#top 10 things to draw while listening to mind electric
siqeml · 9 months
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Rain pours with crackling thunder and burning light. That rage in his body extinguished with the mist that ran over the mans shoulders. Crimson drops shine mockingly on his hands and blade and yet the body of its origin stands much alive behind him. He cannot help but stare dully at the ground. The emotions had come to a crescendo not worth an audience- silence rings in his mind as he stares at the other through the reflection of red metal. Diluc hisses out, voice caught in his throat,
"What did you do?" Full one shot on ao3 [here]
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boymeetsweevil · 3 years
Call me maybe
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Grouping: Reader x Namjoon
Word Count: ~6.59k
Warnings/Themes: Club meet-cute AU, 1% angst +99% suggestive fluff, (legal!) alcohol consumption, language, flirting anxiety(?)
Summary: It all started with a stupid drinking game...
A/N: this is the One Direction wattpad-style fanfic that's been haunting me for so long. beware of that and the fact that this is unedited hahaha...
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“You know the rules, girls. Whoever wins this round of rock-paper-scissors is It.”
You and your three friends, warm and bubbly from 2 rounds of shots at this point in the evening, assume your battle stances and stick your hands into the center of your table. Four hands make a square over the scattered layer of empty decorative shot glasses from the bar in the club.
There’s an air of electric excitement that comes with this game, lovingly nicknamed Hunter-Gathering. Whoever is It gets a target and has to pursue that target in hopes of bringing ‘home’ free drinks for everyone the rest of the night. But no matter how attractive the target is, you can't ever bring them home.
“Wait, wait!” Lia chimes in. “I can’t be It this time. I did it twice already and my ass still hurts from the last time.”
Dani nods seriously. “Fair enough. That means the odds are upped for the rest of you.”
“So, we’re just gonna ignore that ass thing,” another friend, Alexa, looks around the table with confused eyes.
“Do you actually want me to give you the details?” Lia smiles slowly at her from across the table.
Alexa’s face brightens with her own smile, worry evaporated. “You know what? I don’t! Never mind.”
The game begins and somehow you find yourself the lone rock amongst two pairs of scissors. Alexa and Dani laugh with relief because they don’t have to put in any work tonight. You roll your eyes to the heavens and silently question your karma.
“Are you ready to pick your target?”
“I don’t really have a choice, do I?”
“Nope!” Dani grins.
She steps forward and grabs a clean face mask out of her clutch bag and wraps it around your eyes, careful not to muss your makeup or hair. Three pairs of hands rest on your shoulders and you let them spin you lightly around a few times. Not enough to get you dizzy but just enough to make sure you don’t know what direction you’re facing anymore.
“Alright,” Dani’s voice sounds out over the music of the club. “Take your pick!”
You stick your hand out blindly and someone unties the makeshift blindfold. Everyone follows the line your hand makes all the way to a tall figure standing by the side of the bar.
He’s probably the most handsome man any of you have seen in a while. There's an intimidating aura emanating from him. You figure it's the understated all-black outfit complete with the heinously expensive watch he's wearing and the sheer height of him as he towers over people near him at the bar.
“Oh my god,” Dani whispers as you all take in the stranger’s face.
“We can finally get top shelf vodka,” Alexa pretends to wipe a tear from the corner of her eye.
“Not bad,” Lia hums in appreciation.
“Okay, why is everyone acting like I bagged him already?” Your voice grows high with nerves. “I'm pretty sure I have, like, a 2% chance of interesting him."
“What are you so worried about?” Dani crosses her arms at you. “Just do whatever you did to get those history nerds to help you out that one time."
"This is not the same thing. Those guys parted their hair 90/10 unironically and thought Diva Cups are for when you don't want to hold your pee when you stand in line for roller coasters."
"You're kidding," Lia gasps. You wish you were.
"Well, just pretend he's one of them anyway." Dani suggests, "Every guy is the same."
You can't argue with that logic.
“I mean, I can try flirting with him, but he’s probably so used to people throwing themselves at him. I don’t think anything I do would, like, make a dent, you know?”
“Babe, no. No—listen to me, okay?” Alexa takes you by the shoulders and forces you around so you can see how serious she is.
“Tonight is the last free night of vacation. After tonight, we have less than a day to get over our hangovers, pack up the Airbnb, and then catch our 6am flight back home to start the spring term. Our last night of freedom lies in your hands.”
“But, what if—”
“No ‘but’s. Do you see yourself? Do you see your skin in this fresh white two piece? Have you seen how your tits look in this off the shoulder top? That poor man doesn’t stand a chance!”
Lia murmurs her agreement in the background and Dani mentions something about fearing for the guy's soul. You think about the freakishly good pictures you all took in the stylish club bathroom when you first arrived.
“I see your point.”
You turn back toward the bar to review your target. He sips from a dark green bottle as he looks around at the people on the dance floor between your table and the bar. As he continues to scan the room, he locks eyes with you. You hold his gaze even though your instincts are screaming at you to duck for cover. Surprisingly, he gives a small smile and raises his bottle in salute.
"See, you got the hardest part down already. Just fake the rest until you make it."
You chance a look back in his direction only to catch him staring in the direction of the table. When he catches your gaze again, he whips his head away, cheeks tinging pink under the soft yellow lighting at the bar.
Alexa cackles and starts detailing all the drinks she wants made with the top shelf vodka. Lia and Dani discuss leaving early to go back and clean up the apartment so it’s clean in case you break the rules and bring this guy back for the night.
“Uh, aren’t you guys moving a little fast?”
“Aren’t you moving a little slow,” Alexa counters.
“Hold on, Lex.” Dani turns to you. “You know you don’t actually have to do this if you don’t want to, right? Hunter-Gathering is just a game, there's no pressure.”
For all their poking and teasing, you're reminded right then and there that your friends would never put you in a situation where they thought you were actually at any risk. The weight you felt on your shoulders lightens somewhat.
“No, no, I definitely still want to play, I just don’t want you guys to get your hopes up.”
“I believe in you.”
Lia bumps shoulders with you quietly. She’s not the most affectionate, so you know she really means it.
“I’ll do my best.”
You let them tweak you a little bit, fixing stray hairs and wiping away smeared lip gloss and hiking up your skirt, giving you their drink orders, before you grab your purse and phone and push in your stool.
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When you finally make it to the bar, he’s in the same spot as you first found him in. He spots you once you get close enough and naturally makes room for you. You set your bag on the bar countertop before hopping up on the empty stool immediately in front of him. The movement causes your skirt to ride up even more and you’re glad you only let Lia hike it up one inch instead of three.
Dani's advice about treating this guy like any other scrub from school reverbs in the back of your head right as the nerves start to set in. With the guys in your art history class, your grade was on the line. There was no room for hesitation when you could barely draw a stick figure, much less write an essay analyzing what an old painting style could tell you about the dairy economy in a certain town like some of your classmates were doing. It was because you were desperate that you were suddenly able to transform into a femme fatale. It also helped that these guys quivered at any interaction with an adult woman.
Tonight's drinks are on the line, you tell yourself. As best you can, you try to trick yourself into entering the same mindset you were in when you would lay on the charm extra thick for the art history guys.
You let the corner of your mouth lift up in a coy smile while you survey the bar. The bartender is moving back and forth quickly to handle the high demand. A second later the girl next to you leaves her spot with a tray of 8 bright pink drinks, practically glowing in the dark. You wonder briefly if you should try to get a round of those for the table.
“—one of those before?”
His voice is deep and pleasant. When you give him a look over your shoulder, you have to suppress a gasp. Up close he's even more handsome. You really have your work cut out for you.
"That neon pink drink," he nods back in the direction of the girl who'd taken the cotton candy pink drinks with her. "I was wondering if you'd tried them before."
“No, I haven’t,” you smile, letting your lips part slowly. His eyes dart from your painted eyes to the colored stretch of your mouth and then quickly back up. “Have you?���
“No. But I like to try new things.”
You purse your lips as if in thought, something you've seen other girls do while flirting with guys at school. “You must be pretty unpredictable, then.”
“Huh? Well, I wouldn’t say that.” He stammers a bit and nearly drops his beer bottle trying and failing to put it down. All the intimidation you felt coming from him earlier seems to have disappeared.
“I was just kidding.”
Like it has a mind of its own, your hand reaches out to rest on his arm reassuringly while you continue to laugh at him. His features clear up then and a relieved smile blooms on his face, bringing out an adorable dimple with it.
“You’re teasing me,” he realizes with a good natured huff and steps into your touch.
“You seem kinda fun to tease.” You let your hand linger a little longer before finally pulling it back.
“It’s kinda fun. You're pretty good at it.”
Oddly enough, this isn't as difficult for you as you thought it was going to be. In fact, you find yourself naturally tilting your head and fixing him with an intrigued look from under your lashes. He takes the opportunity to look you over as well, a small smile on his lips.
The personal attention does make you a little nervous despite the fact that it’s positive. So you dig in your purse to avoid looking directly at him for too long and to give your hands something to do. You brush up against a tube of lip gloss, pull it out, and reapply some to your lips.
You look back at him when you realize he’s grown quiet, only to find him following the movements of the gloss brush tracing the curve of your lips, cheeks dusted pink and eyes half-closed like he's in some sort of trance.
Experimentally you press your lips together and then purse them to make sure the gloss is distributed evenly. The man doesn't blink once. Suddenly, all his expensive apparel and large stature aren’t so intimidating.
"Is there something on my face," you smirk.
He slow blinks down at your mouth twice before realizing you're speaking again. His eyes grow wide and he raises a ringed hand to rub at the back of his neck. The movement rustles the hair covering his ears, revealing their pink tips. Cute.
"Just looking."
You laugh a little at him again. He marvels at the way the club lighting dances around in your glossy smile.
"So, how come I've never seen you here before?"
"Well...it's the first time me and my friends have come here."
"I see." He pivots to face you and leans his closest elbow on the counter of the bar. "Are you guys new to the area?"
"You could say that, yeah."
He raises an eyebrow when you don’t elaborate. Without looking away, he raises his hand to signal to the bartender that he wants another drink. When the bartender runs right over, you realize this guy actually might be a big deal. Silently you pull your card out of your wallet as the bartender makes their way over. You figure you’ll have to spend some money before you can really ask someone like him to buy drinks for your table.
"What'll it be,” the bartender asks.
"Two of those pink drinks please," he says and before you can place any order the bartender zooms away.
While the bartender starts preparing the drinks, you turn toward him.
"Who said I wanted the pink drink?"
He grins down at you, a dimple now popping up in each cheek. "Who said it's for you?"
"I'm pretty sure it's for me."
"And what makes you so sure?" He takes a step closer to you.
"Just a hunch," you hum before crossing your legs.
The white fabric of your skirt hikes up your thighs again with the movement. You smooth your palms over the soft material.
"Nice skirt."
"Yeah? You like it?"
"I like it," he admits quietly.
"And the top?" You gesture toward the pair of straps on the matching tube top, manicured nails gliding over your décolletage. He wets his lips.
"The top too."
He reaches out one large hand to one of the straps that have fallen over your shoulder. The drag of his fingers against your bare arm as he fixes it makes you shiver. You lament the loss of contact when pulls his hand back.
The bartender arrives with your drinks then, startling the both of you out of the little staring competition that had spontaneously started. The pink drink seems to glow from within, topped with whipped cream and full of little round ice cubes made from some sort of darker rose syrup floating in the liquid like lava in a lava lamp. The color barely prepares you for the thick sweetness that floods your mouth on the first sip.
"Oh, that's kinda..."
He huffs a laugh around his own first swallow and nods in agreement.
"Not what you wanted?"
"It's just really sweet. You like it?”
He shrugs. “It’s alright. But—"
The way he cuts himself off has you confused for a moment before he's reaching towards you cautiously. You're not too sure what's going on until you feel the pad of his thumb swipe over the corner of your lips carrying away some of the whipped topping from the drink. Your eyes widen when instead of wiping the cream on one of the cocktail napkins available on the counter he brings his thumb to his own lips. In a fraction of a second the cream is gone, but you're left feeling a rush of fluttering warmth on the side of your mouth and in the center of your chest.
"You think your friends would like these?” He slides his drink to the side so he can lean on his elbow and turn to you again. Now's your chance.
“Um, I don’t think this is really their style.”
“What is their style?”
You rattle off their drinks of choice, making sure to mention their favorite brands with a sigh. Of course, whenever you play this game, the brands can change depending on the budget of whoever’s buying. This time, you make sure to name drop as much as possible, per Alexa's request.
“Sounds like your friends really know what they like.”
“Yeah, they have really…unique tastes.” You falter a little under his amused stare. “But we don’t always drink that way. I mean, not every bar even carries all those to begin with.”
“That’s true.” He nods. “This bar has every single of them, though. Pretty lucky, huh?”
“Yep,” you chirp. You’re not sure if you’re in trouble or not because he’s still smiling. He seems to be onto the game, but doesn’t seem bothered by it.
“Well, it would be a shame not to welcome you all to the city. Get whatever you want. My treat.”
“Are you sure?”
You place your hand on his arm again and squeeze for good measure. You don’t miss the way his large bicep flexes under your touch. After a beat, he brings his hand up to grasp yours and holds it while signaling to the bartender again. You give him a blindingly bright smile and he strokes his thumb over your knuckles.
He asks the bartender to ‘take care’ of your table tonight on him, and you realize then that you’ve won the game. The victory isn't nearly as sweet as the pink drinks from earlier. The rules prohibit you from bringing him home or going over to his place. And even if it wasn't prohibited, your vacation is basically over.
“Where are you and your friends from?
You take his hand between yours and play with some of the rings on his fingers. They’re beautiful together in an eclectic way and you wonder if someone chose them for him.
“It’s a kind of small city, not like this one. It’s really just our university and then a few surrounding towns.”
“What made you guys move here then?"
"Oh, Right." You feel guilty. "Me and my friends are just here for vacation."
He blinks at you but takes the news in stride. "Well, if you want—I know the city pretty well since I have a place here—maybe I can give you a tour of the town later this week."
"I'd love that, I really would. But we're actually leaving tomorrow."
"For real?” His eyes grow wide and he looks down at your linked hands before looking over your face. You're shocked to see his features fall.
"Yeah, it sucks."
“Damn,” he smiles bittersweet at the floor. “I wish we’d bumped into each other sooner.”
“I absolutely agree," the sound of Alexa's voice rings loud in your ear.
“Uh, hello. Did you need me for something?" Your voice is high and tight as you fix her with an accusatory stare. You're not 100% positive, but it seemed like you and he were having a moment.
"No, babe, I just wanted to come over and show you my beautiful drink. I wanted to come show my gratitude to you both for making sure we have a good last night. The girls will appreciate that. Thank you, kind sir."
“Name’s Namjoon. And no need to thank me,” he smiles at the exchange between you two and sticks out his hand. Alexa daintily lays her hand in his and he lets out an incredulous laugh before playing along and raising it to his lips.
"What a gentleman," she coos before pinching lightly at the skin of your exposed back. It's a clear message just for you, telling you that there's about to be a change in plans. "What were you guys discussing?"
"I was actually about to offer up our booth. There's more than enough room for your table if you wanted to move. Me and my team—friends definitely wouldn't mind the company."
“You don’t have to do that!” You pipe up, suddenly shy. But it's quickly dashed away as Alexa pulls out her phone and opens up the groupchat.
"Let me just ask our friends if they’d like that."
You already know the answer, so you sigh quietly and gather up your card, phone, and purse. You can’t say you won’t miss the privacy from when it was just you and Namjoon, but you’re glad to be with your friends again as well.
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The move from your little table to the VIP booth is lightning fast. By the time you get your own drink, Lia and Dani are already clutching their things and vibrating with excitement near the ropes leading to the VIP booth. A few of Namjoon’s friends are chatting with them from the other side of the ropes.
Once your group trickles in, you don't miss how they all arrange themselves in the booth so you're forced to sit on the end next to Namjoon with barely any space. The only options are to let one of your legs hang off the edge of the booth the whole time or sit practically half in his lap. Alexa winks at you over the first sip of her next very expensive drink.
Namjoon's friends are occupied by your friends re-telling some of the more exciting parts of the beginning of your vacation. Some story about how 'someone' lost their top while trying to jet ski. You send a weak glare to Lia as she tries to get them to guess just whose top it was. That's what you get for experimenting with spaghetti strings, you suppose.
"Do you guys like to dance," one of his friends says after a while of vibing to the music once the chatter cools down. Hoseok, you think his name was.
"Yes, definitely." Dani remarks while re-applying lip gloss. "You know who's a great dancer?"
"Who?" Hoseok looks around excitedly.
"She's gonna say me," you groan. "Which is not even true but let’s just all move down there already, no more 20 questions."
"Just one more," she pouts. "Namjoon, do you like to dance?"
He looks down at you once he's also out the booth, that little amused smile back on his lips.
"Well, it's not really part of my day job, but I don't mind it too much."
"What's your day job," you blurt out.
"I'm a...musician."
"A musician!" Alexa rushes over to you to link arms. "Did you hear that? Namjoon’s a musician."
"I don't recognize you," Lia says and Hoseok and another one of his friends burst into quiet laughter behind her.
"You definitely won't find Joon’s pics anywhere, that's for sure," one of his friends says. The rest of them dissolve into another fit of giggles.
The club lights hide the muted pink tinge his cheeks take on, and Namjoon leads the way to the dance-floor with a chagrined roll of his eyes.
"You think he's really a musician?” You whisper to Alexa and Lia. Dani is somewhere up ahead, already dancing.
"Maybe technically. Going off the way his friends keep laughing, he's probably, like, a failed SoundCloud rapper or something."
"No failed SoundCloud rapper wears Gucci like that," Lia motions with her chin to some piece of Namjoon’s outfit.
"That's true," you hum.
"Rich parents," Alexa says simply.
You and Lia consider it and then nod.
As you settle on the dance floor, you feel the rest of your nerves drift away. Lia comes over to take a selfie with you, and the two of you flirt with the camera until she's satisfied with the photos you've taken. She grabs your hand and makes a show of spinning you around and you figure that this is how the night will go before you stumble out around 2 or 3am and drunk pack for the flight home the next morning. You let her lead you back, further into the crowd before you bump into someone.
Namjoon's large hand comes to stabilize you at your waist and Lia acts like nothing happened before dancing away, phone light illuminating her sneaky smile.
"You good?" Namjoon's voice is soft in your ear.
"You wanna dance, or should I let you go?"
Your friends shamelessly all look at the way he curves himself around you, all with their thumbs up in encouragement. You're reminded of the way you did the same a few nights prior when Dani was getting hit on by some cute guy at a different club.
At that time it felt fun hyping her up and watching her make a move, seeing how enamored this random guy was with your friend. Of course he is, you thought at the time, she's amazing. And you remember that this is probably what's driving them tonight as well with you and Namjoon.
You chance a look at him and realize that he's come to rest his cheek lightly near your temple, a soft look in his gaze as he awaits your answer.
"Sure, let's dance."
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Namjoon was telling the truth when he said he wasn't all that into dancing. But he put in enough work to be able to follow you and meet you halfway while you were grinding on him to the music.
Even when you shyly stepped away after the first few dances to return to your squealing friends, you loosened up over time with more music and drinks and found yourself naturally ending up on him again. The first few songs turned into more and more and soon you were face-to-face, with his thigh wedged between yours and a heavy palm on your lower back guiding you to the beat.
You're not sure when you decided to abandon your friends and his, but at some point you did return to the booth under the guise of checking your phones. And you did check your phone first. But soon he was crowding you toward the wall by the booth and leaving you with no air of your own.
"You're really leaving tomorrow," he sighed into a bruise he was trying to leave near the hollow of your throat. "Or did you just say that because I was some creep at a bar."
"I never thought you were a creep."
He looks down at you with disbelief before getting distracted by your kiss-swollen lips.
"I mean it. I'm just a little shy sometimes."
"What do you have to be shy about when you look like this, huh?"
"Stop," you laugh lightly and look away from him.
He'd made a comment earlier about how much he liked the pristine white two piece you wore, but you'd been inching his hand up your skirt then. Now, one of his thumbs rubs an idle pattern just below the curve of your breast.
"No, but seriously. Are you actually leaving tomorrow?"
"Yeah. The new term starts for us all in a few days."
"So, leave in a few days," Namjoon whines.
"That's not enough time to get ready for the term."
"But I'll be so alone without you."
He gives you an exaggerated pout that splits into a real smile when you snort at his stupid expression. He pulls you to him just a smidgen tighter then.
"Does this usually work with other girls?"
"I don't know. Never tried it with other girls," he frowns a little at you.
"You know me and the team almost went to Club BigHit last Saturday?"
"Oh, really? That's kinda funny." You try to imagine what might have happened if he'd come to the same club you went to earlier.
"Yeah," Namjoon's voice grows quiet. "If I hadn't gotten sick then we would have met last week."
"Yeah, maybe."
"You sure you can't miss a few days of the term?"
"Yes, I'm sure." You let out an exasperated laugh. "You can't really be this upset that an actual stranger is just passing through your life."
"No, I know. I just—," he lets his head fall forward until he's touching his forehead to yours. "It was like something clicked when I saw you. I feel like I need more time with you."
"Oh," your voice comes out a little breathier than you expected.
The same look that had flashed across his face when you first came up to him finally gets to rest on his features. You want to let him down gently because you really can't play catch up during the first week of school.
"Tell you what. I can't miss the beginning of the term but if you make a song with my name in it and it gets...say, 50,000 listens, I'll buy a ticket that same day and come meet you. Wherever you are."
He pins you with a look then, inquisitive and dark. His eyes scan your open expression for something, before whatever he finds passes the test. He stands up tall.
"And it just needs to have 50,000 listens?"
In your mind you were thinking it would be too lofty for a failed SoundCloud rapper, but something in his tone sounds like he's rising to the challenge and it makes you nervous. You spent a lot on this vacation, you can't afford to actually fly out so soon if he somehow managed to get the listens and call your bluff. Besides, targets are off limits.
"Um, actually make that 150,000. And it has to have my area code in it too." You rattle off the three digits to him and he quickly types your conditions into the notes app on his phone.
"Is that it?"
"That's it, I guess."
Namjoon pockets his phone and leans back into your space. Any worries you had clawing to the forefront of your mind vanish when he presses soft lips to yours once more.
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A month passes.
You don't end up having a one-night-stand with Namjoon because it wouldn't be fair to your friends when they'd clicked with a target but didn't take them home. That and because Dani got sick on the dance floor from mixing strawberry daiquiri with one too many pink drinks. But you do pass on your full number after he very nearly begs you to give it to him while packing into a cab.
And then he never used it.
It's not that you were expecting much, but when a month passes with not so much as word from him, you figure he forgot about you and your little bet.
Then 2 months pass.
Even though you know that you only spent a fraction of a day with him, you can't help thinking about Namjoon. Namjoon and his pretty eyes and pretty words that made you think there was some sort of connection there. You realize after the first two weeks back that you don't have his number but by the time 2 months pass, you realize that was definitely on purpose.
4 months pass.
You're over it, swamped with end of term work like finals and grading and putting in hours at work. But every time your friends suggest a little fun and hooking you up with someone, every time someone asked for your number at a coffee shop, you said no. Because you're over it and you're busy and not at all disappointed for how hard you fell for the lies some failed SoundCloud rapper fed you on a vacation one time.
19 weeks pass.
You're all in Lia's apartment, basking in the first few days of the end of classes even if it means finals are a few days later. Alexa is playing her favorite playlist on the speakers and you're taking a break to get some coffee going in the small kitchenette.
While the coffee machine starts up you wander back to the main room. Alexa is leaning over to turn the music up, one of her favorite songs just now coming up.
"Who's this again," Dani pipes up from her spot on the couch. "It's that one guy's collab with the Bulletproof Girlscouts, right?"
"Yep," Alexa checks the song title before sighing. "This song is so old now."
"True, but it's my favorite one on the whole album."
"I guess it really has been two years since his last album, huh." Dani muses and then goes back to her practice problem set.
You try not to laugh at how cute Alexa looks sulking because her favorite artist hasn't put out any music in so long.
"Why don't you just play his new stuff," Lia says.
"He's on indefinite hiatus. This is as new as it gets."
Lia picks up her own phone, showing it to the group.
"He released a new single this morning."
Alexa scrambles from her seat to grab her headphones and jam them into her phone. You all know how she gets about her music and let her have a moment to soak up the new song while you get up to check on the coffee.
It takes a few minutes to get cups out and put everything together since everyone has different tastes, so you're in the middle of pouring creamer when you hear a chorus of screams.
"Why are we screaming?"
You rush into the main room again only to be bombarded with music from the speaker, this time turned up as high as it can go. What must be the new song comes through the speaker, the bass vibrating on the ground as the speaker pumps.
"Okay, yes, new song. It's good but I don't get—"
"Just listen to the fucking bridge," Dani's voice comes out incredibly shrill as she cuts you off.
The beat surges for the bridge and suddenly the lyrics turn into the artist growling about some girl he met at the club with the prettiest little white outfit he'd ever seen. Saying something that sounds oddly like your name, although you figure that can't be right. But then the next verse has your name in it too, and the next one, and the next one.
