#tomi's random shit
asselinssatan · 2 years
as a pan, somewhat shy person, i need to find an extroverted ace roommate!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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shinagawa-division · 1 month
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Happy Birthday Tomi!
Mature Themes Ahead. Minors Do Not Interact.
— Shinagawa Division, August 14th, 2024 —
The sun had set over the city of Shinagawa, casting the restless city in darkness as the building lit up and shown as brightly as the stars in the night sky. On the residential outskirts of the city, in her bedroom of her mansion, Miho Kobayashi was currently finishing up getting ready to meet her darling husband to spend his birthday with by having a lovely date at the finest restaurant money can buy. Fitted in a tight, black dress with diamonds, Miho was putting on the finishing touches to her makeup when her phone pinged, signaling that she had gotten a message, causing her to put down her blush brush and went to pick up her phone which pinged again…and again and again and again, almost rapidly, catching the female CEO off guard.
“What the hell…” She muttered as she held the still pinging device in her hands, just who the hell was messaging her so much? Opening her message app, she saw that she was being spammed with the same link over and over by her friends, colleagues, and even random numbers, furthering confusing the raven haired woman even more, at first she thought that it was some prank or that maybe her phone got hacked again but then she got even more messages, each one telling her to click the link, that she had to see what was happening and the most confusing part, people were giving their condolences.
Having enough with the suspense, Miho clicked on a random contact and tapped on the link which immediately brought her to a video. It was that of a bedroom of what looked to be in some high end hotel, it looked to be empty until the door suddenly bursts open and in came two people that were locked in a very passionate embrace, their facing pretty much glued together as they were eagerly making out with each other. Miho’s mind went blank as her face scrunched up with disgust at the thought of being sent a porn video…until she looked closer at the couple, specifically the man of the two who looked scarily familiar to her…husband…
Miho’s heart froze and promptly dropped to her stomach as the couple pulled away and she could clearly see her husband, the person who vowed to be with her in sickness and in health, until death do them part, Tomi fucking Chōten push the woman who he had just been making out with to her knees, who only giggled and started to unbuckle his pants to pull out his length and give him a blowjob, the Socialite throwing his head back and groaning in pleasure. Miho’s knuckles were pure white with how hard she was gripping her phone, her mind going a million miles per minute as she tried to grasp the situation, surely this couldn’t be real right? It had to be some AI generated garbage, Tomi wouldn’t do this to her, he couldn’t, not after everything, not after she bared her heart and soul out to him, not after she told him everything about her past traumas, including with how her first engagement ended, there was no fucking way he would do this to her twice.
‘Damn this is so fucking hot, I love NTR’
‘I’ll pay 20 dollars if you fuck her face’
‘Hey! I know that guy! Isn’t he that rich motherfucker from Aoyama?’
‘God I wish that were me’
‘Oh shit, you’re right, wait, isn’t this guy married? Damn, I’d hate to be his wife right now’
Almost as if spitting in her face, a chat box appeared which was rapidly being filled with messages and donations, other people were watching this, they were watching her husband sleeping with another woman, the shame and embarrassment Miho was feeling was sickening, apparently the footage she was looking at happened to be live footage, which meant that this was happening in real time, Miho was just sitting here getting pretty for a man who currently had another woman’s mouth deepthroating his cock. The camera angle had switched, zooming in closer on the male’s face, there was no doubt about it, it was truly Tomi Chōten, his bleached blonde-white hair was disheveled and out of its usual ponytail due to the heavy make out session he and the woman had, those gray eyes that Miho once adored were hazy and cloudy with lust and would shut close solely from the pleasure he was getting from the woman that was lathering his cock with licks and kisses.
And most of all, the most telling feature that convinced Miho that this was indeed real, were his eyebrows. His goddamn eyebrows that were long, thin, and had the iconic loop that nothing and nobody could replace. Miho wasn’t aware of how weak her legs had gotten but she had collapsed on her knees on the floor as she just numbly stared at her phone in horror and disbelieving anger. The woman in the video, which Miho subconsciously note was a younger woman presumably in her early 20s, with orange hair and blue eyes, popped his cock out of her mouth after giving one last suck and stood up, grabbed Tomi’s hand as the camera angle changed again, closing in on the two of them and Miho watched with sickness as she guided him towards the bed.
The woman took off her heels and lifted her skirt up, tugging her panties down and tossing them to the side, looking back at Tomi with a lustful look, almost as if giving an invisible command to take her, Tomi scrambled to get on the bed, positioning himself behind the woman and Miho’s eyes, who were slowly gathering tears at this point, widened as she realized that they were not going to stop any time soon, they really were going all the way. Miho desperately wanted to do something, to scream, to cry, to get angry and trash her room but she couldn’t will herself to move an inch, too shocked and paralyzed by the utter betrayal of watching her second husband commit adultery.
The final nail was in the coffin the moment Tomi entered the other woman and immediately began thrusting, moans and cursing spilling out from the both of them as the bed creaked and rocked with their movements.
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“Oh fuuuuuck~! Daddy, your cock’s so fucking biiiiig~!” The woman gave a moan so pornographic that it would’ve made the most degenerate person blush but all it did was stab another knife into Miho’s chest, the tears finally spilling out and pouring down her cheeks, messing up her make up and creating tear tracks. The worse part was that she could clearly see Tomi’s ring glittering in the light of the hotel room, fucker didn’t even bother taking it off.
“S-shit..so fucking tight..” He groaned and Miho wanted to vomit with how much he looked like he was genuinely enjoying having sex with another, much younger woman, her other hand that wasn’t gripping the phone had clenched into a fist so tightly, her nails had cut into her palm with blood starting to drip down, almost in tandem with her tears.
“A-ah…mmf, yeah? You like that, Daddy? I’m better than-fuck!-your skeleton of a wife, right? Bet a prudish-ooooh-bitch like her couldn’t get you this fucking hard-shit!” The woman moaned, throwing herself back in time of Tomi’s thrusts, said man still had that lust filled glossed over look as he continued to pound into her.
“Y-yes! God, yes! S-so much better than her!” He gritted out, pumping inside her faster as the woman made eye contact in the direction the camera was and gave an evil grin causing Miho’s heart to stop for the nth time this night alone.
The rest of it was a blur, Miho couldn’t even recall anything after that except waking up in her bed, still in her dress, her injured hand now bandaged and what remained of her phone was sitting in a plastic bag gon her bedside table, the device completely shattered into pieces. Miho blinked, eyes staring blankly at her ceiling before the events of last night came back to her, making her eyes twitch slightly before slowly sitting up to get ready for the day.
— Later, Aoyama Division, August 15th, 2024 —
In a luxurious hotel located in the city of Aoyama, Tomi Chōten groaned as he slowly woke up, a headache pounding in his head and his body completely sore as he tried to recall what the hell happened last night but to no avail, as if something was blocking his memory of last night. He looked around to find the place cleaned up aside from his clothes which were strewn everywhere across the floor and the bed he was laying in to be a mess. Looking down, he was shocked and horrified to find that he was naked and covered in bruises, scratches, and bite marks as well as dried up cum which signified that something definitely happened last night and Tomi felt ice cold fear wash upon him at the realization of what he had done.
Scrambling to get out of the bed, the Socialite hurried to put his clothes on, not giving a damn about his dirty body and went to grab his phone that was lying on the bedside table, fully charged surprisingly but he didn’t care about that, he paused as he saw that he had a bunch of unread text messages and a whole lot of voicemails coming from acquaintances, colleagues, his parents (who sounded especially pissed off), Karada and Luis, and from one unknown number. Sitting back down on the bed in shock, Tomi hesitantly went through messages, most of them were trolls but a large majority were death threats and comments about how much of cheating piece of shit he was and how his wife deserved so much better than him, some even sending links to various news articles and the trending hashtags on PROFILE, which was having a field day dragging his name in the mud with various clips of his infidelity circling the internet.
Then there were the voicemails…
From his parents…
“You filthy little ingrate! Do you know what you’ve just done?! Videos and picture of you fucking some whore are all over social media! Do you have no shame?! Or perhaps you do because you have brought it towards our family name and tarnished it! Your father and I expect you to be back at the mansion RIGHT NOW or so help me God, Tomi, you will regret it!”
“No words can express how utterly disgusted and disappointed I am in you, Tomi. I do not know what possessed you to do such a heinous thing, especially putting it on the internet for everyone to see your filth and degeneracy. Your mother and I are doing everything we can to do damage control but the truth is that you completely destroyed our family name. Come back to the mansion, there is much we need to discuss.”
From Karada and Luis…
“Tomi…dude…just…why? Didn’t you love Miho? She’s actually a really cool woman and you…really did that…I don’t know what to tell you, bro but…you messed up…you messed up big time.”
“I don’t say this a lot even though I should but you truly are a fucking idiot, Tomi. I expected this sort of stuff from Karada but you? Eh, well, I guess this isn’t too shocking now that I think about it but still, I guess all your vows from your wedding were just bullshit huh? Whatever, anyways, as you can guess, the public is having a field day tearing down your public image and reputation so…good luck, I guess.”
And finally from the unknown number, Tomi froze once more when he heard Miho’s voice, staring off cracked and watery at first, as if she had been crying but growing more and more angry and vitriolic later on.
“I..l don’t know what to say…bra-fucking-vo I guess, truly a stunning performance, y’know I think you should take after your brother and go into acting because this was nothing short of amazing, you truly are dedicated to the act…more dedicated than to me…I guess that’s where you slipped up.”
“Everyone told me that this was a bad idea, that I was making a mistake, that out of all the people in this godforsaken country, choosing you to be my husband was only going to come back and bite me on the ass. I defended you, y’know, I told everyone that they were wrong and that I had faith in you, that perhaps you would change…I’ve never felt like such an idiot, I can already hear them, the never ending cycle of “I told you so”’s.”
“Greetings, Mr. Chōten. This is Goro Eguchi from the Kobayashi residence, please pardon me for the interruption but I have come with some very urgent news. My Lady has hereby banned any and all visitations from you or any of you associates on her property and has now declared that she wants a divorce, I’m sure you can understand why but the papers will be sent to your mansion tomorrow. Mr. Chōten, I strongly recommend that you sign those documents and go through the process with giving as little difficulty as possible as quickly as possible, failure to do so and My Lady will take legal action against you. Right, and another thing, My Lady has told me to tell you that you are allowed to keep your ring, she said and I quote “perhaps you can give it to that whore as a form of child support”. I believe that will be all, good day Mr. Chōten and goodbye.”
Tomi only sat numbly on the bed, there was only a ringing in his ears that seemed to grow louder and louder, he had only just noticed that the ring on his finger was actually missing this whole time and all of a sudden, his eyes grew damp with tears. Outside of the hotel room, a housekeeping maid jumped in fright and promptly scurried away from the door once she heard Tomi scream and start to destroy everything in the room.
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— Earlier, Aoyama Division, August 14th, 2024 —
The gala was in full swing, people were mingling and enjoying themselves, all of them attending to celebrate the birth of one Tomi Chōten who was currently socializing and networking with various other businessmen. One of those businessmen happens to be Masuzō Shinomiya, the CEO of the most popular video game making company in all of Japan, Player One Studios as well as Japan’s most eligible bachelor. He’s quite the talk of the town, with women falling for his handsome looks and dark aesthetic while men were jealous of his looks and riches but couldn’t deny his wealth and fortune.
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If you were to ask Tomi Chōten however, he completely despises the man, simply due to the fact that he is the older brother to bane of his existence, Sumire Shinomiya.
“Lovely party, as always, Chōten-san.” Masuzō took a sip of his champagne and Tomi only gave a polite smile in response, refraining from scoffing and retorting with an insult. “Thank you, Shinomiya-san.”
“However..” Masuzō drawled, downing his drink completely and turned to face the Socialite. “I’m a bit bored, you don’t suppose this place has a gambling den?” He asked and Tomi raised an eyebrow but nonetheless nodded. “It does, why do you ask?”
Masuzō smiled and Tomi felt a shiver down his spine from how similar it looked to Sumire’s, the family resemblance was borderline uncanny between those two. “Perfect, I don’t suppose you men fancy a few games, do you?”
Tomi should’ve said no, he wanted to say no but as he heard the other men around him agree, he couldn’t help but bite his tongue and smiled, nodding his head. “I don’t see why not, follow me gentleman, I’ll lead the way.”
