#tomjake spinoff
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junjourt · 4 months ago
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How Tom's life changed
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alumi-san · 4 months ago
Queer quartet is canon now?! When I lost all hope?!
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annimator · 3 months ago
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disventurecamptakes · 2 months ago
I don't exactly like tomjake but they deserved the spin off so much,I love Jaiden and gabellie but they wouldn't have enough plot to make a spinoff and it's better than keeping tomjake on a never ending cliffhanger
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accirax · 5 months ago
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(Reminder that you need to click the link that's beneath the screenshot.)
Already read the translation. Hopefully you can too because it's hilarious!
agreed, the three of them (and Jake as well) should be friends. although, i don't know if Drew really has any bullshit for Dan to put up with? he seems like a pretty chill guy. really, it's more Dan and Drew having to try to talk Tom out of whatever trouble he's gotten into now, yet Tom still following his heart and making mistakes constantly.
i'm also going to combine some more of the tweet asks below the cut!
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This is actually pretty cute ngl. (saying as someone who doesn't particularly care for aleriya either way (though I can see the appeal/aesthetic))
ooh, they look good in red! maybe it should've been the red team instead of the yellow team. well, then we'd have to put Grett and Yul in red as well. maybe not.
this artist did a great job of capturing all of the detail in the costumes, and i like the kinda painterly brush they used. even though i don't ship aleriya either, they totally look like they'd be the romantic leads of a kids' picture book.
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Aww~ :)
stop staring at me with them big ol' eyes-- (/j)
very cute! i like the color palette. sucks that this baby already has to wear glasses, though. imagine your eyesight being so terrible that you have to wear glasses before you can even read.
(or, maybe they're Cheryll's glasses. that would be precious.)
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Love the redraw! :)
Aiden looks so over it, lol. as if you wouldn't be doing the exact same thing if James was out there doing cartwheels.
the artist did a good job reinterpreting the pose with the more realistic proportions of their style. maybe i should try doing some Disventure Camp pose redraws someday; that could be fun. although, i'd wager that the next DC thing that i draw will probably relate to season 4, though i can't say that for sure.
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AWWWW!!!! X3 Really hoping that we get, at the very least a 5 second cameo of Drew in TomJake, since they all live in Canada. I need it. I miss my baby. He was gone too soon. ;-; I won't lie, I personally do not care for Jake and Tom getting a spinoff story, AT ALL. But I might end up watching it anyway, for the extra lore. And who knows, if it gets enough views and does well enough in the community, it *might* convince Jared and Robert to make spinoffs for other characters. Like Drew. Or Ashley. Or Alec (which is what I'm hoping most for if you could n't already tell).
the pose sort of reminds me of a polaroid that they would show in the credits of the movie to reassure that everyone is having a great time after the plot is over. actually, i guess it has similar vibes to the canon instagram post of Ellie and Tess graduating, so maybe that's where i got that idea, lol.
including Drew as a background gag would honestly be a brilliant idea. like, Jake runs off somewhere, and in the background, there's just Drew holding up a piece of paper that says "???". i have no clue where in Canada Drew and Tom/Jake/Miriam live-- the country is quite large, so it could be an equivalent distance to Ashley living in Texas and Ellie/Tess living in New York-- but given that Ellie will be in the series, someone is travelling somewhere! so it's definitely possible.
i'm pretty neutral on the TomJake series, mostly because i don't know what it's going to be about. in a best case scenario, it's a delayed wrap-up to All Stars, further exploring some of the plot threads that weren't fully developed leading up to and after Riya's win. in a worst case scenario, it's a disjointed collection of mildly confusing fanservice, a la "Derek and Trevor accidentally kiss in the shower." (i actually liked that episode as a whole, but man was that moment in particular cringe.) i'm definitely going to watch it just so that i know what's up, but i do feel like they probably could have better used this time elsewhere (more staff stories, official season epilogue, start s4 faster).
but, Sapphire, if they did an Ashley, Drew, or Alec spinoff, how would they lure people in by putting gay people in the thumbnail??? (/s) mostly kidding, but i'm sure it is true that they were willing to bank on a TomJake series because they knew that those popular characters would get the clicks. if we got another spinoff, it'd probably be jaiden-centric, lmao.
of course, Ashley and especially Alec are also pretty popular, so it's not outside of the realm of possibility! an Alec series would definitely good, to clarify his relationship with Fiore, learn a bit more about his family, and perhaps touch on what Riya's up to after the show. an Ashley show i fear would lack any conflict (because she slays at life so hard), but maybe we could learn a bit about her family too.
