#tommy knight gif pack
wicked-ever-after · 6 months
Tommy Knight
By clicking THE SOURCE LINK BELOW you will find 160 gifs of TOMMY KNIGHT in The Sarah-Jane Adventures revenge of the slitheen part 1 & 2 for roleplaying purposes. They were made from scratch by me so please like and/or reblog this post if using, or give any form of credit.
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peakyscillian · 2 years
Falling | One Shot.
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Summary: Tommy & Reader are close friends, but what if they could be more? Warnings: Hinted $A & Fluff! Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Fem!Reader Part: 1/1 Requested: Yes - Anon Notes: I had two similar requests so I combined them into one!
Your heart was hammering against your chest, the full weight of his body had you pinned against the wall, you were planing your next move, knee to the crotch or your teeth sinking into the thin skin of his exposed neck.
Either way you were getting out of here without him touching you.
You'd left The Garrison to get some air, it was rowdy, filled to the rafters with people and the thick fog of smoke. Not that the streets of Small Heath were much better.
You hadn't realised you'd been followed to the back alley, until you were pushed against the wall and the smell of rum hit your senses.
"Get the fuck off me" you spat, body thrashing against his grasp.
Some stranger from out of town trying their luck, someone who didn't know how it worked around here. His grip on your wrist tightening.
"I think the lady asked you to get the fuck off" the unmistakeable voice of a Shelby.
In seconds he was ripped from your body, you didn't even look back as you bundled up the hem of your skirt and ran expertly down the cobbled alleyway.
His screams were enough to know, that he hadn't just been discarded against the neighbouring wall but dealt with in a more serious way.
You spotted Finn leaning against the side of his car, you stumbled in not uttering a word as he started the engine, whisking you out to the Countryside.
"Where is she?" Tommy's voice filled the halls of his house, echoing off the walls.
You sighed as Polly finished cleaning the cut just under your eye, downing the whiskey as she patted your knee "He cares about you, that's all"
You nodded, as she left the room, replaced moments later by Tommy, your childhood friend, always your knight in not so shining armour.
"What were you doing out there, eh?" he was discarding his coat and hat, "Went out for a breather, The Garrison was packed tonight" you stood to pour two more glasses of whiskey.
"Could have let one of us know" Tommy was already sat on the couch, cigarette poised between his lips.
"You were too busy" you rolled your eyes handing him the glass, "with business" he stated simply as you took your seat next to him.
You didn't respond, you never won with him.
"Was worried about you" he whispered, nudging you with his elbow. He turned to you, cigrette poised between his fingers as he examined your face, holding your chin with his thumb and forefinger.
"No you weren't, you were just looking for a fight" you smirked, eyes flicking up to look at him. You swallowed slowly, leaning forward, Tommy still holding your chin, you brushed your lips against his.
You were unsure, nervous, were your feelings reciprocated?.
You pulled away, tongue running across your lips to settle the buzzing through them.
Tommy was watching you carefully moving his hand round to cradle the back of your neck.
He slowly pulled you forward, lips pecking at yours, your hand curled round his bicep, pressing your lips harder against his.
Tommy pulled away first, forehead pressed to yours, he smiled slowly before licking at his lips.
You returned his smile, lips back on his in seconds.
Tommy wasted no time, his tongue pushing into your mouth, curling against your own, moving you back against the arm of the sofa.
"Well fucking finally" John's voice boomed from the doorway.
Tommy reluctantly pulled from your lips, turning to look at John "do none of you have your own homes to go too?"
John shrugged as he walked further into the room, grabbing the bottle of whiskey "just saying its about time" he called over his shoulder.
Tommy rolled his eyes, turning back to you, holding out his hand "lets go somewhere more private, eh?"
You let him pull you up, into his chest, his fingers brushing your hair from your cheeks "We're actually doing this?" you asked, watching his face for any signs of regret.
His face softened, smiling big enough to make the corners of his eyes crinkle, a sight that was very rare after the war "Of course" he kissed you again.
"About time, Brother" Arthur was the next one of the family to wander past, Tommy once again rolled his eyes earning a small laugh from you.
"Thank you Arthur" Tommy sighed, as he lead you from the room up the stairs to the master bedroom, you stopped at the top of the stairs.
"They're right, it is about time" You gave him a shy smile, Tommy nodded taking a few steps towards you "Should have kissed me sooner then, eh?"
"Why do I have to do all the kissing round here" you laughed, hands on his chest.
"I can think of more than kissing, if you'd just follow me" he stated taking your hand again, you didn't move he turned round a confused look on his face "just one more kiss so I know this is real" you pouted.
Tommy obliged, lips catching yours hands on your hips pushing you against the wall, hips pressed into yours "definitely real, darling" he rasped.
"Finally" Ada's voice filled the hall as she left one of the bedrooms
Tommy didn't give her a response, pulling you into his room After falling for you when you were just teenagers, he had a lot of time to make up.
- @missymurphy1985 @heidimoreton @queenshelby @janelongxox @being-worthy @cloudofdisney @elenavampire21 @datewithgianni @magicalpieex @uchihacumdump @inkandpen22 @pocket-of-possibilities @vhscillian @radioheadgirl @lovemissyhoneybee @ysmmsy @alreadybroken-ts @anotherhitandrun @lyarr24 @blyanyan @gypsy-girl-08 @thomasshelbee @look-at-the-soul @runnning-outof-time @cillmequick @forgottenpeakywriter @seleneshelby @allie131313 @flyingjosephine-blog @camilleholland89
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mermaidgirl30 · 9 months
Look for the Light Chapter 13
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- Summary: Aly finds herself trying to escape the Boston QZ. What Aly doesn’t know is Tess is pairing her up with Joel to go on a dangerous mission to find Tommy. Will Aly survive the brooding, moody Joel or will she find herself falling hard for him?
- Tags: Attempted sexual assault, kidnapping, torture, vulgar actions, 18+ MDNI (The next few chapters are very dark so be prepared)
You kept your eyes on Joel’s still body as you rode off through the forest, going north of here. The man that had you strapped around his shoulder was currently holding you down on a black stallion. Your hands were still bound as strong arms held you down, no room to move. You just focused your eyes on the horizon as Joel disappeared from view.
