhead who was soaking in all the attention from the people who just witness him beating some other dude at a beer chugging competition. I tapped Mr Dickhead on the shoulder and he turned around. He was handsome. Very handsome to be exact. In fact, there was something tender and vulnerable in his eyes. 
‘Fuck I am analysing wayyyy too much.’ I thought to myself as I grabbed the stranger by the neck and pulled him into a kiss.
The crowd cheered.
His lips are tender and plump. I moved my lips to pry open his. I had to make sure I was ‘making out’ and not just ‘a peck on his lips’. Kenta can be quite a sore loser when it comes to the fine prints. 
His tongue swiped across my lips before I could put my tongue in his mouth. ‘Classic dickheads’ I thought. Strangely, I enjoyed the way his tongue danced with mouth. His warmth was comforting, I was melting into the kiss. He pulled me closer by the waist and gently stroke the small of my back. ‘He smells much nicer than I thought he would.’ My brain was going into over drive. Time felt still. I quickly pulled away from the kiss and everything seemed to be in motion again.
‘That was very bold of you cutie.’ He smiled as his hands slipped away from the small of my back.
I missed his warmth. ‘He has a cute gummy smile and his eyes sparkled as they disappear into a smile.’ I thought to myself as I observed the stranger.
‘GIRL YOU ROCKKKKKK!’ I heard Kenta cheering as he linked arms with me and we became lost into the crowd. 
‘I can’t believe you actually did it notty girl!!’ Kenta teased.
I shot him a wink and picked up a new cup of unknown poison.
‘Now go find yourself some girl to fuck okay?’ I told Kenta.
‘Promise you’ll text me when you’re home?’ Kenta asked.
I nodded, raised my cup to him before walking over to hang around a bunch of acquaintances. I decided to stay a little longer since I was already out and the music was pretty lit. The poison in my cup pretty much took over and I was dancing and scream singing. I felt a hand ghost around my waist.
‘Hey cutie.’ The man whispered into my ears.
‘Yeah I am not interested.’I tried to walk away, only to have him grab me by my wrist.
‘Dude let go!’ I raised my voice as I tried to escape his grasp.
‘She said let go bruh.’ Somebody else was holding onto my wrist.
I squinted and tried to figure out who it was. The stroke lights and my intoxicated brain made it difficult.
‘Mr Dickhead! It’s you!!!’ I quipped.
‘I think you should be the one fucking off dude. She literally called you a dickhead.’ The man snickered.
‘It’s a term of endearment dumbass, did you not see me smooching him just now?! Do I need to show you again?!’ I yelled before falling into Mr Dickhead’s arm. Once again, I held onto his neck and brought him in for a kiss.
Time stood still once again. His warmth engulfed me. I felt safe. The security of his lips were broken when I felt someone tugging on me. It was the boy.
‘You’re drunk, let me send you home.’ He said matter-of-factly.
‘No. Go back to your girl.’ I answered coldly as I pulled Mr Dickhead away from the boy.
Without really thinking, I dragged Mr Dickhead out of the party with me. I was in no control of my emotions. Tears were spilling out of eyes and I was breaking down in front of some stranger I made out with. ‘Way to go girl’ I thought to myself.
‘Oh my god, I am so sorry. It’s just, ugh. I hate how weak I am. Ugh I...’ I was fumbling with my words.
‘It’s fine.’ Was all he said as he draped his jacket over my shoulders.
‘Why are you wearing a short skirt in such a weather even?’ He asked.
‘Because I did not want to look like a loser...’ I said between sobs.
‘Honey, you would easily still be one of the cutest girl in that party even if you came in your PJs...’ Mr Dickhead announced as he followed me along.
‘Really....?’ I sniffled.
‘Maybeeee not with all that dripping mascara and snot.’ He teased.
‘Shut up. I’m drunk, I get to be ugly!’ I whined.
‘Nobody would’ve believed you were the same girl who pulled me into an extremely sensual tongue twister just an hour ago.’ He teased again.
