#too bad y'all are getting angst later this week lol
strawberryfairi · 7 months
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Synopsis✨: The story of how you catch heavy feelings for the hot photography student, Shuji Hanma…even though you already have the perfect (fake) boyfriend.
Pairings: Photography Student! Shuji Hanma X Dance Major! Black Fem 🤎 Reader (ANYONE CAN READ🧚🏾‍♀️) Content: Drama, lots of denial, angst, sneaky link, lots of cheating, mutual pining, unserious Shuji, controlling parents, forced relationships, romance, fighting, porn with a good plot vibes, intense sexual tension, etc (just find out the rest lol)
w.c: 5.1k💠 Released: March 20, 2024
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NOTE: I hope you guys enjoy this next chapter! I really want to focus on making this story a nice balance between smut and also having a genuine plot which honestly makes this one a bit hard. But I'm glad to see y'all are liking it anyways❤︎
C.W: None
6; Fatigue 疲劳
You wake up the next morning completely sore, everything was aching, reminding you of the intense events of last night. Hanma is fast asleep, laying with an arm lazily slung around your waist, the majority of your body on top of his.
The both of you looked tangled together, from the way your legs intertwined to the way the sheets wrapped around different limbs oddly. Y'all had knocked each other the hell out.
You let out a small, tired moan, attempting to move out of his grasp so you could check the time. Where did you even leave your phone? Thanks to the literal entanglement you were in, you couldn't move at all without potentially waking him up. You pursed your lips, feeling a little bad that you'd have to bother him, he looks so peaceful, cute even, while sleeping. His hair hanging lazily over his forehead, expression completely calm, and his chest slowly rises and falls in a steady rhythm. You catch yourself staring, blinking a few times as you snap yourself out of it.
Let's not forget you do still have a boyfriend...
"Hanma..." You mutter, much too soft for him to hear. You try again, this time nudging his shoulder a bit. He stirs but doesn't really wake up fully, tightening his hold around you as he turns on his side. "Oh, no!" You whisper, trying not to laugh. Now he has you smushed to his chest, his legs weighing over top of yours.
"Hanma! Uh uh, you gotta wake up. My legs!" You finally crack, giggling a little as you shake his shoulder. He groans opening one eye a bit, looking down at you.
"Mmm, what?" He mumbles tiredly, his voice all raspy.
"I gotta see what time it is; and you're crushing me." You tap his shoulder lightly, trying to move.
"Mm mm." He grunts, not moving even an inch..
"What'chu mean 'mm mm'? I have classes today!"
He ignores you, closing his eye again.
"Come on! I can't miss my classes." You urge him, shaking him again.
He let's out an annoyed groan, flipping over onto his back and letting go of you. You smile innocently at him then drag yourself out of bed. "Oh! Oh my gosh!" You grunt out in pain, falling backwards onto the bed. Your body was not having it. Everywhere ached, especially the lower half of you, not allowing you to move fluidly at all.
"This is not good." You mutter, attempting to get up much more cautiously this time.
Friday's were unfortunately a busy day in your week. Starting the morning off with a nine a.m. body conditioning pilates class, then an hour break for breakfast before you have to head to your Classical Ballet III course. After that, two hours later is straight to Black Aesthetic in American Modern Dance, then you'd have to get to practice for the upcoming The Gypsy ballet audition.
In other words, you couldn't afford to miss today. You get yourself up and start searching for your phone, massaging your arms and legs as the cold air hits you. You find your phone sitting by your duffel bag on twenty three percent. Hitting the lock button you check the time.
3 Missed Calls Big K💖
Imessage Big K💖
"Shhhhhit." You whisper, facepalming. Not only did you already completely miss your first class, you haven't responded to not a single call or text from Ken. You only had a short slot of time to first get to your dorm then shower, eat, get dressed, and head over to your Ballet technique class, all while trying to calm Ken down from being inevitably pissed with you. There's no way you're gonna be able to do all that within the hour.
"What's up with you? Why're you up so early?" Hanma furrows his brows.
"'Cause I have classes! Do you not have classes on Friday's?" You look at him like he's crazy, brows furrowed deeply.
"I do. Just not as soon as the damn sun rises." He replies, running a hand through his hair.
"It's eleven in the morning; almost the afternoon." You narrow your eyes at him.
"Oh shit." His expression falls in realization as he sits up in bed.
Gosh what a mess. Your hair is probably looking wild, your body's completely exhausted, and you have lots to do today...all involving high intensity body movement. You hadn't spoken to Ken all day yesterday, so you already knew he'd be wanting to hear from you at some point today too. The worst part about Ken is that not even now is any sliver of guilt making its way into your heart. Maybe it's because the anger is still hot from what went down in your dorm the other day. Yeah, that's it, the guilt just hasn't kicked in yet.
"I don't know how I'm gonna get through today." You groan exasperatedly. To be honest you could lay in that bed and not wake up until tomorrow. That sounds perfect...
"I mean, you could always skip." He shrugs, still not even bothering to move out of bed.
"I already missed one class, I can't miss Ballet; and my teacher's pretty strict with showing up and showing up on time. I already know I'm gonna be late; and Ken's probably already pissed with me too..." You ramble anxiously.
Classical Ballet III
It was so embarrassing coming into class late. Everyone was already locked in with warmups, spots chosen at the bars and doing the movements the professor called out. The way the other students were staring at you like you were some halfwitted creature for 'disrupting' the class didn't help at all. Why is ballet such a toxic world? You quickly scurry inside the studio room, placing your bag down and jumping out of your sweats and oversized hoodie, making your way to the bar in the front by the floor-to-ceiling mirror.
It hit you a few minutes before coming inside that you'd be showing off the piece by Bach that your professor assigned each of you to practice, Violin Concerto No. 1 in A Minor. Lord have mercy you weren't even close to being able to do it well. What a dumb idea last night was, you'd practically be torturing yourself for the rest of the day, and weekend if you get the call back for The Gypsy. Maybe that's what you get for cheating on your boyfriend? Is this the guilt finally kicking in?
"God help me..." You mumble, getting into the releve he'd just called out.
10 Mins Later
"No no, stop! You all were late on that jeté!" The professor stops the music, shaking his head annoyedly.
Before the professor turns the music back on he turns to you, the disappointment already made clear before he could even say a word. "You're missing your usual poise today. You alright?" He questions, tilting his head to the side.
"No yeah, I'm good! Just feeling a little sore." You reply awkwardly, getting yourself back into the starting position. Some of the students a few feet away from you start whispering and snickering to themselves. You knew they'd definitely came to the right kind of conclusion as to why you were feeling sore.
"Don't push yourself. Our bodies are powerful, but we can only withstand so much pressure." Mr. E states matter of factly, a look of concern making it's way onto his face. You nod with a slight frown. If you could miss a day of classes you would. But things just move way too quickly. You miss one class then all of a sudden a mountain of assignments and things just come at you out of nowhere. Yeah no, not for you. You fight passed the whines of discomfort your body throws your way, trying not to make any uncomfortable expressions as you go through the dance. This was only the assignment from last week, you hadn't even gotten to the Bach piece yet.
"Much better that time on that jeté! Alright, let's see who practiced the concerto!" He calls out.
Your heart sinks, this piece was not easy. He'd wanted to challenge you all last week since some of the students were slacking off with their overall technique. He's one of those professors where if one slacks off you all basically slacked off. The first five people go, none really impressing him all that much.
"Disappointing Riku; I expected better. Next." He shakes his head then gestures over to you with a hand. He already isn't happy with the class's overall performance of the piece, so you'd really have to get a grip.
You take a deep breath, getting into the starting position.
"Really pay attention to your balance during the sissone." Your professor instructs in a much softer tone. You nod then get back into character as the music starts. Immediately your thighs burn, and you prayed they wouldn't give out on you since your arms were already feeling like jelly. The piece was thankfully only three minutes and fifty one seconds, and you were able to get through it without any major disasters.
"Ok...good. Not great; but good. You're clearly fatigued. You barely made it through that sissone and arabesque." He completely read you, his tone matter of fact.
"I-..." You weren't really sure how to respond.
"Why don't you sit out, or head to the dancer's wellness center? I won't have a student breaking themselves under my watch."
You were truly grateful. Mr. E was a stern teacher, but he really does care for his students. You give him a soft "Ok, I guess I'll just go to the wellness area."
"Lemme give you a note." He says, holding a hand up. You gather your things at the back of the room then take the note. It was a little awkward with no music and all the other students just watching this go down. You practically limp your way out of the room, your body feeling even worse than before with forcing yourself to do all those intense movements. You make your way down the hall and to the stairs that lead down to the third floor to the wellness area, the dance studios are on the fourth. Right as you reach the staircase, a familiar voice calls out to you, making your heart stop.
"Ken?! What're you doing here?!" Your eyes go wide.
"I came to find you! You haven't answered a single text or call! The hell is wrong with you?!" He says angrily, stepping up close to you.
"Are you serious?! What makes you think I'd wanna be in the mood to talk to you after how you acted the other night?!" You scoff, continuing on down the stairs. Yeah that's good, just cover the rising guilt with anger. Of course he followed after you.
"Jesus babe, I don't even remember that." He rolls his eyes.
"I really can't with you right now Ken, like I'm not even in the mood." You shake your head, waving him off as you continue down the stairs.
"Can you just...stop for a damn second?!" He grumbles, reaching for your arm and stopping you halfway down the staircase.
You clench your jaw in annoyance, snatching your arm away while you wait for whatever the hell he was about to say.
"Look, I'm sorry alri-
"No, no you're not just gonna hit me with another sorry ass apology and brush it off. You were acting wild Ken! I should never have to call a friend to come get you after I ask you to leave my dorm!" You rant, eyes on fire with anger. "Aright alright. I apologize; I mean it." He says in a softer tone, looking you right in the eyes. You let out a dry laugh. "Changing it from I'm sorry to I apologize doesn't make it better, Ken. You're supposed to actually mean it through your actions, which you obviously don't. If you were really sorry you'd just stop getting crossed or high or whatever the hell it is you're doing. You know what'll happen if our parents catch you like that; if they catch our relationship looking shaky." You warn, your tone stern.
At this point you were seething. You couldn't risk getting kicked out of the school because Ken wants to go be an idiot and put a bad look on himself, and ultimately the two of you. "I-..I know, babe. I'll do better, I promise." He assures, leaning in to give you a kiss. You pull away instantly, like you were avoiding a punch to the face. "Don't promise, just do it, Ken." You grit, turning away from him and continuing on to the wellness center.
"There you go again, being the "boss girl", telling me what to do."
You stop in your tracks for a moment, Ken's intoxicated words suddenly coming to the forefront of your mind.
Now that he went and spilled his secret thoughts, you couldn't help but start to overthink a bit. You're not really the problem, right?
"You know what? He's getting crossed more because he's starting to lose his shit. That's why he feels like you think you're better than him. You don't fold under pressure like a bitch, getting drunk or high to ignore it all the time. You know what you want and you're always going after it no matter what, but Ryuguji? He's a fuckin' mess and he knows it. Let's be real, he's only playing football because his dad wants him to; he's the damn coach!"
But when did he start to lose his shit though? Why would it have anything to do with you?
4 Days Later Tuesday Night 7:36pm
The past two days had been fairly breezy for no apparent reason, but honestly, after how the weekend went with Ken, you're not complaining. It was close to a train wreck, this past weekend. The two of you going back and forth arguing in the middle of a fairly upscale restaurant; his dad's money of course.
Allegedly, Emma saw you get into the car with Hanma that Thursday and told Ken, which of course made your heart sink to the floor. Not only that, but you couldn't help being a bit pissed at her for just assuming you were cheating all because you got into someone else's car that isn't Ken's.
Even though you were cheating....
"Like I said the last time I asked about you getting into some other guys car, anything you wanna tell me about that?" Ken asks, his tone threatening and slightly dark. Your jaw clenches, more annoyed at the fact that you still get nervous about sneaking around with Shuji than anything else.
"If you must know, it was for a photoshoot that he asked-
"Wait, don't tell me it's that same photography student from before. Who is it?!" He cuts in, eyes narrowed. You could see the cogs turning in his mind as he leaned forward at the table. You huff, trying to keep your composure as you go to explain again.
"Yes, and it doesn't matter who it is Ken. I already know you're just gonna find him and try to-
"It does matter!" He outbursts, drawing immediate attention to the two of you. You scoff, brows raising as you lean back in your chair. People's eyes trailed across the room to both of you, discreetly murmuring and watching whatever scene was unfolding.
"Ok, first of all, stop cuttin' me off." You grit out, your own voice holding a low, threatening tone. "Second, I am not obligated to tell you every single thing I do and with who, just like you're not. Let's keep in mind the fact that I haven't pressed you about who you're getting these drugs you love so much from Ken; neither have I bothered to tell either of our parents about it. So let's keep things how we agreed to way back in the beginning. I mind my business and you mind yours." You criticize, keeping your eyes locked on his the entire time.
"Don't try to flip this shit around on me, I'm used to your bullshit mind games by now! The other day you were goin' on and on about me makin' us look bad in front of our parents, but baby if you're cheating on me, it'll be you that ruins our lives first, not me!" He fumes, pointing an accusatory finger your way. You roll your eyes, sighing as you shake your head.
"Mind games?! You're over here basing shit off a flimsy ass 'if' when I know for a fact you're using drugs! Have you thought about what happens when you need to do your next drug test?! Oh yeah, I guess not since you're too busy livin' large during your trips." You fumed.
Then Ken goes silent, sitting there with his jaw locked, looking off to the side.
"This isn't about who ruins either of our lives first Ken, this needs to be about us both keeping this fake ass relationship running as smoothly as possible, and lately you haven't been doing nothin' to help with that! I don't know what's been goin' on with you since you damn sure don't talk to me about your problems anymore, but what I do know for sure is that you need to get a goddamn grip! I do not have time for you to be fallin' a part at the seams and ruinin' your career because all of a sudden you're sooo unhappy to be in a fake relationship with me like this is a brand new occurence! I'm not happy about it either Ken, but I still get shit done! So tighten the fuck up, and shake whatever is going on with you off; right now!" You argue, your gaze blazing hot as you peer into his eyes.
Ken shakes his head, a genuinely hurt look on his face.
