#top cities for real estate investment
champstorymedia · 22 hours
Building Wealth through Real Estate: The Best Investment Opportunities for Long-Term Growth
Introduction Are you looking for a way to build wealth over the long term? Real estate investment could be the answer you’re searching for. With its potential for high returns, tax benefits, and diversification opportunities, real estate offers a solid path to growing your wealth for the future. Why Real Estate is a Great Investment Real estate has long been considered a stable and lucrative…
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amodhainfra2211 · 10 days
Best Real Estate Developer in South India | Plots for sale
Amodha Infra is one of South India’s most Successful Real estate developers, with more than 14+ years of Industrial experience in construction.
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constelli1122 · 1 month
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arjunk592 · 2 months
Top Indian Cities for NRI Real Estate Investment
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The location of a property is one of the most critical factors determining its value and return on investment. For NRIs looking to invest in Indian real estate, choosing the right city is essential. This blog highlights the top Indian cities that offer excellent investment opportunities for NRIs.
1. Pune: Pune's proximity to Mumbai, coupled with its own growing IT and education sectors, makes it a preferred choice for real estate investment. The city offers a mix of residential and commercial properties at competitive prices.
2. Mumbai: Mumbai, the financial capital of India, has always been a hotspot for real estate investments. The city's diverse economy, excellent connectivity, and high rental yields make it an attractive option for NRIs.
Read also - Tips for NRI Home Buyers
3. Bangalore: Known as the Silicon Valley of India, Bangalore offers a thriving real estate market with high demand for both residential and commercial properties. The city's robust infrastructure and growing tech industry make it a prime investment destination.
4. Hyderabad: With rapid urbanization and a booming IT sector, Hyderabad has emerged as a lucrative real estate market. The city's affordable property prices and ongoing infrastructure projects offer significant growth potential.
Choosing the right location is crucial for maximizing returns on real estate investments. By focusing on cities with strong economic growth, infrastructure development, and high demand, NRIs can make informed investment decisions.
As the location of a property is one of the most critical factors, choosing the right type of property is also crucial, To understand which might be the best fit for you, explore this guide - Real Estate Investment Options for NRIs: Villas, Apartments, or Plots?
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commercialnoidas · 7 months
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fatehbaz · 3 months
"The most fashionable bathing station in all Europe". British industrialists and American mining investors plotting the colonization of the Congo, while mingling at Ostend's seaside vacation resorts. Extracting African life to build European railways, hotels, palaces, suburbs, and other modern(ist) infrastructure. "Towards infinity!"
In 1885, King Leopold II achieved an astonishing and improbable goal: he claimed a vast new realm of his own devising, a conjury on a map called [...] the Congo Free State. [...] [A] fictional state owned by the king, ruled by decree, and run from Brussels from 1885 to 1908. [...] This was [...] a private entrepreneurial venture [for the king]. The abundance of ivory, timber, and wild rubber found in this enormous territory brought sudden and spectacular profits to Belgium, the king, and a web of interlocking concession companies. The frenzy to amass these precious resources unleashed a regime of forced labor, violence [millions of deaths], and unchecked atrocities for Congolese people. These same two and a half decades of contact with the Congo Free State remade Belgium [...] into a global powerhouse, vitalized by an economic boom, architectural burst, and imperial surge.
Congo profits supplied King Leopold II with funds for a series of monumental building projects [...]. Indeed, Belgian Art Nouveau exploded after 1895, created from Congolese raw materials and inspired by Congolese motifs. Contemporaries called it “Style Congo,” [...]. The inventory of this royal architecture is astonishing [...]. [H]istorical research [...] recovers Leopold’s formative ideas of architecture as power, his unrelenting efforts to implement them [...]. King Leopold II harbored lifelong ambitions to “embellish” and beautify the nation [...]. [W]ith his personal treasury flush with Congo revenue, [...] Leopold - now the Roi Batisseur ("Builder King") he long aimed to be - planned renovations explicitly designed to outdo Louis XIV's Versailles. Enormous greenhouses contained flora from every corner of the globe, with a dedicated soaring structure completed specifically to house the oversize palms of the Congolese jungles. [...]
The Tervuren Congo palace [...]. Electric tramways were built and a wide swath of avenue emerged. [...] [In and around Brussels] real estate developers began to break up lots [...] for suburban mansions and gardens. Between 1902 and 1910, new neighborhoods with luxury homes appeared along the Avenue [...]. By 1892, Antwerp was not only the port of call for trade but also the headquarters of the most profitable of an interlinking set of banks and Congo investment companies [...]. As Antwerp in the 1890s became once again the “Queen of the Scheldt,” the city was also the home of what was referred to as the “Queen of Congo companies.” This was the ABIR, or Anglo-Belgian India Rubber Company, founded in 1892 with funds from British businessman “Colonel” John Thomas North [...].
Set on the seaside coast, Belgium’s Ostend was the third imperial cityscape to be remade by King Leopold [...] [in a] transformation [that] was concentrated between 1899 and 1905 [...]. Ostend encompassed a boomtown not of harbor and trade, like Antwerp, but of beachfront and leisure [...] [developed] as a "British-style" seaside resort. [...] Leopold [...] [w]as said to spend "as much time in Ostend as he did in Brussels," [...]. Ostend underwent a dramatic population expansion in a short period, tripling its inhabitants from 1870–1900. [...] Networks of steamers, trams, and railway lines coordinated to bring seasonal visitors in, and hotels and paved walkways were completed. [...] [A]nd Leopold’s favorite spot, the 1883 state-of-the-art racetracks, the Wellington Hippodrome. Referred to with an eye-wink as “the king incognito” (generating an entire genre of photography), visitors to the seaside could often see Leopold in his top hat and summer suit [...], riding his customized three-wheeled bicycle [...]. By 1900, Ostend’s expansion and enhancement made it known as “the Queen of the Belgian seaside resorts” and “the most fashionable bathing station in all Europe.” Opulence, convenience, and spectacle brought the Shah of Persia, American tycoons, European aristocrats, and Belgian elites, among others, to Ostend.
Leopold’s interventions and the Congo Free State personnel and proceeds played three pivotal and understudied roles in this transformation, all of which involved ABIR [British industrialists].
First, it was at Ostend that an early and decisive action was taken to structure the “red rubber” regime and set it in motion. In 1892, jurists such as [E.P.] had ruled, contravening [...] trade laws, that the king was entitled to claim the Congo as his domanial property [...]. Leopold [...] devised one part of that royal domain as a zone for private company concessions [...] to extract and export wild rubber.
Soon after, in 1892, King Leopold happened to meet the British “Colonel” John Thomas North at the Ostend Hippodrome. North, a Leeds-born mechanic [...] had made a fortune speculating on Chilean nitrates in the 1880s. He owned monopoly shares in nitrate mines and quickly expanded to acquire monopolies in Chilean freight railways, water supplies, and iron and coal mines. By 1890 North was a high-society socialite worth millions [...]. Leopold approached North at the Ostend racecourse to provide the initial investments to set up the Anglo-Belgian India Rubber Company (ABIR). [...]
One visible sign of Ostend’s little-known character as Congo boomtown was the Royal Palace Hotel, a lavish property next to the king’s Royal Domain, which opened in 1899. With hundreds of rooms and a broad sweep of acreage along the beachfront, the palace “occupied the largest space of any hotel in Europe.” [...]
King Leopold met American mining magnate Thomas Walsh there, and as with North, the meeting proved beneficial for his Congo enterprise: Leopold enlisted Walsh to provide assessments of some of his own Congo mining prospects. The hotel was part of [...] [a major European association of leisure profiteers] founded in 1894, that began to bundle luxury tourism and dedicated railway travel, and whose major investors were King Leopold, Colonel North [...].
At the height of Congo expansionism, fin-de-siècle Antwerp embodied an exhilarated launch point [...]. Explorers and expeditioners set sail for Matadi after 1887 with the rallying call “Vers l’infini!” (“towards infinity!”) [...].
Text above by: Debora Silverman. "Empire as Architecture: Monumental Cities the Congo Built in Belgium". e-flux Architecture (Appropriations series). May 2024. At: e-flux.com/architecture/appropriations/608151/empire-as-architecture-monumental-cities-the-congo-built-in-belgium/ [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me. Italicized first paragraph/heading in this post was added by me. Presented here for commentary, teaching, criticism.]
