grailfigure · 2 months
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Ludwig, the Holy Blade // Bloodborne
Garage Kit by Horizing & Toolmark Studio
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anyextee · 2 years
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Exploring the subterranean chamber of the Great Pyramid. ❤️🇪🇬 Look what I found. 👀 #ancientegypt #history #travel #subterranean #giza #gizapyramids #gizapyramid #greatpyramid #pyramid #adeptexpeditions #losttechnology #technology #toolmarks https://www.instagram.com/p/CpcMlN_OEP7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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anarcho-masochist · 4 months
Taking a firearms and toolmark class right now, and it is annoying me because when doing research you have to wade through hundreds of NRA gun-loving redneck blogs before you find a reputable source.
Now, I'm from rural Northern WI. We're talking, deep in the forest, anyone who wasn't living on a foreclosed farm was probably a logger, townsfolk once tried to stone my mom out of the town for being a witch kind of rural. Inbred enough community that one family had three sets of twins that each died before the next set was born and they were fraternal twins but each set looked identical to the previous set. Stuff like that. The true northwoods experience.
And once, a kid who went to my mom's school died, and his dad brought his gun to the school and threatened to shoot. This was in maybe the late 70s or early 80s, and around there, the school's rule was that you had to have your ammo on a different shelf than your gun. Most people hunted at least a portion of their food because groceries were too expensive. The man was dead in seconds and had over 20 gunshot wounds. Some would say this is an argument for everyone having guns. The first time I heard that story, I thought that was the point my mom was going for. I mean, our family had over 40, and I'd been taught to shoot from a young age. My mom said it was a failing. The guy was bereaved and in a mental health crisis, but he wasn't likely to actually open fire. She thought it was a situation that could've been de-escalated if anyone had taken even a moment to think before reaching for their gun. Of course, mass shootings are awful and we can't truly know how it would have gone.
But every time I have to read one of those sources where the author is like, "In those self-defense situations when you need your gun, you'll want to be able to fire multiple rounds quickly/have the best stopping power/whatever"
99.99% of people will never need their gun except on a planned hunting trip or perhaps fucking their partner with it.
Learn to use your goddamn brain and maybe preventable firearm deaths in the US will go down. If someone tried to mug you and you shoot them, you're the bad guy there. The mugger is desperate and broke and probably doesn't want to kill you. The few examples I hear are always stuff like this. Someone shoots a mass shooter? It has happened. But there have also been times when someone successfully de-escalated a situation where someone was threatening to shoot up or bomb a place. I won't judge anyone for carrying a gun for self-defense, especially after I got old enough to learn why my grandpa did (that's a story for another time), but I sure as fuck will judge anyone who talks like you might find yourself in an action movie at any moment and a gun is the best solution.
Are you scared? Are you ready to feel badass and so prepared? Click this affiliate link for a discount on .38 Special.
God, I can't stand it.
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brooklynmuseum · 1 year
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This work by French sculptor François Rude is a ceramic maquette, or scale model, of a sculptural decoration for the Arc de Triomphe, a commission awarded to Rude by the French government in 1833. The final sculpture, Départ des volontaires de 1792 (Departure of the Volunteers of 1792), also known as La Marseillaise, decorates the right pillar on the front of the Arc de Triomphe and is nearly 42 ½ feet tall. It depicts men in classical-style armor, led by a winged female warrior figure. This is a stylized rendering of a real historical event, the Battle of Valmy, where a French citizen army was victorious against Prussian and Austrian forces early in the Revolutionary Wars after the French Revolution. 
This maquette is considerably smaller at only 27 ½ inches tall, but what it lacks in size it makes up for in sheer dynamism. The hand of the artist is visible in the roughly modeled surface and the abundant tool and finger marks. Though the figures are not carefully finished, they nevertheless seem alive, in fluid motion. The variegated colors and many inclusions and imperfections in the ceramic body hint to Rude using a lower quality clay which may never have meant to have been fired; sculptors often use clay to work out their thoughts before recycling it to craft the next iteration of their ideas. For whatever reason, however, this piece of sculpting was deemed important enough to be saved by firing it. The many cracks in the piece may have occurred during the firing process due to the impurities in the clay.