It wasn’t long until they all entered the gambling den and were sat around a large blackjack table, the dealer, a cute young woman with orange hair and blue eyes, bowed and greeted them before shuffling the cards. As they were all preparing themselves for a night of gambling, Masuzō grabbed a waiter and whispered a few words to him, the waiter nodded and left dutifully before coming back with a variety of drinks on a platter, serving each man their drink before getting to Tomi who raised an eyebrow at the cup of liquor that was placed in front of him.
“I’ve never seen this kind of alcohol before, what is this.” He demanded the waiter however, Masuzō came to his rescue.
“Relax Chōten, this is my gift to you, I had that liquor imported from Barcelona, it’s unknown to some due to how exotic it is, only the very best of the upper echelon are able to afford that drink.” He explained as he took a sip of his whiskey, the other men could only murmur in awe at the nonchalant display of wealth, Tomi hated to admit that even he was impressed so all he did was huff and began to drink it, it was surprisingly pleasant, with a hint of a fruity aftertaste, he couldn’t help but drink some more and Masuzō could only smile mysteriously, knowing that his gift was very we’ll received.
The night continued, the games continued and the more sloshed the men became, all except Masuzō, who only watched with a blank face as Tomi got more and more handy with the dealer who did absolutely nothing to stop his advances, all she did was look back at Masuzō who only gave her a nod, making her nod back and gently pulled Tomi into a deep kiss, the Socialite jolting in surprise before eagerly kissing her back. The other men were too wasted to care, some even giving the two of them cat calls and cheers, the dealer pulled back to whisper something in Tomi’s ear before the two of them went to go exit the room. Masuzō waited for a minute, finishing his 15th shot of whiskey before leaving the room to go follow the two, only stopping when he saw the two of them enter the cab he had called in advance and drive off.
“Fucking finally.” He sighed in relief and went to fish his phone out of his pocket, seeing the familiar icon of his creator, he sent her a message.
Did my part. Your turn.
— Shinagawa Division, August 15th, 2024 —
Sumire Shinomiya walked down the hall leading to her aunt’s room, carefully holding a tray of food and painkillers. She had managed to convince Goro to let her serve Miho her lunch, the butler hesitated at first but after seeing how genuine she looked, decided to let her. Sumire balanced the tray with one hand and use the other to knock on the door. “Miho? Can I come in? I got your lunch…”
It was a few minutes before the door opened to reveal the CEO, her hair was frizzy and out of it’s usual bun, she was dressed in casual wear and her face looked messy from angrily wiping away tears and makeup. Sumire bit the inside of her cheek, a pang of heartache going through her as she looked at her aunt who only stared at her niece with a tired look before sighing and letting her in, it was completely dark inside save from the few strands of light that peaked through her curtains but Sumire managed to navigate it expertly and sat the tray on the dresser.
Turning around, she looked to see that Miho had gotten back to bed, facing away from her. Sumire bit her lip in thought before walking over to the massive bed and slowly sat down on a free spot that was close to her but far enough to provide some much needed space. “Miho…”
“Say it.”
“What?” Sumire blinked in confusion and Miho turned around and sat up to face her, a defeated and slightly angry look on her face. “Go ahead and say it, I know you’re dying to tell me you told me so, I bet your so fucking happy right now, what, do you want me to tell you that you’re right?! That you’ve been right all along and that I deserved this for not listening to you—“
“Miho stop!” Sumire cut her off, placing her hands on her shoulders, a frown on her face and her eyes expressing genuine sadness. “Look…I’m not happy about this, despite what you think, I’m not happy that bastard hurt you like this when he knew that you went through this before and honestly, I was so ready to go hunt him down and string him by his balls when Aiko stopped me…Miho, I’m sorry this happened to you, despite what I said and did at the wedding, I really wanted you to be happy.”
Miho sniffled as she reached up to wipe her tears, releasing a shuddering breath, she gestured for Sumire if she could get a hug with the Anarchist hesitating for a moment before slowly wrapping her arms around her aunt, a weird feeling in her chest but pushed it down when she heard Miho start to softly cry.
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“I’m sorry…” She whispered, Miho only responding with more sobs and holding her tighter. The aunt and niece duo stayed like that for what felt like hours before Miho finally pulled away with one last sniff and wiped her eyes again. Sumire fiddled with the silk sheets under her and almost shyly asked, “Are you okay?”
“No.” Miho said bluntly making Sumire wince but Miho patted her head. “But I do feel a little lighter now, thank you.”
Sumire slowly nodded and turned her attention to the tray of food sitting on the dresser. “I think your food’s gone cold.”
“Let it, I’m not hungry anyways.” Miho laid back down and closed her eyes, Sumire only sat in the dark and silent as she watched her aunt drift off to sleep once more before carefully standing up and walking over to the dresser, opening the drawers to find something and sure enough, managed to snag her aunt’s wedding ring before closing the drawers and sneaking out of the room as to not disturb her.
Now back in the corridor, there was nothing stopping Sumire as she began to hum cheerfully, a wide grin spreading across her face as she almost danced her way down the stairs and towards the basement to her lab where the rest of her “siblings” were chilling and waiting for her.
“Family!” She called as she jumped the last step onto the floor, giggling gleefully. “Operation Break The Hegemony was a success!” She threw her arms up in celebration yet only receiving silence as Malphas, Aiko, and Seizou only looked at each other than back at their creator. Sumire huffed and scowled before dramatically clearing her throat and repeating herself, “I said…Operation Break The Hegemony was a SUCCESS!”
“Okay? So you ruined your aunt’s second marriage, do you want a fucking medal?” Malphas raised an eyebrow, clearly not giving a shit about the whole thing despite his part of the plan. Aiko only shifted from side to side uncomfortably as Seizou was much too busy on organizing his Yu-Gi-Oh cards to listen, Sumire rolled her eyes and sighed. “Y’know what, fine, whatever, thank you Mal-Mal for your assistance, you were a big help.”
Malphas shrugged and went back to scrolling on his phone. “You say that like you wouldn’t find some other way to break those two apart…but you’re welcome.”
“True but this way won’t involve me straight up murdering the guy.” Sumire walked over to one of her lab tables, setting Miho’s ring on the surface before looking back. “Which one of you has the other ring?”
Malphas sighed before getting up and walking over to his creator, pulling out Tomi’s ring and handing it to her. “Right, I’ve been informed to tell you that your friend got the money and that it was a pleasure doing business with you.”
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“Lovely but I think it’s best if she laid low for the next couple of weeks, something tells me that shit is about to get messy.” Sumire chuckled as she went to grab a cylinder container from her weapons vault, walking back to the lab table, she opened the container to reveal acid nearly bubbling at the surface. With a smile on her face and humming a tune once more, Sumire grabbed a pair of tweezers and one by one, dipped the two rings in the small vat of acid, the pieces of jewelry hissing as they were dissolved and eaten alive by the acid. Sumire discarded the tweezers and closed up the container of acid, placing it back into the vault.
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“And what’s done is done, finally, we’re fucking free of that bitch ass loser, haha!” Sumire squealed out a laugh before falling on the couch next to Malphas who only gave a lazy “yay” in response, Seizou only hummed and Aiko frowned, Sumire noticing immediately and looked at her little sister in concern. “What’s wrong, Ai?”
“I’m glad the operation was a success big sister but…I feel bad for Miss Miho…I looked at the footage of her in her room when the livestream was happening…she was in so much pain…” Aiko sorrowfully admitted, shyly fiddling with her gloves. Sumire and Malphas shared a soft look before Sumire sighed and moved to kneel down to her little sister.
“I get it, Aiko, I meant what I said to Miho, I really didn’t enjoy hurting her with what I did…but this was necessary, she won’t ever know what happened but she’ll be thankful that she never stayed in that marriage one day.” Sumire brought her into a hug, carefully rubbing her back, Aiko hugged back and rested her head on her shoulder. “I guess…but now Miss Miho is going to have to start over again, I’m afraid she’ll probably give up on finding love after this.”
Sumire only stayed silent for a minute before speaking up. “Seizou. What are the chances of Miho dating again?”
Seizou perked up at the sound of his name being called, automatically responding. “Seizou calculates that there is a 15% chance of Miho Kobayashi finding a significant other after today’s events, Seizou also calculates that the chance will decrease over approximately the next few months.”
Sumire sighed and Aiko winced, Seizou only continued to speak, ignoring his sisters’ reactions. “However, Seizou has seen support and public opinion of Miho Kobayashi grow exponentially since yesterday and has only continue to increase, Seizou hypothesizes that Miho Kobayashi will receive many suitors in the upcoming months.”
Sumire smiled and Aiko perked up. “See Aiko? There’s still hope for Miho, we just gotta give her time to heal, I’m sure she’ll bounce back from this in no time and when she does, we can work on finding her a proper, much better partner. How does that sound?”
Aiko beamed brightly, eyes shining in excitement at the thought of playing matchmaker. “Amazing, big sister!”
*Gives you the divorce papers* Happy Birthday Tomi!
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Also shave your fucking eyebrows
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bonesandthebees · 5 months
Oh shit it’s been so long. What was my set up again? Right, split-screens so I can see the text while writing. (I am vibrating with excitement, I’d bounce up and down if I could.)
Anyway, I love how Tomys, while being the capable one, is still very much a child who doesn’t know everything. He goes and gets bowls because they need to drink. He knows to boil the water first. He can catch a fish with his bare hands, somehow. But he can’t actually cook. And he can only stay optimistic for so long.
Meanwhile, Wilbur is completely immobilised. He can’t go anywhere and he has no survival training, but he does learn to cook the fish. And he learns to improve with it. Like Techno says, they taught him to think and thinking is thinking. It’s the same with fixing his leg. He has not been taught, but he’s smart enough to figure out something that works based on what he does know.
Also, these boys have so much trauma. Not just the nightmares. Wilbur is developing separation anxiety towards Tomys. I wonder if that will go away once they are back in the palace. Right now it makes sense. It’s a survival mechanism. If something happens to Tomys, he’s due a very slow and painful death. Meanwhile, both of them also have nightmares. Tomys worse, because he’s just a little kid.
And just [Then, his eyes locked onto Wilbur’s, and Wilbur watched as Tomys’ fear disappeared as quickly as it had appeared.] What if I screamed?! The trust. So much trust. That boy feels so safe even if Wilbur physically can’t defend him. It’s about not being alone. It’s about being saved before. It’s about wanting him to be okay.
These boys will be the death of me. I swear.
ahhh the nostalgia seeing an ask like this again. it's been too long spruce my friend.
I loved deciding what tommy could and couldn't do. he knows basic survival skills that'll keep him alive, but there's a difference between catching your own food and actually preparing it. cooking is something he and wilbur both have never touched before because they're rich kids. but at least they have water.
wilbur is very good at figuring things out on the fly and using his knowledge where he can. he's adaptive, so he does what he can to make up for the gaps in tommy's knowledge.
separation anxiety ah my beloved
tommy already trusts wilbur so much. before the L'mannes visit he looked up to wilbur as this cool older kid who knew a lot of stuff and acted like a stuck up prick but was pretty fun to mess with. there was already a sense of admiration and respect there, even if wilbur didn't realize tommy felt that way towards him. but now wilbur has saved his life. he's the older one who has all this random knowledge and in tommy's eyes, even if he's physically incapable of protecting him, if he has wilbur then he's safe. if he's alone he'll shutdown. he's only able to be so capable because he has wilbur to bounce off of.
