#tony's cookin
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tony-andonuts · 1 year ago
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Verrry late faggot dinner
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shackleton2 · 2 years ago
I'm working on this fic where I'm trying to write an emotionally dark take on post-Winter-Soldier recovery, where Steve & Co capture Soldier-Bucky right after the events of Insight, when he's still almost entirely in the grips of Hydra's programming.
I loved this Sebastian Stan quote someone shared on here: “That’s why he doesn’t kill him. That’s why he saves him. That end scene to me was always like: ‘I don’t know what this is, I just know I’m supposed to do this right now. Whatever this is, I’m supposed to protect this for some reason.” I love the heartbreaking urge to protect Steve being impossible to erase or repress despite everything, but what stands out for me is also that this confirms what his expression and act of walking away seem to say on the riverbank: he has no idea what the hell is going on. His brain didn't go "OMG STEVE" and switch him back over to Bucky Barnes in that incredible final moment on the helicarrier—the wall of programming just got its first tiny crack.
It drives me crazy that the Soldier walks away after saving Steve—he wants to know why he saved him, how he knows him, obviously, but he walks away from the simplest way to find those answers-STAY WITH STEVE, drink hot chocolate under blankets with steve!! It also drives my fangirl heart crazy what a stubborn resilient competent independent SOB post-WS Bucky is. He doesn’t trust anyone and he doesn’t want anyone to own him ever again.
He’s got conflicting lines of thought that lead to the same conclusion: He’s programmed to kill Steve, those are his final standing orders, and obeying orders is all he knows. If he wants to keep Steve safe on some level, he knows that won’t be with him, because of those orders, because Hydra owns him. On the other hand, if he’s realized that Hydra is his enemy, he also knows that SHIELD is Hydra, and Cap is affiliated with SHIELD, and thus can’t be trusted to keep Hydra away from him. And/or he disobeyed orders and abandoned his mission, and he doesn’t know why, but he does know the consequences for doing that, and thus has a lot of resentment for the guy that made him do so.
To be clear, I love the Bucky Barnes character and I think any narrative that casts him as a reformed villain who needs to make up for his past actions is bullshit. He is a victim, not only of what was done to him, but also what he was forced with zero agency to do. Having said that, I’m also totally riveted by the Winter Soldier as a bad guy, a threat, a killer. In the MCU movies he goes off after the Insight debacle and somehow deprograms himself all alone, and the next time we see him in Civil War he’s got his sense of himself as Bucky pretty much back—he’s in control of his actions, he knows his and Steve’s history, and he doesn’t want to hurt people. I’m stuck on what else the story could have been instead of the hand-wave transition from brainwashed murderer to Steve Rogers’ loyal friend. The only traumatic encounters with the Soldier Steve experiences are those in the movie where he’s actively trying to kill him, which that’s definitely bad enough for poor Steve—but what about traumatic emotional encounters? What about Steve Rogers trying to talk and reach his friend, but the person he’s talking to is the Soldier immediately post-Insight, still mentally in Hydra’s possession much more than his own?
Anyway one day this little scene came to me and I'm building this WIP, including these notes, around it. Successfully? Who knows, not me.
He regarded Steve through the glass with a hint of curiosity. His voice was soft and quiet. “Why do you come?”
Steve leaned forward and tried to meet those icy eyes. He couldn’t help it. “You’re my friend. You might not remember me, but I will always be your friend.”
The Soldier tilted his head, still questioning. “That’s why you come here?” Every day, Steve thought he heard unspoken; he wasn’t sure whether Bucky registered his presence at all some days, but maybe every instance was recorded in his mind. Maybe not. What happened to a supersoldier brain when it incurred severe sustained deliberate damage was a riddle they were just beginning to examine.
Steve was determined to be steadfast, but there was little he could do to calm the intensity of what he felt. He wanted Bucky to ask these things, because he wanted him to know these things, and he would tell him again and again forever in the hope he would one day believe him and then remember himself.
“I’m here because I want to know how you’re doing. I want you to know I’m here. I’ll come every day unless you tell me honestly you don’t want me to.”
Still the cocked head, the mystified expression. “You come because…he was your friend.”
He leaned in an inch more and found his forehead touching the glass. “You’re my friend. You are Bucky Barnes. You were born in 1917 and we grew up together. You are a good man. What happened to you…was wrong, and I will do everything I can to make it better, for the rest of my life. That’s a promise.”
The cocked head straightened and it looked like some kind of comprehension dawned. He was looking at Steve in a way he couldn’t remember Bucky ever looking before, and after wondering for a few moments Steve realized it was pity on his face.
“You think he’s here.” The look of pity intensified. “You think you...can talk. To him.”
Steve swallowed. “I…I know he is. I don’t know how to convince you it’s true, but I swear it. We played together as kids and then we grew up and lived together and then the war came and we fought together. And now we’re here. I know you don’t remember, Bucky, but there’s no way I’m giving up on you, even if you never do. I know you. I’ve known you as long as I can remember.”
On the other side of the glass Bucky’s expression had settled into the blank resignation the Soldier often wore. He licked his lips, an oddly human gesture that hurt Steve’s heart, and then said, with what might have been an attempt at gentleness, “Your friend. Is gone.”
Steve took a moment, felt his forehead press a little harder on the glass. “If he’s gone, who am I talking to?”
“What,” the Soldier corrected, and then answered, “Hydra.”
He was going to need a lot of punching bags later. “Emotions don’t help,” Natasha had told him, brisk and flint-hard the way she was when she was being kind. “Men think they understand this, but they don’t. Understand it.”
Steve was beginning to understand. He didn’t howl or pound on the glass or leave to find a fight. Instead he swallowed again and asked with a calm that shocked him, “So you…believe in Hydra? In what they do?”
“The Soldier is the fist of Hydra. Weapons don’t believe. They do not need to. The Winter Soldier. Is. Hydra.”
That was the most the Soldier had spoken in one go.
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ciocodino · 7 days ago
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“They are more than friends. They are family.”
