#tommy tries to not bring his own food too much so he can share the same meal as the others
god-i-hope-so · 4 months
Everyone at Harbor knows that the few times Tommy brings his own lunch/dinner and that it smells extra good, it means he spent the night at Evan's. And they all try to get him to bring extra portions so they can have their share.
Everyone asking him if he goes to see Evan at the end of his shift so they know if they have to put some pressure on Tommy so he brings something on his next shift.
Maybe we need an episode with a Station Chef contest or whatever.
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cherryredstars · 8 months
would you write married life hcs with simon i need some domestic fluff paired with angst please🥺😢
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Pairing: Simon “Ghost” Riley x gn!reader
Warnings: Fluff, Angst 
Summary: Married life with Simon. 
Word Count: 745 (Not Edited)
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The ring he proposes with is gorgeous. It fits your finger perfectly, not catching on your skin once. It’s fashioned from his mother’s ring. His mother’s ring was also the ring Tommy had used to propose to his own wife. You carry the memory of four lost Rileys with you, and it is a weight you are proud to hold. Simon cannot think of a better person to share the weight with. 
He spoils you rotten. Wants the best for his spouse and wants nothing less. He gives you random gifts. Brings you back souvenirs from his deployments. Takes you to your favorite restaurants. Stocks the kitchen with your favorite foods. Gives you access to all his bank accounts. He makes too much money from his high position and his long years of serving, the money might as well be spent on someone he loves. Someone who deserves the world. 
He truly believes that you’re an angel. Someone sent him to hold him together. Every second he spends at home is with you. Follows you around like a lovesick puppy. He’ll stand with you in the kitchen as he cooks. He’ll sit on the edge of the bathtub or on the toilet seat as you do your skincare or get ready for the day. Lays on the couch or on the bed doing his own thing. As long as he’s in the same room as you, he’s content. 
He wants to share your happiness. Wants to absorb everything good about you and have it stained into his soul. He feels that as long as you are in his hold, he can keep that sacred part of you safe. He worries whenever he hears a thump in the house, rushing into the room to find you hopping because you dropped something on your foot. It warms his heart, to have something so normal and domestic. He doesn’t know how he ever survived without you. 
He has never taken his ring off. Not once. Not since you had placed it on his finger. He doesn’t take it off when he’s cooking. Doesn't care that the shampoo from his shower is making it soapy. Doesn’t mind that there is a slight bulge in his glove from where the ring still sits on his finger despite being against code. You’d have to kill him to pry that finger off his ring. But even in death, you’ll have to fight him for it. 
Plans dates for the two of you. He wants you to know how much he truly cares for you. How grateful he is to announce to the world that he has a spouse waiting for him at home. Will never get tired of the privilege to have that. With all his time away from home, he wants to be able to spend that intimate, one-on-one time with you. Sometimes you wished he just stopped.
Marrying Simon means empty promises that he tries to apologize for by throwing money at it. It means excitedly texting him something and being disappointed when he replies two weeks later with a thumbs up emoji reaction. It means being suffocated when he’s here, and then drowning when he’s gone. It means being drained of everything within you because you keep giving it to a man who is never there. It means waiting in a restaurant in your best outfit for hours and going home with tears in your eyes and a message the next morning saying, Sorry, have to wrap some things up before returning home. See you in a few days. 
Having Simon as a husband is like being a widow. It is spending nights in a cold bed alone, in a large house devoid of life. It is yearning every day for something and clinging on to the love you have. It is full of being bitter and understanding and tired of an endless cycle. 
Being Simon’s spouse is full of debating and fighting with yourself. It is spending every day that he is away staring at the folder of divorce papers in your bedside drawer. It is wonder how you could ever think of divorcing him every day he is home. It is thinking that the Riley ring is a curse because everyday you feel like you are dying from its weight. 
Wearing Simon’s ring makes you feel like you��ll just be a memory of another Riley he has lost. Another Riley he has sacrificed for his job.
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fandomlit · 3 years
neutral, chap. 2 (dream smp x reader)
series summary (in game!au) when an exiled tommy finally rebels against a manipulative dream, he finds safety in neutral territory, a place owned and guarded by you. staying in your safe haven opens up the younger one’s eyes to your way of life, while also revealing your deeper past before neutral; a past that involved a war for your love.
chapter summary tommy learns a little bit more about your relationship with dream before spending his day with ghostbur, exploring neutral territory and learning of the war that sparked its creation.
warning mentions of war, violence, and injuries
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gif cred belongs to @chillcrafting
“you have a package, y/n!” ghostbur called out just as you placed tommy’s breakfast in front of him. the ghoul’s words went completely ignored by tommy, whose gaze was solely focused on the beautiful stack of pancakes placed in front of him.
y/n smiled to herself. “you can bring it in, bur. i know who it’s from.” she shuffled syrup and butter over to tommy just as ghostbur came in with the fateful package.
tommy was already half way through scarfing down the stack of pancakes when y/n managed to open the package, ghostbur gazing over her shoulder. she took out a note set atop of the contents.
she read aloud, “y/n, i’m sorry i haven’t properly stopped by in a while. my work requires much of my undivided attention right now, which i’m sure you understand. please work your magic for me with the clothes included, and i will be sure to drop by for them and a meal soon. there are a few extra gifts included for you. i hope tommy isn’t burdening you. signed dream.”
“i’m not a burden!” tommy spoke offendedly through a mouthful of pancakes.
“you’re right, tommy,” y/n hummed, handing him a napkin to wipe some syrup off of his chin. “you’re perfect company.” tommy smiled to himself as he finished off his stack of pancakes. y/n sighed to herself, “clay really knows how to ruin a good piece of clothing..”
“so you and dream are close, y/n?” tommy grumbled, picking up his glass of milk.
she shrugged. “as close as you can be with someone you barely see.” she placed his battered clothes to the side, sighing again when she saw the rest of the contents of the box. tommy didn’t realize this, continuing with his questions.
“i remember that he respected your territory when he stepped into it,” he recalled. “he was going to kill me, but then he realized he was in neutral.”
y/n nodded. “when i made claimed this territory as neutral, i made a deal with everyone: i would mend and tailor anything you needed as long as you respected my territory as neutral.” she held up a box of diamonds and a smaller box of netherite to tommy’s view, making his mouth drop open with surprise. y/n held out another napkin to him for the milk that had sputtered out of his open mouth while ghostbur laughed into his hand. “clay is the only one who still tries to pay me.”
“with netherite?!” tommy exclaimed, letting out a surprised laugh.
y/n shrugged, seemingly not phased by the generous gift. “the nether..” she shook her head, placing the valuable materials onto the table, “is not a place i like to go. and most of this will probably be going toward dream’s armor, anyway.” she sighed, placing the gifts back into the box and laying the tattered shirts on top of them. “trust me, he’s still too kind for his own good with these sorts of materials.”
“how much netherite does that man have?” ghostbur scoffed, looking at how much was contained in the box.
“probably quadruple that amount,” y/n chuckled. “he has far too much free time.”
“and he doesn’t even spend it with you,” ghostbur sighed, shaking his head with a goofy smile.
“i know!” y/n spoke sarcastically before laughing out. she closed the box and set it under the table. “i’ll deal with that later. do you want any more pancakes, tommy?”
“no, i’m stuffed,” the teen yawned. “but thank you.”
she nodded. “well, then how about ghostbur shows you around the territory today?”
the boys perked up immediately. “really?”
“yeah,” she laughed, taking tommy’s empty plate. “you two can take the day to explore and have fun. go be a kid, kid.”
tommy excitedly looked up to his ghost friend. “fancy a game of ultimate tag?”
“you’re gonna get crushed,” ghostbur laughed before they both ran out of the house, laughing. y/n smiled.
“oh! i should make them lunch..”
“how big is this place?” tommy laughed after a few rounds of tag. they had found their way to a pond in a forested area, tommy deciding his knee needed a break after all of their running. 
“it’s bigger than you think,” ghostbur assured, making sure to keep an appropriate distance from the water as they sat along the small shore. “y/n claimed the territory before l’manberg, so there really wasn’t any need for a turf war of any sorts for what she settled.”
“how long has she lived here?” tommy questioned.
ghostbur shrugged. “almost two years, i think. she’s made quite the life for herself since.” more to himself, he muttered, “god, has it really been that long since it happened?”
“since what happened?” tommy asked, leaning closer to his friend with sparkling, curious eyes.
ghostbur sighed, “i’ll admit, i don’t remember too much.. but i know there was a fight. one of the first wars of our time, and it was all over y/n.”
“they were fighting for her?” tommy spoke with confusion. “she’s not an object.”
“very good, tommy,” ghostbur prided, patting his friend on the shoulder. “you’re right, she’s not. that’s why y/n left her original home and sought to create neutral territory; to end the fighting and create a place where peace could reign. in exchange, she’d offer her goods and services.”
“so they were fighting over her for her skills,” tommy understood. ghostbur made a face. “..or not?”
“both sides obviously wanted her skills, but i think y/n tends to neglect the fact that they were all madly in love with her,” ghostbur sighed, shaking his head.
tommy raised his eyebrows. “a crime of passion, eh?” he joked, making them both laugh out before he asked, “who was it?”
“let me think,” ghostbur sighed, tapping his chin. “i know one was dream, but the other.. i think it was-”
“boys! lunch is ready when you are!”
tommy turned back to ghostbur. “well? who?”
ghostbur shook his head. “sorry, tommy, i don’t remember that far. that’s as much as i can tell you.”
tommy couldn’t help but fel disappointed, but he knew he couldn’t blame his friend. “that’s alright, ghostbur. let’s go get lunch before y/n comes looking for us.”
after lunch and an insistent rematch of tag, ghostbur and tommy made their way to the organized garden area.
“y/n grows anything you can imagine,” ghostbur bragged as tommy marveled as the fluorescent, beautifully natural area. “she’s been to nearly every biome to complete her garden.”
“you can grow cocoa?!” tommy exclaimed when he finally spotted y/n, who was swinging an axe at a low jungle tree.
“y/n found a way,” ghostbur shrugged, guiding tommy over to her. “hey, y/n!”
“hi, boys,” she smiled, plucking off the plant she had loosened from the tree. “was lunch good? im sorry i didn’t stay and chat.”
“it was delicious,” ghostbur complimented, tommy nodding in agreement as his mind drifted back to the mouth watering coleslaw and toasted sandwiches she had prepared.
“that’s good!” she smiled, placing the cocoa plant on the ground. “you boys may want to step back.” they did as told as y/n swung her axe over her head, splitting the cocoa clean in half and revealing the delicious beans inside of it. “voila!”
ghostbur clapped politely. “thank you,” y/n laughed, dropping her axe and picking up the split plant. “would you boys like a sample?”
“sure,” tommy shrugged, stepping forward with ghostbur. he picked out a few beans before popping them into his mouth. breaking through the semi-tough shell, the delicious, dark taste flooded his taste buds and made him nearly moan, as y/n’s food often did. he and ghostbur shared a look of satisfaction before he voiced, “oh, y/n.. they’re perfect.”
“that’s good,” she laughed before nudging her bucket closer to her and scooping the seeds out into it. “how has your day around the territory been?”
“entertaining,” tommy spoke before asking, “how did you get into gardening, y/n?”
y/n gave ghostbur a knowing smile before she answered the younger boy’s question, “i was tired of eating only meat and bread. gardening was a way to expand my diet to more than just carbs and proteins. also, it’s very calming.” they followed when she hiked up her bucket and moved to the next jungle tree.
“is it?” tommy questioned.
she affirmed with a nod. “it’s nice to be able to spend a day tending to things you made. the fruits of your own harvest are the sweetest, they say.” they watched as she knocked down another cocoa plant.
“they are,” tommy nodded solemnly, his mind drifting to a sadder, more familiar place. “that’s why i miss l’manberg.”
y/n was barely surprised by the boy’s open confession. she tossed her axe down again, going to place a hand on tommy’s shoulder. “i know you do, tommy, and i know it’s rough right now. but what we’re playing here is a waiting game; we’re waiting for a safe opportunity to get you home, and in the meantime, i’ll take care of you, kid.”
tommy offered you another nod and a smile. “we?”
y/n gave him a kind grin. “im going to help you as best as i can from where i am. and i know that’s not much from me, but i know that everyone deserves a home that they love. and you can’t get there alone, kid.”
“you’re right about that,” tommy sighed before looking into her kind eyes. “thank you, y/n. your help means a lot.”
she squeezed his shoulder. “of course, tommy. you and ghostbur go explore some more; try to keep your mind on the things you can control.” she picked her axe back up.
tommy looked to the pitying ghoul beside him before looking back to y/n, a new thought fresh in his mind. “can you teach me how to cook?”
y/n grinned as she lifted her axe over her head again. “of course i can, tommy.”
tommy smiled as she cracked open the plant. he looked back to ghostbur. “wanna go for a swim?” the ghost shot him a fearful look. “im kidding! im kidding, let’s go use some pigs for target practice.” they both began to walk off, chatting and giggling before tommy turned and called, “y/n!” she looked up attentively. “what’s for dinner?”
she smiled. “i was thinking ribs!”
tommy’s mouth watered at the thought. “oh my god, i can’t wait to learn how to cook..”
tag list!! @vanhakirja @victory-is-here @inkyynki @airiour @sylum @kiritokunuwu @221bee-slytherin @bllatrixcarpnter @soullesstaco @stxrryb1tch​ comment below or message me if you would like to be added <3
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frankiekatt · 3 years
Hi! Can I request some domestic and fluffy headcanons for Thomas Hewitt with a significant other?
Thanks in advance, lots of love 😘
Yes of course! Thomas is the love of my life, I adore him!
TW: Implied murder, (1) mention of gore, implied NSFW
Domestic And Fluffy Headcanons For Thomas Hewitt And His S/O:
Thomas craves fluffiness and domesticity , let me tell you
Thomas has spent his entire youth being bullied and ridiculed, never having any type of companionship. Even as he got older he has always been under Hoyt’s control, feeling like he never gets to make his own decisions. So when he finally has someone who will care for him and listen to him and love him, he is over the moon!
When Thomas wakes up beside you in the morning he is always in awe of you - you look so peaceful and serene and he still cannot believe that he has someone like you to love and who loves him.
He tries his very best to get out of bed without waking you but Tommy is a big boy so he almost always fails.
He feels so bad every time he wakes you up that he lurches forward to pat you on the shoulders as an apology.
This always makes you giggle though, because how could you be mad at such a sweet boy?
Once you are up and about after Thomas’ slip up, you both get ready for the day together. Thomas tries not to look at you while you’re getting dressed because he doesn’t want to be disrespectful, but sometimes you turn around and catch him looking away from you with a slight blush in his cheeks.
Breakfast is always a rushed occasion because everyone needs to get started on chores as soon as possible, but you and Tommy spend what little time you have in the mornings holding hands underneath the breakfast table while the both of you scramble to finish your fruit.
You don’t see too much of Thomas during the main part of the day because he’s busy down in the basement and you’re busy either in the kitchen or the garden, but you do make it a point to make Tommy a sandwich and some tea for lunch and bring it down to him while he’s working.
Thomas is always very grateful and excited when you do this. He doesn’t like to have you in the basement around all the gore and grime, but seeing you again after so many hours, being so kind as to make him food, he can’t help but be delighted at your presence.
Towards the end of the day, when everyone’s chores are completed, you and Thomas have some time to spend together before dinner is ready.
One of Thomas’ favorite pastimes is to go sit outside with you just as the sun is setting and watch the fireflies light up all around the house while you sit next to him.
He’ll excitedly point out each firefly that lights up just to be sure that you don’t miss it!
These moments often lead to soft kisses and sweet hand holds on the front porch while the sky is painted in pinks and oranges, which makes it extra romantic.
Sometimes though, Thomas likes to go to your shared bedroom to lay down for a bit before supper.
He loves for you to lay down next to him and assume the role of the big spoon while stroking the back of his head because this sweet boy loves to be taken care of.
Sometimes these little half naps can lead to something more intimate. Thomas loves when you kiss down his body, soon reaching the top button of his trousers, where you palm him gently. This heavy petting and wet kisses makes his heart rate go up and his breathing ragged before Luda Mae is calling you down to help set the table.
You groan and place a chaste kiss to Tommy’s cheek before heading down stairs.
As Monty, Hoyt, and Thomas all enter the kitchen to eat dinner together, Thomas admires how domestic you look preparing the table for them. He just thinks you look so cute doing house-wife type things!
The rest of the family never notices how you actively avoid eating the meat of the meal, sticking to the vegetables and side dishes. Thomas notices though. Thomas notices every little thing about you, and this particular thing always makes him feel guilty. He knows this isn’t exactly the life you envisioned for yourself - living in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of murderers who eat other people to survive. Sometimes, Thomas half expects to wake up to see you’ve left him to make a better life for yourself.
He doesn’t think he deserves you, not one bit. He views himself as a big, ugly monster and he can never understand why a beautiful angel such as yourself could ever want to be with him.
You notice him looking down at his hands, recognizing the look of self hatred on his face before letting your hand fall down to his knee and squeezing assuringly. You know Thomas feels this way and you hate it. You fell in love with Thomas wholeheartedly and you adore everything about him. He has always been so kind and gentle and loving and giving. Why can’t he see himself the way you see him?
‘I love you,’ you mouth to him as he looks up at you. He lets his big hands rest atop yours and nods sofly. A silent ‘I love you too,’
Once everyone finishes dinner, you and Thomas head up to bed. After a full day of chores and a large dinner, the two of you are spent.
Bedtime for the two of you is always soft and pillowy. The house is dark and quiet and the only people in your little world are yourself and the man you love.
Thomas falls asleep pretty quickly, whereas it takes a bit for you to slumber.
You always lay on Thomas’ chest, his arms wrapped tightly around you as if he’s afraid you’ll slip away, listening to his even breathing.
No, this is not the life you dreamed of when you were younger. It is so much better than any dream or expectation you might have previously had because laying in the arms of the man who owns your heart every night is more than you could ever ask for.
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im-a-lil-simp · 4 years
Not sure whether it‘s still open or it hasn‘t updated for me yet but ndhvdd if possible, can I possibly request a Techno x Reader writing where the Reader wants to cuddle with him, but they have no Idea how to express it so they just..get extremely fidgety?:,> Preferably in a SMP like AU because c o l d = very fluff moments but I don‘t mind either way :,33
I‘m sorry for requesting Techno but he‘s such a comfort Streamer and I just aaaA-
Also you don’t have to do it, ya know, since I get if not and it‘s 100% valid aldbs
~Hira👑, who still can‘t fall asleep because I just saw a Spider qjebdb
No Harm In A Hug (Technoblade x Reader)
Okay I can get behind more smp au, I don't wanna do it all the time, but this is nice. Techno is also a comfort streamer of mine.
This was such a cute request 🥺 I hope you guys get the callback I put in there.
It had started early on in your friendship. You had been friends for around four months and you were becoming more comfortable with each other. You loved being more comfortable with each other, it meant the all the awkwardness of a new friendship had finally washed away and you guys could actually get to know each other deeper than just surface level.
You knew it was too early in the friendship to get close to him physically. I mean, he didn't outwardly show friendship normally. Only in the small things, like killing a skeleton before you had to, sniping it from miles away.