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lmao so it was pouring rain today in greece so i couldn’t do shit but play the sims 4 & in one of the expansion packs they have a dubrovnik-like city included among the options & a presumably croatian family called markovic with a mom, dad & a kid
i decided to throw in some drama so i hooked up the dad w this actress i created who already had a baby from another guy & had him impregnate her AND his fiancee so that on the day of the wedding they would get caught cheating & the wedding would be ruined. it rained & his fiancee gave birth right after from the stress it was very dramatic. she was going to keep him in the house for the kids’ sakes but he started a kitchen fire & that was the last straw for her
meanwhile she’s a working single mom of two kids & absolutely losing it so she starts to hook up with santa claus for stress relief & wouldn’t you know it, she gets pregnant! santa is a bit blasé abt the whole thing but now she has a teenager, a toddler, and another baby in the house that she has to manage herself! so i was like i gotta lock santa DOWN.
unfortunately, he’s into long distance low commitment gfs which i should’ve known since he only comes once a year. i move him in, force him to propose & everything is gucci. he gets the mom pregnant AGAIN (these are all on the first try btw this bitch is fertile) but this time the wedding goes swimmingly & in fact, the ex husband is the officiant since santa became good friends with him even tho the mom stjll hates his guts
meanwhile, during all of this child neglect between fucking santa, going to work, & feeding babies, the first child/daughter becomes a lesbian obsessed with vampires & on a rainy thundery night who knocks upon the door but vladislav klaus? obvi i can’t miss a chance like that so i invite him in & ask him to turn her! so now they got a carmilla in the house feeding on santa bc she hates that he replaced her dad
her brother has it WORSE though. not only is his name severin but his mom completely ditched him after he grew up to look after santa’s babies & now he’s displaying lack of emotional control & he even has an earring at age 8. no one in that family is beating the lgbt allegations. so even though he is a chess prodigy & always picks up after himself, nobody gives a shit bc he doesn’t have those aryan lapland genes that santa brought & his mom resents him for being poor southeast european trash
finally, santa’s kids, frederick & fiona frost, are getting all the cuddles & toys the other kids never did & will reign supreme over severin once i move out his sister into the vampiric lair & leave his sorry ass to be cinderela’d by santa & his mom. i bet he wishes he moved in with his deadbeat dad in his studio now
p.s. apparently in the sims even if u turn a teenager into a vampire they still keep growing so sadly i can’t create a claudia scenario but i’m kinda glad bc now i can realize my original plan of the daughter (tomi, the game named her that don’t @ me) fucking her dad’s baby mama that he left HER mama for, tying up this family tragedy in the most fucked up bow. fin
p.p.s OH and i forgot to add, when the mom had the first santa baby (heh) she was sooo exhausted she passed out & severin just LEFT the house as a toddler & walked all the way to some random beach to shit his pants there & then a lady on a bike hit him on the way home akclwndlwnc
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zalifur-malphas · 2 years
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"Do you think my face is pretty?"
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Inspired by Junji Ito's Tomie!!!
Ref 👇
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Since you're here this far have some silly ass random Pony Town screenshots ft. John (me) and Amy (stinky fren)
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This shit does not look like the inside of the Martin's House
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falsebooles123 · 2 years
Finding The First Gay Kiss - Diary of a Big Ole Gay 12/19/22
Hey Whores I meant to do this on Saturday but I'm lazy.
I did a lot of random stuff which included figuring out where I can watch all 130+ films on my list which includes quite a few on HBO Max
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(like seriously why do they have Jean Cocteau Orpheus Trilogy on there is there some Gay Arthouse section that I don't know about)
so Lets Get Into It
Twelth Night (1910) dir. Charles Kent, Eugene Mullin
Twelth Night is arguable the Most Gay of the Shakespear films so lets watch all of them right. This one is a very basic and not that homoerotic. If I'm watching Shakespear I want Bishonen Drama
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(Why am I turned On? That's A Guy)
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Pandora's Box {Die Buchse Der Pandora} (1929) dir. G.W. Pabst
Based on the Lulu Duology by Frank Wedekind, Pandora's Box is a "Sex Tragedy" that is basically a moral tale. Its a story of degradation essentially if your familer with that fucked up hentai Emergence then you have the concept.
We follow a women named LULU, (not to be confused with lola lola??? from Blue Angel). who is basically a tomie type everyone wants to fuck her and everyone uses her at the same time.
A series of awful things happen and she eventually gets murdered by the literal Jack the Ripper, which if that isn't a metaphor for male sexual entitlement and slut shaming I don't know what is.
These morality tales feel very similar to other films we've seen like Manslaughter! and I don't Want to Be A Man where we have this contrast between this "Wild Child", a decadent hedonistic empowered woman, and her more conservative daddy dom who is like totally not a fascist hes just obsessed with the fall of rome.
Its hard not to see these films as fascist propaganda against the notion of decadence and degenarates and the aspects of queerness within them feel like they are meant to codify those aspects. After all the queers as hedonist fops isn't a hot take by any means.
I still like this film and I don't necessarily think of it as fascist propaganda but its also hard not to see these notions of decadence and hedonism from this lens or at least this conservative moral position.
What I mean is that its hard for me to understand the author as believing these things. Personally I love that all these women are telling men to fuck off and being on some hoe shit.
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The Wild Party (1929) dir. Dorothy Arzner
This film is on its surface a story of Clara Bow being a Wild Child albiet one with actually depth and its her lack of responsibilty and immaturity thats criticized not the fact that she likes to drink and drive cars. She has a very hot and cold relationship with a man which is so emblamatic of this era of romance and overall its a lot of straight nonsense which is not the last time your'll here me say that.
What Makes this different is that Arzner is a lesbian
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so even though this film is very very very straight on the surface its kinda gay visual, this shit has the lesbian gaze. We Stan
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Blood and Sand (1922) dir. Fred Niblo
That Gif is from the 1941 film but its also as heterosexual.
The reason why this is on the list is because on the talk page for WINGS (1927) some guy mentions how this film had a gay kiss in it. The reason why noone mentions it is because 5 minutes in some dude kisses a dead guy on the cheek and then its another 120 minutes of a guy being so straight its boring. Wow i'm a man I can't stop falling dick first into some vagina that doesn't belong to my wife.
You don't even get to be gay for Rudolf Valentino in this because its so boring and blandly shot.
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Murder! (1930) dir. Alfred Hitchcock
So this film is not very gay, its definetly cool and I'm kinda glad that I get to watch Hitchcock Films for this project.
Hitchcock was kinda weird when it came to gay shit. He loved to put these queer coded characters and he constantly employed or involved himself with other queer persons, (the writer for Jamacia Inn and The Birds was suposedly Bisexual).
The reason why this is on the list is as a primer for Hitchcocks more explicity queer coded villians, in this film it is a female impersonater who kills because it is about to be revealed that he is "half-caste", (the version I watched had spanish subtitles and the translation was 'Mestiza' so its pretty clear the tone of the term).
Hitchcock has this obsession with it which totally doesn't come off as closeted gay homophobia. So expect more of him to come.
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Morocco (1930) dir. Josef Von Sternberg
Yes we finally get to all the famous gay moments in history, lets get into it.
so the scene in question comes in very early into the film where Marlene Dietrich, (who is also Sapphic), dresses up in tails for a Caberet Act. As we all know caberet is super gay and in her butch mode she steals a kiss from a women. The film itself doesn't make a big deal of it and in general its very much lesbian bating for a straight male audience.
On the other hand this film in my mind has a bisexual gaze, its a lot of men and women pining over each other and being sort of gender expansicve??? Like I can't explain what makes a film Bisexual but this is one of them.
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(my definition is that everyones hot for no reason and everyones just kinda slutty??? like you just want to kiss every single person openly on their sweet little mouth.)
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Madchen In Uniform (1931) dir. Carl Froelich, Leontine Sagan
So one of the first films with an all female cast this is also the most explicetly gay film I've ever seen. Like pretty much only Anders die al Aldern comes close and that one literally has a lecture by Magnus Hirschfield.
this one features a scene where this girls teacher/matron kisses her on the lips to say goodnight instead of on the head and wow that gay. Like this film said Mommy this film said praise kink. This film is honestly a kinky lesbians wet dream, (can women have wet dreams we asked 10 men).
this film is just generally queer but strangly enough it also got a lot of criticism for its anti-authotarian messaging. Regardless I found this shit on youtube go watch it.
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Various Comedies.
On this list is also Doughboys (1930), Sidewalks of New York (1931), The Play House (1921). There not in the possible bit queer but I watch them as part of getting background on the whole Role Reversal Drag Trope.
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Everything Else
Mabel and Fatty's Wash Day (1915) dir Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle
Hidden (2020) dir Jafar Panahi
The Kiosk (2020) dir Alexandra Pianelli, which is actually a really lovely documentary which you should find if you can, this is not to be confused with Kiosk(2013) dir Anete Melece, which is a very lovely animated short that you should definetly seen.
Anyway whores I'm gonna talk to you in about a weeks time so stay frosty.
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kiwiorcore · 7 months
🍓 🕯️ 🍄 ❄️
i talked way more than i intended to. sorry i tend to yap a lot
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
the first fanfiction i ever wrote was, i shit you not, voltron fanfiction in the back of one of my old english books. i vividly remember making myself a self insert and everything. the moment i realised i could write myself hanging out with my favourite characters i was unstoppable. i genuinely loved writing my little self insert fics about whatever my favourite piece of media was at the time. percy jackson, fnaf, dsmp (unfortunately), you name it i probably wrote it. slightly embarassed to admit i still write self insert fics but they stay locked in the vault
i eventually moved to writing on my computer on word documents then to my google drive and random snippets in my notes app. i randomly started writing in the present tense one day for an experimental fic and it just turned into my style i suppose.
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
it really depends on how good i feel the fic originally was. i always let finished fics stew for a couple days at least before i go back and edit it. sometimes it's really fun to go back and see what themes i was thinking of at the time and stuff. sometimes editing a fic is like pulling teeth. some fics require an hour, multiple pacing breaks, and youtube open in the next tab. everything i've ever written just makes me want to crawl under my desk and die. but that's a minority i think
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
hmmm. my favourite ship at the moment is dec/kiwi tbh (recency bias tomi/kiwi will always have my heart but im starved for content). my very specific brainworm of the week is that they're both very physically affectionate so they're almost always touching each other in some way.
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
i desperately need someone to write a heist x supernatural au. i love purefractal's heist au fic so much but heist AND powers?? im convinced that would fix me on a fundamental level.
that and a hybrid/shifter au. unbelievable cliche and overdone but idk something about it scratches my brain in just the right way
who would write it best? i don't even know. im partial to JIWONSWIFE on ao3 because i enjoy their writing style a lot but i think purefractals or you (ms longeyelashedtragedy) could write them well
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naughtyneganjdm · 3 years
Misery at The Commonwealth - Chapter 1
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Summary: Finding a new home where things can go back to normal should be a good experience, but for Y/N it's misery when the man she loves is no longer in love with her. Will meeting someone new help her or will she find herself lost in her past and afraid to let go?
Characters: Negan, the reader (OC), Tomi
Warnings: Angst, sadness, talk of miscarriage, etc. 
Notes: This is only going to be a short three chapter story. I had a dream I wrote this. Why? I don't know. I was talking to my friend about the actor that played Tomi, so maybe that's why. Either way, I dreamt it, so I guess my brain wanted to write it.
This is a very angsty fic, with a lot of sadness and in this chapter, I do want to warn people that there is talk of miscarriage if that kind of thing bothers you. I want you to be prepared for that. I also have no idea what they are doing with Negan in 11B, anything more than what we've learned about Tomi's character and I also decided that the woman that we saw Negan with in the trailer for 11B is going to Janine from Negan's past (no idea who she is). Just a head's up.
As always, Y/N ='s your name or whatever name you would like to put in there!
Things were supposed to be getting better. Not worse. Life had been falling to shit in Alexandria. With the lack of food, little to no resources and just overall the mental health of those that were living there was low. Coming to The Commonwealth should have been a good thing. Here there was protection. You didn’t always have to worry about if the walls were going to be falling down around Alexandria. At The Commonwealth, things were how they used to be before the dead starting walking. Albeit, they were a little more behind in comparison to how things used to be, but at least life was somewhat normal there. Even if it felt like they were living almost in the fifties, but it was still better than always wondering when your next meal was going to be.  
The people who ran The Commonwealth had Y/N working her job, doing whatever she had to in order to keep this place going. It was focusing on her talents and what she was good at. It was something that made her happy. Sure, there were rules, but a lot of people here would have loved to have a life like this. She should have been in better spirits, but she was miserable. Here she was sitting at the middle of town again at one of the picnic tables they had there. She was waiting. It’s what she did a lot of the time in order to just see him.
Lowering her head, she gazed down at the ring that she had on her finger. Tracing her thumb over the small diamond that was over the golden band, she felt her chest aching. A few months ago, this ring stood for so much more than it did now. It wasn’t an extravagant ring, but it was something that genuinely used to mean a lot to her.
“You look like you could use some company,” a voice surprised her making Y/N lift her head to see the charming smile of the man before her. His accent lingered making her tip her head to the side while he stood beside the table. “I’m sorry for shocking you. It’s just every day I see you out here all alone and you always look very sad. I thought I might be able to offer you something to make you feel just a little bit better. For today at least.”
“Whatever you’re trying to offer, I don’t think it’s what I want,” she informed him with a weak smile. There was something comforting in the way that the man was staring at her. Even if she wasn’t used to random strangers coming up to her here in The Commonwealth, she appreciated someone finally taking notice of her. The dark eyes of the man before her were bright and full of optimism. Something she wasn’t used to. There was a smile plastered over his rather charming features that made her drop her guard down if even for a little with him. “Nor will it make me feel better.”
