#nakta scenarios
narika-a · 7 years
I’m Vulnerable When I’m With You
||| @got-7bangtan-boys asked: Could I have an imagine where Topp Dogg is in the mafia and the reader is together with Nakta and he has to protect her because their base was attacked and there was a threat made out to her? |||
Shin Yooncheol (Nakta) x Reader
Genre: Mafia AU
Word Count: 818
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the gif is so freaking big but he looks so good here ahhh
“Are they fucking kidding me?” Yooncheol shouted, smashing his computer into the wall. It was the third time this week and everybody else just sat there and let him release his anger. They were used to his sudden outbursts.
“You should learn to control yourself, I know we have money but damn this was a really good computer,” Sehyuk said picking it up from the ground and throwing it into the trash bin. “Why are you so worked up anyway? It’s not the first time someone threatens us.”
Yooncheol stood up from his table and came to the member who was closest to him. Unfortunately it was Sangwon. He lifted him up by the collar.
“Hey hey hey, calm down, what do I have to do with anything?”
“But Sangwon have you seen what they are writing to me? Those assholes, I don’t care if they threaten us but her, that’s just low.”
Sangwon just smacked his hands away and fixed his tie.
“I have. So what? You really think those cowards will try something?”
“He’s right,” Hoojon stepped in. “They bark but don’t bite.”
At his words there was a knock on the door and everyone turned to them.
“Sorry for interrupting but is everything okay?” you asked from the doorway. “Yooncheol, I could hear you shouting all the way from the hall.”
He looked at the others and went to you.
“Ah it’s nothing, we’re done here,” he said guiding you outside. He turned to the members before going out. “Find out where they are. Just in case.”
Once you two were alone you stopped him so he would look at you. He seemed nervous and you immediately realized something is happening. You took his hand.
“Yooncheol, tell me,” you asked him. He stood still, thinking how to start. It’s not easy telling the person you care about and who’s your biggest weakness as well that there’s someone out there after her head. As he was wondering what to say there was a loud crash from downstairs. You saw Sehyuk running out of the room they were all in before. He looked at you two.
“Yooncheol, shit. Get her out of here. They weren’t joking this time.”
Yooncheol eyes widened at his statement, he quickly took your hand and ran to the room they were keep their guns and ammunition in.
“Why now?” he mumbled. “I wasn’t ready.”
He was seriously pissed and you decided not to bother him while he chose which guns to take.
“Where the hell are the others when I need them!” he shouted but you knew he was right, if you’re getting attacked, there’s not much you can do with only four of them here.
“This way,” he said taking your hand again. It was silent in this hallway but you could hear footsteps and gun shots going around the house. He pressed you to one of the corner walls as someone approached you two. He jumped out at the last second, pointing his gun.
“Whoa! Careful now!”
“Jiho! Where did you come from?”
“Hoojon called me, luckily I was nearby,” he said glaring at you. “I told you many times over that if you keep her there will be nothing but trouble, if we lose our base because of her…”
“You shut your mouth,” Yooncheol shouted but you stepped in before he could do anything.
“I don’t think this is the right time for that, come with me, I have a plan,” you sneaked with them downstairs to one of the back doors leading to the yard. “There’s not a lot of us but we can attack from behind and take them by surprise,” you explained.
Both of them were taken aback by your plan.
“I have to admit that’s pretty clever,” Jiho smirked.
“Now I feel kind of stupid I didn’t come up with this sooner,” Yooncheol sighed, he pointed to the door. “You go first, we will catch up.”
You watched Jiho disappear behind them and turned to Yooncheol who was getting ready to run there himself. You pulled him by the sleeve.
“Cheol, give me a gun.”
“What? No, no way.”
“Come on, I know how to protect myself, you will need all the help you can get.”
“Maybe I want to protect you,” but you pouted at his statement.
“Aish, fine. I can’t resist you anyway,” he said handing you the gun. You both crossed over to the door and he peeked outside.
“Coast is clear,” he told you but was still reluctant to move out. He looked at you. “Say aren’t you scared? Like not at all?”
“Why would I? I have you with me,” you smiled to him, making him blush.
“Touché,” he said putting his forehead against yours. “Don’t you dare get injured.” 
He opened the door and looked outside for the last time. 
“Let’s go. I’m completely vulnerable when I’m with you.”
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toppdoggfanfics · 5 years
han jiwon as boyfriend
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jiwon is just so... ughhh handsome & perfect!!! he kinda looks like lee min ho but better (bec of his tattoos!!) you’re qualified for a discount if you know him from toppdogg’s “happy in china” vid :)
follow him on ig @the_hlb & check out his songs on youtube & spotify as well <3
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Nakta’s shirts
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cb-143 · 6 years
You had been absolutely bored at work. It was the middle of a weekday, there weren't many customers. At this given moment, there was no one else in the store but you and the animals. Of course, there were multiple things which would need to be taken care of – paperwork, clean the store, maybe pet the newly born bunny babies.. however, you were too used to this routine, too lazy, and so tired from your boredom, that all you did was stand behind the counter uselessly.
That's when your eyes lit up even more when Yooncheol entered your petstore!
"What are you doing here?" You ask. Upon seeing his face, your eyes lit up and a smile finds its way onto your face.
"Thought I'd visit you." He explains, mirroring the happy emotions you're showing him. "I've never visited you at work.." His eyes drift off to the different foods and toys on the shelves and an idea forms in your mind. Youre boredom is forgotten instantly, now you're full of enthusiasm and excited to show Yooncheol around.
"Come on, I will show you the animals!" Yooncheol also seems excited about this. He follows you around the store, listens to you tell him about the animals. Occasionally, he will let out an "awww" or "eww" at the sight of them. When you get to the frogs, however, he becomes very happy. His eyes are widely open, sparkling with delight. His mouth is opened wide in a smile and he just watches them hop about the place.
"I want them all!" You laugh at his cute reactions. "Well, you can have them all, in an exchange for money."
"Can I just stay here and watch them all day?" He then asks, and you shake your head – he's too hilarious.. but you would have some company.
"That's fine by me."
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kunderdogs · 5 years
Topp Dogg / Jealousy
Basically what the members are like when they’re jealous. I love TD but unfortunately, I will not write for them any longer. TD has disbanded and I will write for Xeno-T (which is B-Joo, Xero, Sangdo, Sangwon & Hojoon) so these few TD reactions will be the last :( Also, with all the drama between P-Goon and Yumin, I’ve decided to not include him any further. It’s just messy.
Hansol: Jealous? PFFT. He’ll deny it until he is blue in the face that he’s. not. jealous. Will swear up and down and sideways - nope! Jealous, who is she? Never heard of her! But all the while, he’s glaring at whoever is talking to his s/o. Like daggers for eyes. Definitely will pout and whine until all the attention is back where he needs it - on him only!
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A-Tom: Quiet. The kind that leaves a dark feeling hanging in the air. His s/o is not going to be out of his sight when he notices some guy flirting. He’ll hang back and wait to see what you’ll do but just now he’s lurking in the shadows, ready to come to defend you if he has to. If he’s feeling a little bold (or drunk), he may just crash the conversation like “Yah, back the fuck up off my chick.” 10/10 would throw hands but you try to avoid conflict because you don’t want him to get hurt, so you end up dragging him home. He’ll talk the most shit to anyone hitting on his s/o though, “Get the fuck outta my face, you broke ass, living witcho mama, umpa loompa looking ass moth-” He can back up his shit talking with these hands. Lots of confrontation when he’s drunk and someone hits on you. You just can’t take him no where cause he be wildin.
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Nakta: You wouldn’t know until it’s too late. If it was innocent flirting and you quickly shut it down, he’ll just roll his eyes and continue on with what he’s doing. If the guy was persistent, he would pull you close to him and keep you there for the duration of the night. Woudn’t say much but would glare at this guy, promising death if he continued. If it came down to it, he would say something but it would be super passive aggressive. He wouldn’t throw the first punch but he’ll damn sure finish it. “Baby girl, stop entertaining these clowns.”
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Jenissi: It would take a lot to get him jealous. He’s very secure with himself and his s/o so it would have to be someone really pursuing you aggressively for him to act. He’s the kind of guy to encourage his gf to wear sexy clothes because he’s proud and wants to show her off to the world. Big dick energy, istg. If someone had grabbed you or was in your face, trying to holla at you, then he doesn’t mind getting physical at all but he is going to say some words. “Touch her again and I’ll break your fuckin’ arm. Real shit.” He’s the silent type of jealous, but over protective as FUCk. Depending on his soberness, he might swing first and ask questions later, especially if he saw you were uncomfortable.
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Sangdo: Probably the most sensible of the bunch. Will rarely ever get jealous because like Jenissi, he’s also very secure about the relationship. He also doesn’t mind if others find his s/o attractive. They can look but can’t touch. If you’re uncomfortable with someone flirting, he will intervene with a simple “Hey baby, you okay? Sorry there was a line at the bathroom.” and steer you into a different direction. He doesn’t resort to violence since he knows it will accomplish nothing besides ruining the night for you two so he tries to avoid it as best he can.
