#tommy kinard protection squad
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emolionsrawr · 9 months ago
chimney: *growls and snarls*
captain gerrard: *screams* get your dog bitch!
tommy: he don't bite
captain gerrard: yes he do!
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consumedbyfeels · 9 months ago
I just love how i see all this hate towards Tommy Kinard one of the most loyal, kind, genuine, and good people. Instead of towards Gerrard who is playing prejudice bingo and winning. This man is a bigot in all the ways you can be but we don't hate him. No we hate Tommy who is one of the most genuinely good people ever. Please make it make sense. Point your hate is a valid direction please.
I've seen people hate more on Tommy than Margaret and Philip Buckley. I know they got a redemption arc but they deserve some hate as well. I would argue they were forgiven to easily but that's me.
Hate Councilwoman Ortiz for taking Mara away from Hen and Karen and revoking there foster licence.
Hate Ramon and Helena Diaz for instead of calling Eddie just jumping on a plane and then proceeding to take his son with them. Granted in was what Chris wanted but I wonder if given time to calm down and without the Diaz's there he would have decided to stay. Maybe Buck could have talked his feeling through with him and he might have changed him mind if he wasn't thinking about thing so emotionally fuelled and impulsively, granted his is a teenager and that's kinda what they do, so maybe not.
Point is hate someone who deserves to be hated not Tommy who does not deserve it.
Most of the hate towards Tommy isn't even about Tommy anyway. It's the toxic Buddie shippers who hate that Buck has a boyfriend who is not Eddie. I'm not saying all Buddie shippers are toxic cuz some of y'all are fine but the ones who are loudest on my dash are fucking toxic.
There is absolutely nothing to hate Tommy Kinard for. And Buck and Eddie are just friends, Eddie is straight. Ryan has said that Eddie is Hetrosexual and there is nothing to indicate otherwise in cannon. Buck is dating Tommy and thriving. Eddie is happy for them. You are seriously going to have a problem with the first relationship Buck has ever had that is genuinely good just because it's a guy who isn't Eddie. Come on people enjoy your ship that's fine. But don't be a dick about ours.
And please remember to tag your anti tommy kinard posts with #antitommykinard. Blocking the tag only helps if people use it.
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mezzinow · 10 months ago
Lou and Tommy's haters. Please, leave us alone, thank you!! You're toxic and disgusting!!
(Obviously he knows how to protect himself. As you can see, he could literally crush your skull with one arm. But that's not the point!)
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We love Tommy and Lou, here! But you haters, are not welcome!
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buckleyreid · 9 months ago
Chim calling Gerrard filthy after he made a snide remark towards Tommy
Buck giving Gerrard the biggest side eye imaginable as they leave
I’m officially declaring them the Tommy Kinard protection squad
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megalony · 9 months ago
Daughter In Distress
This is a new protective! dad! Tommy Kinard imagine for you all, I hope you'll like it. Please let me know what you think.
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra8484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @shelbygeek @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17
@zoeybennett @mrspeacem1nusone @zephyrmonkey @estella-novella @eleventhdoctorsangel @kniselle @senjoritanana
@shauna-carsley @dottierose @cfdhouse51 @darkfemme1 @rainechase45 @ml572 @jessie-lynn28 @lolalolsstuff
Tommy Kinard Masterlist
Summary: A simple day of going to the park and playing basketball goes horribly wrong when someone tries to take Tommy and (Y/n)'s daughter.
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"You're late."
A grin broke out on Tommy's face as he walked up the path towards the basketball court. He slung his backpack down from his shoulder and placed it on the bench next to Eddie and Buck who were stood at the side of the court.
His eyes cast down to the watch on his wrist before he looked back up at them.
"By three minutes, that's more or less on time." Tommy countered while he looked around.
Chimney was stood to one side on the phone and the rest of the team were hovering about starting warm ups and making jokes. Tommy wasn't exactly late when it looked like the rest of them had only just arrived.
