#too many OCs to tag omg
85-rend · 11 months
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Some Ranebopets halloween prompt art I've been doing :3
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myreia · 2 months
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✦ D A R K K N I G H T
Abyssal magic comes effortlessly to her, and therein lies in the danger. Too much grief, too much rage, too much love. Forces bent on tearing her apart from the inside out. Her aether twists around her blade, setting the runes alight, unrefined magic pulsating in the palm of her hand. When she reaches into the abyss, she feels a strange serenity, content with the knowledge her enemies will certainly fall. The question remains as to whether she herself will be left standing at the end. —level 90 compendium
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thisispoggers · 1 year
Serena meeting a few unique characters lol
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Anyways here are the characters that Serena is hanging out with along with their owners!
1st OC: Julien Brightfur by @bloombirdreads
2nd OC: Nyette by @soda-gremlin
3rd OC: Hina Curly Tail by @toastypencils
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Oh I Could Bury You Alive
in which there is no angst? astounding
Characters: Clay, Cylas
Words: 1947
Content warnings: talk about murder, torture, the usual
divider by frankarcherhater, silkholland, and firefly-graphics
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It luckily hadn’t taken too long for them to find somewhere to stop, and since the sun had already started to set, they at least had avoided the worst of the heat. Cylas was sitting on the floor, next to their captive’s still unconscious form. 
“Are you sure you don’t want me to help?” she asked for the probably tenth time, watching Clay dig the hole that would become their victims final resting place. 
He rolled his eyes, “Yes, I’m sure. Don’t have anything else for digging anyway. You just sit there and look pretty.” 
Cylas threw a handful of dirt into his approximate direction and snorted, “If you say so.” 
So, she went back to watching him. Twirling her knife in her hand, throwing it and catching it again, whittling random twigs she found. It was quiet, except for the sound of the shovel splitting the soil, being lifted up, and the dirt then hitting the pile that had formed. At this point, the sunlight had turned more reddish in hue, moving on from dark orange and into pink. The current colour however was more similar to blood. Coincidentally, just as the thought had crossed her mind, the man next to her began to stir. 
Clay, who must’ve heard the muffled groans, straightened up and stretched his arms out over his head, “You gonna just... kill him?” 
She raised her brows at his question, “I mean, yeah? Shocking, I know.” 
“Haha, very funny,” he replied, “I was just wondering what happened to the whole ‘some people don’t deserve a quick and painless death’ thing? Not saying I’m a specialist on Cylas-Keir-behaviour but this does seem somewhat uncharacteristic.” 
She shrugged, “I dunno. Just don’t wanna bother you, I guess? Subject you to all the noise and blood and stuff.” 
“It’s not like I gotta watch,” he huffed, “And I don’t mind some whining or screaming. As long as you don’t throw any entrails or severed appendages down here I’ll be fine.” 
“Ah, damn,” she said sarcastically, “Just when I had planned to remove every last of his organs, collect them in a bucket, and empty it over you.” 
He grimaced a little at her comment. “Come on, go cutting around at him or whatever. You’re even more annoying when you’re trying to resist your sadistic urges.” 
“You know nothing,” she said with a snort, “I am being pleasant right now. If you think this is annoying, try not to run into me when I’m seriously stressed. People have said I can be insufferable under those circumstances.” 
“Well, then let’s not risk getting to that point,” he responded, “I gotta continue here, this hole isn’t gonna dig itself.” 
She stopped playing with her knife and Clay returned to his self-assigned task. The man was squirming, making muffled noises behind his gag, seemingly having regained some kind of fight now that death did seem close. She couldn’t have that. She could not have him fear death. But she wasn’t sure if she’d have enough time, or the means, to change his mind. 
After a quick look around to possibly help her find inspiration, she stood up and walked over to her backpack. There was all kinds of stuff in it, but she was looking for one specific thing – metal tent stakes she had once found just lying in the middle of the woods, along with a torn tent. However, this time she’d repurpose them for a more important matter. 
Fully aware that she was probably once again overdoing it, she dragged the man’s writhing body a little away from where Clay was working, trying to make it so they weren’t in his direct line of sight, before dropping the victim’s arms and straddling his torso. She looked down at his gaunt face, hollow cheeks and sunken eyes, his fearful and desperate expression – this was the same guy she had cowered before, who’d made her cry and beg countless times. Now he was just a miserable, pathetic shell of a human. 
Without further delay, she cut through the zip ties binding his wrist and forced his arms back over his head, hands lying on top of each other. Then, she grabbed one of the stakes and smiled down at the man, who had started laughable weak attempts to throw her off. 
“Aw, don’t worry, sweetie. This will hopefully hurt. A lot, maybe. If I am lucky.” 
The stake in place, she next reached for a hammer she'd had with her other tools, and began driving the metal object through the man’s hands into the ground. His struggles intensified but still hardly moved her while his screams were almost inaudible. Cylas felt like a weight lifted off her chest when the first droplets of blood welled up, and the feeling of cartilage and bone being crushed, forced to make way for the foreign object. It was calming, almost meditative. Some part of her had apparently really craved this, just not enough to be noticable yet. The stress of having been back to that underground prison and being around her former captor must have affected her more than she had noticed. Once she had gotten the stakes about as far as possible, she looked back down to check on her victim and found he had started to cry.  
“Oh, don’t cry, you’ll dehydrate,” she said with an overtly sweet voice, “And I can’t exactly give you something to drink now, can I? In this position you’ll only choke on it.” 
He didn’t react, obviously, there wasn’t much he could do. Next, she went to secure his legs in a similar fashion, although she kept them a little apart, not yet sure in what direction and how far she wanted to go. Even though Clay had kind of given her the go ahead, she didn’t want to make him too uncomfortable. 
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Ultimately, she kept it quite simple and superficial. She didn’t have a proper way to cauterise wounds, but wanted what little suffering she could inflict to last. If the man was going to die, it was going to be on her terms. There were some cuts – not exactly superficial but not deep enough that he’d bleed out, and she did poke around in them a little, or tore on the edges, the usual. He also did end up losing a few parts of his fingers, a tip here, the top two links there, maybe one down to the knuckle, but nothing too big. 
She was so engrossed in her work, that she didn’t even here Clay approach, until he called her name, “Cy? How’s it going? I��m done over there.” 
“Oh, hang on a sec,” she replied, sitting back on her heels where she was kneeling next to the victim’s torso, “I’m ready when you are, just gotta finish him off, I guess.” 
“Actually, I had an idea,” Clay said, a sinister smirk on his lips. 
Cylas tilted her head, surprised at his expression. That one was new. “I am listening.” 
“Alright, I hope I’m not overstepping with this, but... you said he buried you alive, even if only by accident, right?” 
“Ah, yeah. Hence why I’m still here,” she replied, studying his face and trying to figure out what he was thinking. 
