#toon dates
pupstim · 6 months
By far my favorite part of the stream btw
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aeb-art · 9 months
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soooo… i did another comic with geo (who of course belongs to @8um8le)! it ending up stretching the page quite a bit, so the rest is under the cut o7
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and geo proceeded to win every single round of pool that night, the end, thank you for reading this far 🙇
i'm still not super confident in writing for geo, but i had too much fun with this to care ehehe 🥰 this is the year of indulgence, everyone!
edit: i just realized that I PUT THE CIRCUITS ON THE WRONG ARM! it's supposed to be on my right not my left, oh i'm so mad 😭💔
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afuntimepartyy · 27 days
Did you know gardenview existed before that was its name?
Many don’t! Not unless you were an avid fan who frequented the museum and its tours.
It wasn’t always a studio dedicated to cartoons, infact it had much more humble beginnings of simple education products. Dandy didn’t even exist back then, dandy didn’t come into the picture until the group turned to animation.
These simple education products featured much older designs of Shelly and sprout, mostly Shelly. Shelly was seen in history first, meanwhile sprout was later created to be placed on packages of healthy snacks.
It was simple and not very big, but the minds behind these products became fond of these characters… and so they thought, what if we made cartoons?
Of course they didn’t get rights to a full show right away, it was mostly shorts that weren’t super professional in quality… what they did have though, was a high attention to the education of the child audience! Compared to the officially licensed gardenview cartoons, these had all of their focus on the education of the audience. Sprout and Shelly remained the only main characters during this point, though the divide between main characters and side characters were far less obvious.
They were simply just one big cast! To help with the education of children, the concepts of scraps (goobs concept wasn’t until much later on in the licensed cartoon era) , brightney, Tisha, cosmo, glisten, and toodles were created.
Finally, near the end of this era, the gardenview cartoons would actually be closer to what we know today. Dandy, Astro, and pebbles were sketched up at this point to represent the new growth in the company. At the tail end of this era brought upon flutter and shrimpo before the short styled animations came to a close as they moved onto much bigger things.
Did you also know the Ichor project had many phases with different results? And did you know vee was made to represent the future of gardenview during these changes in both show and ichor production? There’s a lot to be said, but I’m fraid im out of time.
So maybe next time, yeah?
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sixpigeonz · 8 months
Sam trying to rizz dream up by sending a bunch of gifts to his house like flowers or a stupid minecraft toy that reminded him of dream only for sapnap to intercept them and think they were for him since he only ever put his name and not the person he was sending it too and sapnap gets supper giddy at the idea of sam putting in so much effort to the point that dream starts to get jealous and starts giving sapnap more attention which also makes sapnap really flustered and sam try harder. fast forward a couple of months sam writes on his last gift that he's taking him out on a date and sapnap starts preparing for his arrival with a grumbling dream helping him still wanting to be a good friend. sam shows up at their front door in a suit with a bouquet of flowers super nervous and is confused when sapnap shows up giddy and runs into his arms and starts going on about all the gifts and sam can't help but get flustered and blushy, new founds feelings bubbling up in his chest looking down at sapnaps blinding smile and red cheeks and impulsively leans down for a kiss that sap eagerly reciprocates. dream is still in the back of his mind as he takes sapnaps hand and guides him to the car but it soon becomes a distant memory now that he has another pretty boy to impress
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toonvasion · 3 months
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Zip Witch
I figured people would want to see more gals. Rather than this ---ko-fi---Patreon---Subscribestar---
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From my very limited knowledge of the workings of Cogs Incorporated, you seem to be a cog that can answer my query. So I ask simply this:
What is a "High Roller's High Roller?"
Whaaat i dont know what your talking about- *he backs up slightly nervously* i dont really know him very well….*he nervously laughs*
also how did you get in here-
*ursa major runs up and punts the toon*
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db618 · 5 months
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"Oh, I'm so glad that you could join me on a beautiful night like this..."
...yeah, I'm really proud of how this one turned out, it took a fair bit of work!
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pigeonneaux · 11 months
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Toujours une main dans son....parce que j'aime bien quand mes....... Bref
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blackhakumen · 4 months
Mini Fanfic #1206: Uncle & Auntie Datin' Time (SSBU X Darkstalkers)
1:45 p.m. at the Local Smash Park.......
Morrigan: (Sighs Happily as She Sits Next Dedede on the Bench Together, Watching the Smash Kids Play Among Themselves in the Distance) Such a nice, glorious day to be out in about. (Lays the Side of her Head Next to her Boyfriend) Just you, me, and those adorable babies of yours running around and about~
Dedede: Yeah, they're a cute bunch alright. 'Specially when they don't try and prank me 24/7.