He noticed it then too, how you would fidget. It didn't mean much to him, as he passed it off as nervousness or just a general tendency to appear fidgety. He understood of course, he had adhd so who was he to really judge.
A couple of months later, you were still facing the same issue. It was more of a need to be generally close to him now, though. You found yourself wanting to hold his hand and hug him when arriving and leaving a place. And when it slipped out to one of his brothers, they assured you it would be fine. They weren't necessarily affectionate as brothers, but they knew he wouldn't mind a single bit, especially because you two were already close friends.
Once you had even found yourself reaching for his hand. You hadn't a clue where that urge came from. Your feelings for him were complicated, but you never even thought about holding his hand. All you knew is how nervous you were to touch him, you wanted to so badly.
And then the war came. Wilbur and Tommy asked him to join them in pogtopia, and he couldn't deny them and their desire to bring down Schlatt as president. There would be no time for indulging you in your quest for affection. Especially not initiating it for the first time ever.
You'd come to visit him though. You'd sit around when he'd plant potatoes, or even following him, hoping to gain the smallest understanding of what he was doing or why. They had plenty of food in pogtopia, so why did they need such a massive potato farm? You also had no idea why he love farming potatoes so much, but you still supported him, even if you didn't understand this hyperfixation of his. Those days were normally calm.
There were other calm days as well, but only for Techno. He'd ask you to spar sometimes, usually when Wilbur and Tommy were out, so there was nobody that he had been explicitly asked to train around his temporary home. Sparring wasn't intrinsically calm, but he found it calming in a specific way since it wasn't the same as being in the heat of a normal battle or war.
It wasn't so calm for you. Sure, it was always nice to get a bit of practice in, you had a habit of getting rusty and he had a way of relieving it pretty easily. But the fact that you guys were so close in proximity, so close that at times you could feel each others breath reflecting off the others skin, bothered you to no end.
When he pinned you to the ground in victory, you wanted nothing more than to pull him down with you and watch the clouds for the rest of the day, rather than go round for another fight. You wanted to feel how warm he would make you from just existing next you. You were sure he'd be very warm.
He could see at that point the small twitches your hand would make towards his. He noticed when you would inch towards him, even in scenarios when you weren't being threatened by another member of the SMP or L'manburg. He wondered what was stopping you from being affectionate with him. He may not have been the type to show love that way, but it didn't mean he didn't welcome it with open arms. There was no harm in a hug.
When the war finally came, you were worried about him, as most friends would be when their best friend's life was on the line. He tried everything to assure you that Technoblade never dies, but none of his assurance helped to ease the worry in your heart. It was the day he went to war that you realized you loved him as more than your best friend.
You watched from the hills as he fought. You were on neutral grounds as far as everyone else was concerned, so you had to stay that way, no matter how much you wanted to fight next to Techno. He educated you on his plans the night before though. He didn't want you anywhere near the fight, as he knew you would already have to run if the chance to spawn the withers did arise as he thought it might.
When it was over, he found people rummaging through his base. It was to be expected to be respected so little by the people he had so-called betrayed. You knew your time with him was most likely over when he told you he'd be moving away so that he could enter retirement and be free from his violent lifestyle. It pained you knowing that your friendship would be severed in half and you would never even have the chance to dwell on your feelings for him again.
Until he asked you to run away with him. He didn't want to leave his best friend, he told you. Those words stung a little, but his intentions still excited you. He knew you remained neutral. You'd be considered part of the badlands if you had lived anywhere other than the main part of the smp. There was nothing there for you other than more war and hardships.
Maybe if you could just get him alone, spend all of your time with him, you'd finally be able to touch him. You'd finally work up the courage to take his hand in yours, or hug him in excitement, or just confess your feelings to him.
You confessed your feelings to him when you built your house together. It was so cold outside, but you worked through it anyway. It wasn't originally supposed to be your house together anyway, at least to you. You were supposed to build your own after you were done with his.
But it just kind of slipped out of you. He mentioned how well your house was coming together, and you replied about how you hoped yours would look just as good. But that confused him. He thought that you'd share it.
When you tried to explain to him that you really couldn't live in the same house as him, it confused him further. Why not? So he asked, and when you spilled out, "because then you'd find out how many feelings I have for you," you hadn't thought that your brain would not keep that little tidbit of information to itself.
And it surprised you when he walked over, crouched down, and patted your head. He wanted you to know that he felt the same. He wanted you to be as close as you had been trying to be.
Living together became something you cherished a lot, but you still didn't physically touch each other as much as you wanted to. Yea, he'd hold your hand when making a harder trek, trying to keep you going. Or he'd put his hand on yours when you sat next to the fire on a particularly cold night. But it wasn't enough, and you still couldn't bring yourself to take it farther than that.
Techno knew, but he waited for you to make a move first. You'd do it in your own time, when you were ready to. But as time moved on, he realized that that was simply not true. You were fighting yourself on it and he would have to step in.
When you walked in the door after making your way to the lake to fish for the night's dinner, his plan was already set in mind. You headed down stairs to separate the other things you fished up into chests and he took a deep breath. It wouldn't be as hard for him to do it as it was for you, but it still wasn't something you two did often.
You emerged in a comfier set of clothes and moved to sit down next to the fire. Mid-crouch, he grabbed your hand and yoinked you down to fall directly into him. You hit his chest with an 'oomph' and he wrapped his arms securely around you.
Your face flushed from his actions, rather than the sudden heat of the fire. Though, it certainly contributed. He hummed, content.
You buried your face into his chest further and gripped his shirt, this was exactly what you wanted. You finally had exactly what you were looking for and you definitely wanted more of it in the future.
Techno knew he'd have to do this a few more times before you'd do it yourself, but if that's what he had to do to make you comfortable, he'd do it every day of the week and every second of every day.
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sixxgurl26 · 2 years
~Sleazy Sugar ~ 3 - Tug of War
Pairing: Nikki Sixx x Layla Krane (OC)
Warnings: 18+, language, sexual themes
Word Count: 2.5K+ 
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“Here you go sir, black coffee just as you like, and here are the reports from the Mayfield account you were asking for yesterday, I’ve gone ahead and labeled the different years and categories for you.” My boss, Phil Bring, had flashed a smile as I set this items down for him on his desk before him. “Thank you Miss Krane, you can return to your desk for now, just please let me know if any calls from the accounts call in.” I nodded as I made my exit, releasing sigh of relief as I plopped down on my chair.
I loved my job, I did. Being a receptionist/personal assistant at times to an accountant had great pay, low stress, and for the most part, not much work required other than pulling files and tagging items, as well as the occasional food and coffee run. But it was starting to lose its sparkle to me, and I blame this on Kayla.
Now I know blaming this all on her is a steep accusation, she is my best friend after all, but I was living in heavenly bliss in my own “priss” world as she calls is, before she dragged me off to that damn club. I’ve worked hard at suppressing that damn night in my head, trying to move on like that night from three months ago had never happened, but if I wasn’t careful, thoughts of Nikki’s tongue swiping over my wet, warm slit would flood my mind and I had to immediately find something else to do, usually the most boring and detailed thing I can get my hands on to make my mind work on anything else.
Of course my boss and colleagues have no idea that night happened, I don’t share much of personal life at work, but they have shot me weird glances when I occasionally cross my legs and grab the nearest accounts files I can find to keep myself from going into overdrive. I wasn’t going to admit this to Kayla though, because that would give her wayyy too much satisfaction.
Now for Kayla, she’s been all over that drummer Tommy since that night. Almost any chance she can run off for a show, to a party, a whatever that involves him, she's there. She has tried to pull me along again but I’ve refused, and I never told her I slept with Nikki, though I was sure he had told her himself, he seemed like the type to flaunt that sort of thing to flex his ego. I know he had asked her a few times to get me to come to a show, but I have refused. I turned into someone else in that environment, someone I didn’t recognize and I felt it was better to stay away and just focus on my studies and my work.
I battled with my mind hoping he would just forget me and that night and move on to the next two legged creature he could find, and the thought of hoping he did remember me and want to see me, but I couldn’t figure out which was worse for me to hope and wish on.
My thoughts were zapped away as the desk phone rang, and I collected myself to answer. “Mr. Bring’s office, how can I direct your call?” There was a silence for a moment, before I could hear a light chuckle, almost a muffled sound as I waiting for an answer.
“You sound so posh sugar, so refined, I dig it.”
My eyes widened as I realized who had called the office and started to freak out with what to do. This was my work, my professional work place, I needed to figure something out to get this call to end without him calling back.
“How did you get this phone number sir?” Being in an office with other workers, I couldn’t speak exactly like I wish, like “hang the fuck up or I’m going to personally rip your balls off”.
“Well, Miss, if you are so interested in how, your dear friend Kayla gave it to me. Seems like the messages I was giving her weren’t working so I decided to call you myself and see how I fared that way. Worked pretty good I think.” Of course it was Kayla, who else but Kayla would know and, I'm sorry, be stupid enough to give this number out.
“I’m sorry, you can’t reach me here, I'm unavailable here.” I tried to whisper as low as possible without anyone catching on, so far it was working.
“Maybe sugar isn’t, but how about Layla? Miss Krane? Is she available?” I could hear his smug smile though the phone and rolled my eyes. “Nikki, I need to go, you can’t call me here at work. Please.” I got one eyebrow raised at me as my coworker Brian walked by me to the break room, and I flashed him a smile like everything is normal, face falling as soon as he passed. “Oh I like when you say please. Well, Miss Krane, I won’t call you again here, IF you come to the show tonight at The Whiskey. Fair deal?” Fuck, this was not going to my plan at all. “If I don’t go, you’re going to keep calling, aren’t you?” I sighed in defeat. His chuckle was all I needed for my answer, “Bingo! You got it Miss Krane. See you tonight, come to the back, through the right hand side of the stage at nine.” Before I could retort anything, the line went dead, and I defeatedly placed the phone back.
“Anyone important?” Sarah quipped from across the room. She looked at me with a suspicious look in her eyes, I smiled back at her, running a hand through my hair as I re-collected myself. “Oh no, just a sales call, pesky salesman, they just don’t quit.” Well, I wasn’t completely wrong.
It wasn’t long before I was locking up for the day and running home to pick out an outfit to throw on, but nothing I had was fitting and I wasn’t about to show up looking how I did. I knew it was a long shot hoping Kayla was home, but I made my way there and thankfully, her car was in her driveway.
“Lay! I heard you’re coming tonight! I’m so happy!” Kayla jumped as she hugged the damn life out of me as I entered her home, and I groaned against her, but I accepted it. “News travels fast huh?” She laughed as she let go, closing the door behind me. “Well, Nikki told Tommy and Tommy told me! So I came home for awhile cause I figured you would be heading over.” I cocked my hip out and crossed my arms as I looked at her. “You really figured I’d end up here? How predictable am I Kay?” She pulled my arms from me as she she led me to her closet. “I’m your best friend, I know you. I know you have nothing to wear except that one outfit you wore the one time, I know you aren’t going to repeat the outfit, and I know you aren’t going to show up in work clothes as to not tarnish your new “bad girl” image.” Now I laughed at her and the idea of that. “I’m not trying to be a “bad girl” Kay, I just don’t want to look out of place.” She winked at me as she ruffled through her clothes. “Sure Lay, whatever you say. Whatever you did that first night, it was enough to leave an impression on that bassist. I mean, he has other girls around, but they don’t seem to interest him as much as when he seems to be when he asks me about you.” She was grabbing a few dresses from her closet and handing them to me as she went, me following her along.
“I don’t know if I’m supposed to be flattered or disgusted by that.” She took the dresses from me as she finished, but stopped for a moment and looked straight at me. “Look, its a compliment okay? Its fun, we are having fun, so lighten up.” I huffed as I refused an answer to that, and she weighed her options, before handing one to me. “Okay, this is the one you should wear. It’s going to look perfect with my red heels, you better thank god we were born with the same size in damn near everything.”
The choice of the night was a black, velvet, long sleeve, tight fitting, off the should dress that came above the knees, of course. A Kayla staple. “Really? One slip up and my ass is out!” I exclaimed holding it in front of me to see where it ended. “Yeah, that’s the point. It’s going to look a-mazing on you Lay, and he’s going to lose it when he see’s that. Every man will. Look, you’re not used to the male gaze, I get it. But you’re fucking hot okay, so dress like it.” I had given up, fighting was pointless, so I was shutting off my “reasonable” thoughts and just going along, because lord knows that hasn’t led to trouble before.
It wasn’t long before we were at The Whiskey, whisked inside yet again thanks to Kayla, and headed to the back. The nerves in my stomach were flipping, it had been three months since I had been in this environment and seen him, but here we were. Kayla was gone in a instant when she saw Tommy in the back, and I stood awkwardly, looking for something I wasn’t even sure of.
“There you are, I wasn’t sure if my sugar would actually show tonight or not.” I turned to face the towering bassist, his smile radiating down to me and my knees felt much weaker immediately. Fuck this man is pretty.
“Your sugar huh?” He smiled wrapping an arm around my shoulder and pulling me closer. “Well, I’m sure as hell not letting any other man touch you in here.” I didn’t fight it, because it simply didn't matter, it was Nikki being Nikki, so I went along with it. We sat down on a vacant couch, the sounds of the band currently on stage filling the room as they waited to go on. “So do you want to tell me why its taken three months to see you again?” He asked, placing a hand now on my thigh, rubbing small circles, causing a heat to form immediately in me. “I was busy, some of us have jobs and don’t sleep all day waiting for a gig.” He chuckled, and threw his hair back to try and move it out of his face. I could remark all day that this man was annoying, egotistic, and narcissistic as fuck, but saying he wasn't sexy and had me, and probably many other girls, burning down under would be a goddamn lie. And that feeling scared the shit out of me.
“You say that now, but one day when I’m making more money than everyone but just playing music and drink Daniels for breakfast and dinner, you won’t feel the same, I promise. This band is going somewhere, I bet my life on it.” The look of determination on his face was new to me, his passion for music was inspirational, I’d give him that. He was as dedicated to his craft as he was to drinking and fucking, so that had to amount for something.
“Well Mr. Sixx, I hope you get there one day.” He smiled, it seemed genuine, for once. “Why thank you, Miss Krane.” I crumpled my face as he said my name like that, and he could tell by it that I didn't like it. “You don’t like Miss Krane?” He asked, leaning in closer. “I mean, you’ve been calling me sugar this whole time, just feels weird. Even my closest friends call me Lay and not even Layla.” There was that smug smile again as he closed the gap between us and gently kissed my exposed shoulder, sending electricity down my back.
“Got it, I’ll just stay with Sugar, the sweetest sugar I’ve tasted.” He whispered to me as he placed soft kisses up my neck, his tongue ever so slightly touching, causing an involuntary moan to leave my lips as I tried to keep myself composed. “I know why you wore this little dress tonight, you fucking tease.” He breathed into my ear, his hand slipping up my dress, brushing up against my core, and I immediately grabbed his hand pulling it down. “Nikki! We cant do that here, there are people everywhere.” My breath hitched, and as anxious as I was to have anyone see, I wanted him to shove his fingers deep in and make me a mess right there on the couch. What the fuck where these thoughts I had around him?
“I love how scared you are of being seen, no one cares sugar, but I’ll stop, for now.” He moved his hand down to my knee and he looked me in the eyes, reassuring he had stopped and I tried to compose myself. “But I just know, I’ve been thinking about what that pretty face looks like as I had my cock buried in you last time, and I look forward to doing that once I get off that stage.”
Before I could respond, his lips had found mine, taking them strongly, his tongue wrapping mine and enveloping me. What felt like after centuries, he pulled away, giving me a wink before standing and grabbing his bass, heading to play their set.
I felt like a mess, I was hot, I was wet, but I felt terrified. I was getting myself in way too deep. This was only the second time I had even been around this scene, around Nikki, and I was already his girl in his eyes? If I didn’t get out now, I was going to be trapped, that man was an addiction and I was going to fall in, and I had to get out now.
I found Kayla watching from the side of the stage, blowing kisses to her drummer, gross. “Hey! Isn’t the show great!” She looked jubilant, but her face fell when she could see the obvious life crisis going on on my face. “I’m sorry, I have to go, tell Nikki I’m sorry, but I can’t be here.”
She tried to tell me something, probably something to beg me to stay, but I was determined and marched out the back doors into the night. I had no idea what I was doing, but I was way in over my head. Who was I trying to be? I’m feeling things I’ve never felt and I’m confused now more than ever on who I really am and what I like.
I felt so sure of what I liked and the lifestyle I wanted to live. But the more I tasted Sixx, the more I wanted it. And I’m not sure whether to fight that feeling, or say fuck it and see how badly this was going to burn.
Next Part
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byorder-fanfic · 3 years
How They Look After You When it Gets Bad: Bonnie
Preference Masterlist
Requested by anonymous
Word count: 1727
Warnings: Reader going through a hard time, suggestive comments, swearing, Bonnie gets hurt (emotionally), not favourable descriptions of Small Heath (apologies to any Brummie readers- it’s for the plot)
Author's Note: Hi! I’ve had some trouble with the Ada and Finn preferences so I’m mixing up the order a bit. Those who’ve requested, your fics will be out soon! If there’s any other characters you want me to write for, feel free to make any more requests. Hope you enjoy and I’m wishing you all my best
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(Gif by @sophieshelby) 
The Golds were travellers. It's what you loved the most about their life, the life that you jumped into in the greatest leap of faith that came with loving Bonnie. Now, whilst watching him ditch button-ups in favour of short vests, giving you full view of his lean arms attacking bags and people with so much strength was fun, it was the wind in your hair as you sat behind him on his horse, arms wrapped around his middle, it was huddling up in your shared bed in the caravan and arguing as to whether or not you could fit another ugly knitted blanket on top of the rest of them, and the maps you kept in a drawer that was slowly becoming more crosses than roads with all the places you've visited- it was that which made you love this life all the more. Plus, living with you Bonnie and his family (who had welcomed you with open arms the second Bonnie introduced you) created a second home, a home that lived on wheels and trotted down dirt paths. You knew that Bonnie getting his boxing licence would make the travelling come to a halt, and Small Heath would have to be home for as long as there was a job to be done and a reward to be reaped. And you were okay with that. You really were. Maybe there were a few tears as you hugged Esmerelda, Naomie and especially little Floss (she was desperate to see Bonnie go head to head with the Peaky Blinders!) goodbye as they continued travelling, you knew Bonnie felt the absence of his sisters more than you would. So, you made sure he never felt lonely, and the bed never felt empty; well, it wasn't as if it was a particularly difficult task to keep him company.