All hope vanished as soon as you couldn’t see him anymore. A stray tear ran down your face at the thought of what could have been. You could’ve still been inside that cabin with Joel, but instead you just had to run off. Thinking it wouldn’t be dangerous. Boy, were you so wrong. Joel would’ve said “I told you so” in that southern accent of his. You wanted to hear those words right now. You’d take him saying that all day long over whatever mess you were in now.
You looked around at the other riders. None of them looked even remotely friendly. They looked exactly like all the average bad guys in old western shows you’d see play on tv. The damsel in distress and the feral kidnappers. All you were missing was the knight in shining armour. That was supposed to be Joel. He should be the one coming to your rescue. He wasn’t coming though. You closed your eyes and focused on deep breaths. Breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. All you could think about was Joel laying motionless in the thick snow. You choked as a cry got stuck in your throat.
“What are doing back there crying for? Now shut the hell up or I’ll really give you something to cry about,” the tall, muscular man said with a deep laugh in his throat. It made you cringe, and you tried your best to keep quiet. You didn’t know what kind of hell you were about to experience, but you already knew it was going to be bad.
The horses continued galloping for miles. The forest turned into hills as you got closer to the mountain range. Towering, snowy mountains covered each side of the landscape. A shining, clear lake stood in the distance. Its greatness expanding for miles. If you were here on other circumstances you’d say it was beautiful. You were too anxious, too scared to notice all the beauty though. All you could think about was the things these men were going to try to do to you. You cringed and your body tensed up. Anxiety flowing through you at full force.
Minutes later the horses stopped. You looked in front of you and there stood a large lodge. It was two stories tall, over 3,000 sq ft. An American flag stood in front of the building and waved gently in the breeze. The outside was brown and made of strong wood with large windows that reached the entire length of the building. This was more than likely a vacation lodge before the outbreak. You weren’t sure what area of Colorado this was, but you’d figure it out.
“Alright, take her inside to the main room. I’m gonna go find him,” a short, lanky man said to the rough man that held you in place. You didn’t know who him was, but you figured it was the leader of whatever deranged pack this was.
The man hopped off the horse, and you squirmed the best you could to get away from him. You tried to leap off the opposite side of the brilliant horse, but he caught you before you could try. “Don’t even think about it,” he breathed in your face and yanked you off the horse, tossing you over his shoulder again. You tried with all your might to break loose of him, but he was too strong. It was no use. You stopped fighting his grip. You weren’t going anywhere.
He followed the rest of the men into the front doors of the lodge. You gasped when you saw how big and grand it was inside. High ceilings sat feet above you, and a split marble staircase laid in the middle of the room leading up to the second floor. The entryway had an old grand piano and a small check-in desk that sat in the corner.
He continued walking towards the next room. You passed a kitchen area, but didn’t get the chance to look inside. After what seemed like minutes, you finally ended up in the main room that they were talking about. Large windows sat to the right of your view. Two lofty, heavy wooden doors sat in between the windows. There was a large man that stood in front of them, guarding the doors. He had a black suit on and held a shotgun in his hand. He looked forward and had the most intimidating look on his face. You gulped and looked away.
A large wraparound leather couch sat in the far corner of the room, leaving a giant open space in the center of the room. The man holding you finally placed you on the ground while another man undid the cable ties that bound your hands together. Big mistake. As soon as your hands were untied, you made a run for it. Before you got any distance from the men, one man snatched you around the waist and pulled you toward him.
“Now where do you think you’re going?” he said in a sadistic voice. “We wanna have a little fun with you. Isn’t that right boys?” He laughed as he looked around the room at each of the men, a twisted look appearing on his face. You tried to elbow him in the stomach, but he grabbed you tighter. You fought as he moved you over to the corner of the room near a small table that was made of granite. Your feet weren’t carrying you anymore, he was dragging you closer and closer until he stopped in front of it and slammed the side of your face up against the table, your chest smashed against the cold granite. You tried to budge him off you, but he just pushed your face harder into the table.
“Get off me you sick fuck!” you screamed as you lifted a foot and slammed it down onto his. He screamed in pain, but that only made him angrier.
“A girl that likes to talk dirty and fight back? My, that just turns me on more.” Your stomach twisted in knots as he spread your legs apart, positioning his feet in between yours where you couldn’t move your legs. He yanked your purple flannel off and threw it to the ground, securing your arms against the table.
“The boss isn’t going to like this,” another man warned.
“Well, the boss ain’t here right now is he? So let me have a little fun while he’s not in the room. I can get away with just a little.” He had a thick Jersey accent, and every word that came out of his mouth sounded menacing.
The next thing you knew he was grabbing your ass through your jeans. You lifted your left hand and hit him in the stomach, punching behind you as hard as you could. He yelled in pain as he grabbed your arm and threw it on the table, securing your wrist with his hand.
“Tony, get over here and help me!” he yelled as he leaned in closer to you, his hips ramming into you. You groaned as the other man came to assist your assaulter.
“My pleasure,” the other man said as he came around the other side of the table, holding down both your wrists so you couldn’t fight back.
“Let me go!” You screamed in a petrified tone, your voice quivering afraid of what would happen next. This couldn’t be happening. This couldn’t be real.
“Oh, I don’t think so. Not till I have my way with you,” he laughed sadistically into your ear, hot air blowing in. You cringed at how violated you felt. You were completely vulnerable and at the mercy of these pigs in the room. You just wanted to go home. You wanted Joel…
Thoughts of Joel were yanked from your brain by the man that stood behind you. Your skin crawled as he forced his hips up against you. You could feel the growing bulge between his legs, and you almost vomited at the feeling of it. Tears burned at the backs of your eyes as you leaned over that table completely helpless while every single man in the room watched. Some of the other guys egged him on, cheering with every touch he stole from you. You felt the table become wet under your face as the tears flowed down silently. You felt like you were in one of those dreams where you were screaming for help, but no one could see or hear you. You were drowned out by all the other noises happening in the room.
He forcefully pulled your hair and put his lips right up against your ear. “Now you’re going to take me like a good girl, and you’re not going to fight me. You have no way of doing that anyways. Little miss helpless crying her eyes out on the table while I have my way with her. Isn’t that so tragic for you,” he pulled your hair harder, forcing your head up then slamming it back against the table. You winced in pain at the sharp force against your head. The man started laughing mentally and all the other men followed after him.
You felt as if you were stuck in a sick, twisted horror movie just like Hostile. “Stop!” you yelled again in defense. Your calves cramping up at the position you were standing in.