“I think you’re wrong,” the man articulated while pulling out something from behind his back to set it down on the table before her. When she realized what he had set before her, she felt confused. It made her nose wrinkle when she realized it was a piece of pie. It looked fresh with a small line of steam rising from it. “I think sweets can help anyone feel better.”
“What are you? The local baker here or something?” she was almost joking, but when he nodded and pointed back in the corner toward the bakery that she had somehow missed this whole time she felt exceedingly stupid. “I didn’t even realize…”
“It’s okay. I know you’re new here and you likely haven’t had the chance to learn everything about this place yet,” the stranger looked around the space that they were in, his hands settling on his waist while he stood before her. How had the baker taken notice of her, yet no one else in this town had even tried to make themselves known? “May I take a seat with you?”
The stranger pointed to the chair that was across from her making her clear her throat uneasily, “If you would rather just enjoy your pie alone, I can leave you be.”
“I mean, it’s a free world here, right? So feel free and sit,” she responded to his question, her eyes looking nervously upon him when he lowered down into the seat across from her. She still hadn’t really gotten to know anyone while she was at The Commonwealth because people were still unsure of her. So it was hard getting to fit in. Plus, she had no idea what this man even wanted. It was safe to say that her social skills wouldn’t be top notch as of right now. “You didn’t do anything to this?”
“I promise you it is a delicious piece of cherry pie,” he tapped his fingers against the top of the table, offering up another welcoming smile drawing her attention to just how bright his pearly white smile was. “I guess I should introduce myself. I am Tomi. I work over at the bakery. Maybe you know my sister Yumiko?”
“Oh, yeah,” she nodded her head when he introduced himself to her. When he said that, she tried to recall Yumiko’s features to see if they looked similar in her mind. He had to be telling her the truth. There was no reason for him to lie like that. Especially over something that could be disproven so easily if she had the initiative to actually go in search of Yumiko. “Well it’s nice to meet you, Tomi. My name is Y/N.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Y/N,” Tomi reached out to extend his hand to her, taking her hand delicately in his to give it a polite shake. “I hate to bother you, but as of the last few days I’ve noticed you come to this same picnic table every day. I don’t mean to intrude, but you always look very down and I thought you could potentially use a friend. And if that’s pushing too much onto you, at least you could enjoy that piece of pie on me.”
“That’s very nice of you,” she looked down at the pie knowing that she wasn’t eager to turn it away after everything she had to eat originally at Alexandria. It was just she had a hard time trusting strangers after going through the world like how it was previously outside of The Commonwealth. “Are you sure there is nothing wrong with this?”
“I promise you there is nothing wrong with it. If you would like me to take a bite of it first, I can do that to you. Just scoop up a piece and drop it into my hand,” he volunteered reaching his hand out allowing her to do what he told her. Tossing the piece of pie into his mouth, he chewed it down and showed her that he ate it. “I understand you must be cautious of people, so I’m sorry if I’ve made you feel uncomfortable here already.”
“It’s not you,” she frowned knowing that she felt like an asshole for forcing him to prove that nothing was wrong with the pie. It didn’t seem to bother him much though, so that was at least nice. Poking at the pie for a few seconds, she knew that she needed to just jump right in. Finally bringing a forkful of the warm, sweet dessert to her lips, she let out a hum of approval when the gooey filling hit her tongue. Swallowing it down made her hum in approval. The tart cherries brought forth a smile over her face when she realized how long it had been since she had something this delectable. Between the flaky, buttery crust and the sweetness of the cherry filling, she found herself impressed. “You made this?”
“I did,” Tomi was proud of himself and pleased with her reaction. “See, that is the small expression of joy that I was looking for. That small smile you just gave. That’s why I bake. Even when people are at their saddest, when they have something good to eat it helps them forget their woes. If even just for a few seconds.”
“I can’t tell you the last time I ate something like this Tomi. It reminds me of when I was a child. Although, it’s probably better than anything I had a child,” she explained trying to not speak with a mouthful. It was sad how fast she actually ate down the pie that he gave her. An embarrassed flush filled her cheeks when she noticed that he was watching her eat with a grin on his face. “I’m sorry, I’m probably scoffing this down like a pig.”
“No, you look quite graceful while eating it actually,” Tomi gave her a wink, his dimples drawing attention to his beautiful smile again. This wasn’t exactly something that Y/N was used to. People being nice to her was not an everyday occurrence. Especially considering the fact that even Alexandria wasn’t fond of her for the most part either. “I hate to put my nose in places where it doesn’t belong, but my sister always did tell me it ran in the family. It always seems like you’re here waiting for someone. Someone that never shows up to be with you. And you’re just left sad. I don’t know. I just figured maybe you would like someone to talk to. Sometimes talking to a stranger is easier.”
“That’s very nice of you Tomi. I have to be honest with you and tell you that I’m not used to people being nice and caring like this. Especially when it comes to me. So, you will have to forgive me if my reaction to your act of kindness isn’t the best,” she remarked, finishing up with the pie that he had brought for her. It was the first thing she had eaten since she had gotten here that she genuinely very much enjoyed. There were things that were special all around town, but she knew that they weren’t free. These were things that you had to work to pay for. The small treats here and there were nice, but they usually came at a cost. A cost that she wasn’t ready to pay for just yet with the money that she had earned at The Commonwealth. “I assume you want me to pay you for that.”
“Oh no, it’s on me,” Tomi waved his hand in the air dismissively making her let out a long, shallow breath. “I didn’t come out here to try to promote the bakery. I just came out here because after a few days it just looked like maybe you could use a friend. Like I said, if I’m overstepping my boundaries, you can tell me to get lost and I’ll never bother you again.”
“Well now that I’ve had your pie, I think I’m going to have to be seeing you more,” she gave a half-smile that made him brighten up hearing. It made him happy to hear that maybe he wasn’t bothering her after all. “Truthfully? I’m waiting to see someone. Someone that always shows up, but…he’s not here to be with me.”
“Oh?” Tomi’s right eyebrow arched in curiosity when he looked around him to see if anyone was around them. Tipping his head down, he spoke up in almost a whisper as if this was a secret between the two of them. “Is it someone that I know?”
“I don’t know. Maybe. He does sometimes draw attention with his personality,” she admitted, swallowing down the lump that was in her throat. Stroking her thumb over the back of her hand, she focused on the ring that was on her finger again and cleared her throat. “It’s my husband.”
“Oh? You’re married?” Tomi slid in closer now noticing the ring that was over her finger that she was looking at. “I don’t understand. Are the two of you fighting or…?”
“It’s complicated I guess,” she felt her face get warm at the thought. Why was she being open to some stranger about the way she was feeling? The things she was going through no one would want to hear about. Especially those from Alexandria. “I suppose we’re not together anymore. I don’t know how things are supposed to work now. We got in a fight a little while before we came here.”
“Well surely that doesn’t mean that he’s not your husband anymore?” Tomi was confused with the way that she was speaking. Almost immediately upon lifting her head, Tomi could see the color draining from her face when she obviously spotted someone. The sight made her lower her head to look down at her hands that were resting in her lap. Turning his head in the direction that she was looking, Tomi saw a man and woman walking together. They were holding hands and his eyes narrowed when he looked at the two of them together. Glancing back at Y/N, Tomi could see that there was a sadness in her face while the couple walked in the street together. Looking over his shoulder, he could see the hazel eyes of the man gazing over at them before continuing on his way with his walk. “The husband I presume?”
“Mhmm,” she nodded her head making Tomi look back again toward the two that were walking. “His name is Negan.”
“Negan?” Tomi repeated the name, his head tipping to the side while he looked off in the distance toward where the couple was now that they were down the street a ways. They were facing each other talking and smiling. They seemed very affectionate toward each other when the man stepped forward to stroke his fingers over the woman’s face to meet her in a kiss. “Okay, I’m very confused. I’m sorry for pressing this further, but that’s your husband and you’re allowing that?”
“We uh, we had a fight because he was unhappy with something that I did while we were living in Alexandria. He left and walked out. He went on a run with Maggie who you probably know and he never came back. Originally, I thought they killed him. I thought something horrible happened to him even though they insisted that he just left of free will,” she recalled what it was like when that fear ate her alive when the group returned without Negan. It was taking everything inside of her not to get worked up and emotional in front of Tomi. She was mess. He would undoubtedly see that within time and then he would realize it was probably for the best that he left her be. “Then they came and brought us here. A few weeks after, I saw him here…with her. I don’t know the story fully because he hasn’t talked to me. The last time we spoke was when he walked out. Now he’s the gym teacher here clearly dating someone else and I’m here with this ring that he gave me not exactly sure what is going on. I just thought she was someone he helped along the way, but when I saw them kiss the other day, I realized that I was no longer important in his life. So, I guess you were originally right. I’m waiting for someone while also being exceedingly sad seeing the man that I love with someone else.”
“Oh wow,” Tomi sighed loudly, his body language showing that he had no idea what to say or what to do in order to comfort her or make her feel better. “Again, I’m sorry for being invasive, but what exactly did you have a fight about?”
“It’s…it’s complicated,” she shifted in her seat knowing that Negan had been exceedingly mad at her for what she had done, but she had done it in the name of love so she never really thought it would come to this point.
“I can’t believe you did this, even after I asked you not to!” Negan’s voice raised from where he was standing in the doorway of the bathroom of the place they were staying at together in Alexandria. His face was red, his hazel eyes angry while she sat on the edge of the bathtub with a cloth pressed up to her split open lip. “I begged you to just keep your head down. The less attention that was brought on me, the better. Maggie had me in her sights before this and now she’s going to fuck with me even more because of you.”
“I asked her to leave you alone,” Y/N replied making Negan’s head tip to the side while he rest against the doorframe. Negan was fuming. He was upset with her and he wasn’t hiding that at all. “I’ve watched people terrorize you this whole time. I’ve watched you earn the respect of people here, but as soon as she returns it doesn’t matter if you’ve been part of this community longer than she has. Maggie says jump and these people ask her how high. I was sick of seeing you being treated like shit, when you have earned your place here more than Maggie has over the last decade.”
“I was handling it,” Negan corrected her, his brow line furrowing when she pulled the cloth away from her mouth to see how much she was still bleeding.
“By putting your head down and letting them walk all over you?” she retorted with a shake of her head. The sound of Negan’s breathing was loud and it had never been like this with them. They never fought. This was the first time they really had such a horrible disagreement. “You’re not that guy that has to be locked up in the cell anymore Negan. You have helped to rebuild this community. You have stood up for these people and saved them more times than I can count.”
“But that doesn’t mean we should walk around pissing people off. You were the only person in this place that I could count on,” Negan reminded her, his eyebrows full of emotion when she stood up from the side of the bathtub to approach them. “I thought you were the one person that understood me here.”
“I love you Negan. That’s why this happened,” she reached out to touch his face with her free hand, but he reached up with his arm to block her from touching him. “I was just trying to stand up for you Negan. I don’t understand what is going on here. I love you.”
“I specifically asked you to keep a low profile. I thought I could trust you,” Negan held his hand up in the air, his jaw flexing while he spoke to her. There was a strong disappointment that was in his eyes. “Fuck, you were the one person that I thought would do anything to keep me safe from…her.”
“That’s what I was trying to do,” she reasoned with Negan knowing that he had been her world since they had found each other. Okay, so they really hadn’t found each other. She was one of the members of Alexandria that would occasionally take him his meals at first. They got to talking, spending more time together when she’d visit him in his cell. One thing led to another where they were more intimate than she ever thought she would be with the ‘monster’ that was locked up in the basement prison at Alexandria. The day that Negan had escaped from the cell and went out on his own, he had come back with a wedding ring that he had found. When Negan asked her to marry him, she was shocked, but she loved him so much so she said yes. They didn’t exactly have a real ceremony, but it was real enough for them. He wore a ring that was on a black string around his neck and she never took the ring he gave her off. “I asked her to just give you a break. I reasoned with her like an adult. I swear I was being nice.”
“And that’s how you ended up with that, huh?” Negan pointed his finger out to where she was bleeding, circling his finger around in the air. “By being nice?”
“She said something nasty and I responded that she should actually be trying to be a good mother instead of having all of her focus on you. She hit me for that,” she explained knowing that she had barely said anything wrong for Maggie to snap on her like she did. “With her hitting me like she was, I had to defend myself Negan.”
“And now I’m fucked,” Negan groaned moving out of the bathroom that they were in to pace in the living room. He yanked his fingers through his hair letting out a tense breath. “Maggie wants me dead Y/N! At least with me keeping my head down, I was able to slide under her radar as much as possible. Now after you did this, I guarantee she is going to want to get me back. I’m going to be prime enemy number fucking one.”