Small Heath was not a particularly enthralling place. Although you were on friendly terms with the Shelbys and their clan (and that was no exaggeration, they multiplied like rabbits!) and, after many, many threats from both the elder and younger Gold, none of the younger Peakys were planning on making a move on you, it was the place itself that seemed to bore you. All those things that you'd learned to love from your life on the road- the fresh air, the constant movement, the friendly welcomes when you saw another caravan cross your path, and the freshly caught food cooked over an open fire- there was none of that here. The sky was full of fumes that burnt more than the dark char of over-exposed meat, there was no patches of grass or flowers and everything was so fucking grey. Grey streets, grey sky, and a very grey mood for you. Sometimes, when Bonnie and Aberama were busy with the Peaky business that they left you out of, you'd just go over to the Cut and sit by the water to get even the slightest feeling of being back amongst the rivers and streams where you and Bonnie would set a number of ugly knitted blankets down and spend the night besides. You always thought the sound of water, and the view of the stars was the best way to fall asleep. Bonnie said the best way was next to you. You loved him, you truly did, but things were getting hard. Bonnie was always so busy now, between boxing and whatever the hell Tommy bloody Shelby had him apart of. Wrapped up next to him under all the blankets was the most time you spent with him, and he was usually so spent from work that he was snoring after seconds of laying his head on the pillow. All you could do was hope he didn't wake as you breathed softly next to him, trying to ward off sleep as much as you can just to see him as much as you can. By the time the sun rose, he was already up and at it. In stinking Small Heath.
You didn't want to resent him for bringing you here. You wanted to be proud of him when he boasted about getting his boxing license. You wanted to be happy for him when he came back, completely sloshed, after a night out at the Garrison with the Peaky boys he'd gotten close to, and he smelt like bloody whiskey and cigarettes when he cuddled up to you, drunkenly nuzzling his nose into your neck. You hated whiskey and cigarettes. Well, at least you think you did. You hated everything right now. You had tried to distract yourself from this frustration that was slowly building up in you, especially after you 'accidentally' broke one of the cups Naomie had made. You would pay for that when you saw her again. You had gotten Charlie Strong and Curly's permission to help with the horses in the stables. Eventually, though, you just felt sorry for the poor buggers: trapped in a scrap yard in a place full of people and so little greenery. Of course, you refused to admit you were projecting your own feelings on them. After feeling lonely for too long, you decided to make friends with the Shelbys. The Peaky boys that Bonnie had become fast friends with were nice enough, and Bonnie was happy for the excuse to see you more. As for the Shelbys, you had to be honest, they were a bit bloody scary. Esmerelda had made sure you were prepared for them, and you kept a whittling knife on your person every time you left the isolating sanctuary of the caravan, so you knew full well you could keep yourself safe amongst the blood and gore of the gangsters.
Eventually though these feelings caught up with you. You didn't even bother leaving the caravan today, knowing the streets were only going to further sour your mood and, even the bright presence of Bonnie's sleepy, half-awake smile, couldn't stop your erratic scrubbing of the plates. Ever since the Naoime's-broken-pottery-you were-sure-to-pay-for incident, you had only been entrusted with the metal pots and pans that weren't so easy to shatter. Still, you managed to scrub the metal dish in such a way to rouse the weary boxer. He had the day off, as Arthur had told you the night before when you sat in the Garrison, and the rest of the boys gave such a cheer their whiskey splattered on your dress. Bonnie had blushed, but you could see the hints of mischief in his smirk. And, with Aberama taking last night and today back in Small Heath, there was no misunderstanding Bonnie's intentions. You heard his stumbling foot steps as you moved further out of the open caravan door, focusing far too much on the washcloth and the practically sparkling pot that you still scrubbed.
"Hey, dove," he said in  sing-song tone that usually made your heart melt. Now it made your blood boil.
"Mornin' Bon," you replied back, far too snappy for his soft voice. 
He was startled. You didn't have to see his face to know he had flinched, feeling the sudden twinge of pain in the air like a broken string.
"Are you alright?" He asked, kindly, reaching down to rest his hand over yours. Instantly, you dropped the pan and cloth on the floor, hearing it crash against the soft grass.
"Well, you'd know if you'd have been there!" Along with your swift movement to stand up, the fierceness in your voice made Bonnie back away into the caravan. He saw the frustration clear in your face, and his shoulders hung in shame. He knew he'd been busy- too busy- and it must've hurt you.
"I'm so sorry, dove, I swear I'm trying to do this for us." 
"For you! And all I fucking do is stay in this fucking city!"
"It's not for long- then we can have that life we planned, with the boxing licence and our own caravan and-"
"And I don't wanna be here!"
You screamed it so loud that you were sure the birds in the trees surrounding you had flapped away from your voice like a shot had been fired from one of the Golds' many, many guns. And Bonnie seemed like he wanted to flee too, face so smushed up and hurt.
"I hate this place! It's dirty and cold and it smells like fucking shit!" 
Bonnie felt his whole body crumble at the tightness in your face, the look of pure anger making your fists squeeze in so tight he knew your nails would be digging in. He was the boxer and it was of his opinion that you should never have to raise a fist like this. You must hate him. You must do, and he was feeling his broad shoulders dip at the wildness that flickered in your eyes.
"I don't want to be here!" It was the crack in your voice that revealed yourself. A crack that mended Bonnie's wounded expression into that of concern. You didn't hate him. You didn't. You probably didn't even mind stinking old Small Heath. 
"Then how about we get outta here?" He suggested, giving you that lopsided grin that always made you childishly giddy. Even now, with frustration embedding your palms, you felt a kinder warmth flood to your cheeks. With more confidence, he moved towards you, cupping your cheek as you felt yourself just drop a little without the weight of frustration on your shoulders.
"Please," you muttered, leaning forward to rest your forehead against yours. "I want fresh air and empty fields and a blanket next to a stream."
"Just you and me lying down and looking at the stars?"
"That's all, Bon."
"Then you'll get it. Let's get changed, pack some food and we can get on a horse and just keep on riding, ey?" You chuckled a little at his romantic proposition, burying yourself closing into his grasp. "And get out of smelly old Small Heath that's been keeping me away from my dove."
"You're gonna have a lot of time to make up for." A little bit of frustration still hung in your mind, but the sweet look of adoration on your Bonnie's face was enough to soothe it into a cheeky remark.
"Indeed I do," he whispered into your neck. His expression got sadder again. "I'm sorry."
"So am I."
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lillian-nator · 3 years
please do more backyard au hcs this sounds lovely
PEOPLE AND AGES - Tommy (5) Kindergarten - Techno (11) 6th grade - wilbur (18) Senior - Tubbo (4) Kindergarten - Schlatt (19) Just Graduated, goes to Community college - SapNap (7) First grade - Punz (13) 7th grade - Dream (12) 8th grade - Gogy (15) Sophomore - Ranboo (6) Kindergarten - Fundy (15) Freshman - Niki (16) junior - Puffy (17) Senior - Purpled (5) Kindergarten - Big Q (14) 8th grade - Karl (13) 7th grade ----------------------- SPECIES AND RELATIONSHIPS (put into friend groups) - Tubbo (Ram, Schlatt's son) - Tommy (Racoon) - Ranboo (enderman, kind of a street kid) - Purpled (Purple Sheep, Dream and Puffy's younger brother) - SapNap (Demon, Bad's son, Punz's baby brother)
- Techno (Piglin) - Dream (Ram, Puffy's younger brother) - Punz (demon) - Gogy  (Mooshroom) - Big Q (Duck) - Karl (Parrot hybrid)
- Wilbur (Blue Jay) - Schlatt (Ram) - Puffy (sheep - Schlatt's cousin) - Niki (fish? mermaid?) - Fundy (Fox) ----------------------- I think that Philza minecraft just slowly keeps finding kids in his backyard, and he slowly grows very attached to all of them Just like every afternoon his backyard is FLOODED with kids And he doesn’t understand why he’s the house everyone goes to, but he’ll feed them He just slowly finds himself being really endeared by each of them ------------------- And before he knows it, Phil’s warning SapNap and Ranboo away from the water, and balancing Purpled and Tommy on his hips And he knows all their allergies And all their favorite foods And he’s keeping track of the high schoolers grades, bringing Dream, punz, and techno to their games  ----------------- CARPOOL SOCCER MOM Mr. Philza Minecraft --------------------- Dream: Basketball Punz: Football Techno: Baseball Puffy: Softball Small children: Baby Soccer -------------------------- - Phil keeps track of all of boys'  games and practices. Because goddamn it, these kids deserve some sort of parental guidance - Dream, purpled, and Puffy don’t have present parents - Puffy had to step up to the plate - Ranboo’s a street kid - No one really knows if he has anyone - Bad just chilling in hell ---------------------------- Schlatt is really working himself thin, but he tries hard, he really does And everyone can see how much he loves Tubbo Sometimes Phil will wake up and see schlatt passed out on their couch. He got off at midnight But as soon as he gets home from work, Tubbo is immediately in his Dad’s arms Schlatt animatedly talking to the boy But you can just see how much love he has for his boy He’s just a bit too young to bare the burden alone ------------------------------ And the thing is, is that all of these kids are so like, independent Like Phil just needs to feed them And tend to the youngest ones every so often ------------------------------- I think it’s like musical chairs To see who’s sleeping at Phil’s house in the morning Like - who’s on the couch? An air mattress? Guest bed? Sharing a room with one of his kids? All of the small children like to pile around SapNap, who is also a small child, cause he’s warm Punz also always has children flocking him ------------------------------- Punz is also that teen who throws the kids in the pool he cant go into the water himself, prefering to lay on the grass and in the sun, but he does love just chucking kids in ------------------------------- Phil drives a beat up mini van. It’s baby blue It's always filled to the brim with passengers very dirty many crumbs has balls just thrown in it all the time Footballs, basketballs, baseballs, soccer balls it fucking smells, we all know it does Phil owns like 4 of those kid car seats despite only having one kid in that age group ---------------------------- Also if you couldn't tell Niki basically lives in the pool she's a fish hybrid so its a salt water pool instead of chlorine because its better for Niki --------------------------- Tommy, Tubbo, purpled, Ranboo, and SapNap play baby soccer its the best part of this au It’s so adorable, and Tommy picks at flowers the entire time Sometimes. Ranboo will come and entertain him for a little. Try and get him back in the game. He gives up when Tommy sits down tho Ranboo will more often then not join Tommy cause mmmm grass Tubbo is insanely competitive as a little kid we been knew though When he gets older Tommy gets really into it But as a baby He just chases bugs Plus he’s a raccoon hybrid, so shiny ------------------------ HE HOARDS SHIT UNDER HIS BED IS A MESS he as in fucking baby racoon Tommy whats the word for baby racoon small baby kit Phil 1000% calls him kit BABY RAMS ARE CALLED BUCKS FUCKING EVERYONE CALLS TUBBO "BUCK" THATS SO CUTE IM LOSING MY SHIT Things go lost? Go check tommys room Bermuda Triangle of a bedroom Very much like - Phil has to have a talk with him about it And he’s like “ I know you feel like you have to take them Kit, but they’re not yours” “If you want it, just ask me and I’m
sure we can figure something out.” Tommy also loses interest as soon as he gains it tho Tommy chitters at them They nod liek they understand and go “Uh huh, sounds mighty interesting Kit,” And then they pick him and let him climb around them -------------------------------- So much rough housing like SO much they're hybrids man Tommy also teethes ok. Chews on shit when his canines grow in so does Techno, and SapNap, and Punz (Punz and Techno's canines already grew in though, but they still chew on shit) The rams Rub their heads against stuff Head Itchy ------------------------------- A lot of Phil’s days off are just spent by the babies, just who are growing in hybrid traits He scratches Tubbo, sapnaps, and Puroled heads They’re all growing in horns Gives Tommy things to chew on Purpled. Never gets full horns. They are always little stubs just barely sticking out of his hair. His ears looks more human than ram too. Just for some reason never really grew into his hybrid traits And purple eyes He gets so upset about it too, when Tubbos horns outgrow his, because he’s older He’s a bit different. But it’s like being brunette in a family of blondes. It’s not unheard of He just is tearing up and Phil is just like “oh Bud, come ‘ere” They're like 8 And Tommy just gives Purpled the biggest hug, because Tommy is a sweetheart as a kid ------------------- I think that even the older kids wrestle Like obviously Dream, Techno and the rest of the middle school gang do Because they’re so fucking competitive Dream is so quick to just. Grab someone and wrestle them to the floor No warning But like, you’ll catch Wilbur and Schlatt jumping at each other Or Wilbur throwing Fundy over his shoulder Or anyone just man handling gogy ------------------- Phil gets to a point where he calls them all his kids And asks where they are when they aren’t At his house ------------------------ Puffy bringing them (Dream and Purpled) over after school. They go outside and play. Puffy sighs and collapses at the dining table. Phil silently hands her a coffee. “I’ll keep em busy” he says “you get some homework done” She looks up, and puts her head in her hand, “Dream has basketball practice in an hour” Phil just pats  her on the back. “I got it.” ----------------- Also let’s talk about how much food Phil needs to buy Like even if it’s just lunch That’s like 15 growing boys He can afford it, He just has to watch out for allergies He buys so many fucking snacks man Whole damn store He goes through like crates of those little chip variety packs Tubbo only likes the crunchy Cheetos Tommy likes barbecue Niki likes salt and vinegar Punz likes Doritos He knows which ones they all like I’m just imagining Phil calling out for the kids And they’re like lining out of the kitchen Oldest to youngest so that Phil can help the little ones They can eat anywhere in the yard, but Ohil has the little ones eat at the picnic table They’re all dripping wet from coming out of the pool, and he needs to make sure they eat their fruit and popsicles, they have tons of popsicles. ------------------ Phil totally takes Dad tax Like a chip from every plate And a tatertot from each breakfast very dad of him to do ------------------- Not not Phil kissing each of their foreheads goodbye And “drive safe” And “have a good day" ------------------ He’ll still pick up Texhno And Dream and Punz, right by the armpits And tucks them into bed ----------------- Tommy when he gets wet He loves swimming but the poor baby: his fur It’s hard to get him in the water but once he’s in it’s hard to get him out Because he feels all heavy and sticky afterwards ------------------ Adventures in the woods TOMMY IN HID NATURAL HABITAT Small boy makes hidey hole You may be asking Does. Does Tommy crunch on the leaves He does Like on ever y single one Carefully -------------------- All of the little kids And even technos group Just bonk heads Because of the goats They all just do it Sometimes softly Sometimes roughly Techno always does it roughly tho Rough houser Dream doesn’t mind Makes it feel like he has a
herd Feeds a primal instinct for ram playmates Feeds a primal instinct for ram playmates - Small boy And puffy has outgrown it But a young piglin brute? Perfect playmate. ------------------------- AND THATS THE AU YOU'RE WELCOME
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ray-ray-writings · 3 years
Hey. Hey you. Idea time.
Teacher aus, not enough. Like after the whole Mr. WasTaken stuff where Dream was acting like a teacher and everything!? Just imagine a whole school Au!
Techno teachin English and he adores his kids but he’d be damned before he admits it. That one teacher who’s like “learn from history before it repeats itself.” Hates being forced to do a Shakespeare unit.
Sapnap teaching P.E. And encouraging even the less athletic kids to at least do something physical in his class. You know he pulls a prank with the Fitness Gram Pacer Test more than a few times.
George being a history teacher, I don’t know he just super fits the vibe of that one teacher you always adore who’s like “don’t worry too much about this class.”
Bad boy halo as a science teacher, man’s is the kind of teacher to give candy out to the kids who answer the questions so he can encourage attentiveness. (He teaches physical science and Skeppy teaches geoscience across the hall)
And like, much much much more, but the most important part here,
Could you totally do a reader x Dream where Readers an English teacher and Dreams a Maths teacher? :)
With all the love- 🌻 strikes again.
🌻 you have my whole heart. All of it. Because you literally have requested my dream au (pun sort of intended). Literally like this is going to be so self indulgent because I love this with my whole heart and the amount of times I have fantasized about this (especially with me studying to be an English teacher and Dream with his statistics and stuff) is too many times to count. So you literally have given me an excuse to be hella self indulgent on my own blog and I could kiss you on the mouth for it. This is a few like headcanon type things and a little bit of plot at the end. 
I do have my own ideas of what role everyone has in the school and if anyone is interested I will definitely post those too! But for the main part, you just need to know the reader is an English teacher and Dream is a Math teacher. (But also completely agree with our beloved’s ideas about some of the other boys here and I definitely have assigned everyone their own subject haha)
We’re going to just start out with this general note: Everyone in the school ships you. Teachers, Staff, Students, Principal Philza, all of them want to see you and Dream end up together. You two hang out and playfully flirt all of the time. 
Dream is almost late to school every morning. He has a horrible sleep schedule and so it causes him to wake up 30 minutes before he needs to be at school. You know this and so every morning you bring Dream coffee and something for breakfast. A donut, fruit, oatmeal, scone, just a little something to help him get until lunch. He is very grateful for it and always accepts your offer. When you first started doing it, he always felt really guilty about it. But you kept doing it and refused to take his money and so he came up with a new way to pay you back. 
You two share the same prep period. Prep period, if you didn’t know, is a free period that teachers have where they don’t have a class to teach and they can use it to lesson prep, prep materials, grade papers, or just relax. So your prep period is two classes after lunch and so you always get a little bit snackish around this time and so in order to pay you back for you bringing him breakfast, Dream brings you a little snack every day. Something small, bag of chips, granola bar, some crackers, just a little snack to get you through the rest of the day. You two also spend your prep periods together. Sometimes you chat about your days, students, lessons, standards you have to meet. Sometimes you two just work in silence on your respect tasks. Usually if a student wants to talk to you during your prep period and they can’t find you in your room, they immediately check Dream’s right after because that’s where you would be. And the same for him and his students, if they need something and he’s not in his room, he’s definitely in yours. 
You two also have lunch duty together. You two are in charge of monitoring the cafeteria and making sure that there are no fights breaking out, no food fights, just making sure everything is okay. So often times, you two take a walk around the cafeteria and just watch all the kids until all have been seated, and then you two grab some lunch for yourselves and eat together. Sometimes, kids will come over to where you’re sitting and chat with you, a lot of the time when that happens they’re trying to push you two together. You just roll your eyes and laugh them off. 
You two crash each other’s classes all the time. For random reasons too. It started when Dream had left a few copies of a worksheet on the printer and you just so happened to print some things and pick them up. His classroom was on the way to yours and so you decided you would be a good co-worker and drop them off for him. So you did, not bothering to knock before you enter. All eyes snap to you as you walk into his classroom. Dream is in the middle of teaching. His arm is extended as he points to something on the blackboard. His emerald eyes meet yours and he looks shocked but he smiles. “Teacher Y/L/N… Is there something I can help you with?” You smile back at him and hold up the worksheets, “Sorry to interrupt. Left some on the printer Mr. WasTaken,” you tell him, walking over to his desk and setting the papers down. “Ah. Thank you, I appreciate it.” You give him a small shrug, “Of course. Have a good class. Pay attention!” You call to the class cheerfully before heading out and heading to your own classroom. 
That day you opened a door you couldn’t shut. Every once in a while now, while you’re in the middle of teaching, the door will swing open and Dream will waltz in with a paper or something in his hand and go over to your desk before giving you a wave and a wink and heading back out. So you decided to do it too, even if you have nothing to give him. Students look forward to your classes now because they never know if the other one of you will make an appearance. One time, Dream walked in and you were so engrossed in teaching that you didn’t even notice. He walked over to your desks and took a seat and just lost himself in watching you teach. About 10 minutes later there is a knock on your door, startling everyone out of their focus. The door opens and there’s Tommy with a wicked grin on his face. His eyes immediately find Dream and he smirks, “Mr. WasTaken… Would you like to join the rest of us in class?” Dream manages to keep the blush off of his face, but he is internally dying. To save some embarrassment he says, “Yes I’ll be there in just a moment. I had a question for Teacher Y/L/N and I didn’t want to interrupt. Go back to class Tommy.” Tommy rolls his eyes but complies. You rush over to Dream and duck your head near his and speak in a low tone, “I’m sorry. I didn’t even realize you came in, what was your question?” Dream is a little baffled and thrown off, because he doesn’t have one. “Oh. I’ll just come back later and ask. Sorry for the interruption.” And before you can say anything else, he’s out the door. 