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They would make a neat duo ngl. If Dan ever made it to All-Stars that is. 😅 I actually remember one Ally greeting where she said she thought Dan was a pretty cool/nice guy and how unfair it was the way Gabby cheated him in eliminations, or something along those lines. I can try to find it later.
oh, these two could definitely make a nerd alliance. throw in Alec and Lake and you'll have brains that brawn and beauty should definitely watch out for.
are Ally, Dan, and Alec the only (main) characters thus far to wear glasses? oh, i guess there's Oliver too. typecast fr.
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Enjoy this random art of Lill leading a family of ducks
so cute!!!!! i love the ducks' little hats and scarves. the purple team deserved an animal mascot. i bet Ashley would love to pet these little guys as well :)
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Add Dan, Drew & Tess and this book club is complete! 😁
"Disventure HS" intrigues me. is this an AU where they're all students in high school? even if Alec was a senior and Fiore was a freshman, having them that close in age would be cursed as hell. hopefully Alec is just the literal librarian. maybe it's "bring your niece figure to work day".
Ellie/Alec/Fiore/Lake/Dan/Drew/Tess would be a really interesting tribe to start with. i wonder who would get voted out first?
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Hm. Interesting chart. The one I agree most with is that I definitely would've liked to see an interaction between Tess and Alec. Those two do have quite a few things in common (quiet, reserved/introverted, level headed, fairly intelligent, logical, lone wolves who like to read, etc.) so I'm sure they would've clicked well with each other. Eh, who knows? Maybe there was some interaction at the motel off camera. Though that is mostly just wishful thinking, since I highly doubt either of them would ever see a reason to talk to the other with how little they know about each other, being from separate seasons and all.
yeah, and Alec was in the Motel for a pretty short amount of time (2 episodes, maybe like 5 days). canonically, he probably spent a lot of that time talking to Fiore and then Connor. Perhaps Ellie and Grett as well.
god knows Alec could use a therapist friend, though. maybe if people started following each other online, they could wind up chatting with each other then! or, i'm sure Alec would read Lake's book someday, so he could at least see her illustrations then.
i think you can probably guess which box i agree with most. (it's the favorite friendship one)
thanks for sharing all of these tweets with me!
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animationadventures · 6 months ago
Well, that's another Disventure Camp season in the books.
I noticed that the end was a bit more somber than the other two. Really cemented the fact that this was the last time we'll see most of the cast, and I'm going to miss everyone dearly.
I'm happy that Jaiden, Jam, Gabellie, and Huntally are still together. I'm happy that Ashley still has Will, and went out for drinks with him, Lill, and Nick like she promised for eliminating Fiore. I'm happy that Ellie and Tess graduated college, happy that Miriam has Jake and Tom for a family moving forward, happy that Alec adopted Fiore, and happy that Connor found love.
We still have the spinoffs to look forward to like the Staff Stories and TomJake, and after that, a whole new season with a new cast to learn about and love.
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cringelordofchaos · 1 month ago
(SPOILERS FOR DISVENTURE CAMP)(or at least for which ships end up canon and which don't)(all seasons)
ok u can say all u want about how the show handles romance, tropes and shipping all you want. I myself am not infatuated with all of the romantic subplots we got and do believe that a decent amount of it could've been done better.
but like... When people say the problem is that the relationships tend to be gay (or more specifically MLM)... I. What?
