#tommy would love buck the way he always wanted to be loved: unconditionally
kinardscake · 3 months
Thinking about how Tommy probably thought he’d never find a long-lasting loving relationship. Sure, he had boyfriends, but none of them were close to serious. And he was okay spending his life alone, he’d gotten used to it. Besides, he had hobbies and work. Life didn’t seem too empty.
Sure, he was yearning for a family but his fear of ending up like his father was too great, impossible to overcome. What if he fucks it up the way his father did? And this fear kept him from going out there and searching for it.
And then his old friend and coworker called who once saved his life. And Tommy vowed to himself back then that he’d always answer his calls. So, he answered that one. His friend brought two coworkers with him. With Hen joining them later. They went on a mission, saved everyone, and it was thrilling. And Chimney’s friends welcomed him into their world.
Sure, Eddie was great. They had so much in common, and they clicked and friendship was instantaneous. Evan was adorable, like a puppy, except a little weird. And it hit him later that Eddie and Evan had this dynamic, this friendship, forged in the countless fires they put out, that no one could get in between them. That’s why Evan was acting weird. Because he ended up getting in between them.
So he came over to Evan’s to clear the air. To tell his truth. Letting go of his friendship with Eddie wasn’t something he planned on doing, no matter what Evan thought. But he’d step aside if that was needed.
Except Evan didn’t even worry about his friendship with Eddie, because they were solid. No, he wanted him. HIM. And if Tommy’s heart skipped a beat or two, it wasn’t because of Evan. Probably just arrhythmia.
He put everything on the line by kissing Evan. Everything. These new friendships he formed with the 118, with Eddie, it could all be gone if Buck didn’t accept his advances. He would have to go back to his old life, suddenly very dull and empty. Yet he risked it all.
Everything inside Tommy lit up because this guy made him feel things he hadn’t felt for a long time (maybe ever). Their first date wasn’t perfect, and he was on the verge of losing everything once again. Yet Evan came back, stronger, wiser and more determined to see where this relationship could go.
His fears came back to the surface, every single one of them. But with Evan by his side it wasn’t as scary working through them. Tommy didn’t let his fears drown him. With his mind getting clear, a vision of a family started to take shape. A family, maybe kids, maybe pets, and a house filled with love. And Evan by his side.
He’d gotten used to the idea of never having that, of being alone forever. His life was fulfilling but something was always missing. Turns out there was an Evan Buckley shaped hole in his heart. And once Evan showed up in his life, his heart began to heal. And having a family wasn’t such a faraway thought anymore. And he wasn’t going to end up like his dad, because he had Evan by his side now. And with Evan everything seemed possible.
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supercalime · 4 months
yes! exactly! the fact that one of the big things that actually bring buck and tommy closer being that both of them get along with chris, and chris expressing that he likes both buck and tommy is chef's kiss. both of them learn not to feel threatened by that ("chris won't shut up about him") but rather feel invited ("i understand why chris likes you so much because i also think you're cool"). it cemented tommy as a great fit for buck, established him as a new welcome addition to the entire fire fam, and highlighted that tommy must get along with kids swimmingly, something that he has in common with buck and that hints that tommy most likely loves kids as well. and that, in a way, also feels like kids may actually be part of buck's future because bucktommy has been set up so differently to any of buck's previous canon relationships.
they could have done it a thousand different ways, but they chose this route, putting focus on the opinion of a kid that buck loves a lot. it's giving the trope of parent who first makes sure that their child accepts their love interest. maybe it means nothing! maybe it's solely for the fun of it! but given everything else we've seen in regards to evan buck buckley and the children topic, it's feels like one piece of a bigger puzzle. especially with his backstory, questioning his parent's love for all his life, i think buck's story will truly come full circle when he's allowed to unconditionally love his own child. and i think he wants and needs a partner (tommy) to be there with him every step of the way (love is stored in the "of course" ♥).
(as you can tell by now, i also love to ramble lmfao)
You can always ramble anon! And yes to all of this! I doubt everything about buck and tommys connection has been done intentionally (I mean, the writers can’t get the timeline in a single episode consistent) but what we’ve had so far is so good and it would be a waste to not use this love interest to be buck’s forever person (and baby daddy haha)
There’s the whole red thread of fate (or invisible string) theory that connects their stories before and after they met, there’s the stark difference on how tommy behaves in contrast to bucks past partners.
The writers did something different for them, something that feels more substancial. Bucks past partners have always felt like “girlfriend of the season”, almost like the writers didn’t want to fully commit. I’m glad that even though it took seven seasons, a network change and a lot of behind the scenes messes to get to this point.
Tommy could be Bucks forever person and if he does become so, I want to see it really bad!
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groupielove21 · 5 months
I need a Buddie fanfic inspired in "Down Bad" by Taylor Swift's because that song screams Buddie.
Imagine this...
"Did you really make me up?
In a cloud of sparkling dust
Just to do experiments on
Tell me I was the chosen one
Show me that this world is bigger than us
Then I sent me back where I came from
For a moment I knew cosmic love"
Eddie already left Marisol because he realized that he actually likes men, but Buck is still with Tommy and Eddie realizes that everything he wants in a relationship he already had with his "best friend", but now not even that exists and they have to learn to live in this new world where Buck begins to spend less and less time with the Diaz boys.
