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uratkadal · 7 months ago
Rindu yg kupikir perlahan akan terkikis dan habis justru semakin menumpuk dan tumbuh subur tanpa diberi pupuk. Hal kampret demikian sll mnjd alasan tolol knp aku sll nunggu kamu pulang sdgkn aku sudah tahu bahwa kamu udah dgn org lain.
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esbatubulet · 1 year ago
Bahkan dalam kondisi seterpuruk ini sekali pun aku masih berpikiran baik terhadapmu. Entah itu disebut positive thinking atau bodoh..
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moxsart · 2 years ago
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maemtelo · 1 year ago
ekspektasinya loh over!
Harusnya emang jangan sebodoh ini punya rasa harapan itu, coba gimana enggak?
Pernah gak dilihat sama orang yang ada nilai spesial tapi tidak pernah berani menyapa duluan, tiba-tiba disemangati untuk mengerjakan sesuatu sampai pas selesai. Eh, pas udah selesai pekerjaan dengan rapi dan pasti ada lelahnya, pengen loh disambut dengan kata penyegar dan pereda lelah.
"Capek gak mas hari ini, gimana tadi?
Pengennnya mah dapet banget kalimat kaya gitu setelah ngawu-awu punggung kaki merasakan capeknya seharian bekerja yang disemangati. Namanya juga kepengennya.
Entah sesering atau semengidolakan orang sampai punya harapan yang berlebih banget, padahal mah ya menyentuh hatinya aja gak berani. Tapi gapapa kok, kan dalam kondisi tolol banget. Pengennya semua harus sesuai ekspektasi, padahal mah si ampun dah.
Coba ekspektasi itu dijadikan patokan ketololan ya, hehehe. Semakin tinggi ekspektasi maka semakin tolol diri ini. Apalagi ngumpan rasa atau nyimpen rasa yang gak penting sehingga timbul ekspektasi-ekspektasi berlapis-lapis hingga terlihat terlapisi ketololan.
Seenggak enggak itu coba, ngeselinnya kan diri ini yang bodoh.
—senin yang bodoh.
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homuracar · 7 months ago
i wonder if it really is common that alot of europeans just assume everyone who isnt european on the internet is american
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anotherworldash · 1 year ago
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someone said i look like a pedofil because of a garyxSerena illustration i drew.
the drawing was made by ME for MY fanfiction about aged-up pokeani characters in the series. (fanfic take place when they're 20 yo)
clearly, they aren't illiterate. so why are they this dumb? description box is there for A REASON
not to mention there are 10000000 other porny pokeani arts in DA where they don't age up character. why bother with mine? just say you don't like my ship and scared of my good drawing, then move on.
meanwhile my art in question : (like which part is 10 yo? they clearly look adult here)
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urlocalbedhead · 2 years ago
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Majima WIP!
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hiroshotreplica · 1 year ago
honestly only put out that personal thing just in case theres another guy out there having my same thought process. like you arent alone Ok. lets sit in the corner and think about this together
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inkzix · 2 years ago
i love speaking indonesian
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uratkadal · 9 months ago
Kata-kata tolol sering digunakan diberbagai kondisi dan situasi. Bawa motor tiba2 di klakson orang misalnya, lagi melamun trus dikagetin orang misalnya, mau mandi lupa bawa handuk misalnya, jatuh cinta sama kamu..... Misalnya,,,,,,,
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cigaretteparfum · 2 years ago
ᮄᮛᮠ ᮞᮤᮃ ᮘᮨᮜᮏᮁ, ᮕᮦᮜ᮪. 🙃
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rubahlicik · 19 days ago
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Makin tolol, dikira zakat sekedar iuran sukarela🤣
Situ situ yang ngide, kenapa minta anggaran ke zakat. Zakat kan ada aturannya, diambil darimana disalurin kemana.
Lagian kalo emang anggaran ga cukup berarti emang programnya ga dipikirin Mateng. Omon omon doang. Kalo tetep kekeuh harus jalan, yaudah potong aja tuh gaji sama tunjangan pejabat jangan ambil uang zakat
Kocak xianying
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nurunala · 8 months ago
Cerpen: Hujan atau Cinta
Mungkin, memang sudah seharusnya aku berterima kasih kepada hujan. Rintik-rintik kenangan yang menahan kita tetap di sini. Mendengarkan cerita satu sama lain. 
Kamu bercerita, aku bercerita—dan entah sudah berapa dusta yang aku cipta. 
Hujan menggenang lubang-lubang jalan. Burung-burung berteduh.
