#tomb theft
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shibuya-111 · 7 months ago
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acephodel · 10 months ago
someone called @anonimityblog4000 made a supposed debunk of your ai callout post thing
not sure how credible it is im not that knowledgeable about this sort of thing
Hi! Thanks for letting me know, I hadn't seen it.
Anyway, Mariellavee's locked tomb pieces are 100% ai. Some parts are drawn over, as I stated in my original post, but the meat of the piece is absolutely ai, as others have pointed out with more evidence and clarity than I was able to in my initial post.
I've never made a callout before. I wasn't even sure if people would see it. I have less than 100 followers. I just was so disheartened to see blatant ai work get so much attention in my favorite fandom, a fandom full of incredibly talented artists that don't rely on generative tools, that I felt like I had to say something.
That's it, that's all. And that's as far as I personally care to involve myself.
I think the funniest part is that a number of the other "example pieces" in the mucha style they shared from mariellavee are ALSO based in ai.
Like, I don't care enough to argue with this person. I think the nature of the VERY APPARENT AI ART speaks for itself. I would never accuse someone of using ai, to the point of creating a callout post like I did, unless I was 100% certain.
I also have the confidence to do so on my own account, without the need to hide behind an anon, because I know I'm correct and have no fear of being "debunked," and that's all I have to say on the matter. ✌️
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3xtacy · 8 months ago
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playstationgamemania · 11 months ago
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ancientstuff · 2 months ago
The Italian cultural heritage Caribinieri catch the bad guys again.
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retrogamelovers · 2 years ago
A few Ps1 Greatest Hits titles!
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It’s very fitting that Lara Croft is British. Always going places under the guise of understanding and scholarly research and then just fucking up everything and totally destroying important sacred sites.
And that’s on colonialism.
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victoriahernandez01 · 2 months ago
De Leyendas a Universos Virtuales: Los videojuegos que cambiaron la industria
Los videojuegos han sido una plataforma de innovación constante a lo largo de las décadas, y a lo largo de los años hemos sido testigos de avances que han transformado la industria. Este post explora cinco hitos importantes en la evolución de los videojuegos, destacando la innovación y el impacto de títulos como Entropia Universe, Re-Mission, Grand Theft Auto IV, Los Sims y Tomb Raider.
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1. Entropia Universe (2003): Innovación en economía virtual
Entropia Universe, introdujo una de las innovaciones más interesantes en la industria de los videojuegos: una economía virtual completamente integrada con dinero real. Esto permitió a los jugadores comprar, vender e intercambiar objetos dentro del juego utilizando dinero real, lo que creó un entorno donde las transacciones económicas entre jugadores tenían un impacto tangible en la vida real. Esta característica no solo transformó la forma en que los jugadores interactúan con los mundos virtuales, sino que también abrió las puertas a un modelo de negocios basado en el intercambio monetario dentro del juego. Su impacto fue tal que inspiró a otros desarrolladores a explorar nuevas formas de monetizar los mundos virtuales y la economía digital.
2. Re-Mission (2006): Videojuegos como herramienta educativa en salud
Re-Mission, se destacó por su enfoque único en la educación y la concienciación sobre la salud a través de los videojuegos. Desarrollado para adolescentes con cáncer, el juego permitía a los jugadores controlar a un nanobot, Roxxi, que luchaba contra células cancerígenas y otros agentes patógenos dentro del cuerpo humano. La verdadera innovación fue su capacidad para educar a los jugadores sobre el cáncer y fomentar la adherencia al tratamiento mediante una experiencia inversiva. Este enfoque mostró el potencial de los videojuegos como herramientas educativas y motivacionales, un concepto que sería explorado más ampliamente en años posteriores.
3. Grand Theft Auto IV (2008): Revolución en el mundo abierto y la narrativa
Grand Theft Auto IV, fue una obra maestra en cuanto a la construcción de mundos abiertos y la narrativa en videojuegos. La innovación principal de este título fue la creación de Liberty City, un entorno expansivo y detallado que simulaba una ciudad completa en 3D. Además, el enfoque en una narrativa madura y realista, protagonizada por Niko Bellic, rompió con las convenciones de los juegos de acción, profundizando en temas como la inmigración, la violencia y el sueño americano. GTA IV no solo revolucionó la jugabilidad en mundo abierto, sino que también estableció nuevos estándares en cuanto a la profundidad narrativa y el realismo en los videojuegos, influenciando a numerosos títulos posteriores en el género de mundo abierto.