“You want me to stop?” he taunted you. A slow building laugh rumbled out from his throat, building into a wheeze as he coughed from laughing too much. “Honey I’m gonna have you screaming my name before I stop,” he spat in your ear.
Fear ran through you as he shoved a hand in your jeans. You tried to squeeze your legs and throw him off, but that just made him hold on tighter. Your legs started shaking as he took his hand and slowly slipped underneath the cloth material of your underwear. You cringed and squeezed your eyes shut, praying that it’d be over soon. You were beyond vulnerable in the position you were in now. The man had complete power over you, dominating you with full force in his touch.
“Now who’s the helpless one?” he said as he shoved his hand down further, finding your folds fast. Your whole body started trembling as the invasive hands explored your forbidden area. Tears clouded your vision as a wave of nausea hit you so hard you thought you’d topple over and crumble. You were in a sea of men that were getting off to the mere sight of a helpless girl writhing in pain before them. You felt like you were on full display for all of them to toy with. Would the man across from you try the same thing next? You wanted to melt into the floor and disappear from existence.
“This one’s just because I want to make you as uncomfortable as possible, princess,” he hissed into your ear. He repositioned his hand lower, taking his two fingers and finding your entryway, about to shove up inside you. You closed your eyes and waited for the torture, wanting it to be over already.
You heard a voice being cleared as low footsteps sounded across the wooden floors. Before he could act with his fingers, a loud voice called out his name. “Jasper!”
The man that was holding you down grabbed his hand out of your pants and stepped back abruptly. As you tried to stand up, he grabbed you behind the arms and threw you to the ground. You landed hard against your left arm, pain shooting through it as it stung faintly. You ended up in the middle of the floor, in the circle of men.
Just as you lifted your eyes off the ground, Jasper took his index and middle finger and licked them clean. He placed them in his mouth and sucked hard. “Mmmm. Delicious,” he smirked. His eyes grew dark as he stared you down, dancing at the sight of your horrified face as he continued making vulgar actions. Your body convulsed underneath you, and you felt like you were going to throw up. Panic striking through you as his gesture made you want to crawl into a hole.
You focused your eyes on the floor, not able to find the strength to look up. Your whole body trembling with fright as shock hit your entire system. You had just been violated in the most uncomfortable, probing way possible and you felt like you were going to be sick. That man had just sexually assaulted you, and he was laughing about it. So were some of the other men around you. You felt like a rag doll being pulled in all different directions. The men directing you to do whatever they desired from you. You dry heaved against the floor as more tears hit the floor. You had to stay strong. You couldn’t let these men break you down. You had already been broken though. Your legs sore and writhing from what just happened seconds ago. White noise sounded through your ears, your ears ringing as you lost all concentration of what lied around you. A heavy voice broke you out of your trance as you looked up.
“We don’t treat guests like that, Jasper. How many times do I have to tell you?” The new man scolded Jasper.
“I’m sorry, boss. It won’t happen again. I swear.” Fear crept in Jasper’s eyes as he looked up at the man. He laid a hand on Jasper’s shoulder and pulled him close to his side, pushing him behind his form.
“You’re gonna scare our new guest, Jasper. We have to greet our guests properly now,” he said as he walked up to you. His form towered over you as you continued leaning against the floor. You looked up at the shadow that stood above you. He had piercing blue eyes and short strawberry blonde hair with facial hair to match it. He was around six feet tall and looked intimidating.
He knelt down and got down to eye level with you. “Now. Tell me who you are, you pretty thing.” He reached out a hand and grazed your chin, tilting your head up so you would look him in the face. You pushed back as soon as his skin made contact with yours, fear seeping into your bones as the mere contact of a touch revolted through every sense in your body. Your body was hyper aware, and you didn’t want a single person touching you again. “Hey, it’s alright. I don’t bite,” he said as he saw you scoot back from his touch.
“Don’t…don’t touch me.” The words were so small that you could barely hear them. The man heard you though as he spoke again.
“Tsk tsk, did Jasper frighten you? Pardon him, he doesn’t know how to keep his hands to himself,” he said as he took a step closer to you. You looked up and saw Jasper ogling at you, blowing a kiss in your direction and winking at you. Your stomach twisted in knots at the sight of him and you turned your head the other direction, away from his prying eyes.
“Shall we start over? My name’s David. I’m the leader of this little pack of mine. We used to have more people, but some unfortunate events played out. It worked out for the rest of us though.” You looked up into his eyes and his face smirked in an evil let’s take over the town way. You flinched at the way he said that.
“Welcome to Silver Lake. I really do hope you enjoy your stay with us.” Laughter echoed through the room as the other men joined in with him. The noise made your head spin. You felt as if you were in a bad dream and you could wake up anytime now. He silenced the other men as he knelt down again to your level. Your heart rate skyrocketed. There was no kindness in his eyes. He was fake, a clown in a suit pretending to be welcoming. It made you sick.
“Now darling, what’s your name? I didn’t catch it before.”
“That’s because I didn’t tell you,” you said with force behind your words.
He laughed at your response. “We got us a sassy one, boys!” he yelled to the rest of the room. Some of the men oohed and awed, clapping their hands. What the fuck was wrong with these men. “It’s just a simple question, sweetie. Be a good girl and answer it.”
“Fuck you!” You spit in his face, landing some in his eye.
He laughed as he wiped the spit away with the sleeve of his tan, long sleeved shirt. When he was finished his laughter turned into coldness, his blue gaze going dark. He took his hand and hit you hard across the cheek. Pain radiated through your face as you cupped your cheek and hovered over the floor, your eyes looking towards the ground. Tears leaked from your eyes as the sting grew into a dull pain. That might leave a bruise.
“I can see how this is gonna go. I should’ve just let Jasper finish off the job earlier, baring yourself to all my men as you took the pain,” he growled as he grabbed the edge of your shirt and sat you up so you could look him in the face. You looked over his shoulder at Jasper, and he was jumping up and down as if he’d won an expensive prize.
“Jasper, come here!” he yelled behind him, driving Jasper over to where you sat on the floor.
“No, stay back!” you screamed in pure desperation, your body going in fight or flight mode. You were panting so hard you thought you had just got done running an intense marathon.
Before he reached you, David stopped him from coming closer. He was just inches away and you were cowering as his form towered over you. You brought your knees up to your chest and buried your face in between your legs. Too scared to look at the monster that stood before you. He was standing there waiting to tear all your walls down and that terrified the fuck out of you. You prayed silently to anyone that could hear you to save you from this hell you were dying in.