Your feet take you to where Alexa's phone is plugged in and you pick up the phone to look at the song. It's indeed a song by her favorite artist, a prolific and mysterious rapper who's never shown his face and who'd been on hiatus from making music. The song title is simple, a small string of numbers that look suspiciously like your area code.
When you let out a tiny gasp, your friends let out more excited shrieks. You ignore them in favor of thumbing through the music app to the artist's page where the new single lies at the top of his discography. To the right of all his songs are the stream counts. Most of his older songs have a few dozen million or so. This brand new one sits at a modest 4 million, but the numbers trickle up as the app updates them in real time.
"What the hell?"
"I know!" Alexa cries, tears shining in her eyes. "I can't believe we sat in a VIP booth with him and I didn't even recognize his stupid voice!"
"What are you gonna do," Dani smiles widely at your stunned face. "Are you gonna call him?"
"I don't have his number," you say simply. Your voice comes out monotone with shock.
"You didn't get his number?" Alexa starts crying for real.
"People are blowing my phone up about this," Lia says once the song ends and begins again on a loop. "You might want to turn off your phone. It's just a matter of time until people start snooping around."
You grab your phone from your pocket. On instinct you scan through your socials one last time before turning it off. There's a startling number of texts, calls, emails, and notifications on your social media apps. Curiosity gets the best of you and you open up one of them only to find your name trending as the top hashtag. Clicking on it brings up a bunch of tweets both from fans raving about the new song and wondering who the muse is, to random accounts with identical names in the handle all claiming to be said muse.
"Oh my god, he tweeted!" Dani shoves her phone into your hands.
As of right now [2:38pm] we're at 5.76 million streams. That's more than 150,000...
"What does that mean," she asks you.
"It means...he wants me to fly out to see him. Today."
"Oh my god."
Alexa screams again and at this point you've lost count of how many that is. Lia gets out of her chair and tucks her chin over your shoulder to read the post herself.
"You need to go," Alexa shouts. "I'll help you pack, let's go."
"What about finals?"
"Are you—are you actually thinking of not going because of finals?"
"I mean—"
"If you want me die, just say that," she does something with her mouth that looks like a manic smile.
"What Lex means to say is that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I'm sure even the profs would understand."
You're not sure what to say. First of all, you still don't have his number. Second of all, you're not sure how to fight through all the other accounts claiming to be you to let him know you saw the song. Third, you don't even know where to fly to. Fourth—
A Twitter notification chimes from your phone and a deadly hush falls over everyone. You go to your DM inbox with shaking fingers only to find a message request from an unknown sender. When you open the request, it's from Namjoon's agency.
Good afternoon,
You are being contacted today because one of our artists wishes to meet you. If you consent to the meeting, please review the flight information and tentative itinerary below and respond with your address and contact information. Please also note that the travel plans are for today [MM/DD/YYYY], so your response at your earliest convenience would be much appreciated. If you would like to go but cannot make it today—
"Do you think they'll send a car or should I book her a ride to the airport now?" Dani turns to Alexa.
"They'll probably send one to make sure the schedule is followed."
"That's true but what about—"
Lia taps you on the shoulder, startling you out of your stupor.
"There's a convenience store two doors down. Whatever you buy we can put in one of my suitcases and you can just take that. There's probably not enough time to go all the way back to your place."
"I—yeah, okay."
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7 hours later finds Alexa, Dani and Lia finished with studying for the night. The entertainment channel is playing on the TV and the three of them have their heads bent over their phones and laptops, refreshing all the major gossip sites for updates.
"Maybe she's not even there yet," Dani sighs when the page she just refreshed shows no new posts.
"Yeah, I mean we still don't even know where she is," Lia says while putting her laptop to sleep. "What if they made her sign an NDA?"
"Even if they did, she'd probably still tell us once she got there. She's probably just busy killing time on the plane."
"She's sleeping!" Alexa screams a second later.
"Huh? How do you know that?"
"Check his instagram," is all she says before frantically typing a message to you about souvenirs.
Lia looks over at Dani's phone as she pulls up Namjoon's page. The rest of the layout is bare given his up until recent hiatus and the fact that he never posted any type of selfie. The video uploaded a mere 20 seconds ago undoes all the previous minimalism of the entire account.
The post isn't even of Namjoon. It's a black and white 5 second video of the top half of your naked back and shoulders, the rest of your body covered by the sheets. One of your arms is raised to cover your head with a pillow. The only sign of Namjoon is the arm that reaches out from the bottom of the frame, making it clear that he took the video himself. His hand reaches out to trace a heart over the skin of your shoulder blade. The caption reads:
Thanks for keeping your promise
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fiddlepickdouglas · 3 years
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Viva Las Vegas, Pt. 17 - With Him
Summary: Sunset Curve Alive AU, Willex, how will it go in the end?, 4.8k
@trevor-wilson-covington is the bestie who makes these lovely edits, we stan supportive friends
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16
One finger tapped on the strap of his fanny pack as Alex listened for the right bus stop to be called. If all those months since he’d seen Willie had been long, this past week had been longer. Especially since the news about Caleb had hit hard and every minute in the studio now felt like the band was precariously teetering on the edge of a cliff. He was going to try not to let any of that get in his way today, though. He’d made it to Saturday and Willie was only a few streets away, and he didn’t care what happened for the rest of the day - it was going to be good.
Finally he heard the next stop announced for where he needed to get off and he pulled the cord that told the driver to make a stop. Stepping onto the sidewalk, his heart bounced around in its chamber like the Tazmanian devil from Looney Tunes. He was glad that Willie lived in the basement of the apartment building he occupied because it would’ve been the worst if Alex forgot which room he was in and spent hours frantically knocking doors.
It was hard to tell if he was moving quickly or if his mind was just racing, but in either case, he eventually found himself at the door. For a second, he simply took a deep breath and ran his hand through his hair, trying to get a visual of Willie immediately pouncing on him the moment the door opened out of his head. It wouldn’t exactly be unwelcome, but Alex was realizing how desperate he was to be with him and was amazed at how it affected his imagination.
Lifting a hand, he made sure he knocked loudly. Soon after, the door opened, and Alex was greeted with shining brown eyes, silky, gorgeous brown hair styled into two braids, and a smile he could make home in. Willie.
“Hey, come on in!” Willie was saying, standing to the side and gesturing for him to enter. Crossing the threshold, Alex gazed at the humble space, taking in the details with heightened interest. “This is mi casa!” He began showing Alex around. “We’ve got the main living space, very cozy. The kitchen to your left, but no dining room so it’s all criss-cross applesauce on the floor - makes it extra chill. Bathroom through the back. The sink and shower handles will sometimes shock you, so don’t mind all the electrical tape.”
It was surprisingly accommodating for a dingy basement, and Willie had already made little additions that spoke volumes about him without words. A king size mattress sat in the corner of the ‘main living space’ on the floor with a small bookshelf beside it. The bookshelf only had a handful of cassette tapes and a Walkman lying on top, with a few sketchbooks on the middle shelf. Next to that, the dresser had a small collection of vintage soda bottles and a camera sitting on its surface. Glow-in-the-dark star stickers covered the ceiling above the bed. Even a couple cat toys could be spotted on the floor. Immediately, Alex approached the area where Willie’s desk sat surrounded by sketches hung on the wall.
“So these are your drawings?” he asked, although the answer was obvious. They were so good. Willie followed him over, the squinty smile still in his eyes.
“Yeah. Some are new. Most of them are attempts to recover what Caleb tore up.”
Alex looked at Willie apologetically, even though the loss of Willie’s previous work wasn’t his fault. Without warning, a pressure on his leg and the sound of loud purring announced Sheldon’s presence. The cat looked up at him and blinked slowly, already begging for attention. Heart melting, Alex bent down to pet him.
“Hey, Sheldon,” he said. “I forgot how cute you were!” He smiled as Sheldon rubbed his head against his hand with more affection that he’d likely seen from any other creature on the planet. Well...maybe there was one other that matched it. Alex had heard about how pets could take on the temperament of their owners, and suspected this was a clear example. “He’s gotten so big since I last saw him.”
“Yeah, he’s supposed to be almost two years old, if Escobar guessed his age right.”
Standing again as Sheldon pattered off, Alex returned his attention to the wall of art, looking at the pieces more closely.
“So which one is your dad?” he mused.
Willie untacked one of them and held it out for Alex to examine. “This one.”
Holding the edges carefully, Alex gazed in amazement at the detail Willie had caught. The edges were certainly less defined, but the scene inside the truck was so easy to visualize that Alex could almost feel the leather of the seats and the windchill from the window. He wasn’t sure what began burning in his chest as he peered down at the image, but it was profound and complex.
“I’ve thought about seeing if I could find him, but I think with my memory it’s kind of impossible,” Willie told him.
“He looks so happy here. I don’t get why you would end up as a foster kid.”
“Yeah, I wondered that too. Maybe he didn’t have a choice?”
Alex looked at Willie’s face, and he could tell half of him was lost in a world of what-ifs and other questions. He was always trying to seem so easy-going, and to an extent he truly was, but he couldn’t hide the constant sense of upheaval that rested on his shoulders. At least, Alex was picking up on it more, now that he knew the things he did. He may have been biased, but he couldn’t imagine anyone not fighting their hardest to keep Willie.
Suddenly his gaze was drawn to the unfinished work on the desk, and recognized it as a portrait of himself.
“Wow.” The word fell out of his mouth.
“Oh,” Willie started with a hint of shyness. “Obviously that one isn’t done, so…” He reached to put it away.
“You got that far off of memory, though,” Alex said. “I’m impressed. And you make me look good.” He offered an encouraging smile. “Maybe some time today I could be a model for you?”
Willie cocked his eyebrow, surprise and playfulness making an adorable combination on his face. It made Alex’s smile grow wider.
“Well, we’ve got a whole day ahead,” Willie said. “Your wish is my command.”
“Okay,” Alex said, leaning onto his back foot casually, one side of his lip curling with intrigue. “Well, I wanna see where you go around here. You seem to have a knack for finding the best spots. We can play it by ear.”
“What’s that one song with the one phrase?” Willie asked. “‘Any way the wind blows?’” He sang shyly, clearly playing down what Alex could tell was a nice voice.
“Bohemian Rhapsody,” Alex smiled. Willie’s job at the record store was at least giving him a good taste in music. “Don’t worry, you’ll know everything about the classics once you hang out with me enough.”
An emotion flashed in Willie’s eyes and after a moment Alex realized what those words were actually saying. He held his gaze, hoping he could communicate his intentions clearly, unlike the last time they’d seen each other. Willie swallowed, and his expression remained excited as he loaded his backpack and led them out the door, board in  hand. Alex followed him, deciding not to question which direction they were going.
First, they made a stop to buy a bunch of apples. In classic Willie fashion, he went to a bodega, and this time he communicated with the cashier in rough Spanish. Alex knew he was showing off, and smirked at the notion that Willie enjoyed impressing him.
“So what do we need these for?” Alex wondered as they left the bodega. “Besides a ton of apples for lunch.”
Willie’s secretive smile made Alex raise an eyebrow.
“It’s a surprise.”
A little while later, they stood before the most unlikely place in all of Los Angeles: a horse barn. Staring at the building as if it loomed fifty feet above him, hands in his pockets, Alex gulped and a lump of dread landed in the pit of his stomach.
“Oh no,” he muttered apprehensively.
“Oh yeah,” Willie said, turning to him with a thrilled grin on his face.
Alex wasn’t exactly afraid of horses...he just had no idea what to do around them and therefore was not sure what to expect from them. Also, he would’ve worn different pants if he’d known this was on the agenda.
“I promise, they’ve got some really chill horses,” Willie tried to ease his nerves. “I’ve gone on this trail enough times. Don’t worry, you’ll know everything about riding once you hang out with me enough.” He winked as he threw back Alex’s line with a sly smile.
Unable to argue, Alex shook his head and used the hand in his pocket to gesture forward, signaling to Willie he was up to the challenge. He watched him practically skip inside and he had to jog to keep up after him. They signed in and then were led to two stalls.
Willie immediately gravitated toward a tall golden-colored mustang stallion with a dark mane, apparently both already familiar and happy to see each other. Alex watched him gently greet and essentially coo at it while comfortably stroking its nose and then feeding it an apple. He longed to have that sort of talent with other creatures, and simultaneously realized that he yearned to receive that same tenderness.
Once the horses were tacked up and one of the instructors had given Alex some brief pointers on how to ride, he found himself following Willie on a trail while mounted on a painted mare. The only philosophy he could adopt out here was to be gentle and not get lost.
“Not so bad, your majesty,” Willie called over to him.
An extremely nervous laugh elicited from Alex’s throat involuntarily, only making Willie laugh in return. Alex rode a little closer so they were nearly side by side on the trail.
“I’ve been here once,” he said. “I think I was about twelve? My mom thought that it would make me change my mind about taking ballet classes. We rode for maybe fifteen minutes before I got so nervous we had to turn back around and go home. Never made it through the full trail.”
“Man, that sucks,” Willie commented. “I didn’t know you did ballet.”
“Yeah, that and a few other types of dance. I was forced to quit a little couple years ago. That’s about when we got serious as a band, so I just found something else to bother my parents with.”
He could see the gears click into place as Willie came to a few conclusions about his parents and gave an emphatic nod.
“Well, I’ve always wanted to learn how to dance. That was the one thing Caleb had promised to teach me. He’s the worst, but he definitely knows how to dance.”
Suddenly, Alex remembered watching Caleb’s movements when he’d served him and the boys at the diner. Of course he could dance; everything had been fluid and smooth. All he could say to that thought was “huh,” at first. Then after a few moments: “I’ll have to teach you one of these days then.”
Willie’s eyes crinkled at the corners, happy at the prospect.
“Yeah, okay! Add that to our to-do list.”
Alex chuckled. They had a to-do list now. He bit his lip as he continued following Willie along the trail. It was a gorgeous day and in this area the sky was so clear compared to further inside the city. Greatly contrasting his experience from years ago, Alex felt himself become much more at ease and felt confident enough to take greater control of his horse. Willie pulled out his camera and snapped a few scenic photos every once in a while.
Eventually, they stopped at an outlook and Alex had to take in an awed breath. The view was clear for miles all around them. Green hills spanned the landscape in every direction with patches of city speckled in between. Even the ocean line was visible from there. How did Willie know how to find these?
“Hey, Alex!” Willie called, lifting his camera. “Say cheese!”
Turning to face him, Alex flashed a genuine smile as Willie captured him atop his horse against the scenery. He was usually pretty camera shy, but this time he really didn’t mind. Keeping memories like this actually felt important to him, unlike the many times he’d been forced to pose with his family at functions he’d also been made to attend. Those occasions had always felt so insincere - less about enjoying the memory and more about trying to prove their status as the polished, functional family everyone aspired to.
He saw Willie dismount for a moment and stretch his legs. Gripping the reins and looking around in uncertainty, Alex realized he’d gotten on before ensuring he could properly get off. Thankfully, Willie noticed and came up to him, hands raised.
“Okay, so just...carefully lift your foot out of the stirrup and swing your leg over toward me,” he instructed. Sucking in a breath hesitantly, Alex did as he said. “Alright, then...here.” Willie offered a hand for Alex to grab so he could slide off with ease. Landing on the ground, he leaned into Willie to gain his balance, and felt a congratulatory pat on his back. It took more restraint than Alex anticipated to not simply wrap his arms around him and sit like that for an indefinite amount of time. They had all day ahead of them; he didn’t need the sudden fear of losing him to derail things out of nowhere.
“Sorry if I look like a wimp about all this,” he said, letting go of his hand.
“Nah, don’t sweat it,” Willie assured him, shaking his head. “This is...this is new.”
His eyes seemed to take Alex in from head to toe and Alex could’ve sworn the charge in the air between them would buzz if they got closer, spark if they made contact. It was almost like that moment in front of Willie’s door the week before. For a few seconds they remained locked in that trance before Willie took hold of the horse’s reins and handed them to Alex.
“Technically this trail could take hours, but I’m guessing this isn’t all you’re interested in today,” he said. “What do you say we stretch our legs a bit and then ride back?”
Looking from the reins in his hand back to Willie, Alex nodded.
“Yeah, that sounds good.”
Opening his backpack, Willie handed him an apple and then bit down into one of his own. Taking a bite, it was one of the most refreshing apples Alex ever eaten. They walked the horses a little ways and tried to get good pictures of the different views around them. Alex asked to try his hand with the camera and get a few good shots of Willie. He didn’t consider himself a photographer, but he doubted when the photos got developed that they would turn out badly. The way Willie smiled made him seem like he was made of sunlight from the inside out.
As they rode back to the barn, Alex kept replaying those moments where he’d refrained from making a move over in his head. This had been strike two. If he continued on like this, he was going to hate himself for the rest of eternity, he was pretty sure. Was it some weird kind of side effect of the whole ‘Willie come back to life’ thing? Watching him affectionately say goodbye to his horse once they were ready to leave, Alex looked at his own horse and raised a tentative hand up to her nose.
The mare gazed back, patience gleaming in her eyes. He finally set his hand down on her nose and gently rubbed it up and down, smiling a little to himself. This wasn’t so bad. He could do this - it was just a matter of getting through all the barriers he made for himself in his head. Moving his hands from the horse’s nose, he stroked along her neck, and caught Willie smiling at him from the corner of his eye.
“You wanna try feeding her an apple?” he asked.
Thinking for a few seconds, Alex nodded. “Yeah, sure.”
Pulling one out of his backpack, Willie placed it in Alex’s palm.
“Alright, so hold it out in front of you like this…” He positioned Alex to offer the apple. “And keep your palm flat.”
Alex uncurled his fingers and after sniffing at it a little the mare ate it out of his hand. He could ignore the sensation of her mouth touching him because Willie still had his arm around his shoulder to hold him steady. They looked at each other, and Alex wished he could get a proper shot at Willie’s face at that angle with the camera.
“Looks like you’re gonna get the hang of this,” Willie commended.
Alex looked back up at the horse, a little bit of pride swelling in his chest. “Yeah, I think I will.”
Later, they went to the beach at Alex’s suggestion. He was perched on the surface of a picnic table, posed as if he were looking off into the distance. Willie sketched with great concentration, having taken his hair out of his braids so he could run his hand through it. The late afternoon sun brought out all the best color contrasts in their surroundings - one of the things Alex loved about coming to the beach at this time of day.
“So I have a question,” Alex started, trying not to move too much. His tendency to talk with his hands kept getting him in trouble.
“Shoot,” Willie prompted him, not looking up.
“Did Caleb let you go to school or anything? Or did he provide any sort of education at all?”
Squinting, Willie looked thoughtful for a moment.
“So, after the accident, he told me that I’d had to be taken out of school,” he began, continuing to sketch. “Which makes sense, I guess, if I forgot everything. I remember some basic things, like math wasn’t hard to pick up again. Once I was recovered enough to go places, he just let me go to the public library and find whatever I wanted to read. But he always insisted on not having reminders of who I was before and said it was supposed to be helping me ‘become my own person’. He got rid of things like my school yearbooks and old journals and things. I didn’t think anything of it at first because he’d just called it useless clutter and I believed him. As soon as he decided I was fit enough to work in the diner and help out at the hotel, he told me to forget about school. Anything else I picked up was from watching TV, or listening to the radio, or something. Sometimes I’ll just remember I know something after hearing about it and it’s like it was just always there.”
Listening intently, Alex marveled at the whole thing. The fact that Caleb was not only negligent, but actively discouraging Willie from knowing anything, made him wish he could take down the man’s whole career. However, he figured Willie probably had a lot of his intelligence still untapped. If he’d been able to get away from Caleb and somehow create a life for himself in the span of a few months, Alex wondered what else he was capable of.
“What’s something you remember?” he wondered.
“I guess I used to be really obsessed with space. Just planets and stars and all that. I can spout off facts about Jupiter’s moons and stuff like that. Did you know that the moon Europa has a saltwater ocean under a layer of ice?”
Alex shook his head. “No, I didn’t. That sounds really cool though.” He thought of the stickers on Willie’s ceiling and smirked a little before reassuming his pose.
“I sort of wish I could remember being in school,” Willie was saying. “Everyone else seems to just share all of those memories and understand each other that way.”
Alex saw his brow furrow, and could tell he felt left out. He pondered on his own experience growing up in public school. There was almost no other way he would’ve met Luke, Bobby and Reggie if they hadn’t all attended the same schools. While he could easily critique and complain about it to no end, he knew it was a privilege.
“School is definitely hard,” he told Willie. “But I did get my friends out of it, and I guess that makes up for it. If it’s any consolation, you could just complain about Caleb like he was your horrible English teacher who thought he knew more about the subject of your essay, but you cited all of your sources and they proved him completely wrong.”
Willie laughed. “Why? Did that happen to you?”
Alex bobbed his head from side to side and feigned looking thoughtful . “Maybe.”
“I kind of like reducing him to a loser English teacher. He just sounds petty and sad.”
“That’s high school,” Alex confirmed.
Leaning back from his work for a minute to take it all in, Willie brushed a hand through his hair.
“Here, you wanna take a look at it?” he said. Alex hopped off the table and went to stand over Willie’s shoulder at the drawing and was immediately rendered speechless. The detail was impeccable, but Alex was more impressed by the feeling he got looking at it. Willie had managed to make him appear...handsome, and pensive, and fascinating, like anyone else could look at him and create a million unique ideas of who he was. However, it wasn’t anyone else looking at him, it was Willie, and what he’d captured felt like the truth. Alex couldn’t really explain what that meant, only that it was an honest representation.
“Okay, I know I said the one back at your place made me look good, but this is...this is unreal.”
He could see Willie trying to be modest, but the corners of his lips couldn’t stay down. Funny enough, he appeared even more unable to find words, and simply beamed as he looked back and forth between his sketch and Alex’s face.
A sudden impulse came over Alex, and he kicked off his shoes and pulled his shirt over his head, dropping it on top of Willie’s skateboard and backpack. Willie sat looking flustered for a moment.
“Wanna swim?” Alex nodded toward the waves, bidding Willie to follow. He didn’t wait for him to catch up as he immediately began running into the waves up to his knees. Alex knew his pants would be even more ruined the second he hit the salty water, but he didn’t care. Now the sun was beginning to set and the chill of the waves was refreshing, and he couldn’t express what he felt just then in any other way.
Willie tackled him from behind, climbing onto his back and nearly knocking him over into the shallow tide. Clambering back to his feet, Alex splashed water at him. They began a playful water fight back and forth, until they were both drenched. Eventually, Alex tried to catch hold of both Willie’s hands in an attempt to prevent being splashed anymore. He had the advantage of longer arms, but before he could get a tight hold of the second arm Willie’s leg swept under his and they both fell just as a large wave washed over them.
As the water pulled back, they sat in the sand in a tangle, laughing. All Alex could think of was how pretty Willie was in this light, hair swept back off his face with tendrils resting over his shoulders, sun gleaming in his eyes and constantly shining from the inside out. The laughter died between them and he caught a look in Willie’s eye that made him wonder if he appeared to him to be just as perfect in that moment.
This time his mind and body worked in sync as he lifted a hand and gently pulled Willie into a short, tender kiss. All the self-flagellation from earlier was washed away in one pure moment, and exhilaration moved into its place. It felt soft and sweet, just the way he expected it should. Just as quickly as he’d let go, Willie went in for another one, a little longer and a little deeper. One hand remained caressing his cheek while the other wrapped around his upper back. Alex couldn’t help smiling into another kiss; he was too happy to care about anything else. Hardly a week ago, this had been impossible.
As they let go, their hands came together and they looked into each other's eyes, both releasing a relieved chuckle. Willie looked at the rest of the beach behind them and Alex’s eyes followed, but at this hour there were too few people around and no one paying attention to them. Turning back to Alex, Willie sighed and shook his head with a smile.
“Wow,” was all he said, biting his lip.
“Yeah, I’d definitely do that again,” Alex smirked, until the joy in his chest converted it into a full grin.
A wave washed over them again and they both stood, shaking out their hair and trying to wipe off whatever sand they could. Heading back up the beach, Willie grabbed Alex’s hand so they could make their way up together. The sun was nearly set but Alex was sure it had just gone into his chest, bursting with excitement. Once they reached the picnic table, they gathered their things and Willie offered to carry Alex’s shirt inside his backpack on the way home. Thank goodness there were a few patches of grass so Alex could try to get a little more sand off his feet before putting his shoes back on.
“So how long have you been sitting on that?” Willie teased as he slung his backpack over his shoulder and they left the beach.
“Shut up,” Alex laughed, knowing he was being called out.
“No, really!” Willie bumped his side jokingly. “I want to know!”
Tilting his head back to try to remember, it didn’t take Alex long to give him the answer.
“Since day one,” he told him.
Surprise swept over Willie’s face as he looked at Alex.
“Seriously?” he asked.
Alex nodded.
“Me too.”
It was Alex’s turn to look surprised. Without saying another word, he took Willie’s hand in his and then kissed it before continuing back toward his place. The whole way they talked about all the different things they needed to do together in the future. Riding on more horse trails, dancing lessons, skating lessons, art modeling sessions, going to band practices and gigs, visiting the record store while Willie wasn’t working, etc. They both agreed that the entire day technically counted as a date, and all further plans would as well. Alex was reminded once again that he didn’t have a notebook to write things down in, and vowed to have one for the next time he saw Willie. Once they reached Willie’s door, they had already put their shirts back on and it was completely dark outside.