You and Dream often charapone school dances. You two, much like when you have lunch duty, patrol around and make sure everyone is having a good time but is also behaving themselves. Students are always trying to push you two together during this, asking Mr. WasTaken if he’s going to ask you to the dance or at least ask you to dance. He always laughs and says no, no he’s not. Until one time he does. 
He definitely gets his students in on it. He buys a bunch of flowers and has the students line the hall making a path from the entrance doors to his room. So when you arrive in the morning and begin your usual path to his room to drop off breakfast, you’re surprised to find a line of students offering flowers to you. You carefully take each flower and make your way down to Dream’s room. When you get to the end you find Dream standing there with a cheesy grin and an even cheesier sign. ‘I would love it if you could say that you was taken to the dance by Mr. WasTaken.’ You can’t help but let out a laugh and nod at the sign. “Yeah?” Dream asks to confirm. “Yeah. Yeah, I’ll go to the dance with you Mr. WasTaken… by the way, it’s you were taken to the dance,” you tease him lightly, reaching out and giving him a small hug before handing him his breakfast. He takes it, rolls his eyes, and hands you the sign. “English teachers.” 
The day of the dance comes and you and Dream arrive together. He picks you up from your house and brings you a bouquet of flowers, red roses and sunflowers. Your outfit would match his and you would look stunning. It would literally take Dream a few tries to snap out of the trance you put him in. But he’s the perfect gentleman, opens the car door for you and closes it before getting in and driving to the school where he does the same thing, opening the car door and helping you out before closing it. 
You two would have arrived a bit earlier before the dance actually started to make sure everything was taken care of. You two would definitely jokingly get your photo taken by the professional photographer that they hired for the event. It was a joke, but the picture came out so good and was just too good to pass up. 
You two don’t leave each other’s side the entire night. You two just stick side by side the entire night, just watching the kids. You two join the students sometimes on the dance floor, vibing to the fast pace songs they played. Every time a slow song came on, the students tried to push you together and get you to dance together. “Who asks someone to be their date and doesn’t slow dance with them?” But you two just ignore the students and shoo them off to dance with each other and stuff. It’s not until they announce the final song of the night does Dream actually finally get bold enough to ask you to slow dance with him. Your face heats up at the extended hand and the hopeful look on his face but you accept it and the two of you dance. You somehow manage to end up in the middle of the room and even though there are plenty of people slow dancing, all eyes are on you two. You don’t care though. At some point, you lean forward and rest your head on Dream’s chest. You could very clearly hear his heart racing faster than you would think possible and you can’t help but wonder if it’s because of you. 
As the song ends, you manage to pull your head away from him. You look up at him and find him already staring at you. You two just stare at each other for a few moments before Dream makes a bold move. He carefully leans forward and presses his lips to yours. You immediately kiss back, ecstatic that your feelings were returned. Around you, the entire gym bursts into cheers and applause and “FINALLY!!!!” 
You pull away from Dream, giggling a little bit at the reaction of everyone. Dream doesn’t let you get far though. He tilts his head forward and connects your lips once more. “I just got you, I’m not letting you get away from me that easily.” You just giggle at that and kiss him back. 
You two don’t pull away until the song is completely over. When you pull apart and look around, you find everyone staring at you. Some students even have their phones out and were recording you. The two of you just laugh and roll your eyes. “Dance is over… Get out,” Dream jokingly calls out to everyone causing waves of laughter to rumble through the crowds as everyone snaps out of their trance and begin to move. You and Dream stay to help clean up a bit after the dance before the two of you leave, this time hand in hand. 
Dream would drop you off at home. He walks you to your front door and waits as you unlock the door. It’s quiet for a moment as you two try to figure out the next step. Dream finally clears his throat and offers you a sheepish smile. “I’ll see you Monday then?” You almost immediately answer with a ‘yep sounds good’ but stop yourself. “Actually… If you weren’t too busy, do you want to come in and watch a movie or something?” Dream grins at the offer and nods. “I’d love to… Thank you.” 
The two of you head inside and just hang out for a while. You watch movies and cuddle on the couch. It gets to be really late and you refuse to let Dream drive home this late so he sleeps on your couch. The next morning you have a nice breakfast together before Dream tells you he really should get going, he still has some tests to grade. You of course understand that teacher grind and so you walk him to your door. Dream gives you a kiss before heading out and telling you he would see you tomorrow. 
Walking back inside, you find his suit jacket laid over the couch. You decide to hold on to it. You’ll see him tomorrow anyway, you’ll just give it to him then. So the next morning rolls around and you arrive at school, the suit jacket adorning your shoulders. It makes everyone stop, look, and smile. You don’t even notice really. You make your way to Dream’s classroom, walking right in as normal. Dream glances up to see who it was before looking back to his work but he immediately looks back up in a double take. And he just stares. You extend the breakfast out to him and he doesn’t take it. Just stares. You’re confused. 
“Dream?” He extends a finger and points at you, “You’re wearing… that’s my… that’s mine.” he manages to stutter out. You look at your shoulders and realize. “Oh. Right. Sorry. Here,” you say, trying to shrug off the jacket and hand it to him, but he stops you. “No, no, no. It’s fine… It’s better than fine. It looks good. Keep it on… Please?” He sounds so genuine that you pull the jacket back on, over your shoulder. “Okay… I’ll see you at lunch?” You ask, heading toward his door. He gives you a grin and a nod, “It’s a date.” Well that’s new…. But not unwelcome. “It’s a date.” 
You two begin dating shortly after that. You also find out that there were two betting pools going on. One between teachers and staff and the other between students. The teacher that won? Techno. The student? Tubbo. Had you found out sooner, you probably would have been offended but now it just made you laugh. Your new relationship didn’t change anything really. You still did all of the things that you usually did, you just now could kiss each other. You definitely didn’t do PDA in front of the students for obvious reasons, but you two couldn’t be happier.
Thank you again so much for letting me do this  🌻 anon. This was very self indulgent and just thank you :)
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kiwixlime · 3 years
Finders Keepers - Chapter Thirty-One
Warnings: Fluff and smut, yall.
A/N: Just one more chapter after this! And then an epilogue. Thank you so much for reading, friends, and for sharing your thoughts on this story. I'm so glad you like it. <3
After a few more days of supervised care in the infirmary, Bay is told she can finally go home without worry. Joel’s thrilled with the news and immediately takes over the process of getting her settled. Of course, his idea of home is his house, but Bay doesn’t complain. She knows that Joel is on edge, given everything that’s happened between them recently, and she knows that he wants to make sure she’s totally safe and taken care of. There’s no point in arguing with him, he won’t have it any other way. Right now, he feels like it’s his mission to nurse her back to health.
So he does. He has his bed made up with extra blankets and pillows should she need some more comfort and he’s cleared off the bedside table on her side, leaving some books, pens and paper, in case she needs some creative outlet. While she appreciates his additional efforts, she can move around just fine and doesn’t need to be on bed rest. However, she knows that Joel worries, so she lets him look after her like an overprotective boyfriend.
Currently, she’s dressed in her comfiest clothes, which happen to be a pair of dark green sweatpants and a navy blue t-shirt she borrowed from Joel. She’s lounging in his bed with a warm mug of green tea in her hands and listening to the record player spin one of her favorite Tom Petty songs. Joel moves about his room, quietly talking to himself as he thinks through his list of things for Bay.
Comfortable bed? Check. Food and drink? Check. Entertainment? Check. Various tools to relieve pain? Check. Everything looks good so when he turns around to check to see if she needs anything else, he’s surprised to see her frowning.
“What’s wrong?” He asks with worry, quickly rushing to her side and holding her hand in his. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” she says with a shrug. “Could use some company in this bed, though.” She grins up at him.
“Yeah, I’ll be there in a second,” he assures her. “Do you need anything else while I’m up?”
“Joel,” she laughs. “If I need something, I can just get up and get it. I can walk, you know?”
“Yeah, but,” he frowns.
“You worry, I know,” she smiles softly. “Just get in the bed, cowboy. I miss you.”
Those few words are all he needs to hear. He climbs into bed with her. She snuggles up beside him, sipping from her tea. He hums along to the song, making her feel all warm and fuzzy inside. She’s so happy to be back home, even if this isn’t her home.
“I could have gone back to my place,” she says.
“This is your place,” he rejects the notion of her living anywhere else. “I still want you to move in here. And if you’d be okay with it, Tommy and Ellie and I can start packing up your stuff. Bring it here.”
“Um,” she hesitates, setting her mug down onto the stand beside her. “I mean… I do still want to move in, but I have a lot of stuff. You guys can’t do that on your own. And I’m pretty particular about some things I have.”
“Babe, the whole town would help if I asked,” he chuckles. “I won’t, of course. But Tommy and Maria are up for it. Ellie knows the things you’re particular about. Ronnie and Jesse said they’d help as well. We have the people.”
“I don’t know,” she sighs.
“Hey, I’m not gonna push,” he assures her. “I just want you to know that we’ve got it figured out…you know…should you want to fully commit to this thing,” he says with a chuckle.
Bay can’t stop herself from smiling.
“Yeah, okay,” she grins.
Joel makes a noise of excitement and kisses her, careful of her bruises. She tries to deepen the kiss, but he doesn’t let her, pulling back before he gets too excited, claiming he doesn’t want to hurt her.
“I’m not fragile, Joel,” she tells him. “I can still take a good dic--”
“Don’t even finish that sentence,” he warns.
Bay pouts. “I miss you…” She whines. “It’s been too long.”
“You’re injured.”
“I’m horny.”
“Bay,” he gripes, a stern look on his face, but with the faintest hint of a smile hiding.
She sighs dramatically and drops the subject for now. His body is nice and warm next to hers, so she takes the opportunity to snuggle into him. He gladly accepts her advances, securing an arm around her.
“What are you thinking about?” She mumbles through a yawn.
“The moment we met,” he answers quickly, grinning down at her.
“Really?” She all but squeaks in surprise. Her heart skips a beat for a second at the memory.
Joel nods, biting back a smile. “You said so many snappy things to me that day. And I caught them all, but the only thing I could focus on were your eyes. The most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen. God, my head told me no way in hell, but my heart said I was already yours.”
“You’re becoming soft, Joel.” Bay chuckles, though his little admission may have turned her brain to mush.
“I love you,” he affirms, not caring that he’s going “soft.” He has the love of an incredible woman. That’s all that matters.
“I love you, my love,” Bay replies, giving a quick peck to his cheek.
His heart bursts at those words. He’ll never get tired of hearing it. He still can’t believe that someone loves him, that she loves him. Bay, so perfect in every way, even her flaws are things he can’t live without.
She kisses his neck, lightly sucking on the spot below his ear that always turns him on. Her hands flatten against his chest, tracing simple patterns into the fabric of his shirt. She feels him tense under her touch and keeps up her teasing, trailing her fingers down his chest. He takes in a deep breath, chest heaving, and she ghosts her lips down, biting into the soft flesh at the nape of his neck, gripping his shirt as her teeth graze over his stubble.
“Your attempts at seducing me won’t work,” he says through shaky breaths. “I’m not gonna…oh, fuck,” he groans, cut off from his thoughts when Bay’s hand brushes over the growing bulge in his sweatpants.
“You’re not gonna what?” She asks with a smirk, eyes wide, glittering with mischief. He turns his head to look at her and nearly melts at just how innocent she looks. The hand palming his hardening dick tells a different story.
“You’re asking for trouble,” he says in a soft, deep voice. “Do you have any idea how hot you are? How badly I want to touch you.”
“I can guess,” she giggles. “And I’m not stopping you. I’m right here, Joel,” she whispers. “You can literally do whatever you want to me.”
Joel groans. “You’ve gotta stop sayin’ things like that, sweetheart.”
Bay shakes her head. “I’ve been dreaming about you, your hands in my hair, your head between my thighs, your big, hard cock buried deep inside me.”
“Fuck,” Joel gasps as she sweeps her fingers over the waistband of his pants.
“Want to know what else I’ve been dreaming about?” She asks in his ear, nipping at the lobe with her teeth.
He nods, breathless, guiding her hand under the band of layers that cover his lower half. She doesn’t need any hints, sliding her hand into his briefs and wrapping it around his throbbing dick. She strokes him gently, licking and sucking at his neck.
“I’ve been dreaming about your cock, fucking my mouth, making me choke; filling me up so well as I bounce on top of you. Come on, don’t you miss that? Don’t you miss being inside of me?”
“Baby,” he huffs. Her words and the firm grip of her hand are breaking his resistance. “Feels so good,” he moans.
“What if I promise we’ll go gently? I’ll be on top, ride your cock nice and slow as you moan my name.” She teases his aching tip between her fingers, gathering the precum that’s gathered, slathering it around his cock, jerking him faster. “I just want you inside of me, Joel.”
“Okay,” he gasps and rolls her over so her back is pressed to the mattress. “You’ve convinced me. But we’re taking it easy. As much as I want to pound that pretty little pussy, I’m not gonna hurt you. Got it?”
Bay nods. “I love when you’re demanding.”
“And yet you always disobey me,” he tsks. “Bad girls shouldn’t get rewarded.”
“Then punish me,” she smirks.
“You’d like that, too,” he says lowly. “Such a bad girl,” he hums, leaning over her, caressing her face. His demeanor is quick to change as he studies the scarring on her face, the bruises that are healing. She’s still just as beautiful as the day they met. His girl. “You had me so worried,” he sighs, kissing underneath the lashes fluttering against her cheek. “I thought I was going to lose you,” he moves from her cheek to the tip of her nose, kissing softly. “I was afraid I’d never touch you again.” He gently captures her lips with his, gradually building up speed.
“Joel,” she sighs into his mouth. “Joel, I love you so much.”
“I love you, baby girl,” he smiles. “Think I always have. Even before I knew you, before I was aware of your existence… I think I’ve been looking for you.”
She reaches up, tracing the smile etched onto his lips. Her heart fills with love looking into those warm hazel eyes. He genuinely loves her and she can feel it casting off of his body, encasing hers. She can feel the heat bloom to her face with this much attention on her. It’s too much, yet just right. Being under Joel’s affectionate gaze is intense, her hands automatically fly to her face to cover her embarrassment.
“Don’t do that,” he chuckles, shifting on top of her, steadying himself so she’s not under all of his weight. He softly pulls her hands away, grinning brightly at her shy expression. “You’re adorable,” he comments, kissing her lips. “You’re a firecracker in bed, but love makes you shy?”
“Shut up!” She groans, turning her head and burying it into the pillow.
Joel laughs and pushes himself up to his knees. Bay sits up a little, resting on her elbows as she watches him remove his shirt. Her eyes shamelessly travel down his body, appreciating his toned chest and chiseled arms. Lost in Joel’s dreamy expression, her tongue darts out, licking her lips in approval.
His smile widens at her whimsical face, adoration seeping through him. God, he loves her. He’ll never get tired of saying it. And the way she’s staring at him, with love and desire, makes his excitement grow.
His fingers toy with the knot of his pants and he raises a brow, noticing her eyes flick from his chest to his hands. He smirks and quickly unties the restraint, letting his bottoms loose. Bay sits up, gingerly removing her -- Joel’s -- shirt, letting it fall to the side. Crawling forward, her hands reach for Joel, eagerly helping him pull the fabric of his sweatpants down. She kisses his chest, pushing his briefs down next.
He lightly cups her face, bringing her lips to his, exchanging feather-like kisses between them. He anchors his body slightly off the bed to fully discard his clothes before she pulls him back to her, reattaching her lips to his neck, down his chest, with her fingers following along. His breath hitches as she gets into position, hands on his hips, holding him in place.
“Baby, you don’t--,” he starts, but is cut off by Bay’s silky tongue lapping at the tip of his dick. “O-okay,” he breathes out through his nostrils, being more delicate than usual, knotting his fingers in her hair. He bites back a moan, feeling alarmingly turned on just by her soft licks. But like she said, it’s been a while. And she’s oddly good at this. “Shit, how…what…”
“Joel,” Bay huffs, sitting up. “Stop talking,” she shushes him with a quick kiss to the lips. “Unless you’re gonna tell me how pretty I am with your cock in my mouth, you don’t have to fill in the silences. We’re in love, remember? Stop being nervous.”
“You’re right,” he chuckles, brushing his fingers against her cheek. “You’re always right. Now stop stalling, darlin’. You look so pretty with my cock in your mouth.”
“Good boy,” she winks and kisses her way back down Joel’s front, stopping to nip at his hip bones, making him shiver. His eyes flutter closed when she takes him back into her mouth, lips wrapped around his throbbing head, sucking lightly. Her hands wrap around his base, using the precum as lube to pump him with ease (because nobody likes a dry handjob).
He groans and hints at her to do more with a simple tug on her hair, not enough to hurt her, but enough to alert her. He’s still worried about doing more damage, knowing she’s still in the process of healing. But she wants to have fun and he’s not going to deny her.
Bay takes the hint, lowering her mouth down his shaft until she can comfortably remove her hand. She grabs his hips and his fingers find hers, twisting them together as she bobs her head along his length. “Oh, fuck yeah,” he gasps at her warm, wet mouth taking him so easily.
She hums in satisfaction, sending an enticing vibration through his body. Her head moves faster, taking his cock as deep as she can into her mouth. He feels himself hit the back of her throat and his eyes roll back in bliss at the tightness that surrounds him. He dares to buck his hips, sending himself further down her throat. She gags a little and he moves to ease up, but she stops him, holding him there for a few seconds and swallowing around him.
“Baby, shit, so good, that feels so fucking good,” he breathes and as soon as he’s finished muttering the sentence she pulls back, releasing him with a pop while she inhales deep breathes. Her glistening eyes peer up at him and a sweet smile spreads across her shiny, pink lips.
“I love your cock, Joel,” she winks and sits back on her heels. Her hand wraps around him again as he leans down to kiss her. “Are you gonna fuck me? Please, fuck me, baby. I need it.”
“It’s not fair I’m the only one completely naked. Love your tits babe, but undress the rest of the way for me,” he orders.
“Whatever you say Joel,” she giggles and lays back onto Joel’s bed, well, now it would be their bed. She hooks her fingers underneath the band of her sweatpants and quickly shimmies out of them, doing the same with the cotton panties she’s wearing.
Joel wastes no time crawling back on top of her, kissing her lips, neck, all the way down to her chest. He paws at one of her breasts, his tongue flicking over the nipple of her other one. His movements are sweet, slow, different to their usual energy. Maybe it’s because she’s wounded, or maybe it’s because he loves her, but he wants to be as soft as possible. It’s not just fucking.