It's one thing to complain about potentially overdone tropes or a lack of diversity and another to complain about gay people existing ... or there being a gay couple every season
Like, u could argue other ships should get more attention? but tbh I don't think that's too much of an issue, personally. (Though I feel like ships like GabEllie or Will x Ashley could've had more)
Like idk, nobodys complaining about Ivy and Zaid being "yet another MLW ship 🙄" besides HuntAlly/S2's HunTess/HunTessAlly (hey also are we gonna talk about how we got robbed off of what was clearly teased to be a poly ship,,), Conriya/Riyalec (sort of), Ashley x Will (though tbf it barely got any screentime so it might not count), and maybe one sided Yul/Grett. Yeah, Riyalec, Conriya and YulGrett didn't work out but they had their respective storylines.
(And even if they wanted to complain Abt "too many wlw ships" they can't cuz. There aren't that many (GabEllie, Lake x that one girl that made a cameo appearence in the Tomjake spinoff, and now recently Anastasia x Marissa)
Idk, u can have ur issues with the way Diencer was handled, or the way any other MLM ship was handled really, but like ... If ur primary issue is that it's gay? That it's two men?
I don't get it.
And don't u tell me "well we have way too many MLM couples" like almost no one complains about having way too many MLW couples in DC or total drama or literally any show that exists right now.
idk like imo judge the ship not which gender the characters are in a ship (unless ig it's super relevant). just judge it like any other ship imo.
like yeah i can see how diencer was rushed (like 80% of the ships in this show). no I don't see how the issue is that they are both men.
whatever I might be onto nothing. whatever
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disventure-rewrite-takes · 6 months ago
okay, I just finished watching the finale, so here are all my thoughts plus little rewrites. also Trevor is officially transfem in my brain so she's Tatyana now, idk I don't make the rules.
Tomjake: I dunno I still don't like the ship nearly as much as I did when i first watched dvsc, I think it's got far too much screen time and precedence over the series. but it does make sense for their spinoff, and honestly, their closing arc wasn't terrible. as always, found it overly rushed, but with the emotions I guess it could make sense...idk if anything I'd just slowburn that shit. make it worth watching!!
Tom (Himself): I'm sorry but when the hell did he get WATERBOARDED? this show I swear to god...that isn't slapstick comedy ONC 😭💀 that's some serious shit why hasn't it come up at ALL?! like come on!! I would give Tom some discomfort around water, and at least a small discussion about it, ffs
Ally: idk if this is a rewrite but "you can have your yaoi moment later" is on par with "thank you I'm going there" and I love it. she needs more one liners
Gabellie: RAAAAHHH let's go lesbians!! sad Gabby got bit by the tiger but the screen time they get is everything to me, they needed more of this and I would so add that if I could
Tatyana and Emily: as always I love her, she's so silly to me and very dear to my heart. I love that she's still kind to Emily but also calls her out on her shit. kinda building on what I've talked about with Emily but I'd love to have Tatyana be her voice of reason when she's living in this revenge and rage filled part of her mind. in a rewrite I think I would definitely have Tatyana talk Emily down before the scorpions so she isn't hurt, and Tatyana quits, Emily doesn't go to prison, Emilyana is endgame and I'm happy <3
Riya: not pleased she won, I doubt most people are. but unfortunately it's probably the most satisfying end to her arc. I like that even Krystal isn't happy with her winning, and Connor finally is done with her. the only thing I'd change is that Eesha doesn't call her, so she really has no one except her fame.
Alec and Fiore: AAAAA I love them so much, Fiore caring about him, Alec finally adopting her, the bus scene and him carrying her, this is literally my lifeblood and my soul rn. I wouldn't change a damn thing, it's amazing <333
Krystal/Other Staff: I love the way her arc ends with deciding to change the way she's gonna do things, quitting DSVC and letting in new hosts. another very satisfying end for me honestly. if I had anything to nitpick, for the scene on the plane, I'd put her in the dress she's wearing in the S2 finale, just because it's pretty and I think it helps her come full circle as a character, plus it suits the trip to Cancun!