He hadn't been to last week's basketball game since he had been on shift and so had Eddie and Chimney. But they were all off for this week's game.
"You're still the last one to arrive." Eddie quipped while he felt Buck loop an arm around his shoulders and he felt a kiss against the back of his head.
"I walked (Y/n) and the squad down to the park on my way over, I'll have you know."
Tilting his head back, Tommy lifted his arms above his head and clicked his spine and his neck into place. He had worn his light grey sleeveless hoodie and a pair of aqua blue shorts. The sun was beaming down on them today and Tommy could feel himself sweating already and they hadn't even started the game yet.
"Hm, we'll let you off then. Come on." Buck inclined his head towards the court and turned round, clapping his hands in the air.
Tommy had walked down here with (Y/n), their three kids, and Chris who had stayed over with them last night. Since it was a nice day they had decided to go to the park while all the boys went to their basketball game. There was a park two minutes down the road from the court right along the beach front.
He stretched his arms above his head and followed his brother in law over onto the court where everyone was starting to set up and get ready.
"Okay, here we go."
A smile lit up (Y/n)'s face as she crouched down in front of the push chair and reached forward for her youngest. Billy had been asleep the whole walk here but he was finally starting to wake up and come alive now, just in time to play on the swings.
(Y/n) unclipped him from the pram and picked up him, pressing a sloppy kiss to his cheek before she settled him on her hip and stood up. The one year old tucked his face into her chest, yawning around the pacifier between his lips.
Her fingers carded through his wild curls and she kissed the top of his head before she turned to the left towards Blake.
"Why can't I play with dad and uncle Eddie?" He kicked his shoe against the gravel and looked down for a moment before he looked back up at (Y/n) with those big doe eyes that matched Tommy so well.
"It's firefighters only, baby."
"Dad's a pilot."
"He's still a firefighter. Baby you're too young to play with all of them, you'd get knocked down, especially with uncle Buck playing. Wait until the weekend, dad will take you for a smaller game."
It wouldn't be fair for Blake to try and join in when it was a game for adults, they could easily bash into him or knock him down and break a bone. And Tommy wouldn't be the nicest to be around if that happened. Nor could Blake sit and watch because he would get annoyed that he couldn't join in and he would be distracting.
Tommy had promised to take him and Chris for a milder version of basketball at the weekend with Eddie and Buck. He said Bonnie could join in too, but he had a feeling she wouldn't want to play.
"What're you going on then?" (Y/n) moved the pushchair near the metal fence that surrounded the park and placed her bag over her shoulder, just to keep it safe.
"Climbing wall."
Blake headed off across the soft tarmac, hearing his mum call "Be careful," as he headed to the rock climbing wall that led up to a large metal slide.
Tilting her head, (Y/n) looked over towards the mini roundabout where Chris and Bonnie had filtered over to. Chris was slowly kicking his foot out to turn the roundabout while Bonnie sat on the rainbow bench and clapped her hands giddily.
They had all enjoyed their sleepover together and (Y/n) had a funny feeling that Chris would ask if he could stay over again tonight. Something neither (Y/n) or Tommy would object to since all the kids were well behaved when they were together and Chris was never a bother to have round. It gave Eddie and Buck a bit more time to themselves where they could go out or just watch a movie together and spend some time alone.
(Y/n) kept her eyes on the other three kids while she headed to the baby swing and gently eased Billy down into the seat. He immediately patted his hands down against the plastic bar in front of him and started to kick his legs. Babbling happily as the pacifier dropped and hung round his tummy since it was clipped to his top.
"Here we go, baby." She began slowly pushing him back and forth, kissing his head every time he swayed back towards her.
They would likely spend a good forty minutes here and then they would head back to the basketball court and watch the last of Tommy's game.
She kept an eye on the kids, watching Chris and Bonnie switch from the roundabout to the second set of swings just across from the slide. Where Blake was doing a repeated motion of climbing the wall and shooting down the slide, trying to see how fast he could climb.