“Are you free any time next week?” Willie asked, still holding onto Alex’s hand.
“I wish I could say yes, but probably not. And as much as I’d love to give you my number, it’s really not the best idea.”
“Well, I could give you mine,” Willie said.
Alex shot him a confused look. Holding up a finger, Willie dug into his backpack until he found his sketchbook and tore off the corner of a page, quickly scribbling one down and handing it to Alex.
“It’s actually the one for work,” he said. “But if it’s what we can do for now, I’ll do it. Kyle won’t care.”
Looking at it for a minute and then stashing it in his now-dry pocket, Alex took hold of Willie’s chin and went to kiss him again. It was really hard to stop, but they soon broke apart.
“I gotta go,” Alex murmured.
Willie only nodded, squeezing his hand before letting go and slipping his own into his pocket.
“I’ll call you.”
Once again heading up the short set of stairs to the sidewalk, Alex rubbed his lips together, relishing in the taste of what he and Willie had just done. He couldn’t imagine anything sweeter.
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mellomedia · 4 years
Youth Culture
For Media & Society’s first blog post, our class watched Euphoria, Mid90s, Mean Girls, Kids, and The Breakfast Club. If you haven’t figured out the theme yet, it’s youth culture. Most of these films were set in the 80s and 90s before this current generation. This is the first generation where our lives are saturated by mobile technology and social media (Divecha, 2017). But no matter what generation, youth culture has many common behaviors, or misbehaviors.
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Often when I watch a film or read a comic book, I wonder if I relate to the story or anyone in it. I looked for anything in common I might have with one of the characters in the five films we watched. I can identify with Ray from Mid90s the most. I’m not a die-hard skateboarder like Ray. In fact I can’t skateboard at all, but I dedicate all my time and energy into art and animation. While we have different interests, I can relate to Ray’s passion for something he enjoys and the energy he puts into it. Ray is the top skateboarder in his group and practiced every day. All my spare time is spent drawing and taking online animation courses. My goal is to always do better than what I did yesterday. Words to describe Ray would be the same way I describe myself: down to earth, not concerned with fitting in, my own person, caring, always willing to help, and a very loyal friend. When Stevie joins the skateboard crew in the film Mid90s, he finally digs up some money to buy Ruben’s old, used skateboard. Stevie gets injured while attempting an insane jump over a hole in a roof and breaks his skateboard. Ray sees how much Stevie is trying to fit in, no matter how many falls he takes, he gets back up. Ray has a big heart and builds Stevie a new skateboard. As I mentioned, I’m not a skateboarder, but I enjoy trying to make people smile with my art. I enjoy drawing a cartoon of a friend to help them to get out of a funk or just listen to whatever it is they are going through. 
These films all share a few common themes. One theme is belonging. I admit I looked up the term “fitting in” and it was compared to belonging. Fitting in is defined as to be like other people in a group – what they wear, how they act, how they look. (Pace, 2018) Belonging is a basic human need – it is about acceptance – being where you want to be and being where you are wanted (Pace, 2018). A few examples are Stevie (Mid90s) wants to be accepted into the skateboard crew; Brian (The Breakfast Club) brings a flare gun to school as a suicide attempt because he didn't feel he was good enough; and Cady (Mean Girls) is the new girl trying to get accepted by The Plastics.
My freshman year in high school definitely falls into the theme of belonging. I struggled with speech and have a learning disorder. And at the time I had zero confidence in socializing. I’d walk over to a group of kids in the cafeteria just to try to get involved in the conversation, but I couldn’t form sentences quick enough to jump in. I would be the weird kid just standing there. One day my speech therapist asked me what I wanted to improve and I told her I wanted to gain confidence in socializing. She told me the best way to do this would be to just try to talk to more people. Well in high school that worked with some kids, but not all. I’ll never forget one day in the cafeteria I was trying to find a place to sit and eat lunch. I saw an empty chair at a table where a ‘friend’ was sitting. The group was taking turns roasting one another. At one point another kid challenged me. I was doing fine until he said, “You know people are only nice to you because they don’t want to hurt your feelings.” That hurt like hell. He was referring to my speech impairment. I got up from the table and walked away. And that ‘friend’ at the table didn’t defend me at all. One girl came running over to make sure I was alright. I was pissed and hurt. I was not alright. Just so you don’t think I went off the deep end and had a miserable high school experience, I actually gained a great friend in high school that day. Alex, who was a senior, saw me leave track practice early. My head just wasn’t into track, so I went to sit in the empty cafeteria hoping to clear my head. He asked how things were going and I told him what happened that day. He told me, “It’s not easy finding out who your real friends are. But don’t change for anyone and don’t try to be like anyone else. Just be you.” I’ll never forget how he took the time to talk to me. After his advice, I could care less about belonging.
Another common theme between all five films is rebellion. When they aren’t skateboarding, most of the characters in Mid90s spend their time partying, drinking, and doing drugs. In The Breakfast Club, each character is in detention because they rebelled in some way. Why else would they be in detention? Every character in Kids was a rebel, actually more like a criminal. I bet the writer of the film was too.
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A third theme is “bro” culture. “Bro” culture is defined as people who are bullies but at the end of the day they have your back, like a brother (Sloothunter42, 2018). Two great examples of “bros” are John (The Breakfast Club) and Ian (Mid90s). Throughout The Breakfast Club, John constantly insults the other kids in detention. He even insults the principal. The group escapes detention to wander the hallways. When the principal sees them, John saves the group by telling them to go back to the library while he distracts the principal. This link shows you the scene I’m explaining: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Iq7MRlHg5I (Hughes, 1985). Not something you would have expected from a bully, but you would from a “bro.” In Mid90s, Stevie’s brother, Ian, beats the crap out of him every chance he gets. But when Stevie is laying in a hospital bed after a car accident, his brother is there by his side. He even shares his precious orange juice.
Now onto one of my favorite things in life, music! I put together a playlist that relates to my adolescent experience. In no particular order, here are 10 songs and what each means to me. But let me point out that some song lyrics mean something to me, while with other songs it was the energy it gives off. I’m all about positive energy. First song is “Mr. Blue Sky” by Electric Light Orchestra. I first heard this song during the movie Guardians of the Galaxy. This song kept me motivated and positive during high school. If I was having a bad day, this was my ‘go to’ song. I also listened to it every day on my way to school. Next is “Crazy” by Gnarls Barkley, a.k.a. CeeLo Green. This song reminds me of my mind, imagination, and the stuff I think about. I always have a trillion things going on in my head. I guess that explains my poor focus skills and super procrastination. “Inner Ninja” by Classified is another upbeat song. A few lines that always stuck in my head are, “I find my inner strength and I re-up; Here we go, I know I've never been the smartest or wisest; But I realize what it takes; Never dwell in the dark cause the sun always rises.” My junior year of high school I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. It has and still is life-changing and as much as I don’t let it change who I am, I’m human. But as the song says, don’t dwell on the negative, look for the positive. I always remind myself of the positive. “Through the Fire and Flames” by DragonForce always fueled my brain when I was tired of doing homework or studying. To me the lyrics mean to keep moving forward no matter how difficult. Just look at what your goal is and don’t give up. Plus this song has one hell of a guitar solo that is very motivating. Michael Jackson is one of my favorite artists and “Man in the Mirror” reminds me how important it is to try to do good in the world and make a positive change. Regardless of culture, color, religion, and disability, we are all capable of making good changes in the world. I tried this on a much smaller scale in high school by volunteering at the food pantry and community events. “Clint Eastwood” by Gorillaz is one of many songs by this group that I like. It’s not so much the words I relate to, but I love the animation in their music videos. I remember the first time I saw one of their videos I thought how cool and mysterious it was that we only see the singers as cartoons. We are never shown who they really are. I like the fact that it’s different. Different is good in my world. “Intergalactic” by Beastie Boys reminds me of breakdancing and dancing in general. I love to dance and looked forward to every prom and homecoming dance at high school. “Without Me” by Eminem reminds me that no matter how much people criticize you, you can be very successful at what you enjoy doing. The last song on my list is “Take Me Out” by Franz Ferdinand. To be honest, I just like the beat of the song and it’s one of those songs I listened to over and over in high school.
So that wraps up my Youth Culture blog. I hope it gave you a better understanding of how I relate to the assigned films. But let me make one thing clear, I do not relate to anything in the film Kids. Not one thing.
Below is my self portrait of what goes through my mind. 
Artwork by: Marcello Laudato
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lunchcraft · 4 years
☁️ Soothing & Calming Cloud Bread Recipe☁️
Have you been seeing all these cloud bread recipes all over TikTok? They look just easy enough to get you up off your couch and try and just cute enough to know it’ll be a great picture, regardless of how the meringue-like dessert turns out. 
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I, of course, was inspired to make one of these trendy more-cotton-candy-than-bread breads, but wanted to make sure I added a witchy element to it. I’ve been going through kind of a blue time of my life, so I figured something sweet, calming, and soothing would be a perfect treat at a time like this. I chose to add some blue food coloring into the mix, as well as some vanilla extract -- two ingredients that aren’t called for in all recipes.  
Magickal Properties
The ingredient list is short, so be sure to take your time thinking about the magickal properties of each as you mix them in! 
Egg Whites: Eggs are traditionally seen as a symbol of fertility, but they can also be used as a symbol of abundance and renewal. As I whisked (and whisked and whisked) my egg whites, I thought about an abundance of comfort, protection, and healing. 
Sugar: Since it’s so sweet, sugar is often used in love spells, but I’ve also read many witches who use it as an attractant -- just like bugs are drawn to syrup, sugar in spells can draw things to you. In this recipe, as I added the sugar, I thought of it as an amplifier to the other ingredients - while the eggs were for protection, the sugar acted as a +1 modifier.  
Cornstarch: Just cornstarch! This blog says that it “smooths the way for prosperity and motivates better luck.” I like that! 
Vanilla Extract: Known for calming, consoling, soothing, and happiness, vanilla was an absolute need-to-have. As I splashed a little bit in at the end, I asked for calming and healthy vibrations, with a hint of sweetness, too.  
Blue Food Coloring: Blue! In magick spells, the color blue is used to symbolize calming, reliability, gentleness, guidance, healing, and sleep protection. One tiny little dot of food coloring turned my bread a sweet baby blue hue, and as I very carefully added it in, I asked for the color blue to look out for me. Plus, like I said -- since I’ve been going through a blue time, I wanted to reclaim that blue and make it a positive connotation instead.    
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Magical Cloud Bread Recipe 
Whisk 3 egg whites. Like, really whisk them. Use an electric mixer if you have it, because they need to be whisked at medium-high speed for a while. Keep whisking until they’re frothy and bubbly, starting on low at first and increasing speed little by little. 
Add in 30g of white sugar and 10g of cornstarch. Keep whisking. Whisk until the batter is super light and fluffy and forms stiff peaks. It took me over ten minutes, so keep at it! 
Mix in one drop of blue food coloring and 1/8 tsp of vanilla extract. 
Use a rubber spatula to shape onto a parchment paper-lined cookie sheet. I did a round dome, but it looks cute if you have a more rustic look, as well. Just know that whatever way you shape it is exactly how it’ll look when it comes out of the oven. 
Bake at 300 degrees for 20-25 minutes. 
Eat right away! 
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Spell Tips
Be sure to mix clockwise to invite in all of these positive elements to your recipe. 
Save your eggshells! You can grind them up to use in spell jars, protection spells, or to fertilize your house plants. 
I don’t always cast a circle while doing kitchen magic, but feel free if you would like. Just always remember to open the circle back up once you’re through.  
Be present and mindful in every step. As you add in each new ingredient, focus on the magickal properties of each.
If you work with sigils, draw any protection and calming sigils on the parchment paper before you put the batter on top. 
I like to match the music to the intention of the spell -- so for this calming, soothing recipe, I wouldn’t listen to a political or true crime podcast. I found some nice soothing music instead! This time: Orville Peck’s new EP. 
Lastly, be mindful as you eat your treat, too. This cloud bread is so sugary and fun, think of how it makes you smile as you eat it and remember that feeling.   
10 Ways to Use Eggs in Witchcraft 
Sugar | The Witches’ Circle
Vanilla Magick
The Color Blue
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themoonstarwarrior · 4 years
Okay, so @viterbofangirl tagged me in this and I need to start learning to post my own shit, so what the hell, why not?
Rules: you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to! put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 15 songs, then tag 10 people. no skipping!
(I couldn’t stop at 10 so I added 5 more, sue me)
I have very random music taste and I listen to my music on shuffle alot, so I made a playlist of the ones I like the most (that way I don’t hafta skip 150 songs to get to the one I feel like) so I’m gonna use that one.
1) History of Violence - Theory of a Deadman
Hoo boy starting off light huh?.... Yeah so, I was in the drive thru at Sonic when I first heard this on the radio and was immediately like “holy shit”. Instead of like metaphors and poetic subtlety, it’s just straight up like “here’s a poor abused woman who resorted to murdering her shitty boyfriend/husband cuz she couldn’t take it dum dum dum”. Even though the actual situation is not the same, this song is perfect for getting across the internal issues and turmoil of my character Mikey. Its so perfect I’m even planning to animate something for it...... if I ever get around to learning animation that is.....     
2) The Vengeful One - Disturbed
Two songs in and I look kinda emo.... But hey this song is soooooo cathartic! I love me a good heavy rock song, and the drums and electric guitar are perfect for my ears to absorb. This song gives off a feeling of overwhelming power mixed with a coldness and disdain for the bad in the world. Obviously, thats not my usual temperment, but its an interesting one to explore! Especially when I’m trying to get into the head of characters that exude that like my OCs Spark or Ryu. Plus its fun to sing in the car X)
3) Enter Sandman - Metallica
Okay this one is just a classic! Same thing with the drums and guitar they both slap SOOOOO GOOD. I don’t really associate this song with any of my characters or fandom favorites, but it DOES give me a super strong urge to learn the drums. EXXXXXXXXIT LIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT! OFF TO NEVER NEVERLAND!!
4) We Are Giants - Lindsey Stirling ft. Dia Frampton
I don’t really to listen to music by band or artist, but I LOVE Lindsey Stirling!!! She’s probably my favorite musician! This is such a good song, especially for someone like me. Its a positive song that talks about feeling alone in a crowd and unimportant to the world, but how you really do matter and shouldn’t be afraid to dream big and shoot for the stars. It really speaks to me and the vocalization is so good (especially for singing), not to mention the official music video is animated and AMAZING!
5) Cetus - Lensko NCS
I dunno if anyone knows this song, but damn its good. Its one of those Royalty-Free songs that people look up for their channels, which is how I found it in the first place, but I loved it immediately. Its a peppy 8-bit electronic bop that turns a little Irish jig at the end and honestly I think if I ever start an animation channel I’m totally gonna use it! (Also go support Lensko he make good beats!)
6) Sanctuary - Utada Hikaru
I did not grow up with Kingdom Hearts, and only played KH2 within the past year n’ a half. But good God, the moment that Cinematic Opening came on and this song started playing I swear I astral projected into a daze of feelings without names. I know that “Simple and Clean” is the quintessential Kingdom Heart song that gives everyone feelings, but IMHO Sanctuary blows it out of the water. As beautiful as the animation was, or how curious the occasional backwards lyrics are, or how weird it is having high-res Goofy and Donald in what is essentially an anime opening, I really can’t be distracted from this song when I play.
7) Chemical Plant Zone (Rock Remix) - Zerobadniks
Chemical Plant Song is like, one of the TOP Sonic songs by popular vote (and we know how awesome the Sonic series is musically so thats saying something!), but I could never quite vibe with the normal 8-bit version. I think I first heard this as someone’s ringtone and was immediately like “THATS PERFECT THATS EXACTLY HOW I NEED IT!”. The rock makes the song soooo much better and honestly gives the song the perfect vibe. Unfortunately, it took FOREVER to find cuz none of the Rock Covers of this song were the right one. In fact, tbh, I’m not even sure whether Zerobadniks is the correct artist..... that’s just who everybody was crediting when I found it. 
(imma include the link i found since its a little hard to find: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqJiZEM6aPI )
8) The Wolf - SIAMES
YOU WANNA TALK ABOUT ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEOS???? THIS IS A GOD-TIER ANIMATED MUSIC VIDEO. I found the video first, and seriously, if you haven’t seen it YOU NEED TO!!! The beat works perfectly with the images on screen and the story being portrayed is really intriguing, with the lyrics adding to atmosphere without necessarily describing the visuals shown. Even without the animation, the song itself is a banger. It bring to mind the feeling of intense motion forward, but unable to decide whether its movement TOWARD something or AWAY from something. I love listening to this on a nighttime drive.
9) Burn the House Down - AJR
If you ask me, the best way to make a pop song better is to add either violins or trumpets. For this song, it was definitely the trumpets that first caught my attention, and the rest of the song kept me listening. I don’t really know how to describe the vibe of this song, and I don’t have a specific character or story in mind when I listen to it, so its a little hard for me to talk about it. I think the best way I can describe this song and what draws me to it is a feeling of nonchalant go-with-the-flow attitude to shenaniganry. Almost an undertone of “We’re hooligans in a situation that we probably should get out of, but hey we’ve got life and each other so why worry?” At least that’s the closest I can get to a verbal description heh...
10) Slim Pickens Does the Right Thing and Rides the Bomb to Hell - The Offspring 
So this also has a KICKASS animated music video, but its technically combined with the song “Dividing by Zero”. Now the video works SO well with both, and the shifting artstyles reflect the differing tones of the songs PERFECTLY. However, I have a preference for both the animation and the song on the Slim Pickens half. Its fun to listen to and sing at the top of your lungs and its SO CATHARTIC. Again I cant really describe what my head does when I hear it, but I think you can probably feel a similar vibe if you watch the music video. 
11) No Heaven - DJ Champion
The first time I finished the original Borderlands, I had been playing for days on end, had just finished a long battle with the Destroyer, and sitting back relieved to have beaten it and reflecting on how much I had enjoyed the adventure. Then this song started playing. For what I believe was forty minutes this song looped on my TV while the credits rolled. By the time the credits finished I was pulling up the song to listen to again! What an absolutely PERFECT cherry to add to this experience. This song perfectly encapsulated the chaotic, trigger-happy, morally ambiguous craziness that I had enjoyed and absorbed in this game. Every time I hear it now, I imagine myself in the wastelands of Pandora, driving haphazardly across the sandy dunes as my companions and I shoot and blow up everything in sight. You know, living the dream.......     
12) Hit & Run (Wolfgang Lohr Remix) -  The Electric Swing Circus
I fucking LOVE electro-swing! The electronic beats and rhythm blend so well with the wild and energetic freedom of swing. A lot of electro-swing gives me a vibe of wild movement, reckless abandon, and freedom from constraint. I think this song melds all of these feelings the best! As the last song might have indicated, despite my general nice and sweet temperament, there is a part of me deep down that is an absolute gremlin secretly enamored with chaos, insanity, and a general disdain for law and authority X). But whereas anything Borderlands related has a more “morality is an illusion blowing shit up is real” air about it, this song is far more peppy. More of a “good-hearted but insane” type of chaos, like an 100mph car chase where you end up sailing over the train tracks JUST as the train passes.
.... I may have gotten a bit off track lol 
13) Kickstart my Heart - Motley Crue
I love this song, but I have to be VERY careful when and where I listen to this. I love songs that make me feel like I’m going a million miles per hour, like I’m gotdam Sonic the Hedgehog. Unfortunately, I may or may not have had multiple instances of listening to this song in the car and abruptly realizing that I’m going like 15mph above the speed limit...... So yeah, regardless of absolutely perfect it feels to play this song while speeding down a nearly empty highway, please be careful and drive responsibly!!!
14) I’m Born to Run - American Authors
Imma just up and say it. This song is a Sonic song; like not like actually from the series but a song for the character. This song encapsulates Sonic as a character better than some of his ACTUAL THEMES (and remember Sonic music are bangers!). Its a song about freedom, living life as it comes, and not letting anything slow you down. Frankly I’m surprised they didn’t make this song FOR the Sonic series, or even the movie! Speaking of which, ironically I heard this song right after watching the Sonic movie in theaters, so yeah there’s no way I can associate it with anything else. 
15) Opa Opa - Antique
Oh, what a PERFECT way to end this list! This may be one of my absolute favorite songs of all time! I don’t remember exactly how I found this song... I think I had just relistened to Dalar Mehndi’s “Tunak Tunak Tun” and was looking for other catchy non-english songs and BOY HOWDY I found one! I know nothing about the band or what the song’s about (its in greek and i dont speak it), but this song is just a masterpiece of retro, pop, and dance sounds. This song feels like the musical and lyrical manifestation of dance and movement. I really REALLY wish I could dance JUST so I can express how happy and free this song makes me feel! This is the BEST song for me to end this list with!
JESUS, this got long..... Sorry about that XD. It was fun though, and hopefully somebody was vaguely interested in my ramblings.
Guess I need to tag people now? How about @tharkflark1, @rockmilkshake, @neonbuck, @drawingsdrawingseverywhere, @birthgiverofbirds, @puccafangirl, @kalcat, @biblestudybussybopsbabey, @monstrous-milktea, and @memecage! I think there are a couple of people here I haven’t talked to though soooooo..... hi, I hope you don’t mind the tag X)
 Anyway hope you enjoyed and/or want to do this too! This took for-fucking-EVER to type, so imma go fuck off and watch youtube or something now...
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twstedgrils · 4 years
Oc Master Post
Alright! I finally have all my ocs designed and written down! This is the official debut post for this oc blog! It’s really long (gotta go through 10 ocs lmao) so I’ll put a read more so it’s easier to scroll past. If your interested, please read and even ask me questions! I really want to interact with this fandom since everyone seems so nice and funny!
And yes, I did put grils instead of girls on purpose...I’m funny I swear
So I first want to say that my ocs are in an au, one which has NRC have female students (but still in low numbers) and an 8th dorm based on Captain Hook (making Ramshackle the 9th). Also Crowley is a tiny bit nicer to our mc in this au, mostly cause he’s basically her weird dad lol
There’s another addition to this au, but that’ll be addressed in my MC insert’s bio.
I’ll also list additional info that the text in the refs don’t address, including body types because I wanted my ocs to be diverse in that aspect.
Another thing, shipping. Oh great seven, shipping will be a free for all for me. I really like shipping. So any ship and every ship will be possible (as long as it’s not with Cheka or Ortho, cause no. Human Grim is fine, but he has to be in human form). With that in mind this blog will be very self-indulgent when it comes to shipping and such. 
I’ll come back to this to edit when I develop these girls more.
So first off we’ll start with my MC!self-insert!
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I didn’t know what outfit to put her in, since Ramshackle doesn’t have a dorm uniform, so I just put her in her pjs (which were provided by Crowley).
Birthday: Feb 4 (my b-day lolol)
Best Subject: Math
Worst Subject: PE (for valid medical reasons)
Hobby: Drawing
Homeland: Not of TW
Body Type: Average
Charlotte (or Charlie as people call her) is usually quiet, especially when she first arrives in TW. But the more she’s comfortable around the people, the more she reveals her inner sass. She doesn’t want to admit it, but she’s as much as a dumbass as the ADeuce duo.
She’s also has albinism, but she used to constantly dye her hair into a more strawberry blonde so she wouldn’t get picked on by other kids. This condition also leads to her having to take many breaks during PE so she won’t burn.
She may like cats, but Grim really tests her fondness for them. But once it’s found out he can take a human form (and becomes more chill due to the amount of energy it takes to maintain said form) the two actually become the best of friends, which shocks the first year gang. 
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Design Inspiration: White Rabbit and March Hare
Birthday: Feb 29
Best Subject: History
Unique Magic: Golden Doorknob (Summons a golden doorknob on any surface, making it a door to anywhere the user thinks of. Example, placing the knob on Ramshackle's walls and walks into NRC's Cafeteria via the door)
Worst Subject: Chemistry
Hobby: Track
Homeland: Afterglow
Body Type: Pear shape
Whitney is what you expect from a rabbit, timid, nervous, shy, anxiety filled, and easily intimidated. At first. If you manage it anger her, suddenly you’ll be hit by both a Scottish war cry and a rabbit kick. When she’s angry, she’s a rage filled bunny who throws the most foul of curses. Her switches are rivaled to Deuce’s bad boy switch. And just like the boy, when she calms down she get’s very flustered. 
She doesn’t talk to many people, as she hates attention. But after some she does become acquainted with the boys, almost on the line of friendship with each. 
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Design Inspiration: Shere Kahn and Tigger
Birthday: Set 28
Unique Magic: Fun! Fun! Fun! (turns any part of their body into a bouncy spring. Often the tail is used)
Best Subject: PE
Worst Subject: Chemistry
Hobby: Basket Weaving and making jewelry
Homeland: Land of Pyroxene
Body Type: Apple shape (broad shoulders)
Kaya is seen as a tough no bs girl, many females admire how she can go woman-to-man with the Savanaclaw males. But actually she’s nothing but a goofball that loves to tend to baby animals and make cute things. She has a talent for making beautiful woven baskets and earrings. She helps Ruggie a lot whenever she sees him overun by errands. 
She does have a tendency to nap anywhere and everywhere like Leona and Silver, but she apologizes sheepishly when woken up. Because of her napping habit, she tends to stay up late into the night.