‘Do you have to make it so gross?!’ I tried to whack him on the chest only to have him hold me closer.
‘Shut up and just huddle up with me. You’re shivering like a hairless puppy!’ He ordered. 
I did not refuse.
The pavement was pretty much covered in snow by the time he had walked me to my apartment. Just as I was about to bid the stranger farewell, I received a notice on my trusty weather app. A hail storm was about to approach. 
‘Woah it sure is getting really cold, you should hurry upstairs snot monster.’ He quipped.
‘Erm... My weather app just announced that a hail storm is about to approach.’ I told him.
‘Well fuck... I live at the opposite end of campus... Guess I can probably try running back and pray hard my super fast reflexes will help me avoid getting struck by raining ice!’ He said in an animated manner as he cheekily jogged on the spot.
‘Do you wanna come up to my place at least until the hail clears?’ I asked.
‘My mum did tell me not to go home with strangers...’ He teased.
‘Fine, die in the hail storm then asshole!!!’ I was drunkenly offended and I threw his coat back at him.
‘Hold up feisty snot monster! I did not say I listen to my mother...!’ He half yelled as he ran along with me.
‘Just promise you won’t jump on me? I know I am pretty dashing, judging from how you threw yourself on me during the party not once but twice?’ He teased again.
Kenta was right, I could never deal with dickheads. But I have invited one home. Fuck my life.
‘Mention that again and you’re going home in the storm!’ I warned before I let the stranger into my house.
Text message from Kenta: ‘YA! ARE YOU HOME?! ITS ABOUT TO HAIL!!!’  
‘Why did you call me Mr Dickhead?’ He asked.
‘Whaaa...t?’ I jumped and dropped my phone before I could reply Kenta.
‘In the club...? You called me Mr Dickhead? It hurts my feelings you know!’ He pouted dramatically.
‘That’s EXACTLY why you’re Mr Dickhead. Besides, didn’t you call me a snot monster!!’ I argued.
He was giggling at the expense of my annoyance. His eyes twinkled again.
‘Well snot monster... my name is...’ I cut him off before he could tell me his name.
‘Nope. I don’t need your name. You’ll become an acquaintance if we exchange names, and I am not keen of that.’ I answered.
‘So... I am suppose to call you the snot monster?’ He asked, amused.
‘Yes. I am snot monster and you are mr dickhead. And you leave the moment the hailing ends!’ I ordered.
‘You’re not a very friendly host you know that snot monster... I thought... you know... maybe we could cosy up in that bed of yours...’ He smirked as he moved closer to me.
‘I’m kidding. Gosh. Uptight much snot monster?!’ He continue looking at me with a cheeky smile which got on my nerve. But at the same time, that cocky smirk was kinda enchanting.
‘Well help yourself to whatever you need. I’m heading to back. REMEMBER, if you try anything funny, I swear I will leave you crying for your mother.’ I warned as I threw him a blanket and pillow for the night.
‘Got it snot monster!’ He answered. He seemed to enjoy my annoyance way too much.
I guess that’s exactly why I don’t date dickheads.
‘Rise and shine snot monster!!!’ An increasingly cocky annoying sing-song voice was ringing in my ear.
‘Go awayyyyy~’ I whined.
‘You need to eat to nurse that hangover snot monster!’ He sounded more serious this time.
I sleepily opened my eyes to see a handsome stranger leaning on my door. He had a cheeky gummy smile and eyes that scream mischief. My head clicked and I recalled letting the guy I made out with on a dare with Kenta back to my place.
‘Why are you still here?’ I sleepily rubbed my eyes as I dragged myself out of bed.
‘Well... a snow storm followed after the hail storm and we’re pretty much stuck in the building...’ He answered matter-of-factly as he began chewing on the toast he had made.
‘Whaaaaat?’ I asked.
‘Check your trusty weather app if you don’t believe me!’ He said with his mouth full.
I ran back to my room and picked up my phone. He was right. And I was in shock.
‘Holy fuck!’ I gasp.
‘What? What?’ He came running with a slice of half eaten toast.