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financeprincess · 1 year
By next year I really will have everything… graduated from college. In a new home, in a new city that I love. Working a dream job of mine. Starting a business. Paying off the rest of my debt, saving, investing (almost entirely on autopilot). Increasing my credit score to 750+. Buying real estate. Traveling. Building up multiple streams of income, many of them passive. Volunteering more. Pursuing my hobbies. Working out every single day. Getting top of the line beauty treatments and procedures done. Goal weight and body goals reached. New high quality, classy, tailored clothing and beautiful accessories. Acquiring multiple citizenships/passports. Attending upscale events. Hanging out in interesting places with other successful go getters. In a relationship with a man who spoils me, adores me, ravishes me, makes my life easier, and gets me everything I want.
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singingcicadas · 7 months
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Is this real or is Tailgate casually making things up again?
Because if it's real I don't see how it's possible? If Cyclonus's investments were made before he left on the first Ark - which is the most reasonable scenario as he used to be part of Nova's personal buddy circle, that's the tippy top of the planetary hierarchy, makes sense that he'd be loaded - but then the Ark disappeared for six million years, shouldn't they all have been long persumed dead?
Do they not have a declaration of death act in Cybertron? No intestate laws? Nothing about unclaimed property? No requisition?
Even if Cybertron didn't have laws regarding any of that and just allowed a missing person to retain their assets - and the accumulating investment profits - indefinitely, there was still a war going on for four million years. During which cities were bombed repeatedly. And then the Decepticons burned up the planet. And then Thunderwing trashed everything again. By the time of Stormbringer you couldn't even physically be on the planet without protection. And then Cybertron got reset to a primordial state so infrastructure had to be restarted from scratch. There's no way any real estate's able to survive through all that short of having Tetrahex exist on a separate dimension.
Other scenario is Cyclonus made his investments after coming back from the dead universe. Which is even more unlikely since between his coming back and leaving on the Lost Light only around four weeks passed max. During which everyone was congregated around Iacon's old site and the entire population's only a few thousand people. What would anyone want or do with Tetrahexian real estate?
Land property must be the single most worthless thing on post-war Cybertron when the entire planet's basically reverted into a massive piece of undeveloped wild land with so few people on it. No real estate market's gonna get any lower than that because... there's no market.
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ju-vondy · 3 months
What I envision for our dearest Jason Mendal ❤️✨
So... I LOVE being delulu and once Beemoov takes an eternity to give us info/story about the characters I decided to create their backstory myself and I'm living in this world Imy mind created right now. I love complex things and I know Beemoov would never put something so "deep" in the story but well... I can't help; I hope you guys enjoy what I created!
♦ Jason's family is strict, but only the "male" part of it: Jason loves his mother with all his heart and her family (which is called Jowenson, they live abroad) is amazing, but his father's family (the Mendal) is a total disgrace. Like, a real crap. Do you know those tough and conservative parents who teach their children not to cry? Those men who are aggressive and punish with beatings when their child makes a mistake? Who say that love is a weakness? Well, that's the style of family we're talking about here when it comes to the Mendal… Jason despises and hate them with all his might.
♦ The Mendal are pioneers of Amoris City: so they're that kind of family who smell like old money, power, autority and stuff like that. It all started with the foundation of a radio when they first arrived at Amoris. The years passed by and their "empire" only arose as they invested in many innovative ventures, and their fortune only grew. It didn't take much for them to dominate journalism and the local press. Turns out that today they're called "Mendal Group" and are involved in so many things... Media, politics, banks, real estate. They are a highly respected family.
—> There's a scene in my fanfic where Candy's mother (named Edith) says: "Your father was thrilled to work with the Mendal Group, you know? I remember how he talked about their influence... How much they could shape public opinion and influence political decisions," Edith said, with a touch of bitterness in her voice. "After he passed away, I thought it best to sell his share in the company. I didn't want to be tied to them or be part of all that."
—> Why am I bringing Candy and her mother to this explanation? Because well... In my mind their families were close in the past and they even studied together at primary school. (Don't judge me, it was the only way I found to make Candy and Jason approach without seeming weird… HUEHUEHEU I'm quite curious to see what they'll do in the game, though) The funniest part of it is that Jason and Candy don't remember that because guess what? A traumatic event happened in their lives so their mind kind of blocked most of their childhood's memories.
It leads to the other point:
♦ There was an car accident that put Jason's father in a coma: When Jason's father (I named him as Gregory Mendal btw) became incapacitated due to the Accident, Viktor Mendal (the middle brother), was the vice-president of the Mendal Group and assumed the presidency after the general council unanimously approved. Actually, the presidency always followed a 'father to oldest son' thing (nepotism, why not? haha) Anyway, Jason was designed to take the title for himself… But since he was too young, Viktor ended up assuming the presidency 'temporarily until Jason reached the age to run the business, (if he proved capable, of course…)'
—> Not only that, Viktor also took responsibility for looking after Jason (without anyone asking LOL). Initially, it seemed like Viktor was doing "his best" for his nephew so he could be a good leader, this whole succession thing. He taught Jason about the family business, about leadership, and how to handle the pressures of being at the top. However, as Jason grew older, Viktor began to show his true colors. He was ambitious, and his hunger for power only worsened over time. ~That only got worse when he lost his wife and convinced himself that it would be a good idea to be with Jason's mother~
—> Jason ended up becoming a rebellious young man despite being studious and dedicated. What happens is that there was so much pressure on our poor boy that he ended up having a breakdown at a certain point. 'Do this' 'Don't do that' 'Be perfect' 'Get good grades' 'Blah blah blah'... Jason never really liked everything the Mendal stood for. He always found it a drag to attend luxury dinners, close deals, and pretend to be someone he wasn't… Besides, the absence of his father left a void that no one could fill... And his uncle's arrogant and repulsive demeanor only disgusted him. So, at certain point Jason kind of let himself follow the "fuck you guys" and went down some wrong paths in his early 18-20 years old. He worked in the family company as a trainee for a couple of months but Viktor took advantage of Jason's poor behavior (late parties, hangover, arrived late at meetings, etc etc) to convince the board that Jason was not capable, not 'worthy' of being the leader of the Mendal Group.
—> Jason kind of got pissed off when that happened, and then comes the whole thing about him working at the city hall and all (which I'll explain later if you want to hear it, hehe), but anyway... His uncle 'betrayal' was the turning point for him to 'wake up' and want to be someone in life. He worked hard on himself to be no longer that irresponsible young man he was being. Of course today he attends to club parties, throw yacht parties but that is only for showing status and "maintaining" the bounds with his close friends.
So, basically...
♦ Jason created Goldreamz to get away from the shadow of the Mendal family and prove to his uncle he didn't need his family to be succesfull: He wanted to prove that he could build something from scratch, without the support and influence of the Mendals. And, of course, he wanted to rub that success in Viktor's face. Today, Goldreamz is a prominent company, and Jason continues to work hard to keep it at the top. However, his relationship with his uncle Viktor remains an open wound. Each success of Jason's is a reminder of his determination to exceed his uncle's expectations.
Now let's move on to the last but not the least:
♦ Jason's personality is just a mask to protect himself: Deep down, Jason is just a little boy wanting/crying for attention, wanting to have a real father and family. So, he just wants to be… Loved? I think so. Because of his uncle's teachings and so on, he thinks love and kindness is nonsense, a weakness… A lie. Viktor instilled in him the notion that showing vulnerability would only invite manipulation and harm. Consequently, Jason adopted a facade to shield his true self from others.
However, this mask of arrogance and indifference is not who Jason truly is. It is a carefully constructed barrier, designed to protect the fragile heart that beats underneath. In essence, Jason's personality is a defense mechanism born out of a need to protect himself from a world he has been taught to distrust. And deep down he constantly battles the internal conflict of wanting genuine connections while fearing the repercussions of revealing his authentic self.
Interestingly, the proof of this duality is evident in Jason's behavior around his mother and younger brother. When he is with them, Jason's tough exterior melts away, revealing a softer, more caring side. It’s as if he wants to set a different example for his brother. Jason faces a big inner turmoil , torn between the persona he feels he must maintain and the person he wishes he could be.
Ah, now a bonus: in my fic Candy's father was in the Accident [once he was kind of a business partner of Gregory] and he died. Edith moved back to her mother's home country, Brazil, and Candy grow up there. (yes of course I use my stories to share about my country u.u) Only years later Candy's mom return to Amoris, but she never bothered to look for the Mendal to reconnect.