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Design Inspiration: None
Birthday: May 24
Unique Magic: Second Chance (let’s the user go back to a certain point to try again. Only activated when close to death)
Best Subject: Chemistry
Worst Subject: History
Hobby: Singing and baking
Homeland: Coral Sea
Body Type: Petite
Wendy is a very small moon jellyfish mermaid. She was home-schooled by her mother under the sea, while her father ran a business on land. She visited land often to see her father, fascinated by all neon lights shining in the city.
She’s very quiet, like she’s actually a selective mute. She doesn’t tend to hangout with people because she fears most don’t like her because of her selective muteness. Oddly enough though, she’s always seen with Floyd, to the bafflement of everyone. She finds the eels mannerisms amusing.
She loves to sing, but doesn’t want anyone but her secret singing buddy (Daria) to listen to her. Her voice is very high pitched, but soft that it’s almost hard to hear. She also loves baking, often seen helping Jade and Floyd with preparing the sugary foods and drinks Monstro Lounge offers.
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Design Inspiration: Iago and Jasmine’s red outfit
Birthday: Aug 5
Unique Magic: Dancer’s Delight (charms anyone who sees her dancing, perfect for distraction)
Best Subject: None
Worst Subject: None
Hobby: Dancing
Homeland: Land of Hot Sands
Body Type: Hourglass
Layla is like that one person who teases everyone and sees most as her friend. She uses both her height and pretty features to get a rise and fluster anyone. Her main victim is Jamil, much to his displeasure. She gets along great with Kalim, fueling his antics of carpet riding and shenanigans. But she does help Jamil in taking care of Kalim, often seeing the snake whisperer overworked.
She’s usually seen hanging out with Kaya and Whitney (with the rabbit being flustered by both of the taller females). She’s drawn to most in the Savanaclaw dorm, as she has the urge to pet their ears. She and Kaya are in the same class, so the two always buddy together, helping each other if needed.
Back home she comes from a line of exotic dancers, always entertaining other for money. With this in mind, she practices her dancing everyday. She hopes she can live up to the expectations her family has put on her. She’s not wealthy, but she’s not poor, so she doesn’t get too surpised over Kalim’s wealth. But she still does, especially when Kalim once offered to get her a tiger cub (she refused though).
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Design Inspiration: Myself and Medusa (Hercules tv show)
Birthday: Mar 27
Unique Magic: Snake Eyes (paralyzes anyone with her stare if activated, even herself if she looks in the mirror)
Best Subject: History
Worst Subject: Math
Hobby: Painting and singing
Homeland: Isle of Lamentation
Body Type: Chubby
Daria is another quiet and reserved girl, she’s not shy per say but she prefers people to approach her than the other way. She doesn’t particularly like that she was sorted into Pomefiore, cause all she wants to do is paint and sing. This leads her to grow close to Epel and anger Vil. She purposefully doesn’t do anything to her appearance, only brushing her hair as she hates tangles. 
She tends to stay in a secret area with Wendy, singing with the fellow quiet girl. If not that then she’s doing artwork in her dorm room, ignoring anyone who dares to pull her away from her work. Often times this leads to both her and Vil having a glaring contest cause she didn’t sleep (”Too busy painting” she says.) or forgot to do her morning skincare routine.
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Design Inspiration: Phosphora (Kid Icarus) and Electra (backstory)
Birthday: Jul 16
Unique Magic: Sparks Fly (allows the user to transfer any electricity from any device around her into her prosthetics)
Best Subject: Math
Worst Subject: None
Hobby: Modifying her prosthetic limbs
Homeland: Rose Kingdom
Body Type: Top heavy
Elina is the mom friend, always giving others affection and helping them when she can. Because of her affectionate self, she treats Ortho like her little brother. You’ll often see her playing with the boy, or in her room working on her prosthetics (with Idia helping). She loves making her limbs look non-human, but she has more human structure legs for school (as to not weird out her classmates too much). She’s made them since young, always improving and modernizing her limbs.
Because of a tragic accident, she has prosthetics for both legs and her left arm. And has trauma over car races or cars going over the speed limit. She never mentions her family around others, but it shows how much she cares for them. The same could be said for her friends.
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Design Inspiration: Chernabog
Birthday: Jun 6
Unique Magic: ???
Best Subject: History
Worst Subject: Chem
Hobby: Making Clothes
Homeland: Valley of Thorns
Body Type: Shortstack
Maria is basically the opposite of Lilia, while he looks young but acts maturely she looks mature but acts like a complete child. Most believe she’s staff before she has to explain that she’s a student. She’s not a brat (thank sevens) but she is very naive and innocent. This causes for her dorm mates to become somewhat protective if someone makes a pass on her (she never notices cause she thinks they’re just being nice). 
She has a talent with designing clothes, no one can explain why. Many have approached her to pay for her designs, but she refuses. She says she much prefers to just make and gift her designs to anyone. When she’s working, it’s the most mature you’ll see her. Everyone she’s interacted with has at least one thing she’s made, whether they wanted it or not.
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Design Inspiration: Hook and Scarlet (the female animatronic from the pirate ride)
Birthday: Dec 25
Unique Magic: The Sea’s Rage (a passive ability that allows the user to access inhuman strength, allowing her to lift even Jack or Malleus)
Best Subject: None
Worst Subject: All
Hobby: Pick-pocketing
Homeland: The Savage Seas
Body Type: Flat (Looks average thanks to her corset)
Jessie is the dorm leader of Bonäuber, a dorm based upon The Captain of the Seas, who is held almost as high regards as the Great Seven. She’s a very childish and extremely cocky girl. She always praises herself for being the best out of everyone, when in actuality she’s not the brightest. The only thing she is good at she is shooting a gun, loving a good hunt. She also has a child fascination for board games, so she often plays (and loses) with Azul and Idia. 
Most don’t like her because she has a bad habit of stealing from anyone and everyone. This is because of her hard childhood, having to steal to survive with no family. The Savage Seas, and the isles among it, were tough on those with no wealth. It wasn’t until a kind pirate gifted saved her from a beating and gifted her a gold coin, her first coin. She now wears the coin on her neck and vows to become a pirate as great as The Captain, using her loot to make others who were in her shoes to have a good life. Because of her ambitions, she always goes for the rich when looting, Kalim being her main target. But because of how nice and generous he is, she gets flustered and runs away without a single coin. (It’s really cute ngl)
As a dorm leader she’s overly not strict, the most she can be is over how clean the dormitory is. Uniform isn’t strict as well, only forcing those in the dorm to wear the striped shirt, vest, belt, bandanna, and boots. Bottoms can be anything, and the corsets were optional. Most dorm members were interestingly mostly females, which confused many. 
Their dorm building is a functioning pirate ship, usually docked on a deserted island. Occasionally the dorm will go on an adventure, since most are those who love the sea and can’t stay in one place. 
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Design Inspiration: Smee and Tick Tock Croc (and maybe Louis from the princess and the frog)
Birthday: Oct 3
Unique Magic: When I’m Human (let’s the user take a human form with little drawback, like Kalim’s Oasis Maker. This slowly wears off if the user is over emotional, most commonly anger.)
Best Subjects: All
Worst Subjects: None
Hobby: Making tea and treats for Jessie
Homeland: The Savage Seas
Body Type: Hourglass (looks more exaggerated thanks to her corset)
Sammy (what Jessie calls her) is the vice dorm leader of Bonauber, she’s very mysterious and weird to most in the school. She’s always by the shorter girl’s side, and always takes care of her. She is a big enabler, sharing her ambitions with the leader. She’s very humble about her intelligence and abilities, often only giving praise to Jessie. She’s almost like a mother for the leader.
She’s secretly a crocodile that saved (and traumatized) Jessie when they were younger. As she saw the little girl run from an adult, causing the reptile to attack the adult. She didn’t know why, but at the time a sudden feeling of protecting for the girl took over. Ever since then the reptile was drawn towards the girl, almost obsessive. It wasn’t until she developed her unique magic that she stuck with the girl from childhood. Jessie never realized, as Sam is very keen on keeping the object of her affections(?) in the dark. If anyone threatens the two, Sam will open her eyes and glare with her slit pupils as scales appear faintly.
And that’s all of them! After posting this I’ll start working on two things.
1: cards, I want to draw cards for them as if they are canon characters. I’ll work on the school uniform cards first!
2: Grim’s human design, this one will be easier as he’ll just be a sketch. 
Again, feel free to ask any questions! I’ll answer with in character sketches! (with more elaborating in artist’s text) I’ll try my best to answer as many of them as I can! You can also dm me if you wish to just talk about twst with me!
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nyc-uws · 4 years
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12 Shocking Things I Learned by Working as a Butler at the Plaza Hotel
You’ll never look at hotel staff the same way again.
Bloomberg Brandon Presser
Old-school service is alive and well at the Plaza: High tea treats are served in brass birdcages, tuxedo-clad bellman whisk away luggage to gilded suites, and chefs bear toques that tower above their heads. But in the age of Amazon Prime—when we all want everything now—what is it really like blending vestigial aristocratic assistance with light-speed wish fulfillment? In order to properly find out, I accepted an offer from New York’s iconic Plaza Hotel to join its team of butlers, a coterie of 10 servicemen (and one woman!) who trot around the property’s 20 floors day and night, making sure 282 rooms’ worth of guests feel like royalty. For two hot days in July 2017, I raced around with a team that, like the city itself, seemingly never sleeps—hearing tales of the trade from the department’s director, Emma, and serving guests alongside some of her most experienced staffers.
This is an elite crew: It bears a combined 147 years of experience, and many have served as house managers for affluent families all over the world. Me? I got express credentials for my two-day residency—unprecedented for the Plaza. They included a detailed orientation of the property and a uniform fitting for my hotel-issued attire (gold-plated name tag and all).
Over my short tenure, I delivered laundry to Middle Eastern princesses and fetched lobsters out of wishing wells—and listened to colleagues delight in the oddities of their jobs, from fielding requests for Viagra or comforting a weeping woman over spilled blueberries. Serving the world’s rich and famous, it turns out, plumbs the depths of an alternative universe that readily embraces the absurd without even batting an eye. And that was only the beginning of what I learned.
Here, 12 secrets to keep in mind the next time you check into a five-star hotel.
One VIP List You Don’t Want to Be On
Hundreds of butler requests roll in each shift—mostly to fill ice buckets, handle laundry, and shine shoes. Complimentary packing and unpacking requests are also common, though they can turn into day-long affairs. A surprising number of international guests will purchase adjoining suites: one to sleep in and one for their luggage.
By matter of corporate philosophy, every guest should feel like a VIP at the Plaza. But a hierarchy still exists among those who check-in at reception. At the top of the pyramid are kings, queens, and heads of state—or as butlers call them: V1s, and they are ever-present on the property. Then come high-payers, long-stayers, guests booking a large block of rooms, and recognizable celebs. They’re called DVs, or distinguished visitors. On the bottom of the VIP totem pole is the SA group, known complainers or otherwise difficult and demanding guests who require “special assistance.”
Bath Time Can Be Awkward
Another common request for the butler team is to draw baths with a signature blend of salt, oil, and roses—especially during the colder months of the year. But the butler’s duties aren’t necessarily complete once the tub is full. Bal, the Plaza’s resident bath-time specialist, said that 95 percent of the time, he’s asked to remain within arm’s reach as bathers suds-up. Most of them, he said, want more hot water or scented oil, and are happy to keep him on hand while they relax in the nude. He is often left to pull the plug from the drain, elbow-deep in leftover water.
It gets weirder. One of my butler colleagues at a previous job in London was asked to ship in and set up a guest’s order of fresh oysters in the bathtub. He diligently filled the tub with ice and laid the oysters out, only to discover that the guest wanted the oysters placed in the tub around his soaking body. Eventually, the client seemed satisfied: He purchased the room next door for his butler so he’d always be near.
Hotel Guests Are Pretty Predictable …
The Plaza’s guest relations team researches everyone staying at the hotel on an individual basis, using a variety of social media tools. (The favorite is LinkedIn.com.) Butlers, on the other hand, often use past trends to size people up on the spot. They send electric kettles to the rooms of arriving Asian guests, who often bring noodles from home to cook in their suite. They keep an eye on the minibar when tending to Americans in their thirties and forties—they’re considered the partiers of the hotel, likeliest to plow through the booze. Middle Eastern VIPs get what is called an “Arabic Amenity”—a tray of dates, dried fruit, and nuts; they tend to prefer these to chocolates, cakes, or other sweet desserts. And the butler staff knows to immediately ask Western businessmen if they have shirts or suits that needs servicing upon checking in; they’re always the ones who treble the quantity of laundry in the basement.
… Except When They’re Totally Unpredictable
Despite the overwhelming regularity of guest behaviors, travelers can mystify even the most experienced of butlers. During my shifts, lobster shells kept appearing in the fountains of the hotel’s interior courtyard. Every day, the staff would fish them out, only to find a new one a few hours later. It turned out that a Middle Eastern prince was ordering cooked lobster from room service for every meal and then throwing the empty shells out the window to land in a fountain below. (Emma asked him to stop—nicely—but pieced together the mystery only on the day of his departure.)
Another time, a woman called Emma hysterically crying “as though her husband died and she just discovered the body.” When Emma finally calmed her down, she comprehended the real reason for the guest’s tears: There was no more Kleenex in her suite, and her young daughter had been forced to blow her nose on toilet paper.
Sex, Drugs and … Come Again?
As at any hotel, requests for drugs and prostitutes do happen—but not frequently. Bal has been asked for drugs only two or three times in his 10 years at the Plaza, and he is careful to stick within the boundaries of the law. Condom needs are another story: Mouhsine, one of the other butlers, always carries a pack with him, especially in the evenings. On being called to fulfill one such late-night request, no one answered the door after several knocks; he gently entered the room to find the two guests in the “go” position, waiting to be walked-in on.
Far more interesting than sex and drugs are the more outlandish client requests. Recently, Emma fielded a service call from a woman searching for some missing chocolate-covered blueberries, which had fallen off a window ledge. Emma offered to obtain replacements from the same brand and store, but the guest was adamant about retrieving her exact snack. Emma and the security team trawled the hotel’s interior courtyard for hours, blueberry-hunting, to no avail. During my brief tenure, the weirdest request was for two liters of intravenous saline solution—meant for a doctor’s ailing wife, who was presumably on the wrong side of a stunning hangover.
Some requests are even more bizarre. One butler told the story of how he was asked to replace all the furniture in a suite because the guest didn’t like the color blue. Another was sent off to scout the city’s reliquaries for a justice of the peace trophy—a prize for a newly minted lawyer. Another arranged for a live tarantula flown in from Africa to be served as a meal. Of course, butlers always deliver with a straight face.
Mind the Pillowcases
Missing pillowcases can be a real issue at the Plaza. But it’s not the tourists that have sticky fingers. And it’s not hotel pillowcases that are getting stolen. At least once a week, a white pillowcase that was brought from a guest’s home gets mistaken for a hotel-issued version and is sent out for cleaning. Sometimes they’re never seen again, in which case Emma dispatches a bellman to purchase new coverings, drawing on the hotel’s coffers, no matter the price.
Christmastime: Not so Merry
“Party season,” which spans October to December, feels like a constant carousel of functions, banquets, and events at the Plaza. Every evening, there are four or five requests for assistance at looping bow ties and zipping up cocktail dresses. And in the last few years, requests for holiday-themed decorations in the rooms have become so commonplace that the hotel now offers a standard Christmas package that includes a fresh, fully decorated tree, assembled by the butlers pre-check-in for $500.
The Customer Is Not Always Right
Complaints follow regular patterns. Every day, a guest will complain about too-slow laundry service. Though forms clearly offer standard and expedited return times, they’re not fast enough for some.
Minibar charges also lead to regular disputes. A full raid of your room’s bar runs $600 at the Plaza—something that happens at least once a week. The likelihood that guests will not want to pay is almost guaranteed.
This requires butlers to document everything with pocket cameras, whether it’s open booze bottles spread across the room, stains on laundry that existed before washing, or evidence of damaged furniture. Every ticket is verified on a computer and photos are attached, so when TripAdvisor.com lights up with a fiery review, the butlers are able to provide evidence to dispel any falsehoods.
The Easiest Way to Get Banned
It’s a lot easier than you might think. The hotel has a strict anti-discrimination policy, and zero tolerance is given to guests who mistreat the staff because of race, gender, age, or creed. Even now, guests sometimes request that staff of a certain ethnic extraction not be allowed to service their rooms; others will ask service members if they are legal in America. Emma, the director of the butler team, cited several incidents of sexism, too, such as the time guests asked to speak with a manager but grew angrier when she showed up instead of a man.
The refusal of services goes all the way up the ladder to DVs. At least two specific celebrities are permanently banned from the Plaza—one, a pop diva expelled for excessive drug and alcohol use and a belligerent attitude towards the staff, the other a sitcom star who took his anger issues out on a suite’s worth of furnishings.  
Afternoon Tea Leftovers Don’t Go to Waste
Hidden within the Plaza’s secret back-of-house corridors and tunnels is a cafeteria reserved for the staff. Open during lunch, dinner, and late-night hours for (surprisingly good!) hot meal service, the canteen offers bagels and drinks for the peckish throughout the entirety of the day. But the savviest snackers know to visit the cafeteria at exactly 5:30 p.m., because that’s when the leftovers from high tea at the Palm Court upstairs are put out for the staff. (They serve only the food that was prepped but not plated.) Emma said she practically lives off mini cucumber sandwiches. I liked the tiny blueberry cheesecakes.
A Good Tip Can Make It Worthwhile
New York City’s hospitality workers are protected under a spectrum of different unions. While bellmen and room service are considered “tipping staff,” the butlers do not expect fiscal rewards for their work, beyond the Plaza’s paycheck. But Bal and his colleagues still see a few ex-presidents from time to time.
His biggest tip during the last 10 years? It came from a French model-actress keen on setting up a romantic weekend for her boyfriend, a well-known fashion magnate. Bal placed flowers on every flat surface throughout their suite, organized lunch in a helicopter over Central Park, and tracked down a very specific, very expensive bottle from a specialist store off-site. By the end of the weekend, she handed him $8,000 in cash.
Seven months later, the founder of the fashion label was back at the hotel with a different girlfriend.
When to Call It a Night
The Plaza maintains a Betsey Johnson-designed suite in honor of Eloise, the capricious six-year-old that fictionally lived on the property. It was here that Nimer, another member of the butler team, had his most bizarre service experience to date. A request was put in for someone to come up and read the beloved children’s book as a bedtime story, but when Nimer arrived there were no children to be found. Four thirtysomethings were neatly tucked into one, large bed. Concealing his shock, Nimer read to them for 90 minutes—then tracked down Eloise on video, in case they hadn’t had enough.
This post originally appeared on Bloomberg and was published August 8, 2017.
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thejackal64 · 5 years
Pillars of Magic: Paradox | Chapter 5: The Starlight Guide
With the monsters and heavy atmosphere leaving them behind, they could finally somewhat let their guard down. Even with the wand in their possession, as long as they were in the Warnicorn Metro, they weren’t truly safe. Which Kasper so kindly pointed out.
“We need to get out of this stinking place. Like, 10 minutes ago.”
“All in due time,” responded Lucan.
“Due time?! What more in the hell do you want to do in here? Are you trying to find more ways to get us killed???”
“Will you calm down? There was nothing - not a sound, or a movement - ever since we started to climb the stairs. It is safe to assume that the worst is behind us. And in this case - literally behind us.”
“That doesn’t mean shit and you know it!”
“All right. Let’s test your theory of blood sucking monsters lurking behind our backs.” Lucan turned around and focused his sight into the distance. The tunnel was semi-lit, as many lights were broken due to passage of time. But even so, the sound coming from afar was what put it off. “Do you hear that?” he asked Kasper.
“Exactly. Now, keep your irrational fear in check. Look at Kobi - he managed to calm down just fine. And that says something. Isn’t that right, Kobi?”
“Uhm.” His answer was short and barely audible. The reason why he was so calm. It was as if his whole world was in their newly acquired wand; it fascinated him. He didn’t know why, however, there was this warmth emanating from it. Whenever he started to feel anxious, he just looked at it and immediately felt like nothing could happen to him.
“No buts! We are on our way out. I suggest to leave your doubts here as we march on.”
Kasper had plenty to tell, but no desire to go against him for all costs, so he decided to keep it to himself. He had a point though: as long as they were still in this forsaken place, anything could happen.
That anything happened a lot sooner than he anticipated, although not in a way he expected. The long and barebone tunnel they were walking in was up until this point lit with somewhat working lights, but after a certain point they went dark. The path clearly continued, but the light did not.
“Hmm,” pondered Lucan. “This is interesting.”
“Not the word I would have used.”
He turned back to check if there was a change in the scenery from which they came. “The lights are still working behind us, so unless the electricity is cut off in this particular place, we have to assume this sudden change has to have a meaning.”
“And what would that be?”
“Let’s see: if we take into consideration that we, supposedly, didn’t miss anything of value on our way here…”
“That’s a big if…”
“...then the logical conclusion would be that this place is hiding something important.”
“Important, you say…” Kasper went to check both walls on the sides by touching and even smashing them. “Nothing. This better not be some kind of stupid puzzle.”
“I don’t believe it is. Look.” He showed both of them what appeared to be a cutout in the ceiling above.
“A way out?”
“Most of the time problems tend to have simple solutions. And this appears to be the answer to our escape from this place.”
After he concluded his theory, all the lights in the hallway went off, except for the one near them.
“That was random,” noted Kasper.
“Or perhaps not.” He looked down at the wand he was holding in his hand. There were residual sparks flying around it and its colors were slightly less intense.
“I don’t like the idea of being led by inanimate objects.”
“I have to concur that this situation is bizarre, but so far it has been beneficial. It looks like it wants to get out as much as we do. We have a common goal, which is good for us.”
“That’s cool and all, but wands don’t have their own mind, right?”
“We don’t really know. Up until now we only knew about one - belonging to queen Omnia - and our knowledge about it is severely limited. For all we know they can even talk.”
“I hope not.”
“Whatever the case, we need to proceed with opening the hatch. Kobi?” Lucan reached his hand to Kobi to take the wand.
But the big guy wasn’t paying attention to anything they were saying. Strangely enough, even the loss of light didn’t throw him off. There was something special about the wand that was drawing all his attention.
Lucan softly laid his hand on his shoulder. “You alright?”
“I like it. Can I keep it?”
“I’m afraid not, as we are going to surface and others can’t see we have it. Its mere existence needs to be kept as secret.”
“But… But…”
“I’m sorry, but this is the way it needs to be. Now, hand it over, so I can hide in my backpack.” Even despite his direct approach, Kobi was still reluctant to let go of the wand. “You can hold it once we are back at HQ.”
“Will you keep it safe?”
“O-Okay.” Still unsure, he gave this thing that was occupying his mind into his care.
“With this out of our way, we need to get a move on. Kobi, if you’d be so kind?”
The massive man reached out to the hatch above and with his strong hands grabbed its handle. By the sound it was making while he was trying to open it made it clear that this particular hatch hadn’t been used in a very long time. It tried its best to resist Kobi’s force, but eventually it gave way and loudly revealed a pathway leading straight up.
Lucan checked the tunnel with his flashlight. “Except for dust, somewhat narrow space and this uncomfortably rusty ladder, it looks safe for us to traverse. Kobi, you’ll take point, in case some unwanted surprises will be waiting for us and you Kasper will cover our back.”
“Let me guess: in case of unwanted surprises?”
Lucan peered into the darkness behind them and listened to its sounds. “As a precaution.”
“All right then. Let’s move.”
The tunnel was indeed narrow and Kobi wasn’t happy about it one bit. But even less happy were the two unfortunate souls below him; he was scrapping all the dirt as he was moving along, falling it down on them.
“Pfft-pfft! BLUEGH!!! Fuck, I will be cleaning my hair for weeks!”
“The sooner we’ll get out the better. Keep moving on, Kobi.”
As they were progressing with their ascent, the air was getting lighter and fresher. A clear sign of better things to come. All they had to do was to suffer some more dust and dirt.  And so they did in great disgust, until Kobi reported that he had reached the end.
“Finally, we can get out of this shithole!”
“But it’s shut!”
“What do you mean shut?!”
“I can’t move it.”
“Use your muscles, dammit!”
“I am. See? It won’t budge.”
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!”
“Kasper, wouldn’t you have something that could remove it?” asked Lucan.
“Sure I can remove it. And us along with it.”
“I meant something non-explosive.”
“I’m a demolitions expert, not a gardener.”
“Good point. Kobi, I’m sorry, but you are our only chance of getting out of here.”
“But it won’t move!”
“Are you sure you did your best?”
“Your absolute best?”
“So you did everything you could to open that hatch…”
“Well- I mean-”
“You have to get it open. You are our only chance. Do you understand?”
“I do, but…”
“The last time I opened something that was closed so hard I got arm aches.”
“You will have aches all over your body, if you don’t open the damn hatch!” yelled Kasper.
“The pain will subside over time,” Lucan was calming him down. “In fact, I should have something with me that should help you.”
“For sure. So, will you open it?”
“Errm, okay.”