4. Los Sims (2000): Simulación de la vida cotidiana
Los Sims, representó una innovación radical al enfocarse en la simulación de la vida cotidiana de personajes virtuales, algo completamente nuevo en ese entonces. En lugar de ofrecer una historia o una aventura épica, el juego permitía a los jugadores crear y controlar la vida de personajes en un mundo simulado, gestionando sus necesidades, relaciones y aspiraciones. Esta libertad de acción y creatividad atrajo a un público más amplio, incluyendo a jugadores casuales que no se consideraban tradicionales. La jugabilidad abierta y sin objetivos fijos hizo de Los Sims un fenómeno cultural que dio lugar a numerosas secuelas y expansiones, consolidando la simulación social como un género clave en la industria de los videojuegos.
5. Tomb Raider (1996): Pionero en la aventura 3D y la heroína protagonista
Tomb Raider, fue un hito en la historia de los videojuegos, ya que marcó la introducción de la aventura en 3D, un avance tecnológico importante para la época. Además, presentó a Lara Croft, una heroína femenina que rápidamente se convirtió en un ícono cultural. La innovación de Tomb Raider se dio en su jugabilidad tridimensional, que permitía a los jugadores explorar entornos detallados y resolver acertijos, sino también en su enfoque en una protagonista femenina fuerte y carismática, lo que fue una novedad en un medio dominado por personajes masculinos. Este juego sentó las bases para futuros títulos de aventuras en 3D y ayudó a consolidar a Lara Croft como uno de los personajes más emblemáticos de la industria.
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unchartedperils · 7 months ago
Since the blorbo thing has been a thing lately, here are mine. Note: HOMIES are my favorite male characters, usually these are the ones I’ve written the most.
1. Chloe Frazer
2. Nathan Drake (homie)
3. Ingrid Hunnigan
4. Leon Kennedy (homie)
5. Nadine Ross
6. Abigail Roberts Marston
7. Arthur Morgan (homie)
8. Elena Fisher
9. Lara Croft (Survivor Lara)
10. Alex Weiss (homie)
11. Farah Karim
12. Karen Jones
13. Susan Grimshaw
14. Lenny Summers (homie)
15. Luis Lopez (homie-GTA IV: Ballad of Gay Tony)
16. Tony Prince (homie-GTA IV: Ballad of Gay Tony)
17. Catalina (GTA III-San Andreas)
18. Victor Sullivan (homie)
19. Samuel Drake (homie)
20. Rika Raja
21. Sonya Blade
22. Charlie Cutter (homie-Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception)
23. Li Mei
24. Mileena
25. Sheeva
Honorable mentions:
26. Valeria Garza (MWII-III MP)
27. Mara (Modern Warfare 2019)
28. Charly (MW19)
29. Iskra (MW19)
30. Stiletto (MWII)
31. Portnova (BOCW)
32. Powers (BOCW)
33. Park (BOCW)
34. Nina Williams
35. Julia Chang
36. Zafina
37. Master Raven (Tekken 7)
38. Christie Monterio
39. Kitana
40. Jade
41. Sareena
42. Kano (homie)
43. Nikolai (homie-Modern Warfare Reboot Nikolai)
44. Conrad Roth (homie-Tomb Raider 2013)
45. Joslin Reyes (Tomb Raider 2013)
46. Gabriel Roman (homie-Uncharted 1: Drake’s Fortune)
47. Ana Konstantin (Rise of the Tomb Raider)
48. Talbot (homie-Uncharted 3)
49. Bonnie MacFarlane
50. Judy Alvarez
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loafrolls · 2 years ago
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Remember how I said each of my players’ characters fell for one of the wives? This includes our cleric
There’s just something about Volenta’s devilish little smile I guess
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asterisk395 · 2 years ago
#nona deeply concerning moments#like what the fuck does this mean nona#i love you darling girl but. also. what (via captorations)
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Pyrrha said it was puppy love, but Nona knew that puppy love was different, it just made you want to open the puppy’s lips and play with the puppy’s teeth.
nona don’t listen to anyone else you understand love perfectly
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playstationgamemania · 1 year ago
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txttletale · 8 months ago
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a little while ago, magnesium oxide and i got together to write down some things about the art we want to make. we called these things REKOMBINAT.