“Okay, so, although we don’t have a coffin or anything like it, I figured that there is no necessity to drop him in the hole already dead. I mean, he won’t be going anywhere either way, especially now,” he paused to glance at the man’s mutilated form, “And we could stick around a while longer to make sure he’s not coming back. Though I don’t think he’d survive until the grave is filled up again, he’ll probably have suffocated by then.” 
Now it was Cylas turn to smile, “I like the way you think.” 
“Guess you’re not the only one being influenced by the other,” Clay replied. 
She snorted, “We’re that ‘well, I could make them worse’ meme or trope or whatever you call it.” 
“Nothing like being a bad influence on each other,” he said, “Ultimate friendship goals.” 
“Just some pals hanging out in the woods, digging graves, inflicting some pain, and burying living people. The usual.” 
Clay let out a chuckle and looked at her with a fondness that would have seemed inappropriate for the situation if they had been anyone else. However, they were kind-of-killers standing next to a soon-to-be-dead man, Cylas covered in blood, Clay mostly just soil and dirt. 
“Shame we don’t got any drinks with us,” he sighed wistfully, and she rolled her eyes. “I actually brought some cola from the fridge in that hellhole when I went back to get some tools and shit.” 
He raised an eyebrow, “For real?” 
“Yes,” she confirmed, “Don’t you pay attention to me?” 
“Well, not quite the drinks I was referring to, but-” 
Cylas cut him off, “I don’t gotta share with you. Didn’t even say I would.” 
“Careful there, little girl. I could just leave you here, all alone in the dark woods,” he teased. 
“Or you could go fuck yourself,” she responded without skipping a beat, “I’m not scared of the dark and can always just hitch a ride. Not that hard to find the road from here, and if all else fails I could make it back to the complex as well. Even got a bed there – a different one, and a shower, bathtub... so, yeah, your threat means nothing.” 
“Okay, okay, whatever you say, shortie,” he said, motioning back to their victim, “You gonna free him or do you need a big strong man to help you?” 
She huffed a laugh, “I don’t need help, but maybe the big strong men could still find it in himself to assist in this monumental task of removing a couple metal stakes. Unless it’ll make you sick.” 
For the last part, her voice actually took on a serious tone and she looked up at Clay questioningly. 
“I think I’ll be fine,” he replied, “But thanks for making sure.” 
“’Course, can’t have you pass out on me or something, and vomit is gross.” 
They threw the body into the hole without much fanfare, and despite Clay’s objections, Cylas insisted on filling the grave back up. Still, even missing a shovel, Clay did help as far as possible. Once they were done, it was well past midnight, and Cylas couldn’t stop her yawning. 
“You sure you wanna stick around?” Clay asked, grabbing some cola from the car. 
“Just a little while, not for hours,” she replied, carefully unscrewing the bottle he’d handed her, “I’m always tired and yawn a lot, you should know that by now. Or do you wanna leave? One of us has to drive, and it’d be best if the driver wasn’t about to pass out then.” 
He snorted, “Don’t worry, I’ve been up for longer periods of time than this. Not all of us fall asleep as soon as they’re placed in a moving vehicle like a fucking toddler.” 
“I stand with my earlier point: Go fuck yourself.” 
“Do it yourself, you coward,” he retorted and she rolled her eyes. 
“I’ll kick you in the balls when you least expect it.” 
He shrugged her comment off. “I mean, maybe I’m into that.” 
She facepalmed, “Okay, tmi, I don’t wanna know.” 
After that, they fell into a comfortable silence, just staring ahead and each lost in their own thoughts. When Clay had finished the bottle, he went to ask Cylas if she was ready to leave – only to find that she’d fallen asleep against his shoulder. 
“Yep, an oversized toddler.” 
Cylas stirred at the sound of his voice, blinking up at him. “Fuck you.” 
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taggedy tag tag @rottent33th @slaasherslut @the-pinstriped-hood @bluecoolr @ace-of-hearts-and-spades @immortal-velociraptor @myers-meadow @solmints-messyocdiary
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arklay · 2 years
tagged by @denerims @florbelles @risingsh0t @leviiackrman @shellibisshe & @fenharel to do this quiz for some of my ocs – thank you all so much ily! ♡
tagging: @aartyom @aelyosos @brujah @calenhads @celticwoman @cultistbase @faarkas @girlbosselrond @narshadda @nocticulas @noonfaerie @nuclearstorms @reaperkiller @risingsh0t @shadowglens @steelport @stormveils @swordcoasts @voerman @windupcharibert @wrymbloods & anyone else who would like to do this! no pressure as always, and if you'd prefer i didn't tag you in these things, just let me know ♡
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— rippling sunset.
you're the nicest person i'll ever meet, probably. with an undying passion to protect those who can't protect themselves, you're energetic and bubbly to a fault. it's cute, watching you run around trying to tie up loose ends. i feel bad for you — out of everyone you know, you probably have some of the deepest trauma, more than anyone's aware of. this isn't something that you want attention for at all, and you'd really just rather forget it exists at all… even then, it seems like you can never escape it. i wish you a pleasant rest of your life, full of rippling sunsets and free of prying eyes.
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— fractured glass.
no amount of orchestrated class is ever going to hide the fact that you're doomed to be alone. you're a puppet, you're a weapon, but most importantly? you're a fraud. your facade isn't malicious, but that doesn't change a thing. everything in your life is in your control now, and you chose to let yourself become stiff and distant. you're guilty of everything you blame yourself for, and your misfortune is the fault of nobody but yourself. your selfish nature forges you into a man-made monster, so quick to blame and so desperate to escape consequence. i hope that you can become someone you’re proud of soon.
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— acerbic wit.
you're a mentor — an old scarred wolf, an injured soldier, a disgraced paladin. your teachings read as shamelessly pretentious, speaking in rhymes and biting down hard into anyone stupid enough to make the wrong move. this isn't your first life, nor your second, nor your sixth — you'll make the most of your time shackled to this world, no matter how many loops it takes to get it right. with every defeat, you reincarnate; a little smarter, a little quicker, crueler and nastier. will you choose to be brutal, equalizing, that final strike in the face of your enemies? will you go soft, become tender and domesticated? the choice is yours. it's not like i can stop you.
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— silent admission.
in tarot, the fool is numbered 0 – the number of unlimited potential. as the protagonist, he is ever present and therefore needs no number as well as no introduction. the world revolves around you in ways that i can't begin to describe, though you'd shrug it off if i were to begin to explain. i need you to know that time is running out. if you want to get this done, you need to start now. sloth is your greatest enemy in this world, and you can only run so far from the opposition when you start with such a disadvantage. keep your head high, yeah? the kid you were is still in there somewhere. you need to show him that it was worth it.