Hatiku mengaduh.
Inikah rasanya jatuh, terluka, tapi harus terus berpura-pura?
“Siapa dulu yang ketawa ngakak sampai jatuh dari pohon?”
Dahimu selalu berkerut jika sedang bertanya. 
“Amar? Yang celananya sobek?”
“Iya bener, Amar! Celananya sampai sobek ya? Oh iya!”
Kamu tertawa lepas sambil reflek menepuk lengan kiriku. 
Aku selalu suka tawa itu. Terutama saat pemicunya adalah aku. 
Sejak dulu, aku selalu ingin jadi sumber bahagia dalam hidupmu.
“Kamu, lama di sini?”
Akhirnya, kuberanikan diri bertanya. Mengukur kemungkinan berapa kali lagi kita bisa berjumpa. Untuk sekadar bertukar cerita, bernostalgia, atau … menumbuhkan lagi rasa? 
“Besok jam 6 pagi udah ke Jakarta lagi,” jawabmu datar. 
Besok pagi? Maksudmu, 14 jam dari sekarang? 
“Buru-buru amat. Baru aja sampai tadi pagi.”
Kamu menatap mataku sebentar, lalu kembali mengalihkan pandangan ke depan. Seolah mengamati hujan yang belum juga mereda.
“Ayah cuma cuti sehari. Makanya habis resepsi Risma tadi, ayah sama ibu langsung keliling-keliling buat silaturahmi. Udah lama banget gak ke sini. Ada kali ya 5 tahun?”
Tepatnya, 6 tahun 2 bulan. 
Hari ini 27 Agustus 2023. Kamu dan keluarga meninggalkan desa ini untuk pindah ke Jakarta sejak 25 Juni 2017. Saat kita mau naik kelas 2 SMA. 
Banyak yang bilang aku pelupa. Tapi tentangmu, percayalah: aku pengingat yang baik. 
“Iya, sekitar 5 tahunan. Ya, lumayan. Kalau orang, kira-kira umur segitu udah TK lah.”
“Udah bisa maling jambu di kebun Pak Muchtar, ya?”
Pertanyaanmu memanggil kembali ingatan masa kecil kita. Hari-hari di masa lalu ketika kita lebih mudah bahagia karena belum banyak mau. 
“Kamu kan yang nyuruh?”  
Seperti tak terima dituduh, kamu langsung mengklarifikasi, “Aku gak nyuruh. Aku cuma bilang, aku pengen jambu air.” 
Kamu selalu begitu. 
Menyembunyikan ego di balik keluguanmu. Itu alasan kita berpisah 6 tahun lalu, kan? Saat kamu bilang, hubungan jarak jauh melelahkan dan enggak akan berhasil. 
Tak lama setelah kamu mengatakan itu, kamu mengunggah foto dengan seseorang yang lain–alasan sebenarnya kita berpisah?  
Lalu kita berhenti saling mengikuti di media sosial. 
Setelah belasan tahun pertemanan …
Setelah setahun saling mengungkap perasaan … 
Kita tiba-tiba menjadi dua orang asing. 
Aku berusaha melupakanmu dan meneruskan langkah. Aku berusaha untuk baik-baik saja, memajang senyum dan tawa ke mana-mana. 
Berusaha percaya pada mereka yang berkata, ‘waktu akan menyembuhkan’. Argumen paling tolol yang pernah aku amini. 
Karena, bahkan hingga hari ini, 6 tahun kemudian … 
Saat takdir kembali mempertemukan kita di desa ini–tempat segalanya tumbuh dan bersemi, aku sadar: aku tak pernah benar-benar bisa melupakanmu. 
Bahwa menghapus ingatan tentangmu, adalah sama dengan menghapus seluruh ingatan di kepalaku. 
Bahwa ternyata luka ini, tak pernah benar-benar sembuh.
“Pohon jambunya, masih ada enggak sih?”
Tanyamu sambil melempar pandangan jauh ke sebuah rumah, lalu mengarahkan telunjukmu ke sana.
“Rumahnya yang di situ, kan?”
Aku mengangguk.
“Masih ada, kayaknya. Pohon jambu kan gak bisa tiba-tiba pindah ke Jakarta.”
Kalimat itu keluar begitu saja dari mulutku, memicu senyum sinis di wajahmu. 
“Imran, si paling jago kalau nyindir orang.”
“Nadia, si paling …”
“Si paling apa?”
Dahimu berkerut lagi. 
“Si paling cantik,” ada lengkung senyum di wajahmu sebelum berubah jadi ekspresi kesal saat aku melanjutkan, “di Geng Jambu.”