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
If you liked what you've read 'til now I hope you check my fanfiction! I've posted 11 Chapters by far. Currently, I'm publishing one chapter per week as I write everything in Portuguese (which is my native language) and than I translate it to english carefully to not leave holes. By the way, my writing in English is not as good as it is in Portuguese so please take it easy on me ;-;
I hope you have as much fun reading as I have while I'm writing! Thank you so much for paying attention to what this crazy author have to say ❤️✨
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magnoliadale · 3 months
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The Astors - San Sequoia Family
Alessandra moved to San Sequoia from Tartosa when she was 19 years old. Trading in a small lifestyle in rural Tartosa for the bustling city of San Sequoia took some getting used to, but eventually she found a job in the city and began working on her career to becoming an attorney.
Three years after passing the bar exam and landing a job at a top law firm, she met Ries Astor, owner of a real estate investment firm. They married a couple of years later in Tartosa and Alessandra gave birth to their daughter, Bianca a year later.
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simmerandwrite · 2 years
Sink Into Me - 02 - mob!Steve Rogers x plus size! reader
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Pairing: mob boss!Steve Rogers x plus size female reader
Summary: You were simply doing a good deed, pulling the handsome stranger out of the way when a car jumped the curb. Little did you know that the life you saved belonged to Steve Rogers, the Army veteran turned art dealer with connections to the Brooklyn crime syndicate.
Steve Rogers, who won’t stop calling you his guardian angel.
Steve Rogers, whose new goal in life just might be repaying his debt to you.
Steve Rogers, who isn’t shy until it comes to his feelings and will stop at nothing to keep you safe.
Chapters: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
Wordcount: 6k
Warnings: canon level violence (series), body image issues (series), very brief mentions of animal abuse
Notes: hello! meet your friends - Maria Hill, Claire Temple and Wanda Maximoff. thank you all for being here and reading!! I appreciate your enthusiasm soooo much. things are :) about to get :) complicated :) if you see me out in the wild, my main blog is @simmerandcry​
The skyline view from the floor to ceiling windows had been the real selling point to Steve taking the penthouse apartment at his latest investment property. Truthfully, he had been growing tired of the brick walls of his old place, despite their aesthetic charm. The new renters could live with that red dust now.
But the view into both Brooklyn and downtown towards Manhattan made him feel like he was exactly where he needed to be. Like he was on top of the world, his own little empire carved out in the heart of the borough. Most importantly, his apartment was his home. And that meant work didn’t come home with him, ever.
He drew that line very cleanly, even leaving the second bedroom fully intact as a guest room instead of converting to an office. Because this is where he needed to clear his head, to be Steve Rogers, the plain and simple Brooklyn born boy who loved his city.
Steve Rogers, the war veteran turned real estate mogul and art dealer, who sat at the top of what remained of an old Irish crime syndicate - that man worked on the streets, in the office, in his clubs and galleries and restaurants. That shit was not supposed to come home with him.
Though recently, it seemed to have started to bleed into what little time he spent at home. Mainly because of you and the whole incident outside the restaurant.
“Well, what’s the plan?”
“I already told you, Buck. I’m not retaliating.”
Bucky Barnes, Steve’s right hand man, his oldest friend and main confidant, the literal fist and brawn behind their organization, scoffed. “Someone sent an amateur barrelling into our territory to try and pin you between the hood of a car and your new restaurant - and you don’t want to retaliate? We coulda been weeping over your body right now, Steve.”
“I can recognize an act of aggression when I see it, I’m not an idiot.” Steve tipped his rocks glass against his lips once more, the scent of scotch lingering as he stood from the couch. “We don’t know if it was Rumlow or that new idiot creeping in from Staten Island.”
Steve rolled his eyes and cut off Bucky before he tried to add in his two cents again. “And if someone wanted to kill me, they wouldn’t hit me with a car. You know what. This was some stupid message that was poorly planned and equally poorly executed.”
Sam Wilson, who had been sipping his own concoction from the kitchen table, finally looked up from his phone and piped in. “I mean, I hate to admit it but Bucky is right. You would have been dead if it wasn’t for that beautiful woman saving your ass.”
“Sam.” Steve turned his head, eyes narrowed in a pointed glare. 
“What? I’m not blind. The hips on her were-”
Steve took another step towards his friend and trusted colleague, who had a particularly loud mouth and a flair for getting on Steve’s nerves, and held up a steady hand. “Stop.”
He wasn’t inclined to admit it, but the entire thing had been replaying in Steve’s minds for days now. Ever since you had saved him on that sidewalk, throwing yourself into a dangerous situation for him, a total stranger, something had changed. He was still living, breathing, surviving. And although he was dead set on figuring out just who was driving that vehicle and ensuring they paid for their actions, it was you he couldn’t stop thinking about.
You. Who had been in the right place at the right time, who had risked your own personal safety to make sure he didn’t get hit, who was insistent that it had been an act of good faith, a simple act of kindness. 
You, with the kind smile and generous curves. You, who swept off your actions as innocent and selfless, concerned more about the happiness of your dog than your own well being. You, who left Steve feeling curious and longing to get to know you, to make you smile, to hear you laugh.
God, what he wouldn’t give to have someone like you in his life. While he couldn’t stop thinking about the kind of person you were, he also had your face playing over and over again in his mind too. It didn’t help that his mom called him a few days ago, asking how you were doing and reiterating how much she enjoyed talking to you and…
“Still no news from Hammond?”
Steve knew Bucky couldn’t help but prodding, as if his fingers were itching to find a quick, efficient solution. 
“He said their tech department is behind. I’m inclined to believe him but my insisting this is a priority hasn’t been successful this time. I’m trying to play nice.” Steve gritted his teeth, finishing the last sip of his drink as he stood, tugging on the lapel of his suit. “So I asked Stark to help instead. We’re meeting him at the club.”
The only good thing about your dreadful basement apartment was the private patio space in the backyard. You had high hopes for it when you rented the garden level unit but once your lease had been signed, everything about the place seemed a lot less shiny. From the shared laundry with the loud, obnoxious upstairs apartment to the inconsistent water pressure and flickering lights, you were counting down the days until your lease was over.
But the backyard - you had done what you could to make it a safe oasis for you and Hercules, with a few pieces of thrifted outdoor furniture and string lights making it a bit more magical. It was a nice location when hosting your girlfriends, especially when such a thing happened so rarely now that your schedules seemed to conflict all the time.
You were so grateful to have your girls. Because at any moment, they all loved to share their opinions on the weird chaos that seemed to stir up in your life. While you had known Maria since college, you had collected Wanda and Claire into your life since starting your new job in the city. You had worked as a server at the same restaurant as Wanda a few summers ago and Claire, an ER nurse, had dropped into your life by chance one night when you were stood up on a date at a bar in Hell’s Kitchen. Your group had been solid since then - although girls nights were few and far between now, with jobs and the general grind of life making it hard to get together often.
“I’m not saying the man isn’t attractive. Because I have eyes,” Maria was on her third glass of sangria, legs extended out on the brick patio outside. “I just have no reason to trust him.” She squinted down at her phone screen. “What did he say he did for work again?”
You sighed. Perhaps it was a mistake to share Steve’s name and photo - that you found after an extensive internet search - with your friends, but you valued their perspectives. It’s not like anything had happened with the guy. You hadn’t seen him since that day you saved his life and hadn’t communicated either, outside of you emailing him the stupid photo you took.
You had added his number to your phone, though. Just in case. Just in case what? You had no clue. But he had written it down for you and all.
And he said he owed you a thousand favours…
Officer Hammond, though, had reached out to you a few days after the event - asking you to come in and try and ID the driver in a police lineup. It made you feel a bit uncomfortable but you supposed it was your civic duty to do it, if it could help stop this from happening again or to help in delivering justice for wrongdoing. You pointed out the person you best recognized from your blurry memory and moved on, trying not to think any further about the situation.
Although a few strange things seemed to happen since then, if you just used your head it could all be justified. Like seeing the same black, unfamiliar SUV on your street multiple times this week. That was probably just a new vehicle belonging to one of your neighbours.
And that one time you were walking Hercules and a stranger who seemed to be lingering outside your apartment asked to borrow your phone.
Which you promptly said no to, because you aren’t dumb enough to let someone run off with your phone. But instead of going inside with Herc, you continued to circle the block until the blond stranger disappeared. You wouldn’t consider your neighbourhood the safest place after dark, but in the daytime you never felt concerned. 
It was all just sort of weird. 
But completely unrelated to anything else, you were sure. 