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Hojoon: Another one who is not going to resort to violence. Hojoon will respect you to handle anyone flirting with you and, if he’s in a good enough mood, he’ll even find it amusing at how someone was trying to hit on you when you were shooting them down left and right. He couldn’t blame them, you were fine as fuck and even the blind could see that. He won’t let it go on too long, his pride wouldn’t let him so he’ll cut into the conversation rudely by locking lips with you. He’ll even smirk when he breaks it too and say something cocky like “Babe you look good tonight. Let’s get you home, yeah?” And that’ll be the end of that.
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Xero: It’s so obvious when he’s jealous. Anyone looking at you is on his shit-list, even his members, like no one is safe. Yeah, you’re hot, but damn can’t they keep their eyes to themselves?! He tries his best to keep it inside but he ends up commenting under his breath, “That cheeky fucker keeps giving you looks. I’m going to have some words with him.” 10/10 will throw the first punch but he can’t fight so you have to calm him down every time. Denies that he’s jealous because “it’s a respect thing! You don’t go around looking at girl’s asses like that!” Feels like defending your honor but you have to remind him that you can take care of yourself. Doesn’t let you out of his sight so no one has the chance to hit on you anyway.
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B-Joo: Offended (for you) and loud af about it. “You just gonna give my girl the bedroom eyes, huh? Damn at least say hi before you stare at her like that, you creep.” Literally can’t take him anywhere because he’ll make a scene. He’s a hard one to make jealous because he needs constant reassurance so you’ll be telling him sweet shit every day. He’s upset that men will just oogle you so openly. Did they not have manners? When he does get jealous, it’s only if his s/o is giving someone close to him more attention and then he’ll be a fucking BRAT. Glaring at whoever has your attention and when you notice his sulky mood, he’ll be childish af like “Why don’t you go hang out with Hojoon since you like him more than me.” Pouting baby all day until you attack him with kisses and hugs.
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Yano: He’s not going to be irrationally jealous. Another member who understands that you’re capable of handling it on your own. His jealousy will only surface if the other person didn’t stop pestering you. Then he’s stomping over to you with murder in his eyes. He’s a mix between A-tom and Hojoon, like he won’t throw the first punch but he’ll 1000% make sure anyone in a ten mile radius knows that you’re his. Will kiss you or grab you around the waist and then make eye contact with whoever was flirting with you. “So, what’s so funny? I like jokes.”
(Hansol looks so disgusted with him lmao I couldn’t resist)
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toppdoggyio · 8 years
here’s part two to the First Street series!! Instead of loosely basing it off the song like sanggyun’s, I actually went and wrote off the lyrics, so that’s why some things sound weird and it’s structured kinda odd. Blind is my fave song off the album tho and I’m rly proud of this :’) also I love angst send some angst requests in !!
Topp Dogg; Yooncheol; Angst; Gender-Neutral; First Street; 1039 Words
Yooncheol knows that it’s too late. He can’t turn the broken time back.
sehyuk; sangdo; hojoon; hansol; byungjoo; jiho; sanggyun; sangwon
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Yooncheol can see you through the window. In the back of the coffee shop you sit, facing him, but you’re too engrossed in the swirls of your latte that you don’t notice. ‘They look depressed’, he thinks, and he feels a pang in his chest. Yooncheol knows he caused this, and he can’t do anything about it. Yet somehow, you still look beautiful, twirling the wire of your headphones in between your fingers, eyes still focused on your cup. Something is holding him down. Yooncheol watches as you make your way to the door, untouched coffee in hand. He knows that if he doesn’t do something, anything, right now, everything will crumble. Suddenly all he sees is your back at the end of the sidewalk, about to turn the corner onto the street that he knows leads to your apartment. He’s walked it too many times to count. You take the last step at the end, and he calls out several times. But you don’t answer and Yooncheol questions whether his mouth opened at all. He misses you. Your smiling face when he cracks a joke, your hand squeezing his even though it embarrassed you. Pride on your face when he shows you a song he’s been working on, content late at night when you both can’t sleep and Yooncheol’s been talking about frogs for an hour, he misses it. People always assume that he’s awkward around you, but it’s the opposite. It’s all light kisses, soft touches, lying on the couch together just doing whatever and he loves that. He misses you. He loves you. Even if the two of you can’t turn things back, he’ll always remain by your side, waiting, in a way. You take him out in the best way possible, and he can’t believe he let you go. ‘I must look like an idiot.’ Yooncheol thinks, crying, standing in the middle of the sidewalk, staring at the corner you had turned. It doesn’t look good on him, he thinks. But he’s sorry, and he’s blind to everyone and everything around him. But it’s too late now. You’re gone from his sight, his grasp. There’s no way to turn the broken time back, to fix things. One of your friends told him, yesterday, that you seem depressed these days. He can’t do anything for you, but god he wishes he could. It feels like you’re so close to him. Yooncheol’s mind feels like static, but his memories of you are bright. You were, no, you are his sunshine, the only thing that’s light on this grey day. Clearly, you shine, at the tip of his hands. He wants to reach out to touch you, but you’re gone and he’s blind.    When he doesn’t answer, your friend asks if he’s feeling fine. He’s not. He’s wrecked, destroyed. But he wants to ask you. Are you fine? All he can think about is you. The way your eyes sparkle in the sunlight, the huge grin on your face when he spots you in the audience at one of his shows. How you get along so well with the other members, with his family. He thinks about how your skin feels against his and how warm he feels sleeping next to you. Yooncheol’s not really sure where he went wrong. But he’s changed, just the way you wanted.    He remembers your first date with him. He took you to an arcade because he wasn’t really sure what to do and Hojoon said he should. Turns out the arcade closed down a couple days before your date and he was so scared you’d leave. But you just smiled at him, took his hand, and dragged him to your apartment.    “If you wanted to play video games,” you said, pulling out a box. “You shoulda just said so.” Then it was suddenly three in the morning and the two of you were still on your couch, but you were passed out on his shoulder just after calling him a loser (even though he had won). That’s when he knew that he wanted to be with you, wanted to make this work. He wants to go back to those times.    What’s the point, though? There’s no fixing this, there’s no solution, there’s nothing. Without you there’s nothing. Without you, his life is done. What can he do? He can’t turn things back. You take him out in the worst way possible. And god, is he sorry. For everything. Anything. Whatever bad has happened to you, he’s sorry. He can’t believe it. He can’t believe that he just let you slip away from him, fell from his grasp, dropped into oblivion.    Yooncheol’s crying. It’s something that happens a lot nowadays. He’s blind to the world sometimes, everything’s out of focus and fuzzy except for you. The other members know it’s too late. Nobody can turn the broken time back. Not them. Not you. Certainly not Yooncheol. But he’ll still be there for you, as you’ve been there for him.    The first time you saw him cry, the two of you were younger and had just started dating. This was before Topp Dogg was even thought about when Yooncheol was still in MyDol. Both of you were convinced he’d win, he’d get to be in a new group with five other members. He was to go to your apartment right after to celebrate. Except, when he walked in (you had just given him a key and the both of you were excited for him to use it.) his melancholy expression nowhere near matched your enthusiastic one. Your face immediately fell, knowing exactly what happened. So you rushed up to him, took his bag and placed it on the floor, and hugged him. At first, he tried not to cry, but after an hour when you pulled away, there were tear tracks on his face and a wet spot on your shoulder.    You mean everything to him. You take him out in the best (worst) way possible. He’s sorry, so, so, sorry for everything that’s happened. You’re his way out. He can’t believe it. He’s crying and he’s blind, so blind. Yooncheol knows it’s too late. Too late to turn the broken time back.
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i-growl-growl-growl · 4 years
mobile masterlist attempt post
Not all reactions/talks/scenarios/imagines and other requests have been added to this post. As the blog is updated, so shall this post.
