#tone of the fic is more serious but i just really love drawing silly stuff
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I'm posting the midpoint chapter of my ao3 fic soon and this is the very important flashback scene
#pathologic#he wasnt ready to flirt#tone of the fic is more serious but i just really love drawing silly stuff
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I can see in your face that you mean it
Guess whose back. Back again.
Yeah I had a bad anxiety day so dived back into some old comfort media and decided to finish off a fic I started back in my intital Nightrunners obsession phase.
It's fluff and smut and emotions and if you like it, please consider leaving a comment over on Ao3!
Oh Aura, he’s beautiful.
Seregil would have thought, hoped maybe, that after months of pining after Alec and everything they’d been through, after finally getting him into bed and opening his heart in a way he’d never done before, he’d be done with this. That there wouldn’t be moments when his lover’s eyes caught the morning light or he grinned in that way that showed the slight gap in his front teeth or he’d feel his soft hair run through his fingers and Seregil’s heart would drop like he was half a child again and didn’t recognise the taste of love. And in his mind he’d just sigh he’s beautiful.
Except now he got to feel the second heart throbbing behind his own with it’s own silly, dizzy, free falling love and Seregil would get to follow it with and he’s mine.
Five days since their first together and none had been exactly like any other. Each one had been unique as Alec’s confidence grew and he began to ask for more, push further, move into the spaces Seregil left for him. He was as quick a learner as he’d ever been though Seregil couldn’t remember ever being quite so delighted by it. Maybe as he’d watched him learn his letters and read his first books while delight dawned in his eyes, perhaps that would come a fairly close second.
But when he closed the door to their Watermead room behind him and flicked the lock across with a reassuringly heavy metallic thunk, turning to see Alec already sprawled naked across the bed, Seregil thought maybe it wasn’t that close at all. Because what could compare to this?
Gods above, he’s beautiful.
“Come on,” Alec stretched out a hand to him playfully, a needy whine in his voice that may have been part of the game and may not have been, “I’ve been waiting for ages, how long does ‘one last cup of beer’ take?”
“When it’s as good as Kari’s? Quite a while,” Seregil smirked with amusement, coming over and catching Alec’s hand in his own, “And besides, I was trying to make it slightly less obvious what we would be doing. Trying to save what little of your modesty was left after you tore up the stairs as soon as dinner was done.”
Alec blushed a little but not as much as he might have done a few nights ago, “Everyone in the house already knows...and besides, you promised me something new.”
“That I did, talí,” Seregil raised Alec’s knuckles to his lips, “I would add that it’s only if you're willing but judging by how you tripped rushing up here- everyone saw that, by the way- you’re more than willing.”
His cheeks now the bright cherry colour Seregil knew and loved, Alec shivered, “You said perhaps we could go a little further…”
Seregil nipped at the inside of his wrist before letting go so he could make short work of his own clothes. Wearing any scrap of material while his lover was so pleasingly naked was unbearable. As he did, Alec rolled onto his back, stretching like a contented cat as if to make absolutely sure there was no possible inch of him he hadn’t seen. They’d been repairing and painting fences that day, there were still scrapes on Alec’s palms and knees from their work, white wash on his hairline he’d missed as he’d scrubbed off the marks from their duelling with paintbrushes. Little imperfections, lingering traces of the time they’d spent together, like a map Seregil was eager to follow.
Gods, he’s just so beautiful.
Twice in one night, what was happening to him?
Now undressed, Seregil nudged Alec’s legs open enough that he could kneel on the bed between them, “Not so much further, my talí, I won’t be asking a lot of you. I just...well, offering you some more of me?”
Alec’s eyes widened at the edges, as he gazed up at Seregil, “Oh. Like, um...like the tavern board?”
Seregil grinned, he really owed some of his green lantern friends a drink if they were ever back in Rhíminee, “Well, not quite as athletic as all that. And strictly just the two of us. But in essence? In mechanics? Yes.”
There was a soft inhalation, a flush creeping down Alec’s neck, “So...me...me in you?” Just saying the words sent the flush bleeding down across his collarbone.
“That is the way I’m used to doing things though I’d certainly be interested in covering all of our options, as it were,” Seregil tilted his head playfully, “Another night. For now, I thought this would be a little less daunting.”
Alec’s teeth snagged his lower lip, his clever mind clearly working behind his bright eyes as they slid down the length of Seregil’s body. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t rather smug at the look of hunger and want that swiftly gathered in them.
“I’m willing to try,” Alec murmured eventually, his smile coming back quick and coy and daring, “As long as you promise I won’t be hurting you.”
Seregil raised an eyebrow and let his own eyes wander shamelessly, focusing between Alec’s open legs, “Well...it’s your rather superior equipment against my experience, isn’t it?”
“Oh hush!” Alec snorted, kicking out at him lightly, “I’m serious!”
Laughing, Seregil caught him by the ankle, pressing kisses along the inside of his leg, “I promise I’ll tell you if I need you to slow down or hold still. Communication, yes? Just like we talked about.”
Alec nodded, melting into the touch, growing pliant and supple. He knew this, he’d grown pleasantly familiar with such attentions to Seregil’s joy. And where his lover’s limited experience ended, Seregil could take his hand and lead him.
So he took his time, devotedly ensuring Alec was boneless and purring contentedly, soft and relaxed everywhere but between the legs. Only then did he pull back and go for his pack, left carefully within reach just over the edge of the bed. He drew back, holding a small bottle of oil made in red glass and shaped rather fancifully into a heart, stoppered with black wax.
“What’s that?” Alec asked, now watching every one of his movements very carefully.
“Ah,” Seregil slipped easily into his instructing voice, naturally holding the same tone he would if he were introducing Alex to a new type of lock, “When people make love in this fashion, a little extra help is required to allow things to move easily. That’s what this oil is for. Very important, particularly from my perspective.”
“Oh, to his credit, Alec was blushing less ferociously each time, “And, um...what do you do with it?”
Seregil smiled indulgently, eyes sparkling, “Why don’t I show you, talí?”
He opened the stopper with his teeth, holding the bottle at a height so Alec could watch it ooze thickly onto his fingertips. In the low candlelight, it shone like glass fresh drawn from a blower’s oven, it moved like honey.
Immediately, Alec sniffed, eyes brightening, “It smells nice...what is that?”
Seregil chuckled, tilting the bottle back to stem the flow once he judged he had enough, “You’re not getting away that easily. You tell me.”
“I thought we were making love, not a lesson,” Alec wrinkled his nose but he wasn’t one to miss a chance for praise, “Um...roses. Vanilla. Oh, those yellow flowers that grow in the Oreska House park, I can’t remember their name…”
“Ylang,” Seregil supplied, beaming proudly, “Well done, my love. This is the finest stuff from the Street of Lights so it’s scented. I expect we’ll have some leaner times in the future but fortunately there are a lot of other cheaper options that work just as well.”
He worked as he spoke, working the oil between his thumb and fingers, warming it a little. In moments, the air was filled with that rich, floral smell, the kind of scent you could get drunk on. Alec inhaled deeply, watching closely so he didn’t miss a moment of what Seregil was doing.
“And that stuff goes where exactly?” he breathed, curiosity and lust making him a little impatient.
“Plenty on your cock before it comes anywhere near me,” Seregil hummed, “You may think I’m flattering you, talí, but I’m perfectly serious. You’re one of the more...physically gifted lovers I’ve had.”
“One of?” Alec muttered as Seregil shifted, lazily stretching out onto his back then propping himself up on one elbow, stretching his legs out across his lover’s. Alec took immediate advantage, running his hands up Seregil’s calves, enjoying the play of muscle there.
Seregil either didn’t hear or chose not to hear, continuing, “But first my body needs some preparation. Other times this can be your task, if you like, but for tonight...just watch and learn.”
Alec nodded hard, his attention now fully caught on Seregil’s hand, two fingers shining with the oil, and it’s path down between his open legs. He’d spent the last five nights exploring every inch of his faie’s body but he still felt a slight shiver when he was allowed to see these most intimate parts of him, when he was allowed to feel some sense of ownership of them. Five nights was not nearly long enough that Alec’s pupils didn’t widen, his breath didn’t quicken, his mouth didn’t dry at the sight of Seregil sinking first one finger into himself, then two. He wasn’t sure an entire lifetime would be enough.
“Gods…” he murmured, apparently unconscious of the naked awe on his face, “And that...that feels good?”
Seregil rather thought his rapidly hardening prick answered that question but he was charmed nonetheless, “Yes. There’s a spot a little deeper, hold on...ah, there, right there...not strictly the point of this but gods, yes, it feels good.”
His voice grew more strained and breathy as he brushed his sweet spot, as he coaxed his muscles into slackening, scissoring his fingers and chuckling at the expression that put on Alec’s face as he watched, enraptured and practically salivating. He’d started leaning forward, apparently not realising that he was now sat right up off the bolsters.
“That’ll do,” Seregil eventually sighed, drawing his fingers back, “If it were you, I’d give you a little more but I rather like when it has a bit of bite to it.”
“Now me,” Alec reached for the oil, still in Seregil’s other hand, clearly eager to progress.
But Seregil sat up quick, holding the red vial just out of reach with an amused smirk, “Ah ah. Sit back, talí.”
Alec swallowed hand but did as he was bid, hands flitting to his chest where they waited like anxious birds. He watched, wide eyed and breath coming in snatches, as Seregil poured oil on his trembling erection from a few inches above, giving a strangled moan as the cool liquid met his burning skin.
“I want to make the most of this,” Seregil purred, “The first time I get to have you share my body...I won’t rush this, talí.”
Alec’s youth flashed through for a moment as he stuck his tongue out but then fell quiet as Seregil’s fingers caught the oil dripping down the side of his cock, working the slick across the flesh. Both of them seemed to realise the importance this night had taken, maybe feeling it in the talímenios bond humming with love and need between them. They would have hundreds of nights together over their long lives, they would know each other in so many ways, but everything would have a one and only first. And that was cause to hold your breath, bare your heart and pay attention.
Seregil kept his attentions brief and light, remembering that Alec had the stamina of someone very new to sex. He stopped as soon as his lover’s cock was shining in the rapidly dimming glow of their bedside candle.
“How…” Alec murmured, pupils now wide enough that little of their blue colour could be seen.
Seregil smiled indulgently, “You lie back, talí. It’ll let me set the pace of things and I want to see your beautiful face.”
That made Alec chuckle as he slid completely onto his back, making room for Seregil to mount him, to bracket his hips with his knees. He didn’t sink down just yet, taking a moment to admire his young lover’s face, the anticipation and surprise at a new, unfamiliar desire. Seregil lightly touched Alec’s cheek and, there again, that thought.
Oh Aura, he’s beautiful. How can he be so beautiful and not know? How can he be so beautiful and be mine?
Alec just smiled, turning his head slightly and kissing the tips of Seregil’s fingers, tasting rose and vanilla. Either the thought hadn’t made it across the talímenios bond in its entirety or Alec had simply heard, he’d glimpsed the insecurity that lay not all that deep beneath Seregil’s crooked smile and had swept it into the pile of things he loved about him without a second thought. Like it could be so easy.
“I love you,” the words were rawer than he’d intended, bursting from his chest like a bird fleeing through a bent bar in its cage. He’d said it before and he’d meant it but this time it came from the very soul of him.
And Alec smiled, bright as sunlight, meaning it just as much but finding it so much easier, “I love you too, Seregil.”
Dark strands of hair falling in his face, Seregil had no answer to that but to reach back and take Alec’s cock in his hand, guiding him inside him as he slowly sank down. Any more words and he felt he might explode. But this he could do, he could give Alec his body and gladly.
Alec gave a strained moan as soon as the head of him pushed past the tight ring, face tensing, “Gods...oh gods, Seregil…”
Seregil took a deep, slow breath, allowing and not forcing his body to stretch to accommodate Alec. There was pain, just an edge to it, the kind he had always loved about this act. Eventually, inch by inch, he took him down to the hilt, shifting both hands to brace on Alec’s chest.
“You’re so tight, fuck…”
Seregil gave a trembling, breathy laugh, tilting his head back, “Just give me a moment, talí…”
Alec held obediently still, even as a low moan echoed through his chest. His blonde hair fanned about the sheets like a sunburst, his jaw clenched tight, his eyes fixed on Seregil’s face with such devotion. He looked almost godlike, something to be worshipped.
Finally, Seregil felt ready, moving his hips slowly and then gradually faster. Each time, Alec pressed against his sweet spot, direct and undeniable, pulling a high gasp from him at the peak. Eventually he felt his talímenios move too, angling his hips to meet Seregil’s movements, near lifting him clear off the bed. He could only express his approval in a broken, wanton cry, drawing his nails down Alec’s chest.
“Oh talí, my talí,” he gasped, high and wild, falling forward so his hair fell in a waterfall about them, pulling him into a desperate kiss that was lavishly returned. He bucked wildly now, body instinctively seeking release.
“Seregil…” Alec keened into his open mouth, “Fuck, I...I can’t…”
“Let go,” Seregil gasped, pressing their foreheads together, “I’ve got you, it’s alright.”
“I...Seregil...fuck,” he near screamed the last few words, whole body snapping taught and rigid, hands flying up to seize his lover’s hips hard enough to bruise, holding him in place as he flooded him with heat.
Seregil cursed in Aurënfaie as he fell, bare seconds behind, painting Alec’s chest and chin in spatters of white. Not just their bodies but their bond thrummed as if set alight, pleasure almost painful to hold like you weren’t sure your body could hold it. But finally, just at the point where it would become too much, it peaked and both men were left panting and shaking.
Somewhere in it all the candles had finally guttered, Alec and Seregil coming back to their own minds in darkness. Outside, an owl called out a sweet, lowing song.
Alec moved, catching their lips together again, kissing him now gently and sweetly. Sergeil was helpless in his hands and his tenderness, feeling small and soft and safe above all.
“That was...gods, that was incredible,” Alec eventually murmured, his voice raspy and fractured, “What in the name of the gods was I doing for a year when we could have been doing this?”
Seregil laughed, feeling Alec soften and slip out of him, letting him fully sprawl across his lover and fully give in to his exhaustion.
“We have hundreds of years to make up for it, my sweet. Don’t you worry.”
Alec sighed happily, that thought giving him so much comfort as he threw a leg over Seregil to press him closer, “I don’t know how you do it. How you make me feel so brave so I can do things I never thought I could.”
Seregil pressed a kiss to the underside of his jaw, “I don’t make you brave, talí. I just remind you that you are.”
Alec sounded like he wanted to argue but was too tired, just embracing Seregil all the tighter, “Do we need to bathe now? After all that?”
“We should,” Seregil admitted, sighing and forcing himself to roll onto his back, “Especially me. You’re running down the backs of my legs…”
Alec wrinkled his nose and groaned, throwing his arms over his eyes as Seregil made himself stand, “Why is making love so messy when it's two men?”
Seregil looked over his shoulder, intending to make some wry comment but it died on his tongue. Alec had let his arms drop, revealing his face. Edged in what moonlight could creep past the curtains, his face flushed from exertion, gloriously naked and open and honest. Smelling of roses and sex, conquered and triumphant. Everything Seregil had told himself he didn’t deserve and yet here it was.
“What?” Alec was looking back at him, a soft smile playing on his lips, “You keep staring at me.”
Seregil inclined his head, padding back over to the bed and kissing him again just because he couldn’t imagine doing anything else at that moment. When he was done, he drew back just enough that he could see his lover’s face, knowing Alec could feel his love just behind his own heart.
“You’re just so beautiful.”
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Caleo fic: It’s all about the name
Chapters 3-4(/5)
Summary: Calypso is a barista at a coffee shop and one day she gets a customer who refuses to give her his real name. At first he seems really annoying but eventually Calypso finds out not all is what it looks like on the surface. (Coffee shop AU!)
a/n: More updates! Only one more to go after these two chapters that I'm posting today. I would have loved to make this au even longer but time is a b*tch and I'm really itching to continue working on twlitf already.
Hope you enjoy and please do leave me comments because even if I have almost finished this fic, I definitely want to know what you guys think!
Words: 3,6k+
Genre: fluff, humor
Warnings: none
previous chapters / AO3
The next day, the ‘Bad Boy Supreme’ showed up at the coffee shop just like he had promised. He didn’t have to ask for Calypso because she spotted him from afar, being rather easy to recognize. They didn’t have a lot of customers wearing an army jacket over an orange shirt, tools hanging from the pockets, and the bottom half being the work coveralls. At least he had left his backpack home this time, Calypso sighed with relief. She couldn’t deny, though, that in a weird way that outfit suited him. As she saw him more closely, she noticed he seemed pretty cheerful, which was probably a good sign. Or then he was just preparing to annoy her some more and was already looking forward to that. Calypso supposed she’d find out soon enough.
Either way, she stepped closer to the counter so the ‘Bad Boy Supreme’ could see her better.
“So you did come,” she greeted him and he gave her that annoying grin of his that seemed to come so naturally.
“Why, of course,” he responded. “Couldn’t possibly have missed the opportunity to see the Sunshine again.”
“Are you flirting with me? Because I swear, if you are, it’s not going to work,” Calypso told him bluntly, still having her latest relationship too fresh in her mind.
“That’s crazy talk,” the guy responded, putting his hand over his chest. “How would I even dare to flirt with you? You’re way out of my league.”
“Out of your league? Uh, I don’t know about that,” Calypso mumbled, more to herself than to him. The broken relationships had left a mark on her self esteem and she didn’t consider herself as someone to be looked up to.
“Sorry, I didn’t hear you,” the guy said, looking confused.
“Um, nothing,” Calypso tried to brush it off. “It was not relevant. But enough with that; what are you going to order? Remember, it’s on the house. Do you want the double espresso you ordered yesterday or something else?”
“I’d rather have something else,” the guy said, his gaze going back and forth between Calypso and the menu. “Truth to be told, I’m not big on coffee. I’ve noticed it makes me even more hyper than I already am. ADHD and all that good stuff, you know. Yesterday was a special occasion because I had to work overtime.”
“Alright, what will that something else be then?” Calypso asked, feeling that a lot of things about this guy already made more sense.
“Anything with no caffeine would be good. What would you rec? You’re the expert on your menu, after all,” he noted.
“Do you like sweet things?” Calypso asked.
“Sweet is fine, yeah,” the guy agreed.
“Then how about hot chocolate? We’re pretty generous with the whipped cream we add on it,” Calypso promised. “And we can even add marshmallows if you like those.”
“I think just the cream will be fine, don’t wanna be in a complete sugar coma when I need to go back to work,” the guy noted. “To go, by the way. I can’t stay long.”
“Fine, one hot chocolate without marshmallows coming then. Will you finally tell me your name?” Calypso asked.
“Super-sized McShizzle,” the guy replied without missing a beat.
“Just when I thought that you might be an OK guy after all…” Calypso said but the tone of her voice told she wasn’t being serious.
“What’s life without some mystery, Sunshine?” He smiled at her and Calypso wondered briefly what the hell this conversation was about really.
“Yeah, what indeed?” she responded. Then she realized that the silly conversation had been going on long enough for a small queue form behind the guy. “Well, Johnny.” His mouth twitched when she said the new made up name. “Your hot chocolate will be waiting for you at the other counter in a minute. And I hope you won’t scare me so much this time that I’ll drop the drink.”
“Will try to not do that.”
The Super-sized McShizzle or Bad Boy Supreme moved to the other counter, and as Calypso was shaking the canned whipped cream, she was still playing the conversation in her head. For an outsider it probably seemed like they were being rude to each other. But Calypso thought she had learned to read this stranger a bit better already and guessed he actually enjoyed their bickering - and she had to admit that some part of her enjoyed them as well. Drawing a small heart after the made up name Johnny, she finally approached him at the counter and managed to deliver the hot chocolate without messing anything up. ‘Johnny’ took it gratefully but he gave her a funny look when he read his name on the cup.
“Aw, you even drew a heart there!” He noted. “I am starting to think you have started warming up to me.”
“No way. You? Why would I do that?” Calypso raised her eyebrow questioningly, but it probably wasn’t very effective thanks to her red cheeks.
“Because all the ladies love…” he checked his name from the cup again. “Johnny?”
“You should learn to know when to stop,” Calypso warned, rolling her eyes, but her mouth betrayed her.
“Oh c’mon, your mouth just twitched. I saw it,” the guy said. Then he took a swig from his cup and hummed approvingly. “Yup. This is the stuff. Not bad, Sunshine, I would definitely drink this again.”
“I’m glad you like it, especially since it’s supposed to be my apology to you.”
“In that case, apology accepted.” ‘Johnny’ wiped his mouth and checked the clock on the wall. “Well, I won’t bother you more this time because Jo is expecting me to be back at the garage any minute now. I was surprised she allowed me to come here in the first place but she seemed to think it’s good for me to meet new people. Apparently I spend too much time at work. But oh well, if I want to buy a car I need to save a lot of money…”
“That’s why you’re working overtime?” Calypso asked curiously.
“Yeah… I’ve been moving from place to place almost my whole life so at least owning a car would make it easier… Unless I find some reason to stay somewhere.” He shrugged, looking more serious than he had the whole time he’d been there. “I don’t know. But yeah, I should get going now. Maybe I’ll see around some time, though.” His smile returned. “This place is definitely better than I first thought.”
“Yeah, maybe I will see you around,” Calypso said, feeling a bit flustered again. It seemed that there was a lot more to this stranger’s story than she had first imagined. The small glimpses of the reality behind his jokes gave her a picture of a restless, unsure young man who was still looking for his place in the world. That piqued her interest and made her wish she really would see him again.
The mystery guy started visiting the coffee shop regularly during his breaks. After a couple of weeks Calypso already knew that his boss was called Jo and she was married to a woman called Emmie who handled the flower shop side of the business and they had an adoptive daughter Georgina. Even though the mystery guy hadn’t stayed in town for more than a couple of months so far, he seemed to have formed a strong bond with these people and especially adored the little Georgie whom he treated almost like a sister. Calypso also knew that the guy’s best friends were called Jason and Piper but unfortunately they were currently studying in another town so he couldn’t see them that often. He also had a pet lizard called Festus who apparently liked to nibble pretty much everyone except his fingers. Despite knowing all of that, there was still something Calypso didn’t know about him.
“Let’s play the game: guess my name,” the ‘Bad Boy Supreme’ suggested one time when he was ordering a soda. “What do you think?”
Calypso thought about it for a moment. “Alright. Mike? Chris? Alex? Peter? Luke?”
“No, no, no, no and no,” he answered without hesitating, his mouth curled up with amusement.
“Ed? Sebastian? Jake? Thomas? Leon?” Calypso kept throwing in random names that came to her mind.
“Still no to all,” the mystery guy shook his head. “Although those were not half bad guesses. I wouldn’t mind being called Ed. A character in one of my favorite animes is called that and he’s quite a badass.”
“You watch anime?” Calypso asked curiously. “I wouldn’t have guessed that about you.”
“Well, I’m full of surprises.” He smirked before turning more serious. “Um, truth to be told, Georgina keeps ranting about her favorite animes when she’s hanging out at the garage with me and one time I just decided to binge watch some of them to be able to keep up with her. Turns out some of them are actually quite solid. Like this Fullmetal Alchemist. Ahem, but that probably isn’t interesting to you so I’ll stop now.”
“No, don’t worry about it!” Calypso reassured him. “I like hearing about your interests. I am not that familiar with anime but maybe some time you can recommend something to me to watch when I have more free time.”
“Yeah, maybe.” The guy smiled before turning a bit hesitant. “Um, I know you’re probably busy and stuff but I have a free chair at my table if you happen to be in need of a break. Just sayin’, but it’s OK if you can’t.”
Calypso was surprised that he asked so bluntly. The truth was that a bit before his appearance she had already considered taking a break so the timing was good enough and she decided to accept his offer. It was a quiet moment at the coffee shop so her coworkers were fine with it as well.
“You know now that I watch anime but what about your interests?” the ‘Bad Boy Supreme’ asked once they had settled down at an empty table. “What do you do outside this coffee shop?”
“You really want to know?” Calypso questioned.
“Of course I do!” he said immediately. “I’ve revealed quite a bit about myself so it’s your turn now.”
Calypso felt a bit hesitant about talking about personal stuff, possibly afraid her mystery customer would judge her. “I, um… I have a mini garden on my balcony… I grow some edible plants there. I also enjoy reading because it's a good distraction from some unwanted thoughts.”
“I can relate to that,” the guy confessed but didn’t elaborate. Calypso wondered briefly what he may have wanted distraction from.