That was all behind you now anyway, a strange footnote in the chapter of your life that was playing out. You’d probably never have to see Steve again, though he had crossed your mind a few times…
Okay, you had been thinking about him a lot. Which is why you had told your three closest friends about everything that had occurred.
You replied to Maria, who was nudging you with her elbow. “Oh. Uhm, he works in real estate, I think. He owns an art gallery and some apartments. Oh, and that club on Morgan Ave - Shield .”
“Sounds like a professional landlord. Thumbs down.” Claire chimed in from her chair too, shaking her head and dismissing the entire concept of Steve with a wave of her hand. “Rich at best, financially questionable at worst.”
“And he owns that restaurant the car smashed into?” Maria reached for her own phone. “The one owned by the mob. Okay, that settles it - he’s in the mob then.”
You laughed and shook your head. “The mob isn’t a thing, Hill. What’s your source on that again?” 
Wanda shrugged and finally chimed in, fingers tapping idly against her wine glass as she turned towards you. “Describe his aura to me.”
You groaned, smirking as Claire rolled her eyes with a heavy sigh. “His aura?”
“You know, what kind of energy did he have?”
“Is that your way of determining the kind of person he is?” Maria got up from her chair to toss a small toy for Hercules to chase after. “I’d love to know the science between your aura theories, Wan.”
You delayed answering by grabbing the nearby bowl of popcorn and cradling it in your lap, leaving your phone and the thought of Steve on the small crate that sat between you and your friends. “He was very confident.” How could you do any justice to Steve’s intimidating Big Dick Energy without admitting your attraction to him? That last thing you wanted to do was bait your friends with any material to tease you with. Plus, really, it didn’t matter. You had no plans to ever see Steve again. And AND and, even if you did, what made you think it would be romantic in any way? 
Steve was beyond hot - from the trimmed beard and deep blue eyes, to his easy charm and well dressed body. You had no doubt in your mind that the man probably had some equally hot partner. If not, he could have his pick of the entire city. There was no way you would be on his radar.
“I don’t know,” Maria chimed in once more, clapping her hands quickly. “This is the wildest meet cute story I’ve ever heard. If the man is so willing to do you some favours, maybe you should cash in on it, mob be damned. You know what they say about tall guys..”
“You just said you don’t trust him!” You laughed, tossing a piece of popcorn at her.
Maria just scooped it up and popped it into her mouth with a shrug. “I don’t trust any man. I trust you and your judge of character, though. Plus, you haven’t been on a date in forever so maybe this was some sort of fate driven happenstance.”
“The universe does work in weird ways,” Wanda agreed. “And you said he really filled out that suit so…”
“You should text him!” Claire sat up tall and straight, pushing her hair over one shoulder as an idea formulated in her brain. You were nervous. “I think how he reacts to a sudden text will be a perfect test.”
“It’s a Saturday night, I can’t text him! And a test of what? All I did was save the man’s life, there is nothing else to..” This was not how you wanted this to go. The last logical thing you could think of doing right now was messaging Steve Rogers anything. What would he think if you texted him out of nowhere on a Saturday night? “What would I even say?”
“Here, allow me.” Maria plucked your phone off the table and damnit, why did you ever tell her your passcode? 
“It’ll be harmless, I promise!” She glanced up from your phone and opened her eyes wide. “You need to stop playing safe. What’s the worst that could happen? He doesn’t reply?”
You sighed. YES. The fear of rejection crept up like a weird pain in your chest. “Yeah, I guess. He might think it’s a wrong number or some sort of spam message...”
“Then no harm, no foul.” Her grin grew even wider as she typed something out on the screen. She took a deep breath. You leaned over to see what she had crafted together and sighed. “It’s just a simple little push..”
Normally Steve would ignore then block an unfamiliar phone number, but this had been intriguing. Given that you hadn’t reached out to him at all, he had tried not to give much of his time to thinking about you. But when the text came in, without a lot of context or forewarning, he figured it was a small gamble to see how it could play out.
Unknown number [10:47PM]: hey, I need to cash in a favour S Rogers [10:49PM]: who is this? Unknown number [10:51PM]: 👀 🍑 🎁 🔄 🥞 S Rogers [10:55PM]: am I supposed to just guess what this means? Unknown number [10:59PM]: yes ;) S Rogers [11:02P:M]: it’ll be easier if you just tell me what you want, angel ;)
You hadn’t struck Steve as the type to flirt like this. If it was you, of course. He could really only safely assume, considering only a certain number of people had his phone number. And now, he finally had yours.
Tony had consolidated all the info he could find about you earlier that week. Steve didn’t feel great about asking Tony to dig into you, but since he had sent your picture for analysis after the delay at the police station, it sort of just happened. Frankly, Tony said your online presence was minimal. You were smart about keeping your social media secure and had a very thorough CV on LinkedIn. Otherwise, he didn’t have much information that you hadn’t already shared. And Steve had no intentions of doing anything suspicious with any of it, it just helped him understand who he had invited into a small corner of his life.
If that’s what he could call it. But you had crossed his mind over and over, and it didn’t help that Bucky kept bringing you up. Especially the part about Steve taking you to the clinic for help from Sarah. That resource was a well kept secret in their family and the fact that Steve took you there had been a big risk.
Beyond Steve’s unavoidable racing thoughts about you, he had been deep into a plan to deal with the actual problem - the group of idiots spilling into his Brooklyn territory. Tony had helped him with that too, finding names and dossiers on everyone who belonged to Rumlow’s extended Stryke gang causing a mess in the boroughs between Queens and Brooklyn. 
For years, Steve had worked hard to make a respectable reputation for himself and now things were getting shaky. And it annoyed the shit out of him, especially when a few of the names Tony pulled were on the NYPD payroll.
“It’s messy,” Tony had said with a shrug, leaning back into the leather seat from their place at the top of the club. 
Another property on Steve’s growing list - Shield was a popular nightclub in Brooklyn, which served as a perfect location for arms deals and financial transactions to float. For Steve and his old friend, tech mogul Tony Stark, it was a safe place to share theories and secrets. The upper level served as a secure hideout from the general population while the downstairs dance floor catered to obnoxious crowds looking for a drink or something else to roll on. 
It was lucrative for Steve, to say the least. 
“Let me know if you want me to get Rhodes involved.”
Steve shook his head. “He’s got enough on his plate. Is he ready for the campaign announcement?” Steve had a serious interest in the upcoming Mayoral election, especially if James Rhodes, former DA, planned on running. And with Tony bankrolling the campaign and some additional under the table support from Steve, it was going to be a shoe in.
“Oh, we’re just getting started, big guy,” Tony stood up and patted Steve on the shoulder as he left the corner area, flitting off in search of whoever might be going home with him soon enough. 
Usually that would be Steve’s next step too, but damnit, if he couldn’t stop glancing at his phone for a response from you. Maybe calling you ‘angel’ again had been out of line. He contemplated sending another message, but no, he had to wait. He knew how to play this game.
The rest of the night carried on, with certain reports popping in with updates for Steve on what was happening out on the streets. Things like confirmed shipments at the dock and successful cash pickups. He had eyes across the whole of Brooklyn, with his growing syndicate working beneath him. Things mostly operated smoothly and this night was carrying on as normal.
Bucky showed up eventually, grumbling about getting turned down by some smart mouthed girl outside the club. Sam corroborated the story, lauding the woman and her tone. 
Steve checked his phone, again. 
“I saw Sharon downstairs,” Sam nudged Steve, eyebrows raised curiously. “Unless you’re off again-”
“We’re permanently off-again,” Steve rolled his eyes. “You have my blessing if you want to pursue, Sam. But good luck, don’t say I didn’t warn you..” That was all Sam needed apparently, finishing off his glass and heading back down to the dance floor below. Steve didn’t miss his cheeky grin.
“You’re thinking about that girl again, huh?” Bucky nodded and tried to hide his mischievous smirk as he scanned Steve’s face.
Steve scoffed. “No, no. I’m not..” 
Bucky laughed, hard and incredulous. “I haven’t seen your head in the clouds like this in ages. Since whatsername in high school, maybe. What was her name?”
Then as if by some weird shift in the universe, Steve’s phone started to buzz. He left Bucky’s commentary lingering as he looked at the screen. You. 
Ah, no text reply but a phone call? Okay, he could get on board. Standing, he headed a few steps from the lounge and brought his phone up to his ear, with a small smile. “Rogers.”
The first thing he heard was your frightened yelling. “Leave me alone! Jesus - oh my god, Steve? Is this Steve?”