"You just don't get it..." He grumbles lowly, crossing his arms over his chest.
End Flashback
Tonight you have practice with the girls for an upcoming basketball game, teaching them a new dance along with just standard practice to the songs they already know. In small groups and individually the girls start to file into the large studio room, taking off their sweats and getting semi prepared to dance.
You're currently in the women's locker room, getting your mind out of ballet from your class about forty five minutes ago and into your contemporary dance mindset, changing into your workout clothes. You were wearing a cute hot pink pair of workout shorts, and a white sports bra. Your water bottle also cutely matched your outfit as it's also pink with your name written around it in a lavender shade of purple. Very girly.
You make your way out of the locker room and over to the water fountain just a few feet away from the door. Taking a random deep breath, you sit the water bottle onto the fountain, letting the automatic fountain do it's thing and fill it up.
"H-hey, hello there-
"OH MY GOD-you scared the shit out of me; what the fuck..." Your voice goes from practically screaming to a whisper as you look to the right of you at whoever just spoke. Your water bottle falling over to the side from the way you bumped into the fountain when you jumped.
"Oh, I'm-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He stammers, grabbing your water bottle just before it could fall to the ground, some water splashing around and onto the floor unceremoniously. "Uhh, it's all good...?" You trail off a bit awkwardly, your eyes unintentionally looking him over up and down. You've never seen this dude before in your life, you're positive.
He's wearing pretty basic clothes, a red plaid button up top with dark wash jeans and converse shoes on, also wearing black square glasses. His dark hair is sort of medium length, maybe reaching a few inches past his ears just hanging down lazily. A very nerdy look for sure. The guy just stares at you as if dazed, not saying a word...and freaking you out instantly.
"Did you wanna talk to me or...?" You trail off again, trying with every fiber of your being not to sound rude and/or look at him like he was a weirdo even though that's kinda what he's giving. "I-oh I'm so sorry! I just-...I-I've always seen you around here and...well I was hoping you'd let me take you out on a date sometime? Get to know each other?" He says sheepishly, his dark brown eyes shifting all over the place before looking back at you. Your jaw nearly hits the floor, but you quickly catch it, trying to keep your composure together as your mind replays his words over and over.
"Oh wait wait! I forgot to introduce myself! My name's Fumihiro Miyagawa; hi." He says, giving you his hand to shake. Not even a split second later he retracts his hand, then changes his mind again and extends it. You purse your lips, just standing there watching as he goes back and forth.
"Hi. It's nice to meet you Miyagawa." You smile politely, finally shaking his hand.
"S-so, would you wanna...?" He trails off, still holding your hand. You bite your tongue, feeling uncomfortable that he wasn't letting go yet. Even though it's been just a few minutes speaking to him, something felt off.
"Well I'm really flattered you're asking me out, but I actually have a boyfriend." You tell him, your tone apologetic. Miyagawa's expression falls instantly, almost dark looking as your response sinks in. There's a heavy silence that comes and hovers over the two of you as you try to let go of the handshake and retract your hand. For a second his grip tightens, making your heart abruptly leap in your chest, but it calms as he finally lets your hand go.
"Oh", He says dryly, "That's too bad, I guess." His tone softens up now, along with his expression.
"I'm sorry." That was all you could even think to say as your mind was thinking of one thing and one thing only, getting very far away from this guy.
You hear the water from the fountain start to overflow from your bottle, ripping you out of the severely awkward conversation. "I actually gotta go now. I have dance practice." You say, already heading off down the hall to the studio room as you screw the cap onto the water bottle.
"Whaaaaaaat the hell was that?" You whisper to yourself.
Once you get into the studio room, you leave that random, borderline creepy conversation behind, getting into serious mode.
"Heeey! How's the day been?" Emma beams, coming up to your from the front center of the room. You swallow your emotions towards her and keep it professional, keep it chill. "Hey girl! It's been pretty good. What's goin' on with you?" You ask softly, giving her a small smile.
"Honestly, this has been some of the best couple of days I've ever had." She sighs blissfully.
These past couple days? The same couple of days that consisted of some of the worst arguments you've ever had with Ken in the entire time of knowing him? An argument that was ultimately caused because Emma went and ran her mouth to him? Something about her words had just hit you in all the wrong ways, making you feel a little skeptical.
"Oh, well that's good. Wish I could say the same." You chuckle, trying to make it sound as lighthearted as possible.
"You always get your stress out through dance practice though! That's your thing!" She pats your shoulder, before heading off ahead of you to the front of the studio. Your eyes couldn't help but narrow at her as she saunters off like a dandelion in the damn wind.
Somethin' ain't sitting right....
33 Minutes Later
"I need just a bit more carefreeness from you, Himari! Your technique though is looking great, but I think you're thinking too hard about it. It's great, so now just focus on balancing the technique with-
You pause, losing your train of thought as you follow the girls in the far left side of the rooms wandering eyes through the floor-to-ceiling mirror. As soon as you turn towards the studio doors, someone walks in, and it's Hanma. All of a sudden, he just...appears.
"What-..." You trail off, trying not to react in a way that made the girls skeptical of you.
The girls immediately start murmuring and gasping about how 'gorgeous' and 'hot' he is as he struts inside like he owns the place, an infuriatingly smug grin plastered across his lips.
"Uhhh, can I help you with something?" You call out from your side of the room, trying with everything in you to sound like you've never met him before, pausing the music and placing your hands on your hips as he makes his way to you.
"Do-..do you know him?!" Emma whispers over to you.
"Hell no." You answer shortly, keeping your eyes fixed on Hanma.
"Yes she does." He chuckles deviously.
"No I-..you do realize we're in the middle of a rehearsal, right?" You sass.
"And do you realize you've been avoiding me for-
"GAAAAAH! Outside, right now!" You outburst abruptly, hollering over him so the girls wouldn't hear what he was about to say. You purse your lips together in embarrassment, practically speed walking to the studio doors as he slowly followed behind you.
"Y'all, just give me one second, ok? I'm so sorry." You apologize, facepalming before shutting the door.
"Shuji Hanma, what in the hell is wrong with you?!" You whisper yell.
He chuckles, backing up until his back is against the white painted wall. "You haven't been answering my texts for days, so I was worried. Wanted to make sure you didn't go and die on me or somethin'." He says coolly.
"So you bust in my rehearsal?! How'd you even figure out where-..you know what, doesn't matter, what do you want?" You facepalm.
"First, I wanna know why you're avoiding me again." He says nonchalantly, raising a finger.
"Uhh, because I have a boyfriend, and that said boyfriend has been up my ass all weekend starting arguments about you!" You point a finger to his chest. "I wanna be up your ass..." He mumbles playfully. You huff in immediate annoyance, ignoring his idiotic statement. "I'm trying to save my ass and yours by not being around you or texting you. None of it."
"Saving my ass, huh?" He smirks.
"Yeah! You should be grateful, to be honest, since Ken was just about ready to-
"So you care about me, doll?" He raises a brow, looking down at you with a completely unserious expression. "W-What?! What is going on?!" You shake your head, heart skipping a beat for a second as your mind makes sure you heard him right.
He goes to open his mouth again but you cut him off, already knowing he was just gonna say something dumb. "Be serious! I care about not having my relationship fall apart and all my "sins" bein' laid out for the whole freakin' school to see!" You rant, throwing your hands up in the air exasperatedly.
"All of a sudden you care about your relationship?" He questions, raising a brow. "It's not all of a sudden, I've cared the whole time." You scrunch your face up. "Now you know that's bullshit, doll. You couldn't even look me in the eyes when you said that." He pressed. He wasn't wrong, you really didn't care, but you had to care all at the same time.
"What're you here for, Hanma? For real." You grumble, looking back up at him with as stern of an expression and voice you could muster.
"That leads me to the second thing I want. You, in my bed with me, tonight. Right after your cute little dance rehearsal." He purrs sensually, taking your chin with his fingers.
"No." You deadpan, swatting his hand away.
"Your bed?" He shrugs plainly.
"No! Absolutely not! Did you tune out everything I just said like five seconds ago?! This whole thing, with you and me, is done now alright? We hooked up once, we're not doing it again; that was a one time thing!" You say with finality, gesturing between the two of you. He raises a brow, completely unfazed and slightly amused by your rant.
"A one time thing; I'm serious." You add for good measure.
"Are you? 'Cause I'm pretty sure you said something veeerry similar the last time." He says lowly, placing his hands on your hips and pulling you closer.
"I'm actually deadass serious, that's how serious I am." You narrow your eyes halfheartedly, placing your hands on his chest to keep yourself from being pulled any closer. You were already starting to feel yourself cracking under his gaze. "Sooo, you're tellin' me you really don't think about how good I had you feelin'? You don't ever think about doing it again?" He questions softly, leaning down so his lips were just a few inches from yours. You huff, trying to maintain your resolve, clenching your jaw as your eyes flicker downwards towards his tempting pink lips for a second. Of course you think about it. The flashbacks have been absolutely torturous.
But for the sake of the "relationship" you've got going on with Ken, you'd have to let Hanma go now. "I'm telling you...that that was the first and last time we-
Hanma cuts you off, closing the slight gap and pressing his lips against yours. That was the last straw. The small, shaky piece of resolve you had left just crumbled into nothing. Instantly it's like you're transported back to last Thursday at his place, up against that wall while he sets your whole body ablaze with his dangerous kisses. You melt, sliding your hands up to place one on his neck and the other on his shoulder. Gosh, he must think you're so easy, just a few words in that sexy low tone topped off with a kiss and you're putty in his hands. He has you completely wrapped around his finger. You pull away slowly, your mind finally made up.
"I'll be done at ten, take me to your place." You murmur sensually against his lips before leaning in for another quick kiss. "Oh, and since you came and interrupted my 'cute little dance rehearsal', I'm gonna use your shower first...while you make me a nice dinner." You add with a semi smug grin, running your thumb along his bottom lip.
"You askin' or tellin' me, angel?" He raises a brow, tone dripping with lust. "Requiring actually." You clarify flirtatiously, turning away and heading back towards the studio doors. "Damn. Well somehow I happen to be very turned on by that." He chuckles lightly in surprise.
"Glad you're discovering new things about yourself", You chuckle lightly, "Bye Shuji."
Your eyes go wide, heart skipping a beat in your chest. Shuji. You just called him Shuji...
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23 notes · View notes
imaginespazzi · 7 months
Hey pookie,
First off, since you achieved your goal of keeping part 2 shorter, imma try to do the same with this ask! So here goes my thoughts on part 2:
I should have already known as soon as I saw the lyric/song you chose that this was gonna hurt bad, but I still was not prepared for how bad. Side note: I listened to Happier while I was reading it for the second time – I do not recommend if you don’t want your heart to break even more.
I know I said I wanted Paige to suffer… WELL I TAKE IT BACK- my favourite blonde has suffered enough 😭
Her entire drunken monologue about what she would have done if it was her that took Azzi on a date- fuuuuuck I can’t- but oh man it was so well written and so heartbreaking.
And then oh- that last part and when she realised that it wasn’t her that Azzi was looking for (although I still believe that subconsciously, it was a certain blonde that she was searching for in the crowd)
ZOE WHEN I CATCH YOU 🫵 (you did nothing wrong, BUT STILL)
I did let out a lil giggle tho (In between my crying) at blondie running into a wall cos she was so desperate to get away 🤭
Side note: the first scene was top tier; I just love Paige and the Fudds interactions and Azzi and Drew interactions 🫂
Side note 2: Angela being chosen as one of the menace teammates, I see the vision truly, she would be that girl lmao
Favourite line/quote: “she’s who you were supposed to be…” 💔
So overall, my heart was as cracked as paige's screen protector was by the end of it, and I just want blondie to finally get to take her bestie out on their dream date. BUT I do love angst so maybe I can handle just a tiny bit more suffering (I guess I’m taking back my earlier takeback), sorry paige 🙈
Thoughts on what’s to come (potentially):
I know I said in a previous ask that in my mind, summer breaks are when it gets especially messy and seeing as we’re up to a summer break in the timeline, oof bestie I can’t wait to see what you have in store for them (and us).
Also, the first meeting between Zoe and Paige- I know that would be explosive, like Paige would just be constantly trying to prove that she knows Azzi best 👀
“you don’t even know the things I said to her before she left for LA. And she’s still here” – another teaser of that fight, ugh I so desperately wanna know, but also not know, what she actually did say that night.
As always, thank you for this incredible story. I was so prepared (well, not really but I could have been) to wait at least a couple weeks for this part cos ya know we never wanna pressure you and I know you still got actual life to deal with, so the fact that you put this out ONE WEEK later - we don’t deserve you, truly. 🥺
Ok omg lemme wrap this up now, and ignore the part where I said I’d try to keep this ask short(er) because I’m pretty sure this is my longest one yet? I’m sorry – the key word there was obviously: try.
Much love always 💗
Hi bestie <3
Please I love your long asks, don't ever stop.
Fun fact I was torn between using Ed Sheeran's Happier or Oliviia Rodrigo's Happier (does she mean you forgot about me) but also kind of wanted to use The 1 (if my wishes came true, it would have been you).
I KNEW YOU (and everybody else) WOULD FLIP THE MINUTE I GAVE Y'ALL SAD PAIGE like y'all love her too much (me af) 😭
We're gonna come back to Azzi and her searching the crowds during the game next chapter (also just gonna add here, the anon asking if Azzi knows Paige was at the game, she doesn't...yet)
WAIT okay, do we want Zoe to be a good kind gf or no? Cause I have two ways this could go lol
Poor Angela caught some strays. It was between her and Emily Bessoir and I was like nah Angela fits better, so I'm glad you agree babe
Aww babes I'm sorry to break you like Paige's screen protector 💀 (is this a bad time to tell you that it very much is not getting better anytime soon so hopefully you can handle a lot more than little)
Mini confession, I also don't actually know what the argument before Azzi left for UCLA actually was...very much a work in progress oops-
Let's see if I can actually stick to my weekly timelines (hmmmm)
Love you always pookie 💗
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wendy130 · 3 years
Hi! This is my first time really sending you an ask dhdbchdhc im very excited lol. Maybe for a small prompt (i don’t know if you have like a way to know if prompts are closed and if they are I’m very sorry!!), some T!Dream and G!George noms?👀 I see quite a bit of G!Dream and T!george noms but not much reversed. You can do whatever you’d like with this, but if you get stuck on ideas, possibly a protection scenario :)
//Dude, you’re so valid; I love this. Tiny!Dream and G!George pog. I was going to include nomfs, however the way I wrote this made it hard to include them. So this story will not have noms.
