viisionsgem · 1 year
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Summary: you and Joel have always had a weird relationship, but what happens when he catches you by surprise, and shows his true feelings?
pairings: Joel x female reader
Warnings: none? I guess an age gap but not explicitly stated!
It was just past sunrise, and the sun had just barley made its morning appearance when you heard heavy foot steps against wooden floors. Your eyes fluttered open with a sting of morning grogginess. It was probably around 5 am, or so you assumed because you had no actual way to tell the time other than the way the early morning birds chirped, and how there was barley enough sun light to cascade against your concrete walls. With a shuffle of the sheets, and a groan of dread you sat up.
“ ‘bout time you got up. Come on we got an early run, ‘an I ain’t wastin’ another second on your ass.”
You turned your gaze to place a face with the voice you had just heard. You rolled your eyes in exhaustion and annoyance.
“Didn’t anyone tell you it’s rude to wake people up?” You strike back, rubbing your shoulder, the muscles still sore from your late run the night before. You and Tommy took the night rounds to secure the area for the ones that would have the morning shift. You thought it might score you a day to sleep in. You were wrong.
Joel rolled his eyes at your excuse for a comeback, and placed his hands on his hips. “You wanna tell that to someone who actually gives a shit?”
This earned yet another eye roll from you as you stood up. Your body was on fire. Each muscle from your legs all the way up to your neck was sore, and you knew making a patrol trip with Joel wasn’t going to help.
“Let’s just get this over with” you mumble, pulling on a pair of old cargo pants, and a tank top. It was newly spring in Jackson, but the air was already becoming thick with heat, so you decided it would be better to wear less layers.
You had been living in Jackson for three years now, and when Joel and Ellie arrived you were assigned to show them around. Make sure they knew the place, and gave them their weekly responsibilities. You took a liking to Ellie real fast, but Joel rubbed you the wrong way from the very beginning. He was stubborn, pig headed, and above all, an asshole. From the moment you laid eyes on him you knew he’d cause you some trouble, and he only proved that fact as the months went on. He was a thorn in your side, but here recently you found yourself feeling other emotions toward the Texan cowboy.
It started off when you had kitchen duty a few weeks back, and while you were serving up dumplings to the other residents of Jackson you kept feeling like someone was watching you. You found yourself absentmindedly investigating when you met eye contact with Joel from across the dining hall. You knighted your brows together in curiosity, but when Joel caught wind that you had noticed his gaze he quickly packed up his belongings, and booked it outside.
You decided you shouldn’t think much of it, and went back to your chores. Then, a few days ago you found yourself in the barn, having a few drinks with a couple of friends when you saw Joel out of the corner of your eye. He was walking up to you, boots hitting the ground harshly as he appeared in front of you.
“Don’t you got shit to do in the mornin’? I ain’t giving Tommy an excuse as to why you didn’t show up to your shift.”
You found yourself perplexed in emotions. It made you angry that Joel would come and embarrass you, on your one day off from duty. It also made you incredibly confused. Why would Joel care if you stayed out late? Usually he’d get a kick out of you getting in trouble, but now he’s shitting on your good time?
Joel didn’t give you time to answer, instead he grabbed ahold of your arm and tugged you toward the large barn doors.
“Hey! Let go of me!” You shout, pulling and trying to squirm away from him. “Damnit I said let go!” You raised your hand to swat Joel away, but before you could he dropped your arm.
“What the hell is your problem?” You say, breathing out and smoothing your flannel over your torso. “Well?” You urge when you don’t get an answer.
Joel shifted on his feet awkwardly, as if he was trying to think of something to say.
“I don’t have time for this.” You push past Joel, your shoulder hitting against his in annoyance as you pass by.
You stop, taking in a quick breath before turning on your heels to face him. “What?” You reply with your hands on your hips. Severely annoyed by the whole thing.
“One of them guys your boyfriend? Sleeping around with one of em?”