“Negan, someone had to call her out on her shit,” she reasoned with him, reaching out to touch his shoulder but he pulled away from her again like her touch was fire. “I love you. I just want to see you finally be able to live life like you deserve.”
“And what you managed to do was put my head on a fucking chopping block,” Negan was seething with anger when she visibly still didn’t understand what she had done wrong. “Because of you, she’s going to be focused solely on me. All that anger and hatred she has had pent up inside is going to be even worse. You are my wife. Therefore you are part of me Y/N. What the hell were you thinking?”
“I was thinking of your better health,” she appealed to Negan, not understanding why he was acting this way about things when she did what she did out of love for him.
“People already hate us enough though. You because you are married to me and me because…I’m me,” Negan frowned, reaching up to pinch at the bridge of his nose where an ache filtered through his entire head. “I can’t deal with this. I really thought I trusted you and you broke the fucking trust Y/N. You fucking broke it.”
“Because I love you,” she called out to him when he headed for the door and grabbed a tight hold of the knob. “I did it because I love you. It’s not like I came out of this thing unscathed Negan. You are everything to me and I was trying to do what was best for us.”
“No, you were trying to do what was best for you,” Negan corrected her making her chest ache upon hearing that. “I knew what was best for me. I told you what was best for me. Instead you had to go in guns blazing. We could have just continued to stay under the radar, but you did this instead. I’m so incredibly disappointed with you.”
“I don’t understand,” she frowned, her arms dropping down at her sides with a confused sound. “Negan, I just thought I would do what was right to protect you. For you.”
“And that’s what makes this whole thing worse,” Negan scoffed, his face scrunching up showing that he was fuming. It was like he wanted to say something more, but he yanked open the door and walked out. The slam that followed with the door still resonated with her making her wish she would have gone after him in that moment because it was the last time she had gotten to talk to him.
“Uhm, it’s complicated,” she swallowed down hard knowing that she got lost in her own thoughts. Honestly, she didn’t think what she did was reason enough for Negan to leave her and never return back to her. “Maggie was in charge. She was giving him a hard time for something he did in the past. My husband wasn’t the best of people in the past, but he grew. He became a better man. He had growth. He was a different man. I asked Maggie to give him a break and we got into a fight. It upset him because he specifically asked me to just let it happen and keep my head down.”
“Well, that seems like a silly reason to walk out on you when you just had good intentions,” Tomi spoke up and while she agreed with him, visibly Negan felt differently about things. “I’m so very sorry to hear that. I don’t know what to say.”
“You don’t have to say anything at all,” she frowned, twisting the ring that was over her finger a few times. “I’m sorry for throwing all that on you. You didn’t want to know that.”
“I asked,” Tomi reminded her with a frown, reaching out to place his hand in over her arm in a supportive squeeze. “Would another piece of pie help?”
“With how I’m feeling Tomi, I might just eat the whole damn pie so I’m going to politely say no,” she hesitantly laughed making him smile when she said it out loud. It hurt, but she was trying to make a joke of the whole thing. “It was nice of you to just come over here in the first place.”
“I tell you what? How about tonight around seven you come over to my place? We’ll meet here. I’ll make you something nice to eat and then we can go for a walk around the place. I could show you some hidden gems,” Tomi invited making her feel surprised since Tomi was really the first person that showed any sense of emotion toward her. “I promise I’m not a weirdo. I just know how hard it is to make friends here at first. Fitting in is especially hard and I think more than ever you could really use a friend.”
“I don’t want you to feel sorry for me,” she nervously stammered hating that someone just saw her as a broken person that needed help fitting in. “It’s my own fault that this happened.”
“But it doesn’t mean you don’t have feelings and emotions,” Tomi pointed out, standing up slowly from the table making her eyes follow his movement. “So what do you say? We meet back here at seven tonight? I promise I will make something delicious for dessert.”
“I don’t know,” she thought to herself knowing that for the longest time she thought Negan would talk to her, but the longer she was here the more she realized that he wasn’t. “I’m still married…well, at least in my own mind I am. I’m not sure I am ready for anything else.”
“I just want to be friends Y/N,” Tomi explained placing his hand over the center of his chest to stress that he was sincere. “I promise you, that’s all I want out of this.”
“Okay,” she agreed seeing his dimples sink in once he smiled from her agreement. “I guess I will see you here tonight at seven.”
“Great,” Tomi rubbed his hands together, nodding back toward the bakery. “I will see you then.”
“Tomi?” she called out to him, making him stop in his tracks to give her his full attention. Standing up from the table, she thought of what the right thing to say was. “Thank you.”
“For what?” Tomi searched her eyes when she stepped in closer to him, shoving her hands into her pockets while she stood before him feeling weird about the whole thing. “I told you the pie was no big deal.”
“For treating me like I’m a human and I’m not invisible,” she answered knowing that for so long she felt like an unimportant being. At least now, she knew that someone saw her and that was incredibly nice to finally be seen.
Standing in front of the mirror, Y/N knew that it was six-thirty and she would have to be heading out soon to see Tomi like they had agreed previously. Getting ready was hard. She didn’t know what was acceptable these days. There was that need for him to know that she only wanted to be friends, but she still wanted to be presentable. It was just such a strange concept because for once she actually had to care about her appearance when she just did whatever she could before at Alexandria.
Bracing her hands in over the sink in her bathroom of her apartment, she sighed and lowered her head. She felt like such a fool for being like this and it was silly. Worrying about how she looked and how she dressed shouldn’t have been something that was even on her mind.
Giving herself one final look, she nodded and headed out of the bathroom toward her living area to grab her jacket that was on the couch. Pulling it up over her shoulders, she made sure that everything was presentable before heading out. Sure, it was a little early, but it was better to be early than it was to be late.
Heading for the door, she pulled it open letting out a gasp when she saw Negan standing before her at the door looking like he was about to knock on the door. A nervous breath fell from her throat when Negan offered up a faint smile and shoved his hands deep into the pockets of his pants.
“Negan?” she muttered his name surprised to finally see him before her. The sight of him alone had her heart hammering inside of her chest. He was wearing a black button-down shirt that was open with a black shirt underneath.
“Were you going somewhere?” Negan questioned, his eyebrows furrowing when he pushed his shoulders up into a shrug. After this long, he shows up asking her what she’s planning. Was she imagining this in her head hoping that after this long it was Negan that she was planning on meeting up with?
“I…was,” she swallowed down hard knowing that it was early anyways, so she wouldn’t mind if she was just on time if it meant getting to spend some time with Negan.  
“Well, I mean if you are busy and shit, I can come back another time,” Negan offered, pointing down toward the steps that were behind him and she quickly shook her head. Stepping aside, she made room for him to enter her apartment and waved him in.
“It’s okay, I was heading out early anyways. I still have like a half an hour,” she explained when Negan slowly stepped into her apartment to take a look around at things when he got in there.
With Negan looking around her apartment, she felt a sense of hope that he was finally there with her after he hadn’t spoken to her in so long. Maybe with her sitting with Tomi earlier had drawn his attention back to her. Closing the door, she moved in closer to him while they stood in the center of the living room.
“You being early. That sounds like you,” Negan snickered, looking back at her over his shoulder. Negan joking about how things used to be with her at Alexandria? What was that all about? “Your place looks like it’s been barely lived in and you got here before I did.”
“Well, I just go to work and come back to sleep,” she honestly stated knowing that she didn’t want to get too comfortable in the place knowing that any moment they could decide that they no longer wanted her there. Negan’s eyes spotted something making him turn on his heel to head over toward the fireplace where she had a few pictures of them together there. Negan reached for a photo to pick up to survey it over. A smirk tugged in over the corners of his lips before a half laugh fell from his throat. The pictures that he was looking at were the only personal things she had that she brought here. They brought her a sense of joy of when things were actually good between them. She put them up there before Negan had even shown up at The Commonwealth. For the longest time she genuinely thought Negan was dead so it kept her hope alive that he was still here. “Those were really all I had.”
“Yeah,” Negan simply nodded setting the frame back down on the fireplace making her feel uncomfortable when he paced. “I’ve been meaning to come and see you. I know I should have done this sooner, but I thought it was time that we finally had this talk.”
There was a silence between them when she shifted on her feet uncomfortably. Negan pointed toward the couch after pulling his right hand out from his pocket. A deep sigh fell from his lips, “I think maybe you should sit down.”
“Okay,” she did as he suggested, taking a seat while keeping her eyes locked on him when he stood before her. This was an odd way to open the first conversation they had had since Alexandria. “I can’t tell you how happy I was to see that you were alive. When they came back without you, I was so scared. I thought they killed you. They insisted you just left, but I didn’t believe them. Especially after everything that Maggie pulled before you left. My heart was broken and I was so worried that…”
“Yeah, well…” Negan interrupted her, his face scrunching up when he thought of what to say. It made her uncomfortable, but she stayed silent before him. “I guess I should just get straight to the point here. I was coming to ask you for the ring back.”
“What?” she blurt out, taking a moment to gather herself when she looked down at her finger where the wedding ring that he had given her was. Negan stroked at the side of his face and nodded slowly. “I don’t understand.”
“I just think it’s time. You know?” Negan stammered, his hazel eyes seeming to lack any kind of emotion when she reached out to drag her fingers over the ring. It was something that she had cherished for the longest time, so even the suggestion of giving it back to him made her whole body hurt with sadness. “Since we’re not together anymore. I just think it makes sense that you give me the ring back.”
“I never realized that we weren’t together anymore,” she pointed out feeling like the room was spinning around her. Originally, she just thought this was a thing that Negan needed to go through before finally coming back to her. Before the apocalypse, that’s how sometimes things were.  
“What the hell did you think happened? I left and I never came back Y/N. That’s pretty obvious this whole thing was over,” Negan snorted in almost a cruel fashion making her feel exceedingly stupid when her cheeks flushed over with warmth. “I mean you had to have seen I’m with someone else. I don’t know what you think was going on. Did you just think I was out to get my dick wet and after I got the right amount of what I wanted, I would just come back to you with open arms? Wouldn’t I have come to you the moment I found out you were here if that was going to happen?”
“Please don’t mock me,” she begged seeing the way that his eyes narrowed while staring out at her. Her eyes teared over and the lump in her throat grew while Negan slouched before her letting out an overwhelmed breath. “I don’t understand why you left in the first place. I love you Negan. You’re everything to me.”
“Yeah, I can see that,” Negan pointed back toward the fireplace mantle where the photos were still up. Dramatically Negan circled his finger in the air before throwing his hands up making her feel ridiculous. “Those are…something else.”
“Wow,” she felt terrible realizing that he was making her sound like a creep for having the photos up that they had taken when he had gotten out of his cell throughout certain occasions. “You never said we were over. You just left Negan. I’m not some creep for still loving you.”
“You don’t think it’s weird keeping those photos up when you’ve seen me with someone else?” Negan snorted making her cheeks flush over with warmth when he walked over to the mantle to look at the memories she had of them together displayed. “I know you were an emotional woman Y/N, but I never pegged you to be pathetic.”
When he said that, a hurt breath fell from her lungs making his eyebrows bounce up after he looked back at her over his shoulder, “I just thought it was a phase Negan. You never said we were over. You never said anything at all.”
“Well now I’m saying it. It’s not like we have to file any paperwork,” Negan reasoned with her letting out a tense laugh. “We tried having a marriage. It didn’t work. Now we’re ending it. It’s as easy as that.”
“Not in this town it isn’t,” she pointed out knowing that she had to answer a million things before they even considered allowing her into The Commonwealth. “I told them that I was married to someone. Someone that…”
“And I told them that I was with Janine. So we don’t have to worry. Your husband can be someone else completely and I’m not him,” Negan rubbed his hands together making her feel exceedingly bad about the whole thing all together. Yet, that name drew her to think back on a story he had told her. “I just think it’s time that we finally went our separate ways for good.”
“Janine?” she repeated the name that she heard making Negan frown when he headed for the other side of the couch to sit down on it. “As in the name of the girl that you cheated on your late wife with? The one she found out about?”
“Actually yeah,” Negan nodded his head, the muscle in his jaw flexing when she called him out on one of the truths that he had told her when they first started getting close. “When I left the group after realizing that it was never going to be okay between Maggie and I…I found Janine. She was with a group and I saved her. Things just hit it off really fast. I don’t know, she reminds me of the way things used to be.”
“That would really make Lucille happy, wouldn’t it?” she realized that she was crying which made her feel even more pathetic while Negan sat at the other end of the couch acting so cold to everything that they had.
