#top ten tuesdays
fourinterests · 1 year
Books & TV: Top Ten Tuesdays [Wyrd & Wonder Day 30]
I’m back with another Top Ten Tuesday, the last of Wyrd & Wonder 2023! Time really does fly 0.0 but the last prompt is all about magical typography. Typography can make or break the cover of a book and when you’re in the world of fantasy there’s much to be played with. So for today, I’ll be looking at fantasy books and movies past and present for the best of lettering and typography. So without…
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kappabooks · 2 years
Sci-fi Books on My TBR | Top Ten Tuesdays
My TTT post is up! It's a genre freebie this week, so I'm talking sci-fi!
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme brought to you by That Artsy Reader Girl. It was previously hosted at The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is “Genre Freebie (Pick a genre and build a list around it. It could be a list of favorites, a to-read list, recommendations for people interested in reading books in that genre, “if you like this, try this”, etc.).” I’ve decided to talk about more…
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Top Ten Tuesday: Isekai
Welcome to the very first Top Ten Tuesday! Well, my first. This series has been around for ages on countless book blogs. Now it’s time for me to give it a try! For my first list, I’ll be covering the Top Ten Isekai. The list will start with my favorites, but since I don’t believe I’ve read ten or more (hoping to change that after this list), I’ll wander out into the community favorites. Villains…
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Top Ten Tuesday: New to Me Authors of 2022
Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together. The rules are simple: Each Tuesday, Jana assigns a new topic. Create your own Top Ten list that fits that topic – putting your unique spin on it if you want. Everyone…
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mysteriesofmilo · 1 year
OK, missed a week because of Labor Day, but we're back with Top Ten Tuesday!
#5: Disco Do-Over
I'm so glad they finally figured out a perfect way to utilize Doof!
This was a fun episode all around. From the Murphy Dream Board, to the training montage, to the actual competition, it felt like the universe was FINALLY trying to throw the Murphys a bone by enhancing their routine in order to gift them a win. The signs were clear throughout the episode:
With the Dream Board: they were left with one final opportunity to win it all before the skate park itself closed, so it almost didn't matter how much damage they caused to the place.
With the training montage: they were gifted a son who had learned more about how to evade Murphy's Law in 13 years than Martin had in roughly 3 times that long.
And with the competition itself: Doof was a judge. That's it. That's the sign.
And I'll just end with a couple pictures of the Dream Board because this is pretty funny:
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meltotheany · 3 months
Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018! hi hi, loves! i hope you’re all doing well and staying cool (or warm) in whatever hemisphere you are in! i always love doing posts like this, and just reflecting on all the good book options i have for the last six months of 2024 (which feels wild to even type)! but truly, so many good books are publishing over the last half of this year, and i can’t wait to talk about them all with you! 😍 🌞 SUMMER RELEASES ☆ The Dead Cat Tail Assassins by P. Djèlí Clark – august 6th ⤷ once again, this book is about necromancers, assassins, and a vow our mc isn’t supposed to remember, but does. it very well could be my new personality very soon! ☆ Mistress of Lies by K.M. Enright – august 13th ⤷ maybe the summer buzzword is assassins, because this queer filipino debut also stars one who is forced to work with two others to solve a magical murder mystery that could also involve vampires. this is truly the debut that i have been looking most forward to all year! ☆ The Crimson Crown by Heather Walter – august 27th ⤷ we love a tuesday birthday, and this year for mine i get a sapphic snow white dark retelling. i am obsessed with this author’s writing and her malice duology that ended up being a favorite of mine. i can’t wait for all the sapphic stories she will give us, but this birthday release one feels very special to me already. 