“Yeah…” she said instead of asking more because she doubted he would have liked that. “When I was a kid, I used to do a lot of music related things, like sing, play the piano and stuff like that but I stopped at some point because my father seemed to think it’s a waste of time. So, yeah. I was pretty upset about that. Who knows, maybe when I have more money I’ll be able to take more classes again… Lately I’ve been trying to express myself by painting, though, because watercolors are luckily cheap and I really needed something to do after…” She stopped when she realized she was about to reveal too much.
“After what?” the guy wanted to know.
“I don’t even know your name so I have no idea why I’m telling you this… but I guess it can’t hurt. I can trust you, right?”
“Of course!” her chat mate assured.
Calypso sighed before continuing. “I recently broke up with someone with whom I had been in quite a long relationship. Yeah, looking back to it, maybe it was for the best because clearly he wasn’t as invested as I was, but it still hurt to hear that he wanted to break up with me because there was someone else in his life. So, that’s why I’ve needed more distractions lately.” When she saw his serious expression, she rushed to add: “Don’t worry about me, though, I’m fine. I’ve already accepted that this is how it is. Trust me, it’s better that way. But it explains why I was so grumpy on that day we met.”
“Oh, OK. Sorry about that guy. I think he made a big ass mistake there but unfortunately some of us can be kinda blind… Hey, what are you staring at?” he asked when he noticed her watching him weirdly. In reality, Calypso had felt a small, unexpected tug at her heart because of his niceness but she tried to cover it by shaking her head.
“Nothing. Sorry. I was just thinking about something. But I should get back to work, the coffee isn’t going to serve itself.”
“I guess it isn’t. Well, talk to you later,” the guy said but from the corner of her eye Calypso could see that he was probably wondering what had just happened there.
Chapter 4
Time passed, but some things didn’t change:
“So… when will you finally reveal your name to me? We’ve known each other for several weeks now and you’re still being so mysterious,” Calypso noted one day when the ‘Bad Boy Supreme’ showed up at the coffee shop again. Like earlier, she had asked her coworkers if she could have her break so she could talk with him and they had accepted her request but given each other funny glances behind Calypso’s back, as if saying ‘we know what you are doing here’.
“I will do that when you finally call me Bad Boy Supreme instead of Johnny or Ben or David or whatever fake name you come up with each time.” He just smirked at her and Calypso 100% expected him to keep his word.
“No. That’s the one thing I cannot do, you weirdo,” she said stubbornly.
“Alright, then no can do,” he teased.
Calypso did continue asking him about other things, though, and got some answers.
“Why did you want to become a mechanic? Is it just because cars are cool or did you have some deeper reason for that?”
“Actually, my dream is to become a mechanical engineer so I get better tools to invent - and fix - all sorts of things, not just cars, but at the moment I don’t have enough money to go to college. So, I’m working to save up for that too, not just for the car. I know, sounds like a mission impossible. I will have to work about ten thousand years to save that much. I’ve just… always enjoyed building and fixing things, ever since I watched my mum do that when I was a kid… It’s in my blood.”
“Oh… then your mum must be proud that you want to follow her footsteps!” Calypso said gently, but the guy’s expression darkened.
“Yeah… maybe she would be… if she was still alive.”
“Oh no!” Calypso covered her mouth with her hands when she realized her mistake. “I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed…”
“It’s OK,” he sighed. “I’m starting to get used to it.”
There was a moment of silence before Calypso asked: “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, but… when did it happen?”
The guy looked at her darkly. “I was 8 then… So over 10 years ago. Not exactly breaking news anymore. Been going from home to home since then until I got old enough to live on my own; my dear dad didn’t care about me enough to keep me.”
“Wow… I’m sorry… You just give me such a happy and outgoing picture of yourself that I couldn’t imagine… ugh, just ignore me, please. I need to stop rambling now,” Calypso said with embarrassment, blushing slightly.
The guy surprised both Calypso and himself by what he did next: he reached for her hand to reassure her.
“Hey, relax. I only told that to you because you seem like someone I can trust. Not a lot of those people in my life. But yeah, there’s no need to be embarrassed; you couldn’t have known.”
“Oh… I guess I should be honored then. Since you were honest with me, I’m gonna be too: I didn’t exactly have the best of childhoods either. My parents fought a lot before breaking up and my dad… he could be scary when he wanted to. He had to get things done his way and if he didn’t like something… he’d let us know, loudly. I guess some of my temper issues may stem from there.”
“Still thinking about that time when you yelled at me?” the guy asked. “Don’t worry about it. I’m not afraid of you.”
“That’s good to hear,” Calypso laughed nervously, tugging a strand of her hair behind her ear. “Anyway, when my parents got divorced, my father insisted I live with him instead of mum and that did not end up going well. His idea of good parenting was buying me expensive things I didn’t care about, while I could tell that in reality he couldn’t care less if I was there or not. He just wanted to humiliate my mother. I ended up moving out as early as possible, but that’s a whole other story…”
“And that’s why you’re working here now?” The Bad Boy Supreme wanted to know. “Because you desperately needed money? I mean, no offense, but I get a vibe from you that you don’t actually enjoy working here.”
Calypso glanced at her surroundings, making sure none of her coworkers and especially not the manager could hear her answer. Then she sighed. “Yeah. You’re not wrong. I did have some dreams when I was younger but… it’s like you said, it would take me about ten thousand years to be able to afford studying. The rent here isn’t free and I don’t even want to think about the college tuitions. Obviously my dad could afford them easily but I’m not going to stoop so low that I would ask him. I am not going to owe anyone, especially not him.”
The ‘Bad Boy Supreme’ gave her an approving half smile. “I see we have something in common, after all. We both have dreams that seem to be hard to achieve. And I definitely wouldn’t want to owe to my no good old man either. And families… Those can be bitches. But not something bad if not something good; thanks to my round around the country I feel like I may have finally found a place where I could maybe picture myself staying more than just a few months. The coffee here isn’t half bad and the people are decent too.” He winked at her, and she knew his words were actually quite a big compliment from him. Despite that, she pretended to be annoyed by his comment, putting her hands on her waist.
“Not half bad? I don’t even remember you ordering coffee since that little incident – and you didn’t get your coffee back then - so how can you have an opinion on it?”
“That’s the thing, I didn’t get my coffee so that’s why it’s only ‘not half bad’ and not the ‘best coffee I’ve ever had’” he smiled at her smugly. “However, the hot chocolate was definitely worth getting yelled at.”
Calypso hated how contagious his smile was but she couldn’t help but smile back at him. “I’m glad to hear that.”
They were silent for a moment before the guy started: “Hey, listen… would you like to…”
His question was interrupted, though, because a customer nearby started causing ruckus, claiming the tea water was too cold (even though Calypso knew her coworkers always made sure it was hot enough) and the piece of cake was dry (even though someone had cut fresh pieces like half an hour ago) and she wanted her money back. Reyna was serving her and trying to politely say that she was sorry the customer felt that way and that they’d make sure to do better the next time, but the customer wouldn’t listen. Calypso could tell Reyna’s patience was running thin so she decided to finish her break then and there and go to help, but she had only managed to stand up from her chair when she noticed that she wasn’t the only one wanting to defend the honor of their coffee shop.
“Hey, you,” ‘Bad Boy Supreme’ said loudly, addressing the woman who had complained. “Don’t like, don’t buy. It’s as simple as that. There are other places where you can get your low fat cake with extra cream on the top that will surely match your interests better.”
The woman just glared at him, going slightly red from her face, before dramatically turning away and leaving the coffee house. Calypso sighed of relief, thankful that nothing worse happened.
“That wasn’t really necessary, you know,” she tried to scold her companion but the attempt was half hearted. “I’m sure Reyna would have been able to handle it.”
“Oh, yeah, I don’t have a doubt about that,” he said. “But sometimes it’s fun to let those privileged douches hear it. You guys are just too polite. Well, most of the time. I guess some customers do have a way to crawl under your skin but that requires special talent.” He grinned at her in a way that may have tried to be flirty but failing.
“Oh, yeah, a special talent indeed,” Calypso confirmed, throwing her long braid over her shoulder. “I’m the epitome of patience, as we know. Well, I should get back to work now; my coworkers are probably waiting for me already.” She looked at Reyna apologetically but she didn’t seem to mind one bit. “It was nice talking to you, though, Raymond.”
“That’s the best you can come up with? C’mon, you can do better than that,” ‘Raymond’ protested but waved her a goodbye with a big smile on his face. Calypso gave him a shy smile back.
#caleo#leo valdez#calypso#heroes of olympus#percy jackson and the olympians#trials of apollo#my fics
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I got tagged by the always wonderful @suf-fering so I’ll give a little positivity a try, lol. In no particular order, half art and half writing:
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 8 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome work!
Long post of art and writing under the cut, and it’s all about me me me and not anyone else so askld;asj; read at your own risk
1. I’ve been learning to draw this year, and I like the little Twig I drew from Hilda. Baby Boy.
2. On that same note, I drew a cartoon otter for pinktober. he’s a cutie too.
3. I drew an emote this year that everyone uses. I’m very proud of that, lol.
4. I’ve enjoyed drawing flowers this year.
5. Of Friendship and Fantasies, because it was fun to write a piece exploring gender and sexuality and having it be just, like, pure comedy and fun. I feel like we always have to write about it like it’s a big, serious thing. It’s nice to write about it casually.
Stars, it would have been funny if they had kissed. Connie thought about it for the next week as she tried to focus on school. She wouldn't mind at all if Steven kissed her as a girl. Steven was Steven after all. It'd be cute and silly if she did. She should tell Steven that - that if they kissed while in girl-mode it would be really cute and fun.
Connie thought about it during class, her eyes glazing over during a math lecture she had already mastered. The end of her pen pressed to her lips in a fake kiss. It wasn’t weird to kiss her pen. She wasn’t uncomfortable. So it really shouldn’t be a big deal to kiss Steven just because she had her boobs on for the day, or something like that.
She wondered if Steven would kiss any different as a girl, if they were really kissing and not just doing a fun peck (which was actually normal in other cultures, so they could definitely kiss on the cheek to say hi). Would she be gentler about kissing? But Steven's girl-mode wasn't really gentler. If anything boy-mode Steven was softer.
So maybe girl-mode Steven would be the kind of person who would pounce on her neck like a vampire. She could see that. Or maybe she'd keep that kind of flirty tone. She'd kiss her really slow, until Connie was flustered and asking her to hurry up. Or maybe she'd be the shy type if Connie was interested, and her cool face would go all wide eyed and parted lips as Connie slowly leaned down and kissed her deep and slow.
It was fun to think about, was all.
6. Wheels. All of it. The whole thing. I’m not even gonna bother taking a snippet from it. Just, like, as a whole, Wheels was great to write. I loved writing, I feel it fit into the established canon really well, and it’s just a really fun, interesting piece.
7. Gap Year! Lol, had to say that one. If I had to pick, out of everything, my favorite chapter is absolutely Chapter 16: Sunrise. It is a chapter that focuses entirely on therapy, on healing, on learning how to cope with the things that trauma leaves behind.
I desperately needed to see healing for the characters I loved. And though there was plenty for Steven, I never saw any for Connie. So I wrote it myself. I worked with a lot of great people to make it as good as I could, and I know it meant a lot to a lot of people. The whole story did. But that chapter I’m proud of most of all, because more than anything else I think we should focus on the work it takes to heal.
Stories of healing are interesting and valuable and good and we should have more of them.
8. Second User! I could probably fill a top eight just with scenes from Second User. I really had so much fun writing it. Second User is the kind of fic I write where I barely care about my audience and I do it all for me, lol. And I just really, really love writing the horror of nightmares - no blood, no gore, just the surreal terror your mind makes.
There was a way out of this. She tugged on a wrist-thick cord, weaving her hands through the tangled mess and dragging the binding to her mouth. Her lip curled back, teeth bared, and she snapped around the bitter rope.
Everything was pain.
Not in her body, but in her heart, her mind. She was a child on the beach, a ruined ship jutting up from the sand - the aftermath to a battle she never got to see. Steven was gone, hiding, done with her for the first time. The world had turned scary and he was the protector and she was the protected and the split in their worlds loomed below her feet like a canyon.
Her eyes burned and she tried to breathe, but her throat and mouth were full. She coughed, gasped, and oak leaves scraped across her tongue on their way out into the air.
The cord sat, half severed by her teeth in her hands, and it bled green acid. It flowed over her mouth, across her hands, dripped slowly down her arms with a sizzling pain she couldn’t feel. The tangy scent of scorched wild mustard filled her nose.
“Hurts, doesn’t it?” her own voice asked coldly.
She tried to speak, but no sound would come. The acid was thick like blood, coating her tongue and teeth and lips and hands, and she had nothing to heal it away. She swallowed the poison and felt the thickness creep along her throat to her belly, and revulsion and disgust nearly brought it back up.
Also at the end that i kinda wanted to say Listen All Night Long but, like... I also feel like it was so much more of a collab and such a big reason I loved it so much is because of Kerry’s beautiful designs, and working with her to create something cool. I don’t know if it was my best work, but I know that the stuff we made together was really great! And it was so much fun to have quippy, silly prose throughout too. So special category for collabing with suffering on that one, because i have no idea how to classify it but i fucking loved it.
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Bonus Question Answers! (anime heat 3)
I asked a silly question! You gave me incredible answers. SO VERY MANY INCREDIBLE ANSWERS. If yours is listed below, you’ve earned an entry in a random draw to win a GIFTENING liveblog OF YOUR CHOICE
SURPRISE EVERYONE WHO ANSWERED THIS ONE GETS AN ENTRY (with extra entry if you pulled a specific line). This has been such a struggle for me for the past ... you know, million years or something, and each of you made me feel so good, thank you. ♥
Q: This is reaching back into the memory a bit, I know, but what's your favourite of my fanfic? (BONUS BONUS ENTRY if you pull a specific line!)
* i cannot remember a specific line off the top of my head but i remember the post-S series dealing with usagi's trauma from pharaoh 90 (sound of silence?) was a gut punch and a half -- anewconstellation
* "Blue shirt. Pearl buttons." I think this was the first time I read you writing the Outers, particularly Neptune and Uranus, and, uh, holy shit. Absolutely note-perfect dialogue and dynamic, particularly for that period of Sailor Moon S when Michiru and Haruka used intimacy of speech and gesture as an instrument of distancing and obfuscation (of their goals to the Inners, of their hearts to themselves and to each other, of the heli-pad to the staff at Mugen Academy, etc). It was so clear, and so clearly *them* that I could actually hear the intonations of their respective seiyuu. And then to deploy such spot-on character elements in combination with the stakes and the maturity the anime never reached for, my WORD, are you trying to kill me??? The pacing, the restraint! What an absolute gift. You're a wonder. (also your drabbles are fuckin peerless, and the BTL concept is such a clever series framework) -- @rasiqra-revulva
* This was so hard to pick from, but I finally settled on "Cause and Affect" - it's such a heartbreaking story, but the juxtaposition between the clinical lines of information from the computer to the memories Ami is dealing with to the horror of the visuals around her... it's so bright and sharp and PRESENT. It keeps me in the story, that mix of tones and feelings. And the final line? Perfection. "Number of regrets: none" What an amazing take on Ami and how she processes information and how she deals with the situation she is in. I still get chills up my back when I read the story. -- @amberlilly
* I love your Between the Lines series, it's how I found your Tumblr and liveblogs back in the day -- @amboato
* Author Alert. “So never, ever, going to live this down.” -- @crunchbuttsteak
* "Of her word" quote "But for all that, it remained sand. Rei erased it with one swipe." -- Dei
* Between The Lines. Adding further character/emotional depth to canon is YES PLZ. I really liked the whole idea of Usagi having trauma post-Pharaoh 90 and all the chapters that hit on that. On a less serious note Chibs' circus-related PTSD and freaking out when Hotaru wants to go to the circus kills me every time. ("But your precious dreams Hotaru-chan!") -- forgottenfae
* This is probably the obvious choice, but "The Sounds of The Silence" has haunted me in all the best ways since I first read it. The way you write Rei, Usagi, and Rei and Usagi hits me right in the heart every time. This particular fic, with Usagi so traumatized, and Rei being as soft and gentle as Usagi needs, will always stick with me. I pulled up the fic to try and narrow down a single line, and ultimately there's no real debate. "She would never stop trying to do more, but for now, she simply did this." That line is, at its core, the essence of Rei Hino. And it is perfection. -- gatorsandglitter
* I don't expect this to win at all, just sharing,, but I just super fondly remembered the goggles and all the amazing content, meta, and fic those inspired, both from you and others -- @goosebytrade
* "You Win or You Die" my favorite line is "She and Rei WOULD have The Moment, they WOULD get their thousand years of bliss, and they WOULD be making out after all this was over. Like, SO HARD." -- @i-needa-nap-please
* I'm always really bad at answering questions like this because my mind has pretty much become a goldfish in my old age and I have a hard time remembering specific fics; it all sort of starts to jumble up in my brain and things get lost. But I have always loved reading your writing, it's what got me onto this godforsaken website in the first place -- it was just before Crystal dropped, and we were all foolishly full of hope and excitement, and you were going through the Moon Pride video and waxing poetic about the FRIENDSHIPS and I was like, "YES! Finally! Someone who understands why I love this stupid kids' show!" I think I sent you an ask saying this before, (but who knows if you ever got it, Tumblrs being what they are - indifferent) but I tried reading fanfic and even published novels based on properties, like the Buffy novels and Star Trek and Star Wars novels, for a long time, and mostly found it frustrating and annoying and just... wrong. It always had this awkwardness and clunkiness to it that didn't do anything for me and just constantly screamed "THIS IS A FANFIC IT IS NOT REAL WRITING" at me. Didn't like it. But, I liked yours. Yours didn't feel awkward or clunky. You have never written any sentences like, "Rei watched the blonde stand up" where "the blonde" is Minako, and I don't know why fanfic writers think that calling characters "the blonde" or "the redhead" or whatever is sexy or cute but it ain't (sorry, pet peeve tangent). So, when you were writing stuff more, I would read it like it was going out of style, and you led me to Doc's writing, which had the same natural, "this is real writing" quality, and I loved hers, too. Anyway, my favorites of yours have always been the Between the Lines stuff. I just love the "hidden" moments that we didn't get to see. The Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead bits of Sailor Moon (speaking of fanfic that actually works) that bring so much depth to characters we know and love already or to characters we see only briefly. Also, the Shadow Senshi, because FUCK. Just... Kill Me. In any event, I know that writing has been difficult for you of late, and I know how that feels, so I hope that people who are actually able to answer this question have given you some places to go and draw strength from so that it can become part of your life again. TBH, I've been using the bonus questions on your Giftening surveys and Doc's 8 Days surveys as an excuse to try doing some small bits of quick, no pressure, nobody's gonna see it unless you or Doc actually LIKE it, don't think about it writing, and it has been helpful. I hope you can find something that gives you the same opportunity. Now that I've written you a novel that doesn't even answer the question you asked (goldfish, remember? *sigh*), have a gorgeous Tuesday! -- @incorrecttact
* The one with Pluto and Queen Serenity, where Serenity is selfish in a very Usagi way, but her arrogance combined with that selfishness makes it a fatal flaw? I liked that one a lot. -- Jules
* the bit you wrote to 'fill in' a gap for why during r did mamoru act like a distant jerk. My favourite parts were Rei coming to see the same dream, and despite being the one to have the biggest reason to believe in these kinds of prophetic visions, Rei still doesn't believe fate is set in stone. -- just... a fan. a well-baked one
* Make It To New Year's -- @kaleidodreams
* ahhh, where is a link to all of your fanfic? It's the series you started after S, with Rei comforting Usagi, because like you I was let down by the fact that they never followed up on what Usagi saw, or even how she dealt, with the end of S. runner up: the one where Usagi is about to give birth because everything you write with Rei and Usagi is amazing. -- kari
* There was a drabble/draft/something that you used one of my prompts for, and I prompted you with Usagi and Rei, but you did it from Luna's perspective and THAT WAS SO UNEXPECTED and it turned out SO GOOD cause like!!!!!! You made Sailor Moon both someone Luna cares for, because still the legacy of the moon, and someone utterly discouraging for her because *this should not be*, and wow what a way to make it both about Usagi herself and about her powers. -- katrani
* I love the btl fics, they fill in the missing gaps, add depth to the story, and sometimes smooth over things (SuperS) when canon is just...blah. One line I really liked was: “I was listening, at first, but then I started thinking about how hungry I was, and how a pork bun would be really good right now, and then I wondered what makes a thing a bun, and like, if you put ANYTHING in a bun, does it become a Thing-Bun, so could you make a bun out of another bun and would it be a Bun Bun, and wouldn’t that be the greatest thing to– Rei?” It's a great run-on, stream of thought sentence that just really catches Usagi's voice, is hilarious, and such a natural progression. -- @kumeko
* “HUG,” Usagi demanded again, because dammit, she’d been promised a hug and SOMEONE was going to deliver. (The one where Michiru has the hiccups. Because it's fun HaruMichi stuff, because it weaponises Usagi in a useful way, because it manages to (gently) make fun of both perfect!Michiru and saint!Usagi without being mean to either character, and also because I get hiccups a lot and I haaaaate them.) -- nerdy-flutterings
* I can't remember a specific fic, but I LOVE your Shadow Senshi headcanons and they're the main reason I started writing my own Shadow Senshi stories. -- @notesfromtheidiotbox
* The Figuarts saga is the Sailor Moon fic I never knew I needed -- Raye
* Special Delivery is a delight. So much Rei Certainty (that ends up being misplaced). So much Usagi being The Most Usagi About Pregnancy. So much Comedic Hijinks, because why the hell WOULDN’T ‘the Senshi get blindsided when Usagi goes into labor’ end up going full screwball? There’s a lot of great lines there (Rei’s theory about Chibs taking control of the Gate of Time and manipulating things is fantastic, as is the ending,) but my favorite is definitely “Rei Hino if I give birth to my daughter on the side of the road I swear I will go back in time and tear all the pages out of your favorite coloring book! [...] I’ll break the crayons too, Rei-chan!” Delightfully specific and childish, especially since Usagi sticks with it, and that particular brand of comic specificity is definitely a highlight of yours. -- Regalli
* Fire on Mountain!!! When I got to “Her voice was deeper than most expected when facing the certainty of her. It was rough, sandpaper running over cherry. She’d been a singer, once. Nobody would have believed her.” I was like oh. OH! -- Sasha
* My favorite of your fanfic, one one of the first I read is 'Hard to Break'. And my absolute favorite line is Usagi's panic when Minako tries to smoke: "Minako who was almost certainly dying, the cigarette had spread its evil and killed her instantly oh god." -- @shavedjudomonkey
* Tonight Ami would grieve, and wish she understood why.' This Between the Lines about Ami getting her mini computer both haunts me and brings tears to my eyes. -- @shonasof
* I can't remember the title, but it's the one where Minako realizes that Rei's been writing Sailor V fanfic under the name Red Bow -- Somariel
* You would think Mako-chan's Happy Ending, but nope, this one goes to Hard to Break (although I had to look up the exact name.) This thing is filled with such great lines. How am I supposed to pick out one? "[Watch out, boys,]" Minako said in smooth and entirely unnecessary English. "[Lady Super Cool is on the prowl.]" -- Ultrace
* I forget the title, but it's the 'last senshi standing' fic where Ami is reflecting on the battle that took the others from her. Detatched and cold as she analyzes Rei Minako and Mako and finally Usagi's death with a medical efficiency, going through her Visors readout and then reflecting that the clinical words were nothing compared to what she'd actually seen. following up the method of death of the senshi with a statistic in relation to her friendship with the girl. Number of milkshakes shared, number of conversations lasting well into the night, number of hugs, number of smiles that brightened the darkest of moods. Describing how Rei's heart was pulped in a monster's grip, Minako's once beautiful face smashed against the rocks, Mako's lightning that outlived its mistress as she and Usagi ran off, and then finally that one last attempt to protect Usagi failing as 'Cervical Fracture' flashes on her visor. And From there she just... accepts death. sitting beside where Usagi had fallen and waiting for the end. it's dark af but it's the first one that always comes to mind when i think about ur fics :> -- Vega
* I am extremely predictable here with two of my choices, as you know that I am obsessed with Fire on the Mountain and Blue Shirt, two things you wrote when you "definitely couldn't write" (Sidenote: My new year's resolution is to be harder on your about writing) We all know why I love blue shirt, it's basically an underhand pitch to the face for me, but Fire on the Mountain has a quality of regret and longing that I really connected with, something that really struck me in a way that was powerful. It's different from a lot of your inners work, and I think about Mina posing as Rei, in her disguise magic in the woods, and all the reasons why, fairly often. Something that MAY come as a surprise to you, is I really wish we got more ofyour overwatch stuff, and maybe I'll just keep asking for this for my birthday for the rest of our natural lives, but I think of like, the one you wrote on 7/14/20, with Pharah longing to have a man to shoot in the face because that would be easier than the emotions around whatever's going on with her, and I'm utterly tantalized. And I loved that hurt/comfort you wrote for me, where Pharah had this single minded drive to find out what had happened to Angela, and Tracer's trying to, well, comfort her, on some level, and the way you described Pharah's "animal cry" was FANTASTIC, and as always I am deeply jealous of your Tracer voice and IF YOU WOULD WRITE IT MORE IT WOULD HELP ME. -- WRITE, BITCH.