“I appreciate the attention,” Bay gasps as Joel’s finger slips past her folds. “B-but I don’t know how much longer I can w-wait,” she stutters.
“We have all day,” Joel smirks, kissing her neck as he pushes a second finger into her. He curls them inside of her, barely brushing that sensitive bundle of nerves to make her shake. “Darlin’, you’re soaked,” he groans, pumping his fingers in and out of her. “You that desperate? You need me to take care of you?”
“Please,” she whimpers, grinding down against his hand. “Joel,” she gasps, arching her back off the mattress.
“You wanna ride me?” He asks, flicking his thumb over her clit. She nods, unable to form words at the moment. He grins and kisses the corner of her mouth. “Ride me then, sweetheart.”
He removes his fingers from her, making her whine at the newfound emptiness. But need bubbles within as she pushes Joel backwards. He lets her take control, settling on his back as he helps her up, easing her down onto his throbbing dick. They both gasp at the feeling, Joel biting his lip so hard a copper taste fills his mouth, but he doesn’t want to go too fast. It’s been a while, she’s aching, he’ll be as gentle as she needs.
Her palms splay over his chest as she moves slowly, getting used to his size. He's bigger than she remembers, and it’s not a bad thing, just something she needs to adjust to. Her hips rock into his, fingernails digging into his chest as a burning sensation rips through her. Her lips part, gasps turning into moans when she picks up speed.
Joel’s large hands grip her thighs, holding her close as he bucks his hips up into her. The way her body moves on top of him is thrilling, her skin already prickled with sweat, head thrown back in ecstasy. Her eyes remain closed as she grinds on top of him, greedily taking his dick as deep as she can.
“That’s it, baby,” Joel encourages her, meeting the rolls of her hips with hard, steady thrusts. “Ride my cock.” One of his hands slides up her thigh, around to her ass, giving the smooth flesh a harsh squeeze. The little groan that tumbles from her lips is one of the most erotic things Joel’s ever heard and it takes all of his strength not to flip her over and brutally fuck her into the mattress.
Pleasure mounts within Bay and she moves her body faster, bouncing on top of Joel with such a strong intensity he forgets that she was just in the infirmary unconscious. He looks up at her with dark eyes, turned on by the sight of her sticky body trembling on top of him. His gaze drops to her chest, licking his lips at the sight of her tits bouncing in front of him. He sits up a little, taking one of her nipples into his mouth, making her arch her body into him.
“Joel, fuck yes,” she moans, threading her shaky fingers through his hair. She rides him faster, feeling his hard dick slam inside of her, pressing against that sweet bundle of nerves. Her stomach burns with want, her slick, velvety walls squeezing around him at the feeling of him so deep inside of her.
“Your pussy takes me so well, baby girl,” he grunts with a filthy smile. His teeth scrape against her chin, wrapping an arm around her, holding her close. He sits up higher, thrusting up into her with a steady rhythm making choppy moans fall from her lips.
“J-Joel,” she breathes, gripping at his shoulders. “Oh, fuck.”
“You close?” Joel breathes hotly in her ear. “You gonna cum?”
“Yes, yes,” she nods frantically, squirming when she feels Joel’s rough finger stroking her clit.
“Gonna squirt all over my cock like the good girl you are?” He asks, flicking his finger faster. She shudders on top of him, grinding her hips with desperation. Almost there. She’s so close.
“Yes! Joel!” She cries out, her body tensing before coming undone completely. Her entire body trembles as her climax rushes over her, her body going weak and collapsing into Joel. He holds her steady, working her through it with his dick and some kisses. She feels so soft and fragile in his arms, but she kisses him with hunger.
“Gonna cum, baby,” he warns her and she nods, lazily moving on top of him. “Want me to cum inside you?” He asks, though he already knows the answer. It comes in the form of a nod, her throat too sore to actually speak. “Yeah, you do,” he grunts, thrusting up a few more times before stilling completely, releasing his load deep inside her pussy.
She moans softly at the warmth that fills her, pulling back slightly to look at Joel with heavy eyes and a weak smile. He returns the gesture, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. He kisses her affectionately, pouring his heart and soul into it.
“Fuck, that was good,” she breathes.
“You ain’t lyin’,” he responds with a heavy laugh.
Sighing, she slides off of him, falling onto the mattress with a soft thud. Joel lays back next to her, tugging her close into his side. Their hot bodies mesh together and he leans over to kiss her temple.
“I love you,” he says.
She smiles and rolls her eyes playfully. “I love you.” A feeling of contentment rushes through her. She’s never been this happy before. “Give me a few minutes and I’ll be ready to go again.”
“Not so fast,” Joel smirks. “You need rest. We can move this to the bathtub, clean you up, take care of you.”
“Joel,” Bay snorts. “You can absolutely take care of me in the bathtub.”
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Taglist: @extraneous-trip; @michele131 ; @liadamerondjarin ; @thegoblininthebog
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Laurel Wreaths & Animal Teeth (5)
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(c!Technoblade x fem!Reader)
(got a decent amount of interest on chapter 4 so here’s chapter 5! hope you all enjoy! and remember, chapter 6 depends on how well this chapter does! so remember to comment and reblog! thanks y’all! <3)
You’d rung the bell, the sound alerting the villagers that things were all okay again. Soon they were all outside again and a lot came over to see what was going on. You were standing by two human kids. Villagers were typically pretty neutral to humans, unless they hurt them or broke their stuff. Though they tended to avoid humans (even the small/young ones) because of how dangerous they had the potential to be. 
This was sorta reinforced by today’s little drama. But with you there the villagers weren’t worried. They trusted you to keep them safe and protect them and their homes/businesses. Plus a few of them kind of heard you scolding the two human boys and well, villagers are true gossips because word spread through the small population hilariously fast. And yes they may have snickered over the two boys getting lectured like they did. But you’d never know that.
During this Tommy and Tubbo took the time to look around at the village. They noticed there wasn’t a single piece of cobblestone anywhere, much to Tommy’s outrage and Tubbo’s amusement. Tommy made sure to loudly gripe about how the village lost all of it’s ‘cool factor’ because you took the cobblestone away. He even started to say that if cobblestone was like a woman he’d-... but he stopped when he seemed to realize that not only was he standing directly next to an ACTUAL woman but an adult one…
He started sweating nervously and shooting a glare at Tubbo when the brown haired boy snickered at his uncomfortable position, but in the end he sort of mumbled,
“Uh.. you don’t wanna know what I’d… do.. pft.” 
Tubbo couldn’t hold it in anymore and broke out into laughter, with Tommy right behind him. While you just shook your head and made a ‘tsk’ing’ noise at the goofy pair. But you didn’t bother to hide your amused smile. Once they’d calmed down you resumed your trek. 
As you walked the two boys noted the second thing that stood out to them in the village were all the identical patterned banners that were hung up. The two tone ones with the golden suns on them. Tubbo lightly tugged on your sleeve, causing you to blink and look down at him curiously, and he asked why you hung them up everywhere. Was it to show this was your village or?
“Huh? Oh no, I didn’t hang those up, the villagers did. Though I made the original ones, the ones I hung up on my home. But the villagers liked them so much they made their own,” you explained with a calm smile.
Hearing this made the boys share a confused look before Tommy bluntly said that villagers never made patterned banners, they only hung up the plain ones. He’d never heard of them making banners ever. But you just shrugged and said the day after you’d hung up yours the villagers had all started copying you. You’re not 100% sure why (though you have a suspicion it’s the worship thing… but you didn’t bring that up..), you just assumed it was because they took a liking to them.
“I just wanted some decoration for my house and made the banner to spruce the place up, and it was sweet they liked them so much,” you added with a smile.
Tommy tilted his head before looking around the village and asking which house was yours. He pointed at one that was made of wood, stone, and pink terracotta and asked if that was it because ‘you’re a girl, girls like pink right?’ which just made you laugh and shake your head. 
“Some girls like pink, sure. Though I know some boys do as well. But no that’s not my house. Mine is up there on the hill at the other end of the village, see?” You pointed towards your temple home and the two boys followed your gesture and their eyes widened at the sight of the huge white quartz temple. 
Almost instantly Tommy started shouting about how that wasn’t a house, it was some kinda mansion or something! You just laughed and asked if he’d even ever seen a mansion before. He paused for a second, mouth open like he was going to say something but nothing came out. But then he caught himself and loudly said he’d seen LOADS of mansions before! So he knew what he was talking about.
You didn’t bother questioning him, you know he didn’t sound too sure, but what harm was there in letting him pretend he knew when he didn’t? Regardless, you and the two boys continued walking through the village, but Tommy and Tubbo (thinking that made you feel crazy still) said they wanted to see your cool house. You raised an eyebrow and asked if ALL they planned to do was look.
“It took exactly two days and two nights to build it, I don’t want two troublemakers wrecking it,” you said with a suspicious tone.
Tommy was first to heave a put upon sigh as he said they weren’t gonna wreck your stuff! But it was Tubbo who cut in and said that no way did you build that huge thing in just a couple days! It would have had to take you a week at best! 
You tilted your head and said it didn’t take a ‘couple days’ only, it took two days and two nights straight. But that answer just baffled the two boys more. And Tommy said in a disbelieving voice,
“You built for 48 hours straight?” You nodded and Tommy raised an eyebrow, not seeming to believe you.
“What, did ya just eat along the way?? Fought mobs while building at night??” He asked, sounding amused. And you, entirely without thinking how WEIRD it was going to sound, just replied that you’d sort of forgotten to eat while you were building.
“Yeah I got way too focused on building and after scrapping the first three builds I tried and settled on my temple house I got too into it and forgot to eat or sleep.”
You admitted it with some shame before quickly turning to the two stunned boys and saying they shouldn’t do stuff like that, it was irresponsible and dangerous! Tommy frowned and replied that YOU just admitted to doing those very things! But you countered that you were an adult and allowed to make your own stupid choices, but as kids they should heed smart advice. 
“It’s very much a ‘do as I say, not as I do’ type situation,” you said with a wry smile.
The blond was very much going to argue against that but you all finally scaled the path leading up the hill to your temple home and Tubbo saw the chest situated outside your home to the left of the front door. Without thinking he went over and started plundering through the chest, but yelped when you smacked his hand, causing him to pull both hands out of the chest and tuck them close to his stomach.
“Don’t go through my gift chest! The villagers use this to give me thank you gifts!” you scold the brunet boy. 
They start bombarding you with questions, like why on earth do the villagers give you gifts? What kind of gifts were they? What’d you do to earn them? Are you blackmailing the villagers? If so, then can you teach them how to do that? You burst out laughing at the way the questions just got more and more absurd. 
“No! I do not blackmail anyone! Lord, what is with you two kids? No, I work to protect the village and help the villagers master their crafts. And in return they thank me with gifts they make,” you answered with an amused grin.
But it seemed the blond only focused on one part of your reply, and it was the part where you called him a kid. A split second of dumbfounded stunned silence ensued before he snapped out of it and started raging, much to your and Tubbo’s amusement.
“I ain’t no CHILD! I am a MAN! A tall and powerful man who don’t gotta take crap from nobody! TUBBO STOP LAUGHING! SHE CALLED YOU A CHILD TOO!”
Tubbo didn’t even respond, he was too busy laughing. You were laughing too but managed to calm down enough to say that there was nothing wrong with being a child, it just meant you had more learning to do and experience to gain. Tommy and Tubbo seemed to calm down at hearing this, at least until you reached out and pinches both boys’ cheeks and cooed,
“And besides, you’re both cute widdle babies~!”
Now they were both hollering about ‘not being babies!’ and kicking up a huge fuss, much to your amusement.
After that you’d gone through the day’s gifts and saw most of them were the usual stuff (but still great). Plenty of bread and fruit, potion stuff, and a fur blanket. You packed away the food in a chest, put up the potion supplies by your brewing station, and threw the nice fur blanket across the end of your bed as decoration. All in all they were lovely gifts.
But one of the gifts really stood out. A red wooden box. And when you opened it you saw it had 6 engraved gold bangles. And they had different engravings. Some were carved to have leafy vines, some had geometric shapes, others had fish scale patterns, and even some with simple swirls and dots. But they all had a hinge to open them and a thin chain to keep them from falling off should they accidentally come open.
You loved all the gifts the villagers got you, how could you not? They were the fruits of their labor and skill! But these bracelets just hit different? You’d always liked gold, it was pretty and just crisp looking. SO without hesitation you’d put the bracelets on, three on each wrist before admiring them in the waning light of the sunset.
You’d even showed the two teen boys after you put them on and they said they looked nice, though you could tell they were only being polite, most likely because they had no interest in jewelry. Though you appreciate them trying to be nice for your sake. But while you were admiring your latest gift Tubbo noticed something simmering in your cauldron by your brewing stand. 
He cautiously approached it while you were showing Tommy your enchantment table and library (tommy wanted to enchant his sword). The brown haired boy let the scent from the lightly bubbling cauldron waft across his face and he breathed it in with a pleased sigh. Whatever this was it was clearly food, but damn did it smell like utter heaven! He could see chunks of steak, cuts of potato and carrot, and some other green bits he didn’t recognize. But he did recognize the light golden sheen the stew(?) had. Just like an enchanted golden apple! 
All three of you blinked when a sudden growing gurgle sounded through the quartz temple. You and Tommy looked over at Tubbo, whose face was red with embarrassment. He laughed awkwardly and said the food smelled good, and he hadn’t eaten since breakfast as his excuse. But you just gave a laugh and went over to the cauldron, scooting him out of the way so you could check on it. 
The two watched you stir the concoction with a wooden spoon before tasting some and letting out a pleased hum. Cooking was similar to potion making so you’d started doing both lately to keep yourself busy. You’d started with the recipes you already knew from the game. Mushroom stew, beetroot soup, rabbit stew, bread, etc. But those got boring fast so you decided.. why not try something new? So you’d started just doing whatever sounded like a good idea.
You learned LOTS of new recipes (and made sure to jot them down in a book so you didn’t forget them/what they did) but you also made some truly vile foodstuff. Lots of your failed concoctions ended up in the trash. But this latest one actually tasted darn good to you. After trying it you even noticed it gave you the same effects as the enchanted golden apple. Which was cool since you’d marinated the steak you’d put in the stew in a bowl of enchanted gapple juice. 
Behind you you could hear Tubbo bugging Tommy, asking him to give him some food since he ran out and his hunger was low. But Tommy refused, saying he only had one loaf of bread left and Tubbo should have brought more food! You rolled your eyes at the bickering pair of boys before wordlessly grabbing some wooden bowls and scooping some of the enchanted beef stew into them before calling over your shoulder,
“Y’all two want some stew? It turned out really good this time I think.”
Tubbo gave a thankful, “Oh yes, please!” while Tommy gave a childish, “Yeah! Gimme!” that made you want to laugh at their silliness. But instead you just handed over the two bowls of stew. You turned back around to grab yourself one (because you might not NEED food but it still tastes good) and while your back was turned you heard them greedily slurping and munching on the stew. You’d turned back and came face to face with two boys with empty bowls held out to you to show they’d like more. You barked out a laugh and teasingly asked if it was any good. 
Tommy didn’t seem to want to wait and shook his bowl and demanded in a snarky tone to “Hurry it up woman!” which.. made you frown. You were giving him a very unamused look, which he seemed to register and realize he may have misstepped here. He sweat anxiously with a nervous smile while Tubbo’s face dropped and he held his own bowl closer to his chest, not liking the tense silence. For some reason having you upset with him made him not feel so good. Like it was a bone deep feeling that left him hugely on edge. Tubbo glanced over at his best friend and knew the same could be said for him, because Tommy looked vaguely ill. But after a harsh elbow jab from the brunet the blond seemed to snap into the present and stuttered,
“I was-uh, y’see I was only.. kidding. Yeah! Kidding! What I really meant was can I please have some more??” 
Your frown twitched before turning into a wry smile. You huffed out a chuckle that made both boys' anxieties fade. Their bodies seemed to deflate from how tense they’d been before as you handed over the full bowl in your hand to him and said while you ruffled his hay colored hair, 
“Nice save kiddo, because if you’d have been smarting off for real I’d have been pretty irked. Thankfully it was only a joke~”
Tommy gave a relieved chuckle before he shamelessly gobbled down his new bowl of stew, seemingly back to normal now that you didn’t seem upset at him anymore. You mentally shook your head, he was such a kid it was pretty funny. But then you turned your gaze to Tubbo and held your hand out for his bowl, which he happily handed over with a shy ‘thank you!’ that made you smile. Soon they were both digging in all over again. Only this time you joined them, positively delighted with how this new stew had turned out. After eating you’d even offered them some iced tea you’d made. And this had started a whole Thing with the two British boys.
They’d argued that iced tea was an abomination and hot tea was the only right way to do tea. You’d rolled your eyes and asked if they’d ever even TRIED iced tea before. That got Tubbo to sorta stutter before falling silent but Tommy, ever the hard headed one, just plowed on and said he didn’t NEED to try it to know it wasn’t good. You gave him a Look and shook your head before convincing them to just try it and if they didn’t like it then they could dump it out. After some back and forth they caved and tried it, and lo and behold they both enjoyed it. The crisp drink was perfect for warm weather, unlike hot tea. But even after begrudgingly admitting it wasn’t ‘total shit’ Tommy refused to admit he liked it better than ‘proper tea’. You took this all as a win regardless.
You’d spent the majority of the day with the two young boys, just showing them around and feeding them and goofing off. You’d forgotten how fun it was to interact with people like this. To have actual conversation that wasn’t just ‘hms’ and ‘hngs’ like with the Villagers. You still loved the villagers, they were good folks but you’d missed talking with people normally. Which is why you were understandably bummed out when you saw the sun was getting dangerously close to the horizon. But you knew being out after dark wasn’t wise for regular people. You even brought it up to the two boys, not wanting them to have to face any hostile mobs on their way home. They reassured you they’d be fine, they’ve got good gear and enchanted weapons, but you still worried.
Though instead of letting it get to you and ruining the rest of the evening you instead packed the two boys some food to go. You put the rest of the stew into bowls and served up a couple more glasses of iced tea before gifting them to them, making sure they each got an equal share. Tubbo tried to politely say you didn’t have to give them anything while Tommy just let out a ‘whoop!’ and shoved his share into his inventory with a wide grin. That helped Tubbo accept his too without any more shyness. Soon they were all packed up and ready to go home, wherever that was.
But before they headed off Tubbo asked if they could come back, with Tommy perking up at the question, clearly wanting to know your answer too. With a smile you said of course they could come back to visit you and your village. You’d be delighted to host them again! Even if your first impression of them wasn’t that nice. You chuckled when Tommy had the decency to at least look somewhat sheepish. But your smile wasn’t upset and let them know you were only teasing, and it was water under the bridge. 
“I look forward to you two coming back again! Maybe you can help me out around the village and in return I can pay you or maybe make you both more food-”
Tommy and Tubbo cut you off by almost yelling out in unison, “FOOD!” which made you laugh out loud. You held up a hand in mock surrender and agreed to make them more food the next time they stopped by. The pair looked excited and waved before picking the berries from the bushes surrounding your village (so they wouldn’t take damage from the thorns) and hurried through them. You waved goodbye in return then took some bone meal out to help the bushes grow back before heading back home. 