“Yeeh kan aku emang cewek sendiri. Tapi …”
Ada jeda sebentar sebelum kamu melanjutkan kalimat. Seolah kamu ragu.
“... di ingatan kamu, aku kayak gitu ya? ‘Tiba-tiba pindah ke Jakarta’. Kayak … seolah-olah itu semua kemauan aku.”
“Aku nggak bilang gitu.”
“Kamu tadi bilang, ‘tiba-tiba pindah ke Jakarta’. Maksudnya aku, kan?”
“Tiba-tiba atau enggak, di ingatan aku, kamu pergi.”
“Dan di ingatan aku, kamu menghilang.”
“Kamu kan yang minta aku menghilang?” tanyaku tak terima. 
“Aku? Aku minta kamu menghilang?” giliran kamu yang tak terima. 
“Kamu bilang, kamu capek sama aku.”
Mendengar ucapanku, kamu terdiam sebentar. Seperti menata kata dalam kepala. Lalu serupa hujan yang tiba-tiba menderas, kalimat demi kalimat meluncur dari mulutmu.
“Aku bilang, aku capek, karena kamu terus-terusan mempertanyakan kepergian aku ke Jakarta. Terus-terusan protes sama kita yang harus tiba-tiba pisah. Terus-terusan ngeluh karena kita jadi gak bisa lagi ketemu setiap hari. Aku gak pernah minta kamu menghilang.”
Nada bicaramu tiba-tiba meninggi. 
Sementara aku masih memproses kata-katamu, kamu bicara lagi.
“Kamu pikir aku gak sedih kita pisah? Kamu pikir aku gak pernah protes? Kamu pikir aku suka keluar dari zona nyaman aku, harus beradaptasi sama orang-orang kota yang sok tau, dikatain kampungan … Selama ini, kamu mungkin mikir aku egois. Tapi, aku tuh …”
Kalimatmu tertahan di sana. Kamu menghela napas dalam, dan matamu mulai berkaca-kaca. 
Hujan di luar sudah hampir reda, hujan di matamu jatuh begitu saja.  
“Maaf. Aku yang egois.”
Hanya itu yang bisa kukatakan. 
Kamu menyeka air mata dengan jemarimu, lalu memaksa bibirmu untuk tersenyum. 
“Aku yang maaf. Kenapa jadi marah-marah gini, ya?” 
“Karena aku emang nyebelin?”
“Iya. Nyebelin banget,” ujarmu sambil memanyunkan bibir sedikit. Kebiasaan yang selalu kamu lakukan setiap kesal padaku. 
“Eh, udah ah bahas masa lalunya. Udah lewat juga. Bisa tethering bentar gak? Paket dataku abis, mau ngabarin Ayah kalau kita kejebak ujan di sini. Takutnya dia nyariin.”
Aku menghidupkan fitur personal hotspot di ponsel. 
“Passwordnya?” tanyamu sambil menunjukkan layar ponsel. 
“Pelan pelan, dong … Enam .. Enam … apa tadi?”
“Dua Nol Satu Enam.”
“Enam Enam Dua Nol Satu Enam? Eh, ini … ”
Jangan bilang, kamu masih ingat. 
“Tanggal jadian kita bukan, sih?” tanyamu singkat dan lugu.
Ada banyak hal dalam hidup yang tak bisa kita pilih. Boleh jadi, salah satunya adalah cinta pertama, yang dengan segala kekonyolannya mewarnai masa remaja. 
Ketika jerawat pubertas pecah dan hidup tak tentu arah.
Cinta pertama adalah bunga yang mekar di taman jiwa. Wanginya semerbak membuai dan melalaikan. Ia menghiasi satu-dua musim, lalu seketika layu dan kehilangan pesona. 
Tetapi, anehnya, ia tetap di sana.
Menetap dalam ingatan. 
Abadi sebagai kenangan. 
“Bisa tethering-nya?” tanyaku, berusaha mengalihkan pembicaraan.
“Bisa. Bisa. Bentar ya aku chat Ayah dulu …”
“Oke. Jangan download film.”
“Ya kali …” 
“Siapa tau …”
“Eh, Ran,” kamu menengok ke arahku sambil tersenyum. “Pertanyaanku belum dijawab tadi. Kamu… masih pakai tanggal jadian kita buat password?”
“Heh? Oh, itu. Males ganti-ganti. Susah tau Nad, ngapalinnya.”
Mendengar jawabanku, kamu mengangguk-angguk kecil. 
