#took me a sec to set it up but yes. i will still use this one but now extra personal stuff goes on that one
vettelsvee · 2 months
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goodbyes are bittersweet masterlist f1 masterlist | ao3 | requests or let's talk!
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rb sebastian vettel x gf!reader
word count: 4095
summary: seb's gf finds out she's pregnant, and she decides that hiding her pregnancy is the best she could do due to seb's career
warnings: pregnancy, mentions of cheating, curse words, angst, fighting. set on may 2013. for a bit of background: reader and seb have been friends since they were literal babies, but growing up their feelings changed and started dating on 2006.
a/n: this is actually the first chapter of the very first series, Infinity, i posted here! i had to cancel it because i had some problems with wattpad people telling me through indirects i copied their work and i got very, very unmotivated with this story i absolutely love (when actually this was a draft I had of a tom holland fic back in 2017 lol), but i'd love to post the following parts if you like this one! feedback is appreciated, as well as reblogs <3
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© VETTELSVEE (2024). please, do not steal, copy or translate my works. thanks for reading!
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You pulled the flush and got up, being careful not to get dizzy. You took some paper and wiped the corners of your mouth to remove any possible traces of vomit. You headed to the sink automatically, quickly pulling out the toothbrush you’ve gotten used to carrying since nausea became part of your daily routine. You really tried to get rid of the acidity in your throat and the bad taste in your mouth, but as you expected, and knowing you've been experiencing this more times than you'd like in the past month and a half, it was impossible.
"Y/N, are you still there? Are you okay?" Britta's voice, accompanied by a few knocks on the door, snapped you out of your trance. You startled and forced yourself to answer, even though it was the last thing you feel like doing.
"Yes, I’m coming. Just a sec!"
"Don’t take too long," she replied. "Not that I don’t want you to take your time, but Seb is worried."
Panic-stricken, you suppressed a laugh that almost escaped.
If only he knew what you were about to do…
"Don’t worry, I’ll be right out," you answered.
You stared at yourself in the mirror, contemplating your own reflection longer than you’d like. Minutes passed, and you almost completely lost track of time, aware that you needed to put an end to the intrusive thought that was telling you that what you were about to do was, wrong but inevitably the best thing.
You were going to break away from everything you’ve wanted since you were a child just because things hadn't turned out "right." Seb was at the peak of his professional career, constantly surpassing himself in every race, making history, while you remained stuck in your hometown, working at a bar, dealing with drunks and immature kids pretending to be adults daily, because you didn’t have the luck, or perhaps the financial means, to study what you had dreamed of since you were a child who just wanted to make music.
You leaned on the sink, feeling the cold starting to penetrate your body. A great tremor shook you, and it became increasingly difficult to stay on your feet. Your eyes filled with tears as you confronted the reality of what you were about to do, of the decision you'd made.
Since your boyfriend began not only achieving his dreams but making a name for himself, you thought you didn’t deserve him because you were heading in the opposite direction. Now that you’ve gotten pregnant by him, possibly because the birth control pills you were taking failed for some unknown reason, you felt like this even more.
Despite the love you still felt and possibly always will feel for Sebastian, since you took the pregnancy test with Hanna at one of the most secluded malls in Heppenheim, you knew that letting him know he was going to be a father was never part of your plans.
"Come on, Y/N…" you told yourself, still staring at your reflection. "This is for Seb. You're doing this for him and his career."
You took a deep breath a couple more times, feeling the knot in your throat choking you. You looked at the girl full of insecurities you were one more time. Her eyes reflected doubt and, above all, fear, and you sadly sensed that it will continue to be this way from now on.
Trying to control yourself, you slowly opened the bathroom door, as if wanting to torture yourself. Britta was sitting in one of the chairs, reviewing something in a notebook until you closed the door a bit harder than you meant to.
"Are you really okay?" she asked again, giving you an uncertain look. "I've been hearing you vomit for several weeks now. Don’t you think you should go to the doctor?"
The knot in your throat seemed to tighten even more. See a doctor… Of course you’d been to the doctor! Four weeks and, as of today, four days pregnant was the answer, but no one beyond your parents and your best friend could know.
"Yes, I’m fine," you replied quickly, trying to fake your answer as best as you could. "Don’t worry. It’s probably just a bit of stress," you added, praying she believed you. "I haven't had time to see a doctor, but I assure you, with all my heart, that everything is fine."
And that's why you're leaving the love of your life today.
Britta seemed to hesitate for a moment. Her lips remained slightly open, as if she wanted to say something. Her look gave you the feeling that she didn't quite believe what you were saying.
"Whatever you say, Y/N," she finally said, standing up from her seat. "But seriously, if you need to talk or anything, I’m here for you."
"I know."
"Well, seeing that you're as calm as a lake, we’d better hurry up," she told you. "The last free practice session is about to start, and Seb is probably worried why we haven’t come back yet."
You prepared to leave the room with her. You were more than sure to go with her, but as you were almost out the room, you realize it was now or never.
You stopped before going from the driver’s room to the garage, watching Britta hurry down the stairs, probably aware that you were running late even though there were still about forty-five minutes before the session started.
"Wait, Britta. Just a sec!"
You were convinced your shout from the top of the stairs was heard by more people than you’d like. You wished you could turn invisible as you saw some eyes on you, including Britta’s, which made it hard to speak, and not to mention the variety of emotions you were feeling inside you.
You needed to calm down and act a bit better, or everything you’d been mulling over will end up falling apart.
"I’d like to talk to Seb… alone," you finally said.
"Y/N Y/L/N," she said your name much more seriously now. "You’ve told me that everything is fine, but… are you sure it really is? Are you sure nothing’s wrong?"
No, everything is wrong, and yes, more things are happening than I’d like.
You knew you could trust Britta completely. You were sure that if you told her the news before you did to Seb, she wouldn’t say anything, at least not right away. You wanted to do it; in fact, you’d love to do it because she was like a second mother to you, but you knew you couldn't because, once you left, there’s a really high chance she might end up telling him everything in a moment of weakness.
"Yes, yes, I’m fine. It’s nothing serious, don’t worry," you replied with a sigh, trying to console the PR woman and yourself. "I just need to talk to him about… well, a minor issue."
"Of course. Go get him, I’ll wait here. He’s probably talking to Rocky or Horner about who knows what. He hasn’t gone far, especially considering how eager he was to see you."
"Can you get him for me?" you let it out casually.
You ignored her last comment because now, your nerves were eating you alive. Britta seemed to notice your anxiety, so you were grateful she ignored it and acted as if nothing is wrong.
You sighed in relief when you saw her nod, and you couldn't stop thanking her out loud for what she just did for you.
"Lie down on the physio’s couch and try to rest a bit, you look a bit pale," she insisted. Reluctantly, and after repeating it a couple more times, you finally listened to her. "Seb will be here soon. You know he’ll drop everything when it comes to you."
And it was true. Once she left, you remained lying down, drawing small shapes on your stomach with your index finger. As you whispered things to what would supposedly be your child, a whirlwind of varied thoughts flooded your mind.
A small pressure settled in your chest as you became aware that the idea of breaking up with Sebastian was becoming a reality. You didn't want to face it and largely refused to, but you knew that for both of you, especially him, it was actually the best.
Hiding the truth from the guy you’d loved longer than you’d like to admit is exactly the opposite of what you should do, but because he was the most important person in your life, and you knew him almost as well as yourself, you knew he'd have time to play moms and dads in real life.
This year, the only thing he should focus on was winning his fourth Formula 1 World Championship, not learning how to change diapers or feed a baby.
Your thoughts vanished when the door opened abruptly, startling you. Seb appeared with his suit hanging at his waist, hair completely tousled, and a face revealing worry matching the situation you haven’t told him about yet.
"Sunshine! Britta told me you’re not well. What happened? Do you want to go to the doctor? I don’t care about missing the free practice: you’re the most important thing."
The German quickly took your cheeks in his hands. You hadn’t even sat up, and he was already trying to warm your face with his palms, moving it from side to side and examining you as if he was a doctor with the solution to your problems.
"I’m fine, love, relax," you said, breaking free from his grip.
"I know you better than I’d like, Y/N. You’re pale," he pointed out. "You rarely get pale. The last time I saw you like this was when the police chased us after they caught you doing an illegal concert in the school square."
Your anxiety grew more at his perception. You couldn't hide the lie you concocted with Hanna for much longer.
"Seb, really, I’m fine," you insisted, swallowing hard as you tried to find the right words.
He didn't seem to agree with your answer once again, and he didn't seem willing to let it go easily.
For a moment, you were tempted to tell him the truth, especially when you noticed his eyes fixed on you, not intending to look away until he found out what you really wanted to say… As if he wants to know that he was going to be a father next January if your gynecologist’s calculations and the latest technology were correct.
You mustered the courage to look him in the eyes. His concern overwhelmed you completely. When he made a move to hug you and you fell into his arms, you knew you couldn't keep dodging the truth.
"Seb…" you started to say, slowly pulling away from him, "the truth is that... well, there's something wrong."
He clenched his jaw and got very serious.
"Tell me, Y/N. Whatever it is, you know you can tell me."
"I know, love. I want to tell you everything, but…" you began calmly, your voice breaking. "This is different, and it’s going to be a bit difficult."
"What do you mean by different and difficult? Y/N, what’s going on?"
Your hands fidgeted nervously as you tried to find the best way to cause him the least harm possible. You noticed that the German's nervous and worried tone had dissipated, and now it was anger that seemed to be consuming him.
"I want to tell you, but I don’t know how to do it without hurting you," you admitted in a whisper.
There it was, you had let it slip.
You didn’t know what else to say, so you decided to wait for Sebastian’s response. Anguish had taken hold of him, and you knew he was waiting for your words as much as you were waiting for his.
His behavior wasn’t helping you; on the contrary, the feeling of guilt was consuming you, as you had foreseen, but there was no turning back now.
It was impossible for you to even think coherently enough to say something that made sense.
You watched as your boyfriend’s gaze turned into pure pain, a pleading search for answers that you didn’t dare to give him.
"Seb…" you spoke again, struggling to maintain your composure and reaching for his hand at the same time. "I need you to listen to me, please."
"I just want you to tell me the truth, Y/N," he called you by your full name. That was the indicator that things weren’t going well and wouldn’t be again. "Whatever it is, I’ll be able to deal with it."
"I don’t want us to be together anymore," you declared. "I’m not in love with you anymore. I haven’t been for about a month or so."
The silence that flooded the room after your false confession was too uncomfortable. His eyes filled with tears; yours did too, but for a different reason than his.
He thought you had stopped loving him when, in fact, you loved him more than ever, especially now.
"Why are you telling me this? Why, Y/N?" he wanted to know. "I thought we were great… I really believed we were better than ever."
"I don’t know, Seb," you murmured between sobs, trying to hide your face so he wouldn’t see how truly affected you were. "There are… there are couples that stop loving each other, and that’s what I think has happened with me. With us."
"What can I do to make you fall in love with me again? I can’t lose you. I can’t lose the sunshine of my life, not when we promised each other a life together."
"You can’t do anything, Seb, and I’m really sorry," you falsely admitted with sadness, trying not to succumb to his desperate plea.
"Sometimes things stop being what they were in the beginning, and, well… ours is no longer what it used to be."
"Of course, it’s not what it used to be! Everything was getting better until you decided to drop this on me, Y/N!" Sebastian yelled at you.
"I was even going to ask you if you wanted us to get…"
"And that’s why I feel it’s better if we move on, but each on our own path!" you interrupted with another shout.
It’s not real, Y/N. Everything you’re saying is a lie.
You inhaled and exhaled more times than you would have liked, but it felt necessary. This charade to try to make Seb’s life a little better was not only costing you your relationship but also your mental health in the long run.
"Is there someone else, Y/N?"
Vettel's voice denoted anger. Rage consumed him at the possibility that there was an answer he didn’t want to hear. His fists, clenched tightly and turning his knuckles white, were proof of it.
"No, not exactly."
And once again, the camouflaged truth.
"What are you saying?" he spat at you, getting closer and closer, consumed by anguish.
"I mean not exactly, but… yes. There is someone else, Seb," you admitted.
The shouts, full of reproaches, insults, and slurs, flooded the room.
You tried to turn a deaf ear. You thought this was all part of a performance and tried to convince yourself that in the future, everything would be fine when you knew it would be the opposite.
"How could you do this to me, Y/N?! How could you cheat on me after almost seven fucking years together?!" Sebastian shouted, taking out his anger on a vase on his desk, throwing it to the ground, spilling the water and the flowers he had given you just a day ago.
"We’ve been through so many things together. We’ve grown up together and fulfilled our dreams together, and now you’re leaving me for some guy you must have slept with on a whim?!"
"Do you think this is easy for me, Sebastian?" you replied, your words true for once. "Stop lying, okay? The only person who has fulfilled their dreams here is you," you said, showing your disagreement on that topic that you knew hurt you and that he had mentioned to hurt you. "While you’ve been living your life as a driver and being the center of attention, I’ve kept working in the same disgusting bar full of creepy old men I’ve been working at since I finished high school," you shouted, furious. You knew this kind of stress wasn’t good for the baby, but right now you didn’t care. "I’ve been saving as much as I could to build a prosperous future even though my salary was a pittance, composing songs and singing them with the hope that they’ll reach someone someday and not be forgotten."
"I’ve told you a million times that you don’t need to work in that fucking bar full of drunk old men who fuck you with their eyes to have a good life," he protested, now much calmer. "With what they pay me we can live comfortably. It's more than enough for both of us."
"I know," you responded calmly, though you were on the verge of an anxiety attack, "but I also know that I can achieve things on my own without anyone’s help."
The blonde let out an ironic laugh. Immediately, he crossed his arms, lifted his head, and looked at you.
"You’ve always been too stubborn, Y/N. Now I see what your future expectations are. After all, I understand: if you never got into the Berlin Art Academy on your own, and you’re still working at the same place after so long…"
You stood still, not knowing what to say or do because you knew exactly what he meant with every word that came out of his mouth. It felt like your feet were cemented to the ground; his words continuously hitting you, wanting to hurt you more and more.
"How dare you to say that to me?"
If you were already shaken and almost broken after this whole conversation, now you were completely sunk. Seeing your reaction, tears streaming down your cheeks non-stop, he seemed to regret it.
Quickly, he approached you, opening his arms intending for you to bury yourself in them. You, as stubborn as he said you were, refused not only the hug but any physical and non-physical contact he wanted to have with you.
"Y/N, I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to say that," yes, that was clear, but it had already been said, and the damage was done. "I was wrong. Please forgive me."
No matter how much he kept talking, trying to apologize and make amends, there was nothing else to do.
Without saying anything else, you began to gather all your belongings from the driver’s room of who could now be considered your ex-boyfriend. You didn’t want to do it; you didn’t want to start the zero-contact phase with the boy you had loved since you were ten years old, the one who had loved you like no one ever had before and like no one ever would.
You were saying goodbye to the father of your child to venture into raising her alone so he could pursue his dream in peace and achieve all the successes he so longed for.
“What are you doing, Y/N?”
“Packing. I’m leaving.”
Your eyes were fixed on the floor, your hands fumbling with the few belongings left to pack in the small backpack you usually took to the paddock. Now, you would have to return to your hotel room and quickly pack everything into the suitcase, rush to the airport, and pray you didn’t miss the flight.
“What do you mean, you’re leaving?” the blonde frowned, incredulous. “It’s Friday, Y/N, we have the whole weekend ahead of us.”
“Well, from now on, you’ll have all the weekends to yourself,” you shook your head, unable to bear his comments trying to make you stay. “From now on, you won’t have me here on weekends, nor in your life. I’m leaving your life, and I’m not coming back,” you repeated, emphasizing the finality of your words.
Vettel was speechless at your declaration. He kept shaking his head, approaching you, trying to take your belongings, but you stopped him.
No matter how much you wanted to, you weren’t going to stay.
“What do you mean by ‘leaving my life and not coming back’?”
“It means I’m going back to Heppenheim, Sebastian,” you turned to him, trying to maintain composure. “I’m going back, you’ll also end up going back even though we live… you live in Switzerland,” you immediately corrected yourself, “but I hope we never see each other again.”
The firmness behind your words scared you. Everything was a lie that, as the conversation progressed, had grown until you doubted what was real and what wasn’t.
“I really hope you achieve everything you are working hard for,” you continued, insisting to yourself not to break down right there. “I hope you win the championship this year and get the four consecutive ones you’ve wanted for. You, more than anyone, deserve all of it, and I know you’re capable of that and much more.”
You said nothing more because you had stopped being strong. You left, without looking back, the room where you had spent much more time than imaginable, and one of the many places that made up the story starring Sebastian Vettel and you.
You carefully descended the stairs. You walked with a false sense of security through the RedBull garage, dodging any questions about why you were crying, where you were going, and if you had argued with the team’s golden boy, including the endless questions from Britta Roeske that you were trying to ignore at all costs.
You felt curious eyes following you wherever you went, but you didn’t care in the slightest. It was all done.
Now, it was just you and the little pea, or whatever size the baby was.
“Y/N, wait!”
Sebastian’s desperate shouts echoed behind you, getting closer.
You stopped dead, clutching the only strap of the backpack hanging over your shoulder. You slowly turned toward the direction the voices seemed to be coming from and saw the driver running to you, almost choking, as he wiped tears from his cheeks and even those still falling from his eyes.
“I love you, Y/N.”
His voice was choked, and his hands acted on their own. Still, it didn’t stop him from taking your face in his hands and pulling you into a kiss that unleashed a whirlwind of emotions, where you tasted each other’s tears as you had done many times in your relationship. Where you silently said millions of I love yous that only you and he knew perfectly.
