#tokyo revengers mermaid!au
asirensrage · 4 months
East of the Sun, West of the Moon
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Title: East of the Sun, West of the Moon Fandom: Tokyo Revengers Rating: Uhh...Teen? Pairing: Kokonoi Hajime x Inui Seishu, mentioned!Koko x Akane Word count: 1629 Warnings: Merpeople? Off-screen canon character death. Dubious Consent for a kiss? Non-human/Human relationship. Implied forced magic/species change? unbeta'd Summary: He had paid the price for the magic he desired. Coming to the surface to meet his prize does not go as expected.
Notes: This is my first thing done for Mermay! I wrote it all this morning after a friend of mine suggested this couple. This is my first time writing for them (and technically my first m/m oneshot lol). I hope you enjoy it.
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It’s been too long since he’s had a chance to come back to the surface. He’s been busy, working to find the right witch with the right magic for his desires. There is a cost for everything and he had paid heavily, more with parts of his soul than his body. He was shrewd enough to keep the damage to others, not himself. Finally though, he had what he wanted. He was ready to make his courtship fully known and offer something intangible. A freedom from the life that bound her only to the surface. 
He hears the click of those shoes she wears on the wood, vibrating into the dark water and signalling him in the night. A siren’s call already and she’s still wearing legs.
Her hair glows in the moonlight when he finally breaks the surface with barely a ripple. He can’t resist playing, sneaking up on her as he flicks his tail and moves closer. Her silhouette is…different. Is she smaller? Can humans shrink? He didn’t think so but Merfolk can change at will so why can’t humans do the same in some way? They change as they age, he remembers, and he tries to think of how long he’s been gone in human years. The time is strange. 
He floats a little closer, just enough that he can almost make out the different hairstyle that accompanies the shift in her, and he calls out in the grating human speech. “Miss me?” 
She turns quickly, eyes skimming the horizon behind before finally looking down for the voice. He reels back, tail flicking in agitation and fear that he tries to hide. “You’re not Akane.” 
They look like her, similar in features but sharper. Less happy. He doesn’t like it. He doesn’t like this male version of her. Akane the human was bright like the sun or the coral in the reef that the fish liked to hide in. This person felt more like the moon. A pale reflection of the warmth he sought. 
“So you’re the reason she kept coming here,” they say. Their voice is lower than hers, smoother. “I knew she had a secret but I didn’t think… you’re not human, are you?”
He sneers at the stranger, sharp teeth displayed in warning. “Where is she?”
He sinks for a moment in shock. Dead? She can’t be dead. He has his magic. He was going to bring her with him finally. She can’t- “Lies!” he hisses. 
They sit down on the wooden platform, heels removed and tucked into the side as they dip their feet into his water. He moves to see them clearer and one side of their face glistenes with the fresh skin of a scar. “There was a fire. She didn’t…” they cut themselves off. “She wanted to bring me here before and I always said no. I…I should have-”
“Fire?” The concept is strange to him. There is no such thing in the water, not outside of the volcanoes and eruptions that sometimes quake under, sprouting heat and pain if one gets too close. 
“Yeah,” the familiar stranger nods. He does not elaborate.
“How do I know it’s not a trick? I will pay for her return.” Humans like gold and shiny things, don’t they? Kokonoi can travel and dig up a treasure for her. 
“I would pay anything for her return,” the stranger says looking towards the moon. Kokonoi pauses. They are pretty, like Akane but different. As the moon is different from the sun. He decides he likes the sharpness of their jaw and the apathy in their eyes. He is stunned by the desire to see if he feels as soft as he looks or if Kokonoi will cut himself on the jagged edges he sees. Akane was bright and soft and kind. Kokonoi was prepared to fight for her in the deep, to keep her safe. He senses that this one would fight himself.
“Who are you?” he finally asks, pushing himself up to rest his arms on the dock and staring at him. He reaches out a long finger, careful with his claw as he touches the leg in the water. 
“Seishu.” The name is as familiar as an old current. “I’m her brother.” 
Brother. Another name for a hatchling. He remembers she said she had one in an old conversation when they first met. He had been intrigued by the figure sitting on the dock, much like Seishu sits tonight. “Koko,” he offers, pointing to himself. It’s the easier version of a name a human can pronounce. One Akane gifted him. 
The way he says his name makes him shiver, his spines flickering out. He reaches, trailing his claw over their skin. He’s tempted to make him bleed but Koko does not want competition in this moment, no matter how much he wants to taste. He drags his claw under Seishu’s foot, eyes flashing with pleasure at the way they flinch. 
“What are you?” Koko asks, looking up at her brother. “Akane said she was female. Are you?”
“What? No. I’m her brother. That means I’m male.”
He thinks about it and shrugs. Gender has no meaning, not really, not to a Mer who can change theirs on a whim. If he needs, he can adjust to suit them and the future he’s suddenly thinking of. He grieves for Akane, for his sun, but the moon controls the tides and Kokonoi is finding himself swept up in the current that Seishu pulls him to. 
Kokonoi hums softly, letting the sound verberate through the air. He could drag him down easily, but Kokonoi likes to take his time. He wants Seishu’s curiosity. He wants to be desired back. He is not lacking in courtships but there have been none that caught his interest until Akane. Until Seishu. “I’ll return. You wait.”
“You want me to wait for you?” 
Kokonoi nods. “I won’t be long this time. Next night.” 
Seishu looks at him before he nods. “Okay, I’ll come back. For Akane.”
“For you,” Kokonoi demands. 
He looks out at the horizon, at the moon that shines and is reflected by the water. “Akane loved coming here, thought is was an escape. Used to joke about not coming back.”
A promise Kokonoi made to her that she left unfulfilled. Promises were binding to beings like the Mer and the witches in the deep. He gives into the urge and licks the skin of the leg in the water. It makes Seishu yelp which causes Kokonoi to laugh. 
“You’re not going to eat me, are you?” he asks, leaning away now carefully. He looks ready to run. 
Koko shoves himself up higher, using his tail and his arms to heave himself for moment onto the wooden platform he sits on. It isn’t easy, but he’s strong. Seishu stares in awe at the dark colours of his tail and the white spines on his fins. Kokonoi flicks it, splashing him. 
The brother glares at him before flicking the water back. He grins at it, and the way Seishu’s eyes take in the differences between them. His gaze continues to linger on his tail and his hair and Kokonoi wants to preen in response.  
Koko leans closer. He needs to go back into the water but he wants to taste more. He wonders if Seishu will let him. He lets out a series of clicks, trilling slightly to lure him closer. It works because the human moves in without thinking and Koko is granted the chance to press his lips against his and nip, tasting blood. It’s sweet, but he thinks he prefers the taste of the man himself when he manages to lick inside his mouth. It stuns Seishu enough that Kokonoi can taste a little more, tongue moving against his gently, before he’s forced to jump into the water to breathe.
Seishu is in shock, staring down at the Mer who lowers himself further into the water. He can’t resist grinning at the moon above him, waiting for the response.
“You…kissed me.”
Kokonoi nods. “A human thing but enjoyable. You’re fragile though. Don’t want to break you.” There’s no revulsion that he can see in the human’s expression and it confirms his desire. It’s not only him. Not completely. 
Seishu touches his own mouth. “Are you allowed to do that?”
Kokonoi shrugs. “Why not?” he sticks out his tongue at the human and watches with pleasure as the human looks at it. “Do you have a clutch waiting for you? Your home?” he elaborates when he sees the confusion on his face.
“What? Oh…no. My parents died with Akane. It’s just me now.”
He grins, teeth flashing in the light. “The next night,” Kokonoi says. “Meet here. I had something for Akane but you…you will take it.”     
“I will?”
“Yes. Then her promise will be held.” 
“She made you a promise?” 
Kokonoi grins. “One made in blood. It will be worth the wait,” he says, more to himself than Seishu. “It’s a…gift,” he says, thinking of the closest proper human word. 
“Okay,” he nods. “Tomorrow night. Not like I have anything else waiting for me.” 
Kokonoi is not supposed to hear the last part but he does. “Next night, my moon.” He leaves before Seishu can question the term, swimming into the deep water. He has adjustments to make. Seishu’s taste is etched into his memory and he needs to add it to the magic that he’s paid for. He needs to adjust the home he’s created for a larger Mer than planned and more fortifications. Seishu, he knows, is going to be beautiful in the water. The moon belongs to the ocean and this one belongs to Kokonoi. He’ll make sure of it. 
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everything taglist: @raith-way @zeleniafic @veetlegeuse  @chickensarentcheap @residentdormouse
@themaradwrites @kingsmakers @themagickjuju @sxrvivc
tr tag: @mitsuwuyaa @blackfire2013 @bleach-your-panties
network: @enchantedforest-network
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eetherealgoddess · 8 months
ꨄBeneath The Watersꨄ
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Oneshot - Yandere Mermen/Soulmate Au
❦Y/n, a new marine biologist, was working along with her older brother and coworkers on a trawler. They come across the most ethereal yet dangerous sea creatures. Survival rate? Guess who the one percent is❦
Sano Manjiro, Hanemiya Kazutora, Sanzu Haruchiyo, & Haitani Brothers x Reader
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Not fully proofread
Mermaid language is blue
I apologize if I get any Japanese etiquette or culture wrong, I literally have to research the culture for some of my fandom stories so if anything is wrong, please excuse my ignorance.
The guys are mermen princes and they’re all brothers. Their dad is the king so because of their royal blood, they have the gift of singing which puts their victims in a trance, and can form legs. They can also change any human they want into mermaids. They can understand human language but have a harder time speaking it. ‘Human’ language is all languages btw I’m just doing english bc that’s the only language I know.
✩Y/n is 18+. I picture her as a black female but you can see her however.
✩Some parts of the story may not be realistic or factual. After all, this is a work of fiction.
✩Although it's a dark 'romance,' I do not condone any of the behavior displayed.
✩Dark content such as: gore, violence, triggering topics, graphic scenes, vulgar language, explicit sexual content, etc.
✩There will be scenes that involve non con and/ or dubcon so don’t read if that makes you uncomfortable
✩That being said, this story is for 18+ only.