“Iya sih, setuju. Aku juga …” ada nada ragu di kalimatmu, tapi kamu tetap melanjutkannya, “... masih pake tanggal jadian kita buat passcode handphone, 060616. Dari dulu gak pernah ganti.”
Aku tak tahu harus merespons apa dan bagaimana. 
Haruskah terkejut? Haruskah bangga dan terharu? Haruskah jujur saja mengatakan bahwa sebagaimana password di ponselku, perasaan ini juga tak pernah berubah?
“Emang males banget sih ganti-ganti password,” kataku sambil ikut mengangguk-angguk. Aku berusaha mencari cara untuk keluar dari suasana yang terasa semakin canggung. 
“Hujannya udah agak reda, Nad. Lanjut, yuk!”
Aku berdiri, bersiap melanjutkan perjalanan. 
Tapi, kamu menarik tanganku untuk duduk di sampingmu lagi. 
“Sini dulu deh, mager banget. Udah lama juga aku gak mampir ke warung ini. Dulu setiap pulang sekolah, kita selalu ke sini, kan?”
Pertanyaanmu memecah kecanggungan. Mengembalikan kita ke dalam obrolan-obrolan panjang. 
Sudah sejak tadi hujan berhenti … dan kita masih di sini.
Ternyata bukan karena hujan kita bertahan.
Tetapi, aku terlalu takut menyebutnya cinta.
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itonashi · 2 years ago
May I request Chigiri Hyoma x reader, but the bllk boys and Chigiri are hanging outside of blue lock and the reader hugs Chigiri from behind while he's talking to someone; suprising chigiri of his s/o's sudden appearance? I LITERALLY CANNOT GET ENOUGH OF THIS MAN 🥰💍💍🙏
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pairing: chigiri hyoma x fem!reader
warning: mentioned other chars, fluff, lowercase intended, manga spoilers
note: pls pls pls appear in the tag... im gonna cry if it doesn't appear. i hate mobile legends. memang tolol kau tahu tak (nonsense in malay). i love the anon who req me this.
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it's time!
for your divine, beautiful, majestic, heavenly, breath-taking, lovely, charming, marvelous, splendid, distinguished, monumental, glorious, astonishing, and pretty boyfriend to get out of his hell hole!!!
the blue lock program.
because of that stupid program you didn't get to even chat him or see him for months! now he's a celebrity after that soccer match that you didn't even managed to get a ticket for.
you want to see him so much instead of chatting with him on some apps. you hated how chigiri hyoma is now known to the world and some ppl liked him because of his beauty. that beauty should've been only for you.
fortunately, he is yours and you are his.
but he said that he only have two weeks break so that means the program is still not finish yet and that made you filled with the 5 stages of grief because that technically means that you won't be seeing him for months again! and who knows? he will also be offered with professional clubs out there.
you're glad that he didn't give up on soccer anymore and how he is really happy now.
with these two weeks break, you will make the most time to hang out with your boyfriend and make the most of it.
oh? is that your lovely boyfriend there? and if you're not mistaken — the people that he's talking to is the blue lock people.
'i want to surprise him. i mean.. his reactions will be so cute! after all, we haven't seen eachother for a long time.'
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"i think i will have a chances with many pretty girls this year."
"shut up, otoya."
"being known to the world feels nice."
"i wonder if i have a fanbase..."
"isagi! look at the comments about you."
"people really like nagi, huh."
"why are they so shocked that reo is playing soccer..."
the atmosphere was lively as everyone was talking about different things. some were talking about their popularity, soccer, the u-20 match, school and friends.
what was irritating me is that aryu keep asking me about what i use for my hair. yeah yeah, i know my hair is silky but only some people can touch it. if i don't want him to bother me with his 'glam' things. i just need to straight up tell him about the haircare i use.
"oh really? that's the one you use... hmm, what a shame. it doesn't fit my glam hair."
"ok, aryu..."
just stop talking to me about that, it's boring! damn it. "chigiri! look at people commenting about your beauty!" bachira showed me the multiple comments about my beauty and how they wish they know me earlier... blah blah blah. "haha, it's amazing how chigiri got people to like because of his beauty." isagi said.
"i bet his fanbase is full of girls."
is it? i don't really remember...
"i don't think so?"