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Above: detail of rightmost figure, showing toolmarks and fingerprints in the clay
Before conservation could begin on the sculpture, it had to be assessed to determine what prior treatment it had undergone. Thankfully, in this case, we have records of its treatment in 1984, as well as notes from former Brooklyn Museum conservator Jane Carpenter upon its acquisition by the Brooklyn Museum in 1989. Some time before 1984, both of the female figure’s hands had broken off and were lost, as were the proper right hands of two of the male figures. The work had suffered severe damage in the form of a horizontal break across the entire sculpture at the female figure’s waist, and was repaired (along with other cracks and breaks) with tinted plaster, which also covered the entire back surface. Finally, the entire front surface was coated with reddish-brown pigment. In 1984, the plaster and reddish-brown pigment was (mostly) removed, and the back was reinforced with four aluminum brackets adhered with epoxy and cotton tape. Losses along the horizontal break were filled in and inpainted with gouache.
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Above: the back side of the maquette before treatment 
There were many spots of plaster and reddish-brown pigment that remained from the previous treatments, and there was also something oddly flat and one-dimensional about the color, too. Typically, a conservator will cover as little of the object’s surface as possible when inpainting fill material to match the surrounding area; in this case, it was found that almost the entire surface was coated with gouache! This may have been done to unify the repair work and create a more homogeneous appearance, as the gouache obscured the mottled coloring of the clay. However, this is an important feature in understanding the complicated history of this sculpture as well as its status as a “process object” created as part of a larger work. Though it is unclear what the “original” surface of the maquette may have looked like at the time of its creation, it was determined that removal of the gouache to reveal the current surface was preferable.
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Above: removal of gouache with a swab, revealing ceramic surface underneath
Since gouache is soluble in water, cleaning the surface of the maquette was simple yet time-consuming. Small cotton swabs were hand-made, dampened, and carefully rolled across the surface. Along with the gouache, more of the old reddish-brown pigment was removed, though traces still remain in the many crevices. In total, wet cleaning the sculpture took over fifteen hours of work.
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Above: before (left) and after (right) inpainting a filled crack
Instead of completely removing and redoing the old fills, which were made of a cellulose-based filler that appeared perfectly stable, they were shaped and resurfaced using an acrylic-based modern product to help them more effectively blend texturally into the surrounding area. Finally, since the color of the fills didn’t perfectly match the ceramic, they were aesthetically integrated with watercolor and gouache (applied only over the fills and not the entire surface!). These materials are easily soluble in water so the piece can be re-treated in the future if necessary. Now, instead of obscuring the complex and interesting surface of the maquette, it can be more fully appreciated as an object that gives unique and intimate insight into a great sculptor’s working processes. 
Below: the maquette after treatment
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Written by Celeste Mahoney, Assistant Objects Conservator
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runawaymun · 1 year
WIP Wednesday Game
originally shared by @tanoraqui and it looks like a lot of fun, so I thought I’d get in on it :D 
Here’s how it works:
In a reblog (or new post w/ rules attached), post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can’t share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. If you tag me in your post, I will send you an ask request!
1. Beneath a Boundless Sky 2. To Partake 3. Celrond Arranged Marriage AU 4. Gimme Sugar Baby 5. Beneath a Boundless Sky (SNIPPETS - out of order scenes) 
no pressure tags for: @creativity-of-death , @the-commonplace-book , @ellrond , @niennawept , @raointean , & @jaz-the-bard :) 
SNIPPET: (from Boundless Sky) 
Elladan wanted to put it down to travel jitters; to the closeness of the air between the trees (but he always felt at home among the trees… why didn’t he now?); to anything he could explain with sound and rational thought. But this was not a sound and rational thing: it should not be so cold in mid-July. Nor should the trees lean so close, the spaces between them feel so dark and sinister.
Elladan had hoped that the woods would not seem so fell in the rosy light of a new dawn. He had hoped in vain. The sun rose, but it was a pale yellow – cold and feeble. A chilly mist rose from the ground around them. No birds sang, save for crows calling in the distant north. Strange. They were resting in the shadow of Caradhras to be sure, but it shouldn’t be this cold in midsummer. It felt more like autumn, or even early spring. Elladan didn’t remark on it, though, and tried to keep cheerful for Elrohir’s sake. Elrohir had been out of sorts for months, now. Elladan had to be strong for him. This trip was only making things worse and they had such a long way to go before they could return home.
If they returned home.