You had a great day, and weren’t lying when you said you couldn’t wait for the two to come back.
Tommy and Tubbo made it back to L’manburg without too much fuss, only having to kill a few zombies and skeletons along the way. Though by the time they got back it was very much after dark and everyone had settled in for the night to avoid the hostile mobs. So the two boys didn’t bother checking in with anyone since it was already late and they were tired from the journey back. But to their surprise Wilbur was waiting up for them in the kitchen, sipping some tea and working on some papers.
“Oi, you two are back late. Run into trouble or somethin’?” Wilbur asked with a wry grin. 
And that released the floodgates of the two teen boys unloading everything that’d happened that day. From finding the village to accidentally fighting an iron golem, to meeting YOU! And everything else after. Wilbur listened with wide eyes, surprised to hear them talk about meeting a new person, a stranger outside of a country/city place that they knew of. One that apparently took over a village? Weird. 
But L’manburg could always use more allies. 
Maybe he should go pay you a visit too.
@salinesoot​ @lady-bee-fechin​ @kacchasu​ @putridjoy​ @lunawritesstories​ @galaxypankitty3030​ @paradigmax​ @zachariethememerie​ @killmewithafanfic @trinity-1002107 @hufflepuff-demigod @truthdaze @exorcisms-with-elmo @redbloodtea @heythereimhaylz @olyink @jackalopedoodles @nikkineeky @artsimatsu @hufflepuff-demigod
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childishfluff · 3 years
The Feeling Of Family- A MCYT Agere/CGLRE fic (Regressors!SBI+Tubbo and Ranboo, Carer!Philza)
There was a very specific feeling that came to Ranboo when he met up with his internet friends. A weirdly comforting feeling, a reassurance that he had finally found his people.
It came to him with every hug from Tubbo, every teasing ruffle of his hair from Techno, every inappropriate joke he shared with Tommy. It clouded his mind every time he regressed with them, too, he didn't quite know how to describe it. But if he had to put a name to this odd emotion, he'd call it 'the feeling of family'.
A/N: get ready for a looooong ride. This was written over the course of two days, I really hope you guys like it! I haven't dropped a fic thats over 4000 words in a bit, I think. This is inspired loosely by Cypherr's (on ao3!!) fic 'four's a family', that's where I got the idea of Phil just being overwhelmed because there's so many babies to deal w/, so I'm crediting them! Though, this fic is much different then their's, but also please go read their fics they're great- anyways, I hope you enjoy! This fic is kinda (?) in Ranboo's pov (third person but like,,,you see his thoughts), but there's so much going on that it kinda feels like it's jumping around? Sorry for that, I'm used to writing w/a 2 littles max per caregiver ratio, so this was different. I've also never written Phil as a caregiver before besides his brief appearance over in my 'Mister Nook' series. okay I'm done rambling,,,enjoy the fic please!
There was a very specific feeling that came to him when he met up with his friends. A weirdly comforting feeling, a reassurance that he had finally found his people.
In an internet dad, a fellow faceless streamer who used a pig as his icon, a song writer, a bee-loving teenager, and another who was known for wearing red and white. He felt just a bit out of place in this dynamic, SBI were the ones that were close. SBI plus Tubbo wasn't an odd pairing either, and it almost seemed as if Ranboo was only there because Tubbo was.
But that doubt seemed to wash away with the welcoming energy that the car ride to Phil and Kristin's home was filled to the very brim with. Tommy and Wilbur arguing like brothers while Ranboo and Tubbo joked about. The half-joking stern look that Phil gave him through the rear view mirror when he made an inappropriate joke. The soft feeling that Techno teasingly ruffling his hair left in his chest.
This group felt like family.
Of course, he had a perfectly good set of parents back home, but this was different. In a good way, though. This home wasn't his, it was Phil's, but he was surprisingly comfortable here. He was comfortable with his close friends.
"Breakfast is ready!"
He jolted awake with a slight shock when he heard knocking and shouting outside of the door of the room he was staying in, the noise startling him from his sleep. He rubbed at his eyes and stretched his arms above his head as the sleepiness started fading from his mind, clocking the voice as Tommy's as he processed his surroundings. It was his second day at the Philza Minecraft's, the first being made up of mostly content creation.
They had all been shown to their respective guest rooms late last night after quite a few movies and a half-asleep conversation full of laughing and heartfelt emotions. Today was supposed to be a chill day, and the next they'd be exploring the area just around Phil and Kristen's home. It was Ranboo's second time in the UK, and just like last time, he wanted to explore and get a feel for the place he'd be temporarily living in.
He fished some clothes out of his suitcase, pulling them on and discarding his pajamas in a white laundry hamper he had been given for that exact purpose. Then, he sat on the bed, pulling out his phone and scrolling through it. He chuckled as he saw a picture of their entire group with a fan they had run into the day prior, just after he was picked up from the airport, remembering how many similar ones had been taken during his last meet up.
He thought back to the months he spent at Tubbo's house just a while ago, it was one of the funnest parts of his life if he was honest, and now he was right back in the UK for another long meet up. This one was supposed to be a month, at least. SBI and the Bee Duo all under one roof for an entire month! Twitter had freaked out completely when they heard of this arrangement.
During his last trip to the UK, he found out something interesting after revealing something about himself to Tubbo. He admitted to his habit of age regressing to his friend during a late night conversation, only to be met with a 'me too' and then being asked if he wanted to call some friends. This response had confused him, but he said agreed, figuring that there had to be some logic to this.
And after an hour long conversation with Techno, Tommy, Wilbur, and Phil, he learned about an ongoing secret dynamic between the group. Tommy, Tubbo, Phil, and Wilbur were all also regressors. This was a lot of information to process at around 6 am during an all-nighter, but he was glad to know he wasn't alone.
Almost immediately after finding out about his headspace, Phil insisted on taking care of him, messaging him more often and helping him regress over video calls. And over the process of a few weeks, Ranboo had been officially added to the group of littles Phil cared for regularly.
The man took the time to learn his headspace range, things that upset him, how to deal with him when he did misbehave (though the occasion was rare, especially compared to someone like Little Tommy), all in the name of making sure he was cared for. It was sweet, really, and sometimes the boy felt bad for all the man did for him.
He pushed these thoughts away as he heard his name called by his father figure from the kitchen. He groaned, exiting off of Twitter and making his way out of the room and down the hallway, through the living room and into the kitchen. "I'm coming, I'm coming," he mumbled, still tired. He took his seat between Tommy and Tubbo after entering the kitchen/dining area and was quite overwhelmed with the amount of greetings and 'good morning!'s' he got all at once.
"How'd you sleep, hun?" he smiled when he heard Kristin's voice, humming a bit, settling on responding to her instead of facing the rest of the ongoing chaos in the kitchen.
"Pretty good, I think. Still waking up, though," he admitted. He watched the woman bring a plate over to him, setting a stack of pancakes in front of him. "Thank you."
Before she got the chance to respond, Tommy was shouting all to loud for how early it was in the morning. He sounded whiny, too. "Why does he get his first? I was awake before him," he complained, earning a response from Wilbur as he entered the room, his obviously messy hair temporarily contained by a beanie.
"Maybe because he's not throwing a fit over everything like you are," He made his way over to the table as Phil shot the both of them a look. Ranboo minded his own business, digging into his food, he knew that he wasn't in trouble. The brown haired man sat next to Tommy, leaning back in his seat casually.
"Will, be nicer to your brother. And Tommy, be patient, or else both of you will be put in timeout the moment we finish eating." he threatened, half joking.
"What?" Tommy said, sounding shocked as his eyes went wide.
"I second that, none of us are little!" Tubbo finally spoke up after laughing at the situation the whole time.
"Tom-tom here is sure acting like a baby, though," Wilbur teased, sitting back up to ruffle the blond's hair, continuing even when the younger whined and attempted to shove his hand away. He only retracted it when Phil gave him another stern look.
"Stop teasing him and eat your food," he told him as Kristin brought over plates for Tommy and Wilbur. "Where's Techno?" Phil seemed like he wanted to continue talking to Wilbur, but was distracted when he noticed that someone was missing. Wilbur smirked, sticking his tongue out to Tommy, as if bragging about being let off the hook.
Even Ranboo could admit, even out of headspace, everyone seemed to fill their roles in the family dynamic well. Wilbur was the cocky middle brother who somehow simultaneously gets in the most trouble and gets away with everything, Techno is the oldest who's mostly calm but will join in on the antics when it seems fun, and Tommy's the youngest who will play the 'innocent' card at any chance he could get.
Ranboo and Tubbo's exact roles were a bit undecided, but they seemed to consist of a lot of watching the scene play out and somehow getting dragged into an argument they had nothing to do with. Phil acted as their dad, who kept peace between everyone and tried to keep things calm, while Kristen played the role of a sweet mother-type figure.
When they were little, it was a bit different, but the general feeling of family remained the same.
After a few chaotic minutes of gathering everyone up and calming everyone down, they were all sitting around the table and talking in a much more civil manner. Things got loud once again only a few minutes later when Tommy knocked over his cup of orange juice.
"Sorry!" he squeaked, "I didn't mean to!" he defended, looking up at Phil apologetically. He immediately seemed much younger, a light pout on his lips as he apologized for his clumsiness.
"It's alright, Toms." the man assured, flashing a soft smile to let the regressor know that he was alright, reaching for the paper towels across the table. In just a few moments it was like there was never a spill in the first place. "Can you get him a sippy cup, please?" he asked Kristin, who immediately set off to get the requested item.
"I told you he was a baby," Wilbur spoke up next, predictably earning protests from the clearly regressing boy next to him.
"I'm not a baby!" the younger cried, looking to his other  "Techno, tell him I'm not a baby!"
"I mean, only babies need sippy cups," the other man leaned a bit closer the table, his words causing the teenager's eyes to widen.
"Can't Kristin just refill dis one?" he questioned, holding up the cup he had knocked over and looking to Phil hopefully.
"Sorry, buddy, I just don't want you to make another mess." Phil sighed, shooting a disappointed look towards Wilbur and Techno. Ranboo sunk further into his seat, trying to avoid getting pulled into the conflict. He wasn't sure how the others could handle Phil's 'disappointed look' so easily, the boy was very much scared of it.
"I'm not gonna!" Tommy whined, practically glaring at the cup that was set in front of him a moment later. He huffed and crossed his arms, refusing to drink or eat anything.
"This is what happens when you make fun of him, he gets all insecure and stubborn," Tubbo groaned, rolling his eyes as if they had been through this process a million times over.
"Tubbo's right, apologize to him," the oldest man ordered. Wilbur and Techno looked at him as if this suggestion was completely outrageous, so he added, "Now."
"Okay, okay!" Wilbur gave in, sounding defensive, "I'm sorry, Toms. You're not a baby."
"Really?" he lowered his arms, finally uncrossing them.
"No, you're just clumsy and we're sorry for making fun of you for it," Techno sounded very reluctant, but he followed Phil's orders. After these apologies, the rest of breakfast went fairly smoothly. By the end of it, Tommy was very obviously fully regressed and making a useless attempt to hide it.
It was a fairly often occurrence that Tommy slipped just for fun, acting and being treated like a kid was something he just liked. He got to be the annoying little brother and watch cartoons while he did it, it was a win-win across the board.
But Phil and Kristin knew, that whenever one of them slipped over their voice chats, anyone else in the discord call would too. And now, they were all actually together under one roof, so he was sure he'd have five littles to deal with by noon at latest.
As predicted, all of the boys ended up in littlespace, slipping one after another like a line of dominoes getting knocked over. After some reassurance from Phil, Tommy allowed himself to slip, and he dragged his best friend into a game of pretend. And the two toddler minded teenagers decided they wanted to play with Techno and Ranboo as well, and Wilbur soon followed when Phil babied him a bit to much.
At first, it was quite loud, and there was a lot of conflict and disagreements between the boys. Eventually, after everyone but Ranboo had managed to get in some sort of trouble, Phil sat the boys down to watch cartoons. Tommy, Tubbo, and Wilbur were out like a light one episode in. Wilbur was in babyspace, he always needed extra sleep, and Tommy tired himself out by crying when he assumed Phil was upset with him.
Tubbo, however, was just tired. No excuse, that's just how he was sometimes.
Ranboo and Techno were older then the rest of them, and far more behaved, so they didn't get quite as much attention earlier in the day. Phil was quite busy comforting Wilbur and trying to keep Tommy and Tubbo in check, and it didn't help that Kristin had to leave the house. To make up for this, Phil wanted to do something special with them while the other three took their mid-day naps.
After a while of Ranboo and Techno watching cartoons, trying to stay quiet so that their friends could sleep peacefully, Phil spoke up.
"Boys, quietly follow me," he whispered, managing to get out from under from where Wilbur was laying cuddling up to him without waking the boy up. Techno and Ranboo glanced at each other, seemingly confused but intrigued. They scrambled to get up, following their caregiver into the kitchen.
"What are we doin', dada?" Techno questioned once they entered the other room. They had left the cartoons on, so Phil was fairly sure they wouldn't be able to hear what was going on in the kitchen.
"You guys are gonna be my little helpers for snack time, okay? I got some special treats and such for everyone and we need to put everything together before everyone gets up!" the man explained in a quiet but excited tone, speaking even quieter as if his next words were a secret, "And if you guys do a good job, I'll even give you an extra cookie."
Ranboo's face immediately lit up, and he bounced on his feet as he awaited more instructions. Phil specifically chose him and Techno out of all of them, they must be special. It was like a super secret mission, just for them!
"So we're all gonna have fruit and vegetables before we get to the sweets," he continued on, going over the fridge and pulling out various fruits and vegetables, "Techno, could you wash the strawberries and blueberries for me?" he asked.
"Mhm!" he agreed, excited to be able to help. It seem weird that Phil's idea of "something special" was just putting them to work, it was more about the idea of making them feel special. They were more well behaved then everyone else, so they got extra time with Phil and a cookie.  
"What do I get to do?" Ranboo questioned. He watched as Technoblade took the containers with the fruit he was told to wash over to the sink.
"Are you big enough to pour drinks for everyone?" he questioned, pulling various new sippycups and bottles from a hidden spot in one of the cabinets. The two littles gasped, completely distracted from their tasks, "Yes, some of these are for you two." he chuckled at their excitement, coming over to Ranboo and holding out a simple but cute black and white sippy cup.
"I thought maybe you could put stickers on it," Phil explained. The boy nodded quickly, practically attacking him in a hug. "Okay, go on, get to work now." he said, motioning over to the counter where the rest of them sat.
As requested, they got to work. Techno helped wash the fruit and put then on their plates, while Ranboo filled the sippy cups and bottles with whatever drink each one of them liked best. His demise came when he tried to sneak soda into his sippy cup without asking, and he managed to spill it all over the counter.
"Uh oh! Spill on aisle Ranboo!" Phil joked, grabbing the paper towels and running over to help. Immediately, the boy panicked. He was the well behaved one, and Phil was gonna find out that he was trying to be sneaky! His guilt was obviously clear to the caregiver, because the next thing he said was, "Don't worry, accidents happen."
The gentle and reassuring tone he used only made him feel worse. It only took the man a moment to actually realize what the boy had been pouring into the cup. "Ranboooo," the caregiver held out his words, sounding disappointed, "You know that you could've asked for soda if you really wanted it, right? You've been so good all day, I would've given it to you."
"Really?" he asked, pouting when the man took the cup and dumped the liquid in the sink. He then ripped paper towels from the roll and wiped up the remainder of the drink from the counter.
"Yeah, I would've," Phil affirmed, "But trying to sneak around me isn't okay. You told me you were putting juice in here. That's lying, and I know for a fact that you're big enough to know that's not allowed. " he tsked, causing Ranboo to look down at his feet.
"M' sorry," he mumbled, ready to cry over such a small thing. He knew what he was doing was dumb, Phil rarely let them have sweets like that when they were small due to the fact that they got hyper.
"Don't cry, sweetheart, you're not in trouble," the man assured with a sigh, softening his tone immediately, rinsing the cup out as he spoke. Ranboo still felt bad, despite the gentle reassurance. He glanced up to see the man filling his cup with his favorite drink besides the over sugary soda: strawberry lemonade. "Here you go." he tightened the lid onto it and held it out for him.
"Sorry, dada," he apologized again, his eyes still glassy as he took it in his hands. Phil sighed a bit, opening his arms and pulling him close.
"You're okay, buddy, I promise you." he spoke gently, "Little boys make mistakes sometimes, it's alright." The man knew that while Ranboo might've been regressed to an older age, he was still quite sensitive, and he always felt overly bad whenever he got in trouble. Even if he had managed to get away with sneaking the soda, he would've owned up to what he did guiltily after just a few sips of the drink.
That's just how he was.
"M' all done!" Techno's voice interrupted them as he finished placing the snack-filled plates in their spot at the table, besides their respective sippy cups. Phil pulled away from the other regressor and ruffled his hair, smiling at him before addressing the other little.
"Good job, honey. You're such a good helper," he complimented, before looking back to Ranboo. "And so are you." he reminded. Ranboo giggled a bit, feeling happiness well up in his chest at the praise despite any childish guilt. The giggles only increased when his caregiver tapped the button of his nose, causing him to scrunch it up.
Once he was sure that Ranboo was alright, or at least doing a bit better, he gave them their next instructions. One good thing about Ranboo was that it was easy to sway his emotions to the more positive end if it was done before any tears came. "Take your seats and eat, I'm gonna wake up your brothers and have them pick up their toys from earlier, then they'll join you." he told them, before leaving the room.
Technoblade's eyes followed Phil as he exited the room, and he waited until he was sure he was out of earshot to say anything. "Psst, 'anboo," Techno leaned close to the table, grabbing the other boy's attention.
"Wha'?" he questioned, popping a grape in his mouth and tilting his head in curiousity.
"We should scare daddy when he comes back in! It'll be so cool," he suggested, "We can wait by the door and jump out!"
"Hmm...," Ranboo looked over to where the other pointed, considering his options, "We 'posed to be eatin'." he pointed out, shaking his head.
"We won' get in trouble, it's just playin' round," he tried to sound convincing. It seemed to work, because Ranboo reconsidered, before hesitantly nodding. He grabbed one more grape and his sippy cup before standing up, Techno leading him over to the entrance of the room. They were concealed behind the wall on either side of the doorway.
They listened Phil woke the others up and helped them put the toys away, excitement ramping up as they waited. To their shock, Tommy entered first, fully ready to greet him in his usual loud tone. Techno quickly put his finger to his lip, shaking his head to signal him to be quiet. Tommy's eyes widened as he realized what was happening, deciding to duck behind the with his older brother.
It was then that Phil entered, carrying Wilbur. The boys jumped out from their spots, exclaiming different variations of "boo!" and "AHH!", breaking out into giggles immediately after. Wilbur squeaked, the sound startling him a bit, but he didn't seem upset. "Well hello, little ones," Phil chuckled, "If I remember correctly, you boys are supposed to be at the table."
"Jus' wanted to scare you! We go eat now," Techno assured, taking Tommy's wrist in his hand and pulling him over to the table. Ranboo however, peeked behind Phil to see if Tubbo was coming.
"Where Tubs at?" he pulled on Phil's shirt before he could walk away, whining a bit.