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lifenconcepts · 28 days
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juupitrr · 2 years
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me: *simping over eclipse*
me: hey maybe i should do some eclipse x y/n / oc doodles , yknow, self indulge since i clearly want some
*doodle doodle*
*more oc art*
ah for fucks-
((also wow its not clear at all bcs i decided to forego drawing it like a smart intelligent person, but theyre reaching for a doorknob <3<3<£££?£3<££?£ ))
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maplesyrupsainz · 5 months
˖⁺。˚⋆˙just screeching tyres & true love | MV1˖⁺。˚⋆˙
pairing: max verstappen x fem reader y/n (she/her)
genre: social media au
warnings: mentions of sexual assault (pretty brief)
summary: in which an attempt to sabotage your relationship works in your favour
a/n: i love long specific requests like this tbh 🙏
request!!!: Max finds out about OC’s bad past when jealous fans leak private information online after news of them dating breaks out. However it backfires when OC bravely tackles it unashamedly because Max ends up respecting her even more after that.
fc: various brunette girls from pinterest
my masterlist
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instagram ->
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liked by maxverstappen1, danielricciardo, and 827,204 others
yourusername been a while gang 🫡
view all 9,748 comments
user1 cute
user2 aww her & max holding hands
user3 is it just me or does she give anyone else the ick
user4 no, same
user5 me too something about her isnt right
user6 just say u hate women and go
user7 they wont last
user8 grow up
user9 not her pretending she actually has friends outside of max 😂
maxverstappen1 💙💙
liked by yourusername
twitter ->
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messages ->
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instagram ->
yourusername posted a story
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liked by yourbff, maxverstappen1, and 418,284 others
yourbff go off
yourusername 😜
maxverstappen1 i love you babe
yourusername ❤️ i love u
user18 🙄🙄🙄
user19 get emmmm
user20 salty much
danielricciardo you tryna prove something?
yourusername noooo hahahhhh 😇
twitter ->
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messages ->
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instagram ->
maxverstappen1 posted a story
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liked by yourusername, danielricciardo, and 692,066 others
yourusername 🥹🥹🥹
maxverstappen1 see you soon❤️
user21 🤨
yourbff thank god
liked by maxverstappen1
user22 flying to y/n to dump her i hope 😮‍💨
user23 urmmm going where
user24 the silence abt y/n says a lot....
twitter ->
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instagram ->
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liked by maxverstappen1, landonorris, and 284,632 others
yourbff weekend vibes
tagged: yourusername, maxverstappen1, friend1, friend2
view all 6,076 comments
user31 max & y/n how interesting
user32 lol not y/bff/n setting the record straight
user34 i never doubted it 🙄
maxverstappen1 😊😊
liked by yourbff
user35 🤨
user36 hope y/n is ok:( anyone with a fully functioning brain loves her!
liked by yourbff, maxverstappen1
user37 i love maxyn
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liked by maxverstappen1, yourbff, and 926,103 others
yourusername thought long and hard about what to say to you all and came up blank every time.. what happened in the past is exactly that; in the past 🕰️ i don't wish to drag it back up and discuss it in a public forum for millions of strangers to see. thanks to my friends, family and anybody else for all the support i've been given it means the world, and i hope this is the end of this 😮‍💨🩵✨
view all 32,138 comments
yourbff so proud of my girl
danielricciardo ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
landonorris go girl
charles_leclerc ❤️
user38 omg all the support in the comments from drivers 🥹
user39 ily y/n
user40 the fact so many drivers love & support her says so much
lewishamilton sending you both so much love!
carlossainz55 🫶🫶
francisca.cgomes gorgeous person inside and out
lilymhe love you so much
maxverstappen1 not a day goes by where i dont love you
yourusername i love you so much 🩵
maxverstappen1 posted a story
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liked by yourusername, danielricciardo, and 816,073 others
user42 someone's plot to break them up really worked in their favour huh 💀
user43 best couple on the grid srry to everyone else
yourbff 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
liked by maxverstappen1
yourusername i love you thank u so much for everything
maxverstappen1 i love you so much more my angel
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trevuorzegras · 6 months
✿ umich cheer au part one ⬚͒ㅤㅤㅤ♪
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ⓘ all works for this series can be found on the #wrong time is an inconvenience au tag! ❤︎
fem!reader x mark estapa
mentions of fem!reader x cole sillinger
mentions of mark estapa x fem!oc
faceclaim: jules leblanc
find the series masterlist, here!
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colesillinger: my girl. ❤️
liked by adamfantilli, bluejacketsnhl, and others
user1: uhh did y/n dye her hair??
↳ yourusername: i very much did not. still very much a brunette. 🙃
↳ user2: wait what? yourusername
user3: i’m so confused
user4: dude did you mean to post this.. cause..
jadewinters: what the fuck??
↳ colesillinger: is there a problem jaden?
jadewinters: watch yourself sillinger.
user5: what is going on??
user6: isn’t y/n back at uni..?
↳ user7: yeah y/n is also NOT A BLONDE.
liked by yourusername
user8: he just openly posted about him cheating.. ok..
user9: y’all act like a man can’t have friends 🤣🤣
↳ user10: they’re kissing, if that’s friends then 💀
user11: interesting.. 🙃
(PINNED) colesillinger: coming at me like i care, she was boring so i traded up 🤷‍♂️
↳ user12: you’re so fucking odd bro
yourusername: good to see where you stand. this definitely could’ve been handled privately; but if this is how you want it, so be it. have a good life, and an amazing nhl career, cole. 🩷
↳ user13: this is actually so upsetting. she’s genuinely too kind to be treated like this.
user14: i thought you guys were end game wtf
adamfantilli: yk i love you dude, but what the fuck is wrong with you bro
↳ user15: even adam knows ts is wrong
this post has been deleted.
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yourusername: been a very productive day! 1) got cheated on. 2) went to a hockey game! 3) went to a post hockey party! 4) met some of the team 5) got absolutely shit faced with jadewinters oh! and i took this beautiful picture of dylanduke5
liked by edwards.73, luca.fantilli, and others
(PINNED) yourusername: i have practice tomorrow, and jade let me do this. whatever #goblue 〽️
lhughes_06: i really shouldn’t have left you alone at umich. 💀
↳ yourusername: can’t believe you never introduced me to your team, especially since they’re this fun to be around
↳ lhughes_06: ?? that’s EXACTLY why i didn’t introduce you to them. yourusername
user18: cheerleader meets hockey players
markestapa: hope to see you again y/n
↳ yourusername: boy i gave you my number
↳ jadewinters: oh did you now 😏 yourusername
lhughes_06: so it’s YOUR fault that y/n met the hockey team. jadewinters
↳ jadewinters: shut up mr nhl
user19: they seem like such a fun group 😭
user20: DUKER 💀
umichcheer: the second slide is correct! (also we’re ignoring the caption.)