* The one were Hotaru confronted Michiru and Haruka about how they had tried to kill her in order to stop the Silence. Such a good little moment =w= -- zorrito
* Chosen. I like your Overwatch stuff but Chosen was a goddamn masterpiece.
* Operation: Heart Angels. Senshi going after Mamoru for his bullshit was something I didn't know I needed.
* The entirety of Beggars Would Ride, including every single line of Anya's dialogue.
I’ll be drawing for the bonus liveblog around the start of THE GIFTENING 2020 (currently looking to be Monday, 11 January 2021). Each bonus question is another chance to earn an entry! I CAN ABSOLUTELY AND SHAMELESSLY BE BOUGHT.
#THE GIFTENING 2020#THE GIFTENING 2020 admin stuff#THE GIFTENING 2020 bonus q#in which jw gets a fuzzy#jw writes stuff
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Valentines Day Fic: Slow Hands
Written by @the-mad-starker and @still-lovelygarnet for @castronomicaaal in @starker-valentines! We hope you enjoy the fic and know that we're so grateful for your help and patience.
Mads: We teamed up thinking we can get this prompt out fast! Instead, we pulled a purely Mads and Garnet move and ended up doubling the word count. Woops! But it's worth it. We had a lot of fun writing this.
Garnet: As always, writing with Mads is too much fun to stop. This is a Valentine's gift for the amazing Castro, but it also was for me too, since writing it made me beyond happy. Happy Valentine's day ❤️
Notes: established relationship, first time, fluff, safe sex, Valentine's Date
WC: 11.290
(AO3 Link)
Tony loved kissing Peter and the thought of doing more sent an almost terrifying thrill rushing through him. He would do everything in his power to make Peter feel as loved as Tony felt.
"It's a date then, sweetheart," Tony confirmed, "Dinner with the most handsome man in the world and then after… Whatever you want, baby. I'll make it happen just to see a smile on your face."
Tony had an entire theater system on one of the floors in the tower. And yet, here he was in the privacy of his own penthouse, watching Wall-E on his big-screen TV.
The reason for this was the young man curled up in his arms. They had just finished a long day in the lab, several hours of shop talk, upgrades being planned then put into motion.
Put into words, six hours sounded way too long for a lab session but for Tony, the time had really flown.
He had never met anyone quite like Peter and yes, people could argue that they were very much alike. Both geniuses in their own right and both striving for the good of the world.
Well, Tony strived. He was pretty sure that Peter was just good incarnate but that was an argument for another day.
The point was, Peter was his reason for doing a lot of things. And if his boyfriend wanted to watch Wall-E just because Tony hadn't seen it before, then they'd watch Wall-E even if his arm was going slightly numb from Peter laying on it.
It was still a bit chilly during February so a nice, thick blanket kept the warmth trapped between them. Tony shifted a bit to get some of the blood circulating but then resettled his arm so it curled around Peter's waist. Problem solved.
"This is actually pretty… cute," Tony remarked. "You know, we can probably build our own version of Wall-E. Dumm-E and U would be ecstatic about having a little brother. And FRIDAY and Karen could be big sisters."
The young man next to him remained unresponsive for a short while. Big brown eyes were glued on the huge screen, yet looks were quite deceiving since his thoughts were focused elsewhere.
"Hm?" Peter's eyebrows climbed up a little as he finally came back to the present.
A smile spread across his soft lips upon realizing Tony's entertaining proposition. Even more than that, Peter was delighted that his boyfriend was enjoying the movie he had picked.
It was easy for him to draw out the parallels between Wall-E and himself and, of course, EVE and Tony.
The man was the definition of amazing, he was brighter than the sky's brightest star. A hero to all. To Peter. And way, way more than that.
"Glad you like it," His smile curved wider, perfectly white teeth flashing with his grin. "Getting all kinds of ideas, are you?" Peter's eagerness for Tony's creative projects was painfully obvious, always had been.
This time he was distracted, however.
Valentine's was only a few days away and they hadn't spoken a word about it. Maybe Tony didn't like that stuff. Maybe he was busy. But Peter, being the hopeless romantic that he was, was sweating bullets over it.
They had been on dates before, sure they had. But this date… this date would be different.
Nervously, he cleared his throat before attempting to go on.
"Uhm… What about EVE, though? Can we make her, too? I think Wall-E would be… lonely without her."
Instead of a facepalm, he let his eyes slip shut for a moment too long. Was he really trying to talk his way to a Valentine's date with Tony like this?
Real smooth, Peter. Real smooth.
"We could–" Again, he had to clear his throat since it was getting so dry from the nervousness. "We could… brainstorm about it. On… Friday?"
His eyes darted back to Tony.
His effort at being nonchalant and discreet only made the layers behind Peter's words exceedingly apparent.
Tony hummed at the thought, mind already whirling with possible schematics and cozy little workshop dates. It wasn't unusual at all for the pair to have multiple lab days. Maybe they wouldn't go so hard at it on Friday since today was rather long.
He could take them out to eat, somewhere a bit private so people wouldn't sneak pictures of them. It was the least he could do considering what he had planned for Valentine's Day–
Wait. Valentine's Day. When was that again?
It was on… Friday.
The older man had at least ten different reminders for the things he needed to do. Double, triple check his reservation. Make sure his gifts were still ready to go. So many things but then…
Tony brushed aside a stray curl as he considered.
Was Peter hinting at just staying in for Valentine's Day? It wasn't Tony's original plan but he could roll with it.
"We can if that's what you wanna do on Valentine's Day," Tony mused. "Don't wanna do anything special? Maybe a candlelit dinner, a breathtaking view of the city… We can talk about making Wall-E and EVE there, too."
Peter's eyes grew from wide to wider as he listened to Tony speak, ears perked up, fully engaged antennas. With his breath caught somewhere in his throat, Peter was certain that if he tried to answer only an excited squeal would come out.
The older man shifted a bit so that he could look Peter in the eye. He was surprised to find the normally giddy man looking anxious. Another thought crossed his mind.
"Wait– Did I not ask you about going to dinner with me on Valentine's Day?" It was with a startling sense of mortification that Tony realized he did exactly that.
They had been together for almost a year, just shy a couple months actually. And Tony… Tony, the futurist, Tony the person who tended to go overboard and plan things way ahead, had made reservations for Valentine's Day six months in advance.
The only problem was, he had forgotten to clue Peter in on it.
Heat had crept up on Peter's cheeks when he finally managed to shake his head at the man. His eyes were still big and his lips agape. And then, slowly, the corners of his mouth turned up to form a perfect smile; a smile full of delight, of fuzzy feelings that had his heart skipping a beat and his belly fill with butterflies.
"I want that!" He erupted, glowing with excitement, "A-a… a candlelit dinner!"
Taken by surprise, Peter pushed himself against Tony until the man laid flat on the couch and he, on top of him.
"I can't believe you forgot to tell me!" His chest vibrated with joyful laughter even though the tone of his voice resembled a whine.
Tony was surprised by the strength of his reaction. The boy had gone from shy and a bit cautious to being a ball of energy.
It was no wonder though if Tony had made such a blunder.
He smiled sheepishly at his boyfriend, pushing himself up so that Peter straddled his hips.
"Sorry, kiddo," Tony said. He cupped Peter's cheeks and leaned in to gently kiss his forehead. When he pulled back, he joked, "Can't even blame my old age for this one, I've always been like this. Skipping to part 8 without checking in on part 1, 2, 3."
He wanted to do better though, needed to do better because his actions had caused Peter some anxiety.
Peter looked back at the man of his dreams. His sparkling eyes roamed freely along the beautiful, breathtaking features that he adored.
His heart struck gaze paused here and there, on the deep wrinkles that formed close to Tony's eyes, on the grey hairs of his beard and mustache… On his soft, desirable lips.
"I, uhm…" Peter was clearly lost, captivated by the man before him. His eyelids fell a bit as the color of his cheeks deepened. "I was thinking… maybe afterward, we could come back here."
This time, Peter's voice was quiet. Too quiet. Full of significance that was too much for the young man to phrase.
With that, Peter's gaze fled to look at his fingers that fidgeted with the small buttons of Tony's shirt, close to his collar.
"I was thinking… maybe we could spend the night together." He meant more than he was saying, trusting in the flickering hope that Tony understood that.
With his bottom lip caught under his teeth, Peter peeked at the man again to catch his reaction.
There was no denying just exactly what Peter meant by those words. And with the younger man pressed against him, it was a temptation unlike any other.
Tony had to close his eyes and take in a deep breath. His initial reaction was to shout for joy, to tumble Peter onto his back and kiss him. Give kiss after kiss after kiss until they were both breathless from it.
When he opened his eyes, the desire was there but he kept himself under control.
This was a serious matter and even though such talk usually made his skin crawl, the last thing Tony wanted was to fuck up what they had. He didn't want Peter to have any regrets.
"I would want to," Tony said, first and foremost. There was no way he'd let Peter think he didn't want him in any shape or form. "But we don't have to, baby. Just because it's Valentine's Day… We don't have to do that. I'd be happy if you just wanted to do this… You can sleep in my arms, just let me hold you at night and that'll be more than enough for me."
This… Just being together. Laughing. Talking. building amazing things together. Watching silly and heartfelt movies about robots.
Peter nodded; a gentle gesture, despite the fact that his heart was pounding so loudly that he wondered if Tony could hear it.
They had been together for almost a year, Peter was well past the age of consent and yet… they hadn't been intimate past a certain point. It was not because Peter didn't want to, but perhaps, there had never been the right place for it, the right time.
Or perhaps, he was too nervous. Intimacy was a complicated thing, even a kiss was enough to overwhelm Peter.
But Tony had been so patient. Never pushing for more, he always took care of him.
"I know," Peter replied softly, as he cuddled closer. He rested his chin on Tony's shoulder and his fingers caressed the nape of the man's neck, rubbing a little rougher into the skin.
"But I… I want this," he whispered and his lips touched just under Tony's ear. "I'm ready."
Was he? A deep, aching desire surely told him as much, but his heart pounded frantically at the very thought. It was almost frustrating that Tony could be so patient and composed when his own body was going haywire.
But at the same time, this calmness, this control, was what drew Peter in. What ultimately lulled the craziness and made him feel safe.
Tony's arms tightened around Peter's waist and his hand came up to stroke through his thick curls of hair.
"Leave it up to me," Tony told him sincerely. "I'll take care of you, baby. We can go as slow or as fast as you need."
He gently nuzzled against the other's face, then turned so their lips could brush together softly. It was far from their first kiss but it was still just as sweet, just as exciting. Just as addicting.
Tony loved kissing Peter and the thought of doing more sent an almost terrifying thrill rushing through him. He would do everything in his power to make Peter feel as loved as Tony felt.
"It's a date then, sweetheart," Tony confirmed, "Dinner with the most handsome man in the world and then after… Whatever you want, baby. I'll make it happen just to see a smile on your face."
As if to make Tony's wish come true, a smile spread across Peter's lips. Those tender words, those touches they shared were so deeply treasured. Powerful enough to soothe away all worries.
"You are not the most handsome man in the world," he liked to counter Tony's jests about vanity.
Looking deep into his eyes, with his own, overly honest, he answered with a smirk.
"You're the most handsome in the universe, in all the universes."
Peter left another chaste kiss on Tony's lips, soft and sweet, making it known that he meant every word.
At that, Tony let out a truly genuine laugh.
Then he did exactly as his desires urged him to. He tumbled Peter onto his back, almost losing balance himself. With his boyfriend vulnerable and laid out beneath him, Tony leaned close and– booped him on the nose.
"I was talking about you, underoos," Tony chuckled. "But if you're happy to share the title, I'd be more than happy to take it up."
A bit startled, Peter looked up at him with dewy-eyed innocence. It didn't take long for him to catch up, though, and soon he was smiling widely, blushing warmly at the man above.
There it was again, his hammering heartbeat. Tony's weight on top of him sent every inch of his body in overdrive. His lower half had no quarrels, no ounce of hesitation or regard over his embarrassment. In a second, his pants were becoming tight and uncomfortable.
"Yeah…" Peter answered hazily, brown eyes focused on Tony's lips in a silent plea.
Another soft, gentle kiss followed, then Tony smiled and sat up.
"I'll get us some more snacks. Rewind the movie a bit? Gotta finish it if we wanna be serious about building our own."
He'd brave the cold for more snacks and maybe the chill would help cool off some of his growing desires. With that, Tony got up but he made sure to keep the blanket tucked around the younger man.
Peter was thankful for it, as he sat up too, following Tony around with his adoring gaze. Thankful because the tent in his jeans was still successfully hidden.
He squeezed a pillow into his arms to release some of the tension. Raging hormones were very often the reason these hugs had to be cut short. But Tony never embarrassed him for it.
"Don't be long," the young man waved a hand while still trying to calm down. "Or I might come looking."
He gestured with his chin, and once Tony left, allowed his lungs to empty the heavy, love struck sigh that he had been keeping in since the start of the movie.
Tony's laughter could be heard from the kitchen but he returned quickly enough with a refilled bowl of popcorn. He kissed Peter's temple and passed him the bowl.
He rejoined him under the blanket and casually laid his arm behind the other's shoulder.
"You keep making threats like that and you'll see where it gets you," Tony grinned, then he turned back to the movie. "Okay, Friday, baby, hit that play button."
He had so many plans in motion leading up to Valentine's Day. He could only hope those plans weren't overkill, but as far as he was concerned, Valentine's Day was the perfect excuse to shower Peter with love.
Tony had always been a generous person and towards those he kept close to his heart, that meant he'd shower them with gifts.
Holidays like birthdays, Valentine's Day, and Christmas were all excuses to do so. Truthfully though, he didn't need a holiday to show his appreciation. If he saw something that made him think of them, he'd buy it. If he thought up of something he could build, he'd build it.
It was that simple.
Peter was different though. No matter how many thoughts were crowding in his head, how many plans or schematics pulling themselves together in his mind, Peter Parker was there in the center of it all.
Tony had a plan for Valentine's Day and the last few days leading to it were very much included in them.
He sent roses. Not just the traditional red, but pinks and whites, yellows… Basically, a whole rainbow of roses. Each one had a note, handwritten personally by Tony and reminding Peter just what he adored about him. His smile, his laughter, his sharp, brilliant mind. Even just the way he pouted or grumbled when things didn't go exactly as planned.
Tony loved it all.
He sent chocolates and treats. Made sure Peter and May had nice breakfasts waiting for them in the morning. And during lunch, when Peter was studying or getting out of class, Tony would drop by and spend time with him.
One of those evenings, Tony took Peter to get a nice suit. It wasn't the first time Tony did it since there were plenty of events the Avengers had to attend, but this was more personal.
This was just for them.
Tony guided Peter through the process and together, they picked out a nice form fitting suit for their date. The look in his eyes was more than enough to convince anyone that Tony Stark was well and truly gone over this man.
And after, he took Peter out on the town. Nothing too fancy and nothing too exhausting. Their big day was on Friday so these were just small little things that Tony did to ease the building anticipation they both felt.
Thursday night, he dropped Peter off at the apartment. The suit had been tailored and ready for use. Tony may have helped to choose it, but he hadn't seen Peter wear it yet.
"Get some rest, sweetheart," Tony said. "I'll pick you up tomorrow, okay?"
Peter was glowing, a glow that many chased after in their life but only few were lucky enough to achieve. It spoke of things too dear for words, of having everything when his young heart was only in need of Tony.
That's what Tony was, his everything.
"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow, boss." Peter grinned at his own little tease, and reached for the handle but stopped.
His eyes darted back, gravitated towards Tony. Playful and full of admiration, they said those three words that the two had shared plenty of times. Yet it was not enough, it would never be.
He watched the man go down the few stairs and before it was too late, Peter ran after him.
"Hey, you forgot something!" He called out to attract Tony's attention. As the older man turned, he was met with a sweet kiss on the lips.
"I love you," Peter whispered gently into it and just as quickly stormed back up the stairs, grinning to himself so widely that his cheeks were hurting.
That same night Peter was too excited to sleep. His palm rested on his chest that raced while he stared up at the dark ceiling. It was still decorated with little stars from when he was younger. When going to space was still a dream and nothing more.
He laid there for hours but it felt as if it was minutes. Tony held all his thoughts captive, their date and… what would follow.
Despite getting little sleep, Peter's youth gave him enough freshness the next day. He couldn't keep still through the morning and afternoon, and when it was still far too early he started getting dressed.
The suit was a marvel. A beautiful cream color that they had picked out together, its fabric one of the most expensive and finest in New York.
And yet, in some mind blowing way, while wearing it Peter managed to make it look like clothes hanging on a hanger.
"Oh no…" he palmed his cheeks while checking himself out in the mirror. "No, no, no…" The reflection stared back at him, full of rising doubts.
A clown, that's what he looked like. The resemblance was uncanny and Peter would rather hide in his room than let Tony see him this way.
Just then, when he was about to shed the jacket of the suit, his aunt came through the door.
"Oh my!" She gasped with a smile that stretched from ear to ear.
"Nonono, don't say a word," Peter rushed to object, but his aunt had other plans.
She circled around and adjusted the suit on his shoulders. It fit like a glove - she could see it even if Peter's eyes refused to do so.
"You look stunning, dear. We just need to push your hair back… look at that," Without waiting for his permission her fingers work his curls back to give him a more sophisticated look.
A scoff pushed up Peter's lungs, but he gave in a little. "I just… I need everything to be perfect." he sighed, "Tony deserves perfect."
"Then he's lucky to have you, don't you think?" May smiled warmly and rubbed Peter's tense shoulders. "Are you sure there isn't something else that is bothering you, dear?"
They both knew she could read him like an open book, yet Peter shook his head. "Thanks," he answered quietly, a way for him to ask for his privacy back.
Once alone, Peter rubbed his sweaty fingers together, he was so excited that his blood raced, pumped full of adrenaline. The time was getting nearer and anticipation grew greater and greater inside his heart.
But, what if nothing worked out as planned? What if aliens came down and ruined their dinner! What if… what if he was a disaster in bed? Was it really a good idea? Was it really the right time?
The doubts were like a storm of crows and not before long, Peter was taking the jacket off again. Convinced of how absurd it looked, he left it on the bed.
His eyes caught glimpse of the photo he had printed, Tony and him, in their superhero suits, posing for a selfie. It was strategically attached on the headboard of his bed, near his pillow.
Warmth flooded his chest and without even knowing it, a smile shone on his face.
There was a knock on the door, the sound pushed him right out of his daydream.
"–Said I'm good, thanks!" Peter shouted to be heard, presumably talking to his aunt but he wasn't.
The door opened and Tony took a step forward before stopping dead in his tracks.
His lovely Peter was unaware of his arrival so he was able to drink his fill without feeling too embarrassed over his gawking.
In the shop, the color and material of the suit had caught both their eyes. Tony knew right away that it would be perfect for the younger man but Peter hadn't been so sure, despite looking at it with such longing.
Looking at him now, Tony was in a daze, stunned by how absolutely gorgeous his boyfriend looked. He managed to pull himself together and save his reputation.
In an attempt to look casual, he leaned against the door, a lazy but appreciative smile on his face.
"You look stunning, Pete," Tony complimented him. "My only regret now… is that everyone at the restaurant will get to see just how handsome you look. But I can't complain, can I? Nope, not, at all. This is me not complaining because… because I'm just so damn lucky you chose to be with me."
At the sound of this beloved, familiar voice, Peter turned back around with a surprised expression. A word was about to come out his lips but it got choked back into his throat.
Tony was breathtaking. Literally.
"H-hey, hey, hi. When… w-when did you get here?" Peter stumbled through the sentence.
The clumsiness was a unique quality of his, but Tony only found it endearing and entirely adorable. The older man gave a teasing smile, cocking his head and pairing it with a casual shrug.
"Just now," he admitted, "just in time to get the best view in the house."
Tony's compliments sank in after the young man blinked hastily for a short while to take in the heart stopping, smoldering hot looks of his date.
A blush heated his cheeks and Peter pushed a stray lock behind his ear.
"Thanks," he managed a polite response now that finally his brain was mostly back in working order.
Peter strolled forward to get closer.
"You don't look too bad yourself," he teased in return and quickly glanced behind Tony's back to make sure May was nowhere to be seen.
Satisfied, he took yet another step and pushed himself up to plant a kiss on Tony's lips.
Kissing Peter was as natural as breathing and Tony found it hard to pull away. His arm slipped around the younger man's waist, more than happy to have this sweet kiss linger.
Almost reluctantly, he pulled away.
"Just need one thing, then I can spend the whole night romancing and wooing you."
Tony gave him a cheeky wink before he went to retrieve the jacket. He held it up towards the younger man to help him put it on.
Peter's eyes moved from Tony to the jacket and back again. In some extraordinary way, the man put all his worries to rest. All insecure thoughts were silenced, leaving behind rosy cheeks and a beautiful smile.
He extended his arms and twisted his body accordingly so that the sleeves could slip back on. Firm and experienced hands straightened his jacket down the middle, leaving the few buttons open to show off the delicate, flowery pattern that adorned the inner lining.
"Consider me ready to be wooed," Peter said with eagerness aplenty while looking up, deep within the other's eyes.
Out of both need and habit, he caught Tony's hand to intertwine their fingers together. Hopefully, he wouldn't notice how sweaty his palms were.
The older man gave him a warm smile and before they set off on their date, Tony brought their clasped hands up. He pressed a tender kiss over the younger man's knuckles. The look in his brown eyes was just as earnest, full of sincerity and wonder.
"Plan has been set in motion," Tony said teasingly. "Be prepared, I'll knock your socks off."
Tony kept the mood light while always making sure there was a smile on Peter's face.
The dinner was… perfect. Not perfect in the sense that everything went according to plan, but perfect in that whatever problems they bumped into, they both overcame it.
Tony had insisted on driving them into the city. He had wanted the date to have a personal touch and he knew his boyfriend was still a bit self-conscious about being driven around. A limo wasn't exactly the most low key ride ever, and he liked the idea of personally driving them.
Their reservation for the dinner had been entered incorrectly. It was set an hour after they arrived and the staff had been nervous about upsetting the great Tony Stark.
It was Valentine's Day though, and while the restaurant was packed with dining customers, Tony didn't want to ruin the mood.
They spent the hour away at the bar, their two heads leaning together, murmuring casual conversation like secrets. Peter's brown eyes were mesmerizing in the dim light, seeming to glow with pleasure.
The hour went by quickly, lost in soft chatter and casual touches. They had appetizers to soften their appetite. A drink or two accompanied the food, the amount of alcohol way below their limit but just enough that the world softened around them.
By the time their table was ready, Tony almost suggested they go back to his penthouse right then and there. But seeing the beautiful smile on Peter's face, Tony made himself wait.
He had promised his boyfriend a candlelit dinner and even though he was sure Peter was well and properly wooed, he wouldn't stop there.
The candlelit dinner was a success and it was the best memory both would ever have. The picture taken then would be one of the favorites that Tony would ever come to possess.
The city was lit up in all its colorful glory in the background. Peter was rosy cheeked from Tony's sweet whispers, a shy but pleased smile on his face. And Tony had such a goofy but genuine smile that stretched from ear to ear. His face was slightly tilted, parted lips brushing against Peter's curls.
It was them, Peter and Tony, immortalized forever in digital data as the loving and silly couple they were.
Tony loved it.
And when they arrived back at the penthouse, Tony's scarf was curled around Peter's neck. It was damn freezing for February and just that small gesture showed how he truly cared for his boyfriend.