"He had a bit of an accident," the man admitted, "He's a bit smaller now, but he'll be out soon, okay?"
"Okay..." he trailed off, looking out into the living room, completely set on standing there until his best friend was able to join him.
"How about you head over to the table, kiddo?" his caregiver questioned, earning a pout from the little. "Okay, okay, you can wait here for him!" he decided, figuring there was nothing wrong with it. With a forehead kiss, Phil left him at the doorway.
"Tubbo! We gots apple slices for you!" he rambled excitedly when his friend finally did arrive, running towards him and grabbing his hand. He started to pull him further into the kitchen, but the mentally younger of the two stumbled a bit, seemingly clumsier then he was earlier in the day.
Ranboo realized that he had a pacifier in his mouth now, and he saw Phil replacing his sippy cup with a bottle out of the corner of his eye. He had worked hard to put apple juice in that sippy cup, he thought, pouting a bit.
"M' sorry, didn' mean to make you almost fall! We can go slow," he decided, earning a thankful smile from the other regressor. "Are you gonna say anything?" he asked, walking beside him. As they approached the table, Phil replied for the boy.
"He's a bit younger, bud, he might not be up for talking," he explained, "You know what it's like to be so little that you feel like a baby. Can we all be understanding? He's only a bit older then Wilbur at the moment." "
Tubbo seemed quite embarrassed as he sunk into his seat, pulling his pacifier from his mouth to eat his food. There were sounds of agreement around the table. Ranboo was curious as to what exactly made Tubbo slip so much younger then he usually did, but he didn't voice this curiosity, settling on eating his food in favor of not embarrassing his friend anymore then he already was. .
"These are yucky!" Tommy claimed, pushing his plate with carrots and ranch away from him.
"You like carrots and ranch, what are you talking about?" Phil sounded tired and just a bit annoyed.
"Don' want em," he shook his head, whining just as he had that morning when Wilbur teased him.
"If you eat them you'll get a cookie," the caregiver bribed.
"What type of cookie?" the toddler minded boy squinted his eyes, as if considering this, as if it was a negotiation of sorts.
"Sugar cookie, chocolate chip, I think we have Oreos too...whatever you could want," this definitely caught the boys interest.
"Chocolate chip?" his eyes went wide with excitement, which was only intensified when Phil nodded. Immediately, he uncrossed his arms and pulled his plate back towards him. Phil seemed satisfied with this, ruffling his hair.
The boys were still waking up, so Phil asked them to talk about their elaborate games from earlier in the day to keep them occupied. So, as they ate their snacks, they giggled about imaginary wars and adventures and argued over who won their dramatic plastic sword duels. Eventually, the caregiver gave them their promised sweets before sending them back off to play.
"Ranboo, you left your sippy cup in the kitchen," Phil tapped the boy's shoulder and distracted him from his game of peek-a-boo with Tubbo. He quickly discovered that his friend seemed much to little to participate in any games he'd usually play, so he did what he always saw Phil do with Wilbur: play a simpler one.
It was obviously much more entertaining for the littler of the two, but Ranboo was happy to hear his friend's giggles and squeaks. "Oh! Thanks, dada!" the boy reached up to take his sippy cup from the caregiver as he was sitting on the floor and Phil was standing. Ranboo gasped when he took a drink, feeling bubbles on his tongue.
Immediately, Phil put a finger to his lips and gave him a warning look. This made the boy giggle a bit as he nodded, understanding the signal. "Thank you!" he repeated, smiling when his hair was ruffled softly. The moment didn't last long, Tommy called Phil over for something, and it was back to peek-a-boo with his best friend.
Ranboo didn't mind it, though, peek-a-boo was fun. Being with everyone was fun, even if it meant he got a bit less attention due to there being so much going on. It all evened out, he got to be a snack time helper! And he got an extra cookie! If you asked him, that was pretty awesome.
In the next few days, they'd all get back into making more collaborative content, as that was the point of this meet up, but for now, it was just time to play. To spend time together, to cuddle, and giggle, and make far to much noise in the name of fun. To just be a family.
That was the specific feeling that came to Ranboo with this meet up. The comforting feeling that bubbled in his chest whenever he got a forehead kiss or his hair ruffled by Phil, or when he played babyish games with his friends when they regressed younger then him.
This was the thing that clouded his mind whenever he regressed with this group specifically, or when they were in the car, joking about anything and everything as they got closer and closer to their destination. A feeling that consistently made his life better, the feeling that brought a smile to his face everyday...
The Feeling of Family.
A/N: I really hope you liked that adorable mess of 4500 words! I appreciate reblogs and likes, but no matter what, thanks for reading to the end! Did you like the chaotic feeling that five littles/so many people brought into my fic? I kinda had to switch up my normal formulas to make room for so many characters, there's a reason I literally put three character to sleep halfway through the fic hjsikajsa. Did I write Phil well? I tried to portray how a caregiver w/so many littles would act somewhat realistically? Kind of overwhelmed but managing. Also, did you like me portraying ranboo as 'the angle little' of the group? idk I felt like it fit his personality in the scenario. If you reply with/send an ask/reblog with feedback, you can answer those questions, leave a request for something (whether it be in the universe father into the month-long meetup timeline I set up or just another fic), state your general opinions on the fic, or just leave a strand of emojis if words are hard. No matter what, it means a lot! I hope you all have a great day!!!!
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condorclaw · 4 years
It's what Sam Nook was the best at.
The large mechanical creeper spent his days standing outside the towering structure of the Big Innit Hotel, keeping watch for potential customers, or potential troublemakers.
"Don't you ever get tired of standing here?" Jack Manifold had asked one day after a hostile confrontation between the two employees.
The answer was always no. Sam Nook never got tired of guarding the hotel. The task was never as boring as his peers made it seem. In fact, it was an exciting experience.
Sam Nook had been downloaded with the basic information of every server member, learning their names, heights, and basic personality traits with ease. However, the simple information couldn't compare to all he had noticed while speaking with them himself.
They all had their own stories to tell, and their own experiences to share. While standing guard, sometimes somebody would stop to speak with Sam Nook. Regardless if it was out of pity or for a genuine conversation, Sam Nook appreciated the gesture.
Captain Puffy would tell Sam Nook tales of her adventures, going into great detail when describing the scenery. It gave Sam Nook a thirst of adventure, making him feel like he was actually experiencing the harsh waves of the sea or the burning rays of the sun.
Eret regaled Sam Nook with history stories of their home. They would especially emphasize the horrible bits, including their traitorous actions as a leading cause for so much pain. Sam Nook could tell Eret still felt guilt after all this time, so as soon as Eret would finish their stories, Sam Nook offered the king a hug, which was gladly accepted.
Ranboo and Tubbo didn't have as many stories to share about the past, preferring to discuss what was happening in current moments. It was how Sam Nook became so fine-tuned to the social dynamic occurring, able to recognize specific actions relating to specific causes.
Even Sam himself would stop by frequently, checking up on his creation and making sure that Sam Nook was at tip-top shape. Sam Nook appreciated these check-ups, wanting to perform at his very best for his tasks. As Sam would make adjustments, he would tell Sam Nook small things about his life, and revealed quite a bit that he kept hidden to his other friends. Sam Nook swore to never tell anybody else unless Sam gave him permission. It was the least he could do for his creator.
Even though he was surrounded by such a colorful cast of characters, Sam Nook always looked forward to one in particular:
The big man himself, TommyInnit.
Tommy was loud and brash. He was young, yet experienced with conflict and war, masking it behind crude jokes and fragile confidence.
According to most others, Tommy was annoying and often unwanted. He was the source of problems and too impulsive for his own good. Sam Nook had occasionally heard mutterings of people wanting to ignore him or just shut him away somewhere. To an outsider, it sounded like Tommy was just some rabid stray animal who couldn't be caught.
But Tommy was more than that, and Sam Nook could see it firsthand. Tommy was passionate, loving to show off his accomplishments to his friends and being proud that he was the one able to do them. He took pride in the little things, and would frequently hype himself up when requested to perform tasks. Sam Nook was surprised at how quickly Tommy was able to get hotel materials, the boy being quite passionate to finish the build.
Outside of hotel work, the two had nice conversations. Tommy would curl up at Sam Nook's side, watching the stars in the sky and venting about his feelings. Tommy would always deny it whenever Sam Nook would bring his words up after that point, but it did warm Sam Nook's circuits to know how much Tommy trusted him to tell the robot these things in the first place.
After all, Sam Nook was built to be Tommy's guardian, and he took pride in that.
So Sam Nook was fine to wait.
It was a lovely day, with animals gathering in groups to scrounge for food. The sun was shining as bright as ever, and the few clouds in the sky twisted into funny shapes.
Sam Nook activated his cameras, taking a couple shots of the gorgeous scenery. He mentally stashed the photos away in a specific directory, one meant for Tommy.
Ever since Tommy had become trapped in Pandora's Vault, Sam Nook found himself recording his surroundings every minute of every day. Tommy was missing so much being trapped in a gloomy place, so Sam Nook was determined to show him everything he missed.
As Sam Nook stashed away his last photo, he heard the faint sound of arguing. Turning his head 90° to the left, Sam Nook spotted Jack Manifold speaking to Tubbo, the two deep in some sort of conflict. Ranboo was towering over the two, but remained quiet, listening. The enderman spotted Sam Nook gazing in their direction, giving a nervous wave and a shrug of confusion. Sam Nook returned the wave before shifting his head back forward.
It felt like there was a lot more aggression since Tommy was gone. Normally the kid was so blunt that it made it hard to argue against him. He wasn't always right, but he could end conversations quickly when they weren't worth having.
The heated discussion only got worse as minutes stretched on, Sam Nook catching bits of it, but remained still. It was only the final shout of "FINE!" that caused Sam Nook to look over once more.
Jack Manifold passed in front of Sam Nook, his teeth clenched and his eyes narrowed as he made his way to the entrance of the hotel.
"WHAT BUSINESS DO YOU HAVE HERE, JACK MANIFOLD." Sam Nook questioned as the hotel cats started gathering by the robot's feet.
"Relax," Jack Manifold snarled, rolling his eyes. "I'm just doing a bit of redecorating. If Tommy doesn't like that, then he can tell me himself." Before Sam Nook could formulate a response, Jack Manifold had gone up the ladders in a hurry.
Sam Nook let out a huff of steam, focusing his attention on some of the cats that wandered around the hotel. Jack Manifold wasn't a good employee. He was only focused on keeping the hotel to himself, which didn't belong to him. It belonged to TommyInnit, as much as Jack Manifold tried to deny that.
Thankfully, Tommy was scheduled to be released in a few days. The news had initially made Sam Nook upset when Sam had told him, but Sam Nook immediately cheered up at the thought of Sam being with Tommy. Sam liked Tommy a lot, Tommy wouldn't be alone!
So Sam Nook was fine to wait.
It was a stormy day, rain pouring down from the sky, almost as if the clouds were crying. Sam Nook didn't understand why it had to be such a gloomy day. After all, Tommy's first days out of prison should be happy!
Sam Nook hadn't seen Tommy once since the boy was scheduled for release, but that didn't worry him. Tommy was probably very busy reconnecting with all his friends. Eventually he'd come see Sam Nook.
The sound of Sam Nook's own shuttering cameras snapped the robot out of the slight daze he was in. The image was lovely, with red and white flowers spread all along the grass at the side of the path. Sam Nook didn't understand where these flowers were coming from, but they were very beautiful. He could only imagine Tommy's reaction to the gorgeous plants. Tommy would pretend to hate it at first, but would later go and water them all himself.
Out of the darkness of the rain, Sam Nook saw Ranboo and Jack Manifold emerge from one of the buildings. The two didn't appear to be engaging in conversation, and appeared rather sad. They continued walking until they stopped at the gates to the Big Innit Hotel, Jack Manifold opening them slowly.
Ranboo gave a slow wave to Sam Nook, who gave one in return. Ranboo had changed over the last few days. His normally colored eyes were slightly duller, and in his jacket pocket, a purple flower peaked out. Sometimes the enderman's hand would go to it, lighting stroking the flower's petals as if it were a pet.
Sam Nook was very curious about it, but there was still time to ask Ranboo about it in the future.
The more urgent concern was Jack Manifold, who was approaching the front of the hotel. Sam let out a few clicks, shifting his trident in his hands threateningly. Jack Manifold had been vandalizing the hotel lately, and Sam Nook wouldn't allow him to do it again.
Despite all the other times Sam Nook had threatened him however, Jack Manifold looked up at Sam Nook, looking weaker than ever. His eyes were glazed over too, and his form was drenched with rain. When he spoke, his words were soft. "Sorry, Sam Nook. I broke something yesterday. I'm just here to fix it."
In shock, Sam Nook didn't even reply to Jack Manifold as he climbed up the ladders. Jack Manifold was a liar sometimes, but that there had been the honest truth. It didn't make sense. Why now?
"Sam Nook."
The robot turned quickly, coming face-to-face with his creator. Sam's green had paled, and his armor no longer looked as shiny as it once had. It worried Sam Nook too, but Sam knew what he was doing. He could take care of it easily.
Sam flinched at the hotel's title, perplexing Sam Nook even more. Did he not like the name? He was the one who chose it, though.
"Don't you get tired, standing here?" Sam asked softly, his voice hoarse. "What if Tommy-"
Sam shut his eyes, his fists clenched at his side as if he was in pain. There was silence between the two for a couple of seconds.
"Yeah," Sam croaked out, tears starting to well up in his eyes. "He'll be very happy with this. Thank you, Sam Nook."
Sam Nook had never felt happier. Tommy would be very happy with his hotel, and together they could beat out the competition! Sam was right!
Sam nodded slowly, his mouth open, with only short puffs of breath coming out. Exhaling, he looked up, gave a polite bow to Sam Nook, and departed. Jack Manifold left shortly after Sam as well, only giving a quick farewell to the robot.
The sky may have looked like it was crying, but that didn't change Sam Nook's mood. The sky was crying out of joy, surely! The server couldn't wait for TommyInnit to return to his hotel, and neither could Sam Nook.
So Sam Nook was fine to wait. 
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ouravlty · 4 years
quarantining with the maximoff's headcannons. ✰
ps: the wins are alive and well, vision too, no sadness here. <3 oh and of course you're pietro's significant other. ♡
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• everyday pietro comes up with some random thing you should try: board games, building lego, virtual museum tour, everything he can to distract the kids and you.
• the kids find it boring to be quarantined, but understands the need and importance of it, they always match face masks when going out and they are very careful.
• pietro dyeing his hair every month and influencing the kids to do so too. pietro also encourages you to dye your hair too, and even offers to help with dyes and hydration. (his hair is so soft and now yours too!!)
• wanda always makes new recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and you often help her, and it's so cute how she always explains all the process to you while making it.
• the vision tried to bake a cake one day, and it wasn't really good (salt and sugar aren't the same thing vision) but you all lied a little so you don't hurt his feelings.
• speaking about vision, he has to do home office now, wich is so fun to see because he ends one week of work in almost ten minutes.
• the twins goes out one time at a day to take sparky on a walk and of course you and pietro go together to watch the kids, and most of the times you and billy are the ones to watch pietro and tommy who are running a little too much for sparky's speed.
• family exercise everyday at 6am — wanda is always sleepy, vision is fine of course, pietro hardly ever wakes up at time and the twins are the ones who enjoy the whole thing, and you always have two choices: sleep in with him, or wake him up and watch pietro struggle to make anything instead of going back to bed.
• spa night with pietro and wanda every saturday night, watching movies and eating cookies (after the wins are asleep of course, and vision participate even if he doesn't need to).
• book club, wich always end up in some random discussion that pietro brings up about something not really important making vision search for some explanation (even if there wasn't one)
• you have to clean the house almost everyday because everyone staying home can be so messy. the twins always find funny ways to help, billy trying out his powers, tommy is the fastest cleaner ever, pietro too, wanda always organizes the cabinets >very< fast, and vision can do almost anything you need him to fast anyway.
• one day the twins suggested a dance party at home, so there were all of you all in your fancy clothes, dancing to their favorite songs in the living room and creating their own dance styles (which are very... peculiar).
• you and pietro always take a time before sleeping to listen to music, sharing earphones or just using the tv, and depending on the song you dance together, sing together, and it's a very magical moment, just the two of you and the blue leds of your room.
• knowing that wanda and vision can't go out on a date anymore, you and pietro always take one day of the week to take care of the kids so they can have their date at home at least, you even planned a whole surprise date for them with food you and the twins made and all decoraded by pietro.
• if you're an student, good luck for you to study on this house because pietro and the twins probably won't let you. the twins are always joking around and calling you to see their new trick and pietro because he's with the kids trying to lessen the mess (or he says so).
• you and pietro always help tommy and billy with homework, billy is incredibly good at biology and chemistry for absolutely no reason, and tommy likes maths because he can talk about speed and show off a little, saying things like: 200km/h? i can run faster than that, watch me!!
• pietro is really working hard to be the best uncle this kids could have and also staying the best boyfriend for you and best brother for wanda, he really loves all of you so much (he tries to be great to vision too, but just sometimes).
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give-grian-rights · 4 years
Bets Against The Void Ch3
Well. it’s HERE. sorry it’s a bit short, if I fit in the next events then it would well succeed a reasonable amount of words. about 1500, a few words off.  Reblogs fuel me 1000% more than likes. please enjoy and comment any typos ‘n stuff
my askbox is also temporarily turned back on, for this!! after a few days they’re closed, and i’ll hopefully go back to queuing up a bunch...
This is crossposted on AO3
and for Chapter 1, head here
Chapter 4 is HERE!
and @petrichormeraki Hope you didn’t forget about your Whitelist AU :)
Now that they were settled in their boats, Tommy was given a moment to realize where exactly it was he was going. And, oh shit. The builds he could see were bigger than any one solid, finished structure he’s seen on the Dream SMP.
Pockets of strange, purple clumps of spores poked out by the shore, in contrast to the rest of the island. A portion of hte island, too, was covered in the crimson netherrack. It was absolutely insane- Tommy didn’t think he’d ever seen buildings quite like them.
“...Holy...Fuck..” He voiced, breathless.
The brunnette woman in the boat beside his frowned, peering over her and Grian’s own boat. “We’re not exactly a PG server, but I think we’d all appreciate it if you tried to keep your language just a smidge cleaner,” She’d passively comment, eyes narrowing on the blond boy who turned to glare at her.
“Stress, they’re teenagers.” Grian would laugh, before the blond would be given a chance to respond. “I’ve heard Doc’s drunk ranting. We’re definitely not clean.”
She turned, raising a brow at the dirty blond. “Grian, I haven’t heard you say a naughty word, even once!” She chuckled, tilting her head.
“Sure,” he remarked agreeably, “but I was a teenager.”  Giving a small, sharp smile, he turned his head back out to sea.
Tommy, huffing with effort as he continued rowing his and Tubbo’s boat, felt the fight sizzle out. His defenses dropped, too busy looking at the buildings cluttering the island. Masses of structures, all of varying sizes and designs, were impossible to look away from.
As if remembering suddenly of Tubbo’s lack of perpetual vision, he turned, nudging their arm.