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Beneath the Waters
“Did you receive the latest sample for the lab, Y/n?” Darius, her older brother asks as he stands beside her resting form on the trawler. The waves of the ocean rocking the ride slightly as the current carries them on.
“Yes, for the fiftieth time.” She sighs, sitting up from her leaned position against the side of the boat. She pulls her sunglasses off as she places them inside of her backpack. He nods in response as he chuckles.
“Sorry, I just want to make sure you have everything.” He scratches the back of his head with a sheepish smile. She smirks light heartedly as she shifts her arms to rest against her knees which are bent as the platform of her shoes are plastered against the floor.
“There’s nothing to be worried about. I got this! Yeah, I’m new to this thing but you know more than anyone else that I’m a fast learner when I put my mind to something.” She states, waving her hands as she gives him a comforting smile.
He sighs as he looks across the water, “Yeah, yeah I know.” He places his hands in his pockets. “I’m proud of you, Y/n. You’ve come far in this industry.”
“Don’t get all sappy on me now, dude.” She laughs, standing from her spot after their coworkers are heard yelling. She eyes her brother with a raised brow, him mimicking the same expression out of confusion.
The trawler rocks as they walk toward the gathering of individuals, four of them bent as they seem to be pulling a net from the outer side of the boat. Everyone else stands around them. When she gets closer, her eyes widen as she notices a large pink tail flapping around the net violently.
One of the men seems to be holding it down as the woman beside him moves her arms around as if she’s wrapping something quickly. Y/n and Darius walk beside one of the designated divers.
“Check this baby out!” She exclaims, standing from her position as she moves out of the way. Y/n’s eyes widen at the sight of an ethereal looking man. Despite his narrowed icy blue eyes glaring at the employees, nobody could deny the intense beauty of the man’s face. His blonde eyelashes cause his irises to pop as his long platinum hair lays out gorgeously under him, some falling over his shoulders.
Once his wrists are tied, they pull him over the boat, still wrapped in the net as he struggles against his restraints. His long nails, sharp as he accidentally cuts his own skin. Y/n could only look as she felt guilt suddenly overtake her mind. After they bound his tail, holding it down, Y/n had enough.
“I think we should let i-, him go, guys.” Everyone, except the mermaid turns to look at her as if she just grew two heads. Her hands place themselves on her hips as she eyes them back.
“Y/n, you’re new so I’m just going to let this slide. You see, this is a one chance in a lifetime kind of deal, you get it? We’d be the second in years to have not only discovered, but captured a real life mermaid. There’s no way we’re letting him go.”
“But why can’t we just study them down in the ocean as we swim? I know that some can be dangerous but not all of them are.” She suggests.
“Because they are dangerous creatures as a whole. They don’t just think like a fish they can act and think like a human which is bad for us. Not to mention, we’re their choice of food besides other species of fish.”
“I get that but we have gear for that, don’t we?”
“Y/n, stop! Okay? It’s fine, they can breathe for at least twenty four hours outside of water and we’ll put it in a secure tank. If you’re worried about its well-being, it will be fine.” Darius explains, trying to keep her from getting fired.
The blonde merman’s eyes shift back and forth between the two humans conversing, particularly observing the woman who is speaking for the merman. Under the cloth, he licks his lips as he smells the divine scent spewing from the female, closing his eyes as he inhales. The smell brings his tense body to a tingling, relaxed sensation, a deep purr emitting from his body as his eyes shut.
“Fine, alright! I’m sorry. I’ll leave it alone.” She sighs, crossing her arms as she turns away, refusing to look at the creature with pity.
“Alright, everyone! Let’s get this show rolling!”One guy says as they walk over to the netted merman. Before any could move any further, a high pitched whistle sounded in the air, causing everyone to pause. Y/n’s eyes widen in concern as some of the coworkers stop their movements. Everyone stares across the ocean, over the being that’s lying down.
“Shit! Everyone, grab the ear plugs!” Someone yells out.
Y/n immediately turns her body as she runs to her bag. Roughly grabbing the ear plugs as she shoves them into her ears as the sound of a melody occurs. She sighs in relief as she stands from her crouched position, sound muffled as she turns around. Her breath hitches as she watches everyone slowly walk towards the edge of the trawler as they look to be in a trance.
“No!” She yells as she runs to Darius, roughly gripping his arms as she pulls him in a hug, his heavy body walking ahead as if she weighs nothing.
“No! Please, Darius! Wake up!” She smacks his face multiple times as he continues his stroll.
A muffled tune could be heard once more through her ear plugs as she eyes the ocean, four heads peeking from below as only their eyes are shown glaring at the crowd coming toward them.
“Fuck! Darius, wake up! Please!” She runs quickly to grab a random pair of ear plugs dropped from the others. She runs back to him, shoving them into his ears. Unfortunately, the melody is already pulling him in.
She runs to the edge as she blocks him from moving further, though he tries. She turns her body slightly to face the other sea creatures as all the other people climb over the trawler and hop into the water as they swim toward the predators.
“You already have enough, don’t take him goddamnit!” She shrieks. Her nails scrape against the paint as she holds on to the edge as he attempts to push her to the side.
The blonde watches the display as he observes her distressed state. He shakes the feeling of wanting to nurture her, guiding her into letting go of that useless human considering his restraints and her species. The scent gets the best of him as his tail tingles, moaning softly as his eyes roll into the back of his head, the fumes becoming overwhelming as a cold heat fills his body.
The four glare curiously as they ignore their incoming meal to watch the girl struggle. The one with black hair and blonde streaks tilts his head as he watches her actions. He disappears under the water as his yellow tail splashes the water. The other three ethereal beings use their nails and sharp teeth to shred the flesh of their victims.
“Darius, please wake up.” She cries, tears finally falling as he continues to struggle in her hold. The yellow tailed male peaks above the water closest to the trawler as he eyes Y/n.
She makes eye contact with his brown irises. He emerges from the water slightly.
“L-…let go. Too l-late.“ His soft voice struggles to speak English as the human language differs from the sea.
She gasps as she fully turns her body to face the male.
“No! I can-!” Darius shoves her to the side, almost knocking her over as he dives into the water.
“DARIUS!” She releases a blood curdling scream as she runs for him, only to be forced back by the merman jumping from the water and pushing her on her back as he falls on top of her. His tail fits in between her legs as his claws hold on to her wrists. She struggles under him as he uses his heavy body weight to hold her down. Goosebumps form on her body as the water drips onto her from all over, including his hair that drapes over both of them. The symbols embedded into his skin, black and prominent as she analyzes her situation.
“Get off of me! I need to save him!” She yells. He shakes his head as he inhales her scent, his grip tightening when the addictive fumes reach deep into his nostrils. Her eyes widen when his head drops to her shoulder, smearing the water against her neck. Rustling causes both to turn their heads toward the merman who they originally came to the trawler for. The man on top of her points to his restrained sibling.
She ignores him, peaking over his shoulder as the sound of screams and shredding could be heard, muffled through her ear plugs. She grits her teeth as all she could see was red covering the area, splashes here and there but no sign of any humanity. No sign of her brother.
She releases a strangled cry as the emotional pain takes its toll, realization creeping in as she finds it hard to accept her brother’s demise. Her head drops to the floor as her eyes shut tight, tears and snot mixing together as she weeps. The man on top stares in awe as the moisture falls from her eyes, gaining the knowledge of a human being able to express such heart wrenching emotions for another. He uses one hand to hold both wrists as he uses the other to trace the streak of tears. He eases his face lower as she sobs, slowly leaning in to lick the tears before a hiss sounds from the side, reminding him of why he’s here.
He pulls back, using his hand to gently smack her cheek to gain her attention, succeeding as she opens her lids.
“R-release?” He demands, though it comes out more softly as he knows she’s in a vulnerable state.
“Fine.” She whispers, voice hoarse as she sits up from her position. He shifts his body to allow her to stand up. The pink tailed man stares at her as she walks toward him. He observes her intently as she releases his restraints, including the cloth around his mouth causing her eyes to slightly widen as she notices the scars shaping his lips. She also notices the blood staining his wrists from when he cut himself. He sits up as they face each other. She yelps as she grabs his wrist by reflex when his hand wraps around her throat and pulls her in.
He inhales her scent deeply as he breathes heavily, revealing his sharp teeth as blood rushes to his face. She watches with concern, kneeling as he pulls her once more. His nose reaches the side of her neck as he takes in more air. It’s only in this instance that the feeling of danger comes back, as she is now alone on this boat with these man-eating creatures.
She removes his hand gently as he allows her to before standing back.
“I have to leave so everyone just needs to get off this boat so I can.” She sniffs, wiping her eyes as well as her nose. She hears a muffled shriek as she turns to the end of the boat where the other three mermen float. Her body tenses as she sees faint blood dripping from the corner of the black haired one’s mouth, his dark eyes boring into hers. Seemingly, at the same time the three men inhaled the air before the blonde and black haired man on the left opened his mouth, indicating his singing as she could hear a muffled hum through her ear plugs.
“No, you can’t eat me.” She growls, pointing to her ears as her eyes narrow. “Haven’t you had enough anyway?”
She eyes the faint colors of their tails, two of them being a matching purple while the middle blends in with the darkness of the ocean, a little darker indicating that it’s black. She turns on her heel as she begins to walk to the wheel, luckily having the knowledge of driving this kind of boat. After hearing the water swish, she hears footsteps behind her, she turns quickly, hoping it to be another human. Her breath hitches as her eyebrows raise when she sees the men climbing on the boat with their newfound scaly legs, a pale hue that matches with their individual tail colors, though shimmering as they walk. Her eyebrows furrow at the nakedness, quickly looking away as her face warms. To the side, she sees that the yellow and pink tailed men are now standing on their own pair of feet.
How could I forget that the most powerful of mermaids can shift their tails to walk on land? They’re also the same type to even use their voices as a weapon. They even have tattoos that symbolize their royalty! What did we get ourselves into?
She internally gulps as they all stand intimidatingly across from her. She looks around for any weapon near her, unfortunately one not in her eyesight whatsoever.