The End Photos: I also love that, love seeing Lill and Nick a bit, all the cute little end story pieces for the characters. I'd just add more honestly, I love the idea!!
y'all should see the notes I took while watching this finale honestly, I was going feral– I kept screeching and talking out loud 💀
- 🎃
love all your thoughts pumpkin anon, emilyana is real to us and we all love fiore and alec. also ur not alone in screeching and talking to yourself cuz i genuinely had to repress a scream at all those fiore & alec scenes. i love you grumpy middle aged man adopting a quirky little girl trope
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oddnationcartoons · 13 days ago
tomjake the most ass ship ever idk how people like it.
you should do a spencer x jade spinoff instead
Sadly, with Spade I think we will be satisfied with their plot and love story, and so we mightn't have much to work with!
But with TomJake, well we can keep messing them around and making the most ass plots to keep people engaged for their yaoi moments.
One of the reasons we have Spencer pairing up with Jade and not Diego is so that the fans are hungry for the yaoi. Any yaoi. Yall are starved. Well Patreon isn't paying the bills so put your money where my mouth is and donate to our crowdfunder next month😈🔥🔥🔥
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lycanpunk667 · 3 months ago
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Okay on one hand thank you very much for giving me this ask but on the other hand PLLLEEEEAASSSEEEE ask me stuff related to td or disventure camp ON my disventure camp sideblog. 16. "Can't understand why people like this (characterization, trope, thing)". This one's a little difficult. I generally like to try and see why people would like all sorts of things. I mean I guess I can't really understand anyone who genuinely thinks that the tomjake arc between season 1 and DCAS was good. The thing's LITTERED with character assassination, lazy writing decisions, and manufactured drama. 13. "Worst blorbofication" Jake. Gotta be Jake. Jake all day. Jake is best when he's an absolute MESS when he's about to BREAK when he's experiencing EXTREME LEVELS OF STRESS. None of you realize this.... /lh 9. "Worst part of canon" How fanservicey it is, generally speaking. I get wanting to appeal to your fans, but I think some of the writing routes suffered (giving screen time to popular pairings, the epilogue to dcas, the entire EXISTENCE of the tomjake spinoff, probably most of staff stories but that's not very fair since I haven't actually seen it)
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aidensteddybear · 4 months ago
Could it be possible to request a fic with Caregiver Gabby and Regressor Tom that takes place during Ep 3 of the TomJake Spinoff
Gabby is taking care of Tom for the day while he's very little, but since his little "incident" he's a lot more anxious than usual gets upset more easily and Gabby can't have that so she does everything she can to make him feel better (Feeding him a bottle of warm milk, giving him a comfort hug, offering him his pacifier just to give you a few ideas to work with)
Slowly but surely Tom starts to feel better and gives Gabby her own hug and smile as his way of saying thank you
Regressor! Tom w/ Caregiver! Gabby
(Warnings: There’s angst throughout the story, as well as implications of abuse.)
Gabby couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous about watching over Tom today. Jake had told her that he still wasn’t doing great and was overall just really emotional and anxious.
Jake absolutely hated leaving Tom alone when he was like this, but he needed to meet up with his mother and explain everything that was going on.
He knew he was in good hands with Gabby watching him though, since she was so caring and was someone he felt safe around.
However, the whole reason Gabby felt so nervous is because she didn’t want to accidentally scare or upset him even more.
Jake mentioned that triggering Tom was very easy while he was in this sort of state, and Gabby didn’t want to make anything worse.
For the past few minutes now, Gabby had been standing by the bedroom door and holding the doorknob. Jake told her before he left, that Tom was napping, or at least trying to.
He hadn’t been getting much sleep for the past couple weeks. Tom was often too anxious to sleep, especially at night, due to the constant night terrors he’d been having.
Jake would try to get Tom to take naps or get some rest throughout the day, but he was just unable to sleep from the nonstop fear and sadness he’d been feeling.
Gabby took a deep breath, before slowly and quietly opening the door. She knew Tom didn’t want to be alone, as that’s what Jake had told her.
He needed someone there with him, and Gabby didn’t want to keep him waiting any longer, if he was even awake.
When she walked in, Gabby saw Tom curled up in bed and facing the wall. He was surrounded by stuffed animals, that Jake had put on the bed for him, as well as Gabs, who was lying beside him, sleeping.
