#tony stark daughter fan fic
To mend and break 8
Tony Stark made sure to keep his kids out of the limelight when he was granted custody of them after their mother’s death. The world knew very little of the Stark twins and Tony wanted to keep it that way. For the most part they knew one was a genius and the other was daddy’s spoiled princess. But when Tony starts acting out of control , the twins are thrown in the middle of the crossfire , allowing the world to really see them. They now have to make a choice that will change their lives forever.
Pairings: Tony Stark x (FAB21+)Daughter!Reader x Son!OC
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Unknown Location
Your hands gripped at the arm rests. Your eyes were open but you couldn't see a thing; your eyes were covered with something. And although you could not see anything around you, you had this strange feeling like you've been here before.
There was a variety of machines beeping around you; but you were almost positive you were not in a hospital. You could also hear people walking around you but they hardly said a word. Then a cold chill ran up your spine as a set of heavy doors opened somewhere around you.
The people around you all greeted whoever had entered, but you didn't recognize what language they were speaking. Her heels, you assumed was a woman, clicked across the floor as they approached you. The hairs on your arms stood up when she sat beside you; like your body just knew where she was even though you couldn't see them.
A woman's voice called your name. But it wasn't your name. Not what you were called here on Earth. You felt her hand on your forehead, then she caressed over your hair and down to your shoulder, where she rested her hand.
Tears streamed down your face. You only knew they had, because she had reached over and wiped it away. Then she spoke again. Even though she was speaking a foreign language you still somehow understood what she was saying. You began to sob.
Then you felt something get placed around your head. She grabbed your hand and gave it a squeeze.
"You're our only hope." She said.
You gasped, suddenly choking on something. You brought your hands up and pulled out the tube that was shoved down your throat.
"Agents! I need assistance in here!" Someone yelled. They rushed over to you, attempting to restrain your hands as you pulled at the IVs shoved in your skin. "Miss Stark. Please clam down."
Still unaware of what was going around you or to you, you shoved the person back. Instead they didn't get pushed back by you; they got blasted back. You stared at your own hands in shock.
You looked around the room. A hospital room. But you were different; you felt different. Maybe it wasn't a hospital.
Were you kidnapped? What happened after Ivan Vanko? Where was he?
So many questions raced through your head. Wherever you were, you needed to get out. You needed to escape.
You made sure you weren't connected to anything anymore before running out of the room. As you abruptly exit your hospital room, the staff in the hallways looked to you, startled. One of the nurses behind the desks, held a phone up to her ear, and then over the speakers announced..
"Security. Hospital wing. We have a runner."
Your body processed the words faster than your mind did and you sprinted off down the hall. You had no idea where you were going but you ran. Until you were stopped by a group of men, inside an elevator with their guns pointed at you.
Assuming they were going to shoot at you right away, you held your hands up to shield yourself. And again, a blast released itself from your hands, causing the men to dodge out of the way. You stared down at your palms.
"All units, she is armed." You heard them yell.
You walked back slowly, stunned by what you had done. You ran back down the hall and frantically began looking for another exit. They stopped you at every corner, until finally they had you in a corner. You looked at the wall, panicked.
"Miss Stark." You recognized Rumlow's voice right away. You turned around and saw him standing just at the end of the hall with his hands and weapon up in the air. "I'm not going to hurt you alright." He tells you. "I'm walking towards her, hold your fire." He tells his men.
"Stop." You tell him, holding your hand out hoping to blast them all away. But nothing happened. "Stop right there!" You yelled again this time pushing your hand out but again nothing happened.
"What did you do to me? Where the hell am I?"
"I'm not here to hurt you." he tells you as he walks closer. "Just come with me." he says calmly. "I promise, I'll make sure you're safe." He's now a couple feet away from you, and stays there.
You look at him and back at the the group of armed men. You didn't trust him. He could be lying. But somehow, you just knew, right now, he wasn’t lying.
You stared at Brock. You inhaled a breath and nodded. You took one step forward and suddenly...
"Shots fired!"
"No!" Rumlow yelled at the same time he lunged at you.
A series of bullets rang through the air. Your hands were up and your back hit the hard cold floor. You laid there silently. Rumlow looked down at you. You stared at him with just as much confusion. As he got to his feet, you sat up.
The bullets were frozen in mid air. Everyone stared in shock. Rumlow approached the frozen bullets, then looked back at you. Realizing your hands were still up, you dropped them; at the same time the bullets fell to the floor with a series of clinks.
Your name is called out as your brother pushes through the group of men. He's in front of you, holding your shoulders and examining your person. "Are you hurt?" He asks you as he examines your person. When he didn’t see any injuries on you, he whipped his head around and stared at the other men. “Who the hell fired?” He asked.
The men stared at one another, until one of them stepped forward and confessed. Anthony left your side to approach the man.
“You alright?” Brock asks you. You turn your head to face as he walks into your view.
You nod. You were still a little bit shaken up, but now that your brother was here you weren’t as frightened. “Where am I?” You asked, though you were certain now where you could have been.
“SHIELD HQ.” Fury announced as he made his way through the agents. He stopped just beside your brother, “we need to talk.” He tells you. “Now.”
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You looked at yourself in the mirror. Unfortunately for you, they couldn’t provide you with your own clothing. All they could offer was a pair of SHIELD sweatpants and T-shirt. Before you put them on, you examined your body. The tiny punctures on your skin from the IVs were healed. If they did something to you, you wouldn’t know.
You took a closer look at your reflection. There was something different about you, but you weren’t sure what. You looked closer, your hand coming up to trace your neck.
Your necklace was missing. The necklace you had since you were a baby was no longer on you.
There was a knock on the bathroom door and them your brother’s voice came from the other side of the door. “You can’t hide in there forever.” He told you.
You slipped on the clothes and walked over to the door to open it, angrily. “I could have.”
Your dad was already on his feet when you entered the giant office. He noticed you walk in after your brother and let out a sigh of relief. He walked over to you, meeting you halfway, and embraced you in a tight hug.
You were nervous at first, but as soon as you felt his arms around you, you relaxed. He kissed your temple and hugged you tighter.
After a moment you finally let go. “What are we doing here?”
“Let’s find out.” The two of you walked over to the furniture in the middle of the room to sit.
Anthony and Fury sat across from you and your dad. Your brother handed each of you a thin manila folder with a giant classified stamped over it. Your dad grabbed it first and opened it.
"Somethings happened to you." Your brother tells you. "We have no idea what exactly. And given what happened out there, it seems to have altered something in you."
Your heart skipped a beat in your chest. You were suddenly nervous.
Tony slapped the manila folder on the coffee table. "No." he stated.
"What? No what?" You asked. You grabbed the manila folder and opened to see what had gotten him so upset. It was a consent form.
"We need to run tests." He told you but you had already read through the whole thing. "We just need your permission to--,"
"Use me as a lab rat?" You asked him. You weren't angry, not yet. "You said we."
"Yeah. As in SHIELD." He awkwardly looks back at Fury. "I work for SHIELD. Have been for a while."
You sat back in the chair, and exhaled a huff of disbelief. "You do realize what they're asking of me right?"
"It's not them." He admits. "It's me. This is my idea. This is how I can help you."
"Bull. Shit." You enunciate. "You never brought this up before.."
"You didn't shoot energy blasts from your hands before." He tells you. There was a short moment of silence. "I know you're scared, but i'm going to be with you."
"That's so comforting." You rolled your eyes. "Thanks but no thanks." You placed the folder back on the coffee table. "Can I go now?"
Fury bulged his eye at you. "I can't just let you walk out of here." He tells you. "Do you know how many of my men you put in the hospital wing earlier? And you think I'm just going to let you go home?"
"They were pointing their guns at me." You defended yourself. "And I didn't know that was going to happen. It was an accident."
"Which makes you a danger to yourself and to those around you." He sat closer to the edge of the couch and leaned in to rest his elbows on his knees. "The consent was just a formality. Because i'm nice like that." He says.
"I am not obligated to get your consent. If I see you as a threat, I have every right to figure out ways to neutralize that threat. Are you a threat?" He asked expectantly.
You looked at your brother. He glanced down at the manila folder on the table, making it clear what he wanted you to do. You turned your head to look at your dad. He had his hand over his mouth and his sunglasses on, but he was facing in the direction of your brother. His silence was not comforting or even helpful.
You sighed. "No." You finally answered Fury. You opened the manila folder again. You grabbed the pen from your brother and signed your name on the line.
You didn't react when the needle pierced your skin.
Anthony glanced up at you. He attached a collection tube to the vacutainer. "What should I apologize first, huh?" He asks you. He waits a short moment but you don't answer. "Silent treatment. Real mature, Y/N." He rolls his eyes.
He removes the tube and attaches a new one. "Just so you know I asked to oversee this operation." He tells you. "I figured it'd be better. I know you trust me."
"Oh," you drawled, "my hero." You spat. "That doesn't make any of this better. I always thought you'd be above this."
"Above what?" He was annoyed now, but he kept his tone neutral.
You shook your head at him. "Forget it. Just finish up so I can go home."
“You brought it up. Tell me.” He pushes. “Above what?”
“Human testing.” You replied. “You don’t know what they could do to me. Or with my blood. This could end up horrible. Like what happened with dad’s weapons.”
