#tony Padilla imagine
kurottsukii · 1 year
On My Own | 13 Reasons Why
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The murder
You weren't the same after what happened, I mean who could have been? Zach thought for a while he killed Bryce but he was just a part of it, the reaction to Dominos falling row by row. No one apart from Alex and Jessica knew you were there when it happened, you wanted it to be that way.
Why? Because you tried to save him, you didn't just stand there like Jessica when Bryce was pushed in the water, you tried to save him. Jessica tried to hold you back when it happened but you pushed her off and jumped in the water.
You remember the water being so cold it felt like you, yourself was dead. You would've been if you continued to try and save him that night but it was impossible, his body weight was half the size of yours, he was weak, scared, in pain and so were you; scared. He was already dead when you were trying to swim up to the surface with him but you held hope. Hope that if you can make up to the surface, you can save him but again. It was already too late, his dead weight was practically pulling you down with him till you had no choice but to let go, watching as his body sank down.
You walked home that night, you couldn't bare being in the car with his killers. As much you hated Bryce, with how much pain he caused you; the secrets, the rape, the manipulation. Everything he did to you, you should've wanted him dead more than anyone. Maybe at first but now? You wished you could've taken that thought back. He didn't deserve to die like that, and you definitely didn't deserve the trauma his death brought you.
After hearing Ani blame the murder on your ex-boyfriend Monty and his death in prison, you snapped. Liquor and drugs became your best friend, at first it was weed and Hennessy then weed got replaced with shrooms, then Molly and acid and soon it was meth, and any pill or alcohol you could get your hands on. You would even bring them to school, drinking and swallowing or injecting between classes to get by.
As you were spiraling down to a dark path, so was Clay and Zach but never Alex and Jessica. You wondered why what happened didn't affect the actual guilty but instead the accessories to murder. But then again, you stopped caring.
After Clay and Justin busted you over your drug use, you were on 24/7 watch, in fact the whole group had to watch you. Jessica and Ani would make excuses to sleep over at your house; Tyler, Clay and Justin would walk you to your classes and Tony and Zach would take turns being with you after school. That part backfired though. Soon Tony ended up getting busy with his fighting, leaving you and Zach alone all the time.
You two ended up finding comfort in each other, you two were both broken beyond repair so you two became each other's bad influence. Zach would keep secrets about your continuancely drug use and you would keep drinking with him. Drowning y'all's sorrows with any alcohol imagine and sooner rather than later, your two bad habits became intoxicated hookups.
It became a daily occurrence that you ended up finding yourself into being sexually connected with Zach more than the drugs. He was your drug but you weren't his. During the time that you were getting better, he was fucking some other Bimbo from school.
You were hurt by this, yes. But were you really that surprised that it'll happen? No. Once again you were on your own. You began using again, this time you were skipping school.
Everytime Clay went looking for you, you were at every party imaginable rather it be highschool parties at other schools, or frat parties at colleges, you were there. Always high, always shit faced, always in danger. Rather it was you being a danger to yourself or to someone else or they were a danger to you. You were just fucked up you didn't care anymore.
It was like you drowned that night with Bryce. Maybe you should have.
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misschanadlerbong · 1 year
Chapter 11 - It'll Be Okay
Summary: Clay goes to the reader's house to comfort her.
Warnings: Mentions of sexual assault, mention of food.
Genre: Heavy Angst
Word Count: 1.6k
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“Hey Y/N, how are you? Please reply to my texts or call me back.” You got a text from Clay.
“Y/N please, I am worried”.
This was not the first time you were getting these texts from Clay. It had been a week since you met him or talked to him. Since the day Bryce tried to rape you, you have not been to school and have not seen anyone. After crying that whole night, you shut your emotions off because it is always easier to not feel anything rather than cry over the same thing over and over again.
You decided not to tell anyone because you did not know what to tell them. Somehow as always, it felt like all of this was your fault.
What would you tell others? That Bryce tried to rape you, and you couldn’t even fight back? Everyone in the school would slut-shame you without knowing the truth.
Thoughts like these ran through your mind and you could not take it anymore honestly, you were not strong enough to feel such heavy emotions, so you shut them off. You went miserable during that week, did not eat properly, and did not care about your skincare and body. You were losing your shit.
You had a perfect plan; you sought Tony’s help and made him swear that he will not open his mouth to anyone about anything. Every morning you came to his place instead of going to school and by the time school got over you came home so that no one would even notice. You got many texts from Jessica, but the good thing was that she was out of town, and you could easily lie to her about everything.
Stalling Justin was easy too and as Tony told you even Zach did not say anything in school about you, but he told you that Zach use to ask about you every day, about how you are keeping up, about your health, about you not coming to school. But you still didn’t care about it. All you cared about was Clay. Seeing those texts, and the endless missed calls made you want to go to his place and tell him the truth but a part of you was scared. You were scared to confront him about Bryce, feared him judging you, and scared to ruin what you had with him. 
Every day you had this thought of breaking up with Clay because you did not want to drag Clay into your drama. He was doing simply fine in his school you did not want him to suffer because of you. A part of you felt that Clay is better off without you and that is why you ghosted him.
Today, you reached your home a bit late because though you were not going to school you kept your homework up to date. So, after finishing your work you went to your place, and it was almost dinner time. As soon as you opened the main door you heard your parents talking and with that, you heard a familiar voice. You went inside the living room and saw Clay sitting on the couch with your parents.
Upon your arrival, all three of them stood up. Clay looked sad and confused and as your eyes met you felt pity for not talking to him all this week. Your mother looked furious before you could ask about the unknown arrival of Clay your mother started yelling at you, “Y/N Y/L/N you had a boyfriend? And if you were not going to school all this time, where were you going? What is happening? Answer me!” She demanded.
You did not answer any of her questions and instead turned to Clay, “Clay what the hell are you doing here? You are not supposed to be here, just leave.”
Before Clay could say something, your father intervened and said, “Let us all just calm down and have a peaceful family dinner, and Y/N you cannot skip dinner today like you have been doing for the past week. Clay, I would like you to join as well and then after dinner, we can talk.”
Your father was always the savior. You all sat down at the dining table and said grace. Your mother still had that death glare on her face which scared you. Your father was quick to notice the tension building in the atmosphere and suggested “Now everyone will tell us about how their day was.”
Your mother tried taking the first bite of her food, but rage took over her hunger and she slammed her fork on her plate and asked you “So tell me Y/N how was your day? And where did you spend it?”
