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luminouslumity · 22 days ago
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abnormaldemigod · 3 months ago
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venusdamenace · 1 year ago
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Okay. So the funniest thing about this whole British people feel like good food is a fantasy thing is it comes from  the class structure in their country. So, It used to be that spices were incredibly rare to the point that it's half The reason the British Empire colonised half the world. It was to get their hands on spices. They were purely for the upper class used by the upper class. Now, the problem with colonising half the world to get your hands on spices is that eventually when you get your hands on enough spices the price of spices come down, you also eventually become a multicultural empire and you're inherently not only making the resources more wide spread but also the subjugated workers. So they would ship the subjugated Indian workers to other British colonies, the subjugated African workers to other British colonies, the subjugated Native American  workers to other colonies and so on and so forth. So you start spreading a bunch different ethnicities around and having them intermingle, and bring their staple cooking styles with them. And that creates a very unique food culture, where the lower class, who now comprise not just lower class British people but the Indians, Chinese, Africans, Arabs, ect, have access to cheap spices and new cooking techniques because the price of spices is drastically reduced and everyone who isn't aristocracy is kind of merging and intermingling.
So Spices become the thing of the Common Man. spice becomes available to the working masses. Suddenly salt and pepper aren't a luxury. They are a goddamn Necessity. cinnamon, cumin, everything becomes a goddamn necessity and you get people spreading spicy flavorful food amongst the working class. So when the British upper crust, especially during the Georgian and Victorian era saw that this was happening. They were like,” oh, oh God. I don't want to eat spices anymore because the working poor man is eating spices. So instead We're going to focus on traditional British only meals from now on”. Now the funny thing about traditional British only meals is that they're very fucking plain because for the majority of their history as a fucking island nation, the people who really dictate a national identity, the working class, haven't had access to the resources that make food flavorful.
So they've been relying on very meaty plan, flavours,  oniony kind of flavours ect. The kind you get out of boiling , mashing, stewing and reducing the shit out of your ingredients. Maybe they would have salt maybe. But mostly it's  The flavours that you get out of the actual food itself instead of the things like spices and herbs that you add to food to make it flavorful. So the upper crust played themselves, started eating very Bland, very flavorless food, and insisted that this was the real traditional British cuisine ,and that created the idea that British cooking is Boring, right?
And then you add on to that World War II, where everyone else is now forced to eat. Bland flavorless food because of rationing and Suddenly you've got an entire fucking culture, whose food has had to take a massive back seat, but we're also talking about the same culture that when it rebounded because where things like… I think it's tikka masala and a bunch of other like Multicultural style dishes originate. And that comes from its multicultural background. so British cooking can be quite flavorful. It can be quite good but the British Aristocracy, of which Tolkien was a part of, Viewed food with flavour as being of the lower class and it's fucking hilarious. So that's why the hobbits and dwarves, who are written as lower class allegories, have amazing flavourful food, because for the most part so did the British lower class. And its why the elves have this bland shit like … nimbus bread? That tastes like sawdust but can keep you fed for an entire day on a single bite.
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blueroses789 · 2 years ago
Okay it is never not going to bother me that the names of Maglor, Curufin and Caranthir's wives are never mentioned.
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ostermeiernet · 7 months ago
Zitat von Gandalf über "alltägliche Taten von gewöhnlichen Leuten"
„Es sind die kleinen Dinge, alltägliche Taten von gewöhnlichen Leuten, die die Dunkelheit fernhalten.Einfache Taten der Güte und Liebe.” GandalfZauberer aus “Herr der Ringe”https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gandalfhttps://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Der_Herr_der_Ringehttps://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._R._R._Tolkien
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comfortabletextiles · 1 year ago
@swords-n-spindles @milkweedman
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turkish spindle gang make some noise (imagine having to wind your singles off your spindle before you can start plying, couldn't be us)
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veryimportantpeopleshow · 10 months ago
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When asked who she’s wearing, Leighanna-Jean answered “A very famous designer.” Pressed for details, she elaborated with “Tom.” “Tom Ford?” “Mhhhmmm, I think he drives a Bronco actually. I’m not sure.”
via @EmmaTolkin
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kingjacktorrance · 2 years ago
Excuse me, but that isn't the fault of Lotr!
Tolkin also included hobbits, trolls, orcs, ents, wizards, the eagles,ghosts, wraith gods, Skin-Changers, giant Spiders, dragons and Tom Bombardil.... and that is only the Hobbit and Lotr.
Even more: He gave them a history and different cultures that have their own nuanced history. (Even the Horses of Rohan have something like culture)
Don't bash Lotr just because we live in a capitalistic society that values high sales over creativity. Elves, dwarves and men are the archetypes with the highest recognition value. You can sell a lot of books if you feature them.