Morrigan: (Starts Snuggling Up on De's Arm) Awww~ Has my poor, darling king been a victim of those pranking shenanigans of theirs as of late?~
Dedede: ('Sigh') Yeah, but it's been longer than that unfortunately. Years long.
Morrigan: Oh my~
Dedede: Right!? And like, I don't even get it! They're a bunch of other people living in the mansion they can prank, yet for SOME reason, they always end up choosing me as the target. Ain't that some shit?
Morrigan: (Nodded in Agreement) I know and understand your pain completely, my dear. (Rolls her Eyes a Bit) I cannot begin to describe all the times times Lilith would try and prank me growing up. I will give you a hint, however. There's two more 0's ends next to the number 10.
Dedede: (Eyes Widened a Bit Once He Figured Out the Math) Damn. She really pranked you that many times?
Morrigan: ('Sigh') With no hint of predictability what so ever. But we are both much older women now. So I hope my dear sister has the same level of sense and maturity as I do and- (Turns and Glares Towards a Bush in the Mid Distance) NOT try to prank in broad DAYLIGHT!!
Lilith let's out cute sounding 'Eep!' before quickly high-tailing herself out of the bush she was hiding in.
Dedede: (Chuckles Lightly) You ain't gotta worry about a thing, baby girl. (Wrap his Arm Around his Girlfriend) I'll keep ya safe from all the prakin' going on here.
Morrigan: (Heart Begins to Melt Before Happily Hugging Up on Dedede Once More) My hero!~ Such a wonderful king and uncle you are~
Dedede: ('Sighs Relaxingly') I do my best with what I do, mostly on the uncle side. My folks are never gonna believe it if they were here to see me now.
Morrigan: What were your folks were like growing up?
Dedede: Proper, strict, uppity, never had time and patience for BS and foolishness-
Morrigan: (Forms a Teasing Smirk) Kinda like you you?~(Playfully Boops on Dedede's Beak)
Dedede: (Chuckles Ticklishly) Hey, I can let loose every once and a while! Those two had always been uptight and bitter, up until the very end of their lifespan.
Morrigan: The same applies to my parents as well. (Sighs While Rolling her Eyes) There's never been time or day where they haven't been overbearing and bossy towards my sister and I or at the worst, judgemental....
Dedede: (Raises an Eyebrow) Judgemental on what exactly?
Morrigan: Our life choices. They were so hellbent on preparing the both of us to rise in becoming the Queens of the Night that they deem any regular professions and hobbies we any interest in, as worthless and time wasting.
Dedede: (Scoffs While Thinking Back to his Childhood Memories) I can relate to that too! My folks been pestering me on and on in how to be more proper prince going into king-hood and blending into snobby, pompus lifestyle so much that I decided to rebel a lot!....(Grabs his Chin) Which, now that I said it out loud, might possibly been one of the reasons how I ended up a villain in the first place, before coming here.
Morrigan: (Places her Hand into her Cheek) I can't imagine how my life would be like if I didn't have a single ounce of rebellious side within me. I'd probably be the most boring succubus alive.....(Went Back to Hugging Up Dedede Yet Again While Giving Him Puppy Dog Eyes) And I wouldn't have met you either!~
Dedede: (Gives Morrigan a Reassuring Smile) Nah, I'm sure we would've bump into one another in the different lifetime. (Frowning a Bit) Possibly hating each other's guts, while we're both more conniving and evil than we've ever been- You know, on second thought, maybe it's best we have changed for the better.
Morrigan: (Smiles Lovingly at Dedede) I couldn't agree more, my fare darling king~
Dedede looks deep into Morrigan's sincere, love-filled eyes as he smiles back as the two then leans in for the kiss-
.......Only for them to stop and turn their heads towards the Smash Kids staring at the both of them. Some of which are smirking.
Morrigan: (Happily Waves at the Kids) Hello, darlings!~ is something the matter?~
Dedede: Yeah, y'all bored or somethin'?
Ness: No, we're having a blast out here so far.
Toon: We're just here to make sure you two are well acquainted with one another.
Jr: And to make sure nothing stupid happens amd that you don't mess anything up down the line
Kids: (Simply Nodded in Agreement) Mmmhmm.
Dedede: (Stares at the Kids For a Brief Second Before Glaring at Them) The hell do you nosy little brats think you are, our chaperones!?
Morrigan: (Lightly Slaps Dedede's Arm While Playfully Pouting at Him) Dedede! Do not be mean to your precious nieces and nephews!~
Popo: Yeah, what Auntie Morrigan said!
Morrigan: Exactl- ('GASPS') (Happily Clasps her Hands Together) You all see as an Auntie!?~
Nana: (Happily Nodded) Yeah. You seemed like pretty nice lady so far.
Ness: And you seemed to treat our Uncle well enough.