                                            Reactions Masterlist
                        Stray Kids Reactions
A girl group has a similar name and the same concepts and songs as them
                      Topp Dogg Reactions
being trapped in an elevator with their crush (B-Joo, A-Tom, Xero)
their partner asks them to go on an art heist with them  (Sangdo, Xero, B-Joo, Hansol)
Their partner brakes their leg on a date before they go on tour  (Xero, Sangdo, P-Goon, Nakta and B-Joo)
                          Astro Reactions
they find out you have a special talent they never knew about
you being insecure about your chubby cheeks
you want to go ballroom dancing with them
                    seventeen reactions
Their s/o proposing to THEM (S.Coups-Woozi) maknae line to be uploaded
Their s/o can’t get up the morning after
Their s/o has a catlike personality
Their s/o is a little
                          Ikon Reactions
Falling in love with the new anti-social female member (B.I, Bobby, Jinhwan, Donghyuk)
What kind of Yanderes iKon would be
Someone tries to take advantage of their s/o (Jinhwan, Donghyuk, Bobby, B.I)
                         ATEEZ reactions
their darling asks them to impregnate them (yeosang)(hongjoong)(seonghwa)(mingi)(jongho)(yunho)(san)(wooyoung) Yandere
types of yanderes (Yeosang)(Seonghwa)(Hongjoong)(Yunho)(San)(Mingi)(Wooyoung)(Jongho)     scenario+description
                             Bts reactions
Their hybrid doesn’t want to wear their leash outside Hybrid
Recieving a handmade gift from their s/o
                        Monsta X Reactions
their s/o makes them a handmade gift
Hi…I’m new around here, can anyone show me around? Kina
what type of Yandere Monsta X would be *not a reaction*
                             Got7 reactions
seeing/being shown their child’s self-harm scars/seeing scars
their partner has an asthma attack
catching you dancing to stellar’s vibrato
their partner cant chose a dress for their date
their Idol partner does the gwiyomi song on a variety show
their partner said “yes” to a little boys proposal
a 5 year old asks their partner to marry them
a girl group debuts with the same songs as them
you surprise them while they’re practicing/working
seeing someone they like walking towards them but the person faints
being stuck in an elevator with a foreigner (feat. exo)
their partner brings home a dog and gives it their bed but they don’t tell them
their partner is afraid to travel by plane
being in the middle of an earthquake
waking up in an alleyway and not remembering anything
finding a poisonous snake in their bed
being told they were the heir to the throne of an alien planet
confessing to the person they like but being rejected
recognizing you at a fan meet because you’ve been to so many of them
how they’d want to be comforted
seeing your self-harm scars
you hug another boy but they don’t know it’s your brother
finding out you can play an instrument
secretly watching you sing “Dear Future Husband”
seeing someone with scars and finding out they’re from clumsiness
                      Nct Reactions
(YANDERE) finding out their s/o cheated on them as a revenge (Taeyong & Yuta) 42
(VAMPIRE) smelling blood that leads them to their soulmate (Jaehyun)(Kun)(RenJun)
(YANDERE) you have been in a relationship before (NCT Dream)
(YANDERE) They found out your taking a birth control pill (Taeyong, Jaehyun, Lucas, Jeno)
(HYBRID) they are wild but get caught and stay in a adoption center until they are adopted
(YANDERE) you’re horny and ask them to impregnate you (Taeil-Jeno)
(TSUNDERE) You tell him that he’s your ideal type (Jaemin only) 33
(YANDERE) you want to meet your family in a different country (Taeil-Ten)
(YANDERE) their s/o caves in to them (dreamies)
(suicide) the boys see that their lover commited suicide (Taeil-WinWin)
finding out that their s/o is infertile (Taeil-YangYang)
(YANDERE) waking up to their darling looking at them and caressing their cheek (OT21)
(YANDERE) their s/o with curly hair isn’t keen on her curly hair and wants to straighten it OT21
(YANDERE) their s/o falls for his fellow member who is also yandere OT21
(YANDERE) When their s/o need a lot of personal space (edition 1)(edition 2)
When his partner helps him during pregnancy (Yuta) (Ten)
(YANDERE) you finally falling in love with them after they had kidnapped you OT21
(YANDERE) (remaining members)(Taeil, Yuta-RenJun) seeing their s/o for the first time (WayV Version)
types of Yandere  OT21 (not a reaction)
what yandere nct would want for their birthdays OT21 🌼
how yandere!nct would prefer to be called? OT21 (not a reaction)
What they’d like to call their darling OT21 (not a reaction)
(YANDERE—- Yuta only) s/o selfharms because he hurts their friends
(YANDERE/slightly NSFW- legal line) their s/o wants to dominate
(YANDERE) s/o fakes their death to escape OT21
(YANDERE) Their s/o tries to escape from them 0T21
(Renjun) (Jisung) (Jeno)Finding Santa delivering their presents (Chenle) (Jaemin)
Exo/NCT announcing to their partner that they’re pregnant (Luhan, Baekhyun, Yuta, Ten)
Their band mistaking his twin for them and taking him on stage instead (Taeyong, Jaehyun, Johnny, Mark)
Arguing with their partner over their parents finding about about their relationship (Taeil, Yuta, Taeyong, mark, WinWin)
Meeting their lost lost identical twins (Taeyong, Jaehyun, Johnny, Mark)
Their partner cuddles with a giant teddy bear that helps them sleep (Taeyong, Jaehyun, Ten, WinWin)
(MAFIA) s/o tells them their drink was spiked
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yandere kageyama (headcanon)
(scenario) Different Courts (yandere Hinata Shoyo)
(scenario) Bloodied Blazer (yandere Oikawa tooru)
yandere hinata (headcanon)
(reaction) his feelings aren’t returned Yandere Kuroo
yandere Nishinoya (headcanon)
yandere Iwazumi (headcanon)
💭💭💭💭💭 💭💭💭💭💭 💭💭💭💭💭 💭💭💭💭💭 💭💭💭💭💭 
(scenario) arranged marriage (Yandere Taeyong)
(ask) How does he not shatter his s/o’s entire skeleton during punishments Yandere Taeyong 🔪
(imagine/scenario) argument (Yandere Kun)
(ask) wouldn’t want to make him angry (Yandere Taeyong)
(ask) s/o with withdrawal symptoms misses dosses, who uses that against them (Yandere NCT)
(ask) How would yandere taeyong act like with a very submissive s/o (Yandere Taeyong)
(ask) what punishments would they give his s/o? (Yandere Taeyong + Yandere Yuta)
(scenario) You Will (monster/yandere Seonghwa)
?Headcannon? jaeyong poly yandere (yandere Jaehyun, Yandere Taeyong) 🍋
(scenario) when the victim wakes up at his place for the first time (Yandere Ten)
(imagine) a boy in a yellow hoodie catches your attention in highschool (TXT Hueningkai) fluff
(ask) What would make him act romantic towards the s/o (Yandere Taeyong)
(ask) Difference between domyan-yandere-subyan WinWin (yandere nct)
Sub!Yandere Taeyong (yandere nct)
(scenario ) you are in a gg and will go solo for the first time and JYP asks for Chan to help you with your songs (Bang Chan) fluff
(scenario) he finds out that his girlfriend is pregnant and about to run away (Mafia Kyungsoo) fluff+angst
(ask) what if their darling suddenly get pregnant one day (yandere nct)
(ask) How would he act around his lover (yandere wonho)
(ask) kind kind of yandere is he (yandere Shownu)
(imagine) Luhan as a yandere’s victim (victim Luhan)
(fanfic) My Strong Rebel (Yesang x Seonghwa)
(imagine) making small cookies saying “ go out with me”, but you eat them without looking baker!doyoung
(ask) I better stay home with taeyongie, right? (Yandere Taeyong)
(scenario) taeyong regretting kidnapping his s/o and apologizing (Yandere-ish)
Love Never-ending (NCT member (unrevealed) x Reader)
Journey to retrieve the Akarnek: Intro (Kris) discontinued
(scenario) Stress In The Night (Chanyeol x Reader)
(scenario) The Beast within the Dark Forest  (Minhyuk x Reader)
(scenario) A Run for Forbidden Love (Baekhyun (wang Eun) x Reader)
(scenario) Suho is in Baby Space and only the reader can calm them down (Baby Space/ Little Space)
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                                          Most to least
WayV MTL to date a fan
Nct mtl to accept and stay with a significant other who doesn’t want any kids
Monsta X MTL to kidnap their crush Yandere
Wayv mtl to date someone whose height is 4’11
TXT mtl to date a girl who is into wrestling
WAYV Mtl to date someone as short as 155cm
Yandere!Monsta X MTL to not allow their to visit their own family (Yandere)
WayV mtl to date a 2001 liner
NCT Yandere if their s/o managed to escape, who’d enjoy the thrill of the chase (yandere)
TXT mtl to date someone who is insecure but is working hard to be more confident
NCT MTL where each member place on the sadistic spectrum (yandere version)
TXT mtl date a tsundere
Monsta X mtl happy to have a s/o who likes to sit on his lap
NCT Mtl get a choker/collar to their s/o (yandere)
NCT Yandere MTL to don’t like a dirt mouth as s/o (yandere)
NCT mtL to enjoy having a bratty s/o (Yandere)
Ikon MLT to Take you with them everywhere instead of keeping you locked in their house (Yandere)
NCT Yandere (wayv, 127 and U) mtl to give a sexual punishment (Yandere)
NCT Yandere MtL to love their darling to have childish personality (Yandere)
NCT MtL to have a loud/playful partner
EXO MtL to liking their s/o having a daddy kink 
💬💬💬💬💬 💬💬💬💬💬 💬💬💬💬💬 💬💬💬💬💬 💬💬💬💬💬
(text) their sibling wanting them to be picked up after a date gone wrong (Doyoung, Taeyong, Johnny, Yuta, and Lucas) older brother
(text) when you ask them for money (Taeil, Johnny, Taeyong, Yuta, Mark) older brother
(text?) how everyday тeхтѕ are wιтн vernon (Seventeen)
🎥🎥🎥🎥🎥 🎥🎥🎥🎥🎥 🎥🎥🎥🎥🎥 🎥🎥🎥🎥🎥 🎥🎥🎥🎥🎥
                                  drama series requests
             The Untamed
They see their hybrid is injured/attacked and want to heal them