“Well Lucille isn’t here anymore and she’s honestly the closest thing I have to her,” Negan swallowed down, his hazel eyes searching hers. The way Negan was acting wasn’t like Negan in any fashion of the sense. Sure, Negan had been a dick to others, but he was never an asshole to her. Other than their fight, they had always gotten along. Negan’s eyes returned to the ring and he bit at his bottom lip. “I know this is throwing this on you unexpectedly, but we didn’t work out Y/N. Things just weren’t right between us.”
“We never fought Negan. Never. Except for that one fight that made you leave,” she reminded him when he hooked his fingers together at the center of his lap. “I thought everything was okay. We were happy. We enjoyed each other’s company, we had fun together. You loved me. I loved you…”
“Yeah. You were the only person that treated me like a human there,” Negan agreed with her giving a bob of his head. “I think I just confused your kindness for something more because I had been lacking a connection with the outside world for so long. I thought what I was feeling was love. And yeah, the sex was great…”
His words hit her hard when he said those things making her lower her head, a whimper falling from her throat when she heard that. Was that his way of saying that he didn’t love her ever? Feeling her body tensing up, she lifted her head and let out a desperate breath, “Is this because of the baby? I know we had a miscarriage and we were trying to get pregnant again. I know we were having troubles. That puts a strain on people sometimes when they’re in relationships. I know you wanted a child and I…”
“It wasn’t meant to be,” Negan cut her off making the first sense of emotion flood over his features when she brought up the baby that they had lost in her miscarriage.
“Are you leaving me because I couldn’t give you a baby?” her bottom lip tremored and Negan let out a tight groan, lowering his head down into his hands. “We can keep trying Negan. I can be healthy here. They have vitamins. Doctors…”
“I don’t want to be with you anymore Y/N. I found something. Something real with Janine,” Negan insisted with a shake of his head. It hurt hearing him saying all of this because for so long the only thing she cared for was Negan. “I don’t love you.”
“That’s not true. You loved me,” she slid across the couch near him, reaching out to drag her fingers over the side of his face. Tracing her fingertips through the short stubble that covered his jawline, she tried to get him to look at her. “We were happy.”
Drawing him to her, she brought his lips to hers and attempted to kiss him feeling his body tense against hers. It took a minute before Negan started to kiss her back with that passion they once had for each other. At first it seemed like it brought them back to a place that they were before they fought. Before he walked out. With each passing second, Negan’s body loosened up to the idea of kissing her again. There was no doubt that taste of her tears may have lingered, but with his thumb drawing small lines over the side of her face she felt like maybe everything would be okay again. That was until she felt Negan pulling from her angrily and reaching up to drag his thumb in over his bottom lip to collect the taste of her from his lips.
“What we had was nice. We both needed someone to be there for us in that time period, but it’s over,” Negan drew his thumb between his lips to suck softly at it before giving her a dark glance again. “Sometimes things just don’t work out. I know this is hard. I know that you love me…”
“And what are you going to do? Huh? If I give you the ring back. Are you just going to give it to her to use for her?” she blurt out making Negan’s face go pale when she said that to him. A frustrated laugh fell from her throat when she realized that was what he was thinking. “Oh my God.”
“Not immediately. Just, if things ever worked out,” Negan explained making her stand up from the couch to pace the living room. “It’s the one ring that I have. I just…”
“I can’t believe this,” she headed for the doors to the balcony that looked over the town. Grasping tightly to the railing that was there, she took in a long inhale trying to get herself to calm down. When the footsteps of Negan moving outside behind her was heard, she looked over her shoulder to see Negan heading out onto the balcony with one of the photos that she had on the mantle of them together in his hands. “You know when everyone told me that you were an asshole, I didn’t want to believe them. I saw something more than they did.”
“I’m not an asshole for falling out of love with you,” Negan defended himself when she swallowed down hard and let out a shuddering breath.
“You never loved me in the first place,” she thought back to what he had told her previously, looking back over her shoulder at him with tears over her face. “You have to make up your mind here Negan. Did you fall out of love with me or did you never love me in the first place?”
“What do you want me to say to you?” Negan threw his hands up in the air, still keeping the frame clasped tightly in his hand. Frustration was building over his features and she hated that it got to this place. This was never somewhere she saw them ending up. “What is going to make you feel better so that we can end this and you can get to where you are going and I can get what I want?”
She wanted to come back with some witty come back, but all she could do was sob. For the most part she had been pretty strong her whole life. Sobbing like this in front of Negan was not how she wanted things to be, but she had never loved someone before. Negan was the first person she had ever truly connected with. Maybe it was the fact that she was so scared that he had died that left her head over heels in love with him originally. All of that fear she experience maybe kept her hopes up that they would eventually be together again.
A loud, overwhelmed sigh fell from Negan’s throat seeing that she was breaking down in front of him, “Why do you want to be with someone who has been kissing someone else? Someone that has been with someone else? Frequently.”
Instead of answering him, she moved over toward the bench that was out there to sit down on it. Burying her head in her hands, she continued to cry making Negan groan outwardly, “I know you loved me. I know that. I know that you meant well when you did what you did with Maggie. I know that was out of a place of love. Shit. I know that. But you never understood why I was upset.”
“This isn’t because of that,” she blurt out, lifting her head up to stare out at Negan with her reddened, tear stained face. “This is because I couldn’t give you that baby you wanted. Maggie is just a good excuse for you to use. After what I did, no one at Alexandria likes me. Yet you get to walk in here and start over with someone else while I’m still hooked on you. This isn’t like you. You never treated me like this Negan. It has to be the whole baby…”
“Does it matter what caused it?” Negan hissed making her swallow down hard. Her body was shaking while Negan looked down at the photo that was in his hand. “Yeah, we had good times together. Yes, I wanted a baby. Yes, we couldn’t have a baby. But what you did to me when I asked you specifically not to was awful. You brought down Maggie’s full anger on me while we were out there. I fully expected to die when we went to Meridian. And that was on you…”
It wasn’t all on her. She knew that. She was easy to blame. It was partly Negan’s fault too. Nothing he did would have stopped Maggie from hating him. Maggie had already proven that. Hearing him put all of the blame on her made this whole thing rough.
“We wouldn’t be standing here having this conversation if I hadn’t lost the baby,” she scoffed making Negan sneer while staring out at her.
“No shit,” Negan screamed at her making her heart skip a beat. The prominent vein at the side of his next was visible when he threw his hand up in the air. “I would have never left my pregnant wife or my child. It’s common fucking sense Y/N. What the hell do you want me to say? Does it fucking hurt looking at you? Yes, it does. But the fucking situation with Maggie didn’t help any. I already felt indifferent toward everything and when you put me in harm’s way I was done.”
Tension flooded her veins. It felt like her heart was reading to explode, but instead of saying anything she just stared off thinking about all of the pain she had felt since getting here. With how hard she was crying, she knew that in her mind she probably looked horrible, but it was uncontrollable. Reaching for her ring, it took some work getting off before she reached out to set the ring on the table that was before her, “It’s yours.”
“Some people get divorced Y/N,” Negan tried to reason with her knowing that it hurt him to see her crying like this. It wasn’t at all how he expected her to react to this whole thing. Reaching out, he held the photo out to her for her to take. “I just think we can appreciate that the two of us shared a few good moments together. We were happy. We loved each other enough. Now we’re here and it’s time to start a new part of our lives. Without each other. But at least we have these memories, right?”
When she didn’t take the photo, Negan set it down on the table and reached for the ring that she had put there. Picking it up, he slid it into the pocket that was on his button-down shirt and swallowed loudly. Negan stood before her as if he was lost in what to do.
“You got what you wanted,” she waved her hand in the air knowing that Negan made it clear he didn’t care about things. Staying here longer than he had to would likely just piss him off more so there was no sense in trying to reason with him anymore. “Have a nice life Negan. I hope that Janine makes you happy. I really do. I hope you have everything you’ve ever wanted here.”
“Please stop crying,” Negan begged, lowering down enough to kneel before her. Reaching out, he slid his hands in over her thighs to caress over them. There was something different in his features when she raised her gaze to his.  “I don’t want to leave you crying like this.”
“What does it matter if I’m crying?” she whimpered seeing the frown expand over his lips. “I’m no longer a problem in your life. Don’t worry about how I feel or what’s happening.”
“I still care about you. I don’t want to leave you like this,” Negan moved in closer to her, trying to get her to look at him straight on. Reaching out, his large palm pressed in over the side of her face to caress over it to try to comfort her. “You knew that sadness came with being with me Y/N. We could never have a normal life together. I was bound to break your heart in the end. I’m just sorry it happened the way that it did.”
“You needed someone to save,” she whispered knowing that Negan was into that kind of thing and she couldn’t give him that anymore. “It’s just hard to hear you say that you never loved me to begin with when you were everything to me.”
“I was trying to make it easier for this whole thing,” Negan frowned, tipping up enough to press his forehead to hers. The warmth of his breath over her face caused her eyes to come to a tight close. “Of course I loved you. I’m sorry. I just…”
With her cries, Negan lifted up enough to hammer his lips in over hers. It surprised her when he tasted her tears against her flesh. Almost instinctively, her fingers curled around the back of Negan’s neck when he deepened the kiss. With every caress of his lips over hers, she could feel her body falling apart in the palm of his hands just as it had always done before. Attempting to pull back, she felt Negan pulling her in closer again so he could draw her back to kissing him. It was intense, it was passionate, it was everything someone saying the things he was saying shouldn’t have been doing. It drew her to become breathless while Negan kissed her repeatedly.
“Why are you doing this?” she muttered against his lips when he pushed his forehead to hers as she managed to finally get the strength to pull somewhat away from the kiss. Her bottom lip was trembling while Negan’s thumb stroked over the side of her face. “I can see that you still love me by the way that you kiss me. You can’t tell me that you don’t.”
When she said that, Negan leaned back on his knees and tipped his head to the side. His Adam’s apple bounced in his throat before he reached for the necklace that he wore that had the ring she had managed to get for him on there. Holding it out in front of her, she shook her head and refused the ring, “You’re going to need something for you if you do end up getting married to her.”
Negan dropped it at his side and nodded slowly, his eyes narrowing when he finally stood up from the ground. Instead of saying anything more, Negan left the balcony and moved through her living room. Going to the door, Negan pulled it open and took one last look back at her when she continued to cry to herself on her balcony. After taking a minute, he pulled the door closed behind him and left her alone to her tears.
Reaching out for the photo that Negan had brought outside, she stood up and stroked her fingers over the two of them smiling. If you would have told her then what it would be like now, she would have never believed it. Negan made her feel so loved. He made it seem like he was head over heels in love with her and that she was everything to him. Yet now he told her it was the complete opposite and his heart belonged to someone else. Stepping to the edge of the balcony, she released the frame and let it drop. The sound of the frame shattering was heard when it hit the hard cement below.
Heading into the living room she saw that it was seven-fifteen and cleared her throat uneasily. Pulling off her jacket, she tossed it onto the couch. Heading over to the mantle, she swiped her hand over the top of it making all of the frames fall from the mantle and shatter on the ground. Leaving them where they were, she headed down the hallway for her bedroom and crawled into bed knowing that today she would never be able to spend time with the kind stranger that she had made plans with. Tonight she was going to get lost in her misery, even if it wasn’t what she wanted to do. She was broken hearted and there was no changing that.
Stepping before the building that Tomi had found out that Y/N lived in, Tomi lifted his head and cleared his throat. Last night when he waited a few hours for Y/N, he assumed that maybe something had happened or something was wrong. There was that small chance that Y/N didn’t get good vibes from their meeting and that’s why she avoided seeing him, but he was worried about her. He wanted to check in to make sure everything was okay.
Noticing that something was on the walkway before him, Tomi tipped his head to the side and moved forward to see that it appeared to be a shattered frame. Lowering down, he set what he had in his hands aside and reached out to pick up the broken pieces of glass. He just wanted to make sure that he could keep things safe for the children that may have gone near it. Of course, he couldn’t get all of it but he was doing his best to pick up the large pieces of glass. Noticing the photo that was amongst the glass, he could see that it was a photo of Negan and Y/N together. Tomi lifted his head up wondering just what had happened last night.
Tossing the frame and the glass into the nearest garbage container that they had, Tomi slid the photo into his pocket and headed toward the front of the building after picking up his things. Walking up the stairs of the apartment building, Tomi stopped when he found the door that he was looking for. Reaching out, he knocked at the door while inside of his head he tried question if this was too much or not.