After a while, (Y/n) lifted Billy from the swing and set him down to his feet, staying close as he plodded in front of her. He wasn't the best at walking yet, he kicked his legs out straight rather than bending his knees, but he was surprisingly fast.
She followed him over to the smaller, plastic climbing frame that was more for toddlers and more his height.
"Wanna go down the slide?" Blake jogged over to them and held his hand out for his younger brother, grinning widely when Billy took his hand.
He lifted Billy up the steps and guided him over to the slide, sitting the toddler between his legs so they could go down the slide together. The sight made (Y/n) smile and she snapped a quick photo, noticing just how much both boys seemed to resemble Tommy in lots of little ways. From how their eyes creased when they smiled to the way their noses crinkled when they laughed.
"What park did dad get stuck on the slide?" Blake tilted his head to the side, looking over at (Y/n) quizzically while she made sure Chris and Bonnie were okay on the zipline in the corner.
She looked back at her boys and grinned, thinking hard about what her nine year old was referring to.
"Oh, that was on the other side of town, near uncle Eddie's place."
Blake would have only been about four. They had just had Bonnie and when they went to the park, Blake wanted someone to go down the slide with him. Needless to say, they didn't go back to that park often after Tommy had a hard time getting down and then getting off the slide.
He hadn't been pleased when (Y/n) snapped a picture of him struggling, rather than trying to help him up. She still had that photo hung proudly in a frame near the top of the stairs at home. Showing her husband's large frame crammed into a small plastic slide with Blake giggling between his legs.
(Y/n) folded her arms over her chest and watched the boys go down the slide another two times before Blake started playing hide and seek with Billy. The toddler started to squeal, slamming his feet down as he trotted around the bottom of the slide.
Leaning back, (Y/n) looked across at the zipline but her smile morphed into a frown when she couldn't see Chris or Bonnie there anymore.
Where had they gone to now?
She held her hand out towards Billy and leaned down to take his hand, guiding him with her while she nodded for Blake to follow them.
Her eyes cast around the park, looking between the other parents and the few kids scattered around running from swing to swing with glee. What were Chris and Bonnie up to? Where had they disappeared to? (Y/n) liked to keep them within her sights in case they wandered and tried to talk to strangers or ended up falling off of something and hurting themselves.
Chris was an accident prone and Bonnie was a drifter living in a daydream. It wasn't the best combination without parental supervision.
"Where's Bonnie?" (Y/n) gave a tug on Billy's hand and smiled as he looked around as if he could find her any quicker.
A shiver crawled down (Y/n)'s spine at the shrill way her nephew screamed her name.
She spun on her heels and looked around, unsure where Chris's voice was coming from until she finally spotted a familiar crop of brown curls near the climbing frame. As quick as anything, (Y/n) leaned down and scooped Billy up from the floor and headed off in a sprint, Blake right at her side, neither of them sure what was happening.
The panic (Y/n) felt seemed to flicker off in all directions, sparking different thoughts and questions.
She could see Chris, he was down on his knees beside the metal fence that surrounded the perimeter of the park. He was three inches away from the gate which was hanging open, the hinges creaking awfully and grating through (Y/n)'s ears when she got closer.
And there was Bonnie, laid on the floor just in front of the gate.
"What happened?" (Y/n) turned and stood Billy in front of Blake who reached down and held him by the shoulders so the toddler wouldn't try and wander off. The boys stood a few feet to the left, still close enough for Blake to reach out and hold his mum's shoulder if he felt the need.
He watched his mum go down on her knees in front of them, looking between Chris and Bonnie. Waiting for anyone to give her an explanation while other people started to turn to see what was going on.
(Y/n) could feel her heart hammering away in her chest and all the blood seemed to fizzle out of her hands and feet and flood her chest and stomach instead. Adrenaline fueled through her abdomen and made butterflies crawl up her chest when Bonnie howled.