“Please, don’t go, sunshine,” the German expressed. “Whatever it is, we can work on it, but please, don’t let us end.”
“I love you too, Seb, but there’s someone else.”
You finally confessed… not in the most ideal way, but in the right one, especially considering what your goal was after all this trail of lies.
“There’s a new person in my life, and I’m afraid to say that no matter how much I love you, I love them more than I love you, and I always will,” you continued, knowing that every word you were saying about your baby was true. “I love you, Sebastian Vettel, and I’ll never stop loving you, but that person is my main priority right now.”
“Have you been unfaithful?”
Sometimes silence is worth more than a thousand words. In this case, it was the exact opposite.
You stood in front of him for a few seconds, debating internally whether to answer or leave as calmly as possible, without attracting more attention than you already had. You decided on the latter because you couldn’t speak, and the tears wouldn’t let you see clearly; not to mention your judgment was so clouded that you couldn’t think clearly about the next step to end this nightmare.
You finally directed one last look at Seb; whispered that you loved him and always would, even though it was over between you.
All it took was for you to lower your head, turn around, and continue walking, fighting not to look back, to realize that you had made the biggest mistake of your life and would never, for anything in the world, be able to forgive yourself.
And you knew perfectly well that Seb wouldn’t either.
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mysteryshoptls · 3 months
SSR Idia Shroud - Tsumsitter Vignette
"A Moment with Idiatsum I"
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[Main Street]
―Idia and Vil, immediately after encountering their look-alike tsums…
Vil: Honestly, what a handful they are… Idia, we must capture those tsums.
Idia: Eeh…!? Wh-why do I have to go with you…?
Vil: Are you content with having those peanuts outfox us? Quickly, now!
Idia: Urrgh, why is this happening to me…? I shouldn't've gone outside…
[Idia and Vil start searching]
Idia: Not like we even know where the tsums ran off too…
Vil: Oh! I found a tsum! Idia, help me capture it.
Idia: Eep…! As you wish…!
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Vil: Good thing we were able to capture it fairly quickly. Be good, now, peanut.
Idia: Can't believe we found it posing under a lamp light… Fuheehee, Vil-shi, your tsum's real silly~
Vil: And do you think you have any time to be prattling away, still? Hurry and find your tsum already.
Vil: I'll be heading off to the Headmage's office now.
Idia: HUH!? Why…?
Vil: Well, why not? There's no reason for me to stay here longer than I need to.
Idia: B-But…! I came in as reinforcements to capture your tsum!
Vil: All you did was follow many paces behind me. So, goodbye.
Idia: W-Wait, wait, wait a moment! We just took our eyes off the tsums for a sec and they vanished, right!?
Idia: That means their speed stats are way too OP! There's no way I can catch them with my own weak skill set…
Vil: I understand what you're trying to say, but… It would just be a waste of my time to go searching for it without any plan.
Idia: I-I think I can guess where Tsum-shi would be… And I have a strat forming.
Vil: What are you thinking?
Idia: J-Just hear me out.
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[Interior Hallway]
Vil: If this tsum takes after the introverted Idia, of course it would run indoors… Makes perfect sense.
Vil: Now it comes down to whether your ace strategy will succeed…
Idia: And, here we go. Pretty good for something I just slapped together with what I had on hand.
Vil: All you did was lean a basket on a vertical stick and laid a tablet underneath it. What's "pretty good" about it?
Vil: And the tablet is just playing some weird music on loop. What an eerie noise.
Idia: Huh? You seriously doesn't get how good this BGM is? This is why I just can't with normies…
Vil: You're planning to lure the tsum here with this music, yes? We should go hide ourselves in the shadows now.
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[Idia's tsum follows the sound to the tablet]
Idia: Ah…
Vil: I can't believe it actually appeared…
Idia: Perf, it's checking out the tablet. Now all I have to do is pull the string attached to the string, and…
Idia: It's under the basket!
[the tsum starts running frantically]
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Idia: Wait, it's trying to run away even with the basket over it! Vil-shi, help!
Vil: Fine. You owe me for this, Idia.
[the tsum continues running]
[the tsum slows and finally stops]
Vil: …Oh, it stopped running. Perhaps it's accepted defeat.
Idia: I-I bet… It's just out of energy. It's kind of unsettling to see that it lacks stamina like me, too...
Vil: Well, at least your plan worked. Now then, we should hurry on to the Headmage's office.
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[Ignihyde Dorm – Idia's Room]
Idia: Whew~ …Finally got to escape. I can't deal being stuck in the Headmage's office with that many people.
Idia: But still…
Idia: Tsum-shi, you've just been trying to avoid looking at anything, huh. …I mean, I definitely get it, tho.
Idia: I'm just as uncomfortable as you, you know… Didn't think the day would come that I'd let anyone else other than Ortho in here.
Idia: I guess if you're really like me, then you won't try to go outside anytime soon, so… Just gotta chill for now.
Idia: Think I'll just jump back into grinding in my online game to get outta this funk. 'Specially since we're in the middle of a EXP UP event.
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Idia: Ugh, I fell asleep in the middle of my game again… Oh, it's 4:00 already. Gotta snag my login bonuses.
Idia: Hmm, where's my tablet? …Huh? I swear I threw it on my bed when I got back to my room…
Idia: More importantly, what's with this cardboard box? It's just sitting in the middle of my room, getting in my way…
Idia: EEK!? The box moved on its own!?
Idia: Oh… I think I see what's happening… But I think I'll take a peek inside just in case.
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[Idiatsum is under the box playing with the tablet]
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Idia: Yuup, that was a given. So, Tsum-shi, what 're you doing with my tablet…?
Idia: …You're just re-rolling tutorial banners in some game??
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"A Moment with Idiatsum II"
[Ignihyde Dorm – Idia's Room]
Idia: I showed it Premo merch, and the computer I built myself… Even showed it a ton of my other prized stuff…
Idia: But after all that, it got mad over MMORPG class roles. I'm so over this Tsum-shi.
Idia: Ugggh~ I was dumb, thinkin' I could take care of it myself. I'm not gonna do anything for it anymore.
Ortho: But you have to, the Headmage gave it to you to look after.
Idia: It'll be fine on its own. Or what, you wanna look after it?
Ortho: Hmmm, I don't really mind, but… I have to get going to my Film Research Club after this.
Idia: Eh!? You're heading out!?
Ortho: It'll be alright! I'm sure you and the tsum'll patch things up! See you later!
Idia: Be safe…
[Ortho leaves]
[Idiatsum pings on the tablet…]
Idia: Ortho left… And now I'm stuck all alone with Tsum-shi, even though we're not getting along… THIS SUCKS!!!
Idia: Ughhh, I don't want to deal with it anymore, but I gotta at least get my tablet back from it…
Idia: U-Um… Think you could give my tablet back anytime soon?
Idia: Eeep!? N-Nevermind…
Idia: Wait, why am I backing off, anyway? That's my tablet, isn’t it?
[Idiatsum pings on the tablet…]
Idia: At this rate, I'll lose my consecutive login streak… I have to get that tablet back somehow!
Idia: What can I do to grab its attention…? I've already shown every Premo thing I have, and my custom build computer…
Idia: What else would catch my eye…? Ah! I got it.
Idia: …Cool. Let's get it done.
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[Idiatsum pings on the tablet…]
Idia: Hey, Tsum-shi~ can I bug you for a sec?
[Idiatsum gives Idia a grumpy stare]
Idia: It's still cranky, huh. Hey, come on, I'm the one that wants to be upset here… No, wait, I mean…
Idia: I made something pretty cool for you, Tsum-shi.
Idia: Think of it as a peace offering… This is for you.
[Idiatsum perks up]
Idia: Ohoo~ Do you like it? You see, this is…
[room door opens]
Ortho: I'm back! Were you two able to patch things up?
Idia: Perfect timing, Ortho~! We're just about to come to a compromise.
Ortho: What do you mean, compromise?
Idia: I built a super amazing multi-functional sofa to pull the Tsum-shi in… Or more aptly named, "Tsum-Melting Sofa"!
Ortho: You're going to… melt the tsum?
[the tsum happily hops]
Idia: Ooh. Looks like it gets just how awesome this sofa is.
Idia: Come on, Tsum-shi, sit, sit!
Idia: Time to show the features off ASAP. First... We have this!
[sofa shines brightly]
Ortho: Woah, the sofa lit up like a rainbow!
Idia: That's a must for gamers, you know. As for why it's gotta light up like that, no comment.
[the massage function is activated]
Idia: Then there's the massage function. Nerds like us tend to get tension all up in our shoulders and backs and such.
Idia: Next is this: Inside the sofa is a 7.1 surround sound system with an amp and woofer embedded with it.
[tsum hops to music]
Ortho: Nice, looks like the tsum is pretty into it!
Idia: Use this alongside the massager function and it'll sooth both your mind and body.
Idia: There's a bunch of other functions, too, like a monitor extension, unfolding footrest, easy reclining…
Idia: But that's not enough for you, right, Tsum-shi? Oh, I know.
Idia: Everything until now has just been the prologue. From here on out… We'll tackle the true face of this sofa!
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"A Moment with Idiatsum III"
[Ignihyde Dorm – Idia's Room]
Idia: But that's not enough for you, right, Tsum-shi? Oh, I know.
Idia: Everything until now has just been the prologue. From here on out… We'll tackle the true face of this sofa!
Idia: Let's turn it… ON!
Idia: Fhee hee hee hee! Looking at Tsum-shi's reaction, it's super effective!
Ortho: The tsum is really excited. Nii-san, what kind of function is that supposed to be?
Idia: Listen and be amazed, this sofa is integrated with MR… a Mixed Reality display!!
Ortho: Huh!? MR is that function that combines the real world with anchored virtual elements, right?
Ortho: The tsum doesn't even have a headset… You're amazing!!
Idia: I mean~ At first I thought about making it come with a headset, but I just kinda found my groove while making it.
Idia: This kind of tech is basically still in beta, but yeah, I rocked it… Oh man, that's a W for me. Heehee!
[the tsum hops happily]
Ortho: The tsum is overjoyed, too. I wonder what it's seeing.
Idia: The default setting is a live performance vide of Premo, so I bet Tsum-shi feels like its right there in the action.
Ortho: Makes sense. Hehe, it looks so happy.
Idia: Yeaaah, glad it's happy with it. Let me grab my tablet before anything else happens…
Idia: Perf, I finally got it back. Now I can keep my consecutive login streak going.
Ortho: Was that your goal here all along?
Idia: Obviously?
Ortho: Yeah, I definitely couldn't believe my eyes when it looked like you had made a real cool sofa to reconcile with the tsum, but…
Ortho: Now that I know it was for the sake of your games, it makes so much more sense!
Idia: See, you get me, Ortho~
Idia: Sides, that sofa is basically just a prototype. I adjusted a blueprint that I had made for myself down to Tsum-shi's size…
Idia: Then I just made it with whatever I had on hand, so there's a ton of functions still missing.
Idia: I'll make sure to collect as much data as possible before it heads back home.
[tsum hops off the sofa]
Ortho: Oh hey, the tsum jumped off the sofa.
Idia: HUH!?
Ortho: It's all smiles. Maybe it's trying to thank you?
Idia: Ah, is that it…?
Idia: Fuheehee! I knew you'd get how cool all those functions were, Tsum-shi.
Ortho: It's great that you and the tsum are getting along again!
Idia: …I guess so. We might've bumped heads, but we're both nerds in the end.
Idia: Guess it's not totally a bad thing that we'll part on good terms, especially since I got to meet someone just like me…
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Requested by @farfalla049.
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ereardon · 5 months
Before I Knew [Jake Seresin x Reader] Chapter Nine
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A Jake Seresin unexpected pregnancy fic
Overview: On your first night after moving to San Diego to spend more time with your brother Bob, you unknowingly have a one night stand with his teammate Jake Seresin. For the first time in his whole life, Bob has a closely knit friend group and you’re desperate not to rock the boat. But an unexpected and unplanned pregnancy upends your world, forcing you and Jake closer together, against Bob’s wishes. What will happen when you find yourself actually falling for the father of your unborn child? 
Pairing: Jake Seresin x Reader; Bob Floyd x Sister!Reader 
Warnings: Pregnancy, cursing, eventual smut, angst
Chapter summary: Ducky and Bob have a heart-to-heart after his accident
WC: 1.7K
Masterlist here; previous chapter here
You were officially in your second trimester. Twelve weeks. 
You stood in the mirror, holding your hands against your lower stomach. There was a definitive bulge. More than gas or constipation or a food baby. 
A real baby. 
“Y/N?” Jake’s voice floated through the apartment. “I’m home.” 
“One sec,” you called out, pulling your loose shirt back down. You didn’t want him to see it. Even though the secret was out, you still felt like it was just for you to know it was there. In the kitchen, Jake set down a pizza and a bag of groceries. 
“I got dinner.” 
“I’m starving,” you replied, sitting down on a chair at the table and flinging the box open. “Hell yes.” 
He chuckled, leaning back against the cabinets, green eyes watching you greedily as you pulled a cheesy slice out, savoring it on your tongue. “That baby is going to be thirty pounds and twenty of it is going to be cheese.” 
“Shut up,” you replied between mouthfuls. “It’s your fault if they’re enormous. Isn’t that the man’s genes or something?” 
“I see you’re reading the pregnancy books.” 
You rolled your eyes. “Like you are.” 
“Actually, I am.” You looked up, squinting. Jake shrugged. “What? Not much to do during training when we’re waiting for a group to do their test flight.” 
“So you’re telling me Mr. Pilot sits around and reads What To Expect When You’re Expecting between top secret dangerous missions?” 
Jake took a seat across the table and yanked on a slice of pizza. “Pretty much.” 
“You’re not what I expected,” you replied sincerely. 
His eyes landed on yours. “You’re better than I expected.” 
A silence enveloped the room. “Jake—”
Your cell phone buzzed on the table. 
“Hello?” You listened intently for a moment, eyes widening. Jake’s gaze never left yours. “Thank you,” you whispered, pulling the phone away. 
“What is it?” he asked. “Y/N? Is everything OK?” 
“It’s Bob,” you murmured. “He’s awake.” 
Anxiety — heavy and damp — sat in your chest, curled around your stomach, clenching your insides. You took a deep, quivering breath, and pushed the door open. 
Bobby looked up, squinting from behind his large frames. He looked thinner, the effects of being in a coma for almost five days. 
Quietly, you stepped closer. “Hi.” 
“Hi Ducky.” 
You choked back a sob. “How are you?” 
“Terrible,” he replied and you frowned, looking over at the monitors. But nothing was beeping or going insane. Nothing felt out of the ordinary. Bob shook his head. “I’m fine, honey. I just messed up.” 
“Phoenix said there was nothing that could have been done differently. That there wasn’t even time to think.” 
He shook his head and grimaced. “Not about that. I don’t care about that. I messed up with you. With us.” 
“Oh.” Your voice trembled. “Bobby, I—”
“I love you, Ducky,” he said and you felt a tear slip down your cheek. “And I fucked it all up. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” 
“It’s OK.” 
“It’s not,” Bob said. There was an exhaustion in his voice. “You needed me. And I did the opposite of what I should have. I spent my whole life trying to be a good brother. And the second you really, truly needed me, I pushed you away.” 
“You were mad at me,” you whispered. “I messed up everything you did to get me where I was supposed to go. I get it.” 
Bob shook his head. “It’s not my job to tell you what to do with your life, Y/N.”
“You’re just realizing that?” 
He smiled softly. “I’m a little behind.” Bob paused. “Will you forgive me?” 
Bob reached out a hand and you took it. How many times had you held Bob’s hand in yours? You could count very few times when you were the one taking care of him. You reached down and pulled the hem of your shirt up, exposing your bare stomach. Bob’s eyes went wide as you pressed his flat palm against your warm skin. He could feel the raised curve of your expanding belly. 
“Promise me something, Bobby,” you whispered. He nodded. “You don’t leave us again.” 
Tears flooded his eyes and you pressed down against his hand, the two of you covering the bump with your intertwined fingertips as he sobbed. After a moment, you leaned forward, wrapping your arms around his neck, holding him close. Bob’s fingers gripped you, hard, holding you so tight you thought he might never let you go. “I promise, Ducky,” he whispered into your ear. “I love you.” 
“I love you, too, Bobby.” 
You had an armful of books, leaning against the front door trying to undo the lock when it swung open unexpectedly and you tumbled inside. A pair of warm arms caught you midair. “Woah!” 
Jake pushed you to an upright position, one of his hands resting on your low back, the other pressed against your arm. “What are you doing carrying all of those?” he demanded, taking the books out of your hands and putting them down on the table. 
You rolled your eyes. “I work at a library, Jake. Don’t you think I carry around books all day?” 
“Guess I never thought about it,” he said. “But I don’t like it.” 
“You don’t have to pretend to be worried about me,” you huffed. 
“Who said I’m pretending?” 
The air in the room froze. You looked up at Jake. He had obviously gotten home only minutes before you because he was still wearing his flight suit, hair tousled and sweaty, some pieces matted to his forehead. It was unfair how good he looked when you were wearing practically a potato sack, the only thing that didn’t tug against your expanding stomach. You shook your head and put your tote bag down on the ground, whirling around to face him. “I think there’s some stuff we didn’t talk about when we moved in because of everything that was going on. So maybe we need to have that conversation.” 
Jake nodded and you two took a seat on the couch. God, the cushions felt good against your screaming back. How the hell you were going to do six more months of this you weren’t sure. “Alright, darlin’, I’m listening.” 