//Perhaps if I can think of a good scenario, I’ll try this again. (Or someone can give me a specific scenario too. My inbox is now open so :) )
//Edited / Unedited
He hated thunderstorms. Dream shivered, covering his ears with his hands as another crash of thunder rang around him, and the house shuddered around him. He shivered as the cold air around him embraced his small form; he hated days like this.
Rain was a wonderous thing. It can give birth to newborn flora, shaping them into the giant trees that tower over his world. It can quench even the hungriest fires, flood the soil until it’s nothing but a sludge-like version of its past self, or simply lend a soft melody to fall asleep to.
But it can also take away those things, becoming a raging horror to young plants and ripping away their breath of life. It can drown the small beings like him, crushing ants with a single drop, or stray a straggling soul to death. For him, it would surely suffocate the last bit of life in him.
He came to a daunting realization. He didn’t want to be alone right now. How was he supposed to find comfort, though? No other borrowers lived here, and the only soul nearby was George. He frowned, he couldn’t really go to the human, right?
The few times he’d had interacted with the clumsy human were brief, and he wasn’t even sure he could trust the other male. George was pleasant at first glance, yet no borrower could ever be completely certain with trusting the other species.
Dream almost screamed as another loud boom shattered the quiet pitter-patter of rain outside.
He decided he’d take his chances with the human.
Running through the dusty tunnels, he flinched at every creak of the surrounding grime-covered walls, imagining thousands of inky black arms reaching out to grab him and drag him back into the shadows. By the time he had reached his hidden door hatch, his body was racked with heavy breathing and tears brimmed the edges of his vision.
He threw open the small door and stumbled out. Throwing his head up, he looked at his surroundings. It was the human’s room. The room was incredibly clean, which was surprising considering the human was one of the inept beings he’d met. He stared at the bed which laid in the center of the room, seeing that a leg was draped on the side of the giant mattress.
Now or never.
He took a deep breath, “GEORGE,” he yelled. He nervously watched as the leg twitched, and soon another leg swung to lay next to the other. He flattened himself against the wall he had come from as the human came closer to kneel in front of him. He hesitantly peered up at the human to see the male was rubbing at their eyes.
“Yeah...?” the sleepy voice mumbled from above, “whaddya need?”
He gulped, “I- well...” he suddenly felt very meek. His legs shook, and a heavy weight formed in his stomach as he looked up at the human. They were so tall compared to his tiny figure. George could hold so much power over him if the giant really wanted to, and he wouldn’t have to even use that much force to pin him to the ground. His breath became uneven and quickened in pace, “I- uh, if it’s p-possible...” This was a bad idea. This was a really bad idea. Why did he force himself to do this? The human was going to-
“If what’s possible?” George inquired, cutting off Dream’s spirling thoughts. He took another deep breath in, steadying himself for the upcoming rejection,
“Is... would it... I don-” another thunderbolt cut off his sentence, and he shrieked at the loudness, covering his ears. It was so much louder out here.
George stared at his quivering form with a small, mellow frown, “is it the thunder?” the giant quietly asked. Dream could only timidly nod, his hands still covering his ears. George sighed, and Dream flinched back, waiting for the giant to refuse. His breath caught in his throat as two large hands approached his shivering form before pausing,
The human quietly hummed, “may I?” Dream’s wide, fearful eyes met with the calm, blue of the giant’s, searching for any ill intent. He had never been in the human’s hands, only once, and that was when they had first met. He warily looked back at George’s hands before glancing up at George’s face again, almost expecting him to be maliciously grinning back at him. He was only met with a patient stare.
He nodded slowly.
George’s hand gently scooped Dream’s tiny form up, bringing the tiny towards his chest. Almost instinctively, Dream clutched onto the soft, blue fabric for some type of comfort. He shakily breathed in, and a musky stench from the human’s shirt filled his senses, making him feel drowsy.
He vaguely feels the human get up and move somewhere, but he’s too tired to really focus on anything. He’s too dizzy to think straight, and the warmth bleeding off of the human’s chest, and their hands barely do anything to keep his eyes from fluttering shut. The smell of the human’s clothes brings back familiar memories of people he might have know when he was younger but have now simply faded into fuzzy memories.
His head lolls to the side as he drifts off to sleep, and he barely feels the weight of a hand resting on his back, nor the sound of George’s snores.
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genezpen · 2 years
『 neglect a queen 』
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pairings: jay × afab!reader
genre: angst, fluff (ur girl is a sucker for)
warnings: first person pov(as always), drunk reader, mention of vodka, jealousy, kinda bratty reader, sweet call signs such as love, (hun)ey (idrk what to include lmk if i forgot to add sum)
word count: 1.6k+ words
notes: hi! i wrote this like last month then suddenly got tired of it so i left it unfinished and since i wanna get rid of my mental block, here it is! finished product in the house, babe lol pls enjoy reading and lmk what u think abt this. the first few scenes were actually my personal favourite ^·^ stay safe and love y'all~
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“why did you drink so much? i told you to drink moderately, you barely even manage to drink five cups!” jay scolded me, but i’m so lightheaded to even care.
“stand straight or i’ll carry you right now!”
he knows i hate being carried like a baby. without a do, i immediately stood my ground holding his hand for my dear consciousness, with his other hand rested on my waist for support. anytime now i might passed out, i can’t even keep my eyelids open anymore.
i know i can’t handle alcohol like he can, at least, but i have no choice but to drink the pain away. for weeks, he’s been extremely busy, working so hard almost forgetting to stay at home. what’s funny is that he always have time to attend a night out with his bosses, be it for business or celebration, when he can’t even make plans with me. and all he said was he couldn't afford to miss it.
it’s not hard to tell that i’m jealous. with his work, yes. i want his attention more and more each passing day, and i can’t accept the fact that he can’t even tell earlier this morning!
“there’s a newly opened restaurant nearby, would you like to try it out later, hun? i reserved a seat for two people.” i smiled at him.
jay stopped at his track for a second then proceed to tying his necktie infront of the mirror.
“sorry, love, you know how busy i am lately. you can just bring your best friend, i won’t mind.” he utter fixing his hair.
i mind! i wanna scream so bad but as a mature girlfriend i am, i held back. resulting for me to drink with the girls instead of sulking in that fucking restaurant.
“who knows, he might be busy with something else other than his work?” i murmured pouring a vodka on my cup for the third time.
one of my friends gasp. “you can’t just say that! do you not trust your boyfriend? i’m pretty sure hardworking people only wants promotion so they won’t let themselves get distracted for a while. let’s understand them for now.”
“from experience?” another added, they clicked their glasses of wine.
“so, am i a distraction to him now? i can break-up with him right away, if only he told me so, you know?!” i know, i’m starting to lose control over my body– mouth right now. i need to stop drinking!
“oh no, you’re drunk. stop drinking or we’ll get scolded by your boyfriend!” my friend pointed at my other friend, “hey you, call jay immediately! oh gosh, this girl, really–”
i laughed maniacally. with hooded eyes, i lean against the front door when we reached our apartment then stare at jay. my forefinger touched the tip of his pointed nose, grinning without the teeth. i’m so drunk and sleepy, he held my waist so i won't fall.
jay stopped and stared at my current state like i’m hopeless.
“you...” suddenly, tears welled in the corner of my eyes as i remember the reason why i drank so much. i met his painful gaze, his pitiful eyes looking at me.
i want to him to kiss away the pain but can’t say it face to face because it’s embarrassing. or am i just too drunk?
“w-why did you even f-fetch me–” my voice hitched. i feel like a hand crushed my heart but it’s still beating loudly, so weird.
i gulp when his gaze turned intense.
“come again, y/n?” oh no. this isn’t good. he’s calling me by my name!
i smiled bitterly. instead of putting up a fight, i gave up immediately. i then lowered and shake my head.
“sorry...” almost a whisper escaped my lips. tears began to fall like rainfalls, my heart’s clenching so bad in agony.
you're so funny, y/n. the nerve to get mad at him then back down when he’s starting to get angry too. you’re literally hopeless. you’re pitiful.
those words stings too much i felt numb. maybe... i’m just too scared to disappoint him? is it bad to be conscious about how you make your partner feels? but then, how about him? did he really care about mine?
“come on, let’s get you change into comfortable clothes...” his voice instantly sounded calm, almost soothing this time.
i nodded weakly before letting him guide me inside.
“would you like to take a bath? i’ll help you...” jay handed me a glass of water once i was seated on a kitchen stool.
instead of answering him, i drink the water in one go. when i finished, he takes it out of my hold before putting it on the granite counter.
before i knew it, he was already squatting on the floor, leaning towards me. jay caress my cold palms carefully, still looking directly into my eyes, watching my lone expression.
“are you sober now?”
i nodded staring at the flat floor, refusing to meet his gaze.
“hmm. then are you alright? did something happened?” jay probed.
my lips twitched, “you have to rest now, jay. it’s late, you have to go to work early tomorrow morning...”
“i think the question is, are you alright, y/n?” he pulled my hands slightly making me glance at him. “you’re obviously not. can you tell me what exactly happened? did i do something that upset you? please, enlighten me, baby...” jay’s gentle caress against my knuckles makes me dizzy.
but then, even if i tell him what i feel or what is it all about, he still can’t do anything about it. work will always be his number one priority. it sucks, i know. but that's reality.
“you don’t have to worry about me. let’s prepare for bed immediately so you can rest, alright, love?” my cold palms made contact with his warm cheeks as i assure him it’s nothing serious.
he held it shaking his head and cage my hands in between his cheeks and palm.. “your eyes says otherwise, though. i won't let you sleep with a heavy heart, baby. it would only bother me as well. so please, enlighten me...” jay pressed a kiss on my fingers.
i rolled my eyes as my hands against his cheeks dropped, "fine! since you're so eager to know... it is your fault!" now i'm back to being the brat here.
jay only raised his brows. he slightly sighed in relief for an unknown reason. is he relief that i got out of my sulking but understanding girlfriend mode? well, let's see if he can handle a sulking brat!
"you're working too hard lately, i like that about you. but you rarely- no, you don't bring me to dates because of it so i also hate it!" i crossed my arms on my chest looking sideways with furrowed eyebrows.
he nodded slowly understanding why i am suddenly acting up. "hmm. is that it?"
my lips parted in shock. what does he mean by that? that whatever the reason why i'm sulking is just THAT?
"ha! are you serious? jay, you've been very busy that i had to sleep alone and wake up with you getting ready to leave the apartment for almost two weeks!. it's almost like i don't have a boyfriend anymore..."
it stunned him for a bit.
“you– did you really felt that?” now, he looks confuse as hell.
“but then again, i understand. i am a little bit immature,” i glared at him when i said that, “but i know how to handle my emotions now. you don't have to worry about me.” i pouted even tho i mean it. my feet fidgeting, drawing circles around the tiled floor.
jay shook his head then held my face close.
“no, no, love. thank you, for being honest about this matter. thank you for telling me how you truly feel. i don't want you to hold back if you feel like i am upsetting you unintentionally or even intentionally at that.”
our eyes met and i saw the longing that’s been hiding behind his chocolate brown eyes.
“i love it when you let me see through you. i love it when you bare your soul to me as i bare mine to you too. i want to know what you think of everything so you don’t have to keep all these to yourself. i promised to understand you all the time, didn't i?” jay caress my cheeks full of tears now.
i nodded, sniffing not breaking our eye contact.
“i’m sorry if i made you feel neglected, you know i would never do that– or i would never want that to happen. i’ll do my best to be better and treat you like a queen you are.”
i wrapped my arms around jay’s nape and buried my sobs on his neck. moments of silence enveloped us that only our heavy breathing can be heard. it wasn't uncomfortable unlike what i felt with other people, more like a peaceful silence. like a home.
“promise to take me to a romantic dinner date on the weekend?” my voice quivered when i tried to speak.
i heard him laugh a bit, hugging me back caressing my exposed arms.
“i’ll take you to wherever you like, tomorrow. i finally got promoted so i have an even more flexible schedule.” jay whispered and i felt my ears clapped!
“as you should! you should never neglect a queen ever again...”
jay laughed even more. “i apologize, my queen.” i smiled.
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© genezpen
all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, plagiarize, repost to another platform/sites without my permission.
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mercur1e · 3 years
Soo I just saw you're headcannons are literally 💞💞
It's lowkey the only thing keeping me safe and alive ✋😌......soooooo can I request Gom + kuroko and kagami (if it's to much you can just doo Aomine, Kise and Midorima and akashi)where they accidentally hurt their s/o feelings pleaaseeeeee..... I need some angst but please end it in fluff (cuz i lowkey cannot handle it)
Please take care of yourself, your health always comes first, I love youuuu ❤❤❤
Ofc love! I hope you're doing well and I love you too :) <333
He disregarded your hard work :(
You're trying to start your own small business and you're having a little trouble, which is not unusual that happens sometimes!
You were having trouble hiring employees and you were talking to him about it, and he was in a bad mood prior to you approaching him
"You're not going anywhere with this. It would just be better to give up on it. You're not going to make it that far even if you do succeed. And can you leave? I'm busy and all you're doing is acting as a distraction."
You just froze, you couldn't believe what he had just said
Not only did he know how much work you were putting in, he also knew how excited you were for the future of your shop too
You didn't even say anything, you just froze with shock, hurt, and surprise and stomped out of his office
You left the house, you needed some time to cool off and cry
It took Akashi a second to realize what he had said and how hurtful his words were, so he started looking all over for you in the house. He goes into the garage to see your car is gone and he assumes the worst.
You don't pick up the phone when he calls you or answer his texts, opting to turn it off after the fifth call.
You stay by your best friend for the night and they comforted you and told you he probably didn't mean it, and that you can stay as long as you need
After you leave from by your friends place you go to your favorite cafe for some breakfast
And guess who's there, Akashi.
You turn around and walk out because you were honestly not ready to deal with him just yet and it was too early in the morning for all that
He catches you on the way out and apologizes :)
"Love, I apologize for what I said yesterday. It was inconsiderate, hurtful, and wrong. You've been working so hard on your business and you're doing your best to make it happen. I was in a bad mood yesterday and I dont know what came over me. Will you forgive me?"