He slipped an arm around Peter's trim waist, tucking him close to his side as they rode the elevator up.
"Thank you for this," Tony couldn't help but express, "For… For being with me. Here. For talking sense into me all those months ago."
He kissed the top of Peter's head.
"I don't know where I'd be without you, kiddo," Tony murmured.
Tilting up, Peter's eyebrows showed a bit of surprise. Yet the young man's eyes were soft with adoration over this man that made all of his dreams come true.
Throughout the night he had been smiling so wide and so often that his cheeks were hurting. A small price to pay for happiness. Led by Tony's careful planning, by his calm and controlled demeanor, nothing could have possibly ruined their date. Not even aliens.
All that worrying had been a waste of time. Or, well, there was still something left to do. Something that Peter was looking forward to since the very start of their relationship. Before that, even.
He nodded, a wicked gleam playing in his big brown eyes.
"You're welcome," Peter couldn't keep a straight face and scrunched up his nose while fighting back a grin. Finally, he shook his head, curls bouncing around with the movement.
"No, I thank you, for everything you've done for me… and for tonight. It's… it's the best night of my life." The lingering traces of humor faded entirely from his face as he looked up at the older man with silent longing.
Peter held a tissue in his hands and for the duration of the elevator ride, he was twisting it around and around, essentially shredding it to pieces by the time they arrived at the penthouse.
With Tony's palm gently touching him over his lower back, the young man stepped forward. He had been here before countless times, yet there was nervousness in his step as if he was entering a place unfamiliar.
This was finally it. His heart swelled and pounded, close to erupting. Waiting one more minute would be a minute too long, so Peter twisted around to grip Tony's hand with his own that was cold and sweaty at the same time.
The lights of the city created a glowing mist outside the huge windows of the living room, behind Peter's dark form that pulled Tony in.
"Tony…" he let out with a wanton little tone and caught his lips for an urgent kiss.
The kiss took Tony by surprise but he had wanted to kiss and touch Peter all night. The sudden urgency was what caught him off guard but he rolled with it.
It was the easiest thing for Tony to wrap his arms around the younger man. Even easier to kiss those soft lips he'd been glancing at throughout the night.
It would've been so easy to forget himself and just take and take… Let his desires run rampant and truly lose control.
But this was Peter, the love of his life.
Tony took control of the kiss. His fingers slipped into those wild curls he loved so much and with a tilt of his head, slowed the kiss to a much slower but sensual pace. When he pulled back, they were both breathless with pounding hearts.
He stroked a thumb over Peter's lips and cupped his face as he looked into his eyes.
"No rush, sweetheart," Tony said softly. "C'mon, as much as I loved seeing you in this suit, let's get you outta these, hmm?"
Tony led him into the bedroom and as he did, he loosened his tie and let it hang casually around his neck. Once inside, he turned towards Peter and let his eyes really take him in.
His Peter was so handsome. So breathtaking.
Tony couldn't help but get close again, backing him up until the door pressed against his back. He stole more kisses, hungry with increasing desire. Each one still maintained that slow, passionate pace, a buildup for what was to come.
Peter kissed back, still getting impatient from time to time, but Tony's touches didn't let things get out of hand. He was thankful that his partner took control, there was safety in it.
With his back against the door, he gripped the man's loose tie to drag it down just slightly so that their lips would stay connected. Their combined hasty breaths melted into one another.
Gradually, with the efforts of two sets of hands, Peter's jacket was coming off, slipping down his built yet slender arms to touch the floor.
The lights were on but dim, and Peter could see the way Tony was looking back at him, with the same unapologetic desire.
Next, his shaky hands tugged at Tony's jacket, a roll of the man's shoulders helped to shrug it off. Peter gasped softly into the kiss as the anticipation rose inside him to the point that it was making him dizzy.
"I want you, Tony," he whispered even though they both knew it.
The heat of his body had already skyrocketed, his pants had gotten tight.
"You got me, sweetheart," Tony replied in between kisses. "All yours–" Another kiss, another hungry sound. "–as long as you want me…"
"I don't… I don't want to wait anymore," Peter's voice was nothing more than a whisper. If it was just a little bit louder, it would break.
Tony didn't want to wait either, but he didn't want to rush either. It was becoming harder by the minute to continue this slow pace, but he wanted this moment to last. He wanted to watch the pleasure fill those honey brown eyes and catalog all the different sounds his Peter made for him.
"Here–" Tony slipped a muscled thigh between Peter's legs and pressed it right against the hard outline he felt earlier.
At the same time, his hands slipped from Peter's waist down to that sinful ass he'd been teased with for the better part of the year. He gave it a nice squeeze, satisfaction bubbling from deep within when it pulled a shocked, but delighted gasp from the younger man.
He massaged it and soft groans reverberated against Peter's mouth as he used his grasp to pull their bodies tight.
His own cock was half hard in his pants, undeniable proof of just how badly Tony wanted him.
"Just like this," Tony murmured, voice dropping low with want. "Let me feel you, just like this…"
Peter always got like this, even when they were doing nothing but kissing. Having his senses dialed up to eleven all the time came with consequences, it messed with his libido. Tony messed with his libido, he was to blame just the same.
"Ah…" his fingers dug deep into the man's button-up shirt, fabric wrinkling under blunt fingernails.
Slow and sensually, their bodies moved together. Tony's thigh gave him enough friction for his eyes to squeeze shut in pleasure, for his own hips to spring into motion without concern or shame.
"That's it, baby," Tony groaned, warm breath ghosting along the sensitive skin. "Just like that… God, you're so gorgeous like this… Wanna make you feel good, Pete."
Tony's touches and hot whispers led him on. A curse was about to break free from Peter's lips but it got swallowed down. A little more and his feet were barely touching the ground.
Silent whimpers met Tony's skin, as Peter bared down, pressing so hard against him while his tight body shuddered over and over again.
"I'm sorry- I'm so sorry-" Peter gasped before it was even over, muscles trembling still with the intensity of his climax.
Regret, he felt so much regret, he didn't mean to ruin it. Panting, he kept his forehead pressed against Tony's shoulder, the only available hiding place at the moment.
Tony knew what it meant the moment he felt Peter shudder and fall apart against him. Why did that turn him on so much?
He felt even more fever hot than before. It was the knowledge that he had given Peter pleasure that had done it.
To stop the litany of apologies, Tony kissed him again. Even if Peter came, his cock was still hard, still pressed against the other's thigh.
"You're beautiful when you come," Tony told him with a soft groan. "Don't be sorry, I love seeing you fall apart for me. This isn't the end, baby, unless you want it to be?"
The last bit was asked sincerely, no pout or even a hint of teasing.
A frantic shake of Peter's head was all that he got as a first response. The young man clung onto him, refusing to let go.
Tony nosed along Peter's jawline, just breathing in the scent of his skin.
"We can take a nice bath, soak in the hot tub and clean up," Tony suggested just in case Peter was done for the night. Then because he wanted to remind Peter that he was perfectly fine with whatever pace he wanted. "Maybe we can watch another movie and cuddle up on the couch?"
"No, no, please no," Peter used words now. The last thing he wanted was for this to end.
He still felt so hot but that was not important. Tony… He was right there before him. After this amazing night, he had to have more of him.
The man that embodied all his hopes and dreams was right there, he only had to reach out and touch him.
"I want to keep going… Want to… feel you." Peter panted, flushed still while his hands slid down the man's shirt, over the muscles of his chest and stomach.
"Can I?" With his head tilted down, he turned his wanting gaze back up to find Tony's.
Tony nuzzled against his jaw and then pressed a kiss to his panting mouth.
"You can do anything you want," Tony allowed, "but let's clean you up first."
He led the younger man to the bed. His hands slid to the front of Peter's body, pausing only for a moment until he got the green light to unbuckle his belt. He helped him step out of his clothes and kissed each available stretch of skin.
His shoulders, his collarbones, his hip bone. His knee. They all received a kiss.
Then when it was his turn, Tony stood and asked, "Do you want to, or should I…?"
An audible little gulp came from Peter's throat while he knelt on the bed, all naked, staring at Tony. The faint lighting cast soft shadows on both their bodies, illuminating them with an orange glow.
"I–" Peter's voice broke, too much excitement rushing through his veins. So much, in fact, that his spent member was once again taking an interest.
"I want to do it," He was already shuffling closer to the edge of the bed to reach him.
There was something so intimate about undressing another person. Tony felt a thrill at the thought that he'd get to experience this with Peter.
He stepped closer and let his hands drop so that Peter could take over.
One last time, Peter looked up at him to get his permission, before all his attention turned to what was in front of him.
His curled fingers reached out, hesitant yet eager at the same time. The suit jacket was long gone, but the tie slid off of Tony's shoulders with a soft hiss. The button-up was removed next, each button slipped carefully from its place.
Tony had long since gotten over any form of body shyness. He knew he was desired by many, but under Peter's gaze, he felt a small fissure of doubt.
Peter was fit and in the prime of his life. So beautifully sculpted and hard panes of lean muscle. Tony's body had been through a lot and the number of scars was a testament to that. The years had also started to take a toll and while he still had defined muscles from all his hard work, they weren't as defined as that of his boyfriend's.
His shoulders tensed the tiniest bit when the shirt was pushed open, conscious of the little bit of fat that had formed around his middle. Stubborn thing, human bodies, but Tony kept his eyes on Peter's face and found only curiosity and wonder as he explored.
Tony's shoulders relaxed and his eyes slipped halfway shut in pleasure, happy to know he was giving Peter what he needed.
There was no force strong enough in this world that could stop Peter from exploring Tony's lower half.
Slowly, he rubbed over the bulge, he couldn't make out much like this and his imagination ran wild. He had felt Tony's erection before, seemed to be big, bigger than him.
The sound of the zipper was almost as loud as Peter's hammering heart in the quiet of the bedroom. Dark underwear was revealed underneath, the shape and size of Tony's cock was even more defined.
Peter touched him, focused and biting his lip so damn hard that it was turning crimson. Fondling him over the fabric, he didn't make a peep until he gripped the waistband of Tony's underwear.
"I… I'll just…" Peter mumbled, looking back up again for a split second. His cock was fully erect between his pressed close thighs, a pearl of precum glistening at the very top of his tip.
"Go on, sweetheart," Tony encouraged.
He was using every bit of his will to stop himself from chucking his pants right off. It felt as though their roles were reversed and Tony was the one eager for things to progress. A slow, deep breath helped calm those rioting emotions.
"It feels good when you touch me," he said reassuringly. He then leaned down and kissed him, something he felt he needed to do.
His pants slipped down his legs and pooled to the floor. His underwear was the last thing left and he was leaving it to Peter to remove.
Carefully, the young man pulled it all the way down, letting Tony's cock spring free. Peter must have stopped breathing as he took in the shape of him, it was so gorgeous. Full of defined veins that trailed down the shaft to the finely trimmed dark hairs that climbed up Tony's belly.
Gaping, Peter blinked slowly, so slowly and so half-heartedly that his big brown eyes were never really fully concealed behind his eyelids.
"I'm gonna join you in the bed now, okay?"
"Mm? Mhm," Peter muttered a response as his thoughts got back in gear.
Tony enjoyed the slow tease of having Peter's hands on him but he couldn't help wanting to return the touches as well. He wanted to entangle himself in the other's embrace and enjoy Peter's sweet mouth in his.
With a nod, the young man shuffled aside so that Tony could climb up in the bed with him. As soon as he did so, Peter pulled him in to feel his lips.
Tony moaned at the contact, freely showing the pleasure he got from this simple act. He leaned in, one knee on the bed to help him balance as he chased after Peter's lips.
"I take it back…" Peter let his murmur into the kiss, "You're not the most handsome man alive, you're… no man at all," It was embarrassing to say that stuff but Peter's need was so great that he didn't care for Tony's likely teases.
The blush that warmed his cheeks was steadily spreading down his neck and up to the tip of his ears.
"You're unreal, Tony, it's not fair, not fair," he let himself go, pinned under Tony's weight, legs spread apart.
There was nothing between them, no clothes, no underwear. Bare skin rubbed over bare skin, exciting them both. Before he got too excited, Peter pressed his soles into the mattress and pulled them closer to his body.
"I'm ready, I want this, please," Even as he said that, his heated frame was shivering under Tony, a testament to Peter's unbearable impatience.
Tony kissed him softly and ran his hand up and down Peter's side. His fingertips slipped over the bumps of his ribs, up and down, in a soothing caress.
"Soon, baby," Tony promised him. He kissed him once more before he reached into the bedside for the lube and condoms before falling back into Peter's embrace. "Still gotta get you ready."
"Ever done this, baby? Even just during some solo time?" Tony asked, just so he would know how to pace himself.
He still wanted to be careful, still wanted to take his time, but Peter's answer would help him figure out what his young lover was familiar with.
With a shake of his head, Peter gave him a silent answer. For reasons foretold, Peter never had the need to stimulate himself more than, well, a little. This was his first time with another man but also, his first time exploring the great pleasures his body could provide.
Peter kept his eyes on Tony, never leaving him, not for a second. Theoretically, he knew what was about to happen, so he shuffled back on the bed to lay back down with a couple of pillows nudged between him and the headboard.
"I'm- I'm really clean, you, uhm, don't need to worry about that," he mumbled, clearly referring to the nether regions with which Tony was about to play.
Peter's heart couldn't wait.
His legs were quivering as he forced them apart.
Tony had no doubt that Peter was telling the truth. He, himself, had been very meticulous in grooming himself for their date tonight. Beard trimmer, hair styled perfectly, even though now it was ruffled from Peter's touch.
With the bottle of lube on standby, Tony really looked at his soon to be lover and noticed how nervous he was. It was understandable. His brave and courageous boyfriend found it so easy to throw himself in the face of danger in their everyday lives as a superhero, but this was different.
He was trusting Tony with his heart and his body.
Tony got on his knees and settled himself between his beloved's legs. Leaning over the younger man, he took the time to kiss him soundly, one hand caressing up and down his side in a soothing manner.
The heat between their bodies was enough to make him melt and his hard cock rubbed against Peter's erection. With one large hand, he was able to encompass them both, giving slow, almost teasing strokes.
"I'll take care of you, sweetheart," Tony promised. "It may feel a bit uncomfortable but it shouldn't hurt. You tell me right away if you need me to slow down or you want to stop, okay, baby?"
Quick nods came in confirmation. Peter's eyebrows were already pinched together, his lip sucked in while pleasure erupted through his lower half. Already, his fingers wrinkled the sheets and they were nowhere near getting started. Or so Peter's inexperience declared, unaware that even now, he was amidst making love with his one and only.
Tony's hips started to thrust, slowly and sensually, their cocks rubbing together. He got a bit of lube to slick their lengths and with a soft groan, Tony started to move against his lover.
"Want you to relax for me," Tony whispered against his gasping mouth. "Just wanna make you feel good again, Peter. Let me?"
He could tease and work Peter up all night if this was all Peter wanted. Just seeing the pleasure transform the younger man's face into a look of pure ecstasy was more than enough to have Tony feeling on edge.
How did he get so lucky to have this man in his life?
Peter's head pushed back into the pillows as his lips parted, letting out gasp after gasp.
"Tony… Tony…" he chanted, wound up to the fullest under the older man. "I'm getting close again," he let out breathlessly and peeked up at Tony with a hint of desperation.
Features shaped by pleasure, forehead shiny with sweat, Peter couldn't deny himself the sight of his cock pressing against Tony's.
"Oh… ah… I'll relax, I will, I want it," Words pushed out of his lungs with difficulty as he was doing anything but relaxing.
Tony slowed down, attentive to Peter's needs.
"Too much? Not enough?" Tony prompted. "Tell me what you need and I'll give it to you."
"You! I want you!" Peter had no answers other than the obvious. Swept up by desire, the world around him, around the both of them, had seized existing.
It was too much and yet not enough. Was it ever going to be enough?
Tony trailed kisses down Peter's jaw and nuzzled beneath his ear. His beard scratched against Peter's skin, leaving faint lines of pink in its wake.
His tongue peeked out, licking teasingly as he headed his way down to the younger man's collarbone. He released his hold on their erections as slippery fingers trailed down between Peter's legs over his hard cock and past his soft testicles. Tony gently rubbed against his lover's untouched hole, slicking it with lube.
"Breathe, Pete," Tony instructed, "Not gonna push in yet, but I need you to breathe for me. The more relaxed you are, the better."
He nuzzled against him once more then kissed the excited ticking of his pulse right at his throat.
"Bear down for me and it'll be easier…" Tony murmured, still circling… massaging… just letting his lover get used to the feeling of being touched there.
It was good. Peter mewled at the cold lube but before long, it warmed up, drawing heat from Tony's hot fingers and Peter's sizzling skin.
The tightness in his belly eased, encouraged by Tony's whispers that were leading him through this carefully. Peter felt kept, adored. He felt atop the highest mountain peak.
Under his arms, Peter's hands dove to grip around Tony's back. Right into his shoulder blades, his fingers rubbed red lines.
And he kept on breathing as Tony instructed, in and out, slowly. A perfect contrast to the pounding of his young heart. Another breath and ah–
"Tony," he called out into his loved one's lips. "It's good, feels good, doesn't hurt. Is it… is it good for you too?" Whispers full of need came, accompanied by cut off little breaths and a hopeful smile.
"Yeah, baby," Tony promised him, "you're making me feel so good right now… Feels like heaven when I'm with you."
One more circle before Tony decided to continue on.
"Gonna put a finger in, okay, sweetheart? Just bear down for me and breathe just like you're doing now," Tony told him before he nudged his fingertip inside.
With lube, it slid in nice and slick. He felt it the moment Peter's body clenched down, a natural response. So he waited, just letting Peter adjust to this new sensation.
"Does it feel okay, Peter?" Tony asked, nuzzling against his sweat damp curls. "You're doing so well for me, baby, doing so good already…"
For a moment, Peter laid there, surprised by the weird sensation. He nodded to ensure that Tony didn't pull back, yet soon after, shook his head as well, for nicely convoluted conclusions.
"It's weird," Peter admitted with a gasp, but Tony's murmurs reassured him once more, helped him relax just enough to not clamp down on the man's finger.
"Feels tight," Even as he said that, the feeling was already shifting. His tight rim adjusted around the digit, allowing for it to sink in further.
Rapid breaths followed, and Peter didn't need to speak for Tony to know he was starting to… like it. A gentle nudge of the young man's hips sought to push down, to take more of his finger until the tightness returned.
Then Peter's belly clenched all over again, his loose grip flexed.
"I didn't think… it would feel like this…" he even managed to spare a little laugh while drowning in Tony's kisses. Just as quickly, the humor drained from his eyes that looked up at the man pleadingly.
Tony smiled into the kiss. He didn't want to deny him, but he didn't want to rush him either.
He gave him more, anyway. More friction, more sensation. Carefully, he started to pump his finger in and out, attentive to every minute change in Peter's expression.
It also filled him with awe to see the way the younger man's face flushed and grew lax with pleasure.
"So good…" Tony continued to praise him.
Once he was confident that Peter was ready to move on, he slipped his lone finger out, added some more lube, and then pressed two digits inside.
It was a time consuming effort but it was worth it. More than that, it was necessary because Tony wanted this to be perfect for Peter. It was almost a desperate desire, his need to make sure his young lover would look back on this time and just know how much he meant to Tony.
Sex was supposed to feel good. Body shyness and maybe some weirdness because it was new, but Peter was supposed to feel good about this. Everything Tony was doing was for him.
Two fingers became three and here, Tony had to pause. They had worked up to it, but it was still a lot. He could tell from the little crease that appeared between Peter's brows.
"Still good, sweetheart?" Tony asked.
He tipped the younger man's face towards his, brushing aside sweat damp curls and smoothing away the troubled line.
"I- I can't anymore, Tony, I can't anymore," Breathless and desperate, Peter's voice was rendered thick with his protests.
The words were almost like a splash of cold water. Tony was ready to fly off the mattress, about to do anything to make his boyfriend comfortable again.
But the worry faded as he realized the words meant something else. His tense shoulders relaxed and he slipped his fingers out of Peter's slick and loosened entrance.
The slow and careful process had tipped the young man's impatience into its breaking point. Rationally, it was what was best for him and for what was going to follow. But there was no sliver of logical thinking left in him.
He wanted Tony, he wanted him now. He yearned for him with such untamable passion that ache was a welcome trade off if it meant he could feel him sink inside.
"Please, I don't want to wait anymore, I'm ready, please," he begged in Tony's ear.
As much as Tony would rather prepare him for another thirty minutes, there was just no waiting for that long.
"I want to feel you, I want us… to become one," Peter's words come from deep within, from the most sacred place in his heart.
Tony couldn't deny him anymore. If anything, he'd take it nice and slow for him in the beginning and adjust to the situation. His own cock throbbed between his legs, an ache he had successfully ignored until now.
"We already are, Pete," Tony told him, but he still gave the younger man a grin.
He knew that Peter might retaliate for this. The careful preparation wasn't intended as teasing on Tony's part but he wouldn't blame his younger lover for seeing it that way.
He leaned in close, kissing him hard, before he pulled away.
"You know I can't say no to anything you want," Tony smiled, "And… and I admit, I was torturing myself there too. You're so handsome and perfect, Pete. It was like torture touching you like that, knowing we both wanted more…"
He retrieved the condom, effortlessly tearing a corner to open the package. Slick with lube, he pinched the tip before he rolled the condom down the length of his cock. A quick, measured stroke made sure it was properly slicked with lubrication and then he turned back towards his lover.
It felt so natural to slip between his legs and it felt so good to rub against him.
Tony's hands ran over his thighs and legs, hooking behind his knees and leading them around his hips.
"You want it like this?" He murmured against Peter's mouth. "Or you can ride me if you want. Let you control how much you take in."
He gave in to the desire to rub against him. His hips gave languid little rolls, providing the perfect amount of friction to tease his cock along Peter's erection and balls.
"Like this–" Peter whispered with no breath to spare. "Just like this."
Lips brushed over lips, chasing kiss after kiss.
There was silence, and then there was this, a moment of frozen time before an irrevocable change. It was the culmination of all their moments, all the happiness, all the sadness, all the emotions that ranged in between. But it wasn't an end, it was just the beginning.
Two hearts thumping hard and fast, triumphantly and yet with hints of despair. Perched at the very precipice of completion.
The sound of breaths that could never hope to suffice accompanied them.
"This is perfect," He needed Tony to be the one leading the action, because he knew, he would soon get lost in it.
Tony took just a moment longer as he memorized Peter's features. His curls were spread out on the pillow like a halo and his mouth parted, inviting. The warmth between their bodies and the warmth of their love… It truly was perfect.
Tony pressed closer, urged on by Peter's hungry hands and his trembling smile. He sealed his lips over his lover's as he nudged his hips closer. The tip of his cock nudged in as well, slipping slowly but surely into Peter's body.
Tony's name climbed all the way to his lips from the bottom of Peter's lungs as they emptied, but it didn't make it out. Dull ache stretched inside him, the same tightness and burn he had felt earlier only greater.
Yet, this was barely a fraction of what he was feeling. The discomfort was so closely intertwined with the surge of pleasure that he thought them to be one and the same.
Tony, his Tony… The fling that had turned into a firestorm through the years of watching him from afar, was finally allowed to combust.
With little noises and whimpers resembling too close the sounds he made during an orgasm, Peter clung on, toes curling mid air to release some of the tension.
Tony made sure not to rush. Even with his body's base instincts pushing for more, for faster, his muscles obeyed his mind as he took his time. He paused about midway, breathing coming out in shallow pants.
Tight heat surrounded the length of his cock and he paused, seeking reassurance from the younger man beneath him. Another soft kiss was pressed to the corner of Peter's lips.
"This okay?" Tony murmured as he rubbed some warmth into Peter's raised thighs.
"Yes- yes-" Peter gasped as sweat dribbled down his body. He nodded, words just weren't persuasive enough. They were coming out too desperate.
Tony breathed out some of the tension he felt. He could see it though, just how much Peter was feeling. The way his dark lashes fluttered told Tony that the experience was just on the right side of overwhelming.
He nuzzled close, hiding a silent groan against Peter's neck. Even though Tony was the more experienced one, being with Peter was just as overwhelming for him. Because… because he loved his funny, smart, and drop-dead gorgeous boyfriend.
He loved him and they were just… so good together. The next words that came out of Peter's mouth told him just how in sync they were.