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baphofemme · 27 days ago
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these scrambled eggs i made yesterday were probably the best i've made (so far) 🤌🏾
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radiant-fan-blog · 6 months ago
Ma 2ème participation au concours de dessin Radiant de Ankama Editions et Clip Studio Paint.
Thème : Crée ton sorcier.
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J'ai créé ma sorcière Cookine pour l'univers de Radiant en 2017 déjà, et elle n'a presque pas pris une ride xD
Auto-proclamée "Wizartiste", Cookine est une sorcière qui préfère utiliser sa magie et son imagination pour s'exprimer et émerveiller que pour se battre. Cela ne signifie pas pour autant qu'elle est sans défense, surtout en compagnie de son Labragold Titan. Tous les deux voyagent pour donner des spectacles là où la magie et les sorciers ne sont pas mal perçus. Ce qui fait hélas assez peu de coins du Pharénos.
Pour manipuler le Fantasia, Cookine utilise ses carnets et surtout son stylo baguette. Une fois qu'elle a rempli une page avec un croquis, elle utilise sa baguette pour que le Fantasia prenne la forme dessinée sur le papier (semblable à celui d'un parchemin).
Son infection se manifeste par une bouche à l'air "démoniaque" placée à l'arrière de sa tête. Lorsque Cookine est rongée par le doute et autres sentiments négatifs, cette bouche les renforce avec des paroles blessantes qu'elle seule peut entendre.
Pour être tout à fait honnête, j'ai hésité à participer à ce thème là, je n'étais pas sûre de moi. Mais comme j'ai créé Cookine il y a des années (je l'ai même demandée à Tony une fois en dédicace), je m'en serais voulue de ne pas lui laisser au moins une chance.
Technique : Traditionnel (feutres à alcool) et Digital (Photoshop) pour montage et corrections.
RADIANT (c) Tony Valente
Fanarts (c) @melachanart
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ireallyliketalldarksultrymen · 10 months ago
Starkid D&D AU Fic
(i haven’t proof read this yet so idk if it’s good or bad yet 😭 also sorry if i get some stuff wrong, i re-watched the stream to fact check some stuff. this is all i have so far, so on that note, let’s get into it)
Sat atop a rustic cottage, a lone figure rested. One who was formerly a dragon-born, and now an average-sized cookie dragon.
Her light brown tail with darker brown spots coiled around her frame, gently tapping against the hay roof. Muddy eyes surveyed the horizon of Stalewind, as if in search of something. Someone, even.
A few inches away, she heard the rustling of the hay adjacent to her. Turning her head, she spotted a single hand. Another hand joined it, and before she knew it, Zak was hauling himself onto the top of their cottage. Hat, dirt-caked suspenders, messy dark hair, and all. He offered her a smile.
“Zephyr n’ Angelo are inside cookin’ up-uh, somethin’ nice for all of us.” Zak’s strained attempt at making a conversation would’ve made her laugh if she wasn’t so focused on what she was doing.
She offered a half-nod. “Cool.”
Zak looked at her for a few moments before he fished a hand into one of his pockets. As he brought out his hand, a small potato came out with it. Spudicus Maximus wiggled a bit in his palm. The silence was loud enough to hear the mewls of it saying, “Dada,” over-and-over. Zak smiled.
“It’s nice. Us four livin’ together, eh? No more famine ‘ere thanks ta’ us. Everythin’s peaceful n’ stuff. Well, if you can count Angelo’s daily Bible readings as that, but, ya know. I like this place, n’ this run-down cottage.” Zak looked up from his son to the swamp of trees before them.
“It reminds me of my old place, back in Brooklyn. Delancey Street, n’ all of that. My family’s back there, ya know. My moms and my younga’ brothas. I miss ‘em everyday, but with the Earthworm…I don’t wanna put ‘em in danger.”
Zak looked at her, a sad smile on his face. “You miss Tony, Stephonia. You’ve had that look in ya eyes ever since the Hag killed ‘im.”
i had a dream about this and a different npmd au last night so i woke up at 7 and busted out my computer 😋 also i feel like zak having two moms and being an older brother is canon but ‼️‼️ that’s just my interpretation lol
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shotmrmiller · 11 months ago
toni i am absolutely smashed rn and saw that u said we could rant in your inbox so here we go it will just be me gushing about how absolutely cool you are like ur account was one of the first i ever found after returning to tumblr since like 2015 and it’s really cool and you write so well and i’m GOBSMACKED that someone like you exists. hello?? beautiful. sunshine. stunning. the highlight of my day seein those lil toni drabbles on my page. embarrassing enoigh i was talking about cod with some irl friends and now we all read ur shit like a lil gaggle of groupies ha ha good stuff mwah never stop being so FREAKING cool (please accemt my proposal, i have ring pops you can have the green one it’s the best) also for the sake of sober me shhh pretend this never happened ok hve AN AMAZING!!! Day night morning evening afternoon.
peace, love, kyle garrick is so freaking sexy,
take this simon art
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sorry i scribbled out my oc ok i’m SORRY remember to hydrate and continue on being FREAKING beautiful 🥰🥰🥰💖
idk how to delete that man i’m so sorry i figured out how to delete that last image it was a picture of an apple if you wanted context maybe i should add it back okay no i won’t
anyway sometimes i think about how badly i want biblically accurate ghost to love me and then i think about how i would probably cry if he breathed on me and then gag the second man starts cookin shit like beans on toast?? the fuck is that.
over and up and out,
elle aka elle
i don't remember the last time i had a ring pop but i'll accept it so long we get eloped i don't want a big ol thing but if we dont go to herculaneum then our marriage will be nulled faster than kim k's with that big brute from the NBA.
kyle is so freaking sexy i agree. i don't use that word cuz it gives me the heebies but for you, since youre one drink/edible away from gazing upon a biblically accurate angel in the flesh. feathers? eyes??? he's A CRAZY SEXY BABE and i'd let him stalk me :}
and i also think about BA!simon a lot.
lmfaooooooo beans on toast comment has me screaming
and you're SO real for scarring him up. i need simon with jagged scars that have puckered edges and some of them pull some skin taut and--
you get my picture. that man is simply grotesque and it makes him all that more alluring. like yes king, tell me all about how you got those scars.