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if you wanna be heard you gotta be ready to be repeated. exerting control over art makes it sterile and dead. copyright is a mausoleum and tomb-robbers are heroes. 
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if we have to clutch it in our hands. words and lines and thoughts are ours to command if we are quick and fast and brave enough to take them. cope
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and spit it out no matter what. high culture? low culture? i see no difference, love is love. find the meal in whalefall and quote that fucking newgrounds comment bouncing around your head all day.
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 life’s too short to care about anyone with employees 
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we were here first and were going to mulch every picket fence in front of you. art is for weird bugs and sexual perverts and subversive communist foreign agents. 
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you didnt make that without stealing and grasping and letting the culture sink under your skin. nothing is original so let’s not lie. take and copy and imitate but do it well.
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there is no age of perfect beauty to retvrn to. art happens when your senses meet an object and not in our immortal Calvinist ageless souls. machines can paint and construction sites can sing. 
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asterisk395 · 2 years ago
#and yet#an odd sense of joy too (via captorations)
the locked tomb is a fun series because you start gideon and you’re like enemies to lovers! hurt/comfort! skeletons! duels! memes! this is gonna be great! and then you get out the other side of nona and you’ve been completely hollowed out by unfathomable, immeasurable grief
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larluce · 1 year ago
Arthur and Merlin travel back in time without knowing the other is from the future too AU
Tagging @aceauthorcatqueen , @fallenxjas , @smileytrinity ,@lucifertookmyshoe , @an-entity-i-think , @thecornerofbelu , @griffonskies , @odinjm , @cinnabon-sweetroll-tiramisu , @thelady-mary , @bennedict , @nightninjaboy , @st8-of-grace , @star-rie , @error-username-not-availablea , @dogberryrowan , @jamieweasley13 Since you asked for Arthur and Merlin to still be oblivious for series 2 ;)
LINKS TO THE OTHER PARTS OF THIS AU HERE: PART 1 , PART 2 , PART 3 , PART 4 , PART 5 , PART 6 , PART 7 , PART 8 , PART 9 , PART 10 , PART 11 (You're here) , PART 12
In "The Curse of Cornelius Sigan"
Arthur: (falls of his horse)
Merlin: Arthur! (Goes to him worried)
Arthur: I’m fine (stands up)
Merlin: (checks Arthur for injuries, anxiously)
Arthur: (smiles and stops Merlin by the shoulders, gently) Merlin, I’m fine, really.
Merlin: I’m sorry. I did that girth up myself. I don’t know how-
Cedric: (appears bringing back the horse) Would you like me to fit the girth properly for you, sire.
Merlin: (Kills him with his eyes)
Arthur: (realises it was him who sabotaged Merlin the first time but decides to play along for now) Thank you.
Cedric: (makes a bow) It is an honor to be of service to the Prince.
Arthur: And not an honor everyone can have. Right, Merlin?
Merlin: (dryly) Right.
Cedric: Allow me the honor of brushing your clothes down- (is about to touch Arthur’s clothes but Merlin grabs his arm midair)
Merlin: (smiles politely, but his grip is strong) I can do that myself, you don’t have to worry.
Cedric: (pulls his arm free, taken aback, but turns to Arthur) Anything else I can do for you, sire?
Arthur: (between bewildered and pleased with Merlin’s reaction) Thank you, but my servant has everything under control.
Merlin: (brushes Arthur’s clothes and gives Cedric a very smug smile)
Cedric: (thinking) The little shit. (forces a smile). In fact, I’ve come to Camelot in search of work. It would mean everything to me to have the pleasure to work at the castle near your highness.
Merlin: (coldly, after he finishes brushing Arthur’s clothes) There is a procedure for that.
Arthur: Merlin, it’s okay. (to Cedric) What’s your name?
Cedric: (makes another bow) Cedric, your highness.
Arthur: Cedric. We’re short of a man or two in the stables. You can start there. (gets on his horse) Merlin?