‘I look like shit.’ I looked at him.
‘Yeah you do.’ He laughed as he took another bite from his toast.
I had no argument for that. I had a massive bed head and my eyes were crusty. I did indeed look like shit. But strangely, I wasn’t too bothered by the fact that the strange handsome man I barely knew saw me in such a horrid state. In fact, it feels kind of natural.
‘Well fuck that shit. You said I would still be one of the cutest even if I were in my PJs didn’t you?’ I teased as I picked up a slice of toast for myself.
‘Yeah yeah yeah whatever.’ He said.
‘Do you really think so though?’ I asked.
‘What?’ He asked.
‘That I’ll still be cute even if I had went in my PJs..’ I said.
He nodded. ‘To be veryyyyy honest, you don’t look too shit right now either. Kinda cute actually.’ He quipped. His cheeky smile was plastered all over his face.
‘Do you have some strange fetish for unkempt girls or something?’ I asked, faced all crunched up.
‘If I do, I would have seduced you by now, snot monster!’ He shot me a wink.
‘Why does he ALWAYS have to be so annoying?!’ I wondered.
‘So... What do you wanna do snot monster. I knowwwww. How about netflix and chill?!’ He looked really excited, his eyes twinkled again.
‘Netflix and chill...?’ I asked, face darkened.
‘The literal netflix and chill dumbass. No way am I going to risk you bruising my beautiful face.’ He whined.
‘I’m glad you remembered.’ I looked at him, pretty proud of myself.
‘Also... erm your heater is broken.’ Mr Dickhead announced.
And so Mr Dickhead and I went on a Gossip Girl binge session huddled in winter gear.
‘Blair Waldorf  FTW!’ He cheered.
‘OMG IKR?! Everyone thinks Serena Van Der Woodsen carried the show, but she has honestly been nothing but a self centered whiny bitch the entire show?!’ I added.
‘Yeah! She comes and goes as she please, gives up a spot in Brown for some useless bratty reason and gets pissed with lonely boy when he decides to date Blair. Like girl.... you shouldn’t have broken up with him in the first place then?!?!’ Mr Dickhead quipped with sass.
It struck me out of a sudden. I was being a Serena to the boy. I left him heart broken, only to come running back when he moved on.
‘Why are you sulking snot monster? Did I said something wrong???’ He sounded concern.
‘It’s not you... remember the boy who offered to send me home last night? He’s my ex... We were really in love, but we grew apart and I broke it off with him after 4 years. I thought I had moved on, but my world came crashing when HE moved on... I’m such a Serena!’ I was sobbing now.
‘Hey hey. It’s okay...’ He said as he stumbled around to look for some tissues.
‘No it isn’t... I was selfish, and now I have lost my chance!’ I was a crying mess.
‘Look snot monster. Look at me.’ He said as he held onto my shoulders.
I looked up as I attempt to wipe away my never ending tears with my hands.
‘He’s not the one for you.’ He looked into my eyes as he tighten his grip on my shoulders.
‘How do you know?! You know nothing! You’re just saying it!’ I cried even harder.
‘I know. and you know why? Because you call him a boy.’ He said.
‘Boys don’t deserve a beautiful woman like you. A man does.’ He continued.
‘You actually didn’t sound too much like a dick for once Mr Dickhead.’ I giggled in between my sobs.
‘Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny snot monster. Come here you.’ He pulled me into his arms as I continued sobbing.
For some reason, it felt so right. My body moulded into his perfectly. He did not seemed to mind some strange girl crying into his shirt. His warmth made me feel safe again. Suddenly the harsh winter seemed a lot more bearable.  
I woke up foggily, as I realised I was still in the arms of the familiar stranger. I tried to move a little to gain grounding of my situation.
‘Hey... You’re up?’ He whispered. He rubbed his eyes sleepily as we both set up; his warmth leaving me once again.
‘The storm has cleared but I figured all that crying must have left you exhausted since you fell asleep so soundly so I thought I shan’t disturb you.’ He explained.