↳ yourusername: oh… thanks guys love you
user21: the cheer account being in the comments LMFAO
user23: y’all on about the umich guys when y/n is RIGHT THERE HELLO???
liked by yourusername
user24: can’t wait to see more of y/n at the hockey games 🥅🏒〽️
luca.fantilli: OH YEAH
user25: the picture of y/n and jade awe 😭
user26: hope you had fun!
user27: puck bunnie
↳ yourusername: i prefer umich fan but thank you!
↳ user28: LMFOOAOAOOA yourusername
dylanduke5: oh i look dashing!
↳ yourusername: of course you do duker pooker 🥰
edwards.75: me and y/n become bestfriends if anyone is wondering
↳ yourusername: he accidentally drank my drink three times and kept apologizing, + said he’ll be my bestfriend & buy me whatever i want if i forgave him
user29: so many unexpected duos omg
user30: beauty
user33: cole fumbled and she’s living her best life LMFOAOAOA
rutgermcgroarty: no one talk to us we’re doing hot girl shit *hair flip*
↳ yourusername: boy go to BED 😭😭
user34: y/n it’s 3 am. 💀
its 5 am i’m so tired but i wanted to get at least one chapter done since i haven’t really worked on anything recently. find my masterlist, here!!
taglist | @wnderify (comment 2 be added)
also little psa! i love cole, so don’t even start with that please, it’s for the plot guys trust!
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stars-and-the-min · 5 months
☆ the wrong way to hard launch (10) | OP81
summary : oscar's girlfriend is a walking pr problem for literally everyone (including herself) social media au
pairing : oscar piastri x zhou!fem!singer!oc
a/n the calm before the storm?
masterlist | last part | part 10 | next part
mclaren Shanghai International Circuit
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mclaren Looks like a race day to me 🤔 tagged: oscarpiastri and landonorris
pi4str1 good luck papaya fam 🧡🧡🧡
michelle.ar manifesting double podiums again
jimpxcs Let's go boys 🔥
from the phone of selina bui
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↳ oscalina real ?! @ emptyginbottles · 2h WELCOME BACK LINA F1 LIVE TWEETS ↳ piaa⁸¹ @papayaeightyone · 1h she's so real for these reactions honestly 😭
lilymhe just posted to their story
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🕯️manifesting EB3 🕯️@ linabelles · 45m stfu i'd know that silhouette anywhere. lily muni he at shenzhen n3??? ↳ abby <3 @devilvows · 39m not just lily! alex, logan and oscar were also spotted in the venue!!
piaa⁸¹ @ papayaeightyone · 21m omg oscalina crumbs 🥹 ↳ piaa⁸¹ @ papayaeightyone · 21m this is so sad, they've already hard launched, why do i still feel like i'm in a drought
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liked by selinabui and 143,284 other
lilymhe Been hanging out with some rockstars lately 🤟 tagged: alex_albon, cameliazzz, selinabui and oscarpiastri
oscarpiastri Today I learnt: I still suck at golf ↳ selinabui @ oscarpiastri dw babe, at least we suck together ❤️‍🩹 ↳ oscarpiastri @ selinabui 🥹
selinabui gonna stick to singing my silly songs that was such a humbling experience ↳ oscarpiastri @ selinabui You did better than Alex
pastry81 the mother convention ft some kens
alex_albon I personally don't recommend karaoke with a musician
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liked by selinabui and 201,395 others
oscarpiastri Some moments off-track
dan_pjd puppy !!!🥺 so we have roscoe hamilton, leo leclerc and this is...? ↳ marie_h.sb @dan_pjd apollo! lina adopted him a year ago
landonorris I thought that was lily but no, she's really serious about that golfing thing, ain't she?
celia.sucxr why does he keep posting her ↳ pastry81 @ celia.sucxr because that's his girlfriend???
oscalina real ?! @ emptyginbottles · 4h too many people bitching and moaning about oscar posting about lina but u don't understand, if u were dating selina bui, u would also never stfu about her ↳ opal @pxastrixxx · 4h she's still mid lmao ↳ oscalina real ?! @ emptyginbottles · 3h until u have acclaimed music critics blaming ur success on pretty privilege, shut up :) ↳ kayla @luna_apocolypse · 3h oomfie you ATE that and also unlocked a core memory
emptybottles_official Shenzhen Bay Sports Center
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liked by zhouguanyu24 and 362,486 others
emptybottles_official A beautiful Shenzhen homecoming for Lina and Jonny 💖 Thank you guys so much for three amazing nights of fun (and screaming with us) 🔜 Bangkok
lilymhe had an absolute blast! ↳ emptybottles_official @ lilymhe join us again soon?
zhouguanyu24 Did she sing THE song? ↳ selinabui @ zhouguanyu24 keeping dreaming man
piastri_lina shenzhen, how does it feel to WIN 😭
emme @flowersforcami · 1h and what do melb n1, tokyo n2 (replacement) and shenzhen n3 have in common? ↳ oscalina real ?! @emptyginbottles · 49m oscar piastri shows you will always be famous ↳ lukas 🔛🔝 @lukiepookie28 · 28m no bc someone needs to get the stats on her energy when oscar is in the crowd like girlie is BEAMING
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
taglist @ririyulife @ashy-kit @fionaschicken @namgification @cherry-piee @urfavsgf @eiaaasamantha
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saintslewis · 1 year
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˖ ࣪⭑ - pairing: lewis hamilton x fem!oc
˖ ࣪⭑ - summary: the first meeting. new neighbourhoods bring back old family friends after many years of being apart. dinner at the Hamiltons somehow manages to make new ideas spark.
˖ ࣪⭑ - warnings for this chapter: none
˖ ࣪⭑ - saint’s team radio: omg it’s literally been ten/eleven days since i released the masterlist and i’m only posting the first chapter rn??? sorry about that baes but pls do enjoy the very first chapter of renaissance!!! mwah! Taglist is down below babies 😚 lemme know if you wanna be tagged 💗
next chapter
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Turning the sounds of Future down just a little bit as she drove into the street of her parents new home, Nadia closed her car window and eyed the grand houses that she drove past in her 8 year old Honda. Sighing, she parked into her parents driveway, seeing both their cars parked outside and decided to park behind her mother's car and watched as the house gate closed shut.
Stuffing her phone into her hoodie pouch and fixing her blonde and pink ombré hair, knowing very well that her mom will find a way to comment on the new colour, she got out of the car and locked it.
The Buckinghamshire sunset was slowly approaching, the wind not too harsh to even lift a couple of hairs but yet the Friday afternoon was quite chilly. Trees were becoming more and more green the more she looked at them and the birds definitely weren't silent. Hearing the front door open with a bit of a creak to it, Nadia's tired smile grew on her face as she saw her mom replicate the same emotion.
