the-lietuverse · 9 months
Fun facts about Tolvydas!! (@caffeinated-beverage's liet) Content warnings: mentions of trauma, drugs (weed), and alcohol
-They are generally quite sweet, but they do get a bit snappy sometimes, especially when it comes to anything related to their past traumas -They do "the devil's lettuce" on weekends and holidays. And if they don't do the devil's lettuce, they get drunk instead :/ -they're an affectionate/chill drunk, typically -when they are high, they usually end up whining and complaining that SOMEone ate their edibles, when it was literally their own self. -Because of depression, they have a messy house -While they would not beg to be carried, they really don't mind being carried around that much. But, also, if you pick them up by the armpits, they will go limp and just hang there, like a cat when it gets picked up by the scruff. (They hate being carried by the armpits tho) -tolvydas has a sleeper build -they used to sniff people directly on their faces when they were 12 (they don't anymore tho) -One embarassing story of Tolvydas: One time, at a house get-together with other country personifications, they wanted to drink some soda. So, they got one of the small coke bottles, not knowing that said bottle had been jostled around a bit. And so, when they opened it, it fizzed up and aLL OVER THEIR PANTS. And, no matter how many times they tried to explain that it was just soda, everybody there was convinced that they'd pissed themself. -A second embarassing story of Tolvydas': One time, Anastazy (@caffeinated-beverage's Poland) decided to be a rat bastard, and snuck up behind Tolvydas to pants him AT A PARTY. Except, when he yanked down Tolvydas' pants, he may or may not have accidentally got his underpants too. And while Tolvydas may have managed to get their revenge on him for that, they still have to live with the fact that all those other countries know what their bare booty-cheeks look like 😭
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caffeinated-beverage · 9 months
More info about Tolvydas’ nut allergies!!
-They’ve actually never been properly diagnosed, but it’s too obvious.
-It’s obvious because literally every time he eats anything with almonds/brazil nuts/macadamias/pine nuts/walnuts/peanuts, he breaks into itchy hives, their tongue and/or lips gets all swollen and itchy.
-However, they still eat things with nuts in them ANYways, only to be like, “shit.” later when he has an allergy reaction.
-Despite not being properly diagnosed, this allergy is obvious enough that all his friends, family, and lovers KNOW that he’s allergic to nuts, and are trying to stop him from eating things with nuts!! :(
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unhonestlymirror · 2 months
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Brother from another mother
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Hehe i got to see
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
Sometimes a stranger tags my post with a hetalia character and i want to be offended but it very much feels like a "girl what were YOU doing at the devil's sacrament?" moment like maybe if i wanted to deserve to be offended i shouldn't have recognised the name
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doomspiral · 6 months
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Since you want to thank me for Lietcest, how about I make that easier to accomplish for anyone else.
Name for 2P Liet taken from the name I give him in Medieval era, Tolvydas.
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angie-massei · 11 months
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Proud father.
Wilkomir lives with Tolvydas and Feliks since 1380.
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bone-evidence · 17 days
Summary: Despite his warnings of danger, loyal Knight Gilbert finds himself accompanying Prince Tolvydas to the recently-rebuilt marketplace. As expected, trouble finds them, but trouble is nothing they can't handle together.
Surprise, Fantasy LietPru :D!
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maibluemen · 7 months
ok while i'm working on which meta stuff i want to have on this blog, i do want to make a somewhat? detailed post on some name headcanons i have. so. some countries whose names i either tweak or change from the ones suggested by himaruya (arguably, there are no canon names. alfred is really the only one you could argue for lol)
🇷🇺 - ivan ivanovich morozov
hima doesn't give patronymics to the countries that would use them. ivanovich comes from ivan being very young and asked what his full name is, and the only male name he could think of was his own lol so he just stuck with it. and yes both sisters have teased him for this. morozov is derived from the russian word for "frost," which i find fitting; i wanted to find a non-jewish surname for him because i don't headcanon him as jewish and. of all the non-jewish countries to have a jewish surname.....well. no judgement on people who use braginsky and i doubt himaruya meant any harm or anything but yeah that's why i use a different surname for him lol
🇱🇹 - tolvydas jonas laurinaitis
shoutout to @hinotorihime who i believe was one of the first, if not the first person in the fandom to suggest tolys being a more accurate translation of トーリス (since japanese doesn’t distinguish between R/L sounds like indo-european languages do, and english doesn’t distinguish between I/Y the way lithuanian does, and tolys being an EXCEEDINGLY uncommon name, i don’t think “toris” is an unreasonable translation to have made after the game of language telephone from lithuanian->japanese-> english lol. トーリス would be directly transliterated like “to risu” for those unfamiliar with katakana. it’s worth noting that pixiv translates his character tag as “tolys”). uhh the source he gave me is a website that no longer exists and wasn't archived unfortunately, but "tolvydas" means something like "far seer" and tolys is a shortened form of it jonas is the name he added when he was finally baptized, and it's in reference to john the baptist anyway, here is an old post where she explains some name meanings!