"yeah, right.
i couldn't careless about the fanbase anyway. i already have my special someone who never gave up on me. the one who was always there with me through thick and thin. she never left me when i was injured. it was a shame she didn't managed to see the match in front of her eyes.
if she was there, i would've hug her tight even if there was my mother and sister there...
it's been a long time since i see her.
i was conversing with nagi and telling him some information about soccer. when suddenly i felt a hand wrapped around my waist from behind and a beaming girl's voice was heard.
everyone stop talking and look at the uninvited guest that just arrived. 'wooo' and 'oohh' could be heard from them. nagi look at the person who interrupt chigiri from talking and the person unwrapped their hands from chigiri's waist.
"oh, you're surprised to see me." you chuckle at the sight of him.
you wave at all the people there and they wave back with welcome but they're definitely questioning who you are from the sudden appearance. otoya did the honor of asking not before asking if you're single.
"im taken by the oh so lovely princess chigiri hyoma."
"oi, don't call me that."
well, at least no one's here is beautiful like your boyfriend! this goes unnoticed by you but when otoya asked you that question. he almost tried to gouge out otoya's eyes. you didn't notice yukimiya was there until he spoke up.
"[name], you are dating chigiri?"
"ah, since when are you here... yuki?"
"you two knew each other?"
"he's my co-worker in the model agency but don't worry i never work with him, hyoma."
chigiri let out a sigh of relief at that statement. sure, yukimiya was handsome. and he love how you are loyal to him in the end. they time passed with you being introduced to the boys and come of them praised you for being a beauty and question you is it hard being a model and all that.
you get to know some of them better and it did help with yukimiya being there.
"i think it's time we should go back home." isagi said. the time was almost 5:00 p.m and they all agreed to it — saying goodbyes to one another, you set out walking back home with chigiri.
"you really surprised me back there."
"your reaction was worth it. hehe."
typical [name]. a little prankster ever since middle school. "here, do you want my hand?" chigiri offered you his hand for you to wrapped your hands around it and you did just that. you lean your head on his shoulders while walking to the train station. talking along the way about the day and your opinion on the boys.
"you did great on the match, hyoma. you don't have to think about it that much when you were out half time. i have been watching you that whole match even if i wasn't there. you're my favorite player out there."
it was out of the blue when you said that but it was comforting to him. you are his biggest supporter and he will never let go of that fact. the things you said to comfort him. you always know what his feelings are at the moment.
"thank you, [name]."
you chuckle at his flustered voice.
"that's my duty as your biggest supporter."
you two arrived at the train station and wait for your train to come and board it. it is fortunately empty. you love some quiet times with chigiri on the train.
you lean your head on chigiri's shoulder and close your eyes while holding his hand on the train and hum a melody. "[name], what do you think of me?" he said with a slight nervous. hoping at what you said about him is all positive.
"if im being brutally honest... after you were injured, you care too much about what those people said about your injuries. especially those wanima twins. i hate them. you have me on your back — i will defend you from those types of people but im happy that you're not giving up on soccer. you are a hardworking guy. you are slightly moody though..."
"that's too honest."
"i did said i was brutally honest."
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warriorcatclans · 1 year ago
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kuwameshi bullshits i might as well put on my side
i think that makai has a lot of traditional clothing and wear considering the demons are like thiusands of years old... kuwabara doesnt have to wear the kimono, he wants to(also yusuke said he does have toLOL) he wants to give yusuke a good honorable presentation/reputation. yusuke more or less doesnt give a shit but he thinks its soo cute that kuwabara is trying so hard for his sake... my kuwabara is so special to me i wish i could give him so many beautiful silks and fabrics and jewelry make him look pretty and adorned because i think he deserves it and also its cute and i think he would secretly freaking love it once he got over the internalized phobia of not being so masculyine all the time IDK IM CRAYDUWJSGE
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purinkiss · 6 months ago
Rania yap session about burger guy LMAO IJBOL LOLOLOLOLOLOL TOLOL
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Guys there's this cute guy who works at this burger place and he's so cute bye. Also, he basically like pulled a chair for me. FROM THE INSIDE TO OUTDOORS. Just so I could take a seat while I wait for my order....... just say you want me like😂😂😂😂 no because the cashier counter thing is like outside and there's also a place inside where you can eat in but since it's a takeaway, I thought that I probably didn't have to sit down bc... bc I didn't want to BUT NO he had to pull a chair out.. AND it's not the first time he did that, he wants me so bad ijbol "duduk heula teh" hatur nuhun pisan Aa kasep UHUYYY ...... I might actually regret posting this but who gaf😂😂... I do!😇😅
(Please don't take this seriously but also do take it seriously..... IM NOT THIS DOWN BAD I SWEAR. Only for jay and sunghoon🤕🙏🏻/hj)
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