“Shit.” She whispers. All she could do is stand alert as she watches them, attempting to cover her evident fear as she eyes the murderous creatures standing in front of her.
She eyes them as she notices all inhaling intensely, furrowing her brows when she observes through her peripheral how their bare cocks erect the more they inhale. Besides the very light hue of their normal tail colors covering their erections, it looks human for the most part besides that and their size. Nothing too big but bigger than the average human.
She shrieks as the blonde and blue haired man and his black haired twin run full speed towards her, grabbing her arms before she had time to move. They hold her arms, long nails slightly piercing her skin as they grip her, all forcing themselves on the ground to kneel as they force her to sit on her bottom.
She breathes heavily as she watches the other three get closer. She struggles harder as she yanks her arms. One of the grips actually uses his claw to scratch her skin, splitting it slightly as he leans to her ear.
“Stop it!” The blonde and blue haired man hisses, giving her a painful squeeze as the blood drips down her arm. She yelps as she stops pulling.
“Big brother, what are we going to do with her?” The pink man asks, her eyebrows furrowing at the differing language that consists of croaks and low shrieks.
“Take those things out of her ears.” He answers. The black haired twin listens as he uses one hand to take out both ear plugs and throws them to the side, causing her to gasp.
“Get away from me!” She yells.
The short man walks forward before crouching in front of her, kneeling and crawling half way on to her body. His cold skin drips with water as it falls on her. He inhales her scent once more as his palm holds her cheek. She sits frozen in fear, not anticipating what comes out of his mouth.
“Mate.” He states in her language. Her eyes widen as she pulls back.
“N-no! Humans don’t have mates!” She exclaims.
“Mate.” She hears the others whisper.
“No, absolutely not!” She shakes her head, frowning at the creatures surrounding her.
“Sanzu, Kazutora, secure her legs.” They comply by grabbing her legs and pulling her to lie on her back as the other two secure her arms down.
“What are you doing?” She questions, anxious thoughts forming as the worst case scenarios appear. He climbs higher as his hair drapes over both of their faces. His dark eyes staring at her with intensity and determination.
“Mikey.” He says, wanting to hear his name from her lips. She pauses as she hears his words.
“Mikey, please get off of me! All of you, just go away! I want to go home!” She exclaims in frustration, wanting privacy and peace to mourn before having to contact their facility about the deaths.
“Home?” The older brother on the left asks, his purple eyes observing her as he points over to the ocean. “O-our, no…. y-your home.” He nods.
“No, no, no that is not my home! I am not your mate! I’m not anyone’s mate, I’m human!” She reasons, hoping to get that through their heads. She yells in pain when she feels a harsh scratch on her leg, blood oozing from the wound.
“Y-you are mate!” Sanzu hisses, his nail paused against the end of her wound with his other hand wrapped around her ankle. Kazutora grips her other leg tighter as a frown falls on his face to the rejection, his eyebrows furrowing. The twins glare at her as they also give her a warning squeeze, involving the tip of their nails. She breathes heavily as she tries to ignore the pain.
“N-no, I’m not! I can’t be because I’m -!” She’s cut off by cold lips smashing on hers, Mikey gripping her chin painfully as he roughly combines their lips. His other hand grabs her shoulder as his naked chest is pressed against her clothed breasts. His erection pressed in between her legs.
The two brothers above her bend their bodies to gain better access to her neck as they satisfy their taste buds. Nipping and sucking as they bruise her skin. Sanzu licks the blood of her wound, slowly savoring the taste. Kazutora purrs as he caresses her other leg, removing her shoe and sock, throwing them to the side. Sanzu does the same so he can smell more of her sweet flesh.
“Rin, let’s release the stimulant.” The oldest twin says. He nods his head as they both bare their sharp teeth, piercing her skin as they release the venom. She let out a scream as the pain was sudden and prominent.
“Oh, God!” She exclaims against Mikey’s lips as the feeling becomes unbearable, the throbbing in her neck reaching all over her body.
“Ah.” She breathes out as the feeling turns into an intense sensation, tingling and arousal surrounding her body as her nipples harden and clit gains a heartbeat. Wet slick forms, beginning the breeding process her body has been forced into. Her chest rises and lowers as she breathes deeply, her eyelids heavy as her body yearns to be bred.
“Fuck, n-no! L-let me go.” She whines, sobbing as her reproductive system takes over, her clit pounding as her hips slightly buck against Mikey’s erection. She shivers as they all smile in content, smelling her heat as her pheromones fill their nostrils, turning them on even more.
Rin rips her shirt open, revealing her bra as she yelps. Mikey grabs her hand from the other twin as he wraps his lips around her finger, slowly suckling as he sits himself on top of her torso, using his other hand to trace from her chest to her stomach, lightly scraping his nails against her skin. Both twins rip her bra apart, revealing her diamond hard nipples, her gasping at the cold air hitting her breasts.
She begins to struggle against their holds, only to regret it as Mikey pulls her finger out and chomps on her hand as a warning, drawing blood. She cries out, tears falling as her mind conflicted with the sensations all over her body. He returns to suckling her fingers and tracing her skin, licking the blood up as well. The twins move to grab her breasts as both use their tongues to lick her nubs, Rin roughly pulling and nibbling her as his brother gently sucks and kisses her other. She could only breathe heavily as they continued their assault.
Kazutora and Sanzu tore her pants, spreading her legs as far as they could while gripping her thighs with one hand. Both men position their heads between her legs before using a claw to slice her panties off, leaving her wet and bare for them to see. Her head falls back as her clit throbs, anticipating contact but only bucking her hips against the air.
Kazutora leans in as he gives a slow and light kiss on her clit, her twitching at the contact. She bites her lip to remain in control, not moaning out or begging for more. Sanzu retracts his nails to a normal size, using his finger to scrape her juices and wrap his lips around his own finger, quietly moaning as her taste reaches his tongue. Kazutora takes her whole clit in his mouth, sucking her clit as he bobs his head slowly.
“Oh my god.” She whispers, the sensations becoming overwhelming as she feels Sanzu gathering more slick and entering a finger into her vagina. Mikey takes the opportunity to lick all around her hand and wraps her fingers around his cock. She attempts to pull back but his hold is tighter.
“P-please? N-need it.” He says softly. Although she’s almost blinded by pleasure, she wants to end everything as fast as possible. She begins to move her hand up and down at a steady pace. He moans as he thrusts back into her hand.
“Feels good, Mikey?” He teases.
“Shut up, Ran.” He whispers as his head falls back, thrusting a little harder as his cock pulsates. He grabs her wrist to balance himself. Her head is pulled to the side as the blonde and blue haired man eases the head of his cock to her mouth. She shakes her head and attempts to turn away. He keeps his hold on her head as he grabs her nipple roughly.
“B-bite off.” He growls, threatening her as his cock throbs in her face. He releases her nipple when she nods and opens her mouth. He shoves his erection all the way to the back of her throat. He grunts as he pulls back and enters again. She whimpers around his cock as she feels two fingers hitting her g spot as a tongue flicks her clit. She grinds her hips subconsciously, seeking more as they continue to stimulate her.
Both Rin and Mikey moan as they thrust into her, eyes rolling in the back of their heads as their hair flops against their back. Ran reaches for his own cock as he plays with her nipples.
Suddenly, an idea popping into his head, he restrains his thrusts as he gives her hand to Ran. He positions his cock between her breasts and squeezes them together. Mikey thrusts her chest as he purrs. Ran takes the opportunity to wrap her fingers around his cock, essentially the same idea with Mikey a minute ago.
Kazutora and Sanzu stop their motions, their dicks tense and in need of assistance, dripping as they throb.
“Guys, readjust so I can get behind her.”
They ignore him until he lets out an ear piercing shriek, causing her to groan in pain for her ears. This gets everyone’s attention so he repeats himself. Everyone readjusts so that he she lies on top of him, her ass rubbing against his abdomen.
Mikey stays sitting on top of her in the same position and fits his cock back in between her breasts. Sanzu sits behind Mikey, positioning his cock to her entrance. Rin reconnects his erection with her mouth as well as Ran using her hand.
She cries out when Kazutora and Sanzu shove their cocks inside of her until they reach the end of her walls, deeply stuffing themselves inside of her slowly. Kazutora grips her hips as Sanzu grips her legs. Both men pull back as they slam back in, the slick coming from their cocks moisturizing her up enough to enter, besides her own slick.
She grunts loudly as they fill her up, her body being used every which way as her nipples are pinched occasionally. The men’s beautiful moans echo in the middle of the ocean, enticing her as she feels nothing but intense pleasure. The wet squelching sounds of their cocks connecting with her skin accelerate as they move faster.
Her own walls tighten around Kazutora and Sanzu’s cocks, pulling them in as they push, sinking deeper into her as Sanzu hits her cervix. The feeling of her body bouncing with movement was enough to send her over the edge as her body is very sensitive from the stimulant.
“Mm, s’ fucking good.” Kazutora whispers as he takes her ear into his mouth. His grip tightening, leaving indents in her skin. His thrusts are steady and hard as her asshole grips him.
Mikey breathes hard as slight moans draw from his lips occasionally, almost slamming his cock against her chin as he relentlessly thrusts his hips. Sanzu moans as he leaned over her lower body, thrusting hard as he bites his bottom lip.
“Good fucking girl. So fucking good for me.” Rin’s head falls back as he fucks her mouth. He holds her head in place with both hands as he rises closer and closer. Ran releases breathy moans as his jaw falls slightly open, gripping her wrist tightly as he gets close.
She moans loudly as she releases, the men following behind as Sanzu and Kazutora cum deep inside her, semen falling out of her holes as there was too much to fit all of it. Mikey’s cum reaches her chin and chest as Ran hits the side of her head. Rin cums in her throat, forcing her to stay in the same place.
After taking a moment to breathe, everyone removes themself as she lies there with tears in her eyes, worn out as she breathes heavily.
“We should change her now and then breed her when we’re home.” Ran states, leaning back against his arms as he sits on the ground.
“No, we should mate her and then change her.” Rin argues.
“No, sex now and then we mate her. I want to breed her.” Mikey pouts.