Looking you in the eye as he spoke every word, holding your hands and rubbing them, you know he was truly sorry and wants to fix what he did.
"I forgive you Sei, but what you said was really hurtful. You know how much this means to me and how much work I've been putting in. But I do forgive you."
He takes you out to eat at your favorite restaurant and watch a movie afterwards back at home, kisses you tons and holds you in his arms when you fall asleep.
He also puts in a good word with his work associates about your business and you gain more employees and popularity! But unless you want to do it completely on your own he's there supporting you every step of the way and giving you advice :)
He acts like your affection is kryptonite, even though you're not a clingy or overly-affectionate person
You guys had been together for about 3-4 months
He always brushes you off even at the most simplest acts of affections, you're starting to really question if he even wants to be together.
Well this particular time he embarrassed you in front of the team :/
There was a break in between practice and you went to give him his water bottle and give him a hug
"Hey Shin he's your water bottle, don't work yourself too hard okay?"
After that you went in for a quick hug but he held a hand against your chest and glared at you
"Why are you always so clingy? You're always on me and its annoying. Can you just leave me alone or leave?"
He said that right in the middle of the court, everyone's eyes were on you and you felt embarrassed.
That's all you after said you shoved the water bottle into his hand and walked out of the gym.
Takao was the one to call him out on his behavior and tell him that he was being rude and that he should apologize
Midorima took that advice and after practice, he went to find you and apologize, except you weren't anywhere he checked or thought you would be
You avoided him for 3 days straight until he arrived at your house unannounced
Your lucky item in his hand, he gives you a well deserved apology
"Y/N I- I'm sorry that I was being rude to you. There was no reason for me to act like that and I haven't been appreciating you like I should. That was rude of me and I hope you except my apology. Also- this is your uh lucky item."
He hands you a plushie :)
He gives you hugs and reassures you that he appreciates your affections despite him not being used to it!
He also got an extra lap at practice from Miyaji lol but he decided not to tell you that part
Is very busy and it's sometimes hard to make time for you :(
And you also couldn't show him affection in public or be around him because his fangirls would throw a hissy fit
He hasn't been answering his phone and he can't really get that close to you at school so you've been feeling left behind
When you finally managed to catch him, you said you wanted to go out and just catch up because you two haven't spent much time together and he agreed
However Kise forgot about the plans and you were waiting at the restaurant, alone.
You went home that night upset, tired, and wondering if you even want to be in a relationship anymore
You stopped texting him and talking to talk to him at school, not that you even had that much time to talk to him and school anyway
Kise had realised a whole day later that he had forgotten about the plans you two had made together
He took off from work the whole week, even though his manager was mad about it and went off to find you
He found you at a park after school and approached you with flowers in his hand
"Y/N baby I'm so sorry I forgot about our date. I can't imagine how you must've felt and to make up for it I called the whole week off! I'm really, really sorry that I havent had time for you. Do you forgive me?"
"Yeah, I forgive you Kise I'm just really hurt that you stood me up. You knew we hadn't spent alot of time together and I was really hoping to catch up with you that night. But I'm just happy you're here."
He takes you to a concert! Your favorite artist was in town and he bought tickets for the two of you!
The whole week was filled with fun, love, and lots of conversations :)
He promises to make more time for you and be there for you whenever he can!
He also posts you on his socials and shows you affection at school, showing his fangirls that he's not for them, but for you and they can go away of they don't like that
You feel like he doesn't put any effort into the relationship
It's always you doing everything, it just gets tiring
He doesn't really make an effort to do anything, like plan dates, hang out, or just spend time together
He also uses basketball as an excuse to not hang out with you when you already know he's not at practice
Like if you want alone time man just say that
So you had planned a date for you two, nothing big just going to the movie theaters yk
He cancelled last minute, saying Imayoshi was forcing him to come to practice
It was a sunday, they don't have practice in sunday
You talked to Momoi as she is a close friend of yours too, about how you feel like you're the only one making an effort and that you feel like he doesn't want to spend time with you
She tells you to confront him about it, so you do
The next time Daiki comes to your house you ask him about it
"It just feels like I'm the only one putting work into the relationship and I feel like you're avoiding me. You make up excuses to not be with me and bail on me last minute...do you even want to be with me? And if you do want alone time just be upfront about it, don't give me terrible excuses or flake out on me."
Aomine honestly didn't know you felt that way
Now that he looks back at it, it has been mainly you doing most of the stuff in the relationship, and he can see why you feel like it's only you trying
"You're right, it has been mainly you doing stuff for both of us. I'm gonna start putting in more effort because it's time I do. I'm sorry that I've been making shitty excuses to not hang out with you, and cancelling all of a sudden. I'll be honest when I don't feel like going out and I'll spend more time with you."
He makes it up to you by taking you to a festival and going to see a movie with you
True to his word, he starts putting more effort into y'alls relationship and you two take turns planning dates
And if he doesn't feel like going out you guys have at home dates instead :)
I know this took a little longer than usual, I'm sorry for the little setback. Hopefully you like them! Thank you for requesting and feedback is appreciated! Love you <333
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remosdeerica · 3 years
Batshit AU Pt #2: The Grandkids
So I mentioned in the last post Batshit AU Pt. #1 that I cover Dick and Jason's kids but since I've been thinking (read: fantasizing) about the future of the Batfam I figured I'd just do a post with ALL the grandkids!
Just a heads up: this is a LONG post.
First we shall start with the Grayson's:
Mar'i and Jake (Jake is not my original name I've seen it pop up in other media- dunno if it's canon in any timeline but I'm going with it).
Mar'i Grayson: Mar'i is the biologically daughter of Dick Grayson and Koriand'r of Tamaran (aka Starfire). Kori is unknowingly pregnant after one last one-night-stand with Dick before going back to her home planet to take over as queen. Unfortunately, because of Kori's sister Komand'r (aka Blackfire) causing civil unrest to try and usurp the thorn from her, Tamaran becomes unsafe for Mar'i as she is Kori's only heir.
-Kor'i goes back to Earth with an infant Mar'i and begrudgingly hands her over to Dick so she can live with him and be safe from Blackfire.
-Kori of course visits while she can but has a lot of responsibilities on Tamaran. When Mar'i is older she is able to go back to Tamaran to visit her mother.
-A few years later when Dick and Barbra get married, Barbra officially adopts Mar'i. Seeing both Kor'i and Barbra as her mothers Mar'i decides so call Kori "Mama" and Barbra "Mom/Mommy".
Jake Grayson: don't have much of an exciting backstory for him. He was basically just an orphaned infant Dick and Barbra decided to adopt after his bio-parents had been murdered.
Now he have the Todd family:
Because I am a heartless monster I decided that since Roy died in the comics without any sign of Lian and Jason was pretty fucked up about it, I would have Jason adopt Lian because Roy wasn't round to take care of her. So this is basically what happened:
Lain Harper-Todd: 1 year or so after Roy's death, Jason is visited by Jade Nguyen (aka Cheshire) who is carrying an infant Lian. Jade explains that she hadn't realised she was pregnant with Roy's child until after he was already dead and since she is not ready to give up her life as an assassin she states that Lian is better off without her. She then asks Jason if he would be willing to take Lian in as Roy's former partner (read into that how you will).
-Jason agrees, and decides to hyphenate her last name Harper-Todd so that she will always have a piece of Roy with her even if he can't be there for her in person.
it's not that I don't think JayRoy is cute! It's just that I honestly I don't really picture Jason dating anyone in my mind and the thought of him being a single dad is just precious. I'm also allergic to OC's (of my own making) so I usually try to keep to characters that are at least canon in some timeline and Lian was the first to come to mind.
Also I'm a angst-hungry monster so...
Drake-Wayne/Dowd/McGinnis household:
Lol, this family has too many names.
I already went over Terry and Matthew McGinnis' backstory in Batshit AU Pt. #1 but if you are too lazy/ don't feel like reading it I'll try to make sure to cover the important details.
Terry & Matthew McGinnis: A few years down the road, Tim is the current Batman and married to Bernard Dowd (my new fave batship). One night on patrol he finds the boys hunkered down behind an garbage container and approaches them.
-Terry is extremely protective of his younger brother Matt and becomes immediately aggressive, swinging a baseball around and threatening Tim to leave them alone.
-Tim finds it admirable/endearing that Terry is willing to face Batman alone in order to protect his brother and tells him so. He then asks them where there parents and and Matt (trusting Batman) tells Tim that they were killed by the 'Bad Men' who are now looking for he and Tarry.
-Tim is worried for the boys safety and offers to take them to the Police, but Tarry only says that they already tried that and that there are spies in the GCPD who ratted them out to the 'Bad Men'.
-Tim figures out that the boys are in more danger then he first realized and takes them home with him in order to protect them.
-Tim eventually finds out about Project Batman Beyond, an experiment orchestrated by A.R.G.U.S. in order to create the perfect child to usurp the Cowl and give A.R.G.U.S and 'in' with the Justice League and the super-community as a whole. A part of this project is making sure the children are biologically Bruce Wayne's in order for them to also gain influence over Wayne Enterprises.
-Tim realizes that there is no real safe place that he can send the boys and after discussing it with his husband, Bernard, the two decide to adopt the boys.
I think this adoption story is one of my favourites. Especially because I find the idea of Bernard not at all being surprised by his husband brining home black-haired blue-eyes orphans, hilarious.
Bernard: I figured since you are now Batman it was only a matter of time.
Tim: >:(
Wayne-Kent situation:
DamiJon is one of my absolute favourite ships in existence. But since both boys are so young in canon my version of their future relationship truly is creature of my own design, I will explain them a little and then the kids. I'll be quick about it. Promise. (There is also a 2 part series I'm working on that goes into my version of events called "Jon and Damian" if anyone is interested. Jon's chapter is done but Damian's is still in the works).
Jon: he is the one that I really have to explain. I call my version of him "Dark-ish Jon" or 'dark ish jon' for the tags. For those of you who already know the deal (or don't really care) y'all can skip to the *** for the kids.
-basically Jon was kidnapped by Jon-El (Clark's Kryptonian Bio-dad) in order for Jor-El to mold Jon into the perfect weapon for his plan to conquer the universe. They have a machine that Jumps through various timelines so no one can find them, and Jon-El trains/tortures Jon for 2 years.
-Jon eventually discovers new powers that allow him to kill Jor-El and escape but he ends up spending the next several years trying to find his original timeline.
-He eventually meets the Legion of Superheroes that help him get home, but once he arrives home he realizes that for him it has been 7 years since he was kidnaped, but only 2 weeks for his family/friends.
-Because of this he and his family find it hard to adjust to the new situation and Jon ultimately decides to return to the Legion but visit occasionally.
Damian: Honestly I don't think I really have to explain much about Damian for y'all to get the kids but I do want you to know:
He has long hair
He has peirced ears
Possibly tattoos?
He's has more of a slim figure than Bruce's bulky one
He is a fashion icon and kinda has 'bitchy white girl' energy
Bacically he very pretty and looks a LOT like Thalia
And yeah. The two eventually reconcile after Jon is done moping in another timeline and they decide to retire from crime fighting and build a cottage/farm and live in peace.
Athanasia: So she is actually Bruce's bio-kid from the Injustice timeline. And for my AU she is still Bruce's biologically and she does recognize him as her father, but because she and Damian are 13/14 years apart and she knows him better she lives and defers to him as her caretaker. I shall explain:
-Athanasia was created by Thalia in a fit of madness after Damian's death. Because of what happened to Damian, and because Athanasia turned out to be a girl (and therefor Ra's would have no use for her), Thalia keeps the little girl locked away and a secret so that no one can harm her.
-Years pass and Athanasia has never seen the outside would. Eventually something happens (will depends on the Fic -because I will get around to writing this shit eventually) and Athanasia is given to Damian (the only other person Thalia ever told her about.)
-At this point Bruce is getting older and most of his current children already have their own kids, so both he and Damian agree that because Athanasia is mostly attached to Damian and doesn't really know who Bruce is outside of being her father, that she will live with he and Jon.
-Athanasia get's older and eventually meets another girl at her school named Carrie Kelley. The girls form a quick bond, Carrie's louder personality complementing Athanasia's more quiet one.
Carrie Kelley: being best friends with Athanasia leads to Carrie spending a lot of time over at her house. This allows Jon and Damian to get to know the girl and become quite fond of her.
-one night after a sleepover at Jon and Damian's house with some of their other friends, Carrie's father comes to the house drunk and carrying a shot gun. He accuses Jon and Damian of being pedophiles because of their sexual orientations and calls them a variety of homophobic slurs.
-It's his attempts at shooting Jon that leads to Carrie calling 911 and having her own father arrested.
-Because her mother had already left and Carrie only had her dad to take care of her, Jon and Damian offer her a place in their home and eventually adopt her along with Athanasia when the girls are teenagers.
So, yeah! That's it for now. I am absolutely obsesses with this AU. I just love the idea of Bruce deciding to take in Dick leading to him having an army of children and grandchildren so large that all family gatherings have to happen at the Manor because nowhere else is big enough.
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hello!! just finished reading failed expectations and it was so good!! i enjoyed it v much :) i was wondering if it would be possible to request a part 2 to it?? thank you 💕
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I'm finally here with a part 2! Thank you so much for requesting, I never thought people would like failed expectations that much lol, hope y'all like it!!
Also, yes, it's reader's birthday because it's my birthday hehe
Falling (Zuko x Fem!Reader)
Warnings: none.
Genre: Fluff, a bit of angst.
Fandom: Avatar, The Last Airbender.
Summary: You're in an arranged marriage with Zuko, but he hasn't been very friendly and now he's trying to be better.
Word Count: 1525
part 1 | part 3
Zuko hated himself. He'd been so focused on being the Fire Lord that he had completely neglected you. He hadn't noticed before, but now it was very obvious that you were acting different towards him. You weren't rude or anything, just very distant; just like he'd been since the start.
It had been a few days since your interaction near the turtle duck pond, but he couldn't stop thinking about it. He could see in your face how hurt you were with the entire situation, and it made him feel horrible that he was the reason you were feeling that way. So he decided he had to do something, he had to be better.