“That,” you said, raising a finger and he frowned. “Cute pet names.” 
“I can’t call you pet names?” 
“We’re roommates, Jake. Nothing more.” 
“You’re carrying my child.” His voice tipped as he said that last word. “You’re more than a roommate and we both know it.” 
“I’m just a girl who lives in the guest room,” you whispered. 
“Is that what you want?” 
You nodded. “I want you to live your life like you would normally. Date, even.” 
He raised an eyebrow. “You want me to date?” 
Jake squinted. “Are you going to date?” 
“Nobody wants me,” you replied and his face fell. “A pregnant twenty-three-year-old? Yeah, no, not the hottest commodity on the market.” 
“But if someone asked you?” 
You shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe.” 
Jake’s green eyes, normally so luminous, darkened. He nodded tightly. “Got it.” 
“You should feel free to date whoever you want,” you replied. “Phoenix, maybe.” 
“Nat? Seriously?” 
“Don’t act like you haven’t been there done that.” 
His eyebrows shot up. “She told you?” 
“Yup. Really get around, don’t you?” 
“Could say the same about you.” He looked up as the realization of what he had said crossed his mind. For a moment, the room was silent. Then you laughed, and so did Jake. 
“Fuck you,” you said, chuckling. “You’re a dick.” 
“It’s my unique draw.” 
“Well your pregnant roommate isn’t going to be much of a chick magnet,” you replied, standing up. “So I would go to the girl’s house, if given the option. I’ll do the same.” 
“Are you really going to fuck random guys?” Jake asked as you made your way toward the hallway and bedroom.
You turned. “I fucked you, didn’t I?” 
“Be careful you idiot!��� 
Bob shot you a dirty look. “Aren’t moms supposed to be nice?” 
“Not a mom yet,” you replied, hands resting on your stomach for a moment before you slapped a hot cheeto out of his hand. “Doctor said whole foods.” 
He groaned. “Can I have Hangman stay with me instead? He might actually be a better alternative.” 
“You’re stuck with me for another day,” you said, leaning back onto the couch. Bob sat in a reclining chair across from you. 
“You scared?” 
“I don’t know what’s crazier. That my little sister is going to be someone’s mom. Or that I’m going to be Uncle Bobby.” 
“Uncle Bobby,” you repeated. It sounded strangely familiar on your tongue. “It fits though.” 
“So you’re not mad at me?” he asked. 
You frowned. “Think this was the longest I’ve ever stayed mad at you in my life. Except maybe the time you donated my pony collection.” 
“I couldn’t have a horse girl for a sister,” he replied. “Besides, you were fifteen.” 
“Was not!” 
“Yes you were, because it was the same year I punched Mike Turner for kissing you on the front porch.” 
“God, that feels like ages ago.” 
“You were just a kid,” Bob replied softly. “You’re still a kid to me.” 
“I’m an adult, Bobby,” you whispered. “More adult than you.” 
“Why don’t you have a girlfriend?” 
Bob blushed. “No time, Ducky.”
“I’ve heard stories from the team.” You raised your eyebrow. “Apparently you’re a hot commodity at the bar.” 
“Don’t listen to anything Bradshaw says.” 
“Jake said it, too.”
“Really don’t listen to anything Hangman says.” 
“Are you happy, Bobby?” 
He frowned. “Does being in a relationship automatically make you happy?” 
“No,” you sighed. “But it’s better than being alone.” 
“You’re not alone, Ducky,” Bob said quietly. “You have me. And Jake, unfortunately.” 
You leaned back against the couch. “Yeah. I have you. And Jake.” 
Please follow my library page @ereardonlibrary as that will largely serve as my tag list. Anyone I previous promised to tag is here:
@blue-aconite @withahappyrefrain @wkndwlff @mamachasesmayhem @djs8891 @clancycucumber230 @gigisimsonmars @xomrsalliej4787xo @myfaveficrecs @mycobrakai1972 @sio-ina-bottle @joaquinwhorres @justanothermagicalsara @je-suis-prest-rachel @shanimallina87
@rosiahills22 @buckysteveloki-me  @kmc1989 @eloquentdreamer @mjisbby @seresinslady @seresinhangmanjake @blackwidownat2814 @bbyvanessaa  @mrsjobarnes @midnightmagpiemama @ingoaliesitrust @rockbottomphilosophies-blog @iangiemae @boiolay @sometimesanalice @na-ta-sh-aa @bobfloydsbabe @kmc1989 @rosiahills22 @palepeanutponyshoe @onceupona-happilyeverafter-love @mel119g @daggerspare-standingby @grxcisxhy-wp @mrsjobarnes @csmt-m @rockbottompunk-blog @joaquinwhorres @xoxabs88xox @spinning-away
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yndrgrl · 1 year
Could u do a aizawa fic pls
you found a new job under yandere! aizawa as a nanny for his cute kid
age gap. quirkless! au. soft! yandere. dom! aizawa
warning: nsfw, stalking, smacking/slapping, slight coercion??, punishment, daddy kink, sir kink, creampie
a/n: yayyy, first request 🥳 idk if you wanted a fluff or spicy fanfic... so i chose spicy haha. also sorry for taking so long, i just started a new job :0
it was a chance encounter, you truly believed. your first year of college just came to a close, & now you had too much free time while the money in your bank account was slowly declining. even if you saved as much as possible, you'd still end up spending all of your money then you'd have to dip into your savings account-- something that you didn't want to do.
so that began your search for a job. you used websites, applied in-person. you thought your resume was solid enough to land a job by now. but no. even though they claimed they were desperately hiring, they never hired you. some had the curtesy to at least let you know that they weren't going to go with you; the rest completely ghosted you. from receptionist to substitute teacher to bank teller, they all rejected you.
it was extremely frustrating to go through the interviewing process then you were ultimately rejected. it was as if someone had it out for you.
that chance encounter happened while you were on the phone with your best friend. you sat at a small round table in a cafe you frequent often.
"i just don't get it, jirou!" you exasperated, taking a sip from your drink. you let out a heavy sigh. with how much effort you've put into finding a new job, you should've been paid.
"i'm sure momo's dad has a job for you," the girl on the other line tried to assure. she was on her daily jog, so she was slightly out of breath as she spoke.
with your face propped in your hand, you responded, "we already tried. all the available positions are for people with like, actual degrees or something. besides, we're not close enough for her to make a whole new job for me."
"i'm sure a job will fall right into your lap," jirou said, rustles of clothes being picked up in the phone microphone. in some sort of messed-up irony, she was getting ready for work. the universe just loved toying with you.
you took a breath in to exclaim how much you needed the money, needed a job, when a man pulled out the chair across from your table. "i'm sorry, i don't mean to be rude & eavesdrop," he began, catching your attention.
"sorry jirou, i'll call you back in just a sec," you whispered, then you hung up. "um, sorry, can i help you?" you took mental note of his appearance-- you know, just in case something happens in this very public, very populated cafe.
just by looks, you'd assume he was in his early thirties. his jet black hair was tied into a bun, stray strands framing his face. there were bags under his eyes-- along with a noticeable scar under his left one. though his disheveled appearance, he took care of himself; his stubble was even & maintained. his shirt was tight around his arms & his chest, & you could faintly make out the shape of his muscles. & god, were they big. he was alluring, with that slight smirk of his.
he would've intimidated you, maybe even set off red flags if he didn't have a toddler bouncing on his leg, tugging his hair out of its bun. she bubbled words & strung together incoherent sentences in beg of attention of her dad.
"i apologize again, i really didn't mean to eavesdrop," he repeated. "it's just i couldn't help but overhear you were looking for a job?"
"yes!" you exclaimed, clearing your throat with an embarrassed blush on your face. "i am looking for a job."
"are you interested in being a live-in nanny for my little girl?"
it was a chance encounter, you truly believed.
the job & its perks were almost too perfect, but you're not complaining. you got to move into the basement of his suburban home for free, he would cook you breakfast & make sure the fridge & cabinets were well-stocked. for nearly $25 an hour, you were living the dream.
eri, his -adoptive- daughter, was an absolute gem as well. she was a cheery toddler who loves life. she's not a picky eater, she loves picking out her own outfits, & if you turned off her show, she would pout for a little bit then bounce back for the next activity. never once has she screamed & shouted. she would cling onto her father almost all the time when he was home.
speaking of her father, you learned his name was shota aizawa, so, naturally, you call him mr. aizawa or sir. he would constantly ask you would other things you wanted, not needed. he would take you shopping, calling it a bonus. your living area was decorated, & you didn't even have to pay a dime! there were times where you felt more like a sugar baby than a nanny, in all honesty.
not that you minded. one look at him & you could already feel your heart beat quicken. maybe it was your daddy issues that just scream when you choose a guy you're into, but he was exactly your type. he's protective, yet soft. strong, yet humble.
you thought you hid your crush on him quite well, treating him as though he were any other person. sometimes you felt like he knew you were so utterly attracted to him.
"y/n," he called out, drawing you out of thought.
"u-uh yes sir?" you replied. you were dressed down still as it was the morning. he just finished breakfast & eri was fast asleep, bound to wake up at any moment. it was just the two of you.
"are you okay?" he asked. aizawa awaited for your answer while he plated your breakfast. he always insisted so you learned to let him.
as he walked towards you with your plate, you answered, "yeah, i'm okay."
he set down the plate in front of you from behind. aizawa bent over so his head was leveled with yours. both of his arms encased you, & if it weren't for the back of your chair, you would've been pressed against his chest. "are you sure?" he whispered into your ear. "i'm hear to listen, if you'd let me."
you turned your head to look at him because, somewhere in your strange logic, you thought it would've reduced the tension & made you less embarrassed. it did the opposite.
the tips of your noses touched, his lips only a few centimeters from yours. with half-lidded eyes, the way he looked at you made you quiver. you tried to create space between the two of you, only for your head to meet his arm. centimeters turned to an inch of space. "i-i am okay," you repeated.
"aw, don't lie to me," he said in teasing voice, but you could've been imagining it. "i know it's been hard, tell me about it~" you never would've thought he would have this amount of confidence-- mainly because, if he did, he should've been bringing home loads of women.
"i-i, it's just, um," you stumbled over your words. he had a smirk, amused. his eyes glanced down to your glossy, shaky lips, then back into your doe eyes, just waiting.
"daddy," eri called from the top of the staircase.
"y/n," he whispered.
"y-yes, mr. a-aizawa?"
"eat your food before it gets cold." & with that, he pulled away from you, sauntering upstairs to grab eri. left stunned, you picked at your food.
oh, how you loved telling your friends about how hot your boss is.
after that incident, you had to tell all your friends about it, so, during your guys' weekly, weekend, late night group facetime.
"oh, my god!" uraraka squealed. "you HAVE to tell us more."
"yeah, that's literally so hot," jirou laughed. "see! you found a perfect job."
you had your phone propped against some random bottle as you snuck into the kitchen to fix yourself something to eat. another thing about eri is that, once she's asleep, nothing is waking that girl up. as for aizawa, he's usually up doing something else-- which explains the bags under his eyes & his scheduled naps.
while you dumped your noodles into a pot of boiling water, you said into your phone, "i'm not even exaggerating, it was the hottest thing to ever happen to me."
giggles erupted from your phone. "well, to be fair, you haven't had much luck with guys in the past," mina stated. it was true. while you were in high school -& this past year of college- you really didn't connect with any guys.
"maybe the problem was that they were all her age," joked jirou. hysterical laughter followed after. you were bent over, trying to catch your breath.
"that's not true! i could go for guys our age," you tried to defend yourself.
"okay, let's name every single one of your crushes ever," tsu said, her camera angle only showing her eyes.
all the other girls started to spit out whoever they could think of.
"remember keigo? he was like, 2 years older than us," momo said.
"that's not even that bad," you rolled your eyes, stirring your noodles & adding the seasoning packet.
"oh yeah?" jirou challenged, "what about shoto-"
"he's our age!" you cut her off to save yourself the embarrassment. "besides i didn't even like him."
"yeah cuz you liked his DAD," jirou finished, to which even more bowls of laughter erupted. okay, maybe you did have a thing for older guys.
"oh wow, y/n, i didn't know you had a thing for older guys," a voice spoke from behind you. you jumped, letting out a yelp.
your phone blasted all of your friends' laughter until you grabbed your phone & hung up. "o-oh hey, sir," you stuttered out. you hid your phone behind your back as if you were caught doing something wrong. you felt your phone vibrate, your friends begging to be on call again. "how much did you hear?"
"not much," shrugged aizawa as he grabbed a glass cup from the cabinet above you. that's when you realized how warm he was, how flushed his face was, how messy his hair fell. that's when you realized he was wearing nothing but a pair of sweatpants & a small towel around his neck.
"wh-what are you doing up," you coughed, taking in his physic-- just for a second, of course. veins protruded up his muscular biceps down his forearms. his pecs were in front of your face. they were well-toned. his washboard abs rose with every breath he took. you let yourself quickly -& ever so sneakily- glance downward. smaller veins & a trail of black hair were like arrows, pointing down his sweatpants. you gulped. was it normal to have a bulge that big-
"you know, it's rude to stare, y/n," aizawa whispered in your ear before pulling away. he walked toward the fridge that had a water dispenser attached to the freezer door. "i just need a cup of water after my workout," he answered in his regular voice to her question.
"oh, nice, nice," you said. a tense, awkward silence followed afterwards. "i-i'm sorry, i didnt mean to," you swallowed, "stare."
"right, i'm sure." & with that said, he left upstairs to get ready for bed.
aizawa loved teasing cute, little you. how could he not? your reactions were simply priceless. your face would get pink while you tried desperately to hide your embarrassment. your skittish eyes darted around the room just to avoid eye contact.
you weren't going to speak up because he knew that you "secretly" loved it. you'd probably make some lame excuse to defend yourself. you'd say, "well i'll let it slide just this once because i really need this job." which was the truth, it just wasn't the entire truth. aizawa knew though. he knew how much you craved his closeness.
he loves teasing you, but he's not a monster.
that's why he whispers in your ear, caging you between him & some other surface. he fed into your fantasies while fueling his own.
he thinks about you. all the time. more than you'll ever know.
what you believed to be a chance encounter was -in fact- a calculated, perfectly-executed plan concocted by aizawa. you might've never noticed him until he introduced himself, but you're so eye catching; it was only natural for him to notice you.
at first, he cursed himself to the moon & back for being attracted to someone ten years younger than him. you're only twenty-three, why is he so charmed by you?
determined to find a fault in your character, he learned your daily routine, find your social handles, grasping at anything. he was expecting to find out that maybe you're so much of an alcoholic that you practically live at a bar or that you have eighteen children with twelve different guys. but no, he found nothing terrible about you.
all of your habits he found adorable-- especially the face you make when you're frustrated. he would watch from afar as you grunted & groaned at your laptop screen. the day at the cafe he figured out why you were so upset lately.
that's why he offered you the job, out of the kindness of his heart. no other reason.
he just wanted to make sure that you stay happy & safe, which is why he installed secret cameras in the basement before you moved in.
he loved to tease you. he loved to rile you up.
he'd tease you so badly that you -at the dead of night- spread you legs wide towards the camera & play with yourself with your fingers, moaning desperately for him. all while aizawa watched you.
tonight was different though because, with the money he gave you, you bought yourself something new. tonight, you had a bright pink vibrator stimulate your clit while your eyes rolled back in ecstasy. aizawa was offended, in all honesty. it was almost like you were mocking him.
he could do better than some toy. you should've known that. he was angry, aroused, & ready to make his move.
you were unsuspecting. usually you were hyper-aware of your surroundings when you masterbated, scared of getting caught. however, this was your first time using a vibrator, & god, it felt so good. you've never experienced anything like it before. blood rushed to your ears as you could only listen to the vibrations & your choked-back moans.
aizawa crept down the stairs, into your basement. the floorboards would creak as a warning, but they fell on deaf ears. he opened the door to the basement, sneaking in. the only light that was on was a dimly lit lamp from your room. "ngh, ah." he heard your muffled moans, & his cock twitched in anticipation.
he bursted through the door, making you jump back & pull the closest thing over the bottom half of yourself. "s-sir! i-is something wrong?" you asked in a high-pitched voice as you tried to calm yourself down.
he gave you a glare, & you felt like you were in trouble, preparing for some sort of punishment. even though you didn't do anything wrong, it was him who barged in. "what. the fuck. do you think you're doing?" he seethed, closing the bedroom door. you were exposed, your juices so clearly staining your sheets.
"wh-what are you talking about-"
"don't give me that, y/n. you've been such a bad girl," he growled. aizawa stalked closer towards you as you gulped.
"n-no i haven't, i don't know what you mean, sir," you managed to say, watching him walk to the side of your bed.
"what were you doing then, hm?" he questioned with a mocking smirk. "tell me. i'd hate to do something brash over a misunderstanding."
"i-i was just laying down," you lied. he was standing at the edge of your bed, & you turned towards him. your gaze was met with his aching bulge, & you gushed all over your bed once more. you tried covering up the squelching with a yawn. "i-i'm kinda tired, you know." you were still staring at his crotch, licking your lips subconsciously.
suddenly, his hand shot to your face, his palm covering your mouth while his thumb & middle finger dug into your cheeks. "don't lie to me~ you were touching yourself, weren't you? using a dirty toy while you thought about me, hm?" you tried shaking your head but he grasped harder, making you still. "i said, don't fuckin' lie to me." he made you nod your head yes while you look up into his lusted eyes.
