#toony but yknow
pikminbleu · 1 year
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treat a burn
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milk-sharks · 11 months
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i'm just gonna throw this out here, because triangle pens changed my art SO much (& in the best way) - if you haven't tried out a triangle/angled brush before, just test it and see what happens!!!
(disclaimer that this is just MY experience/opinions on these brushes and you may find that circle brushes fit you best! these are also CSP brushes but i'm sure you can find equivalents for other sites)
oil pastel link (CSP)
reuleuax brush link (CSP)
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misstooni · 2 months
Oh I hate the way the subtitles localized "Nii-nii" like I know it's a cutesy way to say big brother but translating it as "big brudder" sucks lol
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silly-lil-lee · 7 months
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Dude there's this guy on tiktok who's user is planetantonio and he does these livestreams every Tuesday late-ish at night for me
Basically these streams take place in 1944, and they're like radio broadcasts- there's lots and everything, too. Like the lore he's said is so silly too
They managed to get their hands on a new computer (I forgot what it was called but he had a name for it and I think it started with an a) and basically it sends signals to fuckin OUTER SPACE and the signals wrap around Pluto and arrive like 80 years from then so people in the future hear these broadcasts.
He does these at like 10:59 my time (11:59 EST) and I legit have watched every one since last June. I fall asleep to these things. He's so fucking cool I swear
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icannotgetoverbirds · 2 years
hey byrd! what does your fur(feather?)sona look like? you mentioned having one a while ago but i don't think i've ever seen a description of him. (you can dm me to respond if this is too private for your blog). ily bestie <3
so i actually have two! neither of them have official names yet, but the first one (a barn owl sona) i think I'll name jay. Just. Not sure yet 100% yknow?
The second one is a kakapo. I think I'll probably make its suit first because it's just an easier one to craft and also will have lots of extra room hopefully for like storage and whatnot, but it doesn't have a name yet. It didn't have pronouns either until this ask, but I figured it'd be nice for it to have it/its pronouns just for the fun of it dkgljskdgjlksgj
also no worries and also also ily too bestie! <3
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afuntimepartyy · 28 days
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They call me the concepterrrrr… some scrap design stuff so I have a fluid basis for all designs going forward.. but most importantly so i could draw some concepts for a twisted design. Mostly focused on the face and tail but yknow! Twisted design + notes below!
General horror warning ahead! Careful
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- like most twisteds, the ichor tries to make them more realistic and grounded in reality, so her twisted variant is pretty boney
- the scribbled on and smudged face was a desperate attempt of a twisting scraps to hide their transformation. These smudged faces are never the same and some are almost completely smudged off. Many toons are warned to not trust scraps on any floors, as her smudged almost Toony face can trick unsuspecting toons into her claws. If you go down with a scraps, it’s recommended to come up with signals both audible and not to make sure it’s not the twisted
- the ichor forms what the ichor wants, and the tail is a result of a scraps desperate internal pleads to not be alone. The tail has a mind of its own and exhibits snake like behaviors
- real mouth cannot open, so if she tears into you it’s via her tail or her claws.
- tends to walk on two legs, but when pursuing a toon she partially gets on all fours to chase after them after her tail attempts to grab a hold of them.
- head can turn a full 360, but not without a sickening crunch
+ much more but you’ll have to be looking at my brightney blog for more on this.. wink wink nudge nudge ;)
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wiredalienvampire · 8 months
When it comes to the art if the ubiart games (yknow origins and legends) people always talk about how pretty legends is, and while that is definitely true I feel like the art of rayman origins is something that speaks to me more than legends. The art direction, the character designs, the backgrounds, it's such a marvel to look at yet no one really seems to talk about that, and it upsets me to no end.
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the thick colored line art.. the cell shading on the cast.. the use of big simple shapes..the vibrant colors..the toony expressiveness of it all.. to me it's just a little more iconic
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rabid-mercenary16 · 7 months
Yknow I was starting to notice that I constantly use the same head concept for different Norman AU designs so since Mafia! Norman is half rubberhose/Cartoon I decided to change the design a little bit where he still holds some of that human look while looking Toony at the same time.
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(Image is not to be scaled)
Hes still 5'0" but a lot of people mistake him for being a kid.
So yeah for the new design he doesn't have a neck so now because of that I think that out of curiosity Mafia! Rabid would just hover her hand to see if there is anything between from the bottom of his head and from where his neck is supposed to be.
The head looks more toony for two reasons. One it's better to stick with while drawing him. And secondly it's easier to draw the eyes so they don't look so deformed. Plus the hair is changed a little bit so there's that.
(Almost forgot to put the crossed club on the outfit)
Another thing i just think Rabid would just test out if she could spin his head.
(Pls don't though the boy gets pretty nauseous when someone does that)
Uses his head as a fucking basket ball
Btw love the thought behind this character design
And I want to ask if it’s a sona or a oc?
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hudson-whorenet · 9 months
Yknow im curious bout everything you have to say in a positive way
Lmao this is devious love it
❤️- unpopular opinion about the movies
Cars 2 is so over hated, more in mainstream than the fandom but still. It’s FUN I don’t care and the soundtrack is incredible it’s got Weezer in it for gods sake (also Finn is hot sorry not sorry)
🧡- unpopular opinion about other cars media
Cars on the road could’ve and should’ve delivered more. It was fun yeah but it was such a good opportunity to bring back small fan favourite characters from the movies but whatever.