It was easy to think like that on a morning so cold and gloomy as this one. Elladan forcibly shoved the thought aside. They would go home again. They would. They always did. 
The twins hurried to eat and pack up their bedding, then set off once more down the hidden road through the trees. It wasn’t so much a road as it was a series of markers. Here, a gash in a tree that edged them down to a ravine. There: a cairn of stones with a scrap of green cloth tucked between them, leaning northeast. Up there: a talisman of feathers floating in the wind. A broken branch set a specific direction, another fallen tree bearing a toolmark, a large boulder set just so upon another one. It was not an easy path —  especially not for the horses — but it was familiar to the twins, and so they had very little trouble following it and made good time. 
The farther they traveled, the paler Elrohir looked and the slower he rode. After a while, Elladan drew up his reins and asked: “What’s the matter?” 
“Can’t you feel it?” Elrohir said. “Can’t you feel something’s wrong?” 
Elladan pulled his horse in step with Elrohir’s and took a deep breath. “Something’s been wrong for a while.” 
“It is getting worse,” Elrohir hissed back.
He was right. 
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ancestorsalive · 1 year
“NEANDERTHALS WERE HIGH TECH AND LIKED THEIR FINERY. Recent discoveries have dramatically narrowed the formerly-perceived chasm in technological abilities and cultural accomplishments between Neanderthals and Homo sapiens. For instance, Neanderthals used complex techniques to manufacture strong hafting glues from birch tar (Mazza et al. 2006). They made three-ply cord (Hardy et al. 2020). They probably used chemical accelerants to help start fires (Heyes et al. 2016). They burned coal (Dibble et al. 2009). Neanderthals had medicines that likely included naturally occurring aspirin and penicillin substances (Weyrich et al. 2017). Whether for fashion, camouflage or other reasons, they used at least seven different minerals (graphite, buserite (MnO2), hematite, goethite, limestone, chalk and pyrite for the black, red, yellow, white, and sparkling gold colors (Sykes, 2020). They also used charcoal and feathers (preferring black colors). Toolmarked and polished eagle claws found in Croatia that date to 130,000 years are the oldest evidence of jewelry in Europe (Radovcic et al. (2015). Neanderthals also wore seashells stained with hematite (Srsen et al. 2015). They made complex cave art and may have made flutes. They had burials and ceremonial sites (it's hard to explain the 174K-year-old Bruniquel site any other way). It's ever-clearer that the "chasm" has narrowed to perhaps a small stepover.”
- Neil Bockoven
A collage of Neandertal faces as imagined by artists and exhibited in museums during the genome era. Artists include Alfons and Adrie Kennis, John Gurche, Elisabeth Daynès, Tom Björklund, Oscar Nilsson, and Fabio Fogliazza.
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Artwork and words by Tom Björklund
The Löwenmensch figurine – a toy or a religious treasure
Yet another version of the image, slightly different from the ones I posted on Twitter and Instagram. Inspired by the around 40k years old iconic Löwenmensch sculpture of the Hohlenstein-Stadel in Germany.
Too often the role children had in ancient societies has been unnecessarily neglected, according to a growing number of researchers. As a result many objects that could very well have been made for children, and even by children, have been interpreted to be religious objects, created to be worshipped in order to gain good luck and prosperity. Both alternatives are plausible – it can be hard to tell the diferrence. In a way it's perhaps possible that they sometimes were both.
In ancient, and not necessarily that ancient, cultures, things were not just things, they had a meaning and a function beyond their physical appearance and form. Perhaps children's toys were not just for fun but they were also portals to an unvisible world, allowing a contact with the ancestors or mythical creatures that could offer protection and guidance.
And even today, a daydreaming child acquires the unnatural powers of the precious superhero collectible, offering a moment of relief from the challenging reality.
If you wish, you can also follow me on Twitter and Instagram, for different versions of the images, news and background stories.