"I love you, Tony, I love you," Peter's words came out like a prayer, whispered just between the two of them.
Tony erased those few inches that separated them and kissed him soundly. Peter's words rang in his mind, filled with the weight of his love.
His hand curved around Peter's cheek and he locked eyes with the younger man. Brown met brown, two souls connecting in body and soul.
"Love you, Pete," Tony told him, "Love you so much, baby… so much…"
Peter was so pliant and inviting beneath him. His lips were soft and sweet, and his arms, strong and assuring.
Tony moved with soft, gentle rocking motions, still mindful of how novel this experience was for Peter. He basked in the warmth of his body, all the while murmuring how Peter was so good and so perfect for him. A million words fell from his lips to describe the handsome brave young man he was so lucky to call his.
Just as he was Peter's.
Soon, Peter was able to take all of him and Tony groaned at the tightness that surrounded him. He still wouldn't let it fog his mind and he continued his work. It was a process but he found all those sensitive places inside of Peter that made the younger man's breath hitch and his toes curl in pleasure.
The strange sensation within Peter's body was swiftly shifting into something else. He thought it had been good this far, but the more Tony moved, the more gratifying the feeling became. Pleasure obtained so many layers.
Soon, his eyes were flying open, his mouth stretched apart as a rush of heat flooded his belly.
"Ah…! Tony…!" There was safety in knowing Tony's actions were deliberate. The man knew what he was doing to him, easily leading him up to that high and holding him there.
Tony moaned when he felt Peter tighten around him. He pushed back in, just like that, to stroke that sweet spot that rewarded him with such encouraging moans.
"There, baby?" Tony chuckled, eyes hooded with satisfaction.
"There-! It feels… so good!" The gleam of tears in his eyes never gathered enough room to grow and quickly dried.
"Mm…" Tony grunted and did it again and again.
The pleasure was clearly written on Peter's face and the older man hungered to do more, to give him more. The bed shook as he increased his pace, adding just a bit more force as he started to give his lover what he needed.
Sweat dripped from his hairline, cooling heated skin. He tossed his head back, ignoring the sweaty tendrils of hair that clung to his forehead. His focus was entirely on Peter and the way his mouth trembled, shaped into a blissed out 'O' as Tony made love to him.
He could feel Peter's cock pressed between their bellies and with one hand, he reached for it.
"Peter…" he sighed against his mouth, "You feel so good, baby… Wanna make… you feel so good…"
He started to stroke the hard length in sync with his thrusts. The amount of precum Peter was leaking by then was more than enough to slick his entire length. Tony's hand pumped, up and down, up and down, steady with just the right amount of friction to make Peter squeeze his eyes shut as the pleasure doubled, then tripled.
Tony's fingers tightened around his cock and with it, Peter's body clenched uncontrollably. He was seeing stars, squealing for air while his fingers dug into the back of Tony's neck.
Pleasure felt like a torrent, flooding him more and more with every rub Tony gave him, every thrust in his tight hole.
"Tonyy…" The young man keened next to his ear.
Peter had never called out to Tony this way before. Higher in pitch and fueled by an unbearable need, the name ripped from his burning lips when he came.
His cock pulsed in Tony's hand, squirting out spurts of cum even if Peter had come not that long ago. All his senses were consumed with lust and love.
Moans of fulfillment pushed out from his shuddering form. His mind went blank for that split second when he felt Tony pushing in the deepest. Squeezing him the tightest.
Peter needed to look at him. Too heavy to fully open, his eyelids danced softly, eyes made into narrow slits making it possible for him to glimpse at his lover.
Objective accomplished, Tony allowed himself to be fully present in his pleasure. His eyes squeezed shut with the threat of rolling to the back of his head and with lips parted, Tony chased after his own orgasm.
It didn't take much effort. Peter was warm and tight around his aching cock. Every thrust into his lover had Tony groaning harshly and unrestrained.
He could no longer hold himself up, consumed as he was by the need to press close. Peter's heart hammered against his chest, his own heart beating back against his ribcage in an answering call.
His name, spoken by his love, only stroked the flames inside him.
"Pete…" It was exhaled right against Peter's neck, lips brushing softly against sensitive skin.
Tony came with a harsh shudder as he sank in deep. He held Peter close in an almost bruisingly tight grip as he gave his all, emptying into his lover's body with stilted thrusts.
In the aftermath, his eyes opened, dazed for just a moment before they focused on the vision beneath him. Tony smiled and turned them on their sides. The cleanup was quick and efficient, the condom disposed and a spare washcloth used to wipe them down. Once done, he nuzzled against Peter's face, fingers curled in Peter's hair.
"How you feeling…?" Tony murmured. He stroked the edge of a cheekbone, lovingly and full of tenderness.
Next to him, nuzzling in close, so close that his nose was touching Tony's, Peter murmured sweet nothings in response. It was downright impossible to describe how he was feeling but he didn't really have to.
Glistening with sweat, his flushed face was glowing with the most spent, blissed out smile. All his adoration and amazement poured out his sparkling eyes, and after each breath, a little sound of astonishment followed.
"Tony…" he let out and pressed his lips on the other's, pulling back just as quickly to suck in a breath.
Peter was so happy that a small chuckle escaped his lips while he was still unable to answer Tony's simple question.
It took a few moments before he could look him in the eye and say, "Incredible… incredible… When… when can we go again?"
Tony had worried for a moment that it hadn't been what Peter was expecting but those words… The older man chuckled and buried his face in the crook of Peter's neck.
"Nap. Or cuddles, first," Tony demanded with a hint of laughter. "Then… Yeah, maybe we can do more."
He tilted his face to kiss Peter's jaw and then settled in, arms wrapped around the other. He didn't think he'd be able to resist for long, but then again, it wasn't like he wanted to.
"Second thought," Tony said as he sat up. "We can continue this in the shower. If you're feeling up to it?"
Peter grinned widely. His chest and heartbeat were still too rapid from the high that slowly drained away, leaving behind a fuzzy glow.
"No… You're right…" The young man gave in, eyes softening as he playfully tugged Tony back close to him.
"Cuddles first."
"Cuddles first," Tony agreed and kissed Peter's forehead before settling right back where he belonged.
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Always family; John Deacon x teen reader
*Author’s note*
Hello all, I just wanted to share with you all ANOTHER Queen fic. Now this one here is pretty long so I’m sorry not sorry for the longness of this fic but it had to be done. Thought I’d dip my toe into the platonic Queen fics (besides my Rock Angel series) since requests will open up soon. I just want to catch up on all the requests that came to me over Winter break that the anons have been waiting so patiently on before I accept any new ones. So in this fic you the lovely reader are the cousin to this Disco man, but you both act more like brother-sister as you will soon see. Hope you all enjoy this little fic :)
Warnings: Family abandonment (IF THIS TRIGGERS ANYONE PLEASE DON’T STRAIN YOURSELF TO READ IT), angst, swearing, fluff, Paul prenter (Ugh) and the loveable and NASTY QUEENIES :) Enjoy my lovely darlings ;)
*Nov. 1974, Live at the Rainbow*
It was another successful concert at the Rainbow theater. Queen had once again performed a killer performance, and Brian now finally feeling better after his hepatitis scare knew he was ready to get back on stage and he performed his heart out to make up for what he had to miss while in the hospital.
The three main lead vocalists Freddie, Brian and Roger were heading towards their dressing room when they noticed someone sitting outside the door of their dressing room. She appeared to be about 15 possibly 16, had long (h/c) with platinum blonde highlights. She wore a white crop top shirt, black leather jacket, denim blue jeans and high-heeled boots similar to what their bass player always wore.
They also took notice around her neck was a camera and she was also fiddling around with it, instantly knowing exactly how to operate it. Freddie turned to Roger and teased out.
“Look Roger darling, the girl you ordered finally came.” Roger hit Freddie’s shoulder and told him to fuck off while Brian walked up to the girl and asked.
“Excuse me?” She looked up from her camera and they also saw that she was blowing up a bubble from the gum that she had been chewing. She deflated the bubble as Brian said, “Can we help you?”
“Oh sorry I was just waiting for Deacy.” She responded before going back to her camera.
“You know John?” asked Roger.
“Do I know him? Of course I know him he—oh I get it. Typical Deacy, never likes to talk about me to his friends, thinks I’ll embarrass him or something.” She started off before trailing off into a teasing tone. The three Queen members were still confused to just who exactly this young girl was. She then gestured to herself as she continued, “I’m (Y/n) Deacon, Deacy’s cousin.” She then dug into her jean pocket and innocently held out a packet of gum as she said, “Gum?”
*My POV*
Hello people and beyond! The name’s (y/n) Deacon. I was born March 7th, 1959. And before you ask, yes I am related to John Richard Deacon bass player of Queen. He’s my older cousin but if you ask me he’s been more like a brother to me than my cousin.
In fact it was Deacy who got me interested in electrics, so much so that I’ve taken photography classes in school and then once I get into University I hope to major in photography. In fact the camera I always carry with me around my neck, Deacy actually got it for me three years ago on my 13th birthday.
I had heard about his little band from aunt Lillian and of course from my friends. Now that Queen is starting to gain that spotlight of fame, I took the first bus I could in order to check and see if my dear Deacy hadn’t forgotten about me.
I was now sitting on the couch in the guys’ dressing room, Freddie was sitting close to me and I spoke up.
“Okay see that’s where I draw the line with cats, I mean c’mon who would want a hairless cat? It’s like you just turned a cat inside out and said, ‘here’s your new baby’. Plus if you leave it in the winter it’ll turn into a cat-cicle. But if you leave it out in the summer heat then it’ll be a sunburnt naked mole rat.”
“Brian, Roger make note of this that we are keeping this girl because she gets cat logic.” Freddie claimed as he wrapped an arm around me bringing me close in a one armed hug. I smiled and blushed slightly hiding my head bashfully. We soon heard the door open and finally entering inside the dressing room was the Disco man himself.
“Deacy darling you’ve got some serious explaining to do.” Freddie proclaimed as if he were giving a proclamation. Wide-eyed and startled like a deer in headlights he looked between his bandmates and that’s when Brian spoke up.
“Like why you didn’t tell us about your cousin?” I then made myself known by waving to John and telling him hi. Finally taking notice of me, Deacy smiled and came over to me while I met him half way and the two of us hugged each other after not seeing him for a good couple of years now.
“What are you doing here?”
“What you didn’t think I’d miss the opportunity to miss my cousin performing on stage and finally get to see what all the fuss was about, now did yah?” I teased as I playfully shoved him.
“Did my mum drop you off?”
“Well actually I sorta begged her to get me a bus pass here to London.”
“You mean to tell me you came here all by yourself?” he demanded.
“Deaks I’m not a little girl anymore, I can take care of myself.” He sighed and said as he stroked my cheek with his thumb.
“I know you can, you know I just worry about you. Old habits die hard you know?”
“Gosh Deacy, who would’ve thought you were so overprotective? And here I thought you were the docile one.” teased Roger.
“Piss off Roger.” Defended Deacy.
“So (y/n), I’m just looking at these photographs of the concert and they are really good. Did you always want to be a photographer?” Brian said trying to change the conversation.
“Thanks Brian. And to answer your question not always. But I got interested in it at around 10 maybe 11 years old. It just started off taking pictures of the family dog Buddy and some birds, a few family outings but then when I turned 13 that’s when my interest in photography began to rise. In fact Deacy gave me this exact camera and showed me how to work out all the technical stuff with it for my 13th birthday.”
“I must say these are impressive. I would’ve thought a professional would’ve taken these.” Stated Roger as he picked up a photo.
“Aww come on you guys…..”
“No we’re serious (y/n) dear, you’ve got a gift.” Freddie said.
“That’s what I’ve always been telling her.” Said Deacy with a warm smile as he playfully ruffled my hair. I smiled at them and thanked them.
For the rest of the night I got to know the rest of the members of Queen, not just as rock stars, but as my cousin’s best friends. Most people know them as these four handsome young men trying to become famous rockstars, but I got to know their true selves. Brian the smart astrophysicist interested in all things regarding the universe who made his dissertation about stardust.
Roger who is known to most as the ‘heartthrob, womanizing, air-headed and stubborn drummer’ when actually he’s an intelligent person who first started off with dentistry (to which both Deacy and Brian teased him about) but then changed his profession to biology. The first drummer to ever truly tune his drums before playing them.
And of course the front man Freddie Mercury. Most people think he’s always the extravagant person both on and off stage, when in reality he’s just a humble, loving human being who studied design, loves cats and has his insecurities just like everyone else.
I knew from that night that I was going to see these boys not just as my cousin’s friends, but also an extended family.
3 years passed and any chance I got I would visit the boys during holiday breaks or stay with Deacy during the summers. I even got the chance to go with them to Rockfield farm when they recorded “A Night at the Opera” because I was assigned a summer project for my photography class. And when EMI saw my pictures, they actually hired me an internship with them to be the band’s official photographer.
Now that I am done with high school, I’m just waiting for the autumn to start so that I can officially start my University career in photography. The boys have definitely given me good practice for my camera work, doing pictures both on stage and for behind the scenes whether through the tours or them in the studio recording.
They’re rowdy and silly but it’s awesome to see them work and I actually get to see the genius machine that is Queen on how they create their music.
We were currently in the studio and the boys were recording their newest song “We are the Champions”. I was getting the best pictures that I could that the record company was asking for me. Some of the pictures included them in the booth rehearsing, or Freddie along with the sound technician at the sound table messing with the buttons and track, getting it to fit his vision.
Since they were on a strict deadline to get the song recorded, it meant more hours in the studio, hours that not even I could last very long with. I yawned softly when I felt a tap at my shoulder. I looked up to see Deacy standing beside me.
“You ready to head home?” I yawned again and nodded tiredly. “Alright missy, let’s get you home and into bed.” I moaned tiredly and raised my arms out and said.
“Carry me.”
“Are both your legs broken?” he teased. I let out a tired whine.
“You’re mean Deacy.”
“C’mon you get up. I know you can do it.”
“Too tired to get up.” I groaned.
“Then allow me your royal majesty.” I heard Freddie say as I was then picked up princess style and I wrapped my arms around Freddie’s neck. “That better darling?”
“I love you Fred.” I stated bluntly.
“You’re going to spoil her too much Fred.” Deacy said.
“Oh come off it Deacy, she’s a darling and she’s been working so hard she deserves this.”
“Yeah Deacy, I deserve this. Why can’t you be more like Freddie?”
“Because I know when to set limits for you.” I stuck my tongue out at him and then I was carried out of the studio and placed into Deacy’s Volvo. Deacy followed suit and we all bid each other a goodnight and soon Deacy pulled out of the parking lot and drove us back home.
We both entered quietly so that we didn’t wake up either Veronica or baby Bobby. Deacy and I kissed each other goodnight and I went to my guest room and got out of my jeans, didn’t even bother to get out of my shirt and just plopped on my bed and went to sleep.
The next day was like any other day, the guys had just gotten done finishing the final touches to “We are the Champions” and we were all celebrating. Roger uncorked the bottle of wine and poured the guys a drink while I got some non-alcoholic cider, but I knew that Roger would let me sneak in a sip of wine when Deacy wasn’t looking. As we were all gathered around just sharing stories and what not, it was then Paul came in and said.
“Freddie, boys there’s someone here to see you.” Roger and I looked at each other and he muttered.
“Hopefully the police to take him away for being an utter annoyance.” I snickered softly which made Paul glare at me and that’s when he said.
“Come on in Mrs.” And soon walking into the studio was someone I thought I’d never see again. My body tensed up and my heart sunk, it felt like I had gotten punched in the gut and had all the air knocked out of me as a blast from the past came back and stood before this very room.
Her familiar (h/c) now shorter than I remembered but she still kept it the same style, her (e/c) looking right at me. She looked a bit more run down than from what I remembered, probably got involved in drugs since that’s the big thing nowadays.
“Hello (y/n).” She started off. I stood up and just glared at her. “God you’ve—you’ve grown up so fast.” She tried to lighten up the mood. Really? How dare she come back after all these years. In fact how did she find out where I was? I walked out of the room avoiding another glance at her and slammed the door loud behind me.
*John’s POV*
“So…..where are the groceries?” I demanded.
“John please—”
“No, no I really want to know. Because you’re finally here, but I see no groceries.” I stood up and continued as I walked up towards her, “I mean that’s what you said when you dropped her off with mum, your sister. But news flash Katherine. You’re 15 years too late!” I now stood face to face with her, hell I almost lost my composure and wanted to hit her so hard.
“Whoa, whoa Deacy take it easy! Take it easy!” Brian said pulling me away from her.
“Deacy darling you’ve never acted this way before, just who is this woman?”
“Unfortunately she’s my mum’s younger sister. My aunt……”
“(Y/n)’s mother.” She finished.
“No, no, no! You lost that right when you abandoned her that day!” I snapped.
“Deacy calm down, calm down.” Brian said as he placed his hand to my chest trying to get me to calm down, but at this point I knew nothing would.
“Why are you here? How did you even know she’d be here?” I demanded.
“I’ve known how close you both were when you were kids, so I figured that she’d be with you. And when I heard about where Queen does their rehearsals I thought I’d get clearance, thanks to Mr. Prenter, he allowed me to come and see her.”
Bloody hell of course Paul would play a part in this. He’s always hated (y/n) hanging around, talking about her like she was a distraction from the band. Of course (y/n) never took anything lying down.
Much like Roger, hell in fact all her life when she needed and wanted to, she could be a right up trickster. Her pranks were always over the top but brilliantly planned and well executed.
I would know because I was unfortunately a victim to some of those pranks, but then again I also helped form some of those pranks on say like heart-breaking, back-stabbing boyfriends, stab in the back best friends, you know those types of people.
I then left the booth and tried to find (y/n). I searched and searched but I couldn’t find her anywhere, that was until I heard sniffling from the janitor’s closet.
I pressed my ear against the door and I knew without a doubt that (y/n) was behind the door. I lightly knocked on it and she stopped crying and choked out.
“Please go away.” I knew words wouldn’t convince her to come out, so I did the next best thing that always seemed to at least put a smile on her face, even when I couldn’t see it.
I went into the next room and managed to find some paper and a pen and I raced back towards the janitor’s closet and wrote something down on the paper before sliding it under the door.
*My POV*
How could she? How could she suddenly decide to show up after all these years? How the hell did she even find me? I kept crying all alone in the janitor’s closet, having the broom against the handle so that no one could come in. I heard a knock so I just told whoever it was to go away.
I heard footsteps walking away so I figured they got the message, but then I heard footsteps again and then something was tossed underneath the crack of the door. It was a piece of paper. I slowly crawled up halfway out of my spot to grab the sheet of paper and unfolded it to see a very familiar little rhyme.
Oh won’t you come out little Dale.
Don’t you weep and tell me your tale.
Deacy. Whenever I was so upset that I would hide away in either a closet or under the sink, he’d always write me a silly but comforting note that always first opened with those two lines.
Sometimes that was all it took for me to open the door and talk to him, other times we’d just pass notes back and forth between the door until I was ready to come out. Since there wasn’t a writing utensil at all in here, I was forced to remove the broom and slowly open the door.
The first thing I saw his hand being held out for me to take. I slowly reached my hand out from the door and took his hand. He always knew that whenever I got this upset to never push me. I felt his thumb rub and stroke over the top of my hand, his other fingers gently intertwining with my own in various different ways trying to give me the best comfort he could till I finally had the courage to come out.
Finally I opened up the closet.
I immediately hugged Deacy and he hugged me back and I whimpered out.
“I’m sorry I pulled a Roger move.”
“Shhhh. It’s alright my little nightingale. Unlike Roger’s temper tantrum over a strange car song, you have a better excuse. I’m so sorry love I had no idea it would be her.”
“I know you didn’t have anything to do with this. It’s just—”
“No I know. I know. Believe me love, I gave her a piece of my mind after all these years. All for you.”
“Why couldn’t you have been my real brother Deacy?” he softly laughed and said as he stroked through my hair.
“I may be your cousin by blood (n/n). But to me you’ve always been the sister I’ve always wanted. And that’ll never change, you hear me?” he cupped my face into his hands. He wiped my tears as I nodded and hugged him, burying my face into his shoulder. “We’ll get through this together dove, just like we’ve always done.”
Days passed and Deacy made sure that if my mum came anywhere near me trying to start a conversation, either he or the lads would come in and save me with a ‘task’ to do, just to spare me more agony and pain, especially since she kept coming over to the studio every day and was always in the same room as I was in.
However one day when guys all had to record their parts for a new song, I was looking at all my photos when I heard her voice say.
“(Y/n)?” I froze and turned around to see my mum standing there, blocking my only exit. I stood up and said.
“Stay away from me!”
“Please just hear me out, please! Give me 2 minutes.” I looked down at my watch and said.
“1.58” telling her that her time was ticking.
“I know that—I haven’t been the best mother. After your father left us I thought I could do well by you but I guess I was wrong. I never left you because I didn’t love you, I left you because I loved you too much to put you in what I was living under. I could barely keep the mortgage on the house, we would’ve been homeless. I couldn’t do that to you. I thought that by leaving you with my sister, you’d get a better chance. Much more than you could have with me.”
“Then why didn’t you visit me? Why didn’t you call?” I asked as tears filled my eyes.
“I was a mess I—I got into some serious trouble and had to try and work them out. If they found out I had a child, then they’d use you against me. I couldn’t let them do that. But I do have something to show you,” she dug into her purse and pulled out a photograph. She walked up to me and held it out for me. “Look at this picture, just look at it.”
I looked between her and the picture until I finally took it and turned it over and was shocked to see what the picture was.
It was a picture of me at my secondary school decathlon. It was the championship competition and I had gotten the last question correct which made our school the first time in decades win a decathlon.
“You—you were there?”
“Yes, you were always such a clever girl, I knew if anyone could get your school the win it’d be you.” I just stared at her in shock, even though I hadn’t seen her since I was a child, she still was there watching over me. “I—I got more pictures like that in the apartment that I’m stay at, if you’d like you could come over and see them.”
“Really?” she nodded with a soft smile. “And I was also wondering that after you’re done with work, do you—wanna get a drink or something? Coffee? Do you like coffee?”
“I love coffee.” I said.
“Great, I know this one coffee shop in downtown.”
And for the first time, I was starting to slowly reforge a bond with my mother.
As the weeks passed and the two of us got to know each other a little more, hanging out after work, going to the clubs, and going to the mall shopping for clothes. Of course I had to buy them but hell we were using Deacy’s card and he didn’t seem to mind at all. So long as we didn’t go crazy and spend all his hard-earned money at once.
And true to her word, my mum did in fact have pictures of almost all my main important events that have happened in my life. My first swim team competition, my school play freshman year, even my high school graduation.
Every important even, she was there.
One day she had came over to Deacy and Veronica’s place and we were both sitting on the couch. The two of us laughing and looking at all of the photos I’ve taken since I’ve been with the guys, explaining each and every picture.
“There us at Rockfield farm studios, Roger was messing around with the chickens, which I told him not to, then next thing he knew the rooster was chasing after him for over 15 minutes.”
“Wow, I must say these are probably the best taken pictures I’ve seen, you’ve really got a gift.”
“Yeah, Deacy says that all the time.” She sat there silent and she said.
“Hey how do you feel about road trips?” I looked at her and said.
“You’re looking at someone whose toured with the biggest band all over the world. A simple road trip wouldn’t hurt me. You—really mean it? You and me?”
“If you’re interested. Just you and me poppet.”
“I am…..mum.” She smiled and for the first time in a very long time, my mum embraced me. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her and hugged her back.
“We’ll go first thing in the morning.” She told me and I nodded.
*John’s POV*
Seeing (y/n) hugging Kathrine like that made me feel so on edge. In fact this entire time she’s been here I’ve felt this sickening feeling that history was going to repeat itself.
“Deacy?” I turned to see Brian standing behind me. I had invited the lads over for supper and just so that way Katherine would be outnumbered should she try anything.
“If you’re going to tell me to stop spying on them, you might as well leave now.”
“You know—maybe she’s really trying to change. Maybe she did try to come back and patch things up with (y/n).” I turned to him and snarled out.
“She had 15 years to do that, don’t you think if she really cared about her own daughter she’d have come sooner?”
“I know Deacy and I’m not jumping to any conclusions yet but, from what I’ve seen so far. (Y/n) seems to really want to be with her mother. Maybe you could try to let go of the past and see that Katherine is seemingly wanting to change. At least do it for (y/n).”