They continue their argument, Kazutora and Sanzu joining in as Y/n watches the brothers argue weakly.
“How about we mate her, breed and then change her.”
“It wouldn’t make sense to breed her up here.”
“Fine, let’s mate, change her and then finish breeding.”
She would’ve used this opportunity to escape if the stimulant hadn’t weakened her body. She can barely shift on her own comfortably. A hand rubs her forehead as it caresses her cheek. Tears fall as she mourns her brother, coworkers, and life before this moment. She couldn’t even fight as she lay in despair, awaiting her fate to live in the ocean and be tied to these creatures forever.
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year
This is a special prompt for a close and sick friend of mine. Or my god as I like to call him lol. Here you go, enjoy Romie! @rome-alone I even did it with mermaids since I know you love them so much! Here's your husband Smiley lol
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Smiley huffed again. Watching the male on stage go on and on. He had been assigned by Kisaki and Mikey, to go to tonights auction since apparently a rare treasure was gonna sold tonight. His bosses were interested about the treasure so to speak. So here he was, watching the male in charge blabbering on stage.
Smiley rolld his eyes and looked at his surroundings. To his surprise, there wasn't as many gangsters or gang lords as he thought there'd be. He figured the place would be full of greedy people. But no, there was barely anyone here. Maybe the rare treasure was just a rumor.
Smiley looked at his watch checking the time. He's been here for over an hour already. He was getting extremely bored, since this wasn't like his usual assignments. He turned back to the stage seeing a piece of so called art on stage. It didn't look like art in his opinion. It looked like someone sneezed colors all over a canvas and called it a day.
This continued on for almost another hour. Before his attention was caught by a large object being rolled onto the stage. His thoughts were cut off from the male on stage, explaining that this is the last object up for bid. Smiley didn't think much off it. Until the cover was removed from the object.
It was a tank full of water, and a male with a tail?! Smiley opened his eyes. Shocked that there was a literal mermaid on stage. He stared at the male. He was absolutely breath taking. His beautifully long (hair color) hair. His creamy skin. His amazing (color) tail and fins.
He actually looked quite familiar. That was until his eyes meet the mermaids. (Eye color) eyes filled with fear. Smiley knew those eyes, he just didn't remember where from. That's when he saw the shell necklace around his neck. It was then he remembered who that was.
He was given a matching necklace when he was only just a kid. He remembers making friends with a resident on an island. He can't remember the name of the island, but he remembers going there for a vacation. A lot of the kids on the island didn't like him or his brother. But there was one incredibly sweet boy they met.
He would play with them, and didn't treat them any differently. Smiley had developed a crush on the male, but he knew it wouldn't last. At least that's what he thought. But now that he's staring back into the eyes that was so bright, now filled with nothing but pure fear. He lost his smile. His staring was interrupted by the male on stage slapping the tank.
Frightening the trapped mermaid even more. "Hey! Off the glass! Now for the final object for auction, we have this rare male mermaid. He was found off the coast of (Island name). Now let's start the bidding at let's say, hmm 25 million?" The mermaid squeezed himself in the corner of the tank. Trying to hid himself and not see the way they were looking at him.
Smiley felt his heart break. He raised his hand, letting the male on stage know he was bidding. That had started a war within the auction house. The price for the mermaid raising rapidly. Smiley could feel his chest tighten at the thought of someone else winning the auction. He refused to let them win.
"1 BILLION!" He stood up, hand high in the air. Eyes completely open, smile not anywhere on his face. The room was silent. Everyone's Jaws on the floor when they saw who had bid. Kawata "Smiley" Nahoya. An executive of Toman. The fourth executive if they remembered correctly.
The male on stage looked like he had won the lottery. Smiling widely and laughing loudly. "Anyone else? 1 Billion going once. Twice. SOLD!" He felt like the air had finally been returned to his lungs. Smiley grinned and made his way to the stave. Everyone just watched him, confused on why he'd pay so much for the mermaid.
Once he made it on stage, he could completely see him. The way he was trembling. Trying to make himself as small as he could in the corner of the tank. It broke him. He bent down and carefully placed his hand on the Gass. "Hey. It's okay. I'm gonna get you out of here okay? I won't let anything hurt you again."
The mermaid made a trill sound and slowly placed a hand against the other side. Smiley nodded and turned to the man leading the auction house. "Can I take him now?" The said male shook his head before walking close to them. "I need payment first before you can leave with him." Smiley rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone. After a few clicks he turned to the male.
"Alright. I sent it to the auctions account. Now I'm taking my prize and leaving." He motioned one of the guard forward. Explaining how he wanted the male delivered to his house. Giving him the address before motioning another forward. "I need you to go and get the best tank. Along with whatever else a mermaid would need."
When he made it to his and his brother mansion, he expected the guards to already be there. But to his surprise his brother was pacing on their front steps. He paused confused and slightly concerned. "Souya what's going on?" The younger twin turned and began explaining, how a guard had showed up with a male wearing nothing but a necklace and covered with a blanket.
He then went on to explain how he had sent the guard away. "Nahoya what exactly did you do at that auction house?" His brother demanded. Smiley gave off his signature grin. "I saved an old friend of ours." He held up the necklace and Souya's face lit up. "The male was wearing that exact necklace!"
Smiley then explained what happened at the auction. While he was explaining the brothers had entered the mansion. Making their way to where the younger twin had left the other male. When they arrived the "mermaid" was standing by a large window. Looking up at the stars. Smiley motioned his brother to stay before slowly making his way over.
"Hey. I forgot to ask for your name. I don't know if you remember us, but we had met when we were kids. I'm Nahoya and that's Souya. See look. You even gave me a matching necklace to yours." He held up the necklace and it was like the mermaid had been given a pearl. He lit up and threw himself at the other male. Talking in a language neither brother could understand.
But the way he was rubbing his face against the older twin, they could semi understand what he was doing. He was happy to see the twins but also thanking the older twin for saving him. Nahoya could only smile wider and hug the other male. He promises that he will now do everything to protect him.
It's been a few months since (Name) had joined the Kawata household. When he could finally speak some Japanese he had told them his name. Well he's learning Japanese while the twins are trying to learn mermaiden. Which is easier said then done. Right now (Name) was swimming in the indoor pool, while Nahoya was relaxing on a float in the pool.
Souya had been assigned a new mission. So it was just them today and (Name) had mentioned he needed to swim. So here they are in the indoor pool. The twins had decided to turn their indoor pool into (Name)'s own mini ocean. So every once and a while he'd place a pearl on Smiley's float. Smiley would just thank the male with a bright smile and watch him swim away.
He didn't think much of it honestly. But he was getting quite a pile of pearls. He slowly pushed the pearls back into the water. Not noticing the heart broken expression on (Name). After that (Name) didn't go near the older Kawata. Smiley confused had asked his brother when he came back about it.
That's when the younger informed him that, that was the mermaids way of proposing to the older twin. Smiley then understood why (Name) was avoiding him. So in turn the smiling male bought (Name) a beautiful (color) pearl ring. He thought that, maybe by proposing to the mermaid in his own way, the mermaid would forgive him.
Well he was forgiven but (Name) was pouting for almost 2 months after that.
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urlocalzosha · 3 months
بیاید براتون داستان تعریف کنم :
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از دریا پیداش کرد و آوردش خونه..
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بزرگتر شد🥲
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حتی بزرگتر😭
حدس میزنم اگه شو (ocم که پست اولم هم از اونه) با یه کاراکتر دیگه بزرگ میشد حداقل موهای به این خوشگلی رو رنگ نمیکرد
البته این فقط یه au عه، شو در واقع پری دریایی نیستا.. انسان عادیه. (الکی)
حوصلم بکشه داستان زندگیشم مینویسم براتون😃
جزو اولین کارای داستانیم محسوب میشه، آخرین عکس پنج دقیقه پیش تموم شد، قبلیا هم یکم قبل تر، نزدیک یه هفته..
دیگه میزنم تو کار کشیدن oc هام با کاراکترای خود انیمه (گند میزنم بهشون😑)
جهت کیفیت بهتر کلیک کنید
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le-roi-baleine · 1 year
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I draw Pah-chin so cute in the last panel lol
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thelargefrye · 1 year
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rules : post the name of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have wips.
tagged by : @writingmochi wow, thank you for the tag! it was a nice surprise!!
there's... a lot so be prepared DJDHFJKSDHF i have it divided up by universes and aus. i'm probably missing some to be honest, but a lot of these i've been planning for like... two years now so yeah lol.
starseed franchise
dragon from the window – dragon au, will list planned chapters
quiet days ( yeosang focused )
dear moon, my best friend
umbra witch
homage heart ( san focused )
wicked witch ( mingi focused )
collision hearts ( jongho focused )
the princess and her dragon
the little witch and the lost demon – miniseries prequel
song of fourteen years – atla au
book one, chapter 2
the white lotus - a what if chapter for mona
song of the past
library of illusion – mythical library au, five chapters left.
horror section : the devil was here
history section : a memory thorn
keeper of keys : the little mermaid
restricted section : the stone flower
kaledia – rome inspired au, magic / supernatural au. a girl and a flower. still in early development.
moons of venus – space pirate au, treasure planet au. still in early development.
come back home – ateez lore au, dystopian au. currently remaking.
starseed on tragedy: when the world fell – apocalypse au for haru. still in early development.
body of eve – witch au. still in early development.
idealism – isekai au
ragnarok – spirit world au
truly sick – berserk inspired au, dark, fantasy, dungeons and dragons inspired.
joongfryeverse franchise
sweet sorrow of evil – evil queen au, collab with topaz. chapter one planned and needs to be written.
rose blossom – what if twilight academy (by topaz) inspired au, wizard au, wizard school au. woosan focused. still in early development.
other series
allergy – hybrid au. wolf!wooyoung, cat!f!reader, human!seonghwa for the first chapter. planned but not written.
carnage – monster!teez, smut, fantasy au. hongjoong's introduction chapter in the works.
love-heart-xx.com – pornstar au, director!hongjoong and actress!reader ft. other ateez members. chapters listed below:
the beginning
film with seonghwa
two doms teaching a sub how to dom another ( w/ seonghwa, san, wooyoung )
in a log cabin with husband!yunho
the outlaw : masquerade – vampire the masquerade bloodline inspired au, choose your own adventure. still in heavy early development.