💘💘💘💘💘 💘💘💘💘💘 💘💘💘💘💘 💘💘💘💘💘 💘💘💘💘💘
             Love by Chance
Love Over Pain (scenario)
🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭 🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭 🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭 🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭 🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭
wooyoung blue (water) GIF moodboard
Date in the City w/ Suga GIF moodboard
Boyfriend Xero GIF moodboard
ToppDogg Forever GIF moodboard
Happy Birthday Yano GIF moodboard
“Sweets” Xero GIF moodboard
“he smells of gingerbread” (Bjoo) GIF moodboard
White Winter w/ Bjoo GIF moodboard
🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫 🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫 🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫 🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫 🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫
18 I don’t know u at all and I’m not sure I can be with you anymore Mafia Taeyong
17 it’s been what 3 weeks?? I’m tired, I can’t do this anymore Mafia Mark & Haechan (NCT) 🌹
16 we should go on a trip, a trip to a isolated beach would be really good to us Mafia Doyoung (NCT)
15 Yuta, STOP! We can’t keep meting like this, I have a fiancé! Mafia Yuta (NCT)
14  I really think fighting the guys chasing us Is safer than riding a motorcycle with you Mafia Mark (NCT)
13 I’m not changing Jae! This dress isn’t too sexy, don’t you wanna show off a beauty like me? Mafia Jaehyun (NCT)
12 Why won’t you let me join your gang? Mafia Lucas (NCT)
11 I’m sorry for been a brat with you earlier…what if you leave just one man to watch me? Mafia Doyoung (NCT)
10. okay you’ve caught me but how can I even escape here.. It’s like a maze. Mafia Mark & Haechan (NCT) 🌹
9. YUTA LET ME OUT! Mafia Yuta (NCT)
8. since this is a arranged marriage, I don’t expect you loving me Mafia Johnny (NCT)
7. are you seriously trying to convince me the you are a professional hit man? Mafia Jaehyun (NCT)
6. aren’t you excited?! This is our first mission as officially mafia members! Mafia Lucas (NCT)
5. I know nothing about my father’s business please let me go! Mafia Mark & Haechan (NCT) 🌹
4. tell your men to stop following me every damn place I go! Mafia Doyoung (NCT)
3. Care to explain me WHY THE HELL THESE MEN ARE CHASING US?! Mafia Johnny (NCT)
2. what exactly makes you want to involve yourself with this mess?! Mafia Jaehyun (NCT)
1. Are you the one assigned to train me? Mafia Mark (NCT)
🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️ 🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️ 🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️ 🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️ 🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️ 🧛‍♂️
I don’t want you to suck my blood or anything just so I can stay with you “forever” Vampire Taeyong (NCT)💐
🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪
YandereTalks 1-80 (79 NCT, 1 Monsta X)
80 Why are you still keeping me here? Yandere Kun (NCT) 🐝
79 I’m going to a friend’s party, you wanna come? Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🥓
78 seriously? yuta is taken too… haechan…? Yandere Haechan (NCT) 🌼
77 Why are you hanging out with other girls when you have me right here? Yandere Jisung (NCT) 🌸
76 no one talks to yandere yuta… maybe I should… Yandere Yuta (NCT) 🌼
75 Its a been a year since we started dating dont you think it’s ok if you let me go for a walk? Yandere Yuta (NCT) 😎
74 I made some cookies for you while you were gone Yandere YangYang (NCT) 🤯
73 you’re so cute, I love you so much Yandere Jisung (NCT) 🍡
72 they came over when you were gone, but I didn’t know they would come Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
71 I’m sorry for making you mad, just please talk to me!! Yandere Jisung (NCT) 🌸
70 With all these punishments, I’m feeling useless Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
69 don’t put me in the basement, it’s dark and scary down there!!! Yandere Mark (NCT)
68 I’m really mad at you… Yandere Kun (NCT)
67 i don’t want to lose you just because of my sexuality…. Yandere WinWin (NCT)
66 wonder if I need to go to doctor to check if I’m pregnant Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
65 mark told me he likes me! What should I do? Yandere Mark (NCT) 🐾
64 can we go shopping I need some stuff like panties Yandere Ten (NCT)
63 you don’t satisfy my needs sexually Yandere Ten (NCT)
62 Everytime your partner is jealous over nothing it leads to “jealous sex” which disgusts me Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
61 Would you mind walking me home tonight? Yandere RenJun (NCT) 🔮
60 I want to leave this fucking house please! Yandere Jaehyun (NCT) 😪
59 can we cuddle? I’m so tired Yandere Jaemin (NCT)
58 I’ll sit in the corner til you understand what a cute ball of sunshine you lost Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
57 why do you keep following me everywhere?! leave me alone! Yandere Mark (NCT) 🍉
56 there is a guy spying on me Yandere Chenle (NCT) ♠️
55 I love kisses and cuddles with youuuuuu Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
54 Where would you want to touch me if you were free? Yandere Jungwoo (NCT) ~wings
53 I’m scared here in the dark locked up Yandere Taeil (NCT)
52 I’ll try and hang out with you more often Yandere Jisung (NCT) 🌸
51 I’m sorry that I’ll never live up to your expectations of me Yandere RenJun (NCT)
50 would you mind having threeway with us and another woman? Yandere Ten (NCT)
49 what would you do if your family didn’t approve your s/o? Yandere Ten (NCT)
48 could you pretty please go with me to take my dog to the park? Yandere Yuta (NCT) ✨
47 I’m an independent person and you are not my dad Yandere Jaemin (NCT) ☘
46 can i pretty please meet up with my friends? I really miss them Yandere Haechan (NCT)
45 I’m cold *shivers* Would you mind if I borrowed your sweater? Yandere Jeno (NCT)
44 can I go out with some of my friends please? It’s 1 of their birthdays Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
43 I’ve been pregnant without telling you for 3 months Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
42 I’m pregnant with your baby Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
41 i love girls.. i hope that doesn’t change anything Yandere WinWin (NCT)
40 I’m sorry for trying to run away Yandere Jaemin (NCT) 🐏
39 can I spend the night with you please? Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌙
38 I can’t tell if I want you to watch movies & cuddle me or pin me against the wall & kiss Yandere Jaehyun (NCT)
37 I can’t accept your confession Yandere Jaemin (NCT)
36 kisses are enough reward though I’d also like some cuddles Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
35 Can I go to the mall with my guy friends? Yandere Jisung (NCT) 🌸
34 I’m yours and you’re mine right? Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
33 I’ll be visiting my family in Europe Yandere WinWin (NCT) 🐰
32 I think I fell for you Yandere Jaemin (NCT)
31 I won’t take the handcuffs off Yandere Jungwoo (NCT) ~wings
30 I got A on my last exam and I’m straight A student now Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
29 am I allowed out to buy ingredients to cook for you? Yandere Ten (NCT) 🐺
28 can I go to the gym with my friends? Yandere Jisung (NCT) 🌸
27 can I sit on your lap? I’ve been good Yandere ten (NCT)
26 I have exam time right now…Any idea how to relieve some stress? Yandere Johnny (NCT) 🥀
25 don’t touch me or come near me.. I’m getting sick Yandere Jaemin (NCT) anon♡
24 Would you let me violate your body? Yandere Ten (NCT)
23 I saw you with some girl yesterday. why you love hurting me? Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
22 can y-you please let me out… I’ve been in here for the last 4 days Yandere Mark (NCT) ⚡
21 a girl likes you…it makes me jealous because you’re supposed to be m i n e Yandere Jaemin (NCT)
20 I didn’t mean to stare… You really are an incredible dancer Yandere Ten (NCT)
19 Don’t worry, You’ll like what I’ll do to you Yandere Jungwoo (NCT) ~wings
1 You can smash my phone anytime Yandere Jaemin (NCT)
2 Can I go out with friends? Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
3 … I love you… Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼  need to find and relink
4 I did nothing wrong, I’m just shy Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
5 kiss and cuddles Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
6 What if you fall out of love Yandere Jaemin (NCT)
7 Can you hold me Yandere Lucas (NCT)
8 Can I start a garden Yandere Jeno (NCT)
9 You deserve your punishment Yandere Jungwoo (NCT) ~Wings
10 I’m sorry Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
11 Yuta… I’m in love with someone else Yandere Yuta (NCT) 🐰
12 My guy friend told me to leave you Yandere Ten (NCT)
13 why must you act as if I’m so much younger than you Yandere Jisung (NCT)
14 What if Yandere Jaemin wants to share me Yandere Haechan (NCT)
15 wouldn’t it be bothersome if I get pregnant and give birth? Yandere Jaehyun (NCT)
16 I know you want to sleep but I’ve prepared your favorite breakfast Yandere Hyungwon (Monsta X)
17 Can we talk? Yandere Jaemin (NCT) 🐏
18 it’s ok to treat me like a baby sometimes Yandere Jisung (NCT) 🌸
YandereTalks 81-161 (79 NCT, 1 Monsta X)
80 somehow enjoying anything without you feels wrong Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
79 I will not give in to you! Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🤡
78 Oh no, he’s gonna be so mad! Yandere Jisung (NCT) 🌸
77 Can we watch memes? Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🥓
76 if you really do love me then why do you leave to see other girls? Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