“Everything I do is for her. I just—I just don’t want to see her get hurt again. For three years when she was first dropped off at my home, she always asked me ‘when’s mummy coming back?’ At the end of the three years by the time I was a teenager I just snapped and told her that she abandoned her. I felt awful in the way I had to explain it, took me over a week to finally get her to talk back to me. And I don’t know what’ll happen if she tries to leave her again.”
“I know mate, I know.” Brian wrapped an arm around me trying to get me to cheer up as I watched with a heavy heart as Katherine and (y/n) were planning out their summer road trip.
It was early the next morning, I woke up to the sounds of Robert getting fussy and felt Veronica stir beside me.
“I’ve got him love.”
“But you took care of him last time.”
“For you my darling, I would always take care of our children if it meant you could still sleep.” I kissed her temple down to her neck before getting up and heading over to Robert’s room. “Alright my boy, what’s going on with you hmm?” I picked him up and he babbled.
“Hungwy dada.” Since Robert couldn’t quite get his R’s right they always sounded like w’s. I smiled and said as I picked him up and held him in my arms.
“Okay buddy, what shall it be today hmm? Cheese on toast?”
“No yucky dada.”
“How dare you! Cheese on toast is a wonderful dish, you take that back mister man.” I teased as I began to tickle his sides making him laugh. He squirmed in my hold and that’s when I saw the silhouette of aunt Katherine walking down the stairs.
I narrowed my eyes and peeked out of Robert’s bedroom door and swore I saw a suitcase in her hand. I told Robert to go over to our room and stay with his mum while I went down to see just exactly she thought she was doing.
I silently walked down the stairs and saw her with the suitcase and she was about to grab her purse when I stopped her and said.
“Going out shopping again, Katherine?” she froze in her spot and turned around towards me and said.
“John I—I didn’t expect to see you up so early; I would’ve thought the tour exhausted you out.”
“Oh it did, but then again when my child needs me I’m always there for them. So where is it to this time?”
“Actually it’s not what you think. Work called in and I’ve got to check in on some things.”
“And what about the big road trip you and (y/n) had planned? Hmm? Were you going to let her in on your business?” I snapped.
“I was actually going to have you tell her for me.” She said. I rolled my eyes and turned away from her shaking my head.
“I knew it.” I muttered.
“Excuse me?”
“You almost had me convinced. Almost I mean you finally convinced (y/n) but not anymore! I knew you could never change. You abandoned her once before and I knew that if you ever came back into her life again, you’d do it all over again!” My voice raising up louder and angrier than I ever thought I could go.
“John?” Veronica soon came down with Robert in her arms and the lads were right behind her as well, probably hearing my yelling.
“Jeez Deaks its barely 7 o’clock, what the hell is with all the yelling?” Questioned Roger.
“Katherine’s leaving (y/n) again.” I stated. They all turned to her and Veronica said.
“Is this true Katherine?”
“And it gets better, she’s wanting me to tell (y/n) the road trip they both planned out together is cancelled instead of telling her herself.” I made sure to point out.
“It’s just business Veronica dear, if you were in my shoes you’d do the same. I promise I’ll keep better in touch this time.”
“Took you 15 years just to get back in touch.” I said. Seeing the look on my wife’s and my friends’ faces they finally got to see what I had seen all those years ago. From what I had told them, now they finally got to see it. Veronica holding our son walked up to her and said.
“Katherine, if you walk out of (y/n)’s life now…..don’t you ever come back.” With that she walked back up the stairs passing the guys. All was silent before I spoke up.
“May I have a moment alone with her?” I could already feel the tension from them. I knew the guys were just as angry as I was because they cared for (y/n) as much as I did, even after knowing her after just 3 years. I heard them walk away until finally it was just Katherine and I in my front hallway. “Sit down.”
“I don’t have time for this John—”
“I said sit down Katherine!” I snapped as I finally turned back towards her and just saw her back as her hand was on the doorknob ready to walk out. She sighed heavily and walked right past me and sat down on the living room couch.
I walked over toward her and sighed heavily and finally spoke my mind.
“You know; (y/n) was doing just fine until you showed up. But now that you’re back, you have responsibility for her.”
“Look I came back for her—”
“Oh bull. BULLSHIT!!” I yelled at her. “(Y/n) is not some purse that you hang up on a rack and then pick her up whenever you’re ready to use it. Her life goes on! She’s not supposed to be there for you, you’re supposed to be there for her!”
“You get off my back! YOU THINK I WANTED THIS?! IT JUST HAPPENED!!!” She yelled at me as she stood up. Her breathing was sharp and heavy as she tried to explain her reasoning, “After Derek left, I tried my best but it was just too much and I—”
“CUT THE RUBBISH! ALRIGHT! CUT IT!! Cause I’ve been there! But I didn’t run out on Veronica. I was there for her every day because that’s what a real parent does.”
“A real parent!? Fine. Then you’re a better father than my good-for-nothing man was. Hell John you must be better than any man in the world must be! The one in a million golden boy!” She cheered sarcastically. I shook my head at her and turned away from her. “Now are you going to tell (y/n) or not?”
“I’m not gonna do your dirty work for you.”
“Fine. I’ll—I’ll call her from the road then.”
“Yeah you do that.”
“I will.” She then walked out and that’s when we both heard (y/n)’s voice call out.
“Mummsy.” Katherine stopped in her tracks as (y/n) stood in front of me setting her bags down as she said, “You ready to head out?” Katherine turned towards (y/n) and put on that fake persona act and said as she walked up towards her.
“(Y/n) love glad I caught you. Umm…..some business came up that I gotta handle, so we’re gonna have to put our—trip on hold. You understand right?” (Y/n) was silent for a moment before she finally said.
“Yeah, yeah I understand.”
“Oh that’s great, I promise you I had no intention of having this come up.”
“No yeah I understand.”
“And it’ll only just be for a couple of weeks….well maybe even longer.”
“I get it, it’s fine. It’s fine.”
“Look I’ll call you next week and we’ll iron out the details then, okay?” (Y/n) nodded.
I could tell from the second she got the news that (y/n) was heartbroken and I feared that she knew Katherine’s real reason for leaving. She tried to pull off an understanding smile and voice but I could hear the cracks in her voice.
“It was great seeing you again poppet.” Katherine said as she reached out to her but (y/n) shrugged her off as she said.
“You too—Katherine.” She spat out her own mother’s name icily as she stared right at her. Katherine knowing that she had lost her only child once more, sighed solemnly and left without another word, turning her back on (y/n) once more.
“I’m sorry love.” I heard a choked out laugh and that’s when (y/n) said.
“No this actually works out perfectly I mean with the tour about to resume I can get back to practicing before University starts and—”
“(N/n), you don’t have to pretend around me. It’s okay to be angry.” I assured her.
“Mad? Why should I be mad Deacy? I mean at least she said goodbye this time, right? Hell at least this time you won’t have to hear me complain ‘when’s mummy coming home?’ I’m not 4 years old anymore, I can handle it. I—just wish I didn’t waste my damn time building this fucking scrapbook!” She then pulled out from her bag a photo album and glued onto the cover was a recent picture of her and Katherine together.
With all the pictures she’s taken over the years, (y/n)’s other hobby included scrapbooking. I saw that it had been completed decorated and detailed, almost like a professional had made it. She set it down on the table and just glared down at it.
I slowly walked up to her but kept to her space because I knew it was only a matter of time before she would break down and I didn’t want to overwhelm her.
“Darling, you know that if there was anything I could do to make this better—”
“No, no, no, no this works out for the best,” she said as she came up to me looking me right in the eye. “I mean it’s her loss anyway I mean I learned how to ride a bike by myself. Yeah sure the boys laughed at me but I got back up and showed them a thing or two about riding didn’t I?”
“Yes you did love bug.” I said with a fond smile remembering that day.
“And there was a hell of a lot of stuff I did without her. I learned how to shave, how to drive, I got over my first crush and date without her, I did prom without her, I had fifteen great birthdays without her! That bitch never even sent me a damn card. TO HELL WITH HER!!!” She turned and screamed at the door.
God she’s always tried to remain so optimistic about life and everything around her. Always tried to remain strong after being abandoned by both parents, she always tried to go on every day with a smile and a laugh but now she was finally letting all that pain out like a dam bursting.
Hearing her sharp breaths and the tremble in her voice just broke my heart.
“I never needed her then, and I’ll never need her now.” She snapped as she walked away. I softly spoke her name as I reached out and touched her arm. That’s when she turned around and said.
“Nah you know what Deacy? I’m gonna get through college without her. I’ll get my dream job without her. I’ll find me a good guy to be with, and then I’m going to have a whole bunch of kids. I’m gonna be a better mother than she ever was because there’s not a fucking thing she can teach me ABOUT HOW TO LOVE A CHILD!!!”
Her eyes were red from the tears pooling in her eyes and her face morphed from pure rage to brokenhearted with a snap of a finger. It was almost like she had de-aged right before my eyes and was back to being that three year old girl that I once held in my arms whenever she cried about her parents.
“Why didn’t they want me?” At this point I couldn’t hold back anymore.
I immediately wrapped my arms around her and held her as close and as tightly as I could as I felt her wet my shoulder with her tears. Her sobs pierced the room as I felt her go limp against me. The two of us slowly collapsed to our knees but not once did I let my grip on her go loose. I kept hold of her as I rubbed her back and whispered words of love and comfort in her ear.
*3rd Person POV*
Unaware that in behind the door that led to the dining room, Freddie, Roger and Brian stayed and overheard the entire conversation. And overhearing their favorite girl break down like this, broke all their hearts. Freddie wiped away his tears that were flooding down his face, almost ready to break down the door and just hug his little camera girl.
Brian who standing behind Freddie had a hand on his shoulder but he too had tears streaming down his face. While Roger who was had pulled up one of the dining room chairs just a couple inches away from Fred, his back turned towards the door.
He was a mix between pure anger and heartbreak. He wa tempted to knock over the china cabinet but also just break down into tears at hearing his partner in crime cry this much. Never had he heard her make those sounds before and it just hurt him to the core.
Back with John and (y/n), she had finally managed to cry herself to sleep. Deacy slowly picked her up bridal style when the guys decided to come into the living room and the second John saw their red, teary eyes, he knew that they had stayed and overheard everything.
“You heard it all I assume?” John asked more as a statement than a question.
“We didn’t mean to impose John.” Said Brian.
“It’s fine, beats having to tell you guys and having her relive that pain and exhausting myself to repeat the same story.” He said as he looked down at his little cousin. Roger came up towards Deacy and stroked (y/n)’s head.
“The poor dear” Freddie said solemnly.
“Guess you were right about her Deacy.” Brian said.
“There will be plenty of time for ‘I told you so’s’ later, right now I should get (y/n) back into her room so she can get the proper rest she needs.” Deacy then took his cousin upstairs and placed her back in her bed.
He tucked her in and brushed away the hair from her face and lightly kissed her forehead before leaving her room to head back downstairs.
As time went on and it was around late afternoon the guys were still hanging around John’s place, agreeing to stay until (y/n) woke up so that the five of them could have a talk. Veronica who was currently walking up the stairs to check up (y/n) muttered to herself.
“Oh I hope she’s okay.” She got to the door and lightly knocked on it and said, “(Y/n), (y/n) love it’s Veronica, may I come in?” She heard nothing. She knocked again and said, “(Y/n)?” when she didn’t get a response, she opened the door to see a shocking sight.
The bedsheets had been turned over and the bedroom window was open, the curtains blowing with the wind.
“Oh no, John!” she cried out as she raced back down the stairs. The boys heard footsteps running down the stairs and when they saw Veronica, the first thing they saw was her frantic state. John immediately went up to his wife holding her arms and said.
“Love calm down, what’s going on?”
“(Y/n)’s is missing.”
“What? What do you mean missing?!” demanded Roger.
“I went to check on her but when I opened the door she wasn’t in her room. The window was open and—” without getting another word, the four bandmates raced up the stairs to see that Veronica was telling the truth. She came up behind them as Deacy and Brian raced towards the window and looked down.
“She must’ve scaled down using the pipes along the house.” Suggested Brian.
“My darlings, her bag is gone.” Freddie stated as he stood by the closet and sure enough the bags that she had used for the upcoming road trip were gone.
“She could be anywhere by now.” Brian said but then I snapped.
“She could be out of the country for all we know because we don’t know how long she’s been gone for!”
“Deacy calm down.” Roger said.
“I swear if anything happens to that girl, I’ll never forgive myself.”
“Don’t worry darling we’ll find her.” Fred assured me as he placed a hand on my shoulder. “We’ll turn London upside down if we have too to find her.”
We then split up into teams. I called my mum first to take care of Robert and watch over him then once she took care of him Veronica and I checked in the square, Fred took the studio, and Brian and Roger took the park.
It was an endless search trying to find her, and I pray to God we find her alive. It would be dark soon and all the freaks and psychopaths love to come out at night.
*3rd Person POV*
It was hours into the search and sunset would soon be near and still no one had found any signs of (y/n). After search the studio, Fred decided to help Brian and Roger in the park while Deacy and Veronica tried the mall, hoping that maybe (y/n) had gone inside since it was getting dark soon.
Fred and Brian teamed up together to search one side of the park while Roger was near by the lake searching on his own. It was then he took notice of something underneath the bridge nearby. He quickly ran towards the bridge and low and behold he had found (y/n).
She was huddled under the bridge, her knees tucked in close to her body sniffling softly. Roger took notice of the tearstains on her face and he felt his heart break once more. He cautiously approached her and knelt down beside her and softly said her name.
*My POV*
I sniffled and felt more tears run down my face. I thought that I had finally found a place to cry in peace without risking anyone coming near me and asking questions when I heard the familiar soft, spoken voice of Roger Taylor say my name. I jumped up but then groaned and turned my back on him.
“Oh god…..”
“You know you really gotta pick your hiding spots. I mean seriously you have no idea how many people could see you—”
“Why are you here Roger?!” I snapped.
“We’ve been scouring the entire town looking for you (n/n). You gave us all quite a scare.” He said. I didn’t respond to him, just scooted as far away from him as I could and put my bag between us giving me that extra space I needed. “You wanna talk?”
“There’s nothing to talk about. My dad never wanted me, my mum never wanted me, nobody ever wants me.”
“That’s not true—”
“Open your eyes Roger!” I snapped at him as I felt a new wave of tears hit me. “All my life I’ve had to hear all my friends telling me what great parents they have. You know my dad fought in Vietnam, my mom’s a real estate’s agent. My parents help support me. Well—both my parents never wanted me! Yeah I had Deacy and aunt Lillian but they are just my cousin and aunt. It’s not the same! My whole life I had to be loved by someone whose not my parent and I hate it! I hate it soo much!” I lowered my head choking on my sobs.
It was then I felt Roger’s arms wrap around me and I felt him place my head over his heart, each beat of his heart trying to soothe my tormented mind. He stroked down my hair and he said.
“Do you remember back on Ridge farm when Brian took us all out to that one area of woods to see the stars? Paul forced himself into the getaway, so to mess with him you filled his bag with rocks and used that lizard you came across to put on his bottle as well as on his head.”
“And then it crawled into his mouth.” I finished.
“Yeah pure stroke of genius.” He chuckled. “(N/n), you may think you’re unloved, but that is absolute bollocks. You are loved. By Deacy, Brian, Fred, me, Veronica, hell even Miami. We all love you, and if anything had happened to you, we wouldn’t know what to do.” He wiped the tearstains away from my cheek with his thumb before lifting my chin up to face him, forcing me to stare into his baby blue eyes. “The only one who doesn’t deserve to be loved and wanted is your mother. Anyone who could play you like that, has no right to be called a parent. You are way out of her league.”
“Then why would she come back pretending to care?” Roger just looked at me sadly and he said.
“I wish I had the right answer. But I can tell you this; you’re sweet, you’re kind, smart, beautiful. You’ve got more sass in one finger than Deacy will ever have in his entire body. And it’s like you said one day in the way off deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep.” I laughed softly as he kept repeating the word deep at least four more times before continuing, “distant future, you’ll become a mother yourself and I know that you’ll be twice the mother than your own was.” He tucked some of my hair behind my ears, revealing them before gently cupping my chin between his thumb and index fingers.
“How is it that a dentist ends up being wiser than both the astrophysicist and electrical engineer?”
“I was never a dentist and you know it.” He said as he playfully squeezed the tip of my nose shaking my head which made me laugh again as I pushed his hand away making him laugh softly. He then leaned forward and placed his forehead against mine.
This was a special little thing that Roger loved to do with me. It was our own secret little comforting mechanism. I was actually the first one to do it to him when he once had a breakdown after a show. He just seemed so peeved about something that the lads almost feared that he’d throw out another telly set. So I took the risk and took his hands in mine and just placed my forehead against his and just held that position till he calmed down.
From then on, whenever one of us was mad or upset, the forehead touch helped bring the other back to Earth. He then wrapped his arms around me giving me his famous bear hugs. His hand stroked down my hair as his head now moved next to mine while my head rested against his shoulder and the two of us sat there for a while in silence.
“C’mon kid, let’s get you home.”
“I don’t think I can.” I muttered sadly.
“Why’s that?”
“Deacy.” I simply answered. Roger separated from me and he said.
“He’s not mad (y/n)…..”
“You don’t get it, you may have seen John Deacon the man who can crumble you down with just two sentences, but you’ve yet to see what happens when he redirects that anger and mixes it with overprotective behavior.”
“Love, he’s been worried sick about you. He needs to know that his little sis is safe. I know I would.” I sighed heavily and said.
“But what if he does get mad?”
“I’ll talk to him. If anyone knows a thing about overreacting it’s me.” I smiled softly and that’s when Rog stood up and held his hand out for me to take.
“You promise to have my back?”
“Partners in crime till the very end. Just like those two cats in that poem you like so much.” I smiled up at him and took his hand and he helped me up as he took my bag over his shoulder and had his free arm wrapped around my shoulder as he guided me back to his car and he drove me back to Deacy and Veronica’s.
*3rd Person POV*
The sun had set about 5 minutes ago and with almost everyone back at John’s place, no one had found her. John who was running his hands through his hair frantic with worry as his wife tried to calm him down.
“Maybe we should call the police.” Suggested Brian.
“No need Brian.” Roger’s voice soon spoke up as he opened the door. Everyone turned to see that the drummer had finally came back.
“And just where were you all this time Roger dear?”
“Bringing back a lost lamb.” He then gestured with his arm and soon walking in cautiously was (y/n). Immediately everyone began crowding around her asking her questions about where she was and why she ran away like that.
Sensing his partner in crime’s nervousness and anxiety he told everyone.
“Guys, guys back it up. Don’t crowd her all at once.” John who merely stood there by the couch in shock to see his cousin alive and well. Roger looked to Deacy and pressed his hand to (y/n)’s back. She looked up at him and he nodded to her and she cautiously walked towards her cousin, like a dog with its tail tucked between its legs.
“Where did you find her?” asked Freddie.
“At the park underneath the Churchill bridge. Poor girl was crying her eyes out.” Roger whispered. Veronica ten decided to allow her husband and (y/n) to have some alone time so she guided the boys into the kitchen for a proper meal after their long search while she called Lilian to tell her that they found (y/n) and that she would pick Robert up in the morning.
(Y/n) stood in front of her cousin. John looked down at her before finally raising his hands to cup both sides of her face to lift her face up so that he could get a good look at her.
“You’re not hurt are you?” he asked. With a shake of her head, Deacy sighed with relief and immediately embraced her before openly weeping into her shoulder. She hugged her cousin back whimpering.
“I’m sorry I ran away. I’m sorry Deacy, I’m sorry.”
“Shhhh, you’re home now. Safe and unharmed and that’s all I care about now. It’ll be okay. We’ll be okay dove.” The two cousins kept hold of each other trying to draw strength from each other knowing that they were going to get by and be okay.
#bohemian rhapsody#bohemian rhapsody movie#bohemian rhapsody x reader#bohemian rhapsody imagines#queen#queen fandom#queen imagine#queen imagines#queen fanfic#queen fanfiction#John Deacon#john deacon x reader#john deacon fluff#joe mazzello!john deacon#joe mazzello!john deacon x reader#roger taylor#brian may#freddie mercury#roger taylor x reader#brian may x reader#freddie mercury x reader#john deacon imagine#john deacon imagines
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and i will always love you ~ chapter 9 {final chapter}
Fic Summary:
“He feels sorry for her. It’s hard not to. Except it doesn’t change the fact that she’s still the child of an eminent politician, using her wealth and status to arm herself in ways that others in her situation couldn’t. Fitz has protected all kinds of people who’ve done the same thing, and every last one has been a complete and utter wanker.”
When an accidental discovery causes nationwide outrage at Dr. Jemma Simmons, Protection Officer Leopold Fitz is the one called upon to be her bodyguard. It starts off as one thing and ends quite another. A bodyguard au.
Chapter Summary:
A chapter that contains: the end
{Read from the start here}
{Read chapter 9 here}
or read chapter 9 below!
It’s awkward at first. There’s no denying that.
It’s reminiscent of the early days when they danced around each other, unsure of where to put their feet. Only now they know where their feet can go and they spend most of their time trying to avoid the places they’re not allowed to dance anymore.
They’re trying though, that’s important. They both try to steer things back to the way they once were; that in-between stage where they hadn’t kissed but they didn’t want to rip each other’s throat out every five seconds. A good stage to rebuild a friendship.
Except of course it’s not that easy. The smiles start off as unconscious but soon his mouth begins to ache and it feels more like a grimace. Spontaneous jokes are sporadic, and others are forced and elicit a laugh only because it would be more uncomfortable not to. The banter is careful and rare; he’s too afraid that a joke may go too far and their carefully constructed bridge will fall apart with him in the middle of it.
Fitz would rather have this than fighting, or at least that’s what he tells himself. He tells himself so much he almost believes it. At least when they were fighting he knew where they stood, but now it’s so confusing and the lines are there, somehow, but they aren’t straight and instead are this ginormous squiggle, a maze that he can’t figure his way out of.
“We don’t have to do this, you know,” he tells her one day. They’re both sitting at their desks. They haven’t spoken in about three hours, which Fitz thinks might be a new record.
Jemma sighs and puts down her pen. “What else do you suggest we do?”
A valid point: what else do they do? There are limited options to choose from.
“I dunno,” is what he says, even though he does.
“Well then this is what we have to do.” Jemma picks up her pen again and leans further over in her chair.
“Well,” he says slowly, drawing it out and giving him time before he has to finish the sentence. “We could always go back?”
“Go back?” Jemma makes a noise in the back of her throat and doesn’t look up at him. “I thought that’s what we were trying to do?”
“No, no, not this.” Fitz waves his hand in the air. “Not this pretend stuff we’ve been doing. No, I mean really go back to the way it was before. No more pretending.”
She looks up at him, an indignant look on her face. “I’m not pretending.”
“Aw come off it, Jemma. We’ve both been pretending. We’ve been pretending that this isn’t awkward, that we’re getting there, but we both know we’re caught in a loop that we’ll never break out of if we don’t try.”
She smiles, a true smile, and he feels his heart jump a little in his chest. “I think you may have a point.”
“We’re overthinking it,” he continues, on a roll now. “And I think we should stop thinking and-”
“-and just do,” she finishes.
“Yeah.” He feels a little breathless, her look at him like this, like he means something to her. It’s a look he thinks he could get used to. “Exactly that.”
“Alright.” She nods her head. “No more pretending.”
He nods, all serious even though he could jump for joy. “I believe we have a deal.”
“You have some good ideas, Fitz,” she tells him. “Only sometimes, of course.”
“Of course,” he says solemnly. “Wouldn’t want to get too big for my boots, now. I’m glad I’ve got you to keep me in the real world.”
She laughs and shakes her head, mumbling under her breath that he’s an idiot, and he knows without a doubt that there has never been a lovelier thing to be called.
They go on a date.
It’s just to the cinema, and to anyone looking it’s just a regular outing for a woman and her bodyguard but to them it’s so much more. He wears nice shirt and trousers, as opposed to the strict black and white attire of his normal work day, and Jemma curls her hair and puts in a pair of sparkly earrings that throw rainbows around the room everytime she laughs.
They hold hands under the cover of darkness and, when Fitz introduces Jemma to the concept of sneaking in their own treats, they have to hold back their laughter as they tease packets of maltesers and minstrels out of their pockets.
It’s silly and it’s fun and it goes a long way to relieving the tension that’s built up between them. For those two hours they aren’t anything other than themselves and it’s so wonderfully refreshing he can’t help but smile.