“Tom?” Gabby whispered. Tom jumped and quickly looked at where the voice came from. He relaxed once he realized it was just Gabby, and laid back down.
“I’m sorry, buddy. I didn’t mean to scare you.” Gabby apologized in a soft voice. Tom didn’t say anything or make a noise, he only curled back up and tightly hugged one of the stuffed animals.
“How are you? Are you feeling any better?” Gabby asked as she slowly walked over to the bed and sat down. A quiet, short whimper left Tom while his eyes looked up at her.
“May I?” Gabby held her hand out to him. Tom silently stared at her, before slowly nodding his head. He couldn’t help but flinch when her hand came near his face, as she began running her fingers through his hair.
“Can I get you anything? Is there anything I can do to help?” Tom shook his head slightly as he slowly moved his stuffed animal closer to his face.
Gabby frowned while continuing to gently run her fingers through his hair. It was so unusual for her to see Tom like this.
Every time she would watch him, he was always very happy and cheerful. But now, he was just so terrified after what happened at work. Gabby felt so awful for him.
It was quiet in the bedroom for a while. Gabby kept on with his hair, while Tom silently stared at the wall.
Though, out of nowhere, Tom started to whimper, which quickly turned into full on sobbing. Jake told Gabby that Tom would start crying at random, due to not being able to cope with his feelings any other way.
“Oh no! Tommy, it’s okay. I’m here, it’s just me.” Gabby spoke to him, her voice a bit panicky. He kept crying, which quickly alerted Gabs and made her begin to rub and bump her head against his back.
Gabby watched as the cat kept nudging Tom with her head, but unlike any other time, she wasn’t able to provide him the comfort he needed right now.
“Sweetheart, you’re alright. Here, come here.” Carefully, Gabby slowly had Tom sit up. Once he was sat up, she pulled him close and hugged him, to which Tom weakly hugged her back.
“I’m right here with you. You’re safe with me, you’re safe here.” Gabby whispered while rocking him a little.
Tom only bawled in Gabby’s arms, with Gabs still trying to help by continuing to bump her head against him.
He only sobbed for a while, his face hidden in Gabby’s shoulder. But after around twenty minutes, Tom’s grip on Gabby became a lot stronger while he began to just scream.
The suddenly screaming startled Gabby, though she immediately hugged him tighter. All she could hear was devastating screams of fear and anger coming from a terrified little boy. It absolutely broke Gabby’s heart.
Tom screamed until he physically couldn’t anymore. Once he couldn’t, he laid limp in Gabby’s arms and kept whimpering while looking at her.
Without thinking, Gabby raised her hand and slowly moved it closer to wipe Tom’s tears off of his cheeks. She realized she should’ve said something when Tom weakly cried out and covered his face with his arm in defense.
“Oh, I’m sorry! I wasn’t going to hurt you, I promise! I just wanted to wipe your tears, that’s all.” Gabby spoke with her panicky voice once more.
Tom whimpered and stared at her, before slowly moving his arm down. He sniffled and looked down.
“Is that okay, Tom?” Tom nodded ever so slightly, so Gabby very slowly moved her hand towards his face and gently wiped off his tears.
“Are you feeling okay now? Did crying help at all?” Gabby questioned. Tom nodded a little once more.
“That’s good, Tommy.” She said quietly with a small smile. Tom only looked at her with his big, sad eyes.
“Maybe I could make you a bottle, if you want? I’m sure your throat’s probably a bit sore.” Gabby offered. She got the same response she’s been getting, which was another tiny nod from Tom.
“Okay, sweet boy. Are you alright to stay here while I go get it? I’ll only be a minute.” Tom was quiet for a second, before beginning to whimper at the thought of Gabby leaving.
“I’ll be in the kitchen the whole time and I’ll leave the door open, you’ll be able to hear me the whole time.” Gabby told him. “Plus, you have Gabs right next to you to keep you company and safe.” She said.
Tom hesitated, but slowly pulled away from her. Gabby gently placed her hand on his shoulder.