75 Would you take me to a movie theater? Yandere Kun (NCT) 🐝
74 you can literally have anyone in the world, why specifically me? Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🤡
73 I love my work and if you can’t accept it, I will break up with you Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
72 I just stumbled and accidentally hit the kitchen counter when I went to the kitchen Yandere Johnny (NCT) 🐻
71 Would you maybe, perhaps, like to go out sometime..? Yandere Yuta (NCT)
70 i wanna do things to u + with u Yandere Yuta (NCT) 🧸
69 I’m not bad at pick-up lines Yandere Johnny (NCT) 🥓
68 that long hair in Wakey Wakey looks so good on you! Yandere Johnny (NCT)🥓
67 If you wanted to walk with me you should just asked Yandere XiaoJun (NCT)🦇
66 I have plans tonight Yandere XiaoJun (NCT)
65 Let’s talk later when we’re both calmer Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🔪
64 I wanted to ask you what you actually meant with keeping me innocent Yandere Jaehyun (NCT)
63 Yandere Chenle, but you’re allowed to call me Birdie Yandere Chenle (NCT) 🌸
62 I just want to be able to hug and cuddle you more Yandere Mark (NCT) ☂️
61 can we please sit on the roof or on the balcony when it gets dark? Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
60 I think we need to end this, this relationship Yandere Wonho (Monsta X)
59 You are the yee to my haw Yandere Johnny (NCT) 🥓
58 people might find you intimidating but i’m more intrigued by you than anything else Yandere Johnny (NCT) 💌
57 your love for me is not stupid, cutie, i’m touched that you love me. Yandere WinWin (NCT)
56 why you are allowed to fuck other girls? If you don’t stop, I will go and do the same Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
55 can you please be more gentle with me…? I have lots of bruises and they hurt Yandere Mark (NCT)
54 I just watched a horror movie and now I’m scared Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
53 why did some girl stop me on my way to class to tell me she’s your soulmate? Yandere Lucas (NCT)
52 I come here a lot inbetween classes. Is your school around here too? Yandere RenJun (NCT) -Mayleigh
51 it would be fine for me to just have one night stand or quick fuck with someone, right? Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
50 are you leaving…? to some girl again…? will you at least come home tonight…? Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
49 i’ve been so lonely lately. nobody’s talking to me, but i only need you right? Yandere Jaehyun (NCT)
48 no one is talking to you why is that? Yandere Lucas (NCT) 🌙
47 I can defend myself. I’m not that weak Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
46 my brother said that you are a bad influence for me so I can’t spend my time with you anymore Yandere Kun (NCT)
45 Do you want to maybe.. be mine for tonight? I could have lots of fun with you Yandere Jungwoo (NCT) -3am
44 Uhhh.. hey babe… do you need something?? …………?Victim Jeno? (NCT) 🍡
43 you are the reason i’m still hanging on. i love you Yandere Kun (NCT) ✈️
42 Why do you keep me locked inside the house while you go out? Yandere Hendery (NCT) 🤡
41 I will do what you ask, it is anything in particular you would want from me? Yandere Kun (NCT) 🐝
40 i wanted to tell you that i think you’re stunning Yandere Yuta (NCT) 💸
39 I can contact my friends so they can come and help me clean, but I’ll need my phone back Yandere Kun (NCT) 🐝
38 we can cuddle and play video games Yandere Jisung (NCT) 🌸
37 Jisungie-ah~ you’re so cute~ do you want noona to eat ice cream with me? Yandere Jisung (NCT) 🥓
36 I’m so sorry, taeyong… you’re love of my life too Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
35 please let me go outside, I’ll do anything you want please Yandere Jaehyun (NCT) 😪
34 w-what are you gonna do to me? Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
33 Call you Mr. Cool? I can do that Yandere Chenle (NCT) 🌸
32 there’s no point in trying to hide when I can literally see you standing behind that tree Yandere XiaoJun (NCT) 🦇
31 How am I supposed to tutor you if you just stare off into space? Yandere XiaoJun (NCT)
30 you seemed lonely so I wanted to talk to you, but um… Why is everyone ignoring you? Yandere XiaoJun (NCT) 🐌
29 I’d show you affection much more if you weren’t so distant Yandere Mark (NCT) ☂️
28 I would rather become infertile than bear your child Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
27 I’m sorry I acted up like that.. It’s just that I need to get out of here Yandere Kun (NCT) 🦄
26 Sorry I drugged your drink last night, but it was for your own good Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🔪
25 I’ll endure any punishment you give me, just d-don’t leave me Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
24 If you don’t let me go, I will find the way to escape and then I will go to police Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
23 It’s my parents soon and I was wondering if I could go see them? Yandere Johnny (NCT) 👼
22 my grandmother is the only relative i have… until she gets better, let me look after her Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
21 I’m leaving, and I’m calling the cops on you if you ever come closer to me Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
20 I’m scared that your going to leave me will you ever leave me? Yandere Ten (NCT)
19 I don’t know why but lately I’ve been craving you so bad Yandere Yuta (NCT)
18 If you don’t want to take me shopping, I’ll just ask someone else to do it Yandere WinWin (NCT)
17 i don’t really want a soulmate… love is just stupid…. Yandere WinWin (NCT)
16 i’ve noticed that not many people come to talk to you, so i’ll keep you company Yandere Johnny (NCT) 💌
15 let’s study together! I have this assignment and none of my friends are available Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
14 Can i please have female lover or sex partner aside from you Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🤤
13 if you’re so Dom, what’s the reason behind the song Whiplash Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
12 I can beat these perverts’ useless ass in a second Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🥓
11 I think I’m ready to sleep in bed with you Yandere Ten (NCT) 🐺
10 I’ve noticed that you come this cafe a lot too. Yandere RenJun (NCT)-Mayleigh
9 *lowkey wants to get many hickeys from yandere!taeyong* Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
8 If you can say the right words and beg the right way, I’ll let you out Yandere Jungwoo (NCT) ~wings
7 I’ll die starving and you will lose your favourite darling! Yandere Jaehyun (NCT) 🌼
6 Jaehyun, baby, daddy please I just wanna go outside please! Yandere Jaehyun (NCT) 😪
5 I get so scared whenever I have to go home this late Yandere RenJun (NCT) 🔮
4 please let me out of the house! It’s been 2 months! Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
3 he is just a friend! Why can’t I see him? Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
2 I thought you would understand Yandere Mark (NCT) 🐾
1 taeyong-ah! can I talk to haechan-ie a bit? he seems nice and wouldn’t hurt me… Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
YandereTalks 162-242 (66 nct/wayv, 5 mx, 4 skz, 3 ikon, 1 ateez,1 exo)
80 I was hiding in a parking lot after escaping from his house Yandere Yuta (NCT)
79 I didn’t know how much longer I can go on with this punishment Yandere Mark (NCT)🍓
78 I really really like you Yandere Jisung (NCT)🚀
77 I’m so tired of sitting inside you can hold my hand while we go outside Yandere Kun (NCT)🐧
76 *looks at the stanger* would you like to keep my number sir? Yandere Jeno (NCT)
75 I missed the train, I don’t know what to do Yandere Seonghwa (ATEEZ)
74 I can give you my number and tutor you if you want Yandere Jeno (NCT) 🦑
73 I haven’t eaten today… I’m so hungry Yandere Jisung (NCT)🌸
72 you’re obviously not in charge anymore Yandere Taeyong (NCT)🔪
71 please.. Don’t raise my punishment.15 is too much already Yandere Johnny (NCT)🐻
70 You ruined my friends birthday party Yandere Minhyuk (Monsta X)
69 Their study buddy talks with a friend Yandere Yuta & Yandere WinWin (NCT/WayV)🤠
68 wont hesitate to punch you if i need to. So just fucking let me go! Yandere Jisung (SKZ) ♠️
67 please not handcuffs or b-b-blindfold… I don’t wanna be alone Yandere Jisung (NCT) 🌸
66 I cant believe you think I should be ok with you cheating on me! Yandere Yuta (NCT)
65 Can I go visit my friends? It’s my birthday Yandere WinWin (NCT/WayV)
64 I’m home alone and I’m terrified of the dark Yandere Haechan (NCT)🎤
63 what do you want for your birthday? Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🍦
62 i’ve heard rumors speculating that you’ve been sleeping around with other women Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
61 you make me want to do things to you. Would you like that? SUB!Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
60 I know I’m not allowed to go outside but can I please? I miss my friends! Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
59 I tried to untie myself but the ropes were too strong. “Hello?!” I yelled Yandere WooJin (Stray Kids)
58 please! mark me more, go out with me, please, something… I’m yours only Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
57 One of my friends told me that you threatened him yesterday Yandere Wonho (Monsta X)
56 pleaseee you never let me outside.. just for once and it’s only in the garden Yandere Kun (NCT) 🐧
55 We can always order if you want Yandere YangYang (NCT) 🥓
54 relationships like.. with love and all.. that doesn’t interest me Yandere Chenle (NCT) 🥓
53 I never wanted to make you jealous. I just wanted to surprise you Yandere Chanyeol (EXO) 🐃