“Now Jasper, was anyone traveling with this girl? Or was she alone?”
“There was a man that was with her.”
“And where is he?”
“He’s back at the place we found her. Just a couple hours ride south from here. Joey knocked him out so he wouldn’t follow us.” You looked up from your shell at the mention of Joel, desperate for them to not touch that topic.
“And why the hell didn’t you kill him?” Anger boiled over his features as he clenched his teeth.
“Didn’t think it was what you wanted,” Jasper responded with a questioning stare as his forehead creased.
“You idiot. That man is going to try to track us down to get this girl back. Do you really think he wouldn’t come after us? You dumb piece of shit!” he yelled at Jasper, rage burning in his eyes. Your heart sped up just thinking of Joel coming to your rescue. Hope surged through you, but it was quickly stopped at the next demand that rolled off David’s lips.
David grabbed the collar of Jasper’s white shirt and pulled him to his face, his teeth gnashing. “You and Tony are going to go back there and kill that fucker before he comes knocking on our doorstep, you hear me?” He shoved Jasper back out of his grip.
“Yes, boss. On it,” he said as he pulled down his shirt and straightened his collar.
“Take the big guns. I want to be positive he dies. Better yet, bring me his head and I’ll make it worth your while.” David’s eyes crept over to you and you swear you never saw anything scarier in your life. His face was feral, demented. He was enjoying watching you squirm out of fear. This man was pure evil.
“No!” you shouted at the top of your lungs.
“Oh, yes. Hold on, Jasper. I have a different request. Bring me his body, but keep him alive. I want to see her face as I carve out his insides, striping him one by one of every layer of skin he has. I want to make him suffer in ways that you couldn’t even imagine.” A grin the size of the Cheshire Cat appeared on his face, making him look like the devil himself.
“He’s going to make you pay, you know,” you said in a bold voice.
“What did you say?” David asked as he turned to you, staring you down with daggers.
“I said he’s going to make you pay. Once he sees what you’ve done to me, he’ll be the one carving out your insides,” you spat at him.
He started to laugh as he placed his hands on his hips. It started as a slow rumble and turned into a chaotic hyena laugh, echoing through the room. That went on for a couple of minutes until he stopped and stared at you, his eyes like sharp knives about to stab you alive.
All of a sudden he went up behind you and pulled your hair hard, directing your sight to the top right corner of the room. You cried out in pain at the tug to your skull, but froze when you saw what was hiding in the corner at the top of the ceiling. You gasped in horror, losing your voice. Your eyes went wide at the ghastly sight.
Two bloodied corpses were chained to the ceiling, blood splattered against the top of the wall. They were completely skinned from head to toe. Chunks of them were missing, and you suddenly realized just what kind of monsters these men were. You threw up then, spilling all your fear and disgust onto the floor. Your body riving at the thought of what those poor people suffered. You fell to your hands, barely able to pick yourself up.
“That’s right, darling. We started running out of food so we had no choice. Now it’s a delectable taste. Fresh flesh simmering in a pot,” he kissed his fingers making it seem like it was a masterpiece.
You could barely pick your head up as you looked into his violent eyes. “You’re a…you’re a cannibal,” you stuttered out in fear.
“Correct. And that’s exactly what I’m going to do to your little friend when I get my hands on him.” A sadistic smile covered his face and you threw up again, but this time it was just bile. This was so beyond fucked up.
“Now let’s play a little game, shall we? The game is called cat and mouse. I’m the cat, you’re the mouse. I’m going to give you a five minute head start. If you can find a way out of here, I’ll let you go. If I catch you then you’re mine,” he grinned viciously as he looked at you intensely. “Oh and one other condition, all my men get to help me.” His laugh sounded like a prowling demon in disguise.
“Tha…that’s not fair, I’m outnumbered,” you cried as you stumbled over your words.
“Life isn’t about being fair, sweetie. It’s about winning, and I always win. Now you best stand up and get moving. The timer is about to start,” he said as he held up his watch, the big hand about to hit the 12 mark.
You pushed yourself up to a standing position, your legs weak as they wobbled underneath you. All strength had left your body, and at this point you were just running off fumes. He walked towards you quickly, and you stopped breathing. Afraid he’d sick Jasper on you again. He motioned toward Jasper and Tony, nodding his head toward the double doors. They nodded in understanding as they slipped out the door, shotguns in hand. They were going after Joel. Panic shot through you at the thought of Joel being captured. David interrupted the alarm going off in your head.
“On the count of three, I’m starting the timer. And when I start it, you better move as fast as you can go. You don’t want me catching you,” a sadistic grin marked his face, his eyes looking like they didn’t belong to him anymore. They were completely dark, cold and wicked. “One…Two…” He paused on the next count, giving you a couple seconds to breathe. Before you caught your breath, he finished the count. “Three..”
You stood still, looking around the spacious room. Figuring out your next move. You knew nothing about the build of this place. You were at a disadvantage. David probably knew every inch of this lodge. Your eyes widened in fear, you weren’t going to make it out alive. Not a chance. Your eyes met his again. All he did was smile and point at his watch, the seconds ticking by.
He looped a circle around you and came up behind you, putting his lips close to your ear. One word left his mouth, making your blood turn cold at the sound.
Chapter 14
Series Masterlist
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viisionsgem · 1 year
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Summary: you and Joel have always had a weird relationship, but what happens when he catches you by surprise, and shows his true feelings?
pairings: Joel x female reader
Warnings: none? I guess an age gap but not explicitly stated!
It was just past sunrise, and the sun had just barley made its morning appearance when you heard heavy foot steps against wooden floors. Your eyes fluttered open with a sting of morning grogginess. It was probably around 5 am, or so you assumed because you had no actual way to tell the time other than the way the early morning birds chirped, and how there was barley enough sun light to cascade against your concrete walls. With a shuffle of the sheets, and a groan of dread you sat up.
“ ‘bout time you got up. Come on we got an early run, ‘an I ain’t wastin’ another second on your ass.”
You turned your gaze to place a face with the voice you had just heard. You rolled your eyes in exhaustion and annoyance.