"Now I'm down bad crying at the gym
Everything comes out teenage petulance
"What if I can't have him"
"I might just die, it would make no difference."
Down bad, waking up in blood
Staring at the sky, come back and pick me up
What if I can't have us.
I might just not get up
I might stay down bad
What if I can't have him
Down bad
What if I can't have him"
The only moments Eddie and Buck spend together now are in the gym between shifts, and as Buck trains, Eddie thinks about if this is all they're going to do now, if this is all he can have from the man he loves.
If the hands that saved him from bleeding to death in a street on LA would only touch him again just to heal some wound, but would never touch him because they really want to.
Buck will never touch him the way Eddie wants.
"Did you take all my old clothes?
Just to leave me here naked and alone
In a field in my same old town
That somehow seems so hollow now
They'll say I'm nuts if I talk about the existence of you
For a moment I was heaven struck
Like I lost my twin
What if I can't have him
Down bad
Down bad
Waving at the ship
What if I can't have him"
And Buck doesn't notice any of this.
On the rare occasions that he spends the night at the Diaz house, he continues to steal Eddie's sleeping clothes.
And Eddie always has to stop himself from shouting how much he loves him, finding relief only when he sends long messages to Hen, who tells him that it's crazy to suffer so much for Buck if he's not going to do something about it, but Eddie can't do anything.
The prospect of losing Buck feels like a piece of his soul being ripped away.
"Encounters closer and closer
All your indecent exposures
How dare you say that it's -
I'll build you a fort on some planet
Where they can all understand it
How dare you think it's romantic
Leaving me safe and stranded
Cause what if I was in love
What if I can't have us.
Cause what if I was in love"
And one whole day, it just...explodes, right in Eddie's face who has to listen (again) as Buck talks one night about Tommy, as he is the first person who, beyond seeing Buck for what he really es, he also loves him completely, unconditionally, and Eddie just can't stand it because it's not true.
It isn't true.
Because Eddie has loved Buck for everything he is for years and he's not going to stay silent again.
He refuses the idea of ​​living in a world where Evan Buckley doesn't know that the first person who loved him with all his heart is Eddie Diaz.
(And we could have an chapter dedicated solely to Buck figuring out his life and returning a week later to his favorite couch because he's not willing to lose the love of Eddie Diaz.)
If anyone writes this, let me know so I can read it and put it on my fanfic masterlist!
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supercalime · 5 months
I always think some of these buddie shippers never had any friends or a best friend. They say they have been in love all this time but there were really no signs. They point at moments (often vulnerable ones) where they look at each other with “hearth eyes”. Like of course they are flattered to hear reassuring words from each other. They are best friends, they love each other platonically. Buck has the same reaction when maddie or bobby say those things to him. If they actually were in love this whole time, there would’ve been so much more signs. Of course they love each other and maybe they’re even platonic soulmates but they’ve never been IN love whith each other. Not once where they bothered or jealous when the other one had a girlfriend. They don’t touch or hug each other weirdly often and if they do touch each other it’s clearly the exact same way every friends would do. Never longer than necessary or weird or underlying sexual or romantic. Some stans are so deep into this, that they turn every clearly platonic moment between them into something kind of secret love confession. They watch their scenes with glued on buddie shipper goggles. Saying eddie looked disappointed after buck tells him about his date with tommy or buck looked disappointed after eddie tells him that nothing is gonna change between them, is actually insane crazy. All I’ve seen were two very best friends who support each other unconditionally. Eddie even told buck to call tommy. Not once but twice. He looked happy for him.
You said it all anon!
I don’t think the writers had any intention to place eddie and buck together romantically at least so far. I tend to keep my ships in canon, so this whole discourse between buddie and bucktommy is very strange to me.
Like, I totally understand shipping characters that aren’t canon, heck, I have my own weird little ships too, so wanting to two characters to get together and thinking fondly of them as couple through wishful thinking and fanfic is really cool!
But the second an entire piece of the fandom decides to bring that OUTSIDE the fandom space, that’s where the problem lies.
Could we, bucktommy shippers, be very wrong about the interactions between buck and eddie meaning only friendship?
Yes, even though I don’t enjoy the story going on that direction. It could be a big plan that’s been brewing for years to have the ship become canon.
However, I feel like b*ddie shippers are being disrespectful on how they are approaching this entire situation, as, like I said, the shipping thing left the fandom space and now infects those on the inside (actors, network, writers, etc). So now we are in this strange blend of what’s on our side and what’s on the show’s side. There’s no wall separating the creators and the fans, and while that can have a lot of positives, it also taints the side that’s doing the creative part.
In fact, writers and actors are advised to not engage with fanfic and fan theories because it can affect the original work, even in a subconscious way. Of course actors can have head canons for the characters they are playing to help with the motivation, but that is also not canon, so it shouldn’t be taken at face value as well.
This whole situation is very tiring because there’s no real win here. If tommy and buck become endgame, the b*ddie shippers will say that it was rushed and made no sense because he had more chemistry with eddie, blah blah blah. If b*ddie does become canon, they will say they were always right and will most likely think that they got their ship to be canon because of their behavior on social media.
Shipping is such a harmless thing. It should be “I think these two would make a cute couple, I’ll explore that by writing about it on my own little story”, not “these two have to be together because like them together and if it’s not that way there’s something wrong being done by the creators”.
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