You were annoyed and could not take it anymore you stood up and announced “You all want to know about my day huh? So, I made a particularly crucial decision today. I am quitting the baseball and basketball team.” Your mother though was furious with you, but her face revealed a sigh of relief. You glared at your mom and said “And you would be happy right, Mom? Because you never wanted me to play in the first place.” After saying this you left the table and stormed off to your room.
Your father and Clay were shocked at whatever you just said. They knew sports was one of the most important things in your life that kept you happy and they knew you could quit anything but sports. 
Clay followed you to your room. You sat on the edge of your bed looking at the floor and Clay came inside shutting the door behind him. 
This was the first time Clay was coming into your room. Your room was subtle, it had a mauve aesthetic with contrasting curtains hanging on the window just above the couch in your room. Your bed lay in the middle of the room with blue sheets. There were fairy lights on your headboard and some Polaroids were clipped to the lights.
Clay looked outside the window to prevent eye contact with you.
“Why would you do that Y/N? Why me huh? A week and no texts no call? Who am I to you?” you could hear the anger in his voice. He had every right to be angry with you but did not know the truth.
“Clay you were not supposed to be here, my parents don’t know about you. After Zach, they prohibited me from dating someone because I went miserable after the breakup.”
Clay turned towards you, but you were still looking at the floor, you said “I think we should break up Clay, it would be best for both of us.”
Those words were such a thunderclap to Clay. He could be angry with you, mad at you but he could not stand the idea of breaking up with you. He sat down on his knees to bring himself to your level and held both your hands in his with a look of distress in his eyes and he could not help but stare. He felt like he didn’t recognize you. You were not the Y/N he admired, weak and miserable. You had deep dark circles under your eyes and looked fragile.
“Y/N are not eating enough? What is it, baby? Talk to me. It is okay whatever it is. Hey, look at me. Please, don’t do this to me, it hurts.”
He pulled your chin and made you look him in the eye. As your eyes met you could not keep your tears away anymore, “Something happened Clay…” you sobbed.
“What is it?”
You told him everything that had happened to you. His face was mixed with reactions he was angry at Bryce, sorry for you, and mad at himself for not knowing earlier and not being there for you when you needed him. 
“Why didn’t you tell me Y/N about all this? Why would you even hide something from me?”
“Because I thought you’ll judge me like every other person in our school and think I am just another girl who slept with Bryce.”
“Are you crazy? I would never. Y/N you are one of the most important people in my life and I could not lose you to that asshole. I told you everything about Hannah and how he screwed with everyone I ever loved. I am not letting that dick do anything to you. We will fight back. But if you want some space and time, I will understand but please, God please don’t break up with me.” 
Clay held your face in his hands and looked into your eyes, you could see that his eyes were tearing up too.
“Y/N, I love you…” You intervened “But Clay…”
“No, Y/N you don’t have to say it back. I just wanna let you know that there are people who love you and care about you so that you don’t do anything stupid. I meant to say this for a long time, but Y/N Y/L/N I am in love with you.”
You looked at him with pity in your eyes and said, “But I am a mess Clay, why would you love me?”
“Well, I love your mess. I love everything about you” replied Clay.
Clay kissed your forehead and engulfed you in a hug and caressed your back. You took a moment to realize it was fine for him to touch you. Since Bryce, you prevented every possible human touch because you lost trust. But this felt different. As he hugged you tightly instead of revolting back you hugged him back and started crying. You could feel his damp sweatshirt on his shoulder and a couple of Clay's tears on your shoulder. 
“We can tell people whenever you are ready. It’s all gonna be okay.” He whispered.
At that moment you felt protected. You knew you could move past this. You knew everything will be fine and you will be able to face that asshole and get him punished for whatever he did. You knew it will be okay.
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P.S.: I also upload on Wattpad @immafreakingmoonstone, feel free to check out my account :)
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thewriterscloset · 4 years
Tony Padilla X Reader // Female “The Big Secret”
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My first ever Head Canon! I’ve been thinking about writing this for a while, hope you enjoy 💫
May 8th 2020
Word Count: 783
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A pharmacy can be a terrifying place, especially when it comes to risky purchases. This small town knows everything about you, nothing is sacred. You thought about driving two towns over to pick up what you need, but you then realize what you need is not uncommon. You can say you're buying it for a friend, a cousin in town, it doesn’t mean it’s for you. “Breathe” you whisper, it’s a quick purchase, you’ll be in and out in 5 minutes.
As you get out of your car you scan the parking lot, you see if you recognize any cars. It’s 4pm on a Tuesday, most of your friends are still at practice or hanging by the wharf. I hear the sharp creak of the pharmacy door over my thoughts as I stand across the street.
“Just go” you say, the more you self-talk the more real the purchase becomes.
The pharmacy is blinding, white walls matched with white shelving, the one light that continues to flicker yet somehow no one seems to notice. The smell of faint cleaning supplies nauseates you, or that could be something else. The first thing you notice is the older woman paying at the front register - it doesn’t seem too crowded. You whisk down the first aisle you see, planning a strategic walk straight to where you need to be without passing a single soul. You see the sign overhead, “Feminine Products, Baby Needs”. You walk past it. The panic starts to set, the shakes begin, you know you need to get out before you go into a full-blown attack. You steadily turn around and walk down the right aisle.
“What I would do to be picking up tampons instead” you say jokingly under your breath, as you reminisce about how embarrassing that used to be.
As you continue to gaze the shelves you find what you need. You didn’t research any brands, you just knew to grab one of each. As you grab the first box you read the back instructions, “Find out as early as 6 days since your missed period”, your gut drops through the floor. A tear runs down your face as you contemplate the reality that is pregnancy. It was a one-night thing, I didn’t want to have sex in the first place. You know you can’t tell anyone if this is real, why is there so many life-changing consequences for women?
You get yourself together, you wipe the tear, take a deep breath, grab two more boxes and start moving fast toward the front register. As you get to the end of the aisle someone happens to be walking down it, you run into each other.
“I’m so sorry” you say politely, then you realized who it was. Immediately, you look down at your feet.
“Hey chica slow down, you running a race?”
Its Tony, of course it’s Tony, you say sarcastically in your head.
“Ha I’m sorry” you say as your cheeks flush out every ounce of color you had. “I’m just in a rush” - you start moving further away from him.
“Hey..” he softly grabs your forearm, “..is everything okay?”
He knows you're not. You talk from time to time outside of school, but nothing can prepare you for a conversation like this. You haven’t even told your friends what’s been happening lately, how can you open up to someone you look at more as a friend of a friend?