The five year old pushed up from where she was lying on the floor and immediately crawled onto her mother's lap. She bound her arms around (Y/n)'s waist and burrowed her face into her stomach, sobbing so loudly and sharply that (Y/n) felt as if she was the one screaming instead of her daughter.
"Baby what's the matter, did you fall?"
Leaning down, she pressed her lips against the top of Bonnie's head and curled her arms around her. But she didn't like the way her daughter was trembling against her.
"T-the man…"
"What? What man?"
When she didn't get a response from either of them, (Y/n) leaned over and gripped Bonnie beneath her arms. She hoisted her up and moved her so she was sat on her knees. (Y/n) kept one hand on Bonnie's waist and the other started to rub up and down her back.
The little girl was taking shallow, bubbling breaths, mixing between crying and screaming which was starting to put (Y/n) on edge.
"Chris, what's happened?" She could see she wasn't going to get much out of Bonnie right now.
But when she looked over her nephew, she realised Chris looked very shaken. He was knelt up on the floor but he was holding his arms very close to his sides and his head was hung down. His eyes were flitting from side to side, unsure what to focus on or where to look and he was subtly shaking.
"A man, he asked Bonnie to go with him, out the park." Chris pointed at the gate that was starting to slow down from swaying back and forth on old rusted hinges.
(Y/n)'s head snapped up and she looked around, but she couldn't see any man close by. The only people outside of the playground was an older couple walking their dog and a young mother with two children headed down the path towards the park. Whoever the man was, he had clearly left in a hurry which made (Y/n) suddenly feel worse.
"I said no, a-and he pulled my hair." Bonnie lifted her head and moved a shaking hand to the right side of her head.
Terror ransacked (Y/n)'s body when she realised there was a small scratch of blood on the side of Bonnie's head.
Her hands reached out and cupped her daughter's face, tilting her head down so she could look at her properly but it felt like ice cold spikes were cutting through (Y/n)'s chest. There were at least three scratches along Bonnie's temple that went up into her hairline. The two plats (Y/n) had braided into her hair were now coming loose and looked obscure like Bonnie had been dragged through a bush.
Whoever it was had tried to grab her by her hair to make her leave. He had scratched her head and pulled on her hair so harshly a few strands had come loose.
Someone had tried to kidnap her daughter.
"What happened to your hand?" (Y/n) asked quietly when she noticed Bonnie's left hand was starting to swell. When she reached out to try and touch it, Bonnie pulled back with a howl and cradled her hand to her chest.
"She trapped it in the gate, w-when the man grabbed her hair." Chris shuffled closer into (Y/n)'s side and leaned his cheek on her arm, too afraid to look up and see the panic and anger flood his auntie's face. He looped a hand around her arm that was now trembling and cuddled up close. "We said no… I tried to stop him."
Tears rolled down (Y/n)'s face before she could stop them. She pressed her lips together so tightly her upper lip started to cut against her teeth and she swiped her hand across her face, wiping away the tears.
She looked down at Chris and managed to kiss the top of his head, cupping his cheek.
"Thank you."
The man might have tried harder if Bonnie was alone. Having Chris next to her and both of them saying no clearly unsettled him and he couldn't drag a screaming child from the park without someone noticing.
He had fled. (Y/n) wasn't sure if that was such a good thing or not. He had gone, he wasn't going to terrorise her children any longer. But now they had no chance of finding him. He could try again. He could try and take another child. He could see Bonnie in the street or in a different park and try his luck. He might get her if he tried again.
Each breath (Y/n) tried to take hitched higher and higher until she was barely breathing at all and her sight was fading into tunnel vision.
Her arms bound around Bonnie and she attached her daughter to her chest, holding her with one arm while her other arm looped around Chris. She stood to her feet, tugging Chris with her while Blake stepped closer with Billy who was none the wiser to what was going on.