🍁 FALL RELEASES ☆ Graveyard Shift by M.L. Rio – september 24th ⤷ i mean, once everyone saw there was a new ml rio book coming out i think the entire book community let out a breath they didn’t know they were holding. it is “only” a novella (i say this as a novella lover), but it is about a group of night shift workers trying to solve a mystery at the graveyard, involving a gravedigger, and i know it’s going to be everything. ☆ The City in Glass by Nghi Vo – october 1st ⤷ at this point, i will just beg tor for anything that nghi vo writes. but this is a brand new standalone all about angels and demons and a lost city and i just know that i am going to love it like everything else this author writes! ☆ Lore Olympus: Volume Seven (Lore Olympus, #7) by Rachel Smythe – october 1st ⤷ there is just something really happy and healing about waiting for my next preorder of lore olympus to come in. volume six  was actually my favorite so far, so i extra can’t wait for this newest installment for the fall! ☆ Spectacular (Caraval, #3.5) by Stephanie Garber – october 22nd ⤷ i cannot believe we are actually get a caraval holiday story right before the holiday season! i am so curious if we will see characters from both of her trilogies in this, and if we will get some hints for what is to come next! but i love being in the world of caraval and i can’t wait for this! ❄️ WINTER RELEASES ☆ The Teller of Small Fortunes by Julie Leong – november 5th ⤷ this is actually one of my favorite covers… ever. but is a new debut about a immigrant fortune teller, traveling from town to town with her magical cat, and i think this is the tale of them trying to help someone in one of these towns! this is going to be cozy and heartfelt and i can’t wait to read. ☆ The Songbird & the Heart of Stone (Crowns of Nyaxia, #3) by Carissa Broadbent – november 19th ⤷ i am all caught up and so ready to read this new carissa broadbent book! this third full length story is about a character we know and love from books one and two, but i am curious how i am going to enjoy it because i really didn’t love the last novella i read set in this world. but i am still excited to find out this winter! ☆ Wind and Truth (The Stormlight Archive, #5) by Brandon Sanderson – december 6th ⤷ the fifth and last (of this story arc, before a very big time jump) of the very beloved stormlight archives. i cannot believe it will be in my hands in six months, and i also can’t believe brandon has said it is the longest bo...
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mobsplainer · 2 years
Hello tell me if reigen died what would you say about him on his funeral
finally that old cunt kicked the bucket so long motherfucker
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memoriallibrarytmc · 1 year
Top Ten(ish) Tuesday: TMC Easy #2
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The #2 most checked out picture book from TMC Easy last year was... We Are Water Protectors by Carole Lindstrom! This book has come up on both the lists (for the TMC in general AND TMC Easy), and it's been popular since it arrived... and with good reason! It's definitely worth sharing in the classroom, for its themes, as well as its award-winning illustrations. There are a lot of great ideas out there for lessons you can teach from it.
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bbqphantom · 9 months
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yeah Ok I’ll believe that sure
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biblionerdreflections · 10 months
Top Ten Tuesday - Reasons Why I’m Thankful for Books
Today I’m participating in Top Ten Tuesday, which was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together. Each week there is a new theme/topic, and participants choose ten books that fit it. This week’s theme is Reasons Why I’m Thankful for…
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fourinterests · 1 year
Books & TV: Top Ten Tuesdays [Wyrd & Wonder 2023 Day 23]
A tag that was originally started by The Broke and The Bookish, now taken over by That Artsy Reader, Top Ten Tuesdays is a list of 10 books that go along with any prompt you chose for that week! The Artsy Reader posts their prompts and you are free to either take inspiration from those prompts or make up one of your own. Day 23’s Wyrd and Wonder prompt is Bite-Sized Fantasy an area I am quite…
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kappabooks · 6 months
Contemporary Adult Romance on my TBR | Top Ten Tuesdays
Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together. This week is a freebie, so here are some contemporary romances on my TBR shelf! Delilah Green Doesn’t Care by Ashley Herring Blake The Neighbor Favor by Kristina…
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mysteriesofmarcy · 1 year
#8: Truck Stop Polly
One of the less creative episode names, but seems like they poured most of that creativity into the episode itself.