While waiting at the door, Tomi played out the conversation they would have in his head and felt like maybe he was being too weird doing this. When it took longer than he thought it would for her to come to the door, Tomi lectured himself and started heading for the stairs.
“This was silly Tomi, what were you…” he began only to hear the sound of a door opening and he looked over his shoulder to see that Y/N was standing at the door. When he saw the look on her face, it drew him back up the stairs to where he was originally. “Hi there.”
“What are you doing here Tomi?” Y/N was grasping tightly to the doorknob, surprised to see someone there from town. If anything she would have expected the people that ran the town coming to check in on her since she was already missing a day of work.
When Tomi got a glance at her eyes, he could see that it looked like she had been crying. Worry flooded his body when he thought back to the photo that he had found. Suddenly things started making sense as to why he found the shattered frame and photo now that he saw what Y/N looked like. Instead of jumping to thoughts and ideas though, he knew that he would have to let her keep her secrets instead of letting her know that he had put together that last night something had her upset about Negan. That was ultimately why she had to have thrown the frame out from her apartment.
“Well, when you didn’t show up last night, I got worried about you,” Tomi explained, his British accent making her sigh when he stepped forward. As he got closer, it became more visible that he was holding two containers in his hands which made her curious. “I waited a while and at first I thought maybe I just scared you off. If that was the case, it’s completely acceptable. I asked Yumiko about you and she told me where you worked. I realize that sounds terribly weird, but I guess I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Plus, I made some cupcakes for you last night that I wanted to give you. When I went to your work, they said that you didn’t come in because you were feeling bad today. So, I thought that maybe you might want some chicken and dumplings that I made.”
“Why are you being so nice to me?” she blurt out startling him with her response. “I don’t mean to sound like an asshole, but why me? Why are you being so nice to me?”
“Why not you?” Tomi tipped his head to the side and offered up a weak smile. It made him feel bad to know that this woman felt like she didn’t deserve any form of kindness from someone. “I know what it’s like to need someone in your life even when you think you don’t. I saw myself in you when you were sitting there alone to yourself every day looking so sad. I acknowledge they were for two completely different reasons, but I’ve been there. I don’t want to leave someone alone to themselves like I was. No one deserves to feel so alone in this world.”
When he said that, Y/N dropped her head and she appeared to be upset when he stepped forward toward her, “You don’t have to talk to me, but…at least take these. The cupcakes were meant to be a gift yesterday and if you aren’t feeling so well, I hope the chicken and dumplings can give you something good to eat.”
“You don’t have to keep bringing me food to get me to like you,” she explained, finally lifting her head to show that her eyes were tearing over again. Raising her hand up, she wiped at her damp eyes with the back of her hand and tried to get rid of the hoarseness that was in her throat. “It’s easy to like you, Tomi. You say all the right things.”
“I don’t mind,” Tomi shrugged his shoulders watching her push her door open further to let him into her apartment after a bob of her head told him it was okay. Carefully stepping inside, he waited for her to close the door and go first so he didn’t make her uncomfortable. “There are vanilla bean and carrot cake cupcakes. I didn’t know if you were one of those people that didn’t like carrot cake.”
“I think I would take about anything I could get at this point,” she watched him setting the cupcakes down on the counter in her small kitchen. Tomi moved into the living room area and pushed his hands into his pockets showing that he was still anxious about this whole thing. “I wasn’t sick. I just look horrible and I was really depressed. I know that’s no reason to miss work…”
“Mental health is just as important as physical health,” Tomi stepped forward, his dark eyes surveying her over when she seemed disappointed in herself. “I figured something might have happened. When I came here today, I found something on the pavement outside…”
Tomi pulled something out of his pocket and held it out to her showing that it was the photo that she had dropped of her and Negan the night before. There was a sense of shock that the photo was still there. It had been over twelve hours since she had dropped it. She assumed someone else may have gotten to it. Accepting the photo, she headed back toward where she had set the other photos in the drawer of her kitchen. This morning she had cleaned up the glass she shattered the night before. Negan was right, she shouldn’t have those photos out anymore. Not after everything they had been through last night.  
“I assume something happened with your husband,” Tomi claimed when she headed back into the living room to sit down on her couch. Holding her hand out, she pointed toward the other end of the couch suggesting that he sit down with her.
“He’s not my husband anymore. I guess,” she rolled her eyes thinking about the night before. After she said that, she lifted her hand up to show there was a visible tan line where her wedding ring had been for a few years. It was missing and it was an obvious empty space that she was not used to having. Negan took the last thing she had that linked her to him last night, shattering her in the process. Tomi lowered down to sit beside her, his jaw flexing when he slid back on the couch drawing attention to his chiseled jawline. “He came here last night and asked for the ring back. Apparently, I should have known when he never returned that we were over. Which I guess he was right. I just thought he was going through something that he needed to get out of his system. That was me being stupid, I guess. He wanted the ring back just in case he ever felt the need to ask his new lover to marry him.”
“What a cunt,” Tomi slurred making her smirk when he said it in his accent. A flush pressed in over his features when he uttered that out loud, but he couldn’t help himself with his outburst. “I’m very sorry. I know you care greatly for him so that was wrong of me.”
“No, you’re not wrong,” she held her hands up in the air to stop him from worrying. “I just see you as kind of this…well, I don’t see you being the type to swear much. And your accent just really made me laugh.”
“Just because I’m British doesn’t mean I don’t swear,” Tomi gave her a wink, straightening his posture from where he was sitting on her couch. “I might be a tight ass sometimes, but I’m not as stuck up as I may appear you know.”
“I believe you,” she winked, but there was still a sadness in her eyes that showed through. “I guess he never really loved me at all. Just confused my kindness when everyone else was awful to him as something more. I just never saw us as having any problems. We only fought once. We had our problems, things that happened…”
When she paused and thought about the miscarriage she had, she knew that it wasn’t something she was comfortable talking about with Tomi. Not this early in their friendship. Tomi noticed the emotions she was feeling and he extended his hand out to touch over her arm in a supportive grasp.
“I’m sorry Tomi, you aren’t a therapist. I don’t know why I’m mouth vomiting all of this out,” she recognized that this was a lot for someone to have to deal with. Especially when they just met someone and all Tomi was trying to do was be a good person. Tomi reached up to stroke his fingers over the side of his stubble covered jawline and she shrugged her shoulders. “I’m a mess. As you can see.”
“Between us…” Tomi paused thinking about what he was just about to say to her. He didn’t know if it was wrong to say this considering how long he kept this a secret. Then again, Yumiko had already put it out there what his past used to be, “I used to be a doctor. I lied and said I was a baker in order to be here. So, you can think of me as a therapist if you need one. I was a thoracic surgeon, but it’s still a doctor, right?”
“Wait…what?” she seemed amazed to hear that while confused at the same time. “Why would you be baking here if that’s what you were?”
“Well, I guess that goes back to the whole I understand how you feel thing,” Tomi stated knowing that she had been so open with him that it just made sense that he would do the same with her. “My parents always had high expectations of their children. They wanted us to strive for perfection. Which on my end meant I had to be a doctor. Thing was, I hated it. Not saving people. I liked saving people, but for every person I saved there were others that I couldn’t save. It hurt. It was sad. I had to bottle up those emotions and pretend that I didn’t have them to get through the day. All I wanted to do was cry. I wanted to tell people how I felt, but I was brought up to not be that way. Then the world fell apart and I realized I didn’t have to keep being in that position. I always loved baking. It always made me happy. It was something that my father would have never been okay with. It wasn’t masculine enough. But here, I don’t have to be who I was before. I can be anyone I want to be. At least with baking what is the worst that could happen? One of my cupcakes are too dry? That’s alright. No one is going to die from a dry cupcake.”
“I don’t know. Some people can get pretty upset over things,” she teased him, reaching out to squeeze over his arm hearing the tiny laugh that escaped his throat. “I’m sorry to hear that, Tomi. You deserved happiness all along.”
“We all do, don’t we?” Tomi sighed, showing the discomfort in his face that he had been that honest with her. “Please don’t tell anyone what I told you. Something like that coming out could be a bad thing. My sister may have already ruined it as it is. So, more people knowing? That’s not exactly what I’m looking for here.”
“Your secret is safe with me,” she placed her hand over the center of her chest and sighed loudly. “I guess I’m supposed to keep the whole being married to Negan thing a secret too. He didn’t tell them that he was married when he got here. So…”
“I’m so very sorry,” Tomi whispered, his dark eyes hooked with hers, “I can see that you love him still. You shouldn’t have had to deal with that.”
“Maybe now is a good time to try those cupcakes,” she announced after a bit of silence between the two of them. It took a lot out of both of them to be so open with a stranger, but in the end, it ultimately probably felt better to get those things out. Instead of keeping them bottled in. Reaching for his hand, she led Tomi toward the kitchen and opened the container to pull out a cupcake. “We’ll share.”
“They were meant to be for you,” Tomi maintained when she went for a knife to cut it in half for them to share. When she handed his half over to him to have, he accepted it and watched her eagerly take a bite of it first. Visibly, she now trusted him since before she would have certainly made him take the first bite. This wasn’t about not trusting him, it was about sharing the moment with him. They both needed a pick me up from the sweets. If that was even possible. While she was eating her half of the cupcake, he was eager to know what she thought. “What do you think?”
“It’s a little dry,” she snickered seeing the glare that Tomi gave her when she said it. Holding her hand up, she laughed knowing that she had just meant it as a joke after what he said earlier. Tomi took an aggressive bite of his cupcake making her burst out in laughter when his eyes narrowed out at her. “I’m joking. It’s great. It’s better than great.”
“Thank you,” Tomi grumbled playfully back, moving in beside her when she reached for the other flavored cupcake to cut so they could share that one too.
“You take your baking seriously, don’t you?” she looked over her shoulder at him, watching his eyebrows bounce before he smiled. “Good. You’re fantastic at it. So you should take it seriously.”
They stood together in the kitchen talking about how he made the cupcakes for a while and it just felt nice to finally have someone to talk to for Y/N. Even if it was about normal things going on in life. It had been so long since she had been able to do that.
Tomi was standing at the opposite end of the kitchen while she was leaning against the counter. It was nearing the end of their time together and she knew that which is why she had to say this.
“Hey Tomi,” she breathed out in a slow steady breath feeling her chest hurting when she thought about how she was feeling before he came here. “Thank you.”
“Any time,” Tomi nodded his head knowing that it was no big deal. It didn’t hurt being good to people and as long as he was able to help her in some fashion, that was all that mattered.
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dhaaruni · 3 years
i remember back in 2017 when tomi lahren came out as pro choice and got fired for it a lot of liberals/leftists tried to frame the issue as somehow being about white feminism? which is so strange because literally everyone knows that fucking tomi lahren is not a feminist. i remember lot of liberals/leftists were dunking on “white feminist tomi lahren” and acting like white liberal women were like… idk celebrating tomi??? which obviously it would be fucking awful for liberals/leftists to (1/2)
celebrate a disgusting white supremacist like tomi, but for the most part i didn’t see any feminists defending her??? like idk maybe a few people defended her but the main sentiment i saw from liberal feminists was “yeah it’s fucked up that she got fired for being pro choice, but she’s still a shitty person and a misogynistic white supremacist”. i just think it’s incredibly weird that leftists are acting like feminists are pro republicans or pro trump when that is obviously not the case (2/2)
Right it's like how when Amy Coney Barrett was being confirmed, leftists kept on yelling that liberal women were supporting ACB as some kind of girlboss and they were just not enlightened enough to understand that ACB was bad for women despite being a woman. But, it was just a misogynistic strawman to shit on liberal women since even if women acknowledged that some Democrats were not great about Barrett and her family in a way they weren't to Gorsuch, every single liberal woman I know was completely devastated that Ruth Bader Ginsburg had died and even more upset that she was being replaced by someone who was on record saying that abortion was evil!!
In addition to blaming random liberal women for ACB, leftists also blamed Senate Democrats (who all voted in unison against her confirmation after staying up all night giving West Wing speeches against it), Ruth Bader Ginsburg for not retiring when Democrats still held the Senate and serving out her life-term until her death (since she wanted to be replaced by the first woman president), Barack Obama for not forcing RBG to retire, and Hillary Clinton for not winning the 2016 election, because they just refuse to admit that they really fucked up not fully supporting Hillary in 2016 and they're much more responsible for ACB being on the Supreme Court for life than me or Hillary or Obama or RBG herself. I for one realized that Trump could nominate conservative Supreme Court justices and I wanted to keep my bodily autonomy, which is why I wholeheartedly supported Hillary but I guess that's not what's happening anymore, is it?