death vision – demon au, office au, reincarnation au, historical / modern au. still in heavy early development.
seoul revengers – tokyo revengers inspired, high school au, gang au, time travel au. chapter names below:
the girl who leapt through time
june 2017
visage city – coven au, supernatural au. ateez x multiple ocs. chapters listed below:
the she devil comes
awaken the nap star
farewell, neverland
need the light
shooting star
broken melodies of my soul
puzzle moon
against the tide
untitled #1 – dark pictures anthology inspired au, supernatural au. still in heavy early development.
untitled #2 – werewolf au. same universe as honey cycle. planned but not written.
other one - shots
by the ocean – sea creature au (siren and mermaid), modern fantasy beach town au. merpeople!woojoong & f!reader, siren!yeohwa, and human!yungisanho. still in development.
untitled #3 – handler!wooyoung and fighters!san & f!reader, van smut, for topaz.
god's right hand – hero and villain au, soulmates, horror, dark.
untitled #4 – double possessed au. eve / lilith. college au. that's all folks.
keep my secrets and heart – husband montage au, single dad!idol!yunho, angsty. planned but not written.
midsummer night of the dragons – house of the dragons au, mature. still in early development.
other groups and misc.
seventeen werewolf fic – werewolf au, same-ish universe / au as the ateez au. still in heavy early development.
enhypen found family fic – fantasy au, supernatural, found family, no romance / all platonic relationships
seventeen addition
ateez addition
girl group
tags : @sanjoongie @invuwrld @flowerboykun @stardragongalaxy @ad0rechuu @seonghwaddict @little-lazuli @gummygowon and anyone else who wants to do it! also no pressure to the people i tagged! you're more than welcome to ignore this!
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samakirart · 1 year
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Ichika, my Tokyo Revengers OC, in a mermaid AU that my friend and I have :)
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ghostlyforxst · 2 years
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Greetings, listed below are my do's and don'ts. Also a list of what look for in a request and list of anime fandoms are written below. All of these are opinions based. If offended exit off my blog, no comment needed, or you'll be blocked. Anyways, let your ideas or questions creep into the request!
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𓂃𓍊𓋼𓂂𓏸 Gender neutral readers are welcomed, along with female and male readers. With that being said, female x female and male x male are accepted!
𓂃𓍊𓋼𓂂𓏸 AU (Alternative Universes) are welcomed too. My favorites being: monster/mythical creature au, farm/hybrid au, purge au, and vintage au.
𓂃𓍊𓋼𓂂𓏸 Headcannons, scenarios, and oneshots are welcomed.
𓂃𓍊𓋼𓂂𓏸 poly relationships and yandere relationships are welcomed.
𓂃𓍊𓋼𓂂𓏸 NSFW and SFW are welcomed, aswell as angst.
𓂃𓍊𓋼𓂂𓏸 Monsters and hybrids that are welcomed: werewolves, vampires, naga, driders/arachnids, holstaurs, centaur, dragons, mermaids/mermans, elves, fairies, orcs, werebear, aliens, demon, zombies, and any hybrids that I know of are welcomed!
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𓂃𓍊𓋼𓂂𓏸 To begin with, pedophilia or incest (including step-brother) are unwelcomed. Following that, characters who look like children and have womanly/manly body parts are unwelcomed.
𓂃𓍊𓋼𓂂𓏸 Everyone is included in my stories, so OCs are unwelcomed. Including adding precise appearance like hair and eye color are unwelcomed. (Though chubby readers and tall readers are welcomed!)
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𓂃𓍊𓋼𓂂𓏸 What is the gender of the reader?
𓂃𓍊𓋼𓂂𓏸 Which character is it?
𓂃𓍊𓋼𓂂𓏸 What is the plot, what do you want to happen
𓂃𓍊𓋼𓂂𓏸 If using a AU, what au is it?
𓂃𓍊𓋼𓂂𓏸 Are you wanting headcanons, scenarios, or a story?
𓂃𓍊𓋼𓂂𓏸 If monster/mythical creature au, what creature are they?
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𓂃𓍊𓋼𓂂𓏸 Demon Slayer
𓂃𓍊𓋼𓂂𓏸 Hunter x Hunter
𓂃𓍊𓋼𓂂𓏸 My Hero Academia
𓂃𓍊𓋼𓂂𓏸 Jujustu Kaisen
𓂃𓍊𓋼𓂂𓏸 Tokyo Revengers
𓂃𓍊𓋼𓂂𓏸 Saiki k
𓂃𓍊𓋼𓂂𓏸 kakegurui
𓂃𓍊𓋼𓂂𓏸 High-Rise Invasion
𓂃𓍊𓋼𓂂𓏸 Seven Deadly Sins
𓂃𓍊𓋼𓂂𓏸 Dragon Ball Z
𓂃𓍊𓋼𓂂𓏸 Obey Me
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dark-mnjiro · 2 years
ocean eyes . one-shot
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Authors’s Note: This is the Mermaid/Merman AU that no one every asked for, but I wrote anyway. I happily took part of the March Fae Collab for The Underground, which is an anime/manga fandom server that I am apart of. I hope you guys enjoy this, I spent a while writing it and editing it. Please don’t come for me for writing mermaids for a fae collab - I promise it was on the approved Fae list along with Sirens. DX Thanks!
Warnings: sano manjiro x afab!reader, possibly feminine pronouns, mermaid!mikey, boating accident, near death experience, drowning, possible language warning, hurt, fluff, comfort, a bit of unrealistic “love at first sight” tropes, a touch of amnesia, possibly angst if you squint, comfort, loosely based on The Little Mermaid, loosely based on other Siren lore I’ve read as well.
Collab: March Fae Collab - The Underground
Word count: 4180
Pairing: sano “mikey” manjiro x afab!reader
:: you really know how to make me cry ::
:: when you give me those ocean eyes ::
The waves. It was too much.
“Look out!”
A scream and suddenly it felt as though your lungs were filled with nothing but the freezing, salty water around you. You managed to force yourself back to the surface of the water, scrambling to find a piece of the boat that had managed to break off to help keep you afloat.
Lightning lit up the sky before thunder roared overhead. It seemed to only fuel the ocean’s fury of you and your friends attempting to tempt fate by going for a boat ride in the bay… Your family had warned you over and over that the weather would turn sour. 
You attempted to make out the silhouettes of your friends as the rain began to pour. Shouting their names, your head darted in every direction as your vision was obscured. 
Another wave formed behind you as you clutched the piece of wood, as you braced yourself. The wave crashed over your body and the sheer force of the water caused it to accidentally let go. Your body thrashed as you fell underwater again, trying to regain your surroundings. 
But it seemed the strength of the water was beginning to wave against your strength. You felt as though you could no longer move as you sunk further. Your hand outstretched toward the surface, catching glimpses of light. It was so close. So close. 
Your hand fell to your side as your eyes closed. The fight in you subsides and deciding to give in to your fate. You slipped further inside your mind as memories began to replay of your family, friends, and your life. Was this it?
You felt your body suddenly tug so roughly that it forced your eyes to snap open again as you broke through the surface. Slowly, you began to notice an arm wrapped around your waist. You turned to look over your shoulder, trying to catch a glimpse of your savior. You couldn’t see much, their dark hair obscuring most of their face. But you did happen to catch those dark eyes glancing back at you for even a moment. 
Your vision was beginning to fade, your body still exhausted from fighting the stormy waves and boat accident. You leaned against your savior’s body as a small smile formed on your face. “…thank you,” you managed to get out before you began to cough violently as your body was beginning to reject the water that had managed to settle in your lungs. 
No response, strange you thought to yourself. Who was this person?
“I can’t stay awake…” you mumbled as your vision began blurring again. 
“…we’re almost to shore.”
The voice. His voice. You didn’t recognize the voice of your savior but you could note the masculine tone. He seemed so calm, his words even as if he were trying to console you but almost unsure how to do so. 
“Stay awake,” he said calmly. 
“It’s hard to-“
He turned toward you as his wet locks framed his face, but it was becoming difficult to make out details as your vision began to blur. You could make out he was speaking again, but it was strange that you could not make out his voice. 
Perhaps he had come too late…
He pressed his lips to yours, almost forcing air and life back into your body. It was a strange sensation, as feelings began to flood your body once again. He gently pulled away as you reached the shore. His arms held you close before laying you back onto the cold sand. 
“Wait-ugh” you sputtered before water began spilling from your mouth. 
He was quiet, as the water on his pale skin glistened in the sunlight breaking through the storm clouds. Your eyes drifted over his body, catching well-toned muscles and just a pair of black trunks. He turned from you, heading back toward the water. 
“Wait-!” you called out. “Who-?!”
It was too late, he had dove back into the water. 
Your mind was beginning to get hazy as you watched the water, swearing you caught a glimpse of a green tail… you could hear people screaming your name, but it sounded so far away. The dizziness was settling in your mind. You could no longer focus on one thing…
You fell backward before passing out. 
Has it already been a week? The sun was setting as you walked along the shoreline as a cool breeze moved through your hair. A sigh fell from your lips as you looked out into the water as the waves crashed onto the sand and stopped just as they met your feet. The sun painted the sky with hues of orange and pinks as it began to dip behind the horizon. And all you could think of was who your savior was…
It was too cold still to remove your shoes as spring was just starting to show signs of life. Your lips dipped into a frown as the realization struck you. Just how was that man able to sustain control over his body in such cold water temperature with nothing more on than a pair of swim trunks? Sure, the spring would bring forth warmer weather but even still the water was ice cold. 
“So strange,” you mused to yourself as your eyes slipped shut, listening to the sounds of the waves crashing onto the shore. “Maybe it was just a dream…”
Your friends had all managed to survive the accident, all making it to shore despite the crazy waves. You had been the only one to happen to struggle, that is until he had shown up to save her. Her friends had said they hadn’t seen anyone… but you could swear a man had saved you. You could even recall details of his face, his hair, even his body. 