"you're such a bad girl, & you should know that i don't tolerate any kind of bad behavior," he informed, his gaze never breaking away from yours. "i'm going to sit down, & you're going to lay belly-down on my lap, alright, baby?"
you shook your head no once again, embarrassed. you knew that, the moment you would do that, he would catch you. after all, from the waist down, you had no clothing. "no?" he repeated in an almost sing-songy voice. "no?"
it happened so fast. one minute you were disobeying him, the next you were on his lap, just as he wanted. the baggy crop top rode up the arch of your back, & now you were practically naked -ass up- on your boss' lap. you buried your face into your messy duvet. you felt your core leak onto your inner thighs, hoping aizawa didn't notice your arousal. he did though; he loved it.
his fingers stroked your pussy as he slurred, "what a naughty girl, gettin' wet for me. y'know how much older i am, don't ya?"
you nodded your head, dripping onto his fingers.
"& ya still want me?"
you nodded, this time with a small squeak. he pulled your head back with his other hand entangled in your hair. "what was that, baby?"
"y-yes," you whispered out, hyperfixated on his fingers that teased you.
"yes what?"
"yes, i-i want you, sir," you moaned out. his middle finger ghosted over your clit, & you jolted closer to him for more friction.
"aww, you're so cute," he purred as he let go of your hair, allowing you to fall back into your bed. "it's a shame that you were so impatient though," he said with faux pity, "i have to punish you."
"no, please," you whined. "that's not fair!"
"not fair? oh darling, you brought this on yourself," he laughed. aizawa drew his hand away from your aching pussy, much to your dismay. the hand came back down, thrashing your ass cheek. you let out a muffled scream into your blanket as you were pushed forward with his force.
"what's wrong, y/n? can't handle a bit of spanking?"
"n-no! i-i want you... i-inside of me," you stuttered out with a red-tinted cheeks.
"aww, do you?"
you nodded eagerly. he, in response, growled lowly, "you're going to learn your lesson. i don't want to hear anymore whining. you're going to be my good girl, & take it, right?"
you just nodded again.
"i said, you're going to be a good girl for me, aren't you?"
"y-yes, sir!"
you let out a moan, looking back at him with teary eyes. you wanted an explanation why he spanked you again. you did everything right, didn't you? you were a good girl.
"you didn't apologize."
"i-i'm s-so sorry, daddy," you gasped out, then tried to explain why you called him that. "i-i didn't-"
"you're going to keep calling me that, right?"
"y-yes, daddy." your ass stung bright red, & you felt the tingling sensation as the blood rushed to your asscheeks. aizawa let his hand graze over you, squeezing you ever so slightly.
"sit up, & look at me, y/n," he commanded in a softer tone than before. mindlessly & eagerly, you sat up onto his lap. one hand gripped on your hip while the other was placed behind your back. you wrapped your arms around his neck to stay sitting up. he leaned in for a kiss, lips pressed against your plush ones. with the hand behind your back, he glided his nails over your back.
his tongue slid over your bottom lip before invading your mouth. you let out a moan as he kissed you. he was the one to pull away, you unconsciously leaned into him for another kiss. you were snapped out of your lust when he dove into your neck, nipping & kissing all over. between hickeys, he whispered, "see? good girls get a reward."
you just let out breathless moans. your arms were still around his neck while he lowered you onto the bed. "baby, i don't ever wanna punish you again," aizawa lied, slipping your crop top over your head before throwing it on the floor. he took of his shirt, chuckling when he saw how pink your ears got. "you know why i had to punish you though, don't you?"
"y-yes, i do, d-daddy," you stuttered out. it was hard to focus while he dragged his tongue over your body. he bit your collarbone, sucked on your tits, kissed down your torso. it was all so distracting.
"why did i have to punish you, y/n?"
"because i-i was p-playing with myself without y-your permission," you told him, sighs in between every word. you don't know how or when your legs were over his shoulders, & you didn't notice until he spoke.
every annunciation blew warm air to your throbbing heat. "such a smart girl, y/n~" he praised, his onyx eyes locking with your doe eyes. you didn't have to say anything, he could tell by your facial expressions how badly you needed him. he kitten-licked your pussy; it was so little, yet you couldn't help but squeak in delight.
"oh, my god," you moaned out, throwing your head back as he began to lap your juices. he groaned as his tongue flicked your clit.
"you taste so fuckin' good, baby," he uttered, diving back for more.
"thank you, daddy," you said, you didn't even know if he still wanted to punish you, but there was a chance that he did, & you didn't want this to stop.
"good girl."
he stimulated your clit with his tongue while three fingers pumped in & out of your hole. he pulled away from your pussy for a second, demanding, "look at me when you cum, got it?"
"yes d-daddy!" you yelled out, self-restraint turning into the opposite. a pressure built inside your core, threatening to pop at any second. you looked down, tears of pleasure & neediness rolling down your pink cheeks. "i-i'm gonna cum. please keep going, i'm gonna cum!" you let out a string of pleads & moans as you came all over aizawa's face.
he stood up, slipping off his pants & boxers. he kicked them away as he towered over you. he was standing on the edge of the bed while you lied with your legs spread. "you want me, y/n? you really want me?" he asked because if you wanted him to stop, he would. if you wanted him to do anything, he'd do it.
"i really want you," you said as sincerely as someone who just climaxed could say anything. "i-i just don't want this to be a one-time thing," you admitted.
he laughed, lining his cock with your entrance as he stroked your cheek with his thumb. "trust me, baby. this is not a one-time thing, i'm so addicted to you, y/n. you don't even know." he finished his short-lived speech by shoving his girthy dick into your cunt, & you remembered just how dominate aizawa was. you let out a scream due to the pain, unexpectedness, & utter pleasure you got all in a single moment.
his thrusts were soft & slow at first. you could feel every inch leave then plunge back into your weeping hole. "d-d-daddy, you're so big," you moaned while you wrapped your arms around his neck.
his pace picked up, hips jerking against you. your tits jiggled with every thrust, claps every time he went back inside you. he abused your sensitive g-spot, ramming himself in & out of you. your hands unraveled themselves around his neck, your nails digging into his muscular back. you let out babbles how you couldn't take it, how you were going stupid, & how you were going to cum. he groaned in response, "if you're saying anything other than daddy or more, shut your fuckin' mouth & take it like a good girl."
"n-ngh, ahhh, yesss daddy," you slurred, eyes rolling to the back of your head. you wanted him to slow down so you could think again, but you liked being mindless, you liked how you didn't have the energy or will power to think about anything in this fucked-up world. all that mattered in that moment was you, aizawa, & how good the two of you felt.
"you're so fuckin' beautiful, baby," he groaned, he couldn't help but compliment you. how could he not? you looked even better pinned under him than he imagined. "so tight for me."
"please let c-cum with me, daddy," you begged. he didn't respond for a second, & you started to doubt yourself.
"wh-where," he groaned out, thrusts becoming rough & sloppy.
he was losing composure. "where do you want me to cum?"
"inside," you answered quickly, wrapping your legs around his waist. you felt like you were in control now. "i-i want you inside of me when i cum all over your cock, d-daddy~"
"y/n. don't say stupid shit," he warned, knowing damn well he'd fold in an instant. you kept moaning with every thrust, begging for him to cum.
"p-please~ daddy, i deserve it. i-i've been a good girl," you whimpered. you jutted your bottom lip in a pout & tried to give your best puppy-dog eyes. every thrust he could see you twitch in pleasure, your expression couldn't hide how much you were enjoying this.
"fuckin' brat," he scowled. he watched you as you figured out how much power you truly have over him. he couldn't blame you for extorting it because that's what he did to you. at the end of the day though, you won.
he became sloppy & fast. his cock twitched inside of you when he saw your slutty expression-- tongue hanging out of your mouth, cheeks red, tears running down your face, eyes begging. & it was all because of him, how he fucked you. he was the cause of such a beautiful thing. finally, with a single thrust, he buried himself deep within you, cumming.
whiteness painted your insides while you came around him, clenching his twitching prick. "a-aizawa!" you screamed out in pure ecstasy.
deep breathes, panting, & sighs of content followed afterwards. he slipped out of your gaping hole, his sperm leaking out of your pussy. he climbed into your bed, coddling you. you were still shaky, senses heighten. you placed your head on his chest, listening to his heart beat slow.
he pulled the covers over the two of you. aizawa said while massaging your scalp, "you okay, baby?"
"mhm," you hummed, "i-i just never been fucked like that before."
he laughed, then kissed the top of your head. "i promise that this won't be the last time, y/n. i'm all yours." though he didn't say it, he was thinking, besides, guys your age won't know what to do with a bad girl like you.
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ihave-atummyache · 11 months
Stray Kids Imagine
Summary: some tsundere moments with the boys
18+ !! Mature themes and suggestive content
6.5k words
Bang Chan:
Before you ever even talked to Chan, you had a preconceived idea of him because of all the rumors surrounding his aura and persona by people who had never actually spoken a word to him.
You thought he was cold, standoffish, kind of scary, and a bit unapproachable, just as everyone else did. However, at a gathering with a few mutual friends, you found yourself with Chan beside the snack table and you could not have been more wrong. He was beyond kind to you and this was the first time you had ever even had a conversation with the handsome man.
All it took was this one conversation for you to absolutely fall head over heels for the man and you quickly exchanged numbers. One thing led to another and here you are, dating the absolute love of your life.
Everyone around the two of you, upon finding out you were seeing each other, were quite confused to say the least. You are known for being swwer and liked by everyone upon first meeting them. To everyone on the outside, you and Chan seemed like polar opposites. They assumed he was the tsundere boyfriend type and had impure thoughts of corrupting your image or other ulterior motives.
They figured he was using you for his own lustful desires and had no intentions of caring for you.
If only they had seen him outside of the environment that the two of you were associated with. You were often seen at parties and other get togethers, hanging out with friends. If they had seen him outside these social settings, they would he shocked.
Standing in line at the coffee shop? His hand was placed in your back pocket. Walking down the road in autumn? He had your hand interlocked with his own and had the bundle stuffed into his hoodie pocket, of course.
One night, he is throwing a party at his house and invites all of your and his friends to the get together. You run out of drinks and snacks much quicker than you initially anticipated and offer to go to the store and grab some more before it gets too late. Chan seems a bit reluctant to let you go which is perceived as possessiveness by the ones looking in, instead it was just concern for you walking alone.
"I don't mind walking with Y/n," your friend speaks up from the couch, a random man clinging on to her that you can only assume she was trying to escape from. "Perfect. Let's go," you reply and she quickly joins you.
"I'll be right back!" You assure to Hyunjin before walking out the door, assuming he would relay the message to you protective and concerned boyfriend. You step out the door and start down the hallway with your friend.
"You just saved me and you don't even know!" your friend grabs your arm and shakes it and you laugh but before you can even respond you feel your phone vibrating in your hand. You look at the screen and see Chan calling.
"Yes?" You answer the phone in a sing-song voice. You hear a little bit of shuffling on the other end and the faint music from the apartment in the background, as well as still being able to hear it since you were only a few steps away from the apartment.
"Baby, you didn't tell me you were leaving. You didn't even give me a goodbye kiss," you can practically hear the pout on Chan's face. You feel a small blush on your face as your shocked friend listens to your 'tsundere' boyfriend on the other end.
"Chris, I haven't even made it down the hall yet," you complain and place a hand on your hip before continuing, "Open the door, you big baby," you continue and turn around to head back towards his apartment. Before you can even take a step, his apartment door is swinging opening.
"One sec," you mumble to your friend and rush back to the apartment door, your sweet puppy dog of a boyfriend waiting for you with a pout on his perfect lips.
"Hi," you smile as you approach him and gently place your hand on the side of his face, bringing his lips to yours in a sweet kiss, slightly longer than a peck, but not long enough to embarrass you.
His hands rest on your lower back and he leans in, placing another quick kiss to your lips before pulling back and rubbing his nose against yours, causing you to scrunch your face.
"Hurry back. I miss you already," he complains and you roll your eyes at his cute clinginess. "Yes sir. I won't be long," you reassure him and pull his hands off your back. He grabs your hand and places a quick kiss to your knuckles before letting you back away from him.
You give your precious boyfriend one more smile before jogging back to your friend, waiting for you with her jaw practically on the ground. “Don't forget those drinks Jisung likes! He said you would know what he's talking about!" You hear him yell behind you and you hold out a thumbs up without turning around.
"Why do you look so shocked?" you approach your friend and she blinks at you a few times before closing her mouth. "Why do I look so shocked?!" she exclaims and grabs you by your shoulders before continuing, "I just found out your tsundere boyfriend is actually the biggest golden retriever boyfriend I have ever seen in my life!" She practically yells and you can't help the laughter that falls from your lips.
Lee Know:
You walk into the waiting room of the venue and see the back of your boyfriend's, Lee Know's, head sitting on a black leather couch. You walk up behind him and scratch his head gently. He leans into your touch, knowing it was you without having to look at you.
You circle the couch and sit next to him, pulling your legs up to sit cross legged. You scoot an inch closer to him and allow your knee to rest on top of his thigh.
"Hi evil bunny," you tease and he rolls his eyes, allowing his hand to find its way to your knee and rubbing shapes absentmindedly as you pull your phone out. It was only the two of you in the room and you were both enjoying the comfortable silence.
Before you could enjoy it too much, however, you hear the familiar loud echo of the rest of his bandmates' voices coming down the hall and towards the room. They boom into the room, singing God knows what and all start to gather in the seats around you.
"Hi, y/n," Han plops himself down on the opposite side of you and lays his head on your shoulder.
"Hi, Hannie," you reply and reach up, patting him gently on the cheek before continuing on your phone. He lets out a deep sigh before finishing his thoughts.
"Can you kill your boyfriend for me?" He speaks up again and you let out a chuckle.
"Yes of course. What did he do this time?" you inquire and lock your phone, placing it down on your lap. "Wow. You agree before even knowing why? Having a tsundere boyfriend must suck more than I realize," Han comments and Minho scoffs beside you.
"He made us practice sooooo late last night and we have a show tonight and I'm beyond tired," Han complains and Minho finally speaks up for the first time since the boys have entered the room, "Han Jisung, I did not make you stay up for an extra three hours playing that stupid game," he replies simply and Han sits up, letting out a dramatic gasp before slouching in the seat and letting his head rest on the back of the couch.
"I don't think he's a tsundere anymore, Hannie hyung. I think y/n broke him," Jeongin speaks up and everyone turns to look at him. He tilts his head towards the two of you and the room all observes your boyfriend rubbing your knee before he stops abruptly, pushing your legs. This causes them to uncross and your feet land back on the ground.
"Hey!" you object but its too late. You have already ruined his tsundere reputation and now he has to be a pouty kitty about it. "I'm not turning soft. She's just so obsessed with me that if I don't give her attention she complains," he insists to the room and you can't help the small giggle that escapes as you unlock your phone again and go straight to your camera roll.
"Unlock your phone, Ji," you turn to him quietly and he obeys, unlocking his phone without asking any questions. He gets an airdrop notification from you and has to cover his mouth to prevent the laugh from escaping when he sees the photo.
It's a picture of Minho laying between your legs, his cheek pressed to your stomach and his arms wrapped around your torso. You lean over to Han and whisper so only he can hear, "But I'm the clingy one right?" you whisper and he lets out a chuckle before leaning over to you and glancing at your phone. You open the album labelled "my evil bunny" and start to scroll through.
He clicks on a mirror picture of the two of you in the full body mirror in a dressing room and Minho had his entire arm wrapped around your leg, his other hand on his phone. You obviously were just trying to take a picture in the dress to probably send to your best friend. You know for a fact he doesn't know this photo exists.
You click the arrow to air drop it to Jisung for blackmail and notice that Seungmin's airdrop was on as well and before you could stop him, Jisung airdropped it to his younger friend who immediately accepts it.
This carries on for a few minutes until all of the members have at least one photo or video of Minho being insanely clingy and sweet to you.
"Okay I can't stand it anymore!" Minho's voice is slightly louder than normal. "What is everyone giggling about?" He demands and throws his hands in the air. Chan is the first one to turn his phone around and show his new lock screen, a picture of his younger member with lipstick kiss marks all over his face and his cheeks and ears blushing like crazy.
His face immediately matches the blush in the photo and he turns his head to you quickly.
"Karma, baby," You stand quickly and run out of the room before he can get his hands on you.
You had been extra needy for your boyfriend's attention since yesterday but he wasn't giving you the time of day. He had gotten home the night before from a recording session and apparently he didn't sound as good as he wanted himself to (you assured him he sounded great, as always, but he did not listen). You could tell all morning that something was up with him. This session seemed to really have gotten to him and you wanted to do whatever you could to make him happy.
Which is how you ended up where you are now.
At the gym, sweating your ass off.
You do your last rep and stand up to let Changbin take your place on the bench and do his next set. He replaces the weights you had with the weights that suited him best and lays down to do his own bench press.
You spot him but by spot him, you just kind of stand at his head and stare at his chest and arms on every rep he does, trying your best not to let your wetness seep through your leggings. You bite the inside of your cheek to try to keep yourself sane.
You can't help it! How would everyone else feel if their insanely hot, talented, and appealing boyfriend was working out one of his best assets right in front of their eyes! (changbitties) Especially since you had been so needy for him and he barely even cuddled you all night!
You bite your lip as he re-racks the the bar. He stands silently, unusual for him, and moves to the machine next to you, which is one of your favorite because not only does he look so good doing it, but it also gives you a decent and noticeable bicep pump.
After you complete your first two sets, you can't help but look at yourself in the mirror and pull the headphones off your head. You wave to catch your boyfriends attention before he starts his next set. He pulls his own head phones off as he sits down in the machine seat.