He took some baby steps at the beginning. He would smile briefly at you, or just stand closer to you than he used to. He'd also try to talk to you a lot more, mostly about things related to the Fire Nation since he didn't really know how to approach you, but he wanted to show you that he didn't hate you or anything.
At first, you didn't understand why he was being so nice to you out of nowhere, but clearly, it didn't bother you. It was nice to feel at least a little more welcomed, especially since you missed your family so much. You were allowed to see them, obviously, but you couldn't do it every single day.
After a few weeks, he finally built the courage to ask you to spend the day with him. However, he had a meeting in the afternoon, so the first time, he only asked you to spend the morning with him.
When he asked that, you seriously wondered if somehow, you'd dreamt everything that happened during that whole month. But if it was a dream, you didn't want anyone to wake you up.
When you got out of your room, you both stood there, looking at each other. He licked his lips and scratched his neck before speaking.
"Hey... How did you sleep?" He asked, wondering why he'd said the first thing that came to his mind. He was nervous, and you could definitely tell, but, to be honest, you felt the same.
"Uh, fine. What are we gonna do today?"
"I arranged everything for us to have breakfast near the turtle duck pond, I know you like spending time there," as he said that he spread out his arm, inviting you to start walking.
"That sounds really nice, Fire Lord Zuko," you didn't realize it, but he cringed a bit when he heard how you called him. He didn't say anything, but it made him feel a bit bad that you always called him like that.
When you got there, you saw that a very nice picnic had been organized, and once again you wondered if you were asleep. The both of you sat on the ground and started eating in silence.
"Wait, save some bread for the turtle ducks!" You said to him. He couldn't help but smile as he put some bread to one side.
"You know, when I was little my mother and I used to feed them too," he commented. You looked at him with a questioning expression on your face since you couldn't believe he was talking to you about his childhood, but you quickly smiled at him, waiting for him to continue. "You remind me of her," he admitted.
"Well, I'm flattered, Fire Lord Zuko."
"You know you can just call me Zuko, right?" He asked.
"I, uh, I just didn't know if it was okay for me to call you by your name."
"Of course it's okay, there's no need for formalities between us," you looked at him in the eye and smiled at his words. He was about to keep talking, but the two of you were interrupted.
"Fire Lord Zuko, your guests are here."
"Already?" He asked to himself. He didn't want to go, he wanted to stay there with you, listening to your sweet voice. You looked at him and decided to grab one of his arms.
"It's okay, I understand." He let out a sigh and started getting up.
"We'll feed the turtle ducks later. I promise." You nodded and watched him walk away.
It had been almost five months since the two of you got married, and it had been three months since the last time you saw your family, but even though you missed them, with every passing day you felt a little more at home in the palace. Your relationship with Zuko was still a little weird, but it definitely was a lot better than before. At least now you could say that you were friends, not best friends, but it was a step in the right direction.
However, you were a bit worried since your birthday was coming. You thought Zuko didn't know, and the thought of spending your special day away from the people you loved made you feel sad.  But what you didn't know was that your husband was aware of the upcoming day, and he'd been preparing everything for your family to visit you.
You'd noticed that he was acting different, he was avoiding you again and whenever you talked to him, his responses were short and cold. You thought that maybe you'd finally woken up from that beautiful dream, and that everything was over. For a while, you felt sad, but then that sadness was replaced by anger. You just didn't understand Zuko, one day he was your friend and the next one he barely talked to you. You stayed in your room for the next few days, hardly leaving your chambers, which actually ended up making things a lot easier for Zuko.
It was your birthday, and when you were woken up by one of the maids, you thought that it was your mother for a second. However, as soon as you opened your eyes, you remembered where you were, and that your mom wasn't there with you.
"Lady (Y/N), here is your breakfast," she informed you.
"Wait, I didn't ask for breakfast," you told her, thinking that she was confused.
"Oh, Fire Lord Zuko told us to bring it to you." You looked at her, completely perplexed. She didn't give you any time for you to ask questions since she quickly started to walk away. "Happy birthday, Lady (Y/N)," she said before closing the doors.
You wondered how she'd know that it was your birthday, and then you realized that the answer was your own husband. You looked at the food and you recognized that it was your typical birthday breakfast from home. A brief smile was planted on your face at the thought of your family, and even though you were mad at Zuko for all the mixed signals, you enjoyed the dish. Nonetheless, when you were done, you got changed and got out of your room to go look for him.
You ran into him since he was heading to your bedroom, and when you realized it was him, you got even angrier.
"What's going on with you?" You asked. "I truly don't understand, Zuko. One day we're friends and then you don't even look at me for a whole week," he tried to grab your hand but you didn't let him. "And now you pretend that nothing happened and bring me breakfast for my birthday? Like I want to know-."
"Just come with me," he interrupted you. He grabbed your arm and made you follow him. You still didn't understand what was happening and wanted to argue with him. When you got to the throne room, he let you go and turned around to look at you. "Happy birthday, (Y/N)."
"Zuko, what-?" And then you saw them. Your parents and your sister were just a few meters away from you. You looked at Zuko with some tears already threatening to fall from your eyes. "You did this?" He nodded while smiling at you.
"We've been preparing this surprise for a while now, and that's why I've been acting so weird around you. I didn't want you to find out, and I was a bit scared that I'd end up telling you, so... Yeah." As soon as he said that you wrapped your arms around his neck and he wrapped his around your waist.
"Thank you so much, Zuko," you whispered in his ear.
"You're welcome, (Y/N), I'm glad you're happy."
You two pulled away and you got rid of the tears from your face. You went to your family and hugged each of them with the biggest smile on your face. You were so happy that your thoughts about Zuko were wrong, and you realized that maybe spending your days by his side wouldn't be as bad as you thought it would.
Zuko looked at the four of you with a smile on his face. He loved how much you loved your family, and he loved seeing you smile. Right there in that moment, he realized he was looking forward to the rest of his life with you, with the girl he was falling in love with.
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shortprince-cos · 4 years
The Woes Of An Emo
Summary: Virgil wants at least one rehearsal to not go wrong. Also, he's a simp. Also, I apologize in advance.
Warnings: Angst, mental breakdown, anxiety, swearing, miscommunication. Tell me if I need to ask anything else!
Note: Happy Asides day!!!! (hopefully it is, this was written in advance) Remember to tag your spoilers for a week and to respect everyone's opinions!!!!
{Masterlist} {Previous}
Chapter 7: Typical Day?
By next Monday, everyone knew that Patton and Logan were dating. They kept holding hands in the hallway, walking each other to class, and even flirting in front of everyone.
Virgil was a little jealous, though he didn't want to admit it. They were just so cute doing those couple-y things, and Virgil wanted to do that with someone. Well, not just someone, Princey and/or Roman.
Right. Roman. Virgil almost forgot about his crisis for a minute. He has confirmed that yes, he does apparently have a crush on Roman. Great. The guy he just rejected. Wonderful. The guy who probably didn't want anything the do with Virgil at the moment. Perfect.
How could he not, though? Roman, who got almost every lead in the musicals. Roman, who called teachers out on their unfairness. Roman, who's eyes lit up whenever he talked about Disney or musicals. Who could fight someone for hours if he had the motivation. Who, when he flirted, could drop his voice so unbearably low it sent shivers down Virgil's spine.
And oh goodness, Princey. Princey is amazing. He talks like he'll run out of time. Types like Virgil's the most important thing in the world. He also loves Disney and musicals and talks about them like theres no tomorrow. He just cares so much about Virgil, letting him vent about his anxieties, and even tells Virgil all of his deepest secrets and insecurities.
Oh, heh, guess we've been rambling, huh?
Needless to say, Virgil was not doing that good. The amount of stress was driving him mad. Everything was just too much; waiting for Princey to be better, trying to not get overwhelmed by Patton's friendliness, trying not to make everyone mad or disappointed with him, finding out he actually does have a crush on Roman, hoping Roman isn't mad at him, being the prop master for the musical, and even just schoolwork. It was exhausting.
By next Friday his dads wanted him to stay home and take a 'mental health day', but Virgil couldn't miss rehearsal or he'd probably get kicked from the show.
Speaking of the show, Virgil was currently sweeping up the auditorium seats when he heard a familiar voice.
"Virgil!" Gabi the stage manager called. "Please clean up the prop room, the actors messed up the organization."
"Yeah, sure. I'll lock up too, if you want?"
Gabi handed Virgil the keys. "You're a lifesaver, Virge. If we were getting paid, you'd get a raise."
"It's no problem." Virgil said bashfully.
"Thank you anyway!" Gabi said as she walked out of the auditorium.
So Virgil made his way over to the prop room, and started cleaning up the fiasco that the actors left behind.
It wasn't until fifteen minutes later when his phone buzzed, alerting him of a message.
He quickly looked at his phone to find a message from Princey! Virgil hasn't heard from him for awhile, so he was getting a little worried, but apparently he was doing a little better if he was talking to him again!
princeofyourdreams: call me please
Or not?
That was...not a normal message. Virgil's anxiety immediately spiked at the thought of calling Princey.
onthevirgeofananxietyattack: princey, u know how i feel about random calls
princeofyourdreams: i know im sorry but please
Virgil hesitated. Princey sounded not ok and obviously Virgil had to do something, but the idea of calling him was a lot to handle, especially when Virgil was, as his username said, on the verge of an anxiety attack because of everything going on at the moment, and one more bad thing could probably break him.
He hit call anyway.
"P-Princey?" Virgil asked nervously.
"Hey anx." Princey was obviously crying, and Virgil's heart shattered. But...something was familiar.
"Are you ok? What's wrong?"
"Everything. Everything's wrong. It has been for so long and I tried so hard to be ok but now I'm really not ok." Princey was full on sobbing now, and Virgil didn't know what he could do to help.
"Hey, hey. It's ok, just focus on my voice ok?"
Roman just sobbed more in response, and Virgil swore he heard an echo from somewhere.
It must be his imagination.
Virgil softened his voice. "Hey, Princey, it's going to be ok, whatever's wrong right now will be ok in the end, I promise."
"How-" He choked "How can you say that when-when you don't even know what's happening."
"Just tell me and I can help." Virgil wandered out of the prop room to pace while talking.
"If I tell you, you-you won't care. I'm surprised you don't not care already." He gasped for some more air as Virgil heard something shifting in the men's dressing room.
"Princey breathe." Virgil turned to the dressing room door. "I care about you. I promise. I won't stop caring about you for something like this."
Princey took a big breath. "THEN WHY ARE YOU PLAYING ME?!" He screamed, and so did the dressing room door.
Suddenly everything was silent except for the heavy breathing over the phone and through the door.
What did that mean? Was he mad at Virgil? What did Virgil do? And, oh yeah, was Princey actually behind that door?
Well, screw anxiety, theres only one way to find out.
He knocked on the door, and heard the knock through the phone.
Virgil took a deep breath and opened the door.
"...Hey, Virgil."
HAHAHAHAHAHA THAT'S RIGHT! IT'S A CLIFFHANGER! Y'all knew the angst was gonna spill out at sometime, I'm just surprised that it took this long! Sorry this one is really short, I didn't really know what to do to get to this point. So I just wrote Virgil simping for two paragraphs lol
@irritating-lady-knight I hope you liked your small cameo! Surprise!
Thanks to @thefingergunsgirl (Emma! Ily!) for beta reading this chapter! It was a big help!!!!!