“Didn’t anyone tell you it’s rude to wake people up?” You strike back, rubbing your shoulder, the muscles still sore from your late run the night before. You and Tommy took the night rounds to secure the area for the ones that would have the morning shift. You thought it might score you a day to sleep in. You were wrong.
Joel rolled his eyes at your excuse for a comeback, and placed his hands on his hips. “You wanna tell that to someone who actually gives a shit?”
This earned yet another eye roll from you as you stood up. Your body was on fire. Each muscle from your legs all the way up to your neck was sore, and you knew making a patrol trip with Joel wasn’t going to help.
“Let’s just get this over with” you mumble, pulling on a pair of old cargo pants, and a tank top. It was newly spring in Jackson, but the air was already becoming thick with heat, so you decided it would be better to wear less layers.
You had been living in Jackson for three years now, and when Joel and Ellie arrived you were assigned to show them around. Make sure they knew the place, and gave them their weekly responsibilities. You took a liking to Ellie real fast, but Joel rubbed you the wrong way from the very beginning. He was stubborn, pig headed, and above all, an asshole. From the moment you laid eyes on him you knew he’d cause you some trouble, and he only proved that fact as the months went on. He was a thorn in your side, but here recently you found yourself feeling other emotions toward the Texan cowboy.
It started off when you had kitchen duty a few weeks back, and while you were serving up dumplings to the other residents of Jackson you kept feeling like someone was watching you. You found yourself absentmindedly investigating when you met eye contact with Joel from across the dining hall. You knighted your brows together in curiosity, but when Joel caught wind that you had noticed his gaze he quickly packed up his belongings, and booked it outside.
You decided you shouldn’t think much of it, and went back to your chores. Then, a few days ago you found yourself in the barn, having a few drinks with a couple of friends when you saw Joel out of the corner of your eye. He was walking up to you, boots hitting the ground harshly as he appeared in front of you.
“Don’t you got shit to do in the mornin’? I ain’t giving Tommy an excuse as to why you didn’t show up to your shift.”
You found yourself perplexed in emotions. It made you angry that Joel would come and embarrass you, on your one day off from duty. It also made you incredibly confused. Why would Joel care if you stayed out late? Usually he’d get a kick out of you getting in trouble, but now he’s shitting on your good time?
Joel didn’t give you time to answer, instead he grabbed ahold of your arm and tugged you toward the large barn doors.
“Hey! Let go of me!” You shout, pulling and trying to squirm away from him. “Damnit I said let go!” You raised your hand to swat Joel away, but before you could he dropped your arm.
“What the hell is your problem?” You say, breathing out and smoothing your flannel over your torso. “Well?” You urge when you don’t get an answer.
Joel shifted on his feet awkwardly, as if he was trying to think of something to say.
“I don’t have time for this.” You push past Joel, your shoulder hitting against his in annoyance as you pass by.
You stop, taking in a quick breath before turning on your heels to face him. “What?” You reply with your hands on your hips. Severely annoyed by the whole thing.
“One of them guys your boyfriend? Sleeping around with one of em?”
You blink at his question. Unsure how to answer, but you did know that it made your blood boil.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” This time you take a step forward as you spoke. “What gives you the right to ask me that sort of thing? Huh?” You nudge his chest with your index finger. The pad of it pushing again the worn fabric.
Joel didn’t quite know what to say. He just peered at you for an awkward moment before answering your question.
“Look I ain’t ever- well I-“ he breaths out. “I’m sorry. I guess I got-well I don’t know.”
You quirk your eye brow up, lines appearing against your forehead.
“Were you jealous?” You ask, ultimately finishing his sentence for him. “Is that what this is about?” You were a mess of emotions as you waited for Joel to confess to you what was going on.
“Yes. No. I don’t know.” He waves you off with his hand. “Look this whole thing is stupid, what’ya say we forget it ever happened.” He offers you a quick nod before trying to make his exit.
“Now wait a damn minute!” You call back to him, hurrying in a frenzy as you follow him. “You can’t just dump that shit on me, and pretend it didn’t happen!” Your boots tread in the dirt behind him, and Joel gives zero indication that he intends on slowing down.
“Joel miller you better stop walking right now or I’m gonna-“ you were interrupted by his lips hitting yours. Your eyes widen in surprise, and you could sense this made Joel want to pull back in fear he might had made a mistake. Instead of giving him the chance you return his kiss, your lips molding together perfectly in memorable bliss.
Joel pulls away first, slowly and takes a step backwards. Your eyes are large, and still in shock over what just happened.
“Thought it would’ve been a better way to shut you the hell up.” Joel mused anxiously, shoving his hands into his pockets.
You ran your tongue across your bottom lip, still tasting him on your lips. “I’ll say.” Was all you could manage to pipe up.
There was a moment of brief awkwardness that hung in the air, before Joel decided it would be best to slice it.
“Look I didn’t mean to spring this on ya. I think I’ll be heading back to my quarters now. I’ll see you around.” He blinked at you momentarily before turning away and heading down the street.
Before you could even process what had happened joel was already on his porch, and pushing his front door open. You watched as he struggled to get the key in the door as you touched your fingertips to your lips.
“What the hell just happened?” You thought. You’d known joel for a couple of months now, and would have never thought anything like this would occur. Sure he was handsome. His silver and brown curls sat perfectly on his head, and you always admired the way he carried himself even though he was on the older side. No matter your attraction to him, you never imagined yourself pursuing anything other then a partnership with him. A work partnership.
So why in the hell were you catching him in a long gaze, or finding him jealous when you were with other men? Why did he kiss you, and without another word retreat to the safety of his home?
Unfortunately it had been three days since you and Joel shared your kiss in the middle of the street. Ever since then Joel has said about ten words to you, and you couldn’t shake the feeling that he had been avoiding you. So when you found yourself woken up by him this morning for your early run, you felt relived but also annoyed by his lack of explanation.
“At least you are talking to me.” You say to him, loading up your hand gun and shoving your small knife into your boot.
Joel eyes adverted to the stack of old books you checked out from the library, trying to ignore you but ultimately failing in doing so.
“Can we not do this now? It’s the ass crack of Dawn.” He replies flatly, clearly not wanting to talk about the elephant in the room.
You simply nod instead of further protesting, knowing that you wouldn’t get him to talk.
“Fine. You ready?”
He supplies you with a murmured yes, and you take it as your sign to head outside.