Merlin: (gets on his horse too and they leave together)
Cedric: …
Cedric: The servant has his own horse?! 😨
Time skip. Later in the stables.
Arthur: (furious) You fell asleep? That’s your excuse?
Cedric: (scared) I didn’t mean to-
Arthur: To what? To lose ALL the horses?
Merlin: (enters) Sire. Don’t be too hard on him. He's just tired.
Arthur: On his first day?
Cedric: Sire, please-
Arthur: Enough! You’re fired. (leaves but shouts from outside) Merlin!
Merlin: (cheerfully) I’ll go in a moment, sire! (looks at Cedric, his face turning serious)
Cedric: I did not fall asleep.
Merlin: No, you did not (throws the cloth that had Cedric’s sleeping draught at him). Thank you for the trick though, it’s quite effective.
Cedric: (angered) You stole it from me!
Merlin: Says the thief. (shakes his head and gives him a sack with treasure of Sigan’s tomb) Here, I hope that’s enough for you.
Cedric: (confused)… what?
Merlin: You wanted jewels, gold? There they are. Now leave Camelot and don’t come back.
Cedric: You think I’m stupid? I know there’s more in that tomb!
Merlin: Don’t be greedy. I'm doing you a favor. Or you leave with your hands full or be arrested for theft. You choose.
Cedric: I can tell the Prince you stole that. You’ll lose your job.
Merlin: Go ahead. Tell him and let’s see who he believes.
Cedric: …
Merlin: That’s what I thought. (threatens) I expect you to be gone by noon. (leaves)
Time skip. Cedric in the woods alone counting his treasure, happily.
Arthur: (appears out of nowhere) Where did you get that?
Cedric: (nervous) ¡Ah! Sire, what a nice surprise… seeing you here. 😅
Arthur: (approaches threateningly, raising his sword) You stole from me.
Cedric: (steps back, hands up, frightened) No! Merlin, your servant, he-
Arthur: And now you want to blame my personal manservant.
Cedric: No! I would never! I-
Arthur: (barely contained fury) You tried to sabotage my servant and almost liberated the ghost of a dangerous sorcerer putting all Camelot at risk… (pointing the sack with treasure). Just for this?
Cedric: (on his knees, begging) I’m so sorry, your highness! Please forgive me!
Arthur: I would. But you see… (runs him through with his sword) I still need 283.
Do you find confusing that I'm writing kind of in disorder? If you do, please let me know. Also, I'm open to ideas as always :D. Love you.
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dailyadventureprompts · 2 months ago
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Monsterhunt: Neiglus, Slagwrought Inscriptor
The grotesque result of an attempt to use ritual necromancy to resurrect a long dead titan of fire, this corrupted elemental is more than simply a horror, it is a threat to the primordial foundations of the world.
Challenges & Complications:
Though they began as pilgrims and outcasts, the fire genasi band known as the Ashmourn raiders have become galvanized into a fanatical cult, striking across the landscape first for resources, then for the components required for their leader's ill-conceived "miracle" leaving raided druidic vaults and wildfires in their wake. The party could be tasked with finding or foiling any one of these thefts or disasters, but it will hit the most hard if the target is someone they already care about.
Despite being created to give the Ashmourn the power they long felt denied, the abomination has little interest in helping the raiders restore the glory of their ancestors, or carve out territory beyond the volcanic wasteland they were exiled to. Instead it is as much a danger to its followers as it was to the enemies they made it to fight, malformed as it was by its summoner's grandiose self importance. That same summoner, the cult's leader, now desperately searches for a means of controlling the creature before its rampages destroy their following's faith in them.
The titan that Neiglus exits in mockery of had a mastery over the oracular arts, and her future-defining prophecies were etched into the walls of her tomb. Through the distortion and desecration of these texts, the cultists were able to create a world where their titan WOULD return, though the process left her warped beyond recognition. Worse yet, the abomination they created retains the titan's ability to perceive and influence the future, and it madly scribes these rambled proclamations into any surface (or being) within reach, sowing chaos into the world with every grating scratch. Storms of molten lead, the invasion of armies from realms that never existed, If the inscriptor is not stopped and its ramblings destroyed, the threads of fate themselves may catch ablaze.
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