"We're leaving." Cold tremors rattled through (Y/n) as she deadlocked Chris's hand in hers and watched Blake closely as he picked Billy up so they could move faster.
"Are we going back to dad?" Blake whispered, unsure whether he was okay to talk or whether his mum was on a mission and was going to go mute in her state of panic.
"Yes. Stay close, Chris hold the pushchair for me, you stay right next to me." (Y/n) was grateful that Blake clipped Billy into the chair so she didn't have to set Bonnie down.
She looped her bag over the pushchair handle and moved Chris's hand to the handle so he was clinging to the chair. She kept Bonnie sat on her left hip, despite the ache it caused to be carrying her daughter around. She wasn't putting her down. Not for a second.
Her right hand grabbed the chair and she had Chris tucked up against her right hip and Blake holding her left elbow for peace of mind for them both. They made a brisk walk to the other gate and bolted, walking as fast as they could down the path towards the promenade.
It was a five minute walk along the sea front down to the basketball court where all the boys would be.
Chris wanted both his dads and Blake and Bonnie wanted their dad. (Y/n) wanted her husband.
She didn't know what to do.
This had never happened before. None of the kids had ever been hurt or almost kidnapped like this. It was a lucky escape that the stranger hadn't run off with Bonnie and that she hadn't gotten hurt more than this.
What would (Y/n) have done if someone managed to take her daughter or God forbid, Chris as well?
(Y/n) had taken the kids out millions of times on her own. She took them to the beach and the aquarium and the parks and down to the zoo. She took them places on her own and she felt confident enough to do that because she was a good mother and kept an eye on them all. Nothing had ever happened whilst she'd been looking after Chris and her kids before.
Was this why (Y/n) always felt safer when Tommy came with them?
It was no secret that no one gave them a second look when Tommy was with them. He was like an omen. Over six foot tall with a broad muscular frame and an expression that no one wanted to mess with. He was an omen of protection just with his looks.
Would that man have tried to take Bonnie if Tommy had been down here with them? Of course he wouldn't. Tommy was a threat, he was built and muscular and could give anyone a run for their money in a chase. If Tommy had been in the park with them he would have frightened anyone off the thought of trying to snatch a child from the park.
(Y/n) felt Blake lean his head on her arm and move closer to her side, suddenly mute and afraid as he felt as small as a mouse. His boysterous, outgoing personality died down immediately and he tried not to shake as the three of them were almost running down the promenade to reach the basketball court.
Someone had tried to snatch his sister. What would his mum have done if they succeeded? Would the police have come down and done a search and rescue for her? Would they have found her? What would happen in their family if they didn't get Bonnie back?
Would they still have to talk to the police even though Bonnie hadn't been taken?
(Y/n) could feel tears briskly falling down her face as she hurried ahead. Her left arm was starting to ache from carrying Bonnie who was clinging to her neck so tightly (Y/n) could barely catch a proper breath. And her heels were starting to dig into (Y/n)'s lower back, but she couldn't find the will to care. Her daughter needed to feel safe and (Y/n) needed to assure herself that none of her children had been snatched today.
She felt Blake leaning into her left side and Chris had one hand around the pram and the other was gripping her elbow as he tried to stay as close to her as possible.
"Chris-" (Y/n) took a deep breath and sighed when Chris let go of her once the court was within reach.
He let go of the pram and set of into a wobbling sprint, aiming for both dads who were cheering on the edge of the court, clearly having won a basket for their team.
Buck noticed him first. He happened to look to the left and a grin broke out on his face despite the way he was panting for air. He lowered his arms down and patted Eddie's shoulder before he jogged off the court.
"Hey, look who it is."
He smiled right until Chris barrelled into him. Once Buck felt the way Chris started to shake against him and burrowed his face into his abdomen, his smile faded. He could feel the unease radiating off his son and he just knew something wasn't right. He should have been cheering and goading his dads to win the game. Normally he would have been laughing and taunting them playfully.