They don’t kiss but he doesn’t mind. She leans on his chest towards the end, head fitting comfortably under his chin, and he breathes a sigh of contentment.
He loves her so much he feels his heart could burst from it.
She drops the news when he least expects it.
Later he’ll think that he really ought to have known, or at least suspected that something was amiss. Jemma suggested a nice lunch and then a walk through the park after if they had time before they were missed. She picked at her food and drank a lot of her water and seemed eager to get the meal over with. With hindsight it will make sense, but for now he’s lost in the haze of love once again and has trouble seeing anything without the tinge of pink.
“Fitz,” she begins as they stroll though the park. “I have something to tell you.”
It’s a nice day and his face feels pleasantly warm, but her tone and the gravity he hears in there makes his blood run cold. “Alright,” he says slowly, not wanting to go any further but knowing he must. “Is it a good something or a bad something?”
It takes her a moment to respond. “It’s something.”
Oh shite. Oh shite. The last time there was something it didn’t end very well. Why does this always happen to him? Hasn’t he already done his time? Didn’t the car accident already cover it all? It seems he’ll be stuck like this forever, always repenting for some unknown sin.
“Okay.” He swallows, trying not to pay attention to the lump in his throat. “What’s the something?”
“I’ve decided to confess.”
At first, like always, he doesn’t know what she means. Confess what? He didn’t know she was religious. Then: oh. Confess, like the act a criminal might do when the conscience gets too much to bear.
“Wha-why? Why would you want to do that?”
He’s dropped his voice to a whisper, an unconscious thing more than anything else but it comes out as more of a hiss and only serves to make them look suspicious. Jemma throws him a look but keeps on walking, acting like nothing is happening but not very well. Thank God they aren’t spies; they’d be terrible at it.
“I have to, Fitz. I was thinking about what you said-”
“No, let me speak. I was thinking about what you said and you were right: I can’t go around thinking that my actions don’t have consequences. Even if what happened was unintended, even if I didn’t mean it or didn’t think about it, it doesn’t matter. I have to own up. It’s the right thing to do.”
It should make him glad. It should make him so glad to hear these words but it just makes him incredibly sad. He never meant to say what he did in the fight. His chest aches. Jemma, it seems, has that effect on him.
“Don’t do this for me,” he says, voice strained. “Just don’t.”
“I’m not doing this for you. I’m doing it for me.” She smiles. “This is about what I can live with.”
“You could go to jail.”
“I might,” she agrees, nodding. “Or I might not. I don’t know what will happen exactly but I know that I have to do this, Fitz. For me.”
He gets that part, about doing things for yourself. After the accident it was all he wanted: to own his decisions and take control of his life. How could he try and dissuade someone from doing the same thing?
“Okay.” He takes a deep breath. “When?”
“I’m not sure, but I’ll tell you before I do. I promise.”
He nods and takes her hand, uncaring of who might see them anymore. He blinks rapidly, not wanting her to see the sudden wetness in his eyes. It’s hard and it seems unfair and yet he knows it’s right. Besides, it’s not about him.
She’s right: it’s all about her. Hasn’t this, right from the beginning, always been about her?
It’s raining.
They had agreed to meet in the park afterwards, the place in which she broke the news. “I’ll meet you there after I’m done,” she’d said, trying and failing to hide how nervous she was. “If I don’t come then, well, you know…”
He paces in the mud, ruining his boots. It doesn’t matter, it’s not as though he’ll be employed for much longer anyway. If it goes one way he’s quitting, leaving this behind and seizing the day. If it goes the other… it doesn’t even bear thinking about.
A jacket was a good idea and he’s proud that he managed to remember one this time. He’d been at home ready to shift-swap when Jemma had phoned. “Don’t come to mine,” she’d said, and he had known exactly what she had meant. “I need to be alone for a while, I think. Yes, I need to be alone.”
Fitz had tried to dissuade her, of course, because there was a chance that he might not see her for a while depending on which way it went. But she had been adamant, never shifting, and eventually he’d admitted defeat. He understands her, sometimes it scares him how much, and so he’d let her go. Alone.
His heart thumps in his chest, pounding like the rain pounds down all around him. He left his phone in the car; the empty notifications would only crank up his stress level. He’s already at the edge and one little thing might just tip him right over.
It’s too much. It’s all too much. He wonders what’s happening in the office of Jemma’s boss right now. He wonders if he should go over there. But she’d told him to stay away… If she doesn’t come soon, if he doesn’t at least know something soon then he’s going to drive himself insane.
“Come on, Jemma,” he mutters. “Come on.”
His watch says it’s just past four. She went in at three, or at least she said she was going to. He has to begin to watch where he paces; he’s worn tracks in the mud and now it’s slippery, dangerously so. One false move and it will all fall down.
His brain feels so lost. It’s a strange sensation. Nothing in his life has felt like this before. He hopes nothing will again. These kinds of nerves make him sick to his stomach; they wrap around his throat and make it so he cannot breathe.
How do people live with this, he wonders? How do people stand this kind of anticipation?
He’s three seconds from an almighty meltdown when he sees someone rushing towards him, not even mindful of the slippery paths. Swiping water from his eyes, he squints to see the figure, not daring to hope that perhaps, for once, things might actually be alright.
“Fitz!” The figure yells through the water, waving manically. “Fitz!”
Heart in his throat, he begins to carefully make his way towards her. Surely not…
“Fitz!” She makes it to him before she slips and he catches her just in time.
He grins. “You’re here.”
“So I am,” she says, grinning back.
“Are you fired?”
She laughs, water dripping from the hood of her jacket onto her nose. “Oh absolutely.”
He tilts his head to the side. “You seem awfully happy about that.”
“I am, Fitz. I really, really am.”
Jemma Simmons, right from the beginning, has always been a mystery. He could quite willingly spend the rest of his life trying to figure her out. No matter how much he thinks he understands, there will always be things he will never know completely.
“So,” he asks, finally letting go of her arms. “What happened?”
“He was mad, very mad and he called me a great many names that I won’t repeat but he said they won’t be taking it any further.”
Fitz’s eyebrow raises so far so fast he’s surprised it doesn’t come off his face. “They won’t.”
Jemma looks down at the ground. “No.”
“Why not?”
“You’re not going to like this,” she murmurs. She looks back up and takes a deep breath. “They don’t want to risk further public humiliation. Imagine the scandal if one of their own scientists leaked information because she couldn’t trust them.”
He nods. “Makes sense. What wouldn’t I like about that?”
“Well it’s not just that… they also don’t want to upset my father.”
“He’s like a god to them and they’re worried that if they pressed charges or brought more attention then they would upset him. Not because it’s me, no, but because it would smear his name. He would inevitably be brought into the scandal and that’s something they just don’t want to risk. So, if I go and I go quietly then they’ll say no more about it. They’ll lose his money, of course, but better that than incur his wrath.” She gives him a sheepish smile. “You see?”
“I see.” He scuffs his boot into the mud, cringing at the squelch it makes. “Why wouldn’t I be happy about that?”
She gives him A Look. “Oh come on, Fitz. You’ve had this whole thing about privilege, right from the start.”
“Yeah,” he scoffs. “But it’s not like I wanted you to go to jail. Besides, this was all about you, you said that yourself. It doesn’t matter what I think.”
“You’re sure?”
He grins, relishing the opportunity to be the bigger one. “You idiot, of course I am.”
She hugs him, a bone crushing hug, and then slowly brings her hands to his face and kisses him. It’s familiar, something he’s missed, and yet also different. There’s something there that wasn’t before. A taste of freedom. He thinks he could get used to it.
They break apart, almost reluctantly. Foreheads touching, they stand in the muddy grass with the rain pouring down all around them. The park is deserted. It feels like they’re the only two people in the world. There’s nothing to worry about anymore.
“So,” he begins, a little breathily. It’s cold, he can feel it on his face, yet he glows from warmth.
“So,” she mirrors, laughing a little. It’s a strange feeling, he’ll admit. Not so long ago it felt like an ending and now the future stretches out before them, completely infinite.
“What do we do now?”
“I don’t know, but…” she finds his hand and takes it, gripping tightly. Their skin is wet, hands are freezing, and yet he knows it will take a lot for them to let go. “Whatever we do, I’d like us to be together.”
His heart thumps with relief. What a strange journey this has been. He would take it again in a heartbeat. All roads lead home. All roads lead to her.
“I’d like that,” he says.
“Then it’s settled.” Her eyes flash with victory. “Together.”
He kisses her again. It’s like they’re one. “Together.”
Dr. Jemma A. Simmons, the scientist who had her blueprint for superpowered humans leaked last year, and her partner Dr. Leopold J. Fitz have released their new prototype for non-lethal weaponry ahead of their upcoming R&D conference in London next month.
The prototype, which Dr. Fitz has affectionately named ‘The Night-Night Gun’, is a miraculous combination of engineering and biochemistry. A custom tranquilizer rifle, its bullets are non-lethal and have heavy stopping power, allowing them to break up under subcutaneous tissue. When broken up they deliver a small amount of dendrotoxin which renders their target unconscious long enough for them to be secured. Trials are still ongoing but so far, no ill side-effects have been reported.
This new invention comes weeks after Drs Fitz and Simmons announced their first big project out of their new development company: SHIELD. Speaking to Dr Simmons, she said, “SHIELD is deigned to keep people safe. We want our designs to be used to help rather than harm. The ‘Night-Night Gun’ is just one of many ongoing designs we have that will help us reach our goal of a safer, better world.”
Dr. Simmons and her former bodyguard-turned-partner Leopold Fitz founded StrategicScience last year after Dr. Simmons left her previous job at BioMatic labs after her top-secret research was leaked leading to weeks of harassment. It was never discovered who leaked the research but Scotland Yard dropped the active investigation after all leads were exhausted.
Speaking about her ordeal, Dr Simmons said, “It was a tough time, there’s no denying that, but I had some excellent people around me who supported me and were nothing less than extraordinary the entire time. I learned a lot and it gave me the courage I needed to start a different company with focuses that were much more aligned with my own interests.”
“I also met my wonderful partner, Fitz, who started off as my protection officer and became something much more. We have an excellent working relationship and it’s always fun to see what we can create together. He’s my life, heart and home. I wouldn’t want to do this with anybody else.”
Speaking about his own feelings on the subject, Dr. Fitz said, “It’s really important, the work we do. We want to show people that science has practical applications that can really make a difference, which is definitely something that’s sort of ignored on the bigger world stage. Our SHIELD project aims to change that and I really think it will.”
Speaking about his relationship with Dr. Simmons, Dr. Fitz said, “Words just don’t really seem enough. She’s my partner. She’s incredibly smart and passionate and it makes her so great to work with. I’m just, well, I’m well aware that I’m the luckiest man on any planet.”
Drs ‘Fitzsimmons’, as they are now being dubbed within the scientific community, have promised that their work has only just begun, and that the ideas for their life-saving designs, along with their partnership, show no sign of going anywhere anytime soon.
#aosficnet2#fitzsimmons#aos#fitzsimmons fics#fanfic by moi#gahh here we go!#final chapter!#emotional times!#thank you for sticking with it!#i hope you enjoy!#also really sorry it's a day late!
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A Happy Future
Happy birthday to our favorite broccoli boi! Take this fic with you on your quest :)
"Momm!" Izuku groaned, his face red from embarrassment as his friends huddled around Inko in the dorm living room. "Stop showing them those pictures! It's embarrassing!"
He was ignored though, as his mother pointed out another baby picture from the photo album she brought along. "And this was the time Izuku made his first drawing! It was such a mess and it took a long time to clean up," Inko said with a soft smile.
The picture had a young Izuku, maybe four or three, surrounded by colour pencils with his tongue stuck out as he drew something with the utmost concentration a child could muster. There were other loose papers scattered about, some crumpled and others torn.
"Aww! Baby Izuku is soooo cute!!" Uraraka exclaimed, gushing about the small Izuku with the other girls.
"You haven't even seen the bathing pictures yet! Now those are the definition of cute," Inko added with a teasing tone.
"Mom no!" Izuku shouted, his face red with shame. "I'm going to train!" He yelled as he speed-walked away from them and towards the elevator.
"By the way dud-," Kirishima appeared next to Izuku, receiving a screech of surprise from the green-haired boy.
"Ow ow ow! My poor eardrums," Kirishima muttered, covering his ears. "Guess I deserve it though, for scaring you."
"Ah! I'm sorry, Kirishima! Y-yeah, I guess you did surprise me but sorry for hurting your ears!"
"Don't sweat it dude!" Kirishima gave a thumbs up and grinned. Izuku smiled awkwardly. They both entered the elevator and Izuku pressed a button.
"Anyways, you were going to ask me something?"
"Oh yeah! I was going to ask why your mom's here. It just seems a bit odd."
Izuku shrugged, pursing his lips. "I'm not sure either. She got permission from Aizawa-sensei though. It might be something important like a meeting?"
Kirishima nodded. The elevator chimed as they reached the ground floor. "Oh, I see. Though, I gotta ask, I wonder how a meeting means bringing a photo album of your baby pictures to show off to your friends?" Kirishima smirked.
Izuku sighed. "Don't remind me, please." Kirishima laughed. Izuku playfully glared at the red-haired boy. "You're just enjoying my suffering, aren't you?"
"Well I mean, should I not?" Kirishima put his arm around Izuku's shoulder as they headed toward one of the UA training facilities. Izuku fake-scowled and Kirishima laughed loudly. The two boys continued to laugh and joke around as they entered the facility.
A distant FUCKING DIE could be heard followed by a series of explosions and a high-pitched scream and zapping sounds.
"Looks like Kaminari and Kacchan are at it," Izuku muttered. Kirishima nodded, wincing slightly when seeing Kaminari's clothes burnt in some areas.
"Midoriya-kun! Kirishima-kun! How nice of you two to join us!" Iida's voice grew louder as he zoomed closer with his quirk before coming to a halt right in front of them.
"Yo, Iida! Speeding around as usual, I see," Kirishima greeted. Izuku simply gave a hello.
"But of course, Kirishima-kun! I must keep in shape in order to use my quirk to the best of my abilities!" Iida said while hand-chopping the air.
As Kirishima and Iida conversed, Izuku headed towards the changing rooms to put on some sportswear. After that, he immediately began stretching and doing some laps. He was soon joined by Iida and Kirishima (and it somehow became a race, Izuku's not sure how. Iida won though).
He practiced his quirk for a while and sparred with a Class B student who was also there. He spent roughly two hours training with breaks in between.
Back in the changing room, he wiped the sweat off his face, making small talk with Iida.
"By the way, Midoriya-kun," Iida started, as he drank orange juice from the juice box. "I'm heading to the mall afterwards to buy some new shoes and tailored pants. Uraraka-san and Todoroki-kun already agreed to come with. Would you like to join?"
Izuku paused for a second. Well, he had nothing else to do for the rest of the day, so maybe it'll be alright? Though he can't help but feel as though he forgot something. It's probably nothing, though.
"Sure, Iida. Plus it's a good way to kill time, and I could probably also buy some new shirts as well, a lot of people had been saying I need more variety of clothes, and I don't want to bother mom since she's with the others, and maybe I could buy lunch there? But I have to be careful not to break my diet and-" Izuku's voice grew softer as he began mumbling.
"That's great then!" Iida interrupted, far too used to this happening. "We shall leave in the next twenty minutes or so! Make sure to be on time!" And with that, Iida left.
"Are you sure, Midoriya?"
"Yes, I'm sure Todoroki! I would know if All Might was my dad!"
Todoroki gave him a blank, yet a determined look. "You do know I can make a list of every reason why you two are father and son AND as to why you didn't know."
Izuku groaned and laughed. "What's with you and conspiracy theories, Todoroki?"
"It's not a conspiracy theory if it's the truth, now is it?"
The two continued to bicker as they waited for their meals to arrive.
The Dekusquad ("Uraraka we are not calling this the Dekusquad-" "We are and you can't change my mind!") had arrived at the large mall. Even though Iida took charge, there were a few setbacks.
From distractions of silly action figures and merchandise ("they're not silly they're genuine All Might products, Iida! Plus, they're 20% off today!" "Midoriya-kun, PLEASE.") to minor fire hazards ("Todoroki, you can't burn a building just 'cause they're selling Endeavor merchandise!" "I beg to differ, Uraraka.") It was certainly a hectic time.
Iida and Uraraka said they had to buy a few more things by themselves. Iida quickly assigned the remaining two to order food for them for the time being. Which leads to now. While waiting for the ordered meals, Todoroki decided to share his lovely theories of his classmates.
"I'm just saying, Midoriya, Aizawa-sensei seems awfully interested in training Shinsou. Not to mention the similar sleeping patterns. Coincidence? I don't think so."
"Oh my god, Todoroki," Izuku huffed, smiling slightly. "Now you're dragging our teacher into this. What's next? Uraraka is an alien from outer-space trying to blend in as a human?"
"It's completely possible and we both know it."
Izuku laughed. "Why do you… sound so serious… saying.. that?!" Izuku wheezed through breaths. Todoroki shrugged.
"We're baccck~!" Uraraka called in a singsong voice. She skipped towards the two with Iida following right after. Uraraka slid into the seat next to Izuku, and Iida by Todoroki. She had a different plain bag with her (as did Iida) filled with something. Izuku tried to peek in the bag.
Gift wrapping?? What was Uraraka going to use that for? Perhaps she has a relative whose birthday is coming up.
The feeling of forgetfulness returned, but Izuku still wasn't sure what he had forgotten.
However, he cast that aside as he was served a bowl of hot and delicious katsudon. Todoroki slurped his cold soba with a passion, and Iida had beef stew (Uraraka also settled for this as well).
The four conversed as they ate, with Iida's input every now and then of No speaking while chewing!
Izuku checked the time on his phone. The four had finished and paid for their meals and were now wandering the mall for the time being.
"Ah, it's 5:30pm. Maybe we should head back?" Izuku suggested. A flash of panic seem to pass through the other three. How odd.
"Y-yeah Deku! But there's one more thing I want us to do before we go back to the dorms!" Uraraka stuttered.
"O… okay?" Izuku responded, a bit confused.
"B-but let's pass by UA first! So we can drop off our stuff! I'll text Tsuyu-chan to meet us there!" Uraraka added, pulling out her phone. She seemed to send a quick message.
"I still don't understand but… okay?"
"Great! Let's go!"
"-and they were roommates!" Uraraka said dramatically.
"Oh my god, they were roommates!" Iida gasped.
Laughter passed through the group as they all walked side by side to UA's entrance. Tsuyu and Sero waved to them.
"Yo dudes! Had fun at the mall?" Sero asked as they got closer.
Izuku nodded, smiling from ear to ear. "It really was! I kinda wished we have more days like these." Sero's smile widened a bit.
The Dekusquad then gave all their bags to Sero and Tsuyu. They chatted a bit with the two before the tapeman and frog-humanoid went back to the dorms.
"So," Todoroki drawled, "where are we heading next, Uraraka?"
Uraraka gave Todoroki a slight look of betrayal. "U-um, well you see…" Uraraka smiled awkwardly and fidgeted. "I was hoping we could, uh, visit t-the, um, the beach??"
Izuku raised an eyebrow at her.
"I was hoping we could s-see the sunset! Yeah!" She said nervously.
Iida snorted and covered it up with a cough. Uraraka glared at him. Todoroki simply observed.
"Sounds cool to me," Todoroki finally added. Iida nodded with approval and Izuku grinned and gave a thumbs up.
Uraraka beamed. "Then let's hurry before it starts to get dark!"
She marched on ahead and the others followed.
"I know a really good beach! It used to be a dump but someone cleaned it up! It's really beautiful!"
Izuku swelled up with pride. Had he not been in front of his friends, he would've cried, knowing people appreciated what he did.
Iida hummed. "Are you speaking of Dagobah Municipal Beach? It is indeed beautiful. I've seen it when passing by."
"I haven't seen it," Todoroki spoke up. "I didn't really used to go out a lot so I guess I wouldn't know."
"Well, I've been there many times, since my home was close by," Izuku joined. "I still go there. It's relaxing."
The four continue to chat as they approached the beach. Just in time too.
The water glistened, reflecting the rays of the sun. The sky seemed to burst in an array of colours of orange and pink and blue and red, extending past the horizon. The illusion of the sun moving downwards into the sea that was ready to swallow it whole was like a beautiful display of artwork. The sky then flickered into darkness.
"Woah.." Todoroki muttered, gaping. Uraraka grinned widely.
Izuku smiled slightly. "It's one of those things you won't really see anywhere else."
"Very impressive, indeed," Iida said, adjusting his glasses.
The four stood in silence as the last remaining colours drained from the sky. They spoke softly with each other as they returned back to UA. Iida sent a text on the group chat that they were returning.
As they approached the dorms, Todoroki sighed. "I really can't believe you forgot, Midoriya."
Izuku blanched. "So I was forgetting something..?"
Todoroki nodded and Uraraka huffed.
So now Izuku was worried. Was it something important? But then why did they wait to the end of the day? Maybe they were expecting him to remember but he didn't for a whole day. Oh god, were they angry at him? Maybe he should apologize? But then that might make it worse and they might get angrier and it could all go so wrong-
Izuku shrieked. Had he walked in without realizing?
The room was colourfully decorated with streamers and balloons. Izuku looked around questionly. The feeling of forgetfulness returned.
His mother walked up to him with a watery smile. "Happy Birthday, Izuku."
And then it clicked.
"How did I manage to forget my own BIRTHDAY??!!!"
Iida shrugged, shifting his glasses. "While it certainly helpful for us to plan this party, it was a bit hilarious seeing you trying to piece things together sometimes."
Izuku sighed. "Still, how does one forget their own birthday! The signs were there!"
"Plot convenience?" Kaminari suggested, to which Sero hushed him, as if it was a big secret.
Ashido joined in. "Well, that was then! This is NOW! And I believe it's time to PAR-TAY!!" She whooped.
"Until 10 minutes before curfew hours of course, so we can clean up," Iida added. It was questionable to say whether the rest heard, as they had joined Ashido in whooping.
Izuku was dragged about the dorms but has the time of his life. From playing board games ("I am never playing Monopoly ever again.") To the classic truth or dare ( Izuku was having a major conflict. He was dared to kiss the cutest person in the room but he couldn't decide because everyone was cute!) There never seemed to be a dull moment.
Izuku sat on the ground, watching with amusement as his friends played the hell-spawned game: Twister.
"Left foot, blue," he said, a chuckle following as he watched Mineta completely and utterly struggle, while yelling I'M AT A DISADVANTAGE HERE (the small boy is surprisingly competitive) and Jirou yelling back to SUCK IT UP, LOSER. (In the end, no one won as they all topple over each other).
"Izuku!" His mother called. He turned around to see Katsuki holding a chocolate cake (begrudgingly) and setting it down on a table. Inko lit the candles.
"Happy Birthday, nerd," Katsuki said, glaring at the boy (he was getting a lot of mixed signals. Was Kacchan being nice, or planning his execution for being dragged into doing this?).
"Kacchan," Izuku's eyes widened.
Katsuki tched and stomped away. This was somehow good enough for Izuku, as he smiled at the leaving boy.
Inko beckoned her son to sit at the table in front of the cake. Izuku stood up and went over to his mother.
"Look at you, you're all grown up now," Inko sniffed and smiled, wiping a tear from her eye. "Soon you'll be saving so many people, just like you always wanted. I'm so happy for you, Izuku!" Inko held his hand. "Just know that I'll always support you, no matter what! But I better not get anymore calls that you're breaking bones again!"
Izuku smiled, chuckling. "You don't have to worry mom. I'll make sure I don't break anything as much as possible."
Inko smiled. "I'll take your word for it. Now sit! You need to blow out the candles!" Inko ushered Izuku to sit.
His classmates surrounded him and began singing Happy Birthday to him, though at various pitches, so the song sounded like a mess.
"Make your wish!"
"Hurry hurry! I want a slice of cake already!"
"Stop rushing him Jammingway. I'm still surprised you haven't accidentally fried your brain when we played Scrabble!"
"Hey! I'm not that bad! I don't work good under pressure!"
Like little kids, they ushered the birthday boy to make his wish. Izuku thought for a moment on what he wanted to wish for.
He never really had these kind of birthday parties growing up. The last time he had one with other people was when he was four. After that, people rejected his invites and he would just spend the day hanging out with his mom.
But now, he has friends (that alone is almost enough to bring him to tears), classmates who actually want to get to know about him and hang out with him.