+ his like resting bitch face is what i'm here for.
incredible art wish i had that kind of talent but alas all im good at is getting bruised like a peach and throwing my arse in a circle for fictional men 😔
drink your water or you're gonna have one killer headache lmao.
all blues with no clues,
toni ❤️
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blkkizzat · 2 months ago
*alpha growl* Daddy hopes this year's been treating you well so far babygirl... 😌
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TONY TONIII TONEEEE!!! My strong daddy alpha! Ahhh yess, i can feel like this year is gonna be even better!! (after jan 29th tho cause chinese new year fucked me this past year LOL)
i can't wait to see what you're cookin up for us this year tho doll!
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imnameimswrld · 1 year ago
𝐌𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐢 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐱 ━━ insta updates.
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liked by charles_leclerc, antonio_jg, and 2 334 989 others
[ tagged charles_leclerc, antonio_jg ]
renée_watanabe thank you miami !! and a big congratz to the ferrari boys on p1, p2, and p5 ❤🏁
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[ liked by renée_watanabe ]
carlossainz55 gracias, it was really nice seeing you again !
user patiently waiting for more bangers my queen 👸
⤿ user I smell a summer hit cookin' 👀
⤿ rw_team do you now ? 😲
[ liked by renée_watanabe ]
antonio_jg don't go back to cali pls 😔
⤿ renée_watanabe if you cry at the airport again I swear...
⤿ antonio_jg anything to guilt trip you into coming back to monte c with me 😁
⤿ charles_leclerc do it nio, cry !! i'll miss my b-ball partner too much 😢
⤿ carlossainz55 amigo... you are horrendous at basketball
⤿ user these friendships are everything to me 😭
chaeryeonglee 😍😍
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liked by antonio_jg, scuderiaferrari, and 677 334 others
celina_gmz miami grande prix was a success !! congrats my teroso on p1 ❤ !!!
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scuderiaferrari coolest aunt ever 😎
⤿ celina_gmz 😉😉
antonio_jg grazie zietta ♡
[ liked by celina_gmz ]
charles_leclerc ❤❤❤
user mateo was so cute at today's race 😭😭
⤿ user he was SCREAMING his little lungs out while tony stood on the p1 podium 😭
⤿ user anyone else also see tony giving mateo a piggyback through the paddock ?? 🥺
⤿ user YES omg they're so cute !!!!
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liked by maxverstappen1, renée_watanabe, and 1 998 224 others
antonio_jg p1 babbyyyy 🥇, thanks for all the love miami ❤ ! and a big congrats to my boys maxverstappen1 and charles_leclerc 👏
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charles_leclerc always love sharing the podium with il mio ragazzo 🫂
[ liked by antonio_jg ]
user oh my lemoz heart is screaming right now
user the way you and max battled for p1 was so intense omg I was GLUED to the tv !!!
maxverstappen1 forever a pleasure to race with you mate 🤝 – but I'm coming for your championship amico 😉
⤿ antonio_jg oh, please do try, bring out madmax while you're at it ? he's so fun to play with
[ liked by maxverstappen1 ]
⤿ user TONY- this man has no filter istg
⤿ user this (healthy) rivalry>>>
user anyone else wondering if tony and micah are still together ???
⤿ user RIGHT ? we haven't seen a single photo of them since silverstone... kinda worried ngl
⤿ user don't be, it's none of our business
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27dragons · 1 year ago
New Year Countdown: Dec 6
CRAP, I forgot to post this yesterday!!! And I was particularly excited about this one because it's a Sandbridge callback! (I randomly rolled "Restaurant AU" and couldn't not do it!)
If you haven't read the Sandbridge AU before, first of all, I'm not sure why you even follow me. And second of all, you probably do need to know before clicking through that Tony and Bucky have 2 daughters in that series, Billie and Livvy.
Dec 6 - Winteriron - Restaurant AU - Sleigh
Bucky was whistling “Jingle Bells” under his breath as he turned his truck into Dockside’s parking lot. Christmas was just around the corner, Billie was home from school on holiday break, Dockside was enjoying a brief surge of business as local families decided it was easier to eat out than cook for their holiday visitors, and he’d actually managed to finish all his holiday shopping before the mad rush of Christmas Eve, for a change.
He looked around to make sure neither his husband nor his daughters were immediately present, then unlocked the toolbox on the side of his truck and pulled out his last few packages, bustling them into the garage before anyone could appear. Even Livvy knew that he hid everything in there, under the old stack of inflatable pools that probably didn’t fully inflate anymore, but none of them would peek.
“Papa!” Speaking of the devil... Bucky ducked out of the garage before Livvy made her way around the corner of the building.
“Hi there, Briar Rose,” he said, reaching out to ruffle the preteen’s hair. “What’s cookin’?”
“Uncle Steve is,” she said, grinning, but grabbed his arm and pulled. “Come on, down to the beach!”
Bucky followed along gamely, though he’d need to get into the kitchen to help with prep soon. “Why? What’s going on?”
Livvy giggled and let go, running ahead of him.
As soon as Bucky cleared the corner, he saw what Livvy was so wound up about. Tied up at the dock that gave the restaurant its name was a smallish motorboat. That by itself was not too unusual, though this particular dock wasn’t really the ideal location for it, being more of a pier for fishing than a true dock.
But someone -- and Bucky was laying money on his husband -- had somehow decked the boat out to look like Santa’s sleigh, the side panels situated so the “runners” of the sleigh skimmed just about at water level. It was an elaborate illusion, including dozens if not hundreds of lights and a platform above the motor that was piled high with what Bucky fervently hoped were fake presents, lest any of them topple overboard. A couple of the presents featured Dockside’s logo prominently; Bucky suspected that Steve had helped with that paint job. Billie and Nat were in the boat with Tony, helping with something, while Livvy danced excitedly at the end of the dock.
Laughing, Bucky ambled down the beach and out onto the dock, arriving at the end just as Tony clambered up the rope ladder that was hung there. Bucky reached down to help Tony up and pulled him into a kiss that they might have prolonged somewhat just because Livvy was clearly so impatient for them to stop.