“I’d like to thank you!” you yelled, facing toward the water. “For saving me!”
Now you felt ridiculous, shouting at the ocean like this. Thankfully, no people were nearby to hear you as another sigh moved past your lips. 
“…I don’t even know his name,” you mumbled to yourself.
Waves crashed against the shore again and this time touching your shoes. Despite the traumatic event, you still felt as though the ocean was such a tranquil and special place for you. You still couldn’t believe how stupid you had become, deciding that going onto the water before a storm hit was such a great idea. 
“You lived…”
Eyes widening, you turned to catch the gaze of your savior staring from behind you. Again, all he wore was a simple pair of black swim trunks and you couldn’t understand how he was able to stay warm…
“It’s you,” you mumbled. “You saved me-”
“That was incredibly stupid,” he replied, his tone flat, almost annoyed. 
Was he angry? The corners of your lips fell into a frown, realizing that he didn’t seem that happy that you had survived, but instead just like your family and friends decided that lecturing you would be much more fitting. Your eyes were downcast as another wave crashed against the shore. 
“…I’m sorry,” you admitted softly.
“You could’ve drowned,” he continued. “And then you’d be dead.”
“Boating in a storm-!”
A frustrated sigh fell from your lips before throwing your arms into the air. “I get it!” you shouted. “I’m an idiot!”
Silence fell over the both of you as nothing but the ocean moved in the distance and the gentle caws of the seagulls overhead. Tears began tugging at the corners of your eyes as you tried to regain your composure. It was true, you were an idiot. An idiot for going out on the ocean as a storm began forming…
“…I shouldn’t have snapped.”
You glanced at him over your shoulder. “You were right.”
“…my name’s Mikey.”
You gently whispered back your name before one corner of your lips curled up into a smile at the sound of his name. “Mikey…?” you repeated, your voice barely above a whisper. 
“…Manjiro. But everyone calls me Mikey.”
“Do you always go around saving people in the ocean, Mikey?”
His expression was unreadable as he continued to stare at you. Perhaps he didn’t understand that you were joking, or worse, had you offended him? Nibbling on your lower lip, you shifted your weight from one foot to the other. 
“It’s a joke,” you said quickly. “It’s okay to laugh…”
You caught the ghost of the smile form on his lips before he quickly regained his serious expression. Turning your attention back onto the water, you wondered why he had bothered coming up to you. It seemed as though your mere presence annoyed him to a degree despite the few glimpses of amusement that managed to briefly flash over his expressions.
“I’m glad you’re okay,” he said after a long silence. “I should head back home.”
“Where do you live? Around here?”
Confused, you tilted your head having not recognized him despite living in this seaside town your entire life. “I’ve never met you,” you countered. “Where exactly?”
“Nearby town-”
“I can give you a ride if it’s a far walk,” you replied, dusting the sand off of your pant legs. 
Shaking his head, Mikey turned his attention toward the water. “Not necessary.”
“Oh come on—”
“I said it’s not necessary.”
A sigh fell from your lips before finally giving up trying to figure anything else out about your mysterious savior. You rummaged through your pockets before pulling out a set of car keys. Unsure of what type of interaction this was, you began to walk away tapping the button to unlock your car. You paused midway before turning around and glancing back at Mikey, who was strangely watching your every movement. 
“Will I see you around?”
“Perhaps,” he replied, shrugging his shoulders. 
Weird, you thought to yourself as you reached your car, tugging your car door open. You turned to catch one last glimpse of Mikey but strangely enough… he had disappeared. Confusion filled your eyes as you looked up the length of the beach and even close to the water seeing no sign left of the mysterious man. 
“What the hell?”
Perhaps, it was just best to head back home. 
You headed back home with more questions than answers.
The moonlight spilled into your bedroom between the small slits between your blinds. You stirred from under your blankets before sitting up and resting your back against the headboard. Another couple of weeks had gone by, and you had not seen or heard from Mikey. And, you weren’t sure why it had begun to bother you. It wasn’t as if you had looked for him around town for the last couple of weeks with no sign of him ever existing. Okay, perhaps that was a lie. 
You raked your fingers through your hair before forcing yourself to get out of bed. Grabbing a loose flannel top, you slid it on over your body before slipping a pair of leggings. Sleeping recently had become almost impossible, often your dreams were plagued with terrible memories of the boat accident and nearly drowning. Perhaps that was why you had become so intrigued with the man Mikey who had saved you.
The more you had begun to think about it, the more you began to realize it was almost impossible for someone to survive such frigid temperatures in the water with such little clothing. Not to mention, the speed at which he was able to get you to shore with little to no effort. 
It just didn’t add up.
Frustrated, you had sought him out to pry him further questions but to no avail. It was as if he had disappeared off of the face of the earth. But that was impossible, right?
“Maybe a walk at the beach will help,” you mused before slipping on a pair of scandals and your keys before driving up to the beach. You parked your car before stepping outside and taking a deep breath of the fresh, salty air. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore instantly calms your nerves as you make your way onto the sand. 
The moon was big and bright as it illuminated the beach for you as you strolled along the shore. You could spy a few seashells had washed up onto the beach. You picked a couple up as your fingers moved along the complicated designs. 
“It’s late.”
You practically jumped at the voice behind you, not realizing you weren’t alone. You turned to catch Mikey’s stony gaze fixated on you. “Mikey?”
“Shouldn’t you be at home?” he questioned, sounding annoyed. “It’s late.”
“…I’m sorry,” you uttered, unsure why you were apologizing to him. “I couldn’t sleep.”
Tilting his head, his dark hair feathered across his face. “Why is that?”
“Nightmares…” you mumbled as your voice drifted. 
His lips dipped into a frown, giving you a knowing look. The boat accident and almost drowning… of course, you were struggling with sleeping. Any normal person would have guessed anyway, but you had come to realize Mikey was anything but normal. 
“I’ve been looking around town for you.”
“I just thought—”
“You need to stop wasting your time thinking about me,” he snapped. “It’s dangerous.”
Confusion filled your eyes. Why would it be dangerous? “I don’t understand,” you replied, frowning.
“Of course, you don’t,” he said. “What would a stupid human like you ever understand?”
Your eyes widened at him referring to you as “a human” and it seemed he had caught his slip up. Taking a step toward him, you noticed he immediately stepped back trying to keep the same amount of distance between the two of you. 
“Human?” you questioned. “Aren’t we both human?”
“Forget it,” he snapped, averting his gaze. “Just leave me the hell alone.”
“You approached me.”
“Stop. Coming. Here.”
“It’s a public beach…?”
He huffed. “Has anyone ever told you what an insufferable brat you are?! I’m trying to help you but you just refuse to listen!”
“Why are you yelling at me!” you finally snapped. “I hardly know you!”
It was as though your words had caught him off guard as his stormy eyes widened in surprise. He quickly tugged his gaze away from you. It was as if he were embarrassed by his outburst. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you took a step toward him and uttered a soft apology for your harsh words. You shifted your weight from one foot to the other as an awkward silence fell over you both. 
“I apologize.”
His words cut through the silence. You weren’t sure if he was actually apologizing or if he was just saying those words because you had become so angry. Your eyes moved up to catch his dark eyes staring back at you. A sigh fell from your lips as you shifted weight from one foot to another. 
“It’s okay,” you replied, softly. 
“I apologize for everything,” he said.
“...I’m confused?”
His eyes drifted back toward the ocean before the corners of his lips dipped into a frown. He watched the tide coming in and drifting back toward the big ocean. It was as if he was deep in thought, trying to piece together his words. A breeze came off of the ocean, catching his dark hair but causing you to shiver a bit, pulling your jacket closer to your body.
“I haven’t been entirely truthful with you,” he admitted after a long silence. 
Tilting your head, you stuffed your hands into your jacket pocket trying to keep warm during the cool, spring evening. “I’m listening.”
Mikey turned his attention back toward you as his dark eyes searched your face. As to what, you weren’t sure. His emotions remained stoic, very typical of what you had seen so far before he glanced to the side and mumbled that you would never believe him even if he did explain what had happened.
“Try me,” you urged.
“I’m a mermaid…” he admitted, his voice barely audible. “...merman. Whatever you’d like to label it.”
Now that, you hadn’t expected.
Your eyes widened in shock as you searched his face for any sign of deception or that had to be some kind of joke. You opened your mouth, trying to speak but failed instantly before raking your fingers through your hair and turning back toward the ocean.
“This is a joke, right?”
“I assure you,” Mikey said, his tone still even. “It is not.”
“And why are you telling me this?”
“That’s what I need to apologize for…”
You clutched the jacket around your body as your entire being began to surge with anxiety. His voice was fairly calming, but as his words continued where he spoke of the boat accident. You felt your nerves surge once again. You were supposed to die that day, along with your friends. According to his words, his people… or what he labeled as sirens had summoned the storm to end their lives. For each life and the number of years they lived - the amount would be added to that siren’s life.
He explained that sirens, mermaids, merman - whatever they were - were not immortal. They lived several hundred years but sirens were a special breed. They simply survived the deaths of people lost to the ocean. Their years are given to the siren and conceivably they could be immortal depending on how many souls they continued to reap.
It was insane.
You couldn’t possibly believe what you were hearing.
“And why the hell are you telling me this?” you exclaimed. “Why would you bother saving me? Saving them? Did you save them!?”
A sigh fell from his lips before his fingers raked through his dark bangs, moving them to the side. “It's complicated,” he mumbled. “I knew I had to save them - to save you. I know you would’ve never survived mentally had I only saved you.”
Silence fell over the two of you. He was right, and you knew it. You never would have been able to handle your friends’ deaths if you had been the only survivor. The survivor's guilt alone would have eaten you alive. Your attention turned back to the ocean as you felt tears burning at the corners of your dry eyes before trying to discreetly wipe them away with your finger.
“Then why save me?”
“...I’ve been watching you for a while,” Mikey admitted. “For the sirens of my people… It’s usually an assignment I have. You have respect for the ocean and all its creatures. Killing you would’ve been a mistake.”
That was something you had not expected.