He wouldn't have run right onto the court like this and hugged the life out of Buck unless something was wrong.
"Buddy, what's the matter?" When Chris held him tighter, Buck pressed his lips into a frown and carefully held him by the shoulders. He loosened Chris's grip on him so he could crouch down in front of him but as soon as they were level, Chris was clinging to him again.
His arms looped around Buck's neck and he burrowed his face into his neck until his glasses were digging uncomfortably into Buck's skin. Not that he minded at all. He curved his arm around Chris's waist and softly held the back of his neck.
It took all of his effort to hold his breath for five seconds to slow down his heart rate. He couldn't start panicking when he didn't even know what was wrong, but the protective nature within Buck was already rising to the surface.
"Talk to me, are you okay?"
Confusion plastered across Eddie's face as he held his hand out towards Chimney and shook his head, silently pausing the game. He tossed the ball into the middle of the court and heaved to regain his breath back while he walked towards his partner.
He rested a hand on Buck's shoulder and looked between the boys before he looked up and locked his eyes on his sister.
She was crying. (Y/n) had tears streaming down her face and Bonnie in her arms who was quietly sniffling and gasping. Blake was tucked against her side, looking down at the floor like he was too afraid to lift his head and look at any of them. The only one who seemed unaffected was little Billy in his pushchair.
"What happened?" Eddie reached his arm out towards (Y/n), but Blake moved forward and burrowed into his side instead.
"Stay with uncle Eddie, do not move I mean it." The panic was evident in (Y/n)'s broken voice.
She placed the pushchair a foot in front of the boys just on the edge of the court. Well within reach so Billy was safe and she gave her eldest a pointed look so he wouldn't leave the safety of his uncles. She couldn't have anything happening to the boys as well.
Her hand moved to cradle the back of Bonnie's head that she started to kiss and when Blake nodded, (Y/n) briskly walked over towards Tommy.
He was scratching the back of his neck, one hand on his hip as he tried to take deep breaths. But when his eyes scanned over his family, he didn't know what to do. Something was evidently wrong. They had been separated for less than an hour, what had gone wrong in that time frame?
"Honey, what's the matter?" Tommy reached out and curved his left arm around (Y/n)'s waist, reeling her into his chest while his right hand held her shoulder.
His eyes narrowed and he tilted his chin down into his chest to look down at her properly, but his breath caught in his throat when he realised she was shaking. He could see traces of tears streaked down her face and when his eyes locked on their daughter in (Y/n)'s arms, Tommy realised she was sobbing.
"Are you all okay, did something happen at the park?"
"A man tried to take Bonnie." (Y/n)'s voice shuddered and came out breathless as a shiver tore down her spine and seeped into Tommy's body.
His muscles went rigid and he tensed up in front of her, gripping her waist tighter as something dark crossed his eyes. His head tilted to one side and his eyes narrowed while his lips quirked as if he wanted to smile in utter confusion. Who would do that? Why would they do that? Why would someone choose Bonnie out of all the kids that could have been on that park?
"Take her? What does that mean, what'd he do? Who the Hell was he?"
"Chris said no, a-and they tried to walk away… babe, he grabbed her by her hair, look at her head. He almost tore her hair out to drag her with him."
As swiftly as anything, Tommy was crouching down in front of them. His hands moved to cup Bonnie's face and his thumbs gently brushed across her cheeks while he tilted her head in his direction. A sorrowful smile tugged at his lips when his daughter's watering eyes locked on him and a little mewl left her lips that made Tommy's heart shatter into pieces.
He took note of the scratches on her scalp, how her plaits were ruffled and loose and skewed. How some of her hair was in knots and the spots on her scalp that showed some strands had been roughly torn from her head.
"She trapped her hand in the gate too. I didn't know what to do, if he came back or if he sees her again, I-"
"No, no he won't see her again, it's okay. We're going home."