“So this is your top-secret project,” Bucky said when he finally had to take a breath. “Santa’s going by water this year?”
“Not a lot of chimneys in Sandbridge,” Tony pointed out, his eyes sparkling. “But lots of boat slips.”
“There’s a parade!” Livvy announced. “On the 23rd! We’re definitely going to win!”
Bucky raised his eyebrows as he helped Nat and then Billie up onto the dock. “A parade?”
“Yes,” Nat said firmly. “We may not win, but I think we will make a good showing.”
“It’s a nice sleigh,” Bucky agreed, eyeing the boat. “But I reckon I might miss the reindeer.”
Nat traded grins with Billie.
“A water sleigh doesn’t need flying reindeer, Uncle Bucky,” Billie said. “It needs flying fish.”
“That’s what all the presents on the back are for,” Tony put in. “After we get our fish attached to the front, we’ll add ballast to the presents to counterbalance them. Thank god the parade won’t go at more than five knots the whole way, or our whole boat would probably sink.”
“Send me the details on this parade,” Bucky told them as they headed back up the dock toward the beach. “I’ll get Victoria to sub for me so I can come watch and cheer you on.”
“Great!” Billie enthused. “That means I can ride with the boat instead of staying on shore with the bug.”
Livvy pushed her way between Bucky and Tony, “And then we can all go out for ice cream after!”
“This is required,” Nat announced before Bucky could respond. “If we win, we must have ice cream to celebrate. And if we do not win, then ice cream shall console us.”
Bucky laughed and put his arms around Billie and Livvy, tucking one hand into Tony’s back pocket for good measure. “It’s a date.”
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carmenized-onions · 8 months ago
Chapter 11 cheffff
i’ll try to keep the quotes a bit shorter this time to not kill people’s feed
“Respect him, Chef.” - it’s so over
“He’s bein’ a fuckin’ creep.” - RICHIE I LOVE YOU SO
“N’ what the fuck are you?” - . . . this fully broke me. this is just so- poor richie omg🥺😭
“Cause I’ll fuckin’ tell you” - I beg you don’t. this has actually hurt me more than anything
I bet since she forgets the note it’s actually going to be something kinda nice (like him being hppy with the dish cause duh why wouldn’t he), well sweeps was bothered but maybe he didn’t read it. idk i’m holding out hope!! or it’s super important and now they’re fucked … either way we trot along!
there will also be some things i won’t comment on cause i’m sure people will react to them. i’m trying to not make you repeat too many things aye?
“You’re excused.” - oh this would have me swinging. well not really cause i’m a wuss but
“Say what you wanna say, Carmen.” - she’s so much stronger than me fr i would be crying
“you failed Mikey” - oh. yeah idk if they can come back from this tbh. it was nice while it lasted. we gave it a good run.
His middle name is Anthony. Tony. - okay this is actually hilarious tho. and the contrast to what else is happening disjjs. only you author, i swear
Gone. Devoid. - 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️
i mean yeah he’s sorry but looking in his eyes and seeing that won’t make anything go away. like idk sometimes there’s a limit to how mean someone can be even if they don’t mean what they say yk?? like control your emotions a bit and that
“How could you fuckin’ say that shit to Chippy—” - richie i love you i love you i love you
“To Richie.” - she’s so- the nicest ever wow
yeah i figured the invoice thing when she said it was complicated. but dang that’s still-
At least get him a star, if he has to hate you. - i’ll cry
“I’d still love you, even if you weren’t helpful. By the by.” - this man is everything
“Man… You were here.” - they’re crying, i’m crying, we’re all crying
“You wanna see a Taylor Swift concert wit’ me?” - SHUT UP HE IS SO CUTE. i’d do anything with him (friend stuff)
He kisses the crown of your head. Richie must be a good dad. - most definitely. i love these two so much rah. my fave duo
“We can only hope.” - LMAO SJFJJD i needed that to help ease the angst
Never know when you’re going to need a fire. - ayo?? i’ve actually considered multiple times to carry one just in case someone needs it
Entirely forgot, about the wedding gig - ME TOO SHEHDJEJ oh my we’re not away from the drama yet i see
so you don’t get second hand smoke. - he’s so cute and this is everything to me because second hand smoke is like the worst thing i know and last week i was trapped between so many smokers and it was the worst
“You gotta get your star, Squid.” - so cute. squid getting her star(fish)
“Bitch—” “Heard.” - LMAO best call and response
“Heard, Chip.” “Heard, Ink.” - CUTEST
“I know you said I’d be a perfect match for your little brother.” - OH SHITTTTTT. shut down the mikeychip allegations, as you should 😌😌 also mikey knewwww. really doing it all from beyond
Listen listen, I do the apologizing for both of us for destroying feeds YOU do it all you want, ALWAYS!!
IT'S SO OVERKDFG-- I don't remember exactly when I wrote 'Respect Him Chef' but I do remember going YEAAGGGHHH I COOKED I'M COOKIN WITH THIS ONEEE
I knew if we were gonna get into the Freezer Fight, I had to be brutal, what the fuck are you? was like, KEY hurtfulness. It immediately throws off what was a jovial vibe into something very cruel and painful--- Bah, Fuck you Carmen Bro
HEY BRIGHT SIDE-- BRIGHT SIDE HE LIKED THE DISH? SO. SO WE HAVE THAT. Sweeps wrote the note ALA the Ever's server method of passing Vibe check notes, which is why he needed that fucking smoke break. Having to play messenger for that skeeve,,,, yeuch.
no one says things the same way someone else says things !! you can always spam, love ya thoughts, always will. Anyways anyways, YOU'RE EXCUSEDBRRROOOOOO I'd get . violent.