Mikey continued, “And after watching you for so long and seeing how gentle you are with the ocean… Your soul-” He paused for a moment as if trying to find the right word. “Your soul… is beautiful and too bright to snuff out. I couldn’t bear to watch that happen. A beautiful creature should be allowed to live, land or ocean.”
Heat began to rise at the back of your neck before you felt it blossom over your cheeks. “I’m sorry?”
He turned away. “You heard me.”
Your lips curled into a smile before you took a step toward him. You weren’t sure if you believed him, but what would he gain by lying? This is the man that had saved you from drowning, after all. And if your memory served you right, you could barely recall just a glimpse of a tail diving into the ocean the day you were saved. 
“And after today,” Mikey said softly. “I will never see you again.”
He turned toward you offering a gentle smile, an authentic smile. “What I have done is a crime,” he admitted, “A crime I will gladly pay for. I refused to allow them to kill you and I refuse to kill you the few times we have met after. I must go face my punishment.”
You took another step toward him before touching his cheek. Tears brimmed at the corners of your eyes in fear. How could they do something so cruel to someone so kind? Perhaps, it wasn’t meant for you to understand as you were human and not part of their world. 
His hand covered yours as his eyes slipped shut enjoying the sensation of your touch lingering on his skin. “Mer-people can only change into a human three times,” he whispered to you. “I used it to see you twice. If I survive my punishment - perhaps I will return as a human.”
“I would like that,” you admitted.
“The unfortunate part,” he continued. “I won’t remember any of this… I become a simple human with no memories of my previous life.”
“So you won’t remember me?”
He shook his head.
Your hands fell from his cheek, feeling your body suddenly go numb. You couldn’t understand why you were hurting so much at the thought of him leaving, forgetting you, or even worse: dying. You barely knew him, but the thought of anyone suffering because they had helped you, truly bothered you. You had to help. There had to be something you could say, something you could do.
“Please,” he whispered, leaning his forehead against yours. “Do not wait for me.”
“I can’t promise that. You’re making me worry-”
Mikey pulled back and smiled gently. “Grow old. Have a family. Enjoy your life. It’s all I wanted for you,” he admitted before placing a kiss on your forehead. 
“Please don’t go.”
He pulled away and began walking toward the water. “Live your life.”
You knew you couldn’t stop him now. Half of his body had disappeared under the water now before he finally dived and you caught another glance of the sparkly, green tail you recalled seeing that day. It was true, what you had seen was real. What he had said was true.
He reappeared at the surface. “Be happy.”
Clenching your fists, you nodded. “I will.”
And with that, he disappeared under the water again.
Every evening you found yourself sitting at the beach, not heeding his words as you waited for any sign of him to reappear. It had been weeks, maybe months now. The summer season was approaching quickly as the temperature began to rise as wildlife was returning just as vivacious as before winter hit the ocean town. The water temperature had risen and you found yourself wading along the shoreline, picking up seashells…
Just one little sign, that’s all you could pray for.
You wished for one sign that he was okay, but as time trudged onward, you were becoming bitter. Perhaps, his people had killed him for saving you that fateful day. What had he told you? Live your life? Growing old? Be happy?
How could you possibly be happy knowing that he was killed for saving your life?
“Idiot, you mused before heading back to your car. You grabbed your cell phone catching a text message from a couple of your friends wanting to meet up at a seafood restaurant. Sighing, you agreed to meet them to hang out for the night. 
When you arrived, you walked in catching the laughter of your friends over the dull roar of the restaurant. You couldn’t help but smile before laughing at yourself as you took a seat among them. The food was delicious. The time together was amazing, something you had not had in such a long time. You began to reminisce about all the good times together, laughing and sometimes even crying.
“Your mystery man showed up yet?” one friend inquired, smirking at you.
Glaring at them, you shook your head. “For your information, no.”
“I think it’s time to let the mystery man go,” she replied, shaking her head. “Besides… there’s plenty of other fish in the sea.”
“That's a terrible joke,” your other friends replied, groaning at the pun.
“It is,” you agreed, shaking your head before sipping your drink. 
“All I’m saying-”
Your friend continued to talk but her voice faded from your mind as you scanned the restaurant, trying to see if there was anyone else there that you knew. It was such a small, ocean town, it was almost impossible not to run into someone. That is until your eyes stopped at familiar dark hair.
“Hey,” your friend said, waving their palm in front of your eyes. “What’s up?”
You didn’t answer, in fact, you couldn’t answer. You couldn’t even find your voice as you jumped up from your seat making a beeline to the booth on the other side of the restaurant. Your footsteps slowed as you grew closer before stopping just behind the booth. It couldn’t be, could it?
“I’m so sorry for bothering you sir, but you look like someone-” you stopped mid-sentence as the face of the individual came into your view.
He tilted his head before smiling. “It's alright. I’ve been getting that a lot recently,” he said. “My name’s Mikey.”
Tears filled your eyes.
It was him.
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kiwki · 3 years
thinking abt drawing kokonui but mermaid au 🤔
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mrskodzuken · 2 years
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All our dreams can come true--if we have the courage to pursue them. - Walt Disney
Ever imagine your faves posed as different Disney characters, or living in a Disney-like au? Nostalgic (for us who've watched, read, and sung Disney for years), isn't it? Well, this is the perfect collab for you! In celebration of my second anniversary here in Tumblr, experience the Disney magic with "A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes" collab (yeah, ik it's a mouthful but the song title's stuck in my head, so la di dah~).
🍎 This is an SFW collab event open to artists/writers of all ages, with the theme being all things Disney (only animated films made by both Walt Disney Animation Studio and PIXAR, plus Mary Poppins and Enchanted). 🍎 Fandoms are Haikyuu, Jujutsu Kaisen, Tokyo Revengers, and Obey Me. 🍎 All forms of work (art, drabbles/fics, moodboards etc) and any genre are allowed, except NSFW. Suggestive themes are okay (provided that it is stated in the tags). 🍎 To join, just send in an ask with your character/s + art/writing + Disney/PIXAR film au. Reblog this masterpost after you've been added to the list. E.g., Hi~ can i join your collab with Kenma + art + UP? 🍎 Character/au repeats are allowed, but you can only submit two entries (per blog). 🍎 For writing, there is no minimum word count, but please use the readmore function if your work's word count is 500~. 🍎 There is no deadline in this collab (y'all can join the collab any time too), so take your time in doing your entries. Don't hesitate to send me an ask or DM for questions regarding the collab. 🍎 Tag me at @mrskodzuken, link the collab masterpost to your entry (optional), and use the hashtag '#dreamydisneycollab' to track when you post! 🍎 Lastly, enjoy drawing/writing~! Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo! <3
@/mrskodzuken - Kozume Kenma + UP (art)
@kagejima - Bokuto Koutarou + Hercules
@solamoure - Miya Atsumu + Tangled (art)
@romiyaro - Miya Atsumu + tbd
@quirrrky - Kuroo Tetsurou + Sleeping Beauty/Cinderella
@quirrrky - Oikawa + Hercules (art)
@satisfactooru - Hinata Shoyo + Peter Pan
@minnie-lee - Kuroo Tetsurou + Tangled
@tobibam - Akaashi Keiji + Cinderella
@chibishae34 - Akaashi Keiji + Atlantis: The Lost Empire
@tinymaru - Tendou Satori + Ratatouille (art)
@assumeatsumu - Miya Atsumu + Pinocchio
@asunflowerana - Kageyama Tobio + Mulan
@kagejima - Ryomen Sukuna + The Hunchback of Notre Dame
@yuutakittie - Okkotsu Yuta + Cinderella
@discordkittenjoestar - Geto Suguru
@chibishae34 - Fushiguro Megumi + The Little Mermaid
@vampkaashis-wife - Inumaki Toge + Beauty and the Beast
@tinymaru - Belphegor + Sleeping Beauty (art)
@lou-struck - Mammon + The Sword in the Stone
(to be added soon)
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kxkyuu · 2 years
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Did you ever wish upon a star and hoped that one day you would wake up in your favorite Disney movie? Or did you wish that you could have that magical fairytale ending?
Or do you just want to rewrite the whole plot of the story to make it your own? Say letting the villain win?
Then this is for you!
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You must be 18+ to join (obviously). Please have your age some accessible on your blog.
Open to any fandom! And up to 3 repeat characters allowed.
Send me an ask off anon with the character, the rating (NSFW, SFW, DC), and the type of reader! (bonus if the reader is the dom) Oh, art is also welcomed! Although dark content needs to tagged accordingly and put under a readmore.
There is no minimum or maximum word count, but please put a readmore if it longer than 500 words
Multiple entries are allowed, just please don't overwork yourself!
While there is no official deadline, the master list will go live Dec 15th!
If you need to drop out, its fine! Just let me know!
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Once you've joined, please reblog this post to get the word out!
Please use the tag #wherethemagicbegins when you post or reblog anything related to the collab.
Also, Tag me!! @/kxkyuu in your works so I can read and reblog it!!
Finally, HAVE FUN!!
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@bvnnichuu - Beauty and the Beast Au w/ Kirishima x Princess!reader
Tokyo Revengers
@1990-06-12 - Tangled Au w/ Draken x reader
@/kxkyuu -Tangled Au w/ Keisuke Baji x fem!reader
@kxkyuu - Mulan Au w/ Itachi Uchiha x fem!reader
@tokyomanjihoe - The Little Mermaid Au w/ Sosuke Aizen x fem!reader
©️kxkyuu 2022 - All rights reserved. Please do not repost, copy, edit, or steal.
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yesitsmewhataboutit · 3 years
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Hey Everyone!! I’m so excited I hit 500 milestone and now I’m doing my own Collab!!!
This will be my Spin The Wheel Collab!! You can chose a character and a theme (SFW, NSFW, or Angst). After that I’ll spin 2 wheels and assign you AU theme and a song. Your fic will have to be based off the AU and song (or mention the song) I’ll already have a list of SFW, NSFW, and Angst songs for the wheel, plus lists of AUs.
Joining example: “Hi! For your Collab could I join with Mikey and NSFW.”