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just a bit out of it”. Your eyes sting from holding back tears, your heart begins to pound faster as you notice he’s serious. He glances down to your hand and sees what you're holding. Your eyes meet as he looks back at you. It hurts to hold back, it hurts to talk, you just shrug your shoulders. “I’m sorry, I.. I have to go” your voice cracks.
“Wait” he said as you turned away. “Your secret is safe with me, just let me know if you need anything.”
His voice is soft, but concerned. You stopped walking, really it was more like you couldn’t walk at all. You let out a sniffle, trying not to make it obvious that you're crying.
“Thanks..I’ll see you around”.
You feel his eyes on your back as you walk away. You know this begins a journey with Tony you would have never expected. A secret that you would never think you would share with Tony of all people, but as you check out, a safe aura washes over you. He makes you feel safe, the butterflies in your stomach feel real. Everything will be okay for now, it’s just time to find out the truth.
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statticscribbles · 4 years
Summary: Alex going to Tony for advice about sex/dating guys
Alex is slowly wishing he could just sink into the ground and hide from everything going on; but he’d already called ahead and made the plan so now he has to follow through. He debates calling and rescheduling but that doesn’t work as he’s already here and he can’t just knock and then run away shouting about meeting at Monet; he knows he couldn’t handle talking about this in public. The car is out of the driveway so he can only hope that means Tony’s parents aren’t home as he makes his way up towards the doorway.
”Thanks for agreeing to talk.”Alex sighs and looks up into Tony’s eyes. Tony grins; nodding as he ushers him inside. “So what was so important that you had to talk to me about and we couldn’t even talk at lunch or at the Monet? I know you love going there.. We all do.” He sighs slightly and Alex knows that he looks like he wants to vomit. “Seriously; everything okay?” He can hear the worry creeping into Tony’s voice and he tries to reassure him but he just whines slightly and coughs; tears springing up in his eyes.
“Alex; seriously.. Standall; come on. Talk to me; it’s just me; just Tony.” “I’m like you…” “Me?” “Gay; into boys; I like dick. I don’t know when it started but like god boys are hot and i don’t know how i didn’t really notice it right away did it creep up for you or like did you always know? Did you ever like girls? What about boys made you-” “Calm down with the word vomit Alex; one step at a time okay… Start at the beginning?” Tony asks, pulling a couple of glasses down and offering Alex a choice of soda or coffee.
”So you know about the prom and riot thing now..” Alex doesn’t look Tony in the eyes but he can almost feel Tony smiling. “Yeah; so why’re you here? Just get a therapist for that…” Alex looks up glaring and shaking his head. “No; I mean; I need advice…” “About getting a therapist?” “No! About dating guys! About sex!” “Ah; uhh well; have you tried at least with the dating thing just approaching it like you would with literally anyone else???” “Okay fine we’ve fixed that part but the sex.” “Fixed it? No it’s a suggestion there’s no fixing something you haven’t even done enough to break it.” Alex swats at Tony’s arm and he just laughs. “You know that was true; wait you don’t mean like practice sex right?”
“OH MY GOD NO! Well not with you; no offense.” Alex glares at the ground and tries to shift farther from tony on the couch where they’d ended up after his parents had come home; Alex refused to go up to his room for some reason and Tony hadn’t pressed him for a reason why. “None taken.” Alex hesitates for a moment, squirming on the couch and then letting his head hit the back of the couch. “What Alex?” Tony huffs and Alex chews his lip. “I mean; maybe; if you’d want to; I’d owe you…..”
“Owe me? I’m not for sale Alex.” Tony narrows his eyes and Alex tries his best not to blush and the thoughts he can imagine in Tony’s head right now. “Oh, I mean I understand I just… sorry rude of me to imply and think and ask and god I should go right?” “No, besides you don’t need to pay me for something I’m willing to do?” “Willing?” “Yes; I’d be a willing participant if you want.” “If I want?” “The practice…” “I uhh; I don’t know..” “Am I not you’re type then?” “No! I mean you are; uhh might be?” “You like me then Standall?” “Is it bad if I say yes?”
“A little considering you just propositioned me to help you practice having sex so you could have actual decent sex with me after; assuming you decided to go for me after our practice session; since you’ve been asking about dating and all that.” “Ah; yeah makes sense..” Alex trails off and Tony laughs. “So you want to?” “Have sex??? Right now????” Alex whispers harshly looking around the room and Tony tries his best not to laugh in his face.
“No; later this week my parents are going out for some anniversary dinner; we could hang out then; and see if it goes anywhere.” Alex seems relieved and nods. “Cool; see you then; you should probably head out; you have that english essay to finish right?” “SHIT!” Alex screeches and shoves past Tony’s parents out of the way as he sprints home. “Is Alex okay sweetie?” Tony’s mother asks and Tony nods. “Yeah he just needed some advice.”
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stattic-writes · 4 years
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willddheartt · 4 years
The End and a Beginning | 13 Reasons Why
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Summary: The kids of Liberty High have gone through way more than any other school around. Saying goodbye to yet another friend isn’t any easier than the last times.
Warnings: Spoilers, might make u cry. 
Pairings: Reader x the tape crew, slight reader X Zach (platonic? you decide)
Word count: 1.2k
The kids of Liberty High went through a lot, way more than any kid should be asked to. There was nothing right about burying a friend so young, it only got worse when they continued to do so. First with Jeff, then with Hannah. And then some not so friendly faces who had done some bad things but they were classmates after all, Bryce and Monty. Evergreen was a hotspot for tragedy, kids buried parents, parents buried their children, friends said goodbye to friends. With each life taken by the cold grasp of death. Maybe Hannah Baker was the person who set this all into motion, causing a domino effect after taking her own life, maybe it would have happened regardless of who was still alive, but it was never easy. No matter how many times you’d been through it.
The hardest goodbye, by far, was that of the one and only, Justin Foley. The boy who melted hearts with his bright and warm smile that never failed to make someone smile. The boy who had been through hell and back many times over, someone who deserved so much more than he was dealt in this cruel world. As in life, so is death, he was a fighter until the very end. 
Along with many others you had visited him in the hospital in the final days. You almost had to be dragged into his room, seeing Justin laying there seeming so helpless broke your heart. In one of your last visits, Zach accompanied you. The two of you in very hard shape as you saw your friend passed out in his hospital bed. 