He said your name quickly to confirm who he was speaking too but raised his eyebrows in concern. “What’s going on?”
“Someone is trying to - HEY! Stop -” Steve could hear banging in the background. “--trying to break into my fuckin - I’m going to CALL THE COPS! Leave me alone! Please, just..” 
Steve closed his eyes, doing his best to focus on the background noise. Behind your defensive yelling and the attentive reactions of your dog, there was a mixture of other voices. Something about the voices felt familiar. 
“We just want to talk.. Did someone offer you something for that statement? Was it Rogers?”
“If you tell Hammond you got the wrong guy, this will all be over very quickly, honey.”
“Walker, move, let me – Open the door, or we’ll open it for you. Let’s talk..”
“He didn’t offer me - Stop, please! I swear I -”
Steve nearly crushed his phone when the call dropped. He was off like a bullet train, shouting for Bucky to follow him as he pushed past his security guards on the stairs and rushed down towards the back exit of the club. He tried to call you back as he sped through traffic, blatantly bypassing stop signs and treating red lights like suggestions. 
A heavy twisting feeling in Steve’s gut had told him that the aftermath of this entire situation wasn’t going to go smoothly. Especially with dumbass dirty cops on the inside who could share information to the highest bidder.
Steve felt a new responsibility to keep you safe, until this whole mess had been taken care of. He had plans to deal with it all on his own but now, if he hadn’t acted quickly enough and something had happened to you.. God, he couldn’t live with himself. How could he explain that to his mother?
He got to your apartment first, hoping Bucky was close behind. Steve didn’t know what he might be walking into but having backup was never a bad idea.
Steve had not only visited but had also lived in a lot of seedy neighbourhoods over the years. The street you lived on didn’t strike him as anything especially dangerous, but that thought enough couldn’t squash the unsettled feeling in his stomach as he approached. He pushed his way through the small metal gate beside the front stairs, towards the door to your garden level apartment.
His jaw clenched when he saw the damage to your door, clearly kicked in with plenty of force before being shoved closed. He glanced to the front window, nearby - that had been smashed, too. He tried to contain the growing fury and pressed on the door, calling out your name as he made his way inside.
As someone more than familiar with the real estate market, Steve could tell the bones of your apartment weren’t in the best shape. The entire townhouse was in desperate need of updating. But what concerned him more, outside of the low ceiling and old light fixtures, was what he could only assume was a new mess. Your coffee table had been smashed, creating a pile of kindling in your tiny living room. Papers were thrown about, a coffee cup sat shattered on the floor. 
He called your name again as he went in, reaching inside his jacket to pull out his concealed handgun as he listened carefully. Once he stepped into the hallway leading to your tiny kitchen, he took a step back at the sudden lurch of your dog heading in his direction.
Then Steve heard your quiet voice. The dog retreated into the kitchen, planting himself in front of you as Steve turned to look in. His heart sank.
You were seated on the floor, back pressed against the wall. It was clear you were trying to hide, make yourself small. And was that… some sort of steak knife in your hand? When you finally looked up at him, your eyes were wide.
When you tried to press yourself even further back, eyeing down the gun in Steve’s hand, he slowly put it down on the counter and said your name. “Hey, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. That was just a precaution.” Shit. The way you reacted to the gun wasn’t a surprise but it made Steve even angrier. Whoever had been here, whoever had done this, well, they probably had guns too. 
“Can you tell me what happened?” Steve crouched down, keeping his distance while Hercules acted as your bodyguard. He was trying everything in his power to maintain his composure but god fucking damnit, Steve needed to know who did this and he needed to deal with it. “Are you hurt?”
You took in a deep breath then just shrugged, relaxing just a fraction when Hercules circled around and flopped down to rest his head on your knee. “There were two guys, they had.. They had guns with them. They said they just wanted to talk to me, to … they kept talking about whoever the guy was who drove that SUV.” Your breath picked up as you recounted what had happened. “They..they smashed my phone and..” Slowly, you moved your hand up towards your neck, gently dragging your fingers against the tender skin on your collarbone. “..One guy he..” You winced at the memory.
The heat grew more and more in his stomach as he saw you shaking with fear, recounting whatever the fuck had just happened. How dare any of those fucking imbeciles lay their hand on you? And because of him? If he wasn’t sure of his next steps before, he was going to figure them out now. Because someone needed to pay for this.
His phone buzzed. He stood up and saw a message from Bucky, wondering if Steve needed his help inside. Steve took a step back, turning towards the front door.
“Don’t go,” you pleaded quietly, letting your hand linger in the air as you reached for him. “Steve, please..”
Steve stopped and turned back to you, giving his head a firm shake. “Sweetheart, I’m not going anywhere.” 
A few hours ago you were saying goodbye to your friends as your sangria pitcher finally ran dry. And now? You and Hercules were in an elevator with Steve and his friend Bucky, heading to Steve’s apartment.
Everything that had just happened felt like a bit of a dream - a bad dream. A break in at your own apartment, being intimidated, harassed and assaulted by men with guns, zipping through Brooklyn with Steve as he promised you a safe space to stay for the night.
You didn’t say much to each other once you had left, but you could see the twist of concern and small decisions Steve started to make to ensure you felt secure. A hand at your back, a soft smile, extra attention being given to Hercules to make sure he was okay, too.
You hadn’t gotten into much detail yet but you knew Steve wanted to figure out who the men were who had done this. You were already dreading talking about it again. And god, you likely had another police experience coming your way. What was happening in your life and how could it go back to normal again?
“Hey,” Steve tipped his head towards the door as the elevator opened. You took the lead as you stepped out into the hallway, where just a small handful of apartment doors were spread out. 
Steve’s building was a place you could only daydream about living in. You followed him through the door to his apartment, checking over your shoulder to see Bucky guiding Hercules behind you. 
Bucky was incredibly kind to you throughout this whole thing, especially back at your apartment. He had patiently directed you as Steve made some phone calls, carefully standing outside your room as you packed a quick overnight bag. And he was very taken to Hercules, which you really appreciated. 
Once inside Steve’s place, you made your way into the living room just past the foyer. Steve and Bucky moved into the kitchen briefly, exchanging a few hushed sentences out of your earshot. 
When they joined you in the living room, they found you crouched down on the floor with Hercules. You tipped your head up to look at them. Bucky’s gaze was on his phone but Steve was watching you with a soft smile. 
“Do you think he’ll be okay here tonight?” Steve took a knee on the other side of Hercules, slowly reaching his hand out to scratch behind his ear. 
You couldn’t stop yourself from smiling, just a bit, as you nodded. “Yeah, he’s pretty easy going usually.” As if on cue, your dog nudged his head against Steve’s hand for one more quick pet then trotted further into the living room, flopping down on the rug between the couch and windows. “All his adrenaline seems to have worn off.”
And so it seemed had yours.
A few minutes later you were sitting on the couch, with Steve planted in the chair across from you and Bucky standing over his shoulder, arms crossed. Steve leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees as he took you in. 
God, even in the low light of his living room, the man was handsome. Wearing just a navy blazer and matching dress pants, over a black button up with no tie, he managed to look effortlessly intimidating and strangely welcoming. Like you had no reason not to trust him, as if the dark shadows behind his eyes were a sign of protection instead of a signal of something to be feared.
You took in a long breath and leaned back into the couch.
Steve dragged his tongue over his lips then let out a sharp breath. “Okay, so I need you to walk me through exactly what happened.”
You knew this was coming. The moment Steve insisted on not calling the cops, something shifted for you. This whole situation had escalated beyond what you were used to, that whomever these men were to Steve - it probably wasn’t good. 
But when you looked over at Steve, as much as you wanted to shake with worry about what might happen next, you couldn’t. Despite being way out of your comfort zone, scared out of your mind, coming down from your own rush of adrenaline, you weren’t scared. Not anymore, not in his presence and under the additional watchful eye of his right hand man.
And so you told him and Bucky exactly what had happened. How your girlfriends had left, how you were finding the next episode of your favourite show to watch, how you had some writing to catch up on and planned on staying up late. Then you heard a noise outside, then a knock at your door.
Then… well, then you had called Steve when everything started unfolding.
And after the men managed to get beyond the door and push their way through to you, you had nowhere to hide. Once they smashed your phone, you were going to comply and do whatever they needed to, to get them out of your home but then one of them threatened Hercules, and even kicked him-
“Jesus,” Bucky muttered, teeth clenched. Before he could get his true feelings out, Steve held up his hand and had you continue.
