#tokyo debunkers game
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blueberrysquire · 8 months ago
Listen ok
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I have no excuses, I'm just in love with him.
That's it, that's the post, man.
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blueberrysquire · 7 months ago
I can't wait for the English version to come out or for someone to translate this so I can learn more about my husband
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some of the scans are a little blurry, but in case anyone wanted to read the sinostra b'slog!! pdf here
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mobageheroine · 5 months ago
Honor Student
【Tokutaisei】 - 特待生
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【Tokyo Debunker】
*Her unofficial default name is Luna - るな*
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lore-grandma · 6 months ago
How fucking dare, you come into my house, fuck my wife and you don’t even offer any of your bean dip casserole?!
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seasoned-boiled-water · 24 days ago
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Okay- I know that Subaru's animal is supposed to be a red crowned crane (might be wrong cause I didn't do much research)
But I feel like the shima enaga (long tailed tit) fits him better because it's small and cute ^^
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blueberrysquire · 9 months ago
Yknow one thing that never came up again but has legit not left my mind?
Leo told Alan that it was Sho's fault they ditched because HE wanted spicy food. Sho hates spicy food. Alan brings back a spicy donut, hands it to Sho and Sho is like "...bro wtf is this, get it away from me."
Leo threw him under the bus without even thinking. Sho knew he was lying to Alan to get him in trouble and didn't say shit because he knew he'd be in for the biggest verbal beat down from his "friend".
Then, when Alan brought him some spicy food as a nice gesture, Sho didn't double down. I mean he probably didn't remember the discrepency, but I like to think that he was testing to see if Alan would remember and realise what Leo did. That Leo lied to his face and threw Sho under the bus to keep his own name out of the dirt. I think he secretly hoped that Alan would SEE him. See what was going wrong, see what Leo was doing to him, how he treats him, how he USES him, how he beats him down and tears him apart - and maybe finally, FINALLY someone would help dig him out of this hole.
But no.
It never gets brought up again.
I finally figured out what Leo reminds me of,
he's basically Sho's toxic (ex)boyfriend that refuses to accept they aren't together, cuz that man ruins Sho's reputation to make sure he's Sho's only friend, literally can't stand Sho paying attention to anything that isn't him, like he literally tries to take everything away from Sho, Sho pays attention and wants to be friends with MC? Leo gaslights Sho and trash talks the MC. Sho starts a food truck because it's his passion? Leo is there trying to chase away customers, trash talk Sho, and tries to make a bet with Sho to LITERALLY TAKE HIS FOOD TRUCK AWAY (LEO WHEN I CATCH YOU LEO). Sho is becoming friends with Subaru? Leo talks sht about Sho to Subaru to try and ruin their friendship, so that Leo will remain Sho's only friend and have all of Sho's attention to himself, like, he literally can't stand the idea that Sho can have hobbies and friends without him. And Alan sparring with Sho? Leo literally got the sourest face on because he can't stand the idea that Sho ain't waiting on him hand and foot. THIS HAS TO BE THE REASON WHY LEO KEEPS TRYING TO MAKE SHO BET WITH HIM AND MAKES SHO HIS SLAVE ALL THE TIME, CUZ HE JUST WANT ALLLL OF SHO'S ATTENTION AND CARE
Leo is literally the definition of toxic boyfriend, ostracizing their partner and gaslighting them so that they can't run away and so that they can be the only one around their partner
Like, I'll google a list of toxic boyfriend traits to keep making my GODDAMN POINT
Leo's checklist for being Sho's toxic boyfriend:
1: Constant criticism
The one time Sho does his own thing, and tells the truth about the MC enhancing thing and goes against Leo's plan, he instantly criticises Sho and mockingly says "don't tell me you're into her too" and when Sho is setting up his food truck in ep 3 chap 15, Leo can't stop criticising him like, "You're so full of yourself lately" and the scoff at the end of the chapter, not only that, but Leo can't stop shit talking Sho constantly, especially when Sho is going beyond his control.
2: Controlling behaviour
Literally EVERY SINGLE TIME THEY DO ANYTHING, it's always whatever Leo wants, and he's constantly putting words into Sho's mouth, and Sho has almost NEVER gone against or refused what Leo wants. The first time Sho does something he wants (the food truck) Leo comes in trying to destroy Sho's efforts, to make him obediently come back to him after the food truck fails!
3: Irrational Jealousy
Literally the DEFINITION of Leo. He can't stand Sho paying attention to anything but him (as I have previously mentioned) that bitch is just 100% jealous of everything, of MC, of the food truck, of Subaru, of Alan (probably), and he tries everything to get rid of them so that Sho can just pay attention to Leo 24/7
4: Excessive possessiveness
Okay, the website I'm using for research says it perfectly 'shows possessiveness over you by treating you as an object or possession rather than his equal partner', Leo constantly uses Sho for everything, he expects Sho to agree with everything he says and do anything he says. THEIR DYNAMIC IS CLEARLY NOT EQUAL. In their "friendship" Leo is king. What he says, goes. In his eyes, Sho is his slave, his possession, that is not allowed to go against him. Sho is his bodyguard, his fighter, his chauffer, you CAN NOT convince me that Leo sees Sho as an equal friend, more like a slave that he steps on daily
5: Manipulation
Leo is a manipulator, we know that first hand from how he handled the Takeru case. Also, this guy be manipulating Subaru in trying to make him hate Sho (stay away from Subaru you thot). He is constantly taunting and manipulating Sho into making bets with him, and from his and Sho's interactions, Sho mentions that Leo often doesn't play fair in these bets, and Sho is constantly made into Leo's slave. This situation makes it very easy for the idea of being "Leo's slave" to become second nature for Sho and can manipulate Sho into doing whatever Leo wants, even when he hasn't lost a bet
6: Lack of Respect
Seriously, if you can't see Leo's lack of respect for Sho, you are literally blind. This man has not an ounce of respect for Sho.