"Nads!" Thembi, her mother, expressed as she watched her daughter walk towards her on the pathway to the front door. Thembi definitely had an off day, wearing an ever so colourful sundress with the charm necklace that Nadia's younger cousin made. She carried something small in her hands as she extended her arms to Nadia.
"Hi mom." Nadia tiredly greeted as she leaned into her mother's arms. "2 weeks since I've seen you, nana. How are you?" Thembi said to her daughter, leading Nadia into the house. "I'm tired, there was an extra class I had to take up after school. And just thinking of the grocery shopping I have to do tomorrow just tires me even more." She sighed, looking around the grand home that her stepdad, James, had built for her mom.
Gosh, just thinking of the love that her mom and stepdad share just makes her want to cry. Moving to the Uk was an extremely difficult challenge that Thembi and Nadia had to endure, not sure how they were going to survive with just the two of them but James had met her mom and made the lifelong promise that they would build their life together and they did exactly that although wanting to care for someone as their own after Nadia. In a few days, Nadia's younger cousin would be moving in with her parents for a scholarship she received back in South Africa.
"But enough about me, does Rea need a lift from the airport?" Nadia asked, beelining towards the soft couch in the living room and immediately relaxing onto what feels like clouds. "Yes, I have a meeting the moment she lands and James has to watch over his project. I also gave her some money so maybe you guys can get some ice cream?" Thembi rushed all her words out, walking all over the place looking for something.
"Mom, why are you rushing? What's going on?" Nadia sat up properly from the couch as she watched her mom move frantically.
"Oh we've got a dinner with our neighbours, surprisingly moved from Stevenage with us. Doubt you remember them."Her mom said, hurriedly putting her earrings on in the large hallway mirror and checking her short afro. With a stunned expression in Nadia's face, she looked down at the outfit she had on then looking up at her mother who was all dolled up. "But ma, don't you think I'm underdressed for a dinner?" She asked, unconsciously holding the pouch of her hoodie.
Looking at her daughter once, Thembi shook her head before turning back to the mirror. "Please, these neighbours are super, what's the word you use? chill. We've been friends with them since your primary days." She smiled at Nadia before heading to the base of the staircase. "James! Finish up! Nads arrived so let's go!" Thembi shouted.
"Wait, how long has this been planned?" Nadia looked at her mom confused to which she just smiled at her innocently. "It just slipped my mind two weeks ago, sorry. Now, let's go wait by the front door to make James feel bad for making us wait." Her mom ordered with Nadia following after her, holding her car keys.
"I'll follow you guys there, I'll go home afterwards because I've got too much work waiting for me back home." Nadia informed her mother as she heard footsteps coming from the hallway. "Nadia! It's been too long. How's everything?" James greeted with a huge grin, side hugging his stepdaughter.
"Who knew high school kids would have so much energy when you mention a free lesson?" Nadia said, tilting her head back at the memory of her day and how it drained her. James just smiled and squeezed her shoulder as Thembi opened the front door, leading them to their cars.
Turning into the street at least two minutes away from where her mom and stepdad live, Nadia rolled her eyes at the thought that they could've just walked but knowing how her mom thinks, walking at night even in their neighbourhood was never safe.
Following James' suv through the large black gates, a much grander yet modern home came into the view of her window shield leaving her mesmerised, so much so that she even turned down her music to look at the fairy lights lighting up the driveway to the house. Looking forward, she saw a few cars parked outside of the garage onto the gravel seeing a trend of Mercedes in this household.
Finding a decent parking spot next to her parent's car, she climbed out of the car and fixed her hair once again and clicked her gel nails, trying to hype herself up to be present at the dinner. Hearing quite loud greetings behind her, she shut her car door closed and locked it and walked to the enthusiastic group at the neighbours front door. Two children ran outside as well seeming to be chasing each other with their laughter filling the air.
A gasp came from the woman with the white short hair, walking around what seemed to be her husband with her arms out. "My goodness, Nadia! Is that you? Thembi, you didn't say anything about her beauty!" The woman that she had yet to recognise stood at an arms length with her hands clasped as she examined Nadia with a large smile. Nadia was trying her hardest to remember who exactly this woman was but she put that aside and walked forward to briefly hug the woman.
"Hello." She greeted with a smile, feeling herself go back into her bubble as all the attention was directed at her. "Well, welcome to our new home! Stevenage cannot separate us!" The older man said as he turned to welcome Nadia into the house home as everyone followed in. She immediately recognised the man to be Anthony, a good friend of her parents. Everytime she would see him back in Stevenage, he was always very nice yet reserved. She's very sure that she's seen the older woman before but for the life of her cannot remember.
A much younger woman had turned the corner holding a child's hands and Nadia internally sighed in relief as she realised that she wasn't the only young person attending the dinner. "Oh hello!" She happily greeted Thembi and James, hugging them as they exchanged kind words to each other. The younger woman turned to her with a stunned yet animated expression as she smiled at Nadia.
"Hi I'm Nicola, your parents have told me so many things about you." She introduced herself then her hand pointed towards the kids. "These are my kids, Willow and Milo. Come say hi guys." The children immediately running to her with the boy being a little shy but the girl, Willow, hugged Nadia's leg and looked up at her with the largest smile she's ever seen on someone. "I love your hair!" The girl exclaimed happily, examining the blonde wig with pink ends.
"Come on everyone! The pasta will get cold!" You all heard the older woman from before voice out.
"So Nadia! My goodness, you've grown. I would remember seeing you leave for school back in Stevenage." The woman, who's name was Linda, expressed and looked over to Thembi with a smile. "So do tell, how's everything going with you?" Anthony spoke up after taking a sip of his juice.
Putting down her utensils, Nadia looked over the table to see everyone focused on her. "Well uh where do I begin. After high school, I went to Cambridge for Law but eventually switched to Education for personal reasons. Spent quite the time away from home but i would call and visit when i could. I teach at Preston Manor in Wembley, where i live as well and the past few years have been quite uneventful. I do dabble a bit in fashion from time to time." Nadia spoke, watching as the table took in all the information.
"Mum, Sir uncle loves fashion!" The young boy vocalised to his mom. "Speaking of him, let me find out where he is because we know he's always late for everything." Nicola chuckled as she took her phone to make a call.
"Cambridge? Wow! Now that's something to brag about!" Linda smiled at Nadia, giggling over to her mother who looked proud of her daughter.
Not being able to take compliments as easily as others would, Nadia shyly put her down and glanced at her manicured nails, wanting the conversation to shift from her to anything else. Luckily for her, the attention switched to Nicola walking rather quickly to the front door to welcome someone into the house. Wanting to escape the very cheery welcome of the newcomer, Nadia politely asked to go to the bathroom.