“I shoved the guy who was closest to me, trying to go for the other idiot before he hurt Herc and then..” You closed your eyes, going into vague details about how the man pushed you back, how he shoved you into the wall, the kitchen counter. How he pulled out his gun and put his hand around your throat and..
When you opened your eyes again, taking in the silence of the room as you trailed off, Steve was watching you carefully. Though you safely assumed he was an expert at hiding his emotions, you could see a twitch in his jaw. His fists rested on his knees, clenched and turning white with tension.
“One of them got a phone call and I guess they were beckoned to leave. They had enough time to make more of a mess while I cowered away but..” You gulped, shaking your head. “What if they come back? I think I should just call Officer Hammond and-”
“No.” Steve stood up, taking barely a stride to make his way towards the couch. He took a seat beside you, extending his hand to ever so gently cradle your jaw, turning your head to look at him. He said your name softly, barely.. “I’m going to take care of this.”
Your safe feeling was depleting and as much as you wanted to argue, to put a stop to all of this, to do it the correct way, you couldn’t. Earlier, when the threat was outside your door, you didn’t think of calling the police. It was Steve who had crossed your mind. For some unknown reason, you had a feeling he would help you. 
Steve pulled his hand away and stood again, shooting a glance to his friend. 
Bucky cleared his throat, taking a step forward. “Doll, can you tell me what the guys looked like? Identifying features?” 
You wanted to ask a thousand questions about what happened now, about what Bucky was planning on doing, about his metal arm and lack of hesitation to help Steve. But you just played along, delivering all the details you could. Once you repeated it all and answered a few of his questions, you sat up and leaned forward. “Oh. One of them went by Walker. I’m not sure if that’s a first name or..”
“Last name.” Bucky gave one nod before muttering out a tired laugh. “That fucking moron.” He looked at Steve. “Okay, I know where to go. Nat’s gonna meet me downstairs.”
Steve followed him to the door and you could hear their quiet conversation once more. 
Twisting your hands together, you sat on the couch with your thoughts. You couldn’t believe how your night had played out. Really, if you thought about the last week of your life you’d be hard pressed to believe it was real life. How could the simple act of getting a person out of harm’s way lead to this?
When you heard Steve’s footsteps heading back towards you, after the door shut behind Bucky, you stood up and looked at him. 
Okay, you had to ask. Because a lot of this felt nonsensical, impossible even.
“You don’t really work in real estate, do you?” With the most courage you could muster you met his gaze, which was stoic as he watched you. “My friend Maria had this crazy theory and.. I don’t know what I’ve gotten myself into here, Steve. But this isn’t… I just did the right thing and saved you from being hit by a car and.. Now what? People with guns are breaking into my home and threatening my dog? And instead of going to the police.. I’m right here in your apartment - with you, a kind, handsome stranger who keeps offering to help and take care of me and I just don’t get it. Is this real?”
He didn’t falter or let his facade break when you spiraled. Instead, he motioned towards his kitchen. “Would you like a cup of tea?”
You sat with a steaming mug of chamomile at Steve’s kitchen island. His kitchen felt impressively Steve somehow too, with dark granite counters and cool grey tones decorating the tall cabinets. The light blue kettle that sat on his stove somehow humanized him even more though. 
Steve opted to lean against the counter, shrugging off his suit jacket as he met your eyes. “So. First, let me just say - I don’t want you to feel like I brought you here for any other reason than keeping you safe tonight. I want you to feel safe here, with me. But if you don’t feel comfortable, you can leave. I will put you up in a hotel somewhere or if you have a friend you can stay with-”
You swallowed hard and brought your hand up. “No, that’s not.. I’m sorry for, uhm, going off a bit there. I just..” You left your mug on the island and leaned forward, balancing your chin on your hand while your elbow propped you up. You matched his gaze, somehow both honest and shy. “In college, my friends and I did this thing called honesty hour. Usually after a really late night or when we were a bit drunk. But the point is to be as honest as possible, but gentle, I guess. Feelings were always at risk but if it was after 2am, it was honesty only.”
A small smirk tugged at Steve’s lips as he rolled up the sleeves of his shirt. “Okay.”
“So. Honesty hour.” You nodded.
“What do you want to know?”
“Do you always carry a gun?”
“There are often dangerous, poorly- intentioned people in my line of work.”
You narrowed your eyes, pausing to take a small sip from your mug. “Your line of work - in real estate and art gallery ownership?”
Steve let out a quiet laugh. “The scope of my day to day work goes well beyond that.”
God, you had so many other questions but you had a feeling Steve was not going to share any details with you. Maybe it was better that way for both of you. Because answering some of your questions might ruin everything. “Would you rather I not ask about that? Your.. full scope?”
“I don’t think it qualifies for your honesty hour, no.”
You were ready to counter with something but you figured it wasn’t worth pushing his buttons. After another big breath, you closed your eyes. “Do you think those guys are going to show up again? At my apartment?”
The mug that had been resting in Steve’s hand found a careful spot on the counter. He took a big step forward and leaned onto the island opposite you.
Your name left his lips. You opened your eyes.
“I promise they won’t.” It was clear some things were being left unsaid, hidden behind his reassuring smile. His hand landed on yours as it rested on the table. “Trust me when I say I’ll never let that sort of thing happen again.” You looked from him, focusing on the warmth in his eyes and how his palm felt against your skin and…
“My turn.” Steve ran his thumb over the top of your hand, as if searching for the softest spot. “You called me. How come?”
You had never been so grateful to hear someone’s phone ring, because you did not want to answer that question. He tried to ignore it but the buzzing in his pocket filled in the quiet that lingered between you. Just like that, whatever that moment was or could have been - vanished. He gave you an apologetic glance as he stepped away. 
You sipped on your tea, feeling more and more run down by this whole situation. You were tired, finally and Steve’s big sweeping statements gave you some peace of mind. You trusted him, that was the only thing you were certain about. 
Despite everything, including the silly rumours from Maria and the broken remains of your apartment on the other side of Brooklyn… There was something about Steve that made you feel okay about all of this.
But the thought of talking any more about it now made your thoughts spiral out of control. Truthfully, you needed to sleep. And you really needed to talk all of this through in the group chat with the girls. You desperately wished your phone was still functioning.
Before you could even let your train of thoughts derail, you heard Hercules’ feet tapping against the floors in search of you. You took one final sip of your tea and met him in the living room. Your boy was ready for bed too.
You hesitated though, glancing from him to the door. He looked that way too. Maybe it would be smart to take him out one more time before you headed to bed.
Steve found you near the door and reached his hand out to stop you before you could even grab your coat. “Hey. I can take him out, if you want to get ready for bed.”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“Please, I insist.” He grabbed Hercules’ leash from the small entry table and rested his hand on your shoulder. “I’ve been thinking about adopting a dog for months now so this is a nice reminder about responsibilities.” 
Steve’s genuine smile was unmatched and, well, Hercules just looked excited for one last moment of fresh air. “Okay, fine. For your own research purposes. Thanks Steve.”
He waved his hand and pulled on a coat from the hanging rack. “The guest room is just down there.” With his free hand he pointed down the hall behind you. “First door on the right. Bathroom across the hall.”
The minute Steve was outside the door with Hercules, you made your way to the bedroom. You nearly gasped when you opened the door, considering the space was practically the same size as your entire apartment. And god, the view from the windows. A full floor to ceiling piece of glass illuminated Brooklyn below.
The bathroom was just as impressive. After finding a fluffy towel and figuring out how the shower and faucet functioned, you let yourself get consumed by the water. Though you felt far past your breaking point, you held back your tears. Yes, the entire night behind you had been a rollercoaster. And yes, you were nervous about what tomorrow was going to bring.
But you were safe. That’s all that mattered.
Chapter 01 - Chapter 03
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champstorymedia · 3 days
Diversifying Your Portfolio: High-Return Real Estate Investment Opportunities to Explore
Introduction Are you looking to diversify your investment portfolio with high-return opportunities in the real estate market? Investing in real estate can be a lucrative way to grow your wealth and generate passive income. In this article, we will explore various real estate investment opportunities that offer the potential for high returns. Whether you are a seasoned investor or a beginner…
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amodhainfra2211 · 17 days
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regaliasonata · 2 months
Ninja Storm Headcanons
@skyland2703 @eve6rangers @buster-loves-pr
(Some stem from the AU fic)
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-Blake thrifts heavy, that man dresses to impress and would even go to lengths of joining online auctions.