Shivers tore down (Y/n)'s spine when Tommy's hands moved back to her shoulders. He pulled them both close and pressed his lips to the top of her head and (Y/n) could feel each violent, ragged breath he took.
Tommy looked back down between them when he suddenly felt Bonnie's hand grabbing at his shoulder. Her nails scratched into his skin and she pawed at him, whimpering until he obliged and reached down to take her from (Y/n)'s arms.
"Daddy…" Tears spilled down her face and a quiet sob broke past her lips when she was in his arms.
Tommy leaned his cheek on top of Bonnie's head, holding her as close to his chest as he could manage while his hand ran up and down her back and he smothered his lips against her shoulder.
All the noises around them faded out into static and all Tommy could hear was Bonnie quietly whimpering his name over and over. He closed his eyes and tilted his chest back, letting her lean into him while he felt (Y/n)'s hand ghost up and down his back. None of the voices from the others on the court managed to get through the static in his ears. He couldn't hear them asking what was wrong or hear Eddie comforting Blake, telling him everything was okay.
The only thing he could hear was his daughter in distress and it made his blood boil over.
Why her? Why had someone decide to terrorise Tommy's little girl? Tommy's wife, his sons. His family. Why?
"Shh, alright, it's alright sweetheart. I've got you, your safe."
He kept her secured in his left arm so he could wrap his other arm around (Y/n)'s waist and reel her into his side. They slowly headed over to where Buck and Eddie were stood with the boys.
Buck was sat on the edge of the bench with one arm around Blake and his other hand on the pram, gently nudging it back and forth to try and send Billy off to sleep. And Eddie was next to him with Chris in his arms who had gone quiet after telling his dads what had happened.
Tommy's eyes locked with Buck when he spoke, venom and malice flooding his eyes. "Can you call Athena?"
They needed to make a statement. They needed the kids to describe who had done this so they could try and catch him. Tommy wouldn't let him get away with this.
Panic surged through Tommy's chest and his eyes snapped open, coursing through the darkness to try and find out what had woken him.
He could feel his heart pounding against his ribs and his pulse flooded every inch of his skin while he gasped to catch his breath back. One of the few downsides to the job meant Tommy startled easily, especially when he was sleeping. After some of the things he had seen, nightmares were a constant and he was so used to listening out for sounds that he had become a very light sleeper.
His hands planted down into the mattress and he pushed to sit up, taking in the darkness surrounding him while he tried to look around.
He glanced to the right and looked across at (Y/n) as she stirred and reached out to curl her hand around his arm, unsure why they were both suddenly awake.
But then he heard it. Bonnie's cry that pierced his heart and sent his nerves sparking and igniting.
Tommy tossed the cover to one side and got to his feet before (Y/n) had the chance to sit up. He shook his head to try and wake himself up a bit more while his hands stretched out and grabbed the door, using it as leverage to push himself forward and move faster.
He turned left and opened Bonnie's bedroom door, squinting for a moment at the illuminescent rose pink nightlight that lit up one corner of the room. It was a dark pink flower attached to the wall above Bonnie's bed since she was so easily frightened by the dark.
"Baby, baby what's the matter?" He sped into the room and plonked down on the side of her bed, feeling his heart breaking when he looked down at her.
He couldn't see her. Bonnie was curled up in the centre of the bed with the blankets wrapped tightly around her from head to toe, covering her completely to the point she was going to suffocate.
Tommy tried to be gentle, murmuring a soft "It's only me, it's just daddy," while he pulled the covers back so he could see her and make sure she could actually breathe. A jagged edge cut through his heart when he looked down at her. Arms over her head, knees pressed into her stomach, her whole body shaking like she had hypothermia.
Wordlessly, he reached down and scooped her up so he could settle her down on his lap.
Her arms stayed bound around her chest while she burrowed her face into his chest. The shaking started to subside once Tommy curled his arms around her and leaned down to smother his lips against the top of her head.