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fandomtrash264 · 4 years
I have some Fred and George promts that I don't want to forget so imma put them here. If you are interested in writting them, by all means go for it, just tag me. I don't think I have a preference over who is in each scenario. I will probably write George and Fred based on what I thought but they should work with either twin. I do think they are different, im just saying that I could see the story going with either boy
• Reader and Fred pull a prank on George that changes his hair color based on mood. (Red - angry, blue - sad, green - disgust, light pink - embarrassed, hot pink - flirty, purple - in love/swooning, dark purple -lust) The 3 are sitting in the great hall eating and George is staring at reader and his hair turns purple. Reader thinks he has just zoned out and starts to bug him asking who he is thinking about. Leads to confession (and I imagine he is embarrassed so his hair is pink)
• Reader is a metamorphmagus and they like to switch between male and female so they change their physical appearance as such. (I see Fred as bi ngl) Fred gets a crush on the reader without knowing they are both people. A little while later, he falls for the other side (if that makes sense) of them and thinks he likes 2 different people. He is super torn and has no idea what to do
•This one is a Soulmate AU. The one where you can hear the music your soulmate is listening to. Reader is listening to ✨🌶 S p i c y 🌶 ✨ music and he knows its reader and he is shocked because they don't seem like they would listen to it and he is pleasantly suprised to find they are super flirty and such (he is twin of your choice lol)
•Yet again, one of our boys gets pranked. They lie about something that makes reader upset so they prank them so that everytime they try to talk, bubbles come out instead and the only way to undo it is to do somthing super embarrassing (I'll leave that to y'alls imagination's) and they refuse because they are petty but they eventually give in with this big social stunt or smth
•i imagine reader is a Ravenclaw (could really be any) who is the child of Bellatrix and *Moldy Voldy* (why ravenclaw you ask? I'll explain) They are in George and Fred's year so they are older than Harry. Reader was rescued a little before Harry was born and got to stay with someone else (probably Remus or smth. I imagine a gryfinndor so that way the Slytherin and the Gryfinndor kinda cancel out so you get Ravenclaw. Slytherin is their blood but they know its wrong so they push for the good values. I know slytherins can be good [believe me, I am very big on the fact that not all Slytherins are evil] but when its Bella and Mr. Tom, they have some bad bones) and they keep it a secret from their friends (the twins, the trio, etc.) Until Remus brings them to an OoTP meeting. He doesn't say who he just says he is bringing He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named 's child and they are terrified of how their friends will react. Kinda angsty but eventually they all understand that reader isn't evil
• Branching off of the previous, same family situation but when they were younger, they weren't seen as a child, they were a weapon. Trixie and Tommy boy would experiment on them so they are lowkey fucked up. They are super powerful and struggle to control it. Reader freaks out because they are terrified that he will be able to control them or see in their mind and good 'ole Gred and Forge help our reader to feel better and reassure them
• Reader and a twin are dating in 7th year (With Umbridge) and instead of breaking up or telling them about the plan to start a shop, they just leave and break off all contact. Years later they see each other and reader confronts them about how he couldn't even break up with them before leaving and he confesses his worries. Inspired by the song Ways to Break a Heart by Maddie Zahm [you can find it on YouTube]
• Can happen to either the reader or George or Fred but somehow by prank or accident in class, they get separated into different parts of themselves [parts like the 7 deadly sins (so they would be split into Pride and Lust) but also other things work (like Fear and Wonder)] and the other 2 have to deal with it until the problem is fixed
• (I have a lot with the boys and pranks, sorry lol) the boys get de-aged and reader has to chase them around because they are H E A T H E N S but then later on they put them to sleep and the Love Interest (twin of choice) snuggles up to them and mentions how much they love them and reader gives it no mind because "he was a baby". They snuggle and when they wake up the boys are of normal age and the Love Interest just snuggles closer and says something like "I meant it y'know. I really do love you/think you're amazing" and just. Fluff
• (I wrote George, yet again, could work with either) Reader is playing with the sleeve/hem/string of George's sweater/hoodie and he quips with a flirty comment like "you want the whole thing? Here, give it back when it smells like you" and the reader brushes it off as a flirty comment and teases "how am I supposed to know what I smell like? I'm noseblind to myself" and he gives them a scent. The scent seems familiar to them but oh well. They wear it because its soft and it smells like him and later on when they are chilling in the common room or whatever (George isn't there) they realize that's what he said he smelt in his Amortentia in potions last week and they lowkey freak out and go to ask him about it and aaaah! Cute things ensue
• [!!!TW: Depression, suicidal thoughts!!!] Can happen to either reader or one of the boys.(If it happens to a boy i see it being George as he seems insecure of being in Fred's shadow and I will write the prompt that way but it works with Fred and reader as well) George has been a little off recently and reader and Fred can't figure out what it is until reader goes to the astronomy tower late one night and finds George on the roof of the atronomy tower, seemingly fighting with himself about whether or not he should jump off. Angst, ends with fluff, reader helps him to feel better. Inspired by the song Achilles Come Down - Gang of Youths
•During their 6th year with the Triwizard Tournament, a durmstrange gent takes a liking to the reader. They start to court the reader and flirt with them, give them lots of compliments, try to show their affection. The Love Interest (again, twin of choice) get REALLY jealous tho and decides to try and out-do the durmstrang boy. This leads to really extravagant methods of flirting (ex. Sending a howler that is actually a shower of compliments or after a big quidditch match, the whole team does a choreographed dance where the suitor sings/performs to reader) all of this leading up to the yule ball. They either go with the durmstrange guy and deal with Love Interest later or they end up going with the Twin, whatever you would like
• Everyone is at the Burrow and they decide to watch a movie. While everyone is in the kitchen, the twin (who is the Love Interest) comes by and says "Oh! Are you guys watching a movie?" Readet replies "Yeah, P.S. I Love you" and he just blushes really hard and sits next to them and says "I love you too". Reader doesn't know how of if they are gonna tell him that "P.S. I Love You" is the name of the movie. Then everyone else comes back in so they have to wait until after the movie to talk about it. The whole time the movie is going all they can focus on are the "I Love You"s that escaped each others mouths. Inspired by a wolfstar text post by @starsandmoonys
• Inspired by the drarry work, Mental by sara_holmes on Ao3 (which you should totally go read like holy shit i love this idea sooooo much) written with George but as usual, can work with either. Reader is in for total shock when a joke gone sour ends with George striking them with a bad Legilimency spell. Due to this spell, they can (and have to) hear each others thoughts and see the pictures in each other's minds. What will happen when they see all that goes on in each others heads? Will they learn to communicate? Will they let one another in? Will they like who they see, or will they be scared away from the thoughts behind closed eyes?
• (TW!!!!: Dreamt character death, War) Fred and reader have been friends-with-benefits for a long time with feelings slowly growing between the 2 of them. They stay in denial until Fred has a nightmare one day where reader dies in the war. The next day he is desperate to hold them and see that they are okay. He confesses his feelings in fear of losing them. Inspired by Woke the Fuck Up - Jon Bellion
• [(TW!!! War) Fred lives] Fred and Reader had a huge fight right before Fred and George left Hogwarts and leave things on a rocky ending. Fred knows just how much he needs Reader and he desperately wants them back. Reader doesn't want to admit it but they miss him.and want him back too. They see each other again after the war and Fred breaks down in their arms and confesses how much he misses them and needs them. How hard it has been without them. Reader reciprocates these feelings and tells him. They start over, slowly building their love up again inspired by Bad Habit - Ben Platt [First verse and Pre-chorus would be Fred's feelings and second verse and Pre-chorus would be Reader. They blend on the 3rd]
• George has been strangely quiet all day. Reader is confused and a little hurt as George seems to avoid them. Leaving rooms when they walk in, not keeping eye contact and staying as physically far as he can. That is until they sit down in the great hall for lunch and Fred tells his friends (including reader) all about having put a truth serum in George's drink and all the funny things he has gotten him to admit. Reader goes to confront George about what he is hiding (because otherwise he would talk to them, right?) And they get an oddly specific but touching confession [ie. "I borrow your chapstick because that is what your lips will taste like" and "I see you in my dreams almost every night" ] inspired by Jenny - Studio Killers
• [Choose whether the person who can dance is reader or Twin of Choice. I will be writting with reader] The yule ball is coming up and reader can't dance to save their life. A certain red-heades friend comes in to help. At first, reader doesn't believe him because "c'mon, why would you know how to ballroom dance?" But they are pleasantly suprised to find they are actually really good at it. Like, REALLY good. "Mum made all of us learn. In case we ever needed it". Reader notices their feelings start to change as they spend more and more sessions together dancing until the yule ball occurs. Take it from there lol
• just a very cliche typical love potion fic. Reader volunteers to be on the receiving end of one of Fred and George's pranks- spike their drink with love potion- on one condition. The person reader will be in love with, knows about it. Reader figures this will allow them some leeway and safety against other pranks. All is going well until they spike the drink for reader to like (twin of your choice) and they realize that nothing has happened except they are a bit more flirty. Everyone is crazy confused because for everyone else they were head over heels swooning and attached at the hip until Hermionie (or somebody else) quips in with "You can't create something that already exists, y'know".
• So this one is less creative and it's also a mix of 2 tropes but bear with me. Reader is a very outgoing flirtatious type of person. They openly flirt with everyone, Fred, Ginny, Neville, Dean, etc. They don't care, its a way they show affection. Then, when they start to get a crush on George (or Fred) they star getting more shy and reserved with him. And he is completely clueless. He's lowkey hurt because "why doesn't Y/n crack jokes like that with me?" And shit like that. He is feeling down when he sees it. No, not 'it', he sees you. You and Fred flirting. He's got you cornered to the wall and your cheeks are flushed and George is big mad. (When really, Fred just cornered them so they couldn't avoid the question and was teasing and asking about their crush on George). George ends up seeing out Y/n, getting them alone and confronting them. Light angst? But ends fluffy as reader explains what actually happened
*im going to keep updating this as I get more ideas so be prepared*
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staytheb · 3 years
Pairing: TXT’s Soobin x OC [Nayoung] Genre: college!au, slice of life, slight fluff, slight angst Word Count: 4,613 Summary: Nayoung and Soobin are just mutual friends although Soobin claims Nayoung is his one and only favorite person. Still, she doesn’t take him seriously and is tired of his bullshit.
Warning: curse words. that’s it, i think. lol
hi again! this is the second pairing based on the original story, Exclusive, which is a standalone from Elusive. still not sure of the members, but it was fun imagining Soobin within this writing and so hope y’all enjoy it and if not, then it’s all good. other than that, hoping to write more and if not, then some day. but yeah, happy reading and kthxbai, Admin Lia~
Nayoung was sound asleep before her phone went off disturbing it. At first she didn't hear it, but eventually after the third time it went off, she woke up and stared at her phone in confusion.
"Didn't I put it on alarm mode only?"
She checked and she didn't.
Nayoung looked over to see if her roommate, Chaeyeon, was still asleep, but she was gone.
"Does she have an early class today? I thought it was cancelled."
Just then her mobile device went off again and she answered it after seeing it was one of her male friends, Beomgyu.
"I'm on my way."
"Wait, what?"
"Just kidding, but do you have a bra that you no longer use and are willing to give it up. No questions asked?"
The person on the other side asked, causing Nayoung to raise a brow.
"Excuse me?"
"I want your bra, Nayoung. Give it to me. I'll be on my way if you get it ready."
Beomgyu demanded seriously as Nayoung rolled her eyes.
"Shut up, Beomgyu. I'm not getting anything ready. The last time I gave you one you gave me back another girl's bra."
"I said I was sorry."
"It wasn't even the same size or color."
"I said I would buy you a replacement."
"Which I'm still waiting for, my dude."
"I'm working on it, but I really need it."
There was a pause before another familiar voice spoke.
"Can you make it two, Nayoung?"
"Ugh, Taehyun. I thought you were better than this."
"What is that supposed to mean?" Both males asked a second later as Nayoung groaned.
"I'm going back to bed. Talk to me after I wake up."
"Fine. We'll see you in class." The duo responded and Nayoung hung up with a loud sigh.
"So annoying."
Not a moment later did her hand phone ring again that she gruffly answered the caller believing it to be either Beomgyu or Taehyun again.
"Sheesh. Who peed in your cereal this morning?"
Another male answered.
"That's nasty, Kai." Nayoung replied as she sat up in bed knowing she wasn't going to be able to fall back asleep and should've silenced her phone after Beomgyu had called her.
"What do you want so early in the morning?"
"Why are you so grouchy, huh?"
"Beomgyu and Taehyun called me earlier to help them with that Scavenger Hunt for Beta Heta Mu."
"That doesn't mean you can take it out on me, Nayoung."
"True, but you also call me when you want to bother me, too, especially if you're partaking in on this hunt as well."
"Rude, but true. Anyways, I'm not participating in the scavenger hunt, but I was gonna invite you out for breakfast though. And since you want to sleep then I'll leave you alone to enjoy that."
"Breakfast where?"
"Oh, now she wants to play nice."
Nayoung rolled her eyes hearing the sarcasm in her friend's voice.
"Shut up, Kai. You still owe me from last time, the other time before that, and that time before that, too."
Kai groaned.
"You're still keeping tabs on that? That was like weeks ago."
"Yeah, because you supposedly forgot your wallet or had no money those times and guess who had to pay."
"I did forget it and I was low on funds. So what?"
Kai hurriedly changed the topic.
"Anyways, this is my treat to you this time. Whatever you want."
Nayoung grew suspicious.
"What's the catch?"
"There's no catch."
"There's always a catch when you want to treat me."
Kai scoffed, but went back to the main point of why he called.
"So yes or no to breakfast?"
"Yes. Text me and I'll meet you."
"Already did and I'm on my way."
Kai laughed as he hung up and Nayoung went to get ready for the day.
"I knew it was a set up."
Nayoung commented when her eyes met with a schoolmate, Soobin, instead of Kai's.
Soobin chuckled as he glanced at her.
"What's a set up? I thought we were all meeting for breakfast?"
"Kai didn't mention a third party."
Soobin shrugged with a smile.
"He mentioned you to me."
"I bet."
Nayoung rolled her eyes before giving Soobin a once over.
"Anyways, then where is the one that invited us?"
"You guys are the best of friends."
"Doesn't mean I keep tabs on him or whatever."
"Mmhmm. Right."
Nayoung leaned back in her seat and crossed her arms over her chest shooting Soobin a knowing look. He imitated her posture, but he had on an amused expression instead. The two stared at one another for a good few seconds before Soobin broke the silence.
"Don't give me that look, Nayoung."
"What look, Soobin?"
"The one you're giving to me now."
"What about it?"
"I thought I was your favorite person?"
Nayoung continued to stare at him as Soobin chuckled nervously.
"Stop looking like you wanna kill me, Nayoung."
"Oh, it's not you I wanna kill, today. It's your friend."
Soobin casually leaned forward.
"He's your friend, too, but don't kill him yet. I still need him to pass this semester and you can kill me after I graduate."
Nayoung relaxed her posture.
"Anyways, why are you here? Don't you have a class right now?"
"Kai invited me and I can't say no. Besides, I mainly came for the bread."
Soobin grinned as Nayoung scoffed.
"You can buy bread anywhere, Soobin, and you can always say no to the invite."
"But I love the ones here and why would I say no when I get to see the lovely face of my favorite person, too."
He grinned as she made a disgusted face with Soobin chuckling afterwards.
"Anyways, so I was wondering if-"
Nayoung interrupted him.
"But you don't know what I was gonna ask."
"After what happened last time, Soobin, I don't wanna be involved again."
She narrowed her eyes when Soobin opened his mouth to explain and she didn't want to hear it.
"Save it. I'm not gonna let you use me again to which I didn't even agree those last times. You put me on the spot each time and it's not cool."
"I get it. I'm sorry." Soobin apologized with a genuine expression.
"It was selfish of me to use you as my pretend girlfriend, but you happened to be conveniently there at my time of need all those times."
Nayoung scoffed with a roll of her eyes
"So were others that would have loved to play pretend, Choi Soobin."
"I trusted you the most."
"We're only mutuals and not even friends if I was to be honest. Yewon, Yuna, and Eunbi were there, too. You could've used them over me."
"You were closer." Soobin reasoned.
Nayoung rolled her eyes, giving up on trying to pull the truth out of him while standing up and collecting her things.
"Whatever. I'm gonna order and take it to go before class."
"Oh, c'mon, Nayoung. My company's not that bad."
"Not really you, per se, Soobin, but those involved around you I'm not close with."
Nayoung shrugged with a smile before walking away. Soobin let out a defeated sigh.
"Guys, I just sat down. Can you give me a minute?"
Nayoung informed Taehyun and Beomgyu as the pair each took a seat beside her.
"No." The duo answered as Nayoung groaned.
"What do you want?"
"You already know what I want."
Beomgyu answered with a smug look.
"If you give me what I want, then I'll leave you alone."
"Dude, you can practically ask any other girl to do what you're asking me to do. So go do it."
"It's not the same. They're expecting a date or something afterwards. You don't think that of me."
"I wonder why, but that's not my problem."
"Aren't we brother and sister due to our fraternity and sorority being associated with one another?"