You blink at his question. Unsure how to answer, but you did know that it made your blood boil.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” This time you take a step forward as you spoke. “What gives you the right to ask me that sort of thing? Huh?” You nudge his chest with your index finger. The pad of it pushing again the worn fabric.
Joel didn’t quite know what to say. He just peered at you for an awkward moment before answering your question.
“Look I ain’t ever- well I-“ he breaths out. “I’m sorry. I guess I got-well I don’t know.”
You quirk your eye brow up, lines appearing against your forehead.
“Were you jealous?” You ask, ultimately finishing his sentence for him. “Is that what this is about?” You were a mess of emotions as you waited for Joel to confess to you what was going on.
“Yes. No. I don’t know.” He waves you off with his hand. “Look this whole thing is stupid, what’ya say we forget it ever happened.” He offers you a quick nod before trying to make his exit.
“Now wait a damn minute!” You call back to him, hurrying in a frenzy as you follow him. “You can’t just dump that shit on me, and pretend it didn’t happen!” Your boots tread in the dirt behind him, and Joel gives zero indication that he intends on slowing down.
“Joel miller you better stop walking right now or I’m gonna-“ you were interrupted by his lips hitting yours. Your eyes widen in surprise, and you could sense this made Joel want to pull back in fear he might had made a mistake. Instead of giving him the chance you return his kiss, your lips molding together perfectly in memorable bliss.
Joel pulls away first, slowly and takes a step backwards. Your eyes are large, and still in shock over what just happened.
“Thought it would’ve been a better way to shut you the hell up.” Joel mused anxiously, shoving his hands into his pockets.
You ran your tongue across your bottom lip, still tasting him on your lips. “I’ll say.” Was all you could manage to pipe up.
There was a moment of brief awkwardness that hung in the air, before Joel decided it would be best to slice it.
“Look I didn’t mean to spring this on ya. I think I’ll be heading back to my quarters now. I’ll see you around.” He blinked at you momentarily before turning away and heading down the street.
Before you could even process what had happened joel was already on his porch, and pushing his front door open. You watched as he struggled to get the key in the door as you touched your fingertips to your lips.
“What the hell just happened?” You thought. You’d known joel for a couple of months now, and would have never thought anything like this would occur. Sure he was handsome. His silver and brown curls sat perfectly on his head, and you always admired the way he carried himself even though he was on the older side. No matter your attraction to him, you never imagined yourself pursuing anything other then a partnership with him. A work partnership.
So why in the hell were you catching him in a long gaze, or finding him jealous when you were with other men? Why did he kiss you, and without another word retreat to the safety of his home?
Unfortunately it had been three days since you and Joel shared your kiss in the middle of the street. Ever since then Joel has said about ten words to you, and you couldn’t shake the feeling that he had been avoiding you. So when you found yourself woken up by him this morning for your early run, you felt relived but also annoyed by his lack of explanation.
“At least you are talking to me.” You say to him, loading up your hand gun and shoving your small knife into your boot.
Joel eyes adverted to the stack of old books you checked out from the library, trying to ignore you but ultimately failing in doing so.
“Can we not do this now? It’s the ass crack of Dawn.” He replies flatly, clearly not wanting to talk about the elephant in the room.
You simply nod instead of further protesting, knowing that you wouldn’t get him to talk.
“Fine. You ready?”
He supplies you with a murmured yes, and you take it as your sign to head outside.
Normally runs with Joel were always quick and easy. He gives you orders, and you reluctantly listen to what he says. You kill a few infected, and make a head count of how close they were to Jackson before heading back. This time though, you knew it wouldn’t be the usual run of the mill trip. You both had serious things to discuss, and it would take a lot more than killing infected to ignore it.
to be continued*
Hey guys! I’m Haley and I occasionally like to write little drabbles here and there! I hope you like it <3 (also the gif doesn’t belong to me so all credit goes to the creator!)
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