Jr: (Rolls his Eyes) Still don't know what you see in him though.
Sage: (Pouts at Junior Beside Her as She Gently Squeezes his Hand) Junior, be nice. (Turns Back Dedede and Morrigan with a Soft Smile) We're very happy to see you two enjoying each other's company.
Ashley: All we ask is that you continue to love and care for our uncle going forward.
Lucas: He's very important to us. (Gives Morrigan a Darkened Looking Glare on his Face) Don't hurt him.
Morrigan: (Genuinely Surprised by Lucas' Glare Along with Dedede) Oh my.
Lucas: (Immediately Turns Back into his Shy, Timid Self) I-I'm sorry! That glare wasn't too harsh, was it?
Ashley: (Gives her Boyfriend a Reassuring Smile While Gently Patting the Top of hus Head, Helping him Feel Better) That was a wonderful glare, dear. There's no need to be sorry~
Dedede: ('Psh') I mean. That is something worth apologize fo-
Ashley: (Immediately Gives Dedede Her Signature Death Glare)
Dedede: I-I-I mean! (Quickltly Gives Lucas a Reassuring and Terrified Smile) It's fine, Lucas. Really. I-I just....didn't think you had it in ya to glare like that is all. It's very impressive looking
Lucas: (Starts Smiling) Thank you!~ Ashley's been teaching me a thing or two to be more assertive and Intimidating as of late.
Ashley: (Smiles Proudly) I believe he's making progress thus far.
Dedede: (Rolls his Eyes a Bit While Scoffibg and Whispering into Morrigan's Ear) Yeah, too much progress if you ask-
Ashley and Lucas both gives Dedede Death Glares, shutting him up completely as he gulps.
Morrigan: (Smiles Softly) There's no need forbyou to worry, children. (Hugs Dedede's Arm) I promise give your uncle the love and respect he most certainly deserves~
Dedede: (Smiles Softly at his Girlfriend) Yeah and I'll do the same for her as well. Now will you leave us be now?
Ness: We will. But first......(Forms a More Mischievous Grin on his Face as He and the Others Pulls Out Cans of Party Streamers In Their Hands)
Dedede: (Eyes Widened in Fear) Oh no-
Dedede and Morrigan immediately gets sprayed with krazy strings in multiple different colors.
Dedede: (Starts Growling With Anger) DAMN, KIDS!
Toon: He's fuming! Scatter!
The kids giggles as quickly made their escape with some running away and Ashley and Sage teleporting their two respective boys away with them.
Dedede: (Groans in Annoyance Before Turning Back Morrigan) You see what I had time deal with everyday?
Morrigan: (Gives Dedede Ankther Reassuring Smile) Don't be too harsh on them, dear. They're only having harmless fun- Ah! (Suddenly Gets Pelted with Three Water Balloons to the Face, Causing her Hair and Clothes to Get Wet)
'Splash' 'Splash' 'Splash'
Morrigan: What in the- (Turns to See her Younger Sister Hiding Behind a Tree Before Turning Back to Dedede) Excuse me, dear, would you excuse me for a minute? (Glares Menacingly at her Sister Hiding) I have a brat of a sister to punish.
Lilith: EEP! (Starts Running Away From the Wrath of her Older Sister, Dropping Off a Bunch of Other Ballons in the Ground) Abort! ABORT!!!
Morrigan: (Starts Chasing her Little Sister to Kingdom Come) LILITH AENSLAND, IF YOU DON'T GET YOUR FAT ARSE BACK HERE RIGHT THIS INSTANT- (Continues Screaming Her Lungs Out)
Dedede: (Let's Out a Wholehearted Laugh as He Watches his Girlfriend Go) You get 'er, girl.
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For Coyote vs. Acme Actor, Shelving the Film Is Personal: 'You Approved It!'
Oh so just when I thought this couldn't get any sadder anyways I recommend yall read this 😭
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sh0ecrust · 1 year
I have an art request for pepperbrush prehaps? :D
//CW: Pepperbrush
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Ty for the request!
I would have drawn more of them if I wasn’t caught up in art fight 😭
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citnamora · 1 year
We didn't get enough interactions between Tina and Bugs. "I can fix him" vs "I can make him worse"
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candy-wuz-here · 21 days
*runs over*
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..I don't know what I expected
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queen-scribbles · 2 months
Watching* the livestream while driving, plus That Date Night confirmation equal much screaming(but less than I would have done at home) and being glad no other traffic was around to worry about while I celebrated
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thisonlyguy-49 · 2 years
The Hazbin Hotel Will Be With You Soon…
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Stay Tuned For Summer 2023
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toonvasion · 2 months
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$ At Seline's Door
smashmaster12 looking goooooood ---ko-fi---Patreon---Subscribestar---
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