“I’ll be right back, I promise. I won’t be long.” She spoke. Tom nodded slightly again, so Gabby smiled at him, then went on her way.
Luckily, Jake had prepared a few bottles in the fridge, so all Gabby had to do was grab one, unscrew the lid, and then put it in the microwave.
Once it was done, Gabby quickly grabbed it out of the microwave and put the lid back on, before returning to Tom’s bedroom.
When she got there, she was met the sight of Tom sitting up in bed. He was sucking his thumb while using his free hand to gently pet Gabs.
“See? I told you I’d be back soon.” Gabby said as she went over to him. When she sat down, Tom instantly cuddled back up to her. He was a lot more trusting than he was earlier today, which made Gabby happy.
“Do you want me to feed you, little guy?” Tom nodded and laid his head against Gabby’s shoulder.
“Okay. But you have to take your thumb out of your mouth for me, buddy.” After a tiny whine left him, Tom removed his thumb out of his mouth. It was soon replaced by the bottle Gabby had for him.
Tom closed his eyes as he gently suckled on the bottle. It was so comforting to him, it really helped him relax.
Tom drank slowly, the only noise coming from him were the soft sucking sounds he was making.
He finished the bottle after ten minutes. When he did, Gabby set the bottle on the bed for now, and grabbed his pacifier.
“Here, buddy. Would you like your paci?” Tom accepted Gabby’s offer, which he let her know by opening his mouth. She placed the soother into his mouth, causing a very quiet hum to leave him.
Tom sat up a little and, surprisingly, Gabby could see just the tiniest smile hiding behind his pacifier. Tom moved closer to her and hugged her. Of course, Gabby hugged him right back.
Tom felt safe.
He knew he was safe with her.
He knew he was going to be alright.
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junjourt · 5 months ago
I liked the frames with Gabby and Ellie, but this change makes perfectly sense because Shawn and Tom's mother deserve to be included in the intro
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Anyway, is Mrs Reed an angel?
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negative-total-drama-takes · 5 months ago
I just saw that you also allow negative Disventure camp takes. And ohhhh my god holy fucking shit.
FUCK the writers for pretending Tom is stupid once DCAS rolled around. God. He’s not.
They just MADE him stupid so that Tomjake could keep being made about the “disaster gay twink X scarred himbo” but. God. It feels like Tom got LOBOTOMIZED it’s so bad.
Like seriously he acted so dumb. God.
“I’ve been tortured by mob bosses and waterboarded… why is this the most stressful thing I’ve ever done ���😖” (grown ass man referring to confessing to his crush on the finale of a reality tv show)
I swear to god. I swear to god.
Tomjake was only good as something to establish in season 1 and then keep as a broken up couple. It does not need to not only be the CENTER ENDGAME COUPLE OF SEASONS 1 AND 3 AND HAVE A GOD DAMN SPINOFF.
(This isn’t Tom hate btw this is Tomjake hate. I love Tom I just absolutely despise what the writers did to him.)
- 🫀anon
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annimator · 4 months ago
I have not had this much cuteness aggression over gay fictional ships since like, last May, holy shit-
(aka, i react to tomjake episode 2 via a rambling tumblr post. I’m spoiling the episode, so everything’s under the cut)
• omg they’re much smiling so much at each other :>
• I feel like I should’ve mentioned that a clip of gabellie’s first kiss from S1 ep8 also got me into disventure camp in that other post I made. whoops :P
• Tom, you’re canonically in your 30s. why the fuck are you going “ *snore* mimimimi” in your sleep. AND HOW THE FUCK IS JAKE STILL SLEEPING, HIS EAR IS SO FUCKING CLOSE TO TOM’S MOUTH- wait that sounds kinda wrong lmao
• the spinoff intro never gets old, I love it so much
• Awww, Jake’s looking for a job :D
• “Money can’t buy taste. Y’know, you’re lucky you’re cute.” “Aw, and?” “And lucky to have me” holy fucking shit (/pos)
• Physical touch and words of affirmation are definitely Tom’s languages. he cannot take his hand’s off of Jake, and that’s fucking adorable.