Don't resent Lotr, resent capitalism!
I will forever resent lord of the rings for making "human, elf, dwarf" the 3 default fantasy races. I want justice for treants and fishmen and infernals and dragonfolk and bird people and beastmen and
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filmaticbby · 7 months ago
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The Rapture (1991) dir. Michael Tolkin
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peasant-player · 3 months ago
First kiss goodbye 💔
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Aegnor & Andreth
"..for her sake he would never take the hand of any bride from his own kindred but live alone to the end ..."
I always wanted to draw something with a "back light" !
Now I have the opposite than what my friend @starshadeemilyart worried about xD
My dear what is the opposite to Lobster-Finrod because his brother is 100% that!
But it's very artistic looking~
I trying out pattern or sheer clothing out on my next drawing depending which sketch I finish first wish me luck D:
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oldshowbiz · 6 months ago
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"Minsky was the name epitomizing burlesque, which stood for vulgarity and tastelessness. Although in my opinion, Mr. Minsky got an undeserved rap. Some burlesque sketches, tested and perfected through thousands of performances, actually influenced much of television comedy, including Your Show of Shows. We rewrote some classic burlesque sketches, lifted others verbatim."
- comedy writer Mel Tolkin
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wowstrawberrycow · 4 months ago
Prepping for my request!
I finally feel prepared enough to write it @celeluwhenfics! I'll write your LegolasXGimli (Gigolas) drabble tomorrow!
Got some foodie head canons for ya!
Food culture
So canonically if we go by books meat is not completely unseen from the dinner table.
However! And this is my head canon:
I think they have things stored for guests who don't share their customs. I especially think Elrond is good about that since in the books his house seems to be welcoming towards just about anyone who's not a jerk. He's just a cool guy like that! Further more I think they eat very much the way modern Daoist's (Taoists) do which is primarily Vegan if not vegetarian with acceptions. I imagine sweets are very rare outside of festivals/large gatherings.Food is a spiritual thing for Daoist(taoist) philosophy, and I can easily see that being the same for elves too.
They may have modern Buddhist practices too. For example not only is there thanks for the planet for providing it but also gratitude for each step given to prepare it (and to all who prepared it). I think personal meals at home and feasting amongst one another is very ritualistic in that way.
But in contrast I also want to say that depending on the situation their feasting manner can vary. I say this because these guys love their wine. They seem to party a lot when they get visitors in the books. So I'm going to say that their food culture can be laid back with good company. I don't think anyone would be offended if an outsider doesn't participate in their food customs. They just wanna have a good time. But this may also depend on who's house your visiting. Elrond's house, Galadriel's woodland home, and Thranduil's cavern palace very different ways of how they treat visitors. The degree of welcome may very.
I'm basing my head canons off of what the movies for this one.
Food culture
I think dwarves are very lively during most meals and it's a custom for each person to tell a story or sing a song at the table. If someone isn't laughing it's not truly meal time. There is always some sort of alcohol on the table and plethora of breads and cheese. I think cheese is collected daily depending on if there is a village a few miles away. I imagine the errand boy for the market changes regularly so no one person is stuck doing it. They live in caves so meat must be cured for storage depending on the type of meat it is. (I'll get into food storage in a bit) I think that dwarves like a lot of baked goods in general too. So casseroles, baked deserts, and hearty pies are always available. These guys give me a cozy hearty cooking vibe, mainly because of the bellows they work with in the mines. Ovens just seem to be bedded everywhere in their culture.
I imagine that immediately after everyone is done eating they have warrior prayers for the fallen too. Then they all pitch in to clean up the table and wash up the dishes and kitchen too. They might be a rowdy crew but they do know how to clean up very well. After a meal they take the time to bond with family by playing games, some may rough house for amusement, entertaining little ones and maybe napping depending on the meal
I think they also have an excellent food storage system too. Because they live in mines their would undoubtedly be parts of the mountain that maintain constant temperatures. I could see them manipulating the temperature to something more accommodating for foods that need a colder storage space. These dudes can use magic to a degree, so this doesn't seem too out of their scope to me.
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filmreveries · 1 year ago
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“Who forgives God?”
The Rapture (1991) dir. Michael Tolkin
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citizenscreen · 6 months ago
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Behind the scenes of “Your Show of Shows” with (l to r) Danny Simon, Gary Belkin, Neil Simon, Mel Brooks, Tony Webster, Mel Tolkin and Sid Caesar
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onlytiktoks · 7 months ago
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justineportraits · 1 year ago
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Hayley Tolkin Card Players 2007
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