Taehyun asked as Nayoung eyed him.
"Other Nu Tau Zeta members exist. Hell, you could've asked Eunbi, Yerin, or Sojung to help you guys out instead of me."
"Well, they already helped with some of the tasks and wouldn't help anymore." Taehyun informed as Nayoung rolled her eyes.
"Y'all need more female friends. Shouldn't be that hard since y'all have quite a bunch of fangirls."
"Like I mentioned earlier in case you forgot-"
Nayoung interrupted Beomgyu.
"I didn't forget."
He continued like he didn't get interrupted.
"They don't want to be just friends, Nayoung. They want to be something more."
"Not my problem. I helped y'all last time, but received nothing."
She glared at Beomgyu.
"And you better have bought me a new bra already. Like for real."
"I got you, Nayoung. Don't worry."
Beomgyu set a white rectangular box onto the table.
"Here you go and you're welcome."
Nayoung inspected the present, but frowned upon seeing the incorrect size. She shut the box and passed it back to her friend.
"What's wrong? You don't like the color?"
Beomgyu asked worriedly as she shot him a look.
"The color's fine, but it's the wrong size, Beomgyu, again."
"How can that be? I double checked."
"It's the same size as the one that you tried to give me that wasn't even mine. You're hopeless."
"Haha, I knew it." Taehyun laughed while pointing a finger at his friend.
"I told you that wasn't her size."
"Shut up." He blankly stared at the box.
"What should I do with it?"
"Give it to one of your fangirls and you can complete the tasks faster."
Nayoung mused as Beomgyu elbowed her with a sheepish look.
Nayoung attended her next class as she settled herself towards the back of the classroom. She brought out her materials to review for the practice test on Monday. If she did super well on the test, then the professor would allow for the practice test to help bump up their grades to replace a previous test that they scored poorly on. Too focused on the reading material she didn't notice Kai joining her with him placing a dual boba cup near her. It wasn't until she felt a poke to her side and slowly turned to look at a smiling Kai.
"I'm not talking to you." She stated while returning back to reading again as Kai rolled his eyes.
"Don't be so dramatic. My peace offering is your favorite drink."
He pushed the drink closer to her and she automatically took a hold of it to drink both flavors before putting it down again.
"I'm still not gonna forgive you for your stupid antic with Soobin this morning."
Before he could defend himself, Nayoung shot him a look.
"Don't try to say you couldn't come because I saw you run off just as I went to the counter to order."
"Oh? You did."
Kai sheepishly laughed as Nayoung eyed him.
"Alright, my bad. Sorry."
"It's whatever. Thanks for the drink."
The duo were later joined by Soobin and another friend, Gyeongtae, to whom Nayoung greeted the latter happily.
"Gyeongtae! Hi."
Nayoung stood and hugged the male as he returned the gesture before taking the seat on her other side.
"Hi, Nayoung. How are you today?"
"I'm good. You?"
Nayoung ignored Soobin's open arms and sat back down. Soobin pouted at her behavior towards him while he sat on the other side of Kai.
"Maybe next time." Kai commented as Soobin nodded.
He glanced at Nayoung talking to Gyeongtae about the upcoming test. His attention turned to the teacher who entered at that moment. During class, Nayoung received a text message from her sorority's president, Jinah, and needed to see her as soon as possible. She debated if she should leave now or wait, but remembered she had friends in the class. She patted Gyeongtae and Kai on the shoulders while asking them to message her later if she missed something as she gathered up her things. She messaged Jinah that she would be on her way over soon.
"Bye, Nayoung."
Soobin held out a hand for a high-five to which Nayoung high-fived him unconsciously after passing by him causing Soobin to grin at her in satisfaction. Nayoung rolled her eyes at him, but quickly left the classroom and made her way towards the Nu Tau Zeta house.
"Hello, Nayoung." Jinah greeted her with a smile as she motioned for her to sit.
"Please have a seat."
Jinhee, the vice-president, cast her a sympathetic smile.
"We apologize in advance if you're missing anything academic-related."
"It's all good. Luckily I have friends in the class."
Nayoung replied as Miso, the secretary nodded.
"That's good. Anyways, it's only to discuss attendance for the social gatherings this school term."
"Ah, okay."
"Anyways, Nayoung," The treasure, Jiyeon, began talking, "You've done well in attending all the events that Nu Tau Zeta has hosted thus far and have been invited to as well. And for that, we're awarding you this set for doing an outstanding job."
Jinah stood, walked around the table, and placed a rose-colored small box in front of Nayoung.
"Congratulations, Lee Nayoung. Please let me know if there's any correction needed."
Jinah congratulated her before returning back to her seat. Nayoung opened the small box and her face lit up upon seeing the new bracelet and necklace insignia set of Nu Tau Zeta's symbols for this year along with her name.
"Thank you!"
Nayoung beamed as she closed the gift and put it into her bag.
"I can't wait to wear it at our next social gathering or special event outside of campus."
The group talked a bit more before the council dismissed Nayoung. She went to the library to study some more before returning to her room and saw that Chaeyeon was fast asleep. Nayoung went to shower before retiring for the night as well.
Soobin congratulated his friend and fellow fraternity brother, Yeonjun, for winning the Beta Heta Mu's Scavenger Hunt before he was swept away by the others to talk about his results. Soobin then looked over at Beomgyu and Taehyun curiously.
"How well do the two of you know Lee Nayoung?"
He only asked as these two scored in the top twenty for the scavenger hunt.
"Good enough that she lends me her bra when I ask." Beomgyu replied nonchalantly although there was a mischievous glint in his eyes as Soobin's eyes widened in shock.
"Easy. Calm down." Taehyun said with a laugh knowing what his friend was thinking.
"She and Beomgyu aren't like that."
"Yeah, they're just friends." Kai clarified with a chuckle.
"No one's gonna take away your favorite person, also known as, your so-called girlfriend from you."
"Nayoung isn't my girlfriend." Soobin denied.
"Yeah, right." Beomgyu disagreed.
"But she is your favorite person though."
Soobin was about to deny it, but Kai interjected before he could.
"You're always using her as your pretend girlfriend to get those other girls off your back."
"No, I don't. She's just conveniently there whenever it happens and it works."
The other three didn't believe him. Taehyun sighed while casting Soobin a sympathetic look.
"I gotta say something."
Kai and Beomgyu shot him warning glances, but Taehyun ignored them.
"Look, Soobin, about Nayoung..."
Nayoung was fast asleep while her roommate was now awake due to Yeonjun calling her to meet up near one in the morning. Just as she was on her way out she heard a tap at their bedroom window and went to investigate. Chaeyeon pulled back the curtains, opened the window, and peered down below to see Soobin standing underneath.
"You're not Nayoung." Soobin stated as Chaeyeon rolled her eyes with a smirk.
"Obviously. What do you want?"
"Nayoung, of course."
"Obviously, but why?"
"To talk."
"You couldn't do it later?"
"Do it later."
"You're going out to meet Yeonjun right now so I can talk to Nayoung right now, too."
Chaeyeon sighed.
"I swear, the guys here are so bothersome."
Chaeyeon looked over at her sleeping roommate before focusing her attention on Soobin.
"Were you the one that called her just now?"
"Yeah, how'd you know?"
"I just do. Give me a minute."
Chaeyeon half-turned away, but faced Soobin again while speaking with a firm tone.
"No bullshit."
"No bullshit. I swear."
Soobin held up his hands in a surrendering mode.
"I promise."
"Don't make promises so easily, Soobin. Nayoung seriously hates those because they always get broken in the end. Just speaking from past experiences." Chaeyeon advised him as Soobin nodded.
"Okay, Chaeyeon, thanks."
Chaeyeon left and was replaced by Nayoung a moment later. Nayoung sleepily stared down at Soobin.
"What do you want at one in the morning?"
"I just wanna talk."
"We are talking."
"I mean could we talk with less distance between us and me not looking up at you?"
"I mean I could wake them up by talking louder and letting them know that you got a fat ass crush on me." 
Soobin smirked as Nayoung became more alert and narrowed her eyes at him.
"I don't have a fat ass crush on you."
"I ain't doing that with you, Soobin."
"C'mon, Nayoung, just admit that you actually like me and we can get this all done and over with."
"No. Go back to Beta Heat Mu and leave me alone to go to sleep."
"But Taehyun said you liked me."
"Damn. I can't tell that boy anything." Nayoung muttered, but Soobin heard her and smirked even more.
"So it's true?"
"It's nothing, Soobin. Talk to me when the sun's out."
"But you've out-shined the sun so it's already out, Nayoung." Soobin said with a smug look as Nayoung shook her head at his lame attempt, but still found it kinda endearing and a smile appeared upon her face which he noticed.
"See, you don't completely hate me like you think you do, Nayoung."
Nayoung rolled her eyes as a sigh escaped.
"I never hated you, Soobin. I just hated all the stupid shit that surrounded you."
"So that means you like me, right?" Soobin asked unsure.
Nayoung shrugged with an aloof expression with a mischievous glint in her eyes.
"Have a good night, Soobin."
"No, Nayoung, wait." Soobin pleaded in a panic to grab her attention and basically blurted out his confession.
"I like you."
"Excuse me?"
Nayoung stared down at Soobin suspiciously.
"What did you say?"
"I like you, Lee Nayoung." Soobin confessed with confidence.
"Now can we talk better?"
"Stay there. I'm on my way." Nayoung ordered him as Soobin rolled his eyes.
"Does she think I'm gonna run off or something when I was the one that wanted to talk with her?"
A mischievous smirk slowly appeared on his face as he ran off to hide from Nayoung. When she finally made her way out of the sorority house and around it to talk with Soobin, he was no longer standing where she last saw him.
"Och, where did he go?"
Nayoung huffed just as she felt arms wrapped themselves around her from behind with Soobin's voice whispering playfully against her ear.
"Aww, baby, did you miss me already?"
"Gosh you're so annoying." Nayoung responded.
Soobin took it as a good sign that she didn't try to get out of his grasp.
"That's what you always say, Nayoung, but we've done this so many times."
"It's only because you're super clingy, Choi Soobin"
"Only for you."
Nayoung internally cringed and sighed.
"Don't you ever get tired?"
"Only if I'm running around in that mind of yours every day."
"If you don't answer me with an actual straight answer, Choi Soobin, then I'm gonna slap you."
Soobin chuckled as his grip tightened a little more around Nayoung in a cozy back-hug while placing his chin onto her shoulder.
"You've threatened me many times, Lee Nayoung, but I don't ever recall you having ever delivered any of them."
"Well, we can find out right now because I want to be the first one to report your death and all of your fangirls can mourn over you."
"That's harsh isn't it? Especially for you, considering you'll be crying the hardest over my passing and didn't even get a chance to confess your love for me when you had the chance to."
"My dude, you're so friggin' annoying." 
Nayoung spoke in an exasperated tone as she tried to shrug him off of her, but it was hardly useful as he had a firm grip upon her while laughing at her attempt.
"Only the best for my favorite person."
Upon hearing that Nayoung stopped squirming and stood still suddenly alerting Soobin of her change in behavior.
"Like can you stop?" Nayoung said in a flat tone.
He removed his arms from around her and turned her around to face him instead.
"What do you mean?"
"This. All of this. Everything, Soobin."
She motioned with her hands between him and her.
"Can you stop playing with me? Just annoy some other girl willing to deal with your bullshit because I'm honestly done with it."
Soobin stared at her blankly as he tried to process her words which made Nayoung continue on with her pent-up frustrations towards him.
"You're a cool person and all, Soobin, but don't get me wrong. It's just that you have nothing but drama surrounding you that I don't wanna fuck with it no more." Nayoung admitted.
"From your constant flirting to your dumb fangirls. Then there's me being your fake girlfriend when one of them gets it into their head that they can be more with you because of your actions when I shouldn't even be involved at all. That's not my problem to handle. It's yours."
Nayoung ran a hand through her hair in frustration.
"Honestly, it's hard for me to see you as a genuine person to even be friends with or even something more beyond that when I constantly see only that side of you majority of the time and it just turns me off."
She sighed while looking at him with tiredness in her eyes.
"I'm sorry to blow up in front of you, but I'm just so tired of your games and bullshit excuses, Choi Soobin."
Soobin was still processing the sudden change in the atmosphere between him and Nayoung from earlier, prompting her to end their talk with a heavy heart as she didn't want to continue with this.
"Anyways, have a good night, Soobin. When or if ever you do get your shit together, maybe we can start over."
Nayoung had walked past Soobin and his hand shot out to firmly grip her forearm, preventing her from leaving and bringing her back around to face him again. She was about to protest when she suddenly felt Soobin's lips on hers. Unconsciously, she tried to pull away, but he placed a hand at the back of her neck instinctively to prevent her from doing so. Soobin deepened the kiss to convey his feelings to Nayoung as she returned his kiss. He broke the kiss a moment later allowing the both of them to catch their breaths. She avoided all eye-contact as she shifted her gaze downwards to regain all of her senses as she was totally caught off guard by the sudden kiss. Soobin placed his forefinger and thumb against her chin to lift her head so that they could lock eyes while staring at her tenderly.
"I really do like you, Lee Nayoung. I'm sorry for putting you through those situations selfishly and making you feel that way disregarding your own feelings, too." He confessed along with an apology.
"I didn't mean for them to get out of hand, but one thing led to another and repeated and I just assumed it'll all fall into place on its own accord. I'm really sorry."
"Saying sorry doesn't fix everything, Soobin."
"I know, but I'm willing to make it up to you as best as I can."
"Did Chaeyeon tell you that I hate promises?"
"That girl."
"And I'm glad she did, because I'm done bullshitting you, Nayoung."
He looked at her expectantly.
"By chance is it too late to start over?"
"It's never too late to start over, Soobin."
"Good. Because I need to stake my claim before it's too late."
Nayoung shot him a weird look.
"Too late for what?"
"To make you my one and only favorite person."
"What about your fangirls?"
"What about them?"
"You better control them and not let them come at me because you decided to like me and wanted to pursue a relationship."
"Don't worry. I'll make sure to be the one that gets them off your back for good."
"You better or I'll end this relationship so fast and move on in a blink of an eye."
"Don't you even think of doing that, Lee Nayoung." Soobin warned as he circled his arms around her body and pulled her against him with a cheeky smile a moment later.