🇪🇪 - eduard tamm
look i know eduard isn't really used in estonia but the guy simply gives off eduard vibes to me, sorry tamm, aside from being the most common surname, means "oak"
🇱🇻 - raivis bērziņš
bērziņš is, again, the most common surname and means "birch"
ed and raivis having the most common surnames in their countries i swear isn't me being lazy, i like the idea of all 3 baltics having tree names (laurinaitis referring to "laurel")
🇵🇱 - feliks mieczysław kazimierz łukasiewicz
who let the poles be catholic so. feliks has only been a name used in poland since around the 1800s? iirc, it was specifically brought over because of a fascination with french names but i might be wrong lol (and ultimately the origins of the name are latin, so variants of it are pretty old anyway). anyway. i've decided that his first name used to be mieczysław and he changed it around the time of the napoleonic wars to feliks, but kept the old name. kazimierz was chosen at his baptism and refers to st casimir, one of the many patron saints of poland (there's literally a wikipedia article dedicated to them all lol)
🐥 - gilbert maria beilschmidt
mary was just a hugely important aspect of gil's history as a knight (and the specific orders he represented also). he hasn't been catholic in centuries but he keeps maria in his legal name because that's his mom, guys
N. 🇮🇹 - felice luca veneziano
veneziano and romano being surnames (meaning "venetian" and "roman" respectively) i decided to just...assign the italy bros their uh. titles? as surnames. apparently siblings having separate surnames isn't unheard of for the nations lol, anyway. i thought it would be more fitting as i also headcanon that there's at least 20 italies (corresponding with each modern-day region though the actual history gets a bit messier, like my tuscany oc is more properly my florence oc.....that's another post, tho) and vene and romano represent. well. veneto (but originally venice) and lazio (but originally the city of rome...though i have yet to decide when he started representing rome because he's not an Ancient....anyway.....) felice being the italian variant of "felix" luca is a baptismal name referring to st luke, who is a patron of (amongst other things) artists
S. 🇮🇹 - lovino francesco romano
heh so lovino is in the category of not really a real name but i like it and have never really felt drawn to another name instead francesco refers to st francis of assisi who is hugely popular. well, in general. and is a patron of italy. i need to workshop some more headcanons about romano and religion because of....reasons lol, but this is definitely a name he took on relatively recently.
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a-stale-croissart · 6 months
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what if bison girl?
uhh some thought i guess?
im going to call her Smilga for now.
So she’s supposed to be like a forest protector spirit, but specifically forest plant protector. Ive drawn her as a deer, but idk a bison is more fun. Also with how big and slow(ish) bison are imo they reflect plant life more. Smilga is supposed to be quite tall and buff, at least compared to Tolvydas, who’s a forest animal protector spirit. Maybe one day ill draw them both. Tolvydas and Smilga can and will bring misfortune to those who harm their domains, but i don’t think they can directly hurt people. Maybe one day ill think of some cool backstory to them, but for now big womam 👍
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the-lietuverse · 9 months
younger tolvydas
Man, Tolvydas was a lil SHIT when he was a kid! Like,, -They NEVER showed up to his medieval school -The few times he ever DID show up, he was a lil shit -And whenever they showed up, they would often be tardy -It threw acorns at people he didn't like -doodled on things that didn't belong to him -Plotted elaborate prank schemes to play on those stinkin' ADULTS -Got an ass-whoopin' nearly every day -Was just generally a VERY naughty preteen >:c -and more
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caffeinated-beverage · 9 months
headcanon: Tolvydas is NOT a pretty cryer at all
though, who irl *is* a pretty cryer, tbh?
if any of y’all says that you’re actually looking cute when you cry IRL, I ✨don’t believe you✨ /j
ANYways, so, when Tolvydas cries..
-their whole face gets all contorted & red as a cherry tomato, w/ cheeks and nose even redder
-they cry really big tears
-they cry LOUDLY
-their mouth is hanging open
-both their nose & their mouth would be dripping
-sometimes, they even have snot bubbles
-you get the idea.
They also don’t want to look other people directly in the face when they cry, bc they are a lil insecure of their crying face (same with me tbh)
They also get more snappy than usual when they are crying, and are highly likely to snap something along the lines of “What are YOU looking at?! 😭😢😡” if anyone looks them in the face during this
if anyone is gonna comfort them while they are crying like this, it would defo be best if they do not look directly at their face during so, bc if they do, tolys will just become even more upset 😭
Also, there is no point in which they are just crying little tears instead.
When it comes to tears, Tolys is either A) Holding back tears, or B) full-blown sobbing, bawling his eyes out and all.
No in-between whatsoever.
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madam-of-lithuania · 1 year
woah! A hetalia fan from Lithuania! What are you headcanons about him? Is it true that his name is Tolys, not Toris? Please share the goods!
Yes i am from Kaunas, Lithuania🇱🇹
Yes is name is Tolvydas and for short Tolys as his nickname, and there is no name as Toris here in Lithuania
Well some of my few headcanons are more about my OTP CanLiet(Canada x Lithuania)*yes i ship them*
Gonna start my headcanon about them
When Tolys gets depressed or has stress Matthew always comforts his boyfriend Tolys and he gives him a tea for anti-stress and it helps Tolys a lot*(when i am depressed or have stress i drink tea for anti-stress and it helps me a lot)*
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unhonestlymirror · 10 days
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Eduard and Tolvydas but it's Lithuanian stained glass style.
[Man ne dzin - a Lithuanian "idgaf"]
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Pros to using Tolys as Lithuania's human name
it can be a shortened form of Tolvydas
Pros to using Toris as Lithuania's human name
It can be a shortened form of Clitoris
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that-other-blob · 6 months
Addition to that last name post, with very little logical basis (I picked these names bc of the vibes™️, so if you are from these countries and have suggestions don’t be afraid to tell me!)
The Lithuanian’s name would be something like Tolvydas, Tolys for short.
Yo pls tell me if this is a good name or not, is it common/uncommon? Old fashioned?
The Pole seems like the type to go by several different names at the same time: some faves are Lukasz and Feliks.
Source: I know 5 Polish men and 4 of them are named Lukasz
The Swiss’ name is Sebastian. Basch. Bäsch??
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