"Why the fuck is this house so big?" She whispered to herself as she dried her hands on the hand towel, exiting the guest bathroom to get back into the dining room. Hearing rather heavy footsteps seemingly walking into her direction, Nadia opted to walk faster to avoid a possibly awkward encounter with anyone at the dinner table even though she's already grown fond of Nicola and her kids.
About to turn the corner, a soft yet musky scent wafted through the air, encircling Nadia's space. What entered her vision were brown air jordans, similar to those some of her students constantly spoke of usually with grief that they were expensive. Lifting her head to look at the individual in front of her, they seemed to slow their tracks.
Setting her eyes on the man in front of her, she tried her level best to not take in his facial features all in one moment. Seeing the tattoos that decorated his arm and hands, the woman grew speechless at the amount he had. Granted she had a few of her one but his were well kept and gorgeous. The graphic shirt he had on sat very well on his body, the perfect fit that is 'oversized' and his shorts showed the athletic build he had. She tried to snap out of it and so did he.
Lewis didn't want to say he was completely entranced by the woman in front of him but this was a face you couldn't get out of your head even if you wanted. Firstly he admired the choice of colour of her hair, seeing how it suited Nadia's face so well. Moving down to her face, her nose piercing was shining under the hallway light and the lipgloss had clearly been freshly coated. The outfit was very chill, the hoodie and cargo pants combo seemed extremely comfortable on her, blanketing her in a way. As if one blink could change everything, Nadia had blinked and turned her head, looking away from him.
"Oh sorry, you can go right through." She said with a small smile on her face as she moved out of the way so he could walk past him. "Thanks.. I'm Lewis." He introduced himself and the equally as small smile was as soft as he seemed. "Nadia, nice to meet you." She responded, blinking rather slowly as she was still as sleepy as she was before. "Likewise." Lewis answered, the small crinkle by his eyes showed that he seemed a bit tired as well but he clearly did not want to show.
With that, they both excluded the conversation with one entering the bathroom with the other heading in the direction of the dining table.
Willow had opted to sit next to Nadia as she piqued the young girl's interest, quite the colourful woman with not much to say. Nadia could not ignore how the child already began to adore her, her heart aching at the thought of possibly not seeing her new best friend that she made. Creating relationships with people other than her family was tough but to see herself become comfortable with neighbours she hadn't seen in years was odd. Willow's attention clearly went somewhere else as Nadia was in her thoughts, the man from before taking the child's seat. "Hey, that was my seat!" The young girl pouted at Lewis. "Yeah, that was my homegirl's seat." Nadia jokingly said as well, looking at his amused face.
"Sir uncle, you can sit on the couches." Willow ordered as she had a staring contest with her uncle. "But that's so far?" He had giggled, completely amusing Nadia who was watching the whole interaction. "Exactly." Willow sassed, making Nadia laugh.
A small gasp came from Linda's lips as she and the others had been watching the cute scene in front of them as everyone was getting ready for dessert. "Thembi, would you look at how precious this is." The older woman gushed, eyes focused on Nadia playing with Willow as Milo and now joined the scene, Lewis and Nadia having a conversation (mainly Lewis being curious on the hoodie and earrings).
"Are we sure about what we're going to do?" Anthony looked at Nicola with her nodding her head. "I feel like it's going to work. These rumours have been off the charts these past few weeks." Rightfully as his half-sister, she was worried about her brother. Everything seemed to be hurdled at Lewis, all types of untrue things and his pr team were working hard but had not found a solution or anything to put good attention to the driver. Reaching out to the family, Nicola, Anthony and Nadia's parents had managed to come up with something, unsure of whether it would work or not.
"You guys have been huddled up together for a while now, is everything okay?" Nadia spoke up, suspiciously looking at the group. "We're discussing the true crime shows that I've recommended to them." Thembi lied straight through her teeth, surprised that Nadia bought it. All she did was nod her head and continued playing with Willow, finding Lewis a very interesting person and someone she could definitely be friends with.
taglist: @non-stop-imagines @folkloresthings @flowerchild-96 @userlando @lorarri @thisismeracing @thatsdemko @myescapefromthislife @slytherinjimin3nthusiast @jamie2305 @like-fire-love-blog @sugardontbesweet @simpfortoomanymen
dividers by: @cafekitsune
faceclaim for nadia: @/unclewaffles_ on ig!
all pictures from pinterest and ig!
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theworldofotps · 21 days
Apple Picking (Drabble) Writing Prompt
Pairing: Damian Priest x OC Rachael Word Count: 640 Description: Rachael finally convinces her boyfriend to take her apple picking.
Got this prompt from @madhatterbri fall writing prompts you can check that out here! Wrote this for one of my faves @new-zealand-chic ________ Tag list: @omg-im-such-a-masochist @melissahausen @new-zealand-chic @writtingrose @hotgirlgraps @madhatterbri @sassymox @mrsacklesevansmgk @xladyxfatex @adamcolesbaybay @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @demonqueen29 @itsicantbelievethis666 @lilred91 @rebellious-desires @surdelcielo @letsgivethisonemoreshot @ava-valerie @shortyiceheart @serpantscorpio8497 @thatpanpal @wrestlersownmyheart @vebner37 @seeingstarks @whenimakeitshine1234 @legit9thlunaticwarrior @ironshamelessyouth @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @ripleyswhore @moonrosekk @xbreezymeadowsx @alyyaana If you wanna be added to the list lemme know. ______ Rachael had been talking about going apple picking for weeks, her excitement for autumn bubbling over every time she saw the leaves start to change color. Her boyfriend Damian, who was usually wrapped up in the chaos of WWE, was finally on a short break with the intention of spending some much needed time with his love. Rachael saw this as her chance it took some gentle convincing and a few cheeky promises that he could never resist. Damian agreed to spend the afternoon at the orchard with her much to her delight.
As soon as breakfast was finished, they got in Damian’s car driving to the closet place, Rachael was practically vibrating with excitement as Damian got their basket. Together they strolled through rows of apple trees, the crisp air filled with the sweet scent of fallen leaves and ripe apples. Rachael was glowing, her joy infectious as she pulled Damian from tree to tree. Pointing out and showing him the very best apples, she could find. He couldn’t help but smile, watching her with adoration as she soaked in every moment. Damian found himself very happy that he finally agreed to bring her here, seeing the delight on her face made his chest warm.
“This one looks perfect.”
She said, pointing to a cluster of apples high up in the tree, a small frown forming on her face as she stood on her tip toes.
“But it’s too damn high…”
Damian glanced up, a playful smirk spreading across his face as he watched her in amusement trying with all she could to reach them.
“I don’t think we can reach those unless you’ve got a ladder hidden somewhere.”
Rachael thought for a moment before her own smirk grew as her eyes trailed over her boyfriend’s tall frame.
“We could do that or maybe you could give me a boost.”
He raised an eyebrow but quickly caught on, bending down slightly he looked back at her.