Izuku closed his eyes and blew out the candles.
His friends cheered and joked around and the cake was cut.
"What did you wish for, kero?" Tsuyu asked Izuku, holding her slice of cake.
Izuku grinned, "Well, that's a secret!"
Everyone munched on their cake and had an enjoyable time. There were nice, long conversations, embarrassing stories ("MOM!" "Oh Izuku, I just couldn't resist."), and other simple yet fun games.
Even so, everything must come to an end. Inko soon left and the students had to clean up and get ready to go to bed by curfew.
Izuku looked at his friends, who chatted quietly yet actively. The happy smiles on their faces made him feel warm inside. He thought back to what he wished for.
I wish for more happy moments like these. Hanging out with my friends, sparring together and becoming heroes together. Yeah, I wish for a happy future with everyone.
Izuku smiled. This will do just fine.
Happy Birthday Izuku :')
#bnha#fanfic#my fanfic#fanfiction#oneshot#happy birthday Izuku!!#boku no hero academia#my hero academia#mha#izuku midoriya#inko midoriya#class 1 a#class 1a#shoto todoroki#iida tenya#ochaco uraraka#uraraka ochaco#kirideku if you squint#tododeku if you squint#katsuki bakugou#Jirou Kyouka if you squint#Kaminari Denki if you squint#ashido mina#tsuyu asui#A Happy Future
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[Julian x GN Reader] Highschool!AU
(Hi hello welcome this is my first fic in like 5 years, but i love this fandom so much i want to contribute with something, so I hope you guys enjoy! Excuse any weird english, its not my first lenguage)
It was a cold day of fall.
And one of the few times I ever was sent to detention.
The other ones were over silly things really. Getting a little talkative with my friends in the middle of a class, getting caught killing time in the hallways. It happened quite rarely, really. I'm generally quiet, try to be kind with everybody, respectfull and mind my own business. But this time, things got a little out of hand.
As if having a bad night of sleep, waking up late, and leaving without breakfast wasn't enough, one of the guys that messes with me now and then decided to examine the book I had in hands a little to closely, and telling everyone in the hallway what it was about, while making a few coments about me.
By "examine a little to closely", I mean snapping it out of my hands and waving around my very precious, handmade and very difficult to find witchcraft book.
By "making a few coments about me", I mean calling me Satan's little whore, in front of a little crown of at least 40 people.
It took 3 minutes before I was on top of him, screaming, punching and scratching his face with every fiber of my being, people circling us while the hallway tuned into a confused mass of voices and yells. He did fight back a little, giving me a bruised chin and a scrach on my cheek, but I left him a bloody mess. After being able to pull me off him, the principal took me straight to his room. It was a long conversation on how he should suspend me and all, but he was very found of me. Since the boy was the one who started it, and I did got hurt too, I left his room with only a few hours of volunteer work in the school´s garden and an afternoon spend in detention.
After the last period, I started making my way into detention, getting a few side glances from everybody in the hallways. I quickly made my way into the room, rushing oppen the door, every eye in the room turning to meet me, a few coments popping here and there. I didn't got surprised for seeing the detention's regular costumers there: Vulgora, who is aways getting in a fight with someone. Volta, who is aways eating in the most non discreet way possible, in the middle of a class. Vlastomil, the weird worm kid that keeps sneaking his “pet worm” into school. Valdemar, who is aways acting suspicious and taking stuff from the school's lab. Valerious, who got caught at least 3 times carrying wine into his water bottle, and a few other familiar faces.
I was looking around, finding a place to sit as far of everybody that I could, to at least have some peace during the next very monotonous hours.
Until I spotted his face.
I knew him. We did lab and biology classes together, although we never shared a word.
Julian Devorak.
His grey eyes stormy eyes staring right at me.
The comedian of the class, aways messing around and craking jokes. He was quite a charmer, and I frequently got myself staring at him way to much. But its not like I could ever stand a chance. There was always someone falling for him, and I, well, was me. Everybody liked him. Well, not the people he got into fights with, wich did happened pretty frequently, although I never seen him here before. Its not like I got send to detention that much anyway.
But there I was, standing in the front of the class, frozen, with his eyes not leting go of mine. Why are you staring at me? I felt my face heating up.
"Have you found a place to sit yet, or do you need help?" The sudden voice of the supervisor made me jump a little, causing a few laughs in the class and my cheeks to warm up even more.
I hurried myself to sit in the first seat I saw, next to the window, and next to the red haired man.
I didnt dare to make eye contact with him, still too embarassed of what had just happened. A few seconds passed until he leans a little closer, whispering
"Hi. Its [name] right?"
"...y-yes, it is" I said quietly, still a little tense, while putting my things on the table.
"I saw what you did to him, that bastard. Messing around with you like that. You left him pretty ugly, didn't knew you could put up a fight!" He said, chuckling a bit "Its Julian, by the way"
"Oh, I know" I said, a smile creeping on my face "But I'm not a fighter, really, I just don't like people calling me names in front of a crowd, while taking my stuff, on a already stressing day. Although... I guess you could say I like a little danger here and there" I said chucking softly on the last part, placing a few hairs behind my ear while turning to face him.
Being this close to him, he was even more handsome, if that was even possible. That perfect angled jaw line, those beautifull red locks framing his face, the deep grey eyes. I got myself staring.
And I got him staring too, at my now exposed scratch on my cheek.
“Did he hurt you...?” he said, frowning, while leaning closer to me, his long fingers touching my wound softly, eyes locked in my cheek.
I twitched a little, surprised with the sudden touch. His fingers were cold, contrasting with the -now even hotter- warm of my cheeks.
“It was nothing, really...” He noticed me stiffing, and retreated his hand, his eyes looking straight into my now. I turned away, a smile popping on my face “Y-you should see the other guy”
“Oh, I saw him” he chuckled softly, the tension around us easing “Remember me to never getting into a fight with you” he arched his browns, a wide grin on his lips.
“Said the school’s Rocky Balboa!” I laugh, finally placing my witchcraft book on the table.
“Who? Me? My, I’m flattered-” he cutted himsolf short, eyes fixating on the book cover, a serious look on his face.
When I noticed that, I lean over the book, trying to cover it with my body, turning my eyes away from him and feeling my face starting to burn again. Shit. I should have kept it in my bag. Why did I took it out? The very first time the guy ever talks to me and he is already thinking I am a weird paggan-witch enthusiast who talks to plants and cast spells at fullmoon. I kinda am though...
When my body got in the way of his focus, he snapped, a deep blush creeping over his face as he started to apologise.
“S-sorry! I didn’t meant to stare! Its not that I think you are weird or something...” he muttered, voice fading away at the end. It took him a few moments before he spoke again “I just find it...intriguing”
“Intriguing?” I eyed him, my eyebrowns frowning slightly. I wan’t used to people describing witchcraft as intriguing often.
“Yes, intriguing. I don’t quite understand it, black magic stuff. Like do you just mix a bunch of stuff in a caldom while chanting old mystic spells?” there was no real venom behind his voice, although he put up a sacarstic tone to it. It made me laugh, shufling my body so I would face him.
“Well, kinda. But that is not black magic though. Black magic is way more serious and dangerous than that. What I focus on, and what this book is mostly about too, is herbology, stones and charms.
“And do they work? Like, the spells?” he said the last word with a little disbelief.
“Sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t, like real medicine. You mix some stuff to try to get a certain outcome, and if they don’t work then you try again. But the spell casting thing is more of a pray though, to ask spirits and other forces around you an little extra help.” I took the book in my hands, hesitating in silence before closing a bit of the distance between us “...wanna take a look?”
After a few seconds, his fingers brushed slightly the cover of the book, before the supervisor closed the door of the room after the last person finally arived. The detention was about to start.
"Okay now you all. Today we got a pretty full room hun? Well, for your punishment, each of you shall right a 500 word essay of why are you here, and apologising for it. You cannot leave the room until is 5pm and you have gave me your essay. Using your cellphones is not aloud, nor getting friendly with your classmates. So quit messing around and get to work"
I was already regreting punching that guy in the face, leating out a long sigh. I retreated my book, grabbed my essay notebook and started to write my name on a page when I felt a soft tug in my sleeve.
"Hey. I really didn't want to put up with this” He said, whispering, a mischevious grin on his face. “...and you seem to do like a little danger. Say, want to bail this with me?"
"And may I ask how do you plan on doing that, Mr.Devorak?" I arched an eyebrown, smiling, eyes on the supervisor sitting at his desk.
"My, you seem to doubt my abilities" he said, bringing a hand to his heart, looking dramatically ofended "Have you not realized that we are here with the easiest person to draw attention to: Vulgora" I looked at Vulgura across the room, and I saw them in the farest table -already- furiously marking it with their sharp nails. What the hell, does he plan to mess with them?
He stod up, took a pencil from my pouch -blinking his eye- and calmly walked into the front ot the room, with the supervisor eyeing him suspeciouly
"I'm just using the sharpener" he said, and began to slowly sharp the pencil in the big sharpener on the supervisor table. He glanced at me, a curious smile paited on my face, and his mouth moved without making a sound
He turned to Vulgora, a surprised expression on his face.
"Oh my God Vulgora, is that a pocket knife?! You know those aren't aloud in here!" The whole class gasped, every head turning to Vulgora.
"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT YOU LUNATIC?!" They yelled, banging they're fists on the table, making Volta squeak.
The supervisor stood up, his voice angry but not surprised.
"What the hell Vulgora? Give me that now" he started to make his way into their seat, the whole class starting to grew into a confused mass of whispers.
"They hid it in their bag!" Julian yelled over the mass of voices, slowly making his way back into his seat. I got the message, and started to quietly but quickly put my stuff back into my backpack.
"Vulgora show me your bag" the supervisor was standing right beside Vulgora's desk, their back turned at me and Julian.
"OVER MY FUCKING DEAD BODY" They yelled, grabing his bag close to their body, and the class erupted in a riotous cacophany, people banging their hands on the table and yelling.
"Come on come on come on!" Julian threw his bag over his shoulder and, grabbing my arm, and we sprinted to the hallway, passing completely unoticed by the supervisor. We kept running until we were outside of the school gates, the voices getting lower and lower as we got away from the class. When we got into the streets, we were breathing heavly and giggling, the cold air around us contrasting with the heat in our faces.
And he was still holding my arm.
When he notice it, he quickly let it go "S-sorry" he whispered, a little blush creeping over.
"No, its okay, really" I shift my feet, only now realising the height difference we had- I was over a feet smalled than him, making my blush over the run intensify "Thanks for getting us out of there...I reallt didn’t wanna do that essay” I paused a little “I owe you one..."
We just stood there quiet for a few moments, just staring at eachother, the clouds of our breaths surrouding us, not knowing quite what to say next.
"Well..." he started it, looking at his phone "Its still 3:40pm, and there is this nice café nearby..." he played a little with his hair, making the curls dangle like fire ambers in the sunlight "...say, do you want to go with me? Like its... totally fine if you would rather go home i just... er hm...really like the way you drawn plants in botanic's class, and it would be really cool if you could teach me...for school stuff you know... so we can be you know...even.. and stuff"
I just stood there, my cheaks definitely very red at this point. Was he...asking me out? Me? Out? He was shifting his weight alot, and not quite meeting my eyes. He aways sounded so confided with others, why was he acting shy with me?
And more.
He observed me. And my drawings. And he liked them. He liked my shitty botanical drawings. My head was spinning, not processing what was happening around me, making me take a few seconds before verbalizing anything.
"Why er- of course! Thats sound fun, really, i'd love!" I said, a little more enthusiastic that I should, steping a few feet closer to him. “Then you can teach me how to knock down a guy whithout letting him smack you”
He smiled, and my heart skipped a beat for a second.
“My, you came to the right guy! See, the thing is you have to protect your face the whole time...”
We started making our way into the café, him talking lively about how to get the perfect punch during the whole time. And I just stood there, gigling like an idiot, not being able to believe how lucky I got.
#julian devorak#the arcana julian#julian x apprentice#julian x reader#julian x mc#the arcana#fanfic#highschool!AU#this is my first one in so long omg i hope it isnt so bad
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Forgotten Love Letter 💌
pairing: Peter Parker/Gender Neutral Reader
summary: Peter discovers a letter you had intended to give him in freshman year of high school before you started dating.
warnings: mentions of blood
note: I got inspired by letter writing in numerous fics I’ve been running into and tatbilb ofc 💕 enjoy :)) first imagine ive written in over 2 decades, it’s been sitting in my drafts for that long too- now she’s out here in the world thank u thank u
The school week was officially over, and you could finally relax over the weekend. It had been an exhausting week with numerous amount of homework (it’ll be this way in college get used to it now teachers said or claimed) You still had homework, but it wouldn’t be due until the end of the next week, so Saturday was officially for you.
Your boyfriend of a year had promised you two would hang out at your place and watch a movie, but after his nightly activities. You knew Peter was Spider-man, an internet sensation everyone was crazy about including yourself. The only way you found out is because Peter has never been great at keeping secrets. He saw you on the street one time, and just waved, “Hey (y/n)!” He yelled, completely forgetting he was Spider-Man and not another high school student who can nonchalantly say hi to their significant other. You were hella confused and had awkwardly waved back, recognizing his voice but not quite sure if you heard it right.
It took you all night before you had put two and two together. From those late nights he wouldn’t answer your texts or would answer your text, weird bruises and aches he sometimes had, and his ability to climb through your window despite the fire escape being farther away from your 7th floor bedroom. And his voice. You quickly got to work and went to school the next day wearing custom made Spider-Man gear to see if he catches on that you know and he looked completely touched by the fact you were wearing it.
“Did you- figure it out when I said hi to you?” Peter asked one day underneath the bleachers during lunch before Ned came to join you two. You had smirked and said, “I thought the point of the mask was for people to not know who you are, especially the ones you know.” He blushed of embarrassment and you kissed him on the cheek and said, “Secrets safe with me...” with a wink.
It was after that when Peter would come to you after nearly every night patrol he did, he’d come into your room in the full suit to tell you about his day, what he had done, what kind of crime he fought and other times he’d come when he’s injured. Those were the nights that worried you the most and made you lecture him on being much, much more careful. You didn’t care if he’d heal fast- he’s not invincible.
You hadn’t expected him in early today though, knowing he was spending the entire day with his Aunt May before going on “patrol”. So you spent most your Saturday laying sround, sleeping on and off and texting Peter. Your mom was out all day working and you didn’t expect your dad home till the next morning because he’d just left for the graveyard shift. You were bored out of your mind after every favorite movie was watched and decided to clean up the mess in your room you ignored the past week.
An hour of picking up and vacuuming later, you then decided to organize your closet. That’s when you found it- a medium sized white wooden jewelry box with flower and swan designs on it your mother had gifted to you when you were eight. After putting all your clothes back and some in a box, you sat down on your bed, legs crossed as you wound up the music and then opened the box, the melody of Swan Lake playing the moment you lifted the lid. You smiled at the swan figurine that slowly spun along to the music. A feeling of nostalgia bursted through you as you were reminded of being a child, humming the tune wherever you went and drawing swans randomly. Your eyes shifted to look at the contents inside, letting the music continue to play.
There was anything but jewelry in there, In there was instead a few notes you and your best friend from middle school used to give each other, filled with silly stuff and inside jokes. There was even old letters from a pen pal you had in 5th grade! Her name was Elizabeth and she was from the UK. About a half hour had passed with you reading through them when you eyes caught the light pink, folded paper that was at the very bottom. You picked it up, setting the others aside.
You flipped it around, not remembering what the letter was, what it contained or who it was for right until you saw the name “Peter Parker” with a heart around it. Instantly your eyes widened, the happy nostalgic memories being replaced with the cringey memory of that one afternoon on the bus ride home writing out your feelings for your new friend from Science class. You felt your cheeks heat up at the memory, and slowly small tidbits of what you wrote were coming back to you.
Just as you moved to open it, there was a sudden loud knock on your window. You jumped in your spot, the letter falling from your hand and you turned to see the man himself in his Spider-Man suit, waving at you and pointing at the window asking you to let him in. Instantly you relaxed and quickly shoved the letters back into the box and shut it, the room becoming silent.
Hopping to your feet, you went to unlock the window, saying, “You’re here early did May-“ but your words got caught in your throat when you saw he was cut up and bleeding. He pulled his mask off, his brown locks of short hair sticking up in nearly every direction.
“Peter what the hell!” You cried, gently touching around a bruise on his left cheek and then looking down at his cut up suit to see the damage. It was pretty bad, but he just gave a pained toothy smile that you glared at, already knowing what he was going to say.
“It’ll heal- I dunno about the suit- but ill heal I just need to get kisses from you and lay down for a while and I’ll be better in no time,” he said, pecking your lips then walking passed you. You were baffled as he had one hand over his side and used the other to grab a towel to put over your bed before sitting down on it. You’d honestly never seen him this hurt- you’ve seen bruises, mega painful looking bruises, and few cuts but this was just bad. His suit was cut up. What kind of people did he run into for them to do that? He noticed you staring and sighed, “I know what you’re thinking (y/n), but really I’m okay! You should’ve seen the other guys.” He joked but you crossed your arms not amused.
“Other guys? Looking at how you ended up- I can only assume you killed them,” you said in a serious tone, but he laughed like it was a joke. When he saw you weren’t laughing he let his head fall downwards for a moment.
“Can you not lecture me right now- this really hurts,” he motioned over his wounds and you sighed once more, hands falling to the side as he gave you those puppy dog eyes now. You didn’t say anything as you wandered over to your door and went to retrieve some things to clean his wounds. He may heal pretty fast, but you’ll be damned if he’s going to lay there all bloodied up and in pain. Peter watched you go and pushed himself more onto the bed, before swinging his feet up and knocking over the music box on your bed. He raised a brow, and grabbed it, realizing it was a music box when he saw the wound up in the back. He opened it after twisting it, smiling at the soft tune that began to play out like you had done. He curiously looked at its contents and he would’ve left it alone because it was clearly private if they were in a box, but his eyes caught sight of a “-rker” and when he moved the other papers he saw it was his name. Curiosity got the best of him as he pulled out the pink, folded sheet of paper and laughed softly when he saw it was his name written in your handwriting in the center of a near perfect looking heart.
He glanced at the door to see if you were coming back, and saw you still werent back so he gently opened it, seeing a full page of writing and a date at the top, Peter recognizing the year as freshman year, the year you transferred to Midtown High and the first year you met. He felt his heart warm up as he realized what this was.
It was a love letter.
Dear Peter Parker,
I know we’ve only just met, but every time I’m around you I feel butterflies in my stomach and my heart races 100 beats per minute. You’re very sweet, funny, and really smart and I couldn’t help but feel these feelings for you even if we’ve only known each other for a month or two. Everyday spent with you has been the best days of my life! I came to this school with no friends and dreaded having to have to do a partner project in biology. You were kind enough to sit by me and ask me to work with you. After that, I couldn’t stop myself from falling in love with you. I feel silly for writing a letter, but I’m not really good with words and I am not sure you feel the same. I’m currently writing on the bus ride home, hoping to god the person behind me isn’t looking over the seat. I would be so embarrassed! But- I really hope you do feel the same way, I’ll be crushed if you didn’t. Please don’t think I’m a fool for writing this letter
With love,
By the time Peter got to the end, the smile on his lips were so wide. He found this completely touching and adorable because it was dated about 3 months before you two even began to date towards the middle of freshman year. The fact that you already liked him so much before then also made him a bit giddy.
You had just gotten out from your parents bathroom, having been in there a while trying to find the first aid kit. When you walking back down the hall towards your bedroom you stopped when you heard Swan Lake.
“Oh...oh no-“ your heart dropped as you remember what was in that box and you ran into your room, eyes widen when you saw Peter holding the letter in his hands, “What are you doing?!” The music ended on queue and Peter snapped his head in your direction, seeing your horrified expression. You set the first aid kit onto the dresser near the door and reached to take the note away from him but he dodged your hand, “Give it! Please don’t read it! It’s from a year ago please Peter!” You begged, “I don’t even know what’s in it, it’s probably horrible!” Peter hadn’t said anything, just smiling playfully and keeping the note away from you as you leaned over him, still being aware of his injuries. Although he’d forgotten about his own injuries being distracted by your letter. He fell backwards and groaned in pain swinging his legs over the side of your bed. Your eyes widened.
“I already read it by the way,” Peter said, looking up at where you sat next to him, one leg crossed over the other, “I can’t believe you didn’t give it to me! We could’ve been dating way sooner!” You tilted your head, cheeks heating up as you snatched the letter from him and scanned over it quickly.
“Dear god no- this would’ve slowed things down! This is so- so bad,” you claimed and looked back at him with a major cringe on your face. Peter shook his head disagreeing with you, “I barely knew you- are you telling me you wouldn’t of been freaked out by this? It’s kind of stalkerish.”
You shook your head in disbelief, and looked back down at the paper, embarrassed by the horrible confession of love whereas Peter was grinning like a child next to you.
“It’s cute that you’ve always had a crush on me,” he teased you, you became flushed and began to fold the sides of the paper nervously, “hey, hey why are you so embarrassed? I liked you too you know.” He admitted, pushing himself up now clenching his side lightly. You set the letter down and got the first aid kit.
“I don’t know why I’m so embarrassed,” you admitted as you took the same spot next to him, “We’re literally dating. And I feel like I can’t even look at you.”
“Well- you got what you wanted,” Peter said as he tapped on the spider logo on his, his suit loosing up and falling off his shoulders to reveal the bloody wounds. Normally when he had his shirt off you wouldn’t able to concentrate, no one should let the nerd demeanor throw them off, he was pretty built and it was nice. The wounds were your main focus, along with that embarrassing letter though, there was no time to ogle.
“Oh yeah?” You asked, a smirk on your lips as you got out the supplies, “And what was it I wanted?”
“For me to return your feelings, thus us beginning to date, you got it all!” he explained, wincing when you began to clean around his wounds, “Why did you never give me the letter? It was really sweet...” he said in a strain voice, you pursed your lips together and looked at him.
“I don’t know, I remember coming home that day and just setting it into the music box and never letting it see the light of day again.”
“There must’ve been a- ow,” he closed his eyes and bit his bottom lip and you seized cleaning one of the bigger wounds, looking at him with a sorry look, “a reason!” You licked your lip as you began to think back to that day, and it suddenly hit you. You laughed sadly.
“The next day, I ran into this girl and she was crying. And I asked her what was wrong and she said that she sent a long text to her crush about how much she liked him and he completely ignored her, and that he wouldn’t talk to her,” you explained, Peter frowned, “So as you can tell...that really discouraged me.”
“What a damn jerk,” Peter said raising a brow, “I wouldn’t of done that to you, I mean- look at us now-“
“Me cleaning up your wounds after a year of dating?” You chirped and he smiled fondly.
“Well- we could be doing more!” He teased and wiggled his eyebrows and you rolled your eyes, “Woah! I meant watching a movie together and cuddling! What were you thinking?”
“There will be no cuddling because you’re hurt,” you gestured to his wounds and he scoffed and put out his bottom lip. You continued to clean up in wounds in silence, suppressing that smile on your lips.
When he was all clean and bandaged up, you dug into your extra clothes and handed him a pair of sweatpants and then gave him one of your large sweatshirts you wore in the colder weather. You helped him get it on, pulling the sweatshirt gently over his back and stomach. He wasn’t hiding the fact that it hurt, and you pat the spot next to you.
“Thought we were going to watch a movie,” he said, crawling next to you onto your bed and settling down facing you, propping his head up with his right arm. You shook your head.
“M’ kind of tired,” you mumbled, fluffing your pillow. Peter blinked, and noticed that he was pretty tired too, Aunt May knew he was going over to your place, so sleeping over wouldn’t be the worst thing. He leaned over, catching your lips into a kiss and with a cheeky grin he said, “Thank you for taking care of me (y/n), I don’t know what I’d do without you. Everyday spent with you has been the best days of my life and I can’t wait for more!” Your eyes widen and you flicked him in the shoulder as he laughed loudly, falling into his back. You nuzzled your head into his arm, not wanting to lay on him due to his injuries.
“Everything in that letter was true by the way, Peter.” You said, closing your eyes. Peters eyes were already closed, but there was a smile on lips before both of you fell asleep.
#peter parker imagine#peter parker#spider man#peter parker x reader#peter parker x gender neutral reader#spider-man x reader#spider man imagine#my imagines#mcu imagines#leslie writes imagines again#marvel imagines#enjoyyyyyyyy
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