52 this possessive attitude has to stop! Yandere XiaoJun (NCT) 🎼
51 Taeyong wishes he could be like yuta!!!!!! Yandere Yuta (NCT) 🧸
50 when will you show me to your family? i showed you to mine Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
49 cutie you are as cute as I am. You can’t deny that SUB!Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
48 What would I have to do to get your love and affection back? Yandere Jaemin (NCT)
47 I’m leaving. I already got a restraining order, so leave me alone Yandere Ten (NCT)
46 You look so hot when you glare at others Yandere Ju-ne (IKON)
45 I’m older than you. It’ll do you well if you found a girl your age Yandere Mark (NCT)
44 I got A on my last exam and I’m straight A student now! Yandere Taeyong (NCT)🌼 old post that was never linked
43 Last night was a mistake. We shouldn’t have– I think we shouldn’t see each other anymore Yandere WinWin (NCT)
42 Hello, how was your today strange man? Yandere WooJin (Stray Kids)
41 GET OFF ME, TAEYONG! when will you accept that I don’t like you! Stay away from me! Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌠
40 you can’t kiss me,I don’t want you to get flu Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
39 I dont really like you in that way. But we can still be friends Yandere Jisung (Stray Kids) ♠️
38 I’m really sorry that I lied. But please, don’t punish me again Yandere Johnny (NCT) 🐻
37 if you want me to stop being mad at you you’ll get on your knees and beg for it SUB!Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
36 I broke up with you already two years ago, leave me alone! Yandere Kihyun (Monsta X)
35 can I kiss you… and would you please give me my colar back? Yandere Hyungwon (Monsta X)
34 what kind of p-punishment is it this time? Yandere Jisung (NCT) 🌸
33 I could overpower them, I guess that’s why they need chains and mind games Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
32 it’s really uncomfortable for me to wear collar at all times, could you please remove it Yandere Ten (NCT) 🤤
31 I have a fear of any physical contact from male i just want some space for myself Yandere Ten (NCT)
30 ya don’t have to act all aggressive for me to see you as my protector Yandere Lucas (NCT) 🦑
29 yandere!yuta is so rude to my master! he isn’t such a man whore Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
28 Not only did you ruin dinner but you made my friend uncomfortable! Yandere XiaoJun (NCT) 🎼
27 I’m gonna go out w/ my friends its one of my best friends bachelorette party SUB!Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 👒
26 you are gonna leave me with no water? Yandere Doyoung (NCT) 🔫
25 I’m sorry for being a brat earlier.. I’ll do anything to make up for it Yandere Mark (NCT) 🍓
24 Okay I’m not gonna cook but.. why would I try to kill you? Yandere YangYang (NCT) 🥓
23 get it you want to show me of as yours but are all those hickeys really necessary? Yandere DK (IKON)
22 You never seem to respond to my texts or calls anymore… Do you not like me anymore? Yandere Jaemin (NCT)
21 you’re so cute begging for my attention, what a cutie SUB!yandere Taeyong (NCT)
20 thank you for making me a better person Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
19 Oh well my parents are calling me so I..uhhh…I gotta go but maybe I’ll see you later Yandere Haechan (NCT) 🌑
18 you don’t sleep with other girls like taeyong, right? Yandere Yuta (NCT) 🧸
17 I know what I did was bad, and I wasn’t thinking because I was mad Yandere Jisung (NCT) 🌸
16 I didn’t mean to make you worry… The bruise is not that bad. Yandere Johnny (NCT) 🐻
15 I-im sorry Kun, I shouldn’t have kissed you, if you want to punish me I will understand Yandere Kun (NCT) 🐝
14 what if in the end, I don’t fall in love for you? Yandere Lucas (NCT)
13 I’m not your fucking slave! I want to leave!… I’m leaving! Yandere Yuta (NCT)
12 I’m scared of the storm, could you talk to me about something the you love to distract me Yandere Taeyong (NCT)
11 I willingly left my family and friends for you and you’re not sure about my feelings? Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
10 what the fuck is this is room Wonho?! Yandere Wonho (Monsta X)
9 I don’t know why you forced me to move in! I have my own house Yandere Bobby (IKON) 🐃
8 if you are actually dating that girl, I’m fine with backing off Yandere Lucas (NCT)🦑
7 I don’t want to have kids Yandere Yuta (NCT)
6 A friend of mine came into town and we are going to have dinner together Yandere XiaoJun (NCT) 🎼
5 can you please just let go of me so I can take a bath without you? Yandere Jungwoo (NCT)
4 I think you completely broke me Yandere Taeyong (NCT) 🌼
3 I’m so sorry babe, but I broke your phone dropping in the water Yandere Doyoung (NCT) 🔫
2 would you let me cook for you tonight? Yandere YangYang (NCT) 🥓
1 where have all of your friends gone?… Are we alone? Yandere Haechan (NCT)
YandereTalks 243-323 (……………….)
12 I’ll have to punish you for looking at me like that Yandere Taeyong (NCT)🔪
11 what’s that room on the 2nd floor?and why did I hear voices coming from the basement Yandere Kun (NCT/WayV)🐧
10 I know that you’re mad at me at failing my exam Yandere Kun (NCT/WayV)🦚
9 get OFF ME! You can’t throw me and NOT expect me to get hurt Yandere WinWin (NCT/WayV)🦑🔮
8 could you hook me up with RenJun Yandere haechan (NCT)💞
7 HELP ANYONE PLEASE, Haechan why are you doing this WHY Yandere Haechan (NCT)🌑
6 Talking to a friend, forgetting about studying Yandere Yuta & Yandere WinWin (NCT/WayV)🤠
5 We can study at mine, it’s not to far from here anyways Yandere Jeno (NCT)🦑
4 I’ll take the punishment like a good s/o Yandere Jisung (NCT)🌸
3 I-I promise I didn’t go anywhere Yandere Kino (Pentagon) 😼
2 choose something for yourseeeelf, it’s yoooour birthday, not miiiine Yandere Taeyong (NCT)🌼
1 Do you like shrimp or steak more? I am making you dinner Yandere Jay (IKON)
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wannawrite · 7 years
Dark Secrets
Toppdogg's P-goon X Reader Word count: 570 ( i'M soRRY yOU DESERVE BETTER 😭 ) • you were in a gang • boyfriend! P-goon finds out • oooooh ;) bulletpoint! style hehehe first Toppdogg request :)) tysm anon i hope you like it even though it's in this style rather than a scenario - admin L
PS: to be edited [ 14/8/2017 ] __________ • so first of all • i'm pretty sure he would find out through some third party • like these kinds of things have never really been a topic of discussion • so somehow... he overheard a rumour about it • well.... Bjoo was the first one to hear • he tried his best to keep but a secret • but i mean • it's Bjoo • he was only going to confide in Sangdo • he swears • "hYUNG DID YoU hEAR tHe ruMoR THAT Y/N WAS IN A GANG??!1!1" • i mean.... • moving on..... • your bf shook asf • he like didn't round the corner and went back into his room instead • he was super wary after that • for like a solid week • he was cautious of what he said and did • you were like babe ?? whats wrong ?? • 'oh nothing babe i'm just tired' • 'you sure?' • 'yes' • you let it go • but he didn't • then, he stared questioning you • 'babe? Do you have any tattoos?' • 'can you beat someone up?' • 'have you ever been to jail?' • tbh, you were MAAAD but wtv • and suspicious • then, he scolded himself for believing the rumours • " why can't you trust your own girlfriend/boyfriend ??? " • you too got nervous • like omg does he know? Can't be.. • right? • but he hasn't posed any weird questions in a month • right? • but one day • you two were just lounging on the sofa • okay but lazy days with him • askdishsksjxhd • messy hair, overwhelming hoodies • okay • that's enough • and you're like • wait, I'll be back with the popcorn pick a movie • your shirt rides up • he spots your faded gang tattoo • iS SHOOKETH • gOT REAL QUIET LIKE INHUMANELY • even when you returned • hE coulDN'T MAKE EYE CONTACT WITH YOU • dosiHDOAHSODHSB • bruh you're like • what's up ???? • so like he sighs and goes "babe i heard the rumour that you were once in a gang? Is it true" • at first you're stunned too but it's pretty common question now • so you just shr and nod • what's there to say really? you saw this coming eventually • P-gOON SHOOKETH PT.2 3 ??? • but he calms down once he realises you won't do anything to him • like why would you? • stop harming the art • hands off the art • but...... • he kinda agrees that you own the art so • i feel like he would be pretty confused then worried initially like what made you join, were you struggling? • then again, I can't really see him as they type who is direct with feelings and so he may not ask you or tell you anything related to how he feels • tbh, he would accept it and move on. There's nothing he can do right? It's just one part of your life • P-goon is amazed though • although violence and illegal things aren't cool, he admires your bravery and honesty • he shrugs it off and you two go back to your movie and cuddling • cuties <3 • i'm sorry i wrote this when i was sick that's why it's so shit i'm sorry i'm sorry
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wowtoppdoggimagines · 7 years
Reaction Two: Surprise Party
ESSENTIALLY: They’re planning a surprise party for you and are being very secretive about it, spending more time away to get it planned and everything. You’re beginning to worry and wonder if they’re seeing someone else on the side.
P-Goon - When you try to go to him about it, I feel like he’ll try to explain the best he can while not giving the real secret away. If you still don’t believe him, he’ll try to get the others to speed up the preps while he spends some time with you doing whatever, really. When you see the surprise party, however, I’d imagine he’d be all happy about it, smiling and more energized.