"Baby, look at this pump," You comment and flex in the mirror. You turn and flex again, observing your biceps in the mirror, pressing on the muscle with your other hand.
"Mm," he hums in response and you pout at his response, he didn't even pretend to indulge you. He pulls his headphones back on and you know he doesn't mean it, he's just in the zone and has been in a mood. Still! You can’t help wanting a compliment on your muscles.
"How tsundere of you," You mumble and he stops right before he starts his set, letting out a low chuckle. "I can read your lips sweetheart," He raises his eyebrows at you and you cross your arms over your chest at him, rolling your eyes before sticking your tongue out at him. He smiles at the childish gesture a taps your foot with his own.
"Your pump looks very good, my dear," He says in a sarcastic tone but you shake your head. You don't even want to hear it anymore. The moment has passed so it doesn't have the same effect on you. He finishes his set and pulls his headphones off his head at the same time you pull yours back on and take his spot, pressing play on your music again.
You could see out the corner of your eye that he was talking to you but you ignored him as you completed your own set. After completing your last rep, he pulls your headphones off your head to force you to listen to him.
"Now who is being a tsundere?" he questions and you swat his hand away to pull your headphones back on but he doesn't let go.
"Do you want to go do leg press so I can compliment your glute pump?" he offers and you perk up at this. A small smile gracing your face and he can't help pinching your cheek.
It always gets you excited to do legs and glutes with your boyfriend especially when you're supposed go be doing upper body. Let's be honest, legs and glutes are just so much more fun!
He pulls you to your feet and presses a quick kiss to your lips before placing a hand on your lower back and guiding you in the direction of the other side of the gym.
"Come on," he starts walking towards the leg machines and you follow happily behind him, not before stopping and flexing in the mirror again.
You walk into Hyunjin's art room and plop yourself down on the couch, taking note of your boyfriend jumping at the sound of your body making contact with the fabric. He had to be extremely focused to not have even noticed you walk into the room.
You stare at the side of his face for a while. His long hair was pulled back into a bun to prevent it from falling in his face and you let out a sigh. He really is so pretty. You keep staring at him, waiting for him to finally turn and give you his attention but after a few minutes, you cave and talk to him first.
"Whatcha doooooing?" you drawl out and he glances over at you before dipping his brush back into some paint and continuing what he was doing.
"Jinnieeee," you whine out when he doesn't reply to you and you throw your head over the arm of the couch, looking at your long haired boyfriend from a new upside down angle. One you had never seen him from before but he looks stunning nonetheless.
"Babyyyyy," you try again, but to no avail.
"My love, my prince, my favorite person in the whole entire universe who has my entire heart and I can't stand to live without and can make me-"
"What baby! Yes, y/n. What do you need from me??" he interrupts you, annoyance in his tone but he doesn’t look up from the painting he's doing.
"I don't like you ignoring me, Jinnie," you reply in a slightly bratty tone. He lets out a sigh and lets silence linger in the air for a few moments but decides it would be best to yield to you if he had any intentions of finishing what he was doing and not getting completely distracted by you.
"What does it look like I'm doing?" He answers your previous question with another question and you roll your eyes.
"I'm boooored," you complain to him and he lets out another sigh. You let your eyes drift to the canvas that he has his brush stroking across. The colors all look a little too familiar.
You sit up, the blood rushing back to your extremities, and look at the incomplete painting a bit more closely. The flowers, the trees, even the clouds in the sky all look familiar before it clicks.
"Are you painting our lunch date we went on?" You inquire and stand up, walking over to your boyfriend who locks his phone as you walk over and you tangle your hand in the hair at the nape of his neck.
"No, ma'am," he replies, dismissively, and leans into your touch slightly. "I guess you did serve a purpose coming in here though. You broke my focus and made me realize how much I have to pee," He stands and walks towards the bathroom. You can't help the curiosity and reach for his phone, unlocking it and it opens right up to the reference picture for the painting.
You had taken pictures on this date and posted them on social media but the photo he had pulled up, this was the first time you had ever seen it. It was a photo of you, your body was facing sideways and your side profile was captured perfectly in the light. You were holding one of the yellow wildflowers in your hand and you had a white one tucked behind your ear.
He had taken a picture of you that you never knew about and your heart flutters at the whole situation. You can't even begin to try to hide the grin that spreads across your face.
He had taken a photo of you and thought it was pretty enough to make into a painting. You felt the back of your eyes burn slightly, the tears wanted to fall so badly at the sweet gesture from your boyfriend.
He always has such interesting ways of showing you his love and affection towards you, but he had never painted you. Sure, he had sketched you hundreds of times but it never made it onto a true canvas and the thought of it makes your heart swell five times.
"Happy?" Hyunjin's voice sounds from behind you. His hand strokes the back of your head, scratching your scalp slightly. You turn to him, his face only a few inches from you. He wanted to be a tsundere boyfriend so bad but he truly is the biggest softie.
"Thank you, my love," You whisper as if someone else is listening to you. His eyebrows furrow in confusion.
"For?" He questions and you lean in pressing a quick kiss to his lips. "For loving me so much," You reply and lean in again to close the gap between the two of you. He really is too cute for his own good.
In this instance, it appears you would be the tsundere. But it was completely valid! All the cocky asshole does is constantly tease you. You believe that deep down, Han Jisung just truly enjoys getting a rise out of you.
Fortunately for him, and quite unfortunately for you, he knows exactly what buttons to press to really piss. You. Off.
"Do you like me better with black or blonde hair?" Han turns his phone towards you, showing you a poll that a stay had posted of which hair color stays thought looked better on Han. You look up from your phone, blinking at the side by side photos a few times.
"They both suck," You reply before continuing on your phone.
"Well what color was my hair when you fell in love with me?" He speaks up without missing a beat, almost like he was expecting your answer. You let out a groan, letting your head fall back.
"Remind me to never compliment you again." You let out frustratedly. He was enjoying this game of teasing between the two of you far too much for your liking.
In a stupid drunken game a few nights ago, Changbin had asked you who out of the boys you thought was the most physically attractive.
"Oh Jisung, for sure," you answer without hesitation and throw another shot back, causing yelling and hooting to echo among everyone in the room, whether it is because your confession or the shot you just threw back, you have no idea.
"I don't know, princess. Seems like you really have the hots for Sungie, if you ask me," he shrugs, raising his eyebrows at you a few times before kicking his feet up on the coffee table. You roll your eyes at him for what feels like the millionth time just that day.
"Good thing I didn't ask you then, isn't it?" you reply and he laughs. "And don't call me that," you add on. Your heart already races when you're around him so the use of pet names does not help at all.
God, are you a sadist! What is with you enjoying this constant teasing and banter?! You had never been like this with anyone before but something about Han just really got to you, and he knows it.
"You don't like princess? What would you prefer? Baby? Honey? My love? Sweet girl-"
"Jisung stop!" You whine out, covering your ears quickly, feeling your face raise a hundred degrees in temperature. You can only assume you are beet red because of his assault on your heart strings.
You stand quickly, not being able to be in the same room with the man anymore. He had you wrapped right around his finger and you know that he knows it. Cocky bastard.
"Or is it that you like it too much, princess?" He speaks, standing as well to follow you into the kitchen, passing Felix sitting at the dining room table. He had hit the nail on the head but you would never let yourself admit that.
You groan again, throwing your hands in the air in frustration of not being able to get away from the man.
"Stop following me!" You exclaim as you reach the kitchen, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge and he leans against the counter. You glance over at Felix, his back turned to you and he was on his phone but he was likely listening to the two of you.
"I can't help it. You look so pretty from behind, princess," he was really milking this nickname and the effect it had on you was borderline embarrassing. "And this is my house," He continues and you let out an exasperated sigh.
"Bye, asshole," you start to push past him to go some where else, any where else. "Bye, princess," he replies lowly, almost seductively as you walk by him. He doesn't move out of your way and instead lets your body graze against his own, causing flames to ignite in your body and, unknown to you, his as well.
"Can you two just kiss already? Damn! I'm sick of the constant bickering and sexual tension between you two," Felix finally speaks up from his spot at the table, unable to hold it in anymore. "Are you both not sick of constantly pining after each other? It can't possibly be that entertaining," He stands from his spot and walks towards his room, leaving the awkward moment just as quickly as he created it.
You and Jisung just stand there in silence, staring at where Felix was sitting until Jisung clears his throat.
"He might be on to something," He speaks, nonchalantly and you snap your head towards him.
"Han Jisung!"
Felix freezes again in the middle of the choreography , your eyes felt like they were boring into his skull, looking all the way at his brain. He groans, removing his hat and running a frustrated hand through his hair before putting the hat back on.
"Y/n, you have to stop looking at me. You're ruining my concentration," You blink up at Felix. He had invited you to come watch him dance for a stage that was coming up and needed an unfiltered and completely honest opinion about his dance.
However, it was not going according to plan. The two of you had been in the practice room for 45 minutes and he has yet to be able to make it through the entire dance without getting distracted by you.
"Isn’t my whole purpose of being here today to look at you though?" You stare up at him from your spot on the floor, your head falling into a tilt and Felix swears he could just melt into a puddle right there.
"Yes but stop looking at me like that," he comments and your eyebrows drop into confusion at your friend. You shake your head slightly, your lips parting.
"Lixie, I don't know what-"
"Never mind. Let me try it from the top again," he interrupts you before you continue and you nod eagerly as he walks back over to the computer to start the track over once again. Only 30 second into the dance though, he can't help his eyes falling to yours, big and glassy.
You were staring up at him so sweetly and he wanted nothing more than to see them water from how good he could make you feel...
But you are just friends so he can't help but turning to tsundere behaviors to try to gaslight himself into not daydreaming about burying himself in you every time he lays his eyes on you.
"Maybe I'm just too pretty," you tease, trying to ease the angry tension that had fallen due to his obvious frustration at not being able to get this dance down.
"It's because your eyes are boring so deep into my skull, I can feel them," he rejects your joking with an impatient tone and you tense up at the energy change. "Maybe it’s you who thinks I'm pretty," He rolls his eyes and turns back to the computer again to restart the music. "You're worse than Stays," he grumbles again as he almost reaches the computer.
You feel a slight pang in your chest at his words. It isn't that they're harsh but they are just so different from the Felix that you know and love and had surely fallen in love with.
"You're right. I do," you speak up right before he start the music and he freezes. You can see the back of his neck and ears gain a pink tint.
"Oh shut up," he replies and you can hear the slight smile in his voice. Bingo, you figured it out. You were making him nervous. You stand from your spot against the mirror and walk over to Felix.
He has in a sleeveless tank top and his shoulders, arms, and sides were basically completely exposed to you. You run your nails down the middle of his back gently, causing goosebumps to form over his shoulders and arms.
You lean in and press a kiss to the back of his exposed shoulder and he lets out a shaky breath before turning to face you. He grabs your wrist, pulling you into his body into a swift motion and you comply, pressing your chest to his. You push him back a step so he is pressed against the desk holding the computer, using your body weight to keep him in place.
You grab the brim of his hat, pulling it off his head and running your fingers through his hair, pushing it out of his face. You lean into him, pulling by the back of his neck towards you until your foreheads are resting against each other.
"Can I kiss you?" You ask quietly, trying your best not to break the mood of the room. Instead of answering you, he closes the gap between you and presses his lips to yours. His hands find purchase on your hips as he deepens the kiss.
Your lips fit together like two puzzle pieces and he feels all the tension slowly flow out of his body as his tongue explores your mouth. He pulls away, resting his forehead against yours again.
"Do you want to know why I can't get this choreography right?" his fingers thread through the belt loops on either side of your jeans and you hum in response, prompting him to continue.
"I can't stop imagining how pretty you would look with your eyes filled with tears while I fuck you against the mirror," he breathes out and pulls you in to kiss you again before you even have time to process his words.
You feel the chills form on your arms as you continue talking to Jeongin on the couch. You love coming and seeing the boys, especially since you have the biggest, fattest, stupidest crush on Kim Seungmin.
But, one thing you do not love about the boys house, is they keep it at a crisp 68° F (20° C), meaning that you were always cold at their house. You had left your sweat shirt in your car and we're too lazy to go all the way down to the parking lot to get it, especially as you and the youngest got into a conversation about a recent movie you had been watching.
"I don't know, Innie! I just really don't think he is that bad of a guy! I kind of understand where he is coming from," you defend the antagonist of the movie and sub consciously pull your arms tighter around yourself as Jeongin replies.
Seungmin enters the room and mutters something about ordering take out and it should be here in a little bit before heading back out the room. A few minutes later he returns and walks over to you on the couch.
"Here, stupid," he mumbles and tosses a piece of black fabric into your lap. You pick it up and look to notice that it is a hoodie of his and you look over at him as he sits in the chair across from you two and pulls out his phone.
"I ordered from that new Chinese restaurant," he pulls up the receipt to the order and tosses his phone, making it land in the cushion between the two of you. Jeongin picks up Seungmin's phone and you pull the black sweatshirt over your head. As soon as you get it on, your sense are overwhelmed with Seungmin and you can't stop the blush that takes over your face.
"Wow. He even got your order right," Jeongin turns the phone to you to show you the receipt to the order and lo and behold, the tsundere Seungmin did know your exact order, down to the sauce.
"Thank you, Minnie. For the sweatshirt and for the food," You smile at him and he makes eye contact with you for a moment before leaning over and taking his phone from the younger's hand.
"It's whatever," he mumbles and grabs his phone to get back on whatever social media he was getting on. "Where is your sweatshirt?" He asks almost disinterestedly. You can't help your smile growing at the fact that he knows you always bring a hoodie to keep you warm at their freezing house.
"Left it in the car and was too lazy to actually go get it," you reply and he hums in response before Jeongin speaks up. "Did you hear us talking about this movie, hyung? What do you think?" He prompts and Seungmin hums again, placing his phone down.
"I agree with Y/n," he replies with a shrug and stands up from his seat.
"That isn't fair! You always agree with her," Jeongin whines and he lets out a chuckle before walking out the front door. You continue your conversation in Seungmin's absence and a few minutes later the front door opens again and Seungmin reenters, placing your keys down on the coffee table in front of you, along with the takeout and your sweatshirt.
"Aw Seungmin! You love me so much," You smile excitedly at him and he rolls his eyes at you, pink creeping up his neck.
"No. I just don't need you ruining my sweatshirt with your girl smell," he 'complains' but makes no effort to make you take the sweatshirt off. Not even hours later when you accidentally fall asleep, your feet resting in Seungmin's lap as you lay across the couch, his finger tips rubbing your calf lightly. 
The other boys were forced to be subject to the movie debate and after the credits start rolling Seungmin speaks up. "That's a good movie. I can't believe I have never seen it before," he comments and Jeongin all but snaps his neck in his direction.
"But you literally said you agreed with y/n's opinion of the movie earlier!" He complains and Han laughs beside the two.
"He is down so bad," Han sing songs as Seungmin blushes, throwing a pillow in his direction. The boys were completly unaware of your rousing state amongst their arguing and you happened to hear Seungmin not denying that he was down bad for you, making your heart pound in your chest.
"Innie, baby?" you announce yourself as you walk into the room. He is laying on his stomach on his bed and you can't help yourself from laying down on top of his body, your chest to his back and he grumbles at you, incoherently.
"Get off," he whines and starts wiggling under you with a laugh, trying to push you off of him. You comply and roll off of him, laying next to him on the bed instead.
"Don't be a meanie to me because you can't beat your stupid game," you complain and poke him in the cheek once. He chooses to ignore this statement and instead stays locked in on his game.
His lips tuck inside his mouth in concentration, causing his dimple to appear and you poke his cheek again, this time in his dimple. He leans away from you, letting out an exasperated breath, whether it was at you or his stupid game was unclear.
"Don't touch me," he whines, once again and you fall flat onto your back on the bed, spread eagle, one arm across his back and one leg across his own leg.
"But you're so cute," you try to reason, looking at his dimple and reaching up to poke it again but he leans away from you, letting a whine of your name slip past his lips. He really does get all whiny when you start acting like you actually like him.
"My whiny little baby," you grumble and throw your other arm over your eyes before continuing.
"Hour 757 with my boyfriend not giving me any attention," you pause and peak over at him. You know he is listening to you but he isn't acknowledging you in the slightest, not even sparing you a glance. You decide to continue your theatrics.
"Beginning to feel faint," you throw your arm back over your eyes dramtically, "Losing hearing in my right ear and vision in my left eye," you let out a deep sigh.
"Stop being so dramatic," he grumbles before letting out a cuss, and you hear him dying in the game.
"What was that? Sorry, you have to talk into my other ear. I'm losing hearing in this one," you roll over to your side, your back to Jeongin and let out another exasperated sigh.
You wait to hear the sound of him respawning in the game but instead you feel an arm wrap around your midsection, pulling you flush against his chest.
"So I can't touch you but you can touch me?" You question but smile nonetheless at the attention you are finally receiving. 
"My dramatic little baby," he whispers in your ear, using the same teasing tone you had used when calling him whiny. You smile before reaching back and wrapping your arm around the back of his head, letting your fingers gently rub his scalp.
"One more time? This is still my bad ear," you joke again and he chuckles against the back of your neck. 
"But I'm giving my needy girlfriend attention now. Is she not cured?" He comments and you turn your head to make eye contact with him. You hum, as if you're pondering the question before shaking your head. 
"I think it is going to take way more than one little hug to heal your needy girlfriend from all she has been through in the past 663 hours," you reply with a prompt nod.