Normally runs with Joel were always quick and easy. He gives you orders, and you reluctantly listen to what he says. You kill a few infected, and make a head count of how close they were to Jackson before heading back. This time though, you knew it wouldn’t be the usual run of the mill trip. You both had serious things to discuss, and it would take a lot more than killing infected to ignore it.
to be continued*
Hey guys! I’m Haley and I occasionally like to write little drabbles here and there! I hope you like it <3 (also the gif doesn’t belong to me so all credit goes to the creator!)
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charlicpace · 3 years
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here are three gifs of TOMMY KNIGHT as LUKE SMITH in THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES. i know this is the tiniest gif ‘pack’ ever, but these were made from an intro from an episode he wasn’t in while giffing two co-stars, and while i intended to gif him in the episodes these clips are from and make a proper pack out of these, i never got round to it and won’t have time now. if you’d like to pick this project up, please im me ! he is white, and would’ve been aged eighteen while filming. if you use these/find them helpful, please LIKE/REBLOG this post, and please don’t upload into gifsets, claim as your own, use to rp as tommy himself, edit and redistribute. thank you !
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Jason ‘J.D.’ Dean x Reader
Words: 1819
Part One
Summary: Preparing to run away together, J.D. and the reader hit a problem in their plan. J.D.’s father. Things take a turn and J.D. has to decide if this new feeling of love is real enough to die for. 
Notes: I know I took forever to write this and I’m sorry! I’m ashamed of how much I love J.D. but here we are. Same as the first part. This has been sooooo much fun to write and I hope that you guys like it! (Again, if you’re at all uncomfortable just skip this)
Warnings: Murder (duh), sex (not smut, but definitly more than I’ve ever done before), language, same as the first part
More 80s/90s: HERE
The backseat of your mother’s car was not ideal for this kind of celebration, but you couldn’t wait to get back to the house, so you found a spot in the forest to pull over. J.D.’s face was buried in your neck and your fingers were tangled up in his black hair. He was in a particularly good mood. 
The cops fell for it. Both murders were covered up perfectly. Tommy’s was ruled a suicide and he would forever be remembered as the school pervert. Nobody was surprised by your mother’s death and it was quickly written off as an overdose. The only thing left was to pack. The two of you were getting out of this fucking little town and you were never looking back. 
Pressed together like this, you knew that you didn’t give a shit what happened if it wasn’t with him. Looking into your eyes, J.D. reached a similar conclusion. You were what he wanted. He couldn’t remember the last time he wanted something. 
“Where do you think we’ll go?” You asked, situating yourself on top of his chest. He shrugged. 
You settled into a comfortable silence, his fingers lightly drumming on the small of your back. This was actually happening. For the first time in your life you didn’t feel trapped. You could do whatever the hell you wanted. You had gotten away with two murders for fuck’s sake. You were invincible. 
J.D. felt different. Hell, he was feeling, which was a different sensation on its own. He fell back onto his bed with a grin on his face. It wasn’t that someone had broken through the ice. It was more like he had found someone drowning underneath the frost just like him. 
“Hey dad, how was your day?” His dad asked sarcastically, popping his head in the doorway. J.D. didn’t even look up and his dad didn’t stay long enough for a response. It was more of a routine than actual affection. In just a few hours, it wouldn’t matter anyway. His dad could blow himself up for all he cared. He would be long gone. 
He eventually figured that he needed to start packing. He shoved his motorcycle keys in his pockets with a sigh. He’d have to sell it. The two of you would be taking your mom’s old car so you’d have somewhere to sleep, so his motorcycle would have to go. 
“The things I do for love.” He snarked to himself. When he opened his drawers, he found them all empty. “What the hell?” All of them were empty, his clothes were nowhere to be found. He stepped into the hall and saw the pair of suitcases at the bottom of the stairs. 
“I packed everything up for you while you were gone.” His dad walked by them, looking up the stairs at him. J.D. shrugged. 
“Convenient, but why?” 
“We’re finally moving out of this shit hole town. On to sunny Florida!” He had that smile on his face that he usually used to appeal to businessmen and other corrupt assholes. J.D. just laughed. 
“Well isn’t that just perfect timing?” He bounded down the steps with his chaotic grin plastered on his face. “Looks like we are finally parting ways, son.” His dad faltered. 
“Goodbye, adios, adieu.” J.D. grabbed his suitcase and started back up towards his room. “Soon, I will be out of your hair forever. You can go on with your life of bombs and demolition and I will go on with my own kind of destruction.” He pat his dad on the head, ruffling his hair like a normal father would his normal son. 
“Jason, you can’t just leave.” Bud’s smile strained. “We’re a team, you and I.” J.D. stopped suddenly and laughed. 
“Team? Sorry dad, but the only thing we even know about each other is our love of all things explosive.” 
“This is about that girl, isn’t it? The slutty one you’ve been fucking around with since we moved here.” He shook his head, chuckling deeply. “You’ll get bored with her soon enough, so don’t bother.” J.D. just smirked smugly. 
“Thanks for the advice there, pops, but I think I can handle my slutty girlfriend all on my own.” He started to close his bedroom door, but his dad put his foot in the way. 
“You don’t get to leave like she did, boy.” 
“The fuck are you talking about?” 
“I’m not making that mistake again, J.D.” A creepy, maniacal smile spread across Bud’s face. Fuck, I thought I was the only psycho in the family. “Just stay here and I’ll do what I do best.” He moved his foot and slammed the door shut. J.D. heard something scratching and scraping on the other side and quickly tried to get out. 
“You locked me in here with a chair? Seriously!” He screamed through the wood. No response. “Motherfucker.” He paced back and forth plotting a very bloody demise for dear old dad when he heard the squealing of tires outside his window. “Where the hell is he going?” 
Wherever it was, J.D. wasn’t going to be kept out of it. He tried kicking down the door, but that didn’t work. The only way out of the room was the window, but there was nothing to climb down and he was on the second floor. J.D. unlocked the latch and lifted up the window pane, looking out to see just how far of a drop it was. He’d live.
 Without hesitation, he jumped. 
“Fuck!” He shouted, pain shooting up his leg from his ankle. He fell to the ground, but was able to get himself on his feet. His foot hurt like a bitch, but he could bare it enough to walk to his motorcycle. 
He was at your house in less than ten minutes, breaking every traffic rule in the book. He didn’t care, he just wanted to get out. Limping his way up the sidewalk, he found that your front door was already open. 