Hojoon - I see him as the type to sort of turn into mush when he sees how upset you are. He’ll reassure you by saying he’s just working more on practices and such, and he’d take a couple hours off on prepping everything to lay with you for a while and watch a movie or play video games or something. He’s content with whatever you want to do with him to keep your trust.
Sangdo - He gets hella upset when you confront him about it. He honestly takes it a little personally when you voice your theory. He’s upset for a bit, but then you’d get hella kisses and cuddles while he tries to reassure you. I feel like there’s a chance he’d let the surprise slip, but he’d try hard to keep it in so he can see your genuine look when the party comes.
Nakta - I take it he’d be a bit bothered when he finds he’s losing your trust, but he’d still be level-headed. He’ll try and be very rational about it and explain that you’ll know why soon. You’re going around confused and still a little worried for the next couple days until he takes you to the party and shows you what he’s been doing. He can’t really help but smile when he sees how surprised you are.
Hansol - I think he, like Sangdo, would get hella upset when you voice your concerns. He tries his best to come up with an excuse, and tbh it might sound a little weak, which might spark a fight between you two. If you catch him during a mood swing, the argument could get pretty heated, and I feel like he might let it slip if it gets to a heavy point.
B-Joo - One of the saltiest, I think. He doesn’t understand why you’d think he’d cheat on you, but he’s hurt. I feel like he’s not that good at keeping secrets since he’s so loud and energized tbh so he’ll probably accidentally tell you at some point just because he forgot that it was supposed to be a surprise??
Xero - He takes it to heart, but he’ll try to reassure you the best he can. Esp if it’s around your birthday, he’ll just play it off as looking for some aesthetic af outfits for you both to wear when the day comes. He’ll take off as much time as he thinks he needs to cuddle with you.
A-Tom - He doesn't seem bothered when you ask him about it, but on the inside he’s totally panicking and wondering where he went wrong in the process of planning your party. I feel like he’d beg his hyungs to finish preparing while he tries to cuddle with you.
Yano - He’s super salty that you’d even begin to think that he’d cheat on you. He’s all frowns and pouts and might be pretty petty about it. He’s still upset, however, and he’ll try and rush to set up the party, forgetting something like balloons or streamers in the process since he just wants you to trust him again.
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topp-bap · 7 years
Soulmates Who? (Part 1)
slight angst// when you don’t believe in soulmates but the moment you meet Kim Sanggyun, it changes everything.
Soulmates were a funny thing in the world. You never got why they existed and the need for them. Why couldn’t you just choose who you wanted to live the rest of your life with? Quite frankly, you didn’t like how your fate was predetermined by some magical force in the world. There was no point to it. You get a matching tattoo that appears with the time and date you met your soulmate, then what? Everyone tells you how each person is their own individual and can choose their way of life. Besides love. But why not? It was this very question that made you set on never finding your soulmate and to love whoever you wanted to. Sure their soulmate might show up and screw things over, but you were willing to take the risk. The worst thing that could happen is you’d die a lonely death, but better than succumbing to the world’s wrath of fated love. Or so you thought.
It was the start of a new school year, and you had just returned to your college campus. Dorming never suited you and so you bought an apartment at the start of every school year, repeating the process of moving out from your parent’s house. You had moved in a week prior to the first day of school, getting used to the hustle and bustle of living in the city once more. Walking around and visiting your favorite restaurants recalled some of your favorite memories and though college was stressful, you didn’t regret it one bit. You had just finished your classes for the day, already stressed. What was new? Day one and you were already headed towards the library. As you entered, you smiled seeing your normal spot vacant. You had spent countless nights hunched over at the very table, the dim lights offering the bare minimum to be able to see. “To many more nights,” you murmured to yourself as you made your way to the seat. As you sat down and took out your notebook, you heard footsteps coming closer to you then stopping. You looked up to see an average heighted boy with hair gelled to the side. “Can I sit here?” he asked awkwardly. “Yeah, of course. No need to ask,” you smiled, plugging in your earbuds and taking out your laptop. He smiled back, and sat down- that was when you felt an itching sensation you had never felt before. You bit your lips, desperately scratching at your wrist while trying to seem normal. Eventually it was too much and you looked down at your wrist. Continuously scratching, you had stopped as you noticed ink that had never been there before. 5/10/17 2:04 P.M. Your mouth dropped and your heart started thumping at an alarming rate. This could not be happening. Not now, not ever. Your eyes shook, looking from your wrist to the boy in front of you. You refused to look up and make eye contact. This couldn’t be true. Why would this happen? Your mind was buzzing and you couldn’t process what had just happened. “Oh my God,” the boy whispered, looking at his own wrist. He looked at you as you meekly raised your head. He grabbed your wrist, shocking you, yet you didn’t do anything. His eyes scanned back and forth and inevitably, neither tattoo was disappearing, “We’re soulmates.” Hearing those words shook you out of your thoughts and you abruptly stood up, “No. No! We are not. Soulmates are dumb and it doesn’t matter what the tattoo says. We just met, and I don’t even know your name. This is not how love should work. You don’t want me as your soulmate. I refuse to believe in them. I’m sorry.” You hurriedly packed your belongings into your backpack, trying to get away. He pushed back his chair and grabbed your wrist to stop you, “I know how hard it is to process, but I don’t think running away is the answer. Breathe and calm down. Let’s face it; you can’t change soulmates and these tattoos will never go away. It’s easier to embrace it then fight it. Just accept your fate. I mean I don’t think I’m that shitty of a person.” He cracked a smile, leaving you flabbergasted. Who did he think he was? “You don’t get it. It’s not you. It’s this whole soulmates concept. I refuse to let the world decide who I want to love,” you stood firmly. “Okay well, I’m Sanggyun. Kim Sanggyun. If you change your mind, let me know,” he shrugged before opening his laptop to work on his homework. You stared at him for a couple seconds before leaving as fast as you could. He was oddly okay with your thought process… It was making you think and you did not want to think about being his soulmate. Your homework was all forgotten as the only thing on your mind was… It was Sanggyun.
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narika-a · 7 years
~ Main Masterlist ~
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Scenarios/One Shots/Drabbles:
Nakta/Shin Yooncheol
✽ Mafia AU I’m Vulnerable When I’m With You
P.S. If you don’t see your request done here, I’m not ignoring it. I just need time to catch up with all of them.
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toppdoggfanfics · 7 years
[ADMIN POST] Regarding future requests/scenarios/fanfics
Hi guys! You must all be aware now of another 3 members of Topp Dogg leaving which are Hansol, Nakta and PGoon. I am heart broken and honestly lost for words (especially since Nakta is my bias) but that doesn’t mean I will stop supporting and writing for Topp Dogg. 
I respect and value each of my follower’s opinions so I want to ask you guys if I should continue accepting requests which involve past members. Please reply on this post to help me decide.
I still have six requests on my inbox but feel free to send yours! I will be free from schoo works starting next week so I will have more time to write <33
Thank you everyone for the continuous support on my works. Let’s help and support each other as ToppKlass in this tough times. 
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seoulbtss · 8 years
please check out my book in progress, thank you!
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cb-143 · 6 years
Xeno-T Reaction: Giving them your jacket when they’re cold
Anon: ok! xeno-t and day6 react to their bodyguard giving them her jacket during an event because they were noticeably cold and she must protect them!
The smile Hojoon wore went across his entire face. Never in his life had he been so excited for something. After years and years of wanting to do it, he finally came to cologne for the Gamescom. Unfortunately, the doors weren't open yet. Hojoon, Sangwon, and their bodyguards had come very early so that they'd have a chance to get in early and hopefully try out a game or two. Sangwon visibly shivered next to Hojoon. It made his motherly instics kick in, and he wished he had brought a jacket to give to him. He was happy to see when one of the bodyguards gave him their jacket. Next, the other bodyguard wanted to give Hojoon their jacket. however, he didn't feel cold at all. He was fine, so he refused it. The bodyguard apologised, looked visibly flustered and uncomfortable.
"Thank you, I really appreciated it" Hojoon added then, rubbing the back of his neck, "I'd rather have all of you stay warm."He smiled kindly at them and they smiled back. Their interaction ended there, though the gesture and their reaction stayed in Hojoon's mind for the rest of the weekend they spent there.
Today, it snew for the first time this winter. It looked beautifully, complemented the event in its uniqueness. It was very pretty to look at and Sangdo snapped many pictures of the snow, of the buildings and plants covered in it, and of himself. However, he didn't fail to notice how cold it had become. Sangdo was shivering, more so than before. He had noticed his bodyguard, Y/N, beside him. Their teeth chattering, as they tried to warm themself by rubbing their hands together. Sangdo acted quick and without thinking, worried for them. He lent them his jacket.
Since then, however, he had been the one to shiver and more or less be in the danger of freezing to death. Of course his bodyguard noticed, and gave Sangdo his jacket back, with a kind smile on their face.
"It's fine." They said before Sangdo could even open his mouth, "It's more important that you're alright."
It was a chilly night out. Yooncheol had made plans to play some of his songs at a friend's party. Just to make sure, he brought his bodyguard with him. The party would start in about thirty minutes. There was no one at the venue yet – not even his friend, who had told Yooncheol to 'come as early as possible'. He had since made a mental note not to listen to this friend's words anymore, or to question his motive.