"It won’t. I promise." He tells you. He attaches another tube. "This is the last one."
"One more thing. You can't control whatever happened to you. We can't risk you having another 'accident'." He removes the tube and slides the needle out of your skin. "We're sending you to a safe house."
"That wasn't part of the deal."
"Yes. It was." he tells you. He peels the gloves off his hands and tosses them in the garbage under the counter. "You just didn't read it all the way through. Until we figure out whats going on with you, you're subjected to isolation." He turns his back to you as he inverts the tube samples that he had laid on top of the counter.
"I know you think this is unfair. But this is the best deal you're going to get. You're lucky they didn't throw you in jail--" he turned to face you. He stumbled back, tripping over his feet and falling to the floor.
He blinked a couple times, processing what just happened. Gradually he began to feel a sharp pain in the center of his face. He brings his hands up to feel his nose and winces at the soft touch. He pulls his hand back and notices blood on the tips of his fingers. "Did you just punch me?"
"I did." You rub your knuckles. "And it felt great."
You leave him on the floor as you exit the room. Rumlow was in hallway with a few other men. You figured they were waiting for you, and walked up to Rumlow.
"Miss Stark." He greeted you. "We're escorting you to the safe house. We can head out whenever you're ready, if you want to say your goodbyes...."
"No." You cut him off. "I'm ready to go."
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etherealstar-writes · 6 months
hey everyone!!
so i have a few woso fic ideas in mind and would love to know which one you all would be interested in the most. btw i also feel more comfortable writing ocs instead of reader insert so i hope that's fine :)
ordinary life - arsenal wfc x teen avenger!oc - teen oc fic where she is basically trying to hide her past of being involved with the avengers, and moves away to london to pursue a career in football by playing for arsenal. and after a while, the past that she'd tried her best to keep a secret from everyone and bury deep down begins to catch up to her - basically the infinite number of times everyone is too blind to figure out that oc is an avenger is so obvious but never connected the dots
star girl - ronaldo!oc fic series - in which 17 year old adrienne ronaldo is the oldest daughter of cristiano ronaldo, trying to live up to her father's standards and carrying the ronaldo legacy. her skills even surpass her father's and everyone on the pitch can't help but be intimated by her. she's loved by all the ronaldo fans, especially her supportive father who is incredibly proud to see her thrive while he prepares to retire soon. - basically her journey from transferring to the wsl and trying to fit in her new team arsenal after playing for real madrid for a year, and facing the criticism of the media of whether or not she can really live up to the ronaldo name
popular - matildas x stark!oc chaotic group chat fic - in which kyra accidentally adds a wrong number instead of mini's in her new group chat with charli and mini, and charli and kyra end up bonding with the imposter added, the two chaotic idiots too blind to realise that she's actually the daughter of the tony stark himself - basically adora stark is just waiting to see how long it takes for them to connect the pieces together
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kandisheek · 7 months
Flame is the queen of fluff in my book. Her fics are like little pieces of candy, and no matter which one you choose, they're all delicious. I love the way she explores different AUs and makes them her own, especially the No Powers variety. So if you're looking for some treats, you're in the right place.
Here's some of her work that I think you should check out:
Have You Met My... Husband?
Pairing: Steve/Tony, Bucky/Natasha Rating: M Words: 7,317 Tags: School Reunion, Fake Relationship, Mutual Pining
Summary: Steve's high school reunion is coming up and for reasons that make no sense except in fic, Tony goes with him and poses as his husband. ... and things progress from there ...
Reasons why I love it: Natasha and Pepper really steal the show in this one, what with their meddling ways. Honestly, Steve and Tony need all the outside help they can get, my god, idiots in love is exactly right. I really love the humor in this one, and Bucky and Natasha's banter especially. This fic is adorable, and I hope you give it a shot!
Crouching Genius, Hidden Soulmate
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 1,276 Tags: Bucky Barnes is a Good Bro, Soulmates, No Powers
Summary: “We’re going to chat about that imaginary numbers bullshit, Stark,” Bucky said with a laugh, “but right now, come with me.” “Where?” “Downstairs,” Bucky said, offering his hand. “I’m about to change your life.” Tony barked out a laugh. “Okay Angelica.”
Reasons why I love it: You had me at Angelica. This fic is so sweet! I love all the little tidbits like Rhodey and Pepper's daughter and Steve's career that really flesh out the world. And of course, I'm a huge fan of Hamilton playing a major role in this fic. I love this one so much, so I hope you give it a shot (and don't throw it away, badum tz).
Paper Crowns and Secret Keepers
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 5,564 Tags: No Powers, A/B/O, Teacher Steve
Summary: Steve Rogers did not play favorites. He’d been one of the kindergarten teachers at Allensville Academy since he got out of graduate school and that was one of his key pedagogical beliefs - no playing favorites. But lands alive, if Peter Stark wasn’t testing his resolve.
Reasons why I love it: Aaaaaah not Flame subverting expectations in the best possible way, I am LIVING! Tony the not-alpha just breaks your heart once you learn about the circumstances that made his secrets necessary, and I love the political undertones throughout the fic in general. Also, Mairi (Askafroa) made some truly fantastic art for this that you desperately need to see if you haven't already, it's the cutest! This fic is amazing, and I hope you check it out for yourself!
A Totally Normal Dad
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 3,103 Tags: Identity Porn, Parenting, Canon Divergence
Summary: Steve is a totally normal, boring, suburban, stay-at-home-dad. He's also a superhero. His husband only knows the first sentence.
Reasons why I love it: The Incredibles, but make it Stony. I really love how this ties into canon, and oh my god, that paragraph about Steve wanting to grow old with Tony made me genuinely emotional. Also, Steve and Tony are so sweet with Peter, it makes me want to cry. This fic is amazing, and I highly encourage you to read it!
Wax On, Wax Off
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 1,354 Tags: No Powers, College AU, Merman Steve
Summary: Sure, a man could fall in love with a merman - but where would they make out?
Reasons why I love it: They're so fucking cute, ugh, I love them. Tony doing his level best to make life more comfortable for Steve is so sweet, and oh my god, the ending puts the biggest smile on my face. I also love the way Steve's merman-ism works and the cameos of the other Avengers in texting-form. This fic is delightful, and I hope you give it a go!
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bulkyphrase · 2 months
I had every intention of updating my @ficreadingchallenge bingo card every week, but wow I definitely did not do that.
Here's the results of my June and July reading! Maybe I'll do this again next Thursday, or maybe you'll see it again sometime in September.
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Details below the cut!
For square 3: vampire AU
Oh Negative by Ladyladylady (@ladyladylady1) (Winterhawk, Mature, 17,663 words)
Summary: “Well alright then. In case it wasn’t clear, everyone is welcome here, vampires included. Anyone who has a problem with that can kindly find a new bar to haunt.” Sam emphasizes his words by pointing the end of his bat around the room, making sure to stop at Brock’s old table. No one speaks up for a beat. Then they hear a throat clear. Clint and Sam snap their heads behind them to the door they’re still blocking. On the steps leading up is a shorter man, but he and Sam are pretty tall, so that’s nothing new. More noteworthy is his chiseled jaw, his tangle of dark, shoulder-length hair, his metal arm, and the fact that he is, unmistakably, a vampire.
there are a lot of things that go wrong for clint in this true blood fusion but he does get a sexy vampire boyfriend in the end
For square 4: fluff
Blossoms Every Day by fluffernutter8 (@theawkwardterrier) (Steggy, General Audiences, 1,961 words)
Summary: When you work at a flower shop requests for elaborate bouquets are just part of the job. Requests for bouquets this specific, on the other hand...
peggy and steve communicate via the language of flowers...sort of. very cute, and love the outsider pov
For square 5: fic written by someone who follows you
Treading Desire Lines by @fohatic (Stony, Teen And Up Audiences, 43,747 words)
Summary: Tony knows that his daughter can be difficult, but he really needs someone to do him a solid when an important opportunity arises. Unfortunately, word is already out: Morgan Stark is a real handful. Never one to shrink from a challenge, Steve steps in, hoping to shift the strained dynamic between him and Tony and having no idea how the course of his life is about to change.
i'm a little cautious with kidfic and endgame fix-its, but this one really won me over!
For square 6: enemies to friends/lovers
a falling star can't fall forever by Mizzy (@mizzy2k) (James "Bucky" Barnes/Natasha Romanov, Teen And Up Audiences, 30,329 words)
Summary: Corporate espionage is a dirty job, but someone has to do it. When a recent job goes awry thanks to the Black Widow, Bucky’s team are demoted to babysitting duty: Howard Stark’s spoiled brat is studying in Cambridge and is completely naive to the dangers of the world. The mission isn’t the complete bust he’s expecting: while off-duty, he meets Natasha and it’s love at first sight. If only that damn irritating Black Widow wasn’t also around, determined to ruin his latest attempt to get a life outside of the spying game. Frustrated by her recent demotion thanks to the Winter Soldier and his irritating team, the last thing Natasha expects is to meet the charming Mr. Barnes. Being reassigned to Europe to assist on a honey-pot mission should be frustrating, but with an unexpected new love on the horizon, Natasha thinks this assignment might not be as bad as she’s expecting. Except then it turns out the Winter Soldier is also in Europe, and he seems determined to completely ruin her life… (An International Iron Man meets Mr. and Mrs. Smith AU.)
i 💕 rom-com, identity porn, and spy shenanigans
For square 10: fan art
Muzzled and Bound [!Art] by @darthbloodorange (Stony, Teen And Up Audiences, words)
Summary: Greg doesn't approve of his brother dating that mutt, Rogers, so he captures the man to teach Tony a lesson.
i want to read the (nonexistent) fic so bad, but will console myself with this lovely art
For square 11: daring rescue
Die Hard (But Only If No Other Options Are Readily Available) by @jenthesweetie (Stony, Teen And Up Audiences, 23,915 words)
Summary: Tony hadn’t written off the Avengers when he ended up on the Raft. What he absolutely hadn’t expected was for them to show up to break him out.
this exciting post-age of ultron stony reconciliation fic features two daring rescues and several narrow escapes
For square 12: 5 + 1 style fic
Interruptions by mariana_oconnor (@mariana-oconnor) (Winterhawk, Teen And Up Audiences, 8,307 words)
Summary: Five times Bucky tries to tell Clint how he feels and one time Clint succeeds.
poor bucky (and clint) have the worst luck in this fic, but at least they figure it out in the end
For square 13: unfinished/work in progress (this was a WIP when I first added it to the bingo card, but it's complete now)
Factory Regress by SucculentHyena (@succulent-hyena) (Stucky, Teen And Up Audiences, 54,054 words)
Summary: A crashed ship, a mysterious device, and some unfortunate circumstances.
a very fun fic featuring age regression, magical space adventures, and protective husband bucky
For square 14: multiple authors
Never Surrender, Never Give Up by Loran_Arameri, Serinah (@loraneldin, @serinah80) (Stony, Explicit, 85,896 words)
Summary: It’s 2029 and aliens have taken the Earth. Steve is dead, and everyone who’s left of the Avengers is fighting for the last few thousand humans. They don’t have much time, or rather the energy: the last of the arc reactors will fail in less than a month, and Tony can’t make another one. Their base will fall.The Earth’s best defender is out of options. *** Years they fought against the Chitauri, and they have lost. Steve is sure that Tony would agree: only traveling back in time could save them now. But Steve wasn't sure if he should, and now he's out of time so he takes one last, desperate gamble. When will he end up?
beautifully angsty fic featuring the end of the world, time travel, double identity porn, and some very hot dom tony/sub steve
For square 15: crossover or fusion fic
Early American X-Ray Specs by aetataureate (@psychicrhubarb) (Steggy, Teen And Up Audiences, 23,183 words)
Summary: “I’m going to steal the Declaration of Independence,” Steve said.
this hilarious fic is everything a steggy + national treasure fusion should be
For square 17: reread an old fave
If Through a Door by @jibrailis (Stony, Explicit, 44,036 words)
Summary: Tony is accused of murder on an alien planet; Steve marries him to bring him home.
this canon universe marriage of convenience story with a side of alien murder mystery is one of the first stony fics i ever read
For square 18: 5+ year old fic
Sea Stars by Muccamukk (Stony, Teen And Up Audiences, 41,960 words)
Summary: Steve comes back to life somewhere entirely unexpected; Tony doesn't remember being a hero; something is rotten in the province of British Columbia, and the 2010 Olympics are doomed.
post-(comics) civil war fic where a magical resurrection meets tech-based amnesia
For square 19: mythical creature AU
Nights When the Wolves Are Silent, and Only the Moon Howls by Cluegirl, Defiler_Wyrm (art by @defilerwyrm) (Stony & Stucky, Mature, 77,612 words)
Summary: “Could you drop all that stoic shit and be my freaking-the-hell-out wingman for just like, five seconds here?” Steve wasn’t sure he could think of anything he wanted less to do than to freak out about his wounds just then though, so he reached across his chest and gingerly patted Sam’s clenched knuckles. “It’ll be fine,” he promised, believing it. “Serum’s handled worse.” “You know, I actually believe you,” Sam allowed after a long second of glaring. “Which is deeply alarming, considering how much of your connective tissue I’ve touched in the last 4 hours. Now you wanna tell me what Russoff’s men did to you that made it look like you got mauled by a bear?” Steve flinched, then breathed the memory down to size. “Not a bear,” he murmured. “Wolves.”
💖 werewolf (mcu) civil war fix-it my beloved 💖
For square 24: BIPOC main character
Fill Her (With Words of Hope For Her People) by sweetheart35 (@billyhargrovetrash) (Gen, Not Rated, 6,236 words)
Summary: Okoye delivers the news. Shuri had watched the two guards who had been assigned to guard her and the android disintegrate into dust in front of her. She had watched, frozen, as one had sighed before closing his eyes and the other turn to her and say “Princess -“ and take a step towards her before he simply collapsed, dust scattered across the floor. Shuri is a genius, the head of Wakanda’s research and development division and their outreach program but she cannot fathom what is happening.
an absolutely beautiful story about shuri leading wakanda after the snap
For square : Free space
Bird Set Free by mrs_d (Samsteve, Teen And Up Audiences, 15,361 words)
Summary: Steve thinks all hope is lost when he gets transformed into a helpless finch, but then he meets a man who smells amazing and, even better, can understand what he’s saying.
this super-cute fic features steve as a fierce but easily distracted finch and sam as a bakery shop owner who can talk to birds
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cherrybombfangirl · 1 year
Hey you! Yeah you! Interested in my in progress Marvel OC Fanfic?
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Ao3 Link: Only Human (7244 words) by cherrybombfangirl)/
Wanna read a Marvel fanfic that’s mainly an OC insert but also fixing everything that’s wrong with the MCU? It includes fixing what needs fixing, and my OC and all the small OCs that come with her.
Yeah you wanna read it!
The fic includes:
My OC Stacy who is the daughter of Steve and Bucky, a chaotic bisexual ADHDer, a maliciously compliant little shit, a gremlin but also a sweet ray of sunshine, coming from a mixed faith family, and just being the bane of the US government/Tony Stark’s existence in general
Fixing the erasure of representation issue- not just the whitewashing! Especially Steve’s disability and being an irish immigrant, also aggressively queer as he should be
^^^ and Stucky Supremacy :D 
Autistic, Trans, Asexual, Bisexual, and Jewish Peter Parker! (also he actually acts like a teenager and not a fucking child, the fuck writers and fans)
In fact, all of the characters that should be Jewish are actually Jewish (Wanda and Peitro, Kate Bishop, Bucky, Moon Knight, etc etc), because we all know how terrible the MCU is at respecting the source material
No romanticizing Tony’s shitty behavior and getting called out on said behavior multiple times
Civil War is actually about Steve Rogers and not just Iron Man 4 :) (also Tony being proven very very wrong)
Actually addressing how bad the Sokovia Accords are and how awfully they treat people with superpowers (and how it’s really just the US gov. trying to have their own little superhero army and how that’s fucked up)
Fixing this issue the MCU has where they reduce characters to a few traits and take away what’s at the core (especially with newly introduced characters)
Fixing Age of Ultron and Endgame (because AoU was a trash fire and Endgame was a good concept but terrible execution)
Did you know Peggy’s character was based on a character from the comics named Cynthia Glass who was a Nazi Spy? “Based on” as in the writers took Cynthia’s character and just slapped Peggy’s name on her? Yeah so, Peggy’s actually gonna be a Nazi spy in this fic and her sus behavior (shooting at Cap, Operation Paperclip, etc) won’t be ignored or brushed off
^^^ in fact she manipulates Steve into letting her have his and Bucky’s daughter so that HYDRA could have their own little supersoldier lab rat and also Peggy not being a good mom and handing Stacy over to HYDRA like it’s nothing
The ending to Endgame actually makes sense (and no Steve undoing his entire arc because WTF WAS THAT-)
More time saying fuck you to the US government because we hate them in this house, and we stan Stacy for doing everything she can to be the bane of it’s existence. Everyone but Tony is right behind her :) 
All the Young Avengers are closer in age because they should be, also they’re all younger than 20 because that should be happening they’re not supposed to be adults
Lots of trauma and mental health issues for everyone, including PTSD, depression, and anxiety and more!
More time with Nat and Yelena BECAUSE THEY DIDN’T GET ENOUGH T-T
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your-nanas-house · 2 years
Hi love! What do you think of a fic/headcanon (whatever you prefer) where Tom Holland is secretly dating Tony Stark’s daughter? Thank you so much 💗
Hello! Sure thing. 🥰 I did an imagine in the end.
Back to reality
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(Photos not mine, credit to the owner)
◇ Pairing: Tom Holland X fem Stark!Reader
◇ Warnings: fluff, secret relationship, hiding, swearing, reality, fanfiction
◇ Summary: in the request
◇ Note: Sorry for the mistakes and the English.
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Y/n's hand quickly covered your mouth, her hands were soft and reached your jaw, gently grazing it with her fingertips.
Her y/e/c eyes were fixed on yours in an almost hypnotic way as she silently pleaded you not to make any noise; her mouth moved and her expression showed slight panic as she pushed you against the wardrobe door in her bedroom.
Your back hit the hard surface of the wood and the last thing you saw, before you were embraced by the darkness that swallowed you into the wardrobe, was your girlfriend's face as she quickly closed the doors before leaving her father, Tony fucking Stark, in the room.
The two voices could be heard perfectly even though you were behind a light wooden door holding your breath waiting....
Harrison's hand brought Tom back to reality, his hazel gaze that had previously been fixed on his phone as he read the fanfiction he had found shifted fearfully to his friend who was giggling in amusement pointing out that it was the tenth story he had read about Y/n Stark and that he needed to focus on reality since he had to visit his parents in less than an hour, thus advising him to forget for a while about the Marvel character so beloved by the actor and the various stories fans were writing that were often with convoluted but interesting plots such as a secret relationship or friends with benefits and more.
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@gabile18 , @mrsfullbuster500 , @rex-ray , @elizamalfoyy, @eovjjj , @monkeyking-and-liuer-mate , @jeremiah-va1eska , @gothamchic16, @rabbiteggz , @dieg0brandos-wife , @rottenecstasy , @lazyexcuse , @teh-vampire-bunny , @lobotomy-lover , @slasher-smasher
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harlstark · 11 months
What are some of your harley family headcanons? (His mum, sister, dad??)
oh my god okay okay this is such a loaded question and would probably take me forever to answer in full so i will try to keep this as abridged as possible
-i usually use the common name in fics for her “Macy” but to me her maiden name is Merriweather for no reason in particular
-i think she works as a waitress/bartender which is alluded to canon but yknow
-i imagine her blonde haired as straw, a young mother but her smile lines show
-loving but definitely distant. she tries, but being a single, low income mother to two, who struggles with undiagnosed mental health issues of her own and mild alcoholism has made her rather uninvolved. while i believe she’s unconditional in her love, she’s not very present in showing it. harley was raised mostly on his own because of this
-she’s not the biggest fan of tony stark, and certainly doesn’t get star struck, but she doesn’t hate the man
-deadbeat asshole who was 100% an alcoholic/addict
-i don’t have a name preference for him, it kind of changes if i mention him by name in a fic. but i never call him james and never will
-probably fucked off to nevada or something
-definitely gave harley a rough time for being different than the other kids
-i use the name abbie/abby from peachy, but also sometimes abigail kennedy “AK”. once or twice mentally ive used the name piper too but usual just stick to abbie
-i think she cut her own bangs when she was in middle school and fucked up so harley tried to help her by watching youtube video tutorials and ever since he has just been the one that cuts her bangs for her in their cramped bathroom
-she’s got lots of freckles and a little gap between her two front teeth
-had a bit of a rebellious phase in high school and liked to casually flirt with boys and girls, following in her brothers footsteps a bit by becoming the latest gossip topic. this was her form of grieving once harley moved away to NY. she had a genuine summer-time romance with a traveling hippie family’s daughter one year, and mellowed out after that. eventually i think she decided to go to community college but hated it and dropped out, then took a gap year just traveling. eventually she ended up in new york too, either doing something in the arts, or continuing her education and working at SI in design. she meets a muslim woman, and eventually they get married, and have two kids through IVF. they take frequent trips to rose hill and eventually move back to tennessee in a kinder rural town, and they have their own garden and chickens
-she once took in a stray tabby cat
-she knows harley‘s gay before he tells anyone. even if she didn’t know the word to it, she just knew the concept of harley with a girlfriend just didn’t make sense
-she likes y’allternative music
-has a tendency to lay on sun spots on the carpet
-master at checkers, domino train, and any card game in the books
-collected my little pony dolls as a kid
-smoked cigarettes for a couple years before stopping
-prefers red wine over white
-very into denims, plaids, florals, and country bumpkin mud-stained clothes as a kid, darker alternative y2k inspired clothes as a teen, and modern french/classy vintage style clothing as an adult
-grew up running wild, barefoot, and free. her favorite place to hang out in rosehill is a old drive inn theatre, which is where she met that girl one summer
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themculibrary · 3 months
Taylor Swift Lyric Titles Masterlist
all too well (druig & makkari) (ao3) - camihearts druig/makkari T, 2k
Summary: All Too Well (Taylor’s Version) but make it Druig and Makkari.
don't blame me, (love made me crazy) (ao3) - fluffy_miracle loki/mobius M, 2k
Summary: Mobius is tired. Angry. He's been searching for Loki for fucking days because he ran after his variant and Mobius feels so fucking stupid because he should have seen it coming. Now the TVA has them both back in custody where they belong and Mobius is more than a little jealous. He wanted Loki to look at him like he does at Sylvie. How this god has affected his impulse control because Mobius finds himself shoving Loki up agains the wall and telling him exactly what he wants from him.
Loki doesn't respond the way Mobius thought he would.
dreaming ‘bout the day (ao3) - tellxmebby steve/tony T, 3k
Summary: Tony/Steve Highschool AU fic based on Taylor Swift’s music video “You Belong With Me”.
fearless (ao3) - softeninglooks steve/tony N/R, 1k
Summary: Where Steve catches up on modern music in Tony’s workshop.
hey, stephen (i’ve been holding back this feeling) (ao3) - hopelessrdj tony/stephen G, 11k
Summary: Tony Stark and Stephen Strange have never met each other before until the day every student at their university gets forced into attending one co-educative class not connected to their major. Both geniuses end up in the music department and in order to make it more interesting they come up with a competition between the two of them.
In Paper Rings, In Picture Frames (Oh, You're The One I Want) (ao3) - OceanSpray5 druig/makkari G, 14k
Summary: Or, Druig and Makkari get married and wait for the rest of their oblivious family to figure it out.
invisible string (ao3) - captasha_universe steve/natasha T, 4k
Summary: Three years after Steve divorces his ex-wife Sharon, Natasha and her daughter Lucy receive a surprise visit from Steve and his two kids, resulting in a wonderful day spent and Natasha and Steve rekindling their romance of the past.
it felt like home somehow (ao3) - orlandoblueberry wanda/vision G, 5k
Summary: After a dinner where the Avengers all come out as Taylor Swift fans, Vision seeks Wanda’s help to understand the appeal of this kind of music. Romance ensues, obviously.
loving him was red (and blue) (ao3) - 70sBabe mj/peter T, 22k
Summary: the story of Peter/MJ, told through the tracks of Taylor Swift's album Red
maroon (ao3) - MissAmyShay mj/peter E, 13k
Summary: In which Peter and MJ spend an eventful 24 hours together after three years apart.
on a wednesday, in a cafe (ao3) - TaraLy gilgamesh/thena T, 111k
Summary: Thenamesh Coffee Shop AU. No angst, no plot, only love (and food).
one single thread of gold tied me to you (ao3) - vegetativestate druig/makkari G, 1k
Summary: The smile this dredges up in Druig is brighter and more radiant than anything a Celestial could conjure, and Makkari thinks, there it is. The sun.
So they lie there, on the duvet, under the stars, centuries worth of lost time stitched together as they breathe their own galaxy into existence.
or, Makkari and Druig decide to take a vacation after the Emergence and before they leave Earth, where they talk and stargaze. Sensibly.
the more you say the less i know (wherever you stray, i follow) (ao3) - notcaycepollard sam/bucky M, 22k
Summary: It starts in the desert.
the way i loved you (ao3) - agayturtle wanda/natasha T, 3k
Summary: “It’s 2am and I’m cursing your name…”
Wanda and Natasha’s relationship didn’t last longer than a couple of months, but Natasha can’t help but wonder if they made the right choice when they ended things.
or The Way I Loved You by Taylor Swift but it’s Wandanat.
you are the best thing that's ever been mine (hold on, never turn back) (ao3) - lesbiannshit wanda/natasha G, 1k
Summary: Natasha and Wanda fight and Nat expects Wanda to leave, but to her surprise, Wanda stays. (loosely based off of Taylor Swift's song Mine)
you can call me babe for the weekend (ao3) - complicationstoo steve/tony T, 10k
Summary: Tony left his small town for Los Angeles after high school, leaving behind everything to pursue his dream. Ten years later, he comes back for the first time and finds that some things are impossible to let go of.
you can hear it in the silence (you can feel it on the way home) (ao3) - notcaycepollard steve/bucky/sam E, 2k
Summary: “Are you two drunk?” he asks, and Sam laughs, blushes enough to confirm it. Bucky gasps, just a little, and Steve narrows his eyes a little more. “Are you fucking?” Bucky giggles, something that turns into a breathy sigh halfway through, and god, they are, they’re drunk and fucking and Steve was at work, it’s not fair, they are the worst.
“It was Sam’s idea,” Bucky tells him, and Sam brings his hand up from under the covers, smacks him lightly in the shoulder.
“The fort was my idea. Drinking and fucking, that was all you, Barnes.”
you look like my next mistake (ao3) - littlemissstark315 loki/tony M, 3k
Summary: based off Taylor Swifts “Blank Space”, Tony beds the wrong woman for the weekend, barely escaping with his life intact.
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My Introduction :)
I’ve been on Tumblr for a couple months now, and I just realized I haven’t done my introduction yet!
My name is Rosabella, but you can call me Rosie! I’ve only just recently started writing fanfics on here, but I’ve been writing stories for about ten years. Most stories I plan on publishing here are x fem!reader one shots. The characters I love are many, but I’m only open to writing the following at the moment (this might change in the future):
Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, TASM!Peter Parker, Jason Todd, and most recently, Wally West.
I am also open to writing PLATONIC!!! Batsis, Batmom & sister/best friend to Barbara, Steph and possibly Cass, along with Tony Stark & Bruce Wayne daughter!reader related content as well.
All of my past, present and future works are guaranteed to be fluffy, sweet and has some sort of happy ending. I’m not a huge fan of angst, but I’m sure at some point my work will eventually involve that genre to some degree, and there will be a trigger warning beforehand to those who are sensitive. If you are, please don’t read the fic for your own mental health, and wellbeing. I also WILL NOT write anything involving pedophilia/incest, because it’s disgusting and wrong.
I want my blog to be stress, politics, and cursing free. Nothing against any of those things, or the people who enjoy them, but that’s just my personal preference. I want to stay away from them for the sake of my own mental health, and I just want to solely focus on the fanfics I write. I also want this to be a safe place people can go if they don’t want to be reminded of the current world’s craziness.
I will only write female oriented reader content. I have nothing against any other preference, and you’re welcome to change anything you feel comfortable with while reading my work if you choose to, but that is what I feel comfortable writing. As the biological female writer, I picture myself as the reader when I write, and if I try to write anything other than what I’m comfortable writing, I have a hard time with doing so, and the work just does not seem realistic, and won’t turn out good.
Clean, fluffy requests are open currently (as of 8/12/24). As the author, I have every right to decline any request I see fit, whether I don’t have the time to write it, or I just don’t feel comfortable writing it.
Also, btw, there might be grammatical errors in my work, and I’m sorry about that. Even though English is my native language, English is still hard sometimes lol.
Anyway, I think that’s all for my introduction, and blog rules. Thank you for sticking around, and I hope you enjoy my content! :)
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theology101 · 1 year
My Works Master File
Howdy! I do a lot of stuff across a lot of different platforms, so I figured that I should maybe collect some of them. I'm only including active or completed works in this - I do not have the best history of follow up lmao
She-Wolf of the Rock: My first ever fic and... you can tell. It's also my most kudos story... we make do. It's dogshit and a fetish story before I understood that it was. But I'm still proud of it
Tentacle Porn, but the Tentacle is a Metaphor: Female Theon Greyjoy gets silly drunk and seduces Jon Snow
A Quiet Conversation: The recently married younger son of the King Rhaegar Targaryen, first of his name, has come back from war. And not only that, he's gotten married and has a baby! Modern AU where Jon decides he and Joffrey need to have a chat
The Daughters of Tytos Lannister: Tytos' children are genderswapped. Tya is Tywin, Tyene is Tygett, Kyrene is Kevan, Gerion is Abigael and Genna is Gerold. Female Tywin is just as brutal - but in a different sort of way
Who would win in a fight, Robert Baratheon or the Mountain? My first major Quora answer and also a respect Robert Baratheon thread. Plus, I figured people might want some more info on medieval weapons
Will George R.R. Martin's Winds of Winter be different than the television series? Will he change the outcome or events or keep things the same? This is for those who are familiar with the show but don't know that much about the books. This thread is my explanation of a few differences.
Cannibal, the Cradle Egg of Maegor the Cruel, is alive on Skagos and will bond with Jon Snow: A theory I think I actually came up with? I've always thought Cannibal on Skagos could be the 'Waking Dragon from Stone.' Idk, I first posted this on quora years ago but this reddit link is the most clear
Unnatural Histories: A book-accurate Spreadsheet of all Dragons in ASOIAF sorted by either age, size, or political affiliation.
Baldur's Gate:
A Plant on the Road to Baldur's Gate: Halsin and Jaheria find some weed. Lae'zel, who has never been high before, get's overconfident. Shadowheart metls. (3/3)
Saved (Against her wyll): Wyll/Minthara starting in act 2. He learns that she's brainwashed and feels morally obligated to save her - only to then find out she was always like that, just her allegiance changed. (2/3)
Mommy? Sorry: Tavomir of Fort Morninglord's mother comes to visit the camp. But... she didn't know Tav would be there. The rest of the camp reacts to his mother, specifically Wyll and Karlach
Star Wars:
Two There Must Be: Anakin/Vader's spirit, immediately after Endor, is teleported back over fifty years to be reborn as his own older sibling. Or should I say, her own because she's in a female body. Started as silly goofy, but now I'm really into the politics of the Prequel era
Title of Jen'ari: AU of 2tmb, set a thousand years before Yavin on the planet Dromuund Kaas. Has minor spoilers for 2tmb (read until chapter 13) but is largely independent of anything. Anakin and Ava are siblings and they're Sith attending an Election on Dromuund Kaas
Fan Map of Dathomir: Legends and Canon have two wildly different depections of Dathomir. My solution? It's just different continents lmao. I consider the Nightsisters to actually just be a collection of other clans under the authority of one Overclan and it's Matron - that being Talzin. The Language is butchered Slavic but such is life.
Nieces and Nephews: Sabrina Spellman is prepared to face down the Dark Lord... only for a sarcastic, British asshole to walk into Dorian's. He flashes his detective badge, and claims to be Lucifer Morningstar, who came from LA to deal with an impostor. And oops, Sabrina is his daughter!
Conductive Materials: Female Toni Stark and Thor bond over the fact that position's of power can often limit their personal connections. And then they bond over not having a power dynamic over each other.
No One Escapes Cidhna Mine: My first attempt to chronicle my elder scrolls character. It was fine, I guess, I'm not too crazy about it and would definitely change a few things about it now. My Dragonborn (or the one I consider to be my 'main') is a Half Nord Half Reachman intent on reaching godhood through artifacts and political schemes.
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talia-rumlow · 2 years
Frank Grillo Characters Masterlist
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One of my absolute favorite people in the whole wide world. I absolutely adore Frank. His amazing personality, and the range he shows in his acting skills, makes him one of the most inspirational people I´ve ever had the privilege to talk to. The fact the he still doesn't have an Oscar surprises me.
This is where you´ll find my collection of my Frank Grillo Characters fics. Happy Reading. Comments, reblogs and a red heart is highly appreciated.
Private Workout (Alvey Kulina X Reader One-Shot)
Alvey´s Game (Alvey Kulina X Reader One-Shot)
Wrong Address (Brock Rumlow One-Shot)
A Helping Hand (Hydra Husbands One-Shot)
Bloody Nose (Brock Rumlow X Reader)
Click on the photo to see the Masterlist!
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My Saviour
Ongoing Stories!
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My Brother`s Best Friend
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Bound & Brockened
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Escort To The Multiverse
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Home Sweet Home
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Friendly Fire
You are the new medic at Navy Street, assigned to make sure the fighters are fit to fight, and to stitch them up if they get injured.
You've been in the game before. And you know Alvey, better than most people.
Shelby & Lisa hired you, without consulting with Alvey. And Alvey is not happy when he sees you.
You suddenly find yourself in the middle of a half broken up Kulina family, drug and alcohol abuse, and a Navy Street gym that is about to wreck itself from the inside out.
Will your strong will and smart mouth get them out of the ditch they dug for themselves? Or will you go down with them?
DISCLAMER: I'm not the biggest Lisa fan, so she's a side character in this one, she already left, and is not coming back. Remember this is Fiction, so don't hate me for changing parts of the story. I know a lot of you are BIG Kingdom fans (so am I). I just wanted to make this story my own. I Hope you'll like it.
Drug and alcohol abuse Graphic Sexual Description Violence Strong Language Public Sex
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YN Stark, Tony Starks oldest daughter just moved into the Stark towers after a messy break up. she immediantly bonds with Natasha. With her smart mouth and her IDFC attitude she manages to keep almost everyone at arms length. Mind made up at "Every Guy Is An Asshole". YN will never ever let another man into her life.
But then….
…. She meets Brock Rumlow at one of her dads parties..
Brock Rumlow don't want another girl. Every girl he's been with always seems to want him for one thing, and one thing only. Not that he minds that. Intimacy is great once in a while. But no girlfriends. Not now, not ever.
But when he one night gets seated next to Tony Starks daughter, things change. She is everything he's not. Caring, loving…. Beautiful. He want's her. But he'll have to work for it. Is it worth the risk?
Tony Stark loves his daughter, although he wasn't exactly ready to father her again when she was over 30 years old. But when she moves in. Tony sees that she inherited his smart mouth, and his sense of humor. The bond between father and daughter grows. It's even better than before. That's why he doesn't care one bit for it when YN starts to talk to SHIELD agent Brock Rumlow.
⚠️TRIGGER WARNINGS⚠️ Family dispute, emotional baggage, Graphic sexual description, drinking, Description of nudity, emotions, strong language
Do not interact with this story if ANY of this is triggering to you. Stay safe ❤️
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Brock Rumlow. The university's star quarterback. A talented fotball player, with an inability to behave himself.
You! Psychology Major, about to write your doctorate!
When your paths cross. You will both learn a thing or two about each other, and about yourself.
18+ story⚠️
Story will contain Graphic sexual descriptions, graphic descriptions of violence, emotional trauma, domestic abuse, mental illness, emotional baggage!
These are Trigger warnings. Please read them and respect them!
Stay safe & Happy reading❤️
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raineydaywrites · 10 months
20 Questions for fic writers
Tagged by @barry-j-blupjeans (thank you!!!)
tagging @sgrumby and anyone who wants to play!!
1. How many works do you have on A03?
2. What's your total A03 word count?
568,150! half a million!!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mainly TAZ Balance and Star Wars (Prequels/TCW era, mostly), but I've written a fair amount for Star Trek: Deep Space Nine in the past, and I'll sometimes write a fic here or there for other fandoms.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
They're all Star Wars fics, which makes sense but makes me kind of sad because I love my other fics too. But oh well:
still much that is fair.
Obi-Wan Kenobi, The Jedi Code, and Other Things That Anakin Has Misunderstood
Take Two
brothers don't let each other wander in the dark alone
growing season (absolutely BLEW MY MIND that this one is in my top five now. It's a one-shot kidfic for a pairing I don't write often?? I'm not used to those getting notes. But I guess it is the Codywan era for prequels fans so I can see where it's coming from.)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! But sometimes I don't have the spoons for it. But I love getting comments and want to show my appreciation!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't usually write super angsty endings! I don't like them. Or, well, actually I do enjoy them sometimes, but IDK, if I'm writing a whole-ass fic, I usually want to make the ending happy!
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending
still much that is fair! which is wild because it has one of the angstiest premises I've ever written (suicide attempt that all loved ones believed to be successful, ends with characters giving each other hugs and 'love yous' and closure)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Rarely. Every once in a while. Sometimes people don't like me writing autistic headcanons or characters mentioning pronouns.
9. Do you write smut?
No. I'm not opposed to it in fic, but it doesn't interest me.
10. Do you write crossovers?
No, but I'll read them sometimes. I'm not opposed to writing them, but I've never really gotten an idea for one that inspires me.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of! I did once have someone warn me that my fic was 're-posted' to ao3 back in the days when I was still posting on both ffnet and ao3 with different usernames.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, actually, though I forgot about it until asked! It's not one I ever posted. I co-wrote a Maximum Ride fic with a friend in middle school, lol. But I'd love to co-write again in the future! It's fun to talk about ideas with friends.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
All-time favorite ship is SO hard for me because I'm a multishipper and I flipflop fandoms a lot, so I kind of default to my first (and still beloved) ship: Janeway/Chakotay from Star Trek: Voyager. I'm also gonna answer for my two main fandoms atm: Star Wars is Obi-Wan/Satine and TAZ Balance is Barry Bluejeans/Lup/Lucretia, because I love a good polycule. Also Barry and Lup on their own are great but they remind me too much of my parents to really go wild over them.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Be My Brother's Keeper. A Darcy Lewis is Tony Stark's daughter AU. I love that one and I had PLANS for it, but my Marvel days are so long gone.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm good at coming up with creative, unique ideas and making them work!! People often say that they didn't expect to like my fics from the premise but enjoyed them anyway. :3 I'm also good at character interactions and emotions
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Describing things, mainly visual things that are happening. They're just there, in the fanfic, not in a physical location to me. Also staying motivated to finish writing and avoiding derailing my own ideas with wanting to include EVERYTHING.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I haven't done it before but I'm not opposed!
19. fandom you wrote for?
Like, first fandom? Nancy Drew. I wrote a Nancy Drew fanfic when I was eight years old on looseleaf notebook paper, before I knew that anyone else wrote fanfic. In it, Nancy fell down a hole, broke her leg, everyone who loved her thought she was dead and they were all soso sad, but then they found her and it ended happily. My tastes have not evolved much since, but my writing ability has!
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Changes often! Currently it is The Parent Trap(ped in an Umbrella) but I'm also quite fond of Still Much That Is Fair and one more last try, I'm gonna get the ending right.
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dragonnan · 2 years
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Inspired by the post by @7-percent I thought I'd make a post, as well, about in-progress stories. The rule is to post the first lines of incomplete works - I think it can either be posted or unposted pieces. As I've already done one of these for posted works I'll make this one everything I've yet to post (though not EVERYTHING as that's a huge amount).
Untitled Tony Stark VS Wilson Fisk story: Late afternoon sunlight had turned every pane of glass into a pool of gold. The patio doors of the tall office building had been left open – allowing the haze of late day warmth to coil upwards; carried on drafts of air heated from the concrete below. Rubber soles squeaked against marble that knew mainly Italian leather and the rare alligator hide. Two-hundred dollar sneakers were incongruous to the wealth of the man sporting them, but then, Tony Stark had never been a fan of the expected.
“What Did You Do?” Bingo Prompt - Doctor Strange: “I groveled. I groveled my ass off. And then I made sure that I followed through on every single promise that I made to her.” Was the answer to the question that Stephen had never, actually, asked. Was there something on his face that screamed “single guy in desperate need of dating advice”?
Tony smirked. “You have been ogling the pretty lady doctor for five minutes. Either you are more of a creeper than I'd pegged you for or there's a history with you two that resulted in the lost puppy face you've been sporting.”
Malaise Story Prompt - Sherlock: The violent sneezing could be heard even as John was still halfway down the stairs. Not even a surprise, really. It was the second week of Autumn and three things that could always be predicted during this season were rainy days, changing leaves, and Sherlock's allergies.
Even Greg knew better than to call unless things were truly dire.
Untitled John and Mary Divorce fic: John had his arms crossed - hands cupping his elbows with his feet spaced apart. Even he could recognize the defensiveness in his posture. Across from him, Mary was pulling the strap of the changing bag over her shoulder. Still in her cot, Rosie was playing with her plush bee - waving it above her head and chortling in her own language. John rubbed at the tip of his nose.
“Tell me I’m not going to wake up tomorrow to find that you’ve disappeared with my daughter to who knows where.”
Untitled Faunlock AU: It was Spring term at Harrow and Sherlock Holmes hated his uniform.
Bloody starched, tight, ungodly shoes, and he was a breath away from yanking the fucking noose from his throat and shredding it with his claws!
Of course, Mummy would have kittens were he to damage yet another suit of clothing and he'd already endured several lectures regarding the cost of his uniform.
Oh how he longed to strip himself down to the skin and race across the grounds faster than any human could manage. The temptation was strong, particularly at nightfall, when his classmates were asleep and the staff either in bed or enjoying a tipple. He still had a few more years before reaching adolescence and he wanted to enjoy it while he could. Once he hit 17 or 18 he could look forward to a week of cramps, fever, and vomiting as his body started pumping out hormones to prepare it for adulthood. From what he'd heard the process was wretched and the end result being he could no longer slip in and out of human form as easily as slipping on a jacket. Not much cop; adulthood. Granted, all of this had been relayed by Mycroft and his older brother tended to dramatize every little thing.
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littlesistersti · 3 months
List of stories ideas I want to write
Please provide feedback. I desperately need some and these all have dead-ends. So many dilemmas
Belarus x reader chapter book, titled The Girl in White
originally meant for F! reader but I can practice GN! reader 
there is a scene involving the Brain Games version of Russian Roulette
Belarus and Ukraine switching between Russian and their native Belarusian and Ukrainian somewhere, I don’t know when
post 2020 update: no Russian
Reader is the observant type
many chapters of potential “dates” but they keep thinking “we’re friends, just another day of quality time”
don’t know if it’s human or countries
Yes, I know the title is a song with political origins. It’s on purpose, kinda... I’m afraid of referring to the event at some point in the fic because fans will attack me for using real dangerous events in a fanfic (like the “It’s wrong to write fanfics with 9/11″ thing)
I’ve no intention of writing “Belarus faints while the news replay the thing” or “Belarus comes home bloodied and the reader is worried because they haven’t heard from her in days” 
I want to showcase the white and red flag but again, I’m afraid of doing something wrong over innocent intentions 
besides, there’s some sort of cultural pride with “girl in white” from what I gathered
a Transformers and X-Men crossover, starring a techno-organic (like TFA Sari Sumdac) as the adopted daughter of Erik Lensherr 
set in McAvoy, not Stewart, times
Erik is a little afraid of harming her because, you know, metal
Xavier and Erik both know she’s different (metal, not human but is she a mutant? Or what?) but not sure on the specifics
until a giant robot crashed the party
originally planned for TFP verse but I think I should writer it better as All Media or G1-esque or something close
is it better if everybody at the school knows protag is a techno-organic or no?
Seychelles taken by the Decepticons, a prequel to my absurd idea of a 4-way crossover
How is it she’s taken by KO and BD, charged under their watch, but then hangs out with the cassettes?
they’re both red and blue … why gut feeling says to choose one over the other?
Soundwave is designed after Capcom Kai’s ver
update: Seychelles won’t be affiliated with KOBD
speaking of which, a sequel to the crossover where KO proposed to BD with help from Seychelles (over video call) very extravagant human way
extra as in everybody in the perimeter watches you
most bots ignore because KO is being his usual 
BD planned a tradition proposal like in IDW
this was supposed short, as in chapter length, found at the end of the crossover book
update: this is now separate
Loki is the mother of reader/oc
I originally thought about writing 2 ver: Norse myth ver like how Rick Riordan does it (but my creative liberties) & Marvel Cinematic Universe ver or an AU take on MCU
didn’t know about Lady Loki at the time
today I’ve decided to better not write the MCU
Update: eh why not, I’ll write it
story ends with the family watching Eurovision 2012 and as Loreen performs Euphoria, Loki and protag felt that
this could be a real book professionally published like Riordan’s books but I’m not sure of the legal stuff
am I allowed to include a copyrighted song in there? Am I better off with a fanfiction site? 
this is supposed to be a story on self-discovery and accepting your sexual orientation/gender identity ... for Loki
but through the protag’s perspective and observations
yeah I could just write a different book of just Loki and the husband and kid but in Loki’s perspective
worse part is, I have no progress on the Original ver but spent time and effort on Marvel ver ... I imagined a Loki-esque dress and outfit
protag went to a Tony Stark hosted party with a friend (whose parents are affiliated with Stark or SHIELD, I don’t remember) and Loki sees protag wearing the dress and internally panics
cliché but someone spills something on the dress and Loki helps clean it up with his magic
I realized I don’t know how old is the protag
the Euphoria ver protag is a teenager, that’s all I know
she/they (is this a girl reader or a GN reader?) met Hel at younger age, made her a flower crown, doesn’t know she’s her half-sister until present time
why is the Loki thing so dang long
Update: I have changed plenty of the above plot. The Loki book (both Norse myth and Marvel ver’s) is no longer about accepting your identity but now about reconnecting with your biological mom. There’s plenty of real life stories on that sort of thing.
also update: this Loki thing is now a serious thing and I can’t explain anymore, will neither confirm/deny if any of the above will be included/scrapped 
Marvel ver of the Loki story has a GN reader who is comfortable wearing dresses, that’s all I got. I remember brainstorming with my sister and “reader is a fan of the Avengers, groupie behaviour” and I kinda hate that. It felt like a different story. 
0 notes
Side Effects May Include (Tony Stark x Daughter)
Side Effects May Include (Masterlist) 
Part 13
Warnings: mentions of rape with descriptions, descriptions of a suicide attempt, mentions of depression, detailed suicide attempt. 
Word Count: 2,012
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“Dad?” No response, “Dad?” After last weeks scenario, she had apologized but things were still rocky for the both of them. Tony still didn’t understand as to why she was behaving the way she was but he decided to just give her some time and space.
“What?” He responded in a bit of a harsh tone.
“Can I talk to you about something? It’s kind of important,” She gave him the hint that she wanted his full attention.
“So is this, Liv, kind of working on saving the world here, hon.” When wasn’t he? “Give me like an hour okay?” But did she have an hour to spare? Her mind felt like it was tearing itself apart, fighting against each other by the minute, Olivia couldn’t stand it anymore. She needed an escape, she needed to talk to someone about what was going on inside. Tony continued to work on his machine, Olivia heard the sound of tools falling within, “Ah, crap!” Tony exclaimed, Olivia began to walk away, “Make that about three hours, hon,” He said as Olivia heard him slam something against the table. “this piece of shit, just keeps breaking on me.”
Olivia just caught him on a bad time, it didn’t mean that she wasn’t important. She tried her best to keep the negative thoughts out, but as she kept walking down the long hallway the thoughts kept coming back to haunt her. He could’ve just put it on hold, but she had to keep in mind that he does save the world for a living, whatever he was working on must have been very important.
“Pepper?” I asked as I walked into Peppers office, once again, she was focused on the computer in front of her.
“What is it, hon?” She gave me a side glance.
Olivia could tell she was extremely busy, “Do you think you have a moment to spare?”
She sighed, “I’m actually kind of busy with something, why don’t you go ask your father on whatever it is, I’m sure he’d be glad to help,” she said without even looking up from the computer.
Olivia stood there staring at her, maybe Olivia wasn’t as important as she thought, “alright,” Olivia whispered as she walked out of the office. She heard a distance yelling coming from the living room, she decided it’d be worth a shot. She walked down the hall and into the living room, noticing Sam sitting on the couch probably playing some shooter game.
“Sam? Can I talk to you?” Olivia asked as she walked over to the couch. She and Sam weren’t that close but he did give good advice at times, he’d be worth the shot and right now she was just desperate to get things off her chest.
“Not right now, Liv, kind of in the middle of something,” he said as he focused his attention on the screen.
“But it’s kind of important,” she said.
The music played within the game, that meant that Sam had just died in the game, “great, now you made me loose,” he said out of frustration.
she rolled her eyes, “never mind,” she whispered as she walked out of the room. Sam let out a frustrated sigh as he paid his attention back on the game.
Olivia walked past the training room, noticing Nat and Steve in there training, but she knew it was no hope. Olivia felt as if she wasn’t important, so why should she even try? she walked straight over to her room. She sat down on her desk. Pulling out her laptop she typed into the Google search engine, Side Effects of Rape?
Many articles, along with websites popped up.
The top website was Effects of Sexual Violence.
Sexual Violence.
Was that even the same thing as rape?
It felt like it. From all the trauma that Olivia had received due to the events that happened that night, it sure as hell felt like it.
Olivia scrolled down, Flashbacks, was one of the categories, “During a flashback, memories of past traumas feel as if they are taking place in the current moment,” the article read.
Olivia thought back to when Peter had touched her shoulder the other day, the way she caught a fragment of memory from the night she was rape. Remembering the way Bren gripped her shoulder as he penetrated her, she freaked out on Peter, but Peter just thought he had scared her, caught Olivia off guard. Peter apologized for it and Olivia shrugged it off.
Now that Olivia thought back to it, she knew she was having a flashback.
Olivia’s laptop notified her that she had a message from Facebook, she quickly clicked on the notification which directed her to the Facebook website. She saw the message icon from a fellow student from school, Olivia knew the kid but has never spoken to him, she thought it was weird that he was messaging her. She shrugged it off and opened the message, revealing what looked like a video.
She stared at the video for a few seconds before hitting play.
Olivia gasped as she saw herself in the video, Bren smiling as he kissed her neck, it was obvious that Olivia was heavily sedated in the video, but people didn’t see that what they saw was two people “making love.” Not some Jock raping a girl after he drugged her. Because rape didn’t happen. It never happened. Because girls always ask for it right? Wrong.
Olivia felt herself getting more upset, she decided to just close the laptop, she couldn’t handle the hollowness that she was feeling inside her chest. She let out a small sob, how did this guy get a hold of the video? How many people have seen it?
Olivia couldn’t live a life where people saw her get raped and still told her, to her face, that she wanted it. She just couldn’t. She didn’t want to live in this cruel world anymore.
Grabbing a Pen and Paper and laying it down on the desk in front of her, she grabbed the pen and began writing, spilling tears onto the paper causing the ink to slowly spread but she didn’t care. She didn’t care that her last words would be mixed with her own tears.
After a few minutes, she placed the pen down, glancing over to the bottle of antidepressants that had been prescribed to her, that was laid on the nightstand. She walked over and grabbed the bottle, removing the cap she placed a handful of pills in her hand, “Don’t be a fucking coward,” she whispered to herself, she then placed the pills in her mouth, grabbing the water bottle on her nightstand she drank some water to help the pills go down.
Olivia did it a couple of times until there were no more pills in the bottle, she paced around the room as it began to get hot, “hey, Liv, you think you can help me with this?” She heard Bucky say as he entered her room. “Whoa, you don’t look good at all,” he stated as he placed his laptop on her bed. Bucky began to panic a bit. What was he doing there? Olivia didn’t want him to be a witness to her death. This wasn’t how she planned it.
Olivia began to hypervalent, she felt my body go limp but before she could even fall to the ground Bucky caught her, “Crap, Liv.” The pills were taking its effect. Bucky instantly began to panic, Liv wasn’t saying anything, he looked around the room and spotted the empty pill bottle on the floor, he picked up the bottle and then looked back at the girl in his arms. “Liv, what did you do?!” He instantly began to help the girl regurgitate the pills that she had took, “No, no, no, no, come on, liv, help me out here! TONY!” Bucky yelled out in a panic tone, “F.R.I.D.A.Y., Get Tony! Get anyone! Ambulance, something! Oh, fuck!” Liv began to throw up some of the pills, but Bucky continued with his technique.
He noticed her eyes slowly shutting, “stay with me, doll!”
“What’s going on?” Tony asked as he entered the room, he spotted the scene in front of him.
“Holy shit!” Tony quickly went over to his daughter.
“She took the whole bottle of pills,” Bucky said in a panicked voice.
“liv, baby, oh god. Why would you do this?” Tony took over, helping his daughter regurgitate the pills. Tony looked over at Bucky, who sat on the floor, in shock, “get Bruce! NOW!”
Bucky didn’t hesitate and ran out of the room, Tony continued to shove his fingers down his daughters’ throat in an attempt to save her life, “why would you do this, baby, why?” Tony kept asking the question over and over, “you got to stay with me, you hear?! I can’t lose you!” Bruce then came running in with some medical supplies, “you have to save her, Bruce,” Tony said as he looked over at his friend.
Bruce never saw Tony this way, this torn up, “how much has she thrown up?” Bruce asked as he looked over at Bucky and then Tony.
“Not enough,” Bucky whispered, “I-I told F.R.I.D.A.Y. to alert the ambulance,” Bucky looked up, he was never sure where to look when speaking about F.R.I.D.A.Y.
“An ambulance has been notified,” and it was always as if F.R.I.D.A.Y. knew they were looking for it, “they’re down the block.”
“We’ll meet them outside!” Bruce said as he picked up Olivia and ran down the hallway to the elevator.
“My baby,” Tony sobbed as he picked up the empty bottle on the floor. By this time, everyone had arrived at the room, “why would she do this?”
Pepper knelt down next to Tony, pulling him into an embrace, “come on,” she whispered softly as she helped Tony off the ground. Everyone, except Steve and Bucky, had followed them out, they were all shocked at the scene they had just seen.
Steve walked up to his friend who was staring at the floor where Olivia once was, “are you okay?” Bucky got up and walked over to the restroom, not saying a word to his best friend. He grabbed some paper towels and walked back over where he held Olivia in his arms. 
Steve watched as his best friend began to clean up the mess, “Bucky,” he whispered. Steve knew how much Olivia reminded Bucky of his younger sister and he couldn’t imagine what pain he was going through. “Bucky,” he said again, grabbing Bucky’s arm in order for him to stop.
“She- I- I was just- Why would she- I don’t understand,” Bucky was distraught as he looked over at his friend who gently placed a hand on his shoulder, “why would she want to do that to herself?” Bucky felt like a failure, he thought Olivia would go to him if she ever felt upset, so why would she do this?
Steve had tears beginning to well up in his eyes, he began to look around the young girls’ room maybe looking for some clues, “What are you doing?” Bucky questioned.
“She had to leave a suicide note,” Steve couldn’t believe the words that came out of his mouth as he looked around the nightstands. Steve felt slightly angry with himself, how could he have ignored the signs that she wasn’t okay, did she give a distress signal? He was always looking after her and he couldn’t do this one damn thing.
Bucky stopped cleaning and began to help Steve look. Bucky walked over to the young girl’s desk, noticing the paper that was set perfectly on it, “Steve,” he said softly as he picked up the paper. It was noticeably damaged by water, what looked like tears. Steve quickly walked over to Bucky, “What does it say?” He asked as Bucky read the note. Bucky had this unfiltered anger within him as he finished the note, he aggressively handed it to Steve, “Tony needs to see this.”
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To Mend and Break 7
Tony Stark made sure to keep his kids out of the limelight when he was granted custody of them after their mother’s death. The world knew very little of the Stark twins and Tony wanted to keep it that way. For the most part they knew one was a genius and the other was daddy’s spoiled princess. But when Tony starts acting out of control , the twins are thrown in the middle of the crossfire , allowing the world to really see them. They now have to make a choice that will change their lives forever.
Pairings: Tony Stark x (FAB21+)Daughter!reader
A/N : Guess who just got laid off again. LOL. Hopefully with all of this free time I'll be able to start writing more.
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Rumlow watched you with amusement as you delivered your speech on stage. Given that, prior to going on, you were absolutely nervous. But when you finally walked across that stage with newfound confidence, you had appeared to him as a different person.
“Now, please, welcome to the stage, Justin Hammer.” You grinned.
A jazzy tune played over the loud speakers and Justin came dancing from the side of the stage. You looked back at the crowd smiling, though you wanted nothing more than to just walk off already.
“Thank you, sweetheart.” His voice boomed out from the speakers. He places a hand on your waist and kisses your cheek. “Lovely, isn’t she.” He tells the crowd.
You only smile, looking out towards the audience as they cheer and clap. As you attempt to make your way off stage, Justin kept you by his side and two stage hands rushed on stage and placed a piece of paper on the podium in front of you.
"What the hell is this?" You asked Justin through gritted teeth in a forced smile. "This isn't an award ceremony." You tell him.
"Good press, sweetheart. Look they love us." He pointed down at a photographer below the stage and smiled. "Go ahead. Read."
You glance towards the other end of the stage. Brock is looking, but just as your eyes meet his, he's holding something up to his ear and steps out of view.
You look back at the audience and read out whats in front of you.
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The audience goes crazy as your dad lands on stage in his full Iron Man suit, taking you all by surprise.
"Did you know about this?" Rhodes asked you as Tony approaches you both.
"No clue."
"We got trouble." He tells you both once you're close. "Y/N, get out of here. It could get dangerous."
"There are civilians present, Tony. I'm here on orders. Let's not do this right now."
"What's going on?" You ask him, moving closer to him.
"No. Listen to me. Everyone here is in danger, we need to get them all out of here. I think he's working with Vanko." Tony tells Rhodey.
"Go on get out of here." He tells you as he walks towards Justin.
"Woah, woah, woah." Rhodey exclaims. Suddenly the giant gun on Rhodey's suit is pointed at you.
"Is that you?" Tony asks him, moving closer to you.
"No it's not me. I can't move." The drones in the back engage their weapons towards your direction as well. "I'm locked up. I'm locked up. Get out of here! Go! Tony the whole systems been compromised."
"Let's take it outside! Hold on tight."
"No, no, no-" you push away but he grabs you with one arm and suddenly takes of to the sky.
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Although you were no stranger to being in the sky, this was certainly different and scary. Yet somehow you remained quiet and calm, even though you wanted nothing more than to get your feet back on the ground.
"Watch out!" You yell, noticing Rhodey coming from above. Your dad sped up and from below, someone else in another suit flew up and crashed up into Rhodey sending them both spiraling out of control. You watched them fend each other off eventually crashing through a giant glass dome building.
Your dad flew in through broken glass window. It was quiet inside now. Your dad flew down and before he could even land on the ground, you’re already pushing yourself away from him.
You fell to the ground and landed on all fours; you began taking deep breaths. You still felt weird; kind of like you were floating. It wasn’t until you felt a hand on your back did your senses and the world around you came back.
You slapped the hand away and got up on your feet, now having enough strength to feel your legs again. “No, I am not fine.” You enunciated. “Are you crazy?!”
“We tried to warn you.” Anthony is now approaching you. He was wearing the other suit that had saved you from Rhodey. “Why didn’t you answer your phone?”
You whipped your head in his direction. “Why didn’t I answer my phone?” You repeat back angrily. Anthony nervously chuckled, raised his hands up and then took a couple steps back. “I was just carried around in the sky, being chased and shot at by drones!” You yelled. "Why didn't you call the professionals!?"
“I literally cannot take this anymore!” You exasperated. All the pent up anger and frustration now releasing itself. “You’re all crazy. This life is crazy!”
“Ok, ok.” Tony grabs you by the shoulders and pulls you back, away from him. “I’m sorry,” he apologizes to you. “I’m sorry, we can fix this up later. Right now, you have to get out of here.”
Anthony is nodding to himself, “copy that. We’ve got incoming, dad. Another herd.” He closes the mask and walks towards you with his arm out.
“Don’t touch me.” You smack his arm away. “I’m walking out of here.”
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You looked up at the sky as another herd of drones flew past. You could still see the giant glass dome building, and you watched them all crash into the glass to go inside.
“Come on. This is ridiculous.” He called from behind you. You ignored him and continued walking ahead. “We can get there faster if you just—,”
“No way!” You yelled. “I’ve had it with you both.”
“What? What did I do?” The heavy metal clanking on the floor grew louder and the steps were quicker as he ran to catch up with you.
“You asked me to come back. Begged me. You promised we would keep him out of trouble. I was…fine. On my own.” At the sound of him catching up, you quickened your pace; only to stumble on a rock and lose your balance. “Shit.” You whispered to yourself as you sat on the ground. You kicked off your shoes and folded your leg to rub at your now twisted ankle.
“We did. We are.” He held his hand down for you. You turned away from him and began soothing your ankle.
“You call this keeping him out of trouble? If you had just listened to me—,”
“Alright. I get it already. I messed up. Can I get you out of here now.”
You let out an exasperated sigh. You grabbed his hand in annoyance, but he didn’t help you up. “Hello.” You waved your other hand at him. “Earth to egghead.”
Without warning, he grabbed your wrist pulling you up to your feet, his other hand wrapped around your waist and he took off. He had made it just high enough you could see the glass dome building from the ground up. And then he stopped.
“Crap.” You heard him mutter inside the helmet. “We’re going down.”
You gasped as you were suddenly being pulled back down to the ground. You looked down. Anthony had a giant electric whip wrapped around his ankle. And at the other end of the whip was Ivan Vanko; in a bigger and much more improved version of his own suit.
As you neared the ground, Anthony dropped you. He then activated his repulsers and flew towards Vanko. You watched helplessly as he got tossed around by the whips, only getting in a few hits every so often.
Vanko finally got his whip wrapped around your brother. You slowly got up to your feet. Ivan finally acknowledged your presence and laughed at you.
“Say bye bye to dad.” He laughed.
You walked towards him, cautiously. He chuckled again. He said something to you in Russian before tossing his other whip in your direction.
“What are you doing?” Your brother yelled. “Don’t! I got this!”
You ignored him. You grabbed the whip with your bare hands. Surprising Vanko and yourself. You felt the energy course through your body and closed your eyes. You felt the energy accumulate in your hands. The last thing you heard was a loud boom before being blown back.
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