“Hey Justin,” You whispered, sitting in the chair next to his bed and grabbing his hand. Zach stood next to you, his hand on your shoulder was the only thing holding you together. “I-I don’t know if you can hear me,” You stuttered as you tried to keep the tears at bay for everyone’s sake. “But I wanted you to know I’m so proud of you, and how far you've come. Everyone is.” You were aware of how much you sounded like a mom but this may be the last time you have to tell him. “Th-thank you. For everything Justin. You saved my ass more times than I can count, even the times when I didn’t ask you, or I got pissed at you for always being in my shit. I can’t ever thank you. But I just want you to know I’ll be forever in debt to you, and-” You paused, getting choked up from the ball you felt forming in your throat. Zach’s grip on your shoulder tightened. “I-I love you man.” 
There was no holding back the tsunami of emotion that followed your final words, tears fell down your cheeks as you kissed his knuckles. Justin stirred slightly, his grip on your hand tightened as he coughed slightly. He used his thumb to wipe a stray tear from your cheek and he smiled at you. “I love you too,” He said horsely. You kissed his forehead.  “I’ll give you two a minute,” you sniffed, leaving Zach and Justin alone. 
Pushing past everyone in the waiting room to get to the bathroom you collapsed into a puddle of tears. Mrs. Jensen followed in after you and was able to pull you into her arms before you fell onto the grimy public bathroom floor. She held you tightly, letting you cry into her shoulder as she whispered that it would be alright softly. Jessica opened the door, saying that Justin wanted to see everyone.
The room was packed. Everyone who was included on the tapes and friends you’ve picked up along the way were gathered around Justin's Hospital bed. He smiled weakly, as Jessica held his hand tightly. You stood next to Zach, his hand returned to your shoulder, now you weren't sure if it was to comfort you or if it was for him. “I know I was kind of a dick to some people, and I could have been better at times-” Clay cut Justin off “You did your best,”  “But,” Justin continued, giving clay a soft glare for interrupting him, “I couldn’t have asked for better friends. I guess what I’m trying to say is thank you.” Justin said. Everyone nodded in unison, tears brimming everyone's eyes.  “I love you guys,” Even in his last moments his smile could still melt hearts. 
Justin Foley, deceased at 18. Lost to a deadly, incurable, disease that claimed the lives of many and would continue to do so. 
You weren't going to show at his service. It was too painful. But Zach convinced you otherwise. He seemed to be there for you through the past weeks, he looked out for you. The funeral was open for anyone who wanted to speak about Justin. Alex tried to say something but didn’t get more than a few lines out of what he prepared, Clay tried. Taking a breath you made your way to the mic. You had no clue what you were going to say, nor did you have anything prepared, but like Justin taught you, you were going to wing it. 
All eyes went on you as you stood at the podium. It was dead silent except for a few coughs. Taking another deep breath you began, “I don’t actually know what i’m going to say, I didn’t have anything prepared but I feel like this is the right thing. Justin taught me many things, how to play basketball, he taught me how to wing it, and he taught me how to drink,” You earned a few sad chuckles, “I know he didn’t always have it easy, but he was always there if I needed someone. No matter what he looked out for his friends, he made sure we were all safe no matter what. I remember him telling me a year or so back, he didn’t think he was going to be good enough to get into college. He didn’t even have college in his plan. But he applied anyway. I can still see his face the day he told me he had been accepted, the way his eyes light up and his smile. He was so beyond happy. I know if he were still here today, he would have gone so many places this town wouldn't even know what hit it if he ever returned.” You stopped, wiping away a tear that was sliding down your cheek. “I’ve been to way too many funerals in my time on this earth but this one is by far the hardest goodbye to make.” You mumbled as you made your way back to your seat.  “That was beautiful,” Zach whispered when you sat back next to him “You think?” You asked, he nodded.  “He’d be proud.” He nodded
Graduation didn’t feel right, not everyone was there. Justin should have been sitting there in the sea of people wearing the blue smock, waiting to receive his diploma. After the ceremony you all went up to the spot where Clay first listened to the tapes and buried them. 
“Justin should have been here,” You sighed, leaning into Zach’s side. Everyone nodded, “So should Hannah,” Tony agreed.  “We’ll always have each other,” Tyler spoke, “Always be connected,” He smiled.  “Yeah, we’ll always have that,” Zach smiled, throwing his arm around your shoulders as you all looked out over the town that, for the first time in your life, looked small.
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imaginefan · 4 years
Your Rock
Tony Padilla X Reader!Platonic
Word Count: 743
Requested: Anon
Request: Going through a lot and Tony is your best friend and he helps you through everything in your tough times. You then find out he too is going through a rough time and are there for him but he doesn’t want you to worry about him. Reader doesn’t listen and stays by his side and helps him figure out everything with his family. (13 Reasons why one shot ) .
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You and Tony had been friends since you were kids, you weren't often seen together in school but outside of school you were almost never seen apart, he drove you to school and took you home. You would often bring him food and listen to him talk for hours about anything that was happening. Recently though you'd been going through some pretty harsh family issues yourself and you just seemed to drop fo the face of the earth, it was then that Tony decided that he needed to make sure that you were okay.
When the knock on your bedroom door sounded you frowned, everyone was supposed to be at school, who could be looking for you at this time, you got up and opened the door, your eyes widened when you saw Tony "What are you doing here?" You asked. "You've been a little different lately." He answered. "I just wanted to make sure that you were okay." He answered. "It looks like your not." He said softly as he stepped into the room and closed the door. "What's happening?" "It's nothing just some family stuff." You answered. "My parents are in a bad place is all." "They're arguing?" He asked. "A lot." You nodded. "I'm scared Tony, what if they break up then what?" "Then we'll work something out I promise you that." He smiled as he walked over to sit on the bed next to you. "This isn't your problem to fix," You said softly and he smiled. "You are my friend and I'll help you in any way that I can." He promised, he never broke that promise either whenever something happened he was there he was your rock and when your family was torn apart, you were left to choose which parent you wanted to stay with and that was your mother who decided to stay in California. Tony stuck with you for the whole thing and made sure that you never felt like you were alone.