Again, there was such a universe where Tony got violent. Like. Listen. She is a Chicago born and bred babe, she was an EMT, she's been a bartender-- Bro can prove she's a fuckin' problem alright? She can fucking swing. The 'Say what you wanna say' was very much like, the lead of line given before someone gets there shit rocked. Alas , she like,,, likes him or whatever,,,, so we couldn't,,,, sad
No one's ever commented on Carmen's Middle Name being Tony and I had to note it before someone else made fun of me for it. But I have also always loved ,,, fuck my Directing Prof is gonna be mad at me. It's somewhere in my notes, but essentially, there's this idea of Dramatic Contrast (not the actual term) but It's like, the ear scene in Reservoir Dogs, or that trumpet over the boxing match in I think,,, Raging Bull? Where basically, a very jaunty or pop like tune plays over something genuinely horrifying, basically.
I really enjoy that concept, in my own short films and writing, so Carmen going from saying like, the worst thing he's ever said, to like, oh I need to transfer outside my body-- You go funny immediately, and I think it makes everything both so much funnier and so much more painful? Just turns up the volume, on both sides. Or at least to me it does.
ABSOLUTELY!!!!! Bro will need to grovel. Bro will also need to get socked. Chippy why did you have to stop Rich c'mon man
Apologize to Richie really gets me, because it's 100% her being nice and having her boy's back, but it's also like.... She doesn't feel she deserves an apology-- And that. Man. I'm gonna. I'm gonna just take a 45 minute nap to process that fuck. At least get him a star, if he has to hate you. FUCK BRO. WHAT THE FUCK!!! I did that, who am I yelling at.
Rich and Chips whole convo was very cathartic to write-- It had been another scene that i'd imagined for a while and morphed bit by bit as i got a better and better idea of their history. And I think as more and more is uncovered in future chapters, coming back to reread this chapter will like,,, mean a lot more, in a lot of ways. I also enjoy the way it repeats that 'I was Here' from Richie in Zero Pulse. I just like,,, rah. They're so... They're just very good. And they're going to have to see Taylor Swift.
IT'S IMPORTANT TO KEEP A LIGHTER YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN YA NEED A FIRE!!! And fuckin being with a crowd of smokers is awful. I am lucky all my friends that are on that fuckin NIC blow that shit far from me. They're very sweet.
Fun fact: One Black Plate was the original original original chapter title, back when I started cooking it up in my brain, around chapter 3. But once I got to Other Shoe and realized the devious period thing I could do, I had to go with Just Dropped. HAD TO. But One Black Plate was really good. I'll miss her.
THE ALLEGATIONSD LMAOSJOFJ I do really respect the Mikey/Chip ship, because reasonably, I could see them working. And listen. Maybe they did. WHOS TO SAY. Mikey's ghost is to say. BUT WHOS TO SAYYY
Anyways, for this lovely wonderful wrap sheet from you, and whoever braved the storm of reading this, let's see if i can find anythin worth showing you from the draft that isnt getting cut, that also isn't too spoilery
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tony-andonuts · 1 year ago
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Final "pete" pic (and also burnt boygirlboy dinner) before i wash off my makeup
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the-vinyl-countdown · 2 months ago
Die besten 10 EPs 2024
Dieses Jahr habe ich nur wenige EPs gehört, aber diese 10 waren sehr gut!
(EPs sind für mich alle Veröffentlichungen unter 30 min)
10. Kokoroko - Get The Message
9. Baby Rose & BADBADNOTGOOD - Slow Burn
8. Marina Satti - P.O.P
7. Amaarae - roses are red, tears are blue — A Fountain Baby (Extended Play)
6. Tha God Fahim & Cookin Soul - Supreme Dump Legend: Soul Cook Saga
5. Boldy James & Conductor Williams- Across The Tracks
4. Navy Blue - Memoirs in Armour
3. MIKE & Tony Seltzer - Pinball
2. Bon Iver - SABLE,
1. Maruja - Connla's Well
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tony-gunks-italian-pizzeria · 10 months ago
Chapter One, Part One: Tony Gunk, Vampire.
Ask yourself, how far can somebody fall from the moral peak?
Midnight, the full moon illuminates the city, but brighter burns a fire somewhere downtown.
Orange flames rise from a building set alight.
“Brocc and Kind Authentic Italian Pizzeria”
reads the sign- until it's eventually swallowed by flame.
In the parking lot, on his knees, is a man named Richard Kind.
He knows why this happened. He knew the falling-out would ruin the business.
But he never knew how much it would ruin him.
“Come in and try our new red sauce! Our pizza's on the cheap but we never cut corners on quality.”
A chipper man in a suit, sporting a bowtie and bowler hat, smiles on the tv screen. His gravelly New York accent is too familiar around these areas.
“Our red sauce is to die for! Its unlike anything you've ever tasted!
We make our pies with the spirit of Italy in our hands, and our hearts- to bring you the most authentic experience you can get! Better ingredients? Well that makes better pizza! I'm Tony Gunk, of Tony Gunk's Authentic Italian Pizzeria, at 426 Carver Avenue.
Thank ya so much for your time.”
The cheerful tune of the advertisement fades as it rolls into the next.
Something about his genuine mustachioed smile, not just put on for the camera- makes you feel like maybe today or tomorrow, you'll stop in, give it a shot. It might beat having Domino's again.
“Alright, champ! You're gonna be overseeing the rest of the staff today! We've got a popular food reviewer or blogger, or something coming in soon. I'll be here, of course, but i need to split the load, ay?” Tony smiles.
His newest addition to the business, only two weeks in, can't help but respond eagerly.
"Of course, sir! You can count on me."
With a content nod, Tony walks back into the kitchen.
On the walls of the small hallway are small plaques. “Grand Opening” a small picture reads. It shows all of the staff present the day the pizzeria opened. Every staff member in sight- except Tony.
Another reads, “Employee of the month: Todd” with an accompanying picture.
Tony opens the kitchen door, walking through to the bathroom to wash his hands before getting to work.
He sighs and relaxes, scrubbing his hands with the warm water and soap.
“Cleanliness is close to godliness, heha!”
Tony chuckles at the sentiment, and dries his hands.
Looking up to the mirror, “Ah yea- I miss that old face.” After a humble moment of admiration, it's time to get to work.
“Welp- better get cookin’!”
The door bell rings, “Well, hello there!”, says the sharp dressed man crossing the threshold.