With nervousness in his voice, he leaned against the hatch and gave all his strength into opening it. Kasper couldn’t see anything, but Lucan witnessed how his body was shaking and struggling to move the hatch, while the hatch was struggling to stay shut. To anyone else this would look like a pointless attempt, but he knew that when Kobi put all of his attention toward something, there was no obstacle he couldn’t overcome.
And so the unmovable object capitulated against the unstoppable force. How that went on, however, was unusual. The hatch did open, but before that it hit something and tossed it away. They couldn’t see what that was, or why there would be anything on top of the hatch, but, truth be told, they stopped concerning themselves with it almost immediately. The way out was open and they were just looking forward to leaving this mold-infested place for good.
Without much thought, they all jumped out cheering about their successful escape and consequently, the success of their mission. It did not take them long to notice that their surroundings were not quite what they were expecting to see. They thought that the tunnel would lead somewhere up onto a street if they were lucky or more likely into some random outlet in the middle of nowhere. This wasn’t nowhere. It was very specific somewhere and none of the five people occupying it couldn’t understand what the hell was happening.
“You didn’t anticipate this, didn’t you?” asked Kasper.
“No, I did not,” responded Lucan.
Albeit surprised, Kobi’s attitude was more uplifting than that of his colleagues. “Uhm hello?”
The only response he got came from a child standing next to a young girl, that appeared to be pregnant. “Hello.” Its voice was, despite the situation, surprisingly calm. As was the facial expression of the girl, although she was displaying some level of confusion as to what was going on.
All of this, of course, wasn’t lost on Lucan. It took him a moment to readjust to this new and unexpected situation, but his mind was already working on analyzing it. Puzzle pieces were starting to fall in their place and the picture they were creating was bizarre. The situation had the potential of turning it into a serious problem if left unchecked.
“Is this your sister?” asked Kobi to the child.
This answer left him confused, but not Lucan.
“Is that…?” Kasper whispered over to him.
“It appears so.”
The place they were in was the living room of a house. But not just any house. One that clearly belonged to a wealthy family. Which was another matter entirely, one that would be too difficult to explain to someone like Kobi.
The rich inhabitants of Mewmans were basically living in a bubble. A dystopia in which nothing bad ever happened, just constant pleasures from dawn to dusk. They had no idea what was happening outside their lives, nor did they want to know, Omnia made sure of that. So when these two individuals saw their TV being thrown against the wall, followed by three unknown men coming out of a mysterious hole in the floor, they simply didn’t have the foggiest as to how to react.
Lucan took the initiative. “Are your masters home?” The girl didn’t say a word, just nodded her head in disagreement. “We are lucky. Uhm, please, sit down with your child, we will be on our way shortly. How old are you, if I may ask?”
“Fourteen,” answered the girl with a barely audible voice.
“Fucking hell!” reacted Kasper.
“And how old is this little angel?” he aimed his question at the child politely sitting next to her.
“I am three years old!” responded the kid with great pride.
“This is sickening!”
“They are getting desperate. Looks like the distribution of faulty DNA is speeding up even more in here than down there.”
“They can’t possibly keep doing this forever!”
“I’m afraid they can. And much worse than this. Anyway, we need to move. Her owners can get back any minute. Kobi, close the hatch tightly, and put all the stuff back in its place. With any luck, they won’t notice nothing.”
“But we can’t go out in these clothes. They would bring too much attention.”
“The regular folks would barely notice us, but random police patrol might have some uncomfortable questions I’d like to avoid answering. We need to blend in. Erm, girl, where do your masters keep clothing?”
“Upstairs in the bedroom. Do you want to go into bedroom?” The way she answered the question was a bit unsettling, but they were left with no choice but to play along.
“Uhm, yes, I suppose. Take us to the bedroom.”
“Stay here,” she told her child in a calm voice and led the duo of men upstairs.
While Kobi was keeping himself busy with fixing up the living room, Kasper with Lucan were led through the entrails of this luxurious household. Of course, the underground Resistance had basic information how upper Mewni looks like, but reading scarce information and experiencing it first hand proved to be different. For them, this place was indescribable.
“Here we are,” the girl pointed her hand toward a set of doors, which she then opened.
The room before them left each of them stood there in pure awe.
“Damn,” noted Kasper, “I feel cheap.”
“You are cheap. Here, the wardrobe. Help me out finding properly sized clothes.”
Despite their expectations, the contents of the wardrobe were even more luxurious than everything else they had seen so far in the house.
Kasper couldn’t believe his eyes. “I can appreciate a fancy fashion sense, but this is ridiculous! Check this shit out: this cloak has more gems on it then it has actual cloth!”
“We didn’t come here to criticize their choices in fashion. Take whatever fits your and Kobi’s sizes so we can go.”
“Already done.”
Having acquired all that they would need, they spun around to head for exit, but were greeted with a most unexpected offering.
“WHAT THE FUCK?!” yelled Kasper.
“All right, now this is embarrassing even for me,” said Lucan, as he turned his head away.
“Why in the hell are you standing there naked?!”
“You said you wanted to go to bedroom.”
“For clothes, not you!”
“You don’t want me?”
“Are you stupid or something?”
“Leave her be. She doesn’t know she is doing something wrong. She was groomed into total and absolute obedience.”
“But we don’t own her.”
“That makes no difference to her.”
“You mean to tell me that if I would tell her to kill herself, she would do it?”
“Better to not say such things out loud.”
“Darling, take your clothes back up.”
“As you wish.”
“Then go down to your child and continue doing what you were doing before our arrival.”
She silently nodded and went back to the living room.
Lucan was keen to leave as soon as possible. “Quickly, let’s grab Kobi and get out before some similarly unfortunate occurrences can happen again.”
“Yeah, this place is fucked up.”
They expected an uneventful return and swift exit to the evening streets Mewni. With the girl in her place, they didn’t expect anything to happen that could hinder their intentions to return to HQ with the wand. Except for the sudden arrival of the owners of the household.
“What is the meaning of this?! Who are you and what are you doing in here?!”
Kasper looked at Lucan for answers.
“Hello!” It would end up being Kobi who first attempted to break the tension in the most unusual way. “We were just checking on your children.” His geniality was genuine, but as usual misplaced and made the whole situation a lot worse.
“What my colleague meant was that we… heard unusual sounds coming from your home and we… have decided to check if everything is right.”
“Do you take us for idiots?!”
“Yeah, pretty much,” responded Kasper with his typical flair.
That pushed the woman over the edge. “I’m calling the authorities!”
But something in the room had a different idea of how this mess could be resolved. At first, no one saw it. Afterwards though, despite Lucan’s backpack being thick, there was a slight glowing emanating from inside. And it was getting stronger with each second. Eventually Kasper took notice of it and alerted Lucan about it.
“Glowing? You mean… that thing?”
“What else in there can glow?”
As the light was getting stronger, the lights inside the house started to flicker. Both of them exchanged confused looks. But as fast as the situation got weird, it went back to normal, with the exception of a sudden change in the television broadcast:
“We interrupt this program to inform all the fair citizens of Mewni about the vicious attack of the so-called Resistance. Approximately fifteen minutes ago a large group of savage monsters killed several dozen peaceful Mewmans during their shopping spree in our biggest shopping center. The blood bath then continued throughout the streets where clueless citizens were stabbed and murdered in the most gruesome ways. The authorities are requesting that all remaining citizens run for the nearest sanctuary and wait for further instructions.”
The couple looked at each other nervously. They never thought that Resistance would ever be so stupid to launch a direct attack, so seeing intruders in their home didn’t make them think it could be one of them. They didn’t dare to move and neither did the trio. It was a stalemate, though nobody was clear on who was stalling who. With the desire to protect their assets being stronger than the fear of Resistance, they risked it, grabbed the girl and her child and went straight for the exit, while hastily giving her instructions what to do and how to behave. In just one minute the trio were left alone.
“What the hell just happened?” asked Kasper.
“I’m not sure,” responded equally confused Lucan.
“Did we really launch an attack?”
“That… doesn’t seem likely.”
“Do you think that…”
Lucan took down his backpack and reached into it to take out the wand. It wasn’t glowing anymore, but there was a subtle change in its color palette. “It appears to have awakened. Combining it with what happened in the metro, this suggests that perhaps wands do have… personality, for lack of a better word.”
“If that’s true, then I don’t even want to know what Omnia’s wand might be like.”
“With this in our possession, we can learn that pretty soon.”
“You really think that’s a good idea?”
“That’s ultimately up to the HQ, but I assure you they were pushing towards this very end for quite some time. Without the wand, the queen is just a regular mortal.”
“But with the wand she can smite us!”
“And that’s why with this we can finally push forward.”
“Even if that’s the case, do you really think we can control it?”
“One step at a time. Kobi, you all right?”
The big boy was sitting on the couch, obviously shaken and scared. “I don’t wanna go outside.”
“I’m sure nothing has happened.”
“Of course. We just, uhm... That was just to scare them off.”
“So there won’t be rivers of blood flowing down the streets?”
“Rivers of what? Where did you hear it?”
“Kasper told me what would happen if I didn’t keep up with you.”
“Really?” he pounded a rhetorical question, while he turned his head to impale his teammate standing next to him with his eyes. “We will talk about this later.”
“Oh come on! He wouldn’t shut up!”
“Kobi, put these clothes on. Before we go out, we need to blend in with the crowd. As for you, Kasper… Just stay silent. The last thing we need is Kobi panicking.”
With the home owners gone, wand neatly hidden away from sight and the trio clothed as wealthy Upper Mewmans, they were ready to start the return journey back to Mewni’s bowels. Which was now far more complicated than originally planned, as the safest route was some distance away and not used by the rich. So the only way to get back without attention was going deeper into the most extravagant part of the city. It was a part which they knew very little about. Their goal was to reach the manufacturing area, wherever that might be.
There they were. A trio of grown up men dressed in noble clothing they apparently didn’t like.
“I feel weird.”
“This will allow us to pass through the city undetected.”
“It’s itchy,” added Kobi.
This probably wasn’t helping their effort to blend in, however the biggest show was yet to come. The first to notice it was Kobi, who after witnessing the scene just a minute ago, got agitated. And there is nothing subtle about a huge man nervously looking around in a place that is considered to be a paradise.
Kasper noticed this sudden change in his behaviour and he wasn’t pleased by it. “Kobi, what the fuck has gotten into you?! Calm down or you’ll blow our cover!”
“The- The- The-”
“The-the-the what? There is nothing in here.”
With shaking hand, he pointed to Lucan’s glowing backpack. It was now even stronger than before.
“Lucan! Your backpack - it’s glowing again! And this time it looks like it’s trying to illuminate this whole fucking street!”
“Wait, what? Why would it be glowing?” He turned around, but saw nothing and no one out of the ordinary. “I see nothing suspicious.”
“Yeah, well, if your theory is true, then who knows what that thing is thinking it’s doing. And right now it’s pulling attention onto us!”
“But why?”
“You’re the one here with a big brain; you figure it out!”
While both of them were busy arguing among each other, Kobi’s fear locked his sight onto the magical light tearing its way out. So he was the only that noticed a change in the way the light was shaped. Despite being covered under a thick layer of textile, the glow was slowly, but steady shifting, as if following something. Fear or not, Kobi’s natural curiosity took over and made him to check what exactly it was that the wand was pointing to. It didn’t take him long to find it on the other side of the street and his eyes locked onto the object, he had trouble understanding it. So he asked Lucan to help him out by tapping him on his shoulder.
“Not now, Kobi.”
But he didn’t allow himself to be denied, so he tapped him again and this time with greater force.
“Kobi, that hurts! What is happening to you?”
Instead of replying, he pointed with his finger to an object that was apparently moving. To anyone else, said object wasn’t anything special, but to them seeing this particular object was a shocking revelation.
“This cannot be…”
But it was. Against all rational thought and logic, the girl from the metro was there. Granted, clothed differently and the makeup certainly changed her looks somewhat, but there was no mistake that it was her.
“How the fuck is this even possible?”
“Kasper, look at the light. What do you see?”
And he saw the exact same thing as Kobi. “It is-”
“-moving? Then we were right. That girl is the owner.”
“But how is this possible?”
“You’re as curious as I am, but our current predicament demands immediate attention: she is the key to unlocking the wand’s full power.”
“Well, that is nice and all, but how do you propose to, uhm… use her?”
“First, we need to retrieve her.”
“That doesn’t really answer my question.”
“One step at a time. We need to-”
But before he could finish his thought, the girl entered a cab in great haste.
“Hmm. This is unfortunate.”
“Not the word I would have used.”
“Tell me, what is the wand doing right now?”
“Still pointing to her.”
“As I expected. There is a connection between them. That connection will allow us to follow her wherever she goes.”
“So you’re saying that we need to follow the light…”
“I hope that your ability to stay incognito is better than your puns. Keep my backpack closed and peek inside only when necessary. Move out.”
Shortly after that, the cab started to move away from them. Even despite being covered by local clothes, the unpredictable nature of the mission worried him. Back in his head, Lucan was aware of the immense risk he was exposing himself and his team to. Still, he was hoping that by the time anyone would have any questions about their business in there, they would be long gone.
Having proper clothes was only one part of being undercover. The other that was equally important was having proper behaviour. Lucan could pretend to be a native upper Mewmans, but Kasper had to keep peeking into his backpack, which was weird on its own. Further worrying was Kobi, who was having a field day, and he wasn’t shy of making it obvious.
“Kobi!” Kasper rebuked him. “Stop eyeballing everything and everyone around you! You look like a tourist!”
“But it’s so pretty in here!”
“This ain’t a fucking vacation! Being undercover means avoiding attention, not to stick every eyeball in the damn city onto us!”
Kobi tried to heed his warning, but he was like a child in a fun park; behind every corner there was a fascinating new light, interesting shape, mesmerizing colors and… beautiful young girls in every direction. Each step they took bolstered their numbers.
“Damn,” said Kasper. “If I didn’t know better I’d say this place is a giant brothel.”
Lucan nodded. “Indeed. Their number seems excessive.”
“Do you think that everyone is using them like we saw in that family?”
“Such a theory is hardly far fetched. That being said, we aren’t here to play moral police. Every extra minute spent here means increased danger of being uncovered. It is imperative that we find her in the shortest time possible.”
“Yeah, about that. We might have a slight issue.” Kasper noticed that the wand was pointing to a place where all the girls seemed to be gathering. It wasn’t surrounded by any walls, so they could take a good look at it.
“Seems to be a market of some kind,” noted Lucan. “And you say the girl is inside?”
“It looks like it.”
“We don’t have any other choice then. We’ll go in, but incognito, alright? The last thing we need is to attract unwanted attention.”
Trying not to raise suspicion among the buyers minding their own business, they calmly stepped into the outer ring. No one noticed their arrival.
“Huh, this was easy,” noted Kasper.
But Lucan saw it differently. “They all look almost the same,” he whispered. “And we can’t rely on the wand's guidance in here without risking exposure.”
“So what do you propose then? That we ask around?”
“Don’t be ridiculous. We need to do this the hard way: we split up and look for her.”
“Really? That’s your ingenious plan? Did you look at our big idiot in here? He’s this close from drooling all over his suit. We let him alone and he’ll end up befriending one of these ladies.”
“Hmm, that’s actually a good point.”
“Yeah, no kidding.”
“Then perhaps we can-”
“You’re thinking too much. Here, let me show you how the master does it. Hey, Kobi!”
“I saw two policemen behind us.”
“Oh no.”
“What are you doing?” asked Lucan.
But Kasper ignored him. “Oh no is right, because they saw you looking at girls all the time and now they want to arrest you!”
“Bu- Bu- I didn’t do anything wrong!”
“They don't care. You broke their law and now they want to imprison you and torture you!”
“My point exactly. So we need to create chaos to ditch them. Can you do that?”
If there was something Kasper was even better at than demolition was getting under Kobi’s skin. It didn’t take long for the big guy to react to this information; he spread his arms and started to run, while moving them around and yelling various sounds. That did get a  reaction out of the buyers, but he felt they needed a little nudge. “There’s a fucking maniac on the run! Save yourselves!”
Lucan couldn’t believe his eyes. “What did you just do?!”
“Helped! Look - nobody is paying attention to us.”
“But now she will run away from us!”
“So what? We have her wand to show us where she is and no one to bother us.”
“No one except for the policemen that were alarmed by this.”
“As usual, you acted before thinking it through. Now we need to hurry and look for her before security will come to look for us.”
Kasper couldn’t deny that he liked what he saw. Kobi was off the leash, making his way through everyone like an angry bull and even destroying a few merchandise stands along the way. It was like witnessing an explosion up close without the fear of losing limbs. It was poetic.
Lucan on the whole was more worried of losing the girl, although to be fair he had lost her once already a few minutes ago. Except this time she was within his grasp, maybe even running alongside him, but because of all the people running around he couldn’t possibly see her. He found it to be unacceptable.
Kobi was in full blown panic mode. The idea of him feeling pain was so scary that he couldn’t stop rampagning the place. No matter what, he was determined to remain free. That determination wasn’t getting weaker even after glancing at the second exit on the other side. The way to it was surprisingly empty, since very few people have a reason to run that way. Except for one. It was this person in particular that made him stop and calm down enough to recognize the silky smooth blond hair waving in the air.
“Why the hell did you stop?!” shouted Kasper. “They can be right behind us!”
“The girl…”
Lucan instantly locked his sight onto the place he was referring to. “Excellent job, Kobi! Lead the way!”
Most of the people were already gone, which made the pursuit much easier. That was the good news. The bad news was that the girl managed to step into yet another cab and was driving away.
“Unbelievable…” said Lucan.
“Well, that just happened. Now what, big boss?” asked Kasper.
“We follow her, what else.”
Kasper made sure that no one is watching them, then opened his backpack to check on the wand's guiding light. It was there all right, but the light wasn’t as bright as before. “It appears it’s getting weaker.”
“We need to hurry. Now, where is it pointing to?”
Kasper focused his sight into distance. He couldn’t believe his own eyes. “Uhm, manufacturing area… Why would she go there of all places?”
“I don’t know. But this plays to our cards. There is a guarded entrance to the lower levels. With any luck, the guards will stop her and guard her long enough for us to pick her up.”
“And how do you suggest we do that?”
“We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.”
Having a clear vision of their goal made their traveling a lot simpler. They checked, subtly, several times to confirm that they weren’t being followed, but this close to the industrial district there were fewer and fewer people to see. Mewmans weren’t interested in how their stuff was being made, they only cared about when and where they could purchase it. This meant that seeing a group of wealthy individuals in these parts was highly unusual.
The shine of the healthy Upper Mewni was fading away, as the dirt and dust of the industrial zone began creeping in. Where their surroundings were once shiny and bright buildings, what they saw became grim, grimy replacements for their shiny counterparts. Architecture was also changing, more abruptly too, replacing extravagant designs with dull and boring shapes copied from one building onto the next one. Scarce lamps were casting shy lights onto this saddening scenery.
They felt at home here.
Seeing familiar surroundings gave them a much needed confidence boost. They felt like they could understand this place, its inner workings and unwritten rules, despite still being within spitting distance of the queen’s domain. And as they were getting closer to the massive buildings hiding huge machines, the need to come up with the plan was becoming more and more urgent.
Lucan raised his head. “We have arrived.”
Even without the gate, the complex structures ahead were clear signs that this wasn’t the regular Upper Mewni anymore. Still, despite the surroundings being more familiar, their intactness made it all a bit alien to them; their siblings below were vastly damaged. Surprisingly, they didn’t see a single soul, no worker of any kind passed by as they were moving among the monumental buildings and complicated pipes, even though the hum was a clear indication that the machinery was working.
“It must be controlled remotely,” thought Lucan.
Kasper raised his eyebrow. “What kind of power source are they using?”
“Magic, probably.”
“Magic?! They are digging their own graves with it!”
“They apparently don’t care and neither should you. We have a pressing matter on our hands. Look up ahead.”
They focused their eyes into the foggy distance where they saw a glimmering light.
“Is that what I think it is?” asked Kapser.
“So what’s your plan then?”
The big man looked at him with visible confusion. But Kasper knew exactly what he meant. “You can’t be serious.”
“I am.”
“What happened to stealth?”
“That is a luxury we cannot afford anymore. Taking the girl takes priority. She is the key to our success.”
“Don’t you think that’s a bit far fetched?”
“Our opinions have no place in this matter. The fact is that she has the ability to unlock the wand’s potential.”
“Yeah, about that, it isn’t glowing anymore.”
“It doesn’t need to. We know where she is.”
“No, we know where she went. For all we know she might be on her way to the queen.”
“The wand would show us that if it were true.”
“You can’t know that for sure.”
“Silence. We’re going in.”
The atmosphere in this lifeless part of the city was eerie, maybe even spooky for the faint of heart. But the three persons lurking through its mist weren’t interested in how the place felt. Their goal lay on the opposite side, where they hoped to reunite a long lost pair.
It was almost a miracle to catch up with her. They hid behind a container near the entrance to the lower Mewni and inspected the scene. Lucan was right: the guards did hold her. Unfortunately for them they didn’t stall her long enough. The only thing they saw from her was her back passing through the gate. She was out of their reach once again and this time going to a place that could very well shorten her existence.
Lucan was baffled. “She wanted to enter lower Mewni this whole time?”
And so was Kasper. “This girl… I don’t know if she is so smart, or so stupid, but her chances of survival just lowered to the minimum.”
“Whatever reasons she has, her going to our domain has the upside of us knowing it better than her. We can finally gain an advantage.”
“Yeah, that’s a cool plan and all, but how do you want to go through the security guards? The moment they see us they’ll be onto us like flies on a pile of shit.”
Maybe they heard him, because both guards ran out of the security both, however in the opposite direction.
“They are after her!” noted Kasper.
“I can see that,” responded Lucan. “We need to act quickly. Kobi, stop them! They can’t reach her!”
It was always amazing for them to watch him run. Despite his massive size, Kobi could run fast. And there are not many things scarier than seeing a huge ball of muscle running at you at full speed. The guards were so focused on catching the girl that they didn’t notice his heavy footsteps gaining on them. Once they did, it was too late; Kobi grabbed their heads and smashed them together. They both instantly went down to the ground.
Lucan and Kasper quickly caught up with him. They checked their life signs.
“Alive,” Lucan informed.
“Yeah, this one too.”
“Is that a bad thing?” asked Kobi confused.
“No no, this is good,” Lucan assured him.
“But that is not good,” added Kasper. “Look - the elevator is on its way down.”
“That is troublesome. But we can still catch up with her. She is now entering our domain, which will finally give us the advantage.”
“Let’s just hope others won’t take advantage of her before we can catch up to her.”
“Stay positive.” Once it stopped, he pressed the button to call it. “Time to go home.”
Everything was greasy, smokey and dirty. The air was heavy and smelled like wet dog. Sunshine was nowhere to be found and everything was artificially illuminated. They were indeed home. The upper citizens never saw this place, they never learned how exactly it looked, nor had they ever cared. But if one of them happened to end up in here, they would probably start screaming and senselessly running around.
At least, that was the general consensus among those living in this swamp. When they stepped out of the smelly old elevator, they were expecting to see her to keep doing just that. But she was nowhere to be seen.
Kasper grabbed his head. “What the hell is this girl?! Is she fucking with us or what?!”
Lucan took a calmer approach, although it was apparent that he too wasn’t happy how the whole situation was unravelling in front of his eyes. “Press on. There is only one way from here. She couldn’t possibly could get far.”
“Yeah? And what the hell makes you think that?! We have been chasing her for a good half an hour without much success!”
Lucan ignored his remarks and led his comrades deeper into subterranean Mewni, where law was just a differently labeled rule book. It was for this very reason that he was worried and keen to find her pronto. Down here, the line between crime and police was so blurred that more often than not it all came down to how you spelled them. The society basically consisted of different anarchist groups breathing down each others’ necks.
All these descriptions were running through Lucan’s mind when he was observing the scene from afar, hidden behind a pile of trash on the side of the street, witnessing her being cornered by a bunch of people. “We are in trouble.”
“What else is new…”
But Kobi felt optimistic. “I can go there and just take her away. Gently, of course.”
“As appealing as it sounds, we cannot do that. We don’t know what exactly is happening over there, or who she is with. We could endanger her life.”
“I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but I agree with Kobi. She obviously isn’t having a fucking tea party with those people and while they are all focused on her, we can just fly in, break their skulls and just as fast flee away with her finally in our possession.”
“I said no. We don’t have the complete picture. It’s too risky.”
“After her! Don’t let her get away!”
They all focused their sight into the distance. The girl managed to run some distance away, but was apprehended shortly after. Luckily for them, the place they were standing in now was lit well enough to recognize her followers.
“They’re just a regular street thugs! Surely we can take them down, right?”
“Yes! Kobi, yo-”
But before he could give them instructions, he was interrupted by a siren and a pair of blue/red light. The situation just got a lot worse.
“Oh for fuck sake, give me a break! When will this shitshow end?!”
“Shh, just watch.”
And so he watched. He watched as the thugs fled the scene. He watched as an officer stepped out of the car, approached the girl, and after a short talk, as she went into the car with him. Then he watched as the car drove away.
“This… complicates things,” noted Lucan.
“You think?!”
“Of all people it had to be Toffee.”
“I don’t like the lizard man,” added Kobi.
“Yeah, well, nobody does, that’s the fucking point. Who knows what he will do with her.”