"Bad dream?" He asked quietly, nuzzling his nose into her hair to tickle her while he started to sway back and forth, shifting his weight from his heels to his toes.
"I saw the bad man… my head hurts, daddy."
Tommy tilted his chin down into his neck and leaned back a little so he could cradle the side of Bonnie's face in his hand. His thumb brushed beneath her eye, swiping away a tear while he studied the scratches over her temple. Her scalp had started to bruise beneath her hairline but luckily it wasn't properly visible.
He wasn't so sure it hurt her now though unless she was touching it. Tommy found it more likely that she was dreaming and remembering the panic and the pain from four days ago. She was reliving it more than she was actually in any pain.
"I know baby, but you're okay now. You're safe, I won't let the bad man hurt you, I promise." He peppered her temple with kisses to show her that she was okay and to kiss away the pain to calm her down.
With one arm around her back, Tommy used the other to shuffle into the centre of the bed he prayed would take his weight. He laid down until his ankles and feet were hanging off the end of the bed and Bonnie's weight was comfortingly weighing down on his chest. Her head tucked beneath his chin and she looped her arms over his broad chest, feeling his hand smooth up and down her back while he dragged a blanket across them both.
"See? No one's gonna hurt you because I'm here with you."
A repetition of 'you're okay' and 'I'm not going anywhere' passed Tommy's lips on a loop while he smoothed his hand up and down her back to lull her back to sleep.
It took a while, but after about twenty minutes, Tommy felt Bonnie's snuffling breaths start to even out and her hands stopped gripping his shoulders, finally. She went limp on his chest and snuggled down into him, relaxing while he continued to rub her back.
Every time Tommy shifted, even if it was just his hip moving, the bed creaked and groaned and he could feel his back starting to ache, but he didn't care. If it calmed his daughter down and made her feel safe, then it was worth it.
But anger started to swell through his chest and set in his stomach like stones weighing him down. His daughter shouldn't be waking up during the night, frightened that someone was going to come back and hurt her. She shouldn't be frightened to the point that she wasn't allowing either (Y/n) or Tommy out of her sight.
She hadn't been back to school this week and Tommy dreaded to think how they were going to get her back when she was too frightened to be alone without one of her parents by her side.
The five year old didn't want to leave the house and that infuriated Tommy to no end. She was petrified all because someone thought he had the right to try and snatch her and scare her like this.
Moving his hands, Tommy cradled the back of her head and pressed his other palm down on her lower back so he could twist to the right.
He tried to carefully ease Bonnie down onto the bed and trade places with her so he could get up off the bed.
It looked to be working, right until Tommy let his hands slip from her frame and he stood up from the bed. Once he was no longer holding her, Bonnie started to shake. Her knees coiled up, her eyes started to flutter and whimpers bubbled past her lips until she was sobbing again.
"No, daddy d-don't go!"
All she had to do was stretch her arms out and make grabbing fists in his direction and Tommy was a goner. He crouched down beside the bed, all resolve fading away and his heart aching with a sense of longing and protection he had never felt before.
"Okay, okay baby I'm not leaving you, I promise." He swaddled the blanket around her and scooped her up from the bed, cradling her back into his chest again. His fingers were woven into her hair and his lips pressed to her temple while he stood up and turned around.
"Where we going?"
"You can come sleep with me and mummy. You'll be safe, now let's go get some sleep." If she needed Tommy to stay with her that was absolutely fine, but he wanted to be back in his own bed. Where he could stretch out and be back with (Y/n) and where the three of them could get some sleep without Tommy fretting one wrong turn would break the bed or have him falling onto the floor.
But for the past two nights, Bonnie had crept into their bed anyway after a bad dream and woken up with them in the morning. She wasn't sleeping properly, she didn't want to leave the house and she was too afraid to even sit in her room on her own.
Tommy didn't know how else to show her that she was safe and protected, that they weren't going to let anything happen to her.
He needed to show Bonnie that he was going to protect her at all costs.
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