“Hiya, what can we get started for ya?”, asks Todd, from behind the counter.
“I'll take, um.. Three slices with olives and pepperoni, please.”, the man says with a smile.
“Sure thing! Take a seat anywhere, and we'll bring it when it's ready.”
After a moment, Todd takes a step to the kitchen window, and yells, “Tony! New order!”
“I got it, Todd!”, comes a cheerful shout from Tony.
“Oh! So the owner is in the kitchen?” said the gentleman. Todd was sure this must be the reviewer Tony was talking about.
“Yes sir! He holds a deep respect for the business, he's here all day. Oh, I'm sorry, can i get a name for your order?”, Todd responds.
“Consider my hopes raised, then. Name's Broccoli."
"Say- I know this is out of the blue, but you wouldn't happen to have seen a stray around here recently? A lost dog? Should still have her collar on.”
Todd, writing down his name, replies; “Euh- no, I'm sorry.. I'll sure keep an eye out for one though!”
"That's okay. I live nearby, actually, and my dog got out a couple night's back, ysee- I have a poster here with my number in case ya find her.” The man says, standing to slip a paper across the counter before being interrupted by a yell from the back.
“Order for Broccoli!”, shouts a gruff voice.
Todd nods, slipping the paper to the side, then grabbing the tray to hand to Broccoli, “Here you are, sir.” 
"Thank ya, son.”
Another yell follows from the back,
“Hey Todd! Get back here for a minute, wouldn't ya?”
Todd hurries in, and Tony meets him by the entrance to the kitchen. He places an arm around Todd's shoulders, and walks him over to the freezer.
“Say? You heard anything about a missin mutt?” Tony asks, an oddly cheerful tone in his voice.
“Yeah, actually the man who just ordered was-”, Todd is interrupted as Tony chimes in,
“It's not usually how i complete our unique red sauce but uhh- he's a special one.”
“Wait- are you gonna show me how to make it?”, Todd asks enthusiastically.
“Ah, well, uh- Yeah! But, like i said, it's not my usual method, so you wont get the full lesson just yet! Heh-”, Tony laughs as he guides Todd to the door.
Tony gives the freezer door a pull. Their sausage, pepperoni, ham and other assorted meats lay in tubs and drawers. Along the wall are hooks for the other ingredients; Some hooks are unburdened, others weighed down, covered by black bags concealing what's underneath.
Todd asks, “So what's all that hanging on the wall? How do we incorporate that into the pizza?”
“Oh well, let me take a bag or two off! Make sure to shut the door behind ya, first!” Tony says, noticeably excited.
“Im already getting a little cold, haha! Aren't you?”, Todd asks, shutting the freezer door behind him.
“Oh, me? Nah.”
Tony reaches for the first bag. They all seem to be hanging so long, they meet the ground; Most of the bags must be about 5 to 6 feet long. Except for the one Tony pulls off the hook, closest to the front of the row. It's much shorter.
Tony grins as he quickly zips open the bag, throwing the zipper flap backwards to reveal something that Todd... could never have predicted.
"This was the special ingredient for that fancy reviewers' slices!”, Tony exclaimed, with a tone of obvious glee.
“No way-”
Todd stands, feeling more frozen than the meat and ice surrounding him. He stares, wide eyed at the emaciated and frozen remains of a dog, hanging from the meat hook. Attached to its' body runs wires that are no longer connected to whatever device they were clearly intended for. The dog's eyes and cheeks are sunken in, its' body and skin shrunken, and wrinkled.
When enough time passes for Todd's gut to clench as a warning, he starts to speed towards the freezer door, only a few feet away. He has to get out.
“Hey, c'mon!”, Tony yells from behind him.
In a moment as he reaches for the door handle, he glances backward to see- no one. He's stopped in his tracks, however. When Todd flips his head back to the door, Tony is already there, mere inches away, facing him. Todd stumbles back, further into the freezer, nearly slipping on a patch of ice in his path. His legs start to shake as his eyes map the room, desperately seeking another way out.
Tony pushes a grin onto his face, looking only a little impatient.
“Todd, c'mon! You're employee of the month."
"Somebody else has to start picking up a little slack here-", he sighs before continuing.
"If you don't wanna make the red sauce, that's fine.” Tony sighs, “But can ya at least help me juice 'em for it?”
“J-juice?? Is- is the red sauce-”, Todd stumbles over his words, now.
“Yes! Good heavens. It's blood, Todd! It's blood!"
Todd barely has a moment to process before Tony continues.
"And the fact is- I'm not trying to make a new menu item, that reviewer needs the rest of his pie. I made it from his dog after all.” Tony snorts and laughs.
“I cant just give it to any old customer, so would'ja please take it out to him?”
“I- I don't-” Todd can't comprehend the sight and reality in front of him.
“Just bring the customer his pie. Say it's on the house, for all i care! I've got a lot on my plate right now Todd- you wouldnt want to become the next supply, would'ja?”
As if he had a choice, Todd attempts to stand up straighter to address his boss. “N-no need for that, sir! I'll get it out to 'em!”, he responds, still confused.
“Adda boy, Todd.” Tony smiles gently, with a pat to Todd's shoulder.
“Hey, before you go, Mister! We've got a special pie for ya, it's what's left of your order!”, exclaims Todd from behind the counter.
“Oh, really? How much would it be?”, the man responds, a surprised look in his eye.
Tony chimes in from the kitchen before Todd has a chance, “Oh, it's on the house! We're about to close up, anyways, so I'm feelin' generous!”
Todd feigns a weak smile, handing him the pizza, “Leftovers–”
“Ah well thanks Tony!” Broccoli says before heading to leave.
“Oh and uh! Good luck findin your dog!” Yells Tony from the back.
“Thank you! I fear its very needed.” Broccoli says solemnly.
The door closes and out walks Tony to the counter, “Very needed indeed.” He chuckles and turns to Todd, “Well. If i letcha go home early will ya come in tomorrow?”
“Uhm uh oh yeah sure thing boss!” Todd struggles.
“Sweet! Then hop to! Lets close up shop, its gettin dark.” Tony beams.