Either way, they were now waiting in front of the closed gate. It was such a windy day, too. Yooncheol blamed his friend, though he knew that it hadn't been his fault that the weather was like this – he couldn't control it, after all. As for their absence, he tried to be positive and think that perhaps he just got caught up in something else.
"It's cold, isn't it?" His bodyguard asked, though it really was more of a statement. Yooncheol nodded at the rhetorical question. He had just taken off his own jacket, when he felt the warm coat of his bodyguard being placed around his shoulders.
"oh!" he exclaimed in surprise, "I was about to.." His cheeks were pink, though not just from the cold air. His bodyguard giggled, when she saw the black fabric in his arms. They apologised, yet Yooncheol saved them, gave them his jacket. He pulled them closer to himself – it could only bring them more warmth, after all. Maybe it wasn't so bad to stand here, when it gave him the opportunity for awkward situations and to get to know Y/N a lot better.
Byungjoo was sure, today was the coldest day of the year. Plausibly even the coldest day of this century. His fingers were about to break off, transformed into ice, despite being shoved into the pockets of his trousers. His feet were cold, though he wore boots. The other members seemed to be in a similar state of freezing. So, B-Joo being B-Joo, he suggested his creative idea of playing catch – they could run around and get warmth that way, while also having fun. Everyone agreed – to his surprise even Sangdo, who usually stayed out of Byungjoo's idiotic ideas. Today, it must have been too cold for him.
They all stood up and were ready to select the first person who would catch them, when their bodyguards stopped them, to inform them that they'd have to remain seated for the time being. Hojoon argued that it wouldn't take long, they'd just want to move around after all, but there was nothing that could be done. The bodyguards had another solution though, and brought them blankets, jackets, scarfs and more.
Byungjoo accepted the jacket from the bodyguard, but somehow, guilt rose in his chest.
"Won't you be cold, then?" He asked. The bodyguard shrug their shoulders.
"I have to protect you. It's more important anyway." Byungjoo shook his head at that explanation. He opened the zipper of the jacket again and pulled the bodyguard close to him – too close. The bodyguard blushed, suddenly being pressed against B-Joo, who strugged to close the jacket around the both of them – but he managed.
"Now, we can both stay warm."
It's not that cold. Jiho clenched his teeth and looked around at the members, at the idols around him. Some of them seemed to shiver, the girls were huddled close together, and the manly men, wearing just their shirts, were not bothered by the weather or the wind at all. Xero was like them, like those cool, manly men. He did wear a jumper, but that was just for the aesthetics. It was the same with the goosebumps beneath his shirt. Just part of his outfit.
"Aren't you cold?" Byungjoo asked him. He had offered to bring him a blanket when he went off to get one for himself, but Xero had refused.
"No, I'm good." He replied, continuing the lie that he had created simply to look cool. He thought perhaps, watching some of the performances that went on on stage. It did help to some degree. He was more focused on the way they danced, how the choreography was structured, and how all of them sung and rapped. He didn't know the song that was being performed, but it was a very good one and it intrigued him. Jiho was so invested in watching them, he didn't notice when his bodyguard wrapped their big winter scarf around Xero – not just his neck, they mummified him. Jiho turned around and faced them with a surprised expression. Before he could say anything, or refuse, they winked at him.
"I know you're not cold. But it would be a shame for you to catch a cold. I'm just doing my job."
He was on an open wide field at night, together with Kenta. They'd shoot a scene here for a music video, but currently, it was Kenta's turn to stand in front of the camera, lipsyncing, and look cool. So Sanggyun stood back and watched, while he rubbed his hands over his arms. It was quite cold out here, but they filmed in light clothing. Sanggyun could already feel his nose tingle, the sneezes coming along with a cold that would stay with him for weeks.
"You alright?" One of the bodyguards came up behind him. They put their hand on his shoulder and inspected him closely. "Is there anything I could do?" The empathy and worry that laid in their voice made Sanggyun smile. It seemed genuine, not just done because they had to do their job, but because they cared and wanted to protect another person.
"I'm just cold, don't worry." He replied, showed them his handsome smile. They did worry, however, and took off their own jacket. They were left in a thinner, long-sleeved shirt now, which left Sanggyun to refuse the act of kindness.
"One of us is going to catch a cold at that rate." His lip was tugged up at one side only now, a sad attempt at keeping up the positivity.
"But you're more important." They argued.
"I am important. What would someone important like me do without someone like you?" Sanggyun argued back. They giggled at that, jacket still in their hands. They kept it off, Sanggyun didn't take it either. Sanggyun stepped closer to them. They immitated his actions, now their shoulders touched.
"Let's go down together."
Sangwon felt grumpy. It was super cold, and he had to sit there with the other members, watching idols perform for hours and hours. There was no end in sight and no limit to where the temperatures would drop to.
"I can get you guys some blankets." One of the bodyguards said.
"Yes, that would be very kind." Sangdo said, smiling through the feeling of his toes turning to ice-cubes within his shoes. The others agreed, looking for some warmth and comfort. Only Sangwon stayed quiet until the bodyguard had left. Why couldn't they just leave? Why couldn't they have planned an event inside? The bad news kept coming. As the bodyguard returned, they only brought back four blankets.
"I'm sorry, they didn't have any more." The blankets were distributed, of course Sangwon was the one without a blanket at the end.
"We can share.." B-Joo offered, but Sangwon shook his head. The boys left him alone then, but the Bodyguard was overcome with guilt. They couldn't stand to see him upset, and knew of their task to protect all five of the members. They gave up their own comfort, taking off their jacket and putting it on Sangwon's shoulders. The boy turned around, looked at them with a mixture of confusion and gratefulness.
"Just return it later." They said, smiling at him. Sangwon nodded, for the first time that night, he smiled.
"Thank you."
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pocket-scenarios · 8 years
Toppdogg as dog boys
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(Admin: Babyboiii this was the last request I got and istg I love you. ot9)
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He’d be really cute like Sangdo is cute af already. He loves the outside world, but he knows he can’t stray too far from you for fear of being caught. He probably acts happy, but he’s actually constantly afraid of having to leave you because he got caught. He’s really loyal and wants to protect you.
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He tries to act tough and thinks he’s a “guard dog” but he’s actually soft and snuggly. He wears oversized sweaters and is constantly really affectionate. Please love and appreciate this adorable pup. 
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He needs a constant supply of affection plz give it to him. Oversized clothes are his religion. He has cute fluffy ears, he reminds me of a spitz, like look at this picture.
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He’s dead set he’s never going to get found out. He’s always telling you to relax that he’s got it under control. He never does. Someone save him. He thinks he’s cool. He reminds me of a jackal and I have no idea why.
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He’s a cat. He’s an actual cat, like I can’t write him as a dog boy he’s a literal cat.
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You know those dogs that are raised w/ cats so they get along with them really well. That’s Byungjoo and Hansol, but hansol annoys him at the same time. He’s overly confident. (I don’t know if it’s because of this curly hair in this gif) he reminds me of a poodle.
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Toppdogg’s great dane. He has a hard time hiding his ears plz love him. He knocks things off with his tail. He’s constantly breaking things but how can you be mad he’s so cute.
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The undercover cats. Hansol & Yano. Toppdogg’s wolf in sheep’s clothing.
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He’s really silly. He probably gets stuck in random places. He likes to make you laugh, he might be kind of annoying, but it’s cute. He’s a german shepherd lmao.
|| Masterlist || Submit A Request ||
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kpop-dreams · 8 years
Topp Dogg Reaction: You can’t deal with the hate
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This may be the last Topp Dogg scenario in case I decide to stop doing requests for them. Sorry to anyone who was really excited about our work for this group.
Yano: *You text him how you feel and he tries to cheer you up by sending you funny pictures of him because even though he’s working and can’t be there for you physically, he’s trying his best to be there in an other way he can*
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A-Tom: *he’s the same as yano in the sense that he’ll do whatever to make sure you’re happy even if that includes embarrassing himself in public*
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Xero: “Ya, you have me and they don’t. They can be jealous all they want, it’s just up to us to ignore it”
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B-Joo: *he’ll sit there and listen to your worries but he’ll spend a long time just trying to figure out what to say because he doesn’t want to lose you but he doesn’t want you to keep feeling this way*
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Hansol: Hansol thinks hate is dumb and that you shouldn’t be spending time thinking about it because at the end of the day, you’re the one dating him.
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Nakfa: He thinks hate is ugly and irrelevant and he’ll complain saying something like “Aish! That’s not fair. Hate is a two way street and they still give you hate and not me!” It’s not that he want the hate for himself too, but he feels that if they only hate you because you’re dating him, why can’t they hate him?
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Sangdo: He’s going to try to make you smile or laugh as if his life depended on it. He doesn’t want you going through that, especially when it’s really something you’re going through alone.
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Hojoon: He’d really go out of his way to get your mind off of it and make you feel better. He feels bad that you have to deal with it because he knows that in a way it’s his fault.
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P-Goon: “If they’re going to be ugly about it, don’t pay attention. They don’t matter, you do.”
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