• “You’re persevering, that’s all anyone can ask. “I’m sorry you have to deal with me.” “Seems like the best deal ever.” WORDS. OF AFFIRMATION
• I can relate to Jake worry about finding people at the Pearson airport. There are so much godamn people there
• I shouldn’t have laughed so hard at Gabby saying that she and Ellie have no friends-
• “THE GAYS AND SAPPHICS TAKE TORONTO!” Gabby ilysm. She definitely shares the title of being my favourite DC character alongside Fiore after this episode
• “You remind me so much of him sometimes.” hey wait I was here for the yaoi and yuri ;-;
• “Guess who… finally decided to call” lol
• wait Gabby’s job is self-defence training? That’s kinda surprising, but at the same time she kicked Derek’s ass during the s1 finale lol
• Aww Gabby wants Jake to spend time with Ellie so that she won’t be alone :D
• damn Ellie, you and Gabby live like this? She’s on that work grindset ig
• I’m still thinking about Tom calling Jake a housewife in that one greeting. Him cleaning up Ellie’s apartment while she’s sketching for her job is not helping-
• “there were thankfully no murder cases just lying around” “We could make one!” Gabby are you ok
• that clip of Tom and Gabby thinking of what to do honestly has great meme potential tbh
• I’m honestly living for Jake and Ellie interacting with each other in a positive way fr
• “tax fraud, tax fraud,” LMAO???
• “I’m having a lot of fun with you.” “Aw, why so sentimental?” “It feels like being a kid again!” ik i didn’t copy-paste the entire convo between them, but I love it so much
• aw, they left New York because they couldn’t pay rent :(
• “Do you even know what my life is like? Ramen noodles for dinner if I’m lucky.” Girl I would not complain about eating ramen, that shit’s amazing
• “Oh, I guess a privileged twink like me wouldn’t know the meaning of that, huh?” LMAO I JUST REMEMBERED YUL’S BITCHASS CALLING JAKE A TWINK (part 2) WHEN HE GOT ELIMINATED IN ALL STARS
• bruh, what are these insults y’all are calling each other you sound like toddlers
• wait, Jake actually took the words out of my mouth lmao
• I’m kinda disappointed that they didn’t apologize about what happened in DC, but either way, I’m happy to see Jake and Ellie reconcile and say that they’re cool :D
• “I still have a roof over my head, and Gabby” I LOVE THEMMMMMMMM
• Gabby’s having so much fun skating :D SHE LOOKS SO CUTE WITH THAT BEANIE
• “The dog stole it! I convinced him to give it back!” *hard cut to Gabby barking at the dog and Tom immediately picking up the gnome after it drops it*
• srsly tho that clip made me laugh lmao
• Aw Jake catching Tom before he slips on ice was so cute :D
• “Aw babe, I’m so proud of you!” “What can I say? You bring out the best in me Gabbs!” “The part of you is always there. I was always there to see it.” OH MY GODDDDDDD (/pos) AND GABBY KISSING ELLIE’S HANDS
• “Oh my god, Ellie look! It’s snowing! It’s so beautiful.” “I could think of something else more beautiful” AAAAAAA
• Loving the implication that Ally wrecked Jake’s shit in Smash Bros lmao
• Besides that, great episode 10/10. would rewatch until the heat death of the universe
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stealerofnames · 5 months ago
We got titles for the tomjake spinoff; So like what I did for staff stories, I want to know
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accirax · 4 months ago
Oh yeah, I should tell you someone put up a playlist of double greetings that get purchased and posted to youtube. Be sure to check it regularly for updates!
Here's my fav from it - https://youtu.be/bRpx5sUooAw?si=r6IWBBMEfnRPghG2 <- THESE are the kinds of greetings I wanna see! Where All-Stars contestants, or contestants from separate seasons who have *never* met or talked much finally get the chance to.