“Toffee isn’t stupid. He will recognize her value.”
“That doesn’t really make it any easier for her. His ‘values’ are fucked up.”
“Agreed. Which is why we are going to retrieve her from him.”
“And how do you intend to do that?”
“With you.”
Kasper gave him a long, empty stare. “You can’t be serious.”
“We are close enough to the HQ now. In the event of an onslaught, we call for backup.”
“HQ won’t risk a full on war with the police department!”
“They will once they learn the value of our mission!”
“That’s crazy! You’re crazy!”
“It is imperative to capture the girl before Toffee realizes her potential. Try to imagine what would happen then.”
“That’s- that’s a good point. But I still don’t like it.”
“Your liking it is not required, only your obedience. Let’s go.”
As they were moving towards local police headquarters, the street was getting weirder and branching out in all directions into smaller roads. Seeing people walking outside was more prevalent, leaving the dark alleys behind. In any other place this would mean increased security. Not here. The only change was the increased means of getting attacked. People living here weren’t fond of bonding, so more likely than not they were forging paths just as a means to an end. Those who actually did stick together were seen as dangerous to the goals of others. And the most coherent group among them all was the Resistance.
Seeing their members walking on the street always piqued interest among locals, but seeing them dressed in fancy dresses from the surface had their full attention. Lucan was aware of this, as well as of the reaction of management, but his resolve couldn’t be shaken by a few uptight rules. He knew that once they learned about the wand and the girl, they would be vindicated. All he had to do was blow up some walls and survive the aftermath.
Instead, it was his plan that blew up. They were on their way when they saw a massive explosion. Someone had beat them to it. People were running and screaming in every direction in pure panic mode. They were used to seeing a regular amount of street violence, but this was too much even for them.
“What is happening here?” said Lucan in disbelief.
Kasper was also looking at the damaged building with an open mouth. “Who would be stupid enough to attack the police like that?! I mean, I admire the pure stupidity of the person, but still. Wait, who is that running away?” Due to the smoke he had trouble recognizing the person’s face, however one short window of clear air was enough for him to realize who it was. “It’s the bitch that wanted to rob the girl! What the fuck does she think she’s doing?!”
Before she disappeared in one of the side alleys, she stopped and yelled: “That’s what you get for fucking with me, you pigs! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!”
“How the fuck did she get explosives like that?! That’s military grade stuff!”
Lucan had trouble processing the whole scene. The whole time he was chasing the blond girl, always being one step behind, always being careful with every decision he made. And this crazy person just walked in and blew up a huge chunk of wall, made a joke of it and left. He liked challenges, but the constant flow of failures ever since they left the Warnicorn Metro finally got to him.
“We’re going in!”
Kasper looked at him in shock. “Are you crazy?! They’d be onto us the second we step foot inside!”
“This is not up for debate! We are done playing second fiddle! She is in there and we need to collect her while they are stunned. It’s now or never. Now move!”
With the air being filled with thick fog form the explosion and with Kobi on point acting like a plow, the trio went to the rubble surrounding the entrance to the building. The structure itself wasn’t extremely big, as many of its contents were hidden below the ground. Despite that it was still big enough to get lost in it. The explosion gave them two advantages: first, there was no one outside who could watch them entering the precinct, but most importantly the officers inside were either unconscious or barely standing.
“It’s the resistance!”
Alas, there were a few that strongly objected to their presence.
“They broke through to the prison cells!”
“Are they in the basement?!”
“Get the steamhounds! Don’t let them escape!”
Luckily, Kobi and his fist were there to put all of them to sleep with a few good aimed slaps. He was extra motivated to keep them out cold as he hated those awful creatures.
All the major parties in lower Mewni were keeping tabs on each other, so they had a general idea of where to look, though dust and rubble all around them made the search somewhat difficult.
“Do you see the stairs leading down?” asked Lucan.
“Stairs?!” responded Kasper. “I can barely see Kobi and he’s fucking huge! But Lucan, they think we did this!”
“I don't care what they think! Just keep looking! She is somewhere in here! We can’t leave without her!”
Time was pressing them and the dust was setting down too slowly. As the seconds were passing, the weight of the current situation was weighing on them. The longer they were there, the bigger the risk of facing an overwhelming opposing force, against which even Big Boy wouldn’t do much. The diplomatic incident was unavoidable at this point, so the only thing they could hope for was for the HQ to have their backs. And for that they needed the girl.
“I see it!” informed Kobi, triumphantly.
“Where???” asked Lucan.
“In the right corner. There are damaged doors.”
“Excellent work! Go to them and smash them open! We need to hurry!”
It was always fascinating to watch Kobi being so swift for his size. It took him a mere seven seconds to move himself in front of the doors and push them off of their hinges. They made a loud screech and landed a few meters down on the stairwell.
“Go, go, go!”
They found the correct room. They knew that because of Toffee’s limp body lying in the dust. And also because their quarry was gone.
“Where is she?!” shouted Lucan, who was clearly losing it. “WHERE IS SHE?!!!”
“I don’t know, alright?!” yelled back Kasper.
But Kobi kept his cool. “Maybe she escaped by there?” he asked as he was pointing his finger to the rather small entrance in the wall.
Like a hawk suffering from caffeine overdose, he moved his head like lightning to the spot on the neighbouring wall. There was indeed an opening. With a swift movement he came closer and inspected it for clues.
“It’s a small cargo elevator! It looks like she used it to escape! We need to get out!”
Sadly, even his quick thinking wasn’t fast enough to avoid the inevitable.
“Search everything, room by room! Don’t leave a single piece of rubble untouched! We need to find Toffee!”
Kasper was first to react. “Shit! Now what!”
Lucan looked on into the opening. “We can use that to escape!”
“Are you nuts??? That thing is so small that maybe, just maybe I would be able to fit through, but certainly not you and sure as hell not Kobi.”
“I’m sorry, but this might be the end of the line for us.”
“NO! I refuse to give up! You… Blow our way out!”
“Did you hit your head?! I’d send this whole thing down onto us!”
“You can shove your command up your ass! I ain't doing it!”
With the policemen on top, no way out, and Lucan being on the verge of complete mental breakdown, the tension could be sliced into pieces. All seemed hopeless and without a positive resolution in sight.
“Uhm, guys?”
“WHAT?!” they both shouted.
“I think the wand is trying to do something.”
Lucan quickly regained at least part of his sanity. “What?” He quickly took down his backpack and brought out the wand. It was glowing like before, but now the intensity of the light was constantly rising. After mere seconds they couldn’t see anything but bright white light filling up the room. All the sounds and voices subsided and were replaced by a subtle white noise, filling up their minds. Lucan couldn’t focus and neither could Kasper. Kobi, on the other hand, was smiling. He had no problem looking directly into it, as if the ridiculous illumination didn’t bother his eyes at all. He was just standing there, feeling content and happy.
“Yes,” he agreed, although there was no voice heard.
He reached out for the wand, locked his massive palm around it and removed it from Lucan’s grasp. The moment he lost touch with it he was tossed away together with Kasper against the stone wall. The impact was strong, but thankfully not damaging. They carefully tried to stand up, which resulted in painful moans.
“I’m not getting enough money for this kind of shit,” lamented Kasper. “What happened?”
“I haven’t the foggiest. All I know I was holding the wand and then Kobi- Wait.”
“Where is the wand?!”
“What do you mean?”
“I was holding it in my hand! And now it’s gone!”
“What the hell?! How is that even possible!”
“I don’t know!”
“Where is Kobi?”
They inspected the place, but aside from Toffee’s motionless body, they were alone. Neither Kobi nor the wand was anywhere to be found.
Kobi’s body was thrown against a wall.
It took him a while to sort out his thoughts over the past few seconds. Slightly confused, he looked around. “Guys?” He noticed that he was alone, standing in a narrow alley that ran between a dirty building behind his back and an intriguing one made up from gaudy bricks. The windows on them were covered in dark colors, so he couldn’t see what was inside. Yet strangely he felt he belonged there. It was then that he realized that his hand wasn’t empty. He raised it up and noticed the wand still being securely locked inside his palm.
“I remember now!” he called out happily. “But I need to hide it.” As he was searching for something to cover it with, he saw a familiar object resting on the ground near him. “Lucan’s backpack. But where is he?” Kobi looked around, but he was the only one around. “And where is Kasper?” He once again took a look at the wand. “I can’t wait for them. I promised. I’ll take you there.”
After hiding it inside, he took a journey deeper into the depths of the alley. He wasn’t clear on where exactly he needed to go. The only thing he had was a sense of a general direction in which he should go. The road he was walking on didn’t look like anything special. Aside from the weird looking building, which he never saw before, there was nothing that would tell him he was getting anywhere close to his goal.
His train of thought was abruptly interrupted by a massive explosion behind him.
“What was that?!”
It was this moment when the realization of him being completely alone hit him with full force. There was always someone with him, telling him what to do. The prospect of being on his own terrified him and he had trouble remembering why he was even there. He calmed down a bit after he noticed a colorful glimmer coming from the backpack. He peeked inside and noticed the wand emanating a wide range of colors.
“You’re… welcome,” he responded precariously. This and the weird creaking sound from above were the last thing he remembered before everything went black.
“I see him! Come over here!”
Both men quickly approached Kobi lying unconscious under a pile of rubble.
“Is he alive?”
“I feel his pulse and I don’t see any fracture on his back or head. He looks fine, just beaten.”
“Wake him up.”
The man took a small vial and let him smell its contents. It didn’t take long for him to abruptly wake up and start to catch his breath.
“Relax, slow down your breathing. You’re under some rubble, but otherwise alive. Can you stand up?”
Kobi tried to recognize the two men standing over him. “Kasper? Lucan?”
“Can you stand up?” Kasper repeated.
“Y-Yeah, I- I think so.” It took him some effort, but the debris wasn’t too heavy.
“Where were you all this time?” asked Lucan.
“I don’t understand.”
“You were lost for two weeks. Where were you?”
“Two weeks? But I came here a minute ago.”
“After you escaped with the wand and my backpack, we crawled through the elevator shaft. We barely made it out. But you were nowhere to be seen. We tried to come back a few days later and searched for you, but you were simply gone.”
“Bu- I’m not…” Confused, he looked at Kasper.
“Don’t look at me.”
“I don’t- Wand told me to go here. I thought this is where the girl is. I came here and then I saw that thing falling onto me and then… Kasper woke me up.”
“Is that so? Where is the wand then?”
“It’s right…” He pointed to the place where he expected it to be. “...there. Where- I had it in your backpack.”
“The backpack is here, but it’s empty.”
Kobi didn’t know what to say.
“Us, being surrounded at the police station? That happened two weeks ago.”
“Two weeks? I remember… touching the wand and then being here.”
“Why did you even touch it, Kobi?”
“It spoke to me.”
“Really? It talked to you?”
“Yes. It wanted me to take it here.”
“I thought it was telling me where the girl is. I knew how much you wanted to get to her, so I just did it. I shouldn’t do that?”
“Kobi, whatever I or Kapser think is meaningless. The HQ believes you’re an inside man.”
“Yeah, that’s what I kept telling them. But after they learned what we were bringing back and that we failed, they got… upset.”
“But I was trying-”
“Look, the moment we detected a magical surge, they wanted to send a security detail to investigate it. But I convinced them that in case it’ll be you, it would be more prudent if we would bring you in.”
“Bring me… in?”
“I’m sorry, Kobi, but it’s out of my hands. Was for two weeks now.”
He looked confused and scared at both of them. Even Kasper wasn’t happy with the situation.
“Come. You have a lot to answer for.”
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vapormaison · 5 years
2019 Best Press 3/4:  カタカナ・タイトル + Kanji Title by TANUKI
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While for many vaporwave vinyl is doubtless equal parts collector’s item and audio source, I don’t want to lose sight of the goal of this blog here: developing a canon of the genre for high fidelity enjoyment. That said, when I come across something remarkable or noteworthy about a particular piece of wax, even if it is not a “purely audiophile” object, I want to make mention of it.
And TANUKI’s カタカナ・タイトル + Kanji Title wax release is not only noteworthy, but contends for hi-fi consideration despite it’s status as a picture disc.
But let’s back up slightly.
Going back to the previous thesis on why we buy records, sometimes you just want to own a vinyl just because. Just because you’re a collector trying to compile a discography on wax — or, better yet, just because you truly love the album art. For me, カタカナ・タイトル + Kanji Title (Double EP) was undoubtedly all of the three “just be-causes”.
A while back, I noticed that the LP was going into its 3rd press, and decided to snap up a copy because I like Tanuki, I like Lum, and because of those other just becauses. Unfortunately the only format available was not the pink vinyl, but the picture disc. As I’m sure is well-known (because audiophiles are very loud about things they dislike), picture-discs are a big no-no in the audiophile community. This is because while a beautiful objet d’art, a serious listening session of a picture disc release will usually produce greater amounts of surface noise than any other type of vinyl. You can, of course, with the right system, neutralize and mitigate this process slightly, but true-blue hi-fi heads pursuing that elusive muse of “pure sound” would never give a picture disc a second look.
I’m not one of those people.
Tangentially, I’ve heard whispers of ghosts of rumors from when I was living in Shenzen, China — that various record suppliers (small batch Makers) are working out manufacturing and material processes that minimize these issues on pic discs to create appealing records that cover all the bases: hi-fi suitability, collector oriented visual esoterica, and price. I should also admit I have no idea where those companies are in terms of R&D and/or producing these. I end up catching a lot of very fast talk from extremely motivated enthusiasts, but Chinese is still as elusive a language to me at times as “pure sound” can be. With that in mind, however, it’s logical to surmise that advances in technology will eventually render the differences between picture discs and traditional black wax undistinguishable. So long as the world isn’t destroyed in some cataclysmic climate disaster (very real possibility), or -- as we are watching evolve now: World War 3. My view is that it’d be pointless to dismiss the format out of hand when there are active attempts to innovate it as we speak.
That all said, I know what to expect when a contemporary, big-label picture disc plays. During my college days, I used to spin wax at the university radio station. One of the previous catalog managers had a fetish for this “collectible” format, and was convinced he was doing the station a favor by purchasing all these vinyls, noting a pre-supposed resale value later. I remember throwing these on the well-worn Technics SP-10 we had as our main turntable, and listening to the occasional scratch, frequent popping, and constant surface noise, that for the uninitiated (bless you), sounds like a sustained “cracking” in your Rice Krispies — or for those born in the analog age, CRTV static.
So when I sat down with the Tanuki picture disc, I had this laundry list of preconceptions and prejudices about the format. I thought that I could listen to a moderately scratchy record once or twice, keep it as more a visual boutique item and then eventually include in an article where I bemoan the poor quality of the genre’s releases.
But then, I actually listened.
And it sounded… well, I won’t get ahead of myself. Here’s the full review:
BABYBABYの夢 — is doubtless the reason why many of us have bought the EP from a sonic perspective —especially if the band-camp reviews are indicative of trends. I still maintain that this is the Mariya Takeuchi sample/remix work par excellence. Tanuki hits all the essential notes here, a genuine respect and love for the sound-staging of its original source, Yume No Tsuzuki. I still get echoes of the original arrangement in my system, (ever so slightly) with a bright and dance-infused collection of unique sounds — particularly in that delicious, wide mid-range — that flesh out the track into its own sort of masterpiece.
何がGoin' On — the curatorial and conspiratorial side of my brain tells me that Goin’ On will probably go down as one the under-appreciated vintage bangers of this era of future funk. I can envision hipsters two or three decades from now sussing out a neophyte with pretentious questions about this track’s pitch-shifted sample draws from. It has that sort of vibe that you know hits with a certain subset of electronica fans — rich & vibrant, making the tweeters on your system work out in all the best ways — it’s just great.
がんばれ — Tanuki is at his best when he gets playful with brass samples. I firmly believe that the titans in this genre each have their go-to piece in their best arrangement — like Dan Mason’s creative vocal array, or greyL’s manipulation of micro-samples. For Tanuki, it’s whenever her gets a horn — synthesized or otherwise, into his production workflow.
ファンクOFF — continues Tanuki’s magic act, taking another city pop track more iconic for its soulful electric guitar riff and turning it into the most slap-worthy single on this EP. I prefer it when Japanese pop samples are fundamentally re-imagined, although I can see how the perfectionist tweaking of someone like Yung Bae is more appealing for some. Tanuki is undoubtedly one of the innovators of this genre, and there’s no more solid evidence of that talent than this track.
腕の中でDancin’ — if I ended up hosting a sort of mythical vaporwave grammies or something like that, (I’m available, folks!) I would probably go off on a Ricky Gervais style rant on how artists aren’t in touch with “the people” (read: me) because all we really want are more remixes of Meiko Nakahara songs — who given her impact on City Pop should have way more play in this genre than she does. This one, like most of the Meiko mixes I’ve heard, is a banger with an absolute fire bass riff punctuated throughout.
Radiant Memories — this might be my first certified “hot take” in the publication (they’ll be many more, I imagine) — but as far as I’m concerned this is the superior Plastic Love edit. I’ll just leave my thoughts there, so they can soak in with a portion of the fanbase who split my reddit account on an open fire of downvotes for suggesting that other artists than Macross 82-99 (Praise be upon him!) are allowed to touch this song as well. While Macross’s mix is definitely the more up-temo of the two, and that for some is the very essence of the genre, this slightly down-mixed version is both the perfect conclusion for the EP and ideal antithesis.
Signal to Raise ratio on the following albums:
カタカナ・タイトル + Kanji Title:  ~61.9db (1 db MoE)
Tron Legacy, Daft Punk:  58.4db
Love Trip, Takako Mamiya, Kitty Records Press: 65.8db
(ratings based on averages 5 minutes of sustained play on the testing unit, the machine actually complied this data on its preset, which is another fascinating part about this sort of vintage press-testing tech). The margin of error is because the machine, according to my mentor Dr. Juuso Ottala formerly of Harman International, informs me it was never meant to give accurate readings of picture discs, and to add about a dB of error margin.
One of the benefits of growing up in New England and, subsequently, New York, is that there are no shortage of heritage professional audio brand HQs in operation around a 200 mile radius from Manhattan to Boston. Off the top of my head, there’s Harman/Kardon, Boston Acoustics, Bose, NuMark, Marantz, and Rane headquarters within an hour’s drive from my two hometowns. Early on in my audiophile quest, I got my hands on some cool vintage gear — vinyl lathe testing equipment that has collected dust in both an old Harman technician’s storage unit, and now my parent’s basement. Over the holiday, I recently brought it out to do some surface noise testing on it to get a rough confirmation of what I was explaining in yesterday’s hi-fi guide. The innards of the machine looks eerily like a plinth-less linear tonearm and plate pair attached to a monitor. After making sure I’m not violating some kind of Harman International trade secret, I’ll post it on instagram.
Wanting to also get a firm idea on just how good my ear-test sounded, I grabbed another picture disc vinyl I had received as a gift a few years ago from my brother — the Tron Legacy OST. While I found the film passably enjoyable, my own preconceptions about pic discs, and a general exhaustion with french house — left me with no discernible desire to spin the thing. I hadn’t even broken the seal on the plastic wrap, so it seemed like as good as a blind test as any. I also grabbed what my ears tell me is a “good”, “heavy” press, a 1982 original dead-stock copy of Takako Mamiya’s Love Trip LP pressed by Kitty Records Japan. I’ve played it maybe a half dozen times since I bought it, so it’s as close to “new” 80s audiophile pop record as you can get. The Japanese are infamously anal about low SNR on their vinyl.
And, well, the results speak for themselves. The sweet spot for most black vinyl records is between 60-70db depending on age, weight, and a host of other frankly uncontrollable factors that aren’t worth getting into detail here, as I’d go on forever. The main takeaway here is that Neoncity’s and Tanuki’s record sat at the low end of the audiophile vinyl reference spectrum. Which in itself is a remarkable achievement for a pic disc. It’s worth taking a look at Tron Legacy, which just barely scratches 8db above a cassette tape, and 7db a Japanese vinyl from 1982.
This is all in an effort to say: damn, this is pretty good.
This also somewhat counters the usual “picture discs sound like shit” narrative that’s prevailed pretty consistently in the audiophile community. Tron Legacy? Yeah, that probably sounds like shit if I could bother to suffer through a listen. But whoever Hong-Kong based Neoncity is using actually makes “good” — if such a qualifier needs to be attached — image-pressed records. And that devotion to audio fidelity should be rewarded.
It might be time for me to re-asses picture discs on the whole, and that mind-expanding moment is something I owe to the fine folks at Neoncity.
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Eight People I’d Like to Know Better!
hello! thank u @psi-groovin for tagging me :^D
1. Name / Alias
My real (long) name is Victoria but I’ve told everyone to call me Tori bc it sounds more informal, which is more my vibe! No alias here I guess, but other nicknames are Tor and Vicky. One friend also calls me “Ori” and “Coney Island” (those have silly origins). Don’t be afraid to call me any of these or make up your own lol
2. Birthday
February 6! I love my date bc it’s an even number and it’s also shared with several cool people like Rick Astley, Bob Marley, Aaron Burr, Babe Ruth ... Rick Astley ... it’s nice
3. Zodiac Sign
I’m an Aquarius ♒️ When I was little I used to think I was a Pisces until I realized the dates, but even now when I see stuff like “things the zodiac signs do” or whatever I tend to relate more to Pisces than Aquarius, so that’s interesting
4. Height
I’m 5’6.6” but I like to round that to 5’7” (hehehe)
5. Hobbies
Doodling, sculpting, playing video games, blasting old music, watching cooking shows and ‘80s comedies, researching random topics and facts to annoy people with, photography, ruining my sleep schedule, constantly reminding my mom of Bill & Ted Face the Music
6. Favorite Colors
My top favorite’s been orange since I was a wee tiny thing! Some other colors I love are sky blue, navy blue, marigold, ivory, and pine green
7. Favorite Books
Most favorites rn are Douglas Adams’ The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and Bev Bevan’s The Electric Light Orchestra Story. I hate to admit I don’t actually read books often, I like reading articles online and whatever’s in the newspaper, plus some comics... If anything I feel like I’d read more sci fi and historical books so if anyone knows anything, do recommend :,^)
8. Last Song I Listened To
“Bang Your Head (Metal Health)” by Quiet Riot— I decided to rewatch Footloose the other day after a long time of not seeing it and this was the song was blasting in Ren‘s car
9. Last Film I Watched
The 1985 adaptation of Clue! My mom and I adore the movie (apparently I used to get bored of it as a kid?? how terrible) and we watch it all the time if we aren’t watching other ‘80s comedies
10. Inspiration or Muse
For drawing I get inspired mostly by music, the movies and shows I watch, photos, and casual observations. Sometimes I think up characters and scenes inspired by a song’s lyrics and vibes. For my style I‘ve had a whole lot goin’ on omg— as a kid I desperately wanted to draw in an “anime style” and firstly it was DBZ Kai. Then I wanted to draw like Pokémon, and then Hetalia... Lucky Star, Tamako Market... then I wanted to go for like a Disney style so I studied Glen Keane and Don Bluth... it’s almost a little embarrassing how much I’ve changed my mind ahaha and nowadays I go for a sorta cartoony style inspired by several different things I guess but I’m trying to experiment with new mediums
11. Dream Job
For a while now I’ve dreamt of myself as an illustrator of some sort, like illustrating kids books or even just making my own. Otherwise going into comics or concept visuals sounds cool, but I need to work on my tendency to procrastinate first. If none of that comes to be, I‘m not really sure where I’ll find myself yet
12. Meaning Behind Your URL
Personally I wanted to go for something a little ridiculous :^) I originally thought of something like “not actually a nacho” but then I changed it to “quite actually a nacho” lol, and the whole nacho bit is basically a guaranteed aspect of all my social media accounts (sometimes it’s pierogi-related instead)
Many thanks again for including me!! now I shall tag @melagerie @tommyshaw @bilbao-song @emmadangerheart @turnleftaticeland @gwempool @baycitystygian & @beelzebugz Some of you I haven’t tagged before so, as I always say, don’t feel obligated or pressured to do this 😌
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dudedrops319 · 5 years
Dooley Noted - A musical journey through the mojo of a Toledo bluesman
(original version can be seen at https://toledocitypaper.com/feature/dooley-noted/)
Dooley Wilson is frustrated.
It’s 9:57 am on a cold Saturday in December and he is supposed to start playing at 10 o’clock. He has only just now stumbled out of the Toledo tundra into the cozy confines of the Glass City Cafe, which has booked him for its popular Bluegrass Breakfast music series.
“I’m so sorry I’m late,” he cries out in the direction of restaurant owner Steve Crouse, who assures him everything is fine. Wilson looks pained as a brief flash of flame passes over his smoldering dark brown eyes. No, it’s not fine. He was scheduled to start playing the blues at 10 sharp, and now he’s going to start late. And a professional should always be punctual.
Undaunted, he swallows his disappointment and, within 10 minutes, he has everything set up at the front of the restaurant which serves as the stage. Upending his battered Cunard Queen of Elizabeth canvas bag, he sorts through the contents— Halls menthol cough drops, a bottle of slippery elm supplements (“Just in case my voice goes out”), a bottle of Deja Blue water, a glass vase that serves as a tip jar and a power strip.