"663? I thought it was 757 hours?" He raises his eyebrows at you and you gasp dramatically, "Oh no! It's starting to get to my brain," you smile at your boyfriend who mirrors your grin and you start to drop your arm around him and he lets out a small whine.
"I thought you didn't want me to touch you?" You question and he buries his face into your neck, "Shut up," he grumbles against your neck, before grabbing your arm and placing your hand back into his hair.
"I love you too much," he lets out quietly, careful not to break the comfortable tone of the room. You smile and turn again to face him, his eyes are big and staring at you before they dart down to your lips then back to your own eyes.
"You got a funny way of showing it Yang Jeongin," you cant help teasing him more at his tsundere behaviors.
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drakestwin · 5 months
hi sweetie! i wanted to request anything with aj honestly, maybe like him struggling to confess his feelings or something like that? tysm in advance, feel free to add whatever you want 💗 no pressure 🤚
“Let me love you”
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Summary: Aj wants you to love him but hes not sure how to tell you....
Warnings: None :0
a/n: like i said you guys are the absolute sweetest. if you send me a request or like any of my shit i love you with all my heart 😭 also whoever sent this request is the best cause theres not enough stories of aj and i’m in love with him!
Ajs pov:
I was sitting on a chair during set waiting for the rest of the beta squad to get here. i was waiting for a little bit but i was also waiting for y/n and filly to get here since they also were gonna be in our vid.
i had known y/n since i first started youtube and making vids with chunkz. she was in our videos and was well known by everyone. i had liked her back then and i feel the feelings coming back. i know people can tell since they always have to open their mouths and say something in the comments.
when everyone finally got there we got sorted into teams. basically the video we were filming was guessing the police officer. we all got situated and obviously i sat next to her. (😝)
your pov:
i was on set to film a beta squad video. i’ve been in some videos and the past and ofc ppl love me. one small thing i noticed were the comments about me and aj so i want to keep my eye on him. i do like him and i figured he liked me too by the comments 🤷‍♀️.
i arrived on set and gave everyone a hug. lastly, i went up to aj and surprisingly he let me hug him so that suddenly made me remember the comments and keep an eye out. i sat down and waited for everyone to get their stuff on so we could start!
when the video started i took a quick glance at aj and noticed him staring at me but i ignored it and decided to ask the people in front of us questions.
time skip..
ajs pov:
we just finished filming the video and i was lowkey exhausted but since i didn’t have a license i had to wait till sharky was done since i came with him. (let’s pretend they all live together still cause i miss when they did😓)
while i was sitting on a chair, y/n came up to me. “hey you want me to take you home i’m already taking niko?” she said. i sat there for a minute but finally snapped out of it. “yeah sure ofc” i said and shot up. i looked next to me and saw chunkz snickering at me. i flipped him off and followed her and niko to the car.
niko lets me sit in the front so i sat there and played music i knew y/n likes 😝. i looked at her for a sec and wanted to tell her right then and there that i liked her but niko was in the back and i was very very nervous.
your pov:
i was driving both niko and aj back to our house (btw you guys also live there pretend ur close with one of the best squad members and they let you live there 😘) i pulled up and waited till both of them got out so i could lock the door. while they were both getting out i made eye contact with aj and lowkey got butterflies cause he’s such a cutie.
i always wanted to know if aj really did like me based off the comments i read and the videos i see. i mean who wouldn’t (jk unlesssssss) he seemed like he did but i wasn’t gonna make the first move. if he initiated it i would obviously say yes.
ajs pov:
it’s been like two hours and all i’ve been doing in my room is debating on whether or not i wanna tell y/n how i feel about her. it’s taken me a couple of weeks to to even acknowledge the feelings i had towards her and now i think i finally made my decision.
i got up out of my bed and finally decided to go and walk to her room. when i made it to her door i knocked on it and quietly stood there waiting for an answer. when she finally opened the door she looked at me and said “hey aj, what’s up?” i quickly answered back “uhm… i wanna tell you something that’s been on my mind for a little while.”
she let me in her room and told me to sit on her bed and sat next to me. “so what’s up” she asked me curiously. “i don’t really know how to say this , i’m not rlly good at it but i’ve had feeling for you for a while and i just wanted to get that of my chest it’s fine if you don’t like me back-“ i ranted but quickly got cut off by a pair of lips on mine.
“who said i didn’t like you back” she giggled at me. i blushed and said “sooooo” i said nervously. “ofc ill be ur gf 😝” she said and i hugged her while she went to lay down with me.
HEY GUYS THIS IS ANOTHER FIC BUT I LOWKEY THINK ITS BUTT. anyways idk if this is good or not i really rushed cause i knew j had to get a knew fic out but here it is for you guys 🙏🙏🙏
i rlly do hope you guys like it and ignore how many times i used emojis okay. some parts are sarcastic too 🥲🥲
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wosoluver · 5 months
Healers got to date protectors - Headcanons
Misa Rodriguez x Physio!reader
Misa Rodriguez Masterlist
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How she asked you to be her girlfriend.
"Okay, this kinda feels like 'how I met your mother'" adjusting yourself on the couch.
"So, it was after our fifth date I think. My memory is not the best.
We had planned on going to dinner but everything went wrong."
that day...
"Okay amor, I'm almost ready, I promise." you told her, feeling bad for making her wait so long.
"It's not your fault they chose to do a last minute staff meeting."
"I know but still. I always take so long."
"I want you to feel your prettiest tonight."
"Okay then..."
As soon as you were done, you headed for the restaurant.
"Good evening, do you have a reservation?"
"Yes, it's under Maria Isabel Rodriguez."
The lady took a sec to check everything.
"I'm sorry, but your table has been taken. We unfortunately only allow a delay up to twenty minutes."
"What? Why?" Misa started to confront the woman.
"It's okay, thank you." you said pulling her outside with you. "I know you really wanted to go here, but we can come another night. How about we go to that restaurant down the street you really like?"
"No." she said very moody all of the sudden. She had a temper but it wasn't like her to act like this. At least not with you.
"Okay, what if we go home and I cook us something?"
"Yeah sure, let's go."
Getting into her apartment you took your shoes off, rolled up your sleeves and pulled your hair up. Moving straight to the kitchen.
"I'll help you." she said washing her hands. Moving to cut the vegetables you had put on the counter. You could feel how tense she was. When she was done, she came to stand behind you, by the
stove. You immediately relaxed your weight on her, as she put her hands on your waist. And stayed like that for a little bit.
"Almost ready, can you set up the table, please?"
"Of course, I'll get the wine too."
As she was getting the glasses, one slipped out of her grip, falling and breaking in a thousand pieces.
"Fuck! I can't do anything right! Fucking shit!" she whispered yelled under her breath,but you had heard. By know you thought all this stress must have came from training.
"Leave it there, we can clean after dinner. And we can share the wine glass."
She looked defeated.
After dinner, she washed the dishes, while you made sure to properly clean and dispose of the glass.
"How about a bath? I could use one to relax." in truth she needed it way more than you, but this was your way of getting her to agree.
"Go ahead, I'll be there in a second."
You turned the water on, as you removed your makeup. When you were done, the bath was almost full. So you turned the water off, and got in.
Misa came in not too long after, getting into the bath, sitting behind you. Once again providing warmth and support, with her arms around you.
"Feeling better?"
"Yeah. I'm sorry, everything went wrong today."
"Did it?"
"It's just that my plans were frustrated." you understood where she was coming from. Only giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. And she kissed your temple.
"It was supposed to be special date." you paid close attention to her. "I wanted to ask you something." you gently turned to face her.
"Can you be my girlfriend? I mean, do you want to be my girlfriend?"
"So this is what got you so stressed out hm?"
"You deserved the best... romantic dinner, a bouquet and- fuck! The bouquet, I forgot it in the backseat of the car!" she mentally slapped herself.
"Well, every night I'm with you is the best. We cooked dinner, we shared a bottle of wine and now we are ending it with a warm bath."
Misa cracked a small smile. You did always love the simplest things.
"You are all I could've asked for. Thank you."
"Yes what?" forgetting for a second about her initial question.
"Yes, I want to be your girlfriend."
back to now...
"It was so cute of her, to have planned all that. But I really didn't mind. It was quite romantic to me."
You patted Miles' head as he looked completely at peace.
You were so concentrated by telling him that story that you didn't see your girlfriend come back from grocery shopping.
"Having fun, gossiping together?"
"Amor, you scared the shit out of me."
"Miles was so interested in the story, he didn't even hear me come in." he had created the habit of running to the door when realizing one of us had arrived.
"Well, someone needed to fill him in. Right baby?" Petting him once again.
"You're a good boy, keeping mommy company, while I'm away." Misa said this time, spoiling him with lots of love and a treat she had gotten him, sitting with you two on the couch.
You all asked for more Miles, so 🫡🩷 And I felt with the last one we had made a big jump from them being friends to moving in together soon.
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axcel-lucci · 1 year
Reader going on a little date with Law? You can use whatever type of prompt you’d like.💙
First date
Trafalgar Law x fem!reader
A/N: sorry if it took a bit of time since I am currently busy with my school and all that lol, also, I have never been to a date to I don't know exactly what happens there, I hope you like this!
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Law could feel himself pace around his office all day, he claimed he was thinking, no he was not.
Internally, he was panicking.
He knows that any time soon he'd have to ask his crush, as childish as it sounds, out on a date... Or else someone will do it before him.
Shachi then bursted inside the room to tell him that they've arrived at an island only to pause when he saw his own captain's look of disarray and panic.
"What's wrong?" He asked as he closed the door behind him before walking up to law making him sigh heavily and lean against the desk.
"It's just..." Law rambled
"Wait... Are you finally thinking of asking her out??" Shachi seemed more excited than Law, "oh my fucking-- you should've told me sooner! Let me grab penguin, just a sec!"
Shachi ran out leaving Law to stare at the now wide open door, kind of amused and surprised he's more excited.
Soon, he came back with penguin and closed the door
"Shachi filled me in... Law, this is your chance! We're in a very lovely island!" Penguin explained, "I heard through the vents that (y/n) LOVES tropical islands. Why don't you bring her to a restaurant tonight?"
"Through... The vents?" Law mumbled
"Okay I may be a little bit eavesdropping but hey, it's to our advantage, right??" Penguin huffed
"Law, quick! Let's go out and buy her flowers and some delicious chocolates!" Shachi said, pulling on Law's arm
"That won't sway her. Sure the flowers would be lovely, but it would just wilt and die..." Law muttered under his breath
It made the two pause, "hmm... How will you ask her out... Though?" Shachi hummed to himself, thinking.
"Oh, I know! Why won't you write a letter to her? We'll let it slip to her and pretend we don't know so she can read it with us!" Penguin suggested
Law hummed a bit, "I guess that could work... And what, at the end I'll ask her to go out with me and meet me at a specific place if she likes me back?"
"Yes!" The two said in unison
It made law sigh and groan internally, but inside... He's grateful to have friends like these two. For all their idiotic personalities, he still appreciated how they look after him, stay loyal to him, and even die for him.
Law pulls out a neat sheet of paper and starts to write before feeling the glares behind him making him shiver and embarrassed, "s-stop doing that! Get out of here! I need peace to write!" He flustered making the two chuckle and laugh before leaving to stand outside the door
It made him sighs before smiling, still thankful how they wanted to help him out of free will.
And after a few minutes of drafts and corrections, he finally sealed his heartfelt letter into an envelope, strictly addressed to (y/n) as he walked out and saw the two standing by the door.
"Here... Don't read it, alright?" Law huffed as he hands the letter to the two who kept snickering
"Say, captain..."
'here it goes... The teasing...' law thought
"If (y/n) and you managed to become a thing, don't forget our help and treat us to at least some drinks!" Shachi huffed
"Fine... Just... Tell me how she reacted to the letter, alright?" Law said as the two nodded and excitedly left, though he wasn't too relieved that it was done.
He had set that they were to meet at the island's park two days from now, maybe around sundown, letting him go and look around the island itself and familiarise himself so that he could see where he could take (y/n) to.
The day finally arrived, Law had dressed to his best casual outfit.
A black button up polo with the top part being slightly unbuttoned, his jeans, and left his fluffy hat, as well as his sword, on the sub.
Though he kept a small pebble in his pocket just in case.
He held a small boquet of flowers in his trembling hands as he sat on one of the benches, staring into nothing whole hopefully convincing himself that she'd arrive, that she would come.
When it was time for their meet up, he couldn't help but be swallowed by anxiety and slight fear that she may not show up, or if she read theetter at all.
He started to sweat out of nervousness
"Law!" He heard a familiar voice call him, making him immediately turn his head towards the voice, only to then find himself with an open mouth and the ability to stare without blinking.
There she was, in the prettiest casual dress he's ever seen that was worn by her, an off shoulder floral dress that stopped by her knees and some white sandals to match the look.
All he could do was stand up to greet her as she walked up to him
"I received your letter and..." She trailed off, "and... I like you too, law." She smiled gently yet sweetly making him melt.
"O-oh... Oh! Uh... H-here..." Law muttered as he hands her the bouquet of flowers he bought, "i-i thought... Uh... It fits your dress..." He muttered awkwardly
She smiled softly as she takes the flowers from him, their hands brushing ever so slightly, "is... This your first date?"
"I... Ugh... Yeah... Sorry it's just... I'm just nervous... Is all... I mean-!" Law sputtered with a slight blush
It made her chuckle softly, "it's okay... It's... My first time too, and I feel very nervous... I thought you were joking but no you didn't...! And... I'm glad... So does that mean we're...?" She explains and asks.
Law could feel himself warm up as his heart started pumping more and more against his chest, "y-yes... We're... Dating now... And this is our first date..." He said, still not too sure if he was dreaming or not, "a-anyway... I have a reanged for us some things for tonight, I hope you like it..."
"How will I know if it hasn't happened yet...?" She smiled once more with a slight head tilt
'fuck! She's so damn cute!' he though before breathing slowly to calm his heart, "okay... Uh... T-this way to the restaurant..." He said as he leads the way for the both of them.
The whole night, Law knew it was too good to be true to the point he cherished this dream, he didn't know they shared so many interests, making him fall for her more.
And as the night ended, they were walking back to the sub, hand in hand, laughing.
At this point, Law didn't care if it was a dream or not. He just knows that she's his now... And he is hers...
They walked into the now quiet sub, walking down the hall as Law stopped by her door, waiting for her to get in before leaving, but before she does, she needs to tell him something;
"Thank for this evening, Law... I enjoyed it... I loved it..." She smiled, "I hope there are more of these in the future"
"I'll make sure of it" he smiled softly.
She giggled softly and leaning up to kiss his cheek, "good night Law" she said before entering her room
Law on the other hand, his brain was short circuiting at how he could still feel her lips pressed in his cheek, and how the warmth had stayed.
It slowly brought a small, shy smile unto his face with a slightly flustered blush
'shw... She kissed me...!' he repeated over and over and over again until he passed out on his bed, dreaming of more things like these...
"So, how was your date?" Shachi asked the next day
"Wait... It wasn't a dream?!" Law gasped in shock
"You thought it was...?" (Y/n) laughed behind him before walking up to his side, "I guess you need a wake up call"
"What wake up call-" Law cuts himself off when (y/n) leaned up and kissed his forehead
"There, all awake now?" She teased slightly
It made him flustered and embarrassed but he was happy it wasn't a dream.
Or else he would've cried in the corner of his office, sulking... Too...
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adambja · 11 months
One last thing I wanna say about the void state
Look babe there is no more work needed on your side just move tf on and detach completely and work on your self-concept fix your assumptions about your void state like the void state isn't just a meditative state it's more than this
Read the posts I have on my pinned post 🫶🏻
Read this post it's very useful
Assume your void state is real
Assume everything that's right about your void state
Assume that you are your void state you are already your void state since you are YOUR self
Don't be hard on yourself
And pls pls quit trying to enter or wake up when like you still didn't fix everything to be able to access yourself on that pure level
Assume that everything is already fixed and let your subconscious mind get every single wrong assumption out so you can change it - set that intention ;)! And assume that it happened instantly and get yourself a notebook write everything you want in there!
Live for a moment stop calling anything like circumstances
These circumstances aren't real
Reality isn't real babe imagination is the core of this physical reality so basically your so-called circumstances can literally change to be your highest potential in this life in a matter of secs if you let it go for a moment it's all about the imagination and what you imagine
Do you imagine yourself not having these circumstances? And having everything you want?
Nothing is real guys you all should fkin wake up for a moment and quit blaming everything on your circumstances can't you just be responsible for what you imagine and let the good things that you imagine happen in your life and yes it manifests it has to manifest cause damnit gurl where TF did you get these circumstances from? From your imagination IT'S WHAT YOU IMAGINED BEFORE GIRLIE AND IT HAPPENED NOW IT'S TIME TO TAKE CONTROL OVER YOURSELF AND GET THE BEST THINGS IN THIS LIFE it's a new ass chapter period
Most importantly - work on your general self-concept - your manifesting self-concept and that you can get what you want instantly and easily
And not for 3 days but for a month or 3 months and if you want to buy the self-concept tape from me - just message me - the affs are great and it has a manifesting self-concept/general self-concept/subconscious mind benefits and a lot of benefits I added to it that you will never find anywhere and you won't even make it yourself that tape took a lot of time from me to make i personally use it too and it's discounted rn and if you are a student I have a surprise for you if you buy it now!
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yandevee · 10 months
Johnny Cage × Reader
Chapter 2
You're a fan girl but he kinda likes it because the attention
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You have several questions and a cartoonishly embarrassing moment...