It was a couple of years later when you were back on your feet and back to being your usual self you realised that was something going on with Tony, you went round to Tony's, you knocked on the door and waited Tony was the one that opened the door and you looked at him and smiled. "So what's going on?" You asked. "What?" He asked. "You remember when you came to my room and you knew that there was something was wrong and you told me that you were never going to leave, you promised that you were going to stand by me no matter what. Well now I'll stand by you no matter what, so tell me what's going on." You ordered and he took a small smile and stepped aside. The house was unusually quiet. "Where is everyone?" "They're not here." He answered. "They'll be back soon?" You asked as you looked at little Gracie in the livingroom. "They're not coming back... Not yet anyway." He answered and you looked at him and frowned. "What do you mean? What happened?" You asked. "ICE came... They were deported they left me and Gracie here because we were born here." He explained and you looked at the girl sitting in the living room, you were practically a part of this family they always treated you as such and you loved being in the house but when they all needed you, you weren't there. "I'm sorry." You apologised. "Why are you sorry you didn't call them." He muttered. "What are you going to do about Gracie?" You asked. "If you want I can help you look after her." "No, I think I'm going to send her down to live with my Uncle they'll be able to look after her." He explained. "Are you going with her?" You asked. "I don't know." He answered and you nodded. "That's okay, I'll stay if you want me to stay, we can talk more in the morning but for now we should just cook something for her and get her settled, we can make some calls tomorrow and get everything sorted out. Then once Gracie is sorted we'll find a way to get your family back here." You smiled. "We?" He asked. "You were my rock once and now I'll be yours. I'll be here even after you don't need me anymore." You informed him. "I have no intentions of leaving, you're stuck with me."
Requests and general question!
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sophiewritesworld · 5 years
A Kiss To Change It All (Part 33) - Montgomery de la Cruz
Pairing: Montgomery x Reader
Warning: Mention of abuse
Word count: 3K
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The spreading purple and blue across the jock's abdomen were deepening as time went by. It hurt him to move or even breathe, whenever he did, it shot him a sharp pain making him groan and stop any movement. You wondered if some of his ribs were cracked but again you didn't want to ask as he just settled on your couch after you insisted that he should eat if he wanted to get rid of that hangover.
You sat next to him, one hand holding the filed plate, the other feeding the injured boy. When he told you that he could eat on his own, you stepped back and observed him struggle to lift the fork to his mouth but he resigned way before he could even have a bite of the food as his side hurt him even more. "You were saying, Cruz?" He just rolled his eyes at you as a response. The next step was getting him back to your room. Walking was hard but walking up the stairs was even harder as you had to stop every other step, allowing the pain to calm before you continued until you reached your room. You didn't have the time to react that he just crashed on your bed and instantly regretted his dumb move. "Suffer in silence while I get you something to wear." Your back was to him while you were searching through the many pieces of clothing he left when you were still together so you couldn't see the sudden blush creeping up his cheeks. The number of flannels and hoodies that belonged to him sitting in your closet overthrew your actual clothes but after just a few minutes you managed to find a pair of sweatpants and boxers.
"I can get dressed on my own, don't worry." From the look you shot him, he knew he had to get you more than just this. "It's embarrassing."
Your lips stretched into a smile. Gripping the edge of the towel, you stepped in front of him. "Nothing I haven't seen before, Monty." It made him laugh and he eventually relaxed a little bit as you worked on getting him dressed as quickly as you could, making sure to keep your eyes focused elsewhere. Sure, it was awkward for both of you to suddenly get back to this level of intimacy but you didn't have many options in front of you. Silence fell between you when you were both seated on your bed, shoulder to shoulder. Taking a deep breath, you dared to ask the burning question on your tongue since you picked him up. "What happened?" You wanted to take it back immediately when Montgomery just shook his head and looked away hiding his silent tears from your sad gaze. It made your heart shatter in your chest. You reached for his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze, rubbing the back of it with your thumb. It spread a comforting feeling through his tired body.
"I don't wanna talk about it please." Montgomery shifted so his head was resting on your shoulder and his arm was resting around your waist. You kissed the top of his head an answer and brought your hand to stroke his arm. It didn't take him long to fall back asleep, moving his head so it rested against your chest. You couldn't' move anywhere. The truth was you didn't want to be anywhere else but right next to him, giving him the comfort he needed. Each time he moved, his hold around your waist tightened, his breath brushing your skin through the thin fabric of your T-shirt. Your eyes wandered on his bruised skin, wondering what Montgomery did wrong this time for his father -if you could call him a father- to lose it on him this way. It had never been this worse. The many times he showed up after your parents went to sleep, his face was beaten up, nothing too serious but enough to make you worry about him. When you would be cleaning his cuts, Montgomery would crack a joke or start kissing you to lighten the mood, telling you that it wasn't as bad as it looked like. This time there was just silence to deal with the situation.
You couldn't say how long you stayed like that but it was dark outside when he shifted against you, hiding his face in your neck. "Rise and shine, Monty." You giggled when his breath tickled your skin. "Come on Monty."
"Yeah right, play it dumb, Cruz."
"I really don't know what you're talking about." Montgomery knew you to perfection. Your weaknesses, soft spots... He never took any interest in getting to know any girl before you and the fact that he memorized every single detail about you, almost scared him. He flipped on his back, slowly landing on the mattress. He didn't want to deal with any pain. "Reminds me of something." He blurted when you turned the bedside lamp on. It made you smile. Of course, you remembered that first time you properly spent time together, not afraid that anyone might catch you. Again when you were about to speak your phone started ringing. You internally cursed whoever it was before you picked up and quickly handed it to Montgomery whispering a 'Scott' before you got out of the room. It made you sick how whenever you wanted to apologize for what you said the other day, someone would always find a way to cut you off as if you weren't meant to say a word about that.
Montgomery stood by the door, observing you as you paced inside the kitchen, mumbling nonsense and biting your nails as you did. He quickly wrapped up the conversation with his teammate when he felt the sudden discomfort it brought. You didn't notice him so he walked over to you, grabbing your wrist and made you turn around so you were facing him. "You hungry? I'll get dinner ready for us." You tried to free yourself from his hold but it only got tighter. "What?"
"What is it?"
You shook your head. "Nothing."
"Do you really think you can fool me this way? What is it?" You sighed and told him everything in one go, not even allowing yourself to catch your breath which wasn't the greatest idea since he barely understood what you said. "Hey, hey, calm down. Breathe... Now slowly tell me what's going on." You told him you wanted to apologize for a while but whenever you tried there was someone who interrupted you and it was getting on your nerves. "(Y/N/N) what do you want to apologize about?"
"The crap I said the other day."
The tone you used and the small pout on your lips made him chuckle. He backed up and leaned against the kitchen counter. You didn't understand what was so funny in what you just said. "C'mere." He held you close to him with his good arm, a smile still playing on his lips. "You had every right to get mad at me."
"I was a bitch to you, Monty. I wasn't thinking and I said shit I didn't mean..."
"Then you weren't a bitch." He smiled and kissed your cheek. "I shoul..."
Once more, someone interrupts you by ringing the doorbell. You closed your eyes, inhaling loudly before you started walking towards the door. You stopped midway, right before you exited the kitchen and turned to look at Montgomery. "Please visit me in jail if I murder whoever it is." To your surprise, Jeff was standing behind the door with his million-dollar smile and a huge bag of food in one hand. Shit. You completely forgot to let him know that Montgomery was there. "Hey, handsome!"