“Okay then short stuff hop on try not to fall or pass out from the difference in altitude.”
He joked, staying still as she carefully climbed onto his shoulders, steadying herself as he stood upright. She giggled, a mix of exhilaration and nerves, but Damian’s strong hands held her securely and after a moment she let go of his head. From up there, the view was even better; she could see a good few rows over.
“See anything good, are you still conscious?”
Damian asked, tilting his head slightly as he kept ahold of her so she wouldn’t fall that was the last thing he wanted to have happen.
“Plenty and yes you ass I’m still conscious jeez I’m not that short.”
Rachael reached out, plucking a few of the bright red apples setting them in the basket that was hanging on her arm. One slipping from her grip but somehow Damian managed to catch it before it hit the ground and carefully lifted it up to her.
 “You’re pretty good at this.”
“Just doing my job.”
He teased, keeping her steady as she continued to pick the basket soon being filled to the brim, she had so many ideas of what to do with the. Finally, she began to slowly climb down, once she was safely on the ground again Damian wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close.
“You know something you were right.”
He said softly, brushing a kiss against her forehead as he took her hand in his and the basket in his other.
“This was a lot of fun I’m glad we came here together.”
Rachael smiled up at him and stood on her tip toes to give him a light kiss.
“Yeah I’m glad we did too.”
Her heart was full as they continued through the orchard, the perfect autumn afternoon unfolding just as she’d imagined.
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6okuto · 2 months
hai everypony. used some of u and ur ocs as my muses for a little (big) (rough) spread :3 So u know u r perceived and enjoyed.
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if ur surprised because we don't talk um. i recognize ur user and or did some tag lurking so. hey... um. Hey...... tags and notes under the cut!
@khalixvitae - KHALIX ! do not know this guy At All but i decided to mix things up and use him!! if u have any thoughts to share abt vil i'm all ears! >__<
@sweet-milky-tea705 - JAYCE! yasenia. smoking duck gif. is anything else needed 2 say... i didn't forget her ears i just. upside down. hair. and. giuspelazpe
@koyukiki - Leon Kennedy. LMAO he's literally the most random guy on here. "why hoseok da bus driver" vibe LIKEHEEBFHSB but u know. hiii koyuki!!
@shobvrry - wehehehe... hiii friend,, little shoto for u!! :3 do u like the placement of frozen joke bear. get it. bc. because. he. and. get it
@dira333 - kENMA!! this is evidently Not the thing i wanted to give u but. this has taken a while and i actually want 2 redo the other thing so. haii dira!! \o/
@satorisoup - tHe Only self ship other than me on here. based it on ur existing self ship comms and picrews.. R ur eyes green. like. ..IMCRYING . ROCK ON LENE!
@last0bread - !! azalea has SUCH a cool + unique design!! she's also quite satisfying to draw?? LOL. i also like doodling flowers so thanks for letting me do that :3 🩷 /silly
@mustddart - oh my god i didn't know u changed users and just got so scared. I rock w these guys. i don't know their dynamic i based it solely on this post (& it being percy) but I ROCK W THEM!!! U r one of the people i recognize by user btw. Hiiii stay awesome!!!! 🩷🩷
@luv-indigo - SOOO lovely!! loved reading about nadine and seeing her in each step ^__^ !! i recognize u by user too. Haiii all ur art and ocs r super nice and cool!!! 🙆🏻‍♀️🩷
@vaultureculture - bro i am rocking w this design so hard. elvia is stunning like okkk???!! leander i see u. i get u 🙂‍↕️🔥 phlomis is also Awesome i love the dynamics and story going on IM ROCKING SO HEAVY!!
@kandy-katz - omg. i did the chibi first and by the time i got to the last empty space i realized sol was the only one who was a sole (haha) chibi and !! 😭 i felt so bad bc his full design is SO SO cool so he's here twice. HE'S AWESOME!! 🩷🙆🏻‍♀️
@dreamtydraw - smoking duck gif. apple bag trio.. lOVE THEM!! 🩷💌 wasn't originally gonna do all 3 but i saw this pose and thought it was silly and fun.. yeagh. all ur ocs are always so lovely and unique!!! everypony reading this go check dreamty on itch.io and play all 5 games NOW!!!
@evanox - SARA RAAAHHHH!!!! saraahhhhh!!.???? haha get it. ...just looks like i spelt ur name wrong. Let's carry on. MAEHWA!!! 😭🩷🩷 worked off jayce's art I hope she looks ok. sage is drunk and saying something stupid /affectionate Idk what.. hehe she's lovely!!
@anonymous-eggy - Big Fan of masks and i love this one. HIS DESIGN IS SO FUN!! i finished drawing them the fastest fr fr i want that shirt so bAD and their hair is so nice yeahh i rock w az HEAVY!! 🩷🩷
@someiicecube - cannot overstate how heavy i rock w esther. u hooked me at an awesome stunning design and reeled me in w reading too many romance books and wishing it was him. so me. SO COOL!!! 🩷🩷
da process........
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yeahgh. 👍 i wud like to draw some for real in the future but actually if i draw anything in the next few days my brain will explodeo.
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dolceaspidenera · 4 months
OMG I love this idea so much! I had to make one for each of my favourite couples
Thank you for the tag @vspin and @wilteddreamsofbaldursgate both of yours were so incredibly sweet 🥺🥰
Rules: make your ships in this adorable picrew, then give me their song. Tag some friends to share too!
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Number one we have, of course, Astarion x Sameira (I love these two dorks).
It was hard to choose just one song for them, I have so many that make me think of these two 🥺 (I Found, You And I, Take Me Back To Eden, Jaws, Undisclosed Desires)
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From left to right from the 3 Dragon Age titles: Zevran x Nerissa - To Be Alone Fenris x Hawke - Find Me Solas x Lavellan (the tragic couple 😭) - Where's My Love
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Julian x Venere (my apprentice from The Arcana) - Northern Star
Ais x Selenia (my "Unnamed" MC from TouchStarved) - Smoke And Water
I would have snuck in Shepard x Garrus but alas, it was impossible to replicate Garrus 😁 but he gets an honorary mention for best space husband ever.
(Yes, I'm aware I have an addiction in making either dark or white haired ocs, apparently I keep forgetting other colours exist).
Tagging (sorry if you've already been tagged, I'm already losing track - and as usual no pressure): @cleric4vampire @astarionposting @phasebun @senualothbrok @howlsmovinglibrary + anyone who sees this and wants to join in on the fun!
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waterfallofspace · 5 months
Who are your favorite artists/writers in the community?