7: Verbal abuse
I'm not sure if Leo ever verbally abuses Sho in the story, but I am convinced that he does. It feels like something Leo would do
8: Emotional Volatility
website states "An obvious sign of a toxic boyfriend is that he twists situations to make himself appear innocent and you responsible for his emotional state or problems" bro. BRO. Leo literally acts like he's some saint, pushing words into Sho's mouth, making Sho fight Leo's battles, making it constantly look like Sho is the problem. Like Sho is the bigger asshole, and that Leo is just some innocent kid who can't do anything wrong. At first I thought they were both assholes, but Sho is such a sweet guy, and Leo just molded him into this awful guy
9: Gaslighting
Can't think of an example (cuz I am an absolute failure who can't recognize gaslighting if it punched me in the face)
10: Lack of empathy
There is not a single speck of empathy in Leo's whole body. He has never once thought about how Sho felt, he just makes his demands and expects Sho to do exactly as he was told no matter what. He feels absolutely jack shit when he tells Sho to trick everyone into thinking the MC is useless (wait, is that gaslighting? am I finally seeing the light??)
11: Excessive Control over Finances
LEO MAKES SHO PAY FOR EVERYTHING, and they make money by a) Leo's social media presence and b) scamming old dudes. Leo absolutely has more money than Sho, and still looks at Sho expecting him to buy him a better motorcycle helmet, makes Sho pay for his starbucks drink (I bet Leo is ALWAYS forgetting his wallet, bitch).
12: Continuous criticism of your close ones
Hah, anyone Sho gets close to gets a talking to from Leo. Leo puts down both parties, trying to push people away from Sho, and trying to push Sho away from everyone else and into his open arms
13: Excessive need for attention
Like I mentioned before, Leo can't stand Sho paying attention to anyone other than him
14: Emotional blackmail
I don't know what Leo has over Sho, but at this point I can't believe Sho is still hanging with Leo, unless the latter has some kind of blackmail over him (and with Leo's need to know everything and dig out peoples darkest secrets, it's pretty possible)
Okay, I think you guys get the gist, LEO IS SHO'S TOXIC BOYFRIEND
and I rest my case >:(
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jabbloo · 8 months ago
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jinkamuraisqueen · 2 months ago
tokyo debunker character selection
i can't find the separated version for some reason, but hey, better than none ^_^
as always, more under the cut<3
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sorry this is all i got for the full body (outside of live2d)😔 and why is the quality so bad huhuhu zigzagame please give us the high res version too💔
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ridiculous-reina · 2 months ago
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🍓 Here's a mini game I made in Scratch this week featuring Alan, Jin, and Lyca. It's basically like those tomagotchi games where you take care of characters and stuff.
🍓 You can pet them, kiss them, give them baths, play games, feed them food, draw with them, and much more. If you're interested, give it a shot!
🍓 Works best on PC but if you're unable to play it there, you can play on whatever device you have. Just keep in mind that you'll be needing the space bar and other keys for some stuff.
🍓 Thank you so much
Alan アラン 💪🏻: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1119498944/
Jin ジン ❄️: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1124393270/
Lyca ライカ 🐺: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1124546840/
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lesbianmido · 6 months ago
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I couldn't find clean rips of the chibis so instead I made the normal and rational decision of drawing them all myself as close to the style as I could
feel free to use for whatever (but pls credit me they took days)
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squeakyducky · 6 months ago
What are you up for then? 😈
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blueberrysquire · 8 months ago
Hi everyone, I'm fawning over sho again <3
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Hhhhhhhhh look at himmmmmmmmmmmm
Im redoing chapter 2 AGAIN. I need more of him <3333
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otometo · 11 months ago
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🫧🫧🫧 Bubble baby 🫧🫧🫧
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namelessgakusei · 11 months ago
Byeee Gaku's getting married
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ithseem · 17 days ago
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What's this? Another Meme Template?
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lore-grandma · 1 month ago
You know I feel like games like Tokyo debunker and twisted wonderland don’t use mc being sick with the flu while shit is going down as a plot device and that’s so unfortunate. Like can you imagine mc tea in hand watching a show, maybe playing video games, hell sleep for once and there’s an overblot or a really overwhelming investigation going on. I think really the only thing that this would help with developing the story is that it would force the characters to deal with their problems without the support of mc. Sure they may not need mc to battle, but the support mc provides is something the characters miss dearly when the battle is over. Can you imagine one of the guys turning around looking for praise from mc only to realize that mc is not there. And listen could this literally just be what happens when mc returns home or dies? Sure, but it’d be a pretty decent angst/comfort story. I think something that would also make such a plot interesting is if mc had an argument with the character. Anyways really the only issue is that there’s not a lot going on with mc. Sure if there was an argument then the guilt would eat them up inside. But that doesn’t matter because as far as mc knows they’re fine. It would be kinda interesting if mc was a workaholic, and like the staff have to literally pin mc down to prevent them from doing dangerous shit while they’re hardly coherent. But alas these game companies are too pussy to ensure mc has a personality that isn’t super fucking nice. (Also literally no one would willingly deal with the shit these mc’s deal with. So fair… I guess.)
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