"Is it normal that Monty answers your phone or did I miss something?" He shot with a wink and made his way inside greeting your ex-boyfriend while setting the food on the table. It took you a solid minute to realize that he somehow knew that Montgomery was in your house and he wasn't mad you didn't tell him. But how did he know? You closed the door and followed him in the kitchen. The two were already deep into a conversation or something like 'Go to the doctor' - 'I am fine' thing. You stood there until your best friend noticed you about to speak. "Before you ask, I called like ten minutes ago and he picked up."
You shot a glare to Montgomery who just smiled awkwardly. Jeff had a look at the situation himself, he couldn't blame you for having Montgomery around and not telling him. He never told you that his teammate crashed at his place from time to time before you saw him yourself. After dinner, you gave another round of painkillers to Montgomery and cleared up the table. Jeff wasn't so comfortable with the fact that he didn't see a doctor and still reminded you that you should convince him to go to the ER. "You have your ways with him, it could be worse than it looks like, sweetheart."
"It's Monty we're talking about. You know how stubborn he is."
Jeff nodded. "Try. At least."
"I can't promise anything." After you closed the door, you went to sit by his side on the couch, your hand automatically went to play with his short hair. "Jeff is right, we should probably g..." You couldn't finish that he was kissing you. What? He was kissing you, ignoring the pain and the fact that you took a few seconds before you kissed him back. "What was that for?" You asked once you pulled away from him.
"My way of apologizing to you for being a total jerk in front of everyone. Not just at Bryce's." He felt terrible for what he did to you that he couldn't even look at you while talking.
"You could have used words, Cruz." You said with a smile.
He shook his head and looked up to meet your eyes. "You know I'm no good with words. But yeah I'm sorry for putting in such position and not giving you any chance to talk that night."
"Do I have a chance to speak now?" He nodded and shifted so he could look at you properly. You took a deep breath before you spoke. "Part of what I wanted to say was an apology for being a bitch but it's not just that... Actually, I... I don't remember even thinking of an apology... I..." You paused, seeking for words which you found after a minute. You went on telling him how you found out the texts your mother sent him by accident and how she didn't even try to deny what she did. You told him that you were lost and you felt guilty for losing it on him the way you did. "Why you didn't tell me anything, Monty?"
"Cause I still wanted to see you every day." A punch straight in your feelings. Right about what you needed to make your heart ache again and tears quickly fill your eyes but smile at the sweetness of the words. "I've never cared about a girl as much as I care about you, that's why I didn't want to lose you completely even if you hated me after what I said."
"I could never hate you." Even when you tried, you failed. It was nearly impossible for you to feel anything but love towards him, despite everything that he said or did. You tried telling yourself that a girl's first love was unforgettable and over time you were going to move on, get to know and love someone else but your mind couldn't picture you with anybody else. Not a soul could give you what Montgomery gave you. No one could ever replace him.
You kept on talking, letting out of your hearts whatever you had to say to the other. He told you how much it was painful for him to see you cry and not be able to do anything for it. The few times you were on your own with him, he confessed that he couldn't help himself and wanted to tell you everything so you would be back to your old happy self that he liked so much but again, he remembered what your mother told him and had to hold himself. Everything reminded him of you. "You drive me crazy."
"Is that a good thing?" You asked sheepishly.
"A very good thing, princess."
According to romantic movies, you were supposed to make out and cuddle on the couch until you both fall asleep right where you were but it wasn't the case for you mainly because Montgomery was injured and you wanted to take things a little slower this time, if he allowed you to do so, of course. After you both made it back to your room, you took the wise decision to call your father and let him know that Montgomery was staying with you. You certainly didn't want him to come back home and find him shirtless hanging in his house. "Are you okay with this? ... Thanks, dad." Your father was aware of Montgomery's family issues and you didn't need to say anything for him to understand that something happened between him and his father. He simply added that you should stay safe before you ended the call. "Oh my God, dad, this embarrassing!"
"He gave you the talk?" Montgomery asked when you tossed your phone away, cheeks red in embarrassment.
Nodding, you just proceeded to help him settle back in your bed. "In nine months of relationship with you, he never did." Seeing the growing grin on his face, you immediately reacted. "Oh hell no, Cruz, nothing will happen tonight."
"Why noooot?" He whined. You could swear you were dealing with a five-year-old throwing a tantrum over the candy he didn't get. Only he wasn't far from being a five-year-old and you were the candy he didn't get.
"Because last time I checked, you were still dating Kimberly."
"You jealous?"
Rolling your eyes at him, you made your way to your side of the bed. "Is this even a question to ask, of course, I am! So nothing until you sort this out." He sighed and dropped his head on the pillow. You sure were something hard to handle but he liked it. He liked the fact that you wouldn't give up easily on him, no matter how hard he tried. "You know, she isn't a bad person."
"Who are you talking about?"
"Kimberly, dumbass."
"Why are you saying this?"
You were in the dark, getting just enough light to distinguish your silhouettes, laying next to each other. You couldn't sleep, neither could he. "Because she came to talk to me the other day." You shifted to lay on your side. "She surprised me, you know."
"Because she is smarter than you think she is. You know, she told me you were secretly checking on me."
The only sound of your voice let him know that you were smiling. "Is this creepy?"
"Not at all."
Then silence again. A comfortable silence this time. You thought he fell asleep because he didn't react or move since you stopped talking but he was mentally preparing himself to tell you what happened the night before. He took a deep breath and spoke. It caught you off guard. You weren't expecting him to do so, not after you managed to lighten the mood between you.
Montgomery had a few drinks with the boys before he headed back to his place. He was buzzed, not drunk, so when he entered his house, he didn't quite remember that his father was in town and left his baseball bat and bag downstairs. He never did but the exhaustion and the alcohol took upon his mind. He was about to head to the bathroom when he remembered and quickly but silently when to get his belongings before his father saw them.
It was too late.
Mr de la Cruz was standing by the front door, holding the bat in his hands. He was angry. "What did I say about you stuff, son?" Slowly, he walked towards the terrified jock, swinging the bat as he got closer to him.
"I am sorry, I..." Montgomery's voice was barely audible. He wished he could just disappear right at that moment.
"I forgot it."
"Oh, you forgot?" Monty just nodded and looked down at his shoes, already apprehending what would happen next.