“Time to go, Y/N. Grab your stuff and let’s get out of here!” He shouted, but the house was empty. Just the strong stench of death and booze that your mother had left behind. Mother. He remembered his dad’s comment and felt a chill. Do what he does best. “Oh shit.” He took off again, heading for his father’s next destruction sight before you became part of it.
You spat, hitting him in the eye as he finished cuffing you to the old hospital bed frame. Bud grabbed you by the hair and slammed your head into one of the metal bars. You didn’t give him the satisfaction of crying. Instead you just glared at him through squinted eyes. 
“He’s going to come get me.” You smirked, trying to get the blurriness in your version to clear. “J.D. is going to tear you apart you sick bastard.” 
“You can call me all the names in the book, kid, but my son is coming with me.” He tightened the cuff so that it dug sharply into the skin of your wrist. 
“When did you become the ‘world’s best dad’?” You scoffed. 
“Do you know how much more lenient a judge can be when I’ve got a poor, disturbed teenage boy who depends on me for a living?” 
“So he’s just a legal bargaining chip for you? How sweet.” You pulled against your restraints until the metal broke skin. Blood oozed from your wrist and Bud laughed. 
“Really, Jason couldn’t have picked a better girl for the job. You’re the most disposable person in this town. No family, no friends, no one to report you missing.” He strapped the main bomb to the other end of the bed and started the timer. “And there will be nothing left of you once this does it’s job.” 
“Go to hell.” 
“Lady’s first.” 
You stared at him, wandering if he was the last person you’d ever see. God, that’d be the real tragedy here. You looked at the timer on the bomb. Less than three minutes. Bud noticed you looking and chuckled. 
“I wouldn’t get any ideas. If that one doesn’t go off, there are three more upstairs.” He pointed to the ceiling and then made the motion of it caving in with his hands. 
“You’re enjoying this to a creepy level, Mr. Dean.” You snarked. If you could piss him off, maybe he wouldn’t get out in time. At least then you’d take him out with you. “What, does blowing up 18-year-old girls get you off or something? Is that why your wife killed herself?” He tensed and balled his hand into a fist. 
“You think you’re really cute, don’t you, you little bitch?” 
“No, but your son does.” You smiled sarcastically. Bud just rolled his eyes and turned to leave, meeting the barrel of a gun. 
“Hey there, son.” J.D. growled. Bud held up his hands. 
“Jason, I can-” The gunshot ripped through the small space, making your ears ring. As his dad’s body slumped to the floor, J.D. shrugged. 
“Sorry, tiger, I’m not in the mood for a monologue.” He knelt in front of you, eyes darting to the timer on the other side. 
“Jason Dean, knight in shining black trenchcoat.” You laughed, pulling again at the handcuffs. He moved over to his dad’s body, searching his pockets but coming back empty handed. 
“Shit.” He muttered under his breath. 
“What is it?” 
“No key.” J.D. ran his fingers through his hair, switching his attention to disabling the bomb. Your face fell as the realization hit you. 
“It’s no use. There are more upstairs that are going to go off even if this one doesn’t.” You slumped against the bed frame. His greenish gold eyes looked back at you and for a second you though you saw a hint of panic. You really did love him. “You should go.”
“Get out of here, J.D. You don’t have much time.” You tried to keep calm, but your body was betraying you. Your arms were shaking and your face felt hot. You weren’t scared to die, but you were scared to die alone. 
“You really think I’m just going to leave you here?” J.D. shook his head and sat on the edge of the bed frame. “Hate to break it to you, but you’re stuck with me now. Afterlife and all.” 
“J.D…” You sighed. He silenced you with a hungry kiss. 
“What did I say after we killed that douchebag ex of yours?” He pulled you closer, snaking an arm around your back. Your lips pulled up into a smile. 
“Our love is God.” 
“Our love is God.” He repeated, his eyes sparkling. This time, you pulled him in for the kiss and you stayed pressed together until-
General Tag: @rae-gar-targaryen; @takemepedropascal; @childhood-imagination;  @mylovegoesto; @yellowbadgergirl; @itmejado; @suckmyapplejacks Christian Slater: @staxryskxes
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Riley Teller and her son move back to Charming. When Riley returns however, she is faced with the fact that she had to take on her responsibilities as a mom better than before when they are apart of The Sons. Allies are made and maybe a little something more with a certain Scotsman.
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Chapter Six
"Mommy!" Tommy cheers as he runs up to me from his classroom. I bend down and lift him up into my arms and hug him as he holds onto me tight. "I painted you a picture!" He waves his paper in the air as I walk to the truck. Still wearing my work jumpsuit as I had to go straight back to work for another two hours. I've been working since we moved into our new home four days ago and now Tommy is in school and I'm working to keep him there.
"This is awesome baby!" I praise him as I look over the picture of his red Dragon and little blue knight. He continues to tell me about his day and how he learnt to count over twenty. I was so happy for him to be able to tell me all of this. He was having the best time at school and it made for cute stories for me to listen to from my baby son.
When we got to the garage, I noticed all the black cars watching over the clubhouse. I got Tommy out of the truck and walk over to Jax.
"Mind filling me in on why we got police watching the place?" I ask him. Tommy goes to Chibs and shows him his painting and asking him where he has been.
"ATF are twisting our balls. Just keep an eye out on Tommy. Don't let him go wandering anyway in the clubhouse." I knew what Jax meant by these words. Their gun business is hitting a shithole and now it was coming back on the club.
"Tommy come on," I call to him as he stopped talking to Chibs and ran to hold my hand while I went to the garage to continue working on the car I was fixing till I got Tommy from school.
"Hey darling." I look up to see Chibs walking over to me. "Mind just stepping out for a minute. Club business." He tells me and I nod my head.
"Tommy, wanna go play outside for a minute?" I ask my son while I wipe the oil off my hands. He runs out the garage and over to the little play park and hops onto one of the swings. I play with him for a good twenty minutes before Chibs comes over to us again.
"Everything alright?" I ask him as Tommy climbs on the monkey bars.
"Yeah, just the usual club business." He replies.
"Haven't seen you around in a while. Been doing the dirty with the Irish?" I ask the last part in a hushed tone and he smiles at me.
"Could say that." He replies and pulls out a cigarette from him pack. "How's little man been?"
"Good," I turn to look at Tommy as he played. "Got him into school and he's been loving it so far." I tell Chibs who chuckles as he takes a drag from his fag.