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kathansky · 17 days
Forensic Technologies Market: Innovations and Trends Shaping the Future
Forensic Technologies Market Overview: A lot of factors, such as geographic growth, segmentation, and market size by value and volume, are taken into account in the SkyQuest Technology Group research to provide a full and accurate analysis of the global Forensic Technologies market. This outstanding research study was created specifically to provide the most latest data on significant aspects of the global Forensic Technologies Industry. Numerous market estimates are provided in the analysis, including those for market size, output, revenue, consumption, CAGR, gross margin, price, and other critical factors. The best primary and secondary research methods and tools on the Forensic Technologies market were used to build it. Numerous research studies are included in it, including ones on pricing analysis, production and consumption analysis, company profile, and manufacturing cost analysis. The competitive environment is a crucial element that every key factor needs to be aware of. The study explains the market's competitive landscape so that readers may gauge the degree of both domestic and global rivalry. Additionally, market researchers have provided summaries of each significant firm in the global Forensic Technologies industry, taking into consideration crucial elements including operational areas, production, and product portfolio. When analyzing the organizations in the study, significant factors including business size, market share, market growth, revenue, production volume, and profitability are also taken into account. The study report uses both qualitative and quantitative data to offer a thorough view of the market. It examines and forecasts the global market in a number of critical industries. The research provides a thorough overview of the industry by segmenting the Forensic Technologies market into groups based on application, end-user, and location. A thorough research of each market segment was conducted, taking into consideration current and upcoming market trends.
Global Forensic Technologies Market size was valued at USD 14.78 billion in 2022 and is poised to grow from USD 16.61 billion in 2023 to USD 41.92 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 12.28% in the forecast period (2024-2031).
Chance to get a free sample @ https://www.skyquestt.com/sample-request/forensic-technologies-market  Detailed Segmentation and Classification of the report (Market Size and Forecast - 2031, Y-o-Y growth rate, and CAGR): The Forensic Technologies Market can be segmented based on several factors, including product type, application, end-user, and distribution channel. Understanding these segments is crucial for companies looking to target specific markets and tailor their offerings to meet consumer needs.
Digital & Computer Forensics, Ballistic Forensics, DNA Testing, Biometrics, Others
Pharmacogenetics, Biodefense & Bio-Surveillance, Judicial, Law Enforcement, Others
Laboratory Forensics (DNA Testing, Drug Testing, Biometrics, Others), Forensic Consulting
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), Capillary Electrophoresis, Next-Generation Sequencing, Rapid DNA Analysis, Automated Liquid Handling Technology, Microarrays, Others
Laboratory Forensic Technology, Portable Forensic Technology
Get your Customized report @ https://www.skyquestt.com/speak-with-analyst/forensic-technologies-market 
Following are the players analyzed in the report:
GE Healthcare
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. 
Agilent Technologies Inc.
LGC Limited
Danaher Corporation
Eurofins Scientific SE
Forensic Technology WAI Inc.
NMS Labs Inc.
Bruker Corporation
Bode Technology
Morpho (Safran)
Qiagen N.V.
NicheVision Forensics Co.
Foster + Freeman Ltd.
FLIR Systems Inc.
Firearm and Toolmark Examination Unit
Forensic Pathology Services
Motives for purchasing this report- - A full understanding of customer experiences, upcoming trends, and growth drivers may be obtained by market category analysis. -Forensic Technologies Market participants will be able to quickly decide on their course of action in order to achieve a competitive advantage thanks to the essential information provided in this area. The factors affecting the sales prospect are carefully examined by SkyQuest Technology Group across several important categories. - Analysing market categories can provide detailed insights into consumer experiences, upcoming trends, and growth-promoting factors. A thorough analysis of market manufacturing trends is a crucial component of the study. -These observations offer crucial information on the ways in which market participants are reacting to the most recent developments that are oversaturating the market. -An in-depth analysis of the numerous organic
Buy your full Market Report now: https://www.skyquestt.com/buy-now/forensic-technologies-market  FAQs:
1. What are the main vendors' points of strength and weakness?
2. What are the primary business plans of the leading important players for the near future?
3. What will the market size and growth rate be for Forensic Technologies in the upcoming year?
4. Which prevailing global trends are affecting the Forensic Technologies market shares of the leading regions? What effect does Covid19 have on the Industry right now?
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werehamburglar · 4 months
the shitty thing about forensic science is that, by and large, the science itself is... fine.... enough. excepting pattern matching in the case of toolmarks (oh, you're matching striations on some bullets? sooo rigorous of you. i bet you can count to ten, too), the principles are sound enough. chemistry doesn't stop being chemistry; physics doesn't stop being physics; and biology doesn't stop being biology. often, the issues arise when they're brought into the courtroom via expert witness and simultaneously simplified for the sake of the wider audience (both judge and jury) and argued about/with by attorney, leading to massive discrepancy and, indeed, faulty application of science. combined with errors often made at the scene (like cops bringing pizzas past the tape-- WHY??), there's a lot TO be criticized, but the arenas from which it IS criticized aren't the same from an in-group/out-group perspective.