He didn't need to into any details for you to understand what happened. You could only imagine him not being able to fight back. "I was eight when he used it one me for the first time." He cleared his throat, steadying his trembling voice before he continues. The simple thought of an eight-year-old boy getting a beating by his own father sent shivers down your spine. How could he do such a thing? "From that day, I never leave anything behind when he is home but yesterday... I was tired and I wasn't thinking..."
"Shhhh, it's over now, Monty." You moved closer to him, resting your hand on his chest and kissing his cheek. His mind was replaying the scene which made his heart beat faster and faster inside his chest. He could almost feel the pain all over again but the warmth of your skin against his and your soft voice brought him back to reality. "You're safe here."
That night, you found it hard to fall asleep after what Montgomery confessed. Sure you knew his father had a temper and often lost it on his only son but you never imagined he could go crazy like this. Montgomery de la Cruz, the one labeled as number one bully at Liberty, was a broken boy abused by his own father.
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TAGS: @pllfanatic @namelesslosers @rororo06
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focusonspn · 5 years
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Pinche pendejo - Tony Padilla 3x05
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tonys-red-mustang · 5 years
So now that season 3 has come out (though I haven’t watched and don’t know if I will) I’m assuming that means I should start writing again lmao?
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Masterlist and Fandoms
Fandoms I write for:
-The shooter
-Lone Survivor
-Top Gun
-Top Gun: Maverick
-13 reasons why
-The 100
-On my block
-Vikings Valhalla
-Gangs of London
-The Adventures of Sabrina
-shadow and bone
-The greatest showman
-Bohemian Raphsody
-The Marvel Universe
-Teen Wolf
-The vampire diaries
-Downton Abbey
-The Tudors
-Alarm fur Cobra 11
-The Originals
-Game of Thrones
-The witcher
-stranger things
Actors from films likes the ones from
Lone Survivor
The shooter
Top gun
Top Gun Maverick
Ask me for other fandoms as i dont Remember all of them.
*September 2023
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britishvamps · 6 years
The Kissing Booth
Prompts: None Fandom: 13 Reasons Why Member: Scott Reed Warnings: Swearing Word Count: 1162
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It was that time of the year, Valentine’s Day. And this year instead of doing Dollar Valentine like the past few years, the school decided to do some fundraising and as one of the cheerleaders, you guys offered to do a kissing booth. With everything going on about the trail of Hannah’s parents and the school, people thought it would be a fun way of giving some kind of happiness back into the high school.
Being a romantic, and unfortunately a cheerleader, you offered to help out with the fundraiser, not knowing that meant being one of the girls being used as the receivers of a kiss on the kissing booth. It had been around half an hour and you and the other 2 girls beside you had kissed roughly 25 people with a steady stream of guys in line to kiss the three of you.
Taking a small break, you couldn’t shake the feeling of someone watching you. “(Y/N), how are the kisses? Anyone seem worth your time?” Chloe asked, walking up to the three of you as you took a sip of your iced tea, rolling your eyes. “God no, all horrible, except maybe Derek from my English class.” You spoke, walking over to your bag to grab your phone. “Well, maybe you’ll find the one.” She said, walking back to wherever she came from as it was time to go back to your standing places in the booth. As you went back, someone you really didn’t want to see came up. “Fuck off Montgomery.” You sighed, rolling your eyes as you shuddered under the eyes of an unknown person. “C’mon (Y/N/N), this is for charity after all.” He smirked, leaning in closer as you felt his hot breath on the side of your face. Sighing, you leant forward and gave him what you thought would be a quick peck but he took your face in his hands, keeping your lips locked to his for another few seconds before you literally had to push him off of you.
“Sorry babe, got a little carried away.” He said, feigning a look of guilt as he tried to hide his smirk before walking away from the booth. As he sauntered away, you could feel a pair of eyes on you but as you looked around, you couldn’t work out where it was coming from. After another hour or so of bad kisses and you had around 15 minutes left, you had given up on hoping that the one you really wanted to get a kiss from would appear.
At the end of it all, you and the other girls had made your way to where your bags where and you walked off to the parking lot to get in your car when you heard some pained groans from a few feet away. “Hello?” You called out, walking towards the sound warily. As you passed a familiar car, you saw Montgomery with a black eye and some cuts on his face as he was holding his bloody nose as he leant against the car whilst sat on the floor. “Oh my days, Monty what the he-” You were cut off by him as he stood up and tried to brush past you to get to the drivers side of his car. “Hold on, what happened to your face Montgomery?” You said, forcing him to a stop as you grabbed some tissues out of your rucksack. But as you tried to place them on his bloody nose, he roughly pushed you away, getting back in his car and started it up causing you to quickly move away just in time to turn to see an also beaten and bruised Scott as he limped over to his car, trying to go unnoticed. “Scott!” You shouted, rushing towards him in hopes he would actually let you help. “What the hell happened to the two of you? Or are you also going to drive away and nearly kill me as well?” You fumed, grabbing his bicep to turn him to face you.
“It’s nothing (Y/N), just a disagreement.” He said, brushing your hand away from his arm as the last few remaining students dispersed around the parking lot or walked home. “Scott I’m not stupid, you guys are like brothers a small argument couldn’t have made the both of your faces look like you’ve been mauled.” You scoffed, handing him some tissues to wipe off the dried blood on his face and hands. “(Y/N)...” He sighed, rolling his shoulder as he looked away from you, staring the distance before looking back at you. “It’s nothing, ju- just forget about it, okay? Go home.” He spoke faintly, moving towards his car. That was the final straw. “Okay, now you listen to me carefully Scott Reed, I don’t two shits about whether Montgomery was hurt, but if you guys are fighting then it must be serious. Now, we’re going to try this again. Why did you guys fight?” You said, grabbing his arm once again seeing his face contour into one of anger and exasperation. “Okay, you wanna know why I punched Monty? Because of you, okay! He chose to kiss you of all people despite knowing I liked you! And then when he came towards us, he spoke about bringing you to the Clubhouse, okay. A- and I just snapped.” He shouted, walking you back into the hood of his car, trapping you between his body and the hood. At the end of his speech, the silence between the two of you was almost deadly as the two of you stared at each other for a few minutes.