"How about an impromptu late night slash early morning date?"
"Nah, I'm good. I need to sleep, anyway." Nayoung declined with a laugh as she wrapped her arms around his waist a moment later.
"We can have a proper date after I'm done with my classes later today."
"But that means you won't be done until after four."
"Okay, stalker, chill. We got lots of time to hang out."
"One, I'm not a stalker. Two, I'm your boyfriend so it's validated that I would know your schedule."
"Okay, boy, slow your roll."
Nayoung chuckled with a shake of her head.
"One, I never agreed to becoming your girlfriend, and two, we just admitted our feelings for one another not too long ago."
Soobin laughed while wiggling his eyebrows.
"I'm pretty sure we can skip to the point where we're a couple already."
He grinned happily.
"Besides, we had practices of becoming boyfriend and girlfriend in the past. It's validated that we're official now."
"That's according to you."
Nayoung rolled her eyes, but smiled anyway as she began to lead them to the front of Nu Tau Zeta's front door.
"Now go back to Beta Heta Mu and get some sleep. Then maybe we can have breakfast in several hours if I feel like it."
"Whether you feel like it or not, maybe I'll bring breakfast to you in bed."
He nudged her playfully.
"If you can get through the front door, Soobin."
"Oh, I have no worries about not being able to get through the doors, Nayoung."
"I'm sure you don't, but please don't. I'll meet you at Crown instead."
"How about I meet you outside your sorority house and we can go to Crown together."
"Sure, Soobin, that's fine with me. Good night."
Nayoung bid him a farewell with a small wave once they were standing at the entrace of Nu Tau Zeta and had just opened the door until Soobin softly tugged her back by the end of her shirt. She cast him a confused expression.
"My good night's kiss."
Nayoung caught the mischievous glint in his eyes as he pointed at his cheek and decided to play along with him.
Soobin smiled widely as he awaited Nayoung to kiss him. Just as she leaned in to give Soobin a kiss on the cheek, she quickly pecked his lips instead and rush inside the house with a laugh before closing the door a second later. He was shocked at first, but it wore off once he heard the click of the door shutting. He grinned before turning around to return to his fraternity anticipating the morning hours to officially spend it with Nayoung.
0 notes
fuckyeahexofics · 7 years
fic search #146
Please use the reply function to answer these. If you do use the ask box (and we prefer you don’t) please give link, # of fic search and # of item in the search. Thank you.
1. deleted by author
pls pls pls help! i'm trying to find a kaisoo fic! it was on ao3! it's a hybrid au! so kyungsoo adopts jongin when he's young and he grows older with kyungsoo over time and as he gets older he starts to develop feelings for kyungsoo and i believe dry humps kyungsoo while he thinks he's asleep! jongin might've woken him up! also there's a part where kyungsoo sits on jongins lap and kyungsoo can feel his bulge and kyungsoo freezes lol and ksoo asks chen and xiumin for advice! thx
① Hello! Some time ago I've read an amazing fanfic and was silly enough to forget where it was (maybe AFF, I'm really not sure). However, I remember almost the whole plot. The pairing is SuChen, without anyone of Exo members. Rating: PG-13. Genre: AU, angst, happy ending. It starts with Junmyeon knocking on Jongdae's apartment door. When the latter finally lets him in, turns out Jongdae was forced to break up with Junmyeon (by $uho's rich mother, I guess). Jongdae bursts out crying, Junmyeon
② calms him down, they decide to stay together. It isn’t a long fanfic. I’ve been searching for it for a few days and got nothing. If you can help me, it would be great.
3. The Magic of Pixie Dust by MitchMatchedSocks
im looking for a fic where Sehun babysits and takes his nephew + niece to disneyland/a theme park and they're in line waiting to take a photo with a prince/character and his niece asks for ice cream and one of the kids throw a tantrum?? but when they finally get to the guy he turns out to be really cute and the niece makes sehun and the guy "adult kiss" and im pretty sure chen was the photographer and sehun ends up getting the guy's number and promising his niece ice cream?? please help!! thanks
4. Where Is Love by theworldwithkaisoo
welcome back, lovely mods! i read a fic about two weeks ago and despite scouring your blog, i don't think it's recced here. it's a soulmates!au with main chansoo and side sekai, in a world where if one person gets a cut, it shows up on the soulmate's skin. kyungsoo self-harms and finds chanyeol is his soulmate after sehun finds that jongin is his soulmate. kyungsoo's stepmom is abusive and there's a scene where chanyeol helps kyungsoo with a cut. thank you so much!
5. Fearless, Like the Stars by minnuet
Hi! So, I'm looking for a xiubaek fic that was on archive of our own I believe. It was a mama au, kinda space adventure fic, where only a certain few had powers. Luhan, junmyeon, chanyeol and jongdae are all in it, with Kyungsoo as the villain. Minseok had been exiled from his own planet and then found Baekhyun and he help Baek discover his own powers. It was kinda a newer fic but I can't find it. Thanks in advance!
6. Progressive Education by Brandedbutterfly
Hi ^^ ok, so I know this might sound pretty vague, but I have no idea where or whom should I ask for help: around 2 or 3 years ago I read a fanfic on aff, most probably hunhan, but my memory may not serve right. It was romance, had a lot of smut, was chaptered (a lot of them) + completed and the most helpful unique thing it had *i hope so*, the author posted pics of herself and her daughter at the end of the chapters in the author note section. I hope you could help me ❤ Thank you!!
Hey admins , there's a wolf!au fic I believe the couple were HunHan where Luhan was the alpha but he liked being the bottom and sehun was the omega and he was the top (or the other way round) , and then the pack finds out and shames luhan or something like asdfghjkl I've been looking for it and I can't figure out its name
8. and we drown in our sins by khrysallis or  nostalgia (n.) by fumerie
hiii I'm so happy y'all are back~ i was wondering if you guys know this fic, too, EXO were "guardians" of their respective power, and I remember Lu Han was the Oracle in it but it wasn't Zodiac. (If that makes sense??) I think it was Hunhan or Lukai, sorry if this doesn't make sense :(
9. Frisk Your Friends by RacyRoulette
Hi I read a fic a while back and I think it was from this blog but I checked the tags and could not find it. It was a gangbang fic I think and baekhyun might have been dared or smthn I can't really remember but I do remember he ended up losing and had to deepthroat a cucumber. Then they had a little competition to see who could deepthroat it further and then all I Remember after that was that they all had sex and baekhyun might have been penetrated by two dicks at once?Dnt remember what site sry
10. deleted by author
Hello wonderful admins of beauty! I am looking for a Hybrid!AU fic with Taoris as main pairing. Tao's a catboy at a new school and Kris looks human but is also a catboy and somehow popular. Also love you guys lots xoxo
11. Young One by strange-seas
I've been trying to find this fic and I've looked everywhere :( it's minseok/(suho,kai or Luhan idk which) ?? Is the prince and minseok starts falling for him. There's asshole cousin sehun and best friend yixing who has one sided love for ??. seok knows he can't have ?? Since the prince can't leave his kingdom behind so seok leaves on a ship with yixing and then a few years later seok meets ?? Again.
12. Redamancy by abcdefghiluvyou (log into LJ to view the fic)
hi! I read a fic aaaaaaages ago and have been having trouble trying to find it again?? it was a/b/o verse nd one member was being given to a new pack as like a gift for the alpha or something?? idk but whilst making the journey to the new pack with like three or four members of it, one of them had to help him with his heat (think they ended up being mates??) I was p certain the pairing was baekyeol but couldn't find it in the tags?? thank you for your help!
13. Play Pretend by cwtchbuddy
Hello, sorry if this is the same that everyone sends but, I'm looking for this fic for a while now ;;;;; is a fanxing where they (fanxing) are roommates and pretend being in a relationship for YiXing avoid some frashman and YiFan want to practice his skills in act, in the end they start a real relationship when found out that they like each other. Sorry if this was a bad discription and thanks for this lovelly blog.’
thank you to all the anons, @just-get-me-my-mineral-water, @teespoone, @thiscitywas, @brezjanae, @iminlovewithkyungsoo, @cactus-boii and @kaisoo-catalog
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dad no omg
Morality just wants to be cool
i’m v aware that I’m not funny thanks, fite me
God, writing this made my brain hurt.
@princey-and-hottopic and @prinxietys y'all I could tag you so I’m gonna do that
((this was originally supposed to be an angst but I’ll write that later))
Warnings: None (if I missed something make sure to message me!)
Morality really missed the old days.
As the oldest to appear in the mindscape, he had been the one to greet each new side with open arms and plenty of cookies!
But things have changed. They never sat together for meals, they barely talked anymore, barely even saw each other.
Morality just wanted things the way they used to be.
So, he did what anyone does when they want to know something. He grabbed his laptop and searched google.
“How to be a cool dad??” Was the first search he typed, waiting for the screen to load and give him his answers.
A short list of YouTube videos popped up, the first being, “the coOOL DAD LOL!!1!!¿!¿”
‘That seemed like a creditable source!’ Morality thought while he clicked on it, the transparent bubbles of the YouTube loading scroller rolled around his screen.
When the video loaded Morality immediately cringed at the bad quality. Everything was fuzzy, but he would gladly go through that for his kiddos.
A man in shiny gold parachute pants ran out, a snapback on backwards and shutter shades over his eyes. He ran into the crowd of kids and dabbed, neigh neighing away slowly as he kickflipped on a skateboard and rolled away, still dabbing, shouting “swag, yolo” and other various slang terms as he went.
Morality was in complete shock. Is…was that really how “Kool Kids” acted??
If that was really what he was supposed to do then… That’s what he would do.. I guess?
Still a little stiff, he toddled over to his closet,digging through the depths of the area to find his old clothes.
–[next morning]–
Anxiety stumbled into the kitchen, nearly tripping over his own feet as he walked to the coffee maker, pouring it into Prince’s dry bowl or Coco Puffs.
“Okay MCR, that was my bowl. “Prince said from by the fridge, the gallon of milk clutched in his hand.
Anxiety grabbed a spoon, taking a big mouthful of the coffee-cereal wreak with a smirk."Get over it Aurora. Unless you like extra caffeinated Coco Puffs, it’s my bowl now. "He hefted himself onto the counter, taking another large bite to spite the fanciful side and sagging his shoulders against the microwave.
Logic was the next to enter the kitchen, grabbing a couple eggs from the fridge and starting to make himself a couple fried eggs. "I hope you didn’t use all the coffee to create your abomination of a breakfast."Logic muttered, casting a slightly irritated and disappointed look at the nearly empty coffee maker.
As the three made their respective breakfasts, it wouldn’t occur to them that this was the first time in weeks they had all been in the same room for more than a minute, or that Morality had yet to arrive.
But they were about to notice Morality. Oh boy were they about to.
Morality made a mental note that skateboarding on carpet was difficult, the wheels sinking into the plush rug underneath him. Slowly but surely he scooted his way to the kitchen, checking to make sure the baseball cap he got from Thomas was just perfectly crooked.
When Morality skated (when did he get a skateboard??) into the kitchen, Anxiety choked on his cereal.
The father figure was wearing a pair of silver hot pants with a tank top, snapback flung backwards over fluffy and wild hair. He had a shark tooth necklace and his normal lensless glasses were replaced by shutter shades.
He looked like a love child of the past and future fashion styles and honestly Anxiety was unsure how to react.
Through shutter shades Morality dabbed, giving Anxiety a fist bump. “What up my wiggity whack dude bros??” Morality asked, doing a quick cabbage patch before swaggering over to the fridge and pulling out a dank box of frozen waffles.
“My Krazy Kiddos just chillaxin in the digs?” He asked in the same over the top voice, dabbing twice.
“Morality what the hell has gotten into you??” Logic said, surprising them all. The teacher looked at Morality incredulously, his eyes wide.
“Some krazy Kool kidzs spirit!! I’m your cool pops, you whack dad!!” Morality proclaimed, ju-juing on that (non-existent) beat.
With that, his waffles popped and he rolled on out of the kitchen, leaving the rest of the sides to stare in horror.
Okay, Morality was becoming an issue, Logic decided.
He started to show up that way to videos to. He was screwing Thomas moral compass up and worst of all he kept using those stupid slang words.
Logic rarely understood Morality when he spoke, but this was too much. What did dank even mean???
This he spent much of his week avoiding Morality and plotting with Prince and Anxiety on how to get remold Morality back.
They approached him one day while he was in his room, spray painting slang words on his walls.
“Morality, we need to talk-”
Morality spun around, wearing four snapbacks at once and a mullet. “What’s up muh krazy kidz? How can your kool pops-icle help you out??”
Logic cringed, Prince taking over the conversation.
“Morality this is getting out of hand, why did you change yourself like this?? Why won’t you stop?”
Morality frowned, Prince was being super un-rad about this. “It’s all for you my special Bois!”
All three blinked. “What?”
Morality swagged up and down, a funky fresh beat all up in his noggin.
“My three favorite bros had been all separated which was v un-rad my broskis. But now that I’m hopping and popping you’ve been spending more clock wags together than in a long time babes. ”
It took a brief moment for them to decipher what Morality had said. Anxiety stepped up, pulling Morality into a hug. When he let go and stepped back, the snapbacks and mullet cane with him, Anxiety throwing them to the side.
“Morality. Dad. I’ll admit, I’ve been a but distant recently, but this is over the top. ”
Morality nodded dankly. “Yeah, i’m picking up what you’re throwing down. I just wanted it to be like old times, ya know?? When we would at least be chillaxin on the couch with a poppin movie and some hot corn…..”
They all stepped forward, embracing Morality tenderly.
Prince was the first to speak. “How about this, we can have movie and dinner nights??” Morality nodded softly, squeezing Prince’s swol bicep comfortingly.
Anxiety was next. “I’ll….. Hop and bop out of my room more often, how about that?” Morality nodded excitedly, a peek of his old self appearing behind the six pairs of shutter shades.
Logic finally stepped up. “I can make time for you all between my researching sessions…. I suppose. ” Morality squealed, grabbing all of them and pulling them into an embrace, a couple pairs of shades falling off.
“You guys are my baes…. And my ultimate fam.”
Just this once they rest decided to let that comment go, as it seemed to be affectionate.
But dank Morality would never be returning.
Ever again.
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