‘Thanks...’ I smiled.
‘Well since you’re up and the weather has cleared, it’s probably time for me to go... My bunny must be starving by now.’ He announced.
‘WHAT?! You have a bunny in your dorm?! How??!!’ I asked, exasperated.
‘Well snot monster, there’s a lot this beautiful face can do.’ He shot me one of his annoyingly enchanting wink and smirk combo again.
‘Well thank you, for everything Mr Dickhead.’ I said as I walked him to the door.
‘Thank you for having me snot monster. I had fun.’He said, his smile seemed almost sad as he walked away.
‘WAIT! My name is...’ 
‘Let’s keep it this way snot monster. I’ll tell you my name the next time we meet!’ His eyes were twinkling again.
‘But... When will I see you again?’ I whispered to myself as the familiar stranger disappeared in sight. Suddenly the winter seemed kinda harsh again.
It was back to the usual grind again. School and lunch dates with Kenta.
‘So.... How was Mr Dickhead???’ Kenta quipped.
‘He’s....nice.’ I said, slightly smiling to myself.
‘Nice? That’s all? Wow he must really suck in bed.’ Kenta snickered.
‘What??? I did not sleep with him???!!!’ I smacked Kenta on his arm before I got up from my seat.
Being the perfectionist that I am, I had pretty stellar grades and I was part of a scholars program by the university. I was going for an exclusive scholars exchange program halfway across the globe. While it is kinda sad to leave Kenta behind, I was kinda glad that I was going away from the harsh winter and into the nice warm Sun. I pulled my scarf closer to myself once again as I scurried to the exchange’s meeting.
‘A very good afternoon to all scholars. It is a pleasure to have you here. Please take a seat and the briefing will begin shortly.’ The professor in charge announced.
I found myself a seat as I casually scanned the room. A familiar sight caught my attention. It was the same annoyingly charming smirk. It was Mr Dickhead across the room. I stared at him wide eyed as he waved. 
‘So as you should already know, all of you represent your majors in pairs and will be heading to our various partnered universities. Here are the names of your partners. Kindly find one another, and take a seat together as we continue with our briefing.
I scanned through the list and found my name along with a Kim Sanggyun.
‘Hey Snot Monster. We meet again!’ Mr Dickhead was all smiles again as he settled down in the seat next to me.
‘You’re Kim Sanggyun...?’ I asked.
‘Guilty as charged.’ He answered with the same cheeky smile.
‘I told you we would meet again didn’t I, Lee Do Hee sshi.’ His eyes twinkled.
‘How did you...?’ I asked.
‘I saw your notice lying on the coffee table the other day snot monster... Why do you look so shock? Surprised that a dickhead like me is a scholar?!’ He quipped.
‘Honestly... yes....’ I snickered.
And so Sanggyun and I travelled together, half way across the globe. I happily strutted out of the airport in my summer dress and sunnies. I took a deep breath, inhaling the summer air. 
‘Ready for the adventure of a lifetime snot monster?’ Sanggyun asked with the same cheeky smile I first spotted at the party.
‘Yes.’ I answered. 
(OH MY GOD. I AM FINALLY DONE. Okay this was quite difficult to write, because ‘boy’ is actually real. I have a super fluffy conclusion planned out, but I thought I’d see the response to this one first. So please show my story, Sanggyun and I some love plzzzzz. This is especially dedicated to all Kim Sanggyun-deprived fans out there!!!!! I sincerely hope sanggyun’s career will take off from JBJ onwards, he really deserves so much more?!)
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kpopwishes · 7 years
he recalled a memory
a short one but vivid memory
he spent his time with the one he fancied
after that day everything was swell
they laughed and played together
they spent seasons together
he outdid himself…
loving that person
that person
that person…
drifted apart from his grasp
he still looks back at the experience and sadly smiles
“maybe next time,” he reassured himself
maybe next time…
Admin Minsoo~
I know no one asked for this but making short stories like this will keep my mind in the mood for writing. Hope you enjoy it :)
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