Tubbo practically jumped, almost tipping out of the boat. They pulled their arm out of the water, where they’d been contently dragging their arm along, and tilted their head towards their friend. “Huh? Uh- hey! Sorry. I was spacing out. Are we there?”
“Nope,” Tommy shook his head. “But this island looks insane! Seriously, what the hell? How many of you people are there! What the FUCK is this place!” He gawked, turning back towards the Hermits. Considering Stress only gave an exasperated smile, he didn’t feel too bad with his language.
“Our Cowmercial district! Mind the, uh, terrain. We’re in the middle of handling a.. Disagreement.” Grian chuckled, a wolfish grin sprawling across their face. “Just for the principle, y’know?” 
Tommy stared blankly at the back of Grian’s head, the older Brit unphased.
“..Sure, right. But no! What the fuck! I’ve never seen, like, half of those blocks before in my life! What are those buildings?” He gawked.
The strange, shadowery mansion- intricate patterns and overheads marking each wall, with scales on top. A giant chest! With..Eyes? It was twice the size of the community house! He could see four separate beacon lights! At least!
“Tubbo! There’s a- a huge ass chest with eyes! And a fuckin’ mansion, and it’s all dark and shit! Is- is that a cloud made out of glass, up there? What the fuck!” The boat was practically rocking as he cried out.
“Tommy, we’re gonna fall in, Big Man!” They chuckled nervously, grasping at the wooden walls of the boat. “Are all the buildings huge? I bet they are! I heard Hermitcraft servers always have huge builds!”
“Yes, and there’s SO FUCKING MANY! WHAT THE HELL!”
“You’ll be able to see them in time, don’t worry!” Grian chuckled, drawing his boat into the shore. “We have a lot of builds, we’re almost a year into this world. These are just our shops! You’re more than welcomed to pick up something if you need it.” He explained breezily, throwing his legs over the sides as he pulled himself to land.
“We’re sure you don’t plan on staying long, and we can’t blame’ya,” Stress added on, as Grian helped pull her out of the spruce boat. “But we’re sure there’s some necessities you’ll need.”
Grian beside her nodded, pulling up his Tablet. “I have shirts and hoodies that should fit you guys, and some other Hermits would happily pitch in. We have more than enough resources to house you two.”
Tommy, who’d already pulled himself and Tubbo out of the boat, slumped, rolling his eyes. “We’re fine. Thanks.” He tackled the last word on half-hazardly, his lips drawn down into a scowl.
“Mate, whenever your server’s ready, we’re happy to get you back. Or get in contact with your Server Admin now, even. You just need to say the word to X, and he’ll take care of it.” Stress looked over the two, her brows pinched as she looked over them.
What in the Sun’s name is happening over there to leave these two so roughed up? She thought idly, noting it in the back of her mind to bring them potions later.
“C’mon, we can get you more situated later, if that’s fine with you two. You both need to eat, asap.” 
Food. Right. That’s a thing, Tommy pulled his stares away from the towering structures, naturally slipping his hand back into Tubbo’s.
The two Hermits led their way at a slow and even pace, the two teenagers trailing behind. Tommy and Tubbo both were quietly thankful for this. They were less quiet when it came to Tommy’s rambling, incoherent rants from his attempts of describing the District to his friend.
Whatever works to get them on their way, the pair of Hermits agreed, sharing a look.
It was a struggle all of itself, getting them both on track to the bakery. Tommy had poked his head in every building they crossed, with Tubbo going at an increasingly slow pace, trying to allow their Communicator to describe the complex surroundings.
They made it in decent time to the bakery, all things considered.. Tommy’s jaw dropped at the size of it, bright blue eyes surveying the large, detailed replica of a cake.
“What the fuck! There’s- there’s so many blocks! It looks crumblin’ and bitten! What shit! Tubbo! Tubbo the bakery is a giant fucking cake! It looks so realistic! Holy fucking Prime-”
“It smells so good in here, too! Wow! Does this place just sell cake? Is there enough demand, for that?”
“Wh- are those shulker boxes! What! That’s- that’s like, seven shulker boxes! Is that all just for the shit for sale??? What!”
Both of the teens were incomprehensible. Neither Stress, nor Grian, could get a word in.
“Hey! Guys, both of you, it’s alright, yeah? We have plenty of shulkers. Also, Keralis is..Yeah, probably the richest Hermit, so shulkers for his shop isn’t out of the ordinary at all.
All of us have a buncha shulkers. I’ll clear out some of mine, too, for you to have. It’d make setting up a base much easier, I’m sure.”
...Everyone has shulkers. And he’d be willing to let Tommy and Tubbo just..Have some? No way. Tommy gave a look towards Tubbo, and he could tell the other was as perplexed at the notion as he.
“You guys just.. Just have shulkers- I. Yeah. sure. Rooms with diamond armor and fuckin’ elytras lying around..Right.” Tommy took a breath, fist clenched beside him for a moment.
Tubbo, with their hand holding his arm, above his elbow, gave him a reassuring smile before turning generally towards the Hermits direction. “Thank you, like- so much?” They chuckled, sheepishly. “We really don’t need, like, anything like that. We- we should be getting back to our world soon. Hopefully- uh, probably.”
Grian frowned, humming. “Sure, but I think any Hermit that went even twenty-four hours without working on something, would lose their mind. When you go home, you could give them back. Even if you took them home, I promise that it wouldn’t be a big deal.”
The two teens shared a look. The older brit’s word may sound sincere, but they both knew better than to blindly believe someone, other than each other. Tommy shot a glare to the man, eyes narrowed.
“Yeah, whatever you say.” He scoffed. The dirty blond met his stare, unphased. A relaxed, easy smile remained on their face. Tommy didn’t trust it for a second.
Stress had begun opening some of the shulker boxes, exposing the sweets and goods inside to the starved teens. “C’mon, now.  If you two want to work on some of that later, you can do that. But you’re with us, right now, and it’s time to eat. Grab whatever you’d like, Loves.”
The brunette teen gasped, tugging at the blond boy’s arm. “C’mon Tommy, do you smell that! Oh Void, this place must be lovely! Thank you for bringing us, uh, ma’am! ‘N sir!” Tubbo beams, their smile lopsided.
Tommy glanced around, towards the candy-and-sweets themed furniture in the dining area. Right. Sure. I can deal with this, for Tubbo.
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line without a hook
Pairing: Tom Holland x female! reader
Summary: Tom takes care of you after a party, forcing you to realize that maybe he’s who you should have been with all this time. 
Warnings: Cheating boyfriends, alcohol
“Where are you going?” Tom asked drowsily, sniffling upon walking into the bathroom you two shared. The smell of your perfume wasn’t overwhelming, but it smelled a little sweeter than normal. He saw steam coming from the hair tool you were using, too, and his eyes narrowed. 
“Party. Jack’s,” you responded, looking over at him. He had just woken up from his second nap of the day. He’d gotten back from filming possibly the most action-filled movie he could ever think of, and since then he’d been mostly nocturnal. 
“Oh. Let me know if you need me to come get you, I should be awake,” he shrugged as he reached for his toothbrush. “You look great, by the way. Be safe.” You turned to him as you shut off the hair tool and smiled. Tom was always so sweet to you - always willing to pick you up from parties, always taking your call even if he was in the middle of filming. You’d only met him through Harrison, but the two of you were closer than you ever thought you’d be. He just made you so happy. And until that night, so did your boyfriend of ten months, Jack. 
It was no secret that Tom hated him, though. There was always an excuse for him to not be there for you, even when Tom was. He would be working when you needed help with something, so Tom would do it. He said he was asleep the night you called him when you got in a car accident, so Tom came to be with you instead. It was a theme, and you deserved better. But Jack was such a sweet-talker that you didn’t even recognize when he was manipulating you. So, yeah. Tom hated the guy. 
You finished up in the bathroom and exited through the door that was attached to your room, just as Tom exited toward his room. You mumbled a goodbye and got your shoes on, then called a car to take you over to Jack’s. 
Quite honestly, Tom fell asleep halfway through a cutscene in his video game. He wasn’t really all that worried about you - you always went to parties at Jack’s and you always came home, safe and sound, even if it was the next morning. But he woke with a start, feeling as his phone vibrated against where he’d laid it in his sweatshirt pocket. Your contact picture lit up the screen, causing him to squint before turning down the brightness. He just barely missed the call, enough to see on his lock screen that you’d called twice already. 
He unlocked the phone to see that you’d left him two obviously drunk texts - one that said Tommyyyy come party! and another that said Comgin hmeo son, forgot my kye!! The latter of which had been two hours ago. He sighed and tried to look at your location on the map, but it was off for some reason. He called you, again, and you answered on the third ring. 
“Hey, what’s going on?” He asked in an obviously concerned voice. His concern got worse when you didn’t answer him right away - instead he stood up in the empty living room and eyed a pair of his brother’s shoes in the corner. 
“Tommy?” You cried. He stopped dead in his tracks, worry filling his stomach. 
“Hey, it’s me, what’s wrong?” 
“He cheated on me,” you sniffled. “I walked in to his room to go to bed ‘cause there’s a surge on Uber and I didn’t want to pay that much, but I knew you were busy, but he was in there with Jessica. Fucking Jessica. Fuck, Tom, I knew he was cheating on me.” 
“Where are you now?” He asked, walking into the kitchen to find his keys. Or anyone’s keys, really. 
“I’m on the front porch.” You hiccuped. You were still drunk. Drunk enough not to react to what Jack was doing and walk out the door instead. Tom found his car keys and ran out to the parking pad, trying to fight the anger that was building up inside of him. He imagined you felt probably the same way, only a lot more heartbroken. Tom was heartbroken, but for you. For the fact that this guy had fucked up not only his chances with you, but that he’d betrayed your trust and you would never be the same way again. But he was angry as hell, too, that anyone would have the nerve to hurt you like that. 
“I’m on my way, okay?” He said as he started up the car. 
“Okay. I’ll be here.” You hiccuped again, and then slid your finger on your screen until the call hung up. The party was still going on behind you, but you couldn’t care less. You were freezing cold, first of all, in your lack of clothes. Your makeup was running all over your face. Your phone was on four percent, and you weren’t sure if you even wanted it on at all. The music was blaring in Jack’s house, or his parents’ house that he just rented from them. Everyone inside was none the wiser, or didn’t care, about what had just happened. Finally Tom’s car pulled up and you stood, wobbly on your feet, watching as he got out. 
“Jesus Christ, you’re freezing,” he said as he walked forward, pulling off his jacket and throwing it over you. He put a hand on your head to make sure you wouldn’t hit it as you got in the car, shut the door behind you, and walked to the other side. 
“Thank you,” you mumbled as he sat down, shutting his own door. The silence in the car settled for a moment before he reached his hand over to yours and took your shaking fingers. 
“Let’s get you home.” You nodded and kept holding his hand, not able to bring yourself to let go. You were over your crying for the most part, but you had a feeling you’d never forget the image of your now ex-boyfriend and his fling. You were silent for most of the drive, and then as Tom pulled back into the driveway he repeated the same motion to get you out of the car. 
“Alright. I’m gonna fix you something to eat, okay? How does breakfast sound?” You nodded a little bit, walking over to the kitchen island to sit down. He went to the fridge and got you some cold water, setting it in front of you as he started making a single cup of coffee. He handed it to you as it was done, then started to get out a pan as quietly as he could. You watched as he made you food in silence, then put the plate of eggs and bacon in front of you. 
“Why are you being so nice to me?” You asked him. 
“Because,” he shrugged. “You’re one of my best friends. You got your heart stomped on, and you need to sober up before you remember everything and get sick because of it.”
“You sound like you’re speaking from experience,” you noted. 
“I am.” He acted like it was nothing to him, but he had remembered how he felt when his ex cheated on him. He’d felt like absolute scum, like it was his fault, even though he’d done nothing but love that girl as hard as he could have. 
“I’m sorry.”
“Yeah. Wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Just eat up, alright?” You nodded and finished eating as he took your phone upstairs, partially to plug it in and partially to hide it from your sight. Even though it was on one percent, he looked at the lock screen. Your ex hadn’t even cared enough to call you about it. What the fuck, he thought? Who could do that to you? 
“You done?” He asked as he watched you push the empty plate forward. You nodded, laying your head on top of your elbows on the table. He could smell alcohol in your hair, and so could you. You were becoming increasingly aware of what happened, too, but it hadn’t quite hit you yet. Nothing had hit you yet, and you weren’t sure you wanted it to. 
“I’m probably gonna sleep on the couch tonight,” you decided as you eyed the stairs. Yeah, there was no way that was happening. The thought made Tom laugh a little bit, but he wasn’t about to let you stay alone. 
“Do you mind if I keep you company? We can have a sleepover,” he said. He moved his hand to jokingly poke yours, trying to get a smile out of you. You didn’t feel much like smiling, but you nodded. 
“I’d like that.” He smiled. 
“Alright. I’ll be back in, like, five minutes. Go get something out of the laundry so you don’t smell like alcohol.” You nodded and stood up, walking over to the laundry room. You found a pair of your underwear that was drying and one of Tom’s exceptionally long sweatshirts and threw it on, sniffling. You looked at yourself in the mirror. You looked absolutely, positively wrecked. Tom appeared behind you, probably to make sure you were okay, and he paused in the doorway with a sigh. 
“I look awful,” you sniffled. 
“You’ve been through a traumatizing experience, you’re allowed to look awful. If you did. But you don’t. You never look awful.” He tried to cheer you up, but it didn’t quite work. 
“Thank you, Thomas, but I’m drunk and I can’t even walk up the stairs, I’m not boyfriend-less, and now you’re having a sleepover with me out of pity.” He scoffed.
“So you think pity’s the reason? You really hate me that much?” You rolled your eyes and stumbled back into the living room, where Tom had pulled out the part of the couch that had a built-in ottoman, basically making it a bed. It wouldn’t be the first time you and Tom had shared a bed-like surface. 
“Where’s my phone?” You asked, not seeing it on the coffee table next to Tom’s. 
“Hiding it. I don’t want you looking every five seconds to see if that ass has said anything. If I’d have known your passcode I would have blocked him.”
“He’s just gonna come to the house, then.”
“And he’s not seeing you. I’ll come out in a hazmat suit and give him all of his stuff.” 
“Why are you being so protective of me?” You asked as Tom turned on the TV, knowing that you needed it on to sleep properly. He got into the mess of blankets beside you, moving the pillow from his bed over to your side. 
“You have to stop assuming that there’s a reason I’m doing these things. What if I’m just doing something to make you feel better? What if I’m doing these things because I think you deserve better than him but I know that you don’t get that?” You shrugged and laid your head against the pillow, realizing that it was going to be covered in mascara. 
“Maybe I don’t. Deserve better. I mean, I had to have done something to make him not want me anymore, or want someone else over me.”
“You did nothing wrong!” He insisted, moving the joystick on the video game controller until he navigated to your favorite show. “Anyone that cheats on you is just... stupid, frankly. If I had you, I would do everything in my power not to mess it up.” He sounded so casual when he said it, but you could tell he was lying. He was a fantastic actor. But one of the worst liars you’d ever met. He always had a hollow voice when he lied, and this was no exception. But you were almost asleep, half from the exhaustion of crying and half from the alcohol. 
“If I were yours, Tommy?” You said sleepily. “I would be the luckiest girl in the world.” You turned around so that your back was facing his chest, just a few inches away from touching him, and fell asleep. 
The next morning you woke up turned the other way, using his arm as a pillow, and of course there was dried drool on the pillow too. Gross. You felt ridiculously safe beside him, thinking at first it was your boyfriend. And then you realized it was tom. You realized you didn’t have a boyfriend, not anymore, at least. You pulled the comforter off of yourself upon realizing what a mess you’d made of things. Of everything. You’d maybe just ruined your friendship with Tom, too, because you’d acted like a baby who couldn’t take care of yourself. 
You stood in the mirror of your shared bathroom, looking at your makeup on the vanity before what was left of it on your face. And you hated everything. Maybe your looks were why Jack cheated. Maybe you weren’t wearing the right makeup and he thought you looked ugly. Maybe... You shook it off and started the shower. 
When you were completely cleaned off, skin irritated from rubbing, hair dripping wet, you went back into your bedroom. You checked your plugged-in phone to see that Jack hadn’t even tried to call you. Not once. Jessica had tried to DM you, though, multiple times. You just deleted the request and went on with your life. A figure appeared in the door and you wiped away the tears forming in your eyes with the sleeve of your sweatshirt. 
“Hey, I saw you slept in the den, you didn’t get sick did you?” Harrison asked as he walked through the hallway. “Because I had to clean it up last time while you were still dying and I’m not doing it again.” 
“No, I wasn’t sick,” you said quietly. Enough to where he cocked his head and noticed that you were upset.
“What happened?”
“I screwed things up. Royally. With everyone. I walked in on Jack cheating, I cried all over Tom all night, made it sound like I’m in love with him and probably confused the shit out of him, and...”
“You’ve been in love with Tom the moment you saw him. Absolutely everyone knows that. I’m sorry that Jack cheated on you, but maybe it’s a good thing. Maybe you and Tom can...” 
“He doesn’t want me like that. Trust me.”
“No, trust me. He does.” You walked toward the door and shut it in Harrison’s face, not meaning to be rude. You just needed a little bit of time to figure things out. And you thought you had time for a few seconds, until something overturned in the bathroom and Tom gave you a bit of nervous laughter. 
“How much did you hear?” You asked as your face started to heat up. 
“Almost all of it,” Tom said. “But...” 
“But nothing, Tom. I just keep screwing everything up, with everybody,” you said more to yourself than him, walking over to your bed and putting your tired face in your hands that still smelled like your shower gel. 
“You’re not screwing anything up,” he shrugged, following you into your room. “To be honest, I do like you. A lot. But I kind of resigned myself to the fact that it was never gonna happen when you started dating Jack. And then he started treating you like absolute shit and it was almost like I thought I could save you from him, or something, or make it hurt less when you got hurt. But now that we’re here... It would be a div move to ask you out or something right now, wouldn’t it?” He laughed a little bit, scratching at his hair that was all messy from the way he’d slept. 
“I like you too.” You brushed your shoulder against his, feeling a kind of spark, almost, that you’d never felt with Jack. “And you didn’t have to be there for me last night, but you were. And that says a lot more than the fact that Jack hasn’t even bothered to call and Jessica’s only tried to DM me. Could we maybe just... take things a little slow? Like, really slow? Like, friends who really like each other, until maybe I don’t cry seeing a pair of his shoes in the corner of my room like I’m about to right now?” Tom got up, picking up Jack’s pair of Nikes that were in the corner of the room beside a pair of yours. He threw them out the door before returning to you and offering an arm. You felt all of the tension and stress leave your body when it was surrounded by his, and you shut your eyes and counted until it was too long. 
“How about I get some clothes on and we can go to that breakfast place you like. I’ll even buy you a mimosa. Or two.”
“I don’t think I should drink right now, but I love the offer. Give me five minutes to dry my hair.” You laughed a little bit and stood up, watching as he left the room. Your smile didn’t fade from your face until you thought about Jack again. In fact, every time you saw Tom it was like the sunshine took over and the hills too big to climb on your own were suddenly a little bit smaller. Yeah, you thought. You could be happy with Tom. Very happy. 
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