This one started the whole "Polly being homesick" arc that later came up on the return trip in Night Drivers.
This episode is a lesson in "Be careful what you wish for, because it just might come true," aka Malicious Compliance from the universe. That moment when Polly realizes that the family left without her, and just immediately went "Well, I guess I live here now. Startin' over from scratch. I don't know no one, and no one knows me." That moment made the episode -- figuratively (it was the best moment in the episode) and literally (the entire episode was centered around that one point). Plus, it's a good depiction of how to not panic if you do get lost. (Although come to think of it, it was actually mostly Hop Pop's fault for not doing a head count to make sure everybody was in the f'wagon before he took off, especially since he left so quickly after they were done in the bathroom.)
I was really impressed by the depiction of the truckers. Not sure how much they could realistically be carrying or how fast they could realistically go, with the vehicles being what they are. But the way they showed the truckers themselves, from what I can tell, was very realistic. It would have been easy to just play them off as the "dumb jock" stereotype. They probably asked real life truckers to describe their job for this episode. I have mad respect for that.
And then there was the star of this episode in Soggy Speedy Joe! Although he was often used as a plot device, this guy is one of my favorite side characters (not at all because I share a name with him). Everything he does is comedy gold. I have to wonder though, how did he get the bee wool for his truck? Because I don't know if you've noticed, but bees in Amphibia are enormous and aggressive, just like the rest of the insects.
A very creative episode that just screams "Road Trip", this one has to be included in your rewatch even though it is... to put it lightly, not very plot heavy.
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Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Goals For 2023
Topic: Bookish Goals for 2023 I posted a blog about this near the beginning of the year, but I’m willing to talk about it again. Having goals is important. Increase my Netgalley completion rate. I am so embarrassed by how low my completion rate is. I picked up so many. I was so excited to read them. But I let time and other books get away from me. This year I plan on keeping up with the books…
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Top Ten Tuesday ~ Things getting in the way of my reading
Top Ten Tuesday ~ Things getting in the way of my reading #TopTenTuesday #Bookmemes #booklr #bookblr #bookblog #bookblogging
Hello! We are in early for the May 16th prompt, about what’s getting in our way of reading: What’s taking up your time right now? – lovingly stolenfrom A Cocoon of Books during freebie week. Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish…
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mysteriesofmilo · 1 year
#6: Chain Reaction: Cast Party Edition
This is one of those ideas that's so ridiculous, it just... works in the Dwampyverse.
Several of them, actually.
Let's go through them:
Zack trying interpretive dance. It makes sense for his character once you know him, but it's not exactly something you'd think of for a male character. And it carries on the "trying unusual activities" motif of season 2.
Zack thinking everybody got sympathy casts for him, only to find out that they're all real casts. How they all managed to get to the hospital that day is beyond me, especially considering Zack's mom is a doctor and would have probably noticed the huge influx of patients that strangely didn't include her son. And, it's just a really fitting plot twist for this universe and this episode.
All the wounds came from one single convoluted chain reaction. Dan and Swampy would make the best Rube Goldberg devices, between this and the way Doof is always messing up Phineas and Ferb's inventions.
All the wounds came from one incident that started with Milo. It's like of course. Of course it started with him. That's Milo Murphy's Law: all the chaos begins (and ends!) with the Murphy Men. (Yes, Diogee counts, since he is technically a Murphy Man and also he was the last one hit by the tile.)
All the wounds came while everyone was doing something they love, something that you'd never think of them doing. Which again... of course. It's the law. Everything happens for a reason. Everything follows the theme of the episode. Everything has oddly specific similarities.
And setting it to a song about chain reactions. Beautiful. Absolutely perfect ending to the episode. And all too fitting for the universe.
Overall, an amazing episode and a perfect, chef's kiss, 10/10 song to go with it.
EDIT: OK, I posted this a little early by accident. But I'm not going back and redoing it so you get it a little early.
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