Also not unpopular but I’m so pissed off at Pixar for how inaccessible the comics and earlier video games are (big up @kaderp for posting the comics when she can she’s doing gods work)
💛-unpopular opinion about a main character
I’m not sure why but I get the vibe Cruz isn’t very well liked in some circles and what the flip guys! I love her she’s such a great successor to McQueen and the whole passing on the torch thing was great imo she’s over hated
💚-unpopular opinion about a side/background character
GIVE THE THOMASVILLE RACERS MORE CONTENT. I cannot stress enough how feral I am for them, they didn’t get fleshed out enough at all imo and I need to know more about every one of them ESPECIALLY my beloved River.
Also would love to see the Maternational racers get referenced at some point lmao
💙- unpopular opinion about a ship/ships
Won’t lie I’m not that involved in shipping tbh I mostly make OCs to ship with characters lol, but I will say I’m not really a fan on doclight, it’s so chill if you like that but I just see them as having a more father son relationship tbh. Doc belongs with sheriff in my mind (or the Oc I made to ship him with but that’s another story lmao)
💜- unpopular opinion about the fandom in general
Ok tbh I’ve had pretty good experiences with everyone I’ve interacted with but it would be great if people tagged stuff better imo, purely because there are a lot of minors in this fandom obvs and that sometimes gets forgotten tbh.
Ty for the ask toonie!!
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Team Wacky Toony:
I cannot stress enogh that they are the friends ever. They are ride or die, they have each other's backs through anything, and that includes throwing one another under the bus if it's funny enough, they are both gag kids, comedians, and they love a good accent. I just think they're good. very good.
Team Baddy Buddies:
Basically I was like "yknow who Lancer reminds me of. Bowser Jr" and then realized that Bowser would TOTALLY emotionally adopt Lancer after learning Spade King is a sucky dad. Anyway Lance and Jr love going around causing problems together, Jr gets to try out Lance's bike and Lance gets a ride in the Koopa Clown car. They (and sometimes Susie) like to prank Mario and friends a lot and I just think they would be such good friends
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citisart · 1 year
What helps you when designing characters?
id have to say my process with designing characters is rather... well, its not unconventional? but i dont exactly know how to make designs for the sake of designs?
i tend to design characters with a mood or vibe in mind nowadays. for instance, with kris, i wanted her to look kinda... boring and unassuming. her colors are all around the same area on the wheel with the exception of her gem in the center
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shes supposed to look kind of bland, which reflects well in how she sort of comes across at any given moment, too
but yknow. pop of color right by the heart. indication theres more to her past her shell etc etc
as another example (final one for now) is one of my fav ocs, zip
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this isnt the best picture of hiiim but im workin with what i got (im sure ill post more in the coming days)
hes supposed to come off as toony and fun! which i think his design does a decent job at showing
i hope that makes... sense? i try to give my designs a sense of purpose in and of themselves, and normally i think of what theyre going to do/how theyre going to be before i actually design them. personality and story always comes first!
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mudsnapperqna · 1 year
What if we put someone in a box and sent them elsewhere.
Yknow what
Put ME in a box and send me to like cashbot hq or something
Would that be unlawful?
(@ask-toonie-cogsworth )
It actually is illegal to mail a Suit.
Postal Suits are very staunchly against shipping other Suits in the mail, regardless of legality. Parts and internals are fair game, but "no whole living Suit shall be placed within a parcel or other form of postage for any intents or purposes." That does NOT, however, make it legal to deactivate and dismember a fellow Suit to mail them somewhere. There's better options for transportation.
...If you want to go to Cashbot Headquarters, don't you have a GPS and a propeller installed?
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raditzz · 5 months
yknow the main reason i would draw db in a rly toony style was out of spite for the ppl that rly hated it. in this moment i dont like that feeling being the reason i draw db in that style. so i guess for now i'll draw db in my more natural style until the genuine urge to draw in a toony style returns if it ever does
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ask-toonie-cogsworth · 9 months
Hey Toonie, what’s your favorite color and animal? Kinda generic quesh, I know. It’s for a thing. - @ask-cosmosdeus
favorite color... personally blue. i know i know, "but Toonie! thats just because you were built with a blue hue!" mabybe. is that such a wrong thing? second favorite is yellow for, obvious if you know reasons. favorite animal? uh... depends... are we talkin bout toons or those fabled 'wild, feral animals'? because is its the latter probably any sort of canine. yknow i was turned into a toon once! it was. something.. toon species however, no comment
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pancakecuddleroni · 1 year
you remind me of this rather fun to say mario party minigame name "Can take pancake" its so fun to say! heh, can take pancake yknow, that might suit you (@ask-toonie-cogsworth)
Geez, I can't remember the last time I played a Party game...
Can Take Pancake, huh? Hmm... It is fun to say! What do you mean by it "might suit me", though? As, like, a nickname? :Oc
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creator-indy · 1 year
we're both toony!!!!!!!!!!
which is kinda concerning for me...considering I'm yknow...a cog...
Who said a cog can’t be toony?
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