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ultraheydudemestuff · 10 months
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Phillip Henninger House Historic Site
5757 Broadview Rd.
Parma, OH
The Phillip Henninger House, an early settler's home, built in sandstone by Phillip Henninger for his family is a historical landmark in Parma, Ohio, located at 5757 Broadview Road (State Route 176).   Located at the busy intersection of Snow Road and Broadview Road in Parma, the Henninger Homestead, the oldest house in Parma, is hard to miss. It stands out from all of the businesses in the area, not just because of its green lawn and neatly trimmed shrubbery, but because they don’t build houses like these anymore.  The Henningers, Philip and his wife Sofia, immigrated from Germany to the United States in 1830. They settled in the newly incorporated township of Parma. First building a log cabin on their 100 acres of land along what is now Snow Road to the north, Broadview to the west, and Old Rockside Road to the south, they quickly had a number of children and outgrew their initial home.
     In order to create a home big enough for himself, his wife, and their ten children, Philip began to quarry stone from his land, using it to build the two-story, Greek Revival style house in 1849. He built the home on the footprint of the original log cabin, keeping his 1830s barn intact as his tinsmith workshop. The main part of the house is constructed of sandstone blocks. The basement area, which also provides the foundation for the home, has blocks that are 30 inches thick. The remaining exterior of the home has 14-inch thick walls. All of the blocks were cut by hand, as evidenced by the toolmarks that remain visible.  As expect of a family with a patriarch who played a role in local government and spent five years as a Township Trustee, the Henningers’ legacy is more than just a stone house. Philips son, Henry, was described as “one of the most prosperous farmers in Parma” at the time. He also spent 12 years working as a Justice of Peace.
     Going one generation into the future, Philip Henninger’s grandson, William, opened the Henninger and Decker Hardware Store in 1906. He and his business partner ran the store, which was located at the intersection of Krather and Pearl Roads for decades. The store was well-known for its high quality merchandise, and even provided large steam pans, gutters, and other necessities to the builders of the Schaaf Road greenhouses.  Members of the Henninger family lived in the house until 1988. The house sat empty for over a decade, despite a 1994 tax levy brought about by the city of Parma designed to save it. The levy failed, but those who saw the history of the house refused to give up. Thankfully, in 2001, it became part of a Quarry Creek Historic District, allowing it to be saved by the Trust for Public Land in 2003.  It was listed with the National Register of Historic Places August 28, 2003.  Today, the West Creek Conservancy owns the house, and is dedicated to preserving it for future generations.
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SIRCHIE - ações de formação
SIRCHIE – ações de formação
A nível mundial, uma das empresas que mais tem contribuído para o sucesso da investigação criminal é a SIRCHIE, a qual disponibiliza diversas ações de formação, nomeadamente: Evidence Collection & Processing Training; Forensic Firearm & Toolmark ID & Shooting Reconstruction; Bloodstain Documentation Class; Crime Scene Technology: Evidence Collection and Processing; Virtual Crime Scene Processing…
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neathnights · 2 years
Devices and Desires
Mechanical toys, timepieces, little wheels and cogs; gears within gears. The craftspeople – and craftsrats – of London are capable of wondrous and intricate artistry. But is that all that they produce?
→ Bits and pieces The nooks and crannies of London's playrooms and storerooms are scattered with brass detritus. It gets everywhere. Here, look; a little pile of wheels and cogs.
Ouch The little glittering things are attractive, but when you pick them up, something stabs into your finger. You pluck out a wicked splinter of metal, and a bead of bright blood follows.
Useful things? You pick up an assorted handful of miniature gears, cogs and ratchets. The craft is exquisite; they're minuscule but perfect. But under a magnifying-glass, there's a quality to the toolmarks that doesn't look like any ratwork you've seen before.
→ Dusty boxes Someone's been clearing out their attic. A stack of trunks and boxes teeters, temptingly, on the street.