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runicmagitek · 3 years
(if you're still doing that fic trope ask game) 86 & 94 for nentomi and 27 & 96 for keinatsu :o
Hell yeah I am! Let's do this 😎 (also this got long, so throwing it under a cut)
Starting off with nentomi for I Didn’t Mean to Turn You On + Hair Brushing/Braiding 👀 oh no I love it already ((also @wingsyouburn I'm tagging you because I know you'll eat this shit up too))
This would be set mid-destruction phase while they're out of their Sentinels. Nenji is following Tomi around like the puppy dog he is and Tomi is complaining for stuff, like she got pebbles in her shoes and she's tripped ten times and now she's got random debris stuck in her braids and it's GROSS. So she stops and is like I'VE HAD IT and starts undoing her braids to get that shit out, but she also doesn't have a mirror and it's frustrating and she's all ಠ_ಠ the whole time.
Cue in Nenji, stage right. He offers to help with her hair. Tomi laughs for a hot minute and then is like, "Oh shit wait you're serious." So she accepts, though is a bit coy about it because nope nope nope not reading into this at all. Nenji sits down and pulls her into his lap like whatever and she's trying not to scream and then oh no. He's brushing his fingers through her hair and it's divine. It's exactly what she needs to unwind and she kinda gets lost in it and tries her best not to coo or other happy sounds but ahhhh he's really good at it and her mind wanders aaaaaand all of this is pseudo-ruined when she realizes Nenji's turned on because sitting in his lap and stuff.
So Tomi launches out of his lap and is like WHAT THE HELL???? But Nenji is also going WHAT THE HELL???? YOU WERE MOANING AND WIGGLING AND SHIT????? Insert more banter here. Tomi also accidentally blurts out that it's his fault because he started it by getting her turned on. Insert awkward silence and so much blushing here.
Eventually, they try to move past that and Nenji offers to finish her braids and Tomi's like "ok fine" and she just... sits in his lap again and he's like "......really?" and she tells him to shut up and finish her hair and not mess up. She has to bite her lip the whole time because ahhhhhh it still feels good and what do you know, he actually did an amazing job. Tomi is happy, twirls a braid, and thanks him. But before she can jump off his lap, he hugs her close, nuzzles into her neck, and says, "You know, Kisaragi, when this all blows over? Maybe we can revisit this idea."
So much blushing to be had. She doesn't really have an answer for him either, because by then, they need to head to the next terminal and fight a new wave of Deimos, but she's still thinking about her cute new braids and the guy who helped her with them.... and might even help her with something else when they're done fighting ;D THE END
We got Sick/Injured Fic + Scars!
Whoops, we're going for another mid-destruction fic, this time featuring these cuties. Natsuno's been running from terminal to terminal because of course she is. Keitaro tries his best to keep up, but is worried she'll get hurt. Lo and behold, she does in fact get hurt D: she ends up tripping and falling into a broken patch in the road. Thankfully, Keitaro is there to swoop in and save her. Sadly, Natsuno's thigh is badly cut up.
Also thankfully, he's familiar with first-aid and utilizing minimal supplies to get shit done. Also sadly, that means he needs to... uh... bandage... leg. The military did not prepare him for leg.
He's able to do it, though, albeit with SO MUCH BLUSHING and nervous chatter. At one point, Natsuno is like "...um.... are you ok???" He insists he is and finishes bandaging it and is like "omg ok I never need to do that again." They hang out a bit while Natsuno recovers and she expresses worry about the gash leaving a scar and pouts. She doesn't want to be the one member of the track team with unsightly legs or whatever. Of course Keitaro is all THAT'S NOT TRUE YOU WOULD NEVER HAVE UNSIGHTLY LEGS. Insert more blush here. Natsuno laughs and thinks he's being adorable.
She then asks about his scar and how he got it. He chats with her about it, though is a touch nervous, because oh no, what if she thinks he is unsightly because of it :'( she ends up telling him it doesn't bother and she likes being able to see his face without hiding under his cap all the time. And Keitaro moves it up to properly sit on his head and is all "Like this?"
And Natsuno smooches his scar and goes, "Yup!"
Insert more blushing here. Also Natsuno teases him and says he now owes her a kiss on her scar when she gets it. Somehow Keitaro doesn't die, but if he does, at least it'll be a happy death! THE END
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toji-bunny-girl · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
MY B'DAY. . . ✰
26/05/05 (17)
STATUS . . . ✰
single n sexy
- Malaysian-Chinese
- Doja stan
- Ballet dancer of 14 years
- Toji's official third wife and I will bite your kneecaps if you say I'm not
- Bipolar bisexual gemini
- I’m a flirt, a huge flirt, flirting is my passion, flirting is my life, I love flirting
- I'm pretty friendly ig!! So come talk to me and lets get married
- Naruto
- L–DK
-Toji Fushiguro
-Bakugou Katsuki
-Amane Misa
-Kawakami Tomie
-7 months old
-Supports lgbtq+, feminism, all races and mentally depressed people on the internet
-Is ALWAYS open to thirst, chatting and just random ass shit you want to say
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asselinssatan · 2 years
what if you wanted to relax and chill on ur 5 nauryz days off but god said nah u gotta look after ur 4 nephews for those 5 days
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the27percent · 2 years
———  BASICS  !
(PEN)NAME:  Eh. I answer to a few - starting Kyrian is fine, tomie is fine, rumi is fine.
PRONOUNS:they/them or xe/xyr
ZODIAC  SIGN:  Sagittarius
TAKEN  OR  SINGLE:  single.
———  THREE  FACTS  !
Big horror nerd. Part of me wants to explore writing horror poetry - is that a thing? That has to be a thing. I want to write some specific horror poetry like pieces. So that may be what I try to do a personal writing front
I’m a sucker for any rice and veggies based dishes. Love that stuff. So much. I will try any and all variations of it and be very content with it for the rest of my days.
I honestly considered a PhD - maybe in critical data studies or science of technology and society. but.. I’m not doing that. I’m still very interested in those fields though because the implications of all this shit is something I do spend a lot of time thinking about.
PLATFORMS USED: tumblr, I have discord as an option, i mess around on twitter now and then (because of some friends more than anything else really lol) and i used to like forums a lot. Sometimes I like the idea of emailing rp replies or something idk.
I’ve been writing since ...2010, so it’s been about 12 years now. That’s... that’s really something else. But I do enjoy my characters a lot so it is what it is.
I sometimes do some original fiction and other writing. I don’t have anywhere really to host it .. outside of an occasional newsletter I do.
GENDER: My muses tended to end up some kind of nonbinary even if they didn’t start as such originally. That’s just how it is for me. I am not sorry about it at all.
LEAST FAVOURITE FACE(S):Uh. I mean. I have ones that I don’t like but I don’t.. care enough about fc in general to talk about it too much. It’s partially why I’m like at this point fc are besides the point a little bit. I have them but.. eh.
MULTI OR SINGLE: Single for now. If I had more muses that I wanted to write on this platform maybe I would do a multimuse. I like the idea. I’ve even considered just doing two of my muses on one blog and the other standing alone because two are close in universe to each other and their interactions vs the one. But like.. I’m not doing all that work. I just move between accounts as I need to.
———  FLUFF  /  ANGST  /  SMUT  !  ♡    
FLUFF: Fluff is fine. I enjoy writing it - but like it’s hard for me because I don’t consider muses just interacting and getting to see what people are about to be fluffy necessarily. It’s just part of different interactions. I don’t know. I think fluff can sometimes be a misnomer for what I like to write. I do like cute stuff, i really do - but like there’s often more to it - there’s usually a surfacing of other things that may not come up.  It’s cool though, I’m not opposed to it at all.
ANGST: Open to angst although it’s really dependent on the nature of the muse. And angst once again doesn’t feel like.. the term that I would use. Like fluff/angst - I’m not one or the other. I’m more interested in adventures, conversations, random encounters, things that emerge from the interactions that may not be easily placed into one thing or another. So I guess I struggle with these kinds of categorizations.
SMUT: Open to it - I think I genuinely prefer it in more private settings but if folks are okay using read mores or whatever.. I can do that. I think this is just another element of characterization that can be interesting. How do characters get to that point? Do they struggle with it? If so why? Confronting issues with desire is .. something that I find myself curious about. Or working through acting on it is .. interesting to me. But it’s not necessary for a good interaction. It’s just an option if the dynamic seems to be appropriate for it.
PLOT  /  MEMES:Always good for light plotting just get a set up of what’s happening and where is this going potentially. I like having room for things to emerge from the things that our muses do together. Also down for winging it. And please do send all the memes, they are solid starting points- if only to get a sense of how muses respond to each other.
tagged by: @viopolis @cosmicnexus
tagging: you
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bonesandthebees · 8 months
Listen, I literally typed out the all caps normally and I was like “this does not convey my emotions well enough because I’ve been doing this after a lot of glass chapters and this is worse” so giant text and caps it is. But I am genuinely bouncing with excitement. More random thoughts while I’m here:
Tomys is fine after falling and it’s heavily implied that he bumped into Wilbur right before the edge which broke his fall.
When these boys get found, they are going to be covered in dried blood and it’s going to look so much worse than it is because it’s not theirs.
Someone is going to be very upset after this contract.
I’m already trying to calculate the odds of you giving Wilbur a permanent limp after this.
When the guards started dropping I was like “Right Bee has been reading Game of Thrones” I have never read game of thrones, but it feels like it would be writing like that, I go whiplash, in a good way.
Also, trying to have the competition killed feels like a very ruthless idea. Seems more in Niki’s style given the war room, but Q is the one to warn Wilbur and the one who heard about the fact that he was going from someone else (aka Schlatt, which is why I think he’s behind this, maybe he’s just as ruthless as Niki), but it does feel like something that was either done behind Q’s back or something that was decided before they knew Wilbur would be there.
There’s also something to be said about Niki’s ruthlessness vs. This particular idea vs. How she was acting off around Wilbur but all of this is speculation and I will get to that when I actually analyse with lines.
What else… oh yeah, the foreshadowing! Or more like Wilbur using his dagger to cut the pears! I saw and I was like, she’s letting us know he has a dagger, we need this info for later when he needs it. It had me stressed. At least he didn’t have to stab anyone.
Oh and both these boys are traumatised now are they.
while that carriage tumble was pretty chaotic and both wilbur and tommy were flying everywhere, tommy did fall into wilbur at one point and it probably is part of what broke his fall
literally just half their bodies are covered in that carriage driver's blood rn
...yknow if he had access to a doctor this is technically a medieval era so uh, healing that broken leg is gonna be ROUGH
I'll say my writing style isn't very similar to George RR Martins but having read GoT definitely has helped with the action sequences a bit (I'd say my writing style for rose so far has been most influenced by The Priory of the Orange Tree though and also She Who Became the Sun)
hm... so many possible suspects when it comes to who hired the bandits...
LOL I love that you picked up on that. I was like shit I need to mention wilbur has a dagger at some point how do I do that. oh yeah they're eating fruit-
oh theres gonna be so much trauma from this incident
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spokenforvesssel · 2 years
Yeaaah.. Looking at his past that's completely understandable.. He didn't even finish drawing the manga before he died this year.. But the story was already finished by the time he was 14..the writer is also interesting and has been thru shit too :D.. Wtf!!.. Waitttt!.. I've always seen pics from that girl on tumblr and thought it was some random drawing .. Definitely getting this thx!!
Another fun fact about it.. Did u know that miyazaki the creator of dark souls made the games based on berserk? I've been a fan of both for so long and only discovered this recently :D
Wow i didn't know that ..at least he died while doing what he love ( a berserk quote ) .. nooo it's junji ito ofc!!! But wait are you talking about " tomie " cuz tomie IS the main girl but there's other girls too in every story soo .. which girl ? Yeah i did know that and also elden ring is inspired by berserk and devil may cry also .. fantastic games
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yagamisdiary · 3 years
hey amara i hope you are having a good day today,if not then hopefully tomorrow<3i just wanted to ask you some random😭ok i need help on figuring out what manga to get when I go manga shopping next week,any recommendations?and also do you have a fav Starbuck order?if so what do you get ?
tomie is so goood!! i definitely recommend that if ur into horror manga
blue spring ride manga is so cute 😭 that’s the one i wanna get but it’s never at barnes and noble smh
from starbucks i love love love the mango dragonfruit drink!! i’m not a coffee girl (i’ll shit everywhere) so i hardly ever ever get coffee drinks from there
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