Running through the streets. ‘’i need to find someone, a phone, something.” Todd is running through alleys. Dodging dingy dumpsters and trash bags. “I never thought id get out of that pizzeria.” He trips over somebody's leg, sitting in the alley. He turns over to get up and look at who he'd disturbed. A body sat limp against a brick wall. Skinny, malnourished. If Todd had a comparison it would be just like the dog in the freezer. Only now, there were no tubes. Just two bite marks on the person's neck.
“Oh god, oh fuck” Todd races to his feet. He runs. Step after step, he turns a corner. He trips again.
The leg has stuck out from a man standing this time. Obscured in a cape and a long collar was Tony, dressing sharper than when they were at the shop.
“You got a hot date or somethin? You're lookin awfully tasty. I- I mean hasty! Heha!” Tony cracks up.
“Yeah i do- uh she's waiting for me at the Denny's right now eh-” Todd stammers more
“Oh come oon. Stop it, I see through you more than my own reflection. Whaddya say we do somethin? You've had my pizza yeah?” Tony asks, knowing the answer.
“Yeah man, most lunches these days.” Todd answers.
“Alright. Hows about i change your biology up a little right now, and you see a whole new side to the recipe?” Tony offers.
“Whaddya mean by that?” He asks
“Ah well i just do what i did to him over there, except i uh, dont! squeeze ya like a juice box?” Tony remarks.
Tony usually looks like a normal, albeit eccentric, happy guy. Grease and sauce stains on his apron, living for his work and proud to do it. Right now, however, he stood taller than he should be able to stand, looming over Todd like a shadow cast by a flame. A dark red glow emanating from the shadows revealed the position of Tony's eyes, cutting through the darkness.
“Sure thing. If it means i get out of this alley with my blood.” Todd says.
“Oh i wouldnt dream of killin my top employee. In fact, this is just the promotion i's hopin you'd accept.” Tony approaches slowly, the only sound of the area being his footsteps.
“Here, bend backward slightly, show me your neck.” Tony instructs, his voice now just as deep but lacking any of its usual roughness or accent. A completely different man could have been speaking. Todd looks down his nose as he feels two sharp objects inject themselves into his skin. It feels as if they could slide in forever before they're taken out. 
A new feeling and power flows through Todd as he looks to Tony, “Did you really just-?”
“I did, welcome to the family, heha!” Tony remarks, his voice back to normal, “I'll see you at work then?”
“I- i- yes you will.” Todd assures him.
“Heh, well i better. I can still use ya for the pies, remember?” Tony chuckles.
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kurasutaa · 1 year ago
Considering Zelda being the reason Tony got into Fargo crime family things. Like she’s a mid level princess or the like that wanted to not be involved in the business physically????
Like lbh she probably is real good at cookin books. smth lowkey u feel
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brookston · 8 months ago
Holidays 7.18
Anti-Bigot Day
Billy Joel Day (New York)
Boxer 718 Day
Chrysanthemum Day
Constitution Day (Uruguay)
Global Lifting Awareness Day
Hug a Fat Bald Person Day
Insurance Nerd Day
International Day of the Vaquita Marina
International Laquita Marina Day
Jane Austen Day (Indiana)
Lollapalooza Day
Make A List of the People You Love Day
National Hamiltons Day
National Black Men’s Mental Health Day
National Dapper Your Data Day
National Emma Day
National Hamiltons Day
National Monica Day
National Mortgage Brokers Day
National Peyton Day
Nelson Mandela International Day (a.k.a. Mandela Day; UN)
Perfect Family Day
Perfect 10 Day
President’s Day (Botswana)
Pyramids Day
718 Day (New York)
Shawm Day (French Republic)
Tony the Tiger Day
Weinermobile Day
World Listening Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Brewers Day
National Caviar Day
National Sour Candy Day
National Tropical Fruit Day
St. Anou, Bishop of Metz's Day (patron saint of brewers; a.k.a. St. Arnulf, Arnould, St. Arnold)
Independence & Related Days
Constitution Day (Uruguay; 1830)
Prsänëa (Declared; 2012) [unrecognized]
Vietnam (Becomes U.N. member; 1977)
3rd Thursday in July
Get To Know Your Customers Day [3rd Thursday of each Quarter]
Latitude Festival (Suffolk, UK) [3rd Thursday thru Sunday]
National Dole Whip Day [3rd Thursday]
Protect Swimmers Day [3rd Thursday]
Throwback Thursday [Every Thursday]
Weekly Holidays beginning July 18 (3rd Week of July)
Restless Leg Syndrome Education & Awareness Week (thru 7.28)
Festivals Beginning July 18, 2024
Chincoteague Island Blueberry Festival (Chincoteague Island, Virginia) [thru 7.20]
Cookin' on Kampeska (Watertown, South Dakota) [thru 7.20]
Delaware State Fair (Harrington, Delaware) [thru 7.27]
Durban International Film Festival (Durban, South Africa) [thru 7.28]
Fantasia International Film Festival (Montreal, Canada) [thru 8.4]
Jazz in Marciac (Marciac, France) [thru 8.4]
Jerusalem Film Festival (Jerusalem, Israel) [thru 7.27]
Johnson County Peach Festival (Clarksville, Arkansas) [thru 7.20]
Lexington Restaurant Week (Lexington, Kentucky) [thru 7.28]
Miami Valley Steam Threshers Show (Plain City, Ohio) [thru 7.21]
N.C. Peach Festival [Candor, North Carolina) [thru 7.20]
New Horizons International Film Festival (Wrocław, Poland) [thru 7.28]