"Glad to hear it." He blows some smoke out his mouth and it disappears before he says anything else. "Keep him close. We might have company today. Don't let him leave ya sight."
"Actually I was gonna ask... if you could watch him for a minute while I finished up some paper work." I ask him and he blows out more smoke from his cigarette. "Won't be long, promise."
"Alright. I'll watch him play for a while." He then leans down presses a kiss on my forehead before walking over to Tommy. I stand and watch them for a moment with a small blush on my face from the way he kissed my forehead but quickly shook it off and went to the office to complete the paperwork off for the car job.
After I had finished my shift, Tommy wanted to stay for a bit to see his uncle Jax and Chibs for a bit longer. I didn't want to object so we stayed for a while. I was sat on one of the picnic benches and Tommy was telling Jax about his new class friends. Beside me was Chibs as we watched over Tommy. It was sweet that Chibs was just as protective of Tommy as me. He didn't have to be, because if anyone touched my son they wouldn't be living anymore. But it was sweet none the less.
Tires screeched to a halt and I knew I needed to grab hold of my son. I moved over to where he and Jax were and picked him up to hold him. Chibs had followed suit and put a hand on my shoulder.
"Go sit down love." He tells me and I look at him and nod my head. Taking Tommy to sit down while ATF agents and Charming PD grabbed all the boys and put them to the ground. An agent came over to me and asked me to stay where I was with my son; of which I listened to and stayed put.
"Mommy why are the nasty men making uncle Jax and Chibs stay down?" Tommy asks as he began to cry. I pull him into my chest and hug him closer to me as I ran a comforting hand through his hair.
"It's okay baby. They have the wrong people. They're going to be okay." I whisper into his ear and kiss his head while gently rocking to calm his sobbing. I notice Chibs turn slightly to look back at us and when he saw that Tommy was crying, he didn't look too pleased.
I sat rocking my son back and forth until the agents got what they wanted - or lack of what they wanted - and left. As soon as they were gone Chibs came over to me and I stood up with Tommy still in my arms. He had calmed down but still looked upset.
"You okay?" Chibs asks while he brushes Tommy's hair out of his face and looks at him.
"We're fine. Tommy just got a little upset." I assure him and Tommy reaches for Chibs, who takes him happily into his arms.
"They weren't nice to you." Tommy pouts as he hugs Chibs and I smile gently at the way Chibs returned his hug.
"I'm alright little man." He assures my son and pulls him back to ruffle his hair; earning a giggle from Tommy. "I'm a big man. They can't hurt me." He then looks at me and takes his sunglasses off. His warm brown eyes looked over me and I smiled at him.
"I'm fine. Just didn't like the idea of Tommy being around all this." I run my hand through my short locks on my head. "I should've took him home-"
"No you shouldn't have." Chibs interrupts. "You have every right being here as much as me." He assures me and then looks at Tommy. "How about, you go home with your ma now and then I'll come over to tuck you in later? Sound like a deal?" He holds his fist up to Tommy, who returns his fist pound and then puts him down.
"You don't have to do that." I tell Chibs and he looks at me with a smile.
"I want to." He replies and I shake my head at him and laugh. "Now go home and relax. It's been a long day for all of us." I thank him again for checking on Tommy and then we go to the truck and drive home.
Sure to his word, Chibs turned up later about the same time I was putting Tommy to bed. Now I stood by the door while he was telling Tommy a story about dragons and knights and making him laugh. It was sweet scene to watch and it made my heart swell but hurt. It shouldn't be Chibs doing this for him, George should be here and making him laugh with these stories.
Chibs started to tuck him in and wished him goodnight before walking over to me. I quickly kiss Tommy on the head and tell him to get some rest before we leave the room and I close the door halfway. I turn to Chibs who was already looking at me.
"Thanks for that." I tell him as I put my hands in my grey hoodie. "You didn't need to do that."
"I told you, I wanted to do that for him." He gives me a gentle nudge as we walk down the hall towards the stairs. "Anything I can do to help that little man out, I'm there."
We walk down the stairs and I walk into the kitchen. I open the fridge and pull out two bottles of beer. Opening both, I hand one to Chibs and take a swig of my own.
"Stick around for a while. Relax," I tease him with his words from earlier and he chuckles after taking a swig of his own beer.
"Gladly." He says as he leans against the counter opposite me and I jump up to sit on the counter behind me.
"What makes you want to help me with Tommy?" I ask him. It had been bugging my brain since the parking lot incident. He looks at me for a moment before crossing his arms.
"I missed the opportunity once. Figured I could try again." He replies and I frown at him. "I have a daughter. I don't get to see her. She was ripped from me years ago."
"Chibs... I'm so sorry." I sigh and put my beer down next to me.
"Don't worry about it. I wasn't able to be there for her. But if I can be there for your little man while his father is missing than that's fine by me." He assures me and then looks up at me. "As long as you're okay with it?"
I thought for a moment before answering him
"Not at all. It's nice to see him happy with you." I reply. "Just wish I knew where George was." I look down and bite at the skin at the corner of my nail on my thumb. Chibs pushed himself up and he gently pulled my hand away from my mouth and lifted my face up by my chin. I looked directly into his brown orbs as he looked down at me.
"You'll find him." He spoke and I felt my lips part slightly. "He is one lucky guy to have a woman as determined as you." He moved his hands from their place under my chin and my hand. He stepped back to put a gap between us again and it felt strange to not have him close to me anymore.
Then came the knock on my door.
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wicked-ever-after · 6 months
Tommy Knight
By clicking THE SOURCE LINK BELOW you will find 080 gifs of TOMMY KNIGHT in Waterloo Road S8x09 for roleplaying purposes. They were made from scratch by me so please like and/or reblog this post if using, or give any form of credit.
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wicked-ever-after · 7 months
Tommy Knight
By clicking THE SOURCE LINK BELOW you will find 039 gifs of TOMMY KNIGHT in Waterloo Road S8x08 for roleplaying purposes. They were made from scratch by me so please like and/or reblog this post if using, or give any form of credit.
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wicked-ever-after · 7 months
Tommy Knight
By clicking THE SOURCE LINK BELOW you will find 036 gifs of TOMMY KNIGHT in The Sarah-Jane Adventures Pilot for roleplaying purposes. They were made from scratch by me so please like and/or reblog this post if using, or give any form of credit.
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