-Tori has the strongest elemental output out of the team, while they are all strong her control over water is terrifying to the point of any deep feelings and willpower rooted together allow for her to make tsunamis or even a hurricane if she sees fit.
-Dustin might be a bit air headed but he’s really good and retaining information. Reading books can be exhausting but with his love for comics he’s gotten a very visual mindset and pretty much maps out every scene he reads, helps with studying a lot.
-Marah and Kapri are twins with Kapri being the older one.
-Hunter too likes to dress up a bit but the real reason why he never really showed off like Blake was cause most of his money was either spent on biking tools or saved up. He really prefers shoes and baggy clothing, also one of those people who actually uses a stylish watch when wearing it outside.
-Cam is loaded with money due to his dad, the Watanabe’s have investments all around the place through generational business and with Kanoi’s influence they’ve accumulated a lot of wealth. They live in a huge estate hidden away somewhat like the ninja schools, the team sometimes sneaks in due to the fact that there a bunch of rooms making it seem like a castle.
-Shane has a tendency of helping people but sometimes it tends to get him into trouble, years ago when he was around eight years old he stole medicine to help out a kid who had a sick mom and it got him in juvenile detention. Didn’t matter cause he was happy he could help, that kid was Cam(rip Miko).
-The team has a good taste in music, Blake enjoying a lot of R&B and Soul music, Hunter enjoying hip hop and rock, Dustin has a taste for a lot of upbeat music and Japanese city pop, Cam secretly likes pop, Tori has a mix of a lot of taste and Shane enjoys Lo-fi beats with high tempos. Their favorite artists is Nujabes.
-Shane tends to add style to his fighting by adding in chants or specific words with technique, he seems to find it bringing energy and more power into his element. He’s got a cool way of thinking within the world and the team started to pick up a few of these tendencies…they can’t make fun of him considering Hunter names some of this own techniques after specific gods of thunder.
-Best dancers on the team are Dustin and Hunter but everyone else has a really good rep as well…Hunter was taken aback when they went to a nightclub and Dustin got all close and personal when they started playing a bunch of huge beats.
-Cam broke the stock market and might’ve been responsible for the 2008 crash…
-Meeting up with other rangers is always pleasant, the yellow rangers before Dustin absolutely love him, Tori is surprised to have been the first female blue ranger in ages, Shane isn’t allowed to bring Hunter anymore due to him roasting and hating a lot of the old reds but he finds a way to sneak in. Blake pretty much judges some of the clothing of the other blues and Cam refuses to meet any green rangers but he will be down to hang out with RJ.
-They will jump the shit out of anyone who’s an asshole, anyone who’s homophobic, anyone who picks on Dustin and Cam, anyone who who’s basically causing some trouble. Like you don’t wanna catch any of their smoke🔥
-As teachers they made it mandatory for the students to watch ATLA, both cause the show is good but also the examples for lessons are top notch. It’s also how they found out that fire was an element some students could use.
-Dustin has a crush on Cole the Wild Force Red Ranger…Hunter is jealous.
-although ninja steel is another team that they somewhat acknowledge it anyone compares them to that team or tries to do a versus situation they will get very offended. In another universe where Ninja Steel was a good season they are a part of the Wave Academy and the Ninja Storm rangers love their company. Cam actually raised Levi.
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growingstories · 1 year
Joshua Goldman grew up in a rich family. His parents have always invested in real estate. They were hardworking though and gave him the values of integrity and determination.
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From a young age, Joshua knew he was different. He had a keen eye for fashion and design, and his creativity set him apart from his peers. However, growing up in a conservative community, he faced adversity and discrimination. It was during his teenage years that he discovered his sexual orientation, and he struggled to find acceptance and support.
But despite the challenges he faced, Joshua never let his circumstances define him. He worked hard in school and graduated to a prestigious university. It was during his time in college that he discovered his innate business acumen. He excelled in his studies, focusing on finance and real estate, and his professors saw something special in him.
After graduating at the top of his class, Joshua set out to make his mark on the world. Armed with his knowledge and ambition, he dove headfirst into the real estate industry. He started small, flipping houses and investing in properties, slowly building his empire. At a very young age he took over his parents company.
It wasn't long before Joshua's savvy business sense caught the attention of wealthy investors. With their financial backing, he expanded his operations, diving into commercial real estate and luxury properties. His ventures took him to every corner of the globe, from the bustling streets of Dubai to the serene beaches of Bali.
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As his wealth and influence grew, Joshua found himself longing for something more. The business world was exhilarating, but he yearned for a sense of fulfillment that money couldn't buy. It was during a trip to the Mediterranean that he had a life-changing experience. 
The shimmering blue waters of the Mediterranean called to Joshua like a siren's song. The luxurious yachts that dotted the coastline captured his imagination, and he knew he had found the missing piece of his puzzle. He wanted to live a life of freedom, surrounded by beauty and opulence. And so, he set his sights on acquiring a yacht of his own.
Joshua spared no expense when selecting his vessel. He enlisted the help of the most talented yacht designers and naval architects in the world. Together, they created a floating palace that would become his home away from home. The yacht was a sight to behold, boasting state-of-the-art amenities and luxurious accommodations.
Joshua's summer routine became the stuff dreams were made of. From May to September, he would embark on a journey across the Mediterranean, his yacht docking in a new harbor every morning. As the sun rose, he would lace up his sneakers and set off on a run through the picturesque streets of each city or village, guided by his dedicated personal trainer.
After an invigorating run, Joshua would indulge in an hour of fitness at the most exclusive hotels and resorts that he owned in the region. Sweating it out in luxurious surroundings became his morning ritual, a way maintain to his physique and recharge his for energy the day ahead.
By lunchtime, Joshua would return to his yacht, already tackled the to business side of his empire. Meetings with clients and investors filled his mornings, as he strategized and negotiated deals from the comfort of his floating palace. The yacht provided the perfect backdrop for his high-stakes discussions, its opulent interiors exuding an air of sophistication.
Despite his high-powered lifestyle, Joshua never forgot the value of companionship. He surrounded himself with a carefully selected entourage, a tight-knit group of individuals who became like family. Two hospitality managers attended to his every need, ensuring that his logistics were flawlessly arranged. His personal trainer, chef, and assistant chef also had their designated spaces on the yacht, their expertise enhancing the experience for Joshua and his guests.
And guests there were aplenty. Joshua's generosity knew no bounds, and he would often invite his friends and family to join him on his summer escapades. He would fly them in from around the world, ensuring that they were treated like royalty from the moment they stepped onboard. Lavish breakfasts were served, either in the privacy of their rooms or on the sun-drenched deck. Joshua prided himself as the perfect host, ensuring that his guests were always entertained and pampered.
Joshua's yacht became a hub of excitement and joy. He organized breathtaking excursions, taking his guests to secluded beaches and enchanting Mediterranean islands. The days were filled with laughter, sun-soaked adventures, and endless opportunities for relaxation and indulgence.
As the sun set, the yacht transformed into a vibrant party scene. Joshua's guests would gather on deck, clinking champagne glasses, and dancing into the wee hours of the morning. And yet, amidst the revelry, Joshua remained the picture of composure. He knew how to pace himself, rarely imbibing in excess and always encompassing himself with responsible behavior.
As the summer months drew to a close, Joshua reluctantly bid farewell to the Mediterranean and returned to his beloved New York City for the fall. The concrete jungle provided a stark contrast to the azure waters he had become accustomed to, but he found solace in the vibrancy and energy of the city.
The winter months were divided between two paradises that Joshua held dear. From November to January, he would retreat to his Tulum jungle villa, immersing himself in nature's embrace. The serenity of the jungle served as a respite from the stresses of his business, allowing him to find inner peace and clarity. Or go to his beach house in St Barth’s.
Then, from February to March, Joshua would trade the tranquility of Tulum for the exhilaration of the European Alps. Gstaad became his seasonal home, a playground for the elite and a winter wonderland for adrenaline enthusiasts. He would carve his way down the snow-covered slopes, letting the crisp mountain air invigorate his spirit.
And so, the seasons changed, and Joshua followed suit, always seeking out the next adventure. With spring came the promise of discovery in a new city, a chance to explore trendy bars and restaurants and mingle with sexy, like-minded individuals. He reveled in the nightlife, surrounded by beauty and opportunity.
As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into years, Joshua's routine remained steadfast. He had found a life that brought him joy, fulfillment, and success. His multi-billion-dollar empire continued to flourish, and he became a role model for those who dared to dream.