Oh yeah, here's some more individual ones:
https://youtu.be/GLIf8WwvlIg?si=worrOiB4soqjl0ZO (according to one comment this is a Rui Kamishiro costume? Correct me on this-)
https://youtu.be/oRAq93UIEQk?si=5UY5hHKOBg3XuP83 (still waiting for someone to quit beating around the bush & ask either of them what their situation is)
https://youtu.be/poFh1LiG5wA?si=JCG1oX9V8MIcK8ax (Damn, poor Jake was getting ghosted by everybody! 😂 (also what's a stem major-) Perfect opportunity here to fulfill Dan's wish and buy a double greeting~! (*cough* with Alec or Drew or even Gabby) )
https://youtu.be/RYsrkVeoT88?si=Ao9dkCk3d-UHUe4f (Glad someone brought this back~! It was deleted for a while)
https://youtu.be/nLkks-hMht4?si=ohA1dTZUpdGTWaQZ (This was pretty much already explained in the recent episode of Nick Reacts but I'm happy it was confirmed here too (BTW you should totally start watching Nick Reacts if you haven't already, it does sprinkle some additional lore here and there on top of being entertaining)
oh, nice!
aww, that was really sweet! honestly, it makes me wish that one of the spinoff series was dedicated to showing life at the Loser's Motel instead of either the staff or tomjake. (although, both of those served their purposes decently as well.) it makes sense that some of these characters who spent a good portion of their DCAS time in the Motel together would be friends-- especially two as kind as Tess and Ashley-- but since we didn't see it, it's still kind of a "wait, what?"
also, does Tess know Will? or is Ashley just saying she should introduce them? and how good is Ashley at gaming...?
that is a Rui-inspired costume! it's from the mixed event Never Give Up Cooking, and his card A Sudden Trial-- a card which I have B) (i actually pulled on that gacha wanting to get Toya or Kaito, but i won't complain...) of course they had to dress Alec in a Rui costume before asking about his hypothetical feelings about other men. as i always say, "you can't spell fruity without Rui." (/j)
definitely a shipper bait greeting on the whole, but i appreciate getting the timeline on his and Cheryll's relationship as well. if only we knew for sure how old Daniel was. then we could figure out how old Alec was when he and Cheryll tied the knot...
so, i guess it was math that Alec was teaching Fiore in the DCAS finale! i sort of assumed it was English-- y'know... because of Alec's whole deal...-- but i guess we already know that Fiore is capable of reading some pretty intense literature for her age, so she probably doesn't need much help in that department.
and, the comic collection comeback! i wonder if Alec being a fan of comic books was always in the cards, or if all of this has just snowballed from Alec saying "quirk" in the superhero episode. either way, the more we learn about Alec liking superhero media, the funnier it is that he had no powers in the superhero episode. buddy, you missed out on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!
felt on the "bad at texting" part-- i always want to send messages to my friends, but i can never come up with anything to say. RIP Jake, though. at least he had Miriam?
apparently, in a spanish greeting, Dan said he was studying physics engineering. i bring this up because i was trying to figure out if "just living with my parents and watching DC" was literal, or if he's also being a student at the same time. he would be 21 as of DCAS, so if we assume that he started college at the average time (~18 years old), he'd only be 3 years into his degree. probably still a student, then. no shade if he wasn't, i was just trying to figure out if he was a victim of the current job market.
a STEM major is someone whose (college) major falls within the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics. in the US, at least, these majors are generally considered more favorably than others by authority figures, due to being "of actual importance," "guaranteed to get you a job," and other mantras along those lines. if Dan is studying physics engineering, then he's also a STEM major in his parents' footsteps.
for some reason, when he said "love triangle," i assumed it was going to be between Jake, Tom, and Aiden or something. too many love triangles to keep track of in this show. anyways, confirmation that Nick isn't into gamer girls.
Believer is a pretty vocally demanding song (dude is basically just screaming), but i think Nick did a pretty good job with it! i'm sure Deric was struggling trying to pull it off while keeping up his British accent, lol.
ah, thanks for the reminder to go back and watch NickReacts! i watched the first (and maybe second?) episodes when they came out, but i forgot to go back and check for more. i'll probably put that on next time i need something to listen to while drawing :)
... that being said, i, uh. don't think you're going to make more than an investment broker through your youtube channel, buddy. maybe if you placed better in DC1 😅
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