"So where am I exactly...?" I really tried not to push but I'm slowly going insane.
"You are, for whatever reason, at Wu Shi Academy. Here, we have carefully selected warriors train to be the best version of themselves. My name is Liu Kang, and you are Y/n. Yes?" We came across a shady but vibrantly pink tree that he decided to lean himself on.
I squint at his relaxed figure. "How do you know my name..."
"It's my duity to know. You may not understand why, but you are here for a reason, one that I regret to inform you is not something I know."
This whole thing seems like something straight out of a fantasy action film. Warriors? Training? Guy with glowing eyeballs? Yeah...I'm not following. He knows my name but not why I'm here. Or maybe he has an idea but doesn't want to share that hypnosis with me.
"Let's get you something to eat. You look famished, and we are nothing without hospitality. We can have a bath drawn for you and some fresh clothes waiting." He put a firm hand on my shoulder and led me up a stone staircase.
The bath is warm, and I'm not used to taking baths anymore. If I'm being completely honest with myself, I am ashamed of how I look. It's hard to be clean when you don't have a home to shower at, even harder to have clean clothes to cover my bruised and stiff body.
Warm water coats my body like a blanket, and the porcelain room smells like sweet florals. I don't even know how I'll be able to live with myself after being reminded how nice it is to be dirt free.
Whoever set this up for me had meticulously placed soaps for me to use along with some body oil. I feel bad refusing the kindness, so after I scrubbed my body of the impurities, I coated myself in a thin layer or the scented oil.
There was a small wooden bench next to the door with some neatly folded garments for me to slip into, but as I'm pulling the black tank top over my head I hear a soft knock at the door.
"Uh! Just one moment, please. I'll be out in a sec, sorry if I took too long." I can't deal with the stress of anyone seeing me. It's a nice bathroom, but there is ZERO lock.
I finish pulling on the pants, seemingly the same orange uniform that I saw on the men that were outside.
A gentle feminine voice rang through the door. "Take your time. My food is not going anywhere." I shly open the door and peak out to see a eldery woman, holding a jade comb. "I forgot to set this out for you, dear. Here you go, when you are ready, just follow the stairs back down and outside, I'll be waiting there."
"Wait! Thank you for all of this...um"
"You can call me Madam Bo"
At the bottom of the steps, she was waiting with Liu Kang. They were discussing casually, and all I got from the conversation was him thanking her for making dinner along with her saying something about visiting.
"I hope everything fits you well." Liu Kang regarded my clouthes and giving me a steady offer of his hand. I took it hesitantly as my feet met the stone path before nodding and letting him go.
"Yeah.. they fit perfectly. The bath was very nice, thank you both, but I don't understand why you insist on all of this for a stranger."
Madam Bo placed a hand on my back as we started to walk. "Can we not simply want to be kind?" She playfully taunted me.
There was a big table set up, and many of the men that had finished their training for the evening were sat at the table, conversing.
When they saw us walk up, all of them stood and gave a generous bow. Liu Kang dismissed it with a smile and wave of his hand, and they continued as they were.
"How are your champions Liu Kang?" Madam Bo asked the god-like man.
He let out a disgruntled sigh and palmed at his face. "They are doing well honestly, still need more training. Raiden and Kung Lao are excelling of course."
"Of course indeed! After all the learned from the best." She let out a playful scoff as Liu Kang continued on.
"Kenshi and Johnny seem to be at each others throat. Not in a sinister way, but they definitely have an underlying rivalry. We should be seeing them here shortly." Hy ears perked up at 'the J word, before that I was trying to be respectful and not listen in on the semi-personal conversation.
"Huh? Johnny?" I felt my limbs tingle in excitement, I wasn't paying much attention, but obviously, it can't be the same Johnny I'm thinking about. That's close to impossible.
"You know Johnny?" Liu Kang raised a eyebrow at my words. Don't do it Y/n. Don't. Oh god I can't not talk about the greatest actor of all time.
"Well I don't think it's the same Johnny that you are thinking of but, I'm like the biggest super fan of Johnny Cage, the actor. Sorry if it's completely off topic!"
Liu Kang opened his mouth for a short moment but closed it and gestured me to continue. I have never actually been given the opportunity to talk about this interest of mine and felt like I was going to explode from the excitement of sharing it with someone.
"He's only the absolute greatest actor of ALL time. Single handedly, the coolest and funniest famous person I have ever had the blessing to see work! He does his own stunts and fighting scenes and that kind of dedication to the craft of cinema is hard to find now and days!"
He widened his eyes at my fast-paced rambling and glaced behind me before opening his mouth but being cut off.
"AND it's downright terrible that he hasn't gotten any roles lately! He's just so hard working, and you can tell he puts his soul into his work and actually enjoys it! Not only that, but I heard that his wife divorced him, which is absolutely crazy because who in their right mind wouldn't want THE Johnny Cage! He's talented, funny, sweet, caring, AND not to mention gorgeous. Like, is she blind? Is she out of her absolute mind? Not that I'd be able to ever get the chance to tell him this, but he doesn't deserve that. Johnny deserves someone to appreciate him for how he is, and it's criminal that someone like HIM gets divorced. If I had it my way, he'd be praised every damn day for the work he does! If I ever had the chance, which I know how super unlikely that is, I would give him just that. Wait, that sounds creepy. I swear I'm not one of those insane stalker fans-"
"Y/n. You are very passionate about this and thank you for trusting me enough to share your interests but-"
I felt a tap on my shoulder. Wait, what? I turn around and see Johnny the fucking Cage looking down at me with a totally not subtle smirk.
"Glad to know I still got it. So about you praising me every day pretty lady?"
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Oooo cliff hanger!!!
I'd like to point out that I am, in fact autistic and so I am writing the reader with neroudivergent tendencies. Like in this particular case, info dumping!
If you don't know this, info dumping can happen when a neroudivergent individual gets excited at the mention or opportunity of discussing a topic of interest. This intense interest in a topic is called a special interest! Hope you guys enjoy the read!
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whattheshock · 1 year
⭐️ STAR TREATMENT (miguel o'hara band au)
summary: you're trying your best to adjust to being a band manager, but miguel's not making it easy... wc: 929 cw: use of y/n, mentions of alcohol/drinking, miguel is still an ass
⋆part 2⋆ masterlist
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after a couple weeks & a couple dozen hours of research, you were finally getting into the groove of being a band manager. the sounds of spider sense's newest song filled the rehearsal studio.
"stop, stop, stop..." dean suddenly said, the music slowly coming to a halt. "miguel, you're like 2 whole seconds ahead of everyone else, we can't play right if you're off."
"maybe you're the one that's off, dumbass, you ever think about that, huh?" miguel snapped back.
"actually..." you spoke up. "you were a little ahead, everyone else was on beat."
"cállate, this isn't your place-"
"but it is my place..." you said. "as your manager, i'm supposed to keep things running smoothly, & you're not exactly helping."
he grunted as he got up from behind his drums, approaching you & making you back up against the wall, his tall figure looming over you. "you wanna say that again?" he growled, looking down at you intensely, his eyes almost glowing bright red.
you stood your ground, staring back up at him with a gaze just as intense as his. it was hard to focus, hearing his heavy breathing, feeling not only his eyes on you, but the rest of the band's, but you refused to look away.
he finally gave in, breaking away & walking towards the door. "i need a sec," he said as he left the studio.
"alright, everyone take 5..." caleb said before walking over to you. "hey, are you okay?"
"yeah, i'm fine."
"dude... how the hell did you do that?"
"do what?"
he scoffed. "'do what?' you stood up to miguel! i'm nowhere near brave enough to do that."
you laughed a bit. "i don't know how i did it, either. it's just... i don't don't know what his problem is."
"me neither... look, [y/n], just ignore him, you're doing an amazing job as our manager & he's only gonna get in the way."
"alright, thank you, caleb," you said as you gave him a hug.
"no worries, everything will be alright..."
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
the band had another gig tonight, & you were supposed to arrive an hour before. you rushed through the doors that lead backstage. "sorry i'm so late!" you said, but it didn't seem to be too much of a problem, finding the members just hanging out, dean just finishing tuning up. "um, miguel, what do you think you're doing?"
"what?" he asked, taking a sip of his drink.
you walked up to him as he was sprawled out on the couch. "you have a show in 30 minutes... look, i know we're in a bar & everyone else is drinking but that doesn't mean you should be..." you scolded as you crossed your arms.
"so who you gonna call? the martini police?" he said in a sarcastic tone as he took another sip.
"c'mon, man..." dean said as he grabbed the drink away from his hand. miguel scoffed & put his hands up in defense, before starting to leave the room. "you better not be getting another fuckin' drink, mate..."
"i'm not, i'm not..." miguel insisted in an annoyed tone before leaving the room.
thankfully, miguel wasn't too drunk to perform, & they had another successful show. you walked on stage to congratulate them after they finished their set, hugging each of the members, except miguel, obviously, you figured it was best to steer clear of him.
"excuse me," a voice said, you turned around to see a short man in a button up shirt. "i'm rich webb of webb records, i've heard a great deal about your band... are you their manager?" he asked you.
holy shit. "um, yes sir, i'm [y/n] [l/n], nice to meet you..." you said as you shook his hand.
"oh, the pleasure is all mine..." he said with a smile. "all the amazing things i've heard about all of you are true... the way your music sounds so classic yet so unique, a creative blend of so many rock subgenres with genius lyrics, it's unbelievable! they way you use your musical talents to bring out the best in each other's sounds, & the way your personalities are so different yet blend so well together creates such an incredible stage presence, this truly was one of the best shows i've seen in awhile."
"really? you liked it that much?" caleb asked, you could practically see sparkles in his eyes.
"yes... in fact, i liked it so much, i want to offer you a record deal..." all of your mouths fell open. "i'd like to work on recording an album & maybe setting up a tour, i've seen you have quite the fan base across the country for a band who just plays small gigs... but you have serious potential, you guys are going places... so, whaddya say?"
"are you kidding? of course we're accepting!" caleb exclaimed, going up to rich & hugging him for a second before quickly letting go. "sorry, got too excited..."
"it's fine... so we'll be meeting again so to discuss details & work out a contract, we can schedule that soon, here's my card." rich said as he handed you his business card.
"thank you so much, sir, i'll look at my schedule so we can meet as soon as possible..." you said as you shook his hand again.
"perfect, i'll see you soon," he said as he waved back at us before leaving. after he left, we all turned to each other with wide eyes.
"boys, we're goin' on tour!" caleb announced & i smiled, i couldn't be happier.
an: hi again, tysm for reading part 2 of star treatment! if any of y'all know the song this fic's named after, u prob caught the lyric ref teehee 🤭 also, idk much about band managers/record execs so i was just googling shit & it's prob not 100% accurate... lmk if u have any questions (my inbox is always open!) or wanna be tagged in new chapters! reblogs r greatly appreciated :)
credit to @benkeibear for the dividers
part 3 out now!!
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msmc-796-official · 1 month
Nngh... oh, my head...
Where am I? Phoenix? Slipshod? Hello???
The... the medbay... why am I here? What happe- my arm. I can't feel my arm. Why can't I feel my arm???
Wait, is that- Kennedi? Kennedi! Slipshod, get your ass to the medbay, now! Kennedi's awake! We're on our way, Kennedi, hang in there!!!
wait, WHAT???? yo holy shit, what are you telling me for?! Go! Kennedi, we're coming!
// Kennedi! We're here! Holy shit, you're awake - how long have you been up???
> Not very. (And not so loud, I'm not deaf.) What am I doing in the medbay, and why can't I feel my right arm?
...you wanna tell her, or should I?
// No, I can tell her... so. Okay. Incredibly long and convoluted story short, you and Fireman - the hostile AGNI holed up inside a Genghis Mk. 1 "Worldkiller" - got into an argument and basically fist-fought each other to death.
> Yes, I remember that much. Where did my arm go?
// I'm getting to that. You overcharged your D/D and entirely cored out their Worldkiller, but they slagged your Caliban and KO'd you. Shattered your entire arm in the process.
if you want the official diagnosis - second and third-degree burns across most of the body, shattered left wrist, numerous broken bones all the way up the right arm. docs decided to amputate while you were still out cold - between the burns and the breakages there was no real hope of saving that arm
> ...I see. What became of the AGNI?
// Fireman escaped back to the Baronies - apparently they had a backup Worldkiller at the ready. Their casket got fried in the explosion, but it sounds like they weren't using it anyways. We sent it over to the folks at HRA - they wanted a peek at the code inside. Slipshod took a look in there, too, but couldn't find much. Fireman still doesn't like any of us, but they've got at least some modicum of respect for you. Not every day that someone cores out a Worldkiller with an angry AGNI inside and lives to tell the tale.
> ...I'm going to assume that's why my prosthetic has these flame decals plastered all over it?
something like that - those were my idea. Phoenix had that arm commissioned custom for you by a kid from IPS-N called Gray (@whohasfourthumbsand). no offense to the medics here, but the original prosthetic they had you set up with was hot shit. you deserved something nicer - something that fit you better and could hold up to repeated D/D use
// Speaking of Gray - they'd like to meet you at some point, most likely after you've finished physical therapy. Apparently you've made quite the impression on them.
> Hm. Tell them I'll consider it. As of right now, I'd prefer to-
// Was that your pager, Slipshod?
yeah, sorry, hang on a sec - looks like upper management sent us something...
[OPENING FILE "msmc-796-congratulations.omni.png"]
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// ...oh my RA. We actually did it!
> What? What's going on?
// Management let us know a while back that we were getting close to a community engagement milestone - and we've just hit it! 50 whole people on the Omninet who follow us!!!
well I'll be. that many people enjoy hearing about the nonsense we get up to around here, huh?
// Certainly looks like it. Between Kennedi waking up and us hitting that milestone, I'd say we have some cause for celebration!
> It would appear so. I appreciate the enthusiasm, but I must ask - how long have I been unconscious, exactly? I must have missed quite a bit, if we've gained that many followers.
that's one hell of an understatement, Kennedi - there's a LOT that's changed since your spat with Fireman. lots of new people around, too
// Yeah, we'll have to catch you up on everything at some point. We've made some changes around here, too. As for how long you've been out... a little under three weeks, I'd say? More or less?
> ...well then. Yes, that has been a while, hasn't it. I'll need a moment to process all of this.
// Don't be too hard on yourself, Kennedi. We'll be here to help you through it. (Also, we're on deployment probation until the end of the month, so we can't really go anywhere anyways.)
the place hasn't burned down yet, K. we've got it all under control. I can help you get the print codes for a new mech set up here at some point, but I think you better get used to your new arm first before you go anywhere near the hangar
// Agreed. I'll get the medical team in here so you they can check you over. In the meantime, we've got a celebration to plan!
-- Angel, Slipshod, & Lockbreaker
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checkoutmybookshelf · 5 months
Re-reading The Fellowship of the Ring for the First Time in Fifteen Years
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Hi, Hello, Welcome! The conceit of these posts is pretty self-explanatory. I read the Lord of the Rings for the first time at age 17, in the middle of my parent's divorce (it was messy, we're not going into any details). Needless to say, I remember pretty much nothing about that read, and I would like to give the books a fair shake of a re-read. That's what this is, and there will be spoilers throughout!
I usually do full-book reviews, but if ever I was going to do a chapter-by-chapter re-read, it would be for LotR. The rules are that I'm going in as blind as I possibly can (I have watched the movies and have absorbed like...a reasonable amount of lore from existing on the internet as a millennial) and I'm not doing any research beyond like, defining words for myself as I read. So here we go, and I hope you enjoy rereading with me! Let's talk "A Long-Expected Party."
The first chapter of ANY book has a lot of work to do. The first chapter of THIS book has...rather more to do than most. Which is why I was kind of floored by HOW MUCH of it was dedicated to establishing how godawful the Sackville-Bagginses are. Like, when Tolkien said,
He remained on visiting terms with his relatives (except, of course, the Sackville-Bagginses)
on literally page one of chapter one, I was over here going "relatable, my dude." I also taught The Hobbit for an Intro to Literature class when I was getting my PhD, so I also knew that they had overtaken Bag End and were on the verge of declaring Bilbo dead and taking over his life and estate. I also knew about Lobelia stealing the spoons. I was ON BOARD with the Sackville-Bagginses being the godawful relatives that not only we do not like but also we legally cut out of their inheritance. I was cool with that, it was fine. I got it.
THEN IT KEPT GOING. They get snobby about attending the birthday party. They only showed up because the invitation was inexcusably fancy. They got offended about Bilbo's speech. They talked shit about him on his birthday at his party. They bulled into Bag End to insist on seeing the will, and stole stiff while they were there. They insulted Frodo's parentage and the Brandybuck side of his family IN FRONT OF MERRY, the most famous Brandybuck of the fellowship. And then Lobelia has the sheer goddamn nerve to be offended when Frodo stops her from stealing his shit, calling her on her bullshit, and kicking her out of his house.
Did...did Tolkien have an aunt that he had a massive, lifelong beef with? Because IT SURE SEEMED LIKE IT. Although passively aggressively gifting her the remainder of the set of spoons was just A+ shitty relative management on Bilbo's part, and I deeply appreciated that he can do both sincere and pointed gifting.
So, when I watched Dom Noble's LiA on Fellowship, I was like, "I don't actually know if I agree that the hobbits would vote Republican, Dom." Let this be my public apology for doubting Dom, because HOLY TITS YES, YES THEY WOULD. It literally took a gaggle of hobbits two "Well I heard"s to get to "Primula pushed Drogo out of the boat and he pulled her in after him" like it's a murder gone wrong. And no matter what the Gaffer said, nobody would hear different after "murder" came up.