My response (after I’ve spun the wheel): “Yup. Your spin landed on….. your AU is hybrid and song is Often by The Weekend”
You have to have an age in your bio and be 18+
Dark Content is allowed
You can join with fluff, angst, smut, anything. But like I’d rather not have to read bad ending angst so have mercy on my heart and consider a happy ending 🥲
I will be reading all fics that are joined and they’ll be set in my queue to reblog at high traffic hours
To join: Send an ask or a dm
If you aren’t comfortable with a certain AU please tell me (in the ask or a dm) and I’ll make sure you don’t get assigned that AU
On the wheel, there will be the option of “freestyle au” meaning you can chose/come up with your own
If you have a question on your AU just send an ask or dm and I’ll explain it or help with ideas
Character repeats are ok!
Some songs might be under both SFW and NSFW
If another writer chooses the same character and theme I won’t let you have the same AU and song. You could have one, but not the other
Word count minimum is 650(no maximum)
Headcanons allowed as long as it fits the word count minimum
Fandoms included: My Hero Academia, Tokyo Revengers, Haikyuu
Due date is January 14th~ I really don’t care just join and I’ll be happy
X female, male, and gender neutral all accepted
Threesomes and poly all accepted
You don’t have to be following me to join
Please tag me in the final work when you post it and put it under the tag #yoko.collab
Please reblog when you’re added :)
Special thanks to @kirishimasensei for being a major help in coming up with my theme and ideas
Some of these song and AU combos are gonna be so funny
⬇️Below is all AUs included and the Masterlist ⬇️
All AUs- Hybrid, Omegaverse, Vampire, Soulmate, Apocalypse, Werewolf, Omegaverse Werewolf, Supernatural, Athlete, Bodyguard, Blind Date, College, Club, Fake Dating/Engagement/Marriage, Mafia, Mermaid/Merman, Neighbor, Nurse, Podcast, Freestyle, +1 Vampire, +1 Omegaverse, +1 Werewolf
The +1 are for a AU plus another spin and you get both. Just cause I love omegaverse au and vampire au so much teehee
I’m a softy and if you ask nicely I’ll let you do a second fic of a AU of your choosing or if you want to add one of the +1’s😶‍🌫️
Sfw: Shinsou Hitoshi / Blind Date + Omegaverse AU, Butterflies by Queen Naija — @lil-pine-mha-drabbles
Sfw: Denki Kaminari / Soulmate AU, All You Need by Victoria Monét — @lil-pine-mha-drabbles — Swimming Through Honey
Sfw: Katsuki Bakugo / College AU, Best Part by Daniel Caesar (Featuring H.E.R) — @sukisluv — Love-Struck
Sfw: Katsuki Bakugo / Mafia AU, Perfect by Ed Sheeran — @lavenders-writing
Sfw: Tomura Shigaraki / Bodyguard AU, Ellie by iAmJakeHill — @astralwaifu — Without You In My Head
Sfw: Izuku Midoriya / Soulmate AU, Shape Of You by Ed Sheeran — @miichii — Sunshine
Tokyo Revengers-
Sfw: Issei Matsukawa / Omegaverse AU, Moonlight by Ariana Grande — @dragonslayer-5fanfiction
Nsfw: Kenma Kozume / Nurse AU, P*$$Y Fairy (OTW) by Jhené Aiko — @kuroosimp1000
Nsfw: Tetsurou Kuroo / College AU, Or Nah by Ty Dolla $igh (Featuring The Weekend, Wiz Khalifa) — @tetsusangel
Nsfw: Kiyoomi Sakusa / Vampire AU, Birthday Sex by Jeremih — @kenzumekodma
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lostinthe-jojos · 3 years
I only write sfw, only slightly suggestive themes and very rarely, so I’m okay with minors following and requesting.
If there’s something specific you’d like me to tag for you, drop an ask and do so!
To request, send a prompt, concept or song (plus your interpretation of the song if you want to) and a character. I only write character x reader or character x reader x character. You can also ask for headcanons!
Every now and then I work on moodboards, I’ll make a post whenever moodboard requests are open.
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Characters I won’t write for:
Minor villains/characters
La Squadra (I wouldn’t do them justice, unfortunately)
I will write for characters from part 1 to 5.
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I won’t write for Mahito and Naoya
I’m reading the manga, so feel free to request for any other character.
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Tokyo Revengers
I won’t write for Kisaki. Hanma isn't a favorite either, but I don't mind writing for him.
I won’t write any type of poly content for the Haitani brothers
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Unfortunately, I won't be responding to any asks talking about any of the old AU's. Maybe some time later I'll make a side blog for those, but I ended up a bit burn out from all of them, sorry.
Absolutely no "mermaid au". Ever.
I mostly write fluff and slice of life, I’m okay with angst too.
Feel free to request pretty much any AU! I'll write them in the form of headcanons or scenarios, and sometimes, a little drabble.
Please, don't send anything too specific.
I won’t write yanderes.
I don’t write incest of any type.
I don’t write smut (already written above but oh well)
I don’t write crossovers.
I don’t write crack.
I won't write anything with "specific body types" for reader. I just don't know how. However I might write some "reader insecure about x or y", depending on the request.
I might delete any request that I don't feel like writing/can't think of anything for it.
If you have any doubts, send an ask and I'll do my best to explain!
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tommybaholland · 4 years
request rules 🐳
i want to preface this by saying that any of these guidelines could change at any time. check back here or the #update tag but i’ll try to let you know when changes are made! don’t be afraid to message me or send an ask if you have any questions and i will do my best to help out!
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❧ current updates: 
-> check back for new writing posts every few days! currently trying to rotate through fandoms with every post night
-> some tokyo revengers characters are now available to request!
❧ current request status:
tom&co. | OPEN (0/10 slots filled)
anime/manga | OPEN (6/10 slots filled)
*** updated on 13 Feb 2023***
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❧ how to request:
1. read these rules entirely. any requests that do not follow these guidelines will be deleted
2. think about if you have any questions or if something in the rules needs clarification. if yes, then please send an ask or a message (asks are preferred for more general questions as others may have the same question). if not, then you’re good to move on to the next step!
3. simply send an ask (on or off anon) with the details and i’ll get to it as soon as i can! note that longer, more detailed requests may take longer to fulfill. you may send in as many requests as you like but please be mindful that the actual posting of them may be spread out over several weeks
❧ who i will write for (bolded names indicate personal favs):
tom holland, harrison osterfield, peter parker 
bnha/mha (anime&manga):
izuku midoriya, shoto todoroki, katsuki bakugo, eijiro kirishima, denki kaminari, kyoka jiro, ochaco uraraka, mina ashido, momo yaoyorozu, hitoshi shinso, tamaki amajiki, nejire hado, camie utsushimi, fuyumi todoroki, natsuo todoroki, dabi
haikyuu!! (anime only):
kuroo, kenma, yaku, yamaguchi, nishinoya, daichi, sugawara, kageyama, akaashi, bokuto, suna, atsumu, osamu, kita, oikawa, iwaizumi, wakatoshi, tendo, semi, goshiki  
jujutsu kaisen (anime&manga):
yuji itadori, megumi fushiguro, nobara kugisaki, satoru gojo, junpei yoshino, kento nanami, toge inumaki, maki zenin, yuta okkotsu, aoi todo, noritoshi kamo, toji fushiguro, choso, suguru geto
free! (anime only):
haruka nanase, makoto tachibana, rin matsuoka, nagisa hazuki, rei ryugazaki, sosuke yamazaki, aiichiro nitori, momotaro mikoshiba, seijuro mikoshiba, asahi shiina, kisumi shigino, ikuya kirishima, hiyori tono, natsuya kirishima
sk8 the infinity (anime only):
reki kyan, langa hasegawa, kojiro nanjo (joe), kaoru sakurayashiki (cherry), tadashi kikuchi
tokyo revengers (anime&manga): 
takemichi, mikey, draken, naoto, akkun, mitsuya, baji, kazutora, chifuyu, hanma
❧ what i will write:
anything that’s sfw including fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, mildly spicy, etc sfw..
AUs i will write include friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, mermaid, stripper, royal, and roommate
*please do not send nsfw requests. if you are interested in nsfw content, please check out the Patreon page. i’d more than likely be happy to write it there for you!
*note: if i feel i cannot portray the request accurately, i will decline by deleting the request. i don’t anticipate this happening much at all but i never want to misrepresent anyone by writing about subjects/topics/themes that i have no place in writing if i am not experienced and/or identified within them. 
❧ what you can request:
blurbs: < 500 words 
drabbles: 500-1.5K words
headcanons: vary in length, no limit on number of characters per one request
here are some prompt lists you can use to request if you would like! (please specify which list)
❧ most important:
enjoy! i write for fun and i hope you have fun here too
i think thats it! thanks for reading this, i really appreciate it and will work hard to fulfill all your writing requests!
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about the writer:
hi! i'm chiara but i also just go by c. i like anything that allows me to be creative, hence why i'm here. sometimes i make stupid jokes and think i'm funny. i watch way too much anime and live in a fantasy world more than reality. i won't spoil anything (without warning) if you don't! i'm here a lot right now so feel free to chat with me about anything :)
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call-me-koi · 4 years
- Koi's resturant -
! Menu ♡!
Welcome! How can i serve you?~
She/her they/them. Name; koi <3
--- rules for requests.
Reminder, all character I write for are always aged up.
do and donts ⤵
Do! ⤵
Nsfw. (If i like, i write.)
Abuse (except sexual)
Gn! Or fem! Reader
Adeptus reader (for genshin)
Description of wounds.
Eating Disorder.
Mermaid, vampire and the such AU's.
Extremely inhumane things. (Things like needles going in eyes and stuff like that.)
Yandere (i can't write it)
--- Fandoms
Genshin impact (current main)
Tokyo Revenger (only toman)
Demon Slayer
--- important to remember.
I am a slow writer.
I am not very clear with what/how i write.
Brainrots are Very welcomed!! Nsfw or not!
Emoji anons are welcomed!
Yes, i Do write for takemitchi. Only toman memebers, like the Main main characters. (Chifuyu, mikey, drakken, hakkai, mitsuyu, takemitchi, ect)
I accept Certain NSFW, if i like it, ill write it.
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