I see this one has been going around!! I actually got two, so forgive me for answering only just the one, but thank you both for sending this in!! Absolutely gonna emphasis *favourite*, not best, so I'm CERTAIN I'm gonna miss people that I just haven't seen
Okay so this is gon be a long list, and tagging people is scary so I really apologize if any of you didn't wanna be tagged <3 and I'm certain to miss a few, so if I don't mention you, please know that you're still amazing and it doesn't mean I don't melt to bits at your content!!!~ <3
(also gonna include a few wav makers bc that's honestly an art too!!! and i feel they deserve to be praised for that!!~)
(and gonna copy snzdreams here <3) People I know/Friends:
--- @onetrickponi is an absolute TREASURE, not only so kind and fun, but also genuine triple threat, despite what her name suggests~ --- @zensations35 one of the BIG names on here, at least to me~ someone I've adored for years, such a kind person too!! Not super close, but adore her!~ --- @snzdreams Absolute dear, and SUCH a fun person, and honestly honestly honestly the best g/ojo writer ive ever had the pleasure of reading, girl i stg that closet fic will live with me forever --- @bestwhumpist SOOOOO good!!! and so sweet, i have the honour of calling you a friend and also the honour of enjoying your WORK bc mmm girl yes --- @ithadtobesneezing also one of the sweetest people, so many people on here are so sweet and it makes me insane, and SUCH a good writer, like hello??? hi???? made me fall in love with y/uta i swear --- @6pmsoup AMAZING art like AMAAZZZINNGGG art, looks so good i'd swear it was straight from a manga --- @hachiibun some of my favourite art on this entire site, hachii is not only INSANELY impressive, also so nice!!! genuinely amazing~ --- @goodlucksnez makes some REALLY good wavs, and Vic is also such a kind and fun person!~ --- @ezynse REALLY good fics, personally seen a few a/ce a/ttorney ones making the rounds, but also just a funny and sweet person~ --- @lycheeehehe made this one w/olfwood drawing that made me feel things AND AND AND then also made a list of hcs for t/oji and ik hcs arent what you asked but literally made me insane over this man --- @devilscastle69 THE h/otwings writer on A/03, absolutely go check them out if you like h/otwings, some AMAZING stuff on there!! (also just such a cool person hi <3) --- @themiseryandcompany older fics but SOOO worth it, tasty lil morsels, and also one of my first friends on here!!! so adore her forever <3 --- @snzluv3r hi so honestly this one is so hguahguh for me to admit but some of the hottest wavs on here, and more than that!! literally a sweetheart, SUCH a sweet person!~ <33
People I don't know, but really appreciate:
--- @whiskey-tango-matcha such good stories about their lil guy ocs, they're SO alive and I honestly feel like they're characters from a published media with how much I know them and feel certain of them!! --- @autumnsneezes some of the best wavs (and snzs) that i've heard, absolutely amazing!!~ --- @gemsden some REALLY good content over here, mostly just posts with vague ideas, but some writing too!~ and just sooo good!~ --- @kotyonoksnz literally SUCH amazing art, released a few comics of it, and SPOILED snzblr with a beautiful h/azbin partial one, absolutely incredible art!!
omg this has been SO long im so sorry!! and im so sorry if i missed someone/you, i PROMISE it doesn't mean I don't love your stuff, just means i forgot T-T but I hope the length (and tags) are alright, and thank you for asking non!!~
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vriskaserketdaily · 3 months
Announcement; CW for graphic descriptions of medical emergencies & discussions of death/mortality
so, yesterday i briefly mentioned that i had been hospitalized. i unknowingly consumed edibles, became anxious and hyperactive, had a full-blown panic attack, and believing myself to be in the mother of all caffeine overdoses (2 cups of black tea) or having a heart attack or both, called emergency services, and was hospitalized with severe tachycardia.
i genuinely thought i was dying, sitting outside in my pajamas with my back to the mailbox post waiting for the EMTs to arrive. i still thought i was dying two hours later, struggling to breathe in the hospital room with my parents beside me.
i thought about a lot of things in the time between calling the emergency number and being lifted into the ambulance. i didn't want this blog to be my only legacy when i have so much more to do and be and make. i have other hobbies---knitting, crochet, playing guitar & composing music, and especially writing. i haven't drawn or written about my ocs in years, even during the recent hiatus, and i would like to change that.
to that end, i will not be drawing vriskas on a daily basis or consistently updating the fan art queue for the forseeable future. i will still draw vriska, especially if there are requests in the inbox, but i won't be going out of my way to squeeze out fan art when i'm ill, busy in other areas of my life, or generally not feeling it.
i will be keeping this blog up. i will not be changing the url because i fought too hard for a hypen-free daily vriska url and i'm not giving it up that easily. perhaps, after a year or two, i may even resume daily vriskas and normal blog operations.
are you like, okay? i think i'm fine, physically? i was discharged after about four hours in the hospital and was able to move and eat and stuff today. i still feel some soreness/tightness in the chest, but i think that's to be expected given the circumstances.
can we still send requests? YES please omg. the interactions i have had through requests have been so positive and rewarding that it'd be difficult for me to fully give this blog up. even something as simple as "draw vriska" will function as a request. one thing that's been going through my head a lot lately is the thought that i could die and no one here would notice or care, so having tangible assurance that there is at least one person in the world who wants to see my vriska art would be very meaningful in that regard. i may not respond immediately, but i will respond to all requests that conform to the blog rules and mission (no nsfw, no pedophilic/incestuous ships, must involve vriska in some way)
will you consider opening mod applications? no, both because i don't think there would be too many takers for the position and because i know from experience that the fastest way to kill a daily blog is to load it up with a bunch of mods. (i am not the original owner of this blog and have moderated a few other multi-mod blogs before---i am currently the sole mod of the two i stuck with, this being one of them). i'd rather keep this blog half-active with just me than have it be completely inactive with me and 3-6 other people. again, there's a chance that after a year or so of taking things slow, i may come back to it.
can we tag you in art/fics/vriska posts? yes, actually, that would be very helpful. i don't expect anyone to do this, but again, i will no longer be actively perusing the character tag. feel free to @ me in vriska-related posts you think could use a little love.
if i have a daily vriska blog, will you promote me? sure! genuinely, i wish you luck---i've seen a couple of y'all come and go, and it really takes a lot to keep a blog like this running for more than three months. if you can do that you will be certified spiders for real.
where else can we find you? my main blog is @beangods, where i reblog posts that are not about vriska. you can send art requests there, too, but they cannot be related to vriska. that's what this blog is for. i also moderate @theextendedzodiacas, which is mostly fantroll-oriented. i'm on discord, too, but you won't find me on any other social media site.
is the vriskord still up? yes, it is, and you can join it, though the server is not very active. i don't plan on taking the server down or anything like that.
eighth question eighth answer 8ottom text
please feel free to reach out to me, and i'll be happy to answer any questions that i can. thank you for your understanding, and i'll see you . . . in probably a few days when i draw the 1 request currently sitting in the inbox.
thanks for reading all this.
-mod 8
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