Just junk Well, mostly. There's a few bits and pieces you might be able to sell. At the bottom of one box is a stack of paper dolls. They crumble as you lift them out. Tucked in amongst them is a scrap of card, more brightly coloured than the rest. All you can see on it is part of a child's smiling face.
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cabinante · 5 years
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⁣ ✨Close up✨⁣ ⁣ ⁣ #marchmeetthemaker ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ Here is a close up shot of grater teeth on a dish. This is done a few hours after I’ve thrown the piece to allow the clay set up. ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ I have played around with different tools to see what type of marks they make and I like to experiment with the design.⁣ I use various wooden tools to create the marks. ⁣ ⁣ For a long time, I created the teeth on the clay without the underglaze effect. I honestly can’t remember when I first put underglaze in the middle and created the teeth but this is one of my favorite parts of the process. ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ #marchmeetthemaker2020 #chicoartistca #chicoartist #howiamaco #iambrent #pottery #wheelthrown #potteryofinstagram #garlicgrater #graterdish #oliveoil #kitchenware #homegood #femalefounder #smallbusiness #wip #clayeveryday #grater #toolmark #potteryprocess #handmade #makersmovement #lifeinchico #chicoca #supportlocalchico (at Chico, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9WwkShgMpV/?igshid=l4t2mk8d2smg
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I was walking through the forests the other day and found an excellent example of tool mark traces! . This was a big tree trunk that had fallen across the path. Clearly, someone had tried to cut it in two in order to remove it, but had apparently given up at some point. But the traces that they left behind can give so many clues as to what they were doing. . First, this was probably done by a sharp-edged tool such as an axe. I admit I'm not sure what traces chainsaws leave, but based on the kinds of cuts you see here I'm guessing some kind of thin blade was used. You can also see the approximate number of cuts, and even the preferred direction of the axe swing, based on the angle of the missing wedges. I'd be very curious to know which side of the trunk the chopper was standing on - unfortunately here it could have been either, but if only one side had been accessible then this could indicate if they were right or left handed. . So just from this one little missing chunk, we can surmise that someone with an axe (or similar tool) made something like 10-15 cuts into this trunk, favouring one side as they did so, but gave up at some point for reasons unknown. It might not seem like much of a surmise, but I think it's fascinating that we can see so much of an event just by the physical traces left behind. . Now imagine similar kinds of physical traces, but at a microscopic level, and instead of a tree trunk it's a tiny bone needle that's about 2500 years old. That's basically what I'm looking at with microwear analysis. Pretty cool right! . What's the coolest physical trace you've ever found? . #archaeology #archaeologist #tree #forest #forestwalk #axemarks #toolmarks #axe #wood #woodcutting #microwear #theleveragedphd #interpretation #archaeologylife https://www.instagram.com/p/CQb3ORTrR9B/?utm_medium=tumblr
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davidfieldsculptor · 4 years
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Flashback to a clay sculpting project where I'm making a large dog. I love clay. #sculptorsofinstagram #clay #modelling #wip #toolmarks #canine #eye https://www.instagram.com/p/CMEY62Hj3T4/?igshid=1j9ajl5zfgjkp
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thomasjopray · 7 years
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I'm just posting a few pictures of the #spalting #toolmarks and #figuring of this #liveedge #walnut #tealightholder that I'm posting for sale on #etsy #woodworking #carpentry #customcarpentry #madetoorder #madetoordercarpentry #custom #imsocrafty #craftybastard #artsandcrafts #wastenotwantnot #whythrowitaway #somethingfromnothing #scrapwood #scrapwoodproject #tealight #candleholder #candleholders #candle #tealightholders #homedecor #decorative
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deedis · 3 years
I've been good today!! My TA complimented me on the toolmark impressions I took in my final lab today, and now my friend is getting me icecream :DD please have this pretty picture i took coming out of my lab
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I'm glad it was a lazy day, things have been so hectic lately for everyone I feel, so it's good you had a day for yourself :) ❤❤
WHAT FLAVOR WAS IT? same as last time? and GOOD JOB ON YOUR TOOLMARK IMPRESSIONS (i dont know what those are. please explain them to me if you feel like it. but im PROUD OF YOU nonetheless <3)!!
wren i LOOOOOOVE this picture i can smell it + it looks so tranquil and Crisp. i cant wait for it to snow here i miss the snow
it actually Has been so hectic lately but hopefully soon things will die down!!!!! hopefully fingers crossed :(
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