He plugs the power strip into his amp, a well-loved 1965 Fender Bandmaster. And then out comes the artisan’s tool— his Jay Turser electric guitar. It doesn’t have a name or anything; it’s a utensil to serve the stew of blues (“It’s a cheapo guitar, but it’s MY cheapo guitar,” he muses). He’s almost ready. He asks, and a cup of hot black coffee is delivered. After the obligatory microphone check, he sits on the edge of a worn tan suitcase and readies his guitar. It’s time to go to work.
Soon the Glass City Cafe fills with the sound of the blues— and Wilson is lost in ecstasy. He’s sitting atop the worn tan suitcase, choking the guitar neck, his angular carved-in-stone features a mask of concentration, fingers and knuckles gnarled from a lifetime of plucking strings. There’s no setlist, no backdrop, no real plan. Just a working man with an instrument sharing the gospel of what he believes is the greatest music that exists. Wilson plays the blues as if his life depends on it.
And maybe it does.
From C.J. to Dooley
Dooley Wilson does not take toast with his mozzarella cheese omelet, favoring potatoes instead. Sitting in the Glass City Cafe months later— this time as a patron— he is a bit more relaxed than he was when he played here. He still doesn’t smile much. Wilson isn’t grumpy, he just carries himself with an intensity that’s disarming. You get the feeling that he doesn’t want to be here. That’s because he lives to do one thing: Play the blues. And when he’s not playing the blues, by gum, he wants to be playing the blues.
But for now, he’ll tell his story. Now 45 years old, he was born C.J. Forgy, in West Lafayette, Indiana to James and Sandy Forgy. His parents split when he was two years old and he went to live with his maternal grandmother in Maumee. An only child, Wilson describes himself as an “artsy kid” who spent hours in his room drawing and writing.
“Everyone thought I was going to be a visual artist,” says Wilson, taking a sip of his coffee. “But along with writing, over the years I’ve let those skills atrophy,” he says, with a regretful sigh. “But I don’t know; I’m thinking about taking up drawing again for its therapeutic value.”
So what sparked his obsessive devotion to the blues? It started as musical hangups often did in the ‘80s— with a cassette. At 15, Wilson, who was teaching himself guitar and whose musical tastes at the time ran towards Led Zeppelin, walked into Camelot Music in the now-long-gone Southwyck Mall and spied a tape from Columbia Records called Legends of the Blues Vol. 1. There was something about that tape that spoke to him.
He picked it up and looked at the back. As-yet unfamiliar names like Bo Carter, Blind Willie Johnson, Charley Patton, and Leroy Carr stared out at him from the tracklisting. Robert Johnson— he knew that name from an interview he’d read with Jimmy Page and he was fascinated by the infamous story about Johnson reputedly getting his blues talent while making a deal with the devil at a crossroads. Maybe it was the ghost of Johnson himself speaking to Wilson that day in Camelot Music. All he knew is that he had to buy it.
When he got home, he popped the tape into his boom box, and something in the universe shifted. At that moment, C.J. Forgy ceased to exist and the bluesman named Dooley Wilson was born.
“That anthology started this mystique and passion I had for this music,” says Wilson, in between forkfuls of omelet. “It just spoke to my angst-ridden soul at the time and I had never heard anything so authentic, so human, so real. Take Son House’s song ‘Death Letter,’ which is on that anthology. It’s taken from his 1965 Columbia session and it’s just this amazing song about how a man gets a letter saying that the woman he loves is dead. It’s just…” Wilson often trails off when he talks about the blues; yet another reason why he’d much rather play you a song than talk about it.
From that fateful moment, the blues wasn’t just a preferred style of music to listen to or to learn to play… it became, at that time, a life choice.
“I decided I’m going to devote my life to being some kind of bluesman like Fred MacDowell or Son House,” says Wilson. “It became much more important to me than making a living. If you weren’t dead and black, I couldn’t be bothered to listen to you.”
Henry & June
By the way, where did that name Dooley Wilson come from? Wilson smiles broadly with a touch of sheepishness. He was setting up one of his earliest gigs, at the famous East-side haunt Frankie’s, and his buddy Lance Hulsey (currently the leader of Toledo rockabilly outfit Kentucky Chrome)— who Wilson played with his first band, a heavy metal project called Harlequin— said that the promoter needed to know what to call him… and C.J. Forgy didn’t exactly sound bluesy. So the young musician, right there, decided on the name Dooley Wilson in homage to the actor and musician of the same name, famous for playing the character Sam in Casablanca. Dooley Wilson is now his legal name. He cashes checks with that moniker.
With a new name under his bluesman’s belt, the then-recent Maumee High School (Class of 1992) graduate needed a band that would let him explore the blues the way he wanted to. The result was Henry & June, a heavy blues ensemble that Wilson formed with his good friend Jimmy Danger. They got the band name from a recently released biopic of Henry Miller, one of Wilson’s favorite authors.
“I was obsessed with the blues at that time, but I’m still incapable of playing it correctly,” says Wilson, draining his coffee cup. “I was really struggling to learn how to play blues the way it was meant to be played.”
But even as he worked to unravel the mysteries of Deep South blues, Wilson was experiencing something unexpected: Success. Henry & June had released a single called “Going Back to Memphis” on Detroit label Human Fly Records, and the song was attracting a lot of heat. The popular band The Laughing Hyenas— which featured former Necros member Todd Swalla, who would go on to play with Wilson in his later outfit Boogaloosa Prayer— were big fans of the song and were trying to get Henry and June signed to Touch and Go Records. Some cat named Jack White, who had a little band called The White Stripes, also was a big Henry and June fan and began covering “Going Back to Memphis” in concert.
“We were kind of a hot, cult thing on the scene in Detroit,” says Wilson, thanking the Glass City Cafe waitress as she refills his coffee. “Jack White wasn’t the only cool person in Detroit who knew who we were though, of course, he became the most famous one. Judah Bower of the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion put out a cover of the single on his side project called 20 Miles. I heard The Von Bondies used to cover ‘Going Back to Memphis.’ It’s a really fun, simple, dumb song.”
And then right when things started to go well for Henry & June, it all went wrong. The blues were supposed to feel like freedom and suddenly Wilson and the rest of the band began to feel decidedly trapped.
“Jimmy in particular felt like things were getting stagnant,” says Wilson. “Things were going good for us but it started to feel like we were just going through the motions. It was creative claustrophobia.” And so the band, at its peak, unceremoniously broke up.
“We were just dumb kids. We had no idea what we were doing with our little garage band. Looking back, that may have been the worst decision of my career. But when you’re young and dumb, you don’t realize that; you just think ‘Well, I’ll just do the next thing that comes along.’”
Today, Henry & June is fondly recalled as an early part of the Detroit music resurgence of the latter 20th Century. While The White Stripes, Kid Rock, The Detroit Cobras, and various Detroit rappers, from Eminem to Insane Clown Posse, put the Motor City musically back on the map, Henry and June remains a small part of that legacy. Copies of “Going Back to Memphis” routinely go for more than $100 on eBay, and the song was recorded live by The White Stripes for their DVD concert film, Under Blackpool Lights.
And no, Wilson hasn’t received any royalties. It all worked out for the members of Henry & June, though. Drummer Ben Swank is now the top A&R guy at Third Man Records, Jack White’s label. The band did a well received reunion back in 2010 in Toledo and everyone is still cool with one another. But in rock-n-roll and the blues, time waits for no one, so Wilson was off to new projects and new adventures.
And those adventures would lead to him nearly lose his mind.
On a wing and a Boogloosa Prayer
Brushing off the ashes of Henry & June, Wilson decided to further buckle down and get more “authentically bluesy.” He quickly formed a new band with Ben Swank and guitarist Todd Albright, that went through various names such as Dime Store Glam and Gin Mill Moaners. They sat in for many nights at the long-gone-but-never forgotten Rusty’s Jazz Cafe.
“I was spending all of my disposable income on that watered down whiskey at Rusty’s,” said Wilson. “Rusty’s was an amazing little place.” After a while though, he got restless and decided he would get as real as the blues could get and move to New Orleans.
“I wanted to see if I could live as a street performer,” said Wilson. “I had this rather naïve idea that I could possibly make a living at it in that town. I suspected it was the place on Earth where you might encounter people doing this kind of music.”
So Wilson moved to New Orleans, virtually homeless, busking on the streets of NOLA. Meanwhile, The White Stripes were starting to get their first big taste of international notoriety and began introducing “Going Back to Memphis” to a whole new audience due to their frequent covering of the song in live gigs.
“There I am trying to get lunch money down in New Orleans, and suddenly The White Stripes and the whole Detroit thing started to blow up and I’m trying to be Mr Authenticity down in effing New Orleans,” says Wilson, shaking his head incredulously. “My career is awful. I always zig when I should have zagged.”
But New Orleans proved to be an artistically fruitful time for Wilson. He met true, dyed-in-the-wool blues players who were playing incredible music from their souls. Nobody had record deals or anything that could get in the way of making direct, honest music. Many of these men and women were homeless or living off the grid; something Wilson describes as “an anti-American dream.” He talks enthusiastically and excitedly about that time in his life.
“These were some of the greatest living blues artists. There was a guy named Augie Junior who was simply incredible. I had never heard anything like him. There was this woman named Lisa Driscoll who played the washboard. People called her Ragtime Annie. And…”
Suddenly Wilson stops in mid-sentence and a hollow expression crosses his face. He stands up, sets his coffee cup down, excuses himself with a hurried “I’m gonna step out for a minute” and before uttering another word, he’s left the Glass City Cafe. A few minutes pass and he returns, wiping his forehead.
“I’m sorry,” he apologizes, sitting back down. “It’s just…it’s hard talking about this. I just got a little overwhelmed talking about some of my departed friends.”
He steadies himself with a sip of coffee that’s starting to go cold, as he’s eager to move on to talk about his other great band, Boogaloosa Prayer. Formed after moving back to Maumee fresh off a year in New Orleans, Boogaloosa Prayer, which Wilson says “was one of the best things I ever did artistically” came after stints in short lived bands like The Young Lords, and The Staving Chain.
Boogaloosa Prayer, an aggressive blues rock outfit featuring in part his old friend Jimmy Danger and Maumee drumming legend Todd Swalla, garnered quite a devoted following, playing in both Toledo and Detroit. The band had momentum behind them that recalled the Henry & June days. Then one hot summer night in 2006 at the now-shuttered Mickey Finn’s Pub, Wilson’s demons got the better of him.
Sporting a shaved head and a sickly frame that was skinny even by his normally lithe, sinewy standards, Wilson cracked onstage during the show. He ranted incoherently, couldn’t perform any songs, and couldn’t remember any lyrics. To everyone who was there, it was a harrowing experience.
Today, Wilson is reluctant to talk about the incident but he acknowledges it happened.
“I can say that I had a horrible psychotic breakdown and it had an impact on my life,” says Wilson, a bit guardedly. “At the time I had several severe emotional stressors in my life. A toxic woman in my life was stalking me. I had a business deal that was crushing me under the pressure. Plus, Boogaloosa Prayer was breaking up at the time because Swalla was moving to California. It all led to that time in my life.”
Following his breakdown, Wilson spent some time in a psychiatric ward, and lived in his aunt’s attic as he attempted to rebuild his fragile psyche. He eschewed traditional psychotherapy and refused meds because he’d seen too many of his friends “get hooked on those damned things.” Through a lot of hard work, meditation, and support from his friends, Wilson says he “totally got well again” and he hasn’t had any mental health issues since— thank goodness.
“Losing your sanity really puts a damper on your life.”
Still walkin’ down that road…
Wilson now lives in what he calls “a shack,” though it’s actually a carriage house out on a property in Maumee. The place smells of incense, a bit cramped but cozy abode, filled with guitars, amps, books on Buddhism, and novels by Charles Bukowski. Exactly how you would expect Wilson to live. This is not the living quarters .of a typical 45 year old, but it is definitely the home of a bluesman— and that’s all Wilson ever wanted to be. He plays gigs around the region and works as a “factotum” (his term) helping out family members and friends with projects. He’s completed an album and is currently trying to figure out how to release it. Love? Not interested.
“I have the kind of personality where I just do better alone,” he says simply. He may be alone but he’s not lonely. He has the best friends in the world in his life, even if most of them are dead. Son House. Sonny Boy Williamson. Bo Carter. All those great blues artists of yesteryear he counts as his personal friends, and by playing their music and his own songs inspired by their influence, Wilson is a happy man.
On that cold December day at the Glass City Cafe, Wilson utters a line that captures his essence: “Oh, I’m Dooley Wilson. Don’t mind me.” But, about that, he’s wrong. Mind him. Pay attention to Dooley Wilson. Pay close attention.
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flwrcrwnbncr · 5 years
Best Non-Studio Hanson Tracks
(In no particular order)
Troublemaker - Billboard’s Mashup Mondays Sessions // This is definitely a favorite. It sounds nothing like the original and I think that’s a good thing? I like the original, don’t get me wrong, but this is like a whole different song and I love that fact so much. Go in with an open mind, there are some... interesting, I think is a good word. Interesting lyric changes, but it’s not enough to ruin the song.
Kiss Me When You Come Home - Tay’s Music Exchange // This song was one of my favorites already, but this version is so much closer to the way I remember hearing the song at the Stand Up, Stand Up EP recording. It’s a little bit more calming than the studio version, but doesn’t sacrifice the wonderful piano solo in the process of stripping it down.
Hey - Underneath Acoustic // Why is this not on YouTube????? This is far superior to the album version, even if you only base it off that bit with the jump to a higher note near the end that ISN’T INCLUDED IN THE STUDIO VERSION, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING HANSON?????
Strong Enough To Break - Strong Enough To Break // This one took some thought, I almost equally love the Underneath Acoustic version. The deciding factor was that this version showcases their voices just that much more. There’s something about the more stripped down sound it has, as well as the abrupt ending, that resonates with me in a way other versions of this song don’t.
Runaway Run - Chicago, IL 10-13-2013 // I’m so bummed that I didn’t have the chance to experience this one in person, but thanks to some amazing fans, it’s available to listen to on YouTube. This is the best version of this song, in my opinion. It’s got all the beauty of the Underneath Acoustic Live version, but somehow it’s better? I’m a sucker for songs that showcase Tay’s piano playing and this is an amazing example of why.
Gimme Some Lovin’/Shake A Tail Feather - Live From Albertane // Hanson are the kings of good opening songs, and this is a top tier example. The way they manage to amp up the crowd, the adlibs, and the way they manage to make the two songs work so well together, get me every time. Also, I challenge any fan to listen and not say the “It is great to be here in Seattle” bit along with Taylor.
Rock ‘n’ Roll Razorblade - The Best Of Hanson: Live & Electric // I’m still bummed this song never made it onto one of their main studio albums but this version makes up for a lot. The piano breakdown is something I didn’t know I needed until I heard it, and Taylor whining his way through the adlibs gives me a very specific brand of life.
Something Going Round - Anthem: Live In New York // Okay I love every single live version of this song I’ve ever heard but this is a standout. Not only are the boys completely on point (Zac’s drumming makes me so hyped up I want to take on world hunger by myself), the audience gives 110% when it’s their turn to sing. I blast this song in the car and hope people hear it and wonder “Who is this band that has such a cool fanbase?”
Thinking Of You - 5 Of 5 // This song has stood the test of time, and this version just shows how their voices dropping was the exact opposite of the problem critics were predicting way back when. This one shows that you don’t need to change a song to make it just as good 13 years after release.
Me Myself And I - String Theory // This song was amazing to begin with (if you don’t believe me, @changecanbebittersweet has talked about it already), but this version is even better. First of all, the fact that they re-recorded the vocals so it’s split between all three brothers, adds depth I wasn’t expecting. Additionally, the song’s pacing is better. While I loved it originally, having the same vocalist sing so many verses made it feel longer; this version just *feels* like a perfect length. Secondly, this song feels like it was written to have the orchestra and somehow it was released as a demo by mistake on Shout It Out. The strings are just so flawlessly integrated it makes you wonder why you didn’t realize it needed strings in the first place.
On The Rocks - The Walk Acoustic Live // I had a discussion once about this song, and without my prompting, the other person made the comment of this being the superior version. I had been nagging people about that opinion for a long time prior to that conversation and I’m still thrilled someone else gets the perfection of this track. There’s just something about how Zac sings “We’re gonna fight” that gives me chills every single time I hear it.
Use Me Up - Stand Up, Stand Up EP // I’ve had so many conversations about why I only listen to this version and they all boil down to two things: 1) the simplicity makes the song and 2) there’s one tiny little lyric change that ended up happening in the Shout It Out version that changed how the song hits and I refuse to give up this version.
Dirrty - Underneath Acoustic 2003 Tour // I don’t have anything to say about this except that it’s fucking hot and I would pay so much money to hear a full version of it.
Thinking ‘bout Somethin’ - ABC Greatest Hits // This one is perfect ‘cause Echosmith brought something to the table that I didn’t even realize was needed until I heard it. Also the video is adorable, Sydney of Echosmith just seems so happy to be playing with Hanson and I love it.
Hold On I’m Coming - National Post Music // While I’m sad that Zac wasn’t able to sing as much for this performance, the other boys doing his parts ended up sounding amazing. Also, I’m a sucker for the little interaction between Zac and Tay when Tay hits that high note.
Summertime Blues - Japan // This is amazing but I think I’d rather use this space to talk about how funny I find it that they sang this (very American, omg the lyrics are about the struggle of American teenagers) song for something recorded in Japan????? Why, Hanson?????
Lost Without You - Anthem: Live In New York // This song puts me in a very indescribable mindset, and I think part of what I love about this version is that the ending pulls me back to reality in the best way possible. The “I could be the one that you’re holding on to” outro just makes this version for me.
Where’s The Love - String Theory // Holy harmonies, Batman. As @tragic---love said, this song got the best glow up of all the songs from this album. I also think this falls into the same category as Thinking Of You for “songs that have stood the test of time”; this version takes a song that’s still amazing, and somehow makes it BETTER.
Waiting For This - Stand Up, Stand Up EP // I’m not sure why I prefer this version to the Shout It Out version, but I do. Maybe it’s the energy? I think this one feels more positive than the studio version? I’m not sure but I listen to this one almost exclusively. I also say the “You can’t deny it until you try it” bit every time I hear any version of it, you can pry those lyrics from my cold, dead hands.
Cecilia - Albany, NY 10-16-2009 // Even with almost the entire tour being sick with the flu, this performance was amazing. I had the good fortune of being at this show (the linked video is my footage), and I still listen to this one a lot. I’m realizing as I read this back to edit it, I’m Team Hanson Singing Older Folk Songs.
Teach Your Children - Underneath Acoustic Live // There’s something about the harmonies in the second verse that gives me chills every single time I hear this song. There’s also the added personal bit where this is the song that turned my mother into a fan.
Underneath - Underneath Acoustic // WHY DID THEY DITCH THE HARMONICA ON THE STUDIO VERSION?????????????? I literally can’t stand the studio version, but this version is one of my favorite Hanson songs of all time. I also need to draw attention to how amazing they sound when they sing “something missing”, it’s like I’m in the horrible relationship, they sing it with so much emotion.
Rip It Up - Underneath Acoustic Live // I need more Ike singing old school rock ‘n’ roll more often, this song is a blessing and I’m grateful for it on the daily.
Breaktown - Leaked Demo // I have talked about this before, but I’ll forever be bitter that this wasn’t released with Underneath, Taylor’s voice was absolutely perfect for it at that point and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve listened to this one over the years.
Madeline - Middle Of Nowhere Acoustic // There’s a place in my heart reserved only for the ending “woah”s of this song, and getting to hear them in the stripped down, more mature, version made me so happy. This song was so well written to begin with, and they make it even better when they play it acoustically, and this performance is the best example of that fact.
Save Me - Anthem: Live In New York // I love the piano driven sound of this track, and this performance just emphasized that part of it. I also love the “yeah” that Tay adds after the second “yes I’m wrong” for some reason, catch me singing it passionately alone in my room at 3 am.
Crazy Beautiful - Underneath Acoustic Live // #BringBackThisVersionOfCrazyBeautifulNextTour
Good Lovin’ - Jack Frost Soundtrack // I have heard other bands cover this song and every time it pales in comparison to this performance. It’s short but it never feels short? And I end up in such a good mood after listening to it.
Magic Carpet Ride - At The Fillmore // I remember coming across more recent performances of them doing this song and I’m forever disappointed ‘cause this recording just had something about it that they haven’t recaptured on recent tours. If you watch the video, there’s a girl in a white tank top, going balls-to-the-wall throughout the whole song, and I just relate so much.
With You In Your Dreams - 5 Of 5 // When Taylor talked about how they pictured this song with a choir, I was skeptical at first but holy crap the audience vocals just make it that much better. I also get chills when Zac yells “Like you mean it!” every damn time.
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pi-cat000 · 6 years
MSA time travel idea (part 15)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Vivi POV, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Lewis POV, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14
Part 16: here
The first few hours on the road are almost relaxing. Lewis drives, Vivi and Mystery sit up front, and he has plenty of space alone in the back. Arthur doesn’t get carsick like Lewis does so he’s fine with sitting in the small, makeshift seat which he’s installed for this very reason, letting the engine vibrations calm his nerves. This set up has bothered him in the past. Now he’s just happy to watch Vivi and Lewis chat and joke together.
Everything is perfect right up until Vivi suggests, rather forcefully, that he take a turn driving up front with Lewis and Mystery while she takes a turn in the back. She’s been doing this a lot- trying to get him to interact with Lewis- and he has no idea why, only that it hasn’t been great for his anxiety levels.  Unable to really argue, not without seeming like a jerk, Arthur takes the driver’s seat wearily. At the very least, he doesn’t have to worry about accidentally making eye contact with his full attention on the road.
Gradually, he drives them through some nice-looking sloped ridges, almost mountains, following the road as it winds upward, higher and higher. Lush greens and dark browns are a nice change from the monotone desert he’s used to. Vivi seems to enjoy it, leaning over the middle seat divide, eyes fixed on the pristine landscape. Right. This is Vivi’s first time leaving the claustrophobic collection of small towns surrounding their even smaller township, of course she is going to find it fascinating.
Now, if only Lewis could be equally fascinated with the abundant natural beauty instead of fixating on Arthur’s profile. He swears he’s been acting as normal as conceivably possible, yet Lewis is still behaving like he’s got some strange dirt on his face.  Why? Why can’t they all go back to that easy friendship from his memories? Why is it so hard to just be himself?
“So I haven’t seen you online this last week?” Lewis finally comments, breaking his extended period of staring. There is a pause while he waits for Arthur to respond.
“Online?”  Arthur keeps his vision fixed on the slowly straightening road. They are now following along the top of one of the ridges.
“Your game accounts and chatrooms. You’ve been inactive lately. I was just wondering if there was a reason for that,” Lewis repeats, almost apprehensive.
“Oh yeah. Right…online games.”
Had he still been playing those at this point? He could have sworn he had drifted away from them by now.
“I’ve been busy working on this prosthetics project. I have this new idea on how to convert neuro-transmissions into electrical pulses, and I think it’s going to be pretty useful if I nail it,” Arthur can’t help but smile, happy that the excuse has a little bit of truth to it.
“That sounds…” Lewis pauses, surprised, “pretty big actually.”
“It will be once I get it working,”
It had been a somewhat significant breakthrough in his original timeline, a collaboration with researchers at the St Peter’s Medical Research Foundry, and his unhealthy work ethic. Now he is recreating everything solo and finding it a tad more difficult, especially with salvaged and sub-par equipment. As much as he had hated the hospital, the labs had been pretty cool. It’s also doing an excellent job at distracting him from his increasingly horrific nightmares.
“Still think a ghost detection device would have been cool,” Vivi pouts from the back, still mostly focused on the landscape rushing past. Out the window is a spectacular view of the adjacent valley.
Arthur grimaces, responding,  “Sorry Viv. You know I’ve been avoiding that sort of thing,” to keep with his ‘dislike of the supernatural’ image.
Vivi is now a lot more focused on the conversation because she quickly elaborates, “Oh no, don’t apologise. I’m just fantasising a little. Prosthetics are way more important.”  
Arthur is hit with a small pang of renewed guilt. Maybe, when they get back, and he finally gets to see that psychologist he probably needs, he’ll miraculously get over his fear, and they can go ghost hunting for real. A ghost detection device would actually be pretty useful for avoiding potential disasters.
Lewis clears his throat, “About that. I know you’ve said that you’re apprehensive about investigating superstitions and supernatural locations, but I was wondering, and I’m not accusing you of anything… but I’ve noticed that you seem to bit more…jumpy lately.”
That wasn’t good. So Lewis had noticed his aversions. His grip tightens around the steering wheel.
“If there’s anything I can do to help. Or if I can do anything, I don’t know, differently...” Lewis continues, speaking carefully, oblivious to his uneasiness, “You can always let me know. You know...”
This is not what he wants to be discussing.
He can’t tell if Lewis is disapproving or if he’s subconsciously adding texture where there is none. In his mind’s eye, he can almost see ghost Lewis glaring, angry and accusing. Everything is growing very hot and stuffy, van door and low ceiling pressing in on him.
Flames are drawing in close, licking at his clothes.
Crap. He needs out of the driver’s seat before he drives them to their deaths.