And so, as the sun set on Joshua's yacht, signaling the end of another perfect day, he retired to his luxurious chamber. He knew that tomorrow would bring new adventures, new challenges, and new opportunities. He lay his head on the soft pillows, his mind at ease, and drifted off to sleep.
The morning would come soon enough, and Joshua would rise the with sun, ready to embrace the world that lay before him.
Part 2, Thibault
During a glamorous party in Paris, a young and handsome man named Thibault had just graduated from university. With his clever mind and social charm, he caught the attention of the city's elite, including the Joshua 
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Joshua, impressed by Thibault's presence, invited him to join him on his private jet, traveling to parties all over Europe in the month of April. Thibault and Joshua quickly became a great match, and their friends adored them as a couple. 
As summer approached, Joshua extended an invitation to Thibault to join him on his luxurious yacht. It was the perfect opportunity for Thibault to travel before starting work, so he eagerly accepted. 
The summer adventure began in Beirut, where Joshua spent his mornings running on the shore with his personal trainer, followed by intense fitness workouts and meetings with investors and other important business associates. Lunchtime was usually spent back on the boat, hosting grand parties with influential people. 
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During the first two weeks, Thibault and Joshua had a wonderful time, enjoying each other's company and indulging in the delicious food onboard. However, Thibault soon realized that the extravagance was taking a toll on his body. Feeling a bit chubbier, he noticed that it actually turned Joshua on, leading to their intimate moments being even more passionate than before. 
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Determined to look his best, Joshua took Thibault on a shopping spree, buying him new Louis Vuitton trunks and tailored suits to enhance his appearance. Thibault also attempted to keep up with Joshua's fitness routine but struggled to find the motivation. Late-night parties and exhaustion from socializing left him feeling tired and slightly hungover. 
After four weeks, Thibault started to notice that his jeans no longer fit him. At first, he assumed it was due to the staff on the boat washing them at too high a temperature. However, during a shopping trip, he realized that he had gained a whole size. Troubled by this discovery, he decided to have a workout session with their personal trainer, but unfortunately, it didn't go well. Thibault discovered that he had gained a shocking six kilograms in just four weeks, which was more than he had ever weighed in his life. 
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Thibault discussed his concerns with Joshua, proposing that they schedule a session with the personal trainer to address the issue. However, Joshua denied the request, explaining that the trainer was too busy with his own online fitness company and would disrupt the guest schedule. Feeling guilty and wanting to show his appreciation, Joshua bought Thibault a Rolex watch. Despite the weight gain, Joshua couldn't resist his attraction to Thibault's new size, and their intimate moments continued to be filled with passion. 
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As the summer went on, Thibault and Joshua traveled to various destinations along the Croatian coast, Venice, Puglia, Capri, Rome, and other glamorous Mediterranean locations. They attended lavish parties with high-end guests, including celebrities and royalties.
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Indulging in more snacks and champagne, Thibault's denial about his weight gain persisted, attributing it to Italian sizes rather than accepting the reality. Meanwhile, Joshua maintained his discipline, going to bed on time, and abstaining from alcohol. 
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Three months had flown by, and Thibault and Joshua had visited every desirable harbor in Europe. Their bond had strengthened, and Joshua couldn't believe that Thibault had made it through the summer without any issues. Other companions had wanted separate rooms or even left after only four weeks. Joshua proposed that Thibault join him in his New York City apartment for the fall, with the potential of spending Christmas and New Year's Eve with his family in Mexico and St. Barths if everything went well. 
In the last harbor before their return, Thibault felt like an entirely different person. He had grown larger, and Joshua decided to them treat to a weekend at a lavish spa resort in the area. Stepping on the scale after three months of not seeing his weight climb, Thibault was shocked to discover that he now weighed 120 kilograms. Conflicted about his new appearance, Thibault wasn't sure if he liked it, but Joshua loved it and had no intention of making him lose weight. 
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windlassrivervalley · 1 month
Discover Modern Living at Windlass River Valley: The Premier Apartments in Dehradun
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Nestled in the serene foothills of the Himalayas, Dehradun has emerged as a top destination for those seeking a blend of urban convenience and natural beauty. Among the many residential developments in this picturesque city, Windlass River Valley stands out as a premier choice for those looking for apartments in Dehradun. This sprawling township offers a lifestyle that combines modern amenities with the tranquility of nature, making it an ideal home for families, professionals, and retirees alike.
The Appeal of Dehradun
Dehradun’s charm lies in its unique combination of natural beauty and modern infrastructure. Known for its pleasant climate, lush greenery, and proximity to the mountains, Dehradun has always been a sought-after location for those seeking a peaceful lifestyle. Over the years, the city has also developed a robust infrastructure, with excellent educational institutions, healthcare facilities, and shopping centers, making it a perfect place for modern living.
For those considering an investment in real estate, particularly in apartments in Dehradun, the city offers a promising future. With its growing economy, improving infrastructure, and the increasing influx of professionals and retirees, Dehradun is quickly becoming a real estate hotspot. And within this burgeoning market, Windlass River Valley shines as a prime option for residential living.
Why Choose Windlass River Valley?
Windlass River Valley is more than just a residential project; it’s a well-planned township designed to offer a holistic living experience. Located in Harrawala, one of the city’s most rapidly developing areas, this township is strategically positioned to provide easy access to all of Dehradun’s key locations, while still offering the peace and quiet of suburban life.
1. Modern and Spacious Apartments
The apartments in Windlass River Valley are designed with modern lifestyles in mind. They feature spacious layouts with high-quality finishes, ensuring that residents enjoy both comfort and style. Whether you are looking for a cozy 2BHK or a more expansive 3BHK apartment, you’ll find a range of options that cater to different needs and preferences. Large balconies offer stunning views of the surrounding greenery, allowing you to enjoy the beauty of Dehradun right from your home.
2. World-Class Amenities
Windlass River Valley boasts a range of world-class amenities that cater to all aspects of modern living. Residents can enjoy a state-of-the-art clubhouse, swimming pools, fitness centers, and sports facilities, ensuring that there’s always something to do without leaving the township. For families, the well-designed play areas and parks provide safe and enjoyable spaces for children to play and explore.
3. Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Living
In today’s world, sustainable living is more important than ever. Windlass River Valley has been designed with eco-friendliness in mind. The township features green spaces, energy-efficient buildings, and waste management systems that minimize environmental impact. Living here means you can enjoy the best of modern amenities while also contributing to a sustainable future.
4. Security and Peace of Mind
Security is a top priority at Windlass River Valley. The township is equipped with 24/7 security systems, including CCTV surveillance and gated entry points, ensuring that residents feel safe and secure at all times. This focus on safety makes it an ideal choice for families and retirees who prioritize peace of mind.
5. Community Living
One of the standout features of Windlass River Valley is its focus on fostering a strong sense of community. The township is home to a diverse group of residents, creating a vibrant and inclusive community. Regular events and activities are organized within the township, encouraging residents to connect and build lasting relationships with their neighbors.
Investment Potential
Investing in an apartment in Dehradun, particularly at Windlass River Valley, offers excellent long-term potential. Dehradun’s real estate market is on the rise, with property values steadily increasing as the city continues to develop. By choosing to invest in Windlass River Valley, you’re not just buying a home; you’re securing a valuable asset that is likely to appreciate over time.
Furthermore, Dehradun’s growing popularity as a destination for both tourism and retirement means that there is a strong demand for quality housing. Whether you plan to live in your apartment or rent it out, you can expect a good return on your investment.
The Windlass River Valley Lifestyle
Living at Windlass River Valley means embracing a lifestyle that balances convenience, luxury, and natural beauty. Imagine waking up to the sight of the majestic Himalayas, spending your evenings strolling through beautifully landscaped gardens, and having all the amenities you need just a short walk away. This is the lifestyle that Windlass River Valley offers—a perfect blend of urban and suburban living.
For those who work in Dehradun or nearby cities, the township’s location ensures that commuting is hassle-free. Major roads and public transportation are easily accessible, making it convenient to travel to and from the city. At the same time, the peaceful surroundings offer a welcome escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.
If you’re in the market for apartments in Dehradun, Windlass River Valley should be at the top of your list. With its modern design, comprehensive amenities, and prime location, it offers everything you need for a comfortable and fulfilling life. Whether you’re looking to invest in real estate or find your dream home, Windlass River Valley is a choice you won’t regret.
Explore the possibilities today and discover why Windlass River Valley is the premier destination for modern living in Dehradun.
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