Picklesburgh (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) [thru 7.21]
Porter Peach Festival (Porter, Oklahoma) [thru 7.20]
Port Fish Days (Port Washington, Wisconsin) [thru 7.20]
Riverfront Food Truck Festival (Hartford, Connecticut) [thru 7.20]
Taste of Galesburg (Galesburg, Illinois)
Taste of Park Ridge (Park Ridge, Illinois) [thru 7.20]
Venice International Festival of Contemporary Dance [Biennale Danza] (Venice, Italy) [thru 8.3]
Verbier Festival (Verbier, Switzerland) [thru 8.4]
Feast Days
Arnulf of Metz (a.k.a. Arnoldus; Christian; Saint) [Belgium; brewers] *
Bernd Fasching (Artology)
Bobby Henderson Day (Pastafarian)
Bruno of Segni (Christian; Saint)
Camillus de Lellis (optional memorial, U.S. only)
Day of Arstat and Copper Woman (Everyday Wicca)
Eadburh (a.k.a. Edburga) of Bicester (Christian; Saint)
Eid-e-Ghadir (Iran)
Elizabeth Ferard (Church of England)
Feast of Saint Arnoldus (Belgium)
Feast of Teneu
Fionn Mac Cumhail (Celtic Book of Days)
Frederick of Utrecht (Christian; Saint)
Giacomo Balla (Artology)
Hunter S. Thompson (Writerism)
Hyacinthe Rigaud (Artology)
Jabotinsky Day (Israel) [29 Tammuz]
Leroy (Muppetism)
The Lunch of the Forward Goblins (Surprisingly Fairies Only; Shamanism)
Marina of Aguas Santas (Christian; Saint)
Maternus of Milan (Christian; Saint)
Nebet-Het (Birthday of Nephthys, Egyptian Goddess of Beer)
Nephthy’s Day (Egyptian Goddess of Death; Pagan)
Odulph (Christian; Saint)
Pambo (Christian; Saint)
Philastrius (Christian; Saint)
Rabelais (Positivist; Saint)
Symphorosa and her Seven Sons (Christian; Martyrs)
Theneva (Christian; Saint)
Theodosia of Constantinople (Christian; Saint)
Thomas Morton Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Vitulatio (Feast to Vitulatio, Ancient Roman Goddess of Exultation, joy & life)
Water Pistol Day (Pastafarian)
William Makepeace Thackery (Writerism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Day of Bad Omens (Ancient Rome) [1 of 2]
Prime Number Day: 199 [46 of 72]
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [41 of 57]
Aliens (Film; 1986)
Arachnophobia (Film; 1990)
Bad Boys II (Film; 2003)
The Betty Boop Limited (Betty Boop Cartoon; 1933)
Bosko’s Holiday (WB LT Cartoon; 1931)
The Bowling Ally-Cat (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1942)
City Kitty (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1952)
A Clockwork Orange, by Anthony Burgess (Novel; 1962)
Closer, by Joy Division (Album; 1980)
Consider the Oyster, by M.F.K. Fisher (Food Essays; 1941)
Copy Cat (Animated Antics Cartoon; 1941)
The Dark Knight (Film; 2008)
Davy Crockett and the River Pirates (Film; 1956)
Day Nurse (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1932)
Don’t Bother to Knock (Film; 1952)
Entourage (TV Series; 2004)
Eureka (TV Series; 2006)
Friends with Benefits (Film; 2011)
George of the Jungle (Film; 1997)
God Only Knows, by The Beach Boys (Song; 1966)
I Love to Sings (WB MM Cartoon; 1936)
Johnny English (Film; 2003)
Jurassic Park III (Film; 2001)
The Mahagonny Songspiel, by Bertolt Brecht & Kurt Weill (Song; 1927)
Mamma Mia! (Film; 2008)
The Minute and a 1/2 Man (Hector Heathcote Cartoon; 1959)
Mrs. Brown (Film; 1997)
The Nun’s Story (Film; 1959)
Pink Blue Plate (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1971)
Planes: Fire & Rescue (Animated Film; 2014)
Porco Rosso (Studio Ghibli Animated Film; 1992)
RWBY (Anime Series; 2013)
Sex Tape (Film; 2014)
Sketches of Spain, by Miles Davis (Album; 1960)
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, by Thomas S. Kuhn (Science book; 1962)
Symphony No. 8 in D Minor, by Ralph Vaughan Williams (Symphony; 1956)
Tweet and Lovely (WB MM Cartoon; 1959)
UHF, by Weird Al Yankpvic (Soundtrack Album; 1989)
Used Cars (Film; 1980)
Wouldn’t It Be Nice, by The Beach Boys (Song; 1966)
Today’s Name Days
Answer, Arnold, Arnulf, Friedrich, Ulf (Austria)
Emil, Emilian (Bulgaria)
Bruno, Emilija, Frederik, Ljuba (Croatia)
Drahomíra (Czech Republic)
Arnolphus (Denmark)
Eerika, Erika (Estonia)
Riikka (Finland)
Frédéric (France)
Arnulf, Friedrich, Ulf (Germany)
Aimilianos, Emilianos (Greece)
Frigyes (Hungary)
Calogero, Giusta (Italy)
Rozālija, Roze, Rozīte (Latvia)
Eimantė, Ervinas, Kamilis, Tautvilas (Lithuania)
Arnulf, Ørnulf (Norway)
Arnold, Arnolf, Erwin, Erwina, Kamil, Karolina, Robert, Roberta, Szymon, Unisław, Wespazjan (Poland)
Anna (Russia)
Kamila (Slovakia)
Federico, Marina (Spain)
Fredrik, Fritz (Sweden)
Alfie, Alfred, Avery, Federica, Federico, Fred, Freda, Freddie, Freddy, Fréddy , Freed, Frederic, Frédéric, Frederich, Federik, Frederick, Frédérick, Frederico, Fredrick, Fredy (Universal)
Fred, Freda, Freddie, Freddy, Frederica, Frederick, Frederico, Fredrick, Fredy (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 200 of 2024; 166 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of Week 29 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) [Day 12 of 28]
Chinese: Month 6 (Xin-Wei), Day 13 (Guy-Wei)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 12 Tammuz 5784
Islamic: 11 Muharram 1446
J Cal: 20 Red; Sixday [20 of 30]
Julian: 5 July 2024
Moon: 90%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 3 Dante (8th Month) [Rabelais]
Runic Half Month: Ur (Primal Strength) [Day 10 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 29 of 94)
Week: 3rd Week of July
Zodiac: Cancer (Day 28 of 31)
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