“Hey look! There’s a View Point. Let’s check it out,” He blurts, spinning the steering wheel with more urgency than strictly needed. Vivi cries out in surprise and Mystery yelps as he is flung onto Lewis’s lap. Everything rotates, left wheel briefly lifting from the pavement, and they rocket down a narrow exit ramp.
“Arthur! What the heck,” Vivi squawks from the back, popping back up from where she’s toppled over, slightly frazzled. His heart is beating exceptionally fast, and he slows the van to a more manageable speed. The last thing he wants to do is crash.
“A little warning next time. Geez. I could have died back there, ” Vivi complains when they pull into a small parking bay. She doesn’t appear to have noticed his unsubtle ploy to quickly end his conversation with Lewis. Ahead of them is a sheltered enclave, enclosed by rock walls which raise up to meet the highway they had just exited.  
“Sorry. Sorry. I just saw this turn and thought you’d want to stop and take a photo or something,” Arthur defends even as he’s leaping out the driver’s seat to get clear of both Lewis and Mystery. In the few seconds he is out of view, obscured by the bulk of the van, Arthur takes a moment to collect himself. He presses himself against the van's cool surface, hand over his chest, feeling out his heart and natural rhythm. Slowly, he counts his breaths, wrestling with a brief bout of slightly blurry vision.
Vivi, who has flung open the back of the van, climes out, standing near him. She is staring happily out at the vast, open space. The brilliant blue sky stretches away infinitely and before them is a collection landscape, ridges, and valleys sprawling for miles. They have stopped at an official View Point, with several wooden plaks containing information on local frontier towns and an accompanying area map.
“Guess this is worth almost dying for,” She goes to give him a half-playful wack in the arm. The right arm, thankfully.
“Haha. Don’t joke about that,” Arthur mutters, trying to shake the lingering jitters as quickly as possible. Briefly, he makes eye contact with Mystery who is standing at Vivi’s feet. The dog is watching, head cocked to one side, considering Arthur with intelligent eyes. The appearance of intellect is broken when Mystery turns to scratch an ear with his back leg.
Vivi walks to lean against the railing, which cordons off the steeper part of the sloop down, pulling out her phone to take pictures. The wind pulls at, and whips about, her hair and short blue skirt. Arthur averts his gaze awkwardly and accidentally makes eye contact with Lewis who is walking around from the passenger’s side. The taller man is watching again, expression creased into a deep frown, slightly hurt. Arthur looks away guiltily. What, exactly, Lewis is thinking, he doesn’t know, but it’s probably nothing good.
“Hey check that out,” Vivi calls, “You can see the start of the desert from here.”  
“Guys,” Vivi turns when they fail to answer, taking in the awkward distance between them. A second and they’re all silent, listening to the wind rustle the branches of nearby foliage.  
“Come on then. Let’s take a picture together. First one of the trip.” Vivi motions for them to stand side by side, putting the wide vista in the background. Her eye’s move between them once again before she is distracted be a shiver brought about by another gust.
“It’s actually a lot cooler up here then it was done there.”
“Who would have thought,” Lewis teases, voice light with only a hint of unease from their standoff. Looks like they’ve all collectively decided to ignore the last few seconds of tension. For now anyway. He’ll find some time to talk to Lewis later when he’s in a better mindset.  Arthur lets out the breath he has been holding.
“You can have my jacket if you want,” Lewis is offering, walking up to the railing, sounding more natural. Arthur notes that that drop down isn’t particularly steep, being more of an incline.  
“Keep your jacket, you know I have a pack of extra clothes,” Vivi huffs, motioning them impatiently into a clump so she can take the picture. It is only somewhat uncomfortable. Good thing he’s practised smiling.
The rest of the drive goes smoothly with Arthur insisting that he return to sitting at the back, alone. It’s telling when Vivi doesn’t fight him on it, letting him retreat in peace. They lose three hours at another rest stop, this one bordering a wide forested area, when Vivi insists Mystery get a chance to stretch his legs. Arthur opts to sit in the bed of his van among their various bags, doors secure outward, giving him a view of Vivi and Lewis as they throw a ball for Mystery.
The fresh air, the smell of pine, and the gentle rustling of wind is familiar is a way he has come to expect, having lived similar scenarios on his previous road trips.  What isn’t familiar is the creeping isolation and disconnection from Vivi and, to a lesser extent, Lewis. Sure, he had often felt left out and ignored in his original timeline, but it had never been so defined. Not that he can complain, this had been his goal after all.
Note: I swear this is going somewhere. Bear with me.
Part 16: here
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sapphiretrams · 6 years
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Get to Know Me Tag
I was kind of tagged by @intricately-silly? Like, I have a notification that I was mentioned??? Idk, but thanks if you did!
Rules: Post a pic of your simself with your traits and answer the questions!
Traits:  creative + good + music lover
1. What is your full name? Riley, and that’s all I’m gonna say
2. What is your nickname? I kinda gave myself the nickname RPS? You can also call me Trams cause of my url, I don’t mind.
3. When is your birthday? September 5
4. What is your favorite book series? Favorite book series... probably Harry Potter. I’m not obsessed with it (cause J.K. is kinda not a good person) but it’s one of the few series I remember reading.
5. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? Sure. I’m not a hardcore believer, and when I watch Buzzfeed Unsolved Supernatural, I’m DEFINITELY a Shaniac, but I’m definitely not closed to the idea.
6. Who is your favorite author? Probably Charles Dickens or Shakespeare. I’m a sucker for that classic literature stuff.
7. What is your favorite radio station? Eh, I don’t really listen to the radio.
8. What is your favorite flavor of anything? Lemon! It’s just SO good in all candy flavors, and I love it so much.
9. What word do you often use to describe something great or wonderful? Rad, awesome, cool, the usuals and occasionally terms that are super dated like tubular.
10. What is your favorite song currently? God that’s hard cause I love music so much... maybe Planetary (GO!) or Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na) by MCR.
11. What is your favorite word? Petrichor
12. What is the last song you listened to? The Cage by Genesis
13. What TV show would you recommend everyone to watch? Forensic Files, it’s fascinating to me
14. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? I haven’t been one to watch movies when down so I don’t really have one
15. Do you play video games? Yep! I’ve been playing them a lot
16. What is your biggest fear? Being abandoned. It’s happened to me so often by friends that it’s just sort of become common place and I’m terrified of it.
17. What is your best quality in your opinion? My optimism!
18. What is your worst quality in your opinion? My inability to talk alshdafsdf I’m such a klutz at speaking
19. Do you like cats or dogs better? Dogs, though I do love cats.
20. What is your favorite season? Spring! Everything is turning green and flowering and it’s so refreshing to feel the rain on your face!
21. Are you in a relationship? Nope, I am tragically single
22. What is something you miss from your childhood? Having my parents read stories to me and my brothers, it was such a fun time in my childhood.
23. Who is your best friend? My friend Elli, a super cool nb person who’s been my friend for around 2 years now.
24. What is your eye color? Hazel
25. What is your hair color? Dark brown, though it’s been bleached and I would love to have green hair again.
26. Who is someone you love? Myself 💕
27. Who is someone you trust? My mom. She’s on my side no matter what, and she’s the first family member I told about my sexual and gender identity.
28. Who is someone you think about often? My ocs
29. Are you currently excited about something? Not really, I’m just kinda drifting atm
30. What is your biggest obsession? The Adventure Zone. It is SO. GOOD. I love the McElroys, and they mean a lot to me.
31. What was your favorite TV show as a child? The 1994 Spider-Man series. That SM has always been my favorite and he always will be.
32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to? What’s a gender?
33. Are you superstitious? Sorta I guess
34. Do you have an unusual phobias? I HATE arteries and tendons. HATE HATE HATE them. They freak me out and I have to cover them up when I start getting freaked out by them. I’ve had this fear since I was a child.
35. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? Both baby!
36. What is your favorite hobby? Drawing!!!
37. What is the last book you read? Pieces of Happiness by Anne Ostby
38. What was the last movie you watched? Thor: Ragnorak
39. What musical instruments do you play? Violin, a little guitar, some piano?
40. What is your favorite animal? It’s hard for me to pick, but my favorite since I was a baby is a tiger.
41. What are your top five favorite Tumblr blogs? @viper-fish @berrybloomsims @lunacysims @mellindi @sim-borg
42. What super power do you wish you had? The power to refill stuff.
43. When and where do you feel most at peace? When I’m driving. There’s something about the freedom that just makes me feel so at peace, and I love feeling like I’m not restrained by anything.
44. What makes you smile? My dog. Everything about him just makes my heart swell
45. What sports do you play? I used to be a soccer champ when I was young.
46. What is your favorite drink? Diet Peach Snapple or Dr Pepper
47. When was the last time you wrote a handwritten letter or note to someone? When I was in like, 8th grade
48. Are you afraid of heights? Not really, though I was when I was younger.
49. What is your biggest pet peeve? I’m a very patient person, so probably when people talk to me when I wanna be left alone tbh.
50. Have you ever been to a concert? Yep. Maroon 5 was the last one. I hope to go to more too.
51. Are you vegetarian or vegan? Nah
52. When you were little what did you want to be when you grew up? A wild life veterinarian. I would throw my stuffed tiger down the stairs and “rescue” her.
53. What fictional world would you like to live in? The Adventure Zone: Balance world.
54. What is something you worry about? My dog since he’s getting up their in years, finding a college to go to and what I want to major in college, my bf’s safety, occasionally my parents when I’m paranoid and worried something might happen.
55. Are you scared of the dark? Nah. It’s nice. I’m more paranoid something might be in the dark, but,
56. Do you like to sing? Yes! I’m pretty decent at it, too, so I love it.
57. Have you ever skipped school? Yeah. I got really depressed when I was in high school and I stayed at home, calling in sick. Which I was, but it wasn’t entirely honest.
58. What is your favorite place on the planet? My desk, it has all my stuff on it and it’s cluttered to my liking.
59. Where would you like to live? Germany, or maybe France if I can learn the language. Maybe split the difference and move to Switzerland.
60. Do you have any pets? Just my baby boy TJ whom I adore.
61. Are you an early bird or a night owl? Night owl, though I’ve been making more of an effort to wake up early. I also get more done when I wake up early, cause it feels like I have more time to do things before noon.
62. Do you like sunrise or sunsets better? Sunsets, mostly cause I’m able to see them from my house.
63. Do you know how to drive? Yep!
64. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? Earbuds. I have headphones, but you can’t really wear them in public cause they get in the way.
65. Have you ever had braces? No, though I did have a chin strap when I was younger cause I had (and still have) an underbite.
66. What is your favorite genre of music? My music goes all over the place, but showtunes are my jam.
67. Who is your hero? 1994 Spider-Man. I specify because he’s really different from other versions, and he’s so smart and such a klutz and I grew up with him. I’ve been playing the new Spider-Man game for PS4 and I almost started crying from how close he is to MY SM, and he just reminds me of my morals.
68. Do you read comic books? Nah
69. What makes you the most angry? Politics atm. Don’t even talk to me about them. I don’t like being angry and any talk about the current political situation is just infuriating. 
70. Do you prefer to read real books or on an electric device? Either, though real books hold a special aesthetic to them.
71. What is your favorite subject in school? English. Like I said, I’m a literary nerd.
72. Do you have any siblings? Two, an older and a younger brother.
73. What was the last thing you bought? Ariana Grande’s song No Tears Left to Cry
74. How tall are you? 5′ 7″, perfectly average
75. Can you cook? Eh, I can do the basic stuff, and if I have a recipe in front of me then sure, but otherwise? Don’t ask.
76. What are three things that you love? My dog, myself, my mom.
77. What are three things that you hate? Politics, White™ people, being expected to know things I was never told about (cough cough @ my boss)
78. Do you have more female friends or more male friends? Honestly, I have more nb friends than either
79. What is your sexual orientation? Pansexual
80. Where do you currently live? The Midwest
81. Who was the last person you texted? My mom
82. When was the last time you cried? Yesterday because I was laughing so goddamn hard
83. Who is your favorite youtuber? Game Grumps and you can fight me on that
84. Do you like to take selfies? Yep! I’m hot and I know it. I’ve hated myself for 5 years, I deserve to be infatuated with myself.
85. What is your favorite app? Monster Girl Creator. It’s so fun.
86. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? My mom and I are super close, but my dad and I... eh. It’s kinda damaged, though it’s better than it was when I was in high school. He doesn’t understand LGBT stuff or depression so he was just... awful.
87. What is your favorite foreign accent? Probably French, but the funniest to try and do is Russian. I suck at it and it turns into Italian after a while.
88. What is a place that you’ve never been to but want to visit? God I want to travel so bad. I’d love to go to Puerto Rico, France, Germany, Italy, Brazil, Vietnam... so many beautiful places.
89. What is your favorite number? Three
90. Can you juggle? Not for my life
91. Are you religious? I’ve kinda been burned out of religion cause my childhood church was really just... bad. I came out as bi to them when I was a sophomore and it caused a HUGE scene with the church. I was called ‘a slap to the face,’ people left the church, it was just bad. I’m spiritual, but not religious, though my life’s not over yet, so who knows.
92. Do you find outer space or the deep ocean to be more interesting? Space. Space space space. Do you know how badly I want to go to space? I almost became an engineer just so I could go to space.
93. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? I’m pretty tame, in all honesty, though I do some stupid shit every now and then.
94. Are you allergic to anything? Bullshit, any and every kind of body soap known to man kind, and pollen.
95. Can you curl your tongue? Yes! I can do the double fold think with your tongue where it looks like a scoop chip, you know what I mean?
96. Can you wiggle your ears? Nah
97. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? I come from a really stubborn household, though lately I’ve been trying to make more of an effort to be humble and just admit I’m wrong. It’s hard.
98. Do you prefer the forest or the beach? Forest. I’ve only been to the beach twice in my life so it’s not really my scene.
99. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? Do what makes you happy
100. Are you a good liar? I’ve gotten very good at it. I’m not proud of that fact, but I’ve gotten very very good at it.
101. What is your Hogwarts house? Slyterin. No, I’m not joking.
102. Do you talk to yourself? All the time.
103. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? I’m an introvert, though I think I’m more of an ambivert.
104. Do you keep a journal or a diary? Nah.
105. Do you believe in second chances? Yes, but you really can’t give them out really freely. You have to judge who you want to give them to.
106. If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? Check for an ID and try to contact the person it belongs to. But if there’s no ID, probably give it to the nearest business or police station.
107. Do you believe that people are capable of change? With most things. If they really wanted to.
108. Are you ticklish? Ye
109. Have you ever been on a plane? Yeah, but not many times. My first time on a plane was 4 years ago.
110. Do you have any piercings? Just the basic earlobe pierecings, but I really really want more.
111. What fictional character do you wish was real? Shiro from Voltron, aka my husband. 
112. Do you have any tattoos? No but I want so many
113. What is the best decision that you have made so far? Learning to love myself. It took a lot of time, but I’m so happy I did it
114. Do you believe in karma? Not entirely, but I think there’s some truth to it.
115. Do you wear glasses or contacts? I  have bad eyes, so yeah, I wear glasses. I tried contacts, but they got irritating to put in after a while.
116. Do you want children? SO badly. I want a little girl so fucking bad
117. Who is the smartest person you know? My little brother. He wants to be a freaking accountant when he’s older.
118. What is your most embarrassing memory? I went to a museum one time, and they had a cool dinosaur tour or whatever, and I wanted to know what the dinosaur Parasaurolophus was called, but I forgot the name and only remebered like, Ducky from Land Before Time, and Phineas and Ferb had just started airing, so I asked the guy if a platypus was a dinosaur and that haunts me to this day
119. Have you ever pulled an all nighter? Yes. Don’t do it.
120. What color are most of your clothes? Blue cause it’s always looked good on me, but now any color looks good on me cause I know how to own it.
121. Do you like adventures? Yeah man! I love them!
122. Have you ever been on TV? Not that I know of
123. How old are you? 20
124. What is your favorite quote?  “When someone leaves your life, those exits are not made equal. Some are beautiful and poetic and satisfying. Others are abrupt and unfair. But most are just unremarkable, unintentional, clumsy.” -Griffin Mcelroy
125. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? Sweeeets!
I tag @viper-fish @berrybloomsims and @lunacysims
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victoriafontaines · 6 years
Falling for You (Jen x F!MC)
Summary: What could have happened if PB weren’t cowards and let us go down the Jen is a LI route. This fic starts immediately after MC watching the video of Jen near the end of Chapter 10. MC has had a crush on Jen from the beginning, but has been playing up to her flirty persona and not got attached, per Jen’s advice on her first day.
Pairing: Jen x Jamie (F!MC) (America’s Most Eligible)
Author Note: This is my first attempt at writing a fic, and I know I’m not the best writer so constructive feedback/criticism would be great thanks!
Word Count: 2041
Jamie’s POV
I can’t believe what I’ve just watched. Surely this can’t be true, can it? Jen had a crush on me? My producer Jen? Gorgeous Jen? And Omar knows about it? And if Omar knows, then who else knows? God, does Piper know? Is that why she insisted in taking over as my producer? Oh God, if they know about Jen’s crush, then do they know about MY crush? This is bad. Really bad. I could get kicked off the show, or Jen could lose her job. I can’t let this happen. I have to talk to Jen, I need to talk this out with her.
I peer round the door to make sure that no one is around before slipping out of the producers room. Can’t say I would be able to come up with a valid excuse as to why I was in there if I was caught, especially by Piper. I look around the house for Jen before finally finding her in the kitchen speaking to Mackenzie. I just stand by the door, looking hoping to catch her attention. After a minute or so she finally glances up at me and sees me waiting. I smile at her and raise my head, to let her know that I want her attention. She seems to understand what I mean, since she nods and quickly wraps up her conversation with Mackenzie. She saunters off, leaving Jen standing at the kitchen island alone, just looking at me expectantly. I make my way over to her as slowly as possible without being too slow. I realise that I have no idea what I’m going to say to her and need to come up with something quick.
“Hey Jen, can I talk to you for a minute?” She eyes me curiously.
“Of course you can, you know that’s what I’m here for. What’s up?” I look around the room and see other crew members floating around, as well as Derek and Ivy sitting at the table.
“Uhm, in private please.” I say, gesturing to the other people in the room with my eyes as to not draw any attention. She looks at me for a second, eyes wide, as if trying to understand what I could want before nodding in agreement and leading me upstairs.
Jen opens one of the bedroom doors and gestures for me to go inside. I walk in and she follows suit, closing the door behind her.
“Is everything alright? Did something happen?” She asks me. You can not only see the concern on her face, but hear it in her voice. And my heart aches. Because I realise that maybe it is true. Jen does have feelings for me. And she’s had to watch me closely for the past few weeks while I’ve been flirting with everyone and hooking up with Mack. Things I never would have done if I had known. I give her a weak smile and sit down on the edge of the bed. She comes over and sits beside me and looks at me, giving me the most genuine smile.
“You know how you showed me those confessional videos?” I pause for Jen’s response, and she nods, so I continue. “And then Piper called you out and you left me in the room?” She nods again. “Well, when I was just about to leave, I heard voices on the video again. The camera must’ve kept rolling after the last confessional. I know I shouldn’t have listened but I did, and I’m sorry.”
Jen scrunches her eyes a little in confusion. Like she doesn’t know where I’m going with this. I take a deep sigh before continuing. “It was you and Omar. Talking about me being up for elimination.” That’s when Jen realised what I was talking about, what I knew. Her eyes grew wide and she moved a little further from me on the bed. She looked straight ahead at the door and didn’t move. Didn’t say a word. Wouldn’t look me in the eye. So, I felt the need to continue.
“I’m really sorry Jen. If I knew what I was going to be listening to, I wouldn’t have done it. I’m so sorry that I invaded your privacy, but I felt like I should let you know that I know. That I owe you that much.”
Jen’s POV
I can’t believe she knows. I can’t believe I was so stupid as to say that in the confessional room. I KNOW the camera is almost always rolling in there. I can’t bring myself to look at her, not yet. I don’t know how uncomfortable this makes her feel, or how much this is going to change things. But I know that I can’t sit here in silence any more.
“You don’t have to apologise. Really. You didn’t do anything wrong. And I appreciate you telling me.” I can feel her eyes on me, but I just can’t look at her yet. “However, I should be the one apologising to you.” She cuts me off before I can continue.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean I’m sorry that I’ve put you in this position. I know that it’s unprofessional and trust me, if it was up to me you never would have found out. I know that it must make you feel uncomfortab-“
“It doesn’t make me uncomfortable.” Jamie has scooted closer to me on the edge of the bed, to the point that our legs are an inch from touching. “It doesn’t make me uncomfortable at all.” She puts her hand on top of mine, rubbing the back gently with her thumb. I finally manage to turn my head and look at her. Her face is only inches from my own and I want nothing more than to just lean in and kiss her. But I can’t. I can’t cross that line.
“It doesn’t?” She gives me the warmest smile while squeezing my hand tighter.
“Oh Jen, not at all!” She breaks eye contact with me for a second, and I see a hint of nerves showing in her expression. “If we are being completely honest here, I’ve wanted nothing more than to kiss you again. Ever since that first time I kissed you on my first day here. It’s all I’ve been able to think about. I just can’t get it out of my mind.” This can’t be happening. I have to stop this before it goes too far.
“Please, just let me finish.” She gives me a pleading look and I don’t have enough willpower to say no so I nod, urging her to continue.
“This is hard for me to admit. I’ve never really had real feelings for anyone before. And you might not believe me when I tell you, but honestly Jen, the feelings that I have for you are as real as they come. I had a crush on you from the minute I first saw you. Why do you think I kissed you that day? I could have done literally ANYTHING else to try and prove myself enough to get a place on the show, but I chose to do that. Because from the minute I saw you that’s all I could think about doing. And since I’ve been on the show, spending more time with you. It’s only grown. Every single thing about you just pulls me in and I can’t seem to escape it. Your kindness. Your humour. The way you snort when you laugh. The way you snap your fingers when you’re nervous. The way you bite your tongue while smiling when you’re excited. The way you dance when you think that no one can see you. The way you roll your eyes whenever Zeke opens his mouth. All the little things, Jen. All the little things that make you who you are. They all just reel me in. I can hear you laugh from the other room and my stomach will do somersaults. I wish I could, but I just can’t help it.” She looks at me expectantly and I have no idea what to say. I’m pretty sure my mouth is hanging open a little but I can’t close it. I can’t look away this time. How am I supposed to take all this in? What am I supposed to do now? I don’t think I have managed to move a muscle since she finished speaking and I think she noticed since she continued to speak. “I’m so sorry if I’ve freaked you out. I figured since I found out before you were ready then I should probably be honest too. And the fact that I could be going home in an hour and not get this chance again made me think it was time. I know I said I want to kiss you again, and I do. Badly. But I know that I can’t. And that’s okay. I just figured you deserved the truth.” She smiles at me weakly, before letting go of my hand and getting up to leave.
“Wait!” I said before even thinking through what I even want to say to her. She sits back down on the bed and looks at me. “I’m just processing.” She nods in understanding, patiently waiting on me saying something but I’ve somehow become incapable of coming up with coherent thoughts. “It’s just….Mackenzie?” She winces and nods.
“If you mean is there something going on there? Then the answer is no. Like I told you, I’ve never had real feelings before, and while Mackenzie is lovely and we get along great, there’s nothing there Jen. I have hooked up with her once or twice, and I have flirted with her a lot more than the others. But that’s what you told me to do. You told me to pick a persona and play to it. You told me not to fall for anyone, and if we are talking about the other contestants then that’s what I did. Because I had already fallen for you. I thought nothing would’ve ever come of it and that I just had to ignore it and move on, and I figured playing the game would be my best chance at that so that’s what I did. I promise you that if I had known there was even the smallest of a chance of anything with you? I wouldn’t even have flirted never mind hooked up with anyone. Especially if I had known about you. I NEVER would have done anything like that right in front of you if I had known.”
“So you’re saying that there’s definitely nothing going on between you and Mackenzie? That there are no feelings there?”
“None at all.”
“And you’re saying that you want to something with me?”
“More than I want anything else.”
Fuck it. I can’t do this any longer. I lean forward and press my lips on hers. Instantly she begins kissing me back. She has one hand on my cheek and the other on my waist. I’ve never felt a kiss like this before. The passion is so electric I can practically feel the sparks every time our lips meet. I put one hand on her hip and the other on her neck, pulling her as close as I can manage. She slips her tongue inside my mouth before gently tugging at my lower lip with her teeth. I can barely contain the moan I can feel creeping up. She moves over and starts planting gentle kisses from my collarbone, up my neck, to my ear.
“God, Jen.” She moans into my ear while biting down on my earlobe. That’s all it takes for the moan I’ve been holding in to escape. She pushes me back down to lay on the bed, and she swings her leg over so she is straddling me. She begins to slide one hand up under the front of my shirt, while I begin to slowly slide my hands up her thighs and under her skirt.
“JEN WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?” Piper’s voice cuts through the room from the hall outside. We both freeze immediately, hoping she wouldn’t open the door.
“I think I better go, before she starts a witch-hunt.” While it pains me to have to go, I couldn’t help but laugh at the situation. And neither could Jamie.
“That’s a good idea.”
If any of you actually enjoyed this and want me to write a Part 2 where MC chooses Jen as their special goodbye when leaving the house, let me know!
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