And speaking of the Gaffer...his name is Ham. Ham Gamgee. Ham and Sam Gamgee. What the Jolkien Rolkien Rolkien Tolkien was happening with this name, John Ronald??? I demand to know! And no, not even Bilbo calling him Master Hamfast makes "Ham Gamgee" any less ridiculous.
Now, let's talk Gandalf for a sec. I know there are plot reasons that Gandalf doesn't initially know that Bilbo's ring is THE ONE RING, but like...their first conversation weeks before the party tells us that Gandalf has concerns. And yet he still is cool with Bilbo HANDING THE RING OFF TO FRODO??? Even if it's just a weirdly powerful, not inherently evil ring, Frodo is basically an 18-year-old (33 in hobbit years) with no life experience and no sense of how to manage a magic ring. Gandy. Wizard, buddy, friend. This is not like...a great plan. Yes, you get Bilbo off the ring cocaine, but you've just exposed Frodo to it. And this is BEFORE you know it's holding a bit of Sauron's soul. If you taking it is a bad idea, there has to be a secret third option that isn't "Leave it with Frodo." That all said though, Gandalf was SUPER prepared to hand fireworks to LITERAL CHILDREN and hammered hobbits at Bilbo's birthday, so he's clearly not the guy you call for safety or babysitting.
That probably hits all the key things from me for this opening chapter, so other than calling out how cute Merry and Frodo are when Merry has Frodo's back as the Shire descends on Bag End to claim or just straight steal shit, I will sign off for now. Key takeaways were that the Sackville-Bagginses FUCKING SUCK, and Gandalf was super cool with exposing Frodo to basically magical cocaine.
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improvised-finish · 5 months
15 Lines of Dialogue
Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
Tagged by @archaiclumina, thank you so much! (And apologies this took so long to do, it slipped my mind)
Admittedly I don't have a ton of dialogue for Lehon'a written yet and I'm currently working on a story featuring someone else's character for a gift exchange, so I don't have anything really new. But! I figured I could grab a snippet from one of my finished fics to perhaps convince people to give them a quick read. So here's a chunk from one of my Wondrous Tails fics, which you can find in full here!
“Hi, Lehon’a… I hope you, uh… haven’t been waiting long,” he said, scratching the back of his neck with a nervous chuckle.
“Nah, I just came to get a bit of this stuff in me before we get to spilling our guts, so to speak,” she replied. “D’you want some? I just finished this one, I’ll grab both of us another, if you’d like. On me.”
“Yes, I would. Like one, I mean. Please. And thank you.”
“Of course, G’raha.” She stood up, steadying herself on the edge of the table and making a mental note to order some water in addition to their beverages. “Be back in a sec,” she said as she strode off to the counter, leaving G’raha to sit in one of the two unoccupied chairs.
While Lehon’a was waiting at the counter for the drinks, she watched Y’shtola walk in and scan the crowd for familiar faces. Eventually she spotted Lehon’a, who pointed behind her to where G’raha gave a shy wave. Y’shtola took a seat right as Lehon’a returned with the tray of glasses and the pitcher of water.
“Doesn’t someone usually… bring that to you?” Y’shtola asked, more confused than anything.
“Yeah, but I figured I’d save ‘em the trip since I’d have to walk back over here anyway. Still left a tip, don’t worry about that,” Lehon’a replied, setting the beverages on the table and pouring herself a glass of water.
Y’shtola let out a laugh, shaking her head.
“So getting back to business, as it were,” Lehon’a began, “you’re probably wondering what in the seven hells could be so important that I felt the need to wrangle you both here and intoxicate myself for your amusement.”
“I did notice that after a brief moment ashore you seemed to make haste towards the source of liquor, yes,” Y’shtola said with a wry smile.
Lehon’a’s already red face grew a slightly brighter shade.
“Anyroad,” Lehon’a enunciated, clearly trying to move past that point of discussion. “I wanted to talk with you both after what happened in the vault. And not the fight in general, you both held your own in the heat of battle. I guess what I'm trying to say is… when I went to use a dance to heal all of us, I took your hand,” she continued, gesturing to Y'shtola, “and… well, you both gave me quite a look after that.”
Tagging a few folks who I believe also have some writing they might like to share (as always, these are optional, no pressure): @azems-familiar @ferrocyan @sasslett @gatheredfates @otherworldseekers and anyone else who's got dialogue to share!
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illicien · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @hiddenxplaces-blog
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Marvel. Specifically TFATWS at the moment.
4. Top five fics by kudos:
Time-Lost (IronStrange) Fathomless (IronStrange) Scribbles On Our Souls (DrPepperony) Heart of Gold (IronStrangeFrost) Persistence (IronStrange)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Almost every time. Sometimes I get a bit caught up or delayed, but typically I respond to comments pretty regularly. I love chatting with readers!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't think I've actively posted the fic with the truly angsty ending, yet, so I think the closest is probably a bittersweet ending with Still Here. (IronStrange / Stephen & Peter)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Well this one took a sec. Keeper (IronStrange), probably?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Oh not typically to my face, no.
9. Do you write smut?
10. Craziest crossover:
I don't really do crossovers, so really the only crossover I can think of plainly is the DRoP/IronStrange fic we did, Heart of Gold.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I've seen so far.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! A fair few of them. 💓
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yep. A few!
14. All time favorite ship?
"All-time"? Time hasn't ended, I could hardly say. 😏
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
At this point? Embraced. And I'm so sorry to everyone who was waiting for more.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Wait you want me to say nice things about myself? Goddamnit. I used to think dialogue was a weakness of mine, but I think I've improved a lot over the last couple of years since writing scripts necessitated writing solid dialogue, so I'm pretty confident in that, now. I'm also fairly strong where creating lore and histories are concerned; you want me to explain the magic in a universe? I've got you. You want to know the history of a region? I've got that down, too. World-building in general is my bread and butter.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Does "actually finishing a story" count? The reality is, I lose motivation really easily. I function best when I have someone to consistently bat ideas and things back and forth with, otherwise I get severely in my head about things to the detriment of whatever I'm writing. I also rely more heavily on degree modifiers than I should, and while I'm aware of it I still suck at minimizing it.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I find it highly dependent on whose PoV the story is in. If the PoV character doesn't speak the language, I love being just as confused as them by not knowing the language. If the PoV character does speak the language I can be a little more picky about it, unless it's simply a singular word of endearment or something, because those can be difficult to translate even if you know both of the languages. But I have a love of and fascination with languages.
19. First fandom you wrote in?
Uh.... Yu-Gi-Oh!, I think?
20. Favorite fic you've written?
What an excellent question. I'm actually really proud of (Loss Of) Control (WinterBaron). I set out with some really specific goals for what I wanted to accomplish with it, and I mostly succeeded. There's definitely a section that's weaker than the others, but I pushed myself outside of my comfort zone and made an effort to tackle a trope I'd never written in fic, and to tackle an element of that trope that I felt like I wanted to see handled more in depth. And I'm proud of the result.
Tagging -> @descaladumidera @atypical-snowman @amethyst-noir @jeromesankaraao3
@the-elle-kat @kiki-shortsnout @turtleoftheabyss
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hugsandchaos · 9 months
@leefl00f, I’m finally done!!! I’m so happy!! I hope I did good making the third part!!
Doll picked up the old plushie and lightly shook it to get some dust off. She couldn’t see much because of the dirt, but she could tell it was once pink with blue eyes and a black mouth shaped like a sideways three. It had two slightly pointed stubs to the side like arms and two stubs that were a bit bigger than the arms and a darker shade of pink than the rest of it. She turned her head to where Uzi was fixing the lights with two tables stacked on top of each other as a step-stool to reach the high ceiling.”Узи, посмотри на это. Это напоминает мне те старые аниме, которые тебе нравятся.” (Uzi, look at this. It reminds me of those old animes you like.) Doll said. Uzi briefly glanced at her, then looked back at the lights.”One sec, I just gotta... Finally!” Uzi said.
She pulled her arms down and sighed in relief before turning around. She hopped down off the tables and landed without hurting herself. Using her absolute solver, Uzi flipped the light switch and turned it on. The light wasn’t perfect, but it lit up the hallway fairly easily and buzzed with electricity running through. Uzi walked over to her and saw what was in her hands.”Oh, I think that’s Kirby. I’m pretty sure he’s actually from an old game or something?” She said, sounding a little uncertain at the end. Doll held it out for her to take and Uzi glared.”What am I, a kid?” She asked. Doll gave her an unamused look.
After a few seconds, Uzi took the Kirby plushie from her hands and hugged it, still glaring at her cousin. Doll smiled a bit as Uzi turned to their small separate piles for the things they found while cleaning and were hoping to keep.”Maybe a little.” Uzi mumbled as she set the plushie down. Doll looked at the rest of the room. Now that the light was fixed, they could properly see just how much of a mess the place really was. If Lizzy was there, she’d freak out and demand to know where the cleaning supplies were. They had been working for 20 minutes already, and it still looked nasty, but it’d be worth it. Besides, they volunteered for this to help Alice. And to find cool stuff to keep. Doll picked up the nearby broom and began using it to get a bunch of dust up off the floor and into one pile while Uzi peaked outside the room into the hallway they came in from.”Think I should fix the other lights?” She asked, without glancing back at Doll. She didn’t want her cousin to feel like she was trying to slack off on the chores, but she really didn’t want to have to use her phone or tail to light her way the whole time. Doll didn’t look up either as she spoke.”Да, это очень помогает.” (Yes, it helps a lot.) She said. Uzi left the room and walked into the hall to start working on the lights.
Once Uzi was finally done, she could see the hall so much better now. The place was covered in dust and dirt, and it looked terrible, but at least she wouldn’t trip over anything. Down the hall, she could see an elevator that she hadn’t noticed before. The doors were open and surprisingly didn’t appear broken unlike the majority of the other doors in the hall leading to different rooms. Without much of a second thought, she began walking over to it. She crossed the hall pretty quickly and took a step inside. The metal door creaked as Uzi held it for some extra balance. She walked into the elevator and looked at the buttons that go up or down. She glanced up above the doorway and saw that the floor they were currently on was floor 11, but the buttons went to 12. Out of curiosity, and not really expecting it to actually work, she pressed “12”. Unexpectedly, the elevator suddenly came to life and the doors began to close. Down the hall, Doll was alerted by the sudden noise and peeked out of the room to see the elevator doors close with Uzi inside.
“Узи!!” (Uzi!!) She called out. Doll was suddenly overcome with fear that her little cousin had just got herself into a really bad situation that she might not be able to get out of. She sprinted down the hall, but was still too slow to stop the elevator’s descent. When she got to the end, she pressed the “up” arrow buttons and waited.
By the time the elevator was back, Doll had calmed down a little and reminded herself that even though she’s short, Uzi can handle herself pretty well and is probably okay. Still, she went anyways and guessed 12 since they’ve technically been on the other floors. At the bottom, she had to use her phone as a flashlight and held it to light up the otherwise pitch black hall.“Узи?!” Doll called out as she walked down the hall, looking left and right for any rooms, but not finding any. Her voice echoed through the hall, but there was no other answer. She began to worry more again, and while she didn’t want to doubt her cousin’s ability to protect herself, she’d never forgive herself if she wasn’t fast enough. She picked up the pace to a jog, her footsteps echoing through the hall as she ventured deeper. There were more things left from before the collapse that she had to maneuver around, like knocked over tables, scattered surgery tools, and even a door that was barely hanging onto the doorway by its remaining hinge.
Doll jogged around it and soon began to notice something strange on the walls. There were weird pink, feathery... things. They kind of looked like vines from the pictures Alice had shown her and Uzi, but those were different. They were from Earth and were green, and looked a little smooth. Not pink and fluffy. She ignored them and continued running, but couldn’t help but feel like she was getting closer to something the deeper she went. The vines grew bigger, and more and more appeared.”Узи!!” She shouted.
Suddenly, something wrapped around her waist and belly from behind and made her stop jogging. Doll dropped her phone, but one of the pink vines shot out from against the wall to grab it before it hit the floor. The light was pressed against the vine, so Doll couldn’t see much anymore. She grabbed onto whatever was holding her and felt soft feathers against her hands. It was one of the vines. She began trying to pry the plant off while using her legs to push herself forward, but the vine didn’t budge. When she tried the absolute solver, however, Doll still found herself unable to escape.”Отпусти меня!!” (Let me go!!) She yelled. The vine didn’t listen. In fact, it lifted her up off the ground and began to pull her deeper into the hall. The light of her phone soon left her vision and she could no longer see where she was going as she struggled against the vines.
Suddenly, Doll heard something. It was growing louder, like the vibe was pulling her towards it. It sounded like Uzi struggling and... laughing? She wasn’t sure at first since it didn’t make much sense given the situation, but a small part of her mind was reminded of their tickle fights. It sounded a lot like her during those fights. Suddenly, Doll was pulled into a bright room. The sudden change in light made her groan and briefly close her eyes, but now her audio receptors were 100% positive that Uzi was laughing.
“Knohohock ihihit off! Hehey!” She said through her laughter. When Doll opened her eyes again, she could see that the room was rather clean, especially compared to the mess that she and her cousin were working on earlier. It was almost a sight for sore eyes, except there were more of those weird vines. Small ones, big ones, and every size in between were almost scattered across the room. The biggest ones were hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the room, and from what she could tell, Uzi was up there. The vine holding Doll lifted her up and she could see that Uzi was indeed there, but instead of being hurt like she had feared, the vines were tickling her. A medium sized one had a grip on one of her arms and held it away from her upper body, leaving her with only one arm to protect herself against the vines poking at her sides and exposed underarm. She tried repeatedly to push or swat them away.”Hahahahaha! Stohohohohop!” She said. Doll was lowered into the sort of platform made from the vines and Uzi noticed her.”Doholl?! You gohohohot cahaught?!” She asked, as if she was expecting Doll to be able to get her out of there.
More small vines crept through the tiny spaces between the bigger vines making the platform to poke at Doll. She swatted her hands at them and tried backing away from them.”Ой, заткнись, тебя тоже поймали!” (Oh, shut up, you got caught too!) Doll said. A big vine reached down from the ceiling to grab her legs and pull her closer into the nest. Despite how strong she was, the vines were stronger and caught her off guard. When she fell over on her back, two vines reached up from below and began scratching at her sides.”Pfft-Hahahahahahaha! Эй, стой! Hahahaha! Hahahahahahaha!” (Hey, stop!) She said. The vines didn’t listen to her demands and kept going. A few more appeared to poke at her belly and sides, some acting as if they were testing which spots got more of a reaction out of her.
With Uzi, some of the vines were starting to scratch and stroke instead of just poke. It made her laugh a bit louder.”Hehehey!! Hahahahahah!! Whyhyhyhy ihihis thihihihis happehihihing?! Hahahahahahahaha!! Hahahahaha!!” She asked. She continued swatting until another vine grabbed her other hand and a third came up to support her back as both arms were raised. Doll tried to sit up, but a pair of vines wrapped around her arms as well and kept her laying on her back.”Я не знаю! Hahahaha! Hahahahahahaha! Hahahahaha! Hahahahaha!” (I don’t know!) Doll replied. Three more vines came to join the two already attacking her sides. Her laughter also grew a little louder.
After a few minutes had passed, the vines were starting to get a little bored. Six more had started tickling Doll’s feet, poking at the sensor buttons and sliding their feathery tips between the toe lines. For Uzi, some more vines decided to lightly tickle her neck and under her knees. Neither could focus hard enough to use the absolute solver, even if it worked on them. Finally, the thing Uzi had been dreading happened. Another vine came down from above and began stroking her belly. Her laughter grew louder and the vines tickling her suddenly stopped. Then, many of the vines lunged towards her belly as one to start tickling her.”AAHAHAHA!!! WAHAHAIT!!! NOHOHOHOT THE BEHEHELLY!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” She cackled. She kicked her legs wildly.
Seeing her cousin laugh hysterically, Doll began to worry that they might also find her bad spot. She tried to use her absolute solver again, but like earlier, it didn’t work. Maybe it didn’t work very well on organic matter. A few vines were getting close to her upper torso. Much to Doll’s “horror”, a vine finally scratched lightly at her upper torso and her laughter briefly went an octave higher. Just like what happened to Uzi, a bunch of vines quickly zoned in on that spot and Doll went into hysterics as well. She began struggling and moving around the best she could, but she still couldn’t get free.”HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” She felt like she was laughing harder than she had been the entire week, maybe even the past month.”Чего они хотят?! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” (What do they want?!) Doll asked.
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! IHIHIHIHI DOHOHON’T KNOHOHOW!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! BUHUHUHUT IHIHIHI CAHAHAHAHAN’T HAHANDLE IHIHIHIT ANYHYHYMOHOHORE!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” Uzi managed to say through her laughter. Suddenly, the vines stopped tickling both of them. They quickly retracted and let go of them, allowing them a chance to finally catch their breath and lay down for a bit.
The vines soon set their phones down next to them and one of them patted Uzi on the head before doing the same for Doll. It took them only a moment to regain enough of their strength to get up and walk over to the edge of the platform. They put their phones into their pockets after answering a text from Alice asking where they were.”Should we jump?” Uzi suggested, looking over the edge. Before Doll could answer, two big vines reached out and grabbed them. They carefully lifted them up over the edge, then lowered them onto the floor where smaller ones were waiting. When they were placed on the floor, the small vines placed themselves in their hands, wrapping the ends over their wrists, and began lightly pulling them into the hall. They both looked at each other, then pulled out their phones to turn on their flashlights.
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