“Yo-you like me?” You stuttered out, looking up at Scott for a second before you dodged eye contact and stared behind him at the school building. He chuckled, scratching the back of his neck as he nodded at you. “Like a lot. I mean it took so much restraint for me to not get in that line and kiss you.” He sighed, fiddling with his Letterman jacket zipper. “So why didn’t you?” You asked, looking up at him quizzically. “Because I didn’t want our kiss to be just another random kiss. I wanted it to be better than the ones you got at the school’s shitty fundraiser.” He said, placing his hand on your cheek as he leant closer to you. “Then do it.” You said, moving closer to close the gap between the two of you, pressing your lips to his. The kiss lasted for a while, the both of you not moving as his hands cuffed your face and yours rested on his hips before he pulled away, both of you smiling. “Well, this will be a fun first kiss story.” He laughed, placing another quick peck on your lips before continuing, “This isn’t how I wanted to ask but do you want to go out tomorrow night?” A smile appeared on his face as you nodded, pulling him back in for another kiss.
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spreadp0sitivity · 6 years
Horror Movies - Scott Reed
I didn’t have much time to write today but still I wanted to post something so I wrote something simple and kinda cute. Hope you enjoy it!  💕
Descritpion: Lazy Sunday evening/night at Scott’s house in which he wants to see a horror movie. 
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(Gif belongs to @steveharrigntons)
It was Sunday evening and you were at Scott's place. It was pouring outside but it wasn't just the heavy rain. There were also thunder and lightning. You were glad you weren't alone. As much as you loved storms, you would have been scared of this one. It was crazy out there.
"Wow it's really bad out there" Said Scott
"Guess I'll have to spend the night here" You said looking innocently at your boyfriend
"What a pity" Said Scott sarcastically as he grabbed your waist and pulled you in for a kiss.
"So, is the pizza ready?" You asked.
"It'll take a few more minutes. Let's start the movie meanwhile"
"Okay I picked the movie last time so it's your turn" You said sitting on the couch waiting for him to pick the movie and hit play. You rolled your eyes when you saw the title of the movie.
"A horror one? Really? You know I hate them"
"But I've seen too may drama movies already" He said pouting
"Well we could watch a Marvel one, we both love them"
"Yeah which is why we've seen them all too many times" Truth was he was right about that. "C'mon. Just this time." He said staring at you with puppy eyes that you couldn't resist.
"Okay but if I have nightmares, it's on you" You finally agreed.
"You won't. We're sleeping together, remember?" He said as he sat next to you on the couch.
"Right" You said getting closer to him, laying your head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders.
The movie had ended a while ago and you really needed to go to the bathroom but the thought of going upstairs alone with the noises of the storm when it was all dark outside scared you a little after watching that freaking movie.
"S.?" You said but your boyfriend was busy sending some essay he had done a few days ago but forgotten to send until Zach reminded him to.
You placed a soft kiss on his neck getting back his attention.
"I need to use the bathroom" You said
"But you already know where it is babe" Said your boyfriend a bit confused.
"Yeah but after watching that..."
"Oh I see. My baby is scared, huh?" He said mockongly with a smirk that made his dimples come out.
"Are you gonna come with me or not?" You asked a little bit ashamed.
"Okay, okay" Your boyfriend said laughing.
Scott stood outside the door while you were in the bathroom. And all he did while he waited for you to come out was to tease you.
"Tease me all you want. This is all your fault." You said earning a "Sorry babe" and an apology kiss on the cheek from your boyfriend.
You woke up in the middle of the night sweating and breathing heavily. And that made Scott wake up. He opened his eyes slowly. 
"What is it?" He said with a sleepy voice.
"Nothing. I was having a nightmare." You couldn't remember what the nightmare was about though.
"Was it because of the movie?"
"I don't know. I can't remember it."
"No more horror movies, just in case" He said as he pulled you closer to him. Your head laying on his bare chest, his hand caressing your hair. "But it's okay babe. You're safe." He kissed your forhead and put is arm around your body.
You went back to sleep, feeling safe in the arms of the boy you loved.
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empireroyals · 6 years
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Gif credit: (?) Not mine.
New Book: Trapped in the Oath
A/N - I found this hard to write but I hope I did it justice.
"It's got worse, hasn't it?" Tony whispered as he knelt beside your small frame. You were curled up in a little ball, your back against the wall of the hotel lobby as the screams from outside echoed around inside.
You couldn't even think about going out there and facing the everyone. You just couldn't. The social media reaction to you hadn't been so great lately and you were sure that as soon as you walked out of that door - the negativity would be screamed at you.
Tony attempted to get you to keep walking but you couldn't. You just felt the room spin, the screams grow louder - and Tony's worried voice fall away from you. It sounded like you were drowning in the screams.
You'd just slid down to the floor and curled up because that's all your body was allowing you to do.
"The social anxiety?" Tony continued, tilting your chin up with his fingers and searching your eyes worriedly. Words were too far away from you - so you just nodded.
It had been months since you were finally getting used to the interaction with tonys friends since the court case - and anyone for that matter. You were getting better with being social and it was becoming less often that you avoided it. And you were sure that a large part of that was due to Tony.
But now it was back and it felt a lot worse than ever.
"It's okay baby." Tony breathed, pressing a kiss to your forehead and closing his eyes briefly, "You stay in today, I'll make sure my brothers keeps an eye on you every now and then okay?"
And as much as you wanted to be going out and doing things with Tonys - you knew you wouldn't be able to. So he took you back up to the room, tucking you into bed after he switched on the TV, before kissing your forehead and leaving.
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Back to you characters and summaries
Zach ~ Zach was your everything so what is he supposed to do when he finds your legs covered in self inflicted cuts?
Justin ~ After what Justin did to Jess you helped Clay and Sheri for the sake of Jess so Tony didn't have to. You thought after it all he would love you but you can't unsee what happened in the locker room.
Alex ~ You hoped Alex would still love you when he woke up after he tried to kill himself. You didn't have to expect to try to catch his eye again.
Clay ~ You didn't question that he still loved Hannah and you knew he loved you just as much. Saying you weren't jealous about how much she had his attention though is a lie, but you would never tell Clay that...Unless he figured it out himself
Jeff ~ You weren't Jeff's girlfriend even though you were in the hospital way more with him than she was, which was never. You had spoken with Jeff every time Clay would help him since you were a book and Clay always picked your table, but you two weren't close like that. When he wakes up, he sees the truth.
Cyrus ~ You didn't really think Cyrus was going to be affectionate going into the relationship, but you also weren't expecting him to be as mean as he was. Your arguments were always bad but he may have crossed the line.
Scott ~ You got yourself invited into the clubhouse for Clay so Sheri didn't have to go through it, knowing you were better at holding your weed and liquor. Once you were in there though you were met with the once face you never thought you would be met with.
AN: Bolded names means part 1 is completed
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Season 2 13rw coming on May 18th
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Hello lovelies!
I know I haven't been active for a long time, but expect